#ln3 theory
itstimetotheorize · 2 months
The Nowhere and the Waking world
For years we have tried to make sense of the world surrounding the Little Nightmares franchise, and after years of waiting, we finally have the one thing we never knew we could have...Answers. Thanks to the release of The Sounds of Nightmares podcast, some much needed information was finally brought to light, while many more things were finally confirmed. This world was everything we had theorized it would be, and so much more, and after years of waiting, we have a name for this nightmarish world...."The Nowhere".... and just as we have always theorized, this world was no little nightmare...it was always real.
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The Nowhere itself is separate from the human world(a.k.a the waking world), but it is a world which one can travel to none the less...through dreams. After a person enters a dream state, their minds can reach the space between the two worlds, "The Threshold", a dark and endless abyss where one will float through a dark mist. The dark mist obscures one's vision until it dissipates enough to allow a person to see what is beyond the darkness, the gateway to Nowhere. Once a human crosses this gateway, they are judged by a giant red pulsing eye entity(more on this in a moment) and its many eyes circling around it, all sparkling with a hypnotic, enchanting light, their light dripping down into the abyss just as we saw it drip down into Monster Six's music box in Little Nightmares 2.
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The eye entity's eyes look on as every child is presented to them within the Threshold, and if they like what they see in the tormented child, the all seeing eye will equally be pleased enough to open up and permit the human child entry to the Nowhere. Once the human child is permitted entry into Nowhere, their physical body will disappear from the waking/human world to complete the journey, leaving the child trapped among the monstrous Residents, or even becoming part of the Nowhere itself should they open themselves up to it.
However, this gateway and the Nowhere itself, are not all as they may seem. The gateway alone is guarded by the Ferryman, a Resident of the Nowhere we have known about since the very first game, primarily from the Little nightmares issues #1 and #2 comics, whose main duty is to find human children whose tormented lives have left them vulnerable enough to his manipulation, and desperate enough to find any escape from their current lives in the human world. Once a child has been selected, the Ferryman will guide them through the threshold and through the gateway, to Nowhere. The Ferryman's existence is primarily to not only guide children to Nowhere, but to also convince the children to give into the Nowhere and remain there, through any means necessary, usually by convincing them there is something only the Nowhere can provide, such as freedom from something specific, including all illnesses within their body or being liberated from whatever it is the child feels tormented by, such as other people, their own fears, loneliness etc.
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While Children are primarily targeted and given permission to cross over into Nowhere, adults can also be granted permission, though through a more meticulous process. The Ferryman proclaims in chp. 6 of The Sounds of Nightmares, about there being another way to enter the Threshold to find the Nowhere, as for what this other way is? Well, more on this in another theory. As for obtaining permission to cross over into Nowhere, the Ferryman states an adult like Otto must pay a "toll in torments'", and considering it is the tormented children who are of the highest priority to claim for the Nowhere, I and many other theorists have theorized adults like Otto...must commit to the Ferryman's duty of sacrificing a large sum of children, as a way to please the very being which rules over the entire Nowhere...the eye entity, the giant pulsing red eye said to be the size of a moon, which can be met once a visitor crosses the gateway hidden within the Threshold.
The eye entity itself has been theorized to have existed since the very beginning, the most obvious sign of its constant presence being of course, the eye symbol with rays of its hypnotic light surrounding it, a symbol depicted on every game and the franchise as a whole.
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Thanks to the podcast, we have finally gained some understanding as to just what the all seeing eye is, it is not just an all powerful entity which rules over the Nowhere, the eye entity/all seeing eye....IS the Nowhere, and this alone was something I and many other theorists gradually realized was always revealed... as far back as the first games DLC. In the Little Nightmares DLC: The Residence, the Runaway Kid came across various things within the lady's vast library, including a giant astrolabe depicting the all seeing eye's various eyes, looking down on the ancient instrument used to locate positions in time and space, an instrument which always revealed the all seeing eye's capability in finding the worlds beyond the threshold, primarily the human world the children originated from. In terms of the eye entity being the Nowhere itself, well....what more could we have had to confirm this than the globe in the Lady's library depicting the world and its entirety as one giant eye, the very one Noone met in chp. 6.
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The eye entity has always been depicted maintaining a constant watch over everyone and everything, and while some parts of it could be encountered in the form of a fleshy mass, such as the flesh walls within the Tower and the Mall of chp. 3 of The Sounds of Nightmares, it had yet to be fully seen in the game, and now we know why...it was always hidden in a space far beyond any normal person's reach, the Threshold . The eye entity itself remains hidden within the darkness of the Threshold, along with its many eyes, eyes which can easily be mistaken for twinkling lights and constellations while in the Threshold, eyes which were also foreshadowed all throughout the world, both in the game and on the very merchandise we purchased.
