vinceleemiller · 6 months
From Exasperation to Exhortation | Galatians 4:10-11
You observe days and months and seasons and years! I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain. — Galatians 4:10-11
CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Ron Ruch from Emmanuel Church in Minneapolis, MN. He's a legacy disciple-maker and sold-out man of God. Ron has lived a lot of life, but he also won't quit. I love you, brother.
Have you ever been so exasperated that you've wondered if you've wasted your time?
We all have. We have felt his way at painful points in our career, during a repetitive issue with a problem child, or in the middle of a project that's gone awry. And Paul feels this way right now. He wonders if all the time and training he has invested into these Galatian churches was a waste of time because they have returned to old rites and rituals instead of living in a relationship with Christ.
I am so glad Paul expresses his emotion here. He is vulnerable just enough to expose his irritation with these people. Because sometimes people and processes can be very irritating. Can't they?
So, if you are exasperated today, you need to know you are not alone. It's okay to feel this way and to share that you feel this way. It is also appropriate to tell the people draining you that they are depleting you of resources because they are unresponsive.
Paul does. And he is not being vindictive. He's merely being honest and vulnerable because he has explained the same thing to them 1000 times.
I believe this is how some pastors feel every Easter.
Yesterday, thousands of inactive members piled into worship services across the world. Most assume that their semiannual pilgrimage to church is all the Lord requires of them. But a pastor will stand in a pulpit twice a year and tell them the same two messages. One about the birth of a Savior and one about the resurrection of a Savior. They are the same story. It is a story about a man who saved sinful men so we could have a relationship with God. Yet people hear the message and are absent from church the other 50 weekends of the year. And why?  Because they believe that their rites and rituals are enough. They don't understand the necessity of a relationship with God.
So stop irritating your pastor. It's your relationship with Christ that matters—rituals and rites mean nothing to God. Jesus wasn't born into this world to defeat death, so you could come to church twice a year. What he wants is for you to have a vibrant relationship with God.
#RitesVsRelationships #AuthenticFaith #PaulineExasperation #BeyondEmptyObservance #LivingInChrist
How can we ensure that our religious practices and observances are not merely rituals, but genuine expressions of our relationship with God?
In what ways can we shift our focus from seasonal or occasional religious activities to cultivating a consistent, vibrant relationship with Christ throughout the year?
DO THIS: Change your environment in some small way.
PRAY THIS: Father, help me to move beyond empty rituals and embrace a deeper, more authentic relationship with You. Guide me in living out my faith daily, not just on special occasions, so that my life reflects the love and truth of Christ to those around me. Amen.
PLAY THIS: O Come to the Altar.
Check out this episode!
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youngdisciples · 4 years
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We should not stop in claiming, but we have to live it.
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
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tr3yford · 5 years
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God has sent this type of bird into my life several times when I was struggling with something. One time I was at work thinking about my mothers death and one landed on my elbow and we just looked at each other for a while before it flew off.....Another time I was having a really tough conversation and one flew up and landed on a handrail a couple feet away from me and we just looked at each other.... Today before heading out to do some things I have been absolutely dreading, this little guy flew in my house, and even let me touch him. I know this type of bird is known for being different, but I also know that God made these birds different for a reason. I believe, that reason for me, is to show me He is always around. He can appear in places and times we don’t expect. He can slow us down without us even realizing what’s happening. He can change a mood in a split second. Just using a little birdie. I can’t even imagine the miraculous things he has in store next. #😇 #jeremiah119 #mathew2820 #haggai113 #faith🙏 #smashingfear #livinginchrist (at New Braunfels, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XHn9hhXsV/?igshid=irfo6duq2w47
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madamemerola · 2 years
