#lokis sauce asks
lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
Do you want his sauce? 😏😏😏💦💦💦
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Which one of you dynamos wrote that headline😂🤣 *checks work computer was it me existential crisis*
I feel like after the cut of that article it's
.... Well Dinsey (must go back and fix that typo) haven't done that. They've just lazily named the sweet and sour sauce something slightly different. Is there a deeper meaning to the sweet and sour in relation to Loki's multifaceted personality? Nah. Is it green sauce? Probably not. (side note :IS it green @mochie85?)
Am I gonna try and get some just to say I've tasted Loki's delicious sauce and annoy my other half? Absolutely.
@mochie85 i hope you don't mind me posting your stash for some posterity 😆
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@xorpsbane @acidcasualties @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @muddyorbsblr @lokischambermaid @gigglingtiggerv2 +❤️
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norvicensiandoran · 2 years
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
No sarcasm but u can get more of the loki sweet and sour. and paste them all over the wall like a shrine
not even gonna lie, my order from today was enough to get me to 6000 points on the app so I'm very tempted to go to McDonald's again tomorrow and get my free Happy Meal and ask for one of every The Marvels toy they have and for as much Loki sauce as they're allowed to give me so I can save all the lil Loki flaps because I am such a loser 💀
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mischiefandlies · 16 days
A lesson in culinary disasters...
Loki x Reader
Notes: Thor is the embodiment of the phrase "thirty going on three". Also, I really had to work to find things that could go wrong with making spaghetti. Luckily, I work with children, so know how sevearly idiotic people can be.
Warnings: nilt
“There's spaghetti on my ceiling.”
Both Loki and Thor looked away sheepishly.
“… well, m’Lady-”
“Darling, I didn’t-”
“I left you two alone for ONE DAY!”
They each share a glance.
“What?” you say dryly.
Thor sighs and turns away, while Loki comes over to you. “My love, me and Thor will deal with this shenanigan. I promised I’d make you dinner, and I'll make you dinner. Just go and relax and I’ll come and get you when the time is right. Perhaps watch another one of those comedic films with Lang, the two of you seem to enjoy those.”
“Thought you got jealous when I watched movies with him?” you said.
“Angel, Lang couldn’t find a single hostage in training yesterday. If he is unable to locate a human sized test dummy, I don’t hold out much hope of him finding a clitoris. Besides,” he continues “I'm sure his penis is just as small as the rest of him.”
You just roll your eyes as he ushers you out the door. “And don’t burn my pans! And so help me God if you break my stove, I’m going to shove that blender straight up your-”
The front door slammed shut behind you. “Loki, I don’t think she is happy with us,” Thor stated. “I see very little chance of you being able to seduce her if you continue to act so childishly.”
“Remind me again who threw pasta at the ceiling?” Loki said through gritted teeth.
“Well, me, but Jane said it is important to use the pan to flip what you are cooking.”
“What Jane failed to mention, you ignorant buffoon, is that is for cooking pancakes.”
“Loki, pancakes are eggs and flour. Pasta, according to this detailed list on the packaging, is eggs and flour. I see no reason why the rules would change.”
Loki put his head in his hands. “Thor, how about I handle the cooking from now on?”
“And what are we making?”
“And balls of meat?”
“No Thor, just spaghetti.” Loki says, “Let’s not walk before we can run.”
Thor gasped. “But where are the balls of meat? Jane always makes balls of meat to go with spaghetti.”
“Thor, we have no meat.”
The blond just smirked. “I can assure you brother, I have plenty of meat. It is not my fault you are of such scrawny, runt-like nature. Why, do you not remember in our youth when we would play, and you would always…”
Loki left him to his prattling, and used his magic to clean the kitchen, remove the strands of spaghetti from the ceiling, and refill the kettle. He had wanted to make you something homemade, and so had asked his brother to assist, thinking Jane would have taught him something. Unfortunately, Thor was even less equipped to be sue-chef than him. Since you had left them to their own devices, they had made your kettle explode, set off the fire alarm, and Thor had cut his hand. They had since given up on making a tomato sauce and had lowered their standards enough to consider plain spaghetti a meal.
“Thor, snap the spaghetti in half and put it in the pot.”
Thor picked up a handful of spaghetti and instead of holding it in the middle, he took it by the ends, snapping it in front of him and spraying the kitchen in broken spaghetti pieces. His brother just looked on, muttering insults in their mother tongue. He took a pot down and filled it with the water out the kettle while Thor scuttled around on all fours picking up shards of pasta.
“Thor, for the love of all things holy, just put the spaghetti in the pan.”
Thor turns to the pot on the stove, and sticks his fist full of spaghetti into the boiling water, completely submerging his hand.
“Take your hand out the pan Thor.”
Thor flings his arm up, spilling the boiling water all down himself.
“Of course it does, its boiling water.”
“Thor, as the prince of Asgard, I am not obligated to do shit. Perhaps do as the Midgardians do when they are burnt. Run it under cold water.”
Loki turned away to magic up the complete shambles his brother had managed to achieve (again), and –for the fifth time today- boiled the kettle to make pasta. Thor had clearly misinterpreted his instruction, because he was running the pan under the tap.
“Loki, I fail to see how this is helping, I am still in a great deal of pain-”
The dark-haired god swiped the pan back. “Your arm, you utter cretin. Run the cold tap and hold your ARM under the water.”
Having distracted his brother enough to successfully put spaghetti on to boil, he began to grate some cheese.
“You’d get blood in the cheese.”
“I won’t. I promise. Pleeeeeeaseee?”
Thor enthusiastically leaps over to grate the cheese, while Loki stirs, drains and dishes out the pasta. In this time, not only has Thor zested the cheese instead of grating it, he has also zested a whole block of cheese and the top layer of skin on his fingers. The cheese was completely sodden with blood.
"Thor, what did I just say?"
"Pretend it's tomato sauce brother? She will never know!"
When you finally return from Langs, you find Loki, Thor, Strange, and Stranges medical kit all sat on your sofa. Thor's entire arm is bandaged, and Wanda and Steve are chatting away in your kitchen, making something that smells delicious.
“Fucksake Loki.”
“I’m sorry darling.” he says, “I tried, I really tried, but it just never worked, and I-”
“I know, love,” you cut him off. “Just tell me if you need cooking lessons, yeah? I can’t say I’m fond of coming home to find my kitchen in a disaster. I’ve just had a long day. I shouldn't've snapped. I’m sorry.”
He wraps you up in his arms. “Me too love.”
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Have you ever heard of take away?”
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toadtoru · 11 days
What are some stereotypical Danish things that Kento would love to be involved in? (Examples: making traditional dishes, festivals, etc.)
NONNIE THIS IS SUCH A CUTE QUESTION OOOOHHH LEMME THINK!!!!! MWAHAHAH, okay, since you asked so nicely, nonnie, here are my very self indulgent headcanons based on the fact that gege said nanami’s maternal grandfather is danish one time. (source: salem)
also danish people are losers when it comes to culture. our national dish is potatoes, sauce and pork. BUT i do have some (a lot of) thoughts about it.
okay so…. first of all i firmly believe kento nanami is a ryebread eater. you’re at lunch and he pulls up with one of these.
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(not as fancy but i hope you get the picture.) if satoru is there he WILL make fun of kento. definitely tells him it tastes bad. kento will either 1) ignore satoru 2) tell him to fuck off. depends on his mood.
next up, i think he watches handball. not all the time obviously he’s a busy man 😔 BUT he has to watch the finals. whenever denmark scores he say a little “yes!” and clenches his fists but he’s not like obnoxiously man about it. (he does however celebrate when denmark wins. which we do a lot. prepare to get railed when we do.)
he has both a kaj bojesen monkey and a ph lamp. (iconic danish brands.) like these two i could see him having.
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his grandfather gave him them both. he cares about them a looot like a looooottt. if you’re having sex in his living room, he’s making sure the monkey is turned around so… ya know. it doesn’t see. HAHAH IT’S SILLY BUT I BELIEVE IT.
and last but not least i think he grew up on norse mythology stories. odin, thor, loki, ragnarok, the fenris wolf, the whole thing. i think his granddad would tell his mom, and then his mom told him when he was a kid. if you have kids with kento nanami they WILL grow up on bedtime stories about the nordic gods.
actually very last thing he brings out danish flags on birthdays. (us danes are very obsessed with our flags.)
