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lnc2 · 1 year
"this is the bad place" type fic except it's just adrien constantly figuring out marinette is ladybug and she has to keep resetting the timeline with second chance.
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jennagrinsoverml · 1 year
hii! any oblivio fics recommendations?
Yesss, so happy to rec fics for my favourite episode!! 💕💕💕
the wonderful part of the mess that we made by heresie_irisee
They knew.
They knew, and there would be no magical reset button for the memories they'd made today. She'd have to  see him at school every day, and she'd see the Chat in him, as surely as  he'd see the Ladybug in her.
One-shot. This is such a great alternate take on Oblivio!! The mutual pining is so, so, so good! Especially love Marinette struggling to assimilate Adrien’s identities and Adrien’s obliviousness. There's a reason this is one of my absolute favourite fics in the fandom.
breath of fate by @11paruline44
Was it really True Love's Kiss that broke Dark Cupid's spell? Marinette is, of course, an absolute mess in the wake of the akuma in which she kissed Chat Noir. But, amidst her embarrassment and copious internal screaming, her mind is too curious not to wonder. Overwhelmed by four opponents at once amidst the Puppeteer's attack, one of them being her own Chat Noir, the idea pops into her head: If True Love's Kiss worked once, who's to say it wouldn't work again?
One-shot. I'm OBSESSED with the premise of this fic! I love the use of true love's kiss, love the angst and the messy feelings and the reveal with Oblivio and I don't want to spoil it, but this fic left me with the biggest smile on my face!!!
Panicked Thoughts and Needed Talks by jillie_chan
After the kiss, in that moment everything was perfect. And then that moment ended. OR Chat Noir: You remember too? Ladybug: *pterodactyl screeching*
Multi-chapter. An alternate ending for Oblivio where they remember everything and react appropriately (lol). This is such fun and so cute and I really enjoyed it!
memory restoration by @raibo888
Alternate ending to Oblivio. What if Ladybug and Chat Noir regain their memories after defeating Oblivio?
One-shot. This one is super cute and I loved it!
Small Talk by @lnc2
All she wanted was a cup of coffee.
One-shot. Another "what if they remembered" take on Oblivio, but this is set a little after the episode, rather than in the immediate aftermath, which sets it apart. I just love the dynamic here.
Visceral by word_devourer
Neither Adrien nor Marinette has the slightest idea what happened when Oblivio attacked. All each of them knows is that they've been left with an aching love-sickness that they can't seem to shake.
One-shot. This fic is so cool! It really messed with my head but like in a good way. Definitely different than most Oblivio fics!
Amnesiac? More like Amnesi-Chat by therealjanebingley
Oblivio's back, and this time only Chat Noir gets hit. Based on his limited knowledge and the way Ladybug acts towards him, he makes some assumptions.
One-shot. This is hilarious. From Chat’s genuine glee about his superheroes to Ladybug’s affectionate indulgence to having Chat provide an “outside perspective” on Ladybug’s non-platonic behaviour towards him to the teasing… I could see this actually happening in an Oblivio 2.0 episode.
The Open Line by @sariahsue
"Maybe, Cat Noir admitted as Oblivio knocked him back once again, maybe it was his fault. Just a little. But in his defense, Ladybug was at the top of her game today, and it was absolutely irresistible." An Oblivio alternate ending, where she never learns his identity but remembers what it was like to fall in love with him, and how she slowly falls in love with him all over again. (More like a PG than a G.)
Multi-chapter. This one starts as an Oblivio alternate ending, but it develops out into so much more and is a really gorgeous ladynoir love story.
