#lms or reply if seen
deaths · 2 years
♡ personal + self ship blog ♡
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i'm rio or venus! i am a manic pixie dream boy (he/him), gay, 23 years old, white guy from pennsylvania. only 18+, i prefer to only have adults interact. no proshippers either. please read my carrd before following, thank you!
previous urls: astarionhater, ryobakura, tarotology, akishayakawa.
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 months
Imagine being an LMS express engine, back in the thirties, arguing with Gordon at Barrow, you blow your deep LMS whistle to try and assert dominance, but instead of the Gresley blowing his shrill inferior whistle in retaliation, he replies with a HOOTER of all things, defaming the stations. The rumor was true, the Gresley has a whistle that can out do even the deepest of deep-toned whistles. Never shoulda got transferred.
Well looks crack this one open shall we?
Lets get into the social dynamics and politics of the LMS, Barrow, and NWR.
So Gordon is top dog in Barrow, end of the story. While Barrow yard is far larger in this world than ours due to the existance of Sodor, its Industries, Harbors, and People, the largest Express Engines allocated there are usually 4-6-0s. Pacifics do venture down to Barrow, but heres the thing, hes their Elder.
Ask any Engine in Britian who the first (British) pacific was, they will invariably say Gordon (Neither The Great Bear nor Henry were largely successfull as 4-6-2s, and are seen as having found their true forms as 4-6-0s). Invariably class protoypes (successfull ones at least) are held in higher regard, but Gordon pionered the type. No matter He is former GNR/LNER and current NWR, Gordon is the first and is therefore the eldest. One could be forgiven for thinking that Gordon could have lost this respect in his younger years, but decourm in stations is the law for express engines (whisting in stations isn't wrong, but we just don't do it). Flagship express engines are the image of their railway, and are expected to uphold said image while in station. On the rare occasion LMS Pacifics did stay in Barrow longer than it took to refuel and prepare for their next run, they found Gordon a proud but gracious host, as was proper. (it helded that their opinion of him matched his own.)
The 4-6-0s, however were another matter. The Stanier 4-6-0s were content to tease their larger cousins about their hero worship, and keep a cordial relationship with North Western No.4. The Fowler's, however were...divided. The Patriots and Royal Scot's were aware of the threat of standardization. Stanier was not known to be sentimental man, and there were fears among some of the classes that they would be scrapped in favor of Stanier's standard engines (in reality a number of both class would be rebuilt to use Stanier Boilers.)
Some of these engines decided to deal with these fears by competeing feircly with their Stanier contemporaries, and for some this was not a friendly competition. These engines saw Gordon not as an honored elder or a respected collegue, but a part of the enemy. The incident this ask refers to occured in 1935, when a young Patriot class, newly assigned to Barrow decided to try and get a rise out of the Pacific. Gordon treated the younger express engine with all the restrained derision and posh superiority he felt the situation called for. Needless to say the Patriot only got angrier and angrier, leading to him trying to silence the North Western Engine with a long, rude, blast of their whistle, a dire breach of station etiquette.
Gordon intially waited impatiently for the whistle to stop, but when the 20 second mark was passed, he responded in kind. While Gordon only gave a short blast, the Patriot fell silent in shock as a Gordon's Pennslyvannia Railroad whistle thundered out. In the ringing silence afterwards, Gordon explained in manner simular to an exasperated parent correcting a toddler that one did not raise their whistle in stations unless they were departing or arriving, and they most certainly did not hold their whistle.
The LMS, throughly embarressed by their engines behavior, quickly reallocated the patriot to the other side of their territory (although they would return during the war.)
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kylelover · 2 years
Thank you so much for the support on LMS pt 1 <3<3
Tw slurs, just skip cartmans first texts on the gc
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Stan stared at the message on his screen, there was no way this was real.
wait what, CARTMANS SISTER??
is this a joke ?ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✓ ✓ seen
As soon as Stan was writing his next text, he quickly got a reply from his best friend.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ✓ ✓ seen
Kyle looked at his phone, he didn't know how to explain his feelings for the girl.
On one part, she was lovely, sweet and funny
On the other, she was his frenemies sister.
But it felt so good when their arms brushed against each other, or when she complimented him, or how his name just sounded so good when she said it...
He felt so confused.
The curly haired boy had a feeling inside his chest, he couldn't guess if it was love or anxiousness.
His thoughts got interrupted when he suddenly heard multiple notification sounds come from his phone.
Stan ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:30
what do you mean you don't know??
cartmans gpnna kill youu
not like he doesn't want to do it already...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ✓ ✓ seen
Kyle grabbed his phone quickly and layed on his bed.
Kyle ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:30
She's just so different from him.
My whole perspective for her changed in such a short period of time.
Didn't you notice how she shut Cartman off the other day?? She was amazing.
She is amazing.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ✓ ✓ seen
Stan ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:34
huhh 🫤 I guess you were serious
i'd say go for it
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maybe I can ask wendy if she has her number
or just ask her yourself
also did you like my sparky sticker I made it ywsterday lmao
Juet ask her out?, Kyle wishes it would be that easy.
Maybe he could try. Just maybe things could go right and... they could go out...?
Kyle's head was full of thoughts about her.
Once again, his phone dinged. This time it wasn't from Stan.
Cartman haters
Kenny changed the name of the groupchat to "Cartman haters"
Cartman ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:47
Kenny shut up your poor and a fag
I don know how you even have a phone
Change it
Kenny ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:48
Not until you pass me the answer to question number 3‼️‼️ you know damn well we have to do this work thing together
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Cartman ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:49ㅤ
You know that not giving me admin on the group is fatphobec
Your racist kenny
Kenny silenced Cartman
Also cartman, it's "You're"
@KYLE I know you did it, can you give me the answer
Please, or I'll ask Y/N maybe
I'm on my knees not only begging but also
Kyle ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:50
Do it yourself.
Also stop using those dumbass reaction pics for everything...
Kenny ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ12:52
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Kyle laughed at his friends actions and shut his phone off.
And just as he was dazing and about to fall asleep...
Cartman ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ1:01
Why are u partners whith My sister
Dont even try to date her!! she wold never be friends a jew like u
Kyle just stared at Cartman's message.
