#lj emily
thomtrebond · 2 years
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beloved monster
benjamin drysdale price | hozier | emily brontë | lj smith | hozier | mary shelley | hugh dancy | caitlyn siehl | bryan fuller et al. | hozier
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maepolzine · 2 years
Looking Back at the Books I Read in February 2023
Sharing all the books I've read, started, and re-read during the month of February.
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exclaims · 2 years
watching “w” rn. feeling like a kid in a candy store
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blackbird-brewster · 5 months
Meta: Jemily Queerbaiting
With the huge influx of posts saying 'Jemily is gonna be canon', I really appreciated seeing this post because OP was completely correct. I didn't want to write an entire dissertation as a reply, so I'm making my own post with my personal opinion on this. (All sources are noted in footnotes)
Before I began this rant, for anyone who thinks this is anti-Jemily. It is not. I have shipped Jemily for 18 friggin years and that's never going to change. This post is specifically my thoughts about queer baiting.
First off, I need to note that the showrunners (and the cast members who use social media) KNOW what a huge queer following this show has and that's why we got pansexual Tara Lewis in S16 [1]. Which, in itself, was SOOOOOOO important!!! Our first canonically queer main in SIXTEEN seasons was a middle-aged Black woman!!! That's phenomenal. (The fact it was horrible rep, because they instantly ruined her relationships once her queerness served it's plot point is a whole other post entirely)
In my opinion, the 'big Jemily moment' Paget posted about on Twitter [2] (and AJ hinted at during a recent IG live) is simply queerbaiting to get people to watch S17. I know a lot of you are newer to the fandom and I love your enthusiasm, I really do, ship and let ship, but listen, let's be real, Jemily is not going to be made canon. The showrunners aren't going to suddenly say (after 17 seasons) 'Surprise, Jemily is endgame'. This show has never cared about queer rep and now that CBS/Paramount have already ticked their queer rep box with Tara, they won't be in any rush to add any other characters to it.
Please buckle in, I've got a lot of thoughts on this matter --
What is Queerbaiting?
If you aren't aware of what queerbaiting is, here's a good definition:
Historically, queerbaiting has carried two meanings: the first is an act of aggressive heterosexuality to shut down queer subtext on screen while still teasing and catering to the queer audience in advertising, public relations, and fan engagement strategies; the second is an existing homoerotic tension between two characters played up on screen while met with derision by the professionals behind the scenes. [3]
The Medium article quoted here is from 2017, a time when parasocial relationships were really starting to take over social media. In 2024, actors are now only a mention or tag away online, they have direct conversations with fans, and this process has allowed for an even deeper form of queerbaiting.
Oftentimes online, actors are asked directly about certain ships and while some ignore these questions (usually to avoid breaking their contracts or other repercussions), others (looking at you, Paget) choose to instead tease fans about queer ships. She's done this for years upon years and if I've learned anything in the past twenty-years of existing in fandom spaces it's this -- don't hold your breath. In it's original meaning, for something to be deemed as queerbaiting there had to be malicious, or at least, purposeful intent to string queer fans along by teasing them with suggestive content about the ship in question, while knowing this ship will never come to fruition in canon.
The thing to remember is, Paget and AJ aren't the only ones who know about Jemily shippers -- the network and showrunners are well aware of this ship too. When networks/showrunners figure out they have a strong sapphic fanbase, they love to use that to their advantage to get more viewers and higher ratings. Queerbaiting is a goldmine to keep fans watching long running shows, look at Rizzoli and Isles, Supergirl, and OUAT for examples of this.
Jemily and Queerbaiting:
Ever since Emily joined the BAU in S2 (2006), there have always been fans who ship JJ/Emily (shoutout to the old LJ forums!). Way before celebs were just a tweet away from fans, back when all our fics began with disclaimers so we wouldn't get sued by networks, we went to great lengths to keep our fanworks far removed from actors/showrunners attention.
