exocynraku · 4 months
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jadedharleys · 1 month
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wait wdym i never posted this... warriorstuck poster yayyy
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animalechochamber · 6 months
As you’ve already drawn Runningnose, can you draw some of his family (Lizardstripe, Tangleburr, Deerfoot, Mudclaw[ShC])
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Bite your tail
I will always take the chance to draw a mom. Lizardstripe is one of those favorite characters I have that I feel like I need a premade essay on the exact reasons why I like her linked to any place I talk about her.
Design Notes:
The small nick in her ear is from her dad when she was young. They don’t talk about it but she always has a sneer when she sees it
The three pointed stripe on her forehead and over the heads of her little chest lizard stripes are meant to be crown-like. She deserves it
Short stocky cat but not very powerful build wise. This passed onto all of their kits, especially Runningnose
Her dad is Lizardfang, a warrior that both fits timeline wise but also is interesting design wise to be related to her. Though I don’t think they were close and probably very tense. He named her after himself of course
She is very much a product of the environment around her. Her dad shoved traditional ideals down her throat and her mom was a bitter tongued cat who HATED being around her mate. They were very much the kind of older couple that should be divorced but because of their religious views will not so they’re just stuck together which only worsens their relationship significantly. And then they had a daughter who did not make it any better
Her and Mudclaw (SHC) didn’t have any real love between them but after prompting from her dad and his parents they got together to preserve a legacy
She never was comfortable at the idea of having kits and when she was told she was expecting she spiraled. Depression, self hatred, ANGER, it all boomed into a fire that burned her from the inside out. And then having to take in another kitten with the not so subtle threat to her position if she didn’t? She was the gas fire and everything that kept happening was water thrown on to try and fix it only to make it so much worse
While covered she does have longer upper canines from her dad
Her mate blames her weaker blood for making their son forever sick. She blames her kits ever even being born on him.
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eggfeather · 1 year
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Go read his wiki page IMMEDIATELY. This guy is so grouchy and it's incredible.
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rosemist50 · 1 year
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Cats in Super Editions!! (And/or novellas?? Maybe? Idk) To start we have Dawnstripe, Tallstar's mentor, and Plumclaw, then is Lilywhisker, Leafshine who died in the tunnels, Aspenfall, Whiteberry, Flamepelt, Appledawn, and Flailfoot, all from Windclan and Tallstar's Revenge. Then is Stonetooth, Cedarstar's deputy, Mousewing, Deerleap who is Yellowfang's warrior mentor, Amberleaf, Lizardfang, Littlebird, Ashfur and Applefur of Shadowclan. Most are in Yellowfang's Secret.
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 10 months
🔥 for Lizardfang?
Anon, I'm gonna assume you meant Lizardstripe, and not the grouchy elder Lizardfang. I'll still give you him too, just in case.
Lizardstripe's writing is shitty, absolutely. There is no reason to make the only physically abusive mother in the series the one who didn't want kids and was forced to have them.
But she was very mean to Yellowfang before that, and I didn't like it. Not one bit. Everyone was very mean to her and she was doing her best. Not nice. Not a dig at you, but I'm also getting a little tired of people hating her while also not remembering her name. Kinda proves a point about "if you think about this situation for more than 5 seconds you see how actually bad the writing around it is and how insignificant she is even in her own mini arc"
As for Lizardfang? I've never seen anyone say he was Lizardstripe's relative. I like to think he was her father, in the same way canon!Whitestorm being Ashfur and Ferncloud's father but not actually parenting them. Honor Siring for Lizardstripe's mom, Yarrowbird.
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February 22nd, 2023
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flutterclouds · 3 months
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raven-watcher · 1 year
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bonefall · 1 year
fry as a prefix would be such a cute name tbh. except it makes me think of futurama so I can only imagine an orange cat with it
I can make them orange. They're the brother of Brightflower, who is already orange, so that totally tracks
The most Leela-adjacent name is Lily... there's a Lilyfur I can pull down from COTC, OR, I can make Fry mates with Lizardfang (the elder in YS, not Lizardstripe who is in the generation below) because...
guys love swarms of lizardfang
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homestuck warrior cats au for funsies. sorting for this is based on thunderclan = fire, shadowclan = earth, and riverclan and windclan = water and air and then placing each kid and troll based on either their astrology signs element (trolls), their lands element (beta kids), or their relation to a beta kid (alpha kids). I'm also keeping the wacky eye colors since we like to have fun
Dave: Crowpelt, a black tom with one white paw, bright red eyes, and a scar across his chest (if Crowfeather didn't already exist in warriors, Dave would be Crowfeather)
Dirk: Cloudheart, a white tom with one black paw, bright orange eyes, and a scar across his throat
Aradia: Robinwing, a thick furred tortoiseshell she-cat with rust red eyes
Nepeta: Lionleap, a small pale gold she-cat with white paws and bright olive green eyes
Equius: Bluestorm, a large blue-gray tom with black toes and indigo blue eyes
Jade: Wolfpetal, a thick furred dark brown she-cat with bright green eyes
Jake: Oaktail, a dark brown tabby tom with emerald green eyes
Tavros: Sparrowcloud, a mousey brown tom with lame back legs and bronze-brown eyes (he's basically Briarlight)
Kanaya: Mothshine, a black she-cat with a white muzzle, belly, paws, and tail tip and jade green eyes
Gamzee: Grayface, a large dark gray tabby tom with light gray face markings and purple eyes
Rose: Rosedew, a silver she-cat with dark gray stripes and bright purple eyes
Roxy: Shadowfoot, a dark gray she-cat with black stripes and pink eyes
Karkat: Crabclaw, a small mottled brown tom with gray eyes
Vriska: Spidereyes, a mottled blue-gray she-cat with a lame front left leg, a cerulean blue right eye, and a missing left eye
Feferi: Goldenfish, a golden she-cat with fuchsia eyes
John: Hareflight, a gray tom with white spots, white paws, a white tail tip, and bright blue eyes
Jane: Sweetbreeze, a gray she-cat with a white tail, white ears, and cyan blue eyes
Sollux: Beepelt, a golden tom with black stripes, a red right eye, and a blue left eye
Terezi: Lizardfang, a white she-cat with gray stripes and red blinded eyes
Eridan: Whitespot, a brown tom with a shock of white on his forehead and violet eyes
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angeliikiit · 5 months
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Lizardfangcharic [left] — Gender related to Lizardfang from Warriors
Lizardstripecharic [middle] — Gender related to Lizardstripe from Warriors
Lizardtailcharic [right] — Gender related to Lizardtail from Warrior
Art by @/cloudtail
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antfur · 2 years
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Tangleburr takes a lot after him lol. i couldn't get brown legs to work, so now he's just a brownish gray point. there's a weird amount of yellowfang's secret characters with random colored legs for some reason.
i like to think Mudclaw is the son of Deerleap, and named Deerfoot after her. in that same vein, i like to think LIzardstripe is the daughter of LIzardfang, and Mudclaw was inspired by that.
i gave Mud the same short tail i gave Deerfoot. also the same darker paws. i don't think Runningnose will take much from him besides his gray patches ig. i'll probably give Runningnose longer hair(fur?) like his dad, not not covering his eyes, and straight like Lizardstripe's.
i feel like of his family, Mudclaw has the least going for him ngl. just some guy swag. that being said, i do picture him as the dad that makes his kids listen to all his old cds lol. he's just got that classic rock dad vibe to me.
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