#lmao I had to share this train of thought because I am SO SAD
ayoyoungg · 1 year
Manifesting this:
Mukai Taichi goes to NCT Nation in Tokyo (doesn’t matter the day), gets inspired from the concert, decides to continue making music, has another tour or festival attendance in 2024 that I can finally attend. All is good
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
BNHA S3 EP1 or the Pool Ep
Honestly, I've watched that ep at least 6 times in the last two weeks, just didn't have a chance to pause and talk about it until now lol That post gonna be long again 😭🤣
It's not "that much" of an important episode when you think of it, but it's still one of my favourites. Our cinnamon roll Izuku is just the cutest in this one, being manipulated by Denki & Mineta to use the pool so those pervs can spy on the girls lmao the whole thing is hilarious and cute af - I mean look at this cute baby being all fired up for training! 👇
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Our little green bean is so cute and friendly and nice he even texted everyone to come and join them lmao Which is raising so many questions: did everyone in class 1-A share their numbers with each other? Does that mean that Kacchan actually gave it to everyone else, even Deku? Or is Kacchan the only one Izuku didn't text because, you know, fucked up relationship and all that, and it's only because Kirishima got the message that Kacchan came (like his bro definitely has his number and told him about the training)? Or do they all just have a group chat with the whole class so Izuku texted there so everyone, including Kacchan, saw it? I WANT ANSWERS!!!!
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But considering the timing of how late Kirishima and Katsuki came to meet with them, I feel like the closest answer is that Kiri got Izuku's text and then texted Katsuki or even went to his house to drag him out or something... Kiri did say that it took him a while to get Katsuki to come, so that's probably it. The thought that Izuku can't even text Kacchan, or didn't even think he could, makes me so sad honestly 😭 (like imagine class A really does have a group chat and those two idiots are in there but never interact with each other's texts and secretly did save each other's numbers but yeah there's no way in hell they'd go and text the other because "Kacchan probably doesn't wanna talk to me", "why the heck should I text the nerd, I'm better than him!" *siiiiiiigh* I want a fic about this now lol)
Anyway, back to the episode... Iida, class rep, always at the ready to order people around lol It's so funny how everyone just listens to him though, I love it 💙
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AND THEN THE BEST PART OF IT ALL HARKLZERLKRZEKDE - What happened? Iida and Izuku are having a little moment together (reminiscing what happened in s1 & s2) and Izuku says that he got here with the help of many others and that he needs to work that much harder and WHO yells a loud "OF COURSE!" to that?! Fucking Kacchan! 🧡💚seriously I can't, man! I have so many fucking thoughts on that scene alone, it's ridiculous lol
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And I mean, what he says is so freaking weiiiiiiiiiird! (proof in pic👇)
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Iida and Izuku were not even speaking that loudly, so how the fuck did Katsuki even hear all of that shit from where he was?! (he just arrived there with Ei, you see him walking up to them with his usual gremlin face, Kiri blocking him lmao)
So now I am HC-ing the fact that Katsuki actually do not have any fucking hearing impairments because of his Explosion quirk - on the contrary, he probably trained himself so fucking much so that shit would never be a problem and so that he could eavesdrop on any conversation his nerd would be having with other people (see Sport Festival and his stalking of Izu/Todo secret meeting lol)
I mean seriously, Kiri and him JUST arrived there and what's his first move? To fucking head to where Deku is hdezdezmde and you wanna tell me that guy ain't obsessed with his broccoli head? PLEASE!
"Otherwise there's no way I'd lose to a damn nerd like you!" - or literally, Katsuki openly admitting that he has been losing to the nerd (in the first DvKpt1 of course, but also when they teamed up against AM for the exam because he had been reckless and had to rely on the damn nerd for help - hell, he even lost consciousness and the guy dragged him to the exit (HC-ing again, but pretty sure Kats asked for the recording of that fight cuz he didn't remember and wanted to know what the fuck happened - he'll never tell Izuku though))
So our blonde baby IS already growing up, it's subtle but for someone like Katsuki to say that he's lost to Deku, I mean that is fucking big, man. I'm certain Izuku didn't even pick up what that meant here, but progress baby, you've been acknowledged by your person! 🧡💚
As soon as he's there, he's already picking a fight with his baby nerd lmao at this stage, it's established he sees both Deku & Todo as his rivals - Hori is even already setting the tone for the next gen' of UA Big Three since the 3 of them end up being the ones winning each racing rounds and are now facing each other in the final
(Just some appreciation of how fucking hot Katsuki is when he doesn't make his bitch face lmao 🔥🧡 also the fucking V-shape he has, god dammit man!)
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Of course, the final round doesn't happen - I wonder who Hori would have turned into the winner on that one lol Guess it was too hard to decide huh flekdmzemdez Look at those dum-dums' faces as their quirks got erased 🤣
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That episode is so gold, I swear! Even the ending with Katsuki's frustration of not having raced against Deku & Todo when he's on his way back with Kiri and the fact that we see once again that his goal hasn't changed (yet?), honestly, it's endearing 🧡
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"No matter who it is, I won't let them catch up to me, let alone get ahead of me!" - oh baby boy, talking about your insecurities like that *sobs* it makes it even more amazing that he changed so freaking much by s5-s6 because he's no longer with that mindset 😭 "The nerd's ahead of me now but I can still catch up!" fuck me man, that 180 is just... *cries*
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You see his All Might fanboying seeping through what he says and how he's determined to prove himself, someone please give that baby a hug😭 (he fucking gets kidnapped in this season, I can't man)
ANYWAYS, I LOVE THIS EPISODE SO MUCH OKAY?! lmao Ending this review with the official season ending, firework moment and Kacchan next to his Deku (come on, Hori could have placed him anywhere else there but nope)
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That's it, folks! Cheers for coming to my ted talk lol Till next time!🧡💚
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anti-spop · 6 months
Have any headcanons to share about Kyle? Also, your feelings on Bow x Kyle?
Hmm, I can think of a few:
I've read a fanfic once where Kyle found a diary (which belonged to someone else in the Horde, but they don't know what happened to the original owner). I like to think Kyle confides in a diary to talk about his days and his private thoughts, especially the "negative" ones.
I imagine Kyle being interested in tech like Bow. He seemed to know how to repair the vehicle he, Lonnie and Rogelio got stuck in during that storm (s4). Kyle might secretly take some broken devices or pieces of robots to dismantle them. Idk if he would be the kind to build robots like Entrapta, though. But I think he likes playing with machines when he's stressed or after he's been kicked out of training.
This one is very personal, but I once imagined Kyle and Adora being close friends when they were younger. However, with Shadow Weaver erasing Adora's memories, and Catra being extremely possessive of Adora, Kyle realizes Adora doesn't seem to recognize him, and ends up not treating him well because of Lonnie and the other cadets. This is really just me liking angst + the potential of Adora and Kyle being friends or siblings in some way.
As for Bowkyle, I am the captain of Bowkyle, lmao. Just kidding. But these two are one of my favorite pairings in the show. That is, I like what it could've been if the writers weren't so mean to Kyle. If anything, I'm sure those boys would be besties. Bow seemed to feel out of place as he's "the only one who's not a princess" (at the very least Bow isn't harshly bullied by his peers, even if some characters might mock his passion for arrows though), while Kyle must feel like he doesn't belong in the Horde. They both really value friendships and sadly they're taken advantage of. Not to mention that, ironically, they both finally snap in s4, but their character arcs don't really go anywhere. Bow's case is more infuriating considering he's the black best friend character and he has little to no arc in the series overall. Kyle's arc also made me sad because he had to nearly kill himself for Lonnie and Rogelio to actually give a shit about him.
Overall, I think Kyle would've been a great addition to the Rebellion. He and Adora could rely on each other when it comes to Horde trauma (plus Kyle could tell Adora about the memories she lost of their friendship if you count my last headcanon), besides Kyle possibly telling the princesses about what the Horde might be planning (I will never forget he risked his life to tell Bow where Glimmer was, and Kyle was still thrown away). He and Bow could be friends and be totally annoying (affectionate) around each other. Like Bow would show Kyle his arrows and they would talk about tech for hours and hours. I think Kyle deserved better friends. If Scorpia did, why not him, too?
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deadlysoupy · 8 months
Hiiiii Soupster, saw the silly character thing : )
Bumblebee - 3, 12
Starscream - 2, 25
& 20 for both hehe xoxo
HIII YIPPEE THANK YOU!!!!! (double thank yous bc i get to obnoxiously destroy this post with so many words)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
oooh some people may not like this answer because yikes but i straight-up hate how muteness becomes his character trait. Prime is the most guilty of this, the Bumblebee movie takes second place. in Prime, he can still talk and most bots and even humans can understand him - so what's the point?? if you only have this as a clutch for a character and personality, then i'm sorry, but it comes off as shallow. he's supposed to look like a child soldier burdened by war, but it's not a personality: beyond that, he's sometimes a kid, sometimes arrogant, and sometimes badass. add "being mute" and "disabled", and it becomes really weird. why can't he use other methods of communicating? i don't know and it actually makes me frustrated
same thing with the Bumblebee movie. he doesn't have any personality except "cute", "childish" and "mute". it is a bit better because he expresses himself through his actions and body language rather than a language everyone knows, but at the end of the day his traits are very shallow. and i am very sad and bitter about this
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
hehe too many 🥰🥰 no not actually too many i'm rather bad at headcanons, so mostly for TFE
he's a "medic" to the Terrans, has first-aid training and helps them if they get hurt, but anything serious he's unable to treat
body dysmorphia, because look at him in ep 12 and tell me he doesn't have any opinion on JB's comment, i dare you
he wasn't sparked (forged??) during the war and he had some time to live on a normal Cybertron before it all went caput
and there aren't any particular ages in cybertronian biology to track of, so i can very hardly ever call him a child soldier, but he does fit the boxes so... shrugs (there's an overdue post from me which analyses the times he did show he was a "child" during war, but i ditched it in early stages because i would grasp at straws a lot and there isn't enough evidence. still a fun thought)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I LOVE THAT HE'S A SCIENTIST i can't help it. i always believe that every character has to have a hobby (i guess relatively racing counts for Bee since he does enjoy it), and in other continuities i don't see Starscream having anything to do other than to scheme and backstab, so i absolutely adore whenever in G1 (which is only two times i believe BUT STILL) he does science. it would make sense! he's smart! he has to do SOMETHING before the war starts. absolute chad
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
OH MY GOD LMAO i didn't think of him much when i first watched Animated in, like, 2022, but then, when i came back into tf-watching, after TFE i went for a hunt on other tf-related media. Starscream didn't entice my interest much except in Prime and Animated, but then, silly me, i learned of the comics, specifically RID and TAAO. there was no coming back from that one LMAO i really liked him in the comics and for a long time i had felt like it was one of the only truest characterisations of him
besides the meta stuff, i used to think he was just evil and selfish and i didn't care much for him, but i've grown since then lmao and i have an eye out for anti-heroes and villains now (i did used to think it was black and white, tf changes people istg). now he's a blorbo i constantly pick at but surprisingly have never written a centered piece yet. i should. he's fun. i think i just don't like writing characters with depression (sorry)
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I MEAN. STARBEE RIGHT. YEAH? okay. (they're two halves of the same coin and Bumblebee always tries to peel back Starscream's layers while he's afraid of letting others know the real him and in turn Starscream lets Bumblebee be angry and snarky when he wasn't allowed to in the past DO YOU UNDERSTAND-)
but also i think Bumblebee's friendship with Hot Rod/Rodimus from any universe is really nice, i feel like they have this cute bond of being young and reckless sometimes. i wish idw didn't do them so dirty with their competitiveness or whatever thing they had. they really seemed to get along in Cyberverse. ALSO of COURSE his friendship/brotherhood with Breakdown in TFE, because they're so touchy and affectionate with each other it makes me wonder a lot about their past together and what exactly tore them apart considering they were so close. ghaaa the horrors of war!!!! its the oldest trick in the book and it gets me every time
for Starscream - absolutely Skyfire/Jetfire (i like the Skyfire name more and i don't know why). G1 is so big-brained with how they treated these two. if they are a couple - i absolutely adore it and i don't usually mind when they're paired together instead of starbee, because i can see it too. they have great chemistry (lmao that's a science joke) and i'd love to see more of them in other media. just get him away from Megatron plz
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ack ur movin?! Well I hope everything goes well there! since request s are open maybe some honkai comfort scenarios? Like smth happen to the reader and how some honkai chars would comfort/react. You can choose who ever you want but I would want fu hua/Senti cuz I love em so much ❤️❤️❤️ oh oh oh maybe how some of the herrschers would react...on second thought that might be hard...they don't always seem to have a personality that is seen a lot...oh well do what you will ❣️
[♪] Of course!!!! Ah, yes— I am on the train now lmao. I know you love Senti—You’re my Honkai Sensei, after all <333
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FU HUA has dealt with her fair share of hardships, perhaps more than what’s fair, if she’s being honest with herself— Then again, life is far from fair, so judging it by such a notion— That would only prove to upset others even more. FU HUA had hoped that you’d never have to experience just how horrible life could be, but seeing the expression on your face, she realized her hopes were in vain. “[F/N]… I’m sorry to see you in such low spirits. I’ll brew you some tea. It’s good for the nerves. Please, sit down—“ FU HUA hurried off to make tea, not even glancing back. She knew that if you’d approached her, then it was likely that you didn’t wish to be alone. She’d been alive long enough to figure things like that out, and saw no use in asking what had happened. You’d tell her on your own time, and she had more than enough time to spare. She poured your tea, sitting down across from you, and observed your reaction as you sipped from the cup— She gave you a small nod, seeing you enjoy it. “This particular blend is my favorite, if you like it, I’ll send some of the leaves with you whenever you end up heading home.” Your responding nod was all she needed, and she packed you your own bag of tea leaves, before joining you at the table once more— She listened to your rambling, nodding here and there, and offered you her hand for you to squeeze— It was an unspoken promise; she was there should you need her.
