#lj wren
mrv3000 · 1 year
tumblr avatars - Ahsoka series spoilers
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128x128 avatars for tumblr - the individual avatars that you can snag are behind the cut! (Because tumblr's ability to display pictures is ridiculous.)
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I might do some blog headers next because I'm in a photopea kind of mood. :D
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roxashighwind · 2 years
✨ pinned post  💖
roxas. they/them. 30+
this blog has been a catchall since i started it in 2011 and so it will stay. 
ao3. dreamwidth. livejournal.
tracking #roxashighwind if you want me to see anything~
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eulaliasims · 6 months
Uni: Lina and Wren 1/2
The amount of uni posts on here is frankly getting ridiculous, so I'm going to break from habit and write the next few households in old school LJ/DW format with many picture, few post, instead of many picture, many post. Okay, here, enjoy. Or don't, you do you.
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Uni is unending and I'm going to continue to subject everyone to its timeless horrors. 🥰 So we're back with Wren and Lina.
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Lina has gained some weight since starting college, and she likes how feminine it makes her feel. Less exciting is needing to buy new jeans.
Lina: Wren! I'm going shopping, you wanna come?
Wren: No thanks! I'm learning how to make bouillabaisse!
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Dormie: Hey, I love your pants.
Lina: Hey, thanks, you too!
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Cute! Lina inherited her most obvious facial features from her dad, but she reminds me a lot of Mara-Jade with this hair.
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Wow, stealing from your little sibling? Harsh.
Ashley: Wren's not gonna read it, and I need to test my automatic newspaper recycler.
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Lina is into Trent Surfen. Good for her, I guess.
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However, Trent surfed off to class after a little bit, and Goth Dormie stopped to chat.
Goth Dormie: Ooh, darlin', I love that hair on you.
Lina: Awww, thanks!
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Lina: Has anyone ever told you you're, like, gorgeous? Like really pretty?
Goth Dormie: A few times.
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And then Goth Dormie rejected her, confusing both Lina and me.
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Wren: This is great, Lina!
Lina: I mean, it's just boxed mac and cheese.
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sadsoftserve · 7 months
I'm not crow but I am in hellsite 2.0!
And yes I am the real loud anon I just wanted to be a little shit for once okay
I'm done now I got bored after like the first 2 asks but felt like I had to keep this up for the sake of consistency. Sorry sadsoftserve
if you were in the Hellsite, you'd know everyone calls me either
Or Sads.
Two, if you're in the Hellsite, prove to me, what my latest concept is that I have yet shared here.
And three, I have a sneaking suspicion that if somehow, you are in the Hellsite... You are either Arospecbandgeek, Noah, or wren (tho I highly doubt that last one)
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Possible(?) Headmate List
I've been thinking about the gang today. I haven't really popped off about them yet, but I like the idea of a masterpost for everyone.
I'll try to put everyone in order of how prominent they were during their time. TW - IFS / Internal Family Systems mention: They were the parts I made during IFS that had a bit more autonomy than they should've and the main reason why I'm questioning so much. (I've mentioned in my pinned post that I don't agree with IFS as a practice and don't condone it, but these guys are very important to me.)
Masterpost under the cut!
Syren "Sy" 💫 ➺ based on my love of astronomy ➺ it/sol/voi/they + mirrors ➺ a living star, has both a more human and more star-like form ➺ was most often around when I was dissociating ➺ wasn't really the nicest, but it meant well
Maera ✨ ➺ based on my love of animals, mythology, and space ➺ she/it/they/star/woo/kit/🐕/🐾 + mirrors ➺ she's based on Canis Minor! blond border collie girl! ➺ always happy and always hyperactive, she's a sweetheart ➺ made me raise a brow when I realized she didn't seem to represent any negative "part" of me...
Evren "Ev" 🍯 ➺ based on my love of pastels, learning, "kawaii"/soft things, and possibly cartoons? ➺ ey/ve/ne/they/she ➺ I've been trying to see if these "parts" are more personas than other people, that's why this account is framed around one ➺ a demon in a human skin, but you wouldn't know if ey didn't have eir horns :) ➺ one of the ones that popped up cuz my brain said "hey, this guy's here too" out of nowhere lmao
Raine 🌧️ ➺ based on my love of oceanography and marine biology ➺ ve/xe/they/she ➺ human-adjacent, ve grow spikes on ver body (especially on ver head like a tiara) when ver angry ➺ ve mask quite a bit, more than any of the others ➺ ve also like to go by Marsh! it's like a screen name for ven
Homura 🔥 ➺ based on my strong Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) kin and my love of vtubers ➺ she/they/fie/e ➺ she's a lady with short reddish hair and circular glasses. the tips of her hair burn slightly ➺ the mom friend of the group, but she usually lets people walk all over her... ➺ if she was a vtuber, she'd call her viewers her sparks!
