#lk. believe / headcanons
arachnidiots · 3 months
good morning! liam is nonbinary. they don’t identify with things like girl, woman, etc but they do acknowledge that they grew up as a girl. they grew up as a girl, with many of the experiences of girlhood but they did not grow into a woman. they’re not a woman, but they’re a sister. they have occupied certain roles and spaces and they will forever have been part of them but they don’t identify with being a woman. when it comes to other gendered titles, they prefer the neutral: partner, sibling, child, but there’s also exceptions like spider-man as opposed to spider-woman.
specific to their tl verse — they play for the womens team but their identity is not a fact that’s shared publicly. they are both an athlete and a nonbinary person, and they wish they didn’t have to choose between the two but they do and it’s a large part of them.
there’s rules and boundaries but overall all you have to know is that liam generally prefers the neutral, and uses they/she pronouns, but will commit to a bit. if the bit demands it, they’ll do it. you’re talking about wanting a boyfriend? they can be a boyfriend
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arachnidiots-a · 8 months
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jasminebeloved · 2 years
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@dontcxckitup​ asked : 1, 4, 11, 19, 31, 36 character development questions: hard mode // accepting 
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1) Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
katherine has actually four cousins, all near in her age. two male cousins george & anthony from her mother’s side, which her uncle’s children. and then two female cousins edith & susan from her father’s side, which are her aunt’s children. they actually all a close bunch because the families stayed very small and thus they grew up playing a lot with each other. they actually still all meet up to this day, the last wednesday of each month, same london restaurant in the evening. 
4) Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
well her time in northern ireland did do something to her. seeing her future husband in the state that he was when brought in after three months of torture is something that shook her down to her core, but apart from him she saw other victims from the violence then that changed something in her. she was a fairly sheltered person before this, only having seen these sort of things on tv, so it was something that left an impression for life. it changed something in her, altered her perception of humanity a bit for certain. most of her friends & family did notice a change in her when she came back and one friend described it that she looked as if she saw things she’ll never forget again. and it was pretty bang on. katherine never did manage to forget what she saw back then.
11) In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? 
her car accident was the most terrifying she’s ever been. she saw the car coming from the corner of her eye and upon impact, her car was hit with such force that it moved back several instances. she was conscious for all of that and she also felt herself succumb to her injuries back then. later described by her that it felt like she felt death creeping up to her. her last terrified thoughts before losing consciousness back then was that she was going to die and that this was it, that she was never going to see her husband again. when she woke up from the three month long coma that accident put her in, she never sat in the driver seat of a car again after that, never drove a car again. 
19 )What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? 
with this i want to start with the fact that katherine in fact only had one serious relationship before her husband, and this was from age nineteen to twenty-one. it didn’t work out eventually and they parted ways amicably. so there’s kinda little to go on if you look at her history but personally i think katherine’s biggest flaw is that she has a tendency to be a bit too independent, she doesn’t rely easily on her partners even when she might need it. it was one of the points that came up when breaking off her relationship back in university, but it was not the main reason so it did not destroy that relationship.  it was something she had to work on when she started dating gareth, and i’d say she did really manage it well. what sadly helped the most was the aftermath of her car accident, when she had no other option than to completely rely on her husband for many things. 
31) Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
honestly , katherine is always most comfortable at home. she likes doing fun things of course, but she’s actually a big homebody and her ideal scenario is her at home with a good book, just relaxing on the sofa. after she started dating her husband, naturally this includes relaxing with him, doing things with him. she doesn’t stick to him like glue but a nice weekend day just sitting next to him on the sofa as they’re both reading their respective books? that’s kinda heaven for her.
36) How does your character behave around people they dislike?
the thing is that katherine has this lowkey terrifying habit of treating people she dislikes about the same as others. there have been instances where people thought she was friends with someone but she’s actually been hating their guts / disliking them for years. she’s just terribly good at hiding these things. of course this does depend on a few things like if she just doesn’t really like you from a gut feeling, she’ll do what i just described. but if you’re someone who has done some shitty things and i mean really shitty things , she’ll just be polite to you. and if you’re someone who has done harm to her or someone she cares about, she’ll just be downright hostile. so really her behaviour comes in three stages, depending on the level on which she dislikes you.
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v-toast · 9 months
Please explain your Nailmaster Oro and Lost Kin headcanon, I would like to hear it very very much.
GLADLY !!!!!! (thank u sm for this ask :]]] )
so, assuming the vessels all have the same base experience when they escape the abyss and head into hallownest, Lost Kin in theory starts off with the same base abilities that you have at the start of a playthrough. no nail arts, charms, etc.
i bring up nail arts specifically, because one of the attacks that LK does in the boss fights: the dash attack
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which. to me, personally, looks like the dash slash !! which is the nail art that you can only learn from Nailmaster Oro (in-universe, maybe you could also learn it from Sly, or one of the other Nailmasters despite it not being their speciality? but this is just going off what i think would be most likely rather than all the possibilities ever)
it has the same moment of charging up, and then the overall appearance of the attack just looks like the dash slash. it has further range, but LK is bigger than Ghost, so that could be one explanation for that
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also, relatively to the rest of hallownest, the two of them aren't actually that far from one another ! and the path isnt too complicated. Oro is definitely the easiest nailmaster to get to from LK's room, so i dont think it'd be a stretch to say that they could've made the distance while not infected
the final 'evidence' point (and the weakest) is that LK does the same bow the nailmasters do, when they are beaten in the dream realm
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i say that this point is a bit weak, because other characters also do a bow, like grimm and the mantis lords, so it may be more widely known in Hallownest's society to bow after a fight/duel/whatever. however, LK's room's closest (least complicated to get to might be more accurate?) character that canonically bows in respect after a fight is... oro ! so i choose to believe this is where they got it from
this part comes second to the previous stuff i provided and is more just things i think about now that im committed to the hc
Oro is very reluctant to take Ghost on as a pupil, and remains very distant emotionally, especially when compared to his brother Mato. this could, technically, be explained by the feud between him and Mato leading to his isolation, and some other stuff going on in his past. which i do believe contributes to it !
but another thing that may also contribute to specifically having an aversion to accepting students and getting close to them... well... what if he previously had a student that left, or he got separated with for whatever reason ? and that student never came back ? the only company anywhere near his isolated hut, and theyre gone and he doesn't know where they went or what happened to them
final and strongest propaganda point: reluctant mentor figure that eventually has to admit that he does enjoy the company of his mentee, and mischievous mentee that incessantly bothers the mentor trope dynamic. that is all
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seerterror · 8 months
F-Gongon Headcanons (YAHOOOOOO!!!)
He/It (Don't let this fool you its cishet).