Kyle ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ1:02
We're partners because the teacher assigned us together
She's her own person she can hangout with whoever she wants
Also learn how to type.
Satisfied with his response, the boy shut his phone off and finally went to sleep.
Sorry for it being so short!! I'll write tomorrow the next chapter where things get more interesting... <3<3
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bookwormgamerweeb · 1 year
Vampire Hunter D x Assassin Female Reader
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Chapter 2: Forest [Sfw]
Whoosh went the leaves as Y/N  jumped up from were she was laying,she surveyed her surroundings she was still in the forest.the man with the crazy hat nowhere to be seen, ''perfect'' she thought this will be an easy escape.
She broke out in a sprint, Y/N felt different she could feel that she was not alone. . .fear was building up on her until
And then she was falling, this doesn't make sense.She spent the few seconds of falling to think about what the hell is happening before landing flat on her face.
'Oh look she is finally awake, I thought she would have been dead after getting hit with that branch'' came a disembodied voice. Y/N lifts her head to see the man who took her, quickly jumping up and putting distance between her and the stranger.
''Who are you'' asked Y/N  trying to conceal her fear, ''D'' said the figure his voice not matching the one she heard while on the ground his was more deep and mysterious.
''What do you want'' Y/N  said getting agitated by the man calmness, ''nothing personal'' he replies. . . then starts walking no striding towards faster than any human, Y/N  quickly reaches for naginata but its not there ''shit''
The trees
In no time Y/N  found herself standing on one of the trees branches 'run' she thought, each leap she took she could hear him ganing up to then galloping, she looks behind her to see that horse ''how'' she thought.
But what she didn't know was that she was about to hit herself in face with another branch and again she landed on her face. Y/N sits up while d stops his creepy horse in front of her.
''So, you going to kill me or somethin''Y/N says trying to be as nonchalants as possible, ''lm just trying to do my job'' he says again with no emotion. ''And what is this job exactly'', ''We were sent by one of the human nobles to bring you to her alive and you are going to come with us'' again that disembodied voice.
''Why should i do that''y/n skeptaly ''we are both getting paid 20 000 dollars each'' d finally saying something
''That's a lot of money . . . . fine i'll come with you'' you say while walking towards the horse ''do you mind if i ride with you, we met each other on the very wrong foot'' he stretches out his left hand and before you could grab it you saw a face, probably where the disembodied voice came from ''Your more gorgeous in person'' its says hinting to something.
You make a face then grab the strangers fingers not wanting to touch the parasite,you sit behind him back to back.Then we started moving, she watched as she went deeper and deeper in the forest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you for reading i was a bit lazy when writing sooooo like for ch3
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Suitable Tomb, LM 1.8.5 (Les Miserables 1925)
This was Sister Simplice, who had never told a lie in her life. Javert knew it, and held her in special veneration in consequence.
“Sister,” said he, “are you alone in this room?”
A terrible moment ensued, during which the poor portress felt as though she should faint.
The sister raised her eyes and answered:—
“Then,” resumed Javert, “you will excuse me if I persist; it is my duty; you have not seen a certain person—a man—this evening? He has escaped; we are in search of him—that Jean Valjean; you have not seen him?”
The sister replied:—
She lied. She had lied twice in succession, one after the other, without hesitation, promptly, as a person does when sacrificing herself.
“Pardon me,” said Javert, and he retired with a deep bow.
O sainted maid! you left this world many years ago; you have rejoined your sisters, the virgins, and your brothers, the angels, in the light; may this lie be counted to your credit in paradise!
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pilferingapples · 1 year
how was police work seen by the public in 19th century france? i think i read somewhere that no one really liked or respected them but i have no idea if i'm imagining it or not
Well it kinda depends on what part of the century you're looking at!
I'm going to hugely simplify here ( if people with more research on this want to reply and elaborate, please do!) , but in broad terms: police forces in the early 19C were seen in almost the same light as the criminals they interacted with. It was *not* a Glamour Job. They were paid badly, assumed to take bribes (because hey! look how badly they were paid!) tended to be from the lower or "criminal" classes, etc. They were basically brute force enforcement against known criminals or the socially marginalized, rather than detectives in the sense that a modern audience might expect.
But then over the course of the century, the role changed; by the time LM was published, cops were much more like a respectable profession, one a middle-class man might choose on purpose. It was a career that assumed some education and training , and had standards of behavior and everything. Which isn't to say that suddenly everyone liked and respected the police, but it was no longer a job strictly for social pariahs and outcasts.
(and of course in both cases they were upholding the prejudiced order of their society , that very much stays the same over the years) (You can find a much more detailed explanation of these shifting roles here; warning for slurs used in the context of discussing bigotry)
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
curious to know about your changing attitude towards lm montgomery! i was always someone who focused on her writing over her, but i've definitely had authors I really connected with personally that are like uh oh when I took a deeper look into their life lol (idk if that's what you meant, but it reminded me of that given the kilmeny context)
This is a good and obvious question and I suspected I’d need to explain it as soon as I made that comment lol 😅
So. As everyone here probably knows, I grew up on Emily. I grew up Emily, in a way. I read those books at 11 and never really stopped reading them. I wanted to be Emily and Ilse, I wanted a friend group like theirs with Perry and Teddy, I wanted a mentor like Dean Priest (yes, like Dean), I wanted Emily’s confidence and hard working attitude toward her dream of being a successful writer, I wanted her young success. I thought everything in those books were true and beautiful. Of course, I loved Anne too—I read the Aogg series at around 9-10 and continued rereading my faves as I aged into them but they didn’t speak to me the same way. They didn’t speak through me. They didn’t make me who I am. And I had a strange sense of belonging with the Emily books that was incredibly intimate. They were mine. Someone I knew in college was curious about them because of course I couldn’t help talking about these formative books, but I refused to tell them the title lol. I felt like anyone would immediately know too much about me if they read the series too, and that felt like a violation.
