#lmao ignore the fact that it took me six months to get this bitch posted
Okay!!! Have you seen that meme going around? Where a somebody took a photo of themself and their partner in bed together, their partner is ignoring them in favour of cuddling a massive plushie?
Ah yes. Me, my girlfriend and her 500 dollar four foot tall mareep- meme
On Hell-net! Lucifer updates his feed with a photo.
Lucifer his laying on his back with a pout, his eyes are half-lidded.
Lucifer: Ah yes. Me, my husband and his 2500 dolled six foot tall ‘Luci-duck’ plushie.
Comments come pouring in
Charlie: Awww!!! That plushie is so cute!!!
Vaggie: where’d he get it ? (Maybe she can get a Charlie version)
Husk: I feel your pain
Angel Dust likes the comment and leaves a comment underneath: Don’t get jealous, I love you almost just as much. - Angel has a husk plushie too!
Angel Dust: Don’t worry big D! He’ll still give you some loving tonight! Just be as cute!
Lucifer likes the comment and leaves a comment underneath: Unfortunately he told me not to interrupt his ‘Luci-duckies’ time.
Cherri bomb: Shit dude! I actually bad for yah! I can help you burn it if you want?
Lucifer likes the comment and leaves a comment underneath: I’ve tried before. Adam couched me for a month and Charlie betrayed me - starts a mini conversation underneath with Vaggie excited that Charlie knows where the plushies come from and Charlie scolding both cherri and lucifer for thinking about burning Adams second plushie
Alastor: Ah I see he’s upgraded from a whiny little bitch (Lucifer comments underneath: Fuck off! That thing would never replace me!
Alastor responds: Seems he already has)
A few hours later…
Adam finally posts and he isn’t happy: The fuck Luci! You’re being a hypocrite! You have a fucking 5000+ dolled ten foot tall ‘Adam-duck’ plushie!
Charlie: What! Is this true!
Angel Dust: Post the pics or it isn’t true
Adam: Look at this shit! And he has the nerve to attack my Luci-Duck!!
Adam uploads a photo with Lucifer snuggled into a ten foot Adam-Duck plushie with mountains of smaller Adam plushies around him. Not all of them are ducks
Adam: Look at this! I only have the one Lucifer merchandise!
Lucifer: Adam! Don’t expose me like that!!!!
Angel Dust: Adam, let’s go Lucifer merchandise shopping tomorrow!
Adam: Fuck yeah
Lucifer: Adam!!! Stop ignoring me! We live in the same damn house, we share a room!!! Put the phone down and look at me!!!
Cherri Bomb: Huh, who knew the King was such a clinging lover?
Angel Dust: I know right. It’s actually really cute
Few hours later…
Lucifer: Adam!!!! Come on!!!! Please stop ignoring me already! I won’t ever hurt your Luci-Duck ever again!
Adam: I love my Luci-Duck even more now
Lucifer: I’m sorrrrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!
I love the fact that they have merchandise and buy each other's LMAO
Yes I've seen that meme and I love it.
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 4 years
“Moonshine and Kerosene: Part 2″ Arthur Morgan x Female Reader
*Mushu voice* I LIVE! 
I promise I’m not gone, just experiencing writer’s block but heyo here’s some new content!
Arthur heads into Valentine just expecting to pick up some supplies, the last thing he expects is to find you brawling in the Valentine saloon. He accompanies you for another drink, hoping he won’t wake up tomorrow with a headache and no memory. 
Part 1
Master List
Arthur’s nose crinkled as the stench of sheep manure hit his nostrils. Valentine wasn’t Arthur’s choice of locale, but Hosea had already made arrangements to pick up the camp’s supply from the general store. He kept the brim of his hat low and his gaze on the ground; it had been months since he damn near shot up the whole town and most small towns had long memories. The afternoon seemed quiet except for the usual sounds of chaos emitting from the saloon as he passed. There was almost certainly a bar fight going on; he could hear the shouts and curses of the drunkards. 
As he tethered his horse in front of the general store, movement caught his eye. There in the alleyway between the saloon and the store was the infamous horse with the ram skull mask. He took a step towards the horse and suddenly a man crashed through the window onto the wooden porch beside him. “Not again!” The bartender yelled, followed by even more hollering inside the bar. Arthur’s hand fell to his pistol as he entered the saloon. 
Inside, the bartender was cowering under the bar and there were unconscious men scattered across the floor. In the middle of the chaos to his great surprise, was you. 
This was a normal day for you, Maggie had caught word that rival shiners were trying to move in on your turf and sell to your already established customers. As the muscle of the operation it was your job to ensure they left with nothing but bloodied faces and tails tucked between their legs. You ducked just in time to dodge a right hook and used the momentum to bring your fist upwards into the man’s jaw, knocking him unconscious. While your attention was shifted, it opened an opportunity for another goon, landing a hard punch to your cheek. 
“Shit,” you spat. You could taste the blood in your mouth and the time for games was over. You hit the man hard with three blows, grabbed him, and rammed his head into the support pillar. Another man attempted to grapple you from behind, but you swung your head back and butted your head into his. His grip loosened and you slipped out from him, lining up with him.
“I’m gonna kill you!” A man beside you bellowed as he came barreling towards you. Your hands were busy duking it out with the fellow in front of you, leaving you open to the oncoming attack- but it never came. A swift elbow came down on his crown, bringing him to the ground with nothing but a gurgle. Your eyes flashed in the direction for just a second and you smiled. 
“Ah, Mr. Callahan,” you said in between punches. The man attempted to dodge your attack by ducking to the left, you caught him by the head and slammed his head down onto the table. His body slumped to the floor unconscious. “What brings you here?”
“Ah, you know,” Arthur said as he brawled with the last of the men. “Jus, ridin’ through.” His fist landed hard and the man crumpled to the ground.
You wiped the blood from your nose and walked over to the unconscious and groaning men. Arthur was a bit roughed up, his hat had fallen to the floor and his hair was rustled; you quite liked the look on him. Arthur met you in the middle and gave you that crooked grin that you liked so much. “I’d say my work here is done,” you said as you extended your elbow to him. “Want to get outta here?”
Arthur opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off by a voice. “You ain’t goin’ no where!” The two of you turned, coming down the stairs were two huge burly men, you recognized one as a Braithewaite cousin.
“Aw hell,” Arthur groaned.
“What, you ain’t ready for round two?” You smirked as you rolled up your sleeves. “I’ll take the inbred pig, you can have the fat red headed one.”
“Who you callin’ a pig?” The Braithewaite snarled. He was faster than you expected, swinging on you before you could react. The weight behind his fist knocked you back a couple steps, almost knocked you to your ass. The taste of copper filled your mouth and trickled down your chin, you wiped away the blood and grimaced. Now you were pissed. 
“This was a new shirt you son of a bitch!” You threw a flurry of punches, but he was lighter on his feet than you expected, blocking and ducking. If you wanted to win this fight you would have to keep a level head and watch him. This obviously wasn’t his first scrap either. You observed how he moved as you threw punches at each other; he blocked well, but his body was big and he left an opening in his ribs when he raised his arms to block. You feigned for the face and when he moved to block, you punched hard into his ribs, making him cry out. In his surprise you were able to land a blow to his temple. That would usually down a man, but he stumbled backwards three steps, rubbed his head, and came back at you. That hit to the temple definitely slowed him, and he was more angry now. He was all punches and no blocking; you had him now. You dodged his wide swings easily and took your time, delivering heavy blows to the ribs and face. He was staggering a bit now and you smiled to yourself: he was yours now. 
His swing was fast, too fast, and it knocked you back against the chair behind you. Blotches of colors danced in front of your eyes and you shook your head. He was coming for you now. As he barreled forward, you grabbed the chair you were leaning against and slammed it right into his face. The chair broke on impact and the large man fell. Turning just in time, you saw Arthur deal the last blow. You gave him a nod and he returned it. The man below you coughed as you squatted down to grab a fist full of greasy hair and pulled his gaze to you. “This is MY turf, you got me? Mine. I catch you here again tryna sell for your cousin fuckin’ kin I’ll kill you where you stand. This town is mine.” You slammed his face into the ground and stood. “I think I could go for a drink now, how 'bout you Mr. Callahan?”
“I-I don’t think so!” The man behind the bar exclaimed. “You just- you get outta here before I call the law.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.” You pulled out your billfold and laid a few bills down on the bar. “For the damages. I assume I don’t have to tell you where your loyalties lie?”
“N-no ma’am, I only buy from Miss Maggie, no one else, I swear!”
You nodded. “Good.” You pulled out another bill and slid it to the shaking man behind the bar. “Sorry to have interrupted your day, you got your job and I got mine.”
He said nothing as you rejoined Arthur. “C’mon, there’s another saloon here we can get a drink from.”
“I don’t think anyone’ll be servin’ ya lookin’ like that.” He said pointedly.
“Like what?” You looked down at your shirt, ruined by a huge blood stain from your busted lip. “Oh. You got a spare shirt I can borrow?”
He nodded, “sure.”
“Great, we can make a pit stop at the hotel across the way. I could go for a bath anyways.” You looked over him and smirked.  “You smell like you could use a bath too.”
He raised a brow at you “Oh really? You don’t think I smell purty?” he joked.
“I think,” you said with a flirtatious grin pulling at your lips, “I’d like to see if they have a tub for two.”
You didn’t look at him but you could hear him choke on his words. You had effectively flustered the man into a stuttering mess. Entering the hotel first, you greeted the man behind the counter. “Two baths and a room please.”
“Yes ma’am, I’ll have the baths drawn immediately.” He placed a small key in your hand. “You’ll be in 2B.” You thanked the man and paid.
Unfortunately, they only had tubs big enough for one. While you scrubbed your body, you tried to remember his body through the muddled memory of your drunken night at the bar. You were quick to wash, ready for a drink. After you finished cleaning, you were out of the tub and hastily put on your clothes, the chill of the fall air causing goosebumps to rise over your skin.
When you entered your shared room, he was already there. You had caught him in the middle of changing; his chest was bare as he buttoned his trousers, his suspenders hanging lazily at his side. He was so much more handsome than you remembered, you could thank the moonshine for that. His back was to you, facing the mirror in the corner. You approached him from behind and looped your arms around him, brushing your fingers through his chest hair. You inhaled his scent deeply as you rested your head against his back.
He tensed as you took him in your arms; he wasn’t used to this kind of intimacy. This closeness rendered him useless: his mind was in a fog and his throat was so tight that even if he could form the words they would be shoved back down to his stomach. All he could do was stare into the mirror, stare at your hands clutching to his chest, the top of your head poking into vision from behind his broad shoulders.
You finally broke the silence. “Ya know, I don’t even know your name, Mr. Callahan.”
He cleared his throat in an attempt to push down the lump that so stubbornly clung to his words. “Arthur,” he half whispered.
“Arthur,” you repeated. And as quickly as you had wrapped yourself around him, you were gone. “My name is Y/N.”
He turned to face you and his cheeks flushed as he caught you unbuttoning your shirt. He quickly averted his eyes and you smirked. “Come now Arthur, it ain’t like you haven’t seen this before.”
He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he stared at his feet. “There weren’t much that I recall thanks to someone feedin’ me all that 'shine.”
You dropped the ruined shirt to the floor and stepped towards him. “Well, maybe I can jog your memory.”
Your husky tone caused a heat to pool in his stomach. He looked at you, your chest fully exposed to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him close as your lips pressed the softest of kisses around his jawline. Your skin was so soft against his, your supple breasts pressed against his chest. Your lips made their way from his jaw up to his ear and it sent a shiver down his spine. “You got that spare shirt?” you whispered in his ear.