Saige 🌱 ➺ based on my Ground-type Miku (Project Voltage) kin and my love of the desert, botany, and the song Sand Planet ➺ dune/fie/kit/she ➺ green hair and deep pink eyes, like the flower on a cactus ➺ the one that pops up when someone needs brutal honesty ➺ kind of a hardass, but done absolutely means well
Juno / Lyra "LJ" 🥤 ➺ based on my love of Pokémon and possibly silly/colorful things? ➺ e/they/bu/🫧/she ➺ eir the middle stage between Marill and Azumarill, but as a human girlie ➺ here's where we get to the ones that weren't/aren't present enough to have a lot of info. I think e's pretty goofy, though ➺ couldn't decide between the two names, so e use both!
Wrenly "Wren" 🥀 ➺ based on my love of weirdcore as a genre ➺ xe/ink/voi/star/wy/it ➺ a tall, lanky, possibly staticky creature that's both mute and nonscribal ➺ xer whole thing was like. I can feel them physically inside me. is that weird? xe would claw at my stomach whenever i felt dysphoric or dysmorphic
Angel 💗 ➺ gonna be real, I don't really know what she's based on. my brain told me one day that I had another dog girl in me, so here she is lmao ➺ she/her, possibly more? ➺ a shel-Aussie dog girl! ➺ literally would just. make yapping noises. I'm dead serious. we love her for it, though
Sidney "Syd" 🗡️ ➺ based on my gender expression (feminine enby) and love of punk aesthetics and heavier music ➺ they/xe/ey/ne/fie/ink/voi ➺ they have two appearances based on their gender expression, but they're mostly a taller woman with shorter white hair and blue eyes ➺ wasn't really around. I think it was because they were suffering in silence
Addison 💾 ➺ based on my love of tech ➺ wy/ey/ce/ne/it/they ➺ I've never really been able to see or interact with the headspace, but I've realized it's a series of interconnected planets in its own solar system (if it exists). wy is the one that created it ➺ wy is a living computer program, so wy powers down as a means of running from their problems and trauma. I haven't really heard anything from wir at all
??? 🦗 ➺ also based on my love of Pokémon ➺ they/them ➺ I don't really know if they're here, but I wondered for a while if LJ had eir own part based on a shiny Lurantis OC I have
That's the crew! Again, I'm still not sure if they count as headmates or not, but while they were created to be parts of me to help me get through my trauma, they were very much their own people that only really "fronted" during specific times. It's all very confusing, but they still mean a hell of a lot to me.
If anyone has any questions on or for any of them, feel free to leave a comment!
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themangledsans0508 · 3 years
A Second Family
Read on Ao3
Summary: Ripley had always been with family. Then she went to camp. But she felt like it was family. Why? She thinks she knows.
Words: 1300, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Characters: Ripley, The Roanokes, The Zodiacs, Rosie, Nellie
Ships: Mally (not focus)
Additional Tags: Found Family, ripley thinking about how she found a second family, and how she assigned everyone mental roles
Maybe it was because Ripley, prior to camp, had never been away from a family member for longer than three days, which was for a field trip. All twelve years of her life she had been surrounded by family, her ten older siblings, parents, and her Abuela were always with her. Then it was her eight older siblings after the two oldest, who were twins, both moved out. Then adding her younger brother brought her to nine siblings, always around her.
Maybe that was why within her own cabin, she found herself thinking of her friends as family.
It was in simple ways, from the way they treated her to how her friendship with them worked to how she thought of them as people that she assigned them roles.
April was like a sister, someone who brought out both the best and worse in Ripley. She knew just what to do to get Ripley riled up, and just what to do to get her back. Unlike the others, she ran headfirst into danger right by Ripley’s side, caution was thrown to the wind in favour of the thrill of adventure. Both could get in over their heads when something they saw amazed them and accidentally drag everyone else down with them as they fell. When there was a rare calm around camp, they’d do things like makeovers or overdramatic retellings of their adventures.
