dogwithglasses · 5 months
The Kzinti! Thinking of that writer who spent years working on the 90s Trek shows pitching a Kzinti episode & had been told he might've gotten his chance in season five of Ent....
Yeah!!! When I learned that guy wanted to do a kzinti arc in enterprise if it had continued I got bummed bc I Want That
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daggersandarrows · 1 year
There was a crossover comic between Matt Smith's Doctor and TNG, featuring the Borg and Cybermen that came out, if that's what you're thinking of? It was called Assimilation Squared. A second crossover after that was cancelled though
OHHHHHHH yes that was definitely it, i remember the borg being there. thank you!
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Thank you for pointing out how most of the shows in my post are pre-writer's strike, I keep seeing people claiming that reality TV was created or popularized by the strike when the big boom of infamous shows was mostly over by 2007
i know!! i love reality tv so much & hate to see it being used to further anti-labor causes, especially when (i’m gonna soapbox a little) reality contestants are (in my opinion) mistreated and underpaid!! they don’t get residuals either!! it’s fucked and everyone in the industry (and every industry!!!!) should earn a fair wage in a safe & healthy environment!!!
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agave · 1 year
Happy birthday!
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lizardsfromspace · 3 months
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MrBeast here! A little bit after my twenty-sixth birthday, I charged this other Youtuber who wanted to collab with me $5000 to bury me alive. He didn't know he was burying me alive, but I doubt he would have cared too much, because it would be great for views. I bought a coffin. I hired people to dig a hole. And get me inside and close the lid. I said to myself, "This is crazy". But another part of me knew that it wasn't. That it would be great content for the algo. So I waited. And then finally, the first spadeful of dirt hit the top of the box. I sang royalty-free songs to myself. I counted 100 women in…in about a hour. I pissed and shit my pants, and I forced my mouth to ingest my BeastEnergy energy drink, just so I would have something to…drink. I screamed as loud as I could for help. I apologized for the whole thing. And I begged chat for someone to come along and save me. I tried and tried to claw my way out, but he was using BeastDirt and it was packed in too tight. And then, after I don't know long, I felt myself start to leave myself. And it was like I was watching myself on the MyBeastApp on my iPhone. And then I was clawing my way up out of the BeastEarth. And then I was at the surface, gasping for air, rain pouring down on me. And I was finally back there. In my mansion. I was finally me again. And it was time to upload again. I found my channel. Chat, oh my god! It was still uploading, stored indefinitely in…in age-restricted demonetization!
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stra-tek · 1 year
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From the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection Magazine USS Discovery special issue, the original Bryan Fuller plan for the USS Discovery to be disguised as a Klingon battlecruiser.
@bellerophonm @lizardsfromspace my understanding is that season 1 would have been about the alternate universe and Klingon war, but the jump out of the alternate universe wouldn't have been 9 months as we saw, but to the 24th century. Discovery would have been rescued by another Starfleet ship and season 2 would have followed their adventures. It would be a season-by-season anthology show with new crews and ships each time.
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Hello, do you mind if I record an audio version of your "fanfic" for the chronomaster42 post by lizardsfromspace? I've just asked for her permission to record the main section (no response yet, I only asked like 20 seconds ago) but I liked your addition a lot and wanted to record it as well, if you're ok with that. I would credit you and I'm not selling this, I would just post it to tumblr. No worries if you would rather I didn't, though.
Thank you!
Yes, that’s fine! Just send me it once you’re done. I look forward to hearing it!
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kaiyves-backup · 1 year
Is there a term for when a pun sticks around in the public eye much longer than the thing it was punning on (or once that thing has ceased to exist altogether), and it becomes a pun without a clear referent? If there isn’t, maybe it could be called a “fossil pun”, like a “fossil word”, or a “relic pun”?
(It’s definitely a subset of the TV Trope The Weird Al Effect, but I mean a word for the pun word/name itself.)
The specific example that made me think about this was reading about the Peconic Bay Sailing Association having a race around Shelter Island called the “Whitebread Round the Whirl Race”. When it started in 1993, it was a very clear pun on the famous Whitbread Round the World Race. In 2001, the Whitbread became the Volvo Ocean Race and today it’s just The Ocean Race— but the PBSA still has their Whitebread Race under the same name as before. So it seems to me to be a fossil pun, like a fossilized footprint left behind by an extinct creature whose descendants have evolved into something else.
I think “fossil pun” would describe most of the puns in Alice in Wonderland that need annotations to be understood today (like the Mock Turtle being a reference to mock turtle soup being a popular dish in Carroll’s time.)
(This might be something @lizardsfromspace might be interested in.)