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Based on what we have gathered, each eye can be an entirely new location, the very Spiral we will get to journey in Little Nightmares 3, and just as we have always theorized, each eye can take on the shape of an entirely new structure, such as the Mall in chp 3 of TSON. We have always theorized structures such as the tower and the Maw were extensions of the eye entity itself, and though they act on their own, we always theorized they were all connected, like a building with different floors as Noone put it in chp. 5. But out of everything which makes up the Nowhere/eye entity, we have always theorized the most crucial piece in its ongoing survival...is humans.
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Though there is still so much to learn about the Nowhere/eye entity, what we can be certain of is the place it currently resides, the Threshold, and though this endless dark abyss has thus far ensured the eye entity/Nowhere's safety, this abyss is still as empty and endless as Noone said it was, meaning there is nothing for the Nowhere to survive on, and much like any living being, in order to continue living and thriving...the Nowhere itself must feed.
We have always theorized the children were crucial for the eye entity/Nowhere's survival. However, although The Nowhere may prefer to consume the children for their youth and purity, it is not limited to just them, teens such as those in chp. 4 of TSON, as well as adults like Otto, can also be accepted, meaning one thing... all of humanity is more than suitable for the eye entity/Nowhere, its just a matter of how they are prepared.
What am I trying to say? Well, We have always theorized obtaining children and making them suitable enough for the eye entity's consumption, was not something it could do on its own, it required the aid of its Residents, like the Ferryman. While the eye entity/Nowhere's hypnotic light is capable of enchanting and controlling the minds of anyone who falls victim to it, it cannot affect the minds of those who have yet to fully grasp the full severity of their miserable situation. In order to be affected by the eye entity's hypnotic light, humans must grow desperate enough to seek an escape from the cruel reality around them, and who else is better suited to set things in motion than the Residents, many of whom were once children themselves before the Nowhere/eye entity finally changed them, like the sewer man in chp. 5 of TSON. Crazy thing is, we had always theorized humans knew about the existence of the Nowhere/eye entity, about monstrous Residents like the Ferryman ...sad to say, we were far more accurate than we had hoped.
In chp, 5 of The Sounds of Nightmares, Otto states the Ferryman had been documented in various cultures around the world... for centuries. Theorists and I had always theorized that humans had known about the eye entity/the Nowhere and its Residents for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, we also theorized the humans who knew of the Nowhere and the Residents existence, had played them off as nothing more than stories, myths, all of which held a warning many were quick to cast aside. No matter the warning, many humans refused to accept the possibility of their lives actually falling into danger at the hands of the monstrous beings they had always been told about, but refused to acknowledge were actually real, leaving them incapable of taking better action to learn how to defend themselves against the looming horrors from the other side and prevent further tragedy. Those who were willing to accept the existence of the Nowhere and the Residents, were cast aside as lunatics, such as Otto's old professor, his former colleagues, the parapsychologists over the centuries who obsessed over the Ferryman and the existence of the Nowhere...even the humpback girl from the little nightmares issue #1 comic....all of them, were ridiculed for their knowledge.
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We may not yet know the full extend of the stories humans build around the existence of the eye entity/Nowhere and the Residents like the Ferryman, but what is certain is a large part of the world has always been aware of these myths and stories for all those hundreds of years....question is.... how long has the Nowhere existed? For the longest time, the mystery of the eye entity's origins remained unknown, and in a way it still is. The eye entity itself appears to have originated from the dark abyss of the threshold, but we have yet to know how its existence came to be. I, and many other theorists, had theorized humanity itself could only trace the existence of the Nowhere and the Ferryman as far back as humanity had learned to take notice of their looming presence, and if what we theorized is true, then could this potentially mean the eye entity/Nowhere itself had always existed far longer than what was recorded in human history ?....honestly who's to say....
Thus far, this is the sum of what I and many other theorists have put together about the world of the Nowhere and the human/waking world. And yet...something doesn't make sense...Though the two worlds seem so very far apart, they are far closer together than they appeared to be. Otto stated the Ferryman alone was proof of the connection between the two worlds...but unlike the humans... it is the Ferryman who is ABLE to see and hear into the human/waking world, while also being UNABLE to physically cross over from the Threshold to the human world as the children are capable of doing when they journey to and from the Nowhere, but why? Well...Noone did say the Ferryman did not belong to the human world, meaning he has never been capable of physically crossing over to it...and yet...what if he was always trying to....
In chp. 6 of TSON the Ferryman reveals he could hear everything Otto was saying to him, from the Threshold. Now, what does this mean? It means throughout TSON, Otto and Noone were never alone in their sessions, the Ferryman was watching them, hearing every word, seeing every action without either Noone or Otto knowing he was there. Otto gradually realized the Ferryman was watching and listening, but wondered why he couldn't see or sense the Nowhere and the Ferryman for himself, then quickly realized there was a veil up, like a two way mirror, only it was all of humanity who was stuck on the side of the mirror where you can't see through the glass. The Ferryman was always aware of what was happening without ever being seen... then again...maybe his presence was always shown. Anytime the Ferryman was spoken of, anytime his words were repeated...something strange happened...the audio in chp. 2,3,5...it glitched, it became distorted, as if there was something else interfering with the recording... as if... someone else was trying to break through...was it the Ferryman?...maybe.... But if it truly was the Ferryman attempting to break through to the other side, which he eventually did...at least vocally anyway in chp.6, then why would he?
