#loans in north india
beginning to see american "if you dont vote for the blue warmongerers then you are personally responsible for the red warmongerers getting into power"
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fatehbaz · 5 months
In fact, far more Asian workers moved to the Americas in the 19th century to make sugar than to build the transcontinental railroad [...]. [T]housands of Chinese migrants were recruited to work [...] on Louisiana’s sugar plantations after the Civil War. [...] Recruited and reviled as "coolies," their presence in sugar production helped justify racial exclusion after the abolition of slavery.
In places where sugar cane is grown, such as Mauritius, Fiji, Hawaii, Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname, there is usually a sizable population of Asians who can trace their ancestry to India, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere. They are descendants of sugar plantation workers, whose migration and labor embodied the limitations and contradictions of chattel slavery’s slow death in the 19th century. [...]
Mass consumption of sugar in industrializing Europe and North America rested on mass production of sugar by enslaved Africans in the colonies. The whip, the market, and the law institutionalized slavery across the Americas, including in the U.S. When the Haitian Revolution erupted in 1791 and Napoleon Bonaparte’s mission to reclaim Saint-Domingue, France’s most prized colony, failed, slaveholding regimes around the world grew alarmed. In response to a series of slave rebellions in its own sugar colonies, especially in Jamaica, the British Empire formally abolished slavery in the 1830s. British emancipation included a payment of £20 million to slave owners, an immense sum of money that British taxpayers made loan payments on until 2015.
Importing indentured labor from Asia emerged as a potential way to maintain the British Empire’s sugar plantation system.
In 1838 John Gladstone, father of future prime minister William E. Gladstone, arranged for the shipment of 396 South Asian workers, bound to five years of indentured labor, to his sugar estates in British Guiana. The experiment with “Gladstone coolies,” as those workers came to be known, inaugurated [...] “a new system of [...] [indentured servitude],” which would endure for nearly a century. [...]
Bonaparte [...] agreed to sell France's claims [...] to the U.S. [...] in 1803, in [...] the Louisiana Purchase. Plantation owners who escaped Saint-Domingue [Haiti] with their enslaved workers helped establish a booming sugar industry in southern Louisiana. On huge plantations surrounding New Orleans, home of the largest slave market in the antebellum South, sugar production took off in the first half of the 19th century. By 1853, Louisiana was producing nearly 25% of all exportable sugar in the world. [...] On the eve of the Civil War, Louisiana’s sugar industry was valued at US$200 million. More than half of that figure represented the valuation of the ownership of human beings – Black people who did the backbreaking labor [...]. By the war’s end, approximately $193 million of the sugar industry’s prewar value had vanished.
Desperate to regain power and authority after the war, Louisiana’s wealthiest planters studied and learned from their Caribbean counterparts. They, too, looked to Asian workers for their salvation, fantasizing that so-called “coolies” [...].
Thousands of Chinese workers landed in Louisiana between 1866 and 1870, recruited from the Caribbean, China and California. Bound to multiyear contracts, they symbolized Louisiana planters’ racial hope [...].
To great fanfare, Louisiana’s wealthiest planters spent thousands of dollars to recruit gangs of Chinese workers. When 140 Chinese laborers arrived on Millaudon plantation near New Orleans on July 4, 1870, at a cost of about $10,000 in recruitment fees, the New Orleans Times reported that they were “young, athletic, intelligent, sober and cleanly” and superior to “the vast majority of our African population.” [...] But [...] [w]hen they heard that other workers earned more, they demanded the same. When planters refused, they ran away. The Chinese recruits, the Planters’ Banner observed in 1871, were “fond of changing about, run away worse than [Black people], and … leave as soon as anybody offers them higher wages.”
When Congress debated excluding the Chinese from the United States in 1882, Rep. Horace F. Page of California argued that the United States could not allow the entry of “millions of cooly slaves and serfs.” That racial reasoning would justify a long series of anti-Asian laws and policies on immigration and naturalization for nearly a century.
All text above by: Moon-Ho Jung. "Making sugar, making 'coolies': Chinese laborers toiled alongside Black workers on 19th-century Louisiana plantations". The Conversation. 13 January 2022. [All bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months
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My dears, here we go and today we open the first door and you can find: De Halve Maen
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De Halve Maen in aktion, Hoorn, Netherlands (27-04-2018) Photographer: Benno Ellerbroek
Infos about her:
Halve Maen (Half Moon) was a Dutch East India Company jacht (similar to a carrack) which sailed into what is now New York Harbor in September 1609. She was commissioned by the Dutch Republic to covertly find a western passage to China.
She had two square sails each on the foremast and main mast and a lateen sail on the mizzen mast. The ship was armed with four smaller cannons, which were positioned in the tween deck between the main mast and the forecastle. The rudder was controlled from the slightly raised aft deck. The crew probably numbered around 20 men. More precise ship data have not been handed down.
The ship was captained by Henry Hudson, an Englishman in the service of the Dutch Republic. After a difficult stormy voyage in ice and snow at the North Cape, the expedition finally reached the Newfoundland Bank and what is now Canada. From Cape Sable, Hudson followed the East American coast southwards to the Delaware River, continuing past Manhattan and Long Island. In the summer of 1609, Hudson sailed along the Hudson River, named after him, to present-day Albany. As Hudson was unable to discover a passage to the Pacific on this route, he returned to the Netherlands.
In 1611, the East India Company sent the Halve Maen from Amsterdam to what was then the East Indies (now Indonesia). There she also served in attacks on rival trading posts, such as Solor in 1613. In 1618, the Halve Maen was set on fire in a battle with English ships off Jakarta and was lost.
To mark the 300th anniversary of Hudson's voyage, a replica of the Halve Maen was built in the Netherlands in 1909 based on plans of similar contemporary ships. The ship, christened Halve Maen II, was shipped from Amsterdam to New York as deck cargo and then sailed on the Hudson River with a crew of 18 under its own sails. This replica burned in 1934.
