#llsif account
antonyansu · 8 months
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redraw of a frame from the akogare ran ran mv~
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starcapn · 6 months
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they're best friends!
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lovely-mirai · 1 year
man, i knew that sif would close on march 31st 16:00 jst, but it just closed on me at 16:00, when i live in the eastern united states
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alienaiver · 3 months
Nohr, do you play Genshin Impact? I feel there's some characters you'd love!!!
sadly, llsif taught me a vERY expensive lesson on how well i DONT handle gacha games 😔👊🏼
but you and me both my dear about the characters. i just know id be unwell about 87% of them....
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aaaaaaaaraaaaaraaa · 1 year
I've made the mistake of downloading bsd mayoi and I've been playing it for 3 days straight non-stop. It's giving me war flashbacks to grinding love live! School idol festival
...which, if you know what that is let alone if you've played it, you probably deserve a veteran discount
Gacha games will be my demise
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anjuschiffer · 1 year
I just found out LLSIF was terminated about a week ago and now lost the account for it forever because i wasn’t aware of this…
This is the second account I’ve lost with this game and just…ugh
I was playing that game since I was in middle school…
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mintjeru · 1 year
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color wheel challenge 🧡 orange hoshizora rin from love live!
open for better quality | no reposts | rin rambling under the cut for any llsif enjoyers
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since llsif shut down, i wanted to keep a record of my UR/SSR rin collection outside of my school idol tomodachi account. the top two rows are URs and SSRs from my second account (bc i lost my first one a year or so into sif ^^;;). idolized swimsuit and zodiac constellation rin were two of my dream URs and i was so happy to get them,,, the other ones i wanted were idolized dancer rin (the one w/ the moon in the background), idolized flowers/blooming rin (the one w/ the sakura tree matching w/ hanayo), and the idolized version of fairy rin which i unfortunately did not get when i was into the game,,, i only had one copy as you can see above. of the SSRs, i got my favorites: idolized rpg, crayon, and flower bouquet rin. i'm pretty sure i had a non-idolized studies series rin in there too, but it wasn't logged on my school idol tomodachi account so i didn't include it here. i also didn't record my SRs here bc there were too many, but i have a soft spot for cyber rin (and the cyber series in general).
the UR at the bottom is from my original account and i believe she was my first non-promo UR who i happened to get on the permanent banner. the cool attribute is also my favorite so. she is very special to me. if you read this far, you probably already know, but the idolized version of this UR card is her cheerleader/"takaramonos" outfit drawn above.
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sevicia · 10 months
I'm gonna uninstall Bandori after 5 years of playing because I just never feel like playing it anymore .... being realistic I will probably reinstall it somewhere down the line (like I did with LLSIF . many times) . but for now here's one "last" look at my profile .
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yeah IK my rank's not high at all but I swapped accounts like 3 times in those 5 years . OK .
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nyaruhodou · 8 months
hey hey nyaruhodou do you play llsif2 and if so what's your friend code? peace and luv 🫶
unfortunately i do not i am very sorry :( i didnt link my account from llsif 1 and i think i would cry thinking about all the cards i lost
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how many servers do you have accounts on? I think I have one on ever server aside from jp
(also this is a long shot but is there a way to transfer cards/accounts/anything between servers?)
I started on EN and it’s the main one I use but I got a JP account a few months ago. I don’t really use it much though aside from when I need screenshots for this blog or randomly doing gacha pulls when there’s new cards I like. I don’t play on TW or KR.
Unfortunately there isn’t a way to transfer between servers because of the fact they’re different servers managed by different teams. The only way that would ever be possible as far as I know would be if one of the servers ever shut down and ended up getting merged with another (this happened with LLSIF EN but I’ve never seen it happen with another game. Also prsk is hugely successful so this is incredibly unlikely at the moment anyway)
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infiwrites · 11 months
20 Fanfic Questions
Tagged by: @therev28
Tagging: @zinziinziiin aaaand whoever else wants to do this one!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
One hundred and thirty nine!