But here I am. I’ve found an incredible community of other LMM fans. You all have read my metas and know my opinions, and I’ve seen some incredible analyses and headcanons that have broken my brain open in the best way about interpreting some stuff. I love it here. But that also means Montgomery isn’t mine in the same ways. The way those books impacted me as a kid won’t ever change, and neither really will the way that the words still twine themselves around my life (having a quote from the books to fall back on to express a hard day still makes the day marginally better). But it’s a bit like a coming out. Your relationship to an inimical thing automatically changes when you share it with other likeminded people, if only because now you have a community to make it greater.
And of course my feelings for Maud herself have changed. I see her racism much more clearly than before. I see how much of her own pain and trauma went into the stories that I wanted to pattern my life on. I see how problematic Dean is lol. And all this doesn’t make me like her any less. But she’s no longer the Holy Grail author she was to me for years and years.
I think part of this is me getting older, of course. I joked to @blackcatwalking when I turned 24 that I passed Emily’s debut age and would soon out-age her altogether. (@blackcatwalking’s extremely soothing reply was that this was why we have Valancy Stirling! To prove life doesn’t end at the end of our 20s!) But all jokes aside, and as much as I identify with Emily, I have made those books what they are to me because of myself, if that makes sense. The whole “there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers” thing. Maud’s Emily isn’t my Emily, and my Emily and my own self and the stories I write and carry around because of her have to grow out of Maud’s shadow and take their own identity.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Hi I just recently found this and lm in love with your writing. Ofcourse your mural too. I hope it's okay if I request NSFW of 12 and 13 with the characters Nobunaga,keiji and Leo. Thanks in advance and have a great day.
Awe, thank you so much dear! It makes me so happy to hear someone loves my work! Thank you for the ask and I hope you like what I've come up with.
ikesen: Nobunaga and Keiji
ikevamp: Leonardo
NSFW 18+ below
Prompt 12: Catches MC/reader changing
You had spilled something on your kimono and had gone to change.
Nobunaga, of course, walks in on you as soon as you have stripped down to your under layer.
That smirk comes across his face as he notices the stain on your underlayer as well. 
“I will help you.” He insists as he comes over to finish stripping you.
It doesn’t take long for him to have you completely bare.
“I have work…to finish…” You half-heartedly protest as his arms encircle you and his lips are on your skin.
He smirks. “You have no conviction.” He says, his hands already gliding up your thighs.
There’s no resisting him and there is no getting anything else done…Nobunaga is now the only thing on your to do list.
You were getting changed for spear training, when Keiji finds you, stripped most of the way down.
On instinct your hands are flying to cover yourself and Keiji is just grinning at you.
"It's not like I haven't seen you in even less." He teases as he walks closer to you. "No need to be so shy."
You protest as he pries your arms open, saying that it's different and you have to finish changing for training.
"Oh you're getting sons spear training in today but not the kind you're thinking of." 
Your face turns bright red as you smack his chest, but he just chuckles as he pulls you closer. "I canceled training for everyone else today. So it's just us." 
You are then given the most extensive "spear training" you've ever had in your life.
"Cara mia," Leonardo says as he comes into your room.
Your hands ate immediately flying to cover yourself as you had just been changing out of your cleaning clothes.
"Leo! You're supposed to knock!"
He grins as he shuts the door behind him. "Scusa." He says though you know he is completely unapologetic. "It's not as if I haven't seen your beauty many times before."
You blush as he pulls you into his arms. "I thought we were going out tonight?" You ask.
He shakes his head. "Not after seeing you like this." He says before kissing you and taking you to bed. Staying in was always better anyways. Besides nothing felt as good as when he was bending you over the bed.
Prompt 13: MC/reader catches suitor bathing
It had been a long day and you were just wanting to take a little bath.
“It is very bold of you to sneak into my private bath chamber.”
You squeak in surprise and your face reddens as you see Nobunaga, sitting in the bath, sipping on a cup of sake.
You stammer out that that isn’t what you were doing at all. You just wanted to take a bath.
He watches you, that amused smirk on his face.
Finally he sets his cup aside and stands, walking towards you, the water dripping down his chest and abs.
You can’t stop yourself from watching the water droplets as they travel lower and lower… nor can you stop yourself from taking in the full sight of Nobunaga.
His smirk grows wider as he is soon standing directly in front of you, his fingers finding their way beneath your chin and coaxing your gaze up to his.
“You will have to join me now.”
The next thing you know, you are in the bath with Nobunaga, slipping and sliding all over the place…and the water isn’t what is making you hot.
“I can’t believe you, Princess. Sneaking in here to catch a glimpse of me.” Keiji teases you as you walk into the bath.
You stammer out that you didn’t know he was in there.
“Sure.” Keiji replies. “You know, all you had to do was ask.”
He’s then standing up and making his way over to you, making sure you get a good look at his body.
It doesn’t escape his notice when you gulp at seeing his perfectly sculpted physique.
He grins as he reaches for your hand, placing it on his chest. “Feel free to feel me up.”
Your face turns as red as his hair…but you don’t move your hand away.
The next thing you know, he’s pulling you into the bath with him, clothes and all. 
“Alright, Princess, let’s have some real fun.”
You are soon going for the ride of your life, with Keiji as your personal slip ‘n’ slide.
You hear a warm chuckle as you step into the waters of la thermae. 
You turn with blushing cheeks as Leonardo grins at you. “Look at you sneaking in here to take a peek at me, naughty cara.” 
When you try to say that’s not what you were doing, Leonardo is coming closer to you.
His grin remains as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close. “Then you just wanted to join me?” He asks.
You blush harder, but don’t pull away.
His lips are soon on yours, his hands gliding over your curves under the water.
The next thing you know, you are bent over the side of the bath and the only word leaving your lips is his name.
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
Dearest Desires (5)
WARNINGS: mention of abuse, claim taking
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You leaned against the bridge. You had your hands on the rail as you thought. You sighed and closed your eyes remembering the old memories that plague you every night after a nightmare. They take you out of the nightmare with mixed emotions.
Either the memory was hurting your heart or lit you up.
"Moony! Stop chasing him!" You screamed trying to catch up to him. Sirius grabbed you and throw you over his shoulders smirking.
"We will get the rogue wolf." He said and started to run. You gripped the back of his shirt and closed your eyes.
