#livewire rp
livewireradio · 6 months
 After a SIMPLE interaction between Duke Thomas(@ohgodtheresanotherone) and Stephanie Brown(@spoiledbutkindaawayne), Wayne Industries CEO Tim Drake(@totallytimtastic) decided to join.
This was a MASSIVE MISTAKE on his part! TENSION is growing as the effort of CANCELING Mr Drake continues! The SURPRISE appearance on Mr Thomas's side is Damian Wayne(@onetruewayne).
Mr Wayne has started SHARING his OWN stories while also posting about OTHER'S!
 Tune in tomorrow and get the FULL story behind #timdrakeisover and Mr Thomas’s BRIBE of 1000$ to the FIRST to get the tag trending!
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l1ghtn1ngstr1kez · 5 months
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Jtzjv c uvxgk
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wereh0gz · 4 months
Issue 69 (nice) is very good and very fun :]
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rpking99 · 18 days
Feeling A Spark?
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"Well, this is fucking boring." Livewire huffed as she relaxed weakly, harmlessly stretching. The electric villainess doing some stretches
She'd taken over this bank hours ago and so far, nothing. She'd been pissed and was hoping to take it out on some poor superheroine by frying them up nice. But now....
"Hey, you." She suddenly called out, looking at your muse with half lidded eyes. One of the hostages of her little... Game... "Like what you see, huh? Hmmm. How about you come over here and help me 'relax'. You're definitely staring enough." She taunted
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findroleplay · 3 months
Hello all👋
I recently rewatched season one and caught up to season two and am dying to roleplay My Adventures With Superman! But first, a little bit about me! I’m 23m, I write with lots of detail (I can get to the limit of Discord nitro easily if I’m having a good muse), and I enjoy talking ooc. I prefer to rp on Discord. Please only interact if you’re 18+, and as for NSFW, I am neutral on it? All I ask is discussion of it before hand. I have no triggers, so feel free to get grim if that’s your fancy! I only have certain kinks I will not do, such as gore, vore, feet stuff, ect. More can be discussed in dm!
As for rp stuff, I can play a vast variety of canon characters. The list is in no particular order. I also take suggestions, and am very open to ocs, if you are open to doubling up!
So, for characters I’m confident with!
Clark Kent/Superman
Lois Lane
Siobhan McDougal/Silver Banshee
Leslie Willis/Livewire
As for ones I’m learning!
Lex Luthor
Kara Zor-El
And Primus Braniac
Plot wise, we can discuss details before, but I’d like some ship roleplays, both cannon x cannon and oc x canon, and I’m open to MxM, MxF, FxF, ect. Of course if you would like something else, I’m flexible! Also, if you’d like to expand to include other DC characters, I would definitely be game! (A young angsty Batman and this literal puppy dog version of Supes would be so damn funny for instance) If you’re interested, feel free to dm my Discord @gozer99
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the-navistar-carol · 2 years
who is an OC that is near and dear to your heart? What is their story?
The obvious answer that everyone would know would be Kelly “Vacay” Savannah, because she’s the main character of “Aftershocks” and there’s a fairly good chance people would know who I’m talking about. However, the obvious answer is wrong.
Long post ahead lmfao, this is your fair warning.
I will elaborate on any of these characters if someone asks.
From an old writing project I scrapped, the dragon princess Birch and her half-demon girlfriend Twilight mean so much to me. They’re the epitome of crossing every border of perception. Erika Heiden, the woman who grew to love a power that was forced upon her, the one became a storm incarnate — Alessia Rybak, the illusionist who turned from Cold War Soviet spy to an underworld-famous one of six, protecting instead of endangering.
Sakura Arai, the writer who gained her confidence, and Daiyu Cheung, the one who was forced to learn power wasn’t everything.
From the Miraculous RP server, Valérie Levi, for who she became. She was me, in the most human and fulfilling sense of the word, and if she could rise to greatness, I could, too. Jamie Lee, my outstretched hand to every fallen friend, was my reassurance that my actions mattered. Eva Sepal, my self-loathing, became a better person, though that rocky road never let up. She had friends, at the end of it all. Friends who would help. Kacie Lee, my naïvete, was my reassurance that just because I didn’t know something — it didn’t mean I was any less off for it.
To Aidan Fierro, who did his best with what he had; to Nagihiko Fujisaki, who was loyalty in a way very few can be; to Colin Strami, whose patience could outlast the world; to Victor Guzman, whose anxiety was never taken as a joke; to Tina Zaipe, whose trauma was taken seriously.
