#lj mackenzie
themangledsans0508 · 3 years
A Second Family
Read on Ao3
Summary: Ripley had always been with family. Then she went to camp. But she felt like it was family. Why? She thinks she knows.
Words: 1300, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Characters: Ripley, The Roanokes, The Zodiacs, Rosie, Nellie
Ships: Mally (not focus)
Additional Tags: Found Family, ripley thinking about how she found a second family, and how she assigned everyone mental roles
Maybe it was because Ripley, prior to camp, had never been away from a family member for longer than three days, which was for a field trip. All twelve years of her life she had been surrounded by family, her ten older siblings, parents, and her Abuela were always with her. Then it was her eight older siblings after the two oldest, who were twins, both moved out. Then adding her younger brother brought her to nine siblings, always around her.
Maybe that was why within her own cabin, she found herself thinking of her friends as family.
It was in simple ways, from the way they treated her to how her friendship with them worked to how she thought of them as people that she assigned them roles.
April was like a sister, someone who brought out both the best and worse in Ripley. She knew just what to do to get Ripley riled up, and just what to do to get her back. Unlike the others, she ran headfirst into danger right by Ripley’s side, caution was thrown to the wind in favour of the thrill of adventure. Both could get in over their heads when something they saw amazed them and accidentally drag everyone else down with them as they fell. When there was a rare calm around camp, they’d do things like makeovers or overdramatic retellings of their adventures.
Jo was very similar to April but felt older. Realistically, Ripley knew both Jo and April were fifteen but emotionally Jo felt much older. She was smart, calculating everything as they went along to find the best path to their destination, both metaphorically and literally. When she saw something, she saw a problem that needed to be solved. With Ripley, she was sort of a protector. Warning her of danger, scolding her when she did something wrong, and protecting her from whatever came their way. Just like Ripley’s oldest sister did. Whenever she could, she’d try to teach Ripley about math or science, ever-patient with her short attention span.
April and Jo were close to each other just like some of Ripley’s sisters were, practically each other’s counterweight. Almost complete opposites in the way that they basically rely on each other to work.
Molly in a way was like her mother. Gentle and soft-spoken, and terrifying when angry but normally very reserved. She would listen attentively to Ripley’s stories without interrupting with the very same amused look her mom would have whenever Ripley did the same to her. She would idly fix Ripley’s shirt when it was askew or run her fingers gently through her hair. When Ripley would barrel towards danger, she’d be the first to try and grab the scruff of her shirt to keep her from plummeting down whatever cliff she had failed to notice. If they found something mystical, Molly would keep her arms wrapped around Ripley to prevent her from trying to hug it, or talk to it, or get close to it in general. Whenever she could, she would tell Ripley stories about the gods and the heroes and the beasts from Greek mythology
Fittingly, Mal reminded Ripley of her dad. A goofball, the one who would make faces to mock whatever jerky cryptid they encountered. She’d give her piggybacks, or shoulder rides, or throw her like a projectile through the air like her dad would toss her into the swimming pool near their house. Telling wild stories from her home life, the shenanigans that she and her friends would get into that definitely weren’t the best influence (both Molly and Jen agreed). When it came to their journeys, she was the voice of reason, however, sometimes she was far too concerned over something. Just like her dad believed every person on the internet was some horrible kidnapper, Mal tended to react to every noise like it was a rabid wolf, though through no fault of her own.
When they could rest, it was a spitting image of her parents, almost always touching in some way, murmuring jokes to each other that no one else could hear nor understand. Basically inseparable, and they were a force to be reckoned with.
Jen was like another mom, although not in comparison to Ripley’s mom, but to the stereotype of one. Overly protective, to the point that unless absolutely necessary she preferred that no other counselors give directions to her girls. Giving them their chores, reminding them of their schedules, making sure they took care of themselves. With Jen around, everyone else felt like her sisters and they all had their mother. Desperate to keep track of them, and to keep them following the rules, and to most importantly keep them safe since they had a tendency to fail at that.
More than once some of the Roanokes hadn’t made their beds in the morning and came back to them pristine (not often, mind you. They still had to face the consequences of an unmade bed). Bringing snacks for them when they go hiking, along with spare clothes, tons of first aid, and hygiene products. She’d also lecture them about the importance of a healthy sleep schedule and keeping their space clean. Practically keeping Ripley on a leash.
She held herself responsible for all the Roanokes, and all the Lumberjanes in general. Holding herself to a higher standard and blaming many things that happened to her lack of preparation, never on the girls.
They were definitely the closest, but Ripley had three others she gave roles to.
Barney was like a cousin that was an honorary sibling. A sweet child who would give their friends the world if they could. Someone who’d join Ripley in make-believe, running through the woods in wild laughter. Someone who would partake in minor mischief and shenanigans. Baking treats for the Roanokes, making them trinkets and keepsakes. Sometimes joining them for Roanoke-only adventures.
A buddy that was there for everyone. Someone to make the world brighter.
Rosie was kind of an aunt, mysterious and slightly distant. Occasional stories from her past, but never any real details. She would come in clutch when the campers got in over their heads. Strong, independent, and questionable in her taste. She’d let the girls watch her made sculptures, or teach them how to make them. A cool aunt.
Someone to look up to.
The Bearwoman was absolutely a cranky grandma. Snappy, cranky, and sour. She always criticized the girls on everything they did, and never once complimented them. She hated hugs, and was always saying “Back in my day.”
Ripley never said she was a likable grandma.
She told the Roanokes how she felt before, one day before they all went to bed. She was kind of quiet when she said it, not her loud and proud voice she normally used. The Roanokes had looked at each other, and aside from Jen insisting she was not a mother, and getting told by the entire cabin she was, in fact, a mother, there was no protest. They actually started referring to Ripley as she had referred to them.
Except for Jen, but she accepted her role after some time.
She told Barney when they were hanging out in a tree, and they were silent for a moment, before saying they felt the same. They admitted they liked the family dynamic and felt that way about the Roanokes and the Zodiacs.
Ripley thought of the Zodiacs as older cousins, kind of intimidating to her. Save for Barney and Emily, she was almost scared of them.
She didn’t tell Barney that.
Later on, when she was lying in her bunk, she decided that the Lumberjanes were like an extended family.
They were there for each other, they always had each other’s backs, they were a unit.
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ohmykittenholy · 4 years
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Mackenzie you have my whole heart
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doubleattitude · 4 years
24/7 Dance Convention, Pittsburgh, PA: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Penelope LeMieux-’I’d Rather Go Blind’
2nd: Harper McCarey-’I Can Go The Distance’
3rd: Aleah Blair-’Heartbreaker’
3rd: Ava Edmonds-’Let ‘Er Rip’
3rd: Brynley Brett-’Let Me Entertain You’
4th: Elliana Macioce-’Dreamer’
5th: Ella Kirchoff-’VK Mashup’
6th: Gabriella Pallozolo-’Name Game’
7th: Cora Baney-’Work For It’
8th: Layla Bajek-’Free Little Bird’
Mini Solo
1st: Kensington Dressing-’Distant World’
2nd: Emily Polis-’Bloodthirsty’
2nd: Mya Lanigan-’Halo’
2nd: Avaleigh Mackaron-’On A Clear Day’
3rd: Channing Embry-’Blackbird’
3rd: Emmie Whyte-’New York, New York’
3rd: Lexus Natalie-’Shelter’
4th: Kendall Bruce-’Swing Phenomenon’
4th: Jordan Officer-’Wash & Set’
5th: Aili Joyce-’Hurricane’
5th: Giada Reino-’Nature Boy’
6th: Lily Tompkins-’Angel Standing By’
7th: Ava mcLendon-’Ready For War’
8th: Mia Bianco-’Business of Love’
8th: Ava Cutchall-’Wings’
9th: Kylie Pecoraro-’Every Season’
9th: Elyse Rost-’Love Is’
9th: Addie Changoway-’Variation of Don Quixote’
10th: Mia Rossa-’Arms Of The Angel’
10th: Charlize George-’What A Feeling’
Junior Solo
1st: Cameron Voorhees-’Unplugged’
2nd: Sean Detwiller-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
2nd: Caitie Polis-’Fallen Angel’
2nd: Adina Rooney-’Inhale Exhale’
2nd: Maura Matuska-’LJ’
2nd: Bella Rose Penrose-’Spine’
3rd: Julia Chavez-’Everything I Do’
3rd: Ella Way-’Glory’
3rd: Londyn LeMieux-’Human Touch’
3rd: Ivy Gang-’Stutter’
3rd: Joelle Cherry-’Through Water’
3rd: Shayla Blair-’To Be Free’
4th: Bria Burnett-’Lung’
4th: Fallyn Kauffman-’Marathon In Roses’
5th: Isabella Ginevra-’Fight Song’
5th: Avani Agrawal-’Spindra’
6th: Holly Miller-’After The Rain Stops’
6th: Brooklyn Corbett-’Feeling Good’
7th: Paige Borg-’Otto’
7th: Lauren Hudach-’You Are A Memory’
8th: Colette McIvor-’Cold Hearted’
8th: Penelope Ciminieri-’Connected Colors’
9th: Caroline McGowan-’I Love You Always Forever’
10th: Peyton Langworthy-’Ashes’
10th: Tessa Mattina-’Nature of Daylight’
Teen Solo
1st: Ying Lei Pham-’Empty Space’
2nd: Camila Cordero-’Fhantom’
2nd: Tatiana Hagee-’Harvest Moon’
2nd: Sarah Georgiana-’Lungs’
2nd: Isabella Pinkston-’Speaking Of The End’
2nd: Calico Reyes-’Trust In Me’
3rd: Beth Anne McGowan-’Heart Is As Black As Night’
3rd: Isabel Reese-’Inside’
3rd: Olivia Martin-’Smile’
3rd: Jeremy Powalowski-’You Worry Me’
4th: Ava Carroll-’Are You Sure’
4th: Elyse Wingertsahn-’I Cry For Daylight’
4th: Samantha DeFabio-’Multiple Self’
4th: Illiana Victor-’New Memory’
4th: Tori Shaner-’Youth’
5th: Zoey Schneiter-’Do You Feel Real’
5th: Maeve McCormack-’Maybe We’ll See’
6th: Taylor Strilesky-’Dynamite’
6th: Alaina Scabora-’Empty Spaces’
6th: Emily Yap-’Farewell’
6th: Kayle Shaner-’No Rights, No Wrong’
6th: Louise Hindsbo-’Reactor’
7th: London Mitchell-’Bitter Earth’
7th: Samuel Evans-’Coming To An End’
7th: Camryn Lanigan-’Fall Creek’
7th: Hailey Keaveney-’Listen Within’
7th: Shay Kaminski-’Once Upon Another Time’
8th: Isabella Klink-’Gemini Feed’
8th: Jocie Slesinski-’Illness as A Metaphor’
8th: Piper Embry-’No Middle’
9th: Maddie Enright-’Alps’
10th: Maggie Anzells-’Let Me Go’
10th: Taylor Higgins-’Ready’
Senior Solo
1st: Clara Thiele-’Opposing Truths’
1st: Gionna D’Allesandro-’Wish You Were Here’
2nd: Anna Miller-’Godspeed’
3rd: Raegan Stafford-’Villain’
4th: Jocelyn Wynn-’Ego’s Detached’
4th: Cassidy Reigel-’Musical Theatre’
5th: Sarah Beth Lentz-’I Remember Her’
5th: Julia Strasburg-’Never Go’
5th: Trinity Malgay-’Something Short & Sweet’
6th: Keira Fleming-’Oscillating In Time’
6th: Emmalyn Mackaron-’Sans Toi’
6th: Abby Griffith-’The War’
6th: Tori Stewart-’This Woman’s Work’
7th: Madelyn Gaba-’Enough Of Our Disease’
7th: Dana Miller-’Sad Day’
7th: Brooke Cheek-’The Beginning and the End’
7th: Mia Stockle-’Tumbling Lights’
7th: Kylie West-’What A Little Moonlight Can Do’
8th: Emma Girdany-’Flickers’
9th: Katrina Oschmann-’Polly’
9th: Ashley Veverka-’Right As Rain’
10th: Lila Bierman-’Cleo’
10th: Mackenzie Stephenson-’Come Back’
10th: Brooke Kosinski-’La Vie En Rose’
10th: Abbey Barron-’Once I Was Loved’
10th: Megan Kovach-’The Swan’
Sidekick Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me To The Moon’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Beat’
3rd: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Candy Girls’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Gallows’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Rescue’
3rd: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Dr. Beat’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Rhythm’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Exiles’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Dancing In The Dark’
3rd: Middletown Dance Academy-’Jilted’
3rd: Studio 412-’Nature Boy’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Lash Out’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Still Life’
3rd: Middletown Dance Academy-’Ninjaness’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’The Come Down’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Wheel’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Mechanics-’Bills, Bills, Bills’
2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Enemy’
2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Because of You’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Let’s Fall In Love’