The Ferryman and the Nowhere/eye entity have gone on throughout the centuries, taking child after child, while remaining hidden within the darkness, looking on as all of humanity was unable to find them, their existence passed on as stories and myths, and nothing more....then again....what if this was not what they wanted... Where am I going with this? Well...parapsychologists of the human world state the stories of numerous cultures believed the Ferryman stops anyone from entering any unseen worlds, even Otto himself believed the Ferryman was determined to keep him out of the Nowhere...but if this was ever true, then....why would the Ferryman push Otto to pursue his research to find a way into Nowhere? (more here) Was the Ferryman just toying with Otto?... No, if he was, he wouldn't have given Otto the information he needed to figure out how to cross over...then again...maybe it was never about what the Ferryman wanted..maybe...it was always about what the Nowhere wanted.
In chp. 5 of The Sounds of Nightmares, Otto spoke of a weather phenomenon unique to the Counties, a swirling mist known to be followed by a downpour, a storm. But the way Otto described this "weather phenomenon", it was almost as if there really was never anything normal about it...because what if maybe...just maybe....it was never just some freak weather, so what was it?
The night the bizarre swirling mist set in, was the night Otto first used his apparatus on Noone in an attempt to see the Nowhere, and to the shock of the readers, as well as Otto himself... it worked. The night Otto tested his apparatus, was the night he caught his first glimpse of the eye entity/Nowhere within the Threshold... and all the while Otto noticed the eye entity staring back at him with its intense light growing ever more powerful, the swirling mists storm could in turn be heard outside... growing stronger and stronger.
And yet, the moment the apparatus exploded, unable to withstand the presence of the eye entity/Nowhere, something odd happens...the storm we all heard raging on outside, the very storm which grew stronger the more the apparatus worked in connecting the two worlds....dies down...but why?...maybe we always knew. While the bizarre interference within the audio of TSON could have been the Ferryman trying to break through to the other side, does this mean the bizarre swirling mist and storm within the Counties was in itself, never just some freak weather? But rather...a sign of something much bigger trying to break through?...something far more powerful than the Ferryman...something like...the Nowhere.
We have always theorized the eye entity/Nowhere was the one which commanded all the Residents of its world , as well as anyone like Noone who fell prey to its hypnotic light, meaning maybe...just maybe...it was never the Ferryman who wanted to cross over to the human world...it was the Nowhere itself... If it was, then what does this mean for the children of the game?...What does this mean for the home they all hope to return to?... I guess we'll just have to wait and see...but then again...we have always theorized The Sounds of Nightmares, was no ordinary story...it was the origin story to the start of something...catastrophic. The two worlds, the waking/human world and the world of the Nowhere, though seemingly separate from one another...may be far closer together than we might think...But hey! It's just a theory...a Little Nightmares theory.
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elizaaarts · 2 months
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Bro, what the hell did Mono do to make everything wrong? He did something more than just escape the loop, hm? *Mysterious sounds*
📌 EXPLANATION: Okay, for those who didn't understand, Mirror Man wanted Six to remain in the mirror dimension where he could enjoy her fears and abilities (yes, he was deceiving this whole time), thus, he would become more powerful than his opponents (North Wind and The Broadcaster), in addition to being able to expand throughout the world of Nowhere.
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prof-ramses · 8 months
Breaking down the new LN3 footage
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT this was really wild, we basically got a collage of everything to expect from the Necropolis and what do you mean "pre-alpha gameplay footage"? This already looks amazing! Now let's start the actual breakdown
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The area on the other side of the mirror seems to be the place where we see Low and Alone get pulled into the mirror in the reveal trailer, so that'll probably the beginning of the beginning for the game.
It's interesting to note that the Necropolis seems to be completely walled off from the surrounding desert.
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I might be reaching here but that fact that a crow, an animal that's only previously been associated with the North Wind, is the first living obstacle the kids encounter is very interesting.
I can't, for the life of me, tell what era or region clothes the Dwellers are supposed to be wearing so if anyone can tell me, that'd be a big help.
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We've had numerous variations of the eye symbol with various meanings ascribed to each, so, again, if anyone can point out any previous instances of this particular version of the eye, please do so.
Quicksand will be a hazard in the Necropolis and more than anything I'm just astonished there wasn't a sand burrower.
The Hercules Beetles are way nastier than I thought, likely because of their disgustingly realistic buzzing, makes feel less bad that Baby already killed most of them.
The bundled bodies around the area are definitely concerning, maybe the Dwellers use to preserve corpses as "offerings" to Monster Baby.
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BABY CAN TURN HER EYE BEAMS OFF! This took me completely by surprise, the implications of this are very fascinating to think about.
