#llama's tagged
hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Why is everyone in the world except me unable to figure out the optimal way to load a dishwasher, this is such a burden. I don’t want to be a dishtator but I can’t allow a variety of opinions when it just makes SENSE for wine glasses to be over here where the tray is deeper. You put a small leg-less glass there you’re going to run into problems later can’t you see that?? no long-term vision. No sense of greater strategy, but you can’t live in the moment while loading dishes. You know when fairytale princesses don’t want to marry and give would-be suitors impossible trials, well that would be a good one. I shall plight my troth to the first person who can load an entire dishwasher without doing anything preposterous
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skumhuu · 3 months
Proshipper = you're against censorship and harassment over fiction & curate your experience on the internet to have a healthy distance from things that make you uncomfortable
Antishipper = you're okay and even encourage harassment towards "freaks" and "weirdos" society deems acceptable to hurt
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ommmmara · 11 months
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three cool and fun characters that are definitely not just minecraft mobs as humans
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steampunk-llama · 1 year
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Love wins
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rapidhighway · 2 months
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haha, get OC'd, random doodle! Their name is Marble and they know Calliper
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dear-ao3 · 11 months
everyone has a bad first kiss story, but i will never let my best friend live hers down
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karetyto · 1 year
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On the road again!
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Huh. I forgot there was a reason I switched to building/strategy games a few years back.
The adrenaline I was getting from playing Dishonored (sneaky fun times! try not to get caught or you get stabbed!) triggered such a strong stress response my mast cells decided I was in danger, and now I have hives and a POTS headache.
... absolutely worth it. I will now, however, be playing farming simulators for a while. Just to calm things down 😂
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
HEY @llamagoddessofficial I got some inspo from reading Tilikium, specifically imagining a positive interaction between Skull and a human outside of the ✨Siren Whisperer✨ hehe… I just love soft giant monster and smol child interactions ToT
Also no I’m not projecting kid me here by writing that they were a big marine biology fan, no way
he’s still there.
Skull doesn’t think the visitors of this aquarium ever realize that they’re being watched, when they come to Skull’s tank. There was a little boy sitting in front of his tank, on the little platform just in front of the glass. He’s been sitting there for a very long time, maybe since around midday- and it was closing time soon. Most of the time, Skull would see kids running into his room, see the empty tank, look around for a while, before immediately giving up and going somewhere else. He thought the boy would do the same when he first came by. He stayed longer than Skull thought he would, but he did eventually leave. … Only to come back with some snacks in one hand, back to sitting in front of the glass, staring inside. Another time he left, he came back with a curious piece of paper, with something Skull couldn’t quite make out. At all his visits, he brought a book with him. It looked like it was too big for him, maybe half his size- but he always had it with him.
The rest of the guests have left. Not like they’d spend their last few minutes in the aquarium looking at an empty tank. The kid was persistent- even now he was still there, looking back from the tank to the book, and back again. Soon he’d have to go home, Skull knew, but it was… nice. It felt like he had company, even if the child didn’t know he was there.
He took one long look around the tank, those little round eyes scanning… then he climbed down the little platform, taking his book and piece of paper with him, heading towards the exit. He looked dejected, hanging his head low (as low as it could, almost comically so for that little body), dragging his feet.
… He stops when he notices a rather large shadow had fallen over him. Slowly, he turns around.
Skull was there, crawling closer to the glass, his inky black tentacles swaying around him like gentle seaweeds.
Skull watched in gleeful fascination as the kid’s face turn from confusion, to shock… to a wide smiling mouth, eyes wide, taking all of him in. He takes Skull aback for a second, the speed at which his tiny legs ran back towards the glass, placing the book and paper on the side and hopping onto the platform. From the shape and movement of his mouth, Skull could guess he was laughing- he wished he could hear it.
He presses his face against the glass, plopping both hands beside him.
Skull’s eyelight glows brighter, bringing his face lower. His sockets gleam softly at the little one- he looked so chubby, so tiny. His hands would barely be able to circle just one of his phalanges. Skull wanted to squish his hands, his cheeks, how soft they must be. Even when Skull revealed himself to the aquarium staff, he doesn’t remember anyone looking at him with so much innocent joy and excitement. This close, so much smaller than the other humans, yet he didn’t have an ounce of fear in those eyes. The child waves enthusiastically to him, and Skull waves back.
If staff had been looking at him, their heads would all collectively explode.
It’s apparent he’s caught the kid’s attention when his tentacles start curling. He removes his face from the glass, admiring his tentacles. Skull waves them around, chuckling to himself when the kid tries to follow them across the glass, going back and forth, copying the movement with his arms. He looks closer when Skull sticks one of his tentacles to the pane. The kid looks fascinated by his suckers, tapping on them with his finger, maybe counting them. He yelps a little when Skull pries it away, letting them pop off one by one, leaving little trails of bubbles in its wake. He’s laughing, clapping his hands together… Skull can’t help but feel proud, having caused that. One of his tentacles was thicker than the kid’s entire body, he could use it like a blanket. The boy couldn’t hear it, but Skull growls playfully- getting cute aggression at how tiny he was.
