#liza grimm
fuckyeahnickburkhardt · 11 months
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Nick serving pathetic kicked puppy realness in 2x12 "Season of the Hexenbiest"
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Accepted Characters 11/23/2022
Paul Ferguson (Pirate)  from The Water Seeker
Prince Andrei from The Kneebone Boy
Henrietta Block from The Water Seeker
Sabrina Grimm from  The Sisters Grimm series
Jimmy from the Silo Series
Sinu Han from Lookism
Fantorangen from Fantorangen
Buster Slydale from Sylvanian Families
Jacob Wilde (Jake) from The Dangerous Jacob Wilde
Ludwing Von Veilchen from Concerto for Two Pianos
Mika from Agent Ali
McPherson from the Princess Bride
Princess Uzima from The Kneebone Boy
Tess Walnut from Sylvanian Families
Defense Zircon from Steven Universe
Kingdock from the Bone graphic novel series
Captain Scabulous from Stormhawks
Mah from Aoi Horus no Hitomi: Dansou no Joou no Monogatari
Fawn from Horses of the Dawn
Right Hand Man from the Henry Stickmin Collection
Henry Minerva from The Hunt for the Seventh
Liza Khokhlakov from The Brothers Karamazov
Ines from The Boy From Seville
Jock from Nerd and Jock
Tommy Walker from The Who’s Tommy
Nadine from Claymore
Seiji from Barefoot Gen
Hiika Deminte from The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion
Zass from Agent Ali
Dave from Arthur
Longshot from Avatar the Last Airbender
Unnamed dinosaur from the Star Fox series
Veronika from Veronika Decide Morrer
Marvin from Queer as Folk
Lynn from Pulse
Mingus (Chickie-fil-A) from Queer as Folk
Julian Beaumont from Queer as Folk
Michael Waters from My Own Private Idaho
Mercedes and Lada's mother from Når Noen Klikker i En Vinkel
Connell Waldron from Normal People
Gunn Merete from the Kongsvik series
Juni Cortez from the Spy Kids series
980 requests remain
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melikaesart · 2 years
Fan Art to the Pen & Paper round Wilde Horde. NPC Verina played by Game Master Liza Grimm.
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sheltiechicago · 6 months
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Here Are The World’s Most Extraordinary Shoe Designs, Shared On Virtual Shoe Museum By Liza Snook
"Project by Tran Ngoc Yen for the Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Shoe Design Studio, 2017.
Material: leather, wood and a red apple.
Snow White is a 19th-century German fairy tale that is today known widely across the Western world. The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms’ Fairy Tales. The name Sneewittchen was Low German and in the first version it was translated with Schneeweißchen. The Grimms completed their final revision of the story in 1854. The fairy tale features such elements as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, the glass coffin, and the characters of the evil queen and the Seven Dwarfs.
© Tomas Bata University ZlÌn, photo Barbara Zaťková."
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"the day my stories became more diverse was the day I started writing about the world I experience ever day - not the ones I knew from books"
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lovelythingsn · 4 years
I posted on my fan account on insta and tagged my favourite author and she will probably see it I'm so nervous
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the-booted-kat · 5 years
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Books of March
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libtips-blog · 6 years
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Liza Grimm - Die Götter von Asgard
Time of Our Lives: Read a book in which the characters go on an adventure
Die Studentin Ray lebt in München und steht bereits zum zweiten Mal vor den Trümmern ihres Studiums. Eigentlich wäre Ray gerne eine professionelle Sängerin. Ihren Eltern zuliebe und um nicht ständig im Schatten ihrer perfekten älteren Schwester zu stehen, hat sie stattdessen mit dem Studieren begonnen. Als sie mal wieder nicht weiter weiß, steht plötzlich Kára vor ihr und lädt sie ein, mit ihr nach Berlin zu kommen. In dem Glauben, dort an ihrer Musikerkarriere arbeiten zu können, folgt Ray der mysteriösen Unbekannten. Erst später erfährt sie, dass Kára eine Walküre ist und Ray vor den Göttern beschützen möchte. Eine Prophezeiung sagt nämlich voraus, dass eine Heldin das Leben der Götter in Asgard für immer verändern wird. Das Ende der bekannten Götterwelt steht bevor und den Göttern gefällt dies natürlich gar nicht. Ray glaubt Kára kein Wort und ergreift die Flucht. Ausgerechnet sie soll eine Heldin sein? Doch dann läuft sie plötzlich Tyr über den Weg, der von Odin geschickt wurde, um sie an der Erfüllung der Prophezeiung zu hindern. Als sich auch noch Loki, Gott der Listen und Heimtücken, in das Geschehen einmischt, findet sich Ray bald auf einer Reise in das Reich der Götter wieder. Eine Reise, auf der sie herausfinden muss, ob sie wirklich eine Heldin sein kann.