As far as Jemily goes, this reply from Paget in a 2009 interview with TVGuide.com [4] (which has now been deleted from their site unfortunately, but there are quotes on Tumblr still [4.a]) confirmed some fans' worst fear -- the actors had found our fanworks online.
TVGuide.com: Of course, a band of fans want her to hook up with Hotch.
Brewster: I know! I didn't realize that fans make these videos on YouTube? A.J. Cook sent me a hilarious one that made it look like Prentiss and J.J. were having a secret lesbian affair. You know, when Hotch was blown up in the SUV, we shot this scene where he's in the hospital and I'm standing next to him, looking at his bleeding ear. Our director came in and said, "Paget, you're looking at Hotch like you're in love with him. It looks really weird." So now, every day, Thomas [Gibson] and I flutter our eyelids at each other.
This was the first time I recall anyone acknowledging Jemily shippers publicly and at the time (Jan 2009), the show was still in Season Four (just before CBS fired both AJ and Paget [5]). Paget genuinely said it's 'hilarious' that fans shipped JJ/Emily. Even now, I'll see people say 'We know Paget and AJ have seen Jemily fanvids, so they obviously ship it too' -- but those same people rarely acknowledge the full context of the original answer. Paget not only thought JJ/Emily were 'hilarious', but then she doubled down and turned her reply back to how she and Thomas liked to play up the chemistry between Emily/Hotch.
While no one can say for sure which video it was that AJ sent Paget, just knowing they were watching JJ/Emily fanvids sent a bit of a shockwave through the femslash side of the fandom. To some it felt like an invasion of privacy, fanworks are by fans for fans -- knowing the cast were poking around in fandom spaces added an extra layer of worry around what we fans were posting online. Fifteen years ago, it used to be quite taboo for actors to outwardly discuss shipping or other fanon for whatever show they were in, and we fans were usually comfortably removed from the actors altogether.
Of course, now it's the norm for fans and actors/showrunners to co-exist online and interact with one another. This connection has opened new ways for shows to queerbait their fans. Pretty much every show has some form of social media account now and there is no doubt that the people running those accounts keep up with the most popular ships and hashtags. Not to mention that actors are constantly barraged with questions about whether they ship their character with x,y,z, or whether they think a ship should be made canon, etc. These interactions only serve to benefit the shows themselves, because whether the conversation is for or against a certain ship, it's all just free publicity (Why do you think CM now has a TikTok account?)
Every time AJ or Paget say anything about Jemily, the queer side of the fandom loses their minds. But this has been going on for YEARS now and every single time, it turns out to be nothing but social media hype and queerbaiting. Remember this AJ post? [6] Or what about the notorious reply by Paget to a fan, where she talks about how she and AJ held hands under the table 'for the shippers' [7] I've seen this cycle over and over again, so perhaps I am cynical, but I'm not getting my hopes up that Jemily will ever seriously be canon.
It's widely known now, after both Kirsten [8] and Paget [9] have talked about it, that there was an early idea where Prentiss was supposed to be queer, but that was ultimately scraped before it ever made it on screen. For context, please remember, this show has been airing for nearly twenty years. It began in 2005, during the highly conservative Bush administration. Queer people didn't have rights in the US, we couldn't get married, we were rarely protected under discrimination laws, and we could even be fired for simply being queer (in some states). Diverse queer representation on screen was extremely limited to things like 'The L Word' and 'Queer as Folk' (both aired on Showtime, so they were behind a paywall. And as far as tLw goes, that show was extremely male-gaze focused and is horrible in nearly all regards if you try to rewatch it now). As far as prime time shows went, queer rep was even more rare. Which is why Emily wasn't queer from the get-go.
