#lore olympus Dionysus
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Let’s take a moment to think about these children that got left with neglectful ass mfs as parents.
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beetlewine-art · 8 months
Hey, LO fandom, i need some help here. I think i finally realised why the white hair in Dionysus desing bothers me. Well, not really, i think the hair looks nice with the purple skin, but that's not the point. What bothers me is that he has white hair "Like Hades and Ouranos" is not even about the creators giving him white hair so he would remind Persephone of Hades and having her wanting to keep the baby, i know a lot of LO fans and LO antis didn't like that. And while i am not against the idea of Perse wanting to adopt baby Dio because he reminds her of Hades, i have a problem with the execution of that idea.
First , i want to point out that... Hades doesn't really have white hair (?) i might be totally wrong because i have terrible eye sight and i'm not good with colors, but i am almost sure that Hades hair is a very, very, light shade of blue.
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At least it looks blue to me. I thought "meybe his hair IS white, but it reflects the cold blue tones of the underword and it makes it look blue-ish" but under that logic, Dio's hair should do the same and it doesn't:
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Dio's hair is REALLY white, white like a cloud and Hades is light blue. I am not saying that it has never been a panel where Hades hair looks white, because LO is extremely inconsistent when it comes to colors and i do remember at least one or two panels where Hades has white hair, But you can't tell me that Dionysus has white hair "like Hades" and then show me this:
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You can really tell that they don't have the same hair color. Also, remeber this:
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Is true that Hades and Ouranos have very similar hair color, mostly because Ouranos hair are clouds, but again all i see here is light blue with white lights (?)
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And this is where my problem with Dio's desing comes in, because Persephone said this:
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And, NO? HE DOESN'T? Perse, sweetie, this kid doesn't look anything like your husband. He Is purple like his dad (Zeus), has his brother's curly hair (Ares) and doesn't even have the same hair color as your husband, i understand that most men in LO look the same but having the same hair color is not enough to make me believe that Dio looks like Hades. Specialy when we have Hades looking like Pepaw Ouranos and Zeus being a purple version of Kronos.
Meybe is just the shading, because we have other characters with white hair, like Thetis, Athena and Thanatos, but they have the same problem with their hair changing colors in each apereance they have. I mean, Thetis has white hair in her debut:
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And now her hair looks munch more blue:
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Meybe it is just the shading. Do i have a point here or i did i really just miss that Hades hair is white? I am not trying to crap on the webtoon or anything, i just want to see if anyone else noticed this, because i haven't seen many people point it out.
Tag list: @nymphsupremacy @incorrect-lore-olympus-au @apollomes-supremacy
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majosullivan · 1 year
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dionysusismydaddy · 2 months
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Dionysus in Various Depictions
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magnificentwitchlady · 2 months
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Honorary siblings 
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mythsandheather · 8 months
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TW FOR STRANGULATION!!! It’s on a Perse plush but still.
My “baby Dionysus as Stewie Griffin collection so far. My favourite LO HC is that Dio is actually already fully capable of rational thought, speech and action and that (plus Thanatos) is the reason he’s still thriving despite his neglectful ass “parents”.
Inevitably this spiralled into Stewie comparisons and now I just enjoy imagining Dio doing his own thing the second P+H’s heads are turned.
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gold-as-hera · 10 months
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Protect him at all costs.
Someone get this man a set of those buttons dogs use to talk to their humans
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peach-jupiter · 1 year
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🩷 Mama Kore & Baby Dio 💜
Like or reblog if saving! 🌸✨
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theunknowninside · 4 months
This falls under anywhere and at anytime. From PJO, to Lore olympus, to modern times, to both Hades games, anything.
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hades-bat · 2 years
If you're mad about LO Apollo you're right, I am too. But hey, remember that there's Blood of Zeus Apollo making up for his mistakes.
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starlightbooklove · 9 months
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Love her relationship with the baby, it's such a cute Addition to the Webtoon
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Hades setting the bar high as usual, by putting flowers in his haaaiirrrr i'm Dying 😭😭 it's beautifuuull
Such a cute family ❤️‍🩹
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Why Dionysus was actually clever but got botched.
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Okay,this is my first big LO essay so please don’t mind a bit of awkwardness.
The thing with Dionysus is that on paper it’s actually really smart.
Let me explain-
To understand why Dionysus in particular was chosen we need to understand the original myth of his birth,or welll,the original myths.there’s technically two of them but I’ll explain it later-
Let’s start off with the simpler one,aka:
Semele is the mother.
The myth goes like this:
Zeus falls in love with a mortal named semele,and tells her he’s Zeus.
Semele gets pregnant and Hera gets jealous.
Hera turns into an old lady and implants the idea that Zeus might be lying to her about being Zeus,so she must ask him to show her his divine form.
Semele does this and is-unsurprisingly- burnt to ashes,but Zeus saves baby dio and puts him in his thigh until he’s born,by then being upgraded from demigod to straight up god.
Who raises him afterwards depends on the story,sometimes it’s Hermes,sometimes it’s nymphs,and sometimes it’s-you guessed it-Persephone.
So you already have some inkling on why Persephone is raising dio,but oh wait there’s more.
So let’s gets into another version:
Persephone is the mother(?)
Okay,so have any of you played hades?go play it.
But,there’s a character that has an story tied to Dionysus,and people who’ve done a certain side quest might already have an inkling:
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Zagreus,the prince of the underworld.
Now,you may be wondering wtf zag has to do with this but I can explain.