Another replica was launched in 1989. This was then able to take part in the 400th anniversary of the navigation of the Hudson River. The replica, named Half Moon, travelled the Hudson and its surroundings on various occasions and was based at the New Netherland Museum in New York. Since 30 May 2015, this replica has been on loan to the Westfries Museum in Hoorn for five years.
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mariacallous · 6 days
The Group of Seven (G-7) leaders are expected to ratchet up economic and political pressure on Russia when they convene at a summit in Italy later this week, with plans to roll out new loans to Ukraine from frozen Russian assets. They also plan to condemn Moscow’s growing ties to North Korea as well as China’s indirect support of the Russian war machine.
The plans for the upcoming summit, described by current and former officials familiar with draft G-7 communiques circulating among diplomats, are being pushed by embattled Western leaders eager to lock in foreign-policy wins in the face of major election hurdles at home. A G-7 leaders’ summit in 2025 could be drastically different and a lot more fractured depending on how elections go in the United States, United Kingdom, and now France—particularly if former U.S. President Donald Trump beats incumbent President Joe Biden in the U.S. elections in November.
“This is the last time this group will meet in this configuration with these leaders. I think that’s pretty clear,” said Josh Lipsky, a former advisor at the International Monetary Fund and now senior director at the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center. “It all conveys a sense of urgency and the stakes around this G-7.”
The G-7 summit also comes against the backdrop of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza as well as strategic competition between the West and its rivals in Russia and China to curry favor and influence in the so-called global south. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has invited the leaders of at least a dozen non-G-7 countries to the upcoming summit, including Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, India, Kenya, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates.
The Biden administration’s top priority for the upcoming summit, which Biden himself is set to attend, is finalizing an agreement to provide around $50 billion in new loans to Ukraine using profits from Russian assets that have been frozen in the Western-dominated international financial system. The proposal has received widespread support in theory among countries opposed to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but it still faces a thicket of complex legal and financial hurdles.
Western countries froze around $280 billion in Russian financial assets following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the bulk of which is parked in Belgium, France, and Germany. EU officials have resisted efforts to seize the assets directly, fearing the precedent such a move would set for international markets, but they opened the door to allocating interest generated by these assets to Ukraine. The Biden administration’s plan calls for G-7 countries to issue Ukraine a $50 billion loan, seen as a critical lifeline for the country’s battered wartime economy, which would be paid back over the years by the interest from the frozen Russian assets. Those assets could generate around $2.7 billion to $3.7 billion a year in interest. Biden administration officials are still working to hash out the final details of the plan ahead of the summit.
Alongside this, the G-7 countries—the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom—are also expected to issue new statements condemning Russia’s deepening military ties with North Korea and send new warnings to Chinese banks to stop helping Moscow evade Western sanctions lest they face new sanctions themselves, the current and former officials said. The United States has so far avoided sanctioning major Chinese financial institutions, possibly fearing the impact on global financial markets, but Washington could choose to target smaller Chinese banks helping Russia skirt Western sanctions as a calculated response and opening warning shot.
“Our concern is that China is increasingly the factory of the Russian war machine,” Daleep Singh, the White House deputy national security advisor for international economics, said during an event at the Center for a New American Security. “You can call it the ‘arsenal of autocracy’ when you consider [that] Russia’s military ambitions threaten obviously the existence of Ukraine, but [also] increasingly European security, NATO, and trans-Atlantic security.”
The Biden administration’s push for major deliverables at the upcoming G-7 summit fits into a wider strategy the administration has taken to advance its foreign-policy agenda in more informal and ad hoc groupings of partners and allies as traditional multilateral institutions—such as the United Nations—are stuck in diplomatic gridlock. The administration has advanced its Indo-Pacific strategy through the Quad—a new partnership among Australia, India, Japan, and the United States—and security partnerships through the AUKUS arrangement with Australia and the United Kingdom.
While the Biden administration hopes to focus the G-7 summit on rallying more international support for Ukraine, it is also grappling with the ongoing crisis in the Middle East centered on Israel’s war against Hamas. Ongoing U.S. support for Israel in the war as the civilian death toll in Gaza mounts has opened Washington up to widespread criticism and accusations of hypocrisy, particularly from countries in the global south.
Countries including Colombia, Mexico, and Nicaragua have filed to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice over vehement opposition from Israel and the United States. Colombia, Bolivia, and Belize have severed diplomatic ties with Israel, and Brazil has withdrawn its ambassador. Russian state propaganda outlets have seized on the narrative of Western double standards about civilian casualties in Ukraine versus Gaza, and many analysts assess that the conflict in Gaza is aiding the Kremlin’s messaging to the global south on Western hypocrisy.
“The Ukraine war awakened us in the West to the fact that there’s work to do in the global south, but at least then we were on the side of the global majority,” said Nathalie Tocci, director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali Italian think tank and former special advisor to the EU’s foreign-policy chief.
“Now with Israel-Gaza, we just basically are in a shrinking minority,” she added. “We’re in a far, far more complicated spot than we were a year ago vis-à-vis the global south … and there’s now this total lack of credibility that the West has to deal with.”
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clove-pinks · 1 year
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Prince Alfred in his Royal Navy midshipman's uniform, c. 1860. He joined the navy at the age of 12 in 1856 (RCT).
After their initial training, Royal Navy cadets of the 1850s and 1860s transferred to the Fleet for at least four years before being able to sit for the exam for lieutenant. Although many would serve on large ships close to home (which were more likely to have a naval instructor aboard), imperialism and global ambitions of the metropole meant that midshipmen could see action:
The China and Far East station, even after the ending of the Second China War in 1860, was a major employer of manpower absorbing over 40 vessels and in excess of 6,000 men over the following decade. The Civil War diverted ships and men on the North American station and trade protection and anti slavery patrols kept at least 15 ships and about 2,000 men employed off the coast of West Africa. Most vessels here were relatively small, shallow draft gun boats under junior command and unlikely to carry cadets or midshipmen by scheme of complement, but they frequently employed them on loan from larger vessels. Thus in the late 1850s and 1860s many 15- and 16-year-old boys received a baptism of fire in small craft up rivers and inside reefs, with expeditionary brigades ashore in China, India, New Zealand or off the coast of Japan. Admiral Sir John Fisher, a future First Sea Lord, saw action as a youngster in 1859, witnessing the death of Midshipman Herbert and the wounding of Midshipman Powlett and Armytage in the failed attack on the Peilo [sic] forts. ... The small wars and policing duties of the era provided early active service for very young officers, many of whom demonstrated considerable devotion to the navy they had so recently joined.