Compared to the normal Gongon's proud, hearty, and protective nature, he's a lot more cynical, blunt/harsh, and closed off. He still keeps the protectiveness though, but strictly only for one specific someone.
Is Gongon's ancestor but neither realize it. What they do know is that they hate each other and will bicker often.
Fights with his descendant can get violent fast because F-Gongon is extremely emotionally vulnerable kinda like Space Ex Husband cranked up by 100000x. It's a miracle F-Gongon hasn't actually fucking killed Gongon yet.
Moves slower than normal Gongon and has jankier motor skills but can drive really well and had to get its kart taken away from it cause going fast feels alarmingly amazing and he's gotten arrested for speeding on multiple occasions. And vehicular manslaughter.
GTTNG NY FRM F LTTR R TXT FRM HM S RLLY NNYNG SNC H WRTS ND TYPS LK THS (Getting any form of letter or text from him is really annoying since he writes and types like this).
Was reanimated by Dr Bad Boon and worked for him for a while as another henchman before escaping and being found by Yanyan in Adventure Forest.
Adventure Forest makes it feel all sorts of difficult emotions he can't properly put into words. These woods feels unwelcoming. Dangerous. And vaguely comforting.
Resents Bad Boon so much for how it was treated working for him as well as the fact that a freak like it was awoken in the first place. But also tends to pick up traits from Bad Boon and act in ways it normally wouldn't (Usually as an unconscious[?] defense mechanism.)
No but like he's pathetic but also just. Not a good person. Your Father's Son core type bitch. Dude has murdered a plenitude of rodents just out of boredom. Also killed someone else like years ago but we'll get to that. Will he kill any more monkeys at any point in the future? Maybe (Yes).
The heavy shocks reanimating him combined with the bolt in its head have heavily loosened its eyes, so you can shake him up or knock him around and they'll be in different positions. Sometimes even fall out. The way I typically draw him is what it believes to be the closest he can get to "properly" locking them in place.
Absorbs electricity when shocked with it (naturally as he's powered with it) but if he's gotten too much it sort of enters a drunken state where it becomes loopy and a lot more open and has to be put in a safe place so he doesn't injure itself or others.
He doesn't need to sleep but he can. Sometimes when visiting W-Meemee it'll just curl up in her bed and fall fast asleep. It has the ability to dream but that won't occur super often.
W-Meemee... oh, where to begin. The kindest monkey he's ever met. The one who was there for him at its worst. And isn't too rowdy and energetic to handle. It'd give the world to be her partner. He just needs to get the words out.
Um. um. I have something silly to say. Little spoon :3
When he cries, the eye on the grey side of his face will tear up more than the yellow side.
Adores butterflies and also highly envies them. It wishes he could be a beautiful butterfly and fly away from his problems. Its taking this to the second grave.
P-Yanyan often bullies him.
Was good friends with Su k'Su (Kenrai) before killing her after a dispute and running off never to be seen again. He has no memory of this but she sure does.
Being around her makes it very uncomfortable in a way it can't describe. Why does W-Meemee keep bringing her around. Why are they roommates. Who even knows.
Kenrai sends him anon hate on Super Monkey Ball Tumblr frequently.
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grollow · 1 year
tell me! (at your leisure!) what you think Lost Kin was doing before...whatever horrible thing happened to 'em.
Now that checkmarks are done CONFUSING THE HELL OUT OF ME...
So I headcanon that LK has not been deceased for a huge amount of time. I believe that they answered the same silent call that Ghost answered -- and were trying to get up to the Temple of the Black Egg when they were met with a terrible fate (Majora's Mask music begins playing in the background, Ben Drowned).
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liukangofficial · 3 years
First of all I love everything you’ve written for the boys so far, bless, doing amazing, LOVE IT thank you for this nourishment of my soul
But I really love how you write Kung Lao as like, a -little bit- of a fuckboy, and how Liu Kang is patiently adoring of him, so cute.
(Like in that interview, where they said that Kung Lao sort of became Liu Kang’s shield, I can so easily imagine that socially where Kung Lao uses his naturally outgoing personality to deflect attention away from Liu Kang, ugg god I just love the relationship dynamic so much)
WAH thank YOU for consuming my content and being here to share liulao thoughts while we are in this draught sobs
im hollering that my kung lao came across as a fuckboy JQKKSKWK but no yes thats exactly my thoughts on mk2021!kung lao..... i really vibe with the earlier versions of him who actually didn’t care about becoming champion and just wanted to mind his business, AND NOW WE HAVE A VERSION OF HIM WHO’S CHAMPION FROM THE START ?! oml the duty complex that i imagine that boy has.
i loved writing him leaning into his bravado + the weight of his title and really wanted to explore how a lot of that is just a front, courtesy of #just“i’ve had this duty for so long i can remember that my identity ended up growing around it and now i don’t know how to extract myself from it without falling apart”things, and how my liu kang understands very deeply what it’s like to have something define such a core part of you so young, hence him “suffering” kung lao’s projected cockiness with that fondly exasperated love. he Knows that it’s a defense mechanism for kung lao, but he doesn’t have it all figured out yet either and doesn’t know yet how to completely help kung lao past that (BC HE BELIEVES WITH HIS ENTIRE BEING THAT KUNG LAO HAS NOTHING TO PROVE TO ANYONE DAMMIT [slams head into concrete]). i think that awareness goes both ways for my versions of them, but neither of them really know how to cope with it yet bc they’re still young and have yet to fight in their first tournament, so they kind of “default” into this dynamic because it’s easy for them if that makes sense. would u believe me if i said thats originally what i started writing Coda to explore for, until my brain decided to switch gears to pwp 😭😭😭😭
ok and i also want to talk about this “kung lao is liu kang’s shield” business bc I LOVE IT SO MUCH U DON’T UNDERSTAND........ my kung lao def thinks of liu kang the same way max thinks of him as kind of “innocent,” except liu kang is ?? not ?? but it’s this whole thing in my head where kung lao wants to shield him out of this desire to protect liu kang from what he knows is an unkind world, but not realizing that liu kang already knows and has SEEN an even unkinder version of it already — and liu kang doing his own quiet kind of shielding by letting kung lao be protective because he knows it’s just a defense thing, but also by finding ways to remind kung lao that he can exist (and is worthy to exist) without the “destiny” thats been thrust on him. like a silent game of “who’s protecting who” but both of them believing they’re the one doing the protecting and not realizing they need the other’s protection too and YES those two things can coexist and . SOBS listen. Listen theres so much of them to write about i want to scream
but tldr, liulao being each other’s shields in this fucked up world, but also being the only ones who can see each other past their OWN shields — and maybe not knowing yet atp how to get past them, but by god will they stand by each other and until the other lets them in
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gavillain · 2 years
Honestly I’m completely over the dumb Sigyn drama flooding onto that one post I made, so this is the last time I’m going to mention it or talk about it. But jonquilclegane has been lying about me and misrepresenting me on her blog, and honestly that’s not cool. So I’m gonna set the record straight, and then I’m done engaging with these people.