Basically here’s the ancient Orphic version of the myth:
Persephone and Zeus have a son named Zagreus.(it’s important to note that hades didn’t really exist at this point or at least he was merged with Zeus,hence why it’s Zeus and Persephone and not hades and Persephone,since yes Persephone actually predates hades)
Zagreus is the golden boy of Olympus and Hera gets jealous.
Hera RELEASES TITANS FROM TARTARUS and they tear Zagreus apart,the part remaining being his heart.
And dio is made with that.
There’s more to the general ancient Orphic origins of Dionysus but that’s just the basics.
I highly recommend overly sarcastic productions video of Dionysus if you want an in depth look at this explaining his origins to his cult.so yeah.check it out.
Why it fails within LO.
I admit,dio is a good reference.
He’s a good nod and a fun idea,it’s just the execution that leads it to having as many positives as a house fire.
First of all,it definitely wasn’t planned from the start.
Other have talked about this but RS has a habit of bullshitting things into the story to reference a real world date.
In this case,dio was supposed to be a Mother’s Day thing,but when matched up to the timeline?well…I don’t know why it’s such a bad decision on Persephone’s part…may be it’s because HER AND HADES HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR LESS THAN A DAY.
Also the whole thing comes out of nowhere.
Zeus just bust into persie’s house,says he’s giving birth and instead of going to a doctor(Asclepius isn’t the only one,zeus)
Then,Persephone straight up refuses to give him to Zeus AFTER HE GAVE BIRTH and takes the baby for herself because “he looks like hades”.
Never mind the fact he’s literally purple-
After that Persephone realised she’s fucked up and ignores hades,but he bursts in and she explain how she basically kidnapped a child.
And it’s supposed to be romantic.
Anyways,I’m probably gonna make another of these rants soon,just with Apollo,but this is why the dio plot point…frustrates me.
On paper it’s an interesting reference but in the end it just ends up being stupid.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
Demeter,*minding her own business*
The Olympians + her children: *run past her at full speed*
Demeter: WHAT THE- Guys what are you doing?!
Demeter,*confused*: Wha-
Demeter: I... huh?!
Zeus and Poseidon: No. Human. Disrespects. Our. Sister. On. THIS. BIG. Of a scale.
Hades: Not even I can ignore that type of disrespect.
Demeter,*still confused*: What... What are we talking about??
Artemis: NOBODY! Says that sort of shit about my Auntie!
Apollo: ... Imma start a new plague.
Athena,*throwing him his sword*: There. Sharpened it for you. Got my spear... Let's go.
Demeter: WAIT! What the hell is happening?!?!
Dionysus: Don't worry mom everything's fine!
Demeter: No it's not. Who are you killing?
Aphrodite,*looks to Hephestus*: .... No one?
Demeter: Guys.
Hermes: Look, we're just tired of people disrespecting you.
Demeter: But that doesn't- YOU TOO HESTIA?!??!
Hestia,*burning with the heat of a super volcano*: I'm not one for violence... But this is an exception.
Demeter: ... Welp. Their fucked.
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istharoth · 27 days
my 2 cent theory is that the tree that Towa takes care of will reference the story of the Garden of Eden.
The PC will eat a fruit. [I trust] [Or Taiga will, but that's a whole another can of worms I'm not ready to think about.]
and the other cent is that PC is supposed to be Solomon and the only person she's made a 'pact' with is Sho.
Cause, you know the 'weight was lifted off my SHOulders?' [Bad pun, my bad] Yeehaw, that essentially made a pact. [Or my sister is feeding me too much Obey Me! lore]
On a lighter note, I am much curious about why the transition to Hera's Snakes -> Solomon(?)'s -Sage Ring occurred. AND BECAUSE WHY NOT! Have a tangent about Hera's snakes: Basically, long story short, Hera sent two snakes to kill Hercules, a demi-god. He was born from Zeus and a mortal woman. Um. yeah, everyone say 'fuck you Zeus' for sleeping with the entire Olympus and mortals.
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kotamagic · 4 months
The finale to Lore Olympus is here at last. It's gonna be a big one, so I might need to split it into more than one post...
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Gaia ain't wasting time with any bullshit. She just straight up punches her hand through Ouranos and pulls Apollo out.
I love how she pokes him like a concussed bug before handing him off to Artemis.
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Gaia goes on to explain that love was the key to bringing her back to life. The balance of give and take, rather than continuing the one-sided power abuse, is what allowed the toxic cycle to be broken.
She goes on to explain the conditions of Persephone now being of two realms. She does the Spring thing for 3 months before she can return to the Underworld.
At first, they are worried they'll be separated again, but no, they can visit one another as they see fit.
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Hera becomes the true Queen of Olympus, and crowns Persephone as Queen of the Underworld.
Zeus is cured and brought out of his coma, but he never regains his full strength. I suppose a good part of that was Hera taking her power back from him. His position as King of the Gods becomes little more than a figurehead role.
Additionally, she gets that divorce from Zeus! No more dealing with his chronic infidelity, and it looks like she's hooking up with Echo! You go, girl!
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As for Apollo, he's facing consequences for his actions! I hope there were more severe beatings doled out before he got put on temple restoration duty!
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Omg! Our precious little grape gremlin boy is all grown up now! And it seems Hades brought Semele back so that she could know her not-so-little boy.
There's more to come, but there's enough that I'm gonna need another post for it!
Part 2 is coming soon!
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sailorprettycure · 3 months
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yes i know the finale was last week i forgot to post about it whoops
she's gorgeous!
also my son grew up 🥲
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