Yes, things have changed since 2006 in terms of queer rep on TV. We have a myriad of queer identities represented in TV and film nowadays, which is why I think it's so easy for newer fans to say 'lf she was supposed to be gay anyway, they should just make Emily queer in canon!' I know this is what fuels most fans' demands for Emily being confirmed queer, and I get it, I DO. I would be all for it! However, I do not, in one hundred years, actually believe that is going to happen after they already canonically queer confirmed Tara in S16. The fact we even got ONE queer character is ground-breaking for this show.
It's also worth noting, that in the time between Paget's departure in 2012 and her return in 2016, she became very active on Twitter. This was when more and more fans began asking her about Jemily and after Kirsten's AfterEllen interview, fans also pushed for Paget to address the possibility of Emily being gay. 'Pushed' is actually an understatement for some of the outright harassment she would receive. (AJ received some of this harassment too, but less so because she doesn't use social media ass often) Back then, neither of them replied to these things directly. Yet, no matter what either woman posted, the replies were full of Jemily stans begging for her acknowledgement. (Did you know 'stan' is literally a term coined for stalker fans?) I remember one time AJ's friend was missing and she posted info on her IG about it, you know what the replies were? People asking her about Jemily. It was genuinely sickening.
Within this context, it was no surprise to fans when Emily came back in S12 , she and JJ's friendship was seemingly erased. The two women were rarely on screen together in the late seasons, plus the writers saw fit to even give Emily not only one (Mark in London, but two, on-screen boyfriends for the first time in the entire series. I personally do not think these changes to Emily's character were coincidence, I saw the hellscape of what people would say to AJ and Paget online and I fully believe that upon Paget's return to the show, the showrunners purposely tried to distance JJ and Emily to dissuade the more abusive side of the fanbase.
Can I prove that, no. But it is the only reason I can think of as to why Emily S12+ seemingly didn't care about JJ anymore, despite their deep and meaningful friendship. I mean, they both CROSSED THE WORLD to go rescue each other in prior canon -- but when Emily comes back, they acted like they barely knew each other. This was even more prevalent in S16, when JJ's main storylines all revolved around Will, and Emily barely looked at JJ in the entirety of ten episodes. (Remember how Prentiss didn't even hug JJ after bomb, but she did go hug Luke?)
So, do Paget and AJ earnestly ship Jemily, or are they continuing the long tradition of queerbaiting us? Who fucking knows, not me. But based on the history of this fandom, I think I can make a safe bet. (Interestingly, if you search all of Paget's twitter for the word 'Jemily' [10] she only has 3 direct tweets mentioning the ship. I don't think it's a coincidence that two are within the past few months since they started filming S17 (the other one was a RT of Kirsten (who tagged something Jemily)
This is all to say --
Just because Paget and AJ have publicly talked about Jemily,, this doesn't mean it's ever going to happen on screen. And you know what, THAT'S OKAY!! There has been this constant outcry (after Tara became queer confirmed) of 'Do Emily next' or 'Why wasn't it Emily with a girlfriend!?' and 'Jemily needs to be canon in S17!' -- as if people believe their ships aren't worth anything unless they are canon.
That couldn't be further from the truth! Fandom is built on headcanons and fan interpretations and rare pairs and all types of shippers. Your ship does NOT need to be canon for you to enjoy it. I will ship Jemily forever, no matter what. I don't think there will be some magical queer plot in S17, at best, we might actually get to see Emily/JJ on screen together again and after the train wreck that was S16 -- I'll take whatever I can get.
And hey -- if I am completely wrong, if Erica Messer pulls a Korrasami out of her hat, I will be ecstatic. I will be happy to be proved wrong, but at the same time, I'm not going to lose sleep over it and I'm DEFINITELY not going to go hound the actors about it on social media.