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nemaliwrites · 2 years
i read your ml pirate fic and i like it a lot! i was wondering, do you have any recs for others?
oh hey, sure thing! i'm gonna preface this by saying I don't read many fics, but here are some that I've read and really love:
Bakery Enemies AU by @buggachat
honestly i don’t know if there’s anyone out there who hasn’t read this at this point, but in case you haven’t, go give it a read, you won’t regret it
the thing you love the most is the detriment (let that sink in) by @runnfromtheak
introspection + character study is always my jam, and this one certainly does not disappoint. a look at marinette post chat blanc and how she copes (or fails to)
anything by Reiaji
probably one of my favorite writers ever (i rec the last day on earth in particular, i love it, 10/10)
Flowers on the Window Sill by @lnc2
for all my fellow Ladrien enjoyers out there
1 step forward, 3 steps back. by @agnes-is-wright
if you want something that will rip your heart out but in the best way possible, read this
1000 Days by @engineerdz
angst with a happy ending + non linear narrative is a match made in heaven
how hawkmoth got his groove back by @agrestenoir
some fun crack if you wanna laugh
Hey, Ribbons by @annaethchase
an au where felix is the first chat noir and his brother adrien takes over - this might will definitely make you cry
Ping by meeble
social media au, instant serotonin
Those Benevolent Stars by @peachcitt
another one for my ladrien enjoyers out there (also recommend anything by this author, their stuff slaps)
All My Life by Faithxoxo
some real cute shit
when you're near by @buggachat
this one is super cute but also might make you cry
the jig is up, the news is out by @engineerdz
identity reveal but for the rest of the world, cool concept + awesome excecution
what's written in the stars by @agrestenoir
can i get a whoop whoop for time travel fics
first sight (we love without reason) by @agrestenoir
probably one of my favorite fics in the fandom; a soulmate fic that will rip your heart out, step all over it, and eat it for breakfast
and of course, it would be amiss of me not to say anything by this author
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rosekasa · 2 months
🦉🌷🔮 for the fanfic writers game!
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
omg so many come to mind and im actually afraid that im going to miss people out because i feel like the only reason i write is because of the people i admire. between 2021-2023 i really struggled with writing for a bit, i dont know why, someone gave me nazar probably, but there are some writers who i would read COPIOUS amounts of and think, this, THIS love i feel while reading is the love i want to feel about my own work
@jattendschaton , obviously, has been one of my biggest inspirations since i was a BABY. their writing is so descriptive and evocative. so insanely detailed. studying their writing was what got me into the habit of trying to find different ways to express a sentence to see if i could get a more accurate representation of the feeling i wanted to convey
@frostedpuffs and @lnc2 were the first ml writers i ever read <3 i didnt even know i wanted to write fic at the time! honestly a lot of my earlier characterisations/ways of writing are heavily inspired by their works because i was so obsessed with them! they made me want to start posting on ml ao3 in the first place
@xiueryn , i downloaded a bunch of yilena's fics onto my kindle in late 2022 and fucking DEVOURED them. i hadn't really been reading longer ml fics at all at the time but yilena's... i could not stop. their worldbuilding, their pacing, the way they make writing 40k+ word fics seem almost effortless? it became a joke with my irl best friend because i would literally randomly say "oh yilena you legend" while readingsdjkfhsd
@miabrown007, i read seven is a lucky number and it RUINED me for life. i dont know why this is what keeps coming to mind, but in her a/ns she mentioned that she HAD to end the word count on a multiple of seven, and i was like, oh my god, she puts so much structural thought into her stories. meeting her irl and hearing her talk about her writing process in detail was an out of body experience. that day itself i wanted to finish a multichapter
@asukiess, if loving ao3 user asukiess was a cult i would run it. i read tbsym and it really slapped me in the face because, having encountered it at a time where i felt like i ran out of any and all ability to be unique and creative with ml, i was like, oh my god, this person just wrote 10k+ words about. kuro neko?? a twenty minute episode? and she got SO MUCH out of it? and it hit me that like. if you love something enough you WILL find a way to create more out of it.