Sidekick Group
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Bon Appetit’
2nd: Evolving Artists Dance Studio-’Rainbow In Your Eyes’
3rd: Evolving Artists Dance Studio-’Trickle Trickle’
Mini Group
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Mambo No. 5′
3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Quake’
Junior Group
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Charge Up’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Hope There’s Someone’
3rd: Studio 412-’Afraid To Go’
Teen Group
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’My Tears Are Becoming A Sea’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’We Rise We Fall’
3rd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself’
3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Don’t Worry’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’If You Went Away’
Senior Group
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Go Home’
2nd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Senorita’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Smoke Signals’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’So Many Signs’
3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’That’s Life’
Sidekick Line
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Can You Feel It’
2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Reflection’
Mini Line
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Steam Heat’
2nd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Straight To Memphis’
3rd: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Little Red’
Junior Line
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
2nd: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Ice Ice Baby’
Teen Line
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Are You Even Real?’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Cruelest Month’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Pump It Up’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Remember When’
Senior Line
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Fancy’
2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Hallucinations’
3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Misunderstood’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Cha Cha Heels’
2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’B.E.P’
3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Wash’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Impacto’
2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’More Than Friends’
3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Coming In Hot’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Jazz
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Can You Feel It’ 2nd: Evolving Artists Dance Studio-’Trickle Trickle’
Sidekick Tap
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Bon Appetit’
Sidekick Lyrical
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Reflection’ 2nd: Evolving Artists Dance Studio-’Rainbow In Your Eyes’
Mini Jazz
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Mambo No. 5′ 2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Quake’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Louder’
Mini Tap
1st: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Straight To Memphis’ 2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Big Band Sound’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’HSKT’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’ 2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Let The River Run’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’You’ve Got A Friend’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Ludovici Dance Academy-’A Safe Place’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Steam Heat’
Mini Specialty
1st: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Little Red’ 2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Ramalama’
Junior Jazz
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Charge Up’ 1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Cha Cha Heels’ 2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Trust’ 3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Makes Me Feel’ 3rd: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Burlesque’
Junior Ballet
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Brazilian Rose’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’B.E.P’ 2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Ice Ice Baby’
Junior Tap
1st: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Love Myself’ 2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Canned Heat’ 3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Crazy In Love’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’ 1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Hope There’s Someone’ 2nd: Studio 412-’Afraid To Go’ 3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Hope’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Yours’ 2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Fly’ 2nd: Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
Teen Jazz
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’More Than Friends’ 2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Breakin’ Dishes’ 3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Step On Up’ 3rd: Dance Spectrum-’I Want You to Shake’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Love Is Fire’
Teen Ballet
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Bataille’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Impacto’ 2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Coming In Hot’ 3rd: Dance Spectrum-’What’s The Dillio?’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’ 2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Remember When’ 2nd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself’ 2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Don’t Worry’ 3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’My Tears Are Becoming A Sea’ 1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’ 2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Are You Even Real?’ 2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Pump It Up’ 2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’We Rise We Fall’ 2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Cruelest Month’ 3rd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’If You Went Away’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Dance Mechanics-’Volcanic’ 2nd: Dance Spectrum-’We Choose’ 3rd: Studio 412-’Beautiful Mess’
Teen Acro 
1st: Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
Senior Jazz
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Fancy’ 2nd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’That’s Life’
Senior Tap
1st: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’ 2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Senorita’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Superstition’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Go Home’ 2nd: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Smoke Signals’ 3rd: Dance Mechanics-’As It Was’ 3rd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Night Run’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’The End of the World’ 3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’I’m Rising’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Dance Studio-’So Many Signs’ 2nd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’The Last Goodbye’ 3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Station’
11 O’Clock:
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Can You Feel It’
Center Stage Dance Studio-’Mambo No. 5′
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Steam Heat’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
Xtreme Tumbling and Dance Center-’Little Red’
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Straight To Memphis’
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Love Myself’
Studio 412-’Afraid To Go’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Center Stage Dance Studio-’Charge Up’
Dance Spectrum-’Crazy In Love’
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Trust’
Dance Mechanics-’Final Goodbye’
Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
Center Stage Dance Studio-’Impacto’
Studio 412-’A Broken System’
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself’
Dance Mechanics-’As It Was’
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Fancy’
Center Stage Dance Studio-’Senorita’
Studio Showcase:
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance-’Fancy’
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’
Center Stage Dance Studio-’Impacto’
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jandjsalmon · 3 years
Hello everybody! 
My Lucille Austero update: I am no longer holding the walls as I walk. The medication appears to have done its job. Still quite a bit of pressure in the ears though - so who knows if it’ll be back after the drugs are done. I’ll keep you posted. Thank you to everyone who reached out. I adore you all.
Secondly - I actually watched live last night for the first time since last April. It was a good episode to watch in real time. The commentary here was (as always) top notch and I felt our collective laughter at the sheer lunacy. 
Lastly - it’s Easter weekend for those who celebrate - I hope you enjoy your ham and pie and hot-crossed buns - and that you remain healthy and safe while you enjoy them. If you feel inclined, I would love to know what you eat traditionally on this holiday. Any recipes to share? 😘
Anyway - here is my reading list for the week of March 26-April 01
Weeks 1- 46 (3251 chapters)
Week 47 (66 chapters)
Week 48 (58 chapters)
Week 49 (93 chapters)
Week 50 (74 chapters)
everything i love is on the table by @flwrpotts (chapter 2)
Up a River by @sunshinebunnie (1/1)
Game Night by @sunshinebunnie (1/1)
Betty by Nightrebel (1/1)
make it new by @sullypants (first chapter)
December, can you hold my heart? by @winterlovesong1 (1/1)
Dreamscape  by @winterlovesong1 (1/1)  
Easier by @winterlovesong1 (1/1)
Regrets Collect like Bullet Shells by @loveandcoffeeandsimplicities (chapters 24 & 25)
The Island by @likemereckless (chapter 12)
Becoming Eleanor by @srainebuggie (chapter 6)
find him by @fallout-mars (1/1)
sing that lullaby once more by @winterlovesong1 (1/1)
Bughead Rereads - 11
your love was handmade (for somebody like me) by @anniemurphys (1/1)
if i told you who i am (can i call you baby?) by @thetaoofbetty (10/10)
The breeding program by Chevalier_Barthelemy (Five/Vanya - chapter 9)
The Beavercide by PegLegPI (Dick Cassablancas/Mac Mackenzie - 2/2)
We Interupt with An Important Message About Blocks by @sokorra (Dick/Mac - 1/1)
Counterplay by @alexandra-emerson (Draco/Ginny - chapters 17-20)
Four-Letter Words by @which-chartreuse (Lenny/Miriam - chapter 2)
In Through An Out Door by @djgrannyglasses (Hyde/Jackie - first chapter)
And now I'm stuck in the moment (and my heart is open) by @pichitinha (Peter/LJ - 1/1)
Misc. Rereads - 38
Mansfield End by Ione (Fanny Price/Henry Crawford - 1/1)
Everingham by katharhino (Fanny Price/Henry Crawford - 24/24)
Until the wilderness cried aloud (and their souls stretched tight across the skies) by @elixirbb (Ben/Rey - 10/10)
we never go out of style by @hallie-society (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies by @in-my-head-i-do-everything-right (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
they may be lies, but say that we'll be alright by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
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anonymous asked: I'd like to see the whole family, including William, maybe LJ, celebrating Jamie's birthday on the ridge.  Of course after Roger & Bree have returned. 
Homecoming - Epilogue
Book 9 speculation; William arrives at the Ridge with his cousin Dottie the same day that the MacKenzie family has made their unexpected return.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen
The snow and ice of winter had melted away and the early warmth of spring had coaxed some green from the bare branches and ground of the mountainside. Too much longer and it would grow difficult for those unfamiliar with the way to find the path through the woods an up to Fraser’s Ridge. It might have been a few years since he’d last visited, but the way was still distinct enough in Lord John Grey’s memory for him to follow the trail easily. 
William had let him know about his plan to escort Dottie and her baby to her husband’s sister on the Ridge. When that trip turned into a prolonged visit, William had written him about that as well. But it had been Jamie who’d informed John about the young man’s decision to stay on the Ridge through the harsh winter months. It was a decision that sat uncomfortably with John. Even now, having heard from William several times and knowing that the stay had proved satisfactory, John wasn’t sure what to make of it.
On one hand, he was pleased that the tension between father and son appeared to be resolved. But on the other, it was strange to no longer be the conduit between them… to be left out by both of them. He wanted them to be happy… but he wanted to be there to enjoy their happiness, to have a shot at being a part of it too. 