He exhaled. When did he stop breathing? “Sure.” His voice cracked on the end and he cleared his throat once more.
Your eyes trailed over his body as he bent over to retrieve the shirt from his bag. He pulled out two shirts- one blue with pinstripes button down and one dark crimson casual shirt. He threw you the blue one and slid the red one on while you watched his shoulder muscles as he pulled it over his body. It fit him quite snuggly; it would be hard to keep your eye off him looking as divine as he did.
The shirt was big enough for you to slip on without unbuttoning any of the buttons. When you unbuttoned your trousers and shifted them down a bit to tuck in your shirt, you saw the hungry look in his eye when he caught sight of your hip bones. He found himself feeling less and less thirsty for whiskey and more hungry for you.
You turned to face the mirror to give yourself a look over and saw him step behind you. His hands found your hips and his breath was hot on your ear. “I cain’t let you keep my shirt ya know.”
You smiled and turned to face him, his hands remaining planted on your hips as you pressed yourself against him. “Don’t worry,” you whispered, your lips so close they brushed his as you spoke. “I paid to keep this room for the night. You can take the shirt back later.”
His hands moved to the buttons of the shirt as he exhaled a shaky breath. “Why don’t I just take it back now?”
“Mmmm, tempting offer.” You placed  a soft kiss on his lips and you could feel the hunger as his lips pleaded against yours. Before he could deepen the kiss you pulled away. “But I need a drink.”
He sighed in defeat. “Fine, but I ain’t gettin’ so drunk I’ll forget half the night.” His fingers brushed your hair away from your ear. “I want to remember it all.”
His words had a way of making you feel like you were walking on clouds. That soft smirk gripped you and pulled you in, he was addicting in every sense of the word; from his scent to his voice he overpowered your senses and left you needing more. He left a heat in your stomach stronger than moonshine, when he touched you that heat spread quicker than fire and kerosine.
Taking his hand you led him back out to the bustling streets of Valentine. Arthur stared at your hand wrapped around his, never had a woman been so bold, so direct with him before. He was used to the blushing type, the giggling and teasing type, but the way you pressed yourself against him, no taunting, no half hearted touches followed by a joke, you were confident and serious with every touch, every comment made in that sultry tone that felt like silk as the words wrapped around him. You were different and new and it excited him but left him in a static fog of what to say and do.
As you passed through the threshold of the hotel you made a clicking noise and the horse with the ram skull mask trotted right up to you. He breathed a short laugh as you took the reins in your spare hand. “A force to be reckoned with indeed.”
You smirked, “are you surprised?”
He shook his head, “not at all.”
He examined the horse walking beside you, a little bigger than his Arabian but not by much- this horse was built for speed. It’s coloring was unique, something he had never seen. The horse had two big blotches of white, one on each side. Brown bordered the horse itself, running up the spine, running down the legs and neck, giving the illusion of a window pane. As for the horse’s face, the only detail he could make out behind the mask were a pair of phantom blue eyes. He now understood the fear that was struck in the hearts of those who had seen him, this horse looked intimidating to say the least. 
When you arrived at the smaller saloon, you tethered the horse to the hitching post and gave him a pat on the neck. “His name is Baphomet.” you said, not turning your attention from the horse.
“Strange name.” Arthur remarked, and immediately regretted his words. “I mean, it ain’t strange it just- I ain’t never heard that before.”
His stammering brought your attention to him and his weak smile was contagious as your lips curled up to match his. 
“It’s okay,” you reassured him. “That’s the usual response. I saw the name in some book I found, I think it’s the name of some sort of god? I just liked the sound of it.” You shrugged. Your reassurance relaxed him. “He’s pretty friendly, you can pet him if you’d like.”
You took a step back to allow him to take your place. He moved slowly and cautiously, cooing to the horse in a soft tone. He put out his hand to allow Baphomet to smell him, after an accepting whinny he stroked the horse’s muscular neck. “Good boy,” he cooed. “I ain’t never seen a horse like this, what is he?”
“Criollo, I believe is what the man said. I bought him a few years ago back east, I ain’t much of an equine expert but I know he’s strong and there ain’t a revenue man or law maker that’ll catch him this side of the Lannahechee River.”
He gave the horse a final pat and turned back to you. “And the mask?”
You followed him up the stairs of the wooden porch to the entrance of the saloon. “It ain’t some skull I picked up off the side a the road that’s for sure. I picked it up in the Appalachias, an old friend a mine had a talent for makin’ things. See, these revenue men are smarter and more dangerous than your standard sheriff. They’re government men, and according to them people like me, well we ain’t worth more than the shit in the sheep pen out there. They’ll shoot your horse out from under ya before they’ll shoot you, I lost two great horses that way. So now I’ve got a little extra protection.” You took a seat in the corner table of the small saloon, you were the only patrons here today. “It won’t last forever, hell it’ll probably crack if it gets hit, but at least it’s the ram skull that cracks instead of my horse’s.”
Arthur nodded, impressed. “I ain’t never thought of that,” he smiled. “Horse armor, who’d a thought?”
The man running the bar approached hastily, happy to serve the new customers. “Afternoon you two, what can I get for ya?”
“Whiskey.” Arthur said.
You knocked on the table twice, “Fike’s Brew.”
The man gave a knowing nod and shuffled behind the counter. Arthur looked at you with a cocked eyebrow. “What the hell is Fike’s Brew?”
You smirked, “the only thing I drink.” You paused as the man set down your shot glasses in front of you. “We got claim on all the saloons in the Heartlands. If you know how to order right,” you lifted the glass so that Arthur could clearly see the moonshine in the glass. He clinked his glass to yours and you knocked back your shot in time with him. He lifted a finger to the man behind the bar, signaling another round.
“Is that why you were brawlin’ with them Braithewaite boys?” He asked.
You nodded. “My employer has been-“ another pause as you searched for the right words. “Off the map for a few years and just popped back up. Most of the competition seemed to back away, she was notorious for bein’ ruthless, keepin’ her territories in line. They say she had all of New Hanover and about half of Lemoyne under her thumb before-before she disappeared. But them damn Braithwaites don’t seem to know when to quit. I gotta go out and drive em outta our turf it seems like just bout every week.” You nodded a thanks to the bartender and he placed your shot glass in front of you. You picked up the shot but continued. “Not to mention that crazy ol’ hag has it in her head we stole a bunch a her ‘prized horses.’ I don’t know where she gets the notion, we don’t care bout her damn horses.” You rolled your eyes and lifted the shot glass to your lips.
“Oh,” Arthur scratched his chin. “Guess I’m to blame for that one.”
You damn near choked on your drink as it went down. “That was you?” You laughed. “Maggie‘ll get a kick outta that one. That night you showed up at the bar she was certain you was a Braithewaite spy.”
“No wonder,” he said. “I tried goin’ back bout a week later, but I couldn’t get in.”
“Arthur,” you cooed. “You weren’t comin’ back to see lil ol me were ya?”
He stuttered and his cheeks turned pink, this time you caught the flush before he could tilt his chin down to hide it behind the brim of his hat. “No I- I just,” he sighed. “Maybe I was.” He grumbled.
Without hesitation you reached forward and took his hand. You were unafraid of contact, brash with your motions and it never failed to send him reeling. In this moment the way you looked at him was so soft, he swore he felt his heart melt. Couldn’t you see you were leaving him a puddle of a man?
“No reason to be embarrassed,” you gave him a sheepish smile and for the first time, he caught the rosy tint that seemed to blossom across your face. “I was hopin’ I’d see you again.” Your gaze moved out the window beside you. “In this business, it’s so hard to trust strangers. Cain’t tell ya how many times I been betrayed by people I considered close friends.” When you turned your attention back to him you smirked, “come on Mr. Callahan, catch up.”
He rolled his eyes and took his shot, you watched him and when his empty glass hit the wooden table you waved to the bartender for another round.
The whiskey burned his throat as it went down and he coughed. “It’s Morgan by the way.”
“My last name, it’s Morgan.” He looked up at you, attempting to read your reaction. “I didn’t meant to lie to ya it’s just-“
You shrugged, “Gotta play it safe, I understand.”
Arthur sighed in relief, he couldn’t help but think back to how insulted Eliza was when he revealed he had given her a fake name when they had met. You were so different from any of the women of his past. Independent, ruthless, free from the social restraints that were imposed on most women. When the bartender placed two more shots in front of you, you took yours. You didn’t wait on him because you didn’t need him. He never realized how big of a relief it is to not be relied on. His eyes never left you as he knocked back the shot.
You were facing out the window, watching the evening sun creep further and further west. “What do you say about one more round, then we head back?”
When his eyes met yours he could see the spark behind them. His throat closed back again, his own damn body working against him. “Sure,” his voice cracked. He beckoned the man behind the bar. “One more round, sir then we’ll be out of yer hair.”
The man nodded and went to work. Within a couple minutes he had the shots filled and in front of you. Arthur pulled out his billfold and the man gave him a dismissive wave. “Oh no, it’s on the house.” Arthur looked at the man confused. “The missus has helped me out plenty the last few weeks, chasin’ off them damn hooligans tryna push their product on me.” He scoffed and turned to you. “Tell the Madam we here at Keane’s were very glad to hear of her return. Ain’t never had better quality than hers.”
With the tip of your hat and a gracious smile you thanked the man before he returned to his post behind the bar. Arthur looked at you in surprise and you shrugged as you stood. You extended your hand to him and he took it eagerly.
Much to his delight, you never let go. Together the two of you walked down Main Street, a little wobbly maybe, but together hand in hand. You weren’t leading him, this time you walked beside him and swung your hand with his. Your smile was big now, good and tipsy. When the two of you reached the hotel steps, his stomach began to twist and turn in knots.
You didn’t seem to notice the way his hand grew clammy in yours, or maybe you did and preferred not to say. He could feel the heat of the whiskey kissing the back of his neck and ears, flushing his skin and leaving it warm to the touch. His boots felt ten times heavier as they climbed the stairs of the hotel. You didn’t look at him as you opened the door to the room and entered. You removed your hat and gun belt before turning to him. Your eyes were uncharacteristically soft as you closed the gap between you.
Flashes of heavy hands and clumsy grabs crossed his mind, but your hands were gentle as you plucked his hat from his head and set it on the bedside table. The tenderness of your touch caused him to shiver as you cradled his face in your hands. Your lips found his slowly and the raging fire behind them was quelled. Everything about your touch was so painstakingly careful. The way your hands looped around his neck, the way your lips pushed against his- not in the demanding way they had before. This time was different. The heat he felt in your presence wasn’t a fierce blaze as before, right now it felt more radiant and patient like the sun. The warmth enveloped him, welcomed him. It’s rays softly warmed his skin, like a child on a summer afternoon he relished in your warmth and wished to never leave. Your hands were moving now, still ever careful as they slowly moved down his chest and wrapped around him. He held back the groan that settled in his throat, fearing your warmth would leave him at the slightest mistake.
You could feel the tension melt from his body as your arms wrapped around him. His weight shifted as he took one step towards the bed, without breaking the kiss you followed his lead until you felt the thud of the bed frame against your boot. His lips curled upwards into a smile against yours and you giggled at the sensation. You weren’t nearly as careful with his bandolier as you were with him, nearly throwing it aside the second it passed over his head. Your hands revealed your desperation as you tugged at his shirt impatiently. The sensation of his skin against yours was intoxicating. All you could think about since your last encounter with him was the way his big arms would feel around you, the way his gruff voice turned soft between moans. When his shirt dropped to the floor you couldn’t help staring, you gulped as your eyes trailed down his big chest. Even in your most private fantasies he hadn’t seemed quite as lovely as he was standing before you.