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he’ll put them on your cake like this and when you ask why he just stops and blinks. his brain literally malfunctions and he goes “i don’t know. my mom always did that.”
HAHA. okay that’s all i have, nonnie. i hope i didn’t disappoint but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INDULGING ME I HAD FUN.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 months
Ghost (Loki Love Story) Ch.14
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Your finger tapped, slowly, taking in the scene before you as you sat on the couch, your chin resting on your other hand while Loki cooked.
With a smile on his face, he busied himself at the stove like a pro with the ingredients he gathered from the fridge and cupboards- truth be told you hoped it was still good.
''..your cooking skills are quite there..'' you broke the silence, having stared at him like he was something to be studied for a good 30 minutes now.
He glanced up at you with a grin before returning to his work. ''I learn from the best-''
''the most I've made was a sandwich. Your cooking as if you walked out with a gold medal from Gordon Ramsay.'' You say suspiciously as you shift in your seat.
''..I'm not sure who this.. Gordon Ramsay being is.. but perhaps I did pick up a few things last night on a program mortals use to watch lessons and.. other such things for entertainment.'' He explained sheepishly while you rose a brow.
''you know how to work a computer?" you asked, understanding that he was probably talking about YouTube.
''getting the computer to your destination wasn't quite easy when you are asleep, and you needed to sleep off the alcohol and drugs. I merely opted to carry you if need be to the things I needed to retrieve before returning you where it was necessary. It took quite a few hours but the program was quite educational.'' Loki explained as if it was the most normal thing to say as you took that in. by your silence, he added ''I've been to Midgard before in my lifetime and have picked up a few things on the technology.''
You nodded slowly, your eyes drifting off to the window as your brain pushed back those mixed thoughts and feelings to try to figure out this whole situation.
Sleeping with someone else would yes, end this stuck together thing, but it would also break his heart. Your soul mate's heart.. on the other hand, you cared for him, always have and didn't wish to bring yourself to hurt him while at the same time.. craved the independent life of not being so.. attached to the hip, so to say.
As you thought, your eyes slowly wondered back to Loki, seeing how he was comfortable back in his usual attire, most likely having cleaned it with light magic where his scent was less of Rogers. Not that you minded Steve's.. but everything about Loki was better when it was all.. Loki..
"darling, you're staring again.'' His voice brought you out of your thoughts, causing you to jump a little as he carefully placed the plate down before you with a small smile. ''are you still thinking about the whole thing?"
You quickly nodded and cleared your throat, scooting forward on the couch while he sat down beside you with the plate. ''yes sorry- ..what did you make?'' you asked curiously, feeling dumb when the food was right before you.
''I've noticed pasta is quite the easiest and favored meals to make so I decided that instead of the sauce one stereotypically would put over it, I would together a series of vegetables, avocado cooking oil, perhaps a few more things to make.. a pasta salad'' Loki struggled, having gotten comfortable on the couch, close enough where his thigh was ghosting against yours as you sat with your plate in your lap.
''thank you.. you didn't have to but I appreciate it.'' You said gratefully, taking a bite and tried to ignore his staring while you concentrated on the flavors. Half a second later your eyes widened as you gave an approving nod. ''you are quite the YouTube student, it's really good'' you tease, causing him to laugh as he begins to eat his own.
''it's quite helpful when one is outside the educational buildings, I'm glad you like it'' he said proudly and you couldn't help but notice him bopping his leg up and down- a stereotypical nervous habit one would do as the silence began to settle in the room.
''..you alright?'' you asked after a moment and he gave you a don't worry smile.
''I am well darling, I am just glad you seem a bit more like yourself. Sling is off, not so much of a hangover in sight, and-''
''Loki.'' You pry and his expression gets serious as he sighs.
''..what aren't you telling me?''
Loki stared at you, a stalemate as you slowly set down your plate without breaking eye contact. He didn't look ashamed but you knew he didn't want to tell you as you raised your hands up in a surrender position with a calm face.
''I promise.. I won't get angry..''
Loki took in a breath and exhaled out his frustration, his eyes lowering as if to give in before he waved a hand in the air. His brows furrowed in concentration and the walls around you both flicked with light briefly before loud banging could be heard at your door.
''open the fucking door Laufeyson!!''
You raised a brow at the sudden noise, getting up from the couch quickly as your body tensed and you could have sworn you recognized Steve's voice outside. ''Loki.. what did you do?..''
With a guilty look, he offered a small shrug as he glanced behind him at the door. ''..i may have used a silence spell to deafen the sound outside your home..''
Your body tensed as your eyes flicked to the door and back at him, your face straining to try to keep looking calm. ''and who is out there and for how long?"
Thinking a moment, Loki slowly set down his plate and rested his forearms on his knees as he leaned forward, avoiding your eyes like a submissive puppy. ''..Rogers and the Iron Idiot.. for perhaps over an hour.''
''Jesus Loki- why??" you gasped and quickly moved towards the door but Loki was quick to take a few steps back, making you teleport into his open arms as you grunted from the impact, his arms engulfing you.
''I wouldn't do that darling..''
''why ever not??'' you question with narrow eyes, shoving him away as you expected to hear even worse news.
''they aren't exactly here with good news-''
''you talked to them?? Where was I!?" you shouted.
Another sheepish look. ''I deposited you onto the couch while you were still asleep, conversed with them before slamming the door in their face. I then proceeded to use your computer before I took you in for your bath-''
You quickly shook your head, holding a hand up to stop him from talking more about the situation you still needed to wrap your head around before you pinched the bridge of your nose. ''..let me open the door.''
''if you wish I could merely tell you-''
''open the door.'' You said with a deadly look in your eyes, your wings puffing in while he sighed, his eyes narrowing as he yielded and followed behind you. Taking a deep breath, you quickly opened the door, only for you to jump back out of the way just as Tony blasted from his palm blaster. Thing is, Loki didn't expect it and hit him square in the best- being thrown back while you were jerked into teleportation with him.
Loki grunted as he landed on his back across the room from the front door, you reappearing and landing on top of him, swaddling his hips while your palms landed beside the sides of his head. Panting, your eyes widened at the sudden close contact, noses an inch apart before you felt your lower body rise up a little, feeling his bulge raise through his pants.
''Jesus is that why It took you so long to answer the door?!" Tony said in disgust, stepping into the house in his casual jeans and T shirt attire where he only kept apart of his armor on one of his hands. Rogers followed behind him, not looking happy.
''no- I was unaware of your presence'' you said quickly, your cheeks having heated up as you quickly rolled off him and got up, Loki doing the same as he quickly shifted to try to rid of the strain in his pants.
Steve glanced down at him and glared death into his eyes, earning a smug look from Loki.
''why? You both were-'' Tony started.
''he used magic to deafen the house because he doesn't like you. I was unaware of it all and no- we didn't.'' you said quickly, crossing your arms as you exhaled in frustration and shook your head to change the subject. ''what is it that you both need?"
''I can tell you what I want..'' Tony flirted with a smirk, making Loki tense and step between them.
''on with it Stark.''
''party pooper..'' Tony rolled his eyes before he waved his hand at Steve. ''we'll give you specifics, basically you both are moving in with me.''
''WHAT?!'' you and Loki said in unison.
Steve sighed and shook his head. ''we figured with him around again, it would be safer and wiser to have him under the roof of Avenger's tower- since you both are quite literally.. stuck, it's got to be both of you.''
''I don't need to be babysat-'' Loki growled, narrowing his eyes at Steve as he stepped closer. ''considering that he's here,'' he motioned to Tony ''it would seem you couldn't keep your mouth shut about all this-''
''your presence back on earth would have been found out eventually. If Fury was standing here instead of me, you'd probably going somewhere worse than the tower.''
''hey-'' Tony said defensively but Rogers continued.
''Fury doesn't know, just the current Avengers still residing under the roof. We don't need that kind of security and lock ups from SHIELD so we'll all keep you a secret.''
