#loki layfeyson oneshots
willowsages-blog · 22 days
Makeout session: Loki layfeyson x female reader
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You and Loki were in a heated make out session, you have been waiting a week to see him again.
He is leaned, back against the couch as you are on his lap,
Feeling his hands all over your body traveling down your body while your roaming through Loki's hair.
All you hear is heavy breathing, but that was all interrupted by a heavy knock on the front door,
You ignore the knocking and keep kissing Loki all you wanted was to be focused on just him,
But the knocking continues and you get up to see who it was before you could completely get up.
He grabs your hips and pulls you back onto him.
I'm not done yet." Loki says before kissing you again.
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websterss · 3 months
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SUMMARY: Just as Frigga tried, you attempted to talk to Loki to try and reassure him about the damage done on Midgard. You and his mother were the only ones who saw the greater good in him when everyone else declared him a monster.  
WARNING(S): Angst, mentions of dying  
PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader  
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! While I work on requests, enjoy some of my own works I wanted to put out there! Feedback is always welcomed!
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They say love in its truest form, only happens in fairytales, stories told by dreamers, stories conjured up from hopeful thinking and wishing. The type of love that is too good to be true because it is...
The type of love people warn the ones falling in love about. Trying to save them the hassle of getting their hearts torn in two. Yet that person falls or the person they shouldn’t, and it becomes either the best thing ever or their biggest downfall.
Yeah...well, they forgot to mention that would become your reality. A typical tragic love story in the making. One that the TVA made sure would happen and continue to let happen because, to them, it was the flow of time.
It was your glorious destiny, and it was utter bullshit, to Loki at least.
“I thought I told Mother I wanted no visitors.”
“I think you can make an exception for me.” You entered past the barrier surrounding his cell. Your eyes roamed around the space finding that the things you and his mother requested to be brought to him were in use. You hummed quietly to yourself as you stepped closer to the table of stacked books and found the one you wanted him to read. He was reading it. The giveaway away...the bent corner of a page. “I hope you have found everything to your liking.” You set the book down and clasped your hands behind your back. Walking towards Loki who refused to meet your gaze. 
“Are you real?” His head shifted up only the slightest. He was hopeful. 
“You know better than to question it, my love. I cannot project myself like your mother.”
“Are you real?” He asked again. He needed that reassurance. He needed you to be physically present before him rather than a projected image of yourself. 
You simply smiled fondly, bringing an arm out from behind you. Making a grabbing motion towards him. Loki’s eyes met your stretched-out hand and felt a pull. His own body moved before him and before he knew it his palm smoothed onto yours. You carefully watched his hard demeanor change. The once brooding hard stare he had was replaced with sudden relief. His hand slid up your palm, to your wrist, to hold onto your upper arms, to finally caress the side of your face. 
“I’m real. I’m here.” Loki simply nodded. Though it wasn’t nearly enough to bring his guard down.
“How long?”
“Not long.” You closed your eyes, wanting to relish in the touch and presence of your husband. “Your father adores me enough to appease any wishes I may have, but he is the king after all. No amount of time he gave will suffice as enough.” You frowned, uneasy.
“Then let us not waste any more of it. Here.” Loki brought his other arm around you, gently pressing your head on his shoulder. Holding you close. 
“I’ve missed you dearly.” You breathed in his scent. Basking in his embrace that you felt was absent.
“We vowed till the end of time. Now that I spend time thinking about it. It does sound a bit absurd. There are about an infinite amount of worlds. Universes even!” Your eyes grew. “There’s a balance. One cannot simply live forever.” You shook your head. “I’d be a prune by then!”
“I’d love you even then.” Loki dwelled in the moment of your happiness.
His heart swelled when your eyes flashed, unsettled, weary. Breaking the trance you both in.
"It is not fair. Why must I be punished, I understand their precaution but I simply cannot do without you. Your father has offered me one visitation per every full moon. He wishes for you not to gain a big head. By limiting our time with one another, you'll learn to realize how you are to answer for your actions...I am with child!" You gasp, not feeling strong enough to hold it in. After the King announced your one day per the moon to visit him, you couldn't bear the idea of keeping it from him.
"You...what?" Loki glanced down at your stomach.
"We are to be parents..." You mustered a quick laugh as tears began to fill your eyes. "We have been blessed!" You brought his hands up to place them upon your dress. You tilted your head in hopes of gathering a reaction from him. "Please say something..."
"If I'd known...I wouldn't have gone to such lengths."
"Yes you would have...you were angry. But I'd eventually would have worked to grant you forgiveness. Just as now." You were torn from the inside, thinking of the days ahead of you, the moons that would pass, the various days, minus the one where you would be without him, where he wouldn't stand by your side and care for you as he'd done so before. The bedridden sickly days didn't sound so appealing knowing you'd go about them alone. "Perhaps if I tell the King, he'd grant us more days. Surely he would, yes? He wouldn't be so cruel to keep apart parents in waiting. Surely not my Loki, yes?" Your chest began to rise and fall heavily. You were panicking, and he was solely broken by the heart.
"I don't think he would, my love." He cupped the back of your hair and laid you against his chest. Your head was positioned over his heart.
"I couldn't keep such news to myself. I found out during your sentencing."
"Who else knows?"
"Your mother, your brother..." You trail off, feeling him stiffen underneath you on his bed. "I did not feel like keeping him unaware. He is my family as well." You remind him. "They are it, and us."
"I fear my mother may bring the news to my father. To sway him."
"I would never beg for something more than your releasement."
"Don't strain yourself, my love. I will be living well, and situated here for a while, I'm afraid."
"I will murder the King if you are not by my side the day of the birth." His chest rumbles with laughter upon your declaration. "I do not jest."
"Settle yourself...I would rather die than miss it." He peers down at you. "I am pleased you told me."
"I am well now, knowing that you know of it." You lean upward and peck his lips. Your lips clashed sweetly and slowly. Time was never granted for you both, that's how it always was in your younger years. One would be pulled away, one would be occupied, one had princeling duties, while the other helped her mother in the markets. You both were constantly on limited time and always would be.
You pulled apart when a rasp against the walls appeared. Thor. He sought to be the one to look over your visitations. You had thanked him for it. The King allowed you mere minutes with your beloved. Thor granted you double the amount. He knew he and Loki butted heads on occasion, but he knew his brother's love for you ran eternally.
"I do not wish to part." Your lips tremble.
"We have the next full moon, remember." You nodded solemnly at him.
"The days will drag, they will feel never-ending." You pout.
"Think of them as one day closer to being here with him." He leans in to kiss your temple.
"Til the next full moon..." You reach forward to cup his face for another kiss.
"We will have it always..." Loki pulls away. Allowing you to stand and collect yourself. But before you go you reach upwards your neck and unclasp your flower necklace. He begins to protest as you place the item he gifted you in his palm.
"So the days won't drag on for you. A happy reminder."
"You always are in my heart. I don't need a token to remind me of it."
"It'll be our trade then. A game of such. I want it back next full moon with a paraphrase of your latest book. Something for us to look forward to."
"I deem it only fair to do the same then." He unclasped his bracelet you had gifted him one solstice. "So the days won't drag my love." He pecked you one last time and sent you on your way.
"I love you my Loki."
"I love adore and love you both." The notion of mentioning you and your unborn child warmed your heart. You left him that night, content and with a smile on your face.
One he'd never see again.
"I love you, my Loki.""I love you, my Loki.""I love you, my Loki.""I love you, my Loki.""I love you, my Loki."
Mobius held his nose as the video replayed again and again. He hadn't known how many times Loki replayed that phrase, but it didn't change the fact that he was still in denial of your death.
You had been with his child, and now you were simply gone.
"Loki-" Mobius interjected his inner turmoil.
"She can't be gone..."
"She is Loki, and in every universe. She suffers the same fate and the same ending. That will never change."
"Why not!"
"It's a pivotal event in the timeline. If she hadn't died that day then it would have caused a branch out in the timeline. We must allow the timeline to flow in its designated and orderly manner. Any slightest change in the timeline, something as small as someone deciding to go left instead of right, will create a catastrophic disaster."
"Why wife's death is not pivotal, nor should it have been!" Loki could no longer hold his anger. "She was good, pure, and held the kindest heart. She was my other half, and now you say that's all she'll forever be. A pivotal event in a timeline!"
"You can't change her fate, Loki. I'm sorry." Mobius sympathized with the variant.
Loki pressed his back against a wall and slid down. Placing his head in between his legs. Lost in the thought of your laughter, your smile. Things he'd never experience again. He broke as the first sob rumbled in his chest.
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starlight-loki · 2 years
The Elevator (Loki x Reader)
Or, that time you and Loki got stuck in an elevator together.
Word Count: 957
Warnings: it's short and corny sorry in advance
A/N: i make a few small references to two earlier fics (linked below), but it's not necessary to have read them before this one :) gender neutral reader as always!
Precautionary Surveillance What Haunts Us at Night
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“Did you press the button?”
“Do you think I’m stupid? Of course I pressed the button.”
“You’re seeing the same thing I’m seeing, it’s not like you blinked and missed anything important!” 
Loki let out a ragged sigh, clenching his jaw as he leaned against the wall of the elevator.
“Relax,” you said, reaching forward and punching the call button one more time, the aggressive action a feeble attempt to keep yourself from taking your frustration out on the god trapped in the elevator with you. “If the call button isn’t working, you can just… y’know, magic us out of here and back into our own rooms.”
“It doesn’t work that way.”  
“You somehow managed to hide a damn Infinity Stone from Thanos, fake your death more than once, and prance around Asgard for two years as your father without anyone knowing. Please, Loki, enlighten me: what’s stopping you from getting us out of Tony’s piece of crap elevator?” 
“I create illusions,” Loki explained slowly, rolling his eyes at you as if this was basic information he was explaining to a child. “You’re asking me to tear apart the very fabric of space itself. That’s madness, even my own powers have limits.” 
“Alright, then I guess we’re going to have to go with Plan B: how loud can you yell?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, that won’t work. We’re trapped in metal.”
“Oh please. Let’s be real, you just don’t want to make a fool of yourself, right?”
The annoyance in the air was palpable as Loki rolled his eyes at your retort. “By the gods, Y/N, pray tell… how in the Nine Realms did you guess?”
You cracked a hint of a smile at Loki’s thick layer of sarcasm as you sank down slowly until you were curled in the corner of the elevator. You rested your head against the cool metal, letting a tired sigh slip out quietly. Loki peered down at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Giving up so soon?”
“Someone in the Compound will figure out pretty soon that the elevator’s broken. No one takes the damn stairs in this place anyways.” You shrugged, crossing your arms over your chest. “Might as well get comfortable while we wait it out.” 
You expected Loki to scowl at you, or bite back with another one of his bitter remarks, but to your surprise, the god stepped over until he was beside you. Without a word, he sank down to match your position on the floor. 
You couldn’t fight the curious glance you shot him as you observed how Loki kept his gaze fixed on the elevator doors in front of you. 
“I thought you hated all us Avengers. After… y’know, the whole house arrest thing Tony put you under and all.”
“I hate most of them.” Loki corrected you slowly, a hint of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. “I must admit, however, some of them have pleasantly surprised me.”
“And who might those be?”
Your question earned another eye roll from the Asgardian.
“You’re not half bad yourself, Loki. In fact, I think you’re becoming one of my favourite people here.” You voice almost seemed to reverberate against the metal walls of the elevator after a moment’s silence. Loki’s eyes narrowed at first, but then his gaze softened slowly as he took in your words. 
“I must admit, Y/N, I’m surprised and… honored?”
You chuckled at Loki’s loss for words.
“Maybe it’s all the sleepless nights we’ve spent together,” you continued. “But you make good company. Even now, when we’re stuck in an elevator.” 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Loki’s slight smile. Hell, you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off Loki. Maybe it was the suspiciously good lighting in Tony’s piece of crap elevator, but something in Loki’s eyes almost seemed to sparkle. 
Loki was sitting so close to you. The two of you had fallen asleep together accidentally on the couch before, surely it wouldn't be the end of the world if you moved your hand just enough to touch his-
Before you could think any further about moving your hand over, Loki beat you to it. Without saying a word, his hand was suddenly resting gently on top of yours. If you hadn't known Loki as well as you did, you would've almost thought it was an accident, the way his hand brushed over yours and stayed there.
You glanced over at the Asgardian to see he was waiting for you to meet his gaze with a small smirk. In reply, you squeezed Loki's hand gently, and let out a laugh when he squeezed your hand back.
"Maybe it's a good thing the elevator stopped working?"
"And why would that be?"
"Well..." You nodded towards your intertwined hands. "We wouldn't be able to do this without getting the third degree from everyone else."
Seemingly right on cue, a whirring noise filled the air as the elevator came back to life, beginning its ascent back up to your original destination.
"That was surprisingly fast," Loki remarked as he helped you up to your feet.
"Like I said, no one here likes taking the stairs."
Before Loki could reply, the doors of the elevator opened to reveal a somewhat flustered Thor waiting expectantly at the entrance.
"Took you long enough!"
"Thor? How did you fix the elevator?"
Thor blinked at you in surprise. "I thought it was just slow... I hit it with a lightning blast, and..."
Thor trailed off as he noticed your hand intertwined with Loki's. The three of you exchanged anxious glances before Thor's face broke into a grin.
"Maybe I should have left you and Y/N in the elevator a while longer, brother."
I'm restarting my taglist! Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future Loki or Namor fics (you can specify if you'd just like to be tagged for one or both characters!)