— Harry W. Dickinson, Educating the Royal Navy: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Education for Officers
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Attack and capture of the Forts at the Entrance of the River Pei-ho, China, on the 20th May 1858. By the Allied British and French Gun Boats and Boats of the Squadron in the Gulf of Pechili, print made 1858 (NMM collection).
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aquarockindustries · 2 days
Industrial Plot price in Reliance MET call @ +91-9650389757
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Location of Reliance Industrial Plots:  – Industrial plots at reliance met are located at the border of Delhi/ Gurugram in the Jhajjar district of Haryana. Reliance model economic township (MET) is close to the cities of Gurugram, Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar and Delhi. Reliance Industrial plots in Gurugram are under development. It supports all the required infrastructure for industrial, recreational, agricultural and warehouse development.
Connectivity Strength: Connectivity of industrial plots at reliance met is through the Delhi/Gurugram border. The connectivity is in all the nearby national highway like NH2, NH8, NH71, NH-110 in Delhi NCR. Rail link is available just at 2 km from Furrukhnagar railway station. Reliance Industrial plots in Gurugram is just 50 km away from Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI) and this distance get reduced one the Dwarka expressway is constructed. Two major district roads (MDRs), MDR 123 and MDR 136 with four lanes are connected to Najafgarh & Bahadurgarh.
Size of reliance industrial plot: The sizes of these plots are 1 Acre, 2.5 Acre & 5 Acers and also 1000 sq to 2000 sq.
Infrastructure of Reliance Industrial Plot: Equipped with all the required infrastructure for the reliance projects. Ensure good reliability in terms of electricity. The power requirement fulfilled by state distribution grid and establishes 220 KV Gis. Gas is available by the gas authority of India limited (GAIL) to meet the gas requirements of MET area. Water for this area is approved by CGWA. Government of India has approved the water allocation for met project.
Freehold Property: Yes there are freehold industrial plots in Delhi for immediate developers.
Price of the Plot: Book 9000sq ft Reliance plot at just Rs10800.
Development site near Reliance MET: Companies have taken up almost 365 Acres space and 200 people are employed here. Many multinational companies have projected here. Info space has setting up the industrial park and ware housing over 110 Acres. Foot ware and leather industry are established over 400 Acres. Approx 74 Acres has been set up for Panasonic (Japan) and 18 Acers has been set up for Denso (Japan) and also establishing national distribution centre for north India. 1230 Acres area is under process with Haryana governments. The engineering scale plans (ESP) has already approved and detailed Project report (DPR) in under process. Private Freight terminal (PFT) will be the major facility to all the connected cities of NCR reliance Met project.
Loan Facility: We understand that businesses depend on efficient utilization of funds and a lot depends on a well-organized fund flow system to keep businesses running. Aquarock is one of the prominent companies in the debt syndication market in India with strong relationships with financial institutions, banks and NBFCs, mutual funds and insurance companies. We help with all the required loan facility.
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certifydelhi · 11 days
MSME Regestration In Bawana
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MSME refers to Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises. According to the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act of 2006, Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME), also known as SSI, are classified into two classes:
Manufacturing Industry
For Micro Enterprises: No more than 20 lakh rupees may be invested in equipment and machinery. 
b) For Small Businesses, the maximum amount invested in plant and machinery is 5 crore rupees, but the investment is higher than 20 lakhs.
c) Plant and machinery investments for medium-sized businesses must be more than 5 crore rupees but not more than 10 crore.
Documents Needed for Bawana MSME and SSI Registration: 
1. Aadhaar Card (attached in soft copy)  2. Social Classification (General, OBC, SC, ST) 3. The company or business name  4. Organizational Type (LLP, Pvt. Ltd., Partner, Ownership)  5. PAN Card (Owner/Business/Firm)  6. Address of the Office  Mobile number and email address  8. Bank IFS Code and Account Number (Owner/Firm/Corporate)  9. The primary business activity of the company (your work for the firm)  10. The number of workers  11. Purchasing Plant and Machinery and Equipment 
The Services Industry
A) micro enterprise's equipment investment cannot exceed 10 lakhs.  b) Small Businesses: Equipment investments totaling more than 10 lakhs but less than two crores. c) Medium-Sized Businesses: The amount invested in equipment exceeds two crores but does not surpass five crores.
Advantages of MSME Registration with CA Nakul Singhal Associates ( Bawana)
Benefits from Banks: MSMEs are eligible for special schemes designed by banks and other financial institutions because they are recognized by them. This typically involves lower bank interest rates and priority sector lending, which indicates that there is a strong chance that your company will be approved for a loan. If repayment is delayed, special treatment might also be granted.
Benefits from taxes: Depending on your industry, you can be eligible for an excise tax exemption program or be spared from paying some direct taxes during the early stages of your company.  State Government Benefits: Those that have registered under the MSMED Act typically receive subsidies from their respective states for electricity, taxes, and access to state-run industrial estates. Specifically, most states exempt sales taxes, and produced items are given an advantage in purchasing. advantages of the central government: The loan guarantee program is one of the programs that the central government occasionally offers to assist MSMEs.  The Credit Guarantee Program (CGTMSE).  Credit and the input of income from several sources to support them are two of the biggest challenges small-scale enterprises encounter.
