#living enbodiment of good
booloocrew-blog · 1 year
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Once upon a time, two entities were reincarnated.
One, the living embodiment of evil.
The other, the living enbodiment of good.
A literal angel and devil, hiding among the living in flesh disguises, with the power to incite their element when in their true forms.
One embraced her powers as an evil temptress, inciting evil and tempations wherever she went. Everyone knew who she was, and if they had the hearts to match, they certainlly didn't mind her influence.
The other went into hiding, fearful of what he was shown to be capable of. After all, involuntairily brainwashing people to be nice, honest, kind, and truthful never seems to have good PR with it. Only his butler knew of his secret.
The two met as prophecized, with the evil deity unaware of the good deity...until, fed up, his powers awakened without warning one fateful party night.
And thus, a friendship lasting for eons was formed from the ashes of a rivalry. For when you're only one of two people with powers, it's only natural that opposites attract....
*** In the weapons drawn universe itself, I HC that Lord Tippet is the living enbodiment of good, but for understandable reasons, prefers that persona to be as secret as possible. 
Kinda hard to do when the living enbodiment of evil is around, but he manages nonetheless.
Also attached is my Raven Nevermore/The Narrator ref for comparison.
Narrator/Lady Raven: The Devil in the Details-WD Host Ref Red. Lord Tippet: An Angel in Plain Sight- WD Host Ref Red. Bennington: Unlikely Friends-Bennington Weapons Drawn Host Ref Duke Wesleyham: A Lord's Rival- Weapons Drawn Host Ref Lord Angel Tippet: Lord Angel Tippet, The Living Enbodiment Of Good
© 2023 BooLooCrew
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mayhemproduces · 2 years
Indianapolis fades to black before the red, glowing logo of the House of Black ignites. Malakai Black stands amongst the smoke, ring gear forgotten, and makes his way towards the ring looking much more clean, dressed in a suit. Even still, his presence is felt - as always, intimidating, haunting. The venue returns to a pitch black state, before Malakai is in the ring, standing behind Syn. The One Man Militia smirks, shaking his head, as if he expected Malakai to be so… dramatic. Syn turns around, gesturing with his microphone for Malakai to retrieve his and say what he needs to say.
“You look at me, you judge me. You make assumptions. Because this is the true nature of man. And I've always lived, in this reality. In high school, people like you litter the halls. You were so unaware, lost in the concept of success and adoration that you have been fed.” “The date to the room, the right college, the three bedroom house with a white picket fence. Building your life on a foundation of lies. Imagine thinking any of that is real. Imagine falling for that trap. I was quick to learn the truth. And the truth is that there’s something horribly wrong with all of that, and something horribly wrong with all of you.” Malakai continues on with his speech as Syn rolls his eyes, mimicking Malakai going on and on with his cryptic speech. For many, it was entertaining, even enough to believe, but Syn’s heard it time and time again, “So, let’s hear it for the bleak, desolate misery where we hide our deepest, darkest sins.” Malaria pauses, “Sins… That you enbody. You all live proudly in your cesspool of sins and denial, because it is all you are. It has become your identity. To be lonesome, and blind. You are sick, dying animals.”
"But what if I told you that could change? What if all it took to wash away the sins, the scars, inside and out, was right in front of you?" Malakai turns to level Syn with a gaze that, for the first time since his arrival, for the first time in years, seemed sincere. An almost brotherly undertone as the mystic of Malakai drops, if only for a moment as he watches Syn stiffen. "It's time to stop playing games and pretending you're not who you are. It's time to put your selfishness aside and take your place at the table, brother, it's time for you to come home."
“Let's talk about selfishness for a moment. You can stand there, and claim I’m the selfish one, for not wanting to go along with Abby’s little fantasy, or, like the rest of us, you can wake up, open your eyes, and see that what she’s doing is using the rest of you to further her little goals. I’ve been there, Malakai. I’ve been exactly where you’re standing, right now, and let me tell you. It seems like you’re doing the right thing at the time. It seems like it’s gonna get you somewhere. But the second she decides you’re not useful anymore? Poof. Gone, you’re done. All that matters to her, is her. Not you. Not any of your other running buddies right now. You’re trapped in the professional wrestling version of a pyramid scheme.” 
“Selfishness…” Malakai chuckles, “Understand something Syn, since I have been on this Earth, I have done a lot of horrible things to a lot of good people. And I am man enough to admit when I am in the wrong. I was wrong about you, Syn. I viewed you as this miniscule little creature chasing this uphill war that you could never win. Let me ask you, brother  -  how long are you willing to live this lie?” Syn rolls his eyes again, fist clenching the microphone, as Malakai talks loud enough to cover any rebuttal Syn could have, “How long until they discover that your dirty little feet are soiling their red carpets? I understand you, man, I see you for what you really are. But they, they look at you like you're some circus clown, here for their amusement. They look at you like a gorilla in a cage. I see the monster in you. They can't love you, not like we can. And I understand that together, together we tear the walls of this place; together we force them to beg; together we can bring the machine to its knees, Syn. Open your eyes.”
Malakai thrusts the microphone into Syn’s chest, before the venue goes pitch black once more… and we’ll see these two later tonight, as MPW’s I Can’t Feel My Face rolls on…
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jjuzoir · 3 years
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Masumi Usui with a Gen Z S/O!
Request: Hi! If that's okay could i request Masumi with a gen z s/o? While Masumi is... Well,, Masumi his s/o is literally the enbodiment of chaos. How would he react to their dumb shenanigans? from
Word count: 615
a/n: this is kind of short (hhhh) but i’ve been so busy with school ;;^^ but !! i really enjoyed this request! it was kind of fun to imagine masumi - who’s kind of insane - with a chaotic partner ^^ hope you liked it though 🙇‍♂️
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- Masumi himself is, arguably, one of the more chaotic Mankai members. He’s, as the kids would say, feral. I mean, have you heard any of what he says to Izumi sometimes?
- Now imagine this, Izumi, the only thing that keeps him in line, gone from the equation – to be replaced by you, someone who’s, undoubtedly to literally anyone who’s witnessed you, even worse.
- But even Masumi, who literally almost left the country without telling anyone because he was not emotionally ready to face the consequences of opening up about his feelings – the boy who had beef with a horse and took up acting and moved into a dorm with a bunch of older men for a stranger on the street – finds your shenanigans too much sometimes.
- Not that he doesn’t back you up all the time, no – lord he does, to the point Sakyo and Izumi have thought about investing on a leash for you two.