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SEELE has never liked seeing others sad— She used to get called a pushover or a goody toe shoes, because of this trait, but still— Sadness was such a horrible thing for anyone to feel, and so, of course she wanted to cheer you up. “Hey, [F/N]! What’s wrong? Do you want to talk about it? If not, that’s fine!!! I got some super tasty cake from big sister Bronya; would you like to share it with me?” Seele was admittedly relieved you’d accepted her invitation. She wasn’t really the best when it came to offering support, so she’d been worried that you’d rather be alone— That was fine too, of course! The last thing she wanted was to be overbearing!!! Still, it made her feel super good knowing you appreciated her company enough to share cake with her. She watched you with a contented smile as you ate your portion of the cake and mindlessly slid over her half, as well— “It’s fine! I can always get more later. I just— I’m really glad you like it!!” She murmured, delight filling her when you gave her a shaky smile— Sometimes, it was the little things…
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SENTI has never appreciated weakness in others but more-so, she hated those with a lack of honor. Those who took others strengths and twisted them— That was her job. She cultivated those qualities, so whoever was snuffing out your weaknesses was clearly infringing on her territory. She did not appreciate that— “Whatever is the matter?” She grit out, observing the expression on your face. She didn’t like that expression on you. It didn’t suit you. Ah. So, that was what had happened— “I see. Want to let out some of your frustration? We can train some. I won’t attack. You can try to land a hit on me. If training is not your thing, then would you want to walk some? I’ve heard spending time with others can help with lifting a mood, but if you’d like to be left alone— Let me know!!!” She watched carefully, her eyes narrowed in thought— She felt a tiny bit relieved when you nodded, and agreed to accompany her on a walk. You were rather quiet, which was fair, given the situation. She didn’t make a habit of sticking around places for too long, but if her walking with you would help you calm down some— Well, what were bonds all about, anyhow? She was still learning and you, you’d been a great companion to have. It was only fair, right? If she offered you her hand, and you took it, well— Only the two of you had to know that. Ahh— Well, there was Fu Hua, but for some reason— She doubted Fu Hua would mind much at all….
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VOLLEREI had never liked crying— Her other half cried far too often. Crying was loud. Crying was annoying. Still— For some reason, VOLLEREI wanted to destroy whoever had brought you to tears. Maybe then, you wouldn’t have a reason to cry anymore. She absolutely didn’t care— Not really. She just wanted her peace and quiet back. That was all. “You. Why are you crying like that? Is there anything I can take care of…?” Was there anyone she needed to take care of…? She wasn’t surprised that you’d declined her offer to help. She’d expected it, in all honesty. You were incredibly soft, which worried her at times— “That’s fine. Want to watch a show together? There’s a new episode out on the one we started earlier. It may help take your mind off things.” At your agreement, she turned on the TV and grabbed a few blankets, turning on the episode of your show. She sat with you in silence, and the normalcy of the action helped to calm your nerves. Eventually, you ended up falling asleep, and if you’d been covered by a blanket when you woke up— Well, VOLLEREI wasn’t a fan of sickness, either, and nights did get quite cold—
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tokyogruel · 9 months
@deicidefull tumblr wont let me answer your ask properly, im depressed. so i will have to do it in a fucked up way
i was going to sleep but how many chances does one get to throw 875 songs&artists at unsuspecting mutuals?
"before you do anything you need to listen to this is love by air traffic controller and think of sakurai haruka. relatively easy. done? try listening to kodomo no shikumi by pinocchiop. okay, slowly, try thinking of momose amane. it doesn't have to make sense, this is for fun. keep your train of thought and start listening to milk crown on sonnetica now. take a break. listen to some nanawoakari and don't think of anyone in particular. this one's a bit difficult...listen to carnivorous plant. get up and walk around a bit. sit back down and listen to it again, but think of kusunoki muu this time. that was tiring, take another break. listen to some frederic. again, you don't need to think of anyone in particular. try thinking of sakurai haruka again. then, listen to kotoba no obake ga mado kara miteiru by frog69. watch the mv, too. this is important. if you still need more rest, listen to some flowerface. alternatively, if you can handle it, listen to i'd like to die at about 40 years old by aoya and think about kashiki yuno. you can keep listening to aoya even if you don't think about her. you can even listen to jan and think about sakurai haruka. it's your life. okay now you're finally ready... listen to killer spider by pinocchiop. think of kusunoki muu. do it again. do it again. do it again. do it again. do it again. do it aga (im so normal about spider muu im so normal) you're done!! for a treat, listen to some yorushika or yoasobi, whichever you have at home! remember you're the one who asked for song recs...okay...sorry...goodnight snork mimizzzz"
youre starting off soooo fucking gooooddddd GODDDDDD,, i love air traffic controller. and im gonna be honest it's hard not to think of hamnet from the underland chronicles,,, but hamnet is a haruka-type anyway so i got over it LMAO. YOUR MIND IS SO BEAUTIFUL FOR THIS ONE DO YOU MIND IF I THROW IT ON MY HARUKA PLAYLIST?
this is a very good amane song i like where youre going with this. lets check out the next song! .... "The innocent emotions, so much that I clean and dispose of them. For what grounds does "pure" and "impure" become the labels I brandish?" ... you would willingly hurt me like this
i ended up listening to this one. i think its cute & im definitely interested in hearing more!
im assuming you mean this one, in which case,, WOW,,, THIS IS A REALLY FUCKING GOOD SONG,, the "i hate you" being "i wish all you had was mine"???? SCREAMS INTO A PILLOW. ok. im normal
i ended up listening to oddloop and IM OBSESSED. THEIR SOUND IS SO FUN? i saved a few of their songs to my spotify likes to listen to later and im so excited. the lead singer has such a fun voice. AHHHH (also i know you said not to think of anyone, but oddloop is a shidou song to me now)
THIS SONG IS REALLY GOOD. and the mv is so simple, so effective. very haruka. at this point i am going to run off and take a shower (also, i have watched the mvs for all of these :3 very good stuff)
ok i am back i am fresh, im sparkling. kurari kurari. i ended up picking baby teeth to listen to, and im a fan, though very sad now. i might have to gather some similar songs i have in my spotify to send back to you sometime. hm. had a hard time finding the aoya song so heres a link to it for others. very sad, very yuno i agree. i also couldnt figure out where to find songs by jan, so i ended up listening to the diary of jane instead which is absolutely not what you told me to do (if you could send me some jan songs though, id love that)
VERY GOOD SONG. i can totally see it for muu. unfortunately, my brain immediately pushed it onto shidou (i dont think thats sinful,, theyre technically partner prisoners,, 0405,,) but to make up for this grievance ill share the lines that make me go "OH YEAH, MUU" .. "Because you're really no good, Because you can't do anything without me, I'll bite you softly, poison you a tiny bit, And teach you a lesson" "And put a leash on you. Is this him? Or is that him?" "While kissing the corpse, your instinct searches for the next prey."
ive heard yoasobi before, so ill give yorushika a try! ... only to realize that ive listened to this song once before! and then to go hm,, that artstyle ive seen once more in the past,, and i know this one too!
goodnight (or now i suppose, welcome to a new day ahahaha) thank you for sharing your music with me!
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Throwing in fun (not fun) facts to contribute esp bc I was tagged in the essay: (Sorry in advance this is literally my career and special interest AND I just got back from a training conference about this SO obv I am going to talk too much. Disclosure: These statistics are from peer-reviewed sources AND the National Children's Alliance. The NCA IS an American association, though, so take this all with a grain of salt bc we're applying it to someone whose bg is not American lmao. This is an essay for funsies. CW: discussion of and stats about CSA, Child Abuse) Relevant to the Jo stuff is also that victims of one/any kind of abuse are statistically much more likely to subsequently face overlapping abuse, so knowing he comes from a home where abuse and potential neglect was actively occurring sets Jo-boy up for some sad statistics. I am looking for my notes on the stats for that but it's something stupid high, I wanna say over 30 or 40%.
Additionally, 47%~ of CSA victims are revictimized. Abysmal statistic but mostly just an interesting note if this IS the case/if we choose to interpret Jo this way bc of the other things mentioned in Masu's ask, specifically if we're viewing his unhealthy and ultimately traumatic relationship with Ikumi as a potential example of that revictimization (similarly, coming from a like background, it may have been revictimizing for Ikumi if she had ever experienced something like CSA, as well. It's one of those cases where they both got hurt even if neither of them were at fault for "playing house" as Jo calls it).
Seconding/Adding on to Masu's thoughts about Jo's behavior being as self-destructive as it is because of the compounded trauma of his life, victims of adolescent abuse "engage in health-risk behaviors such as substance use, physical fighting, and risky sexual activity," in far higher numbers than non-victims. We know for facts that adolescent Jo checks at least 2 of those 3 boxes, and that he still puts himself in unnecessary danger as a full grown adult (the Heian Tower fight, and Hoshino's Office fight): An interesting and well-written cycle of trauma and abuse on RGGs part, tbh, but also so narratively telling about how he saw/sees/continues to see himself as more an object than a person. (Love your notes on that btw, it rings very true. I could write an essay on that alone tbh.)
Another weird little thing I notice from both a Doyalist AND Watsonian perspective: Jo's disclosure of his father's abuse would classify as what we call an "accidental disclosure" in the field even though it's clearly intentional that he shares it with Ichi - it's offhanded and markedly unimportant in the story he's telling. He says it passively in a literary sense, as well: "The only thing waiting for me at home was my father's fists." Like homie, that's the most roundabout way you could have said "My dad beat me." Interestingly, up to 50% of [specifically CSA] victims do not state outright that abuse occurs, but disclose it accidentally/offhandedly; and in general, accidental disclosure is more common among people who have also delayed disclosure. Up to 66% of admissions from victims of child abuse come delayed if they come at all.
I think it's a very in-character remark of him to make, but statistically, it lines up with other victims of abuse as a whole. I think it's also just cool that from the Doyalist perspective, writing his lines in this way was intentional. It's part of the whole "Everything Jo says sounds like it could mean more than one thing" thing. He speaks poetically - it's intentional not just for the character but for the writer.
Okay, I'm done for now I'm sorry I just wanted to throw some added stuff into the convo bc I love applying my everyday usage of adolescent-focused trauma care and pysch shit to blorbos and seeing what sticks. Anyway, I also have a shit ton of thoughts on Masumi Arakawa as an abuse survivor but THATS another essay I won't dig into now. If I am still in your good graces after this long ass spiel I will consider it not only amazing but perhaps even cool as hell.
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[ continuity of this ask ]
#long post#cw csa#its related im keeping it LMAO#snap chats#love the implication that you'd be 'out of my good graces' for sending this LMAO NO YOURE FINE WHY WOULD I BE MAD#i wouldve chewed out masu at this point if that were the case i enjoy readin these#the thing is we just have to accept im very stupid and wont have a lot of commentary. just quiet note taking#and i very much do appreciate posts like these cause its a nice reminder for things im aware of but have become very passive to#like jo's passive exposure of his traumas is something im aware of and because of that i dont focus on it as much as i should#so thank you- to you and masu for writing as extensively as you do#again im just very dumb so i wont have anything else to add on that hasnt been already said#or it wont be anything i can just sit and write in a couple of minutes its something thatd prob take a while to write as in-depth as i want#which is why i feel bad for responding. Not At All with these types of asks LMAO CAUSE EVIDENTLY a lot of effort is done by you guys#and i appreciate it a lot so thank you again for writing in#arakawa as an abuse survivor is something i think of a lot and remembering his abuse as a child shines light on his actions and mentality#so i mean if you wanna share your thoughts on that go ahead ! just know. i prob will Also not have a lot to add on to it LMAO#LIKE THE BEST WAY I CAN INTERPRET MY LINGUISTIC INEPTITUDE IS JUST ME LISTENING my sister tells me i listen really well#and i do enjoy listening. because again im not smart enough to think of things on my own or i dont think its worth sharing some things#so always happy to read whatever you want to share
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thatdarlingdeviant · 7 months
Things that are now, or were from the start,
Just for me to know
Feb '23:
Started training for that peer pressure event
Kinda really thought I'd manage to reach the goal by Oct (with your (professional) help too!)