Changes have been made to the Credit Guarantee program, which was created to assist MSME, in increasing its advantages for small traders
The scheme's key components are as follows: 
1. Improving the ideal qualifying loan amount to Rs. 50 lakh from Rs. 25 lakh
2. Lowering the one-time guarantee from 1.5% to 0.75% for loans taken out by MSME in Northeastern India. 
3. Increasing the guarantee's coverage from 75% to 80% for:
 4. Operated by women Small and medium-sized businesses
  5. Microbusinesses, up to a 5 lakh loan amount 
6. Loans taken out in the country's northeast 
7. Lowering the one-time guarantee charge from 1.5% to 0.75% for all loans obtained in North Eastern India. 
Because MSME Certificate holders can present their certificate of MSME registration when applying, it has become much easier for these businesses to get licenses, approvals, and registrations from the appropriate authorities in any area.   
As specified in the government scheme and contingent on economic activity, enterprises with an MSME registration may benefit from a direct tax exemption for their first year of operation.  
To encourage the participation of small businesses in India, the government has certain bids that are exclusively available to MSMEs.   
Ease of approval from federal and state government agencies; businesses registered as MSMEs are given priority when it comes to government certification and licenses.
Visit- https://canakulsinghalassociates.com/
Contact- 99537 75505
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starfriday · 17 days
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RECPDCL Hands Over Khavda IV-E2 Power Transmission Ltd to Power Grid and NERES XVI Power Transmission Ltd to Techno Electric
Gurugram, 30th May: REC Power Development and Consultancy Limited (RECPDCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of REC Limited, handed over two project specific SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) on 30th May 2024, namely, Khavda IV-E2 Power Transmission Limited and NERES XVI Power Transmission Limited formed for the implementation of Inter-State Transmission Schemes of Ministry of Power for “Transmission System for Evacuation of Power from potential renewable energy zone in Khavda area of Gujarat under Phase- IV(7 GW): Part E2” and “North Eastern Region Expansion Scheme-XVI (NERES-XVI)” respectively’.
M/s Power Grid Corporation of India Limited emerged as the successful bidder with respect to the ISTS scheme “Transmission System for Evacuation of Power from potential renewable energy zone in Khavda area of Gujarat under Phase- IV (7 GW): Part E2” and M/s Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited was selected as the successful bidder for the “North Eastern Region Expansion Scheme-XVI (NERES-XVI)”.
The respective Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) were selected via Tariff-based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) process. RECPDCL was the Bid Process Coordinator for both the projects.
The SPVs were handed over to the successful bidders in presence of Shri P. S. Hariharan, Chief General Manager & HOD (Transmission), RECPDCL and other senior officials of RECPDCL & CTUIL.
REC Power Development and Consultancy Limited (RECPDCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of REC Limited, has been providing knowledge-based consultancy and expert project implementation services to more than 50 State power distribution companies/Power Departments of States. RECPDCL has been acting as Bid Process Coordinator (BPC) for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) in Transmission Line Projects & RE-Bundling projects. Under PMDP projects, RECPDCL has been executing critical infrastructure upgradation projects in distribution and transmission sectors in the UT of J&K and Ladakh.
REC is a 'Maharatna' company under the administrative control of the Ministry of Power, Government of India, and is registered with RBI as Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC), Public Financial Institution (PFI) and Infrastructure Financing Company (IFC). REC is financing the entire Power-Infrastructure sector comprising Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Renewable Energy and new technologies like Electric Vehicles, Battery Storage, Pump Storage projects, Green Hydrogen, Green Ammonia projects etc. More recently REC Limited has also diversified into the Non-Power Infrastructure sector comprising Roads & Expressways, Metro Rail, Airports, IT Communication, Social and Commercial Infrastructure (Educational Institution, Hospitals), Ports and Electro-Mechanical (E&M) works in respect of various other sectors like Steel, Refinery, etc. REC Limited provides loans of various maturities to State, Central and Private Companies for creation of infrastructure assets in the country.
REC Limited continues to play a key strategic role in the flagship schemes of the Government for the power sector and has been nodal agency for Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (SAUBHAGAYA), Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), National Electricity Fund (NEF) Scheme which resulted in strengthening of last mile distribution system, 100% village electrification and household electrification in the country. REC has also been made the nodal agency for 19 States and Union Territories for the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS). REC has also been made National Program Implementation Agency (PIA) of PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojna. The loan book of REC stands at ₹ 5.09 lakh crore and Net Worth at Rs. ₹ 68,783 crore as on 31 March, 2024.
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shubhbank · 1 month
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Apply For Loan Online for business expansion. Proven track record and solid plan. Ready for prompt processing.
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farm-implements · 2 months
Agricultural Machinery in India: Transforming the Farming Landscape
Farming is a big part of life in India, and now more than ever, farmers are using machines to help them grow more food and make their work easier. This move to use more machines is partly because there are fewer farm workers available and hiring people is becoming more expensive.
Tractors are the most popular farm machines in India. They are really useful for many different farm tasks like plowing, planting, and moving things around. Small tractors are especially helpful for farmers with less land because they're affordable and fit well on smaller farms.
Combine harvesters are also becoming more common, especially in the large fields of North India where a lot of wheat and rice grow. Agricultural machinery in India helps farmers harvest their crops much faster and lose less grain compared to harvesting by hand.
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Irrigation equipment like sprinklers and drip systems are important too, because they help farmers use water wisely. This is very important in areas where there isn't much water available.
Another helpful tool is the seed drill, which helps farmers plant seeds evenly and at the right depth. This leads to better crops and makes the most of the available land.
The Indian government is helping farmers buy these machines by offering money help and loans. Programs like the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and the Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) help farmers afford the equipment they need.
As farming in India gets more modern, machines are becoming essential. They help farmers produce more food and support many people's livelihoods. Looking ahead, it will be important to keep finding ways to use machines in farming that help both the farmers and the environment.
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India’s banking sector is sufficiently capitalized and well-regulated. The financial and economic conditions are comparatively better even by comparing with well developed economies. Indian banks are generally resilient and have withstood the global downturn well as can be noted by reviewing previous years records.