- The minute you say something like “Wouldn’t it be funny if we just, I don’t know, cut off all the labels from the clothes because name brands are nothing but a social construct to further social inequality and rarely ever are actually worth the sometimes thousands of dollars people will pay for them?” and he’d be like “I guess?” as if he wasn’t already on his way with scissors to Banri’s closet.
- He will put a line if he thinks you might get in danger, the minute you suggest like, dying your hair with literal bleach or whatever he’s calling Omi and locking you in a hug until all bleach is cleared from the nearby areas.
- “Don’t you dare,” he’ll mumble into your shoulder as he hugs you, “you’ll hurt yourself, idiot… if you want to dye your hair I’ll do it for you.”
- If you ever got into an argument with anyone, be it strangers online or with Sakyo, he’d back you up even though he might not even have any idea on what’s going; “They’re right, old man…”
- Might have a few heart attacks here and there if you ever put yourself in danger, as in – he’ll freak out and start rambling on how important your health is to him and that he cares about you and that you should never put yourself in danger.
- Sometimes though, he’ll have moments of clarity and look at you while you’re, I don’t know, tasting chocolate soap to see if it tastes like chocolate and blank out, wondering how exactly it is you have managed to live past the age of ten.
- “How did you manage to last this long, huh?” Curious violet eyes look down at you as you choke from the soapy taste. You’d shoot him a goofy grin and he’ll be putty and be like; “fine, maybe you are a little stupid but you’re my little dumb dumb.”
- He’d fight anyone who says that though, he’d be ready to throw hands the moment anyone even suggests you might dumb; sure, you’ve got a bad sense of danger, you fight with people online for fun, you have tried soap to see if it tastes good, and maybe yes, you did try giving yourself a tattoo with a ballpoint pen and Yuki’s needle, but you’re also smart because Masumi thinks so and he’s always right.
- Most of the time? Masumi will be your own little hype man, Izumi will be on her way to invest on some childproof locks, Tsuzuru is about to go bald from stress, Sakyo is on his third bottle today, Sakuya is worried, Itaru finds it hilarious, Chikage is probably filming, and Citron will be hyping both of you up.
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marron121 · 4 years
I can’t think coherently about this because literally every time I think about it I end up crying BUT (spoilers under the cut)
I love how the entire message of Kimetsu no Yaiba is, very broadly speaking, about how we can and should be encouraged to leave hope to the future generations.
And how Yoriichi enbodies this is fucking majestic: him being someone who was, to him and basically to everyone, God himself on Earth, and yet at the moment of truth he failed.
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But that’s how life is: Yoriichi had no way of preventing that Muzan would basically implode and escape in tiny pieces, and because he failed he thought he had no purpose in life.
But that’s not true, as Tanjirou’s ancestor tells him.
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He did leave something behind, because even if he didn’t manage to kill Muzan himself, he killed a ton of demons that wouldn’t hurt humans, saving lives.
And the cherry on top is how Tanjiro’s ancestor kept his promise: The Breath of the Sun became a dance to pray for good fortune, because for him, for his family, Yoriichi saved them. And it became a family tradition that perdured for generations, and even when Muzan tried to kill everything related to Yoriichi, it continued to exist through Tanjiro.
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Yoriichi probably ended up his life thinking he failed at the only thing he was supossed to do, and yet the beauty of it it’s that it’s far from the truth.
Yoriichi’s breath techniques perdured through Tanjiro’s family, and that’s how they will defeat Muzan, alongside everyone else who gave it their all.
And if Yoriichi is able to see this, he would be happy.
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theoi-crow · 5 years
hey there!! i work with hermes and apollo (mostly hermes), but lately i've been feeling this,,, emotional pull?? towards ares. i haven't noticed any physical signs, but part of me has just become super interested in him lately. he seems rad, but i'm,, anxious,, to work with him. i know he's far more than his stereotypes, but i'm nervous about upsetting him or not being tough enough for him or saying 'hey i'll work with you' and then backing out. long story short, i am Spooked
I completely understand being spooked because Ares is purposefully scary since he's the embodiment of protection.
Not only is he the god of War, he's also the god of courage, civil order, fighting social injustice, and a body guard. He's the enbodiment of rage and is designed to look intimidating in order to keep others from harming you.
Because I want to answer to the best of my ability I'm going to grab this phrase from your ask: "but i'm nervous about upsetting him or not being tough enough for him or saying 'hey i'll work with you' and then backing out." So I can better reply. But before I do that, I would like to give a bit more information on Ares.
The media has been very insistent on portraying Ares as akin to Christianity's Satan because in every portrayel he is the "evil" that the "good" must overcome. For example: Wonder Woman (2017)
but the world isn't morally black and white, light vs dark, good vs evil etc. It's complex as well as the gods and there are unfair laws that protect guns amid school shooting, rapists, racists, mysoginy, those against the LGBT community, etc.
This is where Ares steps in. He encourages revolutions, fighting unjust laws, he is always angry because the world is messed up and he's furious on behalf of his children.
In his myths: he loved Sparta because they treated the women more fairly than most of the Greek World, he taught the Amazons how to defend themselves because he wanted them to have a safe space away from the sexism everyone else was facing. He kills his daughter's rapist who happened to be the son of Poseidon. Poseidon even took him to court. In some myths the judgement is in his favor, but in others, he is sent to Tartarus. But he never regrets it because his daughter was wronged and this is how actual Ares is.
Not only does he protect his followers but he helps with trauma because a lot of problems people face cause trauma. Ares also helps those who have problems getting along with their parents especially if they are being abused.
He won't just protect you, he will teach you how to value and defend yourself.
"...but i'm nervous about upsetting him..."
Ares may seem like a very scary god but he's very careful not to scare or yell at his followers especially those who have experienced trauma. (However, He can be this way to followers who WANT him to do that because they prefer the boot camp version of Ares) the most he will be is disappointed but will pat you on the back tell you to dust your shoulders off and try again.
He is always giving me or quoting inspirational quotes:
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Ares is only agressive towards those who are being unfair to you. Those who are trying to take advantage of you.
He's a survivor so he'll teach you how to get out of a very dangerous situation as safely as possible. He's close with Eris (Chaos) which means he knows how to manuver chaos and get you out safely, especially with emergencies.
"...or not being tough enough for him..."
Ares likes helping his followers grow tougher. He doesn't expect you to be "tough enough" for him and will even say that a lot of followers are what people would have originally label as "weaklings" because he goes for those who are being treated unfairly, being bullied, abused, innocent children living in a dangerous environment (this is how I first met Ares), etc.