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swtki · 2 years
Word’s Can Never Hurt -L.L
Pairing: Avenger! Loki Laufeyson x Avenger! GN! Reader
Summary: When his partner gets kidnapped, he gets sent a shocking video.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, kidnapping, descriptions of stab wounds, broken bones, and blood. Reader says some fuck shit. Swearing, angst, fluff at the end.
Loki knew it was them before they even lifted their head up. He had studied them countless times before with their hair over their face. He knew the way it curled in some places and was more straight in others. He knew the color of their hair because he remembered when they died it, they were so excited to show him.
“Loki is a fucking menace to the universe. Why do you assholes think I would ever have anything to do with him? I can’t stand the guy, never mind be able to fuck him.” They spat at the person out of frame. Loki didn’t need the person to be on camera, he knew who had taken his beloved partner. He knew because he was there.
The battle had been going on for hours, and the team no closer to getting their mission accomplished. The enemies had bodies piling up by the dozen, but Tony had called for an emergency pick up. The Avengers would not win this time.
Loki’s ears filled with the loud and unforgettable sound of the jet engine that landed 500 feet away from him.
“Y/N! It’s time to go!” He yelled at them. They looked up and nodded. Everyone ran to the jet, not looking back. Y/N was the last person to get on, and they didn’t make it. As they ran an arrow plunged straight through their stomach, causing them to fall and go unconscious. Loki watched in horror as they were lifted onto the shoulder of the enemy and taken away, while the jet lifted into the air and shook from the gunshots being fired towards them.
“I told you. He’s fucking nothing. You really think I’d know anything about the Gods? I don’t even really believe in that higher being bullshit.” Tears threatened to spill from Loki’s eyes.
The video had just come through and the only reason it was uncovered was because Stark finally hacked through and into their system.
It had been 3 months since that day. They looked awful. Their hair had been cut in some places, their face almost unrecognizable from the bruising and beatings, their leg looked broken and poorly set back in place. Surely Y/N wasn’t able to walk. They were sickly looking. Thinner than they’d ever been from Starvation. He couldn’t bare it.
It took four days to get them home. Four more days where they had to sit and rot in that basement. Loki was upset. Loki hated himself. And he was sure they hated him too.
Loki ran a hot bath, helped them undress, and started to bathe them. He’d never seen someone so completely empty. Their mouth was agape like they wanted to say something but couldn’t.
“I saw the video.” He said softly.
“I didn’t mean it.”
“It’s okay.” He kissed their forehead.
“I only said it to stay alive you know. I just wanted to stay alive. I wanted to come back home to you.” Their tears start to fall, and sobs wrack their body.
“I know, I know, and you did it, my love. You came home. You came home to me.” He wrapped his arms around their frame and held them close, not caring about the water soaking his shirt.
They came home. They did what they had to do to come home. They convinced people that he was so awful they had nothing to do with him. He was proud. He was so happy to have them home.
Reblog this - likes don’t do shit !
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multiverse-aesthetic · 6 months
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Play me a memory
• tva Loki aka 2012 Loki
Ps. He saw his future till Thanos like in season 1 and saw how his relationship with codie had become through the years
It was a sunny morning in new York , streets busy as always and codie is busy as always but this time not with work thank god , she was tidying up her flat , moving everything that’s related to him … loki.
After a year she wanted to move on , after what thanos done to her .. and to the world it was hard to do anything so now she decided it’s time to move on , she removed every photo of them and into a box , she got the pictures that was in the bedroom , she stopped sleeping in it after he left , with a heavy sigh she closed the door and went to the living room pumping into a box on her way she almost stumbled , she placed the frames of picture on the table as she crouched down opening the small box , seeing records in it , she smiled as soon as she know what they are , with a hesitant hand she grabbed and went to the tv and started to play it and sat on the couch .
“So what do you think love ?” loki says through the tv , the camera was on him and the wall behind him that has lots of book in
codie’s breath hitched as she heard his voice , this was way back when they wanted to organize a library in their flat
“Where did you get all those book from?” codie says her chuckle comes from the screen as loki turned the camera towards her , she had her back facing him , wearing her jumpsuit with a shirt under it
“You look stunning” he chuckles
“Haha flirting doesn’t suit you loki” she says sarcasticly as she turned to face him
“Why are you filming ?”
“Because .. this is a memory darling”
“A chaotic one” she laughs
“I rather think it’s a beautiful one dear”
She smiles as she looks at the video of the two of them but something caught her eye a gold flicker next to the tv she hit pause on the video as she goes to the flicker and suddnely as she stood in front of it it turned to a door
“What the hell-” she says but three women came through it , codie backs away
“codie joans we need you to come with us” one of the women says , codie didn’t have time to reacts as the woman grabbed her and lead her through the door into another place
“Let go off me !” she says loudly as she tried to yank her hands away but the women placed a collar on her neck
“ we need you to remain calm”
Loki was in the library as he gathered information that Mobius but he heard a women voice ringing loudly through the place , he payed no attention to it , but her voice sounded so familiar to him , his eyebrows frowned as he counties to read through he papers but again he heard it
“Let me go!” She shouts loudly
And he knew exactly who was that but it couldn’t be her “codie?” he whispers to himself as he looked through the library before dropping the papers and got up and out of the library and into the hall where the voice is coming from , seeing the guards holding a women by her arms but he can’t see her face as her back was facing him , loki saw Mobius and went over to him .
“Who is that ?” loki asks as he looked at the women with curious look , Mobius looked at loki “oh her .. nothing , just another one messing the timeline” he says shrugging his shoulder , loki tilted his head to the side trying to get a look at her face , Mobius looks at him with a grin , the guards turns around and her face was visible to loki .
His eyes winded codie..” he whisperes
Codie on the other hand had her gaze on the floor
“You! Let go off her” loki shouts as he walked towards them
Codie lifted her head at the sound of … of a familiar voice , but how ? she looked up and saw him.. loki .. she thought she’s in a dream ..
“I said let her go!” He says again and the guards looks around them and Mobius then nodded his head towards them , the let go off her arms and moved away but not too much in case something happened .
Codie looks at him with glassy eyes , she can’t believe he’s here .. and without a second thought she ran towards him and hugged him placing her hands around his neck “loki..” she whispers in relief , he stumbled back a bit but he was quick to catch her in his arms .
He placed her feet on the floor again as she broke the hug , her hands went to his face
“Oh , it’s really you” she whispers as she strokes his cheek
A tear streamed down her face “how? How did you survived .. I saw you- I saw you laying there” she says quietly her voice cracks in the middle of the sentence , he placed his hands over hers removing it gently from his face
“Because .. it didn’t happen yet … I’m not that loki , I’m still loki that you know but from the past” he explains quietly
“I saw it too .. I heard what you said , I saw how your life was after I was gone” he adds as he strokes her knuckles with his thumb
Her eyebrows frowned in confusion
“I’ll explain later” he says quietly with a nod as he reached under her hair and with a click he removed the collar that was around her neck
“She's human.. she doesn't have powers” he says to the guards as he held the collar up to them and then dropped it
“I know which loki you are … I can tell , but I don’t care , if it means that I will play you every memory we done together I’ll do it” she says quietly as she squeezed his hand gently as a reassuring squeeze , she got closer and kissed his cheek , her lips lingering there for a second before breaking away and hugging him once again , he hugs her back as he lowered his head over hers giving a kiss over her hair .
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arzennn · 2 years
Valentines | Loki Laufeyson imagine
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Loki has a secret crush on the reader (he’s so obvious)
warnings: none really, a little nose bleed
Loki never thought much to Valentine’s day. He considered a stupid holiday. But this year, he found himself standing at his best friend’s door, with a rose in his hands. He knocked - after three minutes of preparation - and stared at the wooden door. Maybe he was trying to open it with his mind.
“Loki, hi,” she said, a surprised look on her face. She was wearing a dress that made the boy gasp for some air. His favourite red dress.
“Oh, hi,” he smiled anxiously.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. She was trying to put her earrings in, head tilted.
“Uh, I- I just came down to say Happy Valentine’s day.”
“Thanks,” she said. This was really awkward.
“Um..you got plans?” he asked and tried to look casual. He would have leaned against the doorframe if he hadn’t been so nervous.
“Yes, actually,” she said. “I’ve got a date.”
A date?! Loki was taken aback by this answer.
“A- a date? With who?” he managed to ask.
“Oh, just a guy that works at the Bar. Dan.”
Dan? Seriously?
“Dan? As in the bartender?” he teased. But he was totally jealous. And he wasn’t so good at hiding it.
“Yes, the bartender,” she laughed it off. “But why are you holding a rose?
Loki almost blushed. Almost.
“Oh, this little guy?” Loki chuckled. “It’s for a girl, obviously.”
“Ooh,” she said. “Can I get a name? Is it serious?”
Loki didn’t know wether to laugh or cry.
“Nah,” he made a face. “She probably doesn’t even like me.”
He looked up at her with hope.
“Don’t say that,” she put a hand on his shoulder. Loki couldn’t help but smile. “You’re a real prize to win, Laufeyson.”
Now he was blushing. A little.
“You think so?”
“Yeah,” she smiled back. “But I’ve gotta run. I’m already late from my date. See you, Loki!”
And with that, she was gone, and Loki’s smile faded.
She got a phone call when she was home. She decided to end her date at the point he started touching her. She picked it up.
“Hey- is this you? Is this the right number?” she heard a familiar voice babble on the other end of the line.
“Mmh- can you- can you come here?” he asked. His voice sounded dizzy and somehow distant.
“Where are you?” she asked, worried. She could not imagine what had happened.
“Um,” he murmured and then, the line went off for a few moments. The girl was near having a heart attack. “Sorry. Ah- I’m at the bar.”
She knew exactly what bar. Quickly putting her shoes back on, she made her way down the stairs of her building. She was determined to find him.
She found him curled up in the phone booth in front of the bar. He looked washed out. His eyes found hers and they lit up a little.
“You came,” he breathed, letting a small smile crawl onto his face.
“Of course I did,” she smiled back.”What happened?”
“Maybe I had a little too much to drink…maybe,” he said, trying really hard to remember the night’s events. “Then there was a fight.”
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t involved,” Loki said. “I was however in another one, I think.”
“Loki…,” her tone was worried.”Your nose is bleeding.”
“Oh,” he said, reaching up to his nose. Seeing the blood on his finger, he nodded knowingly. “Yeah, you’re right. But I won, though.”
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mushrubes · 2 years
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Masterlist | marvel masterlist |
Inspired by this tik tok!
Pairing : Loki Laufeyson x (they/them) reader
Type : Angst
Word count : 1.6k
i love you! <3
“In every universe, every timeline, every reality, I’d choose you.” Loki confessed, sitting beside them on the sofa. There was a mix of sincerity and something else in his voice that Y/n couldn’t quite put their finger on. He couldn’t meet their eyes either, raising their suspicions even higher. They took a deep breath, their knee bouncing as they looked at Loki, seeing the guilt in his eyes. “Why didn’t you choose me in this one?” they croaked out, their voice hoarse from a mix of crying and fear, knowing the truth even though their lover would never admit it to them.  
“I did choose you.” Loki argued, looking at them now, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he ran a hand through his long hair. He gulped, hoping they wouldn’t see as the guilt consumed him, knowing he hadn’t been the best. He was partly right - he did choose them. But he never put them first, his plans always coming before anyone and anything and that’s just how he had always been. “Maybe you did in your mind. Not your body. Not the way you treat me.” they defended, shaking their head at him. Loki’s guilt was now changing into anger, unable to keep himself controlled and unfortunately Y/n was the victim.
“What, do you want me to prove it?” he retorted, his voice raising as he held his head in his hands, completely unsure of what to do now. “What’s the point? What would you even prove to me?” Y/n responded, glaring at Loki who laughed sarcastically, Y/n gritting their teeth as they felt their heart drop, trying to stop their eyes from misting up - at least not now. “I don’t know! You just seem upset at me and I have no idea why.” Loki shouted, standing up and resting his hand on his head while he tried to calm down, facing away from them.
“Fine. You want to know why I’m upset?” they asked, their voice soft and quiet, Loki feeling bad for raising his voice, aware of them not liking it. “Yes, please.” he pleaded, now turning to face them again, giving them his full attention as he paced around. “You’re trying so hard to love me. Everything you do for me feels like you’re trying to prove to yourself that you love me.” Y/n explained, gesturing at some of the gifts on the table. Every time Loki had to go somewhere to do something ‘super important’, he’d bring back a present for them, Y/n guessing it was his way of thinking everything had been made up for. “Why? Is that a bad thing? Am I not allowed to do that?” he spoke up, confused as to why him doing stuff for them was a bad thing, Loki just seeing it as an apology gift and making it up to them.
“No, but don’t you think it’s unfair to me and this relationship? Why do you need to convince yourself?” they pondered, looking at him in confusion as he looked back as if they had just said something dumb. “So what? You want me to stop showing you that I love you? You want me to stop putting in effort?” Loki debated, unsure of what they expected from him, not knowing what they were getting at when he had been trying hard to make the relationship better, aware he hadn’t really been there and other things that he hadn’t even told them that had happened - definitely not now. “No, no. I don’t even know if I want to be together with you anymore if you’re this unsure about us.” Y/n suggested, their leg bouncing due to the growing anxiety as they tried to figure out their confused feelings. They did love him - God, they loved him more than anything, they were willing to spend forever with him. But they couldn’t sit back and be taken as a fool any longer.