It feels just as terrible as I thought
Jul '23:
Chatted up this super pretty girl, who is a admirable writer and (overly) confident person
She's your type, she's my type, this is hot, it's gonna be fun scening and maybe having sex
I am not too confident about my looks but sth possessed me to still try
Aug '23:
Starting to feel really anxious about my progress
It's not enough improvement, it still feels awful; in fact I think it just felt progressively worse, bodily and mentally
On the other front we have made plans with the pretty girl
I felt very excited, which is not a typical state of mind and not one I had in the last, year
And since I thought things weren't progressing in the flirting, general sexual anticipation kinda way with you two, I shared a tiny tidbit of fantasy/wishes
You did not react at all (besides thanking me later for being so gutsy (wtaf))
She did with a few analyzing comments
None of your shared anything in return up until now (Mar '24)
That was definitely one of the most shameful experiences ever, and I won't do it again
Sep '23
The pretty girl comes to visit
It's a very different experience than what I hoped for.
It's not bad for me and the two of you clearly enjoy it a lot, so I leave it
There is a lot more mushy talk in the aftermath than I am comfortable with
But you seem to be fine with it and also give me the feeling you are only indulging her
Oct '23:
peer pressure event was the anticipated catastrophe
No goal reached
Wow, new level of shame lmao, collecting them like Pokemon
I still don’t know what I did wrong, I tried to adhere to plans religiously
I feel paralyzed and don't do anything for a month
Nov '23:
After you pressing and poking (at least about the exercise part)I started the whole weightloss+getting fit shtick again
Made up some bullshit goals. Couldn’t very well tell you the only real goal is for you to be satisfied with my looks and abilities
It feels just as awful as I remember
But every smart person, scientist, trainer I research for advise tells me just to stick with it, it will get better, I will feel awesome, it will become a habit, yadda, yadda, yadda
Dec '23
It doesn't get better
I try to talk to you but I don't wanna be annoying, I can feel you already getting fed up with me not feeling better and my honest assessment and inability of exercises
There is some progress at least? You seem chuffed about it, that's good, I like pleasing you and not wasting your efforts is important
I am scared of taking a break
Jan '24
Nothing gets better, I feel tired, sad, frustrated, fat and ugly working out, before and after
It consumes my whole life, almost all of my free time is invested in exercising and making sure the dieting is up to standard too
When I have time I am too exhausted to do any of the things I like (or feel bad because I clearly didn’t train hard enough if I have energy left)
The pretty girl and you push for a second meeting really strongly, I don't want to but I don't wanna be a killjoy
Sex is the absolute last thing on my mind and I am so fucking tired all the time.
But I can feel you getting impatient with me, so I make an effort in that department too
Feb '24
We are on vacation and all I feel is stressed,
about not being able to track calories, exercise per plan, meeting the pretty girl
I've had food that I really, really liked! Not feeling faint and all was kinda good too. But it didn’t weigh off against the guilt I felt after eating
(I have not one day of rest mentally and I am really worried about work performance. I am just so tired)
The meeting with pretty girl is around the corner and I accidentally (trying to watch a motogp team intro stream) come across your private chat with her
You told me that she sometimes asks for military explanations and you designed that shirt together but else you don’t chat
What a lie,
there's hundreds of messages exchanged deep into the night, a lot while we are on vacation and your interest in me was not that strong at all
I feel betrayed, but, I mean, I can understand you, I guess?
She is pretty, kind, warm, obviously head over heels for you and hot
I do not scroll further than a few days back, let it be, don't mention it
I mean, you've already lied to me about it to my face without me asking so I don't see this going well
We meet the pretty girl as planned
It is, again, way different than what I hoped for but you two seem to really like it even more than last time
And I try to do everything to make you feel comfortable and give you a good experience
After we are back, you are essentially out of the house for 3 weeks straight with one little break
I feel awful, fat, ugly, incapable (in general but especially in comparison to her)
The training has changed and I am too dumb to get the new exercises, (and I feel so weak and cold) but I now know that I stand to lose you so I double down on being super pleasant, never complain, don't force you to invest more time in me
I hurt pretty bad nowadays, I didn't have one pain free day since we started this regime, and I think it's getting worse? Might just imagine things though, weak
I think about your private chat with pretty girl 24/7 and wonder if there's sth new there, I eventually go look
and read,
back until the beginning
I haven't cried like that since my first heartbreak, lmao I was always so sure I wouldn't ever again, not with you
But alas
I got an even more detailed to do list now at least and I am so very sorry I didn't give you what you so desperately wanted before. I can work harder! I'm gonna work so hard!
Be cuddly and sweet
More compliments
Stay up later, be more available
More blowjobs and anal and everything you like
Be pleasant and easy
Be thin
Be funny, hot and pretty (yeah...I wish I could just work on that too haha)
Be less sensitive bodywise, learn to take more and not show when it hurts
I have a plan and I will try so hard, really, I'll try everything and be content
But I am stretched so fucking thin, I say some tiny thing, not like obvious, don't lay my cards on the table, just a rational little push to not write privately with pretty girl, I make it plausible, I am a terrific actor and you don’t suspect anything and agree, very understanding and sympathetic, liar
(It holds a few days)
I lost some weight since the start of this all in Nov. I can't see a lot of it, but the scale doesn't lie, so success, I guess. I can feel how different people treat me already. How different you treat me. How much more you enjoy to touch and feel me being smaller. A little better, a little closer to her. What a suckerpunch.
I feel really bad bodywise too. Super empty. Nauseous, dizzy, weak, cold. Just gotta keep pushing though, be good. I still don’t feel like I have the slightest idea what I'm doing with the new exercises
Mar '24
We are back at pretty girl pushing for a new meet up. I think I show first class acting skills again
It's in less than a month, I am so sick but you want to and I will be pleasant
You let me know you want anal. Which is good! We agreed on this kind of commucation and I can chicken out obviously. But I don't want to, I am going to be so good for you. (I just desperately hope my body can take it, and I don't pass out or sth)
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beekindacool · 3 years
dewey dating sidney‘s older sister (requested)
request: ”could you…possibly do headcanons on dewey riley dating sidney’s older sister, please?”
warnings: mentions of murder, language
a/n: thank you to @unordinary-simp for requesting <3 i hope u enjoy this and also sorry it got kinda long LMAO i should’ve just wrote a whole fic for this but i ❤️ the flexibility of hc formats so 😭
so you and dewey had met through sid and tatum (obviously)
it was during sid’s fourteenth birthday you had finally met the infamous older brother
you had heard a lot about him from tatum
she always talked about him being dorky
and when you were there to listen, you’d turn to sid and be all like “is this how you talk about me when i’m not around ☹️“
and sid would get SO SAD
she’d go “i would never do that 🥺🥺”
but anyways
sid’s party was small, even as a kid she wasn’t the biggest fan of crowds
so it was easy to see when tatum, mrs. riley, and a guy that looked around your age walked in
when you looked at him you kinda got why tatum said he was a dork
but he was cute
he had this whole puppy vibe to him and it was even more evident when he stuck next to his mom when tatum ran off to find sid
your step-mom, maureen, would come up next to you and nudge your side with a smug look on her face
“what would your sister think of you checking out her best friend’s brother? scandalous.”
you’d be all defensive 😭
”i am NOT. that’s so weird”
she’s not believing you though and to be fair, you don’t believe yourself either
so she takes you by the arm and drags you over to mrs. riley and dewey
the moms introduce you and dewey to each other as if you were 7 and being forced to play together
and immediately after, the women would leave you and dewey to talk while they immersed themselves in mom-talk
you’d ask him if sid ever talked about you, still a little worried she thought you were lame
and he’d almost laugh at your concern
but no
she does not talk bad about you
the two of you would talk a little more, sharing embarrassing stories about your siblings before dewey tried using his incredible boyish charm on you
“you’re much prettier than tatum says you are”
it would make you blush SO MF HARD
mrs. riley would turn to dewey and sorta glare at him
but maureen would whisper something to mrs. riley, causing them both to start laughing while dewey is ABSOLUTELY MORTIFED
after that night dewey would literally hear the end of it from his mom
but maureen would keep it between you two
she was never really discreet about it though because whenever dewey was brought up she would give you a wink or something LMAO
but you were sorta entertained by it
and you tried to see dewey more. you literally tried to find any excuse you could
you’d drop sid off at the riley house, say that tatum forgot something at your guys’ place, or just anything that you would think of
and dewey would do the same thing but made it more obvious that you did
but whenever you would see each other at the front door of one of your guys’ houses, you would sit there for a hour or so just talking
or flirting
it was usually flirting
literally this man has the biggest crush on you and it was very obvious
and you had the biggest crush on him too, which was also very much obvious 😭
but eventually the crushing reality of adult life hit you both as you started college again and he began doing training to be an officer
you came home only for the weekends and still tried to come see dewey
but always, whenever you would go to the riley‘s, dewey wasn’t there
instead you saw mrs. riley standing at there door and oh boy
the look of downright disappointment on your face was pretty obvious because mrs. riley would come down the stairs and hug you
”he misses you a lot. i know he does” she’d tell you which made the aching in your heart even worse
the next time you saw dewey was when he became deputy and by that time you had thought you were over your crush on him
but oh god
oh god
you were WRONG
you practically choked on your coffee when you saw dewey with his uniform on
you had only noticed him because sid called out to him with a big smile on her face
he came up to her, about to ask what she was doing alone until he saw you come up to them
this mf took off his hat and had the biggest smile on his face
it was giving “*tips fedora* m’lady” vibes but that’s ok cuz it’s dewey we love him
it had only been maybe 4 or 5 months and yet you were kinda like “damn”
the muscle tone in those arms 😏
you two caught up while sidney awkwardly stood there and listened
later that day she went to your room and sat on the edge of your bed with a concerned look on her face
“are you and dewey… together?”
and you’d be kinda embarrassed but be like “i kind of like him” and then you would explain to her why you and dewey would never end up together (ur reasons were total bs btw and she knew)
your talk with sid inspires her to tell tatum about your crush on dewey
and so they conspire a plan to set you guys up
literally it’s so easy because you and dewey are gullible
they got you guys locked in a closet after making up some reason for the both you just HAVING to go in together
and being the cool ass older siblings you were, you and dewey did it
literally outside the door you could hear tatum giggling like a maniac while sidney was telling you don’t tell dad 😭
and as much of a cliche it was, sitting in a closet with dewey for what felt like ten hours ended up with you and him confessing to each other
and almost as soon as you guys confessed, tatum opened the door before running away to her room
you were a little mad but i mean 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷 the whole closet ordeal was kinda ingenious
but anyways
you and dewey try to spend as much time as you could after this
even though it wasn’t as much as you would’ve liked, you and dewey made it work for a few years
you guys took it slow
and it lowkey drove dewey insane cuz he just wanted to smother you with his love
but he understood so he didn’t complain too much
this is how things were until maureen was murdered
god it hit you really fucking hard
maureen was like a mother to you after your own decided to just dip
you ended up dropping out of school to stay in woodsboro full time, trying to help out your dad and sid with everything going on
dewey tried comforting you and sid as much as he could along w/ tatum
it was difficult to cope but dewey stuck with you the whole time
once things started to get back to somewhat normal and you got a steady job and an apartment in woodsboro, you could finally spend more time with dewey
dewey would come over your apartment most nights to sleep with you, always a little worried for your safety after what happened to maureen
and on his days off, he’d follow you around because all he wants to do is spend time together <3
both of you would never heard the end of it from sidney and tatum, they always talk about you guys getting married bcuz you guys practically are already
and dewey gets SO shy whenever marriage is brought up
he gets a little cheesy and scratches the back of his neck
and always, always, always afterwards when you guys are alone he’ll talk about how nice it would be for you to be mrs. dwight riley
and he talks about how he wants maybe two kids and a fluffy little dog
it never ceases to make your heart warm bcuz he just gets so happy at the thought of starting a family together
and you’d always mention how it would be even cooler to be able to have his side of the family as your actual in-laws
also dewey would make sure to be extra cuddly with you after these talks 😭
like he’s already rlly cuddly but yk⁉️
i feel like he would love being the little spoon but he’d never admit it
he just loves being held and feeling like he’s the one being protected <3
or he loves laying his head on your chest or on your lap
he will literally turn into putty if you run your hands through his hair when he’s laying on you
or if you tell him about how much you love him or how grateful you are of him, his heart will probably explode
he just loves being loved
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dibbiedabbiedoobie · 2 years
Another voretober prompt! Cage, this time. Do not look at me for the fandom, I also have a Pri/de & Pre/jud/ice fic laying around somewhere. Vore brain never stops, not even for classic literature. I also did try to imitate the style a little but like... i am Bad at That lmao
Word Count: 1882 Fandom: The Gre/at Gat/sby Tags: safe vore, soft vore, unwilling prey, fearplay, fatal vore (implied, past) Summary: Nick is a tiny caught and conditioned to eventually become a pliant meal. Gatsby is the giant who steals him.