He grabs those who are lost or treated like doormats and teaches them to value and defend themselves, even if it means having to defend themselves against self-hatred. To quote @thepastelpriestess :"Every battle is valid in the eyes of Ares." (LINK)
"...or saying 'hey i'll work with you' and then backing out."
Consent means so much to Ares so if you say you'll work with him and then change your mind, he'll understand and I'm not just saying this because I like him as a god but I've experienced it myself.
I met Ares in the rainy kinderground playground when I was five. I grew up in a gang warzone filled with so many dry by shootings and kidnappings that even at the age of five, I wondered if I was next when he showed up. He told me my ancestors knew him as Mars and I called him my imaginary friend.
Because my parents were very religious and my school was underfunded, I didn't learn anything about the Greek Gods until I was 12 so anything referencing Ancient Greece went over my head all while I wondered why this "Roman soldier" looked weird ( There are a lot of Romans in the Catholic religion but I had never seen a Greek Soldier because I was too busy with Bible studies and trying to survive)
When I was 12, I started studying Wicca (I'm not Wiccan but in the 90s, it was the only witchy thing one could study) when I came across the Greek Pantheon. That's when I learned about Ares. The book I was reading made him seem like such a horrible god that I told him I never wanted to see him again.
That was 15+ years ago.
I didn't talk to him for 15+ years even though he kept defending me without my knowing. Aphrodite was the one who encouraged me to work with Ares again and it was so easy. I wrote about our reconciliation here if you're curious: (LINK)
Ares not only accepted me back but he knew I was an afraid young girl with very limited information because the love for Ares is a lot more recent and not a lot of people realize that. He works hard to protect his followers and he has a soft spot for those who try.
Ares will be okay if you change your mind because that's part of his respect for consent. He won't mind that you're not "tough enough" for him because his job is to make you're tough enough for yourself. Ares wants to work with you because he wants to turn you into the type of warrior you want protecting you or wish to be.
But only if you are 100% comfortable with it. For now, I suggest you follow other Ares devotees and talk to Ares in passing. You don't have to be a devotee or even a follower just yet but say something to him or thank him for something you feel he's causing. And do as much research as you can about him: (LINK)
I hope this helps!
May Ares grant you the strength to be courages and the heart to tame your inner demons.
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travllingbunny · 5 years
The 100:  6x09 What You Take With You
How amazing was this episode? It is, so far, one of the two best episodes of the season (alongside 6x07) and probably in my top 10 favorite The 100 episodes of all time.
It benefited from its focus on just three storylines and a limited number of characters, which allowed it to properly focus on the characters and their psychological and emotional journeys.
The title seems to be a reference to the Dagobah cave scene in The Empire Strikes Back, or rather, the dialogue right before it:
Luke: There is something not right here. I feel cold, death.
Yoda: That place… is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.
Luke: What’s in there?
Yoda: Only what you take with you.
Luke ends up having a hallucination of fighting Darth Vader in the cave and killing him, only to take off his helmet and see his own face, in possibly the most famous movie scene of a character confronting their “Shadow” self.
So, when the episode titles for season 6 of The 100 were released, it wasn’t hard to guess that this episode would contain scenes of a character “facing their demons” in a fantasy sequence (and which character it would be, especially as we had seen glimpses of Octavia fighting the Blodreina version of herself in the trailer). As a fan of psychological character exploration through trippy fantasy sequences, I had high expectations from this episode regarding Octavia’s story – and they were completely fulfilled and maybe exceeded. I wasn’t expecting to see Charles Pike in Octavia’s hallucination soul-searching, and his appearance and how he was used was brilliant.
The other two, equally important storylines, were:
the continuation of the saga about the Bellamy/Clarke relationship through the story about the fight between Josephine and Clarke for control of Clarke’s body, and Bellamy’s attempts to save Clarke from real and certain death;
and the conclusion of the opposite storyline - about Abby crossing a lot of ethical lines to work with the Primes and use bodysnatching to resurrect Kane in another body. This was the final death of Marcus Kane, a tragic end of Kabby romance, but it also a fitting ending for Kane, with him asserting his own integrity and morality by choosing to die and refuse to be complicit in the practices of the Primes, but to instead start a fight against them. It will also probably be the turning point in Abby’s character arc. The resolution of this storyline has caused a lot of controversy and anger, which I don’t understand, since Kane’s decision was obvious and in-character, so much that I predicted it last week, because it was the only thing that made sense narratively and for Kane’s characterization.
More thoughts under the cut.
Octavia vs Blodreina
The fact we still don’t know what happened to Diyoza or to Octavia in the Anomaly makes me think that this is a plot that will carry over to season 7, after the bodysnatching business is wrapped up. And the more they postpone the resolution, the more hopeful I am for Diyoza to survive season 6.
Choosing the angry, violent red box instead of the calm green box is such an Octavia thing to do. But maybe it was the right thing in this case, as it let her face her demons head on and figure things out for herself.
The red butterflies scene was one of the many callbacks to season 1.
Pike’s role made sense because Octavia’s descent into darkness was not just prompted by the trauma of Lincoln’s death at Pike’s hands, but also because it started when she decided to murder Pike for revenge, making herself judge, jury and executioner. That was the first time she committed actual murder, as opposed to killing people in fight. She probably thought at the time, as a big portion of the fandom did, that Pike was a bad guy and had it coming. But one could now say the same thing about Octavia herself, and she is obviously aware of it. If Pike deserved to die, doesn’t she, too? Using the same standards, shouldn’t she be murdered for revenge by someone like James (the Wonkru guy from 6x02, who lost his mother in the gorge and blames Octavia fori t)? In fact, Octavia tried to get him to kill her, because, on some level, she thought she deserved death, too, even while she was pretending that she didn’t feel any guilt and trying to justify all her actions. Why should Bellamy ever forgive her for throwing him into the fighting pit to die? I can see many similarities between Octavia and Pike: both of them are fighters by nature, both were driven by the desire to save and protect people, both were angry and traumatized by what had been done to their people, and both were also prone to black-and-white thinking and harsh judgment of their enemies. As Octavia’s mind version of Pike pointed out, we are products of what we have done, and what has been done to us. Pike is an embodiment of both for Octavia. And Pike himself was a product of what the Ice Nation under Queen Nia had done to him – killing almost all of the people he grew up with, many right in front of him (including 15 children), which made him go into the woods to fight for months. Pike started pre-emptively seeing Grounders as enemies even when they were not, and eventually, as a Chancellor, started acting as a dictator and hunting for traitors in his camp. Octavia started by proclaiming everyone (or almost everyone – Echo didn’t count) her people, One people, but that eventually turned into tyranny and seeing enemies in everyone who disagreed or refused to do everything she asked of them. Pike condemned Lincoln to death and execute him for the same reasons Octavia as Blodreina condemned Bellamy, Indra and Gaia to the fighting pit: to maintain authority and show that rebellion is not allowed and will be punished by death. We may not have seen this put into words, but Octavia’s vision of Blodreina in Pike’s role, condemning/executing Pike the way he had Lincoln, showed her realization about herself. „Pike“ even reminded Octavia that he was trying to earn his redemption by doing good when she killed him. Of course, since Pike was really an enbodiment of a part of Octavia’s own mind, it is really something she has been thinking about and that she’s telling herself. It’s a level of self-reflection that I never expected to see from Octavia of the earlier seasons, and shows how much she’s grown.