“I’m not unsure! God, can’t you see? I’m doing all this for you, for us. And you’re making me feel bad about it.” Loki lied, Y/n looking at the male in astonishment as they realised what he was doing straight away. They had known him long enough to be aware of him never taking responsibility when it was his fault and always trying to blame someone else. Normally, they sympathised with him but not today. “How are you the victim here? You roped me into this with your insecurities and now I have to just accept it until you figure all your shit out?” Y/n gaped, laughing awkwardly as they took in what he said, refusing to fall for his manipulation yet again. “I never asked you to burden yourself with me. You can shift the blame to me all you want, but you chose this.” Loki reminded, his insecurities pouring out as he tried to excuse himself out of the problem, not getting anywhere.
“Because I thought you were different, that I could finally be comfortable in your love.” Y/n confessed, a silence setting over the room. Loki sat back down on the sofa next to them, but still enough space so they weren’t touching. No one said a word for the next few minutes. “You can be.” he stated, looking at them as they avoided his eyes instead now. “When? How long do I have to wait? What, do I pull up a chair and just hope that each day gets better?” they exerted, pushing his hand away as it came closer to their face, missing the hurt expression he gave. “You act as if every day is insufferable.” he commented, his heart breaking slightly as they didn’t respond immediately, knowing he had messed up and panic filling him as he realised what was happening. “Did you ever stop to think of how your insecurities affected me? In my entire life and experience, I’ve never been this uncertain about being in a relationship.” they opened up, referring to how they saw him not being around often as him trying to get out of the relationship, having time to himself to possibly reconsider it.
“Okay. Fine. What do you want me to do?” he brought up, looking at them with a new look in his eye. His voice was sincere, like it had been when they had first met. He sounded genuine, like he did at the beginning of the relationship, when it felt real. “Why are you looking to me for solutions?” Y/n asked, shaking their head at him. Even now, when he tried to seem willing to get it right, he couldn’t even work it out himself. “Because, even as much as you hate it, we’re still together. And we can work through this.” Loki said, his eyes silently pleading, begging them to still give him a chance, a chance to improve and a chance to make things right. “I don’t hate you. I just hate how this relationship makes me feel.” they admitted, every word being true. They didn’t hate Loki - they never did. To be honest, no matter how hard they tried, they could never hate him because of this. Even though they still loved him, that didn’t mean they were willing to still be taken as a joke and go through this when they clearly weren’t happy.
“Then let’s start from there.” Loki informed, looking at them in the eyes. They said nothing, looking at him back before their eyes started misting, reaching up to wipe them. “No. Let’s end from there.” they spoke up, their voice cracking as they spoke, both of them feeling a weird tight pain in their stomach and a lump in their throats. “We’re done? It’s over?” he questioned, watching as they stood up, walking to their shared bedroom. Despite them being at home more, Loki had bought the house, so it would make sense for him to keep it while they found somewhere else where to stay. “We’re just not made for each other.” they whispered, sitting on the bed and placing the bag they had got out on the floor as they opened a draw. “No one is made for one another.” Loki commented, trying to show how it was similar for everyone, and there was no such thing as soulmates. This was one of the main things they had differed in. Y/n had always been a romantic, always into showing love and affection, wanting to go out on dates and be with each other whereas Loki was more kept to himself, showing affection occasionally but majority of the time, keeping to himself.
“If that’s what you believe, sure. That belief won’t fix us.” Y/n bluntly said, packing their clothes and other things into their bag, Loki following them around as he tried to plead. “It just takes time.” he brought up, Y/n scoffing at his words and behaviour, only know trying because they want to leave and get out, sick of his shit. “I’ve given it enough time.” they defended, coughing as they tried to cover up the tears falling down their face, grabbing their filled bag of the stuff they needed for now, telling him they’d come back for the rest when he was out so they wouldn’t disturb. “Don’t leave yet.” he mumbled, grabbing their wrist as they went to walk out the door. They didn’t fight his hold, rather taking in his last touch, knowing they’d most likely never feel it again. “I’ll leave eventually.” they responded, Loki wrapping his arms around them as they did the same. “Then stay, just for a little longer.” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of their head delicately.
“There’s no point. I don’t want to waste time anymore. I hope you figure your stuff out.”
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Imagine doing bondage and overstimulation with Loki. You'd be tied to a chair, arms behind you and legs crossed in front of you. It's late at night, you guys had been at out for hours. "Is my little princess ready for another one?" Your eyes pointed to the floor, breathe hitching at his words and movements. All you could manage to let out is a breathy "Yes," .
Loki smiled and bent down to whisper in your ear while holding your hand, "Tell me if it's too much darling. I'll stop as soon as you want. Remember, green, yellow, and red." You nod slowly and get ready for your fifth of the night. You'd be ready to just crash on the bed if this wasn't so fun for you.💚
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Since you are also writing tom hiddleston and loki, could you please write where loki is trying to be a good person/hero/God and he meets an introvert-bookworm, reader who owns a bookstore
Bonded Over Poetry- Loki xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Loki meets a women at a bookstore who works there and starts talking to her and really likes her and reader is nervous because it’s Loki but he’s gentle with her
Warnings: reader being shy, mentions of feeling nervous, just a lot of fluff and some angst
I took some time away from Asgard and wanted to go somewhere relaxing and I loved to read so I knew on Midgard that they had bookstores so I went to a bookstore to find a good book to read and I found the poetry section in the store and I sat down in a corner with the book and quietly read when a young beautiful women caught my eye. She was sorting through the books putting them away and I could tell she worked here and she smiled at me a few times and then went back to the books.
I walked up to her softly and said “hello there darling I’m Loki I saw you look at me and thought I’d say hello and introduce myself. What’s your name darling?” The young woman blushed and said “Y/N L/N, nice to meet you, oh you like poetry sir?”
I looked down at the book I had in my hand and I nodded and said “I love poetry it’s my favorite actually.” Y/N smiled and said “I love poetry too I was always fascinated by poetry.” “Wow..” I said to myself , someone who loves poetry as much as I did. I like this woman so much already.
————Y/N’s POV——-
Wow, he’s so handsome and his smile was welcoming and I’ve heard of Loki and of his brother they’re famous and I admit I feel really shy knowing someone as famous as Loki is standing by me it’s a bit intimidating. Loki touched my hand his touch was cold but his hand was soft and the way he was with me was sweet and gentle. Loki said “you alright there miss Y/N?? Something on your mind?”
Loki was looking deep in my eyes and I shook my head and said “no, I’m sorry I’m just, really shy around people that’s all. Loki said “I understand darling but I promise you have nothing to fear from me and I really like you & if you would like, I’d like to take you out on a date? I love that we are bonding over poetry my dear there are not many like you in the world.”
Loki made me blush and I said “ yea, I’d really like that Loki, I like you.” I checked him out and he smiled at me and said “I can’t wait, thank you for the book, I will see you again soon love count on it.”
After Loki walked out I pinched myself and said “wow I’m actually going out with Loki, I can’t believe that was real.” I had a really good feeling about him and couldn’t wait to get to him more.
Here ya go hope you like it 🤍xx probably not my best one but I did my best ☺️
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doomsdaybby · 2 years
Temptress // a loki x reader oneshot
A mere, unwilling servant of Asgardian royalty catches the eye of the youngest prince. Alone in the dead of night, face to face with the man you can’t stand, can lead to an awful lot of trouble. Your duties span to no end, and oh, doesn’t he know it.
EXPLICIT // some good old fashioned mind numbing smut. for funsies.
➳ word count 8774
if you know me in real life, no you don’t
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"Of course, my king" you mumbled the words that registered as nothing more than static in your brain, a robotic echo that rolled off of your tongue with perfect ease. A response that was programmed into your frontal lobe.
Another cup of wine for King Odin, the gold glass shimmering against the light that poured into the dining hall. He thanked you, the same rehearsed response just as your own, there was nothing genuine about it.
With a nod of his head you scurried back to the sidelines of the hall, wishing with all of your might that you would disappear into the walls.
Living your life as a servant of Asgardian royalty was not on your to-do list, you had hoped for better. Though you didn't have much choice in the matter, and grasped at the belief that one day you would be given your due and blessed to be on your way. You could not leave on your own free will, the King had to grant you that privilege.
A raise of a glass from the youngest prince, Loki, dragged your train of thought out of the daydream of a life beyond the confinements of the palace walls. You met eyes, faltering for a moment, tightening your grip around the tumbler of wine. It was only when he slightly tipped the glass to the side and raised a raven brow that you were flung to reality.
He did not once break your eye, his stare crystallising every cell in your body. Tiptoeing over to him mimicked walking across a minefield, or as if at any moment the ground were to open and you would be plunged into a pit of snakes.
You swallowed, completely unnerved when his head arched up when you were beside him, he could sense the terror, nervous sweat seeping from your pores.
"You're scaring the poor girl. Take no notice of him," Thor cut in, as he usually would. He fought your corner when Loki made you nervous, it wasn't uncommon knowledge that putting you on edge ignited every delight within him. And it seemed to only be you.
"Of course, my prince" you replied to Thor but you didn't release the stare of his brother. This time though, the practised response cracked under the fragility of your tone, barely keeping yourself together. Rising to the bait. You did every time. That's what he liked about you; no matter how desperate you were to flee you still succumbed to every command.
"Be a good girl and hand me a grape, won't you?" Loki said as you filled his cup, forceful yet so gentle, but you knew he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. You noticed Thor tense and all eyes were on you, nobody was going to rescue you.
The same response again, paired with a pained gracious smile. It was your life to serve them, and you were reminded daily that it was nothing but your pleasure to do so. His smirk made you sick, along with his piercing emerald green eyes scanning your frame as you bent over across the table. Despite the sheer disdain, an icy pinch of excitement stirred in your core.
Plucking a singular piece of fruit from the vine, you delayed when he opened his mouth instead of his hand. The same questioning raise of a brow greeted you when you halted, appalled by the cheek - no - the utter impertinence.
Still the hall remained silent, and you were sure that the three men could hear your thudding heartbeat, cheeks almost the same shade as the ruby red apples that sat in the fruit bowl at the centre of the table.
You swallowed, throat a barren desert, and with an unsteady hand you held the grape to his open mouth. Loki leaned into your touch and welcomed it graciously, still looking nowhere but at you, into you. His lips twisted into a sickening grin, strips of pearly white teeth on full display.
He looked you up and down again, a wild animal examining its next kill, before moving his watchful eye over to his brother whose jaw was clenched unbearably tight.
"That's quite enough," Odin commanded, raising a hand and glaring down at the young prince. You turned to him, and with a nod of his head you were excused. Thank stars. Your feet moved through the grand dining hall quicker than you could register, only noticing that you still had the tumbler of wine seized in your sweaty palms when you were clear of the gaze that made your chest heavy.
A sigh of relief, immediately feeling lighter when the door to your quarters closed behind you. Heat prickled the back of your neck, the aftermath of adrenaline that was now wearing off liquefied your legs. In the comfort of your own room, you re-lived the moments that had only just passed.
In your deepest of hearts, you couldn't deny that a small part of you liked it. His stare devouring you, the stealing of glances at one another only to snap your eyes back to the floor when he grinned.
Maybe you had become used to it, the horrifying feeling of having your every move tracked in his presence becoming a comforting second nature. You even dreamt about it, oftentimes startling bolt right up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat with your legs pressed firmly together.
If he could see inside your mind he wouldn't believe his luck, but little did you know, Loki knew all too well how much you loved the attention. As much as you fought it off, as much as you denied the longing that stirred in your belly, the swirling ever growing pit of primal yearning shone through at every confrontation.
You settled in bed, stripping off your clothes into an off-white slip. Usually a shower was needed before your head nested into the soft pillows, but you needed this day over with. With the rising of the morning sun, you could start over again and regain the courage to step out and start your duties. As if you required a daily emotional cleanse from royalty.
But more often than not, tonight being nothing out of the ordinary, you awoke with a gasp and an aching head. Your skin was on fire, and you ran your fingers along your throat. You had been throttled back to consciousness in a state of sheer fright, the ringing of Loki's cackling ringing in your ears.
His hands had been shackled around your throat; squeezing at the pulsing arteries, blood vessels shattering. You tried to scream but your crushed windpipe wouldn't allow it.
There was one place that you could go to clear your head, to get rid of the recollection of blackening sight and malicious green eyes lowering down over your body. The highest balcony in the palace was your favourite, it watched over every inch of Asgard. So you climbed out of bed, legs still very much jellified and your heart beating a million miles an hour.
The palace was quiet, gentle candlelight and hushed crackles of torches lined the walls casting a warm healthy glow across the marble floor. Despite the warmth casted from the walls, the marble mimicked a bath of ice water.
Your legs felt heavy, but the overwhelming desire for even a minor sensation of freedom spurred you to carry them up the mountainous quantity of stairs to get there.
The soothing breeze that blew through the open balcony doors called to you, the satin drapes dancing with the wind. The cool air kissed your cheeks, pecking at the naked flesh along your chest and arms.
Asgard was beautifully lit, the same loving glow winding through the array of streets. Even though you looked down on the microscopic citizens, the highest point of the palace was also the most private. Nobody could see you up here.
Your heart slowed, returning to its regular rhythm whilst your feet halted the tingling sensation caused by the cold. You rested your elbows on the stone wall, cupping your chin on the heels of your palms. Finally, some peace. Although it did not last long, just when your eyelids drooped and your body felt light, instant dread swallowed you whole.
"Is something troubling you?" a low drawl echoed from behind you, and your eyes grew wide. You didn't dare turn around, a flood of trepidation washing down your spine. You realised then in that moment how exposed you were, and you couldn't bear the thought of someone seeing you in your night clothes. So incredibly exposed.