"Come on let me down!"
"No, I am carrying you, princess." Sirius declared and you rolled your eyes.
The memory you hold dear to your heart. I missed Sirius so much and had a feeling he wasn't the rat that had said anything.
You sat by Lily under the ground tree studying when the boys came up to you grinning. You knew they had to have done a prank.
"So, don't go to the Slytherin's common room," Regulus said casually.
"You realize you can't either?" You deadpanned staring at him with a straight face. He realized but shrugged.
"I'll bunk with James," Regulus said.
"No way! You kick me out of the bed!" James exclaimed.
Remus sighed.
"I tried to stop them," Remus said and you nodded. They were crazy but they were your crazy boys.
You were kicked out of your mind when someone tapped your shoulder. You screamed for a second and turned the person. You almost fell though and they grabbed you before you fell.
"Are you okay?" Severus asked. You nodded.
"Just peachy." You replied. "Thanks." You muttered.
"How are you doing? I haven't seen you around much." He said. You knew it was your fault. You couldn't stay around him for some reason. I guess it's the thought that James and they always took things so far with Severus. You tried to step in but it didn't work. That was the one thing you hated.
"Just helping out and talking to students." You said avoiding the topic of Lucius's visit.
"Did he hurt you while he stayed here?" Severus asked you and your throat went dry. "You can tell me Yumi." He said. You just nodded.
"I'm fine now. Now I am about to dinner and I'm starving." You declared and he walked you to the great hall. You stared forward. You couldn't look at how the deaths of their mutual friend affected him.
You ate and chatted with most of the professors before heading to bed.
"Stop ignoring me." The voice spoke.
You gasped as you woke up. That voice was haunting you. You knew it had something to do with Voldemort but what? Voldemort had been in your head since you were a mere student. Being different did not help. You wanted to simply vanish but he would always find you.
You also knew Harry was seeing visions and into Voldemort's mind. You would need to talk to him. You heard knocking at your quarter's door and went to open the door.
"Hello?" You said but saw nothing and looked around. You looked down finally and saw a letter and a piece of jewelry. You stared at the dark green jewel that stood out on the necklace. Something inclined you to wear it. You started to read the letter and cursed yourself for wearing it.
Dear angel,
You brought you this. A reminder of who you are and whose you are. By the way, don't ignore the letter I sent next for when you need to see Voldemort.
From, LM
You knew that you wouldn't be able to take it off and it was an enchantment. You broke down crying at my door and started to panic knowing everything was going down. Someone had come over without you knowing and just held you. You sobbed into their chest and held on to their clothing. They help you the whole time. You finally looked at the person. "Remus.." You said and was glad it was him. He nodded and smiled.
"Let's get you inside your room, and something to eat?" He asked. You nodded. He smiled and helped you up and took you to your bedroom then went to get you hot chocolate. He handed your cup and sat on the edge of the bed. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked. You looked away before nodding.
"Lucius.... he made his mark on me." You laughed bitterly. "And I have to obey everything he says including going to the stupid meetings with Voldemort." You aren't afraid to say his name. Remus was shocked but he nods.
"You know you can always trust me." He said. You nodded. Of course, you trusted Remus. You have both been through it all before. "You know where to find me." He smiled.
"I'm afraid to leave you... alone." You said. "You have been alone too long." You said softly. "And I really don't think it was Sirius. It makes no sense." You said.
"I hope it isn't him that did it but I have to agree, it was odd."
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yellowloid · 1 year
💫, 🎀, 💥, 💋, 💌 for the writing asks 🥰
thank you so much for the questions 🥰
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
i love love love long comments where the reader just goes over a whole list of things that stuck with them while reading, little details, images, ways a character acted, something the characters said; i just absolutely adore hearing about what the reader felt while reading my fics, how a particularly angsty passage put them in their feelings, a very fluffy bit sent them giggling and smiling at the screen, or a smutty scene had them losing their mind skfjshsfh. i also love when people tell me they've got passages from my fics screenshotted on their phone or quoted in their journals, or when they tell me that something i wrote helped them smile when they were sad, or helped them through a difficult time, or simply managed to distract them from real life problems, even if just for a bit. i love knowing that my writing can have a positive impact on other people's lives, no matter how small it might be <3
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
i think i'm pretty good at coming up with new images to express the kind of visceral love i write about whenever i write milex, both with the romantic and sexual aspect of it; i also think i do a good job at making the most of the more "aesthetic" part of writing - making sure my words and sentences not only make sense, but also "look good" together. i want my writing to sound as poetic and melodious as it can, that's really important to me and i tend to spend a lot of time trying to achieve that :)
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
my least kudos'd fic is the third and final part of my 'satin and lace' series, 'of loving at will, of loving till death'. my venice honeymoon fic <3 one that, in many ways, closed a chapter of my life that started back when i posted the first part of this series; if you know me, you also know how much this trilogy means to me. writing and posting the last part not only felt like a challenge, but also a quite emotional one sjfhshsjgh because i knew i'd miss those chaotic smitten husbands so much </3
despite it having less kudos than other fics of mine, i'm still really fond of this one. i made so much research for it - which now results in me knowing a whole lot of random trivia about venice - and i'm very satisfied with how realistic and accurate the descriptions of the city turned out, as well as the way they mixed with the expression of their love, the romance and drama of it all... plus i went on vacation this summer and spent a day in venice (i'd visited once when i was a kid but didn't remember much) and it just meant so much to me, visiting that city now that it holds a whole new and special meaning to me <3 it felt so !!!! walking around those sunny alleys and crossing all those bridges over the canals, imagining miles and alex doing the same, hand in hand, disgustingly in love with each other. it was just so magical and special - and i think that fic really captures the spirit of venice as a whole 💙💜
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
absolutely!! i think it's not only ao3 etiquette, but also like... the whole point of it? if i leave a comment it's because i want the author to know i loved their work, and if they never reply i feel like a. they secretly hate me or smth or b. they haven't seen my comment and now they won't know i loved their fic!!!!! when i know damn well that they don't hate me and they also most likely saw the comment and appreciated it, but just didn't reply for whatever reason. some people don't reply to comments and that's okay skfjshfhs but i certainly do in most cases and i definitely want to hear back from other writers when i leave one myself!!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
okay okay so. this is all assuming i don't have a mental breakdown over it and drop it lmao but basically. it's a long-fic. two and a half chapters are already written. it's very angsty and alex is a stupid self-loathing idiot in it (<3). their performance of 'last night i dreamt' by the smiths @ alexandra palace is an out of context spoiler for it. that's all i can say without getting into spoilery details and/or giving away the whole premise of it gkskfjsdhgk
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deaths · 2 years
pkmnpiers -> akishayakawa
we do a bit of trolling
lms/reply if seen pls
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ROB: The Star & The Atlantic
The young Railinite looked down the road towards the small railyard. On the track closest to the yard entrance, she could see a large green tender engine sitting on the line. Its smokebox was swung open & blank, indicating that the “Host” was in their Railinite form.
