#lo Dionysus
gold-as-hera · 6 months
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Protect him at all costs.
Someone get this man a set of those buttons dogs use to talk to their humans
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starlightbooklove · 6 months
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Love her relationship with the baby, it's such a cute Addition to the Webtoon
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Hades setting the bar high as usual, by putting flowers in his haaaiirrrr i'm Dying 😭😭 it's beautifuuull
Such a cute family ❤️‍🩹
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kotamagic · 17 days
The finale to Lore Olympus is here at last. It's gonna be a big one, so I might need to split it into more than one post...
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Gaia ain't wasting time with any bullshit. She just straight up punches her hand through Ouranos and pulls Apollo out.
I love how she pokes him like a concussed bug before handing him off to Artemis.
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Gaia goes on to explain that love was the key to bringing her back to life. The balance of give and take, rather than continuing the one-sided power abuse, is what allowed the toxic cycle to be broken.
She goes on to explain the conditions of Persephone now being of two realms. She does the Spring thing for 3 months before she can return to the Underworld.
At first, they are worried they'll be separated again, but no, they can visit one another as they see fit.
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Hera becomes the true Queen of Olympus, and crowns Persephone as Queen of the Underworld.
Zeus is cured and brought out of his coma, but he never regains his full strength. I suppose a good part of that was Hera taking her power back from him. His position as King of the Gods becomes little more than a figurehead role.
Additionally, she gets that divorce from Zeus! No more dealing with his chronic infidelity, and it looks like she's hooking up with Echo! You go, girl!
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As for Apollo, he's facing consequences for his actions! I hope there were more severe beatings doled out before he got put on temple restoration duty!
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Omg! Our precious little grape gremlin boy is all grown up now! And it seems Hades brought Semele back so that she could know her not-so-little boy.
There's more to come, but there's enough that I'm gonna need another post for it!
Part 2 is coming soon!
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valeriakudlaeva · 5 months
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I can't wait for them to come as a family to the celebration of spring
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elvencantation · 1 year
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omg i cannot 🤣
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apollomes-supremacy · 2 years
LO Dionysus design 🍇🎭
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| Apollo | Persephone | Hermes | Ares | Artemis | Ganymede | Aphrodite | Eros | Zeus |
This will be a long post since Dionysus isn’t a character yet so I had to create him from 0.
The beginning of Dionysus’ introduction started on EP 93 (with Semele, Dionysus’ mother), but it has been more than 100 episodes and we got absolutely nothing from that plot, which is bad considering that other gods get involved in the og myth (Zeus, Hera and Hermes, mainly), but none of them (before and after the time skip) display any knowledge or memory of the event, especially Zeus, who is the one who accidentally kills Semele in the first place.
I already talked about it here, but im 100% sure that the child mentioned in episode 218 is Dionysus. He should be 10 yo right now and he’s the only character (vaguely) introduced who is around that age. Not to mention, Dionysus does have some connections with the Underworld. My main theory is that he will be adopted by HxP and will remain a child for the rest of the series (probably skipping the majority of Dionysus’ myths). And that’s honestly such a waste of potential. So I decided to give my take on him if he was in LO, like the redesigns I did with many other characters.
My main inspo was 60′s and 70′s Hippie fashion, with a lot of patterns, accessories (crystals, evil eyes, beads, rings, etc), loose clothes and a more lazy/cozy look. He’s two shades of purple that split his face, which is meant to represent his duality as the god of parties and joy & god of wrathful madness. Hermes gave him nymph ears to use as a disguise when he was young, but he doesnt want to change them back because he grew up and feels comfortable with them. He has a very androgynous/feminine look, which leads to a lot of people thinking he’s an actual nymph.
In his true form (which can come out voluntarily, but usually happens when the god gets so mad that they are unable to control themselves) he can get really big. Leafs and grapes sprout everywhere, he gets another pair of arms made of plants’ stems and his eyes go full neon green.
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His story is very similar to the og myths, with just some small differences. He is born from Zeus’ thighs and goes to live with Demeter and Persephone as one of their nymphs to escape Hera’s wrath. There he starts to question a lot about himself, like his gender and his origins (he doesn’t know he is not an actual nymph), and when puberty hits, his body and his powers go crazy. Its also around that time when he meets and falls in love with Ampelos (and you know how that story ends).
When the wine he creates starts growing in popularity and Dionysus starts getting worshipped by some cities, Zeus decides that there’s no reason to hide him from Hera anymore, so he brings Dionysus to Olympus and reveals the truth, inviting him to become an Olympian. Dionysus says yes without thinking twice, so he moves in and starts to get prepared for his ceremony and his new life.
But there’s a problem. The Olympus lifestyle is way too different from Dionysus’. People are sophisticated, modern and even mean-spirited, while he is the complete opposite. It’s hard for him to fit in and he just wants to go home with the nymphs and satyrs, and he eventually does... illegally.
Personality & relationships
Dionysus is very outgoing and funny. He’s kind to everyone around him (not discriminating against nymphs, satyrs or mortals), but he can get very emotional very fast. He gets easily annoyed, which will prob just result in some unwanted vines around the house and a grumpy look, but the moment he gets mad is when everything falls apart (wrath form). Anger issues + no control over powers = no good.
He sees Demeter as a mother and Persephone and the nymphs as older sisters, while Silenus and the other satyrs served as fathers. His favorite brother is Hermes who kept an eye on him during his entire childhood and still cares deeply for him. He also has an interesting relationship with Apollo, he is very scared and intimidated by him (I understand why lol) but wants to start a friendship. Except for the fact that Apollo already has a soft spot for him, Dionysus is just oblivious to it. Ares is also scary and kinda mean, but he likes Dionysus and cares for him. He’s very indifferent towards Zeus, Hera hates him (he hates her too) and everyone else is pretty neutral, considering he doesnt know a lot of people outside of the nymphs and satyrs.