"No, my prince" you managed to choke out the same recycled response you were taught to use - addressing them respectfully - your face burning. But there was, and the two of you knew exactly who was troubling you. You could hear the lazy smile through his voice, utterly delighted that he had caught you so vulnerable.
"I don't take too kindly to liars," his words flung at your back like icy daggers, the echo looming closer now than it did before. Still you stunted the courage it took to look him in the eyes, ones you had become so used to connecting with, even when his towering frame became visible just at the corner of your vision.
"I don't know what you're talking about," another lie, and this time you didn't quite care enough to keep up the respectful act. You felt brave up here, a new invigoration of hopeful drive when the breeze of the night swept through your hair. He seized your wrist, taking the other in his large slender hands when you had fully turned to him.
You had never been this near, so up close and personal with the one person you couldn't stand but also couldn't avoid no matter how hard you tried.
You could smell the mint on his breath that softly fanned your face, and he was so much taller than you had anticipated. Surprisingly, you weren't frightened for your life as you expected if you ever had a physical altercation. In fact, you were even more drawn to him.
"I'd choose your next words carefully," he sneered, his emerald eyes glowed under the moonlight, pale skin transparent. You never denied that he was handsome, beautiful even.
This new boundary paired with physical touch lit fireworks in your brain, you couldn't remember the last time you touched someone. No friendly embraces, no soothing hands on a shoulder, no pinky promises. Years you had been starved from one of the most primal needs.
He watched your face twist, scanning his own, your eyes raking over him in a frenzy. A scalding wave of shame washed over you, the way you were thinking of him in that moment was against anything your heart and mind had ever told you were in your best interests.
Though you couldn't deny that his lingering stare bore through you, much more than it had before. He was calculating, trying to make sense of the thoughts spinning in his head. He had wanted this for so long.
You and him. Alone together.
Your arms relaxed partially in his grasp. "I don't like being here," you plucked up the courage to admit. What the hell were you saying? He didn't deserve to know how you felt, nor did you believe he cared. But still he scanned your face, his attention unwavering, a silent cue for you to continue.
You swallowed harshly again, his silence unnerving you. "I... uhhh.. I like being up here," tilting your head to the view of Asgard beside you. "Makes me feel free..." you broke his gaze this time, his complex array of layers of fabric that adorned his chest. He was fully dressed just as you had always seen him despite the late night.
"You long for your freedom?" He was blunt and precise, a tongue made of ice and words that floated through the air like snowflakes. This was a trick. A small voice in the back of your mind screamed at you to not answer him, to not delve any more into your feelings and personal thoughts with him of all people.
But a slow nod answered his question, internally battling with yourself aiming to not be punished for having such insolent thoughts. Staring out into the world that you had grown up in, one you hadn't been able to explore for as long as you could remember.
But it was beyond this world that made your heart leap.
You winced when his hands released your wrists, expecting a sharp backhand across the cheek or a stern order for you to return to your quarters. That was it, he would tell his father and you would never see a life beyond this balcony. Trapped here forever. Or at the very least this 'conversation' would be forgotten about and you would both pretend it never happened, and he would continue to make every waking moment a living hell.
"Don't we all" his words carried with the gentle breeze that swept across the balcony, if you weren't so on edge you might have even missed what he said. He turned away, elbows resting on the stone ledge just as your own had been minutes before. You weren't sure what to do next, the bitter air of the night gnawing at your skin again.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, running your fingers over your upper arms to try and grant some new warmth. Loki's gaze wandered over the streets of Asgard, and amidst the silence you were able to be still and watch him. His expression remained blank, impassive. You knew yourself that you were incredibly easy to read, but you could not work him out.
When he wasn't eyeing you like wounded prey, you found yourself comfortable enough to notice his features. The hollow dip that rested under his cheekbones, the sliver of scar tissue that sat along the very top of the bridge of his nose - little enough to be easily missed, midnight black brows sitting heavy over his lids, the very small contrasting flush of baby pink along his cheeks.
In that small window to his own thoughts, you knew more about the cold prince from that quick response than you ever had in the years you had been here. For a few seconds, you weren't fearful of him.
Maybe the honesty sparked a sense of confidence, as you leant forward and placed a delicate hand on his shoulder. Though his jaw tensed, and that terror rapidly came flooding back.
You went to take your hand away, but he placed his large palm over the back of it before you had the chance to. Green irises flicked to the stone wall before him, cool fingertips grazing the back of your hand, over the grooves of tendons to smooth over your knuckles. Your heart thundered in your chest, not daring to breathe.
It was clear then that you both had one thing in common. You were starved of touch. The two of you craved it. You visibly shuddered, from both the odd sensation of Loki gently dancing his fingers over your skin and the biting wind that was becoming icier by the minute. But maybe it was because your skin was on fire, cheeks furiously burning.
He titled his head so he could scan your face from over his shoulder. Not that you noticed, your stare was fixed to his fingers that continued to ghost over your flesh, eyes wide and mouth barely agape. He grinned, tongue wetting the corner of his lips.
He didn't plan on opening up to you, if you even wanted to class it that way. But the response he had gained from doing so was beyond his wildest dreams.
He turned to you now, and your breath caught in your throat when his slender fingers moved from your hands to the teetering edge of your jawline. His cool fingertips made you shudder, and you watched as his glimmering eyes followed every tiny movement.
Thumb pads grazed just under your cheekbones, every breath had been seized from your lungs, fearing that you would be mauled by the wicked beast before you if you made the faintest move.
With every dusting of fingers on flesh, a longing ache resonated south of your hips. Your bottom lip quaked, hungry eyes swallowing his inviting mouth that dropped open the smallest amount, a sliver of pink tongue barely visible. His breath kissed the tip of your nose, the warm heavenly scent of spices that wafted from his garments rendering you mute.
Stars, he was so close.
He stepped closer and now your chests pressed together, the thin lining of your nightdress not leaving very much to the imagination. But all you could feel was layers of leather and cloth. You yearned to reach out and touch him, at this moment only having the power to imagine what his skin felt like underneath, how it would feel to drag your nails over the grooves of muscle along his back.
Still his eyes followed calculating fingers that swam down the side of your throat, where the bulging arteries were thundering with hot blood. You saw the faint smirk that came with the realisation of how hard your heart was beating.
The nervous sweat that beaded your forehead was a fair giveaway to his effect. Then, swiftly however still so very cautiously, he laced his fingers in between your own. "Come" Loki commanded, not really giving you an option as he tugged on your arm and started to wander back into the large hallways of the palace.
And like a good servant, you followed.
The palace felt a little less lonely with your trembling grip connected to that of your tormenter. Your jellified legs could barely keep up with his tremendous strides, carrying him as if on his way to a very important meeting. It struck you then that you had never seen Loki carry himself with such drive, with pride of course, but always so... lazily.
Down the winding steps, the walls ricocheting looming echos of the click of his shoes. You were terrified of bumping into someone, be that a guard or his brother, Gods possibly even King Odin. The skin of your back stung as you thought about the crack of the whip, scarring you if someone caught you with the prince who dragged you through the halls.
You could be killed for this. Frolicking around the palace at night with a prince of Asgard.
But you would be fooling yourself to say that the potential of being caught didn't stir an almighty craving in your belly. Maybe it was his touch that lighted your passion, or that this mere situation that wouldn't carry further than the first rise of the sun gave you that thrill you lusted after.
Amidst your thoughts, you hadn't noticed that Loki had stopped in front of you, a large exhale of air knocked from your lungs when you hit his brick wall of a back.
With his free hand, he pushed open the large doors that stood before the pair. His bedroom was even more grand than you had pictured, images that ran wild in your mind considering you had never been allowed to step foot in any of the family's personal chambers.
A raging fire crackled in the far corner, casting the most magnificent orange glow along the shining oak flooring. The bed was grand enough to give comfort to a whole brothel, and knowing the prince as little as you did, you wouldn't be surprised if every woman in every brothel of Asgard had felt the satin sheets kiss their bare skin.
Your attention was quickly snapped from the intricacies of the room before you when Loki shoved you against the towering doors as they closed. His hips trapped you against the wood, one thigh firmly pressed between your legs as one slender hand alone grappled your two above your head.
A pathetic squeak erupted from your chest, and the urgent panic that surged through every cell of your body caused you to struggle.
Hot stinging tears welled in your eyes, not quite yet spilling down your cheeks but enough to blur your vision slightly. A quivering breath left you when his free hand skimmed along your hairline, the backs of his fingers sweeping down across your temple and towards your jawline.
Any moment now. Any nanosecond he would strike, and you would be sorry for ever leaving your chambers in the first place.
He leant forward, lips barely grazing your earlobe. You were certain that he could hear your racing pulse, hell he could most likely feel the one in between your legs. "Don't be afraid, my dear" he whispered.
"I won't hurt you unless you want me to".
The moan that almost escaped your barren throat at the mention of him inflicting pain onto you sickened you, yet the hunger in his eyes and the buttery tone to his drawling drove you wild. You squirmed against him, itching to soothe the growing ache south of your hips - the thin cloth of your panties against tight leather felt glorious.
Another gasp caught in your throat when his free hand sent wandering fingers tracing along your neck, his lips still so dangerously close to your earlobe.
Your skin sparked with a wondrous lust you had never felt in the wake of his touch, the only thing on your mind being that of ripping the clothes from the body of the god standing before you.
You yearned to touch him exactly as he was you, the torture that was the slow movements of his fingertips against your burning flesh. As though he could read your mind, he moved his head a millimeter to the side in order for his lips to trail over the lobe. You squeaked from the contact, and felt his teeth in place of his lips as he sneered at your response.
"Such a desperate little thing," he tutted in almost pity, and the adrenaline that pumped through your blood was teetering on the edge of overdrive. His delicate fingers suddenly gripped your throat with a force, enough to have that sense of panic flutter back into your chest.
Your throat rumbled a moan underneath his palm when he flicked a sliver of tongue against your ear, dragging the skin between his teeth. "You like this, don't you?" he sneered, pulling his head back now and tipping it a little to the side as he surveyed you. He hadn't taken you for one to enjoy a heavy hand, he had viewed you as far too delicate to manage it.
Another squirm was his answer, blindly grinding your hips down against him. His grasp tightened, making your head feel light and staticky. He examined you with much more ferocity than he had previously, a sick twisted delight dancing in his emerald green eyes. Your view flicked down to his lips, ones he had now wet transforming them even more supple and inviting than before.
It was an unspoken acknowledgment that the two of you didn't need to vocalise for it to be known; pain was exciting. You had never noticed it before, hell you hadn't even been with a man in that way. The furthest you had ever come to it was a make out session with one of the guards in the palace gardens. You never saw him again.
"Come on, darling" he purred, this time his hand wrapped around your throat snaking up to pinch your cheeks and pursing your lips, "I want to hear you," he commanded with a swipe of his tongue over his top teeth, that damn menacing grin turning your brain to putty and legs to sand.
"Yes, my prince" the same rehearsed response, and you would never be able to utter those words the same way ever again. "I like it," you whimpered, syllables barely comprehensible and cheeks aching under the force of his hand. He cackled, low and gruff, satisfied with your answer.
He released your arms pinned above your head and dived forward to press your lips to his, slipping both hands under either side of your hair, thumb pads nicely tucked underneath your cheekbones. With this release you now had the freedom to drive your own twitching fingers forward and finally touch him.
You smoothed your hands in his hair, satisfying every fantasy of what the raven strands would feel like under your nails. One rested at the back of his neck, relieved at knowing that he was truly made of flesh and bone and not whatever beastly monstrosity you had conjured in your head.
By the way you had been treated all these years, you were surprised you weren't met with the scales of a serpent.
He kissed you so ferociously you were sure to be bruised come morning, and you fought to silence the abhorrent screaming in your head that this was a bad idea. Loki stretched a hand out to latch onto the back of your head, pulling on your hair earning a yelp in return. From this, he was able to slip his tongue past your teeth and soon he was exploring every inch of your mouth.
Another surprise; his tongue was not forked nor was it laced with a lethal poison. You clawed at his clothes, expensive well worn leather making a new home bunched in your palms.
You needed more, and Loki knew it.
He panted once he pulled away, allowing you to catch your breath as he began to trail hot open mouthed kisses along your jawline. Adrenaline threatened to drown your lungs when his teeth sunk into your neck, suckling against the tender skin that was injected with lust.
The concoction of pain and desire was almost too much to bear, blind mind-numbing whimpers and moans falling from your lips with no rhyme or reason.
Loki brought both hands down to now snake up your nightdress, icy clammy palms making you wince. He smoothed over your thighs, along the curve of your hips - carefully avoiding your most sensitive area - to settle on the swell of your breasts.
Still sucking marks of blue and purple against your skin, he kneaded the tender tissue, occasionally rolling a nipple between his forefinger and thumb.
Your mind was so fuzzy you could barely construct a cohesive sentence, the occasional mewling “fuck" and "please" escaping through the medley of moans. You could feel the sinister smirk on his face whenever he grazed his teeth a little too hard or tweaked your nipple, his effect graciously noticed whenever you twitched against him.
Saliva pooled in the space between your front teeth and lips, slender pink tongue tip peaking out. Your eyes tightly shut as it still crossed your mind that maybe this was just a filthy dream, maybe your fantasies had built up so much that you were now hallucinating.
But Loki's hands at the back of your thighs as he hoisted you up to straddle his hips were enough to snap you out of any excuse you were making to convince yourself that this wasn't real. His lips melded perfectly to your own, tongues tying together in knots and his hair looking tenfold more dishevelled than usual.
