#lizzie villain arc please
ldshadowtism · 7 months
first episode of hardcore sos and lizzie is already getting revenge for secret life by summoning the fucking WARDEN.
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furrysmp · 10 months
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decided to go sunbringer designs for once. I have so many words oh my god
so. uh,
I am so normal about sunbringer joel smallishbeans so normal I swear. he's planning to throw the o from his name at scott btw.
... he and scar are related but I'm not explaining further until the actual fic about it comes out because there's so much plot significance in the smallishbeans.
... grian. has a book. that he borrowed from the Library. it's very relevant I swear the concept of the library is a plot point.
Also grians eyes are technically green! With a bit of purple and just. a layer of Dark over them to make them less neon green. its not in his genetics to have neon eyes. unlike scar and I swear their eye colors are relevant but like in a weird queerplatonic scarian dl based bit in the grian chapter of the fic
Mumbo is a long cat and being held by me specifically those hands are how I draw my mc skin. I wanted to draw him as this meme since 2021 but he's very hard for me to draw so I took the one time I'll ever draw him and did this.
Jimmy is. a creature. that has bird features but also cod features bc again half of the plot of sunbringer is based on empires 1. Also the bird he's holding is singing. And joel is stealing the song bc he has music type magic.
Scott! Is the one guy I can talk about! Because he already appeared in the fic. He's part ender dragon and like. a child of stars? I have a lot of times I drew him before I think but idk how much of it I uploaded before so yeah. Please ask me about sunbringer scott smajor he's one of the only ones I can talk about and he has so much lore going for him he's so dear to me
impulse is. technically part ender dragon too? the specifics will be explained in his chapter of yhiwu (alongside. a lot of magic lore. like a lot. I have half that speech written already it's basically looking the empires fic in the eyes and going "fight me uwu")
And because impulse is aligned to shadows skizz gets to be some form of light dragon descendant? Like light isn't directly an element in the magic of this universe but it does have an equivalent in the element of Life, which connects to truth and love, whereas shadows and theatrics (and storytelling in general) is always aligned to whatever element is considered dark; in this magic system, being Void.
Tango is looking up at mumbo. thats all. I don't have a lot of notes because my tango is just a little guy.
(Etho is checking smth on his smartwatch and also doing his best to ignore bdubs rn bc bdubs is in his villain arc/hj)
... ngl the only note I have on the bdubs design is that it's accidentally inspired by my human design for the main character in the show I'm writing. Bracelets and sparkly eyes and a t-shirt and. Crimes.
also not much on the cleo design she was just fun to draw but the implications of her existence are spoilers and also not really visually indicative bc idk what a "zombie hybrid" would look like so she just looks. funky. her background is all stitched together btw I finally had a use for the dashed lines brush :D
martyn and ren are. BIG spoilers. But only to like chapter 5 of the current fic. I will say I highly enjoy their existence tho. Also my ren designs always have hawaiian patterned shirts its a personality trait he seems to possess. Also his glasses are like. a hologram? bc his ears are Dog so he cant have normal glasses w like. the things that go behind ur ears.
lizzie is. also very important. she gets the two animals thing like jimmy bc axolotl and cat were her empires animals. also her buns are heart shaped I saw some fanart of that and its really cute so I also have that. and she's also looking at the long mumbo! very confused.
bigb. scares me. like yeah secret life really be mans villain arc. I tried to reflect that by actually straight up mirroring his eyes and having him be. the only guy looking straight at u. he can see u. u can run but u cant hide. also he gets cookies. also also drawing facial hair is hard he's the only time I ever managed to make facial hair look. normal. ever. wont happen again.
gem is being adorable and also definitely a deer hybrid dont mind the magic or stuff its fine (her chapter is. third in the roster. I literally just need to finish the impulse chapter to convince myself that its ok to upload her immediately after ch2).
and pearl! who we know bc she gets first chapter of the fic and thats already out. her eyes are a bit like moons btw. also she's doing magic back at gem which is cute I think. idk.
also half of them have fancy hair shines. like joel having beans that get progressively smaller. or pearl having moons. :D
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velvet-vox · 2 months
What makes you think Doll wasn't a fully realized character in the pilot when the concept art clearly shows she has the Solver?
That's technically not exactly proof or anything, but it relates to that one reblog I saw you do. Doll clearly was suppose to have the Solver even at that point and could possibly fight the DDs. Which was kinda the point of the whole thing. She still might not have been fully realized but when it comes to how you were using it, I think that point is invalid.
(also, I'm not the anon that asked the original question. Figured you could tell that from the different writing styles but wanted to make sure you knew that)
I assume that this is the post you're talking about, the one with my reblog:
About that concept art of Doll with the Solver, knives, and evil smile, I always assumed that it was drawn and released after the pilot aired, as I wasn't aware of the fact that it dated all the way back to the first few drafts of the story.