The Indian banking industry has recently witnessed the rollout of innovative banking models like payments and small finance banks. In recent years, the Banks are increasingly focusing widening banking reach, through various schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and Post payment banks. The rise of Indian NBFCs and fintech have significantly enhanced India’s financial inclusion and helped fuel the credit cycle in the country.
Here is a quick overview of key players in the industry.
HDFC Bank Ltd
HDFC Bank Ltd (HDFC) offers personal and corporate banking, private and investment banking, and other related financial solutions to individuals, MSMEs, government, and agriculture sectors, financial institutions and trusts, and non-resident Indians. It provides a range of deposit services and card products; loans for homes, cars, commercial vehicles, and other personal and business needs; insurance for life, health, and non-life risks; and investment solutions such as mutual funds, bonds, equities, and derivatives. HDFC also provides services such as cash management, corporate finance advisory, customized banking solutions, project and structured finance, trade financing, foreign exchange, internet banking, and payment and settlement services, among others. The bank operates in India through a network of branches, ATMs, phone banking, net banking, and mobile banking. It has overseas branches in Bahrain, Hong Kong, and the UAE, and representative offices in the UAE and Kenya. HDFC is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
ICICI Bank Ltd
ICICI Bank Ltd (ICICI Bank) provides personal and corporate banking, investment banking, private banking, venture capital, life and non-life insurance solutions, securities broking, and asset management services to corporate and retail clients, high-net-worth individuals, and SMEs. It offers a wide range of products such as deposits accounts including savings and current accounts, and resident foreign currency accounts; investment products; and consumer and commercial cards. ICICI Bank offers to lend for home purchase, commercial business requirements, automobiles, personal needs, and agricultural needs. The bank offers services such as foreign exchange, remittance, import and export financing, advisory, trade services, personal finance management, cash management, and wealth management. It has an operational presence in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), the Americas, and Asia. ICICI Bank is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
State Bank of India
State Bank of India (SBI) is a universal bank. It provides a range of retail banking, corporate banking, and treasury services. The bank serves individuals, corporates, and institutional clients. Its major offerings include deposits services, personal and business banking cards, and loans and financing. The bank provides services such as mobile banking, internet banking, ATM services, foreign inward remittance, safe deposit locker, money transfer, mobile wallet, trade finance, merchant banking, project export finance, treasury, offshore banking, and cash management services. It operates in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and North and South America. SBI is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Punjab National Bank
Punjab National Bank (PNB) offers retail and commercial banking, agricultural and international banking, and other financial services. Its retail and commercial banking portfolio offers credit and debit cards, corporate and retail loans, deposit services, cash management, and trade finance. Its international banking portfolio includes foreign currency accounts, money transfers, letters of guarantee, and world travel cards, and solutions to non-resident Indians. PNB also offers merchant banking, mutual funds, depository services, insurance, and e-services. The bank operates in India and has overseas operations in the UK, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, and the UAE. PNB is headquartered in New Delhi, India.
Bank of Baroda
Bank of Baroda (BOB) offers retail, agriculture, private and commercial banking, and other related financial solutions. It includes loans, deposit services, and payment cards. The bank offers loans for homes, vehicles, education, agriculture, personal and corporate requirements, mortgage, securities, and rent receivables, among others. It provides current and savings accounts; fixed and recurring deposits; debit, credit, and prepaid cards. The bank also provides insurance coverage for life, health, and general purposes. It offers services such as treasury, financing, mutual funds, cash management, international banking, digital banking, internet banking, start-Up banking, and wealth management. The bank has operations in Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, and the Middle East and Africa. BOB is headquartered in Baroda, Gujarat, India.
Industry Performance
The health of the banking system in India has shown steady improvement, according to the Reserve Bank of India’s latest report on trends in the sector. From capital adequacy ratio to profitability metrics to bad loans, both public and private sector banks have shown visible improvement. And as credit growth has also witnessed an acceleration in 2021-22, banks have seen an expansion in their balance sheet at a pace that is a multi-year high. As of November 4, 2022, bank credit stood at Rs. 129.26 lakh crore (US$ 1,585.09 billion). As of November 4, 2022, credit to non-food industries stood at Rs. 128.87 lakh crore (US$ 1.58 trillion).
Given the increasing intensity, spread, and duration of the pandemic, economic recovery the performances of key companies in the industry was positive. The reported margin of the industry by analyzing the key players was around 13.7% by taking into consideration the last 3 years’ data. Details are as follows.
Companies Net Margin EBITDA/Sales
HDFC Bank Ltd. 23.5% 31.2%
ICICI Bank Ltd. 22.3% 30.4%
State Bank of India 10.0% 25.7%
Punjab National Bank 4.0% 10.0%
Bank of Baroda 8.9% 13.9%
Industry Margins 13.7% 22.2%
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Industry Trends
The macroeconomic picture for 2023 portends mixed fortunes for consumer payment players. Higher rates should boost banks’ net interest margins for card portfolios, but persistent inflation, depletion of savings, and a potential economic slowdown could weigh on consumers’ appetite for spending. Digital identity is expected to evolve as a counterbalancing force to mitigate fraud risks in the long run. Transaction banking businesses are standing firm despite recent market uncertainties. For many banks, these divisions have been a steady source of revenues and profits.
Over the long term, banks will need to pursue new sources of value beyond product, industry, or business model boundaries. The new economic order that will likely emerge over the next few years will require bank leaders to forge ahead with conviction and remain true to their purpose as guardians and facilitators of capital flows. With these factors in mind, the industry is still showing huge growth potential, some of the growth divers that is propelling the industry are:
Rising rural income pushing up demand for banking
Rapid urbanisation, decreasing household size & easier availability of home loans has been driving demand for housing.
Growth in disposable income has been encouraging households to raise their standard of living and boost demand for personal credit.
The industry is attracting major investments as follows.