His hands moved up your sides to pull at the shirt he had loaned you, but your own hands stopped his and grabbed his arms. His confusion was evident as you led him to sit on the bed but his curiosity kept him in place, eyes focused totally on you. The lust that glimmered in his eyes ignited a throbbing at your core as your fingers unbuttoned the oversized shirt.
Truth be told, he couldn’t take his eyes off you if he tried. Your dainty fingers hypnotized him as they pulled each button open, it was painstakingly slow but your gaze held him and weighed him down against the bed. The slow rhythmic movement of your body hypnotized him as you undressed yourself before him. The only sound in the room was the soft rustling of clothes as they hit the floor but the pounding of his heart in his ears was almost deafening.
“Arthur,” you cooed for him, pulling his gaze up your fully exposed body. The tightening of his jeans was unmissable but as he met your lust filled eyes he felt no shame over his own body.
His hands moved now, eager to feel your skin against his but as he moved towards you your strong hands caught him and pushed him back down.
As if in a trance his eyes stayed on yours as you pushed him back down, leaving no resistance. Your hands moved ever so softly up his shoulders to his cheeks, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Your kiss was tender and sweet, almost a tease as your lips barely pressed against his. “Do you trust me?” You whispered.
A shiver ran down his back as your question brushed against his lips. “Yes,” his voice quivered.
He was rewarded with another small teasing kiss for his submission. “Undress yourself.” You said as you turned away from him.
He looked to you with mild confusion as you tiptoed across the wooden floors, although he did not argue. His gaze never left your rear end as he wiggled out of his pants and union suit. His brows furrowed together in confusion when you returned to him, your own lasso in hand. His mouth opened to form a question, but you didn’t let it escape. “Lay down for me.”
Your voice was smoother than any silk he had come to know and his body moved before he could react. “Give me your wrists, love.”
“I-“ he sputtered. Your command was strange, but the way your lips curled as you called him love made his chest tight. 
“You ain’t gonna leave me high and dry now, are ya?” He joked nervously. This was all such new territory for him, he couldn't imagine much else other than the worst case scenario happening but the soft look in your eye and the sweet soothing tone in your voice told him everything would be okay.
A crooked smile tugged at the edge of your lips, one you felt mirrored his own. “I would never.” Your lips brushed against his wrists, leaving the smallest of kisses before taking them gently in your own. He watched your hands as you bound his wrists to the headboard, they moved with such expertise he was certain this wasn’t your first time tying a man to a bed. Again his paranoia prodded him from the back of his mind- he prayed his hunger for affection hadn’t made him a fool once again.
“Look at you,” your voice was barely above a whisper as your fingers glided down his arms across his chest. The sensation of your touch left goosebumps crawling across his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. “So handsome.” Another kiss, this time on his forehead as you brought your body down onto his. His hips rolled up into yours as your weight settled against him. You smirked, his erection rubbing against you. “Eager now, aren’t we?” You whispered in his ear.
His only response was a grunt and a tug at the ropes that bound him. It was downright agonizing not having the use of his hands, your skin was so soft and smooth against him he couldn’t get enough.
“Ah ah ah,” your voice chimed as he struggled against his restraints. Your hand caught his chest and pushed him down against the bed hard. “Keep actin’ up and you won’t get your reward. Now be a good boy and do as I say.”
He gulped as he met your gaze. The small hand pressed against his chest held more strength than he had anticipated and the way your eyes changed from soft and adoring to hard and commanding had him hooked, never had he been taken over like this before and goddamn was it hot.
You held his gaze until the tension left his body and his head tilted back in submission.
“Good,” you cooed as you lifted your hand from his chest to stroke his cheek. “Such a good boy. You gonna take care of me tonight?”
“Yes ma’am.” He murmured leaning into your touch.
“That’s what I like to hear, I think you’ll earn your pleasure just fine.” Your lips pressed the softest of kisses behind his ear. “So handsome,” you repeated.
He couldn’t argue as your lips left feather soft pecks along his jawline fearing one wrong move or sound would cause your weight to disappear from him.
Your hips ground down against him and before he could stop himself he responded with a buck. Your eyes shot up to meet his and he let out a staggered breath as he allowed his body to relax. Much to his relief your lips continued to move down his body, he gritted his teeth as your lips grazed his stomach.
With a wolfish grin you positioned yourself between his legs, “my my, already hard for me, pet?”
He nodded in response and you rewarded him by wrapping your hand around his cock and pumping slowly. His jaw slacked, encouraging you further. Your lips took him slowly, pulling a deep groan from his chest. Looping your arms around his thighs, you kept them firmly pinned down as you bobbed your head. Your movement was slow and simple at first, but with each bob your pace quickened. His breath was hitched as your tongue ran along the underside of his cock and around the tip, he couldn’t contain the curses that flowed from his mouth. When you looked up to meet his gaze, the pleasure in his face mixed with the whimpers and groans escaping his lips caused your core to throb. When his legs began to shake against your arms, your grip tightened and pinned him back down to the bed.
His head was spinning as you pleasured him with your mouth. Not only was the sight of your lips around his cock tantalizing but the way your arm muscles tightened and held him with your strength made him see stars. He couldn’t help pulling at his restraints now, but you didn’t seem to mind. His hands clenched and unclenched in the air, pleading to be tangled in your soft hair.
Suddenly your mouth left him with a pop and he looked to you, afraid he had done something wrong. You only returned his gaze with a lazy smile and began pumping him with your hand again. The slick of your saliva only added to the euphoric sensation.
“Tell me what you want,” you said as your thumb swirled along the tip of his cock.
His head tilted back and he groaned in response.
You repeated, “Arthur, tell me what you want.” Your voice was more commanding this time.
“Y-you. I want you.” He stuttered, he was certain you would drive him mad with this teasing.
“You want me?” You giggled, returning to a more playful tone. You moved back up his body, mounting him as you whispered in his ear. “You want to fuck me, big boy?”
He gulped and nodded feverishly, fearing your words alone would break him.
Your hips rocked against his and he could feel your slick rubbing against his cock. This teasing was maddening yet he couldn’t get enough.
“I want to hear you say it.” Your teeth caught his earlobe and you felt his shudder under you. “Beg for it.”
“I want- I need to be inside you. Please,” he cut himself off with a groan as you rocked against him again. “Jesus woman, you’re killin’ me. Please god, please let me have you.”
You hummed in content and rose your torso from his. Your eyes remained locked with his as you slowly pushed yourself down onto his cock. He hissed as you enveloped him, he looked heavenly as his face contorted in pleasure. You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips as you took in him fully. You remembered him being well endowed but damn. Your own selfish desire for pleasure overcame your teasing nature, you couldn’t bare a slow beginning- your hunger needed to be sated. You rolled your hips against his, pulling moans from both of you. The friction against your center had you digging your nails into his chest with each thrust. His arms were tugging hard against the restraints now, consequences to the wind he ached to touch you. The urge to take control frustrates him, causing his hips to buck against yours defiantly. Again, you pushed against his chest and slowed your movements until he huffed and forced himself still.
You could see the building frustration in his eyes and caressed his cheek. “My handsome Arthur,” your hips began to pick back up the pace and your words broke between airy gasps. “You feel so good, so so good.”
Your words had a dual effect on him, hearing you call him yours made his heart swell but it also caused a spike in his pleasure. “Fuck,” he gasped.
You could feel your own climax building, you took his chin to pull his attention to you as your spare hand moved down your stomach and began swirling in circles on your clit. Your moans grew louder and the sight was enough to send him spiraling.
You couldn’t contain the mews and groans that escaped you as the waves of pleasure flowed over and your orgasm had you shaking like a leaf. Arthur cussed as your walls clenched around him, “sweetheart I-“
In a flash you lifted yourself from him and took his cock back into his mouth. The sudden switch caused him to pull up against his restraints and then fall back down. All it took was a few bobs of the head with some strokes of the tongue and he was spilling into your mouth, stuttering on moans and lost words all the way down. His own orgasm left him light headed and breathless, his brain was spinning as he tried to reclaim his breath.
You placed the most gentle of kisses on his forehead as you untethered the rope that bound him. Before releasing his wrists you took them in your hands and pressed soft kisses to them. “I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad,” you muttered as you released him from your grip.
“No that was...” he trailed off, searching for the words to describe what he felt.
“Amazing?” You said as you laid down beside him and opened your arms for him.
He slid into your embrace and for the first time in a long time felt peace as you wrapped your arms around him. “Better than amazing.”
You giggled as you buried your face in his hair, the post sex exhaustion already kicking in. “My beautiful, handsome man,” you sighed. “No one out there like you.”
His chest seized at your words, though he tried to play it off as if you hadn’t made his heart stop. “I dunno about that,” he said with a chuckle.
Your grip around him tightened, “well I do,” your fingers began to trace lazy patterns across his side and you yawned. “Hush now love, I would never lie to you.”
To his own surprise, he believed you. For the first time in years sleep came easy to him, he slept soundly in your arms.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 219: Two Good Boys and One Unlucky Broker
Previously on BnHA: Katsuki and Shouto had their licenses for all of 30 minutes (literally) before deciding to put them to the test. But let’s backtrack a bit! It was a beautiful snowy day in December and class 1-A was chilling out and watching the news. We were introduced to a company called Detnerat, and their CEO who’s apparently a big fan of this dead terrorist guy named Destro who wrote a book about quirk supremacy and how people with superpowers need to rise up and liberate themselves and shit. It’s actually really interesting and I can see how these ideas would create a divide within hero society much like Stain’s ideology did. But anyway, so the CEO casually murdered his assistant for mocking these ideas, so that was deeply horrifying. And then he went to meet with some other villains (because yeah! he’s a villain, apparently!) who are apparently descendants of Destro (as is he, I presume), and they talked about how they’re gonna arrange a meetup with the League of Villains so that they can FUCK THEM UP. Plot twist! Anyways and then we cut to some hapless citizens who were being robbed by some banditos, and that’s when Katsuki and Shouto showed up as previously mentioned. So let’s see how this goes!
Today on BnHA: Katsuki and Shouto take on Soda Sam (who I really did think was Aizawa’s old buddy for much longer than I’m proud to admit though), who fights back with some pressurized water jets. All Might saves a stupid Instagram lady and Katsuki saves the both of them, and also recovers everyone’s stolen wallets, because he’s a fucking boy scout now that the provisional course is over. Meanwhile Shouto whips out the ol’ hot+cold power combo of sports festival fame and knocks the villain out. Afterwards the two of them are enthusiastically congratulated by a pro hero called Slidin’ Go (who’s secretly evil, as it turns out, because this is a very strange arc) and hair ruffled by All Might and it’s fucking great you guys. We then cut back to the Detnerat guys, who bring in Giran, a.k.a. the League of Villains’ black market broker who just so happens to have balls of fucking steel. Good thing too, because the DetCEO plans to use him to track down and lure out the League so he can take care of them. Lastly, we cut over to said League, whose members are currently in the process of having their asses handed to them by Gigantomachia and are really not looking too hot, oh dear.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 225 -- I haven’t read 226 yet -- so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so it’s come to this. the Symbol of Peace, reduced to directing traffic
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listen kid, you’ll have time for autographs later all right? for now just DO AS THE MAN SAYS
meanwhile Shouto’s being a badass
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Bakugou may be out of his element in the cold (and we’ll see if this poses a problem for him--he’s only got one gauntlet on top of that), but this lil lukewarm lad is fine and dandy
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you tell ‘em Shouto. that’s some nice property damage there son. I hope Katsuki tries to keep his own quirk contained, the last thing we need is you guys getting billed Mt. Lady style for destroying fucking main street here all of 25 minutes after getting those licenses laminated
(ETA: I guess he didn’t actually do any lasting damage though? hopefully nothing got flood damaged when he melted all of that afterwards.)
the title of the chapter is “go! sliding go!” which sounds like fun. sounds like more icy goodness
(ETA: why did they name this chapter after the weirdly unsettling and secretly evil THE FULLLLLL BULLPENNN hero, though?? my working theory is that it was Horikoshi’s way of ensuring we wouldn’t just immediately forget he existed so that we could be properly surprised when he returned a few chapters later.)
anyway so Aizawa’s cloudy friend is shaking off the ice, and now he’s chewing the boys out for fucking up his big purse-snatching operation
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all that for a handful of wallets?? seriously??