She didn’t need to look far to find them however, for she could see the back half of them behind the smokebox door. As the yard seemed quiet, and the fact that the gates were wide open meaning anyone, Human or Railinite could just wander in! She decided to go down to see what the Railinite could be like.
“After all”, she thought. “LNER engines can’t be as bad as my siblings say.”
As she walked down the stone covered path, the bottom of her dress rubbing slightly against the larger stones. She could hear the voice of the Railinite who currently had his head inside the smokebox of his engine. He appeared to be singing a song to himself. 
“Roamin' in the gloamin' on the bonnie banks o' Clyde,
Roamin' in the gloamin' wi' ma lassie by ma side,
When the sun has gone to rest,That's the time that we love best,
Oh, it's lovely roamin' in the gloamin.” 
To the 15 year old female Railinite [1], the voice was one of the most beautiful things she had ever heard. The mere sound of his voice made her heart beat faster, although she wasn’t sure why.
Finally, she came up to the engine. She stared in awe at its great looming boiler. The sheer size of it could put the King Class to shame! The apple green paint work, although dirty on the top of the boiler, the paint still seemed to shine. The letters L.N.E.R stood proudly on the tender, as did the number 9901 painted on the cabside.
Then she noticed the name, “St. Johnstoun” also proudly painted on the front splasher.
“What a handsome name.” She whispered to herself.
“Thanks miss!” A male voice called that made her nearly jump out of her body. She looked to her left and saw him, the Railinite of which the singing voice belonged to.
For one, he was tall. About 6ft in height. His bright green humanoid form suit was covered in black soot from the smokebox. However, his golden L.N.E.R badge still shone brightly. But the most striking thing about him was his eyes.
While other green engines would have some type of green eyes. His eyes were a bright sky blue.
He looked over at her, and smiled. “Sorry lass, did i give you a fright?”
“N-no, I’m fine.” She said, regaining herself. “Well, a little bit, um, John is it?” She asked, her heart racing still.
He chuckled. “Nope, name’s Sam.” He extended his arm out. “Nice tae meet you, um?”
“Oh! Sorry,” She chuckled nervously. “I’m Alexandra, a GWR Star class Railinite”, “Nice to meet you Sam.” She shook his hand, some ash going onto her fingers.
Sam raised an eyebrow, but smiled still. “And what’s a pretty Ten Wheeler like yerself daein all the way up here?” He added very quickly, “Forgive my forwardness lass, Its just, i haven’t seen a Western Railinite up here before.”
Alexandra’s cheeks went bright red, she giggled at the Atlantic’s accidental flirting.
“It’s fine.” She said, trying not to blush harder. “Me & some of my siblings are using some of our holiday days to travel to different areas of the country!”
“And where are the rest of them?” Sam asked curiously.
“Down by the LMS Shed.” Alexandra said, gesturing her arm down the line. “Trust me, my brother, Malvern Abbey will have probably stabbed one of them by now.”
She then realised how bad that sounded. Which made her blush even harder still.
“I-I like your locomotive!” Alexandra stuttered, trying to change the subject. “W-what type is it?”
“NBR H Class.” Sam replied, “Pride Of Perth we call her.”  “What shed you from then?”
“Laira," she said, smiling. “It’s in Plymouth”, “You know it?”
“Aye, I do.”  The Atlantic replied.
“Say, how would you & your siblings like to come round to our place for dinner?”  Sam asked, looking away from Alexandra gaze.
“S-sure!” Alexandra all but shouted out. “Sounds lovely”, “I’ll tell the others when I meet back up with them. 
She turned to leave, but smiled back at Sam. “See you later ," she said.
“Aye!”, “See you about 5:30,” he waved back, before climbing back onto the running plate. 
Alexandra waved back as she walked up the path from the yard. She turned around the corner, and was soon out of sight.
The pair were both looking forward to that night.
First ROB story, Woooooo! Any questions, head to the ask box.
Constructive criticism is welcomed.
NOTE: [1] Although she was built/born 15 years prior, becaue how Railinites work, Alexandra has the body of a 24 year old. 
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durotoswrites · 2 years
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I posted 728 times in 2022
132 posts created (18%)
596 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 559 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#harvest moon - 141 posts
#story of seasons - 119 posts
#&lt;3 - 82 posts
#thank you for playing! &lt;3 - 47 posts
#ask box games - 44 posts
#ask box replies - 37 posts
#hm64 - 36 posts
#sosfomt - 35 posts
#rune factory - 33 posts
#hm claire - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i find myself just wandering around watching the wild horses or the foxes while i gather waaaaay too many cooking ingredients &lt;3
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Shy Newcomer Update
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It is with happy tears in my eyes as I type this!  I know it’s been a long time coming, and I thank you so much for your patience.  A new chapter of The Shy Newcomer has been posted! 🥰
(Cover art commissioned by the talented @acediee​!) 
Chapter 123: Healing
Summary:   Cliff and Gray finally start to realize they aren't alone.
Read on
Archive of Our Own
Preview under the cut!
“You ever play?” Duke didn't turn to face him; he was studying the handwriting as if to etch it into his mind.
Cliff shook his head. A few of the bars he had stopped in to warm up during his travels had boards mounted to the wall, and there were sometimes a few people wagering a friendly game of darts.