„Die Götter von Asgard“ von Liza Grimm, die bereits unter ihrem wirklichen Namen Jennifer Jäger Romane veröffentlicht hat, erschien im März 2018 und besticht mit einem wunderschönen Cover. Ray ist eine starke Protagonistin, die viel durchmacht und sich einigen Gefahren stellen muss. Sie muss dabei oft erkennen, dass man nicht jedem einfach so vertrauen kann, auch wenn es am Anfang so scheinen mag. Die verschiedensten Charaktere versuchen ihr, wenn auch nicht immer mit guten Absichten, zu helfen und so nimmt das Abenteuer seinen Lauf.
Insgesamt wird in „Die Götter von Asgard“ eine solide Heldengeschichte erzählt, die mit den typischen Motiven spielt. Es gibt einige intensive, allerdings auch viele vorhersehbare Momente. Der Schreibstil ist angenehm und flüssig und die Hintergründe wirken gut recherchiert. Als Leser kann man so einiges über die nordische Mythologie dazu lernen. Manchmal wird allerdings der Eindruck erweckt, als wolle Grimm in bestimmten Szenen um jeden Preis noch mehr Wissen vermitteln, als die Situation erfordert hätte.
Liza Grimms Geschichte hat großes Potenzial. Die meisten Charaktere wirken allerdings leider etwas blass und werden eher oberflächlich beschrieben. Zudem erwartet man als Leser einen gewissen Höhepunkt in der Geschichte, der ausbleibt. Einige Szenarien erscheinen zu kurz und Probleme werden zu einfach gelöst.
Die wenigen Charaktere, die etwas deutlicher beschrieben werden, weisen jedoch enorme Stärken auf und bringen somit Abwechslung in das Geschehen. Zum einen sei die toughe Kára erwähnt, die eine typische Walküre ist und von der sich manch männlicher Gott eine Scheibe abschneiden könnte. Zum anderen ist jeder einzelne Auftritt von Loki zu genießen, da er stets etwas unberechenbares und unvorhersehbares in die Handlung einbringt.
Wer die nordische Mythologie und Geschichten über Götter mag, der wird hier nichts falsch machen und gut unterhalten werden.
Drei Küsse für “Die Götter von Asgard”. 💋💋💋
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wxrgirl · 3 years
alias / name: lilah ( she / her )
zodiac sign: virgo
height:  1.68
hobbies:  reading, writing, traveling, exploring places, learning about history
favourite colour:  green
favourite book:  The Heroine’s Bookshelf, Das Lächeln der Fortuna, We are Okay, Heart of Iron
last song:  King Bran’s Final Voyage -  Marcin Przybyłowicz
last film / show: spinning out rewatch with the mom / Nightmare of the Wolf
recent reads:  currently reading Talus by Liza Grimm, but I haven’t been really able to read much this year
inspiration:  nature, lore, old songs and stories, music, waves and wind
story behind url:  there’s not really a backstory. when I started working on a new OC I wanted a girl ready for war, shaped by war. I wanted someone who could stand her own. now it resonates with her time as a Keren when she was guiding the souls of the slain into the underworld. But Makaria’s supposed to be blessed death, so it fits while also showing the juxtaposition of her character. therefore it stays. 