Lithe fingers swatted your backside that lay bare beneath your nightdress, the tips edging closer to your heat. Loki began to step back, your lungs filling with new air that you gasped for between passionate kisses now that you weren't cemented between a God and a door.
You realised where you were going when you were thrown back against the satin sheets, almost disappearing into the feather down covers. There you lay, paralysed, looking towards the end of the bed at the God that had your fate in the palms of his hands.
Loki licked his lips, raking his hungry gaze over your frame that now lay poised like a wounded animal beneath him. He held his bottom lip between his teeth, now palming the prominent bulge in his palms. You held your gaze there, watching him stroke himself beneath the cloth, your heartbeat thudding fiercely in both your chest and cunt.
"Take it off" he quipped, a demand more so than a request, one where you didn't dare tempt the consequences that lay ahead if you refused. You froze again, shaking breaths catching in your throat as you thought about being displayed nude on his bed.
"Don't make me tell you again, lover" he warned, eyes growing darker as his lowered brow threatened to swallow them, his thumb swiping over where you imagined the tip of his cock to be.
You gulped, attempting to calm your nerves and cease your quivering fingers, but his eyes glinted when he saw you wince.
Little by little, near agonisingly slowly, you pulled on the knots that held your nightdress in place across your chest, allowing the cloth to drop down exposing the top half of your body. An appeased humming rumbled in his throat when you shimmied out of the garment, making a note to cross your legs so your most intimate region was cloaked from his view.
Now that you were fully bare beneath him, him still being fully clothed sent an inferno of cold shame washing over you, and you thought best to cover yourself. For a brief moment, being so vulnerable in front of him twinged a small ounce of regret. Maybe this was a mistake.
It was only when Loki moved forward to skate his large hands over your naked legs, peeling them apart and leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake that those doubting thoughts were snuffed out. Especially when he said what he did next.
You leant back on your palms and shifted your hips when his hands settled on your thighs, his eyes wide and wandering, eager to see you in all of your glory. "You're so beautiful" his voice rendered a whisper, as if he almost didn't mean to say it.
"What did you say?" you blurted out stupidly, butterflies lurching in your chest, head spinning and stomach churning. You balanced on the thinnest beam between being afraid of him and so terribly confident in his presence, not knowing where you stood and never too sure whether your next words would earn you a smack round the face.
"You are truly, exquisitely, beautiful" Loki accentuated every syllable of the last word, the compliment vaporising every breath you dared to take afterwards. This was too good to be true, you would soon wake up laying in your chambers with your hand frustratedly thrusted between your legs.
But it was reality. Sinfully and wickedly true.
A new surge of conviction lighted in every cell of your body, testing this new whisp of trust that had been created this night. You rose from your position, the prince rising with you and standing eagerly awaiting your next move at the end of the bed.
Now propped up on your knees, you shifted forward so you were almost touching chests, the top of your head reaching the tip of his chin. Despite your figure within his reach and there for the taking, Loki did not take the opportunity. Instead, he watched as you skated your fingertips beneath his coat made of the finest Asgardian leather.
He allowed you to move the material back off his shoulders, smoothing down his arms and finally folding it neatly beside you. You didn't wish to upset him, otherwise his garments would swiftly end up in shreds in a pile on the floor. Next came his chest piece, which easily slid over his head to expose a cream linen shirt.
Without the fine garments, he appeared gentle, looking spectacularly less menacing than the ensemble of charcoal, glittering gold and forest green made him appear. You brushed beneath the collar of the shirt, resisting the urge to tear it open.
A shaky inhale. You tugged the corner of your lip between your teeth, as if you were discovering a new planet, exploring uncharted waters. You trailed your hands to roll the strands of his hair that fell forward between your fingertips.
You looked up and your eyes met again, his expression emotionless, yet his irises held every star in the galaxy. His eyes have seen more heartache and bloodshed than you cared to know. You knew that deep within, there was good in him.
His breathing shallowed, nostrils flaring as he allowed you to flatten a palm against his chest to feel the racing pulse. Whether it be nerves - which you were certain it wasn't - or that he too was barely hanging on a thread, you were instantly alleviated in the knowledge that it was not only you whose heart was near bursting.
Though your time to explore the little amount of flesh he lay bare had expired, as you were pushed back down onto the bed. Loki caught your ankle as you fell, dragging you to the very edge of the bed where he held your legs open for him. "Look at you..." he purred, examining your slick heat.
Never had anybody other than yourself laid eyes on your most intimate parts, and your cheeks reddened instantly. You wanted to snap your legs closed, but that wasn't an option against the heavy weight of his hands that pried them open.
"So wet for me" he hummed just as one finger brushed over your clit. A pitiful wheeze escaped you, tossing your head back against the sheets. Loki grinned, "So sensitive" he mocked, his tone maddeningly annoying yet so sickeningly enticing all at once. He inched closer to the bud again, this time paying closer attention to swiping down towards your entrance.
He circled your dripping heat for a minute, enjoying the odd squeak and jolt when he caught the hood of your clit, collecting enough wetness to allow his fingers easier access.
Your eyes snapped open and your hand flew to his to halt him. "I've never..." you stalled, afraid that he would laugh or worse - ignore what you were about to say. "I've never done this before... with someone else".
His face softened but his emerald eyes flashed with a frightening mischief that made your stomach churn again. "Interesting" his response resonated in his throat, a rumbling gruff that bubbled to the surface. Truth be told, this lighted even more excitement for Loki, more than he could bear.
He gets to bed you and now he finds out it's your first time? What a lucky God he was.
"Then let me please you", his tone almost innocent. Then, he edged the tip of his first finger into your core, only to the first knuckle. You inhaled sharply through your teeth, despite being beyond adequately ready for him, the sting remained prominent.
Your eyes squeezed shut again, tranquillised against the sheets when the initial discomfort eased and you were met with a blissful warmth.
When he detected that you had relaxed, he withdrew the finger out again and edged it all the way in, only stopping when the rest of his hand barred him from going any further. He stretched you with delicious intent with only one finger, and you felt yourself rocking in tune with him when he began pumping in and out.
Breath was sucked from your lungs, any coherent thought running away with itself, all you could think about was the ungodly pleasure Loki was bestowing upon you. Plus he was barely breaking a sweat. You rolled your hips, and a throaty moan shredded your vocal cords when he added another slender digit.
You felt the bed shift, too focused on the heavenly sensation between your legs to care to look at what he was doing. Though it was made known of his intentions when you felt the warmth of his lips wrap around your nipple. He attacked your flesh, swirling his silky tongue around you as his fingers curled.
You near thrashed in the bed beneath him, nothing you had ever done to yourself came close to how good Loki made you feel in his moment. Your bodies worked in a perfect symphony, vision blurring and head spinning. You felt the pit of your stomach tighten, spirilling existentially quicker than you had ever done before to that sweat release you craved.
Then he was gone. His fingers slipped away and his mouth unlatched from your breast. You whined for him, reaching out to pull him back to you again. You gasped and flinched back when his lips connected with the soft curve of your belly, sucking gently against your burning flesh.
Smoothly, he travelled down to the top of your thigh, lingering there and decorating it with marks of blue and purple, branding you his own. "For years you have tempted me..." his hot breath seared your skin. Your breathing quickened, the exhales of his breath fanning against your pussy that ached for him.
"Loki..." you mumbled, shocked that you had said his name. Never had you addressed him by name, 'my prince', 'sire', or 'your majesty' was all you were taught to use. Nothing more and nothing less.
He audibly snickered against your skin, "You sound more angelic than I had imagined" he cooed, methodically planting sweet kisses along the inside of your thighs.
He had thought about this before, the exact picture painted before him was one that had previously only existed in his dreams. "Go on, say it again" a demand cloaked in a polite request, almost as if he was daring you, his voice sultry and inviting, looking up at you now open mouthed where his hot breath teased your throbbing clit, fingers clawing at your thighs.
"Loki..." you groaned with more urgency, not caring for the desperation that laced every accentuated letter, lifting your head up to meet his gaze. You almost crested that peak when you viewed him between your legs, your most darkest sinful fantasies coming to life before your very eyes. His name felt foreign in your mouth, coiling around your tongue like hot ash.
You were robbed of any sound that threatened to exit next when his tongue was on you. He started slow, the tip of his delicate tongue sweeping over your bud with exact precision. Pleasure cracked a whip right down into your toes and to the tips of your fingers, you never ever thought anything could feel this good.
And he was only just getting started.
Loki groaned against you, "You taste so sweet". His tone ethereal, flattening his tongue to smooth over your clit again and again. You gripped tightly to the bedding beside you, occasionally allowing giggles of disbelief to slip through.
You honed in on his meticulous movements; the way his tongue would circle you, to then pull back and flick it masterfully, to lean into you as he sucked that sweet spot into his cushioned mouth between his teeth.
"Holy shit! Loki!" you cried when his fingers returned to your entrance again, this time beginning to dip two digits into you. He shushed you, barely pulling away from your aching heat. "Look at me," another instruction, and you graciously obliged. "If you look away, i'll stop" he warned before plunging his fingers deep into your core, returning his plush lips to the pearl of your clit.
You chewed down on your bottom lip, back arching from the bed as complete euphoria careened over you. You did as you were told, afraid of what would happen if you disobeyed him. He suckled against you expertly, and you realised now that you were paying attention to the man between your legs - he was running his free hand over his cock.
You tried to juggle where to look, wide-eyed sight snapping from his thick length to his menacing eyes that tunnelled into your very soul. He exhaled a laugh against you and raised a brow, noticing that you were watching him pleasure himself. "Do not be afraid, my sun and stars" he whispered, sensing your nervous energy.
Your lips twisted into a thrilled grin. My sun and stars. You could get used to that.
"I'll take care of you" his voice so hushed and tender, taking your expression as a cue to dive back in, your delectable whimpers music to his ears as he sent you hurtling to the edge of oblivion.
Your chin quivered, rolling your hips as to gain added momentum to the flick of his tongue. He snapped his wrist, pushing deeper with every stride, testing your boundaries. You choked on a moan, chest heaving in ridiculous pants when he swiped over a raised mound of flesh that sent mind bending bolts of otherworldly satisfaction rippling through you.
"There we are," he said triumphantly, shifting the motion of his hand so he swept over that sensitive ball again and again. Tears stung the corners of your eyes, a new wave of pleasure igniting in your abdomen. Whatever you thought pleasure was had a new definition now, swaddling yourself in the pure bliss of it all.
It built, the pressure ballooned behind your eyes, swirling in the pit of your stomach, blossoming in every section of your body. You were right there, squeezing around his fingers. "I'm going to-" you warned him, hands flying to twist into his dark hair to keep him steady, hoping and praying that he didn't change his motions.
A curious hum rumbled against you, the added vibrations teetering you over the edge. Your release thrummed against your temples, that growing knot finally unravelling, his name falling from your tongue with no regard. He wore his cheshire cat smile loud and proud watching you become undone, witnessing you cross that plane of desire you had never experienced before.
All because of him.
"Such a good girl" he cooed, slowing his pulsing fingers allowing you to come down from your high with ease, kissing your outer lips and the inside of your thighs. He removed his hand from your cunt, mystifying gaze observing your stringing wetness when he parted the two digits. You cringed at the sight, still dazed and recovering.
He moved up the bed again, prowling towards you with malicious intent. "Open" he commanded, again you listened, parting your lips to give him entry into your mouth. He thrust the two fingers that were only moments ago plunged into your depths, cushioning them at the back of your tongue, enough to spark your gag reflex but just out of reach for you to contain it.
You enclosed your lips around him, sucking your juices from his skin in a hurried fashion. Loki grunted, his eyes trained on your mouth that encircled him as he wet his own lips. He positioned one palm beside your head, leaning down so his covered cock brushed against your heat.
A mute gasp, his length pressing against your folds. You shivered, worried that you would even be able to take him. He noticed the doubt in your eyes, withdrawing his fingers from your mouth to pinch your chin and tilt your gaze up to meet his. He didn't need to say it again, for you to not fear him, for apprehension was expected considering it was your first time.
Loki moved back into his knees, pulling against the fabric of his linen shirt to take it away from his frame. He took your hands then, flattening your palms against his chest, guiding your fingers over the curves of toned muscles along his stomach, grazing over the dark happy trail that led to his member that left you quivering.
His last item of clothing was swiftly removed, his heavy hungry stare not leaving you once. He watched as you drank him in, his cock twitching when you absentmindedly licked your lips. Then his mouth was pressing fragile kisses into your plush stomach, his hands tracing dainty lines along your thighs and up over the swell of your hips.
His lips continued to move upwards, sucking now only finely so that he didn't burst the vessels underneath. Between the valley on your breasts he traced his tongue, nurturing bruises that he had made minutes before. He stopped once he reached your ear, the stark contrast of him flitting between a tender lover to a dominating commander sent your heart skyrocketing.
"Are you ready, sweetheart?" he asked, lowering his hips so that his length slipped between your folds. You huffed in response, not able to gather the words he was looking for. Inch by inch, he rocked against you so that the head of his cock disappeared between your slick lips, gliding over your bud and back out again, shiny with your arousal.
"Yes. I'm ready" you confirmed, bracing yourself for what you didn't know, a blizzard of intrusions bludgeoning your head. He reached down to position himself at your entrance, another hand lacing your fingers together as he rested his forehead against yours.