Jo was very similar to April but felt older. Realistically, Ripley knew both Jo and April were fifteen but emotionally Jo felt much older. She was smart, calculating everything as they went along to find the best path to their destination, both metaphorically and literally. When she saw something, she saw a problem that needed to be solved. With Ripley, she was sort of a protector. Warning her of danger, scolding her when she did something wrong, and protecting her from whatever came their way. Just like Ripley’s oldest sister did. Whenever she could, she’d try to teach Ripley about math or science, ever-patient with her short attention span.
April and Jo were close to each other just like some of Ripley’s sisters were, practically each other’s counterweight. Almost complete opposites in the way that they basically rely on each other to work.
Molly in a way was like her mother. Gentle and soft-spoken, and terrifying when angry but normally very reserved. She would listen attentively to Ripley’s stories without interrupting with the very same amused look her mom would have whenever Ripley did the same to her. She would idly fix Ripley’s shirt when it was askew or run her fingers gently through her hair. When Ripley would barrel towards danger, she’d be the first to try and grab the scruff of her shirt to keep her from plummeting down whatever cliff she had failed to notice. If they found something mystical, Molly would keep her arms wrapped around Ripley to prevent her from trying to hug it, or talk to it, or get close to it in general. Whenever she could, she would tell Ripley stories about the gods and the heroes and the beasts from Greek mythology
Fittingly, Mal reminded Ripley of her dad. A goofball, the one who would make faces to mock whatever jerky cryptid they encountered. She’d give her piggybacks, or shoulder rides, or throw her like a projectile through the air like her dad would toss her into the swimming pool near their house. Telling wild stories from her home life, the shenanigans that she and her friends would get into that definitely weren’t the best influence (both Molly and Jen agreed). When it came to their journeys, she was the voice of reason, however, sometimes she was far too concerned over something. Just like her dad believed every person on the internet was some horrible kidnapper, Mal tended to react to every noise like it was a rabid wolf, though through no fault of her own.
When they could rest, it was a spitting image of her parents, almost always touching in some way, murmuring jokes to each other that no one else could hear nor understand. Basically inseparable, and they were a force to be reckoned with.
Jen was like another mom, although not in comparison to Ripley’s mom, but to the stereotype of one. Overly protective, to the point that unless absolutely necessary she preferred that no other counselors give directions to her girls. Giving them their chores, reminding them of their schedules, making sure they took care of themselves. With Jen around, everyone else felt like her sisters and they all had their mother. Desperate to keep track of them, and to keep them following the rules, and to most importantly keep them safe since they had a tendency to fail at that.
More than once some of the Roanokes hadn’t made their beds in the morning and came back to them pristine (not often, mind you. They still had to face the consequences of an unmade bed). Bringing snacks for them when they go hiking, along with spare clothes, tons of first aid, and hygiene products. She’d also lecture them about the importance of a healthy sleep schedule and keeping their space clean. Practically keeping Ripley on a leash.
She held herself responsible for all the Roanokes, and all the Lumberjanes in general. Holding herself to a higher standard and blaming many things that happened to her lack of preparation, never on the girls.
They were definitely the closest, but Ripley had three others she gave roles to.
Barney was like a cousin that was an honorary sibling. A sweet child who would give their friends the world if they could. Someone who’d join Ripley in make-believe, running through the woods in wild laughter. Someone who would partake in minor mischief and shenanigans. Baking treats for the Roanokes, making them trinkets and keepsakes. Sometimes joining them for Roanoke-only adventures.
A buddy that was there for everyone. Someone to make the world brighter.
Rosie was kind of an aunt, mysterious and slightly distant. Occasional stories from her past, but never any real details. She would come in clutch when the campers got in over their heads. Strong, independent, and questionable in her taste. She’d let the girls watch her made sculptures, or teach them how to make them. A cool aunt.
Someone to look up to.
The Bearwoman was absolutely a cranky grandma. Snappy, cranky, and sour. She always criticized the girls on everything they did, and never once complimented them. She hated hugs, and was always saying “Back in my day.”
Ripley never said she was a likable grandma.
She told the Roanokes how she felt before, one day before they all went to bed. She was kind of quiet when she said it, not her loud and proud voice she normally used. The Roanokes had looked at each other, and aside from Jen insisting she was not a mother, and getting told by the entire cabin she was, in fact, a mother, there was no protest. They actually started referring to Ripley as she had referred to them.
Except for Jen, but she accepted her role after some time.