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
i have all my stats turned off on ao3 so i havent actually had that feeling of "aw i love this fic i wrote but it didnt really get popular" in like. three years sdjfhdsjkfds but checking my stats now, hmm. maybe ya'aburnee? which is funny because although it has fewer kudos than my other fics it's also the fic that people who i meet in the fandom yell at me for the most. at the mcm ml meetup a friend who came was like "HOW ARE U COMPLAINING ABOUT MCD YOU LITERALLY WROTE IT" and i so vehemently was like NO I LITERALLY DIDNT WHEN and they were like??? are u fucking stupid. it was great
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
the plot twist to ya'aburnee was a banger in the outlines but i feel like i didnt execute it that well in the actual fic. but lpoam i think was my FAVOURITE favourite. i even cried while writing the death scenesfdjshd
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
A very happy Ladrien June birthday to my gemini twin soul @lnc2! 🥳 Happy Birthday! May canon bless us with the Ladrien we deserve. 💕
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sariahsue · 2 years
I know that this is an older post (or at least I think it is. Time isn’t real anyway) but I see your “Chat knows Ladybug is in love with Adrien and makes fun of her for it” and raise you “Adrien thinks Marinette can’t be Ladybug because Ladybug is in love with him and Marinette isn’t” and that’s the only reason he hasn’t figured it out
Yes! Marinette would never lie about only seeing Adrien as a friend, after all. He's asked her about it a couple times now.
And we can combine it with @lnc2 's idea that Ladybug catches on that Chat Noir blushes every time he teases her so she starts teasing him back. And of course, she doesn’t realize he’s Adrien because if Chat knew she had a crush on him, he would definitely confess his identity right away instead of teasing her about it.
Chat Noir: *teases Ladybug about being caught kissing Adrien* Ladybug: *teases Chat Noir by describing the hypothetical kiss in detail* Chat Noir: *dies of happiness and immediately comes back to life through the power of love* Chat Noir: *still oblivious* Ladybug: *also still oblivious*
Think of the shenanigans! The banter! The flirting! 
And then when Marinette finally confesses, Adrien has the most confused crisis of his life. (Wait, I thought Ladybug said she was going to confess today. Waaaaiiit.)
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mila-beedoodling · 1 year
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Saw this post about firefighter Marinette by @lnc2 and I had to
You guys can support me on KoFi
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botherkupo · 1 year
@nomolosk tagged me in the WIP game but gonna make my own post cause that other one was too long lol
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
1) Mage
2) The Cursed Prince
3) Whisper
4) The Time Game
5) Caught in the Chat
Number 5 is the only fanfic lol
Tagging (no pressure): @mozzys-studio @carpisuns @emletish-fish @heartfulselkie @lnc2
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skaylanphear · 2 years
ML fandom updates as you’re feeling out of your depths. Popular bloggers and creators include buggachat, lnc2, yeet-noir, chatonnoir and siderealsandman. This isn’t everyone but they’re popular within their sectors and pretty interactive so you can find others just by visiting these.
Popular trends: Rewrites are loved but rare, coming with lore tweaks and raised stakes for Adrien. Psychological thrillers with trauma. Marinette whomp (Adrien whomp is less popular lately). Ensemble work with Luka and Kagami with our duo is also a thing (I dislike this but I won’t be dishonest). Earnestness.
Off the top of my head, that’s what’s up with content creation in the miraculous fandom. Always liked your work, glad you’ve felt some inspiration in the ol stomping grounds
Thanks, friendo! I appreciate you looking after me since I haven't really been active in like... five years, lol. Also, I don't know if I'm just oblivious or if it's because I'm about to turn 31, but I don't know what "whomp" is. Sounds sus tho.
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himevampirechan · 1 year
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!! 💜
@zoe-oneesama @ivette-mr @artbylexie @lnc2 @ladybub @ceejles @kieraplease @neomexicanismos @qookyquiche
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noblechaton · 1 year
5 Songs I’ve Been Listening To Nonstop Lately
tagged by @siderealsandman and tagging uhhhhh @canobugs @sidsinning @mari-monsta @lnc2 if yall see this and wanna do it too! lol
Fake Out by Fall Out Boy
Since You've Been Gone by Rainbow
Light Up The Night by The Protomen
Synthetic Life by Julian Emery
Red:Birthmark by AiNA THE END
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lnc2 · 9 months
maybe shadybug and claw noir go on romantic little evil jaunts around the evil world in their evil space suits. maybe they just pop over to the british museum and steal some art because it's already stolen anyway. maybe they start a fun little international incident by returning the stolen art to their countries of origin. maybe they take english historic items and give them to those other countries as well. maybe shadybug says to claw noir like hey this is fun and everything but what's your thing about england? maybe claw noir says he just likes fucking with his snooty cousin. maybe.