He welcomed the hisses and winces as he pushed into you. Gradually, he would pull out a fraction or two to slide back in with an ease aided by your wetness. You noticed his face twist, "So tight..." he groaned, and you could tell he was holding back. This isn't what he was normally like in bed.
He stretched you to an amount you never thought you could manage, every groove and vein of his cock tracing along the sensitive skin of your inner walls. He held himself within you when he sat all the way to the hilt, allowing you to adjust as he twitched against you.
He brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his expression relaxing when you shuffled beneath him to goad the friction you yearned to experience.
He pulled out again, the tip faintly skimming your hole to dip straight back in again. You yowled, every stroke snapping firecrackers behind your eyes and flames across your body. That familiar knot began to build again so soon, but Loki made a point to dig his fingers into your hips so you remained steady.
You only get to cum when he wants you to.
With a steady pace his rhythm continued, each stroke as premeditated as the previous, ensuring to discover every single inch of you. "You look so beautiful like this," he said between every careful thrust of his hips, sealing your lips together again in another kiss.
He didn't seek to devour you, nor did he attempt to worm his tongue between your teeth, but inhaled your scent. He moaned against your lips, each one clawing its way out from the depths of his throat. Not only did it spark a wildfire in you knowing that the God of mischief was literally fucking inside of you, but he was enjoying it. He had to hold himself back in order not to hurt you.
But you wanted the hurt. You craved to know just how much power he held.
"Harder," you begged him feebly, and his eyes snapped up to yours in a new unwavering attention. "Please, I need to feel more of you" your meek pleading almost drove him over the edge, but still the risk of hurting you too much wove thick brambled vines in his mind.
He didn't think twice when you shifted a leg to drive him closer to you, wheezing with new enchantment when the added pressure ripped into your delicate skin. He shifted, then struck a thrust with some new force just to see how you would manage it.
He was pleasantly surprised when an enthralled squeal erupted in response, and in his head cursed you for granting this opportunity for him to lose an ounce of control. "You asked for it," was all he said before pulling out and snapping his hips forward again, the tip of his throbbing cock kissing your cervix.
The crackle of the fire was replaced by audible smacking of skin on skin, nothing short of ecstasy oozing between your pores and boring into him. Loki gritted his teeth, snarled when your head lolled to the side and his name dripped from your tongue over and over again.
He didn't let up once, his pace never faltering, even when he raised one of your legs to throw it over his shoulder. He grappled your hips to pull you into him, shifting upwards so he could pound you at a sinfully wicked downward trajectory.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you mewled, hands reaching upwards to grasp his raven hair and pull him into you, teeth sinking into his neck causing him to cry out and almost spill his seed into you right then and there.
But he maintained enough composure to pace himself, wanting nothing more than to watch you come undone and clench around his cock. With your head nestled in the crook of his neck, your muffled moans and profanities vibrated against his cool skin.
What he really wanted was to tear you apart, but still you were a delicate flower that for now had to be handled with the most gentle hands. There was plenty of time to destroy you in every way he knew.
"I can't tell you how long I've wanted this," he confessed, his lips skimming along your earlobe. Your heart threatened to burst, all those years of pent up tension that always lingered between the two of you now liberated to the highest degree. "Me too" your chest tore open, tears threatening to spill onto your cheeks.
A strong palm pushed against the back of your thigh, now one leg pressed up against your chest and the other still crooked over his shoulder. You imagined he would pierce straight into your abdomen if he drove any deeper.
Whimpers hiccupped in your chest, and you knew by the beating pulse in your cheeks and the droplets of sweat that trickled along your hairline that you looked anything far from desirable right now.
"So perfect. My sun and stars," his own groans caught in his throat, and you noticed by the urgency of his bucking hips that he was reaching his peak. "Cum with me, I need to hear you" his thumb now spun circles against your clit and your throat nearly tore open from the cry it caused.
His angelic sounds in your ear, the swirling of his thumb pad on your bud, the sheer ferocity of the drive of his hips sent you soaring back up to that other worldly place. Your head felt staticky, drool pooling at your slack jaw unable to construct a cohesive sentence, blood rushing to your ears. There you met him on the edge of orgasm, and in perfect synchrony you kept from the ledge together.
Seventh heaven met your eyes, and you came tumbling down. Your walls clamped around him, screaming his name loudly enough you were sure to wake the entire palace. He pinched your skin, grasping your flesh in clumps harshly enough to leave bruises. But you didn't mind.
Thick ropes of his seed unravelled deep inside you, binding you together in a physical devotion to one another. He held you just as close as you shook against him, the post-orgasm euphoria enveloping you both in a pleasurable warmth. Your chests heaved together, moving as one overworked machine to draw in adequate breaths to still your beating hearts.
You pulled back to smooth your hands in his hair, his cheeks dusted a deep rouge and his hairline sprinkled with the same droplets of sweat you almost adorned. "You're mine, little dove" he said, and your chest imploded. That fear came flooding back, and you knew you had just crossed a barrier you could never return from.
As shredded gasps for breath became sobered inhales, Loki slipped out, his cum spilling onto the forest green satin sheets and sleeking along the crease of your thighs. You considered jumping for joy, that disbelief rocking the very soul that swirled within you, but his final promise rang true in your eardrums.
"You're mine, little dove".
He handed you your nightdress as he began to resheath his modesty, opting for just the soft cream shirt and his leather trousers. He watched you like a hawk, stealing glances at your exposed skin as if he were to never see it again.
But he would. You recognised that this night was the start of what was to come.
His eyes swallowed your figure as you walked towards the grand bedroom doors that led out to the lonely hallways of the palace. You turned back, eyes meeting for yet another time, then you were gone.
How were you to ever pour his wine the same again?
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willowsages-blog · 9 months
After an argument: Loki laufesyon
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Description: Y/N and Loki had gotten into an argument that was stupid but Loki just walks away from the argument.
Warnings: none, fluff, making up, cuddling
You were in the guest room trying to fall asleep and your husband Loki had gotten into an argument and you refused.
To at least speak to him at all, not only was it a stupid argument. But Loki walked off on you mid argument heading to your guys room and shutting the door.
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't even hear the door open, you flinched as the bed dips.
And cold hands wrap around your waist, Y/N’ i’m sorry’ my love can you please forgive me,
I can't keep going with this. Loki says as he kisses your neck.
Thank you so much for reading❤️
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31 notes · View notes
lokisadvocatee · 2 years
What are you hiding?
a/n: first of all I wanted to thank everyone for liking my last post, I really appreciate it. Second I wanted to apologize for not posting since then, I’ve been very busy with school and stuff. hope you like this one shot as well!!
Lokixfem reader
warnings: 18+, smut with no plot, fingering, degradation, domLoki, praise kink and maybe something more
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Summery: You’ve been working for Asgard’s royal family for quite long now but lately something goes wrong with your daily duties and one of the family’s members notice how reserved you always are and they don’t seem to like this behavior.
“did you call for me your majesty?” you shyly asked to your prince who was patently waiting for you in his bed room. “yes I did” he turned to face you but you immediately looked away, avoiding his icy eyes that were trying to find yours. “Do you need anything my prince?” You asked again, playing with your hands behind your back to kill the growing tension. He was staring at you and saying no words, a tense atmosphere was rising up between the two of you and you couldn’t deny how badly you wanted to look at him but you were not allowed to until when he told you so. “you’re not being a good maid, but I’m sure the others told you about it” he said without taking his eyes off of you. He was monitoring every movement you made, studying every inch of your body, finding your weak spots and he was noticing how you were avoiding him. You shook your head in confusion, letting your hands fall next to your body before he spoke again. “well you shouldn’t be surprised dear” he stated and walked towards you.
Lips parted, tears forming in your eyes when you realized it was time for you to leave his bedroom and this job too. You knew you were doing your best for him, you were respectfully following every order he gave you, you adapted your daily routine to his as if the world was revolving around him and yes it was. Your life was revolving around his and you were used to it, you were actually liking it. You were serving your prince as anyone had done before but perhaps he wanted something more than that. “B- but my prince I always did everything you ordered me to” you said with a shaky voice but still avoiding his stare. “Please don’t fire me” you finally cried looking at the marble floor underneath your feet. You felt his smirk forming on his face without even looking at him but you couldn’t tell if he really wanted to fire you or play one of his mischievous games with you too.
“uh I love hearing you begging me” he whispered next to you ear and you unconsciously squeezed your thighs together hiding how badly you wanted to feel his hands on your body but your mind was supposed to be blank, without any thoughts, especially dirty ones with a member of the royal family. “You see why you’re not being a good maid, because you’re hiding yourself” he walked around you, moving his fingers down to your naked shoulders before he reached your covered arms. You let out a silent moan when his fingers reached to your neck and moved to your lips. “Tell me pet, what are you hiding uh?” He whispered you and kissed your neck. You couldn’t help it but moan louder, biting your lower lip when his mouth sucked on you. “N- nothing” you squeezed your thighs together again and that’s where Loki wanted to go. He wanted to slide between those soft thighs of yours because he knew you were dying for him to do so. You dreamed about this so many times that you’ve lost the count. Every time you walked in his warm bedroom you imagined yourself laying next to him, pleasuring him when he came back from a mission or maybe just a party. His hands reached to the silky and smooth material of your dress that was softly wrapping your body and pulled it down to your feet, exposing your body to him.
“is this what you are hiding?” He asked moving his body closer to yours and causing you to hit his bed with your legs before he laid you on it. You finally looked at him and you felt your folds dripping wet already, wetting your panties at the thought of what was he going to do to you. “your majesty” you cried out when his lips explored every inch of your body: he kissed your neck and made his way down to your chest before tossing your bra away and exposing your breasts to him, he kissed them both until he reached to your thighs and opened your legs in front of him. “this is what you’re hiding to me pet” he whispered and took your panties away, exposing yourself to him, exposing your private parts to your prince who you respectfully served for months now. “Oh my prince” you moaned out when two of his fingers immediately entered your slit and circled you so well that you were going to cum right there without any effort. “gods you’re so wet my dear, is this because of me?” He asked knowing what your answer was going to be. “Y-yes my prince” you moaned and arched your back when another finger slide inside you. “stay still little one, I don’t wanna hurt you” he said preparing your body for what was coming.
He kept circling your clit, hitting your highest spots and your wetness only helped his fingers to slide smoother and faster inside you. Loki’s cock was already pushing against his leather trousers at the sound of your wet cunt around his fingers and when you squeezed them a soft groan escaped from his lips. “I- I need to-“ you couldn’t even form a full sentence because his fingers never stopped working inside you and you never felt this good in your entire life. “such a desperate slut, you really thought I didn’t know how badly you were craving for this? you didn’t even stop me” Loki was literally degrading you and you should’ve told him to stop, to leave you alone perhaps but it was turning you on even more. You were barely breathing when he spanked your ass with his free hand. “Look at me” he ordered you and you did so. “Good girl” he smirked before kissing your lips while his fingers were proudly working inside you causing you to cum over and over again.
You moaned into his mouth when his fingers left your dripping cunt and the feeling of being filled vanished behind your mind. “Stay still” he whispered and kissed your lips again. With a snap of his fingers Loki made his clothes disappearing from his body and you couldn’t help yourself from staring at him. Every inch of his body turned you on: his broad shoulders above yours, his marble chest right in front of yours was the smoothest thing you’ve ever seen and you didn’t even dare looking lower because you knew how close you were to cum again and just the thought of it made you feel close to your edge again.
“Please” you moaned holding his arms with your small hands next to you. “we have a begging slut here don’t we?” He asked and with a smooth move he flipped you on your stomach. Your face was sinking into the soft pillow and your bare chest was gently pressed on the clean sheets of his bed. “Be a good whore and take what your king gives you” he whispered you before sliding his whole length inside you. You loved how he identified himself as a king and not a prince. He surely was a prince, he was prince for Asgard but for you he was more than that. He was your king and you were just his play thing for tonight. You moaned out and held yourself on the bed, hiding your whimpers into the pillow. His cock was throbbing with precum and once he almost slide it out of your dripping cunt he pushed it all inside you again, hitting spots you didn’t even know you had. Tears were forming in the corner of your eyes when his pace increased and his hard cock kept hitting you. “I- please” you cried trying to hold your pain back and focus on the pleasure only even if it was hard to ignore. “what is it pet? You cant take me?” He asked you sliding even harder. You’ve never seen him like before. He used to be quiet most of the times, teasing you sometimes when you were around but tonight something has changed.
You were a moaning mess beneath him. Your hips were bucking against his and your walls clenched around his cock so tight that you almost thought he wouldn’t escape you. “My- my prince i- I need to” The sound of your wet slit only caused e Loki to slide even faster and your words were barely audible at this point. “Such a desperate whore you are little thing, can’t even talk because I’m fucking her, look at you” he whispered next to your ear. His voice only turned you on even more and lead you close to one of the many orgasms you were reaching. “Oh please” you cried out again and squeezed his hard length inside you. “Let me use you for a bit more darling” he kissed your neck and left red marks all over you shoulders and back too. His hands were firmly holding your hips, sliding them down to your butt cheeks and reaching to your soaking clit. Your juices were already falling down your thighs and your only desire was feeling Loki’s warm seed inside you, filling you up as he never did to anyone else before. His pace increased when he felt your walls clenching around his thick cock and you let out a loud moan when he finally hit your favourite spot. “Wanna cum little one?” He asked biting your neck and you could’ve feel his smirk and teeth on your soft and pale skin.