So does she deserve redemption? As „Pike“ pointed out, it is not about deserving. You just need to make the decision to go and do good, and not be Blodreina anymore, shown by her symbolic killing of „Blodreina“. She is still to actually start her redemption arc, but getting into the right frame of mind and realizing she wants to change and do better was the necessary first step.
Kane’s goodbye
I’ve already written quite a bit about Abby’s emotional and ethical downfall and the tragic development of the Kabby relationship in seasons 5-6 here and I predicted that the storyline would end with Kane’s death by his own choice (and that Henry Ian Cusick would return to play Kane in a vision for his last scene), even though I didn’t guess when or how it would happen.
Unlike some other fans, I find this to be a very fitting ending for Marcus Kane. I don’t think of what he did as suicide, but as a sacrifice, or, more than anything, a refusal to legitimize and benefit from an evil practice that involves brainwashing people so they could be lambs easily led to slaughter, and then murdering them as lesser and disposable, so you could prolong your own life. He couldn’t fight against it, speak against it, while being in a stolen body himself. (There is a reason why Gabriel is ashamed to admit to his followers that he lives in a host body.) Everything about it was wrong to him, and went against everything he believes in. (Meeting Gavin’s widow and realizing that the Primes are lying to their people also played a role. As Gabriel confirmed in this episode, and as Kane 2.0 and the other Primes, no doubt, are aware, there is no trace of the host mind after the transfer – unless the transfer fails.)
Indra has finally been woken up! But is she staying on the ship now, and if so, when do we see her again? I’m glad she got to say goodbye to her friend before his death. I like the fact that Indra pointed out that both the Arkers and the Grouders had some disturbing practices of their own, but Kane gave the logical answer (something I was hoping someone would point out at any point) – the fact we did bad things in the past, doesn’t mean we should let evil things happen. That’s not how morality (or common sense) works.
The show loves angst, so of course, Kane’s death had to be exactly like Jake Griffin’s death (which we saw in the flashbacks in 1x03), and Abby had to witness it. But, as Raven pointed out, it is better for her if she gets to say goodbye. (Raven would know, since she never got to say goodbye to Finn or Shaw. Or Sinclair.) Kabby has been one of my favorite ships on the show – because it is one of the very few romantic relationships that was well developed, way before Kane and Abby got together. Their chemistry was obvious since season 1. And while Greyston Holt did a great job playing Kane 2.0, it only made sense that Henry Ian Cusick return to play Kane in that last scene, when Kane appeared to Abby the way she saw him in her mind-eye - which also made him feel like real Kane to the audience.  The scene was truly beautiful and sad, with Abby’s heartbreak, and Indra and Raven reciting the Ark prayer (with Indra adding the Grounder “Your fight is over”). I don’t think that Kane would really do the same to bring Abby back – or that Abby would have done it if she had been in a healthier state of mind, but I can see why he told Abby that. While he disagreed with her decision and couldn’t accept it, he showed understanding, empathy and love to her, while urging her to let him go and continue her life.
All in all, considering the tricky actor availability situation due to Cusick’s role on another show, I think that the writing staff have found a good way to give Kane a proper sendoff, and make it meaningful and highly relevant to this season’s themes and main plot.
In a way, it’s more Abby’s tragedy than Kane’s – he made the decision that was the only right one, one of the most in-character things he’s ever done, but Abby is still lost and needs to let go off Kane, really recover from addiction, and find her own sense of morality again.
The Kane/Abby storyline and relationship this season is juxtaposed to the Josephine/Gabriel story – and the Clarke/Bellamy story. We have seen bodysnatching as something people (Gabriel, Russell and Simone with Josephine, Abby with Kane) resort to in order to resurrect someone they love. But while Josephine couldn’t be happier about it – because she’s selfish and, let’s say, morally challenged, Kane, with his deep sense of morality, could never accept that. We’ve also seen a storyline about Bellamy doing everything to save Clarke – but while all of those are motivated by love, the big difference between what Bellamy is doing and what Abby has done (and what Gabriel initially did when he resurrected Josephine, at the expense of 40+ of the people he had raised from embryos) is that Bellamy is fighting against an evil act, to right a wrong, as opposed to doing evil or enabling evil.
Bellarke has always been the central relationship on the show, but it’s never been as front and center as it is this season. In 6x07, Clarke gave up on living at the moment when Josephine managed to convince her that Bellamy had given up on her and moved on and that he and everyone are better off without her, and the last few been about Bellamy being willing to do everything to get Clarke back. The show is being really obvious about Bellamy’s and Clarke’s feelings for other other, even more so than it was in the previous seasons (and I happen to think it was already quite obvious). It’s not the first time that other characters have called out those two on their feelings for each other (from Lexa noticing in season 2 that Clarke cares for Bellamy and worries about him more than about her other people, to ALIE!Raven in season 3, taunting Bellamy over being more devoted to Clarke than his girlfriend Gina, to Octavia calling out Bellamy in season 5 and calling Clarke another traitor who he loves), but now it is an integral part of the main story, the way it was not before.
I’ll say one thing, though – while it is undeniable, seeing his behavior over the previous few episodes. that Bellamy cares for Clarke more than anyone else at this point, as Josephine points out (and that statement implies that he cares for her more than his girlfriend, Echo), I think one should be fair and acknowledge that Clarke is in danger of certain and definite death, after a definite and short period of time, while the others back in Sanctum are only in danger of potential death, so I don’t think it would be fair if they begrudged Bellamy going off to save Clarke.
This dynamic was weird, because Bellamy was simultaneously not fond of (to put it mildly) of Josephine, but was incredibly tender and caring with her body, because it was Clarke’s body, and Clarke is still in there somewhere. The way he gently wiped JoClarke’s black blood and put his own, so the Children of Gabriel wouldn’t know she was a Nightblood, reminds me of Bellamy cutting himself to fool the Ark guards, so they wouldn’t know the blood belonged to Octavia, when she would accidentally cut herself.