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The kids, or specifically, Low, wake up in a room with padded walls, implying their either in the sewing room of the Seamstress from the Lonely Way (not good), or the Counties Psychiatric Institute (really not good) and on top of that, darkness closes in around them. While we're on it, Lowe wakes up in the same way the protags of previous games do when you respawn and in the same situation that they (and Noone) do too, as their caught by a resident.
One last thing, the blue to grey pulse on the logo screen feels eerily like a heartbeat, and given the top of the "main" mirror almost looks like a heart...
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chorusofkhonshu · 4 months
Blooming In Nowhere
OK! So now that the legit subtitles were released for the podcast I went back to listen to the podcast again. The first thing I went back to check were the words of the Ferryman, because I don't know about you guys but he was really hard to hear but man was this worth the wait.
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This really made me think because there was a lot of other wording in other episodes.
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The screenshot up top is from the first episode. The flower she got from her parents in the first episode. This doesn't really have any importance on its own but it sets up the use of symbolism later.
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So heres the important part from Episode 5 where Noone is compared to a chrysanthemum. That will blossoms year after year. Only youth blooms which I am pretty sure just means only children can "bloom". Then onto "Petals pure. But uprooted, spoils wait within". Back to Nowhere wanting something that is in children, I often ponder what that can be but right now the process itself of blooming is also important. There is something in kids that beings in Nowhere want but just because kids enter Nowhere doesn't mean they've gotten what they wanted.......yet. They've been uprooted from their world, yet the spoils still wait within. So what constitutes "blooming". Blooming is what I believe to be a kid standing against their fears. Now this sounds simple but it really is not. You literally have to stand against them with the will to fight, not escape. Perfect example that we already have are Mono and Six. Mono standing against the Thin Man and Six standing against the Lady. Nowhere wants and orchestrates things to happen this way, its a set up to get them to bloom. Back in the day on Twitter the Little Nights account said Mono and Six needed each other to make the journey. Mono needs to have someone, he needs to lose them, he needs to confront the Thin Man, all this in an effort to build him up, to bloom, and then pull the rug out from under him. Same with Six, the paper that shows her the Maw at the end of LN 2. Six's journey seems to have a lot less certainty though, but they the end of her journey she has to fight against the Lady. Why not just kill Six as soon as she sees her? RK gets turned into a nome instantly and we've seen the Lady's powers at play after Six get them, she has the power to kill her instantly, so why not? It has to happen, they have to fight, she has to bloom and when she does, she will still be trapped on the Maw. There is something in kids, something that feeds Nowhere once they bloom, not many kids do bloom but Nowhere takes its time cultivating those that have the potential too.
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Something swirled in Noone, something that the denizens of Nowhere wants. Low and Alone are on their way to facing their fears too.
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Can't wait to see how they bloom.
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fae-sodapop · 22 days
The Little Nightmares Kids #Three
Here I'll be sharing my drawings & headcanons!
Next (?)
I don't have headcanons for a few characters so I'll update eventually (& make a master post)
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The Pretender: 12 years old, White hair, Green eyes, She/her,(?)🇬🇧/🇯🇵(?), Powers: Evaporate an entity w/ her touch, ear piercing scream. She has a lot of old time radios around the nest so she can hear the transmission tower, how else do you expect her to hear her father's voice? She is another child of the thin man & the lady and an older sister to Torch (The Flashlight Girl). She is made of porcelain but can still grow. The pretender was sent to the nest as a way to keep her safe from the residents of the maw. She was also planned to take over the Maw of something were to happen to the Lady.
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Scarf: 8 years old, black hair, brown eyes, they/them, 🇷🇺.
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Wisp (The refugee boy): 11 years old, black hair, brown eyes, he/him, 🇫🇷.
Wish (The refugee boy's sister): 5 years old, black hair, brown eyes, she/her, 🇫🇷.
These two were born & raised in the Nowhere. They lived in a village that used charms against the North wind.
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Bright: 10 years old, brown hair, blue glowing eyes, She/her, 🇺🇲, Powers: ((unspecified? need to read the comics again))
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Light: 10 years old, brown hair, blue/brown eyes, it/it's, 🇺🇲.
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Nimble: 11 years old, blonde hair, green eyes, she/her, 🇮🇸.
Quick: 7 years old, brown hair, blue/brown eyes, he/him, 🇮🇸.
Nimble is only in the Nowhere while attempting to save Quick from being taken by a monster (Maybe the ferryman or Other). Quick is very shy & stays with his sister whenever possible. The two are in the Maw after hearing it was the safest place in the Nowhere so where else would they go?
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Rain: 11 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, she/her, 🇺🇲/🇦🇷. She's friends with the pretender
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thetreewhispererr · 10 months
It’s implied in the podcast that LN takes place in a different world where children go when they fall asleep??? and they can get stuck there and blah blah blah
First of all, I love this idea and it explains the way the world makes no sense there and why the children are the only actual human-like people there
AND I just had a very stupid moment where I was like oh yeah
It’s called Little Nightmares
The name makes so much more sense now omg
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yokyoaaa · 10 months
Alone and Low!
