#lol crisscolfer
ranwing · 2 years
Hey! Just came across your post about TW being a clusterfuck and I 100% agree with everything you said. Also remember you from waaaay back on the lol-darren posts and wanted to tell you that your takes are still awesome!
Isn't it funny that DCriss and Jensen were lauded for being ~the best thing ever! for so long and they totally believed in their own hype? Just a random thought in my head. But honestly I hope Jensen wakes up from this ego drunken binge he's been having...if only because Jared still seems to value their friendship. If not, well. I don't see how screaming into mics in the guise of a concert and making petty, snide remarks is gonna help him.
Glad that my DCriss stuff hasn't been forgotten! You're right that it's kind of the same thing as we have with Jensen. Two moderately talented men who got lauded well beyond their actual abilities and believe that they're the Gods gifts to the acting world and have fanbases that run roughshod over everyone else. While I always had a limited tolerance for DC (and grew to really detest him long before Glee ended), I used to really like Jensen. But the past few years have been really unfortunate. I think that it came as a real shock to him that when SPN ended that the job offers he was expecting weren't as forthcoming (and he didn't have a Ryan Murphy-type sugar daddy the way DC did). When Jared announced Walker, I'm sure that really hit Jensen right in his ego. After so many years of being treated by a segment of the SPN fandom that he was the more important/talented/handsome of the J2 team, seeing his costar racing ahead to a new job would not have sat well.
And both have fans that are... extra in the worst way possible. Like DCs fans (and the CrissColfer/Klaine fans who always treated Darren as the more important of the pairings), the AAs have done their best to make the SPN fandom a pretty toxic environment. You can't compliment Jared or criticize Jensen without being jumped all over. And don't get me started about the Misha/Destial fans. Ugh...
I do hope that Jensen will wake up because his behavior since SPN ended has really tarnished my image of him.
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angelhummel · 2 years
avclub(.)com/glee-controversies-new-docuseries-discovery-id-1849649481 so um... how do we feel about this
We don't lol
I still just feel like there are some things we're never gonna know and we're gonna have to be okay with that. I can't see the thing being TOO juicy. Like, I don't believe that the people with the most tea to spill are going to be too heavily involved. And I'm sure everyone that IS involved has something they don't want dug up, so they aren't gonna be too eager to throw the dirt at someone else first
Unless we find out Achele and Crisscolfer were real, then somebody come get me
Anyway, I'm not like chomping at the bit to watch it lol
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sillyname30 · 1 year
Yeah they were in London when it was scorching hot heatwave! So both Chris and Darren live in LA but have to travel to Europe to see each other (with wife and baby and Amber also there). Ah-ha, very likely.
Amber, Mia and Bluesy are of course a distraction for the stupid people who don't believe in CrissColfer. lol.
And you would think in 13 years someone would have been able to make a pic of Chris and Darren.
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wendlala · 2 years
Imagine still shipping crisscolfer in 2022 /s
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unhappyending · 4 years
i think my biggest flex is getting blocked by @/hdtcc the sequel without even having to do anything
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mayiayi · 5 years
Hi. this is something I’ve wanted to say for the past three years but have not been able to because I wasn’t sure how people would take it. This fandom is kind of dead, the one I’m about to talk about. But this post is essentially an apology. An apology to Darren and Chris specifically. I do not feel comfortable with how I posted about their S.O years ago. I acted like I knew them personally and so on. As I grew up I’ve also learned about growth and just minding my own business. If I ship, I’ll ship. But there is no need to “claim” the rotors that may not even be true even though I felt they were true at the time. As for liking someone, I feel I don’t necessarily have to like someone but to just be kind. Kindness is key. Looking back, I was really toxic and though I never truly said bad