[1] 2022 Digital Spy article about the importance of Tara's coming out
[2] 04/18/24 Paget Tweet
[3] 2017 Queerbaiting article from medium.com
[4] 2009 Broken TVGuide link
[4.a] Tumblr quote from the above TVGuide Interview
[5] 2010 Kirsten interview screenrant.com
[6] 2019 AJ Instagram Post
[7] 2020 Paget video on Twitter (via @karasluthqr)
[8] 2015 Kirsten interview AfterEllen.com
[9] 2016 Paget Interview CriminalMindsFans.com
[10] @PagetPaget search 'Jemily'
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It's a big one, y'all! This week, V and Emily rage their way through the anniversary of Strikethrough, or a mass censorship event on LiveJournal that destroyed huge swaths of fannish history for no fucking reason. Or rather, because a Christian special-interest group that hates queer people said that things were icky and LJ caved. If you haven't heard of Strikethrough or need a refresher on why archives that aren't beholden to advertisers are essential to the survival of fandom and fanfiction, come take a ride with us and let your blood pressure hit the roof. Were any of your fandoms a victim of Strikethrough?
This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!
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aloysiavirgata · 6 months
Thanks to @numinousmysteries for tagging me! I had never checked these stats before!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for Hannibal, Battlestar Galactica, The Fall, and The X-Files, but only The X-Files at this point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Parting Glass (smut)
Animus Possidendi (dark smut)
The Common Fate of All Things Rare (casefile, cowritten)
Lacuna (casefile)
This Her Fever (cancer arc)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes and no. Not like I should. I am so deeply, truly grateful for every single one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I killed William in Inhaling the Different Dawn, but that wasn’t at the end.
Maybe Where The Vines Cling Crimson? Scully’s cancer comes back and her fate is ambiguous. And I had Scully kill Emily in Alabaster Stones. But I think that was the right ending for both of them.
As a mother? A Basket of Reeds, where Scully gives William away. I can’t even reread it without a lump in my throat, man.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Tent of Shelter is fluffy and lovely gets a lot of love, and was inspired by a STUNNING manip by @avocadoave but I personally think In The Gale. It’s the one that, to me, feels the most like a grownup relationship of two people processing some trauma. I think that’s an ending that’s happy and also real - like “I don’t love being broken, but I can survive being broken with you.” Two abeyances that lean…
Foxfire for similar reasons. I real love that little story, which I wrote thanks to @perplexistan
I’m 43. I’ve been married for well over two decades and let me tell you that young love is a gift and mature love is a craft.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Some! And that’s really great too, that people read words I wrote and felt so passionately that they left me words about those feelings. What a strange but profound compliment!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. PWP isn’t my personal taste so even though I wrote a LOT of smut for the old pornbattles at LJ I wanted the smut to still tell a story.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I can’t say it’s especially crazy, but Fern Hill is a Mulder/Stella Gibson crossover. There are a few little ficlets with XF/Silence of the Lambs crossovers in my Inbox Prompts series.
Oh fuck! Wait! I wrote a Fall/Hannibal/XF crossover called Anthemoessa where Stella, Scully, and Bedelia all meet. Okay that’s it. That wins.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Years ago. God, isn’t that sad? To need positive reinforcement that much?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! It was SUCH a compliment!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have - The Common Fate of All Things Rare
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mr. Virgata and me. Followed by Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, who literally invented the word. ❤️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Fisher King
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do pretty good banter and my education makes me pretty good at the sciencey bits.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get too lost in descriptions and I try too hard to be clever. I do my best to self edit but sometimes I reread things and I’m like oh my GOD SHUT YOUR PRETENTIOUS ASS UP.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve done it for Bedelia and Hannibal in Italian. I’m not sure I understand the question?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TXF, my one true love.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I don’t know that I have a favorite per se. I am most proud of the ones that challenged me to do something outside my comfort zone. Samson is one of mytop fives even though it’s Mulder/Diana. I think I did a nice job. I also wrote Pair of Aces/Double or Nothing which is Scully/Byers.
But I do really love the world of Petrichor and Singing of Mount Abora, and I like the cases.
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triviareads · 2 months
Are there authors you feel are overrated?