If it really is that old, please, show me the date of its public release, so that I can get a better idea of the thought process behind her character's realisation.
Anyway, if post-pilot and pilot Doll were always intended to be Solver users, then I have two possible explanations as to why episode 1 Doll didn't protect the colony from J and V, both of them based around one of these theories: Doll's parents died during the pilot, or Doll's parents died before the pilot.
- In the case of the former, it's likely that Doll wasn't as courageous or as skilled with the Solver when the Disassemblers came in; with this timeline of events, V killed Doll's parents in front of her, then, the russian escaped to that giant storage room where the battle takes place, and as N and Uzi drag away V, Doll's left to metabolise her trauma and slowly begins her villain arc, the Solver activates as a result of high mental distress, and she starts to practice her powers, which would then lead to the events of the show.
This explanation is, admittedly, the least plausible, as many people have already pointed out all the issues with the "Doll's parents died during the pilot" theory, leaving the second one to be the most likely.
- For the ladder, I believe that Doll was in a state of panic and shock when J and V barged in, we saw this happen on numerous occasions (when she starts to backpedal from Uzi after failing to use her Solver powers against her, how she starts to hyperventilate when her death scene plays out): Doll, to me, looks like someone who prefers to be in control of whichever situation they are in (she's so me fr :) and whenever she can't plan ahead her next couple of steps, she's left stunned and doesn't know what to do next until she recomposes herself; she was probably asking herself if it was worth it to reveal her powers now knowing how much attention that would bring to her.
With all of that said and done, I still don't believe that the Doll that we saw in the pilot was already fully realised as the final version of Doll that we see in the show; there are a small handful of things that don't line up together:
Pilot Doll and her correspondents fanarts (the aforementioned smiling evil one with the bloody knives and the one with Lizzie and Thad in it) portray Doll as a somewhat happy and outgoing individual, one who enjoys bullying Uzi, while in stark contrast, canon Doll barely smiles or emotes, and if this line from Lizzy in ep 3 is anything to go by "Dude, no one is going to notice she is missing, just do your thing and I'll let in V", Doll was apparently against killing off Uzi.
It is my personal theory that, since Khan was originally intended to be the main antagonist of the show, and was most likely going to be a complex, layered douche rather than a straight up villain, the series was going to be far more comedic and less story focused than it ended up being.
Therefore, I believe that Doll, in this old version of the story, was conceived as a far more evil opponent meant to serve as a threat, kind of like our current Cyn; there's a lot of proof that demonstrates that the Absolute Solver was always a planned event, and although I am unable to tell how much concept Solvy deviates from their final implementation, I'm fairly certain that Liam Vickers originally intended Doll to be another, more reoccurring Pure Evil villain, and as the various rewrites went along he started to give her more and more sympathetic traits, while still maintaining some of her original Pure Evil roots in the story.
This would explain a lot of the various problems that I, someone who spends an ungodly amount of time thinking about Doll, often find when analysing her.
Also, no, I don't think my point isn't invalid, as it was extremely vague; in that reblog I've literally stated "Pilot Doll wasn't a fully realised character yet, I'm sure Liam Vickers would have changed the scene if the development of her character was completed by that point".
"Changed" in this context can mean literally anything, like changing the facial expressions she's making in one frame, it doesn't necessarily mean a rewrite, and since you yourself have pointed out that she might not have been fully realised by the time of the pilot, I don't think that the concept art showing her using the Absolute Solver means much when I didn't even specify how the scene would have played out alternatively.