''like you have so far.'' Loki scoffed with an eye roll.
''you'll be safe. She'll be-''
''she's safe with me.'' Loki threatened, going chest to chest as they glared at each other.
''she's awfully quiet, what's on your mind Y/N?'' Tony interjected as you tapped your finger on your chin in thought, having blocked out the banter as your mind sorted things out before looking at Loki.
''..we can only do so much while we're stuck together, having extra help would make things easier.. and with extra heads around we could all perhaps find a way to go about this whole situation on what to do..''
''they are most likely not going to vote on keeping you stuck with me..'' Loki shook his head, a whine almost in his voice as he stepped towards you but you shook your head.
''we can at least try it this way, and I can resume work from Tony's computers at least. It will get bad if we keep trying to cope alone around here, if someone recognizes you and snitches, its back behind glass.'' You explain gently, your eyes telling him you were firm in this decision but with a please in the mix.
Loki stared at you, almost pleading back that he didn't want to do this. He hated being around the Avengers, they wont exactly welcome him with open arms. However, if doing this will make you happy- make you happy towards him, it would perhaps still heighten the chances of you staying with him..
''..fine.'' he sighed, slowly transforming himself back into the hot blond in a suit and was ready to go right then and there.
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You gently took his hand, squeezing it and you offered him an encouraging smile while your cheeks reddened at his appearance. How could he look like a slightly different person but still be hot??
''I'll just have to grab a few things and we'll meet you by the car.'' You let them know and they give a nod, Tony holding back a laugh as he looked over Loki's new look.
''where's you gun James Bond?''
''below your chin if you don't change your attitude. I'm only doing all this for her.'' He snapped before taking your hand and pulling you towards the bedroom so you could gather your things.
Loki stayed quiet, keeping his arms crossed while he leaned against the door frame while you gathered a few clothes and bathroom accessories into a bag. You've stayed at the tower before, many times while you were on long term missions but having Loki there.. you knew there was going to be an off vibe and you'd just have to help encourage people he was good now..
You both didn't speak, Loki keeping his eyes adverted to the ground as he couldn't find anything to say. He knew your mind was set, and did his best not to look like he was pouting before he took your bag to carry it for you.
Opening the car door for you as well, he gave you a I'm alright smile and let you slide in, his eyes snapping to Steve who walked behind him and opened the driver's seat.
''I know what your trying to do.'' Loki hissed, keeping his voice down for only Steve to hear, making him pause with a raised brow.
''and that is?'' he said dryly, gripping the driver's door.
''just because you move her in closer to you does not mean she'll sleep with you. She's mine and will choose me.'' He growled before he slide in next to her and closed the door.
With careful eyes, Steve held back a scoff and got into the drivers seat, glancing in the rear view mirror to see Loki carefully watching him.
''buckle up kids, we're off'' Tony chimed in obliviously while your eyes slowly looked over at Loki who's jaw was tense and his eyes forward.
Reaching over, you rested your hand in his, feeling him slightly relax but he continued to try to burn a hole through Steve's head with his gaze.
Tag List: @violethaze @fire-in-her-veinz
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fanficshiddles · 5 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 46
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Claire was quite concerned with how worried and on edge Loki seemed to be. It made her on edge, too.
When they got home, Matt and David came round about an hour later.
‘You really think Chris will try something?’ Matt asked Loki as the three vampires sat at the table in the kitchen with a beer, while Claire cooked dinner with a glass of wine.
Bat was on the table too, like she was listening intently to the conversation, though she did keep an eye on Claire too incase there was any food on offer.
Loki had said they’d just order takeaway, but Claire offered to cook. She was planning to make stew, knowing how much Loki loves it. Though the thought of having to fight with three vampires for the toilet wouldn’t be ideal, as she knew Loki would have a tantrum if she didn’t add garlic. So she just opted for something else entirely and was cooking up lasagne.
‘Definitely. I’ve never seen him so angry before, if dad hadn’t been there, he would’ve killed me. Without a doubt.’ Loki said with certainty.
Matt and David’s eyebrows shot upwards. ‘Do you really think having us two as backup will help if he does come knocking?’ David asked as he took a big swig of his beer.
‘One of you can try and keep him from killing me while the other goes to get my dad.’ Loki said as he also took a big mouthful of beer.
‘I’ll get your dad!’ Both Matt and David said at the same time.
Claire wanted to laugh, but the situation was quite worrying she couldn’t really see the humour in it. Her stomach was in knots, even though she knew having Matt and David here was a bit of extra security.
When dinner was ready, they all sat around the table to eat. They were a bit calmer and able to enjoy their food as they chatted away about other things. Bat had her own little plate of some mince that Claire had left to the side for her without any onions or sauce in it.
‘You spoil that cat.’ Matt laughed as he reached over to stroke said cat.
‘At least now I can blame it all on Claire.’ Loki teased with a smirk.
‘Pssssht. She was already spoiled rotten before I even knew you, don’t deny it!’ Claire argued back as she pointed her fork at him, making him chuckle.
‘Exactly. Remember that time it was Severus’ birthday, we all got him a cake and you snuck a piece home, just for Bat?’ David reminded him.
Loki looked a little sheepish as he shrugged. ‘Well… Bat should get to enjoy the celebrations that we do, too.’
‘That’s why she was so desperate to get at my birthday cake, she has a sweet tooth.’ Claire laughed.
‘She does.’ Loki sighed. ‘She’s rather partial to a little bit of baileys too on an evening.’
Claire giggled, while David and Matt shook their heads in disbelief. Bat let out a small chirp from the side of the table.
After dinner, Loki did the dishes while the others went through to the living room to relax for a while before going to bed.
‘Has Loki ever been this worried about Chris trying to hurt him before?’ Claire asked quietly, though she wouldn’t be surprised if Loki could still hear her from the kitchen.
‘No, not that I can think of.’ David shook his head.
‘Chris loves his job, he does it take it seriously. He does care for the students and his teachers, this will be a big blow to him for sure.’ Matt said.
‘I don’t get why they want to change things up. I mean, Loki would be a great head teacher if he does decide to take it.’ Claire said softly.
‘He really would.’ Matt agreed.
‘Do you think he will take the job, if Chris can’t get them to change their minds?’ David asked Claire.
‘I’m not sure, he hasn’t really said much about it. I think he’s too worried about what Chris might do right now.’ Claire sighed.
‘Well, we will do our best to help if trouble does come knocking.’ David said firmly.
For the following few days, there was no sign of Chris. It was like he’d gone off the radar completely. Loki had relaxed a little bit, though was still on edge. Matt and David had said they’d be happy to stay more nights, but Loki didn’t want to burden them anymore. They said they’d be on the end of the phone, if anything did happen to call them and just hang up after one ring, they’d be straight there.
‘I don’t know whether to be more worried or not that Chris has just gone completely AWOL.’ Loki said to Claire on Thursday morning while they prepped for the day ahead.
‘It is strange. Though maybe for the best, maybe he’s clearing his head and will come back calmer. Hopefully…’
‘I certainly hope so.’ Loki said as Claire walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, he smiled and kissed her forehead. ‘Thank you for putting up with me this week. I know I’ve been antsy and probably not easy to be around.’
‘So… what’s been the change?’ Claire teased.
Loki growled at her and tickled her sides, making her giggle.
‘You’ve been fine, love. I know it’s worrying, you don’t need to apologise.’ Claire assured him and pressed her head in against his chest.
Loki ran his fingers through her hair, she always soothed him. He would be lost without her, that was for sure.
‘Hopefully he comes back before Saturday night’s party, I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully enjoy the Halloween night if I’m constantly worrying and looking around for him.’ Loki sighed.
‘I doubt he’d try anything at the party, besides if he does, there’s plenty of vampires around to protect you. It will probably be safer than being at home!’ Claire said as she looked up at him, resting her chin on his chest.
Loki smiled and nodded. ‘That’s very true.’ He hummed.
‘It’ll be fine.’ Claire said confidently as she reluctantly pulled away from him to place some textbooks on everyone’s table. ‘He’s bound to have calmed down by now, it’s been a few days. I think if he was going to do something dangerous, he would’ve done it already.’