It was silly to feel that way about it, he told himself. He had been invited, after all, so they weren’t going out of their way to exclude him. And there was more to it than just William and Jamie. Jamie had written about the return of his daughter and son-in-law to the Ridge with their children. And there was other family living there as well. It was a place full of Jamie’s people — the Ardsmuir men, his fellow Highlanders, and more.
Not a place for the man those people remembered as the governor of their prison. Even if the Frasers welcomed him warmly enough, what would the larger Ridge community make of his presence? 
It would be a short visit then, no more than a few weeks. And would William be leaving with him at the end of them? John hoped so. He missed the young man’s company and there was plenty of business the young earl needed to take care of, both in Virginia and at the estates he’d inherited abroad. He couldn’t hide in the Carolina mountains forever.
Except he could, and he just might. John knew better than to guess at what time in the wilderness with the likes of Jamie and Claire Fraser might have changed for William. 
The trail grew more distinct and the woods thinned having been largely cleared for building and fuel. He urged his horse to a quicker pace, eager to be done with his ride and among people again — he was growing tired of only having his own thoughts for company. 
There was a sudden movement up ahead and his horse startled and reared. John barely kept his seat, surprised himself. 
“Sorry!” hollered a youthful voice as a small form scrambled up from the ground, dusted itself off, and began speaking to calm the horse. 
When the horse had settled enough, John slipped from its back and took a firm hold of the bridle, running a soothing hand along its neck and quieting the animal the rest of the way. 
The boy came closer, apologizing repeatedly and when John caught sight of the ruddy hair and piercing blue eyes, he chuckled and shook his head. 
“You must be Brianna Mackenzie’s boy,” he remarked. The boy broke into a grin and nodded. “You look like your mother.”
“Aye, everyone says so. There’re worse things, I suppose,” Jem quipped. “I didna mean to startle yer beast there. We’ve been comin’ out and keepin’ watch for ye everyday this week. I thought I might see ye comin’ from farther off if I climbed the tree but the branches were a bit more broken than I counted on and when I saw ye were so close already, I put my foot in the wrong place and — well, I suppose ye can guess the rest.”
They had only advanced a few yards along the path toward the house when additional noise signalled the approach of the others sent to watch for the expected guest. 
“Was that you made such a stramash?” Germain asked, ridicule and amusement infusing his voice. 
“Grannie Claire warned ye,” Mandy scolded. “She said ye were gettin’ too big to be climbing the trees and she’d see ye in her surgery did ye keep it up.”
“Aye, well I’m no hurt, am I,” Jem countered. “Now run ahead and tell them he’s come.”
“Uncle William’s excited to have ye here,” Mandy bubbled as she turned, ready to sprint.
John found himself smiling as he followed the two boys at a slower pace and listened to their babbling. It seemed he had arrived in time for a small celebration that would be taking place in honor of Jamie Fraser’s birthday. 
“It’s just the Murray’s that’ll be over and perhaps Mrs. Hunter and the bairns, now ye’ve come in time — ye’re her uncle, no?” Jem asked. 
“I am,” John confirmed, not that the child was paying much attention to the answer. He’d launched into a list of the food the women were busy preparing while the men were at work on the house for the returned Mackenzies. It must have been a long winter indeed, with so many people crowded under one roof.
The new Mackenzie house was closer than the rebuilt Fraser homestead and they soon heard the shouts and pounding of roof shingles being passed up and nailed into place. The boys ran down a shallow incline toward the nearly completed structure while John paused to observe. 
It was easy to spot Jamie, crouched on the roof and wiping sweat from his brow with one hand while he waited to be handed the next shingle. Ian Murray stood with a pile of shingles in his hands, Roger Mackenzie laughing behind him. Which meant it was William who had the girl, Mandy, sitting on his shoulders. Ian would hand the shingle up to her and she passed it along to Jamie who shuffled along the roof and nailed it into place. 
Jamie looked up as the boys careened toward them, screaming with excitement. Spotting John, Jamie raised his hand in welcome and moved toward the ladder to come down. William turned then and smiled at the man who’d raised him. 
The children were again sent ahead while the men of the Ridge welcomed the visitor and tidied up, happy for an excuse to end their day early. Roger and Ian casually hastened their pace so that they soon were much further ahead of Jamie, John, and William. 
“You survived a winter in the mountains then, son?”
William laughed. “Yes, though it might be more accurate to say the mountains survived winter on the Ridge.”
Jamie chuckled warmly at that. “Aye. We’d more folk to stay than we’d planned and there were times it seemed we might need to bed some down alongside the animals in the barn so we’d no be so much under one another’s feet. This is one of several houses and expansions we’ve been at work on so far and thank the almighty the weather’s cooperated and helped us along.” 
“We’ve expanded the Murray’s house so that Dottie and Minnie have a room to themselves,” William explained. “She’s had word from her husband that he should be granted leave to visit soon, but whether he actually gets it will depend on the war, of course.”
The mention of the war lead to a prolonged silence, eventually broken by Jamie. “I’ll take yer horse for ye,” he offered as they approached the big house. “William can show ye to the room Claire’s prepared for ye, if ye dinna encounter her on yer way.”
“Thank you,” John said, handing over the reins while William removed the bags with John’s clothes and other things. 
John thought he saw movement at one of the windows but when they entered the house, all the noise seemed to be concentrated in the kitchen in the back. William led him upstairs and John suspected it had been Claire at the window and that she’d seen to it he and his son would have a few minutes to themselves ahead of what promised to be a boisterous gathering. 
“You look well,” John told William as they began arranging John’s things about the small but comfortable room. “You’re enjoying yourself here, then?”
“I have, yes,” William confessed. “I thought it would be… awkward. And it was. At first. But now… Mother Claire told me that, when she looks at me… she sees the life they might have had if they hadn’t been parted by circumstance… She said that she looks at me as the son they should have had.” 
John nodded but kept quiet, watching the color rise up William’s neck and settle. He felt a slight strain in his chest, waiting for William to find the words he was struggling with, waiting for his son to look at him.
“You know, Brianna was raised believing another man to be her father?” William asked, finally looking at him. John could only press his lips together, recalling the day Brianna had told him about her other father. William looked away again, out the window toward the barn where Jamie was tending to John’s horse. 
“Since I first learned the truth… I wondered, sometimes, what it might have been like. If what Mother Claire said could have been true — if I had been their son and been raised by them… with a sister and cousins… I think I would have liked it. I think… it would have been… I would have been happy.” 
John cleared his throat quietly, the strain in his chest getting tighter. “I think so too,” he said. “They’re good people, and would have raised you well.”
William looked back at him again and smiled. “I’m still glad that you were my father, though. Whatever it might have been… I wouldn’t trade you.”
John smiled and blinked back the tears in his eyes as he stepped forward and put a hand on William’s shoulder. William turned and embraced him, the tension in John’s chest disappearing under the pressure of his son’s arms. It lasted only a moment and then William stepped back, chuckling quietly. 
“It’s helped to talk with Bree,” he confessed. “It’s difficult to wish for such different things at the same time — what might have been and what was.”
John nodded. “It’s all past, now, and nothing to be done about it. You can only appreciate what you have in the present, and look to the future.”
“Mmmm… And in our very near future is strong Scottish whisky, a fine dinner, and some music and dancing, if Roger Mac has anything to say about it. Let’s go down. Mother Claire will be wanting to see you and Dottie will be here soon — her baby looks just like Aunt Minnie.”
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 21 ~Faith and Hope~
"Jaaaa-mie, breakfast is ready!"
Jamie smelt burned food as he came out of the shower and walked into the adjoining bedroom. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he sat on the slipper chair to check his phone.  Burnt waffles!   He smiled. This was Claire's third attempt in the week in making waffles after revealing that he loved them.
"Jamie, is there really a need for Angus to drive me to the doctor's today? Surely, I can go by myself. My car hardly gets used, and really, it needs a run." Claire ambled into the bedroom with a mug of black coffee, wearing a short silk floral blue robe loosely tied around her waist, her stomach protruding at the opening.
Jamie sighed, looking up to his wife. "Sassenach, we've been through this before. I can't have ye walking around on yer own in town while I'm away in Paris. I can't take any chances with all the headcases crawling out of the woodwork."
The news of Jamie's marriage had spread like wildfire when they returned to Inverness three and a half months ago. He hadn't liked the intrusion on Claire's privacy as the press found out the identity of his wife. There were several candid pictures taken of her in town and unscrupulously published in a tabloid newspaper. The last straw was when Jamie's representatives had intercepted hate mails and messages on his public social media accounts. Although most were petty and seemingly harmless, one message was traced to Laoghaire MacKenzie's brother with death threats. The threats came after it was revealed that the MacKenzie/Christie case may be taken to the Scottish High courts.
Fearing for his wife's safety, more than his own, Jamie had ensconced themselves in his penthouse apartment with the round the clock security surveillance. He loathed leaving the cottage since it was the first place Jamie had felt at home since leaving Lallybroch, and for the most part, Claire loved it there. Jamie was aware it would have been a matter of time before the media discovered their hideaway, and he was mindful that Tom Christie knew the address of the cottage.
Claire stood in front of him with an exaggerated pout as she handed him the coffee. Jamie knew his wife was restless after being relieved from work after a photographer had nearly hampered an emergency case Claire was working on; moreover, there was the doctor's warning about stress because of her high blood pressure.
Jamie took the coffee off Claire's hand and placed it on the table. He undid her robe to kiss her belly before pulling her down onto his lap, her legs straddling him. "Now Sassenach, ye promise me ye'll not try to lose Angus this time. The poor man was almost out of his wits with worry the last time ye tried to abscond. I know ye don't like the security and the fuss, but we have the baby to think about now, aye? And I'm so sorry I cannae be with ye for the doctor's appointment." He leaned forward for a kiss, his large hands firm on her hips. "Mmm, ye taste of hazelnut chocolate spread."
"I promise." Claire sighed as her arms snaked around his neck. "Besides, I have a project that I'm working on, and I'll need Angus' brawn with the shopping, so I need to stay on his good side. Shall I message you later when I find out the gender of the baby?"
"Ye can call me anytime, Sassenach, but no... I want the gender of our baby to be a surprise. But keep me updated what the doctor says about yer health." Jamie's first and foremost concern was Claire's well being as he tried to push away thoughts of how his mother had died, giving birth to a stillborn child. He didn't want to leave her, but he needed to sort out some paperwork in Paris concerning Château Cheval Blanc.
"Alright then, if you want it to be a surprise, the baby's room is off-limits to you. I plan to decorate it while you're away, and Geillis and Gail promised to come around to help with some ideas."
"Mmmm...off-limits. Got it. Now let see what delectables you have for my breakfast," Jamie breathed nuzzling her neck as he slipped off Claire's robe down her arms. 