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Little nightmares 3 is coming! Fun fact I had SUCH a big brainrot over LN back in 2021, I’m excited to see what they have to offer!
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littlelostthings · 6 months
I’ve been posting a LN theory I came up with everywhere since I love it so u thought I’d share here too!!
so what I found out by a Google search is that the name Cici means “blind”, however specifically “blind to one’s beauty”
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This links heavily to the Lady, who we find out in the Residence DLC sees herself as extremely ugly when looking in mirrors, despite her real face being beautiful
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We also see paintings of a little girl from the lady, who although isn’t six, wears a lovely yellow raincoat. She also has strong connections to the lady as evidenced by the paintings. Note at some point she’s lost her yellow raincoat! I wonder where that ended up?
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So basically my theory goes that: Cici enters the Nowhere to escape Otto and whatever he did to her and ends up in the Maw. Instead of being used for food or whatever else she somehow ends up by the Lady’s side, eventually losing the raincoat, growing up, and becoming the next the Lady replacing the previous. Although grown up Cici is beautiful, the mirrors tell her otherwise and shows her ugly instead, “blind to one’s own beauty”. I think Cici entered the nowhere wearing the yellow raincoat and the original holder of it, before losing it and some other kid finding it, the coat being passed down child to child before ending up on six (who I personally think her name means “sixth child to wear the raincoat”)
thanks for reading :>
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hiya-im-mary · 10 months
Sooo…Little Nightmares 3!!! It’s happening!! Yay!!!!
I wanna talk a bout something that appeared in the trailers we got so far!!
So…there happened to be what looked like adult humans…REGULAR SIZED,NOT GIANT adult humans that were frozen in stone!!
I think a lot of people in the fandom thought that in the LN world,people are both super tiny,but grow up to be the size of the enemies you face…that’s what I thought people thought at least!! If it happened with Mono growing up into Thin Man and Six possibly growing up into The Lady,As well as the children in the school being tiny,this might’ve well been a common occurrence!!
BUT NOW WE’RE GETTING TINY ADULT PEOPLE!! So that probably means that giant beings aren’t natural…either that or tiny people aren’t natural
It depends!! Tiny people always tend to be on the short end of the stick (pun May or May not be intended),like in one of the comics,the guests in town spesifically pointed at the child,while they were soon to be taken by the ferryman!! And there’s the obvious part that MOST of the LN world is fitted for giant people!!
I can’t really think of anything meant for smaller folk. Even the desks in the classroom are too big for the students!! So this means two things could be possible!!
A-As giant people became more and more of a regular occurrence,they essentially overthrew those smaller. They definitely had the strength and numbers to do so!! They eventually rebuilt society for their size and left the tiny folk with crumbs…or made said tiny folk into crumbs
Or B-Tiny people were never a natural thing in the first place!! The bigger folk look down at the smaller folk the way we would look at something unnatural or “weird”. And they were forced into the situation they’re in now because of their size
Either way,the messed up,possibly mutated giant folk rule over the lands we see,and those smaller are essentially seen as sentient pests!! Brutal <:(
As for why it took 3 games for us to see any regular sized adult?? I think that while giants ruled over society,the smaller adults took to fighting back and protecting those younger…which is why pretty much none are left.
But that’s what I think anyways!!
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noodleshark · 2 years
for some reason i dont want the LN tv show at all
i mean it seems cool, amazing even but every time i hear or see about i always feel like i dont want this at all idk its hard to explain
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mickeys-malarkey · 9 months
So, I Think I Know Who Ruth/Noone Is
No, I don't think she's Six nor Alone. But I don't think she's a totally new character like Otto/The Counselor (who, by the way, I noticed upon my relisten also identifies himself as “The Counselor” in his first audio log; an incredibly weird decision for one counselor in an asylum full of other counselors that he mentions constantly to make if it has no significance), either. And, I'm sorry, but this will mean that she is yet another poor child who doesn't get a happy ending.
Point One: Her Name
We… we know that Ruth's other name is “Noone,” not “Six” nor “Alone,” guys. That alone is proof that she's neither of them, just like how knowing Otto's other name is “The Counselor” alone is proof against the theories that he's either The Doctor or Mono/The Thin Man.
From what I can tell, it looks like people who've lived in both worlds get a Human Name and what I'll call a “Nowhere Name” or a “Nightmare Name.”
“The Janitor” is for sure Roger's in LN1.
“The Doctor” seems to be “that celebrity doctor” from TSON's in LN2.
“The Counselor” is for sure Otto's in TSON and potentially LN3 if he shows up there.
“Noone” is for sure Ruth's.