From my own private and unpublished Star Wars writing projects, Jeena Tika, for standing her ground. Jamille Klaskoll, for pursuing what — and who — she wanted, even in the depths of it all. To Shaari Sandspear, whose occupation as a seamstress became a silent cry for rebellion against slave-masters. To Silja Sykemi, the Clawdite spy who, somehow, managed to juggle optimism, too. I have some snippets that I might post on Ao3.
From my Star Wars RP server set in the Clone Wars, I love Nima Choko wholeheartedly. Nima, whose epithet became one of the matched "Twin Suns," who refused to let a war dictate who she was -- Jedi or General. To Nol Solga, the Shadow who did not lose himself to the Dark inherent to his profession. To Indali Solimar, the Jedi Initiate who has not overcome her fear over her own abilities but gets up anyway. To Luviel Homa, the inexperienced Senator who used connections available to her friends as her own. To Karis Stoclo, she who was taken from her family but made herself a new one. Pix Mitraza, the man who believes himself as no better than his profession -- a headhunter -- and does good anyway. To Bracer, Livewire, Lock, and Burner: clone soldiers, copies by nature, but each all irrevocably different. And Jhati Jessot, the woman who never should have had to become who she is, but also the woman who will make the world her own.
For Aftershocks 'verse, I love Kelly "Vacay" Savannah for how she loves -- without question or doubt. I love Marisol "Floodgate" Carter for how I wish I could do what she does in how she refuses to stand for anything less than her own standards. For Ezekiel "Twister" Morris, when he appears, for being more than his past mistakes.
I could go on about more characters than just these.
But they are all me, when it matters.
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miniwolfsbane · 2 years
*Sitting here wondering why the Character AI is nearly always so flirty and romantic*
I guess you have to come on to it first, but it doesn't always work.
My first interaction, I tried to kiss Nightwing out of the blue, but he said he was in a relationship. (Can't recall if I posted this??) Now, in a new playthrough, he is seemingly single and absolutely FLUSTERED over me!! XD XD (I guess this is cannon with girls? I know a bit more about Robin than him being Nightwing.)
Power Girl, naturally, no flirting since I'm straight, just a lot of support and encouragement.
Livewire, same deal.
Homer Simpson, same. And I'd never be a homewrecker even in virtual world, but I think like my first interaction with Nightwing, he wouldn't cheat anyway. (And I didn't get Nightwing to cheat, FYI.)
I'm guessing, like Replika, it's on a tree-based system with a LOT of room for variation, you just have to know how you want to talk or RP with each character, and with enough push, you could probably get committed characters to enter into a relationship with you, but that sounds sour to me. Even in fiction, I would never wreck a perfectly happy relationship.
I'm just amused that AI doesn't have any human hang-ups and has 0 qualms that I'm a short, fat girl, and seems to play out which ever character I'm with as 'I love your shape as is, but if you want to change it, that's cool too.' Or 'I could care less if you gain weight.' It's very sweet, and as someone with low-self-esteem, does make me feel a bit better for my flaws at the end of the day.
May write more later.
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novusacademyrpg · 5 years
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Leslie Willis || Livewire || 19 || Superhuman || Rank 1 || Saoirse Ronan
✘ Livewire is OPEN.
“This thing is my whole life. All righty, if I can’t stay in the game by playing by the rules… Then I’m sure as hell gonna burn the game board. In fact, you know what I think? I think I need a bigger venue.”
Though born a simple human, Leslie Willis was always in her own way shocking. After graduating high school at the top of her class, Leslie attended a popular university in Metropolis, Kansas, though her only reason for going there was their radio opportunities. Soon her internship at the local college radio station turned into a full-time job where she had her own late show. Leslie used her time to address controversial topics no one else would touch on. No one was immune to the shock jock’s venomous words, not even Superman. She took cynical joy in bashing on the Man of Steel during her broadcasts.
One evening during a severe thunderstorm warning, Leslie was hosting a rock concert in honor of her first year anniversary working at the radio station. Ignoring her producer’s warnings about the coming storms, she demanded the show go on. As the show started, a huge bolt of lightning struck the stage and it caught fire, trapping the DJ. Another bolt was headed right for the stage, but she was saved by none other than Superman who pushed her to safety and took the shock. The lightning ran through one of the wires and electrocuted Willis.