For the most part I avoid the popular authors I know I won't personally enjoy (Colleen Hoover, Emily Henry, any romantasy author who's making it big rn but that's just because I don't read romantasy to begin with) but here are the ones I've read who I do feel are overrated:
Ali Hazelwood: I read The Love Hypothesis, and I read a part of Not in Love at a bookstore (first few chapters and a sex scene) and I don't get the hype. The writing is fine, and I guess a part of the initial reason she blew up was her fearless portrayal of women in STEM but otherwise.... it's nothing revolutionary, plot and sex wise. It's also VERY white, like, there are white authors writing white characters and then there are white authors who write.... idk, aggressively white characters? Hell, even Tessa Bailey who I like veers there sometimes but I just like her sex scenes and dialogue (zany, banter-y) more lol. I can't comment on Bride and if it's like, wildly good as far as paranormal romances go because I haven't read it but yeah, otherwise, overrated imo.
Sally Rooney: I read Normal People a few years back and hated myself for it after. If I wanna read sad Irish people and bland sex, I'll read The Alienist or something. At least the plot is more compelling.
Evie Dunmore: I mean I openly dislike her because of the fake feminism in the 2 books of hers I've read, and racism and homophobia in A Rogue of One's Own. There are other authors writing inclusive historical romances that handle feminism in a nuanced way that doesn't just involve half-assed upper class white feminist suffrage.
There are a handful of tiktok-famous romance authors (LJ Shen and Ana Huang to name a few) who I tried that I just didn't get the hype around but I feel like no one is treating their books as *literary masterpieces* yk. They just don't feel hot to me and that's that.
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lolahauri · 1 month
*ೃ༄ STARDEW˚◞♡ ⃗
All Fics
Kent - Demetrius - Pierre - Lewis - Caroline - Jodi - Marnie - Robin
All Bachelors - Alex - Elliot - Harvey - Sam - Sebastian - Shane
All Bachelorettes - Abigail - Emily - Haley - Leah - Maru - Penny
Clint - Marlon - Willy - Wizard - Gunther - Mr. Qi - Bouncer - Sandy
All Fics
Ben - EJ - LJ - Toby - Masky - Hoodie - Slenderman - Cody - Splendorman - Jeff
Kate - Nina - Jane - Clockwork
All Fics
Gabi - Bree - John - Lynette - Carlos - Edie
Ramona - Kim - Gideon - Wallace
Ian Malcolm - Ellie Sattler
*ೃ༄ MOON KNIGHT˚◞♡ ⃗
All Fics
Steven - Marc - Jake - Layla - Khonshu
*ೃ༄ OTHER˚◞♡ ⃗
Santiago Garcia - Statue of Ares - The Creature
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billybob598 · 1 year
Ok so a couple thoughts on the USA and just other big teams that got knocked out.
Definitely not what we expected from the US but why did we expect that? Think about it, this a young team where most of the starters and subs were all at there first World Cup. I think this needed to happen to the US. they needed to not be the best anymore and for the next couple years just completely start over. The old generation is starting to leave so it's time to get a clean slate with these new young players. Basically, restart the program. Morgan, Rapinoe, Ertz, and O'hara are among those who are probably done. There were some amazing younger players that shined this tournament (Naomi Girma, Emily Fox, even Sophia Smith though not as well as expected). Its good for the US to just restart with a new team and a new coach *cough cough fire Vlatko. This team needs to spend more time on the field together. Remember Japan won in 2011 and the US came back with 2 world cup wins in a row, so I'm guessing in 4 years when these players are a little more experienced and have played with each other more they will be a really good team.
Now, my point that they need a fresh start with young players and a new manager is exactly what some teams have already done or need to do as well. Take England. They brought in Sarina a new manager and she just completely did the team over. Leah williamson as the new captain, Beth Mead on the squad, younger players like Russo, Toone and LJ getting minutes and shining. And then they won the Euros. See I think the US certainly have the talent they just need to build off of it.