The kid realizes something, watching the tentacles, sitting down and opening his favorite book. Skull watches curiously as he gently flips the pages, slowly, like he’s afraid he’d bend or rip the page. Once he finds what he’s looking for, he presses the book to the glass.
Skull narrows his sockets.
There’s… a picture of a deep sea octopus. It’s tentacles matched his.
… aw. Did he have a little admirer?
The boy could hardly contain his excitement, he was bouncing a little.
“Like you!” He saw the boy mouth.
Skull’s sockets turned into crescents, nodding. It was accurate- he used to see those octopuses in the depth he lived in.
What a smart kid. He couldn’t say the same for some of his caretakers.
He puts the book back down, picking up the paper he’d carried around earlier. It’s a little crumpled, apparently from the kid having gripped it too tightly. He sticks it to the glass.
This was a drawing of him. Crayons of black and blue, a blob in the middle and jagged tentacles extending outwards.
Skull’s jaw goes slack, taking a closer look of it, sockets wide open. His eyelight growing, looking at the kid. He points to the paper, then to his chest.
“... me?”
His eyes were practically sparkling, nodding furiously.
If Skull was crying, he wouldn’t question it. His eyelight large, fuzzy. Like seeing light from under the waves. A warm smile crept up his face.
“thank you.”
No, the kid didn’t understand him. But he could see the boy’s mouth turn into a small “o” looking deep into his sockets. He looks almost hypnotized, a bit of red reflected in his black eyes. He reaches a hand up as if going to touch him. Skull meets his hand on the glass, fingers outstretched.
He was awestruck, expression unchanging, maybe looking at how big his skeletal hand was compared to his. Skull reads a “Wow,” from his lips, eyes glancing back to his eyes. Light filtered through water, dancing in those innocent eyes. He lets the kid stare- he isn’t sure how long.
Then, the spell breaks. He must’ve heard something, because he looks behind him towards the door leading to the tank room. He looks to Skull, frowning. Skull’s grin falls a little when the boy takes his hand off the glass. Although he couldn’t really feel it, it felt as if he could feel the warmth leaving when he does. He climbs down the platform, grabbing the book, but leaving the paper in front of the glass. He pushes it towards Skull, pointing to him.
‘For you.’
He walks slowly towards the exit, giving Skull a sad smile as he does, waving.
Skull never liked it when the kids had to leave. It was his only joy during opening hours, getting to watch them run around. Nonetheless, he kept smiling for him, waving back.
“Bye bye,” they mouth.
Skull starts drawing backwards, tentacles climbing over each other, the shadow of an adult appearing in the doorway, someone’s looking for the kid-
It’s you.
He stops when he sees you. You didn’t see him, running over to the child, he can’t quite make out what you were saying, but you were checking him… then you looked up and met his eye.
Your mouth opened. The boy looked back, a sweet smile on his face.
They couldn’t hear him, but Skull was trilling, tentacles curling and uncurling with excitement, swimming around his tank in the rare burst of movement, displaying his tentacles for the humans, before retreating back to the cave.
You were dumbstruck. The kid held on to your hand, tugging on it, asking questions about the deep sea cecaelia, breaking you out of your stupor.
This was definitely one of his best days.
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luminerium · 3 months
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gente, guarda con estas estafas que están dando vuelta por whatsapp en latinoamérica, sobre todo si son como yo y están buscando laburo nivel desesperación y tienen cv público en bumeran/zonajobs. siempre SIEMPRE chequeen si algo no cierra
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vinegarfiend · 6 months
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been having some very autistic thoughts lately about @llamagoddessofficial 's siren aus. everytime i think im free from the undertale fandom it digs its claws back into me and pulls me back kicking and screaming. so heres this.
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
i recognize rw artists easily by their scugs and the way they draw/depict them but describe it in the weirdest ways
"ok this person owns a hunter that looks like a dinosaur"
"ah yes the saint that looks like a poor old man and pities other organisms, woe is him!"
"minecraft furnace arti"
"this gourmand is a walking pancake and has children"
"this rivulet has so much fucking teeth"
"this monk has a big round nose"
"ah yes the spearmaster that looks mostly made of skin and looks tired as shit"
"wow this survivor looks like an oreo"
"this is a very fucked up enot i feel like they could explode any second god someone help them"
"what do you mean your nightcat is literally the void"
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monomori3 · 2 years
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everyone. stop what you're doing right now and look at this man.
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steampunk-llama · 1 year
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I love my sister, Applejack 🥺
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salemoleander · 10 months
I've finally discovered my ideal way to play Minecraft: building myself a base that is just a labyrinthine series of differently themed tunnels branching out from a central point for thousands of blocks
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steampunk-fr · 2 years
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Woag…no way
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