Some might choose their Nowhere/Nightmare Name, some may be bestowed it, but it certainly looks to me like the only time someone gets multiple Nowhere/Nightmare Names (excluding The Candleman/Ferryman because, from what Otto said at the beginning of Ch5, he's like literally some sort of Eldritch god or personification of an abstract concept or something who probably doesn't even have a concrete True Physical Form seeing as he's described very differently by mythologies all over the world throughout history, “‘The Guardian At The Threshold,’ an archetype that parapsychologists have obsessed over for centuries. A mythic entity who's appeared in the stories of innumerable cultures. No matter their description, his roll is always the same: to confront anyone who dares cross into unseen worlds . . . The Candleman. The Ferryman. Indeed, The Guardian At The Threshold. An eidolon [googled definitions: ‘a specter or phantom; a ghost or elusive entity; an unsubstantial image; an image or representation of an idea; an apparition of some actual or imaginary entity, or an aspect of reality’] on the inside, determined to keep. Me. Out.” So, I think we can just assume that, because he's an ethereal being, everyone who encounters him perceives him varying degrees of differently [I mean, just look how difficult Noone found it to solidify her perception of him enough to describe him in the first place] and, unless their perceptions just happenstance into matching up enough or they decide to call him by a name they heard someone else use, they all call him something different and therefore, to use Tumblr terms: he's Spiders Georg and shouldn't be counted) is specifically in the case of kids surviving to adulthood in The Nowhere. Because, then, they transition from having a “nickname” type of Nowhere/Nightmare Name to having a “title” type, like Mono (ain't no way his parents put “Mono” on his birth certificate, that's definitely a nickname) growing into The Thin Man (an incredibly weird title, but a title nonetheless 🤷🏻‍♀️).
Sisi could easily be Six, or Raincoat Girl, or Portrait Girl (more likely Raincoat Girl or Portrait Girl), there's evidence for all three (but stronger for Raincoat Girl and Portrait Girl) and Otto/The Counselor never mentioned whatever her other name is, only “Sisi.” But, as I said, we know Ruth's other name: Noone!
Now, there is an unnamed girl that Noone is a little too similar to for it to be a coincidence: Spoon Girl (aka Girl With Pigtails, aka Nosebleed Girl, aka Hospital Girl, whatever you wanna call her) from the LN2 comics.
Point Two: Narrative Parallels & Matching Imagery
• Ruth/Noone: has an eye-looking “pea-size tumor on [her] right-sided amygdala,” as Otto said (“they maintain it's benign, despite the unusual ocular appearance”).
> Is “helped” to escape the asylum, Otto/The Counselor, and her tumor in the horrible, corrupting nightmare world that is The Nowhere by The Candleman/Ferryman after he brings her back and forth for a while, manipulating her into thinking The Nowhere is the lesser of the two evils.
• Spoon Girl: has a right-side nosebleed, which could mean Ruth/Noone was incorrect that living in The Nowhere would cure her of her tumor (not surprising, given that “ocular appearance.” Of course she couldn't escape it in its own domain) and now the cancer has spread to her nasal cavity (nosebleeds come up as a possible side effect of olfactory neuroblastoma, a cancer of the nerves that allow you to smell which starts growing in your nose and can spread into your brain. They could've researched that and thought it seemed perfectly reasonable that a tumor growing in the opposite direction would do the same exact thing)?
> Is “helped” to escape her hospital cell by an unseen person repeatedly pushing spoons under her door only to find that she's actually dug herself into an identical cell, all the way down to the hash marks she put on the walls presumably counting how many spoons she broke while digging. The door then opens to lure her to where she's found by The Doctor and, presumably, is either killed by him or “saved” from him by The Thin Man (if her Glitching Remains that Mono can find and absorb in the actual game are an indication that he attempted a rescue after the pair encountered each other through The Mall), likely turning her into a monster similar to Monster Six and locking her away somewhere until her tumor finally killed her.
Wouldn't it just wrap Ruth/Noone's story up in a positively hideous bow if, once she thought she'd escaped the horrors of her real life, she literally just found herself delivered into the hands of the very same man who traumatized her and got her face plastered all over the telly in the first place, where she basically lives through a metaphor that makes her realize what a terrible mistake she's made before she succumbs to whatever her final fate was (the latter option would mean also into the hands of someone so similar to Otto/The Counselor that the writers were able to use him to foreshadow how his part of her story would end)? 😬😢
If you need more proof, let's look at the TSON cover art…
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Looks an awful lot like those bottom two hands are gripping pigtails, doesn't it (in exactly the wrong place for her to be Alone, might I add. Alone's pigtails stick up, Ruth/Noone's hang down)…? The fact they're also specifically covering the area where her bangs would be is pretty suspicious, as well… Now, let's compare her to Spoon Girl's concept art from the LN2 art book…
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…Yeah, I think it's her. The face, head, shoulder, and collar shapes are much too similar for this series whose artists very much do not suffer from Same Face nor Same Body Syndrome when characters aren't meant to just be members of a faceless/masked/cloned throng. Hello, Ruth/Noone… R.I.P. 😔
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
A peculiar sky
...Something has been bugging me... and it has something to do with the sky. Upon the release of the Little Nightmares 3 trailer, it had become apparent nearly everyone who watched the trailer quickly noticed the heavy yellow/orange atmosphere of the desert where the Necropolis resided. This was of course strange to many because we were not accustomed to such a bright environment. But all the while I and other theorists stared at this yellow/orange sky, we realized something...since when does such a sky exist in the Nowhere?