Shivering, I curl inwards on myself, trying to burrow deeper into my thin, raggedy shirt. It's terribly cold in Tom's cellar now that winter has set, and the metal flooring of my cage only saps at what little warmth I have left. I crouch on my toes, trying to limit contact, but it helps little. Really, all it does is upset my ribs, which are still bruised from yesterday's "training," as Tom calls it. In actuality, it's more akin to torture. At the slightest fault -- or even lack thereof -- he likes to squeeze me until my bones feel as though they're about to snap. It's most common for him to simply take me around the chest and crack a few ribs, but he's also narrowly avoided breaking my limbs and skull. He likes to drop me, too. Never from too high, lest he lose his toy, but enough to hurt and leave me winded. My body is splattered with bruises of various colors, like a macabre sort of painting. I wish I had someone to gripe with, to share complaints and comforts, but I'm the only one left. There were twelve of us, but Tom gobbled them up as it suited his fancy, forcing me to listen as they were slowly digested alive. Those muffled screams haunt my sleep, sometimes wake me up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. I know I'll be next, soon. As much as I seem to be Tom's favorite, I'm still only a snack to him. The thought makes me equal parts terrified and relieved; God knows I don't want to die, but at least I'll be free from the bruises, beatings, and constant anxiety. My heart leaps into my chest as the cellar door creeks open, though my body is too sore to jump. A man appears, tall and broad and clean-shaven, with short-clipped blond hair. He wears a sweater vest over a collared shirt, and neat black slacks; if he weren't about to kill me, I'd call him handsome. As it is, I whimper softly and press as far away from the cage door as I can manage. Though I know my death is inevitable, I still don't wish it to come now. Surprisingly, he falters, almost as if my own shock put him off. His face softens, and he whispers a mournful, "Oh, poor thing..." I remain pressed against the back of my cage, mindful not to ever meet his eyes (a staple of Tom's training). His voice sounds so sad, and it thoroughly confuses me. Perhaps he's upset I clearly can't put up the sort of fight he wants? Or because I don't have enough meat to be as filling a snack as he would like? He bends down to get a better look at me, and I can't help but feel like a mouse under a cat's scrutinizing eye. Trapped, waiting to see if their captor is hungry enough for this particular meal. "Jay! Where'd you go?" Tom's muffled voice calls from above, startling the man. The giant -- Jay -- bites his lip, then flips open the lock to my cage. "Sorry about this, old sport." Immediately, I grab a hold of the bars -- for as much as this place has represented captivity, it's represented safety, too. Here, I wasn't hurt or squeezed or threatened. As awful as it was, cold and uncomfortable and dark, it was safe. More safe than the hands of a giant could ever hope to be. Jay... hesitates before reaching for me. I don't understand that either, though I suppose it doesn't matter much; he's still planning to eat me, and no amount of pity will stop his stomach acids. With terrifying ease, he plucks me away and lifts me aloft. His fingers are almost too hot against my frigid skin, and I can't help a sharp yelp. "You're so cold, old sport," murmurs Jay, yet again mournful. "I'll have that fixed up in a jiffy. Just relax, alright? Trust me." He opens his maw wide, too-sharp teeth gleaming in the dim lights. He starts to lower me inside, and suddenly I find my voice. "S-Stop!" I cry, beginning to wriggle for all I'm worth. "Please! No! Let me go, please!" Of course, it does nothing to stop the giant from pushing my body onto his tongue. My heart feels like it's somehow going even faster, and I keep squirming, though to no avail. Something raw and pained bubbles in my throat, until a scream comes out. What little light there is begins to dim, and I realize he's closing his mouth, Try as I might, though, I can't get the traction on his tongue to wrench myself free, not before I'm locked in the dark behind a wall of teeth. Jay ignores me, instead tossing me about and slathering me in spit. His tongue is probing, thorough with its work, making me squirm and fight against it. He spends far less time than I expect enjoying me, though; too soon, gravity tips, and a thick glk! drags me into the hot and tight of his throat. The powerful muscles squeeze my body, press in on my chest and make it near impossible to breathe, let alone squirm. I can feel myself growing light-headed, though I suppose that's for the best, given that I'm already going to suffocate. Unfortunately, I'm still conscious when I finally squeeze into Jay's stomach. For a long moment, I simply sit, let the dizziness fade. Then, I simply sit, let reality sink in. I'm going to die here. Soon enough, acids will pour from the walls, the air will thin, and I'll die. If I still had tears left, I might cry. Instead, I pull myself into a ball and wait; there's no point squirming, not anymore. The flesh around me groans, briefly squeezing me tighter than my already snug confines before relaxing. It's already trying to digest me, I belatedly realize. And yet, it never manages to get further. The acids never come, and there's little the churning can do to break down something not already acid-softened. The air, stale though it may be, remains breathable, somehow. Frankly, I don't understand it. Why would Jay eat me, but not digest me? Was it even intentional? What is he going to do with me once he realizes I'm not turning into mush like I should be? I can hear him talking to someone, presumably Tom. He seems in a hurry to leave, no doubt because he indulged himself in the last of the other giant's stock. Perhaps in a rush to get home, take whatever medicines he needs to kick his digestion into gear. I relax, just enough to settle. There's no point in remaining stiff; I'm helpless, and we both know it. The least I can hope for is death to be swift when it comes. I find myself looking around, feeling the walls, though I know there's not really much to find. It's as dark and cramped as I'd imagined a stomach to be, though much, much softer, almost like a hammock made of plush pillows. Saliva, or whatever the fluid around me happens to be, covers every inch, including myself. It's warm as well, warm enough that it feels like a blanket rather than just the air. It's... comfortable, I realize. Far more comfortable than I think an organ meant to process food has any right to be. I startle as something presses against my side and someone rumbles, "Are you alright, old sport?" I blink. Surely, he isn't talking to me. "Old sport?" Jay tries again, and the pressure returns, probing (I realize then that it's his hand). "I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I only want to make sure that you're alright. Hesitantly, I push my hand against one of the fleshy walls. I'm not certain what he wants from me, but he hasn't killed me yet. It would probably be in my best interests to let him know I'm alive. "Oh! There you are!" His voice brightens, though it remains soft enough that it doesn't hurt my ears. "Are you alright?" It takes a moment to find my voice. "I... I think so..." Jay's acknowledgement comes in the form of a gentle pet against my side. "I'm ever so sorry for scaring you like that, old sport. If I'd had the chance, I would've told you that you'd be safe." "Safe?" I murmur, in spite of the fact that it's long since been clear that I won't be harmed. All the same, it's difficult to believe that was intentional. "Of course, dear boy, perfectly safe. Tom had bragged about catching a few humans, so I popped down to help while he was distracted." Jay's voice goes quieter, solemn. "...Sorry I couldn't have gotten there earlier." I whine softly, mourning the loss of people I never really knew. Distant they might have been, none of them deserved to die, and much less is such an awful, painful way. "I can't let you out quite yet," Jay continues, "but I promise I will as soon as I'm home. It's not safe for you to be outside right now, not with hungry giants with intentions far less pure than mine." "What are your intentions?" I ask before I can stop myself. I still don't know why Jay seems intent on keeping me safe. Am I a pet? A snack of sorts? He went through an awful lot of trouble for me, and it makes no sense. "To give you a home, old sport," answers Jay without missing a beat. "You're just as much a sentient creature as I am, and you deserve more than to be murdered in cold blood." "Oh." Jay chuffs sadly. "I bet you expected to be a pet, didn't you? ...It's not an unfair assumption, I suppose, given your experiences. But I said I'd keep you safe, and part of that is making sure you're healthy, mentally as well as physically. Perhaps it's just me, but the idea of being owned does little to calm my mind, even if by someone benevolent." I bite my lip, hesitant. "...Really?" "I promise." Something in my chest does a little flip. The prospect of somewhere safe to stay, where I don't have to constantly watch for hungry giants or have to struggle to find food and water is so tempting.... and if Jay had meant ill, I wouldn't be alive right now. But still.... "Will I be able to leave?" I ask. "Of course. Like I said, you aren't a pet. And you don't have to stay now if you don't want to. I only ask that you take some time to recover before you leave, for your own safety." I stare into the darkness. Such open, unadulterated generosity is strange to me. Other borrowers were constantly competing; there was no such thing as sharing, there. To have it from a giant is even more unnerving. Yet here I sit, nestled whole, safe, and alive in his stomach. I should be long dead, but Jay has been nothing short of hospitable. If it's a ruse, it's one I can't see through or bring myself to mistrust. "I'll stay with you, if you don't mind." Jay gives my side a stroke. "You won't regret it, old sport. I promise."
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
can i make a request with aot girls + hange with a s/o who accidentally forgot about their anniversary?
AOT girls (+ Hanji) with a s/o who accidentally forgot about their anniversary
Paring: mikasa x reader, annie x reader, pieck x reader, hanji x reader
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“Y/n?” She said as you were making breakfast for you two. “Yes love?” You responded back to her, flipping the eggs. “A-are uhm… are you.. mad… at me?” She questioned hesitantly. You chuckled a bit, “Honey what are you talking about? Of course I’m not mad at you why would I be!” You reassure her smiling back at your wife. “Then uh- why haven’t we talked about.. you know our plans yet..?” Mikasa asked you. “Plans?” You stopped moving around the bacon, thinking. “Wait we had plans?” You looked at her over your shoulder confused.
“Y/n.. are you serious?” Your wife looked side to side, and after realizing with a while of you staring that you had not a clue what she was talking about she finally spoke up, “Our anniversary dinner? Where would you like to go tonight?” She explained. “OUR ANNIVERSARY-?!” Almost flipping the pan over on yourself you exclaimed, “ITS TODAY?!” you looked over at her as she gave a small chuckle and crossed her arms. “Yes love, our third anniversary together, As I’m married together,” she giggled at your surprise.
“WAIT WHAT HOLD- HUH- STOP DROP ROLL- WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS TODAY-“ A blush rose upon your face in embarrassment. “Yes love,” Mikasa jokingly rolled her eyes at you coming over to you and kissing you, cupping your cheeks in her hands while staring at your shocked and nervous face. “I SWEAR TO THE WALLS ITS NEXT WEEK-“.
“That’s funny because the walls are no longer standing,” Mikasa remarked, teasing you.
“Today’s the 15th babe,” she kissed your forehead, ruffling your hair. “Oh- my- god-“
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Sunlight shined in your face. Opening your eyes, you flipped over to your other side with a groan, sleepy and still tired. “You should start getting up babe, it’s almost twelve,” You heard your wife’s voice call out to you. “Mghh…. No…” you whined, “just a few more minutes,” the blonde sat at the vanity in front of the bed, she wore a lovely black dress that was a little bit longer than her knees.
Annie swiped on some lipgloss, smacking her lips together. “What are you getting dressed up for?” You asked her. Annie swung around in her chair and gave you a ‘wtf!?’ Look. “What the hell you mean ‘what am I getting ready for?’,” She mocked.
“Well you look really fancy and nice but why are you getting all dressed up? Especially at this day and hour..” you tucked the thick covers near your face, providing you with warmth. “Y/n are you fuckin’ serious,”
“Well yeah I mean I don’t get why you’re so dressed up you only do that on important days-“
“yeah like important days, LIKE OUR ANNIVERSARY!” she shouted and threw a plush bear at you, “Did you seriously forget!?”
“OWW WHAT THE- wait- ANNIVERSARY?!” You jolted up, eyes widened looking at the blonde. “yeah the fukin’ anniversary we have every year since we’ve been married!?” Annie said crossing her arms. “How the hell could you forget!” She scolded.
“DUMBASS IT IS THE 11TH-“ You both just stared at each other. “Oh my Gooddddd” Annie facepalmed. “Whatever I get to decide where we are eating now since you forgot,”
“BABY IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT IT WAS THE 6TH! I LOVE YOU!” You yelled at her as she slammed the door.
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Pieck had been going all week. First with the many hours of training, next planning her little cousins birthday party, then having paperwork to sign and do as a person of the nine, and then babysit Friday, and even many more responsibilities she had to do. It was already Wednesday and she was burnt out so you decided this morning to make Pieck some breakfast in bed.
All week she had worked so hard and she deserves a little break, at least for today. ‘Hmm.. I’ll make Pieck an omelet wrap and pancakes, ’ you thought.
Grabbing all the ingredients, you started first making the egg, and adding in the cheese, ham, and cut up greens to the egg mixture. You cooked the omelet just the way she likes it and wrapped it up in a tortilla wrap.
You got started on the pancakes, adding in berries of sorts and flipping them to a golden brown. The day was calm and settling, so peaceful. You poured her a cup of iced coffee from the carton and then placed it on the tray along with the omelet wrap and pancakes.
You carried it upstairs and placed a little knock on the door before coming in. Your wife still laid asleep in bed, sleeping with her hair all messed up in her face, and her hands to her side. She truly looked like an angel.
“Peck~” you softly called out her name, placing the tray on the bed. “Love~”
Pieck moaned, exhaustingly. You softly pet the hair out of her face before waking her up with kisses. “Wake up dear,” you giggled as she tried moving her head away from your kissing parade. Your wife finally opened her eyes and stared at you. “Good morning baby~” you smiled at her, kissing her on the forehead. “Mmm… good morning..”
“Here you go love,” you handed her the tray full of food as she sat up. She smiled and giggled a bit wiping her eyes, adjusting to the light.
“That’s a sweet anniversary gift ,” she smiled before kissing your cheek. You smiled back at her only to just realize what she said, “wait, anniversary?”