Josephine said that love was the reason why Sanctum would be destroyed – implying not just that her father put everything in danger for his love for her (by putting her in Clarke’s body), but also that Bellamy’s love for Clarke and his determination to save would be the cause of Sanctum’s destruction. It’s the 3rd time that the word “love” has been used on the show to describe Bellamy’s and Clarke’s feelings for each other: the first time was in season 2 when Clarke said she was being weak when she tried to keep Bellamy from going to Mount Weather, because love is weakness; the second time was in season 5, when Octavia called out Bellamy on pleading for the life of a traitor who you love; and this is the third time.
The moment when Bellamy looked at Clarkephine when he knew Clarke could hear him, and paused before saying “I won’t let you die”, was one of those moments where Bellamy or Clarke seem to want to say more, or are saying a lot more, through or instead of a statement like “Hurry” or “Don’t feel bad about leaving me here”. Those two have always had their own way of saying ILY.
Bellamy replying “Tell me about it” when Josephine called the “weird” relationship between him and Clarke “exhausting” has to be one of the best meta moments on the show.
(BTW, I don’t think Bellamy actually wanted to kill Clarke in 1x02 – the first moment he could have let her die, he saved her. But maybe she thought so, or maybe Josephine saw her memories and drew that conclusion. Also, the show Josie is misusing the word “genocide” and should look up the definition.)
But after a while, what was Josephine trying to taunt Bellamy, turned into Josephine being moved by Bellamy’s love for Clarke – not because she’s a compassionate person (she’s not), but because it reminds her of Gabriel’s love she had and lost. We got her explicit confirmation that she has really been in love with him, since they got to the planet (which may have been the first time they met). And while we know, from his reactions in 6x08, that he is still in love with her (but she may not know that), he has still been trying to kill her for the last 70 years – because she is a villain and is largely responsible for maintaining a terrible system of oppression and murder. This is the main difference between Gabriel/Josephine and Bellarke: Clarke is actually not a villain, she is a hero. Josephine is the villain that some of the characters and a part of the fandom imagines Clarke to be, because they are not paying attention to the actual story.
I love the fact that Clarke used the Morse code, for the second time, but now to both mock Josephine with “Boohoo” and try to make Bellamy laugh, while confirming that she was able to hear them both.
It’s really amazing just how Bellarke-heavy this episode was, even though Clarke and Bellamy weren’t able to directly interact most of the time – and haven’t been since 6x04. The one moment when they did get a chance to interact, for some 10 seconds, was when Clarke temporarily took control over her body because Josephine realized she sucked at defending herself and had to let Clarke do it. And it was amazing – the way Eliza changed her expression, voice and demeanor and the way she looked at Bellamy, the way Bellamy immediately knew she was Clarke, the chemistry that was suddenly there again in full force when it was Bellamy and Clarke interacting, rather than Bellamy and Josephine. Clarke is determined to never leave Bellamy again (as we saw in 5x13, when she was not willing to leave him behind even while they were seconds away from missiles hitting), but this time, he was right that literally staying there would have killed her, so she did the smart thing and sneaked him the keys – allowing him to save himself, while he let her go to save herself.
My judgement of the Children of Gabriel after 6x03 still stands: morally ambiguous group, the right goal, but too murder-happy.
Josephine may be a 200+ old narcissistic, evil Prime that I want to die, but her interactions with Clarke are really fun. It was great to see Clarke get the upper hand, at least for a while, and be in control again. And I loved the fact that Clarke rubbed it into Josephine’s face that she had stolen some skills from her – and calling her out on the irony of Josephine complaining about it, while living in Clarke’s stolen body.
I can’t wait to see Josephine and Gabriel reunited, and Octavia and Clarke and Bellamy reunited – but I’m also looking forward to more of the Clarke/Josephine fight for control in the mindspace.
Rating: 10/10
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morstan · 6 years
mom: get out of bed silly
me: and go where. we live in a matchbox.
mom: go play your game! :)
me: and lose over and over again? I’m watching videos of people playing..
mom: oh so you can learn! good! 
not really mom, I do everything these people do, I just.......... suck for some reason???? also god bless her she’s so patient living with the enbodiment of pessimism and bad vibes
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romanasanders · 6 years
Phan Perspectives - Part three
Summary: Dan and Phil collab with Thomas Sanders, and talk with their own sides. (The sides are psychological/magical/not acted.)
Part one: The Video
Part two: Phil
Part three: Dan
Phil sat down on the couch and heard Dan and Thomas reenter the room. “Phil? Are you alright? Was it fun?” Phil sent a faint smile towards the slightly worried looking Dan. “I’m allright. It was great.. just more tiring than i expected.” He pushed himself upright again. “I’ll tell you about my sides once you’re done, alright?”
Dan nodded, before turning to Thomas again. “I guess it’s my turn now?” The guys sat down next to Phil and Thomas put his hand on Dan’s shoulder. “Your anxiety.. it’s pretty strong huh? Constantly in conflict with your other sides. Although.. you’ve learned to deal with it.” Thomas glanced up to Dan. “Your Creativity feels underappriciated. Try to figure that out once you can talk to them.”
“Isn’t it.. dangerous?” Dan looked a bit hesistant. “If i’m gonna confront my literal anxiety..” Thomas shaked his head. “Your sides are a part of you. And your anxiety.. they just want to protect you. Keep that in mind.” He gave Dan an encouraging smile before leaving the room with Phil, who waved him good luck.
Dan stood up and stood stil on the spot, looking around the empty living room. “Okay, sides. Now would be a good time to pop up.”
“Hello Daniel.” Dan looked at the pathway next to the staircase, where another Dan had popped up. He wore a white blouse: similar to the one Dan wore during his Internet Support Group video’s. Dan was stunned for a moment, then smirked. “You can call me Dan. And let me guess.. You are my logic?” “Correct” his side responded. “And i thought you rebranded? If you make a plan, You need to stick to it.” Dan rolled his eyes. “God, are all my sides that sassy?”
Before Logic could answer, another one of Dan’s sides appeared. Dan knew which one it was right when he glanced at him: dark, straightened hair. All dark clothes. Expressionless face. “Hello Dan.”
“I suppose you are my Anxiety.” Dan muttered. He looked down, and felt.. uneasy. This was confronting. This side of his was a literal enbodiment of his dark thoughts, his self-deprication and his low confidence.. he had been fighting his side of him and didn’t want to start that all over again. Never.
