#local technique
glitter-studs · 11 months
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Eclectic Bedroom Example of a large eclectic master laminate floor, brown floor and wallpaper bedroom design with green walls
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kittyoverlord · 3 months
It just occurred to me that The Frosty Fair Folk Festival is probably meant to be a 1:1 reference to The Rainbow Gathering.
Moves around every year, very hippy dippy. The only thing not like it is the emo concert.
My grandpa has been to Rainbow and I was gonna go a few years ago when it was local but I was too busy, so I don't know for sure, but sounds very similar based on his description.
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tj-crochets · 1 year
hello!!! do you have any tips for learning to sew? eventually i want to be able to make my own stuffed animals, especially things like the memory bears you made. i just taught myself yesterday and today I successfully (ish) lined a bag i crocheted!
Hi!! Lining a crocheted bag with fabric is (in my opinion) significantly more difficult than sewing basic plushies, so you're already off to a fantastic start! I cannot recommend Cholyknight's starter pack plush pattern highly enough for learning how to sew. It's totally free, and it walks you through learning to sew one plushie at a time. There are four levels of pattern complexity, so it starts very very simple and then you learn new techniques as you make new plushies. By the end, I think you'd have all the skills you need to sew teddy bears like the memory bears I made
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mantisgodsart · 5 months
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(via @cordycepsbian)
We can answer this actually we love talking about Cool Art Stuff.
Despite what one may assume, sharp edges in watercolor is actually quite easy! Come, sit, allow us to share our secrets. It's like 50% "materials" and 50% "we spent a long-ass time figuring out how to do sharp edges in watercolor and now we're really good at figuring out the exact combos of consistency and brush stroke required to make those really hard edges"
The first trick is, of course, to not try and do it at the beginning of the painting. When you're just starting to block shapes in to your watercolor, pursuing sharp edges is a fool's ordeal, and you can only really get those sharp edges in as finishing touches near the end of the work.
The second trick is to work wet-on-dry - this limits the spread of the watercolor and allows you to prevent bleeding, but you have to make sure your painting is COMPLETELY dry before painting, or you'll risk having some ill-defined lines and bleeding.
The third trick is to work with... cake watercolors? There's a tern for it, we just can't remember it - dry pan watercolors, where you have to wet the paint to "activate" it, offer you a LOT more control over the consistency of your paint, and using a relatively thick paint will allow you some REALLY sharp lines! Fair warning, your mileage may vary based on the specific paints you use just because pigment is Expensive and cheaper brands of watercolor will almost definitely be, like, cutting out as much pigment as they can manage in order to cut corners, and the sharp edges will be less obvious the more transparent they are.
As a general rule of thumb when you pay for Fancy watercolor you're paying for the insane amount of pigment that they put in their Fancy Stuff and that lends itself a lot more to Sharp Lines (plus one thing of it will last Fucking Forever). The black we use Specifically is an Artisanal Fancy Brand that we don't remember the name of and we've been using the same ~$10 thing for more than a year without even using up half of it, but honestly the actual paints you use are the Least important part of doing watercolor, you can do like the exact same thing with dollar store paints it'll just be a bit less pigmented.
The fourth trick is to just, like, practice a TON. You WILL have to spend time getting it right. It will take a Long-Ass Time. You will have So Much Trouble. Unfortunately this step cannot be avoided but we can still warn you that you'll be trying to make really sharp lines for like an hour and it still won't quite work.