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poppyseed799 · 10 months
Honestly I’m pretty sad about the deaths this session. The fandom was so hyped for Lizzie’s villain/revenge arc, and she was great to have on the server. Mumbo was honestly way funnier than I remembered him being and I very quickly got attached. And Jimmy… I miss the big dogs they didn’t even get a proper goodbye 😭 ALL OF THEM WENT TOO SOON. THERE’S STILL TEN MILLION GREENS. I’m genuinely a bit worried that things will slow down from here and they’ll be missing out on so much! There’s only ONE red and we know Martyn, he’ll try his best to be careful. So not likely to do a huge amount of damage. Understandably and I hope he doesn’t surprise me by risking his life please stay safe out there Martyn. But like the only reason there was so much death was cuz there were two forced hard tasks! Thats NOT gonna happen again soon will it?? I’m just sad that these 3 will likely miss out on so much
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kasylikeskiwi · 1 year
Crimes of the Empires
Hi idk if this has been made before I'm not super active on here, but Shubble’s character has inspired me to make a list of Reasons the Empires are Probably Criminals, because she seems to think everyone is going to shun her because of being wanted as if they don’t have their own baggage to deal with. If you have any suggestions on things I’ve missed, please feel free to add on I don’t watch every POV consistently  Shelby - faking her death - murdering the sheriff - actually several murders at this point but they do respawn so not that big of a deal imo - practicing magic illegally
Scott - he literally goes around and steals that’s his whole THING - ran a black market, which also incriminates everyone else who participated in that...which was basically everyone -having an actual llama as a bartender is surely frowned upon
Joel - I mean if we’re counting murder... - vandalism technically, although it WAS funny - sold illegal toys - destruction of property, he literally unleashed a wither in Jimmy’s empire - I feel like I must be forgetting several things
Lizzie - identity theft - scamming people as a fortune teller and in several other situations - illegal gunpowder business run with fwhip - blew up her own empire, which I don’t actually know if that’s a crime
Fwhip - regularly steals from Lizzie’s berry farm - I’m pretty sure he regularly steals from most people - you can say “safety is our number one priority” all you want I don’t believe you - illegal gunpowder business with Lizzie - the warden “wedding gifts” killed so many people
Sausage - I don’t watch his POV often but if the Witches Academy is mad about Shelby’s magic then I can’t imagine how they’d react to Sausage’s inter-dimensional travel
Jimmy - He’s in his villain arc right now need I say more
Gem - She might actually be safe - she’s on thin ice with the sun religion thing though I’m pretty sure that’s a cult
Pix - He literally took SOMEONE’S HOUSE without asking first - he’s literally roleplaying the British museum - plus the line between archeology and grave robbing is just too thin sorry dude
False - well if we don’t count all that she did on hermit craft prior to empires... - she still spied on her twin - knocked several people unconscious  - collects member’s heads - and stole her twin’s cat which is pretty rude
Oli - weirdly enough I can’t think of many despite him actually being in jail for a while, but I don’t count that justified - he did steal Gem’s goat horn though - also maybe making things at the festival overpriced but I don’t know if that’s a crime or just capitalism
Joey - He’s a pirate crime is literally his thing
Katherine - I don’t watch her POV either but from other people’s perspective, she is actively denying a very obvious problem with her empire and I think that’s probably bad Anyways I don’t think Shelby has anything to worry about
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azure-firecracker · 7 months
ATLA Live Action Stream of Consciousness (Episode 7, Part 1).
Did Ozai try to try Zuko in the original? Did I just forget that? EDITING PHOEBE: It was Zhao but yes that did happen I just have a shit memory.
Does Zhao have enough pull for that?
They definitely didn’t know that he was the Blue Spirit (in the OG)
Nice moment between Zuko and the lieutenant though.
Yeah this is new but I like it. Makes Zhao scarier (editing me: No it’s not)
Aang: Zuko seemed so… Me: Sad.
Okay Northern water tribe is like the only thing that looked significantly better animated. The CGI detail usually looks good but here it drains some of the color (especially the purple)
Arnook…lowkey can’t act.
Why did they do that to Yue’s hair lmao? I have a specific reference I’m thinking of that I’ll link here. (There’s multiple photos in this article. It’s the one with the big hair).
Zhao is a better liar than I remember. But like if he’s this competent now will that diminish Azula’s effect if they get a book 2? Part of why she worked so well was that Zhao was not the best villain.
On the “below average” stuff with Azula: I think it works for this iteration of the character but it’s not in keeping with the original. I wish they’d kept it closer to the original since it’s important to show different kinds of abuse, and I think OG Ozai would only say those things to Azula behind closed doors, but I think it works in isolation.
“That I’m the one” who what? Interesting writing choice there. They feel the need to overexplain everything else but they can’t finish this line.
Sokka’s humor is coming through.
Aaw this is a cute Aang and Katara moment.
I liked Pakku as a straight up sexist asshole in the original but I’m not sure that that would have translated so well so I’m glad they gave him some half decent moments.
Aaw Yue’s getting some more cute moments that’s sweet. I love original Yue but I like her candid, grounded moments here. She feels more fleshed out. She and Sokka are cute too.
I like Sokka’s arc but give Katara some of that characterization.
Wait was Yue the fox spirit? Why did they make that choice? How does it serve the narrative?
Hahn doesn’t suck now! Not sure how I feel about that since Yue’s tragedy was not about who she was marrying in the first place, rather about the fact that she had to get married.
“My friends helped me” Aang tbf it was mostly you.
I like that we’re getting some more exploration into healing.
Are they finally gonna let Katara be angry? PLEASE do!
My dad asked why Sokka is wearing so much lipstick.
OH Yue broke off her engagement that’s NEW. Where are they gonna go with this?
Kuruk development that’s cool!
Gordon who tf wrote your dialogue in this scene (and how many times have I written that question in some form or another?)
Why are we into LOK spirit world stuff? This remake can’t handle the material it has.
Can we have one character without an angsty backstory please?
They need to stop harping in this “the hero needs to do everything alone” idea it’s overdone.
They should have given Yue white eyebrows.
This is new and I don’t mind it (with Yue)-confirms my theory that she was supposed to be the avatar.