"Jamie! We just did it this morning, and you have a plane to catch!" But his warm breath against her skin was already sending tingling sensation down her spine.
Jamie ignored her remark. "Christ Sassenach, yer tits are so massive, and yer arse is so plump and round." He nibbled her earlobe delicately, one hand cupping the weight of her breast and another squeezing her arse, as he pulled her closer to his hard arousal. "Feel that Sassenach, that's what ye do to me when ye walk around half-naked. Damn, ye're so bonnie...so sexy," he whispered in a ragged voice.
"And you're so ravenous and insatiable...how are you going to survive a few days in Paris, huh?" Claire whispered as her hips started to move against him, pulling his head down to her breast. She smiled as he groaned, his hip movements matching her own.
Impatiently, Jamie raised Claire by the hips to pull down her panties and whipped off his towel before lowering her down to his cock. Then he reached down to their adjoining nakedness and stroked her sensitive spot. "Weel, ye just have to talk dirty to me tonight on the phone. They call it in French,  en libre service ." He chuckled softly as he heard her gasp, knowing she was shocked and roused at his suggestion.
Claire's head lolled back as Jamie bent his head to tease a nipple. " En libre service?  Alright Jamie, tell me more about it...what would you like to hear as by way of example..." she whispered as a whimper escaped her lips.
Jamie raised his head from her breast, and with one hand behind her neck, pulled her closer. As Claire began to rock more frantically against him, he whispered all the naughty things he intended to do to her once he was back from Paris.
Joe had suggested accompanying Claire to see the doctor, which he had done on previous occasions as Jamie had been very busy with work. He had recommended as soon as she was back from Lallybroch to make an appointment for a screening test, acknowledging that there was a high probability of abnormality with her baby after she had ingested ketamine a few weeks back. Joe had voiced his concern to Claire, but she had been adamant that whatever they find wrong with the baby, she refused to terminate her pregnancy. Joe knew if Jamie had found out that there was a risk of developmental challenges, disability or risk to Claire's life, he would have had wanted a say as Joe had known how his mother had died. Stubborn as Claire was, she had prohibited Joe from voicing his concern to Jamie, thinking this was probably the only chance she'll ever be pregnant. As it turned out and much to his relief and surprise, and after a series of doctor's appointments, Claire and her baby were in perfect health. And today they were about to find out the gender.
"Are you excited, LJ? I'd say though, you look massive for 21 weeks," he chortled as he looked her over on the examination bed and held her hand. "Importantly though, I'm glad that you're passing through all examinations with flying colours and you're positively glowing."
Claire's face turned a shade crimson as she thought of Jamie, secretly attributing her glow from their lovemaking earlier in the day. "You know, as much as I'm enjoying this pregnancy, I can't wait for the baby to be born. Jamie is driving me nuts with his worry. He has enough on his plate already, and he still insists on cooking when he comes home from work. And for crying out loud, he even hired a cleaner to come twice weekly. And he's so paranoid with the trial, he had the cleaner screened thoroughly."
"Well, after what you've been through, coupled with being a first-time parent, I can hardly blame him. And you missy, knowing how stubborn you are, you tend to do as you please which makes all the more difficult for him. Go easy on Jamie...you know how much he loves you and with his mother's history..."
Claire sighed. "I know, I know. It's just so difficult not doing anything but I guess, I'll be busy enough doing the nursery."
"Mrs Fraser, Dr Abernathy, hello, are we ready for the scan?" Claire and Joe turned towards the door as her doctor, Dr Grant, a woman in her fifties and a female sonographer walked in. "We've done this before, and it shouldn't take long, so whenever we're ready..."
Indeed it was all very a standard routine test, and Claire only felt the mild discomfort of the coldness of the lubricating gel slathered onto her belly, and the handheld probe pressing near her full bladder, making Claire want to burst. When the first images appeared on the screen, she could hardly make out any semblance as the monitor was not in her direct vision, but she could hear soundwaves coming from the ultrasound probe. But when Joe's head tilted funnily and his brows furrowed, Claire became worried.
"Joe, what is it?" Trying to suppress a rising panic, she tried to turn her head around to her side to take a look at the screen monitor, but she couldn't make out the images.
Joe's eyes were about to pop out. "Is that what I think it is?" he asked nobody in particular.
"Joe!!!!! For fuck sake Joe, what is it?!?"
Dr Grant smiled. "Congratulations Mrs Fraser...it looks like you're expecting twins."
"Twins? There was no mention of twins in Claire's previous examination," Joe said with utter disbelief.
"Well, they call it the hidden twin and sometimes they're not detected until later. See here?" Dr Grant pointed, "There's the second baby. And it's quite clear from here the twins are girls."
"Sweet Mother of Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! Jamie wanted a surprise... well... he's definitely in for a surprise."
"Och twin girls, Claire, double the trouble an' double the fun. Ah bet Jamie nearly had a heart attack," Geillis smirked as she danced around the nursery, not really concentrating in measuring the walls for wallpaper.
Claire was sat in a reclining chair she had recently bought, sipping cold lemon water as she watched her friend. "Jamie doesn't know."
"What? Why didnae ye tell him?" Geillis stopped mid-twirl.
"Well, I did ask him before he left for Paris if he wanted to know the result of the scan and Jamie said he wanted it to be a surprise. And surprise he will get." Indeed a surprise considering Claire was still in a state of shock. She had yet to wrap her head around the prospect of having twins, let alone the impact it would have on their lives and her career as a doctor. She had wanted, after her maternity leave, to complete her residency at the Northern Royal Infirmary, instead of continuing to work at the Scottish Ambulance Service. Murtagh had thought too that it was for the best as he didn't want any more press lurking around the emergency department.
"But Claire, he was probably talkin' aboot the gender. Surely he would want tae ken how many mouths he has tae provide for. No' that he cannae afford it,"
"Good Lord, Geillis, it's bad enough him knowing I have a baby...imagine what he would be like when he finds out we're having twins. So promise me that you'll zip your mouth, alright? The only people who know about the twins are Jenny, Joe and you. So not a word!"
Geillis made an action of zipping her mouth, her cheeks dimpling wickedly. "That wee secret of yours will be hard tae keep an' surely, Jamie will start to wonder you're unusual size at yer next stage of pregnancy. An' how about the bairns' shower? An' the nursery? How will ye keep that all a secret from Jamie?"
Claire waved the key to the nursery room. "The nursery is off-limits to Jamie, and he knows that too, but as a precaution, in case he does get tempted to take a peek, the door will be locked. And Jamie will be too busy at work in the next few months...he said so himself as he planned to have paternity leave. And as for the baby shower, Jenny had already offered to organise it. That woman is truly a wonder."
"Speaking of the wee fox cub, there are pictures of him in Paris hittin' the news already. The press in France sure loves him. Ah wonder how the public took the story now that he's nae longer in the single market."
"I don't want to know Geillis, and I don't read news about Jamie. I just hope he doesn't blurt out that we're having a baby because he does have that tendency. Thank God the press doesn't know about it yet, and I guess, having Angus around to drive me about and accompany me, has its perks."
Jamie noticed his godfather came more often to the gym than he used to. Usually taken to running to keep himself fit, he had been doing a lot more strength building and trained more often with Jamie. And the change didn't stop there. Ever since Jamie was a wee bairn, he'd always only seen Murtagh with a full beard, so it was a shock when his godfather walked into the gym with a clean-shaven face.
"Dare I ask what's with the sudden change in your looks?" He tried to suppress a smile, but Jamie had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with his aunt Jocasta. Ian had already informed him that his aunt will be flying back to Scotland soon and visiting Inverness and apparently, to be there when Claire gives birth to their baby.
"Dinna bother and one word about my beard, I'll wallop ye," Murtagh warned in a gruff voice as he started his warm-up exercises doing arm swings and standing-trunk-twists next to his godson.
Jamie didn't say another word, and Murtagh only broke the silence as they went on to their next warm-up on the stationary bicycle. "How's Beauchamp?" Despite Claire not working for the Ambulance service anymore, Murtagh continued to call her by her maiden name.
"Aye, she's braw." Jamie paused, hesitating as he pedalled vigorously on the bike. "Say, what do ye think about Claire's size? That bairn she's carrying looks massive in her tummy."
Murtagh glanced at him as if he was asking a stupid question. "Weel, with yer muckle size, what did ye expect? Obviously, the baby must take after ye...size-wise that is."
"Hmm, I've never seen a pregnant tummy that huge. I'm just worried about Claire...she can hardly get off the chair, and she tires easily. Do ye think that's normal?" Jamie asked, reflectively.
"I dinna ken. Why ye asking me? Ask yer sister," Murtagh muttered as he doubled his efforts on the bike.
"I did. I know Jenny has more experience when it comes to pregnancy, but she just dismissed it as Claire being a tall lassie. She said, the taller the lass, the bigger the tummy. That doesna make any sense at all."
"When is she due?"
"In two months...December she said. But the way I see it, she looks like she's about to pop."
Murtagh just mentally shrugged, not really interested in pregnancy talks. "Jamie, I've meant to ask ye something..."
Jamie got off the bike and waited for his godfather. When Murtagh finally finished, they walked over to the rowing machine. "What is it?"
"Aye weel, I was thinking..."
"Aunt Jocasta?"
"Ye're very perceptive! How dae ye ken?"
"For fuck sake Murtagh, I saw ye fondling my aunt's arse back in Lallybroch as both of ye dancing to slow music during the party...the whole hamlet knows," Jamie pointed out laughing, as he settled down on the rowing machine.
Murtagh's face turned red, and it was even more evident without his beard. But Jamie couldn't tell if his reddened face was down to being found out or exertion from their warm-up.
Claire was doing some finishing touches to her hair, and as usual, her locks refused to cooperate, so she opted to leave it loose around her shoulders instead. It was aunt Jocasta's birthday, and she had the whole French restaurant booked for the venue. As Jamie was going to be late for the dinner, Murtagh and Jocasta had offered to pick Claire up on the way.  
Claire was slightly worried about going to the party as she knew pregnancy with twins means she can go on to labour before the nine months term. She was already on her 37th week, and Jamie had no idea she was carrying more than one baby. Dr Grant had informed her during one of her more regular visits that at 38th week they would have to induce the birth, assuring her everything was perfect even if she had been complaining of sharp back pains. Twice, Claire had gone to the hospital with Geillis thinking it was time and each time it had been a false alarm. Despite the possibility of complication, Claire had insisted on keeping it secret, knowing Jamie was too busy with work. She wished now she had confided to more people, but Geillis had promised all will be well and to stop worrying as it was not good for the bairns.
When the doorbell rang, Claire waddled to the door, feeling slightly out of breath, as she felt shooting pain in her back. It was Murtagh on his own as he had left Jocasta in the car.