“Dan!” The boy looked up, Seeing two more sides of him had appeared. In a strange way, conforting? At least he wasn’t alone.. “Dan! Come on, this is the chance of your lifetime!” The Dan who said this, wore the -very extra- golden glitter tatinof suit. Dan supposed that was Creativity. “You’re.. right.” Dan said with a sigh. “I shouldn’t let.. one of my traits spoil everything..”He stopped again, realising how weird that sounded.
“Dan” Logic spoke again. “We are parts of you, not other people. You can say what you think. Remember that your anxiety might be a part of you, but it doesn’t at all define you.”
“Or does it?” Anxiety suddenly spoke up. Dan shivered: their voice was calm, unlike his own thoughts right now. “Okay, shut up!” The last side spoke up. Dan turned to him: Pastel Dan. Of..course? This side had no wig, just the natural soft curls underneath the flower crown. “You’re just a part of him, but so are we.”
The sides looked back at Dan, waiting for him to say something. “Yeaah..” Dan chuckled uneasy. “Nice to meet you all!” Morality clapped his hands together in excitement. “Dan, I know this might be weird for you, but I’m so proud of you. You are doing fantastic!” “But will that be enough?” Anxiety noted. His remark was met with judging glances from the other sides.
Dan exhaled slowly. Yes, he was standing in someone else’s living room with four clones, but there was nothing to be afraid of.
“Anxiety.. Thomas told me that you represent my fears, my insecurities and my causion.” Anxiety nodded as he glared at his host from underneath his straightened bangs. “Very true.” Logic added. “Dan, you have done a lot already to accept the fact that your anxiety is hightened. But, in order to.. manage more and achive balance in your mindspace, you will need to listen to your other thoughts too.”
“Exactly!” Creativity cried out. “You are capable of so much, Dan! Just remember this!” He gestured at his glitter suit, and Dan couldn’t help but smile. “You guys are right. I guess I do listen to my Anxiety a bit much, huh?” Anxiety groaned. “The world is dangerous. I’m just trying to protect you, you idiot.”
“I know” Dan looked at him. “I realise that. But.. uh, as Thomas probably would say, you need to work together with my other sides.” He chuckled: who would have thought that he would be scolding his own anxiety someday?” They just shrugged, but didn’t complain. Dan sighed. “I need the others too.”
“Exactly. Keep that in mind, Daniel. But make it quick, your time is almost over.” “I-“ Dan tried to correct him, but decided to let it be for now. “You guys will help me go on right?” His sides confirmed, with varying degrees of confidence. “We are personified parts of your personality, Dan. In the end, it’s up to you. We believe in you.” Morality sank down. “Exactly The future is yours!” Creativity made another dramatic gesture before doing the same.
Logic smirked at him, and confidently sipped an imaginary cup as he sank down. Now, only Anxiety was left. Dan looked at him, and realised that they looked a lot like him from ten years ago. He suddenly felt strangely protective of the insecure wannabe emo. “We can do this. The world really isn’t out to get me, even if it might seem that way. Just.. try to ask the others to help before you freak out again, okay?” Anxiety nodded slowly. “I’ll see you soon. Goodbye Dan.” He sank down with a two-fingered salute.
Dan stared at the spots. Phil was right, talking to four clones of himself was indeed tiring. Talking about Phil, he heard him and Thomas re-enter the room.
@ghostnerddan @insert-epic-blogger-name-here @lixsy-the-dramatic @fireboltinsky4 @langstobsessed @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @freckleddaniei @ghostdorkphil
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krillmorrissey · 7 years
11 Q's!
Tagged by @yourkeeperoftherunners
(sorry for taking a ding dang WEEK to do this!! 💖💖)
1. If you could raid your favorite musician/band/bias's closet and wear one thing of theirs, what would it be and why?
Taehyung has two things I'd pick from; a gucci handbag, and a gucci leather jacket. Both items because 1; GUCCI 2; the leather on them is stunning!
2. Is there a dish you'd like to learn how to cook?
Hmm, creme bruleè, maybe? I just need a blowtorch, really, I already know how 😂
3. What former band (disbanded or dead) would you love to see in concert in a perfect world?
Ooh, I'm not even into this band anymore, but I'd LOVE to see My Chemical Romance live just once?
4. Has there been a look that your favorite band/bias/band member wore that you disliked? Why?
Personally speaking, I'm not a massive fan of the incredously oversized flannel with flared pants thing Tae does sometimes, but also that's hypocritical because I wear stuff like that all the time, so?
5. SCENARIO: You're randomly assigned a seat on an amusement park ride ride with your favorite band member. They've never been on this ride, but you're a veteran to it and nothing surprises you. When the member reacts dramatically once the ride starts (ex. screams loudly, cries, etc.) what would you do? To be honest, probably start laughing/giggling or trying to comfort or make laugh said person?
 6. What fashion brand are you tired of seeing, and why?
ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH. Like, just, I know they're not that popular anymore, but their clothes are like holister clothes in a size -300 and it bothers me.
7. When the newest phone model comes out, are you someone who has to have the latest and greatest, or are you more of an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of person?
To be fully honest, I'm somewhere in-between! Like, if my phone is absolutely garbage in comparison and I think the newest would be useful? Heck yeah! But otherwise, I'm content!
8. How would you react if someone famous you admired complimented you on something? (Ex. Appearance, clothing, a skill, etc.) I made my friend decide this answer, and she informed me I would "turn red and attempt to curl up on yourself, because I'm not famous and you do that to me when I compliment you."
9. Best ice cream flavor you've ever eaten.
Mint chocolate chip is just oh my god, thank you Jesus.
10. What item would you never eat, even if someone offered you a lot of money to eat it? (Ex. Baekhyun from EXO doesn't like cucumbers)
Carrot juice is disgusting, but like, also tolerable in some smoothies? So I don't know if I have one that fits within realms of normal food.
11. If someone used aegyo on you, would you cave to their request or stand firm?
Okay, as the human enbodiment of a pat of butter emotion wise, I'd just be like TAKE WHAT YOU NEED I'M DYinG
Here's my questions for peoples who wanna do this!
1. Who is your ultimate girl and boy bias/favorite singer/member of a band?
2. What time is it for you right now? (when you answer this question)
3. What's your favorite piece of clothing?
4. Do you enjoy the outdoors?
5. Would you rather get a warm drink and a good book and sit in a nice cafe by yourself, or get a group of friends together and go explore a city?