See Sokka does have a good heart but you can’t make that the center of his character it’s also the center of everyone else’s character. Why does the whole main trio seem the same?
I hate this Aang/Kuruk scene it’s so generic.
More on the way (Y’all KNOW I have thoughts on part 2).
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bookishbethanyerin · 1 year
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• ARC Review: The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch •
It's no secret that I'm a massive Pride & Prejudice fan, but that I am not a purist – I enjoy dabbling in spin-off works and reimaginings, and am not at all opposed to checking out what's available on Ao3 every now and again (iykyk). And though I've always been more of a Lizzy than a Lydia, when I saw the title, "The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch," I was all in, pretty much immediately.
And I'm very pleased to say that the book is a damn good time. In this witchy take on Pride & Prejudice, Lydia is a young, but powerful witch who is recounting what happened the summer of her "ruin," Kitty is her familiar (an actual cat! But glamoured to be a girl!), Wickham is the son of a demon who ate the actual George Wickham's soul and now inhabits the rake's body, and the events of Brighton are a whole magically dramatic affair.
It's a fun and creative read that revels in the idea that there might be more to Lydia Bennet than just a silly, reckless, hormonal teenager (though she is still those things!), that perhaps there's more to her relationship with Wickham, and that beneath all the vanity, frivolity, and flirtation she wears as armor, she's really a sweet, caring young woman who is far more understanding and tolerant than most people around her.
In addition, the (mostly) original characters that Melinda Taub introduces to the story are extremely well-drawn – the story of Maria Lambe (yes, the one from Sanditon!) brings necessary weight and character development to the book, the villain(s!) both chew the scenery and hoodwink you, and Lydia's friend group is filled with nuanced characters you'll feel fondness for despite (because of?) their flaws.
Overall, I thought this was a very well-done book that both injects new life into extremely well-known characters and continually surprises the reader – even when you think you know exactly where it's going. I had a great time with this one, and have a feeling I'll think of Lydia Bennet differently from here on out.
💐A huge thank you to Grand Central Publishing for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy!🐈
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Elizabeth Corday and Romano for the send character post
Why I like them: arrogant and has good reason to be. wildly self-destructive in response to emotional turmoil. so bad at so many things but absolutely confidently doing them anyway. total weirdo who, and I quote, thinks "being 'cool' seems somewhat limiting." desperately trying to be Good but she's also capable of such vicious pettiness and unkindness. when she does the big sad eyes I would throw myself into the sea if she asked it of me.
Why I don’t: s10 my nemesis until the end of time
Favorite episode (scene if movie): EXODUS ft. Sooty Elizabeth, a favorite blind box variant (gestures to my icon)
Favorite season/movie: I have to say s6. Dean Rollins arc my most dearly beloved
Favorite line: her goodbye spiel to Rollins is just banger after banger... but especially I held your every breath in my hands. like!!!!
Favorite outfit: whenever she wears sweaters!! the blue turtleneck especially is so underrated.
OTP: ot3 reigns forever :')
Brotp: canonically, Cordano. noncanonically, Susan should have stayed specifically so they could be chaotic bi friends.
Headcanon: she wants to be the kind of person who starts decorating for holidays super early but she always is like "tomorrow!!" and then it's like The Day Before Thanksgiving and she's hurling fistfuls of orange streamers over the banister like WHY DID NOBODY MAKE ME DO THIS SOONER
Unpopular opinion: That Woman Was Never Supposed To Be A Mother: a 25 page essay by Mouse
A wish: more sweaters!! less emotional self-harm!!! also she should kiss me.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: what else could you possibly do to me that s10 didn't already. I mean.
5 words to best describe them: the. love. of. my. life.
Why I like them: he has made himself a performance. he has made himself a villain. he is soooo fake and he is soooo horrible and he's my special little guy and I need to fistfight him in the parking lot. he says things and then is just like :) as though he hasn't just vocalized a sentence no human being would ever say under normal circumstances. he is like a chew toy to me and well I am tearing him to shreds
Why I don’t: lol have you seen him. I said meet me in the PARKING LOT, ROBERT
Favorite episode (scene if movie): hmmmmm this is a TOUGH ONE. Power is one of my all-time favorites anyway but he's really good in it especially so let's go with that one
Favorite season/movie: s5&6 again. it's where I LIVE
Favorite outfit: I am legally obligated to say the speedo unfortunately
OTP: please.
Brotp: Cordano... Peter... Rogreene... Gretel...
Headcanon: I read him as ace so whenever he pulls a "haha I thought we were talking about sex :)" at an utterly bizarre moment, in my heart he's like "Mission Complete: I Have Successfully Passed As A Normal Heterosexual Man!"