2. What's your total word count?
I currently have 245,166 published! What I have that's unpublished.... Ahahahahahah....... It's over 300k if the last time I counted a few months ago was anything to go by
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Vocaloid, Love Love (Aqours, sometimes Niji), D4DJ, Nikkiverse (Shining Nikki & Love Nikki)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
50 Ways I Say "I Love You" — KaiMei, Vocaloid; Dia-nial — DiaRiko, LLSIF; Inspiration — Dia, LLSIF; Ghosts In The Apartment — KaiMei, Vocaloid; O One — DiaRiko, LLSIF
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I enjoy talking about my fics, so I'll usually respond. Some I don't answer though, either because I can't think of anything to say or because I'm unsure how I feel about the comment in the first place. Luckily, I can only count two people who fit the latter category, both of whom are blocked.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?Uhhhhh angstiest one that I've ever written involves a d4dj zombie apocalypse AU that features multiple deaths, which ends with some wildly unhealthy AoRika sacrifice. That fic is probably never getting finished, though, so. Rip. Angstiest that's been posted is probably Lavender Blue, a Love Nikki fic I wrote after reaching the part where Lunar died.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh god I don't even know which one to answer for this one. Proooooobably "Crumbs of the Whole?" At least out of my longfics, that's the happiest one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently! I've never gotten a nasty comment on this account so far, but I've definitely gotten some flames in the past for writing characters they didn't like, and writing angst when they wanted a happy ending. Lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! I mostly write F/F, though I've done F/M a couple times bc KaiMei.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't normally write crossovers, though I do have a Sunshine/D4DJ one I'll get around to eventually. Craziest one was probably an unironic Vocaloid/Transformers one I wrote back in the day that I think I took down?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Unfortunately, no, but if anyone wants to give it a go, I've got blanket permissions for it on my profile!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yep! Excluding the 100k+ RPs I've done over the years, I've also written a fic with @zinziinziiin — "Road Tripping", an AyuKarin we wrote for IFHeaven's hunger games. I also co-wrote a Warriors fanfic on FFnet back around 2013-2014, but I don't remember what it was called or who I wrote it with. I believe it was taken down at some point, though, so it's a bit of a moot point.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
DiaRiko or KaiMei.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
"How It Feels", a future fic centered around Ruby navigating how different life is for Aqours when she returns to Numazu after going to school for tailoring and finding Dia in an unhappy marriage and the events of getting her out of it. It was a longfic that I kept thinking about, but never got around to writing out in full. I doubt I'll ever have the steam for it at this rate, especially since my focus is elsewhere these days.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Prose and internal narration, I think!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue and pacing are the biggest ones I struggle with.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
No real strong thoughts on it in itself—though if the POV narrator is supposed to understand it (and by extension, the reader) I'd at least like the meaning able to be gleaned from context so I don't have to scroll to the end for the author's note translation of the conversation before having to scroll back to where I was; if you want readers who do not speak the language to be able to follow along, that's really not a good way to go about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Disney fairies fanfic when I was like. 8 or something. The first fandom I wrote for while consciously knowing what fanfic was? Proooooobably MLP??? It's been over ten years and I don't remember SHIT, lmao
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Even after all these years, it's still gotta be Dia-nial. It's a disaster, it's a shit show, it's a shitpost that sprouted an actual plot, but my god is it a delight to write and reread. It rides the line of taking itself seriously while also not; it's stupidly funny until it kicks your teeth in. It's not my most refined work—not by a long shot—but I really do think it's my most lively fic to date.
"The analogy and her problems were year-round." fucking gets me every time
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fruiitcakes · 2 years
printing out my favorite llsif cards at walmart and organizing them in a photo album so I always have a physical memory of my game account before they shut it down is absolutely neurotypical behaviour
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np5enkidu · 1 year
personal gacha rant
just to get it out of the way; i've spent money on gacha games, and i know it's cringe and i feel shame about it.
currently i'm only playing fgo (global and jp) and arknights. and i've spent a generous amount of money on these games. which i do regret. for me it's mostly about trying to get the one character i really want. i do have my limits but i've also spent 300€ in one sitting.
i've played japanese mobile games for at least 10 years. it was a big hobby for me for many years. i don't remember exactly how many games i've played but to list a few; gbf, bandori, sb69, i-chu, t7s, idola, enstars, llsif. i also played browser games such as touken ranbu, shinken and kancolle.