She told Barney when they were hanging out in a tree, and they were silent for a moment, before saying they felt the same. They admitted they liked the family dynamic and felt that way about the Roanokes and the Zodiacs.
Ripley thought of the Zodiacs as older cousins, kind of intimidating to her. Save for Barney and Emily, she was almost scared of them.
She didn’t tell Barney that.
Later on, when she was lying in her bunk, she decided that the Lumberjanes were like an extended family.
They were there for each other, they always had each other’s backs, they were a unit.
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transxfiles · 2 years
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making these lumberjanes textposts memes is so much fun :]
+ bonus
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ohmykittenholy · 3 years
happy valentine’s day!
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limamuckraker · 4 years
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after many-a-drag about his actual ass here in the muckraker, a source has reported that @joeyhqs​ has toned down his twinking around lima because he crossed the border over into indiana to get some major work done for the week. apart from some preemptive botox and an alleged face lift, it seems that he got a brazilian butt lift. using what body fat? the answer is unclear, but what is clear? joey got some work done and the twinking will probably resume as usual!
in a shocking turn of events @ljhollidays​​ was spotted at lima’s premier hook up hot spot, the view, with @wrenschuester​​! i’m not sure what makes those brown baggers so appealing, but it seems lj has joined the slew of others here in lima who has been unfortunate enough to hook up with at least three of that crew! let’s just hope that tweet of kaden’s about getting tested was true and lj didn’t swap stds with wren!
i don’t often become emotionally invested in a story, but this story feels like a victory that has been months in the making. those atrocious heterosexuals, @leo-mccarthy​​ and @ivystjamess​​ have finally called it quits. the reasons why are beyond me, i don’t know, and quite frankly i don’t care, but if i had to guess, it probably had something to do with the fact ivy is known to be. . . get around and needed a little more than a greasy film nerd to satisfy her needs.
all of lima was rocked to it’s core when @graysonlopezpierce​​ cheated on @rubyzizes​​ with @winniclove​​! in months passed we’ve come to accept that their relationship is what it is and they’re off being the definition of a straight couple with a girl way out of the guys league. anyhow, i’ve had a very reliable source tell me that ruby is putting the moves on grayson in hopes of stealing her man right from under winnie’s nose and giving her a taste of her own medicine.
as mentioned in the previous story, ruby is plotting to steal winnie’s man, but does winnie even care? sources say @winniclove​ was seen cozying up with lima’s loveable church boy @drewharts​ at the lima bean. given their history i wouldn’t be surprised if it very soon became very public that these two are once again hooking up. sorry ruby, but it looks like your master plan might be for nothing!
cancers are already a flop of a zodiac sign as is, but that has crept into the personal lives of @hunterxslade​, @jrdnabrams​, @alexiscsmythe​, and @graysonlopezpierce​ seeing as all of their birthdays flopped! this only further proves how much as a zodiac sign, cancer sucks! there was no passing out drunk, no crazy hook ups, alexis didn’t even publicly indulge her alcoholism for all of lima to laugh at! regardless of the floppage, i’m just absolutely thrilled for cancer season to be over and sail smoothly into leo. hopefully something interesting will actually come of those parties!
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thelumbergays · 5 years
not to toot my own horn but uh
tw for death! i am sorry
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good-or-bad-luck · 5 years
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[insert, keysmash, i guess??]
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finnschuesters · 4 years
text : eli + finn
FINN: hey
FINN: could you drive me and wren to lj's party friday?
FINN: i don't really want to ask zoe! and julien is taking the car!
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thechoir-roomhq · 4 years
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The Lima Players casting directors have locked in the cast and crew for Into The Woods. Thank you to everyone who auditioned, interviewed and expressed interest in participating. It’s going to be a wonderful show. Rehearsals start on Monday, November 23 and performances will happen on Thursday, December 17 through Sunday, December 20 at the Lima Playhouse Theater.