The last trick is to uhh
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#we speak#not art#unfortunately the people saying to invest in Good Materials are sometimes correct and good brushes are like#the number one reason that we can manage the sort of really sharp edges that we can without muddling#for context this is a fancy-ass semi-stiff lining brush that we've found allows for VERY sharp edges#it's VERY nice and it holds its shape INCREDIBLY well allowing for some very nicely defined edges without stray brush strands#however it's also like fifteen bucks for one brush so you kinda have to like. Decide If It's Worth It#we got like two brushes from the same brand from a watercolor technique workshop for free and we shelled out bc the other brushes were like#Really Good#total cost of this is like uhhh fucking twenty bucks. if you have that to spare we 100% recommend it#but if you dont then you can obtain it illegally from your local art store if youre fast enough#for legal reasons that advice is a joke tho. stealing from local businesses is bad. go after a bigger store instead.#like 60% of watercolors is having Good Technique but the really defined edges that we pull here are like purely possible bc of Good Brush#and Good Brush really makes a fucking difference tho we'll still bring in our older dollar store brushes for shit like texture#beyond that its just ignoring common wisdom for watercolor tho we do A LOT of drybrushing bc we like the texture#we like deliberately fucking up our washes to make the background look more interesting we think its Cool#every watercolor person who speaks of a flat wash being the very basis of All Of Watercolor wishes to kill us personally
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rotyolk · 7 months
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felt like drawing elma
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territorial-utopia · 2 years
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- from the sun. They went swimming and spent all day out there, as a result T now suffers from horribly burnt shoulders, is in pain and has to cover up. Lovia is... doing his best.
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anotherpapercut · 8 months
as a kid I always thought eggs and omelettes were disgusting until I took culinary in 10th grade and figured out my mother just doesn't know how to cook eggs
anyway I'm having an omelette made from farm eggs given to me by a library patron and I just want to give a quick shout out to culinary classes in public education
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tanadrin · 11 months
hey, while you're answering SR asks---one thing that I wasn't clear on after reading through the tag. SR has a really _deep_ history of human civilization, tens of thousands of years or more, right? and it's definitely explicit that a lot of cultures have lost technology over time, or explicitly stopped "progressing" technologically (that one plateau culture), which is why it's bounced around basically the same tech level that whole time (with anachrotech pockets). But I'm not clear on _why_ that is.
Is it 1. that you're implying that this is actually likely to happen to any civilization on long timescales, and modern Earth monotonic progress is temporary, 2. that it's caused somehow by the semisymbiotic native SR life (some of the stories seem to imply periodic catastrophes driven by its influence? are those frequent & big enough to hold tech progress back overall?) 3. SR society Just Does That because of some combination of resource factors and social structures 4. something else?
Your intuitions are correct--there is indeed a reason for it! It's mostly the second thing.
But there have actually been two great technological stagnations in the history of humanity, and the longer and bigger one was before they arrived on Sogant Raha.
In order for the setting to work (mostly-terraformed alien planet), humans had to have some means of resurrecting species from genetic samples or records, but my intention was always that the beginning of the Exile is very much a near-future, or possibly alternate-present event: humans were forced to spread out among the stars by a catastrophe that made Earth at least temporarily uninhabitable, and they did so, at least initially, with crude Project Orion-type spacecraft, because that's all they had available. This universe doesn't have FTL travel, and Earthlike worlds are comparatively rare, so even when they settled in other solar systems, they did so in pressure domes and grew their food hydroponically.
This created a situation not incomparable to the Paleolithic phase of human history on Earth: extremely slow population growth, very little spare productive capacity, little room for experimentation or innovation. For the exiles who eventually arrived at Sogant Raha aboard the Ammas Echor, this era lasted about four hundred thousand years. The people of the Ammas Echor would have been more technologically advanced than the first exiles who left Earth, but not fantastically so. They simply did not have the resource budget for it. Nowadays, we can afford to invest in experimentation and in r&d that may not pan out; in an environment when even a small hit to your energy budget means people are going to die, you stick with the techniques you know for a fact work, and if you innovate, you do so slowly.
Once the Ammas Echor reached Sogant Raha, simply the fact they could walk around in an oxygen-rich atmosphere that was a comfortable temperature and grow food in any patch of open ground that got good sunlight would have been a phenomenal luxury. They certainly had the technology to grow quickly, and to rapidly innovate again. And they did aim to do that, at first (despite, y'know, centuries of hidebound traditionalism that come from hidebound traditionalism being the difference between survival and extinction of your whole lineage). But catastrophe soon struck in the form of a virulent disease that seemed to be caused by native alien microorganisms.