"Christ lass, are ye alright? Ye looked a bit flushed," Murtagh asked with concern in his voice.
And just as Claire had feared and of all days to happen, her water broke.
"Oh...ahh...I think I'm about to give birth," Claire breathed heavily, holding onto the door. As she felt herself sway, Murtagh, caught her in his arms just on time.
Jamie was just finishing some paperwork when his godfather had called to inform him Claire was taken to the hospital. At the mention of the word hospital, he didn't let Murtagh finished his sentence and was already on his feet, dropping everything he was doing. His heart was hammering as Jamie weaved through the traffic, willing his car to go faster, cursing himself for working late. All sorts went through his head and the one memory he didn't want to think about kept resurfacing in his mind: his mother's death giving birth.  Dear God, please let her be safe.
When Jamie reached the Northern Royal Infirmary, Joe was already there to greet him. "C'mon buddy. You're about to become a da! Claire's in labour. I think the babies are too eager to come out," Joe announced calmly as he led Jamie to the lift that would take them to the maternity ward.
"Babies? Da? I thought she wasn't due until December. Murtagh only said Claire was taken to the hospital, so I presumed it must have had something to do with her high blood pressure..."   Christ, what the fuck is going on...why is Claire having the baby now?
Joe caught himself. "Erm, I mean Claire and the baby are ready. It happened so quickly, and we didn't think...Anyway, she's fully dilated and is on active labour now. The contractions are so close together...so you'll be a da anytime soon."
Fully dilated? What the fuck does that mean?  Jamie had attended only a couple of Lamaze classes with Claire, and he remembered the breathing techniques. 
Joe looked at Jamie oddly. "What are you doing, Jamie?"
Jamie was doing rapid, short breaths. "Practicing for the birth? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Christ, am I doing it all wrong?"
Joe smiled and slapped Jamie on the back. "That's Claire's job. You're only there to assist her with the breathing. C'mon, calm down. Claire's doing wonderfully, and Gail is there with her."
"Oh Christ Almighty, I'm really going to be a da. Oh God...oh God. Christ, can't this lift go any faster?" Jamie was impatiently moving around and fidgeting in the lift much to Joe's amusement.
When the lift finally opened, Joe guided Jamie through the corridors of the maternity ward, and Jamie grimaced inwardly as he heard birthing screams and moans at each door he passed by. "Right buddy, do you want to be in the room with Claire, or do you want to wait until it's over? You don't have to you know...Claire's in good hands."
Jamie didn't hesitate, as he removed his tie and stuffed it in his suit pocket. "Aye, aye. I want to be there. I'm ready." He slammed a fist on his hand, puffing big breaths out as if he's about to enter a boxing ring.
"Right, you need to wear scrubs as we're going to the operating theatre."
Jamie's face turned white. "What? Why the operating theatre? Are there any complications? I thought everything was going well?" 
"Standard procedure buddy just in case the doctor deems it necessary to perform caesarian..." In actual fact and what Joe didn't tell Jamie was that most twin or multiple births are done in the operating theatre in case one of the babies refused to come out of the womb and the doctors are forced to perform a caesarian.
"Caesarian? Th-they'll cut her open? Claire had always wanted a natural birth...is it truly necessary?"
"Not necessarily...like what I said it's all precautionary. Calm down now...Claire needs you, remember that. "
A few minutes later, dressed in scrubs, a very nervous Jamie was led into the operating theatre. He stood there for a minute, dumbfounded taking the whole scene in, thinking what a pair of healthy lungs Claire had, and the sounds she was making made him tremble on his feet. Jamie saw his wife surrounded by medical staff, and there were monitors and bright lights everywhere and not the birthing room he had expected.
"YOU BEASTLY SCOT, WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" Claire screamed as soon as she realised Jamie was there, to the astonishment and shock of the doctors and nurses. Ever since she was wheeled into the hospital, Claire had been shouting all sorts of profanities that would shock a naval officer. Even Jenny and Ian, who were attending Jocasta's party, and were immediately on the scene, was shocked but amused at Claire's very colourful use of the language. 
"Mr James Fraser?"
"Aye?" Jamie's eyes darted from the doctor's face to his wife, who had a look as if she's about to commit murder, her riot of curls wild if not plastered to her perspiring face.
"Yer wife is about to give birth, you can stand here or take a stool next to her."
Jamie didn't need prodding and immediately went to Claire, nearly slipping and sliding under the operating bed from his awkward and shaky movement. As he caught himself, Jamie leaned over his wife, one arm around her head and the other, taking her hand in his. "Ssshh Sassenach, so sorry...so verra sorry. I'm here now, and I love ye...love ye to bits. And ye're so beautiful...and I love ye..." He regretted holding her hand after realising what a strong grip she had, her fingernails digging into the back of his. He winced but kept his hold firm, as his other hand stroke her hair, keeping it away from her face. 
Jamie swallowed audibly as he felt Claire's body convulsed with pain. He closed his eyes, wishing he could take the pain away from her, and for once, he felt utterly useless.
"I can see the head Mrs Fraser, just a little bit more," a gentle voice reminded Claire, as she prepared to push, her face contorted in pain. 
Jamie's face was as white as the hospital's bedsheets, as Claire grunted and his heart thundered between his ears. His wife's nails, earlier digging painfully into the back of his hand was no longer felt as he heard the sound of a baby's wail to rival his wife. The room suddenly spun, and Claire's cries and the medical staffs' mutterings became distant. "Congratulations Mrs Fraser! Looks like this wee one inherited your pair of lungs," he heard one of the doctors said before he succumbed to the oblivion.
A couple of minutes later, a nurse hovered over Jamie, and he came to his senses immediately as something pungent and strong was waved under his nose. Realising at once what was happening, he quickly got onto his unsteady feet, breathing as many big breaths as his lungs can muster. He leaned over Claire, who was sobbing uncontrollably. Taking her into his arms, he looked around to catch a glimpse of the baby, but he couldn't see it. "Sassenach, shh...it's over now, the baby is here. Ye were so brave...so incredible, and I love ye so..."
"Right, Mr and Mrs Fraser, are you ready for baby number two? This next one is very impatient to come out, and we don't need to wait," announced a doctor with a smug smile on his face.
"W-What?? Wait a minute...what ye mean number two?" Jamie's voice faltered before he fainted once again for the second time, his head making a resounding thud on the floor.
It was too late for any of the nurses to check on Jamie, as the second baby came out without a hitch and with less push required from Claire. 
Once the babies were safely delivered and taken to be cleaned, the bewildered staff looked at Jamie's immobile body, still on the floor and then Claire, who was wildly dishevelled and wet from perspiration and exertion.
"Well, my darling husband wanted a surprise, and I merely obliged," Claire shrugged with a smile as she leaned back against the pillow, feeling all of a sudden tired and spent; nevertheless relieved and ecstatic that their baby girls were safe, whole and healthy.
Jamie looked down at his wife, the twins nestled against her chest. After Claire and the babies were cleaned, they were rolled into their own private room in the hospital and were given an hour of family bonding. The bairns have latched on immediately as Claire breast-fed them and now slept contentedly. Jamie wasn't ready to share them to the world just yet even if he knew friends and family were waiting outside. Taking off his shoes, he slid into bed next to Claire, putting his arm above her head as he laid on his side, watching his bairns sleep.
He leaned towards his wife and kissed her on the forehead. "Ye were so incredible, Sassenach. The birth...ye...and everything has been a miracle. I dinna ken how ye've done it, but ye were so brave and strong." Jamie contemplated for a bit as he leaned to kiss the babies' head, inhaling their clean smell. "Ye've given me so much...yer love, our babies. I have so much joy in my heart that I feel I'm about to burst anytime soon."
Claire smiled, tenderly at her husband. "And I love you, Jamie Fraser and I'm sorry for shouting at you. How's your head?" she croaked hoarsely as all her screaming from earlier started to take its toll.
Jamie chuckled. "Och, it's fine. I dinna mean to faint like a wee lassie on ye, but it must have been all yer screaming that did it to me. I couldna bear the pain ye were going through. I wanted to take all yer pain, and I would have gladly suffered it for yer sake."
Claire was just lifting her face to kiss Jamie when the door to their room suddenly opened.
"Right, ye two, that's enough. Ye have plenty of time for cuddles later. We want to see the baby!" Jenny announced as she burst into the room, followed hesitantly by friends and family.
"Jenny!" Ian tried to pull back his wife, shrugging apologetically, but Jamie signalled them all to come in with a nod of his head, not moving from his position.
Jenny and Geillis were immediately leaning over Claire's side, crooning at the sight of the bairns as the rest congratulated the new parents.
"Och, they're no' identical... one's got dark hair an' the other lighter," Geillis chirped excitedly as she gently touched each baby's head.
Everybody crowded around the bed to have a better look. "Do we have names for the bairns yet?" Aunt Jocasta piped in as she stood by his nephew's side, one hand on his shoulder.
Jamie straightened up from his position. "Weel, everybody, Claire and I'd like to introduce ye to our beautiful lassies, Hope and Faith Fraser...our wee bundles of joy and miracle..." 
"Hope and Faith...how fitting after what both of you have been through," Joe said, smiling.
"Aye, Claire and I have talked about names. We have already decided on the name Faith awhile back if the bairn is to be a girl. But my wife never told me about a second girl," he laughed, lightly tapping Claire on her nose.
Claire looked at Jenny, smiling. "We thought too of the name Brian after your father, if the baby was a boy."
Murtagh peered his head to take a look. "So which one is which?"
"Well, Hope is with lighter hair and Faith is with the darker hair," Claire explained, her tired face breaking into a contented smile as she leaned her head towards Jamie's shoulder.
Jamie felt Claire's head bobbed up and down, trying to keep lucid in front of their friends and family. To his relief, the nurse came in to take the babies and announce visiting hours were over. By the time all of them left, Claire was already sound asleep, weary from all the excitement and effort of giving birth. Jamie remained where he was, holding his wife tight against him, thinking of the future for his young family. He said a silent prayer of gratitude as he stroke Claire's hair, and for the first time that day, Jamie allowed tears of happiness to flow freely until he too eventually fell into a peaceful sleep.
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bee-kathony · 6 years
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Midnight Kiss | Ch. 3 “Hold On To The Memories” 
Ch. 1 - Glitter On The Floor  | Ch. 2 - I Want Your Midnights
December 31st, 2018
“What’s yer drink?” Jamie asked, leaning against the bar. They had returned to the party a little before midnight and things certainly weren’t dying down any time soon.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” she smiled. Jamie ordered two whisky’s and turned back to her when the drink was ready and she took it gladly.
“Say,” he took a sip. “When yer finished wi’ the wee dram, would ye like to dance? Again?”