She looked at you as she was placing a bit of the pancakes in her mouth, “huh? Yeah dear our anniversary, you remembered.. right?.. that’s why you made me breakfast?” She looked a bit confused. A blush or embarrassment rose up on your face, “WAIT ITS OUR ANNIVERSARY?!” You were shocked, looking at Pieck like you’d just seen a ghost. “Uh, yeah love hehe,” she chuckled, “you forgot?”
“It’s okay love,” Pieck giggled at your sight, “I almost forgot it myself! This weeks been way to busy,” she sighed. “PIECK BABY I AM SO SORRY I SWEAR TO YOU ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU I PROMISE-“
“Love it’s okay!” Your wife laughed, “gosh I’m just happy we made it to three years,” she said jokingly. “I’m sorry really,” your eyes turned sad, “I thought today was the ninth I didn’t know it was the thirteenth,”
“It’s alright love, you can make it up to me by helping me finish this breakfast though!”
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“HELLLOOOO MY (princess/prince/Royal)!” Your partner barged into your shared room, swinging open the curtains and blinds, making light come in through. “Ugh…. Hanji..” you groaned, “get the light out of my face…” you whined. “NO WAY!” She said, rummaging through your both’s closet. They then pulled out a lovely black dress. It had a glimmered diamond belt across the waist and a diamond rose at the belt.
(If you’re a male or don’t wear this type stuff, hanji pulled out a brown blazer that matches with their own, and an elegant watch with a chain necklace to go with it, along with the black pants and a black turtle neck to go under)
“Hanji… what are you doing..” you said, irradiated by all the noise. “Wake up! We are going to have the time of our lives out in town today!” She said, “Cant we do that tommorow…” you whined.
“Wait what-“ you said.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” Hanji questioned. You sat up straight in bed, “IT’S TODAY!?” you grabbed your phone scrambled to see the date, “May 24th” it read. “HUH!?”
“I THOUGHT- I-“ you stood there in silence, questioning your existence (LMAO ME)
“But I-“
They cupped your cheeks that were bright red from embarrassment, looking you in the eye and smirking with a wink,
“But we’ll do more than party tonight,”
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scvrllet · 3 years
Hey, hope you’re having a lovely day! Do you think I could request c!purpled x reader headcanons (platonic or romantic, which ever you prefer) where they become good friends (or get together if it’s romantic) before the election and what happens with they’re relationship after the reader gets kicked out of L’manburg with Wilbur and Tommy.
contains: gender neutral reader, slight swearing, platonic!pairing, doesn’t entirely follow canon (because i wasn’t around for it and am depending on the wiki for info lmao)
dsmp masterlist // join my taglist
PERMANENT TAGS: @lucy-malfoy07 @aphroditelymine @ameliedrawz @tsukilover11 @sweetblueparadisebabyg @skyisneverthelimit @gryffindorgirl @dagirlinthatback @annika0-o @kaepm981 @rocketxgirl @debesteimanetje @vixxiann @nataliewalker93 @averyisbackinthetrashcan
MCYT TAGS: @water-vevo @literallyjamespotter @sparklykeylime @chaiteabeebee @hopeisnootfound @lemonnotade
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- After crashing into the Dream SMP lands on his UFO, one of the first people to greet him was you. He wasn’t the most talkative at the time but as he started getting more comfortable with everyone around, he started opening up to you as well.
- You helped him repair his UFO, which took a very long time, but by the time it was fixed and able to take him home, he had already found a new one in the Dream SMP.
"Well I guess this means goodbye then." You said with a hint of sadness in your voice as you looked at Purpled's newly repaired UFO.
"Not necessarily, I mean I can place it closer to your base if you'd like?" Was his reply causing for you to cock a brow in confusion.
"What- wait you aren't leaving? I thought you said you had to get home?"
"That I did say but I didn't really have to. I was in a strange land, of course I'd initially want to leave but I like it here."
"So you're staying?"
Right after he nodded in response, you had already thrown yourself into his arms, tackling him into a hug as he laughed. "But really, do you want me to place my UFO near your base? I can if you want to be neighbors."
- As the two of you got closer, he was able to learn about you, the others on the server while you were able to learn more about him and his own origins.
- He was human, or at least he looked such until you saw his eyes which from afar looked like a deep blue but upon closer look, were actually purple. That was actually where he had gotten his name since he didn't seem to know or have a name.
"So what's your name big man?" Tubbo, one of your friends, asked the strange boy who only shrugged in response. He didn't seem to understand.
"Well my name is Tubbo," He said pointing to himself before turning to face you and Tommy, "And this is (Y/N) and Tommy."
"How about, Purpled?" You suggested causing for Tommy to burst out laughing.
"Very creative (Y/N)." He said in-between wheezes
"Well do you have any better suggestions?" You countered only to be interrupted by the strange alien boy.
"Purpled." He said quietly, almost as if testing it. The three of you fell silent as you waited to see what he'd say or do.
"Purpled." He repeated, this time more clearly with a hint of a smile on his face. He seemed to like it.
"Alright, Purpled it is then!"
- Along with the lack of a name before arriving here, he didn't seem to have a birthdate or any other personal information of that sort. Thankfully, Tubbo didn't mind sharing a birthdate with the him and getting him used to the land.
- Perhaps this was why the Manberg vs Pogtopia war had such an impact on him. He told you, Tubbo, and Tommy that he would be leaving for a few months to train for an event he was participating: Bedwars. He'd be gone to train before joining the event but did say he would be back when it was finished.
- When he came back to the Dream SMP lands he didn't know what would have changed about the server that was notorious for going through frequent changes, but a rebellion war was something he never thought he'd come back to.
"Purpled?" A familiar voice called out upon Purpled leaving his UFO. Turning his head in the direction, he was relieved to see at least one of his friends alive and well.
"Tubbo," He sighed in relief as the two boys shared a short hug. "Where's Tommy and (Y/N)? And what's happened to L'Manberg who's, who's that?"
Pointing to a man with horns wearing a black suit walking towards them. Tubbo tried to get him to leave, to avoid answering his questions and concerns but it appeared that things weren't in his favor.
- It was then that he learnt about your exile along with Tommy and Wilbur and how you all started a new place called Pogtopia. He originally wanted to go visit, to check up on you three, though he wasn't as close with Wilbur, but Tubbo protested. Saying that since Schlat was here, he wouldn't be able to do anything outside of Manberg unless he was ordered to.
- This was perhaps why when the time came for war, it took little convincing for him to join Pogtopia and help the two of you in fight.
"(Y/N)! Tommy!" He called out after switching sides, dropping the Manberg shield on the ground as he ran across the field to your sides.
"Purpled holy fucking shit you're here! You're back how was the Bedwars tournament?" You asked as he pulled you into his arms.
"It was-"
"Sorry to ruin the moment guys but we are literally about to die." Tommy said exaggeratedly causing for the two of you to pull apart. Purpled rolled his eyes before giving the blond a side hug and pulling out a sword, following the two of you out to fight.
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artistgoudeau · 3 years
Black/fem reader x Everyone “The Do-Over”
Reader is a huge Blerd (black nerd) that gets transported to Attack on Titan universe in the year 843. She “luckily” was coming home from vacation. Fell asleep on the plane and woke up outside the walls (with her bags to make life easier for y/n) Now reader is curvy and has a fat ass (I DO make the rules). This, plus her darker skin and fluffy hair, drives everyone crazy. Erwin, Levi, Miche, and Hange are all very close. Rumors go around about them fucking all the time. But no one could prove it. You didn’t even know if they liked each other. You could only guess. But Erwin is always so interested in talking with you. Clumsy man seems to always drop something on the floor for you to bend over and reach. Hange squeals everytime she sees you and is NOT shy about flirting with you. You’re so pretty and she genuinely is curious about you. She ends up brushing her hands in weird places but that’s just her being extra excited. Levi is canonically a virgin so you wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable with your cleavage and fat thighs when it was hot and you had to train. But it seemed okay because everytime you looked his way, his eyes would travel up from your ass to your eyes and stay there. Miche was the most obvious. He liked to flirt and joke about what your babies would look like. How those kind of hips are rare and he would love to help you with extra training. He would sniff you often. Commenting on how your hair smelled so soothing. You catch the other three vets staring daggers at him if they happen to catch his flirting.
One day you overhear a conversation happening in the commander's office. Eavesdropping isn’t very nice.
Miche: good GOD I can’t take much more of this..
Levi: Are you some teenage idiot who can’t keep it in his pants? Y/n has probably had enough of the fucking flirting! You’re her superior! Act. Like. It.
Hange: Now WAIT A MINUTE! I know for a fact you’ve been beating off to her in the showers!
Levi: And just how THE HELL would you know that?
Erwin: Okay. Okay. Let’s not beat around the bush, y/n is very…ahem… attractive. But we can’t just all gang up on her with our feelings.
Miche: Why not?
Hange/Levi/Erwin: WHAT THE FUCK?!/ Hah?!EXCUSE ME!
Miche: whoa whoa whoa! I didn’t mean FORCE HER! I meant what if we all approached her in our own way and try to actually build bonds with her. She will feel left out if only one of us showed interest and the rest of us just ignore her trying to be nice. Besides, I don’t really want anyone else to have a chance to steal her. If we can learn to share we might be able to make this work.
Erwin: That is incredibly-
Before your commander could even finish his sentence you dropped your papers you were holding close to your chest as you leaned your ear to the door to listen. Up until that moment you had very sinful thoughts about most of the scouts. Muscles + being in an unfamiliar place with no one to relate to or really even looks like you = sad(horny) and desperately seeking an excuse to act out. It was juvenile, you knew. But you had been transported to an ENTIRELY fictional world where you knew everything about everyone and you were the ONLY brown skinned person in the walls! You had been stuck out in the wilderness when you were caught by none other than the Commander himself.
You both stared at each other for what felt like hours. Him: looking at a woman with features he’s NEVER seen before. A person that only exists in the past and in his fathers stories about the world. You: completely stunned by the fact that one second you were at the airport on your way home from vacation, and now you are staring at a man (that you have definitely read questionable fanfiction of) staring at you. That would just be too good of a cosplay to have a giant naked man also running behind him to catch up to you two. Then you snapped out of it and called him by his name.
You were running towards him before you even registered what was happening. You ran to his horse's backside and stood at a decent distance before you smacked its ass and it ran like hell. Erwin seemed to be in a trace as his eyes followed your frame but his hearing stopped working. When his horse suddenly lurched forward he was nearly thrown off but had enough sense to right himself before turning to look back at you trying to run the titan in a different direction. What the fuck are you doing?
Y/n: oh fuck! I’m gonna die! I can’t believe this! I hope Erwin is okay! God if you’re there I need some fucking help!
God answered your prayers that day.
As if on cue (like it’s a tv show or something) the titan suddenly is struck from it’s nape and falls a few fucking feet from you!!! You didn’t even have to look up to know that it was Levi who came to the rescue. Not that you could, you were currently hyperventilating, sweating, and swearing.
Levi: hey! HEY! Look at me! Can you tell me your name? How did you get out here? Are you alone?
You had enough sense (and therapy) to try and focus on his words.
Y/n: my name is y/n. I don’t know. And I don’t know. I just woke up here.
Levi: outside the walls?
Y//n: looks like it.
Erwin finally speaks up after watching Levi save you then listening to Levi question you.
Erwin: How is that possible? There’s no one living beyond the walls and someone as unique as you would’ve been hard to miss inside the walls.
You look at Erwin and you can’t control the deviated look on your face. Both of them catch it but they don’t know what it means. You are crashing now from the rush of life saving adrenaline. You need to be quick and concise here and get your point across.
Y/n: I am not from this world. But everything you know about the Titans and this world has been a lie. *you look to Erwin and stare into his eyes* Your father was right, Erwin. And because he was so close to the truth the MPs killed him. And he WAS very close. I know the truth the king is hiding from you all and I want to make this right.
Erwin and Levi are stunned. The truth of everything?! Dropped seemingly from the sky!? This must be a trap! But Erwin's father being mentioned was entirely too specific.
Erwin: How do you know my father if you aren’t from this world? How do we know you aren’t a mad woman dressed so strangely and speaking in a dialect I can’t quite grasp. Even if you aren’t mad, how could we possibly know you are telling the truth.
You think for a moment then look to Levi
Y/n: Your name is Levi Ackerman. You were born from Kuschel Ackerman, who was a prostitute, so your father is unknown. She died while you were still young and you were raised by a man named Kenny. He taught you how to fight with a knife and then left you when you could defend yourself. You and you friends, Isa-
You flinch away but you understand. You just told a lot of his personal business right next to Erwin and you’re almost sure he didn’t know all of that. But accuracy was key here. You couldn’t be lying or crazy to recount his life in such detail. He and Erwin were stunned.
Erwin: I think it’s best if you come with us.
Y/n: please. I promise I just want to help humanity.
Levi: tch by spilling everyone’s personal information?
Y/n: no. Because I know everything that happens concerning the titans, humanity, and survey corps for the next 2000 years. And in the next five years, if we don’t change the future, humanity and the earth itself will be 80% decimated. The ground will be uninhabitable for hundreds of years. And even when humanity somehow survives. The land you all currently occupy. Your cultures. Your literature. Your pasts, presents, and futures will be completely eradicated by the outside world in the next 2000 years. Please believe me. I DON'T want this to happen and I’m sure you don’t either. What’s more, I can prove it.