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
ML Christmas Fic Recs
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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! 🎄🎁❄ I love a good seasonal fic and we have a lot of them in this fandom, so this is a long list. I'm not going to comment on the fics like I usually do to keep this post from being too long. Just trust me that they're all amazing!
I'll Be Home for Christmas by @thelibraryloser
Adrinette: Fake Dating for Christmas "Reasons"
Mistletoe by @11jj11​
The four times the Love Square found themselves under a mistletoe.
A Cat of Their Own by @sariahsue
Tom and Sabine have learned Ladybug's secret identity, it's obvious their relationship It's also obvious to them that Cat Noir adores their daughter. How deep do those feelings go? And how far are they willing to go to mother the boy underneath the mask?
Santa Baby, Slip a Superhero into a Box for Me by therealjanebingley
There's an akuma with the ability to give everyone their heart's desire for Christmas.
But when your heart's desire is your crush, and your crush has a secret identity…who's going to show up under your tree?
Better Fate than Never by @2manyfandoms2count​
This Christmas, about ten years after their first meeting, and five after Hawkmoth's disappearance, Ladybug and Chat Noir are taking the leap and finally revealing their identities to one another.
Two people, one hotel, one plan to drop the masks.
Seemed straightforward enough. Or so they thought...
The Purr-fect Gift by @gryffindorcls​
Years after the reveal and the start of their relationship, Marinette and Adrien move in together. To her dismay, Adrien has become distant and quiet after the move. Marinette just wants things to return to normal, but Adrien has a surprise for her that will change their lives forever.
Unraveled by @overworkedunderwhelmed​
When her holiday family obligations leave Chat Noir more than willing to pick up the slack, Ladybug comes to a rather startling observation -- one she was shocked to realize she hadn’t picked up on before.
Resolved, Marinette gives her all to make Christmas extra special for her partner.
But even the best laid plans can unravel.
Somebody Waits for You (Kiss Her Once for Me) by @thelibraryloser
Ladynoir: Caught Under the Mistletoe
The Christmas Miraculous by @mommadon​
Adrien's trying to build a new life for himself in New York, but after an unexpected break-up with his girlfriend, he returns home to Paris for some soul-searching. What he finds may surprise him.
A pure, 100% fluff, cheesy Christmas movie style fanfic for your guilty pleasure enjoyment.
baby please (come home) by @lnc2​
It’s the first Christmas after Hawkmoth’s defeat and Adrien is struggling without his lady.
Christmas by Starlight by @deinde-prandium
Worried that Ladybug is working too hard, Chat Noir plans the ultimate Christmas surprise. He's gonna give her the stars. Literally.
(Thing is, he doesn't realize that he's in for a surprise of his own.)
Then how the Reindeer Loved Him by @baneismydragon​
A chance meeting on Christmas eve leads to a moment of magic between Ladybug and Adrien.
Kistletoe by @codenamejd​
Adrien has inadvertently caught Marinette under the mistletoe...
...but Adrien's never heard of mistletoe.
12 Dates of Christmas by @lyramae-archer
When Ladybug notices that her partner, Chat Noir, seems down at Christmas season - the happiest time of year - she takes it into her own hands to make the days memorable and special, all with a Christmas spin. They aren't *dates* - they are just two friends doing Christmas things together because her kitty needs to smile. At least until she discovers who it is under the mask.