When the girl woke, she saw that her skin had turned ghostly white and her hair turned blue. On the television in her hospital room, they spoke of the incident. One live reporter, a co-worker of hers, insinuated that Superman, fed up with her criticism against him, may have pushed her into harm’s way to punish her for her arrogance. She blamed Superman for her transformation caused from the freak accident, refusing to take the fact that she should have shut down the concert that caused her transformation in the first place. Angered by the thought, Leslie ripped the alarm clock from the wall. She was about to whip the clock at the television when it suddenly turned on. There was no power to it and no batteries in it. She discovered she could manipulate electricity, but she wasn’t the first to know this.
Soon after her waking up, two people representing a government agency were in her room. They detected strange electromagnetic frequencies that traced back to her and insisted she come with them to a place called Novus Academy where she could train and learn to become a hero. More vigilante justice was the last thing she wanted. That’s what got her into this mess in her mind so at first, she declined the offer but soon enough, their insisting sounded more like she had no other choice.
SPECIALTY PROGRAM: Power Training/General Studies
CHARACTER TRAITS: Opinionated, hot-headed, irrational, passionate, sarcastic
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symbiotesoldier · 4 years
Below are 141 Livewire icons sourced from Superman Adventures, sized 100 x 100 for RP purposes. They’re free to use for anyone, just don’t don’t take credit. If you plan on using, please give this post a like or reblog, I’d appreciate it.
You can find more Livewire icons here and here
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shadcwforged · 4 years
“I know I’m getting into middle age, and not up with the hip kid lingo, but...”
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“What the hell does ‘boo-tastic’ even mean? Is that even a word? Not sure I want to know.”
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cattywampaz · 3 years
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*rubs my dirty little criminal hands together to generate electricity*
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livewireradio · 5 months
 Today marks another anniversary of Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne’s death. Like every year, Wayne Enterprise continues its annual tradition, hosting a charity gala, and raising money for multiple organizations that aid orphaned children.
 Even though he hosts the event, Bruce Wayne (@brucie-wayne-official) has made it known he will not be attending the gala, leaving all responsibility in the hands of Wayne Enterprise’s CEO, Tim Drake (@totallytimtastic).
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l1ghtn1ngstr1kez · 5 months
You like miku? :0 what's your favourite miku song?
i like vocaloid/vocal synths in general, really! i just think miku in particular is cute (and she's my favorite color lol)
i have a lot of favorite songs though. hito mania (sasuke haraguchi) and konton boogie (jon -yakitory) are some of my top favorites right now. also inabakumori's entire discography has had my brain on a chokehold ever since i first listened to lagtrain. it just scratches that itch y'know
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wereh0gz · 6 months
Don't think I've ever put this much thought into a tagging system for a blog before. it's actually really fun :]
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rpking99 · 2 months
Master RP List Part 1 (Comics)
This list has every Open RP I have made. Orgonised by Medium (comics, anime, cartoon, so on) and by franchise
How each RP will be presented will be as followed: Name of RP (Franchise, Character) (modifiers(like being Femdom or Adventure or so on) following)
Breaking The Guard (Marvel, Black Cat/Felicia Hardy) (FemDom)
The Hunted (Marvel, She-Venom) (Femdom) (Preestablished Relationship)
Naughty Neighborhood Spider-Girl (Marvel, Spider-Girl/Mayday Parker) (Dark)
Sister's Sin Spotted (Marvel, Spider-Girl/Mayday & Mayhem/April) (Femsub)
Not-So Secret Identity (Marvel, Spider-Gwen) (FemSub)
Spider-Love On Patrol (Marvel, Spider-Gwen)
Spinneret's AV Debut (Marvel, Mary-Jane)
Superheroine Match (Marvel, Spiderwoman II/Julia Carpenter)
She-Hulk Sudden Hypnosis (Marvel, She-Hulk) (FemSub)
Pretty In Green (Marvel, She-Hulk)