fun fact about me:  I’m currently “working” on a new story idea and I am not supposed to do that, so I am being all “shh secret project” when it truth it’s just me scribbling frantic notes in my journal
tagged by: @hiddenvvitch (ty!♥) tagging:  @squibbed  | @charminglilmess  | @grantsluck  | @nirgama  |
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headcanon, monroe is one of those parents who hears that one of their kids is trying to get into a new hobby or wants to get into a new hobby, and he instantly goes to the store and buys EVERYTHING even mildly associated with it for the kid.
"hey dad, ive been kinda thinking about getting into crochet." and then they go to school, come back, and their room is full of yarn, hooks of every size and shape, needles, poly-fil, and even random items that the crochet-masters he bugged at the store recommended to him (headlamps and stuff).
he'd also be the best parent for lgbt kids. specifically trans kids. he'd be looking up shit constantly, asking pronouns and new names, buying stuff with flag colors, and wogeing in transphobic peoples faces. rosalee would be awesome too, but would be calmer about it.
Yes! I love this and it's so in-character for him!
Of the blutbau triplets (which we have some blog headcanons for if you're new here! that I'm about to add to lol), Felix comes out as gay when he's in 10th grade, on the ride to school. When he gets home that day, his parents are waiting in the living room, which looks like the Pride section of Target (R.I.P.) threw up on it. There's rainbow bunting on the fireplace, a rainbow cover on the couch, rainbow balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling, and a big rainbow slice cake that says "Congrats on Coming Out!" in frosting letters. Monroe and Rosalee are in matching rainbow cardigans and party hats. Felix is absolutely mortified, god parents are so embarrassing! But underneath that, he knows he's loved.
Monroe proceeds to become the most over-invested stereotypical PFLAG parent imaginable (in the best way). He audits queer studies classes at a local university. He volunteers for the city's Pride committee. He sponsors and chaperones events for Felix's high school GSA. He knows the whole world won't be a safe space for his son, but he makes damn sure to create as many of them as he possibly can for Felix to run to when he needs.
The [Redacted]-Calvert home becomes a refuge for closeted kids who are friends of the triplets and don't know how to tell their parents. Once or twice over the years, one of his kids comes home with a crying kid carrying a backpack in tow, when telling their parents didn't go well. Every time, Monroe looks at his son and remembers holding him as a baby and every moment of watching him grow up, and cannot imagine how any parent could turn their own child away for any reason, much less for something that hurts no one.
Rosalee is less effusive, but no less supportive. Those few times her kids bring a friend home crying, Rosalee gives them mom hugs and makes up the guest room for them, and once they're soundly asleep or having dinner with her family and starting to smile again, she quietly ducks out and goes straight to their parents to give them a piece of her mind. Monroe can't imagine abandoning one of his kids, but Rosalee can imagine a dozen ways to shame someone into the ground for doing so. She's so good at it and so persuasive that by the end, one of the couples actually thanks her for it and begs her to help with apologizing to their kids.
When some one million mom or other tries to get a queer YA novel banned from the school library, they quickly find they fucked with the wrong fuchsbau. Rosalee tries reason and she tries diplomacy. But when the woman starts passing around lists of yet more books to ban and making noises about enforcing "birth names" and "correct bathrooms," Rosalee ropes Nick into helping staff the next PTA bake sale and introduces him to everyone, including Mrs. One Million Moms.
Poor Nick, totally oblivious, greets her with a smile and a mild look of surprise when she woges in front of him. Rosalee makes sure to mention, all smiles, how Nick is such a dear old family friend who's really helped her with so many little problems over the years. Nick gets bashful and puzzled at the praise. Mrs. One Million Moms turns white as a sheet and come Monday, suddenly her zeal for banning queer books and forcing trans kids to be deadnamed in class has mysteriously dried up.