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I don’t know if it’s that I’m becoming more like him, or if he’s just becoming more like me. but either way Katsuki you gotta get out of my head there kiddo, I’m starting to worry here
by the way is it just me or is he actually higher up than he was just a few seconds ago. are you actually climbing this thing. drunk on adrenaline or what
anyway so Kumo, who may or may not actually be him but we’re just assuming for now, is explaining that he controls carbonated water and he lives for thrills. his words. not mine
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okay first of all, no you don’t. fucking no one in this series has more resolve than that lil monkey slowly inching his way up towards that traffic light there
and second, you spent a whole goddamn month planning a purse heist. where the fuck did you get these airs you’re putting on dude
wow you guys
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I feel like we should be placing bets not on whether Baku and Todo will win, but on how long it’ll actually take them. I’m thinking not very fucking long
(ETA: this whole thing is wrapped up within ten pages. I could have literally have been present on the scene, said to myself “my what a lovely snowy day, I think I’ll go buy myself some hot chocolate,” ducked into the Starbucks on the corner, and it would have all been over by the time I stepped back out. “you missed it!!” shouts the excited ‘it’s All Might’ kid from page one. “there was ice and explosions and this stupid lady almost got All Might crushed with a pole!”)
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holy shit. it occurs to me that this is only the third time in the series we’ve actually seen him fight real villains. and the second time was at Kamino, and he was pretty much just on the defensive there and trying to keep them all at a distance, so it’s debatable whether or not that really counts. so basically this is the first time since USJ that he’s gotten to just let loose against a bunch of mooks. and I’ve only just realized how much I wanted this omg
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apparently he wanted it too lol. also I’m surprised and extremely impressed that he can control his trajectory that well with only one arm. gives me hope that Shouto’ll be going airborne like his pop any day now
anyway so Kumo? is fighting back though
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watch out Katsuki he’s got seltzer and he’s not afraid to use it
okay but damn though
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is this fucking seltzer water slicing through this metal lamp post??
I just took a brief break from reading this chapter to go look up “water saw” videos on YouTube to try and get an idea of what exactly we may be dealing with there. and well, I found this. so uh. depends on what kind of firepower that thing on his arm is packing I guess. but he might be more trouble than I anticipated
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oh my goddddd
first of all, whew. and second of all I’m so glad Horikoshi let him have that moment, rather than Shouto. just in case there were any lingering haters out there thinking his heart still wasn’t in the right place and that the only reason he was all TEAM RESCUE, BITCHES in the previous arc was because he wanted to win
and I mean, he did, obviously. but IT CAN BE TWO THINGS, and now we have a nice little moment here with him rescuing his dad (whose body moved before he could think, AS USUAL) and this stupid lady who put her Instagram above her own fucking life
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okay Shouto you have my permission to kick his ass
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yeah go ahead and fuck him up
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wow not!Kumo, he is literally the worst possible opponent you could have had huh. sucks to be you
lol Katsuki’s mad that Shouto got to be a badass
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they’re getting along so well now. Shouto completely knows how to handle him, he’s like a Kirishima 2.0. he just completely ignores the fact that Katsuki is shrieking insults, and responds as though the questions were phrased normally
and Katsuki actually answers him despite everything. I know it’s crazy, but this is seriously progress
now Dad is running over to make sure they’re okay
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“oh, All Might. didn’t see you there. we were just out here being heroic heroes. [stretches casually; yawns] all in a day’s work”
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at least he didn’t reference his kidnapping! Kacchan’s protesting but really that’s the best he could have hoped for
so the dude’s asking if they did all of this and uh, yeah. who do think they are, amateurs? I’ll have you know they have provisional licenses, sir
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did this motherfucker just pull 13 fucking wallets out of fucking hammerspace to hand over. Link?? is that you??
holy shit. is that why your pants were always so baggy?? WERE YOU JUST BEING PREPARED THIS WHOLE TIME
so not only did Katsuki not destroy so much as an inch of public property (aside from the pole which was already destroyed), he even had the forethought to rescue everyone’s wallets and hand them over to the authorities like the good law-abiding citizen he is
where the fuck is Gang Orca, I need to send that man a fucking fruit bouquet or something
oh my
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new favorite panel alert
so this guy, whose name is apparently Sliding Go, says he’ll take care of the rest. okay. thanks man
meanwhile definitely!not!Kumo!mybad!sometimesI’mwrong’s little jet nozzle gauntlets are... exploding??
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Detnerat? possibly??
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good eye there Sherlock
so I wonder if they got them from Detnerat or from that black market guy the League’s associated with... Giran? I think is his name??
oh shit!!!
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new new favorite panel alert
love how Shouto seems shocked at the unexpected gesture of fatherly affection (which hurts my heart. hey All Might you got room for a third son there), whereas Bakugou is just accepting it and probably even knew it was coming and is just trying to keep his cool and trying to calculate how long he can stand there basking in All Might’s pride before it starts to look like he’s actually enjoying it
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Shoutooooooooo. ;_; that little smile is killing me, I’m melting. once the initial surprise wore off he was so happy. look at him shyly fumbling with his tie oh my baby I love you so much
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oh to be a fly on the wall of that taxi cab. watching the two of them sit in the backseat as far away from each other as possible and looking out the window and being so pleased with themselves after all their hard work finally paid off. and meanwhile All Might in the front seat next to the driver, peeking at them in the rearview mirror and smiling softly
also fly!me would definitely try to sneak a peek at Katsuki’s fucking hero license because HORIKOSHI COME THE FUCK ON ALREADY WHY IS IT ALWAYS SECRET AFTER FUCKING SECRET
and I guess that’s that! a very satisfying fight that lasted all of 10 pages but had several cool moves, an opponent with a cool quirk, and several character development moments! that’s how it’s done! god this series has been fucking killing it lately I swear. I hope I’m not jinxing it but this is some good shit. the artwork and pacing are great, I’m liking the new plot so far... just, keep it up, Horikoshi, please
(ETA: for real though he is crushing it)
so now we’re cutting back to the ol’ villain corporate office in Gotham City or wherever
ah, so it was Detnerat!
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well I can’t say this is a huge surprise. I imagine the villain market was too tempting to pass up
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I swear to god this had better be more entertaining than the last League of Villains team-up
so now this dude with the shiniest, most luxurious hair I’ve ever seen is explaining that he worked fast because DetCEO told him “do so at once” and his words are the words of Destro
damn so there’s a pretty clear hierarchy here huh
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(ETA: indeed we are, but this one is so much better though.)
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careful, he’s sensitive and clearly not afraid to kill a bitch for less than that, Giran
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“the old man”?? is he talking about DetCEO’s father? or his? surely he’s not talking about AFO?
so now President Why So Serious is asking him how much he wants
and Giran is all “I happen to be picky about who I do business with, and since you all just kidnapped and beat the shit out of me, I’m inclined to say ‘no’ here”
(ETA: Giran is a stand up guy and it cost him a fucking hand. well that’s the risk you run when you work in the criminal underworld I guess.)
holy shit Giran
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RIP Giran 2015-2019
but damn though, I gotta hand it to the guy, he’s got a bigger pair than I ever expected
okay so I’m just gonna post the whole page and break it down
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oh my god. this is three awesome chapters in a row now. BnHA is killing it, seriously
85 notes · View notes
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Jung Jaehyun || yandere!au(ish?), thriller(???), smut (im sure about this one lol), cursing, some pretty dark shit is under that keep reading line
word count: 9k
devoted masterlist
T R I G G E R  W A R N I N G.
A/N: i usually make a sideblog for scenarios and imagines but i cant commit to writing often //sighs at exo and svt fic blogs// so i’d rather post it on my main tumblr than on my AFF account which is strictly for memberxmember only (author name is on the gif lmao i got too lazy to edit it to my tumblr url) so here’s some jaehyun smut for all his hoes, me included.
P.S. this is based off my dream the other night and i deadass almost had a panic attack from it
As a boyfriend, Jaehyun was… devoted.
It was a mutual decision; a decision he had voiced out first, but later on deeply regrets.
Jung Jaehyun meant well when he had asked to take a break from your relationship because the final months of university was harder than both of you thought. You simply had no time for each other, especially since you come from two very different courses.
It’s been almost 4 years since you two began dating, thanks to that one Gen Ed subject you miraculously shared together during freshman year. If he hadn’t been late and ended up sitting beside you, neither of you would have crossed paths again.
Jaehyun loves you, he was completely smitten that day you had accidentally swung your head to him a little too strongly and caused your hair to whiplash against his face when all he asked was for the professor’s name to put on his forms.
And you love him, ever since he had flashed his signature dimpled smile, chuckling away your apologies for having smacked his face with your hair.
From pair works in class that turned to study sessions at the library, that turned to spending breaks together at the quad, that turned to dinner dates at the nearest pizzeria, and by then all of your friends can tell that you and Jaehyun weren’t just friendly classmates anymore.
As a boyfriend, Jaehyun was… devoted. He doted you; he made sure he showed how much he loves you every second that he can. It was cute at first, until you got used to it. It had never been a bother or a burden, no matter how many times your friends would point out it was starting to be creepy. But you always shrugged them off, saying it’s simply how Jaehyun was.
First week
“You and Jae?” Ten repeats, “Are taking a break from each other?” He scoffs and nudges Doyoung, “Are you hearing this?”
“Wait, I must have something in my ears.” Doyoung sticks a finger into each ear and pretends to clean them, “Okay, can you repeat that again, (Y/N)?”
You roll your eyes at them and Yebin throws her used tissues at the boys, “Ignore them, (Y/N.) But I’m just as surprised as they are. Are you and Jaehyun really taking a break?”
“Taking a break, in our definition, is not expecting dates every other night, texting or calling during breaks, you know, the usual things we do. And if by some miracle, we bump into each other, we’d just, smile, I guess.”
“Oh thank fuck, no more kissing like you haven’t seen each other in years.” Doyoung groans, only to screech when Yebin kicks his shin under the table.
“I bet you won’t last halfway the semester. Give or take a month?” Ten shrugs his shoulders.
Doyoung snorts, “I bet you won’t last a week.”
“It was his idea and we both agreed to it. We’re graduating soon and we both promised to do our absolute best for the last semester, so we’re getting rid of distractions.”
Ten hums, “It’s just unlike him to suggest it.”
You pout at him, “And what is that supposed to mean?”
“He worships the ground you walk on.” Doyoung says in a tone like it was the most obvious thing that existed. “He worships you.”
“He’s just affectionate.” The bell rings, “And we’ll be late for class.” You stand up from your seat and they follow suit.