Loki smiled across the room at her and nodded. ‘You’re right, darling.’
In a small underground nightclub, in a city across the country, around forty or so bodies lay strewn in various predicaments around the place.
The flashing lights still lit up the room sporadically in a multitude of colours. Music continued to blare out from the DJ system, even though the DJ lay lifeless across the mixing table, blood dripping from his neck with a huge chunk of flesh torn out.
The security guard’s bodies could be found just inside the doorway, in a puddle of their own blood. The few bartenders that had been working that night lay dead behind the bar, smashed glasses beside them.
One man who was left, the last one alive, scrambled backwards to get away from the monster that had arrived just mere minutes ago, causing the carnage inside, he’d watched his girlfriend get torn to pieces right on front of him. Trying to save her had been pointless, he was simply tossed across the room.
Now, the monster was after him. He’d fallen over and was backed to the wall on the ground, crying and pleading for his life. He’d been happily drunk just five minutes previously, but seeing the massacre had rapidly sobered him up.
The vampire was covered in blood, his clothes were soaked in it. His mouth dripped with so much blood as his fangs remained visible. His eyes were a terrifying deep dark red.
‘No amount of pleading will save you.’ The vampire snarled, then without more fooling around he launched for him.
He went straight for the neck of course, the sound of the man screaming in agony was like music to the vampire’s ears as he sucked the blood out of him.
From the adrenaline of fear, the man’s heart was working overtime and sent so much blood through his veins that just got sucked right out. The man turned pale white and passed out, before dying shortly after. The vampire could hear the man’s heartbeat slow, then it came to a complete stop.
Once he’d had his fill, the vampire dropped the body to his feet and he stood up straight. He looked around the room, at the sea of bodies, while he breathed in deeply. There wasn’t one survivor, no heartbeat could be heard.
He let out an angry snarl as he punched the wall, putting a large hole right through. It just wasn’t enough. It didn’t help ease his anger and pain one bit.
‘No… I know exactly what I need to do back in Redbridge.’ Chris snarled.
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dreamycloud · 3 months
❤️ first kiss / realization - I'd love to see this with Don and L3666 but would also be happy with regular Lokius!
Thank you for the first ask, @stillwanderingflame!!!!! Of COURSE I had to deliver a story specific to D3666 and L3666, but the challenge was that they already had their first kiss in my fic i bet on losing dogs. I needed to figure out a way to fulfill this prompt…and I think I got it. Enjoy!
“Of all the luck,” D3666 muttered, smacking his shin on the WaveRunner VX Deluxe he didn’t see in front of him until lightning illuminated the shop.
Rain fell as if heaven had a water hose aimed at Cleveland; he couldn’t see much out the windows beyond the silver deluge flooding the parking lot.
“You go on ahead, Dale,” Don whispered, rubbing his bruised shin through his khaki pants. “It’s Saturday night. Can’t keep that hot date of yours waiting. I’ll check the circuit breakers. No, I don’t need help.”
And look where his kind gesture got him. He was the one cut off from his family for the night with no way of reaching them. The phone lines were dead. He couldn’t even make smoke signals. A carrier pigeon would drown in that rain trying to fly home. He hoped Dale choked on his chips and queso.
He should have gotten off work at five, but his wristwatch told him it was past eight with no hope of escaping bunking down for the night in Piranha Powersports for the night. He and Dale had been on staff for the last shift, and at around 4:45pm, the power went out.
Problem was, despite one wall of the shop made of floor-to-ceiling windows, moving without walking right into the displays proved to be impossible. He also had no idea where the circuit breaker was. He may be a Chief Sales Officer, but he wasn’t the General Manager. Darlene was out on her annual trip to Honolulu and thought they could behave themselves like adults while she was gone. She liked cutting corners.
The biggest problem of all, he learned, at 5:10pm, was that the building’s security system kicked in. One feature was that the doors locked from the inside. Don, to his horror, discovered that he couldn’t leave. He had spent an embarrassing few minutes pushing and tugging on a door that would not budge. His arms were tired. His shins—both of them—hurt from multiple collisions. There should have been a flashlight in Dale’s station behind the counter, but damn it, he couldn’t find it.
So Don stumbled toward the back of the store, holding a prayer between his lips that he could do so without incident. Another lightning flash and he saw Thrustking before him. Don sighed and climbed up, tossing one leg over so he could sit up high and watch the nasty storm until he fell asleep still straddling the personal watercraft.
Loki would have put the boys to bed by now. Don had already cooked for the night, making plastic-wrapped plates of chicken parm made from cheap tomato sauce and dinosaur chicken nuggets. Green beans, French cut, drowned in butter for Kevin and Sean. Once he’d realized he was trapped, Don had scarfed down an old crinkly granola bar. So much for family dinner.
The pit in his stomach grew as he recalled the morning. He had been on his way out the door and stopped at the kitchen table to press kisses to the crowns of his boys’ heads. They squirmed and complained, splashing cereal, but they were not-so-secretly pleased by the attention from dear old dad.
“See ya later, sweetheart,” Don said, catching Loki in doorway. He rolled onto his toes to kiss Loki’s smooth cheek, but Loki startled like a deer and flinched away.
Don’s face burned with the rejection. He hadn’t waited for Loki’s stammering explanation, if he was even going to get one from the god. He grabbed his keys and ran off to work.
The rain hissed. Don wrapped his hands around the handlebars and squeezed. This was his first week back at work after recovering from the injury that nearly killed him when the Kree attacked. He had a nasty scar on his stomach but he was happy to be alive. Except today, maybe. Today, he was hurt and confused.
He and Loki had been intimate nearly every night since their first time. Loki seemed to adore him, his face slack with pleasure as he moved above Don. But Don still needed to be gentle, tempering his touches, waiting for the god to consent to each spine-tingling moment in bed. And when Don thought about it, he realized that Loki was in control. Loki kissed first and last. Loki pushed Don into bed or against the cold shower wall. Loki melted into him. Not the other way around.
Maybe that was the problem. Don hadn’t yet kissed Loki first. And he really, really wanted to.
“No help for it,” he muttered, grimacing. He respected that Loki’s healing journey would be long and jagged. The torture he suffered couldn’t be erased overnight, no matter how deeply he and the boys loved the god. But this morning had cut Don deeper than any knife. Made him wonder if maybe he wasn’t desirable enough. Maybe the idea of being kissed by Don might be equal to having a bucket of cockroaches dumped on Loki’s head.
He was only human, after all. Understanding only got him so far.
A crack of lightning made Don jump, fingers flexing on the handlebars. A shadowy figure stood outside the shop.
“Shit,” Don said, sliding off Thrustking in a panic. A robbery on a night like this? Where could he find a weapon?
A new sound coming from inside the shop—the plink, plink, plink of rain hitting the tile floor.
Don held his breath.
“Your dinner’s gone cold.”
He exhaled harshly. “Loki?”
L3666 burned his image upon Don in the next lightning flash. He was sopping wet, hair slick against his pale, sulky face and black trousers and sweater sticking like a second skin to his tall, slim frame. A puddle formed beneath him. The darkness came again. Loki’s voice was soft like silk. “Sean and Kevin are asleep. The sound of the rain knocked them out early.”
“Good, good,” Don said. His palms felt suddenly sweaty. He wiped them on his khakis. “How did you…?”
“So this is where you’ve been hiding,” Loki said, sharp and full of hurt. “I must say, choosing work instead of a bar to avoid me is uninspired.”
Don blinked. What was he talking about? “How do you figure I’m avoiding you? In case you haven’t noticed, the power’s out. The phone lines are dead.”
Loki sniffed, offended.
“I’m trapped like a rat in his building until morning, O Great God of Limitless Power. Or did you forget to notice those details when you popped in here easy as pie?”
“Forgive me, I was more concerned with your absence,” he said stiffly.
“I’m glad someone was,” Don said softly. He took a few slow steps closer.
“When you didn’t come home,” Loki said, “I worried about what happened this morning. I didn’t mean to react the way I did.”
“I know,” Don said. The hurt he’d been carrying all day washed away with the rain.