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minneral · 2 years
🎶✨ When u get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
thanks for the tag @lou-evan-rainwoods! :3 ok I'll limit this to songs I've been listening to in the past week or so or it'll take me way too long to decide:
True Affection - The Blow
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Bad Dreams - Phantogram
Never Ending Circles - Chvrches
Innocence - The Airborne Toxic Event
@keeskiwi @sandwichears @lizardsfromspace @biggaymatt @coerulescens @syntheid @mirrific @kheisa @scifiscullyandsilversoul @b0chelly hi friends! just do this if you feel like it!
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ravenlocksentwisted · 6 months
This thread from @lizardsfromspace makes me want to write about a secret society of witches that has spent centuries rescuing falsely accused people from witch-burning and secretly curing as many people's illnesses as possible. The trick is that there are a limited number of witches, so they can only do so much. However, some of the people that they rescue join them in doing a ton of administration and research, like that one guy came around to in The Old Guard.
I remember how angry so many of us were at the epilogue of You Know Who's wizard series when the last book came out. Up until that point, I (was in denial) believed that the main characters were actually going to fight against all of the injustices that the books kept racking up. Or at least we imagined that the characters might care to. With the epilogue, it felt like that route was closed off—we could no longer project onto the text our fantasy that the wizarding world needed to change, and that it would.
But we can write our own stories.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
For your MLB fic:
anon i've been laughing about the baseball pants for like a week and a half. It's so funny.
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flynnardkuwata · 4 years
Why do ace exclusionists think proving one person said a slur once proves asexuality false, like the founder of AVEN is Sauron & defeating him makes his army of asexual orcs vanish into dust
a deflection tactic, is my best guess?  like, as long as they can get you to engage with their points instead of their premise (which is dumb and should be pissed on whenever possible), they can prove there are SOME holes in your argument and that YOU’RE at least somewhat unreasonable (which is probably why I, a dumbass, was targeted huehue), and then there’s doubt that inclusionism is indeed the right answer
I honestly shouldn’t have even bothered, they were probably trying to wear me down and make me look like an angry asexy bootlicker (wow, oh yeah, beware the oppressive ace regime, they’re the real enemy right).  I mean, I think I did pretty well but jhskjdhcfdc you know
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zephiraz · 7 years
pikestaff replied to your photoset “lizardsfromspace: Ready Player One (2018) Director: Steven...”
...is this The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
No this is Ready Player One (2018)
yes it absolutely is
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agave · 2 years
ok!! how are you!
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lizardsfromspace · 3 months
in heaven
méliès directs a film
heath ledger and marilyn monroe
it's written
and the music is by
johnny cash
their styles clash on a fundamental level
it is unwatchable
méliès is into that mocap thing
that robert zemeckis won't stop doing
shakespeare got really into rap in 1994
but not real rap
shakespeare raps
like a instructional video about escalator safety
"i'm willy shakes and i'm here to say"
no one has the courage
to be there to say
lizardsfromspace, 2024
Commentary by the poet: I feel this piece is really about war
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bluhblahsaur · 7 years
Got tagged by @panser-bjorn!
Rules: 1. post the rules 2. answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. write 11 questions of your own 4. tag 11 people
1. Do you have an animal you feel a strong connection to?
My parents’ pet parrot, Oatmeal! Although I live in another state now so I don’t get to see her any more. :(
2. What was the last song you listened to?
“Here Now” by Wild Child
3. Do you remember what your first URL was when you joined Tumblr? What was it?
Umm... I think it was HappyPotato.
4. Have you ever watched a movie so bad you couldn’t finish it? What was it?
I am sure I have, but I can’t remember which one it was!
5. Can you use chopsticks?
Poorly, yes.
6. What’s your favorite scent?
7. What’s your favorite Pokemon?
8. What’s your go-to snack during movies?
Popcorn, of course!
9. What color socks are you wearing right now?
I’m sockless! I hate wearing socks, or having my feet covered in any way. I will have to wear black socks later today, when I go to work, though.
10. How many blogs do you have, other than your main?
One, aside from my main!
11. What does the fox say?
Questions for those being tagged:
1. What is your favorite place in the world?
2. Do you have a favorite song or band?
3. Have you ever experienced something magical or supernatural?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. What is your greatest talent?
6. What is one thing that you would want to change about yourself?
7. What is your fondest memory?
8. Are you more past, future, or present-oriented?
9. How would a new acquaintance describe your personality?
10. How are you feeling today?
11. If you could ask anyone, living or dead, one question, who would you ask and what would be your question?
I’ll tag @lizardsfromspace, @themossyforest, and @scifiscullyandsilversoul, plus anyone else who wants to do this! :)
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