“Yes, I would love to,” Claire smiled and then tilted her drink back, finishing the rest in one gulp. She sighed content as the liquid burned down her throat and looked up at Jamie who was smirking. “Well…”
“Ye are somethin’ else, Beauchamp.” Jamie followed her lead, finishing his drink in one gulp and then grabbed her hand, pulling her out onto the dance floor. It was ten minutes until midnight and the slow songs were over.
Holding her hand high in the air, Jamie spun her around and her dress fanned out. She laughed freely and then fell into his arms as he pulled her back into a dip, her leg kicking out. Jamie was quite the dancer. Earlier on the roof, they had simply held onto each other, but now they were spinning and jumping around, enjoying the night and forgetting everything else.
They continued to dance, eyes twinkling and hands never leaving the other. After another song, someone came on stage and announced it was officially two minutes until midnight.
“Grab yer special someone and get ready for that midnight kiss!” The man in a top hat said and Jamie and Claire both looked at each other.
“What do ye say, Sassenach?” He quirked his brow. “Will ye be my midnight kiss?”
Claire stepped closer to him and slid her arms around his neck, “Of course I will.”
Everyone turned then to look at the giant clock on the wall and began to count down from sixty.
Jamie gripped her waist.
Fifty-nine… fifty-eight… fifty-seven…
Claire glanced at Jamie who’s eyes were watching the minute hand move, memorizing his face; the way his blue eyes crinkled on the sides when he smiled and the way his auburn hair shined in the light.
Forty-three… forty-two… forty-one…
He turned his head to look down at her, giving her side a firm squeeze. “Aye, Sassenach?”
Thirty-eight… thirty-seven… thirty-six…
“I’m glad I met you tonight,” she smiled.
Jamie’s eyes crinkled and he pulled her closer, embracing her and then pulled back to look at her. “So am I, Claire. Ye’ve made this night… magical.”
Twenty-two… twenty-one… twenty…
“You better make this a good kiss!” Claire had to shout a bit as everyone around them got louder. “Since you’re the only one I’ve got!”
Jamie kissed her cheek then and heat rose to the surface of her face. She loved the way his scruff felt against her skin. “Oh I plan on it.”
Eleven… ten… nine…
Claire stood on her toes, tugging on the curls at the back of his neck as her heart started to race.
Six… five… four…
Jamie cupped her cheek and bent his head down, smiling as he watched her eyes close.
Three… two… one… Happy New Year!
As the band started to play Auld Lang Syne and confetti fell from the ceiling just as Jamie promised, he sealed their lips.
Claire’s hand was gripping his jacket and she slipped her tongue out, parting his lips and felt him chuckle. He broke the kiss momentarily, opening his eyes to look at her, breathless and then kissed her again.
Cupping her cheeks, Jamie never wanted to stop kissing her, tasting her on his lips.
Claire was the first to break the kiss and opened her eyes slowly as if in a daze.
“Did ye like it?” Jamie grinned.
She simply nodded, having lost her words.
“Ye have confetti in yer lovely hair,” Jamie laughed and picked a few pieces out of her mess of curls. No doubt she would be finding confetti in her hair tomorrow morning.
“Follow me,” Claire said and tugged on his hand, leading him through the crowd and then she stopped near the door, just out of range from all the noise.
“I feel like when I wake up, all of this will be a dream,” she said quietly and then looked up at him.
“Me too, Sassenach.” He smiled, smoothing her hair back from her face. “But it doesn’t have to end here. I’m no even goin’ to pretend that I dinna want yer number verra badly,” Jamie laughed.
Claire smiled and reached for her phone in her small purse, but when she pressed the home button, it was dead. “Do you have your phone on you? Mine’s dead, I’m afraid.”
He smiled and slid his hands in both his pants pockets and then his jacket but when he pulled it out he realized his had died as well.
“I don’t suppose you’re really good at remembering numbers?” Claire grinned.
“I’m good wi’ languages, no so much numbers and such,” Jamie said.
Claire opened her mouth to say something and then shut it.
“What is it, Sassenach?” Jamie reached for her hand.
“It’s just… we can’t exchange numbers and now that I’m thinking about all of this, I just…” she trailed off, not meeting his eye.
“Tell me what yer thinkin’, Sassenach,” He said gently, “Please?”
“Let’s make a promise to meet back here in one year,” Claire said looking up at him. “Same place, New Year’s Eve.”
“But why a year?” He asked a bit confused.
Claire peered down at their hands in between them; her smaller ones in his large ones, fingers softly stroking hers. “My life… well, my life has been complicated this past year and I don’t think I’m ready for—“
“For this,” Jamie waved his other hand back and forth from him to her. “Aye, I can maybe understand.” He smirked at her and then lifted his hand under her chin, “Maybe.”
“We wait a year and we’ll meet again,” Claire said. “I promise to have my life together by then,” she laughed lightly. “Let’s remember tonight as it was. Perfect.”
“Perfect,” Jamie repeated. “I dinna like this wee plan of yers, but I understand. ’Tis odd,” he smirked. “But if ye need a year, Sassenach. I can give ye a year.”
She stood on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips against his one last time until they would meet again. His hand slid around her waist, pulling her close and he deepened the kiss. Claire knew it was probably foolish and old fashioned — her plan, considering she could have found a napkin and a pen and given him her number.
But it was the truth. Her life had been complicated ever since her parents died just last March and she had suffered not only their loss, but a horrible break-up with her ex, Frank. What Claire needed was time and she knew that with Jamie there, she wouldn’t be able to properly heal. As his lips pressed against hers, she thought maybe he could be the key in mending her heart, but first she needed to try on her own.
They finally broke apart, resting their foreheads against each other.
“One year,” she whispered.
“I will see ye, again, Claire,” Jamie ran his thumb across her cheek to catch a fallen tear. “You can count on that.”
It took everything in her to release his hand and walk away. Just before she rounded the corner to head for the elevator, Claire took one last look back at him and smiled. Jamie smiled, giving her a wave and then she was gone.
One Year Later
She had been getting ready for the past three hours. Her hair and makeup had been finished nearly two hours ago, but deciding on an outfit was a bit more complicated.
Claire needed to find the perfect dress for tonight. It was New Year’s Eve. This meant that she would see him again.
James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser.
Exactly a year ago, Claire had literally bumped into him at a New Year’s Eve party and throughout the course of the night, she had fallen for him. At the end of the night, they’d made a promise to meet again at the same place. Over the past year, not a day went by when she didn’t think about Jamie.
Realistically, she knew she would be able to get his number by looking him up or by going to the hotel where they had met, considering his uncle owned the hotel. But since that night, Claire had made leaps and bounds in her life. No longer did she feel tears prick her eyes at the mention of her parents. And she had pieced back her heart after realizing that Frank never truly loved her nor she him.
Claire may have only known Jamie Fraser for one night, but she knew that she loved him and she had been waiting a year to say it.
She only hoped he would show up.
“Lady J!” Joe called and this time she ran out quickly to meet him at the door.
“I’m ready,” she smiled and did a little twirl. Claire settled on a floor length red dress and had left her hair down because she knew Jamie was fond of it.
“You look fantastic, LJ. You’ll knock him right off of those Scottish feet of his,” Joe grinned, giving her a once over. “If I hadn’t proposed to Gail this year, then I might just be asking you.”
She chuckled and blushed at his kind comment and then walked out the door.
On the car ride over to the hotel, Claire’s nerves were everywhere. Her knees were knocking together and she felt a light sweat break out on her forehead.
“He’ll be here, Claire. The way he looked at you,” he whistled loudly. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he got there at six a.m. this morning!”
She shoved his arm, “Oh stop, he wouldn’t!” But she thought he might just have done that very thing.
When they arrived at the hotel, Claire took two steps towards the door and then froze.
“What is it?” Joe asked, holding her arm and looked into her eyes to see if she was okay.
“What if he’s found someone else?” Claire panicked. “What if he is here tonight, but only to tell me that he moved on with his life and that he couldn’t wait.”
“There’s only one way to find out,” Joe offered her his arm and she looked down at hit, pausing a beat before accepting it.
The entire ride up to the top floor, she stared at her feet. If everything worked out, then she would leave here the happiest woman alive, but if things didn’t work out…
As the doors opened, Joe gave her arm a reassuring squeeze and together they walked into the huge room. Last year it had been decorated in a 20’s theme and this year everything was black and white.
Including everyone’s outfits.
“Joe!” Claire gasped as she realized that she was the only one dressed in color. “Did you know this was a white and black party?”
Her friend started laughing next to her, “I did.” She swatted at his arm, “But I wanted to make sure your man found you.”
“I’ll stick out like a sore thumb,” she pressed her hand to her forehead and then looked down at her dress. “Christ, I’m in bloody red for crying out loud!”
“Calm down, LJ. Let’s get you a drink and maybe you’ll forget all about it,” he laughed again and Claire reluctantly followed after him, avoiding meeting anyone’s eye as they moved through the crowd.
They had arrived around ten p.m. and Claire wasn’t sure if she should go in search for Jamie or let him find her.
An hour later, she finished her third drink, crossing her arms over her chest.
“He’s not here,” Claire said.
Joe had left her thirty minutes ago to dance and had just come back to her, still at the bar. “Well if you’re just going to stand at the bar all night, maybe he won’t find you.” He gave her a look and she stared back, “Go and find him, LJ.”
“Where do I even look?” She asked but as she finished her question, she knew just where to look. “I’ll see you later, Joe,” Claire gave him a quick hug and then made her way through the crowd and to the elevator.
The few seconds it took to ride up to the rooftop was pure agony. And then the doors opened.
Jamie stood there in the middle of the glass box. Twinkling lights shined above him and Claire’s heart nearly stopped as she noticed the hundreds of red rose petals scattered all around the floor. He must have been standing here all night.
Her heels clicked against the ground as she approached him and he looked up and his face lit up like the sun.
“Jamie Fraser,” Claire smiled as she came to stand before him.
“Claire Beauchamp,” Jamie smiled equally as big.
“How long have you been up here?”
“Two hours,” he admitted and Claire laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.
“I’m so sorry! I was waiting downstairs by the bar,” she laid her hand lightly on his arm. “It only just occurred to me to come looking for you up here.”
“Well I got here about four hours ago to set all this up,” Jamie gestured to the flowers around them. “I wanted to make it perfect. We waited a year after all,” he smirked.
“Yes,” Claire grinned and took a step closer to him until their bodies were touching, “We did.”
They both stood there quietly, looking up into each others eyes, unsure what the next step was. Now that the moment they had been waiting for was here, they both felt a little awkward.
“How have you been?” Claire asked.
Jamie smirked and then slid his hands to cup her cheeks, “Just kiss me, Sassenach.”
She let out a squeak as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers and her body melted against his. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she parted his mouth with her tongue, softly moaning against his mouth.