“You were there so suddenly. In my face. I hadn’t been paying attention and it scared me,” Loki said, words tumbling over each other, silk turned frayed.
“It’s okay, Loki. I get it. I know.”
Loki’s ruined leather shoes squeaked as he approached. His hands slid over Don’s elbows, catching on his forearms. “You doubted me. I can feel it.”
Don looked up where he thought Loki’s face would be and felt the warmth of the god’s breath wash over his face. “No, no, no. I was hard on myself. Not you. Never you, sweetheart. I just wasn’t sure if I’m what you really want. If I can’t kiss you…”
Loki’s breath hitched. His fingers dug into Don’s forearms. “Kiss me, then.”
“Just like that?”
Loki let go, and in the next lightning flash, Don saw him tuck his hands into the pockets of his wet trousers. No longer touching, leading, directing. He waited for Don.
Don gently cupped Loki’s face, smoothing away the clinging raindrops on his cheeks. “Trust me?”
Loki trembled, his eyes electric green in the storm. “Always.”
Don led Loki’s mouth to his. Loki shuddered and moaned, leaning into Don’s kiss but made no move to control it.
He playfully smattered kisses on the god’s wet lips. My kisses are fun, he told Loki with his mouth, my kisses are a balm when you’re feeling blue. One hand slid to the back of Loki’s head and slowly curled into a fist, grabbing a handful of slick black hair. He pulled Loki even closer and slid his lips across the god’s, setting them both aflame.
Loki’s hands flexed restlessly in his pockets. Wordless begging between kisses, demanding more.
Don tilted Loki’s head and ran his tongue over Loki’s bottom lip. The god opened instantly. His other hand pulled roughly at the heavy, soaked sweater. They both moaned loudly then Don’s tongue curled around the god’s.
He wasn’t sure how long they kissed, lazy and slow, punctured by fits and bursts of desire. At one point, Don pulled away to catch his breath and saw the droplets clinging like crystals to his god in another lightning flash. He cupped the back of Loki’s neck and kissed the fragile column of Loki’s throat.
Loki gasped and raised his chin, exposing more of his neck. Don’s heart squeezed. This was Loki at his most vulnerable, bearing the most fragile part of himself. Don didn’t take that lightly. He was honored. Don supported the back of his neck and made a trail of kisses from his collarbone to the underside of his razor blade jawline. He licked up every droplet still clinging, cold rainwater melting on his tongue.
The rainfall let up right about the time Don’s lips had felt sore and sensitive from the small bites Loki allowed himself. They parted, breathing hard, searching for each others’ eyes in the dark.
“Suppose we go back now?” Loki asked hoarsely.
Don huffed, amused and madly in love. “That’s your call. I can’t get us out of here, but you surely can since you found your way in.”
Loki probably rolled his eyes. At least, Don hoped he did. He liked seeing the god get some humor back. “If we’re quiet, the boys won’t hear us.”
Don pressed a kiss to Loki’s cheek and grinned with Loki didn’t flinch. They could do this. They’d be fine. “Is that a challenge? Because I can’t think of a better way to spend our Saturday night.”
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bones4thecats · 10 months
2023 Thanksgiving Special; RoR
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A/N: Second part of my 2023 Thanksgiving Special, this one features Record of Ragnarok characters. There are no humans here, it's only Gods in this edition. Anyways, look out for my Creepypasta and Slashers pieces coming out here soon!
Spending Thanksgiving With Them
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💪 Heracles preferred to not spend Thanksgiving with his family most of time
💪 As his adoptive father would get into arguments with either the servants or with Hera about who knows what
💪 But this year, you really wanted to meet the rest of the family, you had only met Ares and Hades so far
💪 Heracles held your hand as the festivity rang through the ears of every other god present
💪 He was thankful that his family seemed to welcome you and tried keeping the bickering down because they didn’t want to ruin his happiness
💪 But be warned, next year, expect more and more yelling
💪 You’re family now, get used to it
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⚔️ Nope on the nope rope, he did not want you coming over that day
⚔️ The amount of yelling that Zeus and Hera do is quite impressive, many wonder how their voices have lasted every year
⚔️ Ares was stubborn, and I mean that
⚔️ So it took both you, Hermes, and Heracles’ opposing opinions to get him to allow you to join the Greek God family
⚔️ When you arrived, Zeus and Hera greeted you, you had met Zeus previously, but you didn’t know him to well
⚔️ Expect slight bickering from the husband and wife
⚔️ But, as long as your Ares was there, you two could power through
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🌩️ Thor was quite enthusiastic about having you over for Thanksgiving
🌩️ It wasn’t every century that he had an S/O, so this was a big deal to him!
🌩️ You had met Odin’s birds and Loki beforehand, due to their nature of spooking you no matter the place
🌩️ Thor stood by your side everywhere you went, and whenever he was needed somewhere, he dragged you along
🌩️ You weren’t exactly used to the layout of Asgard all that well
🌩️ When you guys sat down to eat, he made sure Loki didn’t lace it like he had done years ago
🌩️ This god also had to slap Loki’s hands away from stealing food off of both of your plates
🌩️ Sneaky little rat god
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👻 This poor little thing
👻 You were the closest thing to family he had, well, you and Buddha, but you mainly
👻 So, when he had heard about Thanksgiving from Buddha, he had asked you if you guys could make the traditional meals and spend the day together
👻 You complied and spent the day making turkey, cranberry sauce, everything
👻 Zerofuku loved making desserts with you, decorating was his favorite thing to do
👻 Placing the whip cream on top of the pumpkin pie was fun, especially when he drew a little face into the sweet dish
👻 You invited Buddha over, as Zerofuku wanted his favorite god, besides you, to spend time with
👻 Let’s just say, after eating and everything, the three of you passed out together on the pillow fort and blankets you had made together
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
What the Norse gods probably smell like.
This is a comprehensive list of what I think all the Norse gods smell like. Do not ask me why I wrote this down, why I wanted to post this on the internet or why I even asked the question in the first place. Everything can be explained by mental illness and sleep deprivation.
If your favorite deity isn’t on here, it’s because they suck.
-Óðinn (Odin): A mix of beer, sausage and that old man sweater smell.
-Þórr (Thor): Alcohol, body odor and an inordinate amount of Worcestershire sauce. The smell is strong enough to knock small birds straight out of the air.
-Loki: Fireplace soot and the kind of mulling spices you’d use in apple cider. You’d think it’d smell good, but the sooty smell kind of ruins it. A bath would definitely help.
-Frigg: Some sort of strong perfume, along with cheap wine and potpourri. She just kinda does, I don’t know why.
-Freyja: She has that cat scent. I don’t know if any of you know what I’m talking about, but she smells like a cat.
-Freyr: Apple scented shampoo. This is a conscious choice on his part.
-Baldr: Flowers. Real ones, too. Not the fake perfume shit. I suppose now he smells like a corpse that was burnt on a pyre, but when he was alive, he smelled like flowers.
-Höðr: Wintergreen mouthwash… for some reason.
-Nanna: Fruit preserves like jam and shit.
-Hœnir: He smells like a dad. Whatever you think a dad smells like is what Hœnir smells like. He smells fatherly.
-Skaði: Pine sap. She is covered in pine sap and if you look closely, she probably has some pine needles glued to her hair.
-Sif: The bread aisle in a grocery store.
-Iðunn: Apple based food products. She’s not exactly running low on apples.
-Sigyn: Olive Garden. She smells like the inside of an Olive Garden. Do not question me on this.
-Mímir: Very strong incense to cover up the corpse smell. It is nearly impossible to breathe around him.
-Týr: Go up to a man. Any man, doesn’t have to be a specific kind of man. Now smell him. That is it. Týr smells like a man.
-Heimdallr: Piss and vinegar from all the hate in his soul. There’s a million goddamn signs of Ragnarök and his dad still has him keeping watch like he’s a fucking security robot. That horn ain’t gonna do shit and he knows it.
-Njördr: He smells bad, but it’s not really clear what’s on him. It could be anything from tacky deodorant to motor oil and judging by his general weirdness, I’m not sure I wanna find out.