On June 2022, the number of bank accounts—opened under the government’s flagship financial inclusion drive ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)’—reached 45.60 crore and deposits in the Jan Dhan bank accounts totaled Rs. 1.68 trillion (US$ 21.56 billion).
Some of the major initiatives taken by the government to promote the industry in India are as follows:
As per the Union Budget 2022-23:
National Asset reconstruction company (NARCL) will take over, 15 non-performing loans (NPLs) worth Rs. 50,000 crores (US$ 6.70 billion) from the banks.
National payments corporation India (NPCI) has plans to launch UPI lite this will provide offline UPI services for digital payments. Payments of up to Rs. 200 (US$ 2.67) can be made using this.
In the Union budget of 2022-23 India has announced plans for a central bank digital currency (CBDC) which will be possibly know as Digital Rupee.
Through analyzing the performance of the contributing companies for the last three years, we can ascertain that the sector witnessed compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.9% at the end of 2022. Details are as below.
Companies CAGR
HDFC Bank Ltd. 14.02%
ICICI Bank Ltd. 7.3%
State Bank of India 8.4%
Punjab National Bank 9.2%
Bank of Baroda 10.7%
Industry CAGR 9.9%
Working through partnerships both with NBFCs and FinTech is high on the agenda of the Indian banking sector, and this is an area of focus of the FICCI National Committee on Banking. Banks will have to play a very constructive role as India aspires to be the leading economy in future. The strengthened banking sector has the potential to contribute directly and indirectly to GDP, increase job creation and enhance median income. Technology interventions to strengthen the quality and quantity of credit flow to the priority sector will be an important aspect. The need for sustainable finance / green financing is also gaining importance.
With these attributes boosting the sector, the Indian banking industry is likely to grow 5% more than the reported growth rate and is expected to exhibit CAGR of 10.4% in the next five years from 2023 to 2027.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
ML Olympiad returns with over 20 challenges
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ml-olympiad-returns-with-over-20-challenges/
ML Olympiad returns with over 20 challenges
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The popular ML Olympiad is back for its third round with over 20 community-hosted machine learning competitions on Kaggle.
The ML Olympiad – organised by groups including ML GDE, TFUG, and other ML communities – aims to provide developers with hands-on opportunities to learn and practice machine learning skills by tackling real-world challenges.
Over the previous two rounds, an impressive 605 teams participated across 32 competitions, generating 105 discussions and 170 notebooks.
This year’s lineup includes challenges spanning areas like healthcare, sustainability, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and more. Competitions are hosted by expert groups and developers from around the world. Here are this year’s challenges:
Smoking Detection in Patients
Hosted by Rishiraj Acharya (AI/ML GDE) in collaboration with TFUG Kolkata, this competition tasks participants with predicting smoking status using bio-signal ML models.
TurtleVision Challenge
Organised by Anas Lahdhiri under MLAct, this challenge calls for the development of a classification model to differentiate between jellyfish and plastic pollution in ocean imagery.
Detect Hallucinations in LLMs
Luca Massaron (AI/ML GDE) presents a unique challenge of identifying hallucinations in answers provided by a Mistral 7B instruct model.
Anushka Raj, alongside TFUG Hajipur, seeks ML solutions to mitigate food wastage, a critical concern in today’s world.
Predicting Wellness
Hosted by Ankit Kumar Verma and TFUG Prayagraj, this competition involves predicting the percentage of body fat in men using multiple regression methods.
Offbeats Edition
Ayush Morbar from Offbeats Byte Labs invites participants to build a regression model to predict the age of crabs.
Nashik Weather
TFUG Nashik challenges participants to forecast the weather condition in Nashik, India, leveraging machine learning techniques.
Predicting Earthquake Damage
Usha Rengaraju presents a task of predicting the level of damage to buildings caused by earthquakes, based on various factors.
Forecasting Bangladesh’s Weather
TFUG Bangladesh (Dhaka) aims to predict rainfall, average temperature, and rainy days for a particular day in Bangladesh.
CO2 Emissions Prediction Challenge
Md Shahriar Azad Evan and Shuvro Pal from TFUG North Bengal seek to predict CO2 emissions per capita for 2030 using global development indicators.
AI & ML Malaysia
Kuan Hoong (AI/ML GDE) challenges participants to predict loan approval status, addressing a crucial aspect of financial inclusion.
Sustainable Urban Living
Ashwin Raj and BeyondML task participants with predicting the habitability score of properties, promoting sustainable urban development.
Toxic Language (PTBR) Detection
Hosted in Brazilian Portuguese, this challenge by Mikaeri Ohana, Pedro Gengo, and Vinicius F. Caridá (AI/ML GDE) involves classifying toxic tweets.
Improving Disaster Response
Yara Armel Desire of TFUG Abidjan invites participants to predict humanitarian aid contributions in response to disasters worldwide.
Urban Traffic Density
Kartikey Rawat from TFUG Durg calls for the development of predictive models to estimate traffic density in urban areas.
Know Your Customer Opinion
TFUG Surabaya presents a challenge of classifying customer opinions into Likert scale categories.
Forecasting India’s Weather
Mohammed Moinuddin and TFUG Hyderabad task participants with predicting temperatures for specific months in India.
Classification Champ
Hosted by TFUG Bhopal, this competition involves developing classification models to predict tumour malignancy.
AI-Powered Job Description Generator
Akaash Tripathi from TFUG Ghaziabad challenges participants to build a system that automatically generates job descriptions using Generative AI and chatbot interface.
Machine Translation French-Wolof
GalsenAI presents a challenge of accurately translating French sentences into Wolof, offering a platform to enhance language translation capabilities.
Water Mapping using Satellite Imagery
Taha Bouhsine of ML Nomads tasks participants with water mapping using satellite imagery for dam drought detection.
Google is supporting each community host this round through its Google for Developers program.
Participants are encouraged to search for “ML Olympiad” on Kaggle, follow #MLOlympiad on social media, and get involved in the competitions that most interest them.