6. What is your favorite book/poem?
7. Where is your favorite place to be by yourself?
8. What are 5 things you find beautiful or nice about yourself? (Ex. Freckles, an odd talent, etc!)
9. Dogs or cats?
10. What is your favorite drama/TV show?
11. Is there anything you regret saying or doing when you were young?
Tagging: @gonggum @singeractress127 @somehow-good-at-things @kimtaethebae and anyone else who wants to do this!
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federluftmask · 7 years
The Strange new Case of Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde
In the original Story Dr. Jekill was the enbodiment of a good man. He was a Doctor, he was nice to evrybody, he was hard working. he was everything, but human. perfect for the Victorian times.
I mean look at Hyde and how he is portrait as in the Books, he shows the evil side , but think how this would be done today. He would be shown as a mass murderer and even more. but in the Books he is just not good looking and mean. The climax of the story is that he kills one, just one man. Which yes, is terrible, but not over the top ike modern Hollywood movies. He is more what hapens when a broken man suddently does everything without fearing consequences.
And then the wonderful Comic Artist Sabrina Cotugno  did a reboot in her fantastic Comic : The glass scientist .
The interessting Thing is the modern view on these Figures Dr.Jekill and Mr.Hyde, because we as a society have come quite a way since the victorian times ( I can’t believe it too ).
In her Comic we see the downside of being Dr.Jekill, we see a broken man who wants nothing more that to be good, but is crushed under his own expectations, somebody who is longing for freedom. The reason why Hyde exist. What im trying to say is that the Comic, better than every movie adaptation, grasps the core of the Story. That it isn’t about Good or Bad. Neither Dr. jekill nor Hyde is good. It is about Freedom and Society.
It is more about what you are willing to do to fit in Society or what you think you have to do and this pressure of perfection, which is, with Burnout being quite a “popular” illness, a modern problem. It is also the modern conflict of how you want to live your life, because many want to live the life of Hyde or Think that Hyde is the good one. In the Comic he doesn’t kill anybody because he is evil ( even when he says he is) but because of an accident.
He is the Freedome that many want today, to travel ,to party without thinking of tomorrow etc. which isn’t seen as bad today, to go even further. many would say that Hyde had made the right decisions, because life is about enyoing life and not your achivements.
It is about what counts in the end.
What im trying to say in my..rambling is that the glass scientist or the strange case of Dr.Jekill and Mr.Hyde is an old but also a quite modern Story.
The only thing that Changes is the interpretation.
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noraspaulding · 7 years
*I wrote this previously on my other blog and people seemed to really enjoy it.* I have seen this going around and wanted to actually try to complete these (as true to heart as I possible can) for some time now. These are deeply thought provoking questions and the answers may surprise you. I love that no matter who answers them, each person will have a different take and outcome on it. These questions have no right or wrong answers. The more descriptive and emotionally thought provoking the better. 
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer:
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? I have always felt older than I actually am, this is the price of having a crappy childhood and being mixed up in a lot of unavoidable situations. Age is a relative number, so I you’re only as old as you truly feel.
Which is worse, failing or never trying? Without a doubt not trying is worse than failing. When we fail, we learn a lesson, a rule of thumb for life and it changes us and teaches us something about ourselves but when you never try- it’s as if, you miss out on yourself or getting to be a part of somthing you’d never know otherwise. It’s a loss for you and no one else.
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? It’s a great mystery but I figure we only try what we think is attainable. We do the things we have to to survive and be successful in life. We do the bare minimum (eat, drink, work, bathe, eanr money and procreate) and don’t think the rest is important enough to make time for it. But really it’s more important because without the enjoyable stuff, you’re just doing the motions through life. You have to be yourself in this life and learn who that is quickly enough that you can live your potential. 
When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?  Me, personally, yes. I always say I’m going to do this and that. I never actually do. Although when you think of the grand scheme of life-isn’t it the moments threaded toegther that matters and makes the memories that embed our lives. Yes, so take advantage now and dive into your life. I plan to make some changes in 2016 to attack my life more. 
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Peace. It may sound cliche but oh boy we are living in a hostile, violent and tragic world these days. I can’t watch the news anymore living day to day like this. I want to be informed but not at the cost of my own sanity and sense of self freedom. We have to learn how to get along, drop the shit and love each other. I honestly have never understood why all the hate has caused so much violence. These days it’s every moment of the day another life is lost in a million ways. It’s just so sad. 
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Counseling. Oh for sure. I dreamt of helping traumatized kids who went through tragic loss like I did as a kid and I felt like I’d be so rich if I were to do this. I wanted my experiences and input would change a life, a view or get someone help before it was too late. I would also love to work a crisis line and I just don’t know that I could emotionally handle it so I never did. These jobs or paths would feel so rewarding to me. 
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? I’m somewhere in the middle..I love writing but I need to change and adapt some things because I don’t feel like I’m writing anything that matters to anyone.  I need to up my quality in my content and I am praying that this post also does well. I want to strive for more, it’s one of my new years resolutions next year. 
If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? Have no fear of ANYTHING. I would sky dive, bunjee jump, travel, be a nomad and just live life free….. But honestly that’s not really responsible or possible for most people, because you have to have money in the end to live a life like that and be able to survive it all, no matter what. It’s a dream though.
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Somewhat I think, I learned to take control more but being an adult sucks. Well it’s just not easy unless you have the right timing and resources to create a life you love. I have had a lot of crappy things happen to me my whole life but to what extent does that control you years later? You have to move on at some point. So that’s what I’m trying to do now these days. Start being smart for the future. I can choose to make the days what they are now with the freedom to be who I want to be, so it’s a process that is ongoing daily moment to moment. Every thing in life is a choice. 
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I’m more worried about doing the right things. Because each course of life is a new path and changes your reality in as much as a split second. 
You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do? Speak up! For sure. I was a walk all over mat for too long so I believe if you are truly friends with someone that means you have their back and are honest with others. I would stick up for someone I cared about NO MATTER WHAT. 
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Be diligent. Be yourself and be a good person through life. It matters, you matter, I matter-life is a string of moments and experiences. 
Would you break the law to save a loved one? Yes, absolutely I would do anything for those I love. I would do whatever it takes to save them in any kind of circumstance. Even if jail was on the table- I would still take it for the people I care about. 
Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Yes I was at a breaking point where I lost my father and I was a flipping mess (in every sense of the word, didn’t know which way was up) but at a certain point I hit a way to deal with my trauma in a creative way and started writing poetry and lyrics, anything I could get my brain around. 
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?  I live life differently. I mean obvious yes, but I have been through so much that I know I am more understanding and more empathetic than most people I know. I am trustworthy and love to give advice to people in thier low times.