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In Very Little nightmares we see the Nest is surrounded by a peculiar brownish green cloudy sky. In Little Nightmares we see this same peculiar sky after Six escapes the Maw, and again in the concept art of the Maw.
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Now, why is this so odd?...its because there are no blue skies in the world of the Nowhere...because there is no real sun. So then...what is the bright ball of light shining in the Nowhere? Well...what if we always knew, and what if the comics already gave us an answer.
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We have always theorized many elements of the 2017 Little Nightmares comics could still be used for future content, after all, the Ferryman's existence was still hinted to be part of the world upon discovering a picture of him and his boat in the Maw, leading many of us to realize there was still a possibility details of the discontinued comics could still be used to understand the world of Little Nightmares and the characters which continued to exist in game. And if the comics still hold some truth to them just as it did for the Ferryman, then it means the "sun" we see rising from the ocean outside the Maw, is not a sun...it's an eye.
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In the sounds of nightmares, Noone provides details about the world of the Nowhere, revealing to us the many locations observed in the world are not necessarily part of some bigger world, they are individual locations residing in individual eyes, circling around the giant pulsing red eye entity. The many eyes Noone saw is the Spiral, a cluster of dystopian lands. And just as Noone stated, the locations she encountered are all connected, but they work independently from each other, like floors to a building. What does this mean? it means the Nest and the Maw also reside in an eye, but we have theorized neither the eye's nor the eye entity itself, have the capability to mimic a true sun to create a bright blue sky, and if the eye entity cannot replicate a real sun, it cannot replicate a real moon, it simply remains hidden in the darkness within the Halfway place, radiating its bright hypnotic light and providing this light to its many eyes.
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In terms of the Mall in chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares, well, its just as Noone said, there was no sun in the sky, and if what we have theorized about the Mall is true, then the mall was not only left to wither and die for failing to live up to its existence, but also blinded to no longer receive the power of the eye entities hypnotic light, the very light which would have helped it gain control of the mind of a child such as Noone, to make her stay.
And I know what you are thinking, "Oh, but the Pale City had a cloudy blue night sky, how is it possible for it to exist if the Nowhere is unable to replicate a sun or a moon", And I understand this....but then again...we have always theorized the Pale City was not originally part of the Nowhere....and what if maybe...just maybe...neither was the Necropolis...But hey!, it's just a theory...a Little Nightmares theory!
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sparklingmusicofstars · 7 months
Hamefura series summary :
To make it easier I made a summary with some of my posts. I hope it would be useful. If you don't mind i'll take you this idea maboroshi-no ><
Bonus stories :
LN2 : Happy twilight (Acchan's POV) Be happy
LN3 : First prince and his fiancée Second prince and his fiancée What I wanted ~Geordo~ ~In a Slumber~
LN5 : Tom the gardener
LN6 : ~I had a terrifying dream~ Catarina
LN9 : POV of a shopkeeper's daughter
LN11 : Ronnie's POV and Bell's POV
LN12 : Catarina 18th birthday.
LN13 : A story at the orphanage
Movie : I want to see the caravan show again
Hamefura manga 5 : Raphael's disguises
French version :
Dans un sommeil Geordo LN3
Point de vue de la fille d'un commerçant LN9
Hamefura Theories :
Catarina's past life Theory 1
About the movie (before the realease of the last trailer) Theory 2
Sora's background Theory 3
Catarina and Geordo's relationship Theory 4
Hamefura romantics progress Theory 5
Hamefura pirates : When Rozy fell in love with Catarina ? Theory 6
What would everyone become if Catarina were to disappeared ? 7
Who's the reincarnated ? Theory 8
What will happen in LN 14 ? Theory 9
What are Catarina's dreams about FL2 ? Theory 10
Hamefura polls :
An opinion about the ships
Hamefura characters' different versions :
Catarina Sophia Mary Maria Geordo Keith Alan Nicol Raphael Sora (Rufus) Pochi Ian
Hamefura characters' introductions :
Catarina Sophia Rozy Lind
Musics of the movie : Here
Hamefura pirates drama CD recording : Here
Hamefura fanfic :
A troublesome popularity : Part 1
Hamefura illustrations : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Everyone as butlers Everyone as butlers chibi Some characters as idols The girl as fairies Switch gender Happy new year 2024
Hamefura verge of doom illustrations :
Volume 3 Maria and Catarina Geordo's introduction Kai Geran's introduction Catarina's introduction Manga's introduction Cute chibis
All the best here
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prof-ramses · 9 months
The Sounds of Nightmares episode 6 analysis: Going Nowhere
An interesting finale, one that leaves the door open to further expand from the ever-growing gnarled branches of this universe we've grown to love.