Erwin: Show me.
Chapter end
Please leave comments and criticisms. I am just starting out writing fanfics and I want to make sure I’m doing something right lmao.
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twstarchives · 3 years
Happy Birthday・Lilia
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Card: Birthday Attire - SSR Characters: Lilia & Yuu. Mentioned: Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Gloomy Samurai
Chapter 1
NRC Campus News Interview with the Birthday Student ~Lilia ver.~
Yuu: Happy birthday!
Lilia: Yes, thank you. I don’t feel like I’m getting any older at this point, but I am happy to hear your wishes.
Besides, birthday parties are so exciting and full of energy. I could do this over and over again.
Did anyone’s birthday wishes leave a lasting impression on you?
Lilia: Hm... Well, the very first person to wish me a happy birthday was my online friend.
I was playing a game last night, as I always do, and the second it turned midnight, a birthday message was posted in the chat.
Truthfully, I’d forgotten all about my birthday myself. After all, there isn’t anything new about it anymore...
So this made for a very nice surprise indeed! I will have to extend my thanks to Gloomy Samurai for sending it.
What were the specifics?
Lilia: It was quite a passionate message.
“Today is the fateful day my best friend (lol) was born. I’ve been hyped up waiting for this lmao.”
“I’m constantly impressed by your gameplay with every passing day.”
“You play with a groundbreaking style that makes it fun for everyone around you; you play like a shield, protecting all the total noobs without fear of taking damage...”
“And you play like a no-life who’s perfectly happy staying up all night... God, I feel like a mass of feels. Happy bday, my best internet friend!”
...Around those lines. It’s truly expressive and full of emotion, isn’t it?
He has sent me a birthday message every year since we met. How very thoughtful is he, that Gloomy Samurai.
Hehe... To think I was able to make friends through the internet... I owe it all to my long life.
Chapter 2
What are your hobbies?
Lilia: Solo travel.
When I was young, I had mountains of obligations to take care of, so I never had a chance to leave the Valley of Thorns.
But in recent years, things have been peaceful enough for me to ease up.
Whenever I have the time, I travel around the world.
The Valley of Thorns is such a secluded place. Perhaps the reason I want to travel is because I’ve been cooped up there for so long.
I enjoy meeting with foreigners. You can learn a lot from them, and most of all, it’s so fun and exciting!
Although, I’ve been to nearly every tourist spot at this point...
It’s been so difficult lately to find places I haven’t yet visited. Traveling is a joy, but that part is such a hassle.
Do you ever buy souvenirs?
Lilia: Oh, yes. Buying souvenirs is one of the pleasures of traveling.
I often get those triangular tapestries sold at each of my stops. I believe they are called “pennants”?
I make certain to get one for Malleus whenever I buy them. He seems to love hanging them in his room.
The heir to the throne does not have the luxury of leaving the country very easily, you know.
So goods from other nations are very rare for him.
But I never see pennants at the gift stores anymore.
I collected them for so long, too. Such a pity. Experiencing the changing of times is a very sad thing indeed.
I’d still like to bring some kind of souvenir back for Malleus... but I have no clue what.
...Oh, yes, I know! T-shirts with the names of tourist destinations written on them are very common these days.
I think that I will start bringing those back now. Heheh... I have no doubt Malleus will be very happy with them.
Chapter 3
Have you known your dorm mates for a long time?
Lilia: Not everyone, but I have known Malleus, Silver, and Sebek since the three of them were children.
However, Malleus is further away in age than Silver and Sebek.
I’ve known him far longer than the phrase “since childhood” would imply.
I’m the one who trained all three of them. What do you think? I’m quite the instructor, aren’t I?
Could you share some examples of how you trained them?
Lilia: I had Silver and Sebek undergo Spartan training.
They would have to swim against rapids and climb rocky mountains where the air was thin...
But a sudden realization dawned on me one day as I was watching them clench their teeth and brave through their training.
“I’m already retired from the front lines. And these children aren’t my subordinates.”
“Isn’t it wrong of me to raise them as if they are?”
So I decided to adopt a hands-off approach, and raise him just like kids.
The children were free to play on their own, and their guardian simply watched over them from the shadows.
Silver and Sebek really seemed to have plenty of fun after that!
They played tag in forests crawling with beasts. Hide-and-seek in vast deserts...
Hot Lava Monster in the mountains of needles.¹ Red Light, Green Light on the scorching ground...
As a result, they grew up strong and thick-skinned. My parenting style was the right choice after all!
Heheh... What do you say I train you as well?
I’ll think about it... Could you tell us about your club next? You’re a member of the band club. Do you like music?
Lilia: Very much! Long-term hobbies work best for people like me.
The times may change, and so will the lands, but there are countless things that people will always enjoy. Music is one such example.
I play a few instruments and compose songs too. After all, I’ve had a wealth of time to practice.
My greatest skill of all is singing!
I’d like to hear you.
Lilia: Very well. After this interview, I’ll put on a birthday recital.
Heheh. I can already picture the delight on Silver and the others’ faces.
I can’t wait. Once again, happy birthday!
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1. Hot Lava Monster in the mountains of needles
Most of the games Lilia brought up have near-exact equivalents in EN, but I wanted to leave a note about this one. It’s called Takaoni, a variation of tag where It can’t tag you as long as you’re not touching the ground. I believe Hot Lava Monster is a cross between tag and “the floor is lava,” which I thought was similar enough.
I also debated between “mountains of needles” (literal) and “stone forest” (more coherent?) for the location. It’s supposed to be a stone forest with pillars sharp enough to resemble needles.
(While I was researching I discovered that there is a location in The Lion Guard series that matches this description very well—they just refer to it as “stone forest.” I wasn’t able to access the JP dub to see if the title aligned with Twst. This might not mean anything, but I thought I’d mention it!)
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poppywrites41 · 4 years
Why? Eren x Reader
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Pairing: Eren Jeager x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/N and Eren had always been close friends since childhood. Both of their parents had been lost when they were younger and they both joined the survey corps with their friends Mikasa and Armin. Y/N and Eren began to realize feelings for each other after the first time they went to the beach. Eren couldn’t keep his eyes off of her as she was playing in the water with her best friend, Sasha. Ever since then, they two would always look after each other and take comfort in each others arms. However, after their first trip to Marley with Yelena, after developing the plan with Zeke, she noticed Eren has been acting different…
Warnings: NSWF, Cursing, mentions of death, SMUT
CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM MANGA. DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED. This is a pretty long one. It goes along with the manga but I added my own twist.😊 There will be some time-skips bc I can’t write that much LMAO
“Meeting dismissed. Everyone pack your stuff and head to the ship. We will depart to Marley in 2 hours.” Hange said to the new Levi squad and Yelena’s crew.
Y/N was still in disbelief that they would be taking the fight to Marley, to innocent civilians. She knew that they needed to retrieve Zeke, but she wasn’t too keen on Eren destroying anything. She thinks it would make things worse. Eren on the other hand, was rearing to go. He had a devilish look to his eyes when he stated that he would transform during the ceremony. Y/N almost didn’t recognize the person in front of her. She needed to talk to him before they leave. 
“Eren?” Y/N knocked on his door. 
“Come in”
Y/N opened to door to see Eren putting on Marleyian soldier clothes. She hadn’t realized how much he physically changed until now. He was taller and well built. His hair grew out and he started to grow a stubble. His eyes. His beautiful green eyes seemed to have lost their sparkle that was there when they were younger.
“Did you have something to tell me or are you just going to stand there like a mute?” his monotonous gruff voice brought her out of her thoughts. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled and she played with her sleeves, “I wanted to talk to you about the plan.”
Eren looked at her with his piercing eyes, “You don’t agree with the plan?”
Y/N gulped and shifted on her feet, eyes looking at the floor, “It’s not that I don’t agree with the plan. The plan is to retrieve Zeke, Eren. Do you have to kill civilians in the process? What if they fight back? What if someone we love dies?”
Eren sighed, “Y/N, if you have any doubts, I suggest you leave immediately. We cannot have weak soldiers there to mess things up.”
Y/N’s head snapped up to meet his eyes, her own eyes brimming with tears. 
“Eren...you don’t mean tha-”
“I am going to attack when they declare war on us Y/N. That is final. We need to send a message to them. Yelena came up with a plan to lure their titans away and so do I. The soldiers here are well equipped to handle anything so I doubt anyone will die. If they do, they were being careless.”
Y/N stared into his eyes to look for any sort of emotion, but saw nothing. She was scared, she was trembling. “Eren I-”
“You need to stay.”
Eren took a few steps to Y/N and caressed her cheek in his palm looking down into her big e/c eyes. “You need to stay. I fear you will get hurt and I cannot have you getting hurt.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “No Eren, I can do it. Let me come wi-”
“I CAN’T LOSE YOU!” he yells and brings her into a bone crushing hug.
“Eren…” Y/N breaths as she rubs his back, “It’s okay. I-”
“Please stay here...please. I promise I will come back. I need you here. I need you safe.”
“Why? Eren, I can help!”
“You will be helping! If you stay here, it will help me get home faster! I also need someone here to make sure everyone is safe. Please?” Eren looks into her eyes and her see tears. His eyes are full of sadness and fear and it hurt her. She took his head in her hands and wiped his tears.
“Okay,” She say with a sad smile, “I will stay.”
Eren gives a small smile and leans in to place his lips on hers. It has been a while since they have kissed mainly since everyone was busy planning and training. Y/N and Eren haven’t had much time to themselves. Eren leans back and looks at the clock, “We still have some time left before I leave…”
Y/N smirks, “Let’s make the most of it, Jaeger.”
Eren picks her up and lays her on his bed, smothering her neck and collarbone with kisses and love bites. Y/N slides her hands under his shirt, feeling his toned abs and back.
Eren steals her lips as he slowly unbuttons her shirt and caresses her smooth skin.
“I love you.” Y/N says out of breath pulling her hands through his dark hair.
“Yes I know” Eren says. He loves it when she does that to his hair. It relaxes him.
Once her shirt is off, he trails kisses down her bra and begins to suck at the top of her breasts.
“Ah! Eren…” Y/N breaths, tugging at his hair.
He chuckled and reached behind her to unclasp her bra, freeing her beautiful mounds. His hand immediately goes for her right breast, kneading it slowly as he spread kisses on her left. His mouth latched onto her nipple and began to suck. Y/N moaned and writhed on the bed, panting.
Eren used his left hand to travel down to her pants. He unbuttoned them and began to pull them down, leaving her in her black lace underwear. He marvels at the sight before him.
“I’m glad you wore this pair. They’re my favorite.” He smirks and slids his hand underneath to her core, feeling her arousal.
“You’re so wet,” he says, easily sliding his two finger, earning a moan from the woman underneath him, “so perfect.”
“Ngh...Erennnn…” Y/N begins to writhe in pleasure as he begins to quickly slide his fingers in and out of her. Her hips bucking into his palm.
“You’re close? Already?” He asks in disbelief.
“W-We haven’t done a-anything in a while. Ah!” Y/N pants, hands gripping to his shirt.
Eren gives a small smile when she begins to tighten around his fingers. She’s close. He goes faster and listens to her moans and pants.
“E-Eren!! I’m-”
“Cum.” he says in a low voice.
Y/N felt her whole world shake as she felt her body spasm, giving out a long moan. Her whole body shaking. Eren chuckled and gave her a kiss as she slid her underwear down and unbuckled his pants. He had to leave soon so he only pulled them down a bit to free his cock. He gathered her wetness from her orgasm and spread it over his cock. Y/N watched him through lidded eyes, anticipating the feeling of having him inside her.
“Eren,” she whined, “now.”
“Yes, darling.” Eren chuckled and lined himself up to her entrance. He took her in his embrace and pushed himself him, wrapping his arms around her.
“A-Ahhhh Erennn” Y/N whimpered, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Her walls were stretching all over again. Eren gave her a minute to adjust since they haven’t been together like this in a while and began to rock his hips into her gently, relishing in her moans, memorizing everything about her.
“Fuck Y/N…” Eren breathes, “you’re so fucking tight…”
All Y/N can do is moan in pleasure, too out of it to talk. Eren then sits them up and has her bouncing on his cock in his lap. The new position allowed him to go deeper, earning louder moans from the woman. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go.
Eren was close. He hated that he was so close this early, but he knew he needed to leave soon. He dug his face into her neck and breathed in her scent.
“Y/N...I’m close.”
Y/N’s hand went into his hair again, tugging at the long dark strands, “Yes! Yes! Eren please!!”
Eren thrusted himself into her a couple more times. He gave one final thrust as he came deep inside her, groaning as his seed spilt inside her. He stayed there for a few minutes, making sure every last drop made it inside her. Y/N on the other hand, was completely spent. Eren slowly untangled himself from her and gently laid her down on his bed, using his hand to move any stray hairs out of her face.
“Eren…” Y/N says.
“Shhh,” Eren hushes her, pressing a kiss to her lips, “Rest. I will be back in a month. Wait for me.”