With such a diverse array of real-world machine learning challenges, the ML Olympiad represents an excellent opportunity for developers to put their skills to the test and gain valuable experience.
(Image Credit: Google)
See also: Microsoft: China plans to disrupt elections with AI-generated disinformation
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Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, challenge, competition, developers, development, machine learning, ml olympiad
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aquarock1234 · 2 months
Reliance Met Industrial Plot Price call @ +91-9650389757
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Location: Reliance Met Industrial plot is located near KMP expressway Farukhnagar on Gurugram Jhajjar road. Reliance MET industrial project is almost 20 Km from Bahadurgarh. Reliance MET also known as Farukhnagar industrial area. This project is 102 Gurugram, 17 Km from Dwarka and almost 25-26 Km form hero Honda chowk Gurugram. 
Connectivity of Reliance Met project: The area is connected with almost all the surrounding of Gurugram like Bahadurgarh, IMT Manesar, IMT kharkhoda & Kundli industrial area. KMP expressway provides the connectivity to this project with national highway – NH2, NH8, NH-71 and NH10 in the NCR. Najafgarh in west Delhi, Bahadurgarh on the North eat and Gurugram on the south east are connected with reliance project –Farukhnagar railway station is just 2 K away. Price reliance industrial plot price in compotator in market and investors are investing here on large scale. Price of reliance Met industrial plot price is available at various ranges like 1200 Sq Ft. is available at INR 10800 only.
Size of plot: The size of the plot is in different sq meters range to Acres and that starts form 100 sq meters to and ends at approx24 Acres.
Possession: Reliance Met industrial plot Met phase 1 is already under operations and industries have already started its production and reliance Met phase 2 is under development and will come into operation soon. Four land & road available electricity requirement has been fulfilled by state distribution grid. Drinking water and normal water usage is available and CGWA, government of India. Gas requirement is approved by Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) to meet the gas requirements.
Stamp duty: Reliance MET industrial area has stamp duty of 5 % of total sales price.
Economy of reliance Met plots: The total area is scattered over 8000 Acres where 1700 has licensed approved by Haryana government. There are many industries and warehouse are here like consumer durables, footwear sectors, auto components, logistic parks. Big industries like Panasonic, denso & bati. Reliance met is an attraction for investors which provide new version for the people living and working area.
Loan Facility: We understand that businesses depend on efficient utilization of funds and a lot depends on a well-organized fund flow system to keep businesses running. Aquarock is one of the prominent companies in the debt syndication market in India with strong relationships with financial institutions, banks and NBFCs, mutual funds and insurance companies. We help with all the required loan facility.
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aquarockindustries · 2 days
Reliance Met Industrial Plot Price call @ +91-9650389757
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Location: Reliance Met Industrial plot is located near KMP expressway Farukhnagar on Gurugram Jhajjar road. Reliance MET industrial project is almost 20 Km from Bahadurgarh. Reliance MET also known as Farukhnagar industrial area. This project is 102 Gurugram, 17 Km from Dwarka and almost 25-26 Km form hero Honda chowk Gurugram. 
Connectivity of Reliance Met project: The area is connected with almost all the surrounding of Gurugram like Bahadurgarh, IMT Manesar, IMT kharkhoda & Kundli industrial area. KMP expressway provides the connectivity to this project with national highway – NH2, NH8, NH-71 and NH10 in the NCR. Najafgarh in west Delhi, Bahadurgarh on the North eat and Gurugram on the south east are connected with reliance project –Farukhnagar railway station is just 2 K away. Price reliance industrial plot price in compotator in market and investors are investing here on large scale. Price of reliance Met industrial plot price is available at various ranges like 1200 Sq Ft. is available at INR 10800 only.
Size of plot: The size of the plot is in different sq meters range to Acres and that starts form 100 sq meters to and ends at approx24 Acres.
Possession: Reliance Met industrial plot Met phase 1 is already under operations and industries have already started its production and reliance Met phase 2 is under development and will come into operation soon. Four land & road available electricity requirement has been fulfilled by state distribution grid. Drinking water and normal water usage is available and CGWA, government of India. Gas requirement is approved by Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) to meet the gas requirements.
Stamp duty: Reliance MET industrial area has stamp duty of 5 % of total sales price.
Economy of reliance Met plots: The total area is scattered over 8000 Acres where 1700 has licensed approved by Haryana government. There are many industries and warehouse are here like consumer durables, footwear sectors, auto components, logistic parks. Big industries like Panasonic, denso & bati. Reliance met is an attraction for investors which provide new version for the people living and working area.
Loan Facility: We understand that businesses depend on efficient utilization of funds and a lot depends on a well-organized fund flow system to keep businesses running. Aquarock is one of the prominent companies in the debt syndication market in India with strong relationships with financial institutions, banks and NBFCs, mutual funds and insurance companies. We help with all the required loan facility.
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rohitpalan · 3 months
Embedded Finance Market Surges with a 16.5% CAGR, Set to Reach US$ 291.3 Billion by 2033
It is projected that the embedded finance industry would grow at a robust 16.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2033. The market is anticipated to be valued at US$ 63.2 billion in 2023 and to have a market share of US$ 291.3 billion by 2033.
The technical advantages along with the expanding financial services including banking and non-banking options are flourishing the market growth. Furthermore, the rapid automation and adoption of smart platforms of different spaces for high productivity and efficiency are propelling growth.
Financial giants are partnering with technological platforms for innovative solutions. For example, Mastercard and Fabrick have signed a partnership to boost embedded finance. New services like buy now pay later (BNPL) and credit reporting are good examples of embedded finance.
The expanding sales and extended chains of banks and financial companies are expected to adopt these new systems in to improve the services offered. Alongside this, the increased convenience, quick transaction, and highly accessible interface is making embedded finance systems future-ready.
The growing sales of financial services have also increased the importance of data. Thus, the embedded finance systems also deliver a relevant collection of data while adding inclusion and convenience to the end user’s plate.