“ "Appropriately toxic and abusive." Just me or does that sound like OP is saying Sigyn deserves to be abused?“
Not what I said. I said it was portrayed as appropriately toxic and abusive. He’s awful to her in the comics, and the comics, unlike certain fans, never try to pretend otherwise. No, obviously she didn’t deserve to be abused. She’s the victim of his cruelty. And pretending otherwise is exactly what I had a problem with in the original post.
It looks like this person has not read the myths
No, I’ve read them. I just don’t care about them. An adaptation stands on its own by its own merits. Yes, Marvel uses the myths as inspiration, but they’re telling a distinctly different story. Or did I miss the chapter in mythology where Loki fought a man with iron robotic armor?
they had only read the comics that suited their view : no word on Loki begging Thor to save Sigyn from the Flame, no word on the “Love of his eternal life”, no word on Theoric and how Loki killed him to marry Sigyn… (that last part is pretty awful, BUT that fan seemed to think Loki only ever hated Sigyn…. when we know it is not true…)
I have read all of those comics. I never said that Loki didn’t at one point love her or at least didn’t at one point think of her in a positive way. But the way their relationship devolved was into hatred and abuse that dominated their dynamic in the comics for the majority of Sigyn’s time in them. Abusers aren’t always abusive from the start, and they can have moments of kindness. Doesn’t change the abuse that happens.
Them saying they believe Loki only loves men made me laugh too… Yeah. After a few vicious s*lk*es, we’re back fighting the Th*rk*es/fr*stir*n/ and so on…
Yeah, I have reasons for that headcanon and that reading of the character, but that’s just my fanon. I am, however, NOT a Thorki or FrostIron shipper. Thorki is one of my least favorite Marvel ships, and while some FrostIron artwork and the like is good and interesting, I don’t enjoy the majority of the content of that ship.
What makes me laugh is that THEY ARE DOING THE SAME, but with other characters. They’re lusting after Loki, and shipping him with their own OC, or favourite character, but, for them, I guess, it’s ok? XD
Okay, let’s unpack this, because this is just blatantly wrong about me. First off, I’m not lusting after Loki. He’s one of my favorite villains. I think he’s incredibly well written and fascinating, and I love reading him and his stories. But I’m not fantasizing about getting with him. You can love a character and not think they’d be a good person or someone you’d want to have sex with IRL, shocking though that may apparently be...
Secondly, I DON’T HAVE AN OC WHO I SHIP WITH LOKI. I don’t do OCs. Yes, I have a character who I ship with Loki, but the difference is I’m not shipping him with someone he abused and resented for the majority of their time together in the comics so....
They accuse us of having a “sweet girl turns bad boy into good with the power of love”, but they’re doing the same XD 
No, I’m not. I’m actually doing “bad boy meets other bad boy and makes one another worse” if you wanna be reductive.
They’re telling themselves that Sigyn was not good enough
No. I’m not. It’s the opposite. Loki wasn’t good enough for Sigyn. But, really, I just don’t think they were right for each other. She deserved someone who could love and appreciate her devotion, and he deserved someone who actually likes the worst parts of him.
but that their oc/character is THE ONE for him, that Loki will love THEIR OC/character and will be different with them than he was with her.
Okay, my ship for him is Doctor Doom. And, yeah, he IS different with Doom than he is with Sigyn. Blatantly so in the comics if you’ve read them. They have a different dynamic of two powerful and dangerous men always trying to get the better of one another and out maneuver the other. And the difference is that if Loki treats Doom the way that he treats Sigyn, Doom’ll just treat him the same way in kind. And they both know that. There’s no power imbalance. There’s not one who’s trying to change who Loki is and make him anything other than villainous. They’re on a level playing field where they’d get each other, and they’ve got back up plans upon back up plans as a “nuclear deterrent” of sorts. 
So, no, I don’t just ship him with someone else who I think he’d be different and change for. I ship him with someone who goes with him without needing him to change or be anything else than who he is.
And when you speak to them about the Multiverse, how Sigyn might have a nice Loki variant in another timeline… well, you saw what happens. Total denial, they shut themselves down, and there’s no conversation possible.
No, what makes no conversation possible is blocking someone and then lying about them on your blog. But, hey, you do you. For the record, I never said that Sigyn couldn’t have a nice Loki variant in another timeline. Maybe so! That’d be great for her! But it’s NOT relevant to the post that you interjected yourself into where I was asked about my opinion on the comics-verse.
But, hey, why should I expect an honest or nuanced take from someone who interjected herself onto my post without needing to in order to “defend” a fictional character and then blatantly lie about and misrepresent a real person. Why interject yourself into a post where I was asked for my opinion on a subject, where you weren’t wanted or asked for, and then block a person after a conversation had begun unless you don’t actually want a conversation. You just want people who don’t agree with you to shut up.
So, in conclusion...
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arachnidiots · 4 months
being jewish is not so much a part of peter and liam as it is just who they are. it's just Them. it is akin to having brown eyes or red hair and it guides them and it is every part of who and why they are spider-man and synesilk
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arachnidiots-a · 8 months
i'm never not thinking about peter and liam getting to go absolutely off the rails in a fight. there's something so profoundly irresistible about two rage filled twenty somethings getting to snap and do wrong with every intention of doing right... it's about realizing what they're both capable of and how far they'll go (especially for people they love). let them take off the suits to find their hands have been stained red, let them feel guilt, let them fight and let it be messy and brutal
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chicken-fifi · 3 years
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#i'm literally in a lobby why am i coming up with fic ideas now of all times?
My Top Posts in 2021
Stray Kids Reaction - They Have the Same Crush as Another Member
Requested by anon: Hey can you do a reaction for skz where another member catches feelings for their crush?(And for leeknow can it be him and changbin who both have the same crush?)I’m having a angst drought 😪
A/N: I’ve written this reaction a bit differently. I’ve paired up the members and will be writing them that way each one will have a short description. There are 4 little chunks under the cut. I hope that makes sense.
Bang Chan / I.N: Chris and Jeongin having the same crush. I think this dynamic would be interesting to say the least. The leader and the maknae having the same crush. Oh boy. While there wouldn’t be a struggle for power or who have the right to have a crush, I can see both of these guys battling it out in subtle ways. Maybe they try to show off and appeal to you more than the other. Or maybe they won’t and just go about their own business. Either way, I can see a lot of jealousy. Whether you confide in Chris more or baby Jeongin, each boy will have they moments of jealousy.
BC: “(y/n) confides in me more.” I.N: “Well they care for me more.”