BAKER...Stevie Beckett BAKER'S WIFE...Lemon Lopez-Pierce THE WITCH...Darcy Clarington-Smythe LITTLE RED RIDINGHOOD...Alice Anderson JACK...Julien Schuester CINDERELLA...Ivy St. James WOLF / CINDERELLA'S PRINCE...Lorenzo Adams NARRATOR / MYSTERIOUS MAN...Nico Anderson RAPUNZEL...Jazmine Evans RAPUNZEL'S PRINCE...Davis Goolsby GRANDMOTHER / CINDERELLA'S MOTHER / GIANT...Otto Meeks FLORINDA...Poppy Del Monico LUCINDA...Serenity Gillenkerk JACK'S MOTHER / CINDERELLA'S STEP MOTHER...Finn Schuester
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR...Leo McCarthy STAGE MANAGER...Joey Hummel-Anderson COSTUMES...Link Clarington-Smythe (Head), Baby Puckerman ORCHESTRA...Stanford Beckett SET BUILD CREW...LJ Holliday, Eli St. James, Duncan Karofsky SOUND...Wren Schuester LIGHTING...Cam Evans
“Into the Woods” – Narrator, Cinderella, Jack, Baker, Baker’s Wife, Stepmother, Florinda, Lucinda, Jack’s Mother, Little Red Riding Hood, Witch “Cinderella at the Grave” – Narrator, Cinderella, Cinderella’s Mother “Hello, Little Girl” – Wolf, Little Red Ridinghood “I Guess This Is Goodbye / Maybe They’re Magic” – Narrator, Jack, Baker, Baker’s Wife “Our Little World” – Rapunzel, Witch “I Know Things Now” – Little Red Ridinghood “A Very Nice Prince” – Cinderella, Baker’s Wife “First Midnight” – Company “Giants in the Sky” – Jack “Agony” – Cinderella’s Prince, Rapunzel’s Prince “It Takes Two” – Baker, Baker’s Wife “Stay with Me” – Witch, Rapunzel “On the Steps of the Palace” – Cinderella “Ever After” – Narrator, Florinda, Lucinda, Witch, Company
“So Happy” – Company “Agony (Reprise)” – Cinderella’s Prince, Rapunzel’s Prince “Lament” – Witch “Any Moment” – Cinderella’s Prince, Baker’s Wife “Moments in the Woods” – Baker’s Wife “Your Fault” – Jack, Baker, Witch, Cinderella, Little Red Ridinghood “Last Midnight” – Witch “No More” – Baker, Mysterious Man “No One Is Alone” – Cinderella, Baker, Little Red Ridinghood, Jack “Children Will Listen” – Witch, Company
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My McLennon Fic Recs
Mostly McLennon… most of these authors have written a lot of beatles fic, and with rare exception I recommend reading everything they have! (mind the ratings in parenthesis/on the fic!)
I Still Miss Someone / I Know That I Miss You but I Don’t Know Where I Stand by RosalindBeatrice
It’s 1976 and Paul keeps showing up on John’s doorstep with a guitar. Eventually John turns him away and Paul goes off to sulk in his hotel room the night before his flight from New York. Based on real events. (explicit, immaculate dialogue)
Undercurrent by Savageandwise
Paul’s near death experience in Tenerife and the aftermath. (T 300 words that say double)
Lifting Latches/Sending Postcards by thinkpink20
In which Paul and John swap t-shirts, and also somehow change the nature of their relationship… (mature, a sweet pre-beatles coming together)
Birthday  by Selena
Jealousy, new rules for old partnerships, new relationships and trying to figure out where your life is going: Paul turns 21, and nothing is simple anymore. (T, stunning) (Boy, You’ve Been A Naughty Girl) by Merseysidestory John makes Paul a bet. Paul takes him up on it. Crossdressing shenanigans and angst ensue, and ~feelings come out in the wash. 1961. boys in knickers, lots and lots (and lots) of sex, angst, homophobic slurs, schmoop. (explicit, a beautiful fic exploring topics of masculinity and attraction to it)
across the river, deep and wide by orphan_account (this story is LOCKED so you need an AO3 account to read this wonderful fic.)
They first met, properly, in a place they shouldn’t have been. (mature, genderswap, gorgeous)
How You Were Diverted by candle_beck
Here they are on top of the world. (T, Visceral beatlemania era)
only a northern song by stonedlennon
AU. Paul works at a record shop, takes night classes to be a teacher, and has sworn off his childish dream of being a musician. John Lennon is a dock worker, poet, and disturber of the peace. In which the story had to be diverted before they could come together. Liverpool, 1963. (explicit, very persuasive world-building.)
Whatever Fate Decrees by thisbirdhadflown
“When I was fifteen I was thinking, ‘If only I can get out of Liverpool and be famous and be rich, wouldn’t it be great?’ I was always thinking I was going to be a famous artist. And possibly I’d have to marry a very rich old lady, or man, to look after me while I did my art.” John Lennon, 1975 (Mature, amazing characterization)
Now in Authentic Beetle Size! by sleeprettydarling 
Paul stays tiny for longer than anticipated, John can't sleep, and there's an inordinate amount of eyebrow-petting involved.  Set in the Help! universe. (mature, written in the voice of the film-dialogue, perfectly playful!)