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✨STEADFAST ➡️2 Timothy 4:5 - But as for you, be clear-headed in every situation [stay calm and cool and steady], endure every hardship [without flinching], do the work of an evangelist, fulfill [the duties of] your ministry. 💜I am thankful and grateful for many things and I know that the grace of God is more than sufficient for me to keep me steady on my journey of living and fulfilling divine PURPOSE. 💎THANKFUL ALWAYS. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #thanksgivingmode #christianliving #thanksgivingsunday #christianlifecoach #steadfast #stablelife #livinginchrist #scriptureoftheday #foreverblessed #jesusismyrock #nigerianfashion #abujafashionista #personalbrandingexpert (at Steadfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-JfkTDp1h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fjfaria-blog · 3 years
We aren't perfect but He who we follow is! That means to walk in His perfection to continue to be perfected.♥️
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proofofyourfaith · 6 years
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"The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history." Andrew Murray #proofofyourfaith #grace #prayer #glorytogod #revival #lifestylechristianity #LivingInChrist #lifestyleblogger #life #jesusculture (at Riverside, California)
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realpants4jesus · 6 years
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
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fraselfie · 6 years
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... Per alcuni la felicità consiste nella ricchezza, per altri nella fortuna, altri ancora credono felici chi è sano, chi non ha dolori, contrasti, problemi e avversità. Sono considerati felici gli individui forti, padroni di sé e dotati di un proprio carattere...noi siamo felici di appartenere a Cristo! #pax #fraselfie #vilovvo #felicità #sacerdoti #gioia #sorrisi #amicizia #preghiera #unitiincristo #livinginchrist #trueloveinchrist #sacerdosinaeternum #laverafelicità #ordinazionesacerdotale #chiesadiaversa #sonofgod #peace #instacatholic #instaphoto #picoftheday #chiesacattolica
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dhomawoo-blog · 7 years
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People who've become familiar with who you were, find it difficult to accept who you've become. You'll be disrespected and dishonoured even within your "home town". Yesterday, when this scripture came up, I was just thinking, "Lord, you too?" How will you handle it? Are you looking for their good feedback, or to do the will of God as He directs? #foodforthought I'm not trying to preach this morning so I'll leave it there lol. Have a blessed day y'all 😘 #goodmorning #morningmotivation #startyourdayright #startyourweekright #movingforward #movingon #livelaughlearn #livebetter #successfulmindset #success #lifequotes #motivationalquotes #motivate #inspire #inspirational #positivevibes #positivity #positivequotes #positivelife #vlogger #Biblelessons #Christianliving #hadiknown #keepitmoving #livinginpurpose #livinginChrist
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iammacky24-blog · 5 years
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God’s word is the oil of my life #livinginChrist
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lordmakeitplain · 6 years
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@Regran_ed from @andrewwommack - Our faith in Jesus is what pleases God. And if we have faith in Jesus, then God is pleased with us on the basis of what Jesus has done and not what we do. . . . #faithpleasesGod #faith #votd #livinginChrist #amen #Jesus #GodsWord #blessed #amen #scripture #believe #Christianity #grace #God #awmi #andrewwommack - #regrann — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PapyrH
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youngdisciples · 4 years
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Our verse today turns out to be one of the reasons why Jesus came to this world. True, that He came to save us from our sins and to restore our relationship with God. However, have you ever wondered why He still lived until He is a grown up man to fulfill the prophecy? If it takes suffering and death to redeem us, why wait? If we were in Christ's shoes, we would've done it fast because our mindset is, “it is better to do it fast than make our suffering longer. The anticipation will be my death.” Yet, Jesus Christ took His time and did not fulfill the promise fast. He still lived as a boy, as a carpenter, as a grown up man. In short, He waited for the right time. 
So, what could be the reason? Well, aside from waiting for the right time, Jesus wants to leave us a good testimony. Jesus wants us to see His life as an example on how to live as a righteous man. Jesus wants us to imitate His life so that we will stop living our lives according to our sinful nature. This is why John wrote in his letter that whoever claims to live in Christ must live as Jesus did. 
When we read this passage, we will then ask, how did Jesus live? If God wants us to imitate how Christ lived, how can we know that? Well, this is the reason why Jesus waited for the right time. Aside from finding His disciples, generally, He was setting the steps on how to live our lives. He is like living trail of stones so that we will not get lost. He practically spoonfed us the right way and practically defeated all of the possible threats we will face in our journey. 