The Dressing Room:
The dream Noone, or rather Ruth, recounts at the beginning is quite interesting, the parallels to past episodes, especially episode 4 are interesting but lack enough focus for us to say anything for sure. The Mannequin woman's actions being noted to match that of the Nowhere itself is very fascinating. Perhaps she's more significant than we can currently know.
The Threshold:
The barrier to the nowhere being a semi-existent, pitch black mist is something that lines up well with the smoke pouring from the mirror in the LN3 banner, especially given it's the first game where the protags aim to leave Nowhere entirely.
Crossing Over:
The fact that the Ferryman knew Noone's real name contrasts with the Mall who only knew her as "No one", almost as if that was their to symbolize that even the eye structures (or at least some of them) are inferior to the Ferryman in terms of grasp on visitors and other worlds in general.
The fact Ruth's voice audibly distorted when the door closed tells me she was likely to become a resident very quickly, possibly due to all that she experienced before ending up in the CPI.
The Real Aim:
The final reveal of the Ferryman speaking to Otto all along makes some question more interesting to ponder, why is Otto the only adult we've seen the Nowhere take interest in, was taking Cici another way of "pushing" him to "plunge", was that alone meant to be enough and the kids at the CPI are now a back up plan? Is Otto being pursued becomes he would have a special power in the Nowhere, one that is crucial for one reason or another, or is it something we have no current hints about? Is Otto getting to Nowhere even possible or is he just being used to basically deliver kids to the Ferryman? We can only look to time with hopes of eventually answering some of these questions.
Closing Thoughts:
The Sounds of Nightmares was an incredible experience and I applaud everyone who contributed to any language version of it. I eagerly look forward to what other ways we'll see of exploring my favorite horror franchise, maybe even through another podcast at some point, again, time will tell.
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chorusofkhonshu · 9 months
Theory of Numbers in LN
I guess I will explain myself slightly. While researching the the podcast, it got me wondering. Noone has had a part of herself in Nowhere, a part that hides secrets from herself, something that when in the waking world she says she feels a part of her is missing. So I wondered what part of her is missing. Not her body, not her mind, not her soul. The Ferryman needs her to accept Nowhere so that all of her can go thru the Halfway Point. If it was her soul crossing over then there'd be no need for her to physically cross. So I looked for a fourth option. And surprise surprise there was a fourth option. A theory posed by a rather famous psychologist who was alive during the time period that I estimated TSON to take place during. His theory was basically the same as Otto's professor, all of them in the same line of work. And like Otto's professor, his theory was dismissed because it leaned to far into mystics. If you look hard enough you can find this. The fourth option presented was called The Shadow. There are two shadows, the personal shadow and the collective shadow. I may talk about personal shadows in a later post, but lets skip to the collective shadow. The collective shadow is the dark side of humanity, all coming together to form something almost like a place. He called this place, this hypothetical world of the worst of humanity Unus Mundus which translates to One World, a place where past, present and future all meet. A shadow, a thing that when asked if it exists, the answer is no, but you can see your shadow! Its something that exists and yet doesn't. And how is Nowhere described by Noone? Below is a description of the Collective Shadow and world of LN before the podcast.
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After that brief introduction I can finally move on to the numbers! The collective shadow was something that you could dream into, is what is stated briefly. Now in these dreams, time has no meaning in the collective shadow is what the old professor said, and in Nowhere time has no meaning either. The clocks in all games are all wrong, they are either going faster, slower or the numbers aren't even in the correct order. Go ahead and look. The clock in episode 1 of TSON, the numbers are all wrong. So then........whats the use of numbers? Numbers in dreams, have symbolism attached to them. Each number having an Archetype attached to it. I am not going to go thru them all but I'll go thru 2 of them for now. Number 1 Archetype- Known as the Child, the Divine or the Innocent. This is Mono, whose name can mean 1. One who has trouble willingly growing up, who is innocent not in the fact that they are good, but that they are naive, with child like tendencies. How does the Divine aspect come in?
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Mono developed the ability to somehow tune the Transmission, that is his "Divine" nature of his Archetype. Moving on to Six Number 6 Archetype- The Rebel
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Does this not perfectly encapsulate Six? Her description is
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She's split in two, goes to the Maw, kills the Lady, takes her power, heals herself. She overturned things without powers, now that she has some, whose gonna stop her? She is a rebel. I wanna go on more but its sleepy time for me. These late night insanity sessions be doing numbers on me. If you interested look of Jester and Archetype number 9, or number 3 and 5. Pls let me know if im crazy.
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virtualgalaxysuit · 14 days
Ask me anything about LN (theories, ln3, AU, my comic) ;o;
I an very bored (can't draw at my work bruh) and want to talk about this stupid fandom ;з;👍
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