Stand by Me by Penny Lane and Jenny Wren
What if John Lennon had survived his gunshot wounds on December 8, 1980? How would his life and those around him, especially Paul's, been different?  How would they be the same? ( A remarkable, self-published novel about Paul and John’s friendship in a world after. One of the earliest full takes online. There is a FREE ebook at Lulu, but message me if you can’t acquire it for some reason, though do try to boost their download numbers.)
Summer Rose by chanderson
John and Paul rekindle their relationship late summer 1980. John's feeling lost, and Paul's missing him in more ways than one. (explicit, wonderful atmosphere)
The Japanese Incident by Lukinha_Jesus
During their time in Japan, the Beatles were kept under vigilant security. Don’t you wonder what they did when they got bored and couldn’t go out…? (PWP, Explicit, sex-pollen done dirty)
Crouching Yoko, Hidden Paul by hb_princess
Yoko has made a discovery. Yoko is not pleased. Yoko will have her revenge. (mature? IMO the reigning champion of crack fic. Showing an utter disrespect yet adoration for the characters and their caricatures, this should never be taken seriously and yet read often.)
If you enjoyed these, please consider checking out the wonderful chut-je-dor’s tagpacker to find even more McLennon goodness from the old LJ, or the archive run by the same wonderful user!
Also, has anyone seen/do they know where the LJ user pivotal_moments went? I miss this person and their writing… Please message if located!!!
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muckrakerhq · 4 years
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featuring… this week’s guests, @ljholliday​ & @frankiepucker
fondue for two is a weekly internet talk show hosted by joey hummel-anderson. fondue for two, joey, and the muckraker team strive to get all the steaming gossip while he interviews guests of his choice over a steaming pot of cheese.
[Again, Joey’s room – the same setting as usual, but instead of having two guests over, Joey only has Frankie Puckerman sitting across from him] 
JOEY: Hello everyone and welcome back to Fondue for Two! Before we start, I just wanted to thank everyone who voted for me for Homecoming Prince, I did deserve that crown. We’re here today with one of the most powerful lesbian in McKinley, Frankie Puckerman! There were supposed to be two guests today, but I’m guessing she got lost on her way here, so we’re just starting. I’m not sure if she’ll even show up… So, Frankie, are you excited for finally being on Fondue for Two?
FRANKIE: Yeah, sups stoked, Big Joe. I think it's gonna be your most entertaining show yet. Can't say I'm sad about being alone though... this shit feels comfy cozy with just us right now.
JOEY: Well, I'm glad to hear that! I think it would still probably be for the best if we had another guest, but I can always ask Gil some questions. Okay, first question, who do you think was the best dressed at Sadie's? Besides me, obviously.
[The door opens-- a man's voice can be heard telling non other than LJ to have fun! LJ stares from Joey to Frankie for a moment before taking her seat. She avoids looking at Frankie and shifts uncomfortably in her seat.] 
 LJ: sorry i'm late and shit.
FRANKIE: Best dressed? Bro you know I don't pay atten - wait, what? LJ's the second guest?
JOEY: Nice of you to show up, LJ, I thought I told you to be here on time! And yes, LJ's my second guest... I needed two lesbians, okay? LJ, do you have anything to say about who was the best dressed at Sadie's?
LJ: um, i don't fuckin know, dude. i thought fran--francisco looked good. he's that foreign exchange student.
JOEY: Is he the one who passed out in the bathroom? Because I saw him lying on the floor but I didn't help because I thought he was asleep. Moving on, now that you're here, I guess I can ask some questions the fans sent. Is it true that you both left Sadie's earlier to go buy scissors?
LJ: sure, tworty.
FRANKIE: Yep, just really wanted to do some arts and crafts under the big stupid lights.
JOEY: Cool! Let me just scroll on my phone for more questions, there's a lot about scissors. Maybe you guys should start a crafts club or something! Right, here we go... Frankie, why did you kiss LJ? Wait, you two kissed?!
LJ: dude, are you a fucking moron? why would you ask that?
FRANKIE: No, it's fine. No biggie. There was spiked punch and I had a shit ton, Joe. That's it.