-Ægir: Alcohol. He practically wears Heineken as a cologne and it smells fucking terrible. Add on his natural ocean smell and it’s just fucking unpleasant to be around him.
-Rán: Fish, and not for the reason you might be thinking!
-Jörð: She’s a fucking earth goddess. Stick your face in the dirt. That’s what she smells like. Don’t ask me this again. Fuck you.
-Laufey: Tree. :)
-Njörðr’s unnamed sister-wife: The nursing home.
-Lofn: Shitty rose flavored Turkish delight that I got from one of those generic ass Marshall’s stores that white moms really seem to like. It was only slightly better than the lemon one.
-Forseti: That incense they use at Catholic Churches. I don’t know why, he just does.
-Hermóðr: Sweat and various other body fluids, as well as traces of whatever menial task Óðinn last assigned to him.
-Ullr: Tobacco. On his breath. Staining his beard. It’s horrible.
-Sól: Orange juice and sunscreen.
-Máni: Grape scented for unclear reasons. Probably nefarious ones.
-Bragi: Bragi smells like a disappointment of a child. His siblings are Þórr, Baldr and Týr and he’s just there with his stupid poetry and shit. He smells like those stupid Yankee Candle candles that never actually smell like what’s on the label. When I see “tropical seabreeze” on a label, I don’t expect it to smell like dishwashing liquid, but it always does. Bragi is tropical seabreeze candles. Bragi is dishwashing liquid.
-Angrboða: Plums.
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mochie85 · 2 years
1K Celebration Masterlist | One-Shots Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki comes to Stuttgart to take over, his plans get side- tracked when he runs into you. A/N: Part of my 1k Celebration. I combined two requests for this. This one from a while back requesting Stuttgart Loki. And this one requesting a fic featuring the song Rein Raus. Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 2.8K Warnings: Angst, Smut, Coercion, Fingering
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This was the most tedious party yet this year. “Straighten up. Don’t slouch!” Your mother whispered to you under her breath. You glared at her under your lashes. She doubled down on her threat and you proceeded to straighten your posture and pull your shoulders back. “And would it kill you to smile?” she said as she fixed one on her face.
“Yes. Yes, it would. My soul would leave me and my body will become an empty shell of flesh and bone.” You huffed. Your mother’s plastic smile was still transfixed on her face. She was trying to fight the urge to break down and slap you across the cheek. “Maybe then you would like me better.”
“Yes. Maybe I would. At least you wouldn’t be able to talk back.” She gestured to a waiter walking towards her. Losing all resolve she grabbed a flute of champagne from the tray.
“Dear. Maybe you should stay away from the sauce tonight.” Your father said to her. She took a broken breath in and swallowed the gulp she had in her mouth. “Don’t embarrass yourself again like you did last time.” He said under his breath.
God, your parents were the worst! You rolled your eyes at your dad’s statement. Your whole life had been an endless circle of who was going to get the better of whom. Your mom would berate you, but your dad would go after her. And you…well, you always reminded your dad that you were never the boy that he wanted. The boy that he could entrust to leave his fortune to when the time comes and take up the family business.
Little did he know that you had already started a rival company right under his nose. Taking most of his clients away from him and hiring most of the female staffers who quit because of the toxic environment your father had created.
You were close to graduating with your Master’s in business and global communications. As soon as your parents were done paying off your tuition. You would buy your father’s company outright and merge it with yours. He will soon remember your face as the head CEO of the company that bought him out. Your company! Global Hearth Inc. Serves him right.
“Keep an eye out.” Your father said to both you and your mother. “I heard the CEO of that blasted company, Global Hearth, would be here tonight.”
“Do you even know what he looks like?” your mother asked.
“Of course, I know what he looks like! I know everybody.” You closed your eyes and tried not to let your mirth betray you at your father’s own self-worth. Oh! If he only knew how true that statement was. “Maybe you can make yourself useful and cozy up to him.” He said to you. You narrowed your eyes at him. “If you marry him, maybe I can convince him to stop buying pieces of my company left and right.” Your face finally gave way to shock at your father’s suggestion. “Hell, maybe I’ll even take his company from him while he plays house with you.” He chuckled to himself.
Did he just offer me up like cattle? To someone he’s never even met before? That was your last nerve. You didn’t care how many more months were left in your graduating year. You were going to move out tonight and scrape by on the savings you had.
Global Hearth had steady growth and healthy projections. You weren’t going to sit by any longer as this man plays games with your life.
You were just about to turn around and leave when your father excitedly huffed, “Here he comes. That has to be him. I’ve never recognized him before.”
“I thought you said you knew what he looked like?” your mother retorted. He just gave her a look like she was going to pay for that little quip later.
Your eyes turned to the man whom your father thought was good enough to be the head of the company eating away at his profits. He descended the staircase with grace and fluidity that would make anyone question if he stemmed from royalty.
He was lean and tall. His black suit was impeccable with a splash of color from the expensive scarf around his neck.  He walked with a cane which you found odd, especially because it seemed like he had no trouble walking. A show of wealth and opulence then.
Everything about him exuded arrogance. His stride, his demeanor. The way his cheekbones carried the beautiful green eyes that could pierce through your soul.
As if he picked you out of the crowd, he held your stare and gave you a slight smirk. You watched his eyes devour you as his stare continued to go lower. Caressing your curves, painting your blush, holding onto your heart to squeeze it and make it stop beating.
“Tonight might not be a complete loss,” your father whispered to your mother as he contrived a plan in his head for your union.
That statement alone brought you out of the trance you found yourself in. You would not be his pawn any longer and you certainly would not be married to some stranger whom your father just wanted to take advantage of.
“Excuse me,” you said walking in the other direction.
“Where do you think you’re going?” your father commanded, grabbing your arm to stay put. You wrestled your arm away from him, threatening to cause a scene.
“I’m going to the powder room.” You gritted between your teeth.
“Wonderful idea. Go make yourself pretty for your future husband.” He said with a cloyingly sick smile on his face. As soon as you made it out of the grand room, you took out your phone and asked the valet to hail a taxi. There was no way you were staying here any longer. You needed to go home, pack the most important items you have, and live in your office till you can find an apartment for yourself.
You stood in the taxi queue, hoping that your parents hadn’t gone searching for you when screams and yells erupted from inside the museum. People were running and tripping over each other trying to make their way outside. What is going on now?
Out of the crowd, a flash of gold and green caught your eye. It was the man from earlier. His stride was slow and deliberate, as his suit gave way to leather and gold.  The crowd gave him a wide berth as chaos ensued. You saw him attack an oncoming police car with his staff. The car flipped over, barricading all other oncoming traffic.
You ran.
You ran as fast as your heels could carry you. You pushed your way through the crowd, fleetingly wondering if your parents were among them. You ran straight into the back of someone, accidentally pushing them forward. They stopped as an image of the man materialized in front of you, all around you.
“Kneel before me,” he said. His voice was calm and smooth like velvet. People were running around like rats trying to escape his maniacal presence.
“I said, KNEEL!” He brandished his staff onto the pavement and the people stopped and stared. One by one, everyone got down on their knees, fearful of the man who could wield such power.
“Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. It’s your identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.”
His words rang in the very fiber of your bones. The anger that was triggered within you from having your freedom robbed from you. You were so close to attaining your liberty, your independence. You did not get this courage only to give it up to another who seems hell-bent on dominating you.
“Not to men like you,” you growled. Your anger lifting you from your knees to stand up to him. You’ve had enough of men like him. Like your father- who thinks they can rule you and think you’re worthless. Only good for controlling.
His smirk from earlier came back as he recognized you. His gaze lingering down your frame, “There are no men like me.”
“There are always men like you,” you said shaking your head.
“Let her be an example,” he said to the crowd, pointing his staff towards you. What you failed to see was his clone right behind you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to his body. Up until now, the clones had only looked like images.  A mirage to keep everyone in line. But you could feel the chill on his skin. His solid build was a wall that towered over you. He leaned down and whispered menacingly in your ear, “You will kneel before me and you will not only enjoy it, but you will beg for my attention, pet.”
He enveloped you in a cloud of smoke and a flash of gold. And when the smoke dissipated, you were transported to another place entirely.