Y/N’s eyes close, too tired to do anything from exhaustion. Eren looks down at the sleeping woman, the woman he held so dear to him. He sighed and stood up, grabbed his things and left. 
“It had to be done.”
*Time skip to a month after*
It had been a month since that day and 2 weeks since Y/N found something. She was planning on telling Eren, only to then hear that Eren had been locked up for acting on his own and that her dear best friend, Sasha, had been killed.
“Y/N” Armin said as they all gathered together, “We will talk to Eren and figure something out.”
“Why do you always defend him, Armin?!” Connie yelled.
“Connie...” Mikasa warned.
“No, Mikasa! You cannot defend Eren for what he did! You are doing it because of your Akerman instincts.” Connie looked at us with tears, “I lost my twin...I lost half of me...And do you know what Eren did when he heard Sasha died? That bastard laughed.”
Y/N looked at him in shock, “No...He wouldn’t-”
“Why would he laugh if you all knew everything about him?” Connie pressed.
“Let us talk to Eren. Hopefully Y/N can talk to him.” Armin said.
“What if Eren shares the same goals as Zeke?” Jean asks, “What then.”
“The scouts have medicine that can turn someone into a titan..” 
“Armin” Y/N began to tear up, “No...”
“If Eren can no longer be trusted, we need to transform someone we trust into a titan and feed Eren to them.” 
“But Eren still has time left!” Y/N cries.
“We know,” Mikasa hugs her, “So that’s why we need to talk to him and figure out his motives to see if he is still on our side.
*Time skip to when Eren breaks out*
“We have an emergency!!” An officer barges into the meeting room, gathering everyone’s eyes on him, “Eren Jeager has escaped!”
“What?!” Armin exclaimed, “How?!”
“He used the War Hammer titan,” Hange sighed, “I guess his is going to meet up with the Jeagerists. We need to meet with Nicolo and figure something out”
 *At the restaurant*
“NICOLO! Stop it now!” Jean said as he held back the chef.
“She killed Sasha!” the chef cried pointing at Gabi.
“Calm down, we will handle her!” Armin said, “Y/N, Mikasa, let’s take her to another room.”
“I killed your friend. Killing me should be enough. Just don’t hurt Falco.” Gabi said.
“We aren’t going to kill you.” Y/N said.
“You can’t stop yourself from wanting to kill me right?” the little girl asked.
“No,” Armin said, “That’s all you ever talk about huh? Kill, kill, kill. You remind me of a certain someo-”
Armin was interrupted by the door opening to reveal Eren.
Everyone looked at him in shock.
“E-Eren...” Y/N sighed.
“Sit down,” Eren said showing a cut on his hand, “and keep your hands on the table.”
Everyone did as they were told, not wanting to risk and accident. There was a knock on the door.
“We’re leaving.”
“Okay.” Eren called.
“Was that Floch’s voice?” Armin asked, “You came with Floch?”
“Yeah” Eren said, “I wanted to talk to you guys in a quiet setting. We can settle Eldia’s problems without any conflict. Hange and the others will be fine. We’re just moving them.”
“We are the ones who wanted to talk to you,” Armin said, “We just wanted to know what you were thinking Eren.”
“What made you decide on your own to attack Marley.” Y/N said, “If Zeke and Yelena have really gotten you on their side…”
“I’m free.” Eren and said, “Whatever I do, whatever I choose, I do it out of my own free will”
“You met with the Yelena in secret the night of the rail opening right?” Armin asked, “Has this all been your free will since then?”
“That’s right.” Eren said
“You’re being controlled.” Mikasa said.
“Eren..” Y/N began, “You are not the kind of person who would involve innocent civilians and children, even if they live in an enemy state. You’ve cared for and thought about us more than anyone. Haven’t you? You saved us multiple times out of your own kindness right?” Her hand instinctively going down to her stomach.
“I said keep your hands on the table” Eren said sternly. “I hid myself in Liberio and spoke with Zeke brother to brother. I learned a lot then. Zeke knows more than Marley does.”
“Eren-” Armin begins.
“Armin,” Eren said, “You’re still going by and seeing Annie aren’t you? Is that out of your own will or is it Bertolts?”
Armin was taken aback, “what-”
“If memories play a major role in forming who the person is, that means part of you has become Bertolt. A part of an enemy soldiers that feels love for another enemy soldiers influencing a significant part of your judgment. You weren’t soft like this before. You never back to the enemy. Your judgment was always able to lead us to the answer. But every time you open your mouth now, it’s ‘let’s talk’ you’re absolutely useless.” 
“Eren…” YN began.
“Armin you’re the one being controlled by the enemy.”
“Eren stop” Mikasa says.
“I learned about the Ackermans there too. The reason you’re strong Mikasa. It turns out the Marleyian scholars still barely know anything about titans but what came about by accident from the Eldian empires fiddling around with the subjects of Ymir during its long history was the Ackerman clan who maintain a human form but in some cases can manifest the power of the Titans. Still the Ackerman clan was designed in order to protect Eldia’s king as a result the instincts and their blood will still activate once they recognize someone as a host. In other words you only cling to me because of your instincts as an Ackerman. You obeyed my order in that moment when you were facing death. Apparently when all of those conditions are met the instincts hidden inside the Ackerman clans blood will awaken. Not only did this heighten your physical abilities to an extreme, you were even given the experience in battlefield accumulated by every past Ackerman by way of a path. All because you happened by chance to trick yourself into believing I was the host you had to protect.”
“You’re wrong.” Y/N said. 
Eren turned to her with a glare, “Oh? Am I? How?”
“It wasn’t by chance,” she said, “It was because of you she was able to become strong. Because of you and your kindness.” 
“Apparently once an Ackerman awakens they find themselves suffering from headaches. They say this happens out of the true self trying to resist being forced to protect its host. Sound familiar Mikasa? What I’m saying is that the real Mikasa disappeared in that mountain hunt nine years ago leaving only you behind ever faithful to your Ackerman instincts.”
“Eren stop.”
“The clan who lost their true selves created only to follow orders. In other words, slaves.”
“Eren please stop”
“Do you know what I hate the most in this world, anyone who isn’t free. That, or cattle. Just looking at the made me so angry. Now I finally understand why. I couldn’t stand to look at it and doubting slave who only ever follow orders. Ever since I was a kid I have always hated you.”
“STOP IT!” YN slapped Eren but he slammed her to the ground. “Stay Y/N” 
Armin threw himself across the table and began to throw punches but Eren deflected them with ease. 
“Armin we’ve never fought before, huh? Do you know why that is? It’s because there’s no way you could even put up a fight against me.” Eren slammed Armin into the ground and began stomping on him. 
He suddenly stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso. 
“Please... stop.” Y/N said crying. 
Eren looked into her eyes, “I will stop if you tell me where Zeke is. Or you can just come with us.”
 He signaled the guards to pick up Armin. 
“And what is it you even wanted to say?” Armin coughed, “Is that the freedom you wanted? The freedom to hurt all of us? Tell me who’s the real slave to a piece of shit?”
Eren gritted his teeth, “Who are you calling a slave? Let’s go.”
That night they went to the Shiganshina district. Eren had Y/N, Mikasa, and Armin thrown in a cell while he and his group made a plan to meet up with Zeke.
“Why…” Y/N cried as tears flowed down her cheeks, “Why would he do this?”
“I don’t know.” Armin said.
Y/N got up from her chair to lay down, but collapsed due to the pain in her stomach. She groaned in pain, clutching herself.
“Y/N!!” Jean and Mikasa cried out and rushed to help her up.
“Are you alright?” Armin asked.
“I think so…” Y/N said with tears, “But I am not sure about it…”
“...It?” Armin questions.
“I was planning to tell Eren when he got back…” Y/N said, her whole body shaking, “But he’s not the same person, I don’t know what he would do to me if he found out…”
“Found out what?” Connie asked.
“That...I’m…” Y/N shakes uncontrollably, “p-pregnant.”
Armin hold Y/N closer, “And that bastard floored you earlier. That can’t be good.”
“HEY!!” Jean yells through the halls, “We need a doctor immediately!! Please!!”
“Someone please!! Get a doctor!!” Mikasa screams.
“Hold on, Y/N!” Armin rubs her shoulder, “We will get you help! Just hold on. Maybe if Eren knows, he will-”
“No!” Y/N cries, “He cannot know. He must not know!”
“I can’t know what?”
Everyone gasped at the familiar voice. Eren.
There was complete silence and that ticked Eren off.
“What. Can’t. I. Know.” He annunciates. Y/N winces.
“Eren,” Mikasa starts, “Y/N is hurt. You went too hard on her.”
Eren skeptically looked at Mikasa then at Y/N. He saw how red, sweaty and pained she was.
“Are you so weak that you couldn’t handle a shove? I didn’t even do it that hard.” He chuckled.
“Eren…” Jean growled stalking towards the bars. He reached through and grabbed Eren’s shirt, “If you still have feelings for her, you will get her help.” 
“Jean…” Y/N whimpers, catching Eren’s attention, “Don’t.”
Eren laughed, “You care about him don’t you Y/n? Would you hate me if I hurt him?”
“P-please don’t Eren,” Y/N said, “He’s my friend, but you are special to me.”
“Then you wouldn’t have a problem joining my cause. If I’m so special to you.”
Y/N gets up with the help of Mikasa, still clutching her stomach, “Not if it means hurting my friends.”
Eren eyes her clutching her stomach but doesn’t move, “How will I know you are not tricking me to open this cell and you all attack me?”
“Eren” Armin starts, “You have three titans and could kill us at any moment. However, Y/N, our friend, is in serious pain. Why would we risk her safety to escape from you?”
“We will go to the opposite side of the cell.” Mikasa said.
Eren seemed to be lost in thought but hearing Y/N groan in pain brings him back to reality.
“Fine,” He said, “I will take her to get help. But if any of you try anything, I will not hesitate to hurt you.”
“Thank you…” Connie breathed.
Eren took the keys to the cell out of his pocket and unlocked the cell door, “Move.”
Everyone stepped back, leaving Y/N by herself. Eren opened the door and roughly grabbed her, Y/N making her wince. “Y/N!” Mikasa flinched, causing Eren’s head to snap up, his titan marks showing up on his skin. “I’m fine! It’s okay.” Y/N said as Eren quickly dragged her out, looking back at her friends in the cell with a sad smile.
Eren walked into the conference room gathering the Jeagerists attention, “I need a doctor.” he said in a monotonous voice. 
“Eren!” Floch said, “Why is Y/N out of her cell?”
“Get a doctor. Now.” Eren ordered. Everyone went out in search of a doctor while Eren and Y/N waited in an unoccupied office. Soon, a man was led in by a soldier. 
“Mr. Jeager,” the man greeted, “My name is Dr. Kim, I was told you are in need of a doctor?”
“Yes. Apparently this woman is hurting in her stomach.” Y/N flinched when Eren referred to her as a woman and not by name.
“Alright. I will take a look at her and will grab you if there is anything wrong.” Dr. Kim said. Eren nodded and left.
Y/N gave a sigh of relief when Eren left, which went unnoticed by the doctor. “So,” he began with a warm smile, “What seems to be the issue?”
“Please don’t tell him anything.” Y/N whispered.
“Excuse me?”
“Please...and do not condemn him. I am pregnant with his child. He does not know. My friends and I tried to confront him, which ended up in him attacking us. Hurting me. He cannot know. But I need to know if the baby is fine.”
The doctor looks shocked. “You must tell hi-”
“No! Not right now. Please doctor. This must stay between us.”
The doctor gave a long sigh and nodded, “Alright. But I need you to take your shirt off so that I may check.”
Y/N took off her shirt, and laid down on the bed. The doctor began to feel around her lower stomach area on her very small bump. 
“You have some bruising, but I believe it is alright. Have you bled at all since the incident?” He asked. Y/N shook her head and the doctor nodded. 
“Well then, I believe everything is alright. Please try to take it easy. Maybe stay away from him for a while.” Y/N nodded, tears streaming down her face, “Thank you.” The doctor smiled and walked out.
The doctor walked to the other room where Eren was. 
“Well?” he asked while looking out the window.
“She has bruising on her abdomen, but overall she is fine. I suggest you be careful with her.”
Eren was caught off guard by that last sentence and looked at the doctor. 
“Well,” The doctor said, “I must get going. I still have many patients to attend to.”
Eren gets up and shakes the doctor’s hands, “Of course. Thank you.”
When the doctor left, Eren went to the office where Y/N was. He slammed open the door to see Y/N laying on the bed with her hand on her stomach, startling her.
“So you lied.” Eren said.
“What?” she said.
Eren walked to her and stood next to the bed, looking into her eyes with hatred, “You made it sound like something bad was happening, but you just had a few bruises. You lied to me. Did you do it to distract me from them escaping?”
“Wha-Eren! I wasn’t lying!” Y/N said.
“What are you hiding?” Eren asked.
Y/N’s eyes widened slowly sitting up, “Hiding?”
“You’re hiding something Y/N. What is it?” Eren said darkly.
“I’m not hiding anything Eren! You’re scaring me!” Y/N cries backing into the wall.