Changbin / Lee Know: The jealousy would extremely high here. I can see both boys trying to out do each other. Showing off in an effort to appeal to you more than the other. While it may not affect their friendship to the point where it becomes an issue for the group, I can see it being a big problem when you’re around. They’ll both get jealous when you spend time with the other and just tag along making the other jealous. I can see this turning into a competition and a game (?). 
CB: “(y/n) and I are going surfing tomorrow.” LK: “What a coincidence, I was planning on going surfing tomorrow.”
Hyunjin / Seungmin: I think out everyone, this duo would be the most awkward about it. I can see it being a thing where they’ll randomly sit down with each other and just talk things out. While neither one wants to give you up, I can see them saying that if the other likes you a lot they’ll stop their own pursuit. For these two, I think that friendship would be first (that’s not to say that for the other guys that’s not the case). But for these two that would be the most prevalent. I can see them figuring out a way to get time with you without the other feeling jealous or angry about it,
HJ: “If you really like (y/n), I’ll step out.” SM: “If you really like them I’ll step out too.”
Han / Felix: I can see these two being the most playful about this situation. Jisung and Felix strike me as a pair that would openly joke about the fact they had a crush on the same person. I can them trying to get the other flustered when they’re with you. Jealousy might occur but I can it being taken care of in the flustered moments as payback. Definitely the ones to be the most light hearted in this scenario.
Han: “(y/n) do you want ice cream?” FX: “I want ice cream too!”
104 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 11:01:32 GMT
Stray Kids Reaction - Their S/O Has a Deep Voice and Sexy Laugh
Requested by anon: Can you do stray kids reaction to their s/o having a deep talking voice with a sexy laugh. But is also deeper than felix. And their friends tease them and call them bear because of their deep morning voice - 3racha anon 🐺💛
A/N: Since you mentioned Felix’s voice, I thought I’d put this out there. I refuse to believe that his voice (although I know it is). Man has the babiest of baby faces and then BAAM - deep voice. This is why I have trust issues.
Bang Chan: Definitely a turn on/attraction for Chris. He loves listening to your voice and hearing you laugh - so much so that he tries to make you laugh. He wouldn’t realize that it was deeper than Felix’s right away but once he did it would be a bit of shock and quickly move on. Your morning voice is to die for though.
“Little bear, you need to get up and eat breakfast.”
Lee Know: Your voice and your laugh instantly draw Minho’s attention to you. You could simply be asking him a question an he’ll be all ear but not actually listening...? I think the nickname is kind of how he shows affection for you. It’s cute and notions something that he really loves about you. Don’t be surprised if he randomly calls you just to hear you say his name a few times.
“Hey (y/n)!”
Changbin: To Changbin, it’s HOT. Like HOT HOT. So what your voice is deeper than Felix’s. It’s HOT. And your laugh. Ohhohohoho, it gets him going. The jokes he makes are maximized, just to try and hear your laugh. Your voice sends his mind places. As for the nickname, it was originally just to tease you, but it soon became one of his favorites for you. But yeah, they just send his mind places.
“Keep talking, Bear.”
Hyunjun: He finds it cute! So freaking cute in Hyunjin’s eyes. Your voice and laugh are the cutest things he’d ever heard even if they aren’t what other people would think of when one says cute. The nickname is even cuter. You’re his bear. And he makes sure you know that. 
“How am I supposed to sleep without my favorite bear?” 
Han: I feel Jisung would tease you a lot about your voice, but only he can do it. Anyone else and he’s the first to get on their case. Your laugh fills his heart with joy and gets him going. The nickname is something that also started as teasing before quickly becoming something of endearment. 
“You’re my favorite bear you know that right?”
Felix: I can this being a competition. Felix will try to find ways to see who really has the deeper voice. Your laugh, however, can’t be beaten. You voice makes him feel things, your laughs sends him places. You’re literally just the best bear for him. He loves it, even if he teases and pretends to argue about who has the deeper voice.
“Okay so maybe your voice is a tiiiiiiiiiny bit deeper, that doesn’t mean anything.”
Seungmin: Your voice would make Seungmin blush. It would send his mind to places where it didn’t need to go at 7am. And your laugh did the exact same thing. He loved hearing both things but boy oh boy did it cause him anxiety having to leave the house with his mind not functioning probably. 
“I love hearing you talk, but I need to get to work without a hitch, Baby.”
I.N: I can see a lot of teasing from Jeongin. He loves your voice and loves hearing your laugh. The majority of his teasing would be so he can hear your voice scold him a little bit. He’d purposely try to make you laugh. It’s a lot of purposeful things that he does to hear the things he loves so much about you. 
“How’s my little bear doing today?”
111 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 11:01:42 GMT
Bedtime Routine - I.M. Imagine
Requested by anon: Can I request some Changkyun fluff pls, maybe just like a sleepless night or getting ready for bed together!
Word count: 760 words
“Alright spontaneous night showerer,” you said drying your hair with a towel as you walked into your shared bedroom. “Your turn.”
Changkyun looked up from his place on the bed. He rolled smoothly onto his back - he was previously laying on his stomach - head hanging off the edge of the bed. Extending his arms he yawned before sitting up and moving to get off the bed.
“And please put on some clothes when you’re done,” you added. “I was raised in a conservative household.”
He laughed, “Okay Miss Nudist. Whatever you say.”
Before you could fling your towel at him, he ran into the bathroom connected to your bedroom slamming and locking the door. Shaking your head, you sat at the vanity and applied some night cream onto your face before moving towards the bed and flopping onto it. Letting out a sigh you curled into a ball letting yourself be soothed by the comfort of your bed, the sound of running water filling your ear as you laid there. You remained in that position for a while before setting up and moving towards the headboard, lending against it after you grabbed the book sitting on the bedside table. You opened to a page and began reading a bit, looking up every so often when the words began blurring together.
You must’ve still been staring into nothingness when Changkyun walked out of the bathroom - a pair of grey joggers, which were settled loosely around his waist. He was drying his hair roughly with his towel.
“You good?” he asked, hands skillfully flinging the towel through his hair.
You shook your head trying to gather your thoughts. What were you even reading? Furrowing your brows, you closed the book setting it aside.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something,” you lied - although knowing your, you probably were.
“My goodnight kiss?” Changkyun threw out before letting out a sound when the pillow you threw hit him square in the stomach.
“No. I can’t forget about that without you getting on my case about it constantly.”
He nodded in agreement. Anytime you denied him a kiss he would instantly begin pouting following you around until you gave him at least three to make up for it. Could you really blame him though? Your lips were addicting.
“It’ll come to you in the early hours of the morning. What were you reading?” You looked at the book you set aside, picking it up and showing him the cover. “Haven’t you read that one like 500 times? They both die at the end don’t they?”