Jamie slid his hands through her curls and whispered, “Mo nighean donn.”
“You told me you would tell me what that meant,” Claire grinned, feeling a little light headed.
Stroking a curl between his fingers, Jamie pulled lightly on it, “It means my brown haired lass.”
“Rather a dull color brown, I’ve always thought,” she pulled on a curl.
“Nah,” Jamie smiled softly. “Not dull at all, it’s like the water in a burn… the way it ruffles down the rocks. Dark, wi’ wee spots of auburn.”
Claire’s breath hitched as his hand traveled from the bottom of her curl to her shoulder, resting gently against her heart.
“And what was the other thing you said?”
Jamie grinned and slid his arm around her waist, “Tha gaol agam ort.”
She stood on her toes, placing both her hands on his shoulders, “And what does that mean?”
Time stopped as he looked into her eyes and it was as if the past year of their lives hadn’t even happened. They were the same people that stood in this very spot, the same people that had held each other, seeking comfort and connection.
Tears filled Jamie’s eyes and he looked down at her and said, “It means I love you, Claire.”
She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding and kissed him before finally saying, “I love you too, Jamie.”
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boyneriver-fraser · 6 years
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WHUCK was Production THINKING?! 😱
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Harvard University, my Aunt Evelyn! 🙄
This completely tongue-in-cheek post is dedicated to the lovely and talented @mebertolini ❤️ and the lovely and talented @ladyjane-lj ❤️. Old English teachers never die, they just parse away...
Gifs: @breeefraser Photo: @outlander-online Photo Edit: Minerva McGonagall
January 7, 2019
#Outlander #My puir ears! 🙉 #Grammar is our friend #Every thing matters to somebody #Go fun or go home™ #Drums Of Autumn #S4E10 #The Deep Heart’s Core #Brianna Randall #Brianna Fraser #Brianna MacKenzie #Lizzie Weymss #62 #010719
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walkinginland · 5 years
17, 39, and 50, please!
Thanks for asking, love!! These are some long answers, sorry.....
17. Who was your first OTP (in your current fandom) and are they still your favourite?
James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser and Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser Randall Fraser Grey Fraser. 
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
That I’m doing it at all, I suppose! I never never never saw myself writing something; in all the years I have spent in many different fandoms it never crossed my mind. And even if the thing isn’t all that great, I’m still really proud that I’m stretching and growing and trying something new for myself.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Reading? I think the first actual fanfic I read was Supernatural fanfiction, probably sometime around 2012? I genuinely don’t remember how I got into it, but I think it was mostly over on fanfiction.net, and some on tumblr (before I even had a blog myself). Then LJ.... Supernatual is a MUCH bigger fandom, with a ton of writers and fic. I jumped around a lot in the early days as I was trying to figure things out for myself.
And writing? I have thought out “what if” stories for as long as I can remember, mostly as a tool to help me fall asleep. (My first recollection of one of these “what if” situations I thought up was pretty much a reader-insert LOTR post-war story where I was Aragorn and Arwen’s daughter and had been kidnapped or something. I was 9 or 10? Good times.) 
To Heart and Home happened because I had thought out the “what if the stones didn’t work” scenario and the “LET JAMIE FRASER RAISE HIS CHILDREN” situation to the point that I had a sudden realization of “why don’t you just write the damn thing that you’ve been thinking so much about??” And here we are. 
From this ask meme.
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cputrbug · 2 years
Outlander Book 9
Several years before it was published, I made a list of what I thought would happen in Book 9. Here’s how I did: YES - William falls in love with his cousin’s wife. Cousin comes back from the “dead” NO -  LJ and Jenny enter into a marriage of convenience. Making LJ not only William’s father, but his uncle. YES -  William and Bree have an adventure where she tells him all about Jamie (and maybe smacks him upside the head too) YES - Bree and Roger find out they are having another kid NO, but one of the bad guys is there and they haven’t taken Claire...yet -  The bad guys from 1980 follow the MacKenzies back in time and try to kidnap Jem and Mandy, but take Claire instead. Jamie unleashes holy hell to get her back, but Claire is forced through the stones at the end of the book. Book 10 will be about Claire finding her way back to Jamie. 12 notes
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themangledsans0508 · 3 years
Day 7: Unsolved Lore/Mysteries/Last day of Summer
"Are you we can just leave?" Emily asked quietly. Hes shook her head.
"We don't have a choice. But I have my license, and by the end of October, I'll be able to drive friends. We'll come back and we won't leave until we find her." Wren tapped her fingers against her arms.
"We can't wait that long. She doesn't have that long," she argued.
"Unless you have a better idea it's all we can do," Hes snapped. 
"What about while we're gone?" Mackenzie asked. There was a tense silence.
"I'll keep an eye on it," Diane promised, "If I see any sign of her or any clues or anything even related to her I'll let you all know." They had a tight group hug, the phantom of some else's arms felt by everyone. As they all left, Hes gave one last sad look towards the woods.
"We'll find you, Vanessa."
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maculategiraffe · 6 years
hey how come tumblr doesn’t have polls like LJ did
I can’t decide whether to post the next X6 chapter or the next Mackenzie chapter first, why can’t I do a poll about it
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jandjsalmon · 4 years
Hello everybody!! It’s been a busy week for me. 
I’ve read a lot of fanfiction. I have stayed up WAAY too late to read a lot of fanfiction. Over a million words just this week! I’ve beta read a really delicious wolfy bughead chapter that I’m super excited about. I managed to add more than a single word to one of my wips - so I’m considering myself heroic (it was only two words - so I’m not that heroic). Spent the first half of the week reading Peter/Lara Jean fics and ended it by rereading old Veronica Mars favourites. Remind me how we EVER read fics at ff.net. What a nightmare that was.
ANYWAY - I’ve started making a super cute sock monkey toque (beanie). I’ve drank far too many Super Big Gulps. I’ve done all my laundry. I’ve made bread twice. I’ve learned how to curl my daughter’s hair with socks. I have tried out two new recipes (one was a success and one - I’ll let you know after dinner). I’ve had philosophical discussions with friends and borrowed a super fun book from the library (at the recommendation of two friends here). All whilst working remotely. 
All in all, it’s been a full week. I hope you guys are having a wonderful week too. 
Stay healthy and stay safe. 😘
Here is my reading list for the week of Sept 18th-Sept 24th
Week 1 (119 chapters)
Week 2 (158 chapters)
Week 3 (81 chapters)
Week 4 (98 chapters)
Week 5 (117 chapters)
Week 6 (99 chapters)
Week 7 (88 chapters)
Week 8 (149 chapters)
Week 9 (194 chapters)
Week 10 (220 chapters)
Week 11 (157 chapters)
Week 12 (97 chapters)
Week 13 (89 chapters)
Week 14 (44 chapters)
Week 15 (78 chapters)
Week 16 (72 chapters)
Week 17 (160 chapters)
Week 18 (119 chapter)
Week 19 (118 chapters)
Week 20 (73 chapters)
Week 21 (111 chapters)
Week 22 (146 chapters)
Week 23 (334 chapters)
RIVERDALE (Bughead) - 15
obsidian daydreams by @lilibug–xx​ (chapter 3)
one single thread of gold (tied me to you) by @thesunandthestarss​ (chapter 3)
Time after Time by @go-ldy​ (1/1)
Elastic Heart by @easyluckyfree45​ (6/6)
Life. by BookLabrynth (chapter 6)
Never No Locomotive by @thepointoftheneedle​ (first chapter - now removed)
a Prince and a Witch by @aam-loves​ (1/1)
Daemon Bound by @writeradamanteve​ (chapter 16)
(you make me feel) so summer fling by @fallout-mars (chapter 6)
Beauty Rich & Rare by @blackberry-beee​ (first chapter)
Bughead Rereads - 10
i think you’re moving in too close by @thetaoofbetty​ (1/1)
haven’t you heard (it’s national ferris wheel day)? by @thetaoofbetty​ (1/1)
The blonde in the window by @sadie-quinn​ (3/3)
Six Years by @itstrashwitch​ (5/5)
Always You by @queenie-004​ (Peter/LJ) - 4/4
Wildflower by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1  
Talk to me, Baby by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1  
A Different Kind of Tension by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1  
All the Strings Attached by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 20/20  
Pretend You’re Mine by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1        
Love You Like a Love Song by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1  
Just Give Me the Key by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 2/2      
This Sweet Desire by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1  
Look What You Started by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 1/1  
Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 2/2     
Heat Lightning by @queenie-004​  (Peter/LJ) - 2/2    
Bullets and Cupcakes by @theopensea & threemeows (Peter/LJ) - 19/19    
Bullets and Cupcakes: Duet by threemeows (Peter/LJ) - chapters 1-11
The Dream Of The Fisherman’s Wife by qodarkness (Theon/Sansa) - 1/1
Something To Believe by Daisey_May (Laura/Sweeney) - chapter 21
Bruce and Maisel by @allthyheart​ (Lenny/Miriam) - chapter 11
A Royal Engagement by @hallie-society​ (Harry/Allie) - chapter 11
Bedlam of My Own by @loveliescrossing​ (Five/Vanya) - chapter 1 
A different life by Chevalier_Barthelemy (Five/Vanya) - chapters 3, 4, & 5
Everything I Do I Do For You by SuperNav_2991 (Five/Vanya) - chapters 1 & 2
the heartbreak prince by @kylorenvevo​ (Ben/Rey) - chapter 28
JAM 6.0 by DoomGoose (Jim/Pam) - chapters 13 & 14
Misc. Rereads - 229
Almost all my rereads were Veronica Mars fic this week - mostly Mac/Dick *but some LoVe as periphery relationships. All started with my desire to reread one of my favourite fics EVER in any fandom (Sinclair-Mackenzie) - and then I just fell into my ff.net bookmarked fics. The fics marked with a ** are my particular favourites. If you’ve never read any of these, I hope you’ll give them a try. If they’re ones you’ve read before, I hope you love them too! Enjoy!!
Sinclair-Mackenzie by BIFF1 (Mac/Dick) - 18/18 **
Ringer by BIFF1 - 16/16 **
Casablancas Kryptonite by BIFF1 (Mac/Dick) - 35/35 **
Mrs Casablancas by BIFF1  (Mac/Dick) - 3/3   
Bleeding Knuckles by BIFF1 (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
Commitment Buffers by BIFF1 (Mac/Dick) - 38/38
Cindy Mackenzie slayer of Lovecraftian Horror by BIFF1 (Mac/Dick) - 23/23   
Postcode Envy by  BeWitchingRedhead36 (Mac/Dick) - chapters 1-24  
Mercy on the Undeserved by LVfangirl (Mac/Dick & LoVe) - 37/37
Last Kiss by MadMooMe (Mac/Dick) - 10/10 **
Valid Delusions by @ohdarlingnicole​ (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
would feel strange, boneless by sheriff stilinski (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
experimental group by sheriff stilinski (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
Life’s Funny That Way by Linnie22 (Mac/Dick) - five chapters
By Any Other Name by sweetumms633 (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
Something Real by in2deep495 (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
Rooftop of Broken Souls by @forgetxdecember​​ (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
Dude Like I Have No Idea by Chounette (Mac/Dick) - 1/1
Blue Hair by Chounette (Mac/Dick) - 1/1  
Good Eye, Sniper by FallAway (Mac/Dick) - 11/11     
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fourteenacross · 7 years
year in review
Time for the year in review! I do these two surveys and the writing one every year, though the writing one is gonna wait until I have time to collect all the links and do the word count and everything.