Third week
It took a while for you to get adjusted to the fact you’re on a break with Jaehyun. There were plenty of times you had to stop yourself from texting him to ask how he was or if he’s up to eat out together. When there was a knock on your apartment door, you had imagined it was him and not the food delivery you forgot about.
One fateful Friday, none of your subjects had given out homeworks to slave on during the weekend and Yebin had demanded for a mandatory and much needed girl’s night out at the new bar outside of campus. You were fine with the idea, until one of your friends, Minkyung, had took it upon herself to dress you up.
“No.” You automatically told her the second her hand reached for the last dress on the rack in your closet. It was probably the shortest dress you had owned. Despite its sweetheart neckline and flowy cloth, the A-line dress was cut off just above your thighs. It wasn’t the best dress to wear on windy days, to say the least. “That’s too short.”
“It’s cute and sexy!”
“But Jae–”
Minkyung cuts you off with a snap, “Last time I checked, you and Jaehyun are currently on break. Let your legs and ass breathe while they can. You’ve kept your best assets in pants or baggy shorts because Jaehyun doesn’t like it when guys ogle them.”
“Uhm, I don’t like being ogled by other guys, too.” You weakly shot back but she had already forced the dress on you and pushed you to the bathroom.
It didn’t take long for the three of you to get ready and hop into a cab that took you to the bar Yebin had not shut up about days prior from tonight. It was the typical bar set up, with booths surrounding the dance floor with 3 bartenders manning the bar and serving up cocktails one after the other.
Minkyung was fast enough to secure a booth for the three of you and you slip inside while Yebin ordered some drinks.
You realize that it’s been a long time since you were able to go out with them like this. You had always spent your free time with Jaehyun and although you missed him, this was a nice change, too.
Halfway through the night and six margaritas and 3 shots of tequila later, Minkyung and Yebin had coaxed you onto the dance floor. Intoxicated, you sway your body to the beat, laughing and singing along with your girls. You abruptly stop when a hand glides down from your waist to your hips.
“Excuse me, but I have a boyfriend.” You slurred a bit, but stood your ground to glare at the boy that felt you up.
“Really? Where is he then? Hm?”
You size him up quickly, he was shorter than Jaehyun but had Johnny’s built.
“It’s called a girl’s night out, jackass, so fuck off.” Yebin pulls you away but he grabs your arm and you cry in pain.
“I wasn’t talking to you, short stuff.” He hisses at Yebin, who responds with a harsh stomp on his foot.
Minkyung and Yebin whisks you away from him while he cusses at her.
“Are you okay? God, some guys are just jerks.” Minkyung snarls, pulling you into a hug.
“I’m fine. I’m sorry for spoiling our night out.” You reassured her.
“You didn’t spoil it, babe. That jackass did. Besides, we’ve had one too many to drink, we should head on home.” Yebin pulls out her phone and books an Uber for the three of you.
Hangovers are the worst. Usually, Jaehyun would have prepared you some painkillers and a decent breakfast, but today, you and your roommates ate cereal in front of the television with the volume down low.
“I feel like shit. Are we too old to enjoy getting wasted already? Shit!” Yebin cries, clutching her head with one hand while jamming a spoonful of soggy cornflakes into her mouth.
“Someone ask somebody to bring us painkillers. My head is killing me.” Minkyung whines, rubbing her temples.
You grab your phone and to text Doyoung, who instantly replied with his dismay of your state but will still bring over some painkillers.
The television suddenly sounds an alarm, making all three of you groan and cover your ears.
“Breaking News from Seoul Central University. Finance student, Kim Iljung, 22, was found beaten up outside a bar on the outskirts of the campus. The victim reported that he was ambushed from behind with a bat and was not able to see his assailant.”
“(Y/N), isn’t that the guy that felt you up?” Minkyung points out and you look at the ID photo the news report flashed.
“Oh shit, yeah. Oh my god.” You gasp as the reporter described the injuries the boy had sustained.
“Kim claims that he does not know who did this and the reason behind it. He is currently recovering in the campus hospital and is working with the campus police to catch his assailant.”
“Serves him right for molesting (Y/N)! Karma’s a bitch.” Yebin says, drinking the leftover milk from her bowl.
“Karma or not, it’s scary. To be randomly assaulted like that? What if one of us were in his place?” You visibly shuddered. “I mean, who could do something like that?”
Ninth week
You’ll be having your period soon.
You know this because on top of craving all sorts of food twentyfour-seven and experiencing drastic mood swings to your friend’s unfortunate luck, you had to deal with a need that Jaehyun knew all too well to handle. But you haven’t contacted him as part of the conditions of taking a break which only meant you had to take care of yourself.
It was half past midnight when you were sure your roommates were in deep sleep in their respective rooms that you decided to lock your room and raise the volume of the music you usually played at night just a tad louder in case you got a little too vocal.
You haven’t touched yourself in a long time. And even if you had, it was under the predatory gaze of your boyfriend.
Play with yourself. He’d command and you would automatically open your legs and obey.
Everything felt tentative and unsure while your hands ran up and down your naked body. Your mind conjured up scenarios of all the times you and Jaehyun had fooled around and finally, your hand made its way to your core. Sighing, you circle your clit with the tip of your forefinger and shudder at the sensation.
You bite down your lower lip when you attempt to slip your finger inside you. After a few pumps, you slip in a second finger and a moan escapes you accompanied by your boyfriend’s name.
Yes, baby, that’s it. You could practically hear him whisper the words.
“Shit.” You remembered the last time you and Jaehyun masturbated with each other. Much like how you were lying down on your bed with your legs spread out and fingers knuckle-deep inside you, you imagined Jaehyun seated at the chair by your study table, with his large hand wrapped around his cock. You whimpered when you remembered how his eyes watched your fingers disappear inside you.
“A-ah.” You softly cry when you pump faster and harder, trying to match the speed and force Jaehyun had always used on you, but ultimately failed. You plant your feet on the mattress and lift your hips up when you finally feel yourself find the pleasure you’ve been craving for. “Jae.” You whine as your other hand squeezed one of your boobs.
There was a low groan that echoed into the room and for a split second you thought you had imagined it, but it sounded all too real and all too close for it to be a fragment of your imagination. You shoot up from the bed, your hands grabbing the sheets to cover your body as your eyes dart to the window to see a shadow move across it.
Fear seizes your heart, but you had to confront it. As quickly as you can, you run to your window and open it. Your dorm was on the second floor and if there was someone who had seen you, he was fast enough to go down the fire escape. But you shake it off, hoping it was nothing but your imagination.
You close the window before you can catch a cold, not noticing the gooey, white substance splattered on the window pane.
Sixteenth week
Finals were next week and you were at your wits end. You were neck deep in stress and you were desperate to release it. You were in no mood to drink and the girls had their own finals to study for. As you walked home late at night from the library, you stop in front of the university gymnasium.
It had been a while since you’ve went swimming.
You quit the team when you learned that Jaehyun quit the basketball team to make time for you.
The pool would have long been closed by now, but that’s not gonna stop you from sneaking in. You jumped the fence after checking no one was around and made your way to the building where the pool was.
The janitors always kept a spare key inside the emergency fire hose and with that, you successfully entered the indoor swimming pool.
The pool lights were left on as usual and you drop your bags to the side, your clothing following them soon after.
With only your matching red underwear, you slowly slip into the pool, half-moaning and half-whining at the cold water enveloping your body. When your body adapted to the coldness, you dive down and swim close to the tiled floor. From under the water, you look up and panicked when a blurred black mass stood at the side of the pool, causing you to resurface.
“Jesus Christ!” You gasp when you realized who it was. “Jaehyun!” You scolded, “You scared me!”
“Sorry.” He chuckles, lowly, pulling out one of his earbuds from his ear and letting it fall out from the hoodie of his jacket.
“How did you even know I was here?”
“I was out for a jog when I saw you jump the fence.” Once he said that, you noticed he was wearing his usual running clothes. There were a few beads of sweat sliding down his face and his breath was a little ragged. He squats down and offers you a half smile, “If anything, I should be asking you why you’re sneaking into the pool after closing time.”
You bite your lip and swim towards him. “The past weeks have been hard on me and I need to destress. Won’t you help me, Jae?”
His eyes darkened despite the pool lights shining in them. “I don’t think that’s how taking breaks from a relationship works, (Y/N).”
“We’ve made it this far, Jae. Can’t we cheat this break thing?”
“(Y/N)” He warns.
“Please, Jae. For me?” You unconsciously bat your lashes at him and he sighs.
“I don’t have my swimming trunks.”
You giggle at him, “If you haven’t noticed, I’m in my underwear.”
He watches you a little bit more and you thought he was hesitating, so you reach up and unzip his jacket for him. “Do you need help or are you going to let me play by myself?”
That made him smirk and he rises from the ground, discarding his jacket and peeling his shirt away.
Your mouth went dry at the sight of seeing his body again and it made you almost guilty to feel so sexually deprived for the past months. He pushes his running shorts down and reveals his boxers.
Your teeth bite down on your lips again when he kicks his shoes off and smirks at you before diving head first into the water. You swim backwards, trying to tease him as he swims to you from underneath. He resurfaces right in front of you the second your back hits the side of the pool.
Jaehyun wipes away the excess water off his face while you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“Hi.” You whisper, laughing when he flashes you a smile as you helped pushed his wet hair back.
“Hi.” He breathes, grabbing onto your thighs and guiding your legs around him. “So you needed to destress?”
You nod your head, sliding the hand that pushed his hair back down the side of his face. “How are you gonna help me?”
He pulls your hips closer and grinds his erection against your clothed sex, eliciting a silent gasp from you. “I can think of a few things.”
“C-care to show me?” You stuttered, unable to say anything else as Jaehyun continues to gyrate his hips into you.
For the first time in months, you kissed each other.
The open kiss was messy and sloppy, and it was desperate, needy, and hungry. You clawed his bare back, looking for support as you slid down his body. In response, he pushes you against the side of the pool, the corner biting into your back had hurt but you couldn’t care less. His tongue had invaded your mouth, stroking your own as one of his hands roughly grab your breasts, pushing above the water’s surface.
You throw your head back, resting it against the poolside as Jaehyun clumsily thumbs your hardened nipple and trails a sloppy kiss from your cheek, to your jaw, and stopped short on the side of your neck.
Just as you slowly lose yourself with Jaehyun’s actions, a high pitched whistle hurls you back to reality.
“Shame on you two, fucking in a public pool.” Deep laughter follows afterwards.
Your eyes snap to the entrance where a group of boys watched in amusement. Humiliated, you hide yourself using Jaehyun’s body who shielded you nonetheless.
“Do you mind?” He snaps at them, defensively putting his arms around you.
“Yeah, man, we do mind.” One of them hollers, “We wanted to swim in sperm-free water.”
You flinch when they laugh once more, “Jae, let’s just go.”
He doesn’t react immediately; dark eyes glaring straight to the space behind you. His breathing had slowed and became heavy.
“Jaehyun,” You cup his cheek and make him face you, “Baby, let’s just go.”
It takes him another second to react. He closes his eyes and kisses your forehead. “Okay.”
The guys didn’t pay attention to either of you anymore as they jumped into the far end of the pool. Jaehyun helped you get out of the pool and instinctively, he checked on the guys as he got out after you. Just as he expected, one of them was checking you out while you bent over to grab your things.
“Hey!” He shouts, “I’d appreciate it if you stopped checking my girlfriend out.”