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You were in a dark room. You noted the black furnishing with the dark windows open to the night sky outside. The entire room looked like it was carved out of black marble with gold edging and veins flowing through their cracks. “Where are we?” You asked looking around. “Who are you?”
Ignoring your questions, he came up to you slowly and circled your frame, making you tremble.
“I saw you earlier. At the party. Why did you leave so soon? We could’ve had a wonderful evening together.” He held your chin with his curled finger and admired your beauty. “So tough. So independent. But I see fear in your eyes. You don’t need to fear me, pet. I can make all your dreams come true,” he whispered.
You were lost in the haze of his eyes. Dark swirls of promises and images flitted through your thoughts. An image of you buying your father’s company from under him. You signed a contract as he weeps in the corner. Another image of you content, living in a penthouse apartment in Berlin, looking out the window on a rainy day.
Then, a final image of you bent on all fours, as this madman takes you from behind. His dark curls stuck to his sweat-bidden face as he rides you mercilessly. “Deeper,” you moaned as he whispers close in your ear, “Say it. Say my name out loud.” You screamed out your pleasure as the man finds his pleasure within you.
“S-stop! Who are you?” you demanded.
“I am Loki. Prince of Asgard. God of Mischief.” He said proudly. He watched your eyes widen with trepidation.
Loki saw it all. Your drive. Your ambition. Your lust. You were stifled by an unsupportive mother and an overbearing father. “You started off so meek, and humble. Where did you get your ambition from? It wasn’t from your parents. No! You had to learn it yourself, didn’t you? You had something to prove when your father told you ‘NO.’” She would do great by my side. With her ambition and knowledge of Midgard, she will be a worthy ally.
Loki secretly materialized his staff in his hand. With your attention occupied by his eyes, he pointed his staff at your heart. In a flash of blue light, your eyes changed to that of one of his willing servants. You winced at the internal struggle happening inside you.
“Just relax pet,” he chuckled. “You’re so strong-willed,” he said as he circled you, his fingers tracing your collarbone. He kissed your bare shoulder from behind you, “I wonder how long it will take for me to break that?”
His kiss sent a wave of heat down your body, pooling into your most delicate skin in between your legs. You tried to hide the small whimper that came out unbidden.
Loki only laughed at your reaction. “I have barely begun and you’re already moaning under my duress. I like this.” He said circling back around to face you.
He kissed you. Hard. His merciless lips crashed into yours and your traitorous body opened up to him. He dropped his staff onto the floor making a loud crash and wrapped his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. He was firm and tall. The cold leather of his armor made you shiver in his arms.
His hands caressed you, as his lips explored your jaw and your neck. “You’re so warm, my dear. It’s been so long since I’ve held another,” he whispered on your neck.
“No. Please. I’ve worked so hard.” You whimpered. Loki only chuckled.
“You are in the hands of a nefarious maniac, and you plead for your accomplishments rather than your well-being?” Your body was rigid. You heaved and jerked trying to fight the invisible bonds capturing your mind.
“Please,” you whispered.
“All right. But only because I like hearing you beg.” And just like that, the bonds that held you fell off. Your mind was clear and your body free. “I will take you back to your life. The life where your father belittled you and your mother scorned you. You can scrimp and fight your way to the top. Fight off your adversaries in this new world that I will undoubtedly take over.”
Hope grew in your chest. You brought your steps closer to him, waiting for him to whisk you back to your life. Your lonely life. Filled with nothing but anger and retribution against your parents. Against the life you grew to despise. Is that what you really want?
“Is that what you want?” he reiterated aloud. Could he read my mind? You looked up at him. His dark sunken eyes drink in your uncertainty. “Or remain here with me. I will make sure you get everything you desire. Every revenge and comeback your little heart so desperately aches for,” he beguiled. “All you would have to do…is kneel before me.”
“Wh-what are you going to do with me?” You stuttered.
“Submit to me, darling,” he sighed stepping closer and closer to you.
“But my work. My busine…” you started rambling. Loki stood close to you. Towering over your frame with his sharp helmet and devious smile. He ran his nose down your cheek. The tingling sensation of his cold skin raises goosebumps in its wake.
“Kneel. And I will make all your dreams come true.” He whispered so low the only other thing you were able to hear was your own heartbeat. He came around behind you and wrapped his arms to your front. His wandering hands slid on your silk dress.
The moment he saw you in this dress, when he descended the stairs, he knew he had to have you. Your defiant spirit outside the museum sealed your fate.
You relaxed back into his tall frame, relishing in his demanding touch and his fleeting kisses on your face. You wanted more. More of this feeling. This connection. But the strong-willed ideals in you were trying to win over. You turned your head away questioning your struggle. Why are you struggling? Just leave.
But you couldn’t. Loki bunched up your dress, slowly. His deft fingers slid against your wet heat, enticing you to stay. His cold kiss had warmed up and was now latched onto your neck, making you moan.
Loki saw how hard you had to work. How a single word fueled your desire to do everything you had accomplished in life. The word ‘NO’ was the single match to light your flame to do the exact opposite. So, he gave you a semblance of a choice. The temptation to remain here and get your heart’s desire, or to go back to a life of constant battles and the word ‘NO.’
Your hands covered his, as his fingers circled your clit. He bit down on your shoulder lightly as he inserted two of his long fingers inside you. The moan that left your lips was enough to echo in the large empty space. Your body reluctantly bent over as he held onto your shoulders to stay close to him. You could feel his hard length pulsing behind you, against the fabric of your dress, seeking entrance.
“Devote yourself to me.” He growled in your ear. “Give in to these urges. Let me give you what you truly desire. What only I can grant you.” His fingers thrust slowly inside you. In and out. You could feel the delicious ache when he pulls out of you, making you squeeze harder around his digits. His free hand travels up the length of your dress and curls around your neck. Your hands follow suit gripping his wrist tightly.
The ache in your slit becomes overwhelming as your knees begin to buckle and shake. “Give it to me, darling. Surrender it to me,” he rumbled in your ear. You fell to your knees with a choked sob as your body spasms into an earth-shattering orgasm. “That’s a good girl. In the end, you will always kneel.”
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@a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @ladyofthestayingpower @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbsblr @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @starktowerrooftop @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
When I told my husband about the Loki sauces, he got very serious and said "I will get you Loki sauces" like he was embarking on a sacred quest.
He returned triumphant, of course.
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They are Just Okay™ and really I would've preferred a toy or a cup with an inappropriately placed straw
What a King!!! A sacred quest😆😆 @roruna you've got a keeper there for sure. 👑👑🤣 I feel like this restores the utter fail of @littledark11 significant other neglecting the sauces...almost.
"I ✨will✨ retrieve you the Loki sauces, my queen..." **dramatic 1000 yard stare**
Here is my new HC of your husbands thought process at this iconic moment.
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Re the quality...as with so many things, it's the symbolism, rather than the item itself innit. You've imbibed the Loki Sauce. That is kenough. 💚
@lokischambermaid @gigglingtiggerv2 @mochie85 @simplyholl @muddyorbsblr @itsybitchylittlewitchy @litaloni @acidcasualties @peachyjinx @holdmytesseract @glitchquake @skymoonandstardust
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Julian loki x reader
Warnings: none just julian being the sweetest
Authors note: this is my first time making a julian oneshot. So might and probably will be oc
Summary: oneshot in which you spend a sweet and soft evening with your boyfriend, you went with him to japan.
A speaker was blasting music in the shared apartment of you and your boyfriend. You sang along with the lyrics, it was one out of a millions voice, this one melodious voice was yours. It your version of the version blasting, you loved listening to your own voice, that how confident you were.