Eren slowly climbs onto the bed towards her, “You called a doctor for bruising. BRUISING. On your stomach. Isn’t that suspicious?”
“I will ask you again. What. Are. You. Hiding?” He ordered. His face centimeters from hers.
“Nothing...I’m not hiding anyth-AH” Eren cut her off by roughly grabbing her and slamming her back onto the bed. 
“Eren!” She cried, “Stop it! Please!”
“I will figure it out. What are you hiding…” Eren holds her hands above her head with one hand and with his other, he ripped her shirt off. 
“Stop it Eren! Please stop!” Y/N cried trying to kick him off, “No! Don’t!”
But it was too late. Eren saw the bruises that littered her lower stomach…and the tiny bump. 
At that moment, Eren couldn’t hear Y/N’s cries, only his heartbeat. Y/N kept crying for him to get off and to not hurt her, shaking like a leaf.
“How long…” Eren’s voice silenced her, “How long?”
“A-A m-month. Eren p-please don’t-”
“You weren’t going to tell me.”
“You WEREN’T going to tell me!”
She can feel Eren shaking with anger on top of her, his hold tightening around her wrists.
“Ngh! Eren! Stop it! Eren!” She cried.
“Why…” He asks with a shaky breath, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“You aren’t yourself. Y-You have been acting on your own. Jeopardizing everyone’s safety. My best friend was killed because of you...and...and you LAUGHED!!” 
Her scream caught Eren off-guard which allowed her to push him off onto his back and start punching him.
“Why did you laugh Eren?! WHY? Why did you laugh at Sasha’s death?! Did she not mean anything to you!? WHY EREN?”
Eren laid completely still, letting her land her punches on him, he would heal anyways.
“Why are you helping Zeke?! Why are you hurting us?! Armin?? Mikasa?? Why are you hurting me??” Y/N’s began to tire and her head began to hurt she got one last punch to his face before collapsing on his chest, crying. 
“Why did you turn against us??” she sobbed digging her nails into his skin through his shirt, “What happened to you?”
“I am still me-”
“No you’re not.”
“I am doing what I need to do to to save us.”
“We can find a different way.”
“There is no other way, Y/N. I need to get to Zeke. I need to prevent him from keeping Eldians from having children!”
Y/N looked up at him in shock, “What?”
“I am not going with Zeke’s plan all the way Y/N. He want me to use the Founding Titans power to make all Eldians unable to have children. But I won’t let that happen, I will connect with him and use the Founding Titan to start the Rumbling to destroy the Marlayians.”
“But why hurt us?”
“It’s best if not everyone knows what’s going on so Zeke does not get suspicious.”
He brings her face to his and kisses her lips.
“But Eren. Thousands of innocent lives will die…”
“But not everyone on Paradis,” he says trailing kisses down to her breasts, “Not you. Not the baby.”
Y/N clutches Eren’s shirt as he sucks on her nipples, “You can save everyone Eren. All this bloodshed isn’t the answer.”
“Let’s not talk about this.” He says as he trails his hand into her pants, finding her wet core. “Let me love you.”
Y/N dug her nails into his skin, whimpering as he brought her to her high with his digits.
“Erennnnnnn” She cries out in ecstasy, panting like a dog. Eren looks at her with gentle eyes. The woman he loves underneath him, carrying his future. Seeing her tiny bump awoke something in him. He suddenly rid himself of his clothes, ripped off her pants and underwear and quickly slid his cock into her heat. 
“Eren!” Y/N cried out, “Be careful! I’m still sensitive there…”
Eren gives her a long passionate kiss as he begins to thrust his hips into hers, earning beautiful moans from her.
Y/N had never felt such pleasure before, Eren’s cock was hitting all the right places in her, bringing her closer to another orgasm.
“E-Eren I’m c-close” She panted.
Eren then grabbed her and flipped her on her hand and knees, pressing her head onto the soft pillow under her. He loved this position. He loved to look at her smooth back, the way her hair would be all over the place and how her big e/c eyes would look back to meet his. She was like a goddess. He began to feel her walls tighten around him, a tell sign that she was closs. He leaned over her as he went harder against her hips, earning himself louder moans, kissing her nape. His hand slithered under to to rub her clit, bringing her closer to her high.
“Nghh E-Eren! P-Please don’t stop!!” She cried.
“Cum for me Y/N.” 
And she did. Her body went limp. Eren had to hold her up to that he could finish, spilling his seed into her. Eren wasn’t sure if it was physical or emotional exhaustion, but he collapsed right next to Y/N, pulling her into his arms, laying a hand on the tiny bump. Y/N on any day would love it when Eren spooned with her after sex, but she did not want to stay with him any longer. When she tried to get up, Eren’s hold on her tightened.
“Don’t leave me.”
“Eren, we can’t keep this up.”
“Please…” She stiffened as she felt wetness on her skin. Tears. “Let me hold you.” 
She didn’t say anything more, but she laid back down in his hold and relaxed.
“I love you, Y/N”
Y/N looks up at Eren with teary eyes, “Eren…”
“I am doing this to save you.”
“Eren, please…”
“Please let’s not talk about this. Let me hold you both for now.”
Y/N stiffens in his arms.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about Sasha. I will kill the brat who killed her-”
“No. You will not kill a child for revenge. She knows what she did and she regrets it. Leave her be.”
“Please... Just hold us.”
Eren nods and flips you in his arms to face him.
“I hate you.” Y/N cries as she digs her face into his chest inhaling his scent.
“I know.”
“We will fight you.”
“I know.”
“We will fight to kill you.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
WOW! This is my first fic that I’ve ever posted on here! I’m sorry if there are some errors, but I hope you guys love it and my little twist on the story!💜
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skzflix · 3 years
passstt can you do your best to explain the ‘universe’ in depth or at least so it’s understandable bc my ass is clueless 🙃
so, this is my dumb brain linking stuff so please please take this all as what it is — my stupid brain's stupid thinking. this is also the first time i've linked it all out in order. so bear with me. this is loooong. in this universe, we have like three parts: mixtape: on track — b me — mixtape: oh. and it deals with tangled romance and the consequences it has on friendships.
so in mixtape: on track, the universe sets off with the boys in high school, final year, i think. minho and hyunjin are the leads in our whole universe. jeongin is like hyunjin's best friend in this au. they are film and art majors (?) and have this project i presume to make a short film (?). chan deals with the sound, jisung with the lights, changbin with the props, hyunjin with the videography, felix is directing and seungmin is the writer. minho is the main lead in this film and jeongin is a side character in this film.
insert female lead. female lead is close friends with both hyunjin and minho. it's pretty evident that minho and hyunjin likes her and hyunjin constantly does feel bad over minho and her getting closer, because well, he likes her. this feeling turns into a distaste soon enough (as seen in how hyunjin feels pathetic after the girl takes both the drinks from them + how minho shoots the goal while playing soccer and like hyunjin and minho have this weird cold gaze exchange. in both these situations, jeongin is around to help hyunjin. i'll get to this soon.) so like our boy minho and her clearly have sparks and hyunjin dislikes it. high school jealousy, if anything.
that's when hyunjin decides to take action and while shooting, when minho has to grab the female lead's hand, he butts in and holds her hand. all because he likes her and he's done being the second lead in this story. the mv ends here.
now, about jeongin, he did mention in one of his vlive that he was like a guardian angel and i do think he's like a friend that really really cares for hyunjin and doesn't ever want him to get hurt. so the whole mv wraps up in this plot of how hyunjin takes action right when minho and the female lead are slowly getting things going for them.
and then we get the unveil track of b me, (how i wish they dropped the mv for this rather!). i'll make a list of stuff that happens in b me first and then tell you how my brain linked it up.
felix with the video camera + tape
jeongin distressed with bruised face
the members reminiscing what they once had before chaos struck.
a script that has even a fool knows (alternative title to on track) written (this was my cue to link them both?)
seungmin, chan and technically the whole cast looking distressed
jisung burning the film competition form (?)
changbin in the court sad and playing alone
biker!minho + biker!hyunjin (THIS ISN'T A POINT BUT THEY ARE SO HOT IN THIS AU SHUT UP RUE!!!)
minho meets with an accident + jisung rushes to his side
angry giving up skz moments
ot8 basketball happy memories
i'm going to sit here and draft this out so again, bear with me, soooo,
i presume the hyunjin grabbing the girl's hand, ofc, did not sit right with minho because technically, minho and her were a thing almost. and that ruined the friendship. this also caused the whole film shooting to turn chaotic, i presume because hyunjin's gaze in the on track mv seemed determined so i think he wasn't ready to back off either. the filming team clearly breaks apart because of this. the tension between minho and hyunjin is still very high. the team is frustrated. jisung burns the film competition form because what's the use of joining when there's no team? changbin is sad and angry and has emotions he is frustrated over (just like the other members!!) because they aren't together as a friend circle distinctly because of the feud between hyunjin and minho. they used to play basketball together (the whole of the ending part!) but not anymore.
now, we see how minho meets with an accident. i'm a bit confused with this part (this is why we need the mv for b me, jyp!!!!) but i'll state out everything i think.
a) jisung is to minho as to what jeongin is to hyunjin.
b) the accident could be solely accidental? maybe minho ran off in a fit after an argument with jeongin and hence why jeongin has the bruises and maybe in that heat, minho could have had the accident.
c) i presume jisung rushes to help him because human guardian angel of sorts of a friendship.
anyhow, i think the small clip of video tape that felix pulls out in the beginning is what they watch together. i do not think this has any correlation to the intense story besides adding the fact that they were reaaaaaaally close because they all look super happy in that shot, omg!!
and now here we are, mixtape: oh. (watching and pausing the mv to go as detailed as i can with my storytelling.) this, since it was a mv, we get a story as solid as the first one (thank you, jyp. i hate you generally but thank you for this.)
so we have all the members in the drama club room. the same room we saw in the first mv i think. everyone's gathered back there, picking up their stuff because they have graduated, except for changbin and hyunjin who haven't come. jeongin searches and hopes expectantly for hyunjin to come. the blue certificate kinda thingy (I have no idea what it is. i don't read korean either and my google translate couldn't pick that up :((() is something of hyunjin's and i think minho did want hyunjin to come to this sort of reunion because he gets angry and picks up the blue thingy. he's either mad at that, or he is still mad at what happened in the past. i'm not sure. either ways, jisung is worried too as to what minho is going to do and over what he is feeling. oh, also, minho is in a cast, which means it does go exactly in the order i mentioned !!!
we then see hyunjin (shit, i cried again!) and he's painting an eye (is this a relation with some other skz song i will never know) and i think he took up art after dropping from film club so like he could distance himself from the rest of them, because well, he was 1/2 of the reason why this all happened.
we have the members reminiscing again, thinking about the good times and bad ones too. jeongin is in a tunnel (the boy is always in a tunnel. is this again a link to other mvs i do not know) and changbin goes to the drama club room all alone after everyone leaves and like i think he removed the sign of the drama club room and in my head, it's a symbolism for how everything has finally ended. all the memories they have had had finally ended with their graduation, of sorts, in that moment for him. jeongin, who is in the tunnel calls for hyunjin, like a last thread of hope he clings on to, expecting for him to finally meet them and come back to them. hyunjin doesn't pick up the call.
minho is still packing things up and as he looks through stuff he sees a calender with their anniversary date marked and he remembers of the team together once again. everyone really badly misses the old days. we see jeongin who goes to buy that drink again that he stole from hyunjin in the on track mv and he remembers felix in that moment.
felix who is in the library is with a cake. so i presume it is his birthday because he lights the candle on the cake up eventually. i think he did want to celebrate it with the team as a whole but because of the fall he can't. he opens a book and see the quote, "dreams come true to those who really want them," (we see this on the jisung bus stand shot too btw!!) and he goes on to make a wish on his cake and ie think he wished for them all to be together once again, living the happy memories again. hence the beautiful shots in the end I AM IN LOVE.
so i had this sorta ex lmao who told me this beautiful metaphor once when we broke up about how i left him on the bus of our memories and it was only i who got down and that our timings didn't match. and i think my brain instantly correlated those two, oops. so like the bus is a train of thoughts, a passageway for them to remember the happy memories. changbin remembers the happy memories he had as he looks through hsi phone with the basketball in his hand. jisung also enters the bus and remembers the moments they shared. oh, also changbin leaves when jisung enters. the timings don't match.
TIMESKIP. because this is based off kdramas for sure and what are kdramas without timeskips lmao.
minho's arm is healed. (he's also wearing such a pretty fit i want to steal!) minho goes and tried to meet hyunjin at his art studio because he wants to give it a try, this whole friendship again, i think, but hyunjin isn't there. so he leaves him a note and the certificate (??) blue thingy (?? what is it someone help me!) hyunjin comes back to see them both. this is what happens in the mv, in correlation with the other mvs.
they could clearly make another part of them actually getting together. but personally, i think they do and like felix's wish comes true because the directing is such that they end it with felix opening his eyes. (i also don't want to think of a sad alternative where felix opens his eyes only to remember reality is still the same and the feud still exists. i refuse. in my head, the next part has them coming together just like that in the snow!)
but yes, if you've reached till here, thank you for reading my incoherent mess of thoughts. ily and i hope you have a good day! 💕
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