“Can’t help it, man. No wonder you can’t keep your hands off of her.” You see him look at you once more in an overly appreciative manner that made you shudder. On the corner of your eye, you can see Jaehyun tense up and ball his fists. “Jaehyun, leave him alone. It’s not worth our time, come on.”
“Do her real good, man!”
It took all your strength to hold Jaehyun down before he can even properly react. “Baby, please, I just want to go home.” You almost begged him and he finally relented.
Snatching your clothing up, both of you head for the locker rooms to dress before leaving the premises.
“Let me walk you home.” Jaehyun pulled you to his side after seeing you shiver.
After a while, he quietly says, “I’m sorry about those dickheads.”
“It’s not your fault. Maybe it’s the universe saying we shouldn’t be cheating on taking a break.” You huddled closer to him. “But I really miss you, Jae.”
“I miss you, too.” He plants a kiss on the top of your head. “We have a week left. I think we can hold out until then.”
“Until then? Hold out, what exactly?” You tease, spinning on your heels as you arrive to the doorstep of your apartment.
He leans down and kisses the spot between your jaw and your ear. “What could have happened back in the pool and so much more in the privacy of our homes.” His whisper was deep and low, tickling your ear and making you pull away with a short laugh.
“I can’t wait, then.” You let him kiss you on your lips. “Get home safely, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry for not helping you destress.” Jaehyun slightly pouts at you and you smile at him.
“I had this time with you.” You shrugged your shoulders, “It helped.”
“You can always play with yourself again.” He chuckles under his breath. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” And with one last kiss, he walks away.
You turn around and reach for the door, but realization hits you before you can turn the knob.
Did Jaehyun say… ‘again’?
Seventeenth week
You were finally through with exams and all you had to do now was wait for graduation. Jaehyun still had one last exam to finish in the afternoon, as Ten told you, so you guys, along with your roommates and Doyoung, decided to go to the mall.
When everyone grew tired of window shopping, Doyoung had suggested to head over to the arcade. Yebin had challenged Ten to breaking the high score on the basketball games while Minkyung had devoted herself into getting the large minnie mouse tsum tsum in the claw machine.
“Let’s play air hockey like old times!” You pulled Doyoung by his arm.
“Right! So I can beat you, like old times.” He laughs and avoids being shoved by you.
“We’ll see about that.”
He swipes the arcade card into the air hockey machine and the puck pops out in front of you. You place the puck onto the table and grip the striker.
“Are you ready to lose?”
“I should be asking you tha–hey! That’s not fair!” He yells when you make your turn and the puck goes straight into the goal.
“Whoops.” You feigned innocence. “If you’re so great, my leading point shouldn’t be a bother.”
Grumbling to himself, Doyoung places the puck back into the table and swings as hard as he could, making it bounce everywhere before you could block it and send it back to him. He had struck it too hard and made it hit the sides that ultimately led it straight into his goal.
“What the hell!” He complains and glares at you as you laughed out loud.
“That’s two points for me!” You cheer, preparing to block his next shot.
As the game continued, you couldn’t help but laugh at all the nonsense complains Doyoung kept stuttering out. Tears even made it to your eyes when he had made an effort to put all his weight into blocking the puck but he had missed it and stumbled away from the table.
“Are you sure you’re as good at this game as you say you are?” You jeered, peeking up at him through your lashes, but your eyes catch sight of someone else. “Jae?”
Doyoung cheers when the puck slips past you while you were distracted.
You eyes flutter down when the puck plops out of the bank by your legs but you ignore it and look back behind Doyoung. Jaehyun wasn’t there anymore.
“What’s wrong?” He stops his mini celebration and turns around, trying to look for what you were staring at.
“I just… I thought I saw Jaehyun.”
He whips his head back at you with a confused expression. “He should be taking an exam right now.” He glances down at his wristwatch. “Well, if he was fast, he could be done, but it would still take him some time to get here.”
“Right. I was just seeing things.”
After a few more minutes at the arcade, you head over to a fastfood chain across the arcade.
“To console you on your loss in our neck-to-neck air hockey match, I’ll buy you ice cream.” Doyoung wraps an arm around your shoulders, “Sound good?”
“Add in some fries and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be okay about losing.”
He exaggerates a sigh, “My best friend, using me for free food.” He lightly pinches your shoulder, “You’re lucky I love you or else–”
It happened so fast that you could barely register it into your mind.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh? Keeping her warm for me?”
The voice didn’t register at first, but the face that owned it did.
“Dude, what the hell?!” Doyoung scrambles onto his feet with Ten’s help.
Jaehyun steps forward but you block him. “Jae, what is wrong with you?”
“What is wrong with  me? I finished my exam early and rushed here to see you, but I see him,” He juts his chin towards Doyoung, “With his arm around you.”
“What’s happening here?” A mall security guard approached your group.
“A misunderstanding, nothing we can’t handle ourselves. Sorry for the trouble.” You bow your head at him and grab Jaehyun’s arm. “Can we talk outside?”
He casts a glare at Doyoung before letting you pull him out. On the way to the exit, you recognized the same group of boys that chanced upon you and Jaehyun in the swimming pool from the previous week. You were ready to avoid their gazes, but they had seen you and immediately steered clear from you–and you didn’t fail to notice the fear in their expressions. Glancing up at Jaehyun, you could see the smug look on his face as he watches the group retreat.
You walk out into the parking lot and spin around to face him. “Do you want to explain yourself for what you did back there?”
Jaehyun frowns, “He had his arm around you.”
“I–Jae! He is Doyoung. Kim Doyoung. My best friend since pre-school. My best friend who is asexual. You know that!”
“He can’t be asexual forever. For all we know, he’s already got a crush on you!”
“Why are you being jealous of him? He’s my best friend and will always just be my best friend.”
“He just said he loves you!”
“And I love him back, as in, platonically, which I think is what he meant!” You groan in frustration. “You’re being ridiculous!”
Jaehyun scowls, “I’m being protective of my girlfriend!”
You suck in your lips and stare him down, “Your girlfriend that you’re technically on a break with.”
“What?” His body visibly tensed up.
“Maybe we should extend the break for a week or two.” You began to step back, but he follows you.
“What?” Jaehyun repeats, “Why?”
“Because, Jae,” You snap and he flinches at your tone, “I need time to get over what you just did inside to my best friend and you need time to contemplate over your actions and apologize to Doyoung.”
“(Y/N).” He whines.
“Jaehyun, please.” You cross your arms over your chest, defensively, and he stops in his tracks, looking at you with pleading eyes. You shake your head with regret and turn away, walking to the mall front.
He hadn’t followed you or tried to stop you, and you were thankful for that.
You take out your phone, book and Uber, and sent a text to Yebin, saying you’re heading home to rest, and then sent one to Doyoung, apologizing for Jaehyun’s actions and asked if he was okay.
Yebin replies with a kissy face emoji and a short message that she and Minkyung will bring home some dinner for you, to which you replied with a quick thank you.
Doyoung responds to your text a little while after, telling you that he’s fine; that nothing was broken or bleeding, and Jaehyun came back to check up on him and to apologize for punching him.
You close your phone as you see your Uber arriving and hop inside. Jaehyun had never reacted that way and it came as shock to you that he did. He was always that shy and nice kid that everyone was friends with. He was never assertive, but you knew it irked him when guys would so much give you excessive attention.
Seventeen weeks and three days
With classes over and practices for graduation rites starting in two weeks, you were left bored at home while Yebin and Minkyung had their exhibits and recitals to attend to. You woke up at noon and ate late lunch in front of the television, catching up on all the dramas you’ve missed for the sake of studying.
It pained you to watch some romantic scenes, if you were to be honest with yourself. It reminded you of Jaehyun and how he had acted a few days ago.
You learned from Ten, since he’s been seeing Jaehyun’s roommate, Johnny, that Jaehyun was either cooped up in his room or spending his hours at the gym.
The news didn’t make you feel any different. You missed him so much, but your pride wouldn’t allow you to give in. He had to apologize and admit his mistakes.
You fell asleep in the middle of a drama and was woken up by your cellphone ringing. The caller ID read Unknown, but you answer it either way.
“Hello?” You yawned. The other line was silent. Thinking there was a problem with the signal, you stand up and walk closer to the window. “Hello?” You repeat. “Who is this?”
As the line continued to remain silent, you decided to hang up.
The call was unsettling, but you shake it off and gasp to see that it was half past 8 already. You trudged to the kitchen, taking out some left overs from the fridge and pop it into the microwave. While waiting for it to heat up, you scroll through your SNS; liking pictures, watching random videos. You see Taeyong’s new profile pic that showed his newly bleached hair and you give it a heart eyes emoji react.
The microwave beeps and you close your phone to eat your dinner in silence.
As you cleaned up after your meal, you’re overcome with the sense of someone watching you. There was a palpable tension in the air and you convince yourself to look behind you. You regret not turning the lights on in the living room, leaving the open space dark and barely illuminated by the kitchen lights.
Your imagination went haywire, thinking how possible it was for someone to stand in the darkest corner and possibly staring you down, mocking how you can’t see them. But your eyes adjust to the darkness and you can map out the tall lamp shade Yebin’s mother had gifted you guys the day you moved in.
You let out an awkward, shaky laugh. “It’s all in your mind, (Y/N).”
Your phone rings, ripping through the silence and effectively made the tiny hairs all over your body stand up. “Motherfuck.” You hiss, clutching your heart as you take your phone from the counter.
It was an unknown number again.
“Hello?” You answer, a little too aggravated.
There was static on the other side and thinking the cell service was bad from the kitchen, you move to window and peek up into the cloudy sky. “Hello? This better not be a prank phone call.”
Instead of the silence you expected, you hear slow, heavy breathing.
“Hello? Who is this?” The clouds move and the moon shines the ground below. Your eyes drop to the street below and your chest tightens.
On the sidewalk that leads to your apartment building, there was a man dressed in a black hoodie, ripped jeans, and a black face mask covering half his face. He was looking up at your building, you weren’t so sure since his hoodie had casted a shadow over his eyes. But what caught your attention was his hand, holding up a phone to his ear.
You see his chest heave and at the same time, an exhale comes from the other line of your phone.
You drop your phone and stumble backwards as a scream erupts from your throat. You hear your roommates concerned shouts from outside the hall as they scramble to open the front door.
By the time they reach you, you were on the floor, shaking uncontrollably and crying from what you had seen.
Seventeen weeks and four days
Your landlady came to visit you and told you she had asked the campus police for extra security every night. They had also tried to trace the unknown number, but didn’t get any leads and guessed it came from a burner phone. Nevertheless, they reassured you that they’ll continue to investigate your case.
Minkyung and Yebin had slept beside you last night to comfort you, but the thought of having a stalker still haunted you.
You were still jittery and with your mind playing tricks on you, you grab your phone and head out.
“Hey, I heard from Ten what happened. Are you okay?” Johnny asks as he opens the door for you.
“More or less? Uhm…” You look inside the room as you toed off your shoes.
“He’s taking a shower. He actually planned to go to you, but I guess you beat him to it.” Johnny cocks his head to the small bouquet of flowers on the side table. “I’m meeting Ten for an early dinner.”
“Bye.” You quietly say as you watch him close the door behind him.
With soft steps, you make your way to Jaehyun’s room. It was tidy as it always was. You can hear him singing as the shower turned on and it makes you smile.
As you move to sit on the bed to wait for him, your eyes catch the black face mask on his table. “Has he been sick?” You frown to yourself, walking over to it. Upon closer inspection, you find an old-school phone beneath it. You dismissed it as a toy when you try to open it and consequently failed to do so.