You weren’t able to form a complete sentence, not even nodding. Your muscles were locked down while Loki was deeply thrusting into you. “Cum for me princess, show me how well you can milk your king’s cock” it didn’t take you long to reach to your orgasm and tears feel down your cheeks when your tight cunt squeezed his hardness and milked out his godly seed inside you. “this little tight cunt of yours is perfect for me do you know that?” Loki never stopped his pace inside you, causing you to cum a few more times before falling on his bed completely senseless and still trembling. “you were so good little one” He said placing your hair behind your ear and caressing your lips with his fingers.
You feel asleep between Loki’s bedsheets until when the sun hit the marble floor of his room and you realized it was time for you to leave your prince’s bedroom and get back to your usual work. You stared at him for a bit, admiring his features and remembering what he was capable to do to you which caused you to squeeze your thighs together and bite your lower lip. His dark hair was framing his perfect face, his lips tasted like heaven when you got the opportunity to kiss him. You softly placed a kiss on his cheek and tried to stood up from the bed but his warm hand held your wrist right when you were about to move out his bed.
“I never told you to leave little one” Loki smiled when you fell back into the bed and he wrapped his arms around your body. “But I need to get ready” you tried to hide your laugh and relax your body while his fingers were tickling your delicate skin. “There’s no need to” he kissed your lips and slide his tongue into your mouth. It was a different kind of kiss this time and you couldn’t tell what made you think that, perhaps there were some feelings that you both were sharing in between.
“you need to rest” he kissed your forehead and covered your naked body with the green silky sheets of his warm and soft bed. You said nothing but stared at him covering you and caressing your arms. You were devoted to him and this kind side he was showing you was something you’ve never seen in him before. Maybe you were falling in love with him, or perhaps you’ve always been.
Sorry I didn’t know how to finish this lol!! Feel free to like, comment or reblog it. Also, if you have any requests just ask me, I’ll be glad to have some suggestions or prompts.
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lokiprompts · 2 years
Prompt 35 - Cliche 5
Prompt 45 - Cliche 13
Prompt 16 - Cliche 6
Sorry that was so many 💚
Okay, so this will be a two parter because I am crazy and I just went ham with this. I appreciated all of the pairings!! It was a fun challenge! Ps - thanks for your patience with this.
For those who don't know the prompts/cliche list:
Prompt 35 - Cliche 5
“I couldn’t just get you out of my mind.” – enemies to lovers
Prompt 45 - Cliche 13 - “You’re hurt. Please just let me heal it.”- lost memories
Prompt 16 - Cliche 6 - “Can you just please hold me?” – Forbidden love
Words: ~3500
A Second Chance - Part 1 of 2
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“Tell me what you did, you witch!”
            You peeked up from your book to look at a furious Loki. The day was quiet with no missions and so, you thought it was the perfect day to sit in the rooftop garden and catch up on some reading. Loki’s towering frame blocked the sun, but you still put up your hand to block the escaping rays to get a good look at him.
            The God’s chest was heaving like he ran up every single step in the tower to get to the roof. His eyes were wide and wild, and his cheeks had an endearing pinkish hue. Loki was normally so stoic, calculating, and put together, but now? He looked like a frazzled mess. You loved it.
            Grinning, you said, “I am not sure what you are talking about.”
            He huffed, crossing his arms, and looking annoyed as ever. You wanted to reach up and boop him on the nose just to irritate him further. “Tell me what enchantment you put on me. This is getting ridiculous.”
            The look of confusion on your face was obvious. The question was ludicrous. Not only did you have no idea what he was talking about, but you weren’t even a magic user amongst the Avengers. You figured he was just messing with you, like he always did. Loki was constantly pulling pranks at you, and it drove you mad. And not even in the good way.
            One time, he enchanted your bagged lunch to spew all over you as soon as you opened it. Your amazing salad was in your hair and covered your clothes, while he laughed at you with a wide smile. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were mad as hell, you would have almost thought he was cute. Almost. Then, he put dye in your shampoo. Your hair was green for a week, but you walked around the Tower with your head held high. You rocked that green hair. There was no way you would give him the satisfaction that you hated that color on your head.
            But, the clothes incident, oh, that was the last straw. After a particular long mission, all you wanted to do was strip down and take a long hot shower and wash the day away. You were so lost in enjoying the steamy, blissful water that you did not even hear Loki come in your room. When you were done, you stepped out to find that all your clothes in your apartment were gone. All your towels were gone. The God didn’t even leave you a washcloth. On a normal day, you would have covered all your private bits and tried to find some clothes from Natasha, but no. That day was not a normal day.
            You had it with the Trickster. This ends now!
            You stomped down to his room and banged on the door, naked as the day you came into this world. He opened his door with a smile, but that smile faded quickly when he realized how unbelievably naked you were. The God turned beet red and looked everywhere else but your dripping, exposed frame. But you didn’t care about his sheepish feelings. Every ounce of shame you could have felt was replaced by rage. You shoved Loki as hard as you could, and he fell backwards on the floor with an ‘oof’.
            “You give me back my clothes right now, Loki!” You shrieked at him. Now, you towered over him from his place on the floor. Drops of water fell from your body onto his face. He held up his hands up in defense and with a slight swirl of his finger, you were dry and dressed.
            “Um…You – You’re” the silver-tongued God stammered, “Your clothes are back in your room.” You let out a pleased hum, but you weren’t done with him yet. Not by a long shot.
            You stepped on his chest and put all your weight on it. Compared to the strength of the God, your small frame didn’t do much, but Loki let out the most delicious and satisfying squeak when you pressed the heel of your boot on his chest.
            “Apologize.” You growled. You watched Loki’s Adams apple bobble in his neck as he swallowed thickly.
            “I’m…s-s-sorry.” He stared at you with big doe eyes and a flushed face surrounded by his curly black locks. Satisfied, you lifted your foot from his chest and left his room without another word.
            The next few weeks were amusing to say the least. Loki followed you around the tower like a puppy following its favorite human. If you were in the common area, he was there. If you were training with Natasha, he was there too, working out. If you were out of your room ever, Loki was not far behind. The pranks had stopped, but he had started trying to get your attention in other ways. He would try and engage in small talk, which was very awkward coming from the God of Mischief.
            “So, uh, do you like… weather?” You looked up from the sandwich you were making in the community kitchen to see an expectant God staring at you. You hadn’t spoken to him in almost two weeks, and you weren’t going to start again anytime soon. Not even to tease him about the awkward phrasing of his question, as tempting as that was. You went back to stacking the meat and vegetables onto the bread.
            “Oh…I am a big fan of, what do you Midgardians call it? Oh yes, ketchup. Ketchup and potato sticks…delicious.” He grinned and you just stared at him. You took a bite of your sandwich and left.  
            So, now, you had Loki towering over you and interrupting your precious reading time. The fury that was in his eyes tickled you endlessly. Apparently, your silent treatment had a bigger effect on him than you originally thought. How delightful.  
            “Okay, Loki. How do you think it’s even possible that I could put an enchantment on you? I am a spy, not a magic user.” You quipped.
            He huffed, putting his hands on his hips, and looking very thrown off by your logical question. “There is just no other way I can explain it.”
            “Explain what?”
            “Every moment of every day, I think about you. When I wake up, you’re the first thing I think about. When I sleep, I dream about you. I long to be in your presence every day. I couldn’t just get you out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried.”
            Your eyes returned to your book, “Sounds like you love me.” Out of the corner of your eye you saw a look of confusion then a mental explosion and finally, the smack of realization.
            “Uh – oh, no. No. No. No. Darling, no. I don’t love you. No.”
            You smirked, “If you say so.” You licked your finger and turned a page. Loki’s eyes remained glued on you, fixated on your lips, and he licked his own as he awkwardly stood there.  
            “Hey, Loki? Would you mind conjuring me a drink. It’s a bit hot out here.”
            With zero hesitation, he flicked his wrist and conjured a glass of water. He handed it to you, the ice clinking against the glass, “Drink up, Darling. I don’t want you fainting in this heat.” He smiled softly at you as you took sips of your drink. He looked so proud and pleased with himself.
            You put the glass down and grinned at him. There was a beat of silence before a look of understanding swept over Loki’s face. The trickster threw his hands in the air, clearly exasperated with you. “I was being polite! Still don’t love you!” He quickly walked away from you, a blush noticeably on his cheeks and his pale chest. You overheard him grumble something about being a prince and manners.  
            It wasn’t until later that week that you saw Loki again. The two of you were paired together on an infiltration mission to gather data on a possible Hydra base. As always, the mission was supposed to be cut and dry. Loki cloaks you, you get into the base, you crack into their database and secure the information on a flash drive, and you hightail it out of there. Just an average Thursday for an Avenger.
            The trip on the Quinjet was a quiet one. It was also painfully awkward. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you. You were acutely aware of how Loki was trying his best not to look in your direction, yet every minute he would steal a glance at you. The day prior, you had given Tony and earful about being paired up with Loki, but the billionaire wasn’t having it. He insisted that you put whatever issues you had aside and put the mission first. You groaned, but you knew he was right.
            Before you knew it, you had landed in a wooded area near the suspected Hydra base, but not close enough to be detected. With one long breath, you started your trek to the base with Loki by your side. Again, a suffocating silence fell between the two of you. The only thing you heard were your footsteps on forest floor.
            “So…me and you. Would that be so terrible?” Loki’s question stopped you right in your tracks. He stopped right along with you, but you couldn’t bear to look at him. Ever since your conversation with him on the rooftop garden, you thought about the idea that Loki did actually love you. To you, it was just a tease, but the more you thought about it, the truer it seemed. All the pranks and mocking reminded you of a boy in the school yard pulling on the hair of his crush. Then when you stopped speaking to him, it was like he would die without your attention. He became your shadow and started to try to actually talk to you. Like really talk to you. Though, it was painfully cringey, you secretly appreciated the effort.
            “I will take your silence as a yes,” You hadn’t realized that you were quiet this whole time. Finally, you looked at Loki and he was smirking at you, clearly trying to come off teasing, but the sadness in his eyes gave him away.
            “I just don’t think it would work.” You simply said, looking away from him again.
            “And why not?” Loki kept trekking in the woods next to you. You noticed he had slowed down his walking to your much shorter stride did not have to scurry so much to keep up. You didn’t say anything, but you appreciated the gesture.
            “We are just very different people.”
            He looked down at you, “I don’t think so. I think if you get to know me…”
            You sighed, cutting him off, “Loki, I don’t want to talk about this. Can we focus on the mission please? We are almost at the base.”
            The poor God looked like he was just shot in the heart, but you knew it wouldn’t work between you two. Loki was full of tricks and sarcasm and while he was technically a prince, you doubted he had a romantic bone in his body. Honestly, the fact that he was even interested in you at all had you flat out confused. You were a victim of his pranks for months, only for it to come to a halt when you stopped paying attention to him and now, he is talking about being together? Why does he even like you?
            Finally, you arrived at the base and Loki cloaked the both of you. The spell only worked briefly, so you were thankful that there weren’t many agents in the building. Though, the feeling in your gut wasn’t good. How empty the building was felt suspicious to you and so you were on high alert. Stealthily, the two of you made down some winding hallways as F.R.I.D.A.Y. was feeding you directions through your earpiece. One of the doors in the hallway led to a room filled with computers. This was it.
            Loki and you crept into the room. Loki stood guard at the door, ready to defend as you were occupied with gathering the data on the computers on the base. You worked quickly and Loki couldn’t help but admire how skilled you were with the technology. He watched your fingers fly across the keyboards; your eyebrows furrowed adorably in concentration. He bit his lower lip as he watched you.
            “Eyes on the hallway, Loki.” You belted out, not even looking up from the computer screen as you typed furiously.
            “Right. Apologies.” Loki shifted and turned his attention back to door and the hallway. But it was that split second of looking away that he regretted the most.
            Everything happened in an instant. There was a flash, an explosion, and you and Loki were tossed like ragdolls across the room. As soon as you plugged in the flash drive, it triggered a bomb. It was a set up. Of course, it was. Unfortunately for you, you took most of the blast since you were right in front of the computers.
            Loki groaned from his place on the floor. He coughed a bit and wiped the dust from his face. The ringing in his ears began to fade and then he jolted upwards, now worried about how you were doing. He was a God and because of that, he barely had a scrape on him. You on the other hand? Your body laid limp in the corner. There was shrapnel in your leg and blood poured freely from it.
            Loki rushed to your side and shook your shoulders lightly. You didn’t wake nor did you move. He rushed to put pressure on your leg. The strong metallic smell hit his nose and he winced. This wasn’t good, especially for a mortal.
            “Y/N, Y/N, wake up!” He pleaded, but still you weren’t responding. The God weighed his options. He could take the shrapnel out of your leg and risk only being able to partially heal your leg and get a major infection if he missed any debris, or he could bandage it and get you to the Avenger’s Med Bay for more thorough treatment. Quickly, he bandaged your leg with some fabric from your suit and scooped you up in his arms. His long legs carried him swiftly through the base, blasting any remaining enemies out of the way. The mission had changed – keep you safe. Keep you alive.
            Loki ran the fastest he had ever run through the woods towards the Quinjet.  Every once and awhile, he would glance down at your limp body in his arms. You felt so cold, so much smaller than usual. It was unsettling. He was so used to seeing your strength, your bright smile. But with each rise and fall of your chest, he remained hopeful. Finally, he reached the Quinjet and strapped you down to a gurney that was on the craft and took a seat in the captain’s chair. Loki had zero patience left, so he smashed the controls and put the craft on autopilot before returning to your side.