“I don't know how the scoring works, but I've seen people play.”
Duke retrieved a handsome emerald-colored set of darts and stepped back to a worn piece of tape on the floor Cliff hadn't been aware of until then. Duke hesitated before handing him a set of his own, twirling one of the darts in his fingers with a sad smile.
“I'll go first and give you an idea of how it goes.”
Cliff's eyes were drawn to the darts that had been given to him. Holographic purple butterflies and a stylized capital letter a decorated the flights; it couldn’t be more obvious who used them most frequently.
“Alright, it's been a hot minute for me, so I'm gonna warm up. Used to play all the time at Doug's back in the day. Me, Manna, Jeff, Sasha, Rod... Heck, even Gotz and Hilda would join sometimes. We'd play regularly.” He twirled the dart by the barrel between his thumb and index fingers, watching the flight reflect the light from above them. “Ah, simpler times, for sure...”
He threw his first dart and Cliff wasn't sure if it was a particularly good throw or not. It was closer to the center of the target, but the curse mumbled under Duke's breath indicated that didn't necessarily make it a good shot. He waited for Duke to explain the scoring, but his mind was clearly focused on something else.
“Got a little harder to play once everyone started having kids... Once Ann got a little older and more active, it was hard to keep her out of the bar at night. Poor girl would get nightmares near nightly, so Doug tried to keep her behind the bar where he could keep an eye on her.”
Another toss. The smirk on Duke's lips told Cliff it was a decent one.
“Ann is Doug's daughter, but... she's got a lot of honorary godparents. We all look after our own, so when Felicity passed, everyone did their best to help Doug keep it together. Losing a family member... it's hell.”
Duke threw the final dart and it missed the board completely, landing right between the eyes of the illustration of a snowman on the calendar.
“Sorry there, Frosty. Guess we're havin' snow cones tonight.” He retrieved the dart and turned around, his dark eyes boring into Cliff. “But I guess I don't need to tell you how rough it is, huh?”
Cliff's knees felt a bit weak. He had recalled exactly how his mother's voice had sounded, something he had previously thought lost. “It's been on my mind a lot lately,” he confessed.
“So I've heard. Parents and sister, huh? I imagine that's a bit of a one-two punch...”
The chill of the wine cellar crept into Cliff's veins. “How do you know that?”
49 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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Reinhard, you’re allowed to eat real food...
69 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
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See the full post
235 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Me, writing: has outline and theme planned
Also me:
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479 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I couldn’t help myself when I saw the Grandpa’s messed up bed meme floating around.
1,149 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Forms Assumed by Suffering During Sleep, LM 1.7.4 (Los Miserables 1971)
“I strolled into the village, and perceived that it was a town. All the streets were deserted, all the doors were open. Not a single living being was passing in the streets, walking through the chambers or strolling in the gardens. But behind each angle of the walls, behind each door, behind each tree, stood a silent man. Only one was to be seen at a time. These men watched me pass.
“I left the town and began to ramble about the fields.
“After the lapse of some time I turned back and saw a great crowd coming up behind me. I recognized all the men whom I had seen in that town. They had strange heads. They did not seem to be in a hurry, yet they walked faster than I did. They made no noise as they walked. In an instant this crowd had overtaken and surrounded me. The faces of these men were earthen in hue.
“Then the first one whom I had seen and questioned on entering the town said to me:—
“‘Whither are you going! Do you not know that you have been dead this long time?’
“I opened my mouth to reply, and I perceived that there was no one near me.”
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Second Chance
Cw: implied injury, mentions of stitches, mentions of ricks death (sharp debrie to the heart).
Summary: Rick flag gets a second chance at life,and with it comes a chance to find a home.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡Lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships @hedone26
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Hazy, deathfilled dreams.
Screams of pain and anguish.
And last words "peacemaker. What a joke".
Rick flag wakes up in a cold sweat, instantly, his body hurts like bitch. Searing hot pain overwhelms him and makes him lay back down.
--Oh thank the sun youre awake!-- a voice says.
He turns to face the source and sees a young woman, Brown messy hair, green eyes, a barn owl perched on her shoulder-- wh- who are you?
--Names Jerico, and I rescued you from under a pile of rubble and brick, you were almost dead...-- she leans over him, inspecting his bandages-- no bursted stitches...thats good
--how did you...? I was as good as dead-- he mumbled, head feeling light.
--you dont gotta worry about that, for now you need some rest-- her hand pressed against his forehead, and soon Rick flag was out like a light.
Some days passed since then, with him coming into conciousness and then go back to sleep. But he slowly recovered, spending more time awake and slowly being able to move on his own.
And so here he is now, shaving for the first time in weeks, he sighed with relief, finishing to clean up his face to then limp carefully back to bed.
--Good morning Rick!-- jerico Chirped with a tray with coffee and pancakes-- breakfast?
--Please, lm starving -- he said, grabbing the tray and putting it on his lap.
Her barn owl, Sunny, flew from her perch ontop of the door to his shoulder, nuzzling his cheek with her beak-- she likes that your face is clean
--Well, thanks sunny-- he cut up a piece of pancake And fed it to the bird. Hes seen the owl eat practically everything under the sun, so he wasnt worried about the effects of the pancake.
--Shes so spoiled-- jeri teased, gaining an ill look from the bird-- dont look at me like that you know im right
Rick chuckled, he'd gotten used to the homey domestic feel of it all-- and what do you think?
--I think it looks good on you-- she replied with a coy smile, sipping from her own Cup of tea.
His cheeks get warm and he looks away,-- why, thank you
The continue to eat their breakfast in quiet conversation, mostly planning what they would do today.
--Even if I cant do much, lemme help with something-- Rick pleaded.
--Well, you can make lunch, how about that?-- She offered.
--Id say like that idea-- he replied, flashing a playful smile her way.
It was pretty obvious that both had some sort of feelings for eachother. Since the first time Rick came into conciousness (And was coherent) he had found in his savior something like a kindred spirit.
And her gentleness, how kind and caring she was with him was one of the Many things he liked about her.