Your eyes travel to the picture frame beside it. It was you, of course. You were with him to help him choose the picture he’d have printed and framed. You pick it up only to put it down as fast as you could when your fingers came into something sticky.
“Ugh, Jung Jaehyun!” You hiss, stretching your hand as far away as possible. You were disgusted, to say the least, but a part of you is flattered to know your boyfriend jacks off to you instead of some porno video or magazine. You walk to his laundry basket and grab the first thing you could and wiped your hands on it.
You feel bad for using one of his black hoodies to clean your hands but he’d understand. As you returned the dirty laundry back into the pile, you noticed the light washed denim jeans inside. There was an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see that they were tattered. It’s a coincidence, you convince yourself, a horrible coincidence.
You throw the jacket back into the basket and walked over to the other side of the room to sanitize your hands with the bottle of rubbing alcohol liked to keep there. Your emotions have suddenly turned a complete 180 degrees; when you stepped inside the apartment, you felt safe and secured. But after running into items that looked so out of place and had triggered your memories of the past events the last weeks, you were uneasy.
The sound of the shower turns off and you cast a glance at the bathroom door, catching your reflection on the full length mirror. You blink repeatedly, seeing (yet another) item that you did not know Jaehyun had owned.
Your heart began to speed up as you twist around to get a better look. You could hear your heart beating in your ears with every slow step you took towards the corner of the room. There, hidden behind an armchair, resting against the crevice where the adjacent walls met, was a metal baseball bat. You wanted to throw up as your mind connected the dots.
Jaehyun was always protective of you.
You gasp, turning around, putting a hand over your chest.
Jaehyun, dressed in a loose shirt and boxers with a towel haphazardly thrown over his head, looked as equally as surprised as you.
He couldn’t possibly have done it.
You choke on the onslaught of tears, running to him and burying your face into his chest.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” He automatically wraps his arms around you, smoothing your hair down. “You’re okay. I’m here. You’re safe with me.”
Jaehyun holds you tight, letting you cry out the remaining fear from the previous night, all the while placing kisses on your head and rubbing your back.
“Oh god,” You breathe in, smelling his strawberry-scented shower gel. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too.” He pulls away, tilting your face towards him. “How are you? Did you get any sleep? If I found out any sooner, I would have gone over to you.”
You shake your head, “I couldn’t sleep properly, even though Yebin and Minkyung stayed with me.”
“Have you eaten at least? Let me cook something for you to eat.”
“I-I… Don’t leave me here.” You hated yourself for sounding so weak.
Jaehyun offers you a soft smile, “No one’s going to hurt you while I’m around. But if you really don’t want to stay in my room, you can come with me to the kitchen.”
He leads you to the kitchen by the hand, his thumb running over your knuckles. He makes small talk with you, asking how your finals went, and you smile to yourself, seeing how he wanted to get your mind off last night.
You respond to his questions and watch him fry some eggs and slices of pork. It didn’t take too long for him to serve it to you with some reheated rice from this morning.
“Eat up, baby girl.”
“Baby girl?” You smirked, “Should I call you daddy, then?”
Jaehyun laughs, a blush still makes it way to the apples of his cheeks. “Be careful what you wish for.” He whispers into your ear, trying to sound seductive but ended up chuckling.
He watches you eat and from time to time, lets you feed him some.
“What are your plans after graduation?” He asks out of the blue.
You swallowed your food, “My plans?”
He nods, waiting for you to answer.
“Get a job?” You shrug, “I haven’t thought about that at all, actually.”
“How about moving into a new apartment?”
You pause for moment, “I don’t know if I can afford it, but my contract for my apartment right now ends two months after graduation so I should probably look into it.”
“Well,” Jaehyun massages his nape and avoids your gaze; a telltale sign he was nervous. He looked exactly the same when he first asked you out. “My parents graduation gift for me is my own apartment room in downtown Seoul. I was wondering if, you know, you’d want to move in with me.”
You stare at him, trying to process what he had just said. “Will your parents be okay with that? I mean, I thought you and Johnny would still be sharing an apartment.”
“He and Ten have their own plans, besides, I’m not sharing a bed with Johnny.” That makes you giggle and he lets out a short chuckle of his own, “And about my parents… they love you like their own daughter. They wouldn’t mind. I’m willing to bet they’re hoping for grandchildren in two years.”
“Woah there, big boy.” You laugh, “How about we take baby steps instead of hoping of seeing our baby take their first ones, huh?”
“Tell that to my parents.” He grumbles like a child and you reach up to pinch his cheeks.
“Anyways, I’d love to.”
“I’d love to move in with you.”
It takes a second for Jaehyun to grin at your answer, both cheeks displaying a dimple each. “Really?”
You giggle at his reaction, biting down on your lower lip while you nod. “Yes, really.”
He pulls you in for multiple kisses, making you laugh in between each one. The last one he planted stayed longer against your lips, igniting a heat below your belly. His tongue grazes your lips and you instantly grant him access into your mouth, moaning at the sensation of his tongue sliding against yours.
His hands snake onto your thighs, roughly massaging them before pulling you tight against his body. You cling onto him; mouths undetached as he hauls you up and takes you back to the bedroom.
As if you were a delicate piece of china, Jaehyun sets you down on his bed with utmost care. He pulls away from the kiss, leaving a string of saliva between your lips before it snaps as he straightens himself to remove his shirt.
“Oh, god.” You groan, “I can’t believe I lasted 4 months.” You palmed him over his boxers with one hand while the other travelled upwards, fingers dancing across the expanse of the hard muscles of his abdomen and chest. Before you can slip your hands into his shorts, he grabs both of your wrists.
“I still owe you a destresser.” Jaehyun reminds you with a matching smirk on his lips.
You let him undress you, watching his eyes dart to every newly exposed skin and grow darker with carnal lust to every drop of clothing article on the floor by his feet. When you’re finally stripped off of all your clothes and underwear, he gently pushes you back until you’re lying on the bed. With a light tap on your thighs, your legs part to make room for him.
He removes his boxers and kneels on the bed, one hand already stroking his hard member. He leans down and kisses you, “I’m going to show you how much I missed you.”
“Don’t hold back.” You challenged and he playfully scoffs at you.
“When have I ever held back?”
Before you could answer, a digit dips into your core. A shaky sigh escapes you as Jaehyun languidly moves his finger around.
“Show me how much you missed me first.” He quietly says, “Use my hand.”
Whimpering, you covered his hand with your own, grinding your clit into his palm. Your fingers tapped onto his middle finger and he got the message, inserting it along with his pointer finger. He dragged them against your inner walls that caused you to softly moan.
You lifted your hips, hoping to get some more leverage but Jaehyun flexes his middle finger and it brushes against your g-spot. You gasp, dropping your weight back down to the bed. From there, Jaehyun takes over.
With no warning, he pumps his fingers into you, curling them inside before pulling out. It felt amazing and your body was already starting to convulse. He continued his actions, going harder and faster, ignoring the signs of your oncoming orgasm.
You cry out, grabbing onto his wrist with both hands as your body violently shook.
Not wasting any time, Jaehyun takes whatever essence of your climax his fingers collected and smears it over his cock, giving it a few more pumps before he slides it in you.
Your moan may or may not have been too loud for the neighbors to hear, but you had no control over it. Despite being sensitive and still high from your orgasm, you try to spread your thighs further for him. One of your legs pinned his on the bed while you wrapped the other around his hips.
Jaehyun mumbles something about you being tight and how it feels amazing just before he begins to thrust, slow and deep. He leans over and kisses your neck, alternating between sucking and licking every patch of skin he can get his mouth on.
“I’m going to mark you so other guys wouldn’t think twice about hitting on you, okay?” He thrusts a little too hard, as if to punctuate his question, and you groan in response.
“Yes, yes,” You gasp, your hands finding purchase on his shoulders. “I’m yours.”
He makes almost an animalistic growl, hips moving more erratically with your words. “Say that again.”
“I’m yours.” You chant, almost like a prayer.
With every repetition of your invocation, Jaehyun snaps his hips into you, gaining more speed and power. It had you curling your toes and teetering over a cliff, ready to jump head first into ecstasy only he can deliver.
Your body thrashed against him as he gave you your second mind-blowing orgasm for the night. He helps you ride it out, keeping your hips still as he shallowly pushed into you. Unintentionally, you clenched around him and he moans at the sensation.
“Shit, that feels so good, baby.” He rasps, throwing his head back.
“Won’t you come?” You asked, pouting up at him as you catch your breath.
Slowing down his thrusts, he looks down at you. He studies how you were still shivering from your high, how his kisses on your necks have bloomed into a bouquet of purple flowers, how your breasts rose with every haggard breath. He takes one into his hand, softly palming it. “I’m getting there.”
“Is there anything you want me to do?” You watch his eyebrows scrunch up and his lips curl into a wicked grin.
He pulls out of you all of a sudden and crawls until his knees are on either side of your chest. “Open up.”
You part your lips and stick your tongue out a little.
Jaehyun groans at the lewd sight of you; taking his cock into his hand and pumping as fast as he can. He places the tip on your tongue when beads of pre-cum ooze out.
You lick it up immediately, coaxing him to ejaculate by running your tongue on the underside of his cock’s head.
A string of curses fall from Jaehyun’s lips as he finally found the final push he needed to come. White, hot liquid shoots into your mouth and amidst of you swallowing it, the remaining cum splashes onto your cupid’s bow, cheek, and chin. He cries out in anguish when you push yourself up to suck him dry with hollowed cheeks. As you fall back to bed, one last spurt escapes him and hits your brow.
Seeing it dribble down your eyelid, Jaehyun uses his thumb to swipe it off. Before he can clean his finger, you grab hold of his wrist and guide it to your mouth, collecting the salty substance with your tongue.
“Jesus christ, (Y/N).” Jaehyun exhales, feeling his cock twitch at the salacious scene.
“I just missed how you tasted.” You giggled, kissing his thumb. “Still delicious.”
He combs your sweat-slicked hair and chuckles, his ears turning red at the compliment, “Well, I’m sure you taste sweeter.”
You jut out your lower lip at him, “How would you know? You haven’t tasted me in months.”
“Oh?” His eyes glaze over once again, “Is that a challenge?”
“Baby,” You coo, “It’s an invitation.”
If his dimpled smile made you melt, a dimpled smirk made you melt in other places–places he was about to visit.
“Don’t mind if I do, then.” He trails a kiss from between your breasts down to your navel.
Your jaw drops when he arrives right at your core and does his magic.
You dip your head back down further on the bed, moaning at every flick of his tongue. You turn your head to the side and your eyes fall on the baseball bat from earlier. You had a clearer view of it this time.
You had a clearer view of the other end stained with dark red splatters.
Your blood ran cold and you froze up.
Jaehyun, realizing immediately that you had stopped responding to his actions, pulls away and looks at you. His gaze follows yours and once he spots what had grabbed your attention, he hovers above you and places a hand on either side of your head. “Look at me.” He commands.
“You couldn’t have…” You murmur, meeting his darkened eyes.
“He touched you.” He simply states, devoid of any emotion.
“Jaehyun!” You reprimand, but he cuts you off.
“He disrespected you, (Y/N). I wasn’t going to let that pass by!”
“How did you even know I was the bar? Were you following me?”
“I wanted to make sure you were safe!”
You push him off, scooting off the bed and picking out your clothes from the floor. This wasn’t something you wanted to discuss in the nude. “Well, I was! Yebin and Minkyung were there with me. We left before he could do anything else. You didn’t have to beat him up with a bat! Jesus christ! Jae! You’re wanted by campus police.”