Ok so Canada. I think same thing. Sinclair and Schmidt and Chapman are all probably on the way out. Now we got younger players, Huitema, Olivia Smith, Riviere, Grosso. I like Bev priestmann a lot, but I think if we want to see a new Canada team that utilizes the young and up and coming players we might need a new coach. Definitely a disappointment of a world cup from canada.
Germany and Brazil are pretty much the same. Brazil is losing one of the best players of all time, someone who has been the centre of that team for like 2 decades. They have such amazing players, Geyse being the young player that comes to my mind. Piano Sundhage I'm thinking is gone. and now it's just about again, getting the younger players time to shine alongside each other. And Germany. Oh Germany. Again, they have such amazing young players, Obi (who is arguably the best young player in the world rn), Brand, and Sydney Lohmann. I don't want to say Popp will retire because let's be honest that woman could play forever. But, the old generation is on it's way out and the new generation has to be shown the same kind of love. When you have such amazing young talent you have to take the future seriously and not just try to hold onto the past. I think that goes for all the team aforementioned.
Anyways that's it from me. Hope you enjoyed my Ted talk
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
P being bored af in the stands (2020->2023)
ft. Fran, Melly, LJ, Alsu and Emily
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lysachan · 2 months
Hiya! Hope this isn't creepy... I saw your username on another person's reblog and I remembered your username! When I was in my late teens, I'd just learned I was into girls and it really sucked. And I found your LJ and your picspams about Emily/JJ (and Emily's hotness) at the time, was honestly one of the things that got me through. I only ever lurked. I was like, "here's someone who posts all this femslash and it's OK!" and I definitely enjoyed all the pics of Emily!!! Anyway, that was back in 2008. Just wanted to say thank you SO much. Glad to see you're still loving Emily/JJ!
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This makes me so incredibly happy. The power of fandom (and Emily!)
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maepolzine · 1 year
Looking Back at the Books I Read in August & September 2023
Looking back on all the books I finished during the month of August and September.
Instead of making individual posts for August and September, I decided to combine them because I’ve been really busy with moving for the last two months. Was I actively moving the entire time? No. But I was settling into a temporary living situation and making plans for what I’d need once I moved in. After that, I was putting my belongings back in order. So, while I didn’t get to read as much as…
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piratekane · 5 months
2 things: that Emily red shirt gifset 🫡 and the shoutout on the Jemily kids I see it gifset ⛲️ there’s no puddle/goo blob emoji that I can find
I swear that gifset is a core memory. Immediately portaled back to those days. I remember clicking on a purged platform bookmark of on of your early works and being scared it was GONE… thank goodness you’re a) still online b) still writing c) on AO3
Also too young to have been chronically online…but the community we somehow found with no centralized hubs was pretty incredible. Kids today have no idea how “easy” they have it. Also the internet is terrifying.
Eek! I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom/parent/haven’t figured out what parental title I want to adopt as a generally masc of center she/they human with sort of traditional gender identity extended family (thoughts?)
Also, sorry everyone. I suddenly feel like I’m spamming your inbox/dashboard but I’m too shy to go off anon.
the jemily of it all oh my goddddd it’s too much. the conversation about seeing emily with kids… literally WHAT was that?!
i remember it making its way around LJ and a few message boards and people were properly losing it. chaos in the streets. what a time. what. a. time.
additionally, so much congratulations, friend. whatever you do decide to go with will be perfect. i’m mama in my house and i was hmm about it at first but it really fits me. can’t see being anything else (and dreading the day i get the bored-to-tears ‘mom’ from one of them). i know other people who go by a nickname of theirs that their kids call them, though. it works for them!
and do not apologize. this is great! i love this!
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vyp1elyn · 1 year
Identity V x creepypasta??
Ive had this idea stuck in my head ALL DAY. I also may leave out some characters just cause Idk who they would be (if u have any ideas plz plz plz tell me)
Clockwork/ nat- so she was the first one I thought about cause she would either be Demi or maybe Ada? It may be Ada cause Toby could be Emil for my ticciwork shippers.