Dionysus is a fertility god (which in this universe doesnt mean that much), this means he has powers over vegetation (like Demeter) and mortals’ desires (like Aphrodite). Being the god of madness also means that he can make people so mad to the point of committing atrocities and completely losing their minds. In his true form, simply looking at him can lower your sanity. He also has the powers all the other gods have, like changing forms, cursing and blessing people, being summoned by mortals, etc. 
That’s all I have the energy to write rn. I tried to replicate the LO art style, and honestly I really liked the result! Hope you guys liked it too <3
(Also, Dionysus would be around his 20′s when the story takes place. He is Pansexual and is still confused about his gender but he’s fine with any pronouns).
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Persephone:"*holding baby Dionysus* Okay, so we're going to need baby supplies, baby food, diapers, the works."
Hades:"*pushing the shopping cart* Alright. You goget the diapers, I'll get the food, and we'll reconvene in 5 minutes."
5 Minutes Later
Persephone:"I thought you said you were getting baby food!"
Hades:"This is baby food!"
Persephone:"No, THIS *holds up baby formula* is baby food, and this *holds up bottle of alcohol* is not!"
Hades:"He's the God of wine!"
Persephone:"So you thought you were going to bottle feed him Jack Daniel's?"
Hades:"Don't be ridiculous, the whiskey is for me, I got him a nice chardonnay."
Hades:"Yeah, you're right, he's clearly a rosé kind of guy."
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monstrumpuella · 1 year
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The Birth of a God
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vtimbertiger · 2 months
I recently re-read Lore Olympus again so have some art pages I did :)
// technically there are tiddies out on the 2nd image but not really in a sexual way
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They're just tiddies
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While this is one of the few webcomics I like to reread, the reason for this one was to find hints about the most recent plot reveal (ep. 273)
I simply could not really find any but maybe that's due to the duration of time experienced by character in question (who is not depicted in any of my drawings whoops)
I found other things about other characters that explained behaviors so that was fun
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majosullivan · 1 year
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idkwhatimdoinok · 1 year
Dionysus Redesign
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I am not happy with the recent chapter with eggplant looking baby Dionysus. Here's just my take of a more grown up Dionysus with my own spin of his looks.
Semele in the comics had freckles so I'm adding it in his design.
Inspired by OSP's colour scheme with Dionysus, being violet/purple with the grapes.
Grape earrings since I found it to be cute. 🍇
Wine colored eyes.
Since he is described as androgynous, I made his features more feminine. If I had done a full body design, he'd have bigger hips as well.
I made a bonus look for when he's more angry.
His body and hair turns more of a wine red.
His hair starts to get more liquid-like and puddles up.
In some versions of Dionysus, especially in his portrayal from The Bacchanal, he had ram horns so I added them.
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Original Dionysus Look:
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gold-as-hera · 2 months
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This child is all chaos.
He’s perfect.
What a precious little menace to society.
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tumb1rprincess · 1 year
Even though I feel like Hades and Persephone’s engagement, wedding, and having a kid happened way too fast, I am eager to see their shenanigans with Dionysus.
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kotamagic · 1 year
There's a lot of tension in this week's Lore Olympus chapter, so let's get to it...
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You might have the mortals fooled with all your good deeds and gifts, (And, outside of the Lore Olympus iteration, he's probably a somewhat decent dude), but you are a PIECE OF SHIT! All of your so-called good deeds don't excuse shady & rapey shit that you've done.
Say, isn't that green nymph in the 'done a lot for the community' shot the same one that was just hurrying her friend away from him a couple of chapters ago? I believe she whispered something to the degree of "Did you hear about what he did to Daphne?" (Or something like that.)
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He lied to his sister's face. I want to say that I'm shocked, but I'm not.
Artemis really should have followed through and tossed his ass. The bruises certainly would've complemented the black eye from Hermes perfectly.
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Therapy is exhausting. Re-opening old wounds with the intent to heal them properly is painful. Starting over is agonizing.
Best analogy is ripping the bandage off a dirty wound and cleaning with alcohol. Hurts like he'll, but will eventually have a better result.
Demeter wanted to replicate the relationship she had with Metis through Persephone. Given the grim circumstances of the Titanomachy, Demeter didn't get the best example of how to raise a child. But, like real-world mortals, parents inevitably raise their children for a world that no longer exists.
Demeter grew up having to be cautious with an unstable Kronos ruling the world. Persephone was born into a world without the need for that fear. There's the existential jealousy of the younger generation because their lives are easier.
But....isn't that the point of the previous generation's efforts?
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Good, good, a little bit of progress here.
Admitting you were wrong to do what you did is critical.
It's often said that parents will hurt their kids (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally) to try putting them on the right path in life. More often than not, this does more harm than good in the long run.
As with these two, Demeter forced so much of her ways on Persephone that rather than bringing them closer, it drove them apart. That's going to take a lot of therapy and self-work to fix.
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....and back to this asshole. Who tf is he asking for help from?
Anyway, thanks for coming to my LO post!
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Let’s take a moment to think about these children that got left with neglectful ass mfs as parents.
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thepaintalive · 1 month
hades goes so hard on being a father for seraphim that he forgets he has two biological living children at home that are completely alone
like when he saw Persephone on Olympus in funeral games why didn’t she ask ‘if you’re here who’s watching our children’
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