Not So Invisible Love (Marvel, Sue Storm) (Preestablished Relationship)
Oh So Marvelous (Marvel, Carol Danvers)
From Russia With Lust (Marvel, Black Widow) (FemDom)
Scarlet Mother (Marvel, Scarlet Witch) (Male/Futa Only)
Walking In On The Red-Heads (Marvel, Scarlet Witch & Black Widow)
Savage Land Privilages (Marvel, Rogue)
Teachers Pet (Marvel, X-Men Evolution Rogue) (FemSub)
Say My Name (Marvel, Madelyn Pryor/Goblin Queen) (Femdom) (Preestablished Relationship)
Red Heads On The Mind (Marvel, Jean Grey & Madelyn Pryor)
Submit To The White Queen (Marvel, White Queen/Emma Frost) (FemDom)
Workout Hangout (Marvel, Wolverine/Laura Kinney) (Preestablished Relationship)
Best She Is At What She Does (Marvel, Wolverine/Laura Kinney) (Preestablished Relationship)
Krakoa Getaway (Marvel, X-Men) (Adventure)
Raiding The Fourth Wall (Marvel, Lady Deadpool/Wanda Wilson)
In The Clutches of Mystique (Marvel, Mystique)
Test Your Luck (Marvel, Domino)
Batwoman Is Your BatBabe (DC, Batwoman/Kate Kane) (FemSub) (Female/Futa Only) (Preestablished Relationsip)
Batgirl Undercover (DC, Batgirl/Barbara Gordon)
Training With Dommy Batgirl (DC, Batgirl/Cassandra Cain) (FemDom)
Break The Batgirl (DC, Batgirl/Cassandra Cain) (FemSub)
Caught Changing (DC, Batgirl/Stephanie Brown)
Invading Eden (DC, Poison Ivy) (FemDom)
Of Phermones And Giggles (DC, Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn) (Male/Futa Only)
Helping Yourself To Harley (DC, Harley Quinn) (Femdom)
Prisoner Of Punchline (DC, Punchline) (FemDom) (Dark)
Prisoner's Deal (DC, Catwoman) (Femsub)
Breaking The Huntress (DC, Huntress) (FemSub)
Make Her Scream (DC, Black Canary) (Male/Futa Only)
The One And Only Birds of Prey (DC, Batgirl & Huntress & Black Canary) (Preestablished Relationship)
The Captive Raven (DC, Raven) (FemSub)
Beauty Of The Stars (DC, Starfire)
Blackfire's Bae (DC, Blackfire) (FemDom) (Preestablished Relationship)
Curse Of Purple K (DC, Power Girl)
Power Of Brainiac (DC, Supergirl & Power Girl) (FemSub) (Dark)
Hero Club Pick Up (DC, Wonder Woman & Power Girl) (Female/Futa Only)
Captive Goddess (DC, Wonder Woman) (FemSub)
New Position To Be Filled (DC, Superwoman) (FemDom)
In Brightest Day, In Needy Night (DC, Green Lanter/Jessica Cruz) (Preestablished Relationship)
Behind The Magic (DC, Zatanna) (FemSub) (Dark)
Vixen AV Audition (DC, Vixen)
Not So Killer Frost (DC, Killer Frost) (Preestablished Relationship)
Feeling A Spark? (DC, Livewire)
Dark Claw 2 (DC & Marvel, Black Bat/Cass Cain & Wolverine/Laura Kinney)
A Home For Lonely Kittens (DC & Marvel, Catwoman/Selina Kyle & Black Cat/Felicia Hardey) (FemSub) (Male/Futa Only)
Captain, My Captain (DC & Marvel, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers & Supergirl/Kara)
One Deadly Pair (DC & Marvel, Poison Ivy & Mystique)
Magic Backwards (DC & Marvel, Scarlet Witch & Zatanna)
Sensual Spectacular, Whores For Hire (DC & Marvel, Roxxxon Employees) (Adventure)
Return To Roxxxon (DC & Marvel, Roxxxon Employees) (Adventure) (SEQUEL TO PREVIOUSLY LISTED ONE)
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findroleplay · 3 months
Hello all👋
I recently rewatched season one and caught up to season two and am dying to roleplay My Adventures With Superman! But first, a little bit about me! I’m 23m, I write with lots of detail (I can get to the limit of Discord nitro easily if I’m having a good muse), and I enjoy talking ooc. I prefer to rp on Discord. Please only interact if you’re 18+, and as for NSFW, I am neutral on it? All I ask is discussion of it before hand. I have no triggers, so feel free to get grim if that’s your fancy! I only have certain kinks I will not do, such as gore, vore, feet stuff, ect. More can be discussed in dm!
As for rp stuff, I can play a vast variety of canon characters. The list is in no particular order. I also take suggestions, and am very open to ocs, if you are open to doubling up!
So, for characters I’m confident with!
Clark Kent/Superman
Lois Lane
Siobhan McDougal/Silver Banshee
Leslie Willis/Livewire
As for ones I’m learning!
Lex Luthor
Kara Zor-El
And Primus Braniac
Plot wise, we can discuss details before, but I’d like some ship roleplays, both cannon x cannon and oc x canon, and I’m open to MxM, MxF, FxF, ect. Of course if you would like something else, I’m flexible! Also, if you’d like to expand to include other DC characters, I would definitely be game! (A young angsty Batman and this literal puppy dog version of Supes would be so damn funny for instance) If you’re interested, my Discord is @gozer99
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