Unpopular opinion: I feel like an insane person but he is so obviously a constructed persona most of the time. like. a person with power over others is not going to be well-liked by everybody so he just decided he's not going to be well-liked by ANYBODY. also if you tell him to stop... he stops. he respects people who have a spine.
A wish: no, little bald boy, don't go onto the roof
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: backstory lol I like him being such a blank slate and so fan attempts at giving him some kind of tragic past are always so funny to me like. he's just a massive dick it's okay he doesn't need a sad reason for it
5 words to best describe them: idiot garbage bag with heart.
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
*runs inside*
Please I need answers.
For Empires superhero Fic/series
What was the reason Scott and Xornoth ended their relationship(brothers)??
What was so bad that could make Xornoth hate Scott??
And random question while I'm here, how would Scott and Jimmy act as parents(since one is a villain and the other is a hero), and may Mojang forbid if Xornoth ever found out about Scott's child
Oh hi!
Well it wasn't really one big event, but more of a slow build up. I'll probably get more into it during the second arc of the superhero au, but the general gist is that Xornoth slowly started losing themself to madness and becoming slowly more abusive towards Scott.
They already had misaligning moral codes but Scott felt scared to actually say anything about it and eventually it all spiraled out of control when one of their fights went too far, resulting in the battle that decimated a third of the city.
I can definitely see the two of them adopting a kid later down the line since they're both very familiar with what it's like to grow up without parents. I think Scott would be terrified by the prospect of turning out like his brother, but they'd both be pretty good parents. They'd spoil that kid rotten, that's for certain. Lizzie would probably be a huge help as well.
And as for that last point, we don't really have to worry about that anymore do we :)
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purpleandstarlight · 10 months
-[Beginning of the Shapeshifter Arc]
Me: I think my dude Travis found a love interest 😏
Me: Okay she survived...bro i almost shat myself frfr...she's so nice I want her to be okay...
Me, misreading the scene of the shapeshifter looking like Patricia getting up after being hit by his car: ...nvm she did die
-The shapeshifter going trough Alois and Ciel's forms genuinely was a nightmare fuel for me. I spent the whole chapter afraid that Alois or Ciel would become lovely dovely with the shapeshifter and even If it didn't make any sense and the shapeshifter was the one who died, I was still anxious for a while after that...even rereading these messages is upsetting me why am I like this 😭
-Me: So Dan decided to let his relationship with Ana fade out instead of approaching her and stating it clearly
My friend: Dan, what are you doing?! I'm starting to fear for the ship...Their relationship seems to be in stall and I keep thinking about that art you talked about of Dan with someone else...sad.
-Me: It's Ciel's birthday
My friend: New date with exploding cars on the horizon?
-Me: Dan auto-invited himself to Ciel's house to make a birthday party...Ciel dislikes parties...and his birthday...
My friend: Dan please stop making things worse you're already messing up in other areas
-Me: Anastasia is in danger!!
My friend, still on her "She's known she and Dan weren't together for a long while already" joke: Nooo Anastasia! Just as she was about to have a child with her husband...
-Me, kinda misunderstanding things: An angel was the villain of this arc!! And you know who it was??? LIZZIE!!
My friend: WHAAT
Me: Oh okay no, she's not the villain. She's an ally of ours...she just cut off Sebastian's head
My friend: Fair- WAIT WHAT?!
-Me after Alois was kidnapped and mentally controlled by the bad guys of that arc: Can't we go back to when they just did random shit like a fashion show for Warwick Academy?? 😭 Actually can't we just to back to Warwick Academy in general? I miss it.
-Me calling Baldassare's death right from this arc because in the list of memes you wrote "Baldassare :(" The sad face was a dead give away (Pun intended)
-My friend after I told her about this: Wasn't he a bad guy?
Me: Oh, no! He's homophobic and he gets mad really quickly, but he's not a total asshole. He has morals.
My friend: WELL...look at it this way...its a death we can accept. Better him than Sister Dorothy.
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bumblee27 · 2 years
Please please please can we have a Baker Rat Lizzie villain arc
She's just this sweet innocent character, PERFECT villain material
She has a KNIFE
She can bake poisoned cakes and bop people over the head with a rolling pin!!!