If Jesus made the work fast and got sacrificed the moment He was born, He will not say that He had overcome the world. But, praise God for He waited and He has overcome everything there is to overcome for us. He waited and left stones for us to follow so that everytime we face various threats, we will just say His name and believe that He already defeated it and we will be safe. 
Therefore, as we claim to live in Christ, we must indeed live just as He did. We cannot just claim that we live in Him and that we have Him in our lives but do not live like Him. Always remember that words should be backed up with actions. If we say and claim that we are living in Him but not living like Him it is just like saying we love someone but deliberately cheating behind their back. 
John wants to remind us in his letter that we would be liars and hypocrites if we just claim that we live in Him but not living like Him. That is the downside of most Christians, we want the privilege of being the child of God but we don’t want to do what it takes to become like one. We want salvation and our eternal life but we also want to enjoy here on earth. Always remember that the earthly definition of enjoyment cannot go together with the desire to enjoy eternal life in heaven. For enjoying the pleasures in this world means that we become pliable and we bend into its sinful whispers. John also wrote a warning and a tip for us all in the verses after our verse today about not loving the world. 
Thus, God wants to remind us that if we abide in Him, we should live like Him. As we claim that we are in Him, we should become more like Him instead of becoming slaves of this world. True Christians should be little by little becoming like Christ not becoming strangers of Christ. We should always take note of the importance of living like Christ because we will not be called Christians if we don’t because the word ‘Christians’ means followers of Christ and followers should eventually become like their master. A disciple should become their teacher. 
So, as Christians who claim to be followers of Christ; living in Christ; and loving Christ, we should live like Him. We should imitate Him at all times for indeed He has overcome the world and we will too overcome it only if we are with Him and like Him. We should always remember the importance of becoming like Christ. Let us always put in our minds that Christ came here not only to save us but to set His life as an example for us to follow and imitate.
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
Website: https://youngdisciples.org/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/yd153
Twitter: @YD153
Instagram: @youngdisciples2020
Pinterest: Young Disciples International
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madamemerola · 2 years
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✨LIVING A RICH & VIBRANT LIFE. 📌JOHN 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. ➡️Jesus is pretty clear about this. He didn't come to oppress or make life worse for anyone. He came to wash away sins and pave the way for an abundant life. Abundant here doesn't mean worldly riches; it means spiritual riches, which are more valuable and long-lasting. 💎Many people look toward heaven for that abundant life, but the truth is that Jesus wants people to start living it now by imitating him and learning to walk in obedience to God's will. The abundant life is a RICH AND VIBRANT LIFE. 💭 Today, as I attended a Legacy Golf Tournament in the honour of a great man who transitioned to glory few months ago, I pondered on the quality of life we live here on earth before we depart. 💎If you are in Christ and your life is not rich and vibrant, check yourself and see what you are not asking, seeking, receiving and living because Jesus has already PAID THE PRICE IN FULL. 📣I am intentional about LIVING AN ABUNDANT LIFE. It is my birthright as a CHILD OF GOD. 💛Happy Sunday and I wish you a spectacular week ahead.💜🙏🏽 XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #richandvibrant #abundantlife #abundantliving #livinginchrist #scriptureoftheday #legacyminded #livingavibrantlife #livinganabundantlife #christianliving #ministerofthegospel #christianlifecoach (at IBB International Golf and Country Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgH7HOyD_bP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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proofofyourfaith · 6 years
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#proofofyourfaith #glorytogod #worship #pure #purification #worthy #grace #lifestylechristianity #LivingInChrist #Struggles (at Riverside, California)
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dhomawoo-blog · 7 years
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What a beautiful venture by @niianum_ Have a testimony you'd like to use to encourage others? Contact 👆 👆 "We want to put stunning visuals behind your testimony to help inspire and capture the minds of others and encouraging them that anyone, no matter their circumstance, can come to Christ" #testimony #testify #ministry #fellowship #goodmorning #morningmotivation #mondays #livinginChrist #positivevibes #positivity #sharingthelove #sharingiscaring #movingforward #movingon #livelaughlearn #lifelessons #encourage #encouragingothers #artsy #Christianposts #Christianlife #mondaymotivation
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“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”
-Hebrews 12:1
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