Kissing for charity by plikki
Marinette doesn't understand why the idea of Chat kissing someone else is killing her. It's for a good cause! But it's so bad that she's forced to spend her savings to make sure she would be the only one kissing him. For the sick children, of course.
Chat Noir's Christmas Spirit by @jennagrinsoverml​
Chat Noir isn't feeling the Christmas spirit this year.
How could he? Nothing's improved since last year.
But his Lady notices and puts her brilliant mind and kind heart to turning her partner's holiday around.
Since We've No Place to Go (Let it Snow) by @thelibraryloser
Marichat: Snowed In
and what's this? a BONUS trope? there was only ONE BED?
Be not afraid of greatness by @zipadeea​
"Love is blind, and lovers cannot see, The pretty follies that themselves commit." Maybe so, but sometimes, sometimes, all it takes to see is an early morning make-up exam, an irrational lack of sleep, and a pen that's out of ink. Reveal fic!
Chocolate Coins by @inkjackets​
A cold December day, a load of chocolate coins, two teenage superheroes... the perfect recipe for fun!
Smudged to Perfection by @overworkedunderwhelmed​
As pleased as Adrien was to have found an early Christmas gift from one of his friends on his desk at school, he was ecstatic when he realized it possessed a power far stronger than he’d ever imagined.
Zibeline by @chatonne-rousse​
Marinette finally pulls Adrien's name for the class gift exchange. She has a great idea for the perfect Christmas gift, but when Ladybug allows Chat Noir to help, things end up going differently - though not worse - than she had envisioned.
at every table, i'll save you a seat by @ladynoirist
unbeknownst to them, adrien and plagg have the same plan for christmas morning: giving their kitten the best christmas he's ever had
A game of pretend by @emsylcatac
Marinette was certain that Adrien was Chat Noir. She was also certain that he knew her identity. Yet, the both of them were acting like they hadn’t connected the dots and were still oblivious to what was now painfully obvious. She didn’t know if it was a game they were playing at or not, but if so, she had no intention of losing.
Which proved itself to be extremely difficult when Chat Noir suggested on patrol one evening that they go gift-shopping for their lovers together.
Butter by @ao3bronte​
It’s warm in their garden igloo, an Eden of good company and beating hearts cocooned against the December chill and the gently falling snow cascading from the heavens. Chat wishes he could spend the rest of his life like this, laughing and joking with Ladybug over a homemade Christmas dinner made just for the two of them.
Mice to Meet You by @sing-in-me-oh-muse​
Santa and his elves ended up sick from a shortage of sugar cookies because Mrs. Claus had gone on vacation to visit her cousin in Antarctica (and he's too busy to bake for himself and 300 elves).
So the day before Christmas, Santa calls Chat Noir for help.
But Chat can't do it on his own.
He needs help from Multimouse! Well. Several Multimouses.
Resolution by @thelibraryloser
Ladrien: New Year's Eve Resolutions
and also... another Ladrien specific bonus trope which is a surprise and I will give you a hint: it isn't gratuitous blushing
The following fic is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.  
Advent Calendar by @ghostlyhamburger
Chat and Ladybug do a different Christmas activity every day
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casadefreewill · 2 years
Daily Fics
(Fics I read throughout the day yesterday and enjoyed)
Best man post by @sampaguitea
Prompt by @lnc2
Pre-reveal Adrienette wedding where Chat Noir really wants Ladybug to be his best man because she’s his best friend and when he asks her she’s like hell yeah I will. Who are you marrying? Cue reveal.
*mumbled into hand* how are they so cute?? Mgfdghuugfhhgggg
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bjurnberg · 1 year
I was tagged by @mokulule
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words
Line comes from Uncanny, chapter 2:
This wasn’t a ghost?
(Poor Jim just found an intangible boy in Crime Alley who isn’t a soul-memory-imprint of kid-Bruce come back to haunt the place despite the uncanny resemblance. What do you do with a kid that can walk straight through your cop car if he wanted? Step one: be nice.)
Tagging: @shykitten28 @cloudshapedpatch @lnc2 @thedreamerstime
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