You narrowed your eyes playfully, “I’ve read it 4 times and no they don’t die at the end. Not in this book anyways.”
Changkyun set the towel on the back of a chair flopping onto the bed and hugging your leg, his head settling on your lap, “Can you read to me?”
“So you play video games in the nude and now want a bedtime story? You want me to be the parent next?”
His hand slapped your thigh lightly, head turning to face you, “If I remember correctly you’re quite the nudist behind closed doors.” 
“Wearing an oversized shirt is not nudity. You on the other hand-”
“-an oversized shirt with nothing under.”
You clapped your hand over his mouth not wanting him to finish the phrase despite no one else being in your home, “I’ll read.”
A smug look formed on his face as you removed your hand and he settled his head in your lap. Carefully opening the book, you let one of your hands fall onto his head playing with his hair as you read to him. His finger strummed along the outside of your leg, running up and down giving a small squeeze every so often while you read. You weren’t sure how long you had been reading for - maybe an hour or so - but when a yawn slipped past your lips, Changkyun was quick to look up, his own eyes showing signs of tiredness. 
“I think we should call it a night,” he suggested sitting up and taking the book, folding down a corner of the page before setting aside and practically laying on top of you, holding you tight. His arm reached out turning off the lamp. “Bedtime!” He burrowed his head into your neck, arms securing you, by your waist, close to him.
You hummed in delight, wrapping your own arms around his shirtless body. “Goodnight Kyunnie.”
“Night Baby.”
You had to admit, bedtime routines with Changkyun were probably the best ones around.
A/N: I do hope this fits the bill. Now I’m gonna be reading every possible fic about this crazy man. Happy reading!
115 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 12:00:43 GMT
Stray Kids Reaction - Their S/O Gets Them Promise Rings
Requested by anon: Can you do stray kids reaction to their s/o getting them matching promise rings, since things became more serious between them? 🥺💞 (Gender neutral please)
Bang Chan: When Chris finds out that you got a promise ring for him, he’d be on cloud nine. He personally had thought about getting one for you but wasn’t sure if you would be scared away or warded off by the prospect of a commitment with him. He didn’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable or like you were obligated to accept any form of commitment. He would however go get a ring for you that way - if it wasn’t already clear - you would know that he felt the exact same way.
“I was thinking about getting you a ring but I didn’t wanna push it. I love it. I’ll make sure to get you one with just as much meaning behind it.”
Lee Know: For Minho I think it would catch him a bit off guard. He had thought about it a little bit but also wasn’t sure if you would think it was the right time. He wouldn’t want to push anything because, quite frankly, he was very happy with what you had at the moment...even if he wanted something more serious. He’ll also go out and get you a ring, but one thing’s for sure: the ring he gives you will be sure to turn into an engagement ring at some point. And he’s gonna make sure that he gets you that ring before you go and buy the engagement ring yourself.
“I love you.”
Changbin: I don’t know why, but I feel like Changbin would buy a promise for you very early on and just hang onto it for a long while, well long enough to the point that you get one too.  He’d finally decided to give you the ring and you shocked him by pulling out the one you’d bought first. He would stare at it before laughing and pulling out the ring he got. The two of you would laugh about it for a while before exchanging them. I can promise you for a fact that he will not hesitate to propose as soon as he gets the engagement ring….which he may or may not have been at already.
“I bought the ring shortly after we started dating...I just didn’t know when to give it to you.”
Hyunjin: Getting a ring for you had been something that Hyunjin had been considering pretty much since the two of you started dating. He would go to jewelry shops and look at the different rings, find one he liked, and then chicken out because he didn’t want to scare you off. The day you showed him the ring you got for him, he had finally made up his mind to buy one. He would be enamored by the thought and unless you really wanted him to also give you a ring he would let you have the victory in this milestone.
“It’s so simple. I can wear this with everything.”
Han: For Han, I think he would be shocked. Neither of you had ever really talked about where everything was going - he’d certainly seen a future with you but he wasn’t sure what you wanted and he didn’t want to ruin what you did have. You getting the ring would solidify to him that the two of you were indeed on a similar page and he was elated by the thought and prospect of what the future could possibly hold for the two of you.
“I can see a future with you too.”
Felix: This little ray of sunshine would be bouncing off the walls when you revealed the promise ring you’d gotten for him. Felix would be sososososososos elated. He wouldn’t be able to stop smiling no matter how much his cheeks hurt from doing so. It wouldn’t shock me if went around telling everyone you’d gotten him a promise ring either. I think he’ll also get you one but it has to be a matching one. Matching items that are subtle like this are big between you two.
“It’s so pretty!”
Seungmin: If I’m being honest, I think it would take Seungmin a hot minute to process that ring that you’d whipped out in front of him. I honestly think he would’ve been looking for one but could find or decide on one that really matched not only you but also your relationship. But once he sees the ring, it would stun him that you’d managed to find the ring he’d envisioned. He’d be so happy. A bit sad because he really wanted to get you the promise ring but happy nonetheless.
“This is the ring I was trying to find! How did you know!?”
I.N: In Jeongin’s case I can see him wanting to get a ring for you but constantly going back and forth about what it could mean. You could love it or you could think that he was wanting too much. The possibilities were endless and he didn’t want to risk losing you. He mainly wouldn’t bring it up out of fear of losing you. So when you gave him the ring, the biggest weight that had been on his shoulders would be lifted and he would be on cloud nine. He knew where the two of you stood and he realized that he didn’t have anything to fear. 
“This makes me so happy!”
123 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 11:02:16 GMT
Stray Kids Reaction - Their Crush Does Something Attractive
Requested by anon: Skz reaction when their crush does something attractive?
Bang Chan: The second you do something attractive, whether it’s to get his attention or not, Chris’s focus is on you. He’ll be fawning over you in moments or be stuck in a trance as he stares at you shamelessly until one of the boy calls him out.
“I wasn’t staring, I was just admiring. There’s a difference.”
Lee Know: Minho would probably also just stare at you in awe. I think that there would be little that he wouldn’t consider attractive that you do. Yu could simply turn to look at a sign and his eyes are on you.
“They’re just like art, I can’t help but stare.”
Changbin: You’re never unattractive in his eyes so his attention is almost always on you. Unlike Chris, I think Changbin would unconsciously end up staring at you at anytime. It would be cause for much teasing from his members, even more so if you did something attractive that garnered his attention.
“I wasn’t staring at them. I just...spaced out.”
Hyunjin: Hyunjin would be tuned in the second you did something attractive. His eyes would be locked on you and you alone. Teasing be damned, he would focused on you and not care what anyone said.
“Like you guys have never stared at your crush.”