JOEY: I wasn't the one who asked, I didn't even see you guys kissing! But okay, I guess that's a fair answer. I mean, we've all kissed someone when we were drunk, right? Okay, moving on... Who are the hottest girls in school? And you have to be honest!
LJ: you still willingly chose to ask that one though, dude. but right. we were just drunk and shit. LJ: anyhow hottest girls in school. . . i can get behind some mild objectification, do they have to be gay?
JOEY: No, it can be any girl!
FRANKIE: Easy. Wren, Ruby, and Rory.
LJ: i would probably say eli st.james. LJ: vega is hot too though. even if she's recently become a fuckin' traitor with that cheerios bullshit.
FRANKIE: Cheerios are hot as shit bro c'mon. Traitor or not.
LJ: ...  LJ: not really my type.  LJ: i guess ruby's pretty though.
JOEY: Okay... Interesting choices, but we all know that I'm the hottest Cheerio! Moving on, LJ, is it true that you live in the forest because you're secretly an elf?
LJ: no?  LJ: you've been to my house, bitch.
JOEY: Liar! You said that was your house, doesn't mean you live there! Anyway, Frankie, is it true that you've been a theater nerd all along, but you've been hiding it all this time?
FRANKIE: I almost violently ignored my mom blasting broken Broadway songs through my childhood so that's going to be a hard pass. You confused me into auditioning, remember? I look like a theater nerd because of you. Both of you, actually.
LJ: you lost a bet fair and square, franks-- ie.
JOEY: Oh yeah... You guys are being weird, is everything okay? Is Gil's presence too much for you? Because I get that.
FRANKIE: Yeah, totally starstruck over here.
LJ: because of your fish? no.
JOEY: That's mean, but fine... So, if it's not about Gil, then why are you acting so weird, LJ? And don't worry Frankie, you can totally get an autograph.
FRANKIE: We should just spend the rest of the time watching Gil give different things autographs, probably. That's what the viewers want, I'm sure.
LJ: im not acting weird. your show is fuckin weird. but i agree. give the fish his starring role.
FRANKIE: His show isn't weird, LJ.
JOEY: Maybe some other time, but Frankie's right, my show isn't weird! It's awesome! Moving on... who's the best person you've kissed, Frankie? And you can't say LJ because she's here.
FRANKIE: I dunno some chick at Crawford or something. I don't ask for names most of the time. FRANKIE: LJ's turn.
LJ: huh. i don't think i can fairly answer this question if i'm being real with you both.
JOEY: Why not? Just give us a name!
LJ: because i've lived like a million fuckin places  and im not about to be the douche that's like 'oh you don't know them'
JOEY: I guess that's fair enough... I'm going to be honest here, this Fondue for Two is being really weird. Even Gil thinks so! Do you guys have something you would like to say to each other?
FRANKIE: Nah I'm good. We done here? I doubt LJ has some shit to say right now.
LJ: hold on what the fuck do you mean by that dude?
FRANKIE: Oh I thought it was pretty clear? You seem super busy lately. Just running off sometimes. Figured it was almost time for your next activity, yeah?
LJ: dude...
FRANKIE: Are we done, Joey?
JOEY: What? Oh, sorry... I mean, I guess so? I was going to ask if you two had fun, but it doesn't seem like it? Did you?
LJ: definitely don't think i'd try this shit out again. sorry.  LJ: can i head out?
FRANKIE: Yeah I'm out too. Thanks for having me, J. Maybe think about just doing one person from now on.
JOEY: Okay... Well, thanks for watching everyone! Make sure to tune in next week for more Fondue for Two! Maybe next time it'll be less intense than this!
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themangledsans0508 · 3 years
Day 7: Unsolved Lore/Mysteries/Last day of Summer
"Are you we can just leave?" Emily asked quietly. Hes shook her head.
"We don't have a choice. But I have my license, and by the end of October, I'll be able to drive friends. We'll come back and we won't leave until we find her." Wren tapped her fingers against her arms.
"We can't wait that long. She doesn't have that long," she argued.
"Unless you have a better idea it's all we can do," Hes snapped. 
"What about while we're gone?" Mackenzie asked. There was a tense silence.
"I'll keep an eye on it," Diane promised, "If I see any sign of her or any clues or anything even related to her I'll let you all know." They had a tight group hug, the phantom of some else's arms felt by everyone. As they all left, Hes gave one last sad look towards the woods.
"We'll find you, Vanessa."
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