There were other catastrophes after, and some were human-caused (devastating wars, or environmental collapses like the Burning Spring). But many were not; many can indeed be traced back to the tahar, the genus of acytic symbiont that makes its home in the tissues and cells of endobiota and xenobiota alike. These have probably been equal to, or significantly worse than, many of the purely "human-caused" disasters. But the dividing line isn't always so clear; if an apparently random mutation in the tahar's signalling mechanism is, as a side effect, causing heightened aggression across a whole continent for a hundred years, then the wars that result might well be a human disaster, but in a purely causal sense they're not solely humanity's fault.
I think left to their own devices--if they had found a world without the tahar--the people of the Ammas Echor would have rapidly built up an industrial base and flourished. Indeed, they had a rather fantastical idea at one point to try to build a beacon to signal to other exiles that Paradise had been found. Alas, the planet had other plans.
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koishua · 1 year
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stress painted the rest of my remaining canvases to make this a set
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digiupdates · 8 months
Top 5 Email Autoresponders for Affiliate Marketing in 2023
Stay ahead in affiliate marketing with the best email autoresponders of 2023. Boost your campaigns for efficiency and high conversions.
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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✨I wanna draw!✨
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digitalmarketingtipps · 10 months
Want to expand your YouTube audience? Then it's time to link your YouTube channel to your Facebook page! This video will explain the easy steps you need to take to make the connection and help you reach a larger audience. Watch now to get started and reach more viewers! . . #youtube #facebook #facebookpage #searchengineoptimization #facebooktutorial #youtubetutorial #facebook #metaads #facebooktutorial #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #facebookpage #facebookpost #facebookprofiletopage #facebookfollowers #youtubeaudience #youtubeengagement #youtubers #youtubesubscribers #digitalmarketing #google #linkyoutube
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Modern Witcher band AU where Jaskier is a vocal coach who's newest client is a metal singer looking to alleviate their voice strain and improve their range.
Starts with lessons, ends with a small-time folk singer going viral singing with metal boys.
Imagine Jaskier perpetually dressed in thrift-chic and happy art-hoe aesthetics just bopping and weaving his tenor into this dark power-metal band of wolves.
#I'm picturing Jaskel#because Eskel has that really deep voice who wants his throat to hurt less#and Eskel just googles vocal coach and books online with the first listing#he was certainly not expecting a Jaskier#dreading and low-key expecting an old lady all about that classical training#but no#tis this sunshine man#who somehow looks cute af demonstrating weird af looking exercises and techniques#and who just low-key transitions into theoat singing during an example like nbd#and eskel is just#yet another introvert at heart getting adopted by an extrovert#they kiss#eskel goes back to his shared apartment with the other 2 wolves#gets teased over the lipgloss kiss print on his cheek#jaskier would 100% wear lipgloss#eskel convinces Geralt and Lambert to give lessons a go#they become good friends#lambert eventually gets enough confidence to sing Aiden cute and sweet love songs#jaskier goes with them to one of their local shows and helps set up#he and eskel jokingly do a duet#early arrival catches it on video and it goes viral#suddenly Jaskier sometimes moonlights as a folk-metal singer#and he and Eskel live happily ever after in a healthy superficial example of opposites attract#big scary looking dude with comparatively little and glowy art-hoe#the wolves' band gets their big break#jaskier gets to apall his parents with how much more he can embarrass their snooty old-money circle#jaskier gets to appall his parents and their old money circle#best revenge is living well#the witcher
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
something about beyond evil and how the story takes it time to let the characters simmer in their emotions in silence, taking us into the journey of figuring out what they are feeling without telling us exactly what we are seeing in these important moments...
just... wow.
like, it really adds to the suspense yet also makes the narrative more engaging to the audience.
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nihiltism · 1 year
ok Actually important question for u all. you are given three wishes. what do you do with them. you can't ask for more wishes and please assume the free wish ticket was found among a pile of riches because a million bucks is a boring answer
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ocpdzim · 2 years
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This is an outfit from when Filonyn was very young, but they do still have it. Since it was before they were living among humans, they didn’t have to wear a big hat with it.
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