Rosalee knows that was fighting dirty. She doesn't give a shit. You can't take the high road with people that dedicated to crawling around in the mud. It's not just about her own kids, though that would be enough. She's held a kid whose name she didn't even know yet while they cried so hard they nearly threw up because of people like that woman. When it comes to making them feel safe, she'll fight far dirtier than that if she has to.
(Also, yes. When Farrin casually mentions she's thinking about taking up painting one night at dinner, she wakes up the next morning to find an easel with a fresh canvas next to her bed, acrylic paints, oil paints, watercolors, watercolor paper, and every brush the local craft store had. It's...a bit much. But the thing about Monroe and Rosalee is that their support always comes without pressure. She knows if she decides after a week that painting isn't for her, she'll never hear a word of guilt-tripping or disappointment from her parents about it. The materials will all go into storage, or be donated, or passed on to some friend or other, and she'll get the same level of over-the-top support the next time she wants to try something.)
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lealis-fairytale · 6 years
Buchrezension: Liza Grimm - Die Götter von Asgard
Und hier kommt meine versprochene Buchrezension des Buches "Die Götter von Asgard" von @LizaGrimm #blogger
Ich kenne Liza Grimm oder auch Jennie, je nach dem unter welchem Namen ihr sie auch kennt, schon sehr lange, deswegen habe ich auf den Tag hingefiebert, an dem dieses Buch erscheint. Vor allem, da sie immer wieder über das #ProjektGF getwittert hat und ich mir schon damals witzige Ideen ausgedacht habe, was das wohl bedeuten könnte. Trotzdem werde ich versuchen so objektiv, wie möglich zu sein.…
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lovelythingsn · 5 years
Kleiner Tip an alle die "Die Götter von Asgard" lesen:
Lest es nicht nachts und ziemlich übermüdet. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist hoch dass ihr bei jedem Kapitel mit dieser überaus freundlichen Hexe etwas Panik vor jedem Schatten in eurem Zimmer bekommt.
(bitte mit coldmirrors Stimme lesen) :
Erlebniss frei erfunden
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the-booted-kat · 4 years
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Books of March
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Hank is truly such an underrated, underappreciated character. Every single thing he says is so interesting! He knows he's hot shit but also is bashful when pretty women hit on him. He's so so brave but terrified of rats. He's been divorced four times but knows all these random facts because he got interested in his ex wives' hobbies and jobs and listened to them, like REALLY listened enough to absorb information and recall it years later. He waxes philosophical about a junkyard. He's loyal to a fault. He's a protector. He's so so SO observant and smart. And the show really builds him up as Nick's partner in the human world equal to how Monroe is Nick's partner in the Grimm world with such intention. He's so important! And Russell Hornsby plays him so well.
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missrose1989 · 3 years
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{📚Neuzugang📚} Heute habe ich mal wieder einen Neuzugang für euch, danke an die Buchhandlung Graff für die Signieraktion. 😇 Eingezogen ist das Buch "Talus - Die Magie des Würfels" von Liza Grimm aus dem Knaur Verlag. ❤📚❤ Das ist Teil 2 der Dilogie. 😊 Ich finde das Cover echt total klasse und auch der Klappentext liest sich sehr spannend. 🥰 Den Klappentext, die Postkarte im Buch und die Signatur habe ich euch natürlich wieder dazugepackt. 🔖📖📚 #buch #book #neuzugang #lizagrimm #knaur #knaurverlag #knaurfantasy #coverlove #coverhighlight #selbstgekauft #buchhandlunggraff #signiert #signierterschatz #buchliebe #leselust #leseratte #booknerd #bookstagram #ichliebelesen #germanbookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramdeutschland #bloggen #blogger #blogger_de #bloggerlife #Buchblog #buchblogger #missrosesbuecherwelt (hier: Dresden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvdCa_A8jv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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