Han: Everything you do is attractive in his eyes. That being said he’s constantly complimenting you. You could say he was your cheerleader and you can bet he’s always the loudest one cheering for you no matter what you’re doing.
“You should do that more often, it’s hot.”
Felix: Felix would become a bit shy whenever you did something attractive. He would be in awe but when he’s faced with it first hand he would crumble. He’d be a flustered mess and wouldn’t know how to react other than squeals and giggles.
“*inhuman noises* You’re so cute!”
Seungmin: Another one who get flustered at your attractive actions. Seungmin would also let out little squeals and giggles. His attention would be solely on you and he really wouldn’t know how to go about it without giggling.
“They’re so cute.”
I.N: Maknae Jeongin. Definitely gonna be a bit flustered and blush whenever you do anything attractive. It’d grab his attention instantly and he would be unsure of whether to keep looking at you or try and hide that he was looking.
“Do I look or do I not look?”
156 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 11:00:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
A/N: I went through and deleted the gifs that were in the original post. Safe to say Skz for the win huh
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zorobae · 3 years
Okay, so after not reading One Piece for more than a year, I caught up on all the chapters I missed by now and just wanted to write down my thoughts~ I also intend to make edits again. It’s been a while, though, I hope I still remember how lol. First and foremost, I’m really glad to be reading Oda-sensei’s great writing and to be in this world again, so to say. I missed this consistently-good quality of writing, the blend of action+emotion+humor and of course, I missed my adorkable Strawhat crew ^-^ I stopped reading where the second Wano Act ended so I picked up from there until chapter 1009. A lot of the chapters in Act Three are flashbacks from Kozuki Oden's life. He is an interesting and well-thought-out character, to say the least. I found it quite hard to wrap my head around his demise, though. That was just too... unfair. But then, if the point of that incident is to make us readers despise Kaido more; mission accomplished. I gotta say, for me, the highlight of those flashbacks was to see the Whitebeard pirates. The way that crew treated each other like family and they all called Whitebeard "pops" will never not be endearing to me. I lk hate that Oda indirectly brought up Ace in Oden's flashback (when Roger talked about his unborn son). Maybe I'm just overly emotional but I think it's a testament to Oda-sensei's writing that any reminder of Ace still makes me sad. I think that Toki and her relationship with Oden was also quite sweet. Oda-sensei never spends too much time on romance but he still manages to give those relationships weight. I was moved by how perfect Oden and Toki were together, how understanding and supportive of each other. When Toki said "we are not your weakness", right after she lost her husband... that was a powerful moment imo.
Coming back to present time; it's actually stupid how happy it made me to see Jimbei finally catching up with Luffy and all now ten Strawhats reunited! Didn't last long of course but hey, at least they're all still on the same island this time xD I’m so glad that Jimbei joined the crew for good now - the traditional toast to a new crew member has yet to come, though. And I wonder if maybe Yamato, even if just temporarily, might also join. Yamato is a badass character so far. I think her weird pretense as Oden is a bit off-putting but I still like her. I am actually confused about her gender identity now, though. Does he actually identify as male himself or is that solely because he’s pretending to be Oden? What she’s doing seems to be “identity theft” rather than being genderqueer. But either way, it hasn’t been confirmed yet. I really hope Oda-sensei will confirm her gender soon. For now and until we get any confirmation, I’ll still headcanon her as genderfluid. I definitely think it’s easy to tell that she’s genuine in her support for the Kozukis and the Strawhats. Also, there were some flashbacks with Ace... I both hated and loved those. Yamato, having to tell Ace he mentioned his brother too often was not okay TT-TT Speaking of Ace’s brother, Oda-sensei hinted that Sabo got announced dead but as is the rule with OP; if there is no corpse, he ain’t dead.
I haven’t checked how far the anime is but the rest of my thoughts might be spoilery so I’ll put them under a cut~
Luffy and Zoro are my faves but Is2G, I love all ten of the Strawhats with all of my heart. And yet, there’s one Strawhat who I always hope will do better but .... /sigh/ They are outnumbered 6:1 and somehow, Sanji still lets himself be distracted by women. And not even friendly ones but women who are also his enemies. Luffy and Jimbei assumed that Sanji stayed back to clear distractions for them - which was really sweet but not exactly true. I can’t believe there are fans who are arguing about who’s the #2 among the Strawhats. I mean, Zoro is fighting against Kaido and Big Mom and protecting his Captain as best as he can while Sanji got caught in Black Maria’s net cuz he’s a huge perv. And some fans still feel the need to debate who’s better.... Okay then. It’s not unexpected but it’s just disappointing cuz we all know how strong, protective and determined Sanji is. He can be better than this. I hope that he, and all Strawhats, will get their moments to shine at some point during the rest of this arc. Well, actually Chopper might have already gotten his moment when he cured the Ice Onis. That was pretty badass, and got even better when he punched Queen and reminded everyone he ain’t a racoon-dog teehee
Right now, at the end of chapter 1009, it looked like Big Mom would fall off of Onigashima. If she really does, it’ll probably take a while before she can fly back up somehow and anything like that would obviously help Luffy, Zoro, Law and Kidd. I wonder how tf Kaido can both keep the island floating and also fight at the same time. If they should defeat him while it’s still floating, is the whole island gonna crash down? Anyway, I can’t wait for Luffy to kick Kaido’s ass. I’m kinda hoping Momonosuke or one of the Akazaya or maybe Yamato will deliver the final blow or something. I also hope Oda-sensei won’t give us ten or so chapters of Kaido’s tragic past cuz I really don’t care lol. I’d rather see Oden’s dream of an open and peaceful Wano fulfilled~
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squeiky · 4 years
Tumblr media
Papyrus royal guard ending! He is watering the flowers! :DDDD
(The one with Tori, undyne,papyrus, alphys,sans all alive. )
(This one: https://youtu.be/lK-wiVeXXSc )
I find it the best ending.
(Since I dont really believe in the pacafist ending. It just seems way too much like every other rpg.)
(Also, im growing tired of the genocide and pacifist stories people keep making. I honestly headcanon this the truest ending. Sad, but true. this one seems alot more realistic, and is wrapped up better than pacifist could ever do. And its heart warming to hear their voices again. And this time, papyrus is happy instead of saying "this is the worst possible ending!" And i perfer everybody be happy In that ending. Instead of seeing sans walk back into the cave, or hearing "dont you have anything better to do?" Or seeing everybody walk out in the distance In the pacifist run. Even though its ironic or a joke, i took it seriosuly. (Beacuse i take alot of things seriously, and I think its a problem.) idk, its my personal oppinion anways. )
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“Why” tags are going here because Tumblr’s a baby who can’t handle all these words at once. :P
#but i spent my whole life absolutely CONVINCED that wings belonged on my body. it just... tok me a good long while to figure out Why.
#Oh THAT'S why everyone's freaking out over that post.
#at first I was like ''Wow this is Srentha to the core!'' And then I read ''why this unreasonable answer at the sight
#honestly this is why i'm basically addicted to empty-mind meditation?
#??? why do people do these awful things to Good People though
#i don't know how or why and i don't remember ever having Learned about That Letter? but my mind automatically knew it was 'hath' somehow
#Of course that DOES beg the question of why a LORd of CHAOS doesn't... you know. CHANGE it? ??
#first of all: REM WHY ARE YOU COMING to OHIO of all places???
#okay but. randy how did they MEET what's the STORY why are they HATING on TEXAS
#or like. a Sarcastic Joke because cyborg was once like ''why aren't you miss mary sunshine''?
#''What are you DOING. You RUN. ALWAYS RUN.'' and i was like. ''why bother getting into adventures if you're gonna RUN though..''
#I don't know why but I always score better on Customer Service Questionaires when I choose responses like ''I'm sorry
#i've never seen that still before and I CAN;T FATHOM WHY because that is FANTASTIC!
#I don't know why but ''novice suddenly ends up with super incredibly powerful abilities'' is one of my FAVORITE TROPES!
#I have no idea how/why but these just gave me Massive Leyla and Srentha Feels.
#my usual turnaround time for Dreams to Real Life is about two weeks. not sure why but it happens to like 7 people in my immediate family
#Especially with the bells. I don't know why but bells always remind me of that place. ~<3
#Nobody intrinsically knows how to solve problems that hurt another person. That's why COMMUNICATION is so important!
#also: Good Post re: Why Danny is So Actually-Great
#why does everyone spell ''bear with me' like that?
#i know right? Why did I never think of that??
#why do i love this so much
#that's basically why Evanescence became my favorite band. it's not all romo-/sexually-centric
#i've always read it the same way and didn't notice Why Everyone Stopped Liking Her but that also brought that particular Change to light...
#groans eternally in Tumblr's direction. why even bother with all these updates.
#Oh THAT'S why Eda could do glyphs! /joke
#thaaaat's probably why Fancie Word Choice has always been a strength in my writing.... {lD;;;;;
#velvet and sheer... why have I never seen that combination before? It's GLORIOUS
#That's probably why he's so good at spontaneous Travelling too. Lots of practice when trying to find her... /owo
#This is why House and Senate votes count though! The President may have a lot of control over the military but a strong H+S
#I know MC Escher was a master of this (whatever This is) and that's why he's one of my favorite artists.
#okay but I'm intensely curious why he didn't have a plan to take HIMSELF out and thought he'd have to rely on THEM dsfndsgmfhdgj
#I wonder why he'd need to attack/defend while shifted? Can he also use such magic when he's not shifted?
#but I think that variety is why her every new album is so refreshingly Different.  Her singing ALONE improves so MUCH with every album!
#the only difference is that I imagined the fire came with smoke and that's why her gasp was so strangled and she grabbed her throa
#honestly this is why i'm basically addicted to empty-mind meditation?
#i'm cleaning my room and i misplaced it. badfnmkngjf;lk this is why i hate cleaning
#but scenes like this are why i love DC's latest gen of animated movies
#that Friends As Family theme was super important to why i love the 80's comics too..........
#this is why i read fanfic
#i think she feels slighted in some way but i can't pinpoint Exactly Why let alone HOW.
#and it's like.. Halfo f why lapis's characterization is so Shaky for me? Because the girl barely talks??? And she has like 7 Speech Modes
#^^^^ GUYS THIS WAS ALERINA. This is the environment Dove was raised in! This is why losing her mother tore her apart! ^^^^^
#This is so so SO important and delves deeply into why language is so important for learners and general humanity alike. ~<333
#that's why my tag for Old People Stories isn't specific to any generation. it's just Shitty Adults Being Shitty
#I write primarily about OCs and I know that's why my readership is so low. I write stories for a Dead Fandom that has declined sharply.
#you know? so that's why my Affirmations Tag is like 60% Steven UniversE Content at this point. 8F It's Helping Me Learn!
#It's a CIRCADIAN THING not an INSOMNIA THING. I don't know why my doctors don't believe it's NOT the same as INSOMNIA
#oh is THAT why my love language is ''all of them''?
#and i hardcore headcanon ry ouwearing glasses when he gets older. so why not?
#i Suck at the aCTUAL DRAWING art but i'm i na bit of a fallow period with the org and personal life. so why not?
#i'm already planning an aviary for the doves. so why not? (they'd be Very Separate from teh raven though. for obvious reasons)
#let's add to the Emotional Whiplash of Today pile. sure! why not!!
#but i got the dvd and i have vlc so why not use them i guess? i already had it in the drive for the extras and this way there's .....
#She can hop dimensions so why on Earth-- ALL the Earths-- hasn't she Been Relevant to ANY multi-timeline crisis yet???
#yes of fucking COURSE Dove and the rest are in Team Transition too!! Why on Earth-- on ANY earth! wouldn't I transition them too?!
#so why on earth did danny chase get shafted so hard?????
#about WHY or if she's GONNA be OKAY or HOW or--
#So gentle and soft and concerned and really quite quiet and subtle... which might be why others didn't pick up on the Love Vibe
#but the last one I reblogged didn't have that specified! 8O i don't know why one of my special interests is Unusual Instruments
#why WOULDN'T you snog a snitch if it could bring your dead loved ones back though? Why on Earth WOULDN'T you???
#but it's about ''they're very different. but they're friends!'' It just never talks about why or how that's important.
#(i think that's her full name for some reason but i don't know why or when i heard/saw it. somebody please correct me if i'm wrong!)
#I must be an Asker. I've never understood why people are so convinced they Can't Say No if someone asks?
#i also think PTSD makes you react to fear Differently from Pure Adrenaline Responses... but i can't unravel Why right now
#And also at the time I couldn't fathom why someone would think she was autistic. because i didn't know myself
#god this foreshadowing was just. so sincere and heart-rending and when this episode came out I *DID* wonder why she'd say that...
#I'm STILL trying to figure out why Srentha thought Dove was confessing that she has heartworm. (i know she Does Not in fact
#at first I was like ''Wow this is Srentha to the core!'' And then I read ''why this unreasonable answer at the sight
#i can't figure out why though
#If my Harmony Core theory is correct: it would explain why they're playing their music So Hard.
#the fact that my first reaction was ''why though'' is..... concerning?
#raven's like How? Why The HELL. and dove doesn't have a good answer besides ''it felt like i needed it.''
#fun fact: i misread this as ''zatana zatara / MICHIGAN '' and i was like... ''why the fUCK--''
#i don't know why there's all this fanart of
#and also sugar skulls are delightful but you should really know what they MEAN and REPRESENT and WHY they're sweet and flamboyant
#if someone is passionate; angry; or distressed over a topic: She doesn't always understand WHY until they EXPLAIN it. If they do at all.)
#oh hey why was THAT line never a meme
#this is why we need
#but that doesn't make it any less FRUSTRATING because I've been wORKING THROUGH the pptsd and why won't it STOP?
#(because that's why we have to pay for everything from movies to individual channels now. let's be real)
#i've never understood why winter and fall were the only ~fashionable~ seasons for wearing black.
#I mean to be FAIR some of the government DID mobilize and that's why we got the Stimulus Bill.
#But DC... this bullshit is why we can't have nice things
#and as soon as I looked it up: y first thought was ''Oh is that why we call them Abner?'' My second was ''Is that what *I* am?''
#also if you're as powerful as zee it probably comes second-nature so why WOULDN'T you throw it around to stop an argument?
#okay but if SPINEL doesn't know then how/why would BLUE know
#what? no i didn't just stare at this for a solid two minutes and read it over five times. no.. why would I do that?
#that's because it's not ''cool'' to hate on it so why would it be ''cool'' to like it ironically?
#why WOULDN'T you snog a snitch if it could bring your dead loved ones back though? Why on Earth WOULDN'T you???
#but it's not like a ragey angry thing. it's like........ war of attrition? why yes i think i WILL sign the 47th petition for the same thing
#over and over again and rewound and replayed until i got the whole spell written down. why YES I'm a little hyperfixated! why do you ask!!!
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paindealt · 4 years
the-cryomancer-grandmaster replied to your post:
I still think that Kuai and Bi-Han's father is part of lin kuei,and then abducted then and eventually make them as part of lin kuei//
That’s technically canon!! But in the Original Timeline!!! Although I don’t think they were really abducted, I think the father just took the kiddos off to China against the mother’s permission. In the New/Current Timeline, it’s kinda unclear what precisely went down other than the Lin Kuei did indeed kidnap Kuai and Bi-Han. Who? Never stated, I don’t think. But in Kuai’s reveal trailer for MK9, it showed a LK member taking away two from both parents. However... I don’t really trust that trailer too much, considering the illustrations are all kinds of weird and it looks like they kinda portrayed the Lin Kuei more as samurais than... Chinese assassins/ninja-like warriors? Anyway...
I personally like to theorize that in this timeline, it wasn’t their father that abducted them, but instead a random Lin Kuei warrior. Why? Because I already spoke about Kuai’s strong attachment to Bi-Han. Like, Kuai is very willing to still love Bi-Han after everything Bi-Han’s done. Even after Kuai discovered that not only was Bi-Han always an immoral jerk, but also approved of the Cyber Initiative (clearly not caring what happens to his brother in the aftermath??? maybe???) I mean, Kuai killed Sektor with no remorse after everything Sektor has done, yet still cares for Bi-Han and does everything he can to “save” Bi-Han’s soul. I like to believe this is because Bi-Han was the only biological family Kuai had in his life. Feeling that Bi-Han was his only family, Kuai just... grew very attached to him no matter what. I feel this message wouldn’t be nearly as impactful if Kuai did grow up with a father. Hence, why I also believe that their Grandfather is dead either before they were in the Lin Kuei, or not long when they’re children. But I still believe that Grandfather Liang and Father Liang were definitely apart of the Lin Kuei. I like to headcanon that after Pappy Liang met Mommy Liang, he decided to go against and leave the Lin Kuei, just so he and his family can live a safe life. But... the Lin Kuei ended up finding them, and then kidnapped the two young boys, seeing as they know the boys will inherit their father’s Cryomancy and they figured if they relentlessly train the babies since well... they can walk and speak, then perhaps they’ll be much more loyal. (But of course, with Kuai, they were wrong.)
That’s at least my theory/headcanon for Current Timeline!! But really, whatever floats your boat, y’know? uvu
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Zaorva´s HC
N/A: Is always fun write about this one cool and spunky Outer God, but, here some headcanon for future ideas (or not)
1- Zaorva can understand humanity at some level, however, she does not get their social cues as it changes from time and time.
2- Zaorva likes to talk about her research with her family. Galaticus is the only one that takes the research easily as he is clueless about the mortals
3-Zaorva likes to indulge LK´s hobby every once in a while, but, she likes to see him crafting things too. Is a personal delight for her to see the Outer God of destruction create something.
4- She´s never worried about LK´s final goal because she knows is impossible. As long she lives, there´s life and nothing will remain. Sometimes she wonders if he knows that and is just being stubborn.
5- She´s above evil and good. She once changes a city´s folks into dogs just because she thought they would be happy this way.
6-She really don´t care in showing to the mortals as a powerful being.
7-She loves cakes and sweet things and often rewards people that gave her good sweets.
8- That being said her rewards may not be malicious but live to the old saying “be careful with what you wish”
9- She´s fully aware that she watch ‘’odd humans’’ but ended up liking. Pheonix and LK get humans that would wish for money and power and Zaorva has humans that would for something simple. 
10- Those humans ruin her perception of humanity as she believes humans can be good.
11- Of course, she´s not naive to ignore their misdeeds. She punished them. Severely.
12-In fact, she can be worse than LK if provoked.
13- Humans perceive her as a kind and good mother and frankly, Zaorva does not mind this once view, however, she is more than that and if a human dare to impose anything to her...again, she can be worse than LK.
14- She is impatient and is fully aware that it contrasts greatly with LK.
15-She loves LK deeply but she calls him out on his bullshite, also, she does not like when her followers mimic his pyramids just because she´s his wife.
16- Zaorva is weirdly ok with her own death and resurrection. She is not ok with the fact LK was indirectly involved (the dude was punished for that, again, she can be worse than LK) and wipe about the responsible for her “temporary vacation” with all the proper forms. His family is too. This makes the elder gods fear her and Dagon has a weird fascination with her.
17- She does not fear water anymore. Is not her favourite element. But even so, the gods relate to water fear her and do whatever they can to please her.
18- She admires how LK and Pheonix can understand humanity so perfectly. Sometimes, she´s a bit jealous of this and worried about Pheonix and LK being an item ...that was violently shut down by everyone.
19-Zaorva and Death are somewhat amused that so many humans make stories of Death and Life falling in love. Is rare to see one where they are just sisters, but, it happened.
20- Zaorva does not offer the position of herald so easily. The Outer family often give suggestions, but, Zaorva loves her work too much and can be a bit of workaholic.
21- There´s no rule for her wakening in the sabbatical vacation. She may wake up as Zaorva in the tender age or at the end of her mortal life. Is never clear.
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