“He got what he deserved, (Y/N).” He coolly shrugs his shoulders, grabbing his boxers and slipping them on while watching you dress.
“And what about those guys from the pool?” You suddenly remembered running into them the other day.
“I only meant to go after the one who couldn’t keep his eyes off you.” Jaehyun admits, “But his friends came looking for him, so I had to deal with them as well.”
“You took them by your–” You shut your eyes in frustration and disbelief. It felt like you didn’t even know the man in front of you. Shaking your head with a scoff, you avoid his piercing glare.
Another thought pops into your head, a scarier one that gave you goosebumps.
You look to the table and stare at the black face mask, “…w-were you the guy last night?”
“Yes. I was outside your window, too, when you masturbated.”
You gaped at him with horrified astonishment. “Why?” It took every fiber of your body not to start shaking from fear and disgust. “You scared me shitless!”
“That was the point.”
Your jaw drops, unable to formulate a proper response, nevertheless, Jaehyun continues.
“I had to scare you back to me.”
“I was losing you.” His voice finally breaks from the monotony and raises an octave higher. “You asked for an extension when I was at my limit. I missed you!”
“I was mad! You punched my best friend, Jaehyun! I had the right to be! And it didn’t mean you were losing me. I just needed time to cool down!” You pinch the bridge of your nose. Never, in the four years, you and Jaehyun have spent together did you argue like this. This was a completely different side to your boyfriend and all these revelations were giving you a headache. You needed time to process them. “I can’t do this.”
You make a move to leave but Jaehyun blocks your path.
“Can’t do what?” His voice had dropped and his eyes were practically black as the night. Taken aback from his demeanor, you were unable to respond to him, making him ask again in a raised voice. “Can’t do what, (Y/N)?!”
“Let me go, Jae. I need to go.”
“Go where? Who are you running of to, huh? Doyoung? Taeyong?”
“Why are you dragging Taeyong into this?”
Jaehyun scowls, “I saw you giving his picture a heart eyes react.”
“Oh my god!” You shout, “Do you hear yourself right now? So I liked his new photo because I thought his new hairstyle looked good. He’s our friend, remember? Jaehyun, please, let me leave.”
“And what? Extend our break even more? I don’t think so.” He reaches for your hand, but you move away. “(Y/N).”
“You’re honestly scaring me right now.” You back away until you feel the wall behind you. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Because I love you, (Y/N),” He steps forward, “Everything I do is for you. I have to protect you. If you could only see how other guys look at you, how they would undress you with their eyes–I, I can’t let them disrespect you like that. They need to know that you’re mine and I’m yours.”
“And if you really, really do love me, Jae,” Your eyes tear up, “You would let me leave.”
“No. W-why?” His eyebrows scrunched up in frustration “Do you want to break up?”
You swallow hard, “I’m really scared right now, Jaehyun. Just please give me time to think–”
“Answer me!” He yells, making you flinch in your spot. He traps you against the wall, “Are you thinking about breaking up with me?”
“I don’t feel safe with you right now.” You breathed. Your words were barely audible but they rang like sirens in Jaehyun’s ears.
He steps away from you, the emotions on his face have changed from hostile to defeated. His eyes are wet as they searched around the room for something, and they fell on the full length mirror attached to the bathroom door. Huffing, he takes two large steps towards it and swings as hard as he can.
You shrieked as his fist connected to the mirror, creating a large, cracked web onto it. You had expected him to stop, or at most react to the the pain of the blow, but he repeatedly punched the mirror, smashing chunks of the glass and sending them crashing to the floor.
“Jae, stop!” You yell, but it was as if he couldn’t hear you.
You found yourself grabbing his arms at the first sight of crimson staining the mirror. “Jaehyun!”
“Go away! I don’t want to hurt you,” He spares you a tormented glance. His cheeks were damp from tears already. “I can’t hurt you, so let me–”
He attempts to throw another punch, but you hold him back. Then both of you struggled with one another, until he nudges you away and faces you. “You hate me!” He cries.
You shake your head in denial, but he repeats himself.
“You hate me.”
“I never said that.” You squeaked, staring into his eyes.
“You wanted to break up.” Jaehyun grabs a fistful of his hair as he shuts his eyes.
“I never said that, either.” You quietly admonished, shakily reaching up to wipe his tears.
He had flinched away from your touch at first, snapping his eyes wide open like an injured beast being cornered, but the way you looked at him made him drop his defenses.
“I’m sorry.” He chokes out, sobbing like a little boy and your heart wrenches at the sight. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He repeats over and over until you pull him down, letting his head rest on the crook of your neck. “I can’t lose you, (Y/N). I can’t. I just wanted to protect you.”
“You’re not gonna lose me and you won’t.” You run one of your hands down his back while the other combed through his hair.
He pulls away, tears still flowing down his cheeks, “You’re not leaving me?”
You take in his expression; a mix of pain, anguish, confusion, guilt, and above all that, you see the expression that made you choose him and stay by his side: love.
“I mean, I have to go home sooner or later.” You cock your head, offering him an unsure smile in an endeavour to bring up his mood, and it sort of did. The briefest flash of his dimple with the curl of the corners of his lips told you that you had at least succeeded in making him laugh. “But I can spend the night if you want to.”
“I want you to.” He mumbles and you smile up at him.
“Then I’ll stay the night.” You pull him down until his forehead was touching yours. Playing with the short hairs on his nape, you whisper onto his lips, “I love you.”
A smile finally breaks out onto his face, lighting it up from the solemn mood “I love you, too.”
“Let’s get your hand cleaned up and wrapped, okay?” You kiss his cheek and lead him out the room, careful not to step on any glass shards.
The clock in the living room struck 12 and exhaustion seeped into your system. You were beginning to accept that there was something terribly wrong with your boyfriend’s psychological health. You should have ran away when you had the chance; you should have left when he, himself, told you to. But you remembered his eyes when he spared you a glance. Something in them switched like an on and off button when they were on you in comparison to when he had been punching the wall.
You look over your shoulder and up at Jaehyun, who sniffed as he inspected his bleeding knuckles.
Your friends have always told you how much he doted you.
Up until tonight, you had no idea just how devoted Jaehyun was to you.
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devoted 2 part 1
devotee (jaehyun’s pov)
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scubresaut-blog · 7 years
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( MYOUI MINA | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER ) you’ve heard of holly ikeda ??wait, really ? they’re the quiet intern who’s way too obsessed with gaming, ballet, & coding. somehow, they managed to major in electrical engineering in college. i think they’re twenty one. they’re the kind of crestfallen that enjoys musical plays, intricate computer problems and searching for new restaurants & foods. some people told me they’re supposedly pretty intelligent, open minded, & obliging. but i think they’re just blinded by a pretty face. they’re clearly standoffish, shy, & self-destructive. their favorite thing about buzzfeed is the data.
you guys are so fast my old eyes (and schedule) can not keep up ! this is a queue (late too bc who am i kidding anymore lmao) and i’m tori!! catch some facts about my baby girl under the cut and like this post if you wanna do some plotting tysm!
holly was born early 96 in houston, TX, to immigrant parents; by her birth registry her name is akane ikeda (literally means red yall), but only her family ever uses her japanese name tbh -- bitch have to fit in and stuff, so ! call her holly. only holly thanx
her parents were lq tiger parents tbh? she started ballet classes when she was about 4 or 5, and a few years later started cello classes too. always top of her class in her private school. the pressure wasn’t outspoken, but it was there, or at least holly always felt it & followed it perfectly
she has an older brother who was like?? her hero??? he is about three to four years older than her, and they always tagged along, from sports class to school and musical classes, etc. while holly never was popular, and was more of the outcast, quiet and meek, but with kai (her brother), she was the most comfortable and bubbly. said relationship continued up to their teenagehood!
that’s when all the nastiness of young age comes along. kai starts drifting apart to hang with his pals, always either in his room or in some of his friend’s -- if he was alone, he was snappy and angry, and if he was with his friends he was quieter, more careful. 
holly only found out wtf was going on when she was 14, turning 15, when she, too, befriended kai’s friends -- rather, one friend, the imposing one. alistair was the leader of the boys and he was the first in years to take actual interest on her. it took little for her to completely fall for him, innocent and trusting and needy; during more or less two years they dated, and he taught her a lot. she wasn’t out of her shell fully, but it was easier for her to laugh and interact with others, always tagging along her boyfriend and their little gang, making a lot of his interests her own as well and giving some of hers up (dancing the most, some of the outstanding in her grades, her cherry). because that was what they were, and she was not only “the first lady” but a big part of the brains: while alistair made the plans and confided them (partially) to her, she did all the online bits with the coding, the hacking whatever information necessary, to getting them where they wanted.
she was nearly 18 when they planned the biggest heist, one directed to the government. she was to stay behind and use all kinds of servers for them not to be traced and all netizen bs, and so she started before the power went down. her parents had turned all off and turned them in -- minus their children who were involved. without holly’s backing and with the ikedas turning the crew in, the boys got caught & holly did, too, in her own way: the gang, alistair included, were arrested, and kai shipped off to learn his way back in an uncle’s house in japan. holly thought that’d be for her too, but instead her parents opted by keeping her close, under their reins. and for the first time in her life, she fought. 
while she would still get good grades and even get into a good college, a major was picked out of spite -- so unlady like, so out of the norm she always felt imposed on herself; days she left home early and arrived at dawn were not little, nor were the ones she got home filthy drunk. she was still quiet, but the softness that was in her seemed to have melted under the fire of her anger. often she tries to break out of this image she has received, from the way she started to dress herself more sloppily, less preppy, more tomboy-ish (and...tbh?? like herself??), to the people she started hanging around (and fucking lmao), to her interests & to how, after over a decade, she has given up ballet (which is lq something she...regrets?? bc she loved it too but,,, #problematicfave)
she only has a few courses left to get her degree, and she decided to finish it away from home. 792 mi makes a great difference, especially when she was truly alone, out of her parents’ suffocating clutches. or is she? the whole idea for the internship in buzzfeed was her father’s, wishing for her to completely ignore her passion and follow a career in some office. 
she picked the least serious one, again, out of spite, so when she got there she kinda...knew nothing about buzzfeed or of the trade and such? nor she had any interest, which she will now, almost six months later, still claim so but tbh...that’s debatable. she has always had some interest in food, in searching and trying out new stuff, and it shows not only on her searching browser but on how she has been working more with the tasty team, although she is not an official member or anything. if asked, she is just the one who suggests some recipes here and there
officially, she is still an intern and as such, she is there for every single problem: whatever it is, she often considers it below her, but does it diligently without any vocal complaint anyways. her most favorite parts of the work is IT work tbh -- if a computer doesn’t work, on the inside or some program or whatever
personality wise: quiet??? kinda brooding?? hq promiscuous and a bit of a drunkard, very into self destruction just because. she is the kinda person who is more in the corner, always quiet, often watching. there aren’t a lot of things that get a reaction out of her tbh. your average angsty sad fuckgirl young child who only wants to get drunk, fuck, sleep and do some coding (even though she is “forbidden” lmao @ parental power). she is also v fond of gaming (online games, such as league of legends the most), music (mostly classical and bubblegum pop) and cartoons (comic books & webtoons the most tbh) and uh ?? the color red??? she just loves tbh
what she needs??? love!!! self love, from others, to others,,,, poor girl,,,, truly, appreciate her and you’ll see her turn red and lq hq dying
also what she needs??? plots (give me a roommate pls) so hmu and forgive my late ass
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