            Laying on your back, you were so unnervingly still. The Quinjet was extremely fast, thanks to Stark technology, but the wait was still merciless. Loki tried to keep himself busy by tending to some of your other wounds, a cut on your arm and some cuts on your face. He tenderly wiped your face down to clean off the dirt, and he couldn’t help but think of how your relationship started.
            You had been a part of the Avenger’s for about a year when he had come to join the team as penance for his crimes against Earth. Serving Midgard for the greater good was like nails on a chalk board to the God, but it was infinitely better than serving hundreds of years in a jail cell. His brother introduced him to the team and apparently, he saved the best for last: You. Immediately you were friendly with him, even though Thor insists that you knew about everything that happened in New York. There was no ill will and if anything, you went above and beyond to make him feel at home. It was something Loki hadn’t experienced before. Kindness so freely given.
            You helped him adjust to his new life on Midgard. Every day, you asked him how he was doing and if he was reading any new books. And when he talked to you? Oh, it was the highlight of his day. Every time you spoke, you hung on his every word and was truly interested in what he had to share. The more passionate he spoke, the more you smiled and giggled. It was music to his ears, and it made his heart swell.
            …And he had no idea what to do with those feelings.
            Love and affection were a foreign concept for the God of Mischief, and you offered your attention and kindness in tidal waves. He wanted to drown in it, but the thought also terrified him. Old habits die hard, and he started to push you away, despite his heart screaming at him not to. That is when the pranks started. It started off so innocently. Something small, like twisting the cap of the saltshaker so it poured out all over your food. You would grumble and groan, but you would give a pointed look to him with a sly smile before fixing a new plate of food. Each time he did something to push you away, you still persisted and was still kind. That was until he magicked all of your clothes away.
            Those few weeks where you didn’t speak to him was painful in a way that he still had yet to understand fully. All he knew was that he wanted your attention, your smiles, and your giggles. And it didn’t help that he had the image of your wet, naked body burned in his bread. He wanted to drown in you again. But he didn’t know why. Yes, you were kind to him, but you were a mortal. Nothing special - at least that was the lie he told himself. Then, there was that fateful day that you teased him and said that he loved you.
            It all clicked.
            It was true.
            He loved you. He loved you with all he had. He was confused before, but now it was even worse since he realized he loved you. In his mind, there was no way that you could ever love him back. Regret filled Loki’s veins like poison. Why did he treat you so poorly and push you away? Now, it was clear that his actions caused you to view him poorly and there was no way to fix it.
            Suddenly, you hissed when the damp cloth he was running over your skin hit a particularly sensitive cut on your face. Loki did not like to see you in pain, but hearing you make some sort of noise was reassuring. Anything that told him that you are still alive.
            “Shh, shh, you’re hurt. Please just let me heal it.” He cooed, healing the cut with the wave of his hand. You slightly opened your eyes to see a very blurry, very worried Loki, but it all went black as you passed out again.
            The next time you opened your eyes, you were in what looked like a hospital. You squinted and grimaced as your eyes adjusted to the light. You looked around and you didn’t recognize where you were. Your body was hooked up to all sorts of monitors and one of the machines started to beep wildly as your heartbeat skyrocketed from the stress.
            “Darling! You’re awake!” It was then that you noticed a man was by your side. He reached for your hand, but you recoiled as confusion spread across your face.
            “Who are you? Where am I?”
            For a moment, there was a look of shock across the man’s face, but it was quickly replaced by soft, tenderness. Why was he looking at you like that?
            “There was an accident. You hit your head and injured your leg.” You looked down and saw your leg tightly bandaged, “The doctor’s mentioned that you might have some memory loss, but hopefully it should return soon. But, to answer your question, I am Loki… your, uh, partner.”
            You eyed him up and down and the God shifted uncomfortably in his seat under your scrutiny.
            “Partner? Like you’re my boyfriend?”
            Now, Loki meant work partners. Sometimes context and meaning with Midgardian terms escaped him, so he understood the confusion. He could easily address the miscommunication and set the record straight, but Loki was also a man of opportunity, and this was the opportunity of a lifetime for him. He almost lost you and there was no way, he would waste this opportunity. A fresh start and another chance with you.  
            He leaned forward and clasped one of your hands between his two large ones and much to his delight, you didn’t pull away.
            “Yes, Darling. We are together.”
Hoping part 2 will be up tomorrow!
Unicorns 🦄: @theawkwardavenger @nonsensicalobsessions @purplekitten30 @lostgreekgod @slytherinintj13 @huntress-artemisss @midnights-ramblings @xorpsbane @ravenmailey @vbecker10 @lazulifoster @winterfrostsarmy @ada17h @lokisprettygirl22 @theaudacitytowrite @lokis-little-love @themorningsunshine @strawberry-canyon @howdidurhammergrowchris @michelleleewise @80strashbag
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starlight-loki · 2 years
it's been a while, but i'm back :')
It's been so long, omg! I left this blog just under two years ago to take a short break and time seemed to slip out from under me.
I've really missed writing, and so I wanted to give my blog a little reboot and get back into it again.
I received a bunch of requests during the time I was away, but mainly due to the time that's passed, I've decided to wipe my to-write list clean and start anew.
My old fics will still be available to read from my masterlist (which is still pinned), and I will still be taking requests!
I'm also starting to write for Namor because lets be real hot damn i fell for him real quick when I saw Wakanda Forever in theatres
I'm still writing for Loki as before, and as my username suggests! Feel free to send in requests for either Loki or Namor :)
I'm so excited to get back into writing lil things for y'all! It's really good to be back 💕
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weasleygirl7 · 3 years
A Glorious Purpose (Loki x Fem!Reader)
In which Loki watches his future and finds you play a much larger role than he had expected... SPOILERS FOR LOKI SERIES!!! Send any requests my way :) I’ve got some free time and I’m ready to WRITE!
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The screen showed a pixelated version of the Avengers… and you. You who he had seen mere hours ago fighting against him, and then whom he had seen two versions of. He had smelled the cologne of the two Tony’s, just as he had beheld the two Y/N’s.
He hadn’t originally noticed you dressed as a guard until he had heard the subtle, yet sharp intake of breath, a breath not all that different from the gasp he had made moments ago when seeing his mother on this damned screen, a gasp of pain. You were clearly older, a scar on your cheek that hadn’t been there mere moments ago at the top of Avengers tower as you had nudged Romanoff with a grin as you settled into the elevator. This older you had locked eyes with him for a fleeting second until being broken apart by the commotion of the Hulk smashing through the stairwell door and sending everyone scrambling.
It had struck him as odd at the time, yes, but he had been preoccupied with other details (such as escaping) rather than wondering why the mighty avengers had decided to play around with time. He’d had only a couple of conversations with you until now, and none of them entirely delightful seeing as you were on opposing sides, and the recognition held in future you’s eyes had unsettled him more than he’d care to say.
Glancing once more at the table before him, Loki pulled out a chair and sat. The round device before him was no more complicated than anything else he’d seen before, and a twist of a knob later, he was skipping through his life on film.
Stop. His mother, dead on the floor. His doing, according to Mobius. A manifestation of the pain and suffering he had been supposedly born to cause. A shuddering breath escaped him.
Twist. Images of Thor and... you for some reason flickered past like voices on the wind, glimpses of some life he had never lived, some life he was meant to live. And Odin, his... well, the closest thing to a father Loki had ever known.
Stop. “I love you, my sons.” He saw himself, an older Loki, beside his father. Another shuddering breath escaped him. My sons… Odin had seen this Loki, this version of him, as his true son. He had not hesitated, had not made him an afterthought behind Thor. Tears welled up in his vision, and try as he may, Loki could not stop them. “Remember this place. Home.” He watched as his father died before his very eyes, saw himself stand beside Thor as brothers once more, united in their grief. He saw You, coming to his side and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Stop.  You, kissing him. His hands tangled in your hair. You pull away with a gasp for air, a smile playing on your lips as you trace a delicate hand across his cheek. “You are good, Loki Laufeyson, and you deserve good things.” His future self breaths a small laugh as he shakes his head, placing his hand atop your own. “You are the good in me, my love.”
Stop. Thor, his hair cut and trimmed short, staring at Loki with… love. “Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever.” Loki drew yet another shuddering breath and looked away. Forever.
Stop. You. You, on the Bifrost beside himself, Thor (missing an eye no less), and who appeared to be a Valkyrie from the stories his mother would tell them as children. You, weapon in hand and looking slightly worse for wear, sweat dripping down your face as you shot him a sly grin.
Stop.Thor, a newfound patch on his eye, turning. “Maybe you’re not so bad after all, brother.” A sly grin on his future self’s face as he replied, “Maybe not.” A thanks from Thor, his voice deep and true, “If you were here, I might even give you a hug.” Loki can’t stop the incredulous laugh from leaving his lips as he watches the scene before him. His soft brother, still soft. A quiet response from his future self, “I’m here.” A soft click indicating the opening of a door, laughter from offscreen. Your voice rings out playfully, “Oh please, don’t let me interrupt. I’d like to see this.” 
Stop. Himself, panting and suddenly thrusting a knife upwards at Thanos… who makes no movement of defense, a glittering gold gauntlet already adorning his fist. Loki’s smile falls into a grimace as realization strikes him. “Undying?” The giant asks and he hears scraping from the sidelines. A glance of his future self’s eyes turns the screen on you, beaten and bloody, struggling on your knees with a hand of one of Thanos’ children’s clamped tightly over your mouth. Tears fall from your eyes as you flail against their grip, fighting. This future Loki merely nods towards you. Thanos’ voice cuts through the silence.  “Undying? You should choose your words more carefully.”
Loki stands to his feet and watches as his future self is lifted into the air by the neck, choked forcefully. He sees himself struggle to no avail, his suffering long and drawn out. His words broken and strained, “You... will never be... a god.” The snap of his neck. His death. Gasping and taking frantic steps back, Loki watches as his brother and you grieve over his body. Thor crying silently while you frantically shake his body, begging him to wake up and come back to you.
An explosion marking the end of the tape. He scoffs, despair and regret boiling up in his chest.
A glorious purpose indeed.
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cheebuffy · 2 years
The First I love you
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Warnings! Nothing! Just fluff!
A/N: So sorry for not writing in a while! I don’t even have an excuse, just busy? I hope to write more though! Feel free to send more ideas! This is short but I felt bad for not sending something out in a while..
Word Count: 761
I love you is a tough sentence to break into in a new relationship. It may come easily to others, but certainly not to Loki. He pondered day and night on when it would be deemed appropriate for him to say such strong words to you. The god couldn’t decide on when it would be right. Maybe an element of surprise would work? Or would straight forward work better for someone like you. Just the thought of saying to you kept him up at night. Not that he didn’t love you, that wasn’t a problem at all. But he wasn’t sure if you had loved him or if it was too soon to say so. 
“Damn.” Loki finally broke his own silence. He sat alone in his room, surrounded by his thoughts. He kept thinking about the several scenarios that would go on. What if you weren’t ready? What if he would make you uncomfortable? Perhaps it was really too soon. His mind became clouded with self doubt as he raked his hand through his unkempt curly hair. His thoughts were interrupted by the gentle knock on his chamber door. He glanced at the door before conflictingly getting up from his chair and opening the door. Only to see the one who was causing his problem. 
“I thought you’d be up. I was feeling a little restless.“ you admitted, folding your arms nervously. Loki’s frustrated face softened at the sight of you. So tiny compared to him, he had almost forgotten what was bothering him. 
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” He smiled and let you into his room. You stepped quietly and made your way to his bed as if it were routine. Loki couldn’t help himself as he looked you over, so cute and sleepy. Perhaps a little sleep would do him some good as well. He would simply decide what to do tomorrow. You had settled yourself under the soft textured blanket, leaving just enough room for him. Loki closed the door behind him and climbed into bed with you. Sliding an arm under you and pulling you closer to himself. The warmth of your body overpowered the coolness of his own, and he didn’t mind at all. The warmth had almost hypnotized him, leaving him in a dazed comfort. 
"Goodnight, honey," You murmured quietly, adjusting to your new position, too drowsy and disoriented to do anything major. You closed your eyes, taking in his cold body.
“Goodnight, I love you-” His breath caught in his throat as he realized what he said. It had just slipped out. The words were circling around in his mind for too long, they were just blurted. He thought, maybe you were already asleep and didn’t hear the mistake he made. The panic had settled in as quickly as it came. His heart was beating rapidly against your back. 
“I love you too, sweetheart.” You yawned and went back to your sleepy state. Was it really that simple? Was he indeed overthinking the situation? He slid his arm out from under you and sat up. His face was splattered with confusion Never in his life has Loki felt this much disbelief. He had to hear it again. He turned and grabbed your shoulders and flipped you over to face him.  
"What the hell, Loki-"
"Say it again." Loki declared.
"I love you too?" you said again, your brow furrowed in your tired face. You were about to turn back over to your previous position when Loki grabbed your shoulder again to stop you. 
"Another time." Loki hesitated before continuing. "Please,"
"My god, Loki, can we do this in the morning?" You groaned as you tried to bury your face in the silky pillows underneath you. It was just a few moments before you sighed and spoke again. "I love you too, Loki." From the cushion, your voice was muffled. You sloppily raised yourself up and planted a kiss on his brow before plopping back down onto the pillow and falling asleep. Loki was still in awe as he lay there. Perhaps he was dreaming, having built up some type of fantasy while sleeping. He reached over and pinched himself. He was definitely awake, which is what scared him the most. 
This love you have for him was not fake, it was real. You were real. If he wasn’t so tired, he might have shed a tear. All of this worry was solved by him simply taking the leap. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. 
“Goodnight, again..” He smiled.
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