The other benefits include the generation of additional revenue streams while increasing the product’s stickiness, and enhanced customer experience.
Get an overview of the market from industry experts to evaluate and develop growth strategies. Get your sample report here  https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14548
Key Takeaways:
The United States market leads the embedded finance market in terms of market share in North America. The United States region held a market share of 22.3% in 2023. The growth in this region is attributed to expanding financial firms, and the government’s adoption of the latest technologies. North American region held a significant market share of 32.5% in 2022.
Germany’s market is another successful market in the Europe region. The market holds a market share of 12.3% in 2022. The growth is attributed to the presence of new embedded finance platforms such as Plaid, and Alviere Hive. Europe region held a market share of 25.4% in 2022
India embedded finance market booms at a CAGR of 19.5% during the forecast period. The market’s growth is attributed to the new banking policies, enlarged non-banking policies, and high penetration of non-banking platforms.
China’s market also thrives at a CAGR of 17.7% between 2023 and 2033. The growth is caused by the banking reforms and increased focus on consumer inclusivity.
Based on type, the embedded banking segment held a leading market share of 32.1% in 2022.
Based on end-user type, the investment banks and investments company segment perform well as it held a leading market share of 27.2% in 2022.
Competitive Landscape:
The key vendors focus on adding value to the embedded finance systems and easy deployment procedures. Moreover, key competitors also merge, acquire, and partner with other companies to increase their supply chain and distribution channel.
Major Players in this Market:
Cross River
Speak to Our Research Expert  https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-14548
Recent Market Developments:
Finix has introduced embedded payments and the vertical SaaS conundrum. The addition of embedded payments is increasing revenue, reducing the payment strike, and easy customer engagement.
Flywire embedded experience is using smart technologies to secure payments without leaving the website.
Key Segments Covered are:
By Type:
Embedded Banking
Embedded Insurance
Embedded Investments
Embedded Lending
Embedded Payment
By End User:
Loans Associations
Investment Banks & Investment Companies
Brokerage Firms
Insurance Companies
Mortgage Companies
By Key Regions:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
The Middle East and Africa
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thestoryofmymind99 · 3 months
The Rising Tide of Recreational Boating: A Growing Market Fueled by Adventure and Technology
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Exploring the Global Phenomenon of Recreational Boating and its Expanding Market
Recreational boating has long been a popular pastime for those seeking adventure and relaxation on the water. From the thrill of jet skiing to the serenity of sailing, boating offers a diverse range of experiences for enthusiasts worldwide. In recent years, the recreational boating market has seen significant growth, driven by advancements in technology, larger boats, a growing high-net-worth population, an improving economy, and a thriving tourism industry.
According to a report by Straits Research, the global recreational boating market was valued at USD 32,169.74 million in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 51,908.38 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.46% during the forecast period. This surge in demand is fueled by the increasing interest in recreational water sports activities and the development of cutting-edge boats and boat engines.
Growing Interest towards Recreational Water Sports Activities Drives the Global Market
Recreational boating infrastructure has expanded worldwide, thanks to rising consumer interest in water sports and increased participation by people of all ages. Watersports offer not only the thrill and adrenaline rush of physical exercise but also numerous positive effects on one's health. The market for recreational boating is expanding due to the growing demand for motorized watersports such as jet skiing, sailing, and yachting.
Government authorities in several countries have also recognized the potential of water sports and recreational boating and have actively promoted these activities. Initiatives to popularize water sports have been implemented, further driving the growth of the recreational boating market.
Technological Advancement in Boats and Boat Engines Creates Tremendous Opportunities
The recreational boating industry has witnessed significant technological advancements in recent years. Engine manufacturers are developing high-powered, low-emission engines to meet consumer demand and reduce emissions from boating activities. Boat manufacturers are incorporating advanced technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and smart sensors to provide users with conveniences like GPS tracking, automatic controls, and smart connections.
These technological advancements not only enhance the boating experience but also improve safety and security, increasing the desire of boat owners to venture into deep waters. With the persistent development of cutting-edge boating technology, the recreational boating market is poised for further expansion.
Regional Analysis
Europe holds the largest share of the global recreational boating market, with a projected CAGR of 4.18% during the forecast period. The region's market growth is driven by rising demand for luxury cruisers, increased coastal and maritime tourism, and a growing interest in boating among women and younger people. Germany, in particular, has seen a surge in recreational boating due to the rising demand for waterborne tourism in various destinations.
In North America, the recreational boating market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.72%. The region's improving economy and easy access to loans have contributed to an increase in boat sales. The popularity of watersports like waterskiing, surfing, and power boating is also on the rise, further fueling the recreational boating industry.
In Asia-Pacific, countries such as China, India, Japan, and South Korea are experiencing a growing demand for recreational watercraft. China, in particular, has seen government efforts to popularize yachting as a pastime, leading to an increase in the demand for recreational watercraft. Japan is witnessing a rise in the popularity of water sports like water skiing, power boating, fishing, and surfing, driving the expansion of the recreational boating market in the country.
Key Highlights
The global recreational boating market is segmented based on power, product, activity, and size. The engine-powered segment is the highest contributor to the market, with a projected CAGR of 5.78%. In terms of product, inboard boats hold the highest market share, growing at a CAGR of 3.84%.
Watersports and cruising are the dominant activities in the recreational boating market, with a projected CAGR of 4.96%. The less than 30 ft. segment is the largest in terms of size, with a projected CAGR of 3.98%.
The recreational boating market is experiencing significant growth worldwide, driven by the increasing interest in water sports activities, technological advancements in boats and boat engines, and expanding coastal and maritime tourism. As more people seek adventure and relaxation on the water, the demand for recreational boating is expected to continue to rise.
With ongoing developments in boating technology and the incorporation of advanced features, the boating experience is becoming more convenient and safer. Governments are recognizing the potential of recreational boating and water sports and actively promoting these activities. As a result, the recreational boating market is poised for further expansion, offering new opportunities for industry players and enthusiasts alike.
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