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meteor752 · 2 years
Meteor looking through the Starkid songs and pairing them up with mcyt as much as they can wow this title sucks
I’m bad at shit
Anyways, a few weeks ago I realized while listening to the Black Friday soundtrack that “Wow, this is a goldmine for MCYT animatics”, but like I can’t really draw so I’m stuck doing this
If ur fave Starkid song didn’t make it then it’s cause it didn’t fit well enough
Also if you have anything I missed then please inform me, lol
We will be going in order just to simplify things
Different as can be (AVPM) Desert Duo in third life, Scar as Quirrel and Grian as Voldy
Different as can be (reprise) (AVPM) - Desert duo in Double life, same casting
Granger Danger (AVPM) - Empires s2 fWhip as Ron, Joel as Draco, Jimmy as Hermione
To dance again (AVPM) - Xornoth’s release in Empires s1, with Xorny as Voldy and Joey as Quirrel (Scott as Harry)
Not over yet (AVPS) - The eggpire after the banquet, Bad as Lucious
Stutter (AVPS) - Scar, Ren, Martyn, and Pearl in Double life. Roles are interchangeable 
Kick it up a notch (Starship) - Dream convincing Eret to betray L’Manburg, with Punz, George, and Sapnap as the mosquitos
Kick it up a notch (Reprise) (Starship) - Eret actually betraying L’Manburg
Rogues are we (HMB) Some of the villains of Dream SMP, with Wilbur as Riddler, Quackity as Penguin, Techno as Scarecrow, Philza as Catwoman, Niki as Poison Ivy, and Jack as Mr Freeze
The American Way (HMB) - The HC s9 king arc, with Soup Group as Superman, Grian as Batman, and Ren as Sweet Tooth
Sidekick (AVPSY) Tubbo after Ranboo’s death, though could take place like at any point
Everything ends (AVPSY) This one is just, Tommy surrounded by everyone of the SMP. Could be changed to Dream. I’m not Sure yet.
Dream a little harder (Twisted) King Ren, the rest of HC as the backing score. Impulse as Robert’s role tho, and Gem as the main lady
If I believed (Twisted) A Xornoth song honestly. Idk, maybe like pre-corruption.
When the world’s at stake (TTO) I can’t even explain how many people this could fit. Any character that has like, some familial role to anyone, boom the song fits. Personally I’d say my top picks are either Dadschlatt, or Older brother Grian with Jimmy
Wagon on fire (TTO) Double life, Scar burning the ranch down. Jimmy and Tango as the family members (The horse is the daughter)
The Night belongs to Snarl (Firebringer) Third life, Joel as the main singer though Ren sing in the chorus. Snarl is replaced by Scar, right after he became the first red
Cup of Roasted Coffee (TGWDLM) Joey and Sausage, post-corruption, fWhip is Emma
Cup of Poisoned Coffee (TGWDLM) -´´-
Join us (And die) (TGWDLM) Hannah and Antfrost (Or possibly Punz), after being corrupted by the egg
Let it out (TGWDLM) Empires s1 au where everyone is corrupted except Joel. Joel takes the place of Paul
What do you say (BF) Empires s2 Jizzie right at the start, recollecting their time in s1. The rest of the server are the background characters
Our doors are open (BF) Joel at the toy barn, featuring Hermes
Feast or Famine (BF) The emperors fighting for the crown (I have a rewritten version of this, click read more if you wanna check it out)
Take me back (BF) Either Desert Duo or Treebark in Double Life, singing about third life. Scar/Ren is Tom, Grian/Martyn is Becky
Adore me (BF) Joey, empires s1. ‘nuff said
Made in America (BF) The eggpire finale, Velvet (as the egg) singing to Bad
If I fail you (BF) Very self indulgent, but Mumbo singing about Grumbot
Wiggle (BF) Joey during the release of Xornoth
What if Tomorrow comes (BF) The end of the dsmp as the nukes are about to strike down, Aimsey as the main singer
This took me an hour. Anyways
Jimmy:It's mine, it's mine
It's certainly mine, it belongs to my land!
Joey: It's mine, it's mine
It's certainly mine, it belongs in my hand!
Joel & Lizzie: It's mine, it's mine (it's mine, it's mine)
It's certainly mine, it's my path to glory
Katherine & Pearl: It's mine, it's mine (it's mine, it's mine)
It's certainly mine
All: It’s my turn to change history
You never should settle for the title that you are born into
There's always some line to be cut, and someone to marry too
And if you should find that you're about to get the short of the stick
Take what you want, kill what you don’t get
Gem & fWhip & Sausage: Let go, let go (let go, let go)
Just let go!
Do you have a death wish?
Scott & Shubble: Just die, just die (you die, you die)
It's time to die
You made it on my list
Joey: I got it!
Pearl: I got it!
Lizzie: You got it!
Pixl: They got it!
Jimmy: What a relief
Joey: it's mine
All: My people will love me
Joel: Now take it
Shubble: Wear it
Pixl: Love it
Gem: Steal it
All: Grab it!
It's metal so shiny
You never should settle for the title that you are born into
Sausage: are born into
There's always some line to be cut, and someone to marry to
Sausage: someone to marry to
And if you should find that you're about to get the short of the stick
Sausage: short of the stick
Take what you want, kill what you don’t get
It’s all I need and all I came for
A feeling I just can’t explain
A new law that you all should live for
That crown will make my empire long remain
I wont hesitate to just kill you
To get what rightfully is mine
My rule will be so legendary
Amongst you I will be so fucking Devine
fWhip: You never should settle
Scott: You never should settle
Shubble: You never should settle
Pearl:For the title
Pixl: For the title
Lizzie: For the title
That you are
Born into
Sausage: take what you want!