--Are you sure I cant do anythin' else? I feel pretty shitty when you do all the work-- he admitted looking at her with what jerico could only describe as "puppy dog eyes".
--Rick...-- she cood, putting a hand on his cheek, caressing it-- we've talked about this
He takes the hand on his cheek and says-- I know.. I know I cant do much in this state but you saved my life, helping you is the least I can do
She chuckled said-- when youre better you can help me with anything you'd like, soldier boy, for now, you rest and then make lunch-- she kissed his forehead, her hand slipping through his fingers like melted chocolate.
He blushes, trying his best to not meet her eyes, Incredibly flustered.
It took all of his self restraint to not kiss the air out of her sometimes.
--Where are you going?-- Rick asked, cringing at how clingy that sounded.
--To the supermaket,gotta get some stuff, ill be back in a flash-- she smiled at him and he felt like he was melting.
He had it bad.
After she left, Rick laid back down on the bed, looking at the ceiling and drumming his fingers on his stomach, he was bored out of his mind.
He sighed, sitting up once again and deciding to get out of bed.
Sunny tried to pull him back by the shirt, but the poor owl could only do so much against a creature four times bigger than her.
He started with simple tasks, cleaning the dishes and putting them back in their place.
Then, he cleaned the Windows and the floor, smiling in contempt as he could see his reflection on the floor.
By that time, his body was already asking him for a break, taking a piece of debrie to the heart had left him some serious issues with cardio and moving around.
So, he laid back down, absolutely tired. The only good thing being that he didnt burst any stitches since he was fairly carefull when moving around.
Rick had made a Cup of tea for himself, reading one of the Many books Jerico had lying around.
It was mildly interesting and soon he got lost in the story, being pulled out of his daydream when Sunny nudged his cheek with her wing, pointing at the clock with her beak.
"I should get started with lunch" he thought, getting out of bed carefully and walking to the kitchen.
--Im feelin' somethin' simple, what do you say, sunny?-- he asked rhethorically, taking out some instant mash potatos and some steak from the freezer.
He cooks to the rythm of the music that came from the radio, which sunny was so kind as to turn it on for him.
Lunch is ready just as Jerico arrives with some bags on her hands.
--Mírenla, miren, miren, mírenla
Mírenla, ella está tan sola
Mírenla, en sus ojos hay placer
Mírenla, cuando te enamora
Ella viene desde lejos y de
De jugar con tu ilusión
Buscabas la libertad y ahora
Cómo huir de esta prisión-- he sang, completely butchering the pronounciation of the words.
Rick turns around to serve the food and his eyes meet Jeri's.
Instantly, he leaves the food on the counter and helps her with the bags-- Rick! Be carefull!
--Im being carefull-- he said-- im just helping
Both quickly put everything in the fridge, and he finishes serving the food.
Both sit on oposite sides of the round table-- nice singing by the way-- she teases.
He tensed, coughing a little and saying-- oh...you heard that?...sorry I probably butchered everything
--i mean yeah but in an endearing way!-- She Chirped putting a hand on his forearm.
He chuckles, looking at his Plate-- you think im endearin'?
--yes I do, and I think youre cute too-- she flirted, taking him aback.
Flustered, and trying to save what dignity he had left, he says-- Carefull...sunny'll get jealous
As if on cue, Sunny hissed at both of them, tearing appart a piece of steak Rick had given her.
--Youre cute too, you feather ball-- the woman cooed, petting the birds head, to then meet her companion's gaze-- couldnt help but notice how clean everything was,did you do it?
--uh no?-- he replied not hiding the fact that he was lying.
--did you burst any stitches?
--i didnt,I promise-- he reassured, taking the hand that was on his forearm-- you worry about me too much
-- I cant help it, I care about you, yknow?-- jerico said sheepishly-- I dont wanna be overbearing but I couldnt live with myself if anything happened to you
He sits back in his chair, clearly in awe by what he just heard.
Regardless, Rick gives her a warm smile-- Nothin's gonna Happen to me because you take such care of me -- he flirted right back.
--Charmer-- she teased trying to brush everything off.
--Learnt from the best-- he winks at her and he doesnt know where that confidence came from. Yet he cant help but feel somewhat delighted at the blush that spreads across her cheeks.
After lunch, Rick decides to take a nap, while Jeri goes to shower.
Once clean, she changes and goes to bed, carefully laying besides her companion.
She had a queen sized matress but it was the only bed she has, so they had to share.
Not like neither of them were complaining.
Jerico turns to Rick, smiling as she brushes a strand of hair behind his ear, tensing when her hand lowers to his cheek and he leans into her touch,still asleep.
She giggles and kisses her forehead, then the tip of his nose and then lowering to his lips being inches away from them.
A sigh scaped past her lips and her head rested on the fluffy pillow.
He had to leave at some Point...but she didnt want that. But most importantly, did he wanted to leave?
The answer was no, but she didnt know that.
And because of it, she closed her eyes, knowing full well she could use a nap.
What she wasnt expecting, however, was to wake up in the arms of Rick who hugged her from behind, using his body to envelop her in some sort of protective cocoon.
Neon red blush settled on her face, she knew military men were clingy but she was not expecting to experinexe that clingynesd first hand today.
But she wouldnt dare move. This was way too perfect.
So, jerico leaned Into his touch, relaxing her body against his, hands pressing against his. Maybe one day she'd tell him how she felt.
Rick slowly opens his eyes, hugging whatever he was hugging tighter, Yawning.
His hazy half asleep eyesight Settles, and look down to see Jerico in his arms.
His body tenses but not pulling away from the hug-- sorry-- he mutters.
--Dont worry..-- she whispers-- we all need cuddles every once in a while
He rests his head ontop of hers, relaxing once more-- guess so...
Soon, a calm silence bloomed, nothing could be heard but the usual city escape noises and their breaths.
--Ive been thinkin' -- Rick started-- when I get better, I need to find a way back to the 'states, I might need some help
Jeri's heart squeezes-- thats okay, ill help you
--Youve done enough for me already, but thank you-- he smiles but she doesnt.
She didnt want him to leave.
But he said he would, even if he didnt want to. After all, how long would he be here, leeching off of her. He could barely help her out in his state.