Fandom 2017
1. Your main fandom of the year?
Definitely still Hamilton on the reading/writing front. In the "this is all I talk about" way, it was probably Great Comet or maybe Malloy in general because I still want to talk about Ghost Quartet all the time.
2. Your favorite film watched this year?
(Hahaha, in last year's meme I said something about finding Moana surprisingly moving and wanting to see it again. I ended up seeing it like, five times in theatres.)
But actual films that I actually saw in 2017 that weren't Moana. Probably Get Out. It's really a masterful piece of work in my very favorite genre. I made a zillion people see it. I still think about it all the time. And [vague spoilers] the bit where Rod comes out of the car is probably my favorite movie moment in 2017. [/vague spoilers]
3. Your favorite book read this year?
I can narrow it down to my top three, which were Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee, and Ghostland by Colin Dickey. The first two are completely unsurprising--Gentleman's Guide is my favorite sort of narrative, where there are exciting adventures and also a queer romance and everyone lives happily ever after. Star-Crossed is the book I needed when I was thirteen, and Ghostland is something I'm still talking about all the time.
4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
Did I listen to anything new this year? Oh, Ghost Quartet! Definitely Ghost Quartet, it was all I listened to for about two months.
5. Your favorite TV show of the year?
Oh god, I don't know? There was nothing I was obsessive over. New stuff that I liked: One Day at a Time, The Good Place, and...maybe that was it?
6. Your favorite online fandom community of the year?
idk. To be honest, I still don’t quite ~*~get~*~ tumblr (tho I had some nice conversations via the chat function, despite my general awkwardness as a human), LJ is dead, and while I connect with fandom friends and talk about fandom on Twitter, I don’t do that as much as I whine about my life. I guess AO3 has been great via comments received, but that also feels one-sided, as chatty cathy as I sometimes get when responding to people’s comments. Most of my fandom conversations this year have PROBABLY been over text?
^^^^ That's what I wrote last year and it probably remains true, except to say that I had a lot of gr8 conversations about my dumb fic with @lisapizza​.
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
I don't think I had one, unless you count Ghost Quartet.
8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Everything that happened around the end of Great Comet. I'm still angry and heartbroken over it.
9. Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
I'm changing this from "your TV bf" and "your TV gf" because I just don't watch a ton of teevee anymore. Still, even with that change, I'm not sure I have a fandom boyfriend right now. I have been pretty anti-dude this year. OH, I guess unless you count Lucas Steele getting all up in my biz on stage when I saw Comet in August XD
10. Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
Probably Brittain Ashford or Morgan Marcell.
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year?
My entire Chicago trip was pretty great, including seeing Karen as Angelica which was WOW. Seeing Malloy as Pierre. The final performance of Great Comet in a ferris wheel with @lisapizza​ @charmingpplincardigans​ and @chiasticbees​
12. The most missed of your old fandoms?
Mostly I miss having close buddies in fandom. I miss texting @pearlo​ every dumb fic idea I have and planning trips and parties for people to come do fannish stuff together.
13. The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to?
I’m p mono-fannish, so I’m good for now.
14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Oh god, I don't know? Heroes, probably. It's weird not doing DragonCon this year. Um, Hamilton in Boston. Whatever happens with Moby Dick. Black Panther and A Wrinkle in Time. The Simon vs. movie.
General 2017
What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Went on a non-con vacation with friends! Recorded a live podcast episode (twice!)! Uh...probably other things?
Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
+ Read more adult books
Aahahahaha, if I did that, it was by like...one. So no.
+ Keep track of good things that happen
I started this at the end of the year? But I did not start in January, so much of the year is lost to my shitty memory.
+ Make a writing schedule and try to stick to it for at least a month
This did not happen.
+ Be better with money–pay off half the credit card
This also did not happen.
+ Go on more dates
This also did not happen. I did go on some, but not as many as 2016 and I spent a large chunk of 2017 dragging my feet over asking someone out instead of just...asking.
Next year:
+ Come up with a better way to track reading/writing/finances + Set up some kind of writing schedule + Cook more often + Schedule at least a couple days a month that are designated "get nothing done" days, so I have at least a couple days where I'm not an anxious mess over not doing enough. + Go somewhere new + Go on more dates--there will be more kissing in 2018, I stfg.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Caitlin had a baby! I still haven't met him :(
Did anyone close to you die?
The only person I can think of is Sara, a con friend who I know through several of my closer friends. It was weird being at con without her.
What countries did you visit?
Just the US. Hoping to change that in 2018. I did go to ATL, Charlotte, and Chicago, but even that feels like less travel than I normally do.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
I’d like to feel more on top of things. I’d like more organization in my life. I’d like more sleep. I’d like a girlfriend.
^^^^ Keeping that answer from last year.
What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 21 and the Women's March, which was amazing and energizing. June 13 when we saw Malloy as Pierre and that whole weird weekend. September 3 and having the final performance of Great Comet in a ferris wheel. (And also crying my cosplay make-up off all day like a nerd.)
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Staying alive? I feel like this was not a particularly strong year for achievements.
What was your biggest failure?
The whole year feels kind of like a fuzzy grey blur. I feel like I can come up with nine hundred failures, but none of them were particularly bad.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
I started the year off with a broken foot and also with a cold that lasted almost a week. The usual brain stuff was worse than usual thanks to the state of the world. I got glasses.
What was the best thing you bought?
Tickets to Great Comet and Hamilton and Ghost Quartet and Ghost Light and all the other shows and things I saw. My trip to Chicago. My skeleton onesie.
Whose behavior merited celebration?
My friends. A lot of excellent activists.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The American people as a whole and everything associated with our clusterfuck election outcome.
Where did most of your money go?
Grown-up type stuff (rent, utilities, groceries), cons, and travel.
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Chicago, HeroesCon, DragonCon, Hamilton, Great Comet, Ghost Quartet. Galentine's Day and my Great Comet wake and my Halloween party.
What song will always remind you of 2017?
I feel like this question is more aimed towards people who listen to the radio. My answer is going to be Ghost Quartet because I listened to that a lot.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? I would say that, overall, 2017 has been a sadder year for me than 2016, because up until November, my 2016 was pretty great. But this very moment right now, I think I'm probably slightly happier than I was in December 2016 because everything seemed SO bleak at that point, and at least now there's been some hope.
b) thinner or fatter? Same.
c) richer or poorer? Same.
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Writing. Sleeping. Going on dates. Hanging out with people.
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Being depressed. Obsessing over stupid shit people said on the internet.
Did you fall in love in 2017?
What was your favorite TV program?
For new stuff, probably The Good Place.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Many, many people. THANKS, POLITICS.
What was the best book you read?
See above for more details on this one.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Ghost Quartet.
What did you want and get?
Cons, brunch, travel, various tickets to things, my skeleton onesie.
What did you want and not get?
Impeachment. A girlfriend. More sleep.
What was your favorite film of this year?
Get Out
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 32! I had a party and we played Drawful and @lisapizza made me a beautiful cake!
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Any sort of fix to our current political mess.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
Retro-y dresses.
What kept you sane?
@ginthusiastic @pearlo @caphairdadbeard @isjustprogress @intrikate88 @lisapizza @charmingpplincardigans @anachronistique @chiasticbees @brilligspoons and the rest of the Boston crew whose tumblrs I don’t know/remember, and the DCon crew and Great Comet and Hamilton and GBBO and social media breaks.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Brittain Ashford, Morgan Marcell, the entire cast of The Last Jedi.
What political issue stirred you the most?
It's hard to pick just one when the whole country is on fire.
Who did you miss?
Pretty much everyone when they are not right next to me. Sarah Bay, a lot, but I feel weird singling one person out. [This is exactly what I wrote for the last three years, but I’m keeping it because it’s still true.]
Who was the best new person you met?
I’m trying to think of actualfax new people I met? I can't think of anyone?
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017:
No one cares about facts.
Quote a song that sums up your year:
I will try to forgive myself for living in the dark for my loss of wonder for forgetting how to play
I will try to forgive myself for being absent in public and bored before stars
for not remembering for not being in my body for not starting right now I will try to see myself as I am
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lol-jackles · 7 years
Carina Mackenzie went from fangirl to zap2it writer/actor kiss ass to actual writer for The Originals. And yeah AAs hate her because she used to totally TRASH Jensen on her Livejournal back in the day. Then once she had access to the SPN actors she acted like she had ALWAYS loved Jensen, what on earth were people talking about??
D-OH I didn’t know she is an actual writer for a show!  Thanks anon!  So this chick went from fangirl to reporter to actual legit writer.  I don’t watch The Originals, is it good?  Are her episodes decent?  Can we get her over to SPN?  Anything is better than sleep-your-way-to-the-top Eugine Ross Lemming and her side piece.
I want Mz Mackenzie write for SPN just to watch the AAs go kaboomey with kray kray.  If what you said about her LJ is true then me and her could be besties.
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bisoras · 8 years
omg tysm hoshi!!!! @master-ephemera tagged me to do a gtkm meme <3<3<3
name: kaci
zodiac sign: virgo
height: 5′6
orientation: lesbian
nationality: american
favourite fruit: pomegrantes
favourite season: autumn
favourite book: mhmmmmm lowkey wanna go with daughters of darkness by lj smith just bc it’s my forever guilty pleasure
favourite flower: tulips
favourite scent: oranges
favourite color: peach
favourite animal: idk bears maybe
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? /would lay down my life for a cup of coffee
average sleep hours: usually like 6-7
cat or dog person? DOGS
favourite fictional character(s): jesus (twd), alec (shadowhunters), sora and terra (kh), korra (tlok), toph (atla), minako and makoto (sailor moon), alphonso mackenzie (aos), and mOre
number of blankets you sleep with: two
dream trip: new zealand maybe
blog created: joined this hellsite in 2011
number of followers: 297 on this blog alone; 963 including my sideblogs
im tagging @lawofaverages @brcuewyane @possum-springs @magitek @gayrikus @wayfindertrio @greenerovia @drcloyd but only if u guys want to do it!!!
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