i have other hobbies, but mobile games occupy a space that's hard to fill with something else when it's easily accessible and requires so little from the player. i think one of the reasons i got into mobile games when i was younger, was their accessibility. as someone who didn't own a gaming console or a personal computer and tried to stay away from home as much as possible at the time, mobile games were the go-to for me. of course there were some social influences through my friends playing, but for most of the time, i just seeked out games by myself to see what's interesting, but i played many games alone and without sharing it with anyone.
and honestly, it sucks and i feel guilty about it.
what kind of influenced my decisions was that, i like playing and getting a character i want will make me happier while playing. most of the time it's about acquiring a specific character but sometimes not even that.
for my global fgo account; i don't have any servants to meaningfully level up anymore. genuinely. like i have a few characters half way ascended and ann+mary left lvl 1 for meme gameplay usage but i don't have anyone to spend resources on, which can lead me to rolling the gacha even though i'm not that hyped for the character themselves. this happened for example on yang guifei's release where i got a dupe from the guaranteed summoning and i just wanted a new character to spend resources on.
i don't have any future plans to spend money on fgo, many of the popular characters releasing on global this year i already have on my jp account which definetly alleviates the fear of missing out. starting my jp account in general kind of helped me change my focus on servant gathering from the global server.
i'm trying to stay aware of my own time consumption and such, and i think my acknowledgement of mobile games and my relationship to them has improved. and the posts circulating the topic are good, but they kind of reflect my own shame. which is why i wanted to talk about it even for a moment.
i'm lucky to not have used up anymore money than i already have and to not have developed a more of a problem than it is. because it is a problem.
i genuinely like the games i'm currently playing, gameplay, characters and story and to keep on healthily playing in the future, i'll be trying my best to stay aware on the issues that gacha games present.
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hikennosabo · 1 year
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the end of love live! school idol festival, after playing for eight long years.
i’ve experienced a few mobage shutdowns in my time, but i don’t think i’ve ever cried this much or at all over an eos, lol. it might seem a bit silly to say but the girls have really stuck with me through some low points. this game is the reason i found the courage to cross a major item off my bucket list and travel all the way to japan.
despite seeing the game falling into a decline (i miss event SRs and sets and the old banners sooo bad) and knowing that the game would have to shut down eventually, it still hurts to see it go. i put what must have been hundreds of hours into this game, and it’s one of the only gachas i’ve ever put money into. i’m playing like half a dozen mobage at any given time, but llsif is the most long-lasting and impactful for me personally. it’s always been there, yknow? i enjoy the story of sifas but it’s just not the same. and at least enstars and bandori give me similar gameplay, lol.
there’s so much on my account and i screen-recorded and screenshotted a BUNCH of stuff. unfortunately i had to leave a few things hanging, like i never FC’d a number of the harder EX songs (not to mention master which is a whole different beast) and since i did last-minute massive pulls to use up my love gems and scout tickets, i didn’t have time or resources to max level/bond all the cards i scouted. i would’ve liked to leave everything nice and neat, but it is what it is i suppose.
i think i could have ended on a much higher rank if i had taken full advantage of the exp charms and 10x exp campaigns; even though i tried my best during the past month, i had so many exp charms and LP restoration items that it was just too much. rank 825 is a nice multiple of 5 to end on, and 350 LP is a similarly fantastic number. they should have implemented like, 8x and 12x multipliers for songs. would’ve made my life so much easier lmao.
i played a few songs to say goodbye, like bokuhika, kisekihikaru, and thank you friends, but my last song was aishiteru banzai, the first EX song i ever FC’d while working very hard to get my first successful tier 2 for setsubun maki.
rip my account, played faithfully from dec 23 2014 to mar 31 2023.  2981 login days. i only missed 40 days’ worth of logins, which is pretty insane.
今が最高。μ’sic forever, may the sunshine be with you. see you in sif2.
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aemoglobin · 1 year
UR idolizations on my side account that i don't have on my main
i'm gonna miss LLSIF so fucking bad. SIF2 just won't be the same 💔
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omuge · 2 years
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documenting my llsif account from 2017 before the game ends service
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