Rags or riches!
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I know Bdubs is great and All, but there's so many reasons to vote Lizzie, including and not limited to; incredibly cringe fail, Often Evil, bi king, 10ft but actually 5'3, Animalistic characteristics, and she deserves it!
Lizzie started her channel with Call of duty kills and an Emo aesthetic, she blew up a whole server, her ENIGMA ARC!!
Like, at the very second episode of Kingdoms she;
1- tried to sell her melons and bought an entire stack for 5000 DOLLARS on accident
2- made a spider farm just so she could get a block of mycelium
3- Stole from every single other faction, anything ranging from just a flower from the Biome to HOLDING SCOTT'S SPAWNER HOSTAGE
4- held a random block of podzol hostage, too
5- declared war on her husband simply because she wanted enemies
Worth noting that on that very same series she makes a league of villains, tricks multiple people to die to a shovel, collects the heads of every mob only to lose the prize because she stopped to say hi while running away from raiders, killed herself with ender pearls multiple times and served herobrine
Please guys she's a cat dictator, possibly a cultist. She made a whole convoluted trap and then died immediately after luring her victims in, she's ruler of the fairy fort, she MADE A MUSICAL!
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the-splodge · 2 years
”I am This close to overthrowing the gods!”
empires season 2 Lizzie villain arc? Empires season 2 Lizzie villain arc?!
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Last Life session 5 out of context
transcript below the cut:
Jimmy: I can't really interfere cuz I don't want to die here, but I do wanna see him die.
Cleo: I'm gonna die in, like, five seconds. Scott: Yeah, that's- Cleo, overlapping: That's how it goes. Scott: On the way back to the base, Cleo will die.
*Etho mutes his mic, then lets out a scared groan*
Grian: Well, it's a good job you're gullible. Jimmy: Isn't that- You know- Thanks.
Skizz, flexing his shield: Yeah! Yeah! Block!
Martyn: Oho! Oh, I've set myself on fire, there.
Scott: We're not on villain arc Scott just yet.
Martyn: I didn't mean a word I just said. You're an idiot. *voice getting fainter* As if he would betray us like that, he is- *voice fades out*
Impulse: Oh, he's gonna DIE!
*Martyn slowly zooms in on a figure moving around on top of the tower, only for it to be revealed as Mumbo*
Lizzie: I do not welcome death with open arms.
Jimmy: Umm... *stops talking and stares as his goat jumps out of its enclosure*
*Scott makes various sounds* Scott: WHAT?!
Mumbo: Heyyy, wait a minute!
Grian: Boop!
Skizz: Get the bed. Get it back. Set spawn. Feel good. Have a sandwich.
Lizzie: BigB was supposed to be moving in here, but apparently he's gone into witness protection. *pause* Ren: Uh...
Martyn: That might be the most un-aha thing I've ever seen happen on the server. Mumbo: Mmm, that's very un-aha.
Scar: Can I touch your hair? Skizz: Please do.
Mumbo: And by "sus", I don't mean sustainable.
Lizzie: All that's left to do is sit here and wait for death to come upon us.
Joel: Where've you gone?! This is-! Joel: *snickers*
Etho: I don't envy the next person to go in there.
Martyn, with the announcer voice modifier: Trap activated. Make sure you don't step on it, or it's bye-bye. Impulse, with the same modifier: Back away from the trap, back away from the trap.
*Joel screams*
Skizz: I dunno how to do anything. Ever.
Lizzie: I thought I was just falling really slowly.
Mumbo: Absolutely nothing. Nothing is going on whatsoever.
Scott: Hi. Grian: *screams*
Bdubs: Cleo, you lit yourself on fire. Cleo: I know. Sometimes I do that.
*various voices, including Grian, screaming*
Skizz: What am I doing? Why am I doing this to myself?
*Scott hides from a screaming enderman*
Mumbo: Should we not be being a little bit careful about- Okay.
Lizzie: BigB! *scary music plays*
Skizz: Look closely. You can see Etho. Right there. On the toilet.
Ren: Is the sun a moon of like a bigger sun? Is that- Is that how as- as- astronomics works?
Grian: Grian's not here now, please leave a message after the beep. Scott, laughing: Oh, okay, okay. Grian and Joel, at the same time: *make a beep sound*
Impulse: Well done. I mean, it cost Grian his life. But well done!
Pearl: Enjoy your red life! *giggles*
Lizzie, to a bee: Who sent you?!
Martyn: These are my guns; I call them "ah" and "ha".
Scott: *captures an axolotl* I diiid it :D
Cleo: Just don't before I just shoot you.
Mumbo: Punning it up on our balcony.
Scar: I am the least professional person you could ever imagine. Pearl: Oh.