Toby- I kind of like the idea of toby being Emil cause that would be cute if Natalie was Ada. BUT if nat was Demi then Toby would probably be Norton.
Jeff- Jeff is kinda hard but tbh he would be Luca cause they both have the scraggly rat guy vibe yk. (I mean that in the most positive way)
Jane- theres many possibilities for Jane like she could be either Patricia or maybe Fiona?? probably Patricia tho cause I feel like the knife thing would make more since.
Masky/ Tim- OK HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE he would be Kevin. Idk how to even explain why Tim would be Kevin but I feel like he just would.
Hoodie/Brian- This was a tough one but maybe he would be Naib? Idk i dont have many ideas for Brian.
Sally- ok this one is kinda obvious but sally would be little girl. Its pretty self explanatory.
Ej- I think Ej would be either be Eli or maybe Aesop but Im leaning more towards Eli.
Lj- Lj is kinda difficult cause hes so tall but I dont wanna make him a hunter so he would either be Joker or Mike.
Nina- Nina would probably be Lily cause I think the idea of Nina cheering the team on is super cute.
Bloody painter- again this is pretty self explanatory but bloody painter would be Edgar.
Nurse Ann- ANOTHER self explanatory one but she would be Emily.
Thats not everyone ofc but its who I could think of rn. I may update it later if I think or more but idk.
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No pithy exclamation this week, folks, we're jumping right into the actual episode description: This week, V and Emily are joined by Maggie @bossymarmalade , who was one of the key meta-writers during this unfortunate fandom (and wider writing world) event. "Racefail '09" is the moniker for a lengthy discussion on LiveJournal in 2009 about the role of race in fandom and the SF/F community, from heinous depictions of POC in SF/F titles to the way POC always seem to die first in fan-favorite TV shows to the lack of representation of fans of color at conventions, and more. Maggie very graciously agreed to be on TWIFH as a primary source for what it was like "on the ground" during this touchstone fandom imbroglio, and we are so grateful that she was willing to look back at this turbulent and often painful time with us. Were you a writer or follower of Racefail '09 on LJ? What do you think its legacy is in fandom today?  FanHistory Wiki's Racefail Timeline Avalon's Willow's Racefail Timeline DeepaD's "I Didn't Dream of Dragons" bossymarmalade's "Sees Fire"
This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!
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mikelogan · 6 months
What are some good books to read if you struggle with reading / concentration due to fibromyalgia? I want to read so bad and can read fanfics but want to read actual books so I can become a better writer and more knowledgeable in fiction and non fiction
this is something i struggle with, too. i read (and write) fic, but both make me sleepy and it's difficult to concentrate depending on how bad my brain fog is. as such, i really haven't read much since college. the ones i find easiest to read are ones that really suck me in, which is gonna be different for everyone just based on what you're into. below are the ones i can think of at the moment (and i really do want to start reading more). i think it's also important to just be gentle with yourself. if you need to take a break and only read a bit at a time or even if it takes ages to finish a book, that's okay! chronic illness fucking sucks!
tender is the flesh - agustina bazterrica
verity - colleen hoover (the only book of hers i've read, don't come for me lmao)
four past midnight - stephen king
11/22/63 - stephen king
kira-kira - cynthia kadohata (i first read this in middle school i think, but it's literally so good and so powerful and remains one of my favorite books of all time)
paper towns - john green
the fault in our stars - john green
will grayson will grayson - john green
the vampire diaries - lj smith (i quit once they brought on a ghostwriter; what they did to lj is fucked up)
beneath - madelyn rose (my cousin!!!!!)
the late hector kipling - david thewlis
let's do - rebecca meacham
bloodchild - octavia butler
wuthering heights - emily bronte
gray - pete wentz
literally anything edgar allan poe
also short stories (some of the ones i listed are) might not be a bad idea!!
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