Ten minutes pass, until jerico goes to make some tea.
Her eyes catch the sigh of Rick basking in the light of the sun set. Her breath hitches and she stares at him.
--How can you be so beautiful..-- jerico asked under her breath
--What was that?
--D do you want coffee or tea?
She nodded and Walked to the kitchen, putting the kettle to boil.
Rick looks at her walk to the oven, he sees the way the last bits of sunlight shower her in golden light.
He puts a hand behind his head, the other on his chest, and a warm smile appears on his face. Could he have more moments like these? With this homey warmth and calm? He hoped so
--You look beautiful in the golden light-- he said non-chalantly, looking at her.
Jerico stops what shes doing and turns to him, a shy and nervous smile on her lips-- thank you, Rick. You also look quite beautiful with this light
He chuckled-- thank you
She nodded and kept doing the two teas.
By the time the sun had fully set and the early night began, both are standing there on the balcony, teas in hand, a warm summer breeze blowing past them.
Both are leaning on the concrete handrail, looking at the city of coltomaltes.
--do you really need to leave?-- Jerico asked, voice shy and sad. A big change from her usual chipper self
He sighed looking at the city below-- I have to go back..., but I dont wanna leave you.. but I dont want to force you out of your home...its more beautiful than mine thats for sure -- he took her free hand, giving her a preocupied look.
--We'll make it beautiful-- she promised-- I would love to go with you..
--But you have a life, you have Friends here and..
She leaves her Cup on the handrail, putting said hand on his cheek, caressing it-- im no stranger to leaving people behind...-- jeri Leans in-- ill let you in on a little secret, technically Im not from here
--Then where are you from?-- he asks leaving his cup on the handrail too and cupping her cheeks.
She points upwards with her eyes and says-- im whats known as a wayfarer, an interdimensional traveler
--I would be skeptic if it wasnt for the ammount of weird shit ive seen-- he admitted-- but..can you show me?
She nodds-- opening portals are hard work, but I can show you some of my other powers -- jerico's hand Blooms a Rose, tucking it behind his ear with a smile-- thats one of 'em
Rick smiles, taking the Rose from behind his ear to inspect it, before putting it back where it was-- what else?
She walks back a few steps, yellow light flows through her skin, until her body is nothing more than energy.
He watches as that light takes the shape of a lion, and as the light dims, low and behold, there is a lion-- pretty cool huh?
--I- wow-- he mused,reaching to pet the head of the lion.
She returned to her normal form in the same way she had changed-- I can talk to animals, thats why sunny is so obedient, and before I show you I gotta ask you something, you afraid of heights?
--A little bit-- he replied-- w why?
Her feet float up in the air,and offers her hand-- y you want me to wh-at?
--Only if you really want, ricky
He sighed, grabbing her hand. Instantly, his body floats too-- trust me-- she whispers.
--With my life-- he reassured.
Both fly up little by little right to the Lower layer of clouds, Rick looks down at the sea of light and passing cars.
--This is beautiful-- he comments-- never thought id see the city from up here
Jerico floats closer to him, their shoulders touching.
He looks at her, his free arm hugging her waist-- youre so amazing...-- he says fondly.
--Thank you-- she smiles and both lean in.
--Can I kiss you?...please?-- he whispers.
--Yes,yes you can
And finally, Rick kisses jerico, her hand lets go of his and for a moment he thinks hes going to fall. But he doesnt.
Her arms go around his neck, and he hugs her waist tight, smiling.
-- not bad, soldier boy -- she teases.
--Hmm, thank you
They press their foreheads toghether, and smile.
Soon after, they are back in Jeri's home, cuddling up to eachother with Sunny resting comfortably on the side.
Days later, they were back at Rick's house, finishing to fix everything up.
--Gotta say, its nice to not be alone in this house anymore--rick said, drying his hands on a rag-- cant wait to see what you do to these plain old white walls-- he hugs jeri by the shoulders, pulling her closer.
--hmm, I have some ideas in Mind-- jerico showed him some sketches on her Journal-- what do you think?
He looks over the various concepts, to then double tap his pointer finger on one of them-- this one. Where'd you going to put it?
--That wall over there, right behind the couch
--what do you need?-- He asked with his voice low, kissing the back of her ear.
She shivers and Gently elbows him in the stomach-- some more colors, but ill get them myself
--Ah come on, you'll need a guide
She snorts-- as I said, this is not the first United States I visit
--Well, how do you know its there in this USA?
She sighed in defeat-- fine, lets go cowboy
He chuckles following after her with a smirk-- yes ma'am...~
While Driving to the craft supplies shop, both are jamming out to music, smiling and singing along.
During a red spotlight, Rick puts a hand on her thigh, and she looks at him with a warm smile.-- what is it,Ricky?
--Nothin' I just love you
--I love you too-- they kiss briefly, before resuming their drive.
Once they got what they needed and were back at home, Jerico started to paint the mural, Windows wide Open.
--Didnt know those paints stinked that much-- Rick complained, sitting besides jerico and giving her a Cup of tea-- take a break, honey
--My arm's gonna fall off-- she whined, leaving the paintbrush on the palette and taking the tea.
--All the more reason to take a break-- he coaxed, scooting closer and wrapping an arm around her waist.
Her head rested against his chest, nuzzling his jaw-- love you
--Love you too-- Rick looks up at the wall and says-- its coming along really well
--Thank you baby
Some more days passed until the mural was finished, but once it was, it looked great.
Ricky looked at the wall, now painted with none other than himself And his girlfriend, holding hands and looking at eachother in the eye, floating in a midnight Sky with stars.
--It looks beautiful, honey, well done-- he pressed her to his side, lightly tightening his arms around her shoulders.
--thank you, Ricky
He leans in for a soft gentle kiss. her hands, stained with paint resting on his neck, thumbs caressing his jaw.
And as both look at the mural, with warm cups of tea provided by Sunny, Rick realizes he had found a home, and he'd take this second chance at life and enjoy it to the very last minute.
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sludgesoup-archive · 5 years
my sisters dating a movie buff man and. i asked if hed seen reanimator he was like no whats that i was like ill will. spit on you
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