Martyn: I like to live on the EDGE!
Bdubs: Honey, I'm home! *pause* Etho: Hello.
Scott: They have about six braincells between them, to be fair.
Impulse, to an enderman: 'Scuse me, sir. 'Scuse me, sir. I need your- Boop! YEAH!
Etho: Yoink!
Mumbo: Escapes are not my thing, Scott. Scott: I know, that's why I took you prisoner last time.
Martyn: I now have a firstborn, so I'm kinda worried about signing her away.
Impulse: Now we go! Mumbo, overlapping: Run! Run! Run! Run! Scott, overlapping: We need to go! We need-! This way, Mumbo! This way, Mumbo! This way, Mumbo! Other way, Mumbo! OTHER WAY!
Martyn, with an echoey voice modifier: Man, I wish I had some friends down here.
Impulse: We gotta keep it away from Grian; he'll find it if it's here. Scott, overlapping: Oh. Impulse: Yeah, don't put it on your head, Scott!7
Etho: I gotta grow trees cuz you took all the wood, you fool!
Scott: Pearl, I don't know where they keep coming from! I have three in my inventory! Pearl: Do you have a bucket? Scott: No, they've all got axolotls in them already!
Grian: Page three... is empty. Mumbo, how did you mess this up?
Pearl: Are you gonna get the flint and steel out? You gonna get the flint and steel?
Cleo: You looted my corpse. Cleo: *creeps menacingly towards Etho*
*Enderman hits Scott* Scott: Ow!
Mumbo: You're gonna have to find out, mate. Jimmy: Alright. *Jimmy sets off the trap, causing Impulse and Mumbo to yelp*
Cleo: I'm gonna go get some more lava. Scott: Okay, you enjoy. Cleo [singsong]: I will!
Ren: This potential alliance is made up of Shadow Fart, Terry, The Shadow Queen... and a dog.
Grian, talking in the background: -go any further. Impulse: *lowers the trapdoor, dropping Jimmy onto the campfire* Jimmy: *yelps* Oh my gosh! Impulse: *laughs* I couldn't resist.
Scott: That's a very flammable house you have, Joel. Very flammable.
Martyn: Be swift! *long pause* BigB: Goodbye.
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ivarismaybecrazy · 2 years
Okay. At this point in empires smp, i think everyone has at least 4 episodes out. In season 1, this was around the time little hints of conflict started to erupt.
Now would be a good time for people to start revealing who is going to be a villan, who will be a hero, and who will be neutral. So I'm going to predict who's getting a villan arc and who's not.
SmallishBeans/Joel - He was a netural factor for last season, but his character this season seems to be taking a slightly more dark path. So he might be a villan at some point this season. Maybe because some kidnapped or hurt Hermes or Sausage?
Smajor/Scott - Mans needs a villan arc. He was very close to one last season and didn't go with it. This season he looks very chaotic and could very possibly decide to go to the dark side of a war.
MythicalSausage - He's a good guy this season. He's been through a lot in his backstory and just wants to settle down and bring back the magic. Only reason I can see him doing something bad is for the protection and well being of those he cares about.
GeminiTay - definitely on the good side. We dont have enough lore that could prove gem might go bad and her vibes are very do-gooding.
LDShadowLady/Lizzie - I see a grand reveal of her being a cat and setting her animals on the other empires. Lizzie's a villain, if not mostly neutral.
FalseSymmetry - She's going to get pissed about not being able to go home and hold several emperors hostage and force them to make her a portal home. So she might be seen as evil, but she just wants to go home.
Katherine Elizabeth Gaming/Katherine - I want her to be a villain so badly. Cmon, monster slayer going rouge? Hell yeah! But, she’s probably not going to become a bad guy cause she wants her kingdom to love her again. 
fWhip - Neutral, with a little bit of evil chaoticness. He’s a goblin, do I really need to explain any further? Also, fWhip already stated he wants his character to be a little guy having fun.
JoeyGraceffa/Joey - He might be a villan again this season. It’s simply just because Joey is going to be Joey. He’s going to steal something from someone else that just happens to be very important, the person he stole from will label him as their enemy, they’ll gather their allies, and make an overly complicated plan to get the thing back. Joey will hear of this, gather his allies, and they’ll make a plan to retaliate. Somone will get caught in the middle, some people will stare at them like “wtf are you doing” and war will erupt.
Pixlriffs - His literal job description is “Tell the story, stay out of the fight.” Neutral.
SolidarityGaming/Jimmy - The Sheriff. The. Sheriff. Hands down, no questions asked, good guy.
Shubble/Shelby - When I saw Shelby get expelled, I was muttering “Go rouge” underneath my breath. Unfortunatly, that didn’t happen. She still might go rouge though. She’ll mess more things up, the witches council will come for her, shubble will learn she can’t abibe by the rules any longer, and goes rouge.
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