#lndzzze replies
vampyrelle · 5 years
Do you use a texture overlay in paintings? :0 I'm not sure if its just what tumblr does to some images but it looks like you have one on the post "atropa." If so! What type of textures do you use?
Yes, i do! I either use a paper texture or add a nose filter (or sometimes both)
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bunabi · 6 years
lndzzze replied to your post: I’m tired of dealing with this specific customer...
Can you talk to your manager about it?
Yeah if I can get hold of her lol. She’s been spread really really thin since all our other managers were inexplicably fired three days ago with no explanation.
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vitosscaletta · 6 years
@admiralreegar said:
oh that’s my mood!!!!
@lndzzze said:
HI!!!!!!!! JOIN MY HELL!!!!
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HELLO look at this and tell me it is not REAL LOVE????!???
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mureh · 6 years
tumblr related uuuh
thuviel replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
I don't really see why everyone would leave? I mean it's great for posting everything else, is nsfw stuff really the only thing people care about? :/ I'm not going anywhere at least..
I kinda think like you, but the problem is when tumblr flag your posts as nsfw when it isn’t (I had to check mine and some of them were flaged as nsfw, when it showed just some mild nudity, or nothing at all). I won’t leave tumblr either, but I’m an artist after all, gotta go where everyone go.
lndzzze replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
You could try artstation?
I have artstation!  Here’s the link > https://www.artstation.com/duonombro < but it’s super empty, im sorry. 
beanjonson replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
there's pillowfort (currently down for maintenance) which is closer to tumblr concept-wise, and mastodon which is a lot more like twitter
I was checking pillowfort, but since is still on beta, I’m waiting until they have the final site. Hope their project goes well!  And about mastodon... I have an account there? But I felt like everyone went there because it was the novelty, and soon the activity dropped (I don’t know how the things are going there rn) but maybe I should give it a try. Here’s the link > https://mastodon.art/@alssahirat < 
teryster replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
twitter feels really weird to post art on for me as well, but I got used to instagram a lot! do you have patreon perhaps as well? i've been using it for the art-scrolling a lot lately lmao, tumblr feels like it's counting down it's own demise OTL
haha same! I’m pretty asocial myself, and twitter is a bit too focused on social interactions, so it isn’t really my thing. And yeah, I have patreon! Here’s the link > https://www.patreon.com/duonombro < I post sketches and some stuff related to my original project I’m working on if you’re interested! I feel bad for tumblr but... sometimes we just have to let go.
aaawhyme replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
i much prefer instagram to follow artists! I dont use twitter that much. Deviantart is having a complete revamp on their site too, so maybe they will return to what they once were?
I was super active on Deviantart looooong ago, but I migrated to tumblr for reasons I don’t remember. I can’t say I would like to return but it’s an option. Maybe I’ll give instagram another chance tho!
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upyrica · 5 years
lndzzze replied to your post: In the meantime, my hands still disagree with my...
I do this all the time to
What a brilliant company you are in.
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vampyrelle · 6 years
any reasoning behind the dirthamen vallaslin on wynona?
Yes! She is very secretive & when she lived in Wycome she’d get paid by random people to eavesdrop for them and report back (everyone overlooks the 11 year old elf running around anyway) her Keeper knew all this so she chose Dirthamen’s symbols for her.
And yes her Keeper chose for her (and her vallaslin is technically unfinished) because Wyn is an indecisive baby who wasn’t even sure she believed in the gods! (Which is why the keeper was like “hey, why am I doing this?” In the middle of her tatt and was like “let’s finish this later” but never did… lol) Her vallaslin was just something she thought would make her fit in better, a mask to separate her from her past. That’s also why she let Solas take it away in the end.
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vampyrelle · 5 years
i miss your art!! are you still posting here?
Yes i am! I’ve just not done any art lately 
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vampyrelle · 6 years
I want to get back into art after several years of not doing it and too much depression. But I'm still in that beginning stage of learning. Do you have any advice or thoughts on how I should go about it all? If that makes sense.
You’ll probably hate to hear this, because I did too, but you just gotta do it. Practice everyday, even if it’s just 10-30 minutes, but try to do as much as you can (without burning yourself out.) If depression is making it hard, draw what makes you happy, whether that’s your ocs, fave characters, celebrities, animals, etc.
Also, watch other artists work! Especially on days you don’t even want to look at a sketchbook. Watch speedpaints, tutorials, ask people you trust to critique your work, look at & study your favorite pieces and really try to understand how they painted/sketched/etc the way they did. Do studies from photographs, real life, and art and try to emulate them yourself.
You may think the things you make look shitty, that’s fine! You will get better, as long as you keep practicing. Don’t pressure yourself or compare your art’s worth to other artist’s. If you want to post your art, feel free, but don’t feel like you have to get a bunch of likes to validate your work.
But mostly when you’re starting out, focus on learning, and not on being perfect.
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vampyrelle · 6 years
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(Couldn’t choose just one)
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vampyrelle · 6 years
Sort of generic but what kind of music do you like/listen to while you draw? Some of your art gives me the vibe that it should have a soundtrack to it and I live for that
That makes me so happy omg 🖤 I’ll usually be listening to my character’s playlists for whichever character I’m drawing. If I’m just doodling I’ll listen to this or this or one of my other playlists depending on the mood.
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vampyrelle · 6 years
Do any of your ocs have pets?
- Charlotte has a dog (not dogmeat) that’s a psyker (yeah I do what I want!)- Johanna has Dogmeat- Judith (had…) a black cat- Elisabet & Kat both had the mabari (Lissie’s belonged more to Alistair tbh) they were named Bernard & Flea respectively lol- Helena’s mabari was named Branson- Alexandria’s cat is named Isadora and she’s a mean motherfucker who torments Cullen & his dog
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vampyrelle · 6 years
What do you consider the most important part of your art process? Lighting? Coloring? Something else? Also, what's been your favorite OC to make and why?
The most important & fun part for me is the paint-over process. It’s when everything starts to fall into place and I can add so many tiny details. Favorite to make was...... tbh probably Alexandria? She was “technically” my first OC I had done anything with. I had just discovered this “oc culture” through fandom and so it was a lot of fun. Ah more innocent times...
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bunabi · 6 years
lndzzze replied to your post “How did yall feel about Cyberpunk 2077′s production footage? ?”
I liked it! I really don’t like that the main character gets catcalled though
they do?? :(
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bunabi · 6 years
Hi I can't wait to see more of your ESO gal I luv her!!
Thank you
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upyrica · 6 years
lndzzze replied to your post: Hello dear, could I get a reading if they’re still...
Thank you so much, you’re always so point !
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upyrica · 6 years
lndzzze replied to your post: What we learned today is that my opinion on...
Same, my mom does this overdramatized gagging anytime I put on perfume bc she hate my taste in scents ��
It is a general agreement in this household that, should one dislike another’s preference in clothes, perfume, cosmetics, or food, the correct way to conduct oneself is to be silently happy about not having to make a similar choice.
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