paleoart · 7 years
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The argentinian Llallawavis is the most complete terror bird ever found, and it gave scientists some amazing clues on their vocal capabilities.
Read more at Earth Archives.
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new-dinosaurs · 3 years
Buteo dondasi Degrange et al., 2021 (new species)
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(Tarsometatarsus [fused ankle and foot bones] of Buteo dondasi, from Degrange et al., 2021)
Meaning of name: dondasi = for Alejandro Dondas [former curator of the Paleontology Collection in the Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales Lorenzo Scaglia, who passed away in 2016]
Age: Pliocene (Piacenzian)
Where found: Chapadmalal Formation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
How much is known: A partial left hindlimb.
Notes: Buteo is a genus of medium- to large-sized raptors known from across Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. In Europe, members of this genus are known as buzzards, but species from the Americas (such as the well-known red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis) are generally called hawks instead.
Estimated as having weighed over 2 kg, B. dondasi was the largest species of Buteo yet discovered. It lived alongside several other large carnivorous birds, including the swan-sized phorusrhacid (terror bird) Llallawavis, the even larger (ostrich-sized) phorusrhacid Mesembriornis, and the rhea-sized vulture Dryornis.
Reference: Degrange, F.J., C.P. Tambussi, M.L. Taglioretti, and F.A. Scaglia. 2021. A new buzzard from the late Pliocene of Argentina. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica advance online publication. doi: 10.4202/app.00933.2021
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guessmonsta · 5 years
Dares at Science Olympiad (Tsukishima Kei)
Y’all I really said geek and felt it 
Tsukishima didn’t like the girl with the “I Love Australopithecus Afarensis” shirt on. It was a good pun, sure, and he respected that. What he did not respect was, by wearing the shirt, this girl was practically telling everybody else waiting outside of the event, “I’m better than you are.” 
This was his second year competing in the fossils tournament in the local Science Olympiad. Karasuno never went really far, especially since the whole team was made up of six people- him, Yamaguchi, and Yachi making up half of it’s entity. Tsukishima thought it was fun though, it was something to do besides volleyball and  sitting in his bedroom staring at his ceiling while listening to music. It sure as hell gave him extracurricular points on his college applications, too. 
But that girl in the Australopithecus Afarensis shirt, what was her deal? She talked to her partner, a girl in an oversized maroon windbreaker, with such confidence and ease. No nerves, no wariness. Her grip on her reference binder was light. She made no motion other than her face muscles curling up into a smile. He didn’t know why, but she irked him. With a little more examining he concluded she as from Shiratorizawa, and that explained it. Shiratorizawa was always the highest ranking school in the competition. If their team didn’t win first, it went to Seijou, but the former was always a close second. Karasuno was lucky to even make fourth- Tsukishima got third in fossils last year and that in itself was a victory for Karasuno. Not that anybody paid attention to it, anyway. 
It was only a matter of time before the proctors opened the room to the event. Tsukishima grabbed his paper, a pencil, and sat down in front of the station with a model fossil of tiktaalik roseae, he knew it without even having to open up his reference binder. The girl with the pun of her shirt sat on the station to his right. Calymene blumenbachii, he noted, but the girl didn’t seem to have a clue. 
When the proctor sounded the buzzer to start the timer for the current station, Tsukishima didn’t waste any time in writing down his answer, but the girl took a moment to flip through her references to jot down the name. She must've spelled it wrong at first, because her partner giggled, and she hurriedly erased her error. The moment Tsukishima glanced over at her, she glanced over at him back. She smiled a mischievous smile, then set her pencil down. 
“Where do you go?” She hissed whispered. You weren’t technically allowed to talk during competitions, unless it was to your partner, and Tsukishima wasn’t about to break that rule and damage his score. 
“Hey! Blondie!” She said again. He looked over at here again and cocked an eyebrow, and she only grinned. He had a feeling her and Hintata would hit it off splendidly
“Karasuno.” He muttered in reply. 
“Karasuno! Really! We’re from Shiratorizawa” She laughed just a little too loud, and her partner elbowed her to quiet down. “Man, normally I would make a joke about how small your team is, but you totally kicked our ass at regional finals last year, so I can say anything about that.” 
Interesting. A science nerd and kept up with school sports. Maybe she wasn’t all that different after all, the girl with the pun on her t-shirt- Lucy.
“Wanna bet I’ll do the same right here, right now?” He smirked. This must’ve caught her off guard, cause her smile shrunk. 
“How much you wanna bet?” 
“I’ll decide after I beat you.” 
Making bets with strange girls from different schools was not very characteristic of Tsukishima. He wasn’t used to talking to people from different schools at all, really, besides the friends he was conditionally forced to make due to volleyball. He wasn’t even sure what he was going to bet her, he didn’t really care much at all. He was just playing into her silly little provocation game. Shiratorizawa students seemed to love to do that. 
The next station was called, and Tsukishima quickly wrote down his answer. The station the Lucy was at was a no-brainer for her. It seemed they were at par. At the next station, Tsukishima opened his references. 
The next several stations went like so, checking references and knowing the answers off the top of their heads. Lucy seemed to be doing most of the work for her partner, while her partner started writing down the answers. 
“How do you think you’re doing, Blondie?” Lucy whispered. 
“Better than you, Lucy” He teased. For a moment his eyes locked with hers. She cocked an eyebrow, and grinned. For a moment he felt his heart skip a beat, but as soon as it passed, a wave of regret washed over him. Oh, it was always the annoying ones.  