How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Because everyone is an indiviual and different, new person. No one likes all the same things unless you’re a twin. 
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?  I want to be in terms, just more adventurous. I want to go sky diving, bunjee jumping, zip lining and all those crazy things. I want to become a much more outgoing person in general. 
Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Grief, anger and sadness over the loss of my loved ones especially my dad. I want to be a more positive upbeat person and let go of those negative emotions that bog us down day by day. 
If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? I would move back to my motherland (Italy) where my grandfather and his family were raised in centrail Italy until they came here. I would love to see the country, roots and customs that my grandfathers family were raised with. Getting to know my ancestors and extended family is my biggest dream. 
Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? Sure I do, but I do not belive it makes it faster and I only repeatedly press it when I’m in a hurry. It does make me calmer and helps me to be more patient in the waiting stage. Plus I’m an antsy person anyway, so figiting it inevitable. 
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? I would definitely enjoy being a happy simpleton! I am a worried simpleton and I hate constantly living around with stress. This is a daily occurence and enough to drive anyone mad. 
Why are you, you? I am a culmination of both of my parents and it’s very clear to me where I got my personality, habits, traits and mannerisms. My features physically both enbody my parents and there is no denying I’m their child. I am thankful that I had the parents I had and for the most part they were great and the other parts- well I learned how to not be. 
Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?  Yes, I always try to be the very besy friend and confident I can be. I support those around me and am always available to help no matter what. I do not let myself get walked on though anymore. I like to keep a few close friends around me and into my inner circle. 
Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?  When a friend moves away definetely. I was this such friend and to feel helpless about the situation is so hard!  I think if you drifted from a friend who lived near you- maybe you just aren’t suited to be close anymore. People go through phases and people change and grow together or apart. That’s life!
What are you most grateful for?  My husband. Might seem very typical or cliche but really. I think he saved me truly. I was in a terrible situation and place when me and my husband met. I was in an abusive relationship and brainwashed to what was happening and how bad it was. I wasn’t happy and he just swooped in at just the right time. He talked to me kindly and listened intently when I had something to say, we finished each others sentences and it was a wonderful time. I’m so thankful to have him in my life. 
Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?  I would lose all my old memories, since most of them are negative ones anyway. I have lived a semi hard life already filled to the brim with loss and tough times. I can’t imagine not being able to create new ones. 
Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?  I don’t think it is. If you said the sky is purple and I can see the sky is blue, wouldn’t I question that?! You can’t take everything always at face value and plus some people are really good liars. 
Has your greatest fear ever come true? I would say yes and no. My greatest fear would be to lose those I love who are closest to me and yes, I have lost family members and friends too soon but it also changes when you get married and have kids etc. I cannot imagine losing a child and I think to date that is my greatest fear. 
Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now? Yes I do remember. No it doesn’t. It is all situational. We grow and adapt everyday to change our realities. Time heals all wounds and all that stuff-but hey, it’s true. Unless it’s a traumatic experience (it could be different for you) but it won’t alter your life much. (I see how and why others may answer this oppositely)
What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?  My favorite childhood memory is when I played downstairs in our family room with my dad.. I had a kitchen playset and a shopping cart and we were on video playing together having a grand old time. I lost him when I was 13 so if I could have those tapes back I sure would. I miss him and how we were so alike in so many ways, we were inseperable. I was a daddys girl and I still say that I am. 
At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?  Probably when we got our second car. It was exciting and so adult-like thing to do, I don’t think anyone ever gets used to being an adult but I felt like I was being so responsible about it. It is my husbands car but our money, I felt like I was being so smart with it. 
If not now, then when? Now. Because you may never get your second chance or next day to try again. 
If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? I have nothing to lose. So I need to make more effort in my dreams and goals. 
Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Yes I sure have. It was a really good night of my life. I will actuallly always remember this night. 
Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because love is understood differently and looks different to everyone. Not everyone is going to agree on an emotion that is ever changing and has strict rules applied to it depending on where and who you are. 
Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? This is also a relative thing. I’d like to think there is a black line to good and evil but that is just not the case. For example: someone who kills an intruder- is it still murder? or self defense? Is it okay to love your neighbor and not your horse? Who’s to say what is right and what is not? We all have opinions. 
If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Yes. Yes I would. For some time at least. Or maybe I wouldn’t and I’d donate it and save for college funds and retirement. 
Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I enjoy- for sure. I would take a full time, non stop job over one I hate and don’t want to ever go to or something I don’t agree with anyday. That would be too hard and promised myself I’d never be stuck in a job I hated- no matter what. 
Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Yes. I do. And really I have. What makes your day so varied? How do you know time isn’t standing still? I love having a clock and a calendar. 
When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?   When I fell in love and the world was against me and judging me from the outside in, everyone thinking they know better than me in my own relationships in life. I have been there and done that- when it’s true love at first sight- you don’t let anyone or anything stop you. 
If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? Everyone I possibly could. Those family members I miss, love and trust. The friends I call true and trust. The people in my life that have made an impact and mattered to me at the roughest parts of my life, because without them I would not be the same person I am today. 
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? No. No way, not ever. I think I’m doing fine in the life I’ve been given-plus I think I wouldn”t turn out so nice with attraction, glory and fame. It would change me too much into someone I wouldn’t wanna be. 
What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Anyone can be alive but truly living is putting your life in the drivers seat and taking advantage, learning, growing and striving for all you want in life. Being a good person and treating people like they matter. Changing the world to be better in your own way. Leaving your mark on it and showing the future you were there.
When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?  I think as long as your not risking your life it’s safe to take some wise chances. I’m a pretty safe and practical person so I’m not the greatest judge of being spontanious but I do an okay job. Risk=Rewards. Yes!
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? Because we as humans are perfectionists and are afraid of failure. Hence we don’t wanna make a mistake I think it also plays into our ego. 
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? I would be much more free in my lifestyle, I would be more open and honest with everyone. I would try and fail more things without judgement. I would be happy and have no fears relating to what people think of me. 
When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? When I was snoring… As I fall asleep or when I’m laying with Sean adoring my husband. When I’m meditating and being quiet. 
What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? I love bloggging. I love my friends and family-I love most of all my husband and my dogs. I love our apartment and the memories we share and will share here to come. 
In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that? Maybe. I will remember all the little times collectively. I’ll remember the great phases of life. The milestones. The simple parts of life. The wonderful seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.
Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?  I’m making them for myself. I need to cherish and treasure the people around me more and remember the small things. I need to choose the direction of my life and decide what I want most at this point in my life. I’m happy, healthy, loved and very blessed. I’m deciding to be happy with where I am right now. 
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