You chopped onions in awfully even bits, the sound of the knife hitting the board felt like it was matched with the song. You scraped the knife against the cutting board, the now cut onion bring pushed in a frying pan with layers of beef, pasta, cheese and tomato sauce. It was your version of a lasagna, yes, cooked in a frying pan, it might sound weird but its actually very delicious and you dont even close the frying pan with a glass covering. It was also one of your boyfriends favorite, congratulating him after playing against the blue lock members. The door opened to a someone you knew oh too well, but some people were with him. You stopped your activities to greet your champion, his face lit up at the sight of you, he hugged you tightly while your arms were around his neck. When you tried to back away he held you a little tighter, whispering in your ear" im sorry, i didn't tell you." You backed away booping his nose, " its fine" you said not whispering this time. " Welcome! Make yourself feel at home. Dinner should be ready in thirty minutes" you said taking off the coat of julian shoulders. They nodded, while you hang his cpat properly, you heard a small sniffing sound" you cooked your frying pan lasagna" " yup!" You cooed at your turn popping the p, walking back to the kitchen. His teammates seemed to already to like the ambiance here, you lowered the music a little. " That doesn't sound like nicki minaj, who's version is this?" One of his teammates asked" it's my version" you answered without a second thought preparing the table in advance. You took out some bris and vegetables, cutting them in even bits and placing them on the table. Right after this you took off your apron revealing a much oversized shirt, the owner, julian, recognized it. You went to you and julian shared room to get your laptop, sitting next to him at the dinning table, so you could keep an eye on the cooking dinner. He seemed to be having fun with his teammates, you were glad. Suddenly the volume of the music, the google assistant of your phone now speaking. " Youtube as sent you an important notification. Would you like for me to read it?" The robot questionned" no" you answered clearly so the robot would process your answer easily. The music went back to its original volume, your boyfriend yook hold of your phone typing the pin code quickly, all your notification popped up. He scrolled till he saw youtube, his teammates didn't care and kept talking as an occupation before he dived back in with them. He froze at the notification, you turned your gaze to him, he started smiling whispering the news into your ears. You smiled and nodded thanking him with a peck, he couldn't help but extend his smile.
He waved to the last of his teammate, after the door was closed again, his eyes laid on you. He gave you an invitation to picking you up, not verbally of course, you nodded before he effortlessly picked you up bridal style. Carrying you to your shared bedroom, he finally could have his alone time with you and snuggle into your warmth. He laid on top of you, burrying his face in your neck, enjoying the feeling of your fingers running up and down the back of his neck. He waited all day to be able to feel this welcoming warmth, even tho he liked football, you were his world so if he didn't have you welcoming him back home after a match or pratice, what was the point to going the next day. He didn't know, you were his main motivation, you whispered sweet nothings in his ear. Earning a blushing mess hiding in the crook of your neck, words of praise was one of weaknesses, you were his strength as much as you were his weakness. But he was glad either way, because he didn't love eith his mind or heart, he loved you with his soul.
His head left the crook of your neck and your gaze wondered on his even features, he left a soft and loving kiss on your lips. Soon after you both fell asleep, both in an slumber as deep as your shared love...
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freakish-goth · 9 months
Blog Introduction:
You know the rules: dni if you’re an insanely terrible person spreading hate wherever your little feet bring you.
Main Topics Include (but are not limited to):
• Middle Earth (The Hobbit, LOTR etc)
• Loki (and Mobius)
• Good Omens
• Hannibal
Other Topics Mentioned:
•Crimson Peak
•The Sandman + DBD
• Sherlock Holmes
• Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis)
•Anything else with Tom Hiddleston I guess
If you want to know about fandom stuff feel free to ask.
i talk about non fandom things sometimes and i sound a little wahoo so just ignore all of that
i make lots of posts. not all relate.
i also have zero money available to help anyone in need so i’m super super sorry about that.
very awesome sauce mutual :3 @maddieforfor (the love of my life)
playlists below (no pressure and i accept criticism)
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emeraldkays · 1 year
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐬 '𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮'
he told you the day after his birthday.
he had to work on his birthday so you couldn't spend the day together, but you knew he'd be fine as he kept going on about them having a small gathering at the compound.
but it never happened because they all forgot, resulting in him calling you later that night with yet another piece of his heart bruised.
you told him to meet you at your place tomorrow for lunch, knowing he would have to go back to work afterwards...but only over your dead body was you going to let that happen.
you barely got any sleep that night with your mind on loki, plus how early you woke up to go shopping for lunch, dinner and a few decorations.
he arrived a little after 2pm, just as you finished setting up the table.
you could tell he was surprised. he did that thing he always does where he would raise his eyebrows for half a second when he was eyeing the decorated apartment.
after you finished eating and talking, he got a message and had to go back to work but excused himself to use the bathroom.
before he went, you asked if you could borrow his phone, and of course, he wouldn't say no.
you found the message he was talking about and responded to it.
message: 'this is loki's partner. he won't be coming back to work today so i'll be switching off his phone. if there is an emergency, feel free to call me (xxx-xxxx-xxxx)'.
when he came out of the bathroom, you told him what you did and that you just put dinner on the stove, handing him a slice of his favourite comfort dessert; dark chocolate cake with a big fat dollop of whipped cream...plus chocolate shavings on top that and a little bit of chocolate sauce.
(and yes, we eat dessert at any time of the day because we're cool!)
as soon as he finished the pie, he helped you cook even though you insisted you were more than fine doing it alone.
after you finished cooking, eating and cleaning, you ended up cuddling up on the sofa in silence, just enjoying each other's company.
just as you were about to doze off you heard him call your name.
it took every inch of you to hum in response and stay awake to hear what he was going to say.
"i don't think anyone has ever made me feel this important," his thumb slowly ran back and forth on your shoulder.
you weren't exactly sure how to respond, so you just nuzzled yourself further into him.
"i love you."
you first told loki that you loved him almost a year ago, and it didn't bother you one bit that he never said it back after he explained why, the reason being because it was hard for him to open himself up to you in fear of being hurt.
you were shocked, but not because he said he loved you. it was the fact that it meant he trusted you, and that made you freeze.
it was hard not to make a big deal out of it, and you knew loki definitely wouldn't like the fuss, but you couldn't help but grin ear to ear as you looked him in the eye.
"i love you too."
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
Can I have a loki x plus size reader where he maybe gets on their computer and sees the horrible stuff the internet says about him and stuff? And she shows him the stuff her social media says about her for being bigger? and he ends up breaking the computer?
Sure sweetheart! Great concept!
People look for things to hate | Loki x Plus!Size Reader
Summary: You and Loki have a lot more in common than you thought
Cw: Mean comments, overall haters on the internet, angst, comfort, fluff
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It was past 1 pm when you were cooking in your apartment, Loki had come to spend time with you away from his clingy brother and to get some stress out of his system, and a visit to your place always came in handy, when he saw you, no matter what he would instantly be happy, his day would become better
But due to the curiosity in him, he had to go into your open laptop at your room, seeing you were on Instagram having just posted a picture of you two, he found it so cute that you always posted pictures with him
But when he opened the comments he didn't expect what he saw
Why are you dating Loki? He killed people
Put a trigger warning for Loki pls some people have trauma with him
Ugh I'm unfollowing you, Loki is my trauma causer
Okay but why Loki? Thor was right there
Loki really? Girl you could do so much better
"Honey lunch is ready! I made lasagna just for us, you could take some for Thor- what are you doing hun?" You asked seeing him frozen in front of your laptop
"People... They... They hate me..."
You walked over and saw what he was talking about, mean comments about him on your latest post
"Oh honey no, don't look at that, people are mean these days"
"They're right... You could do so much better..." He felt like crying
You sighed, going on his Instagram now, under a post with you and showing him the comments
Ew that's literally a grease bag
Loki you're so handsome you can get someone even better than that
Y/n is so fat it hurts to see
Loki please leave her sweetie she will break your bones with her weight
He didn't say anything, you sat on his lap, knowing that he could carry your weight and even more
"Loki honey... Listen to me, people look for things to hate... While on my account people hate you, on your's people hate me... We can never apply to everyone, there's always someone who will be offended or won't like something and they say things like that... People on the internet are really bold and don't care about other's feelings..." You kisses his cheek making him look at you "What matters is that we love each other... Okay?"
He nodded "Yes dear, you're right, I will always love you, no matter what you look like, I always will find you attractive"
You smiled kissing his lips now "Let's go eat honey, the lasagna has 3 sauces, chicken, meat and cheese" he rolled his eyes back
"Gosh that sounds heavenly"
You giggled dragging him to the kitchen
Omg you guys are the cutest! I love you guys together!
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