“Lucy, hm?” She smirked. “A man with culture, I see.” 
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that pun.”
“Does this look like astrophysics to you?” She smiled, picking up the model fossil on her station. She immediately set it down when she noticed the proctor swoop around behind her station. She didn’t say anything else to him until they reached the last station. 
Tsukishima didn’t know this fossil, nor could he find it anywhere in his references. He figured it was easier just to give up on it, just write down anything, really. 
“It’s Llallawavis.” Peeped a voice from next to him. Are you kidding? She was giving him the answers?
“Are you… giving me the answer?”
“Yes! It’s spelled L-L-A-L-L-A-W-A-V-I-S.” 
“I wasn’t aware this was a spelling bee.” 
“It is now. Just put it down.” So he did. 
It was interesting for her to hand him a point like that. Interesting for sure. Interesting for a girl wearing an “I Love Australopithecus Afarensis” shirt trying to make it seem like she was better than everyone else. He couldn’t help but hold back a small smile towards her. She noticed it, and grinned. Lucy was very smiley for a girl stuck in a room full of fossils and rocks. He was starting to wonder if she noticed him from volleyball. Maybe she watched the match last year and thought he was cute from the stands. It was very possible, she had made reference to the game already, and it wouldn’t be unlikely noting that after the game Suga got three Shiratorizawa girls numbers, and even one from a guy, too. 
The bell rang to dismiss the event. The proctor began to walk around and collect papers, and as she took Lucy’s, she looked right over at him. 
“Ever think of a bet?” 
“I’ll tell you at the ceremony.” 
Lucy and Tsukishima then parted ways at the door. He was hoping he’d actually see her at the ceremony. 
The ceremony was a long, treacherous reading of events that Karasuno didn’t have the manpower to participate in. Yachi won third place for the chemistry lab, and almost tripped over herself walking up to the stage to get the award. He hoped the bigger schools didn’t notice it, they’d do anything to attack small schools. 
But then came fossils, yes, fossils. The moment he had been secretly anticipating all night. Did he keep a straight face? Absolutely. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the sheer mass of the Shiratorizawa team, all decked out in maroon windbreakers waiting for their results. They had been cheering all night, running up stage to collect their awards. They were just anticipating another. 
“Fifth place. Ohgi Minami High.” The announcer said, almost monotonous. The school cheered as their representative walked up on stage. 
“Fourth place. Johzenji High” 
“Third place. Aoba Johsai High.” 
“Second place…” Tsukishima felt his heart start to beat faster. There was no way Karasuno had outranked Aoba, he was already done for. “Shiratorizawa Academy.” 
Out of the corner of his eye. Lucy shot up. She didn’t say anything, but he noticed her stare at him from across the room. He looked over at her, and smiled. There was no way he had placed first, not as a Karasuno student. 
“First place. Karasuno High.”
Or maybe he did. 
That was definitely a first. The shyer kids on the Karasuno team wouldn’t cheer, but Yamaguchi let out a loud, “WOO!” in response. Karasuno never won first, he was starting to think the proctor tampered with something just to pull the odds in his favor. 
Or maybe he just knew what he was doing, who knows. 
As he started to walk towards the stage, so did Lucy. She met him halfway, and, without warning, slapped him on the back. 
“Think of a bet yet, Blondie?” 
“Maybe.” He smirked, looking down on her as he walked up the stage and claimed his award, waiting for her at the bottom steps after she claimed hers. 
“What is it? Publicly denounce Shiratorizawa?” 
“Nah. I was thinking. Since you seem to love to talk so much, why don’t you go on a date with me?” 
“Huh?” He noticed her face grow pink, and so did his. Well, that was definitely bold of him. And it was definitely not the plan he had in mind. 
“You heard me.” 
“I don’t even know your name!” 
“Tsukishima Kei.” 
“Oh I-I’m __ __.” She smiled. Her confident demeanor was, for sure, crushed by his comment. “You’re really cool.” 
“So glad you think so, __. Yunno, I think Lucy suits you a lot better.” 
“You wanna stick with Blondie?”
“__ it is.”
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reportwire · 2 years
Meet The Terror Bird, The Prehistoric Predator Of Your Nightmares
Meet The Terror Bird, The Prehistoric Predator Of Your Nightmares
For much of the Cenozoic Era, terror birds dominated South America and hunted with hatchet-like beaks — until they went extinct about 2 million years ago. M. TAGLIORETTI AND F. SCAGLIAAn incredibly intact skeleton of a species of terror bird called Llallawavis scagliai, first discovered in 2010. The ancient world was full of terrifying monsters. But while most know a thing or two about the…
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huxley-paleozoo · 7 years
Any plans for phorusrhacids?
Got you covered - the Cenozoic Americas region already has two of them, Llallawavis and Titanis!
- Rohan
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space-drgn · 6 years
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Terror birds!
On the left is Llallawavis, a smaller (4ft tall) phorusrhacid from Argentina living about 3.5 MYA. It's the most complete terror bird fossil found, and even has its voice box preserved!
On the right is Titanis, a larger (8ft tall) phorusrhacid from North America, which lived 4.9 to 1.8 MYA.
Seriemas are the closest living relatives to the phorusrhacids/terror birds, so I based the feathering off of the red-legged seriema!
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archosaurophilia · 10 years
Llallawavis scagliai, a new phorusrhachid from the middle Pliocene of Argentina--it’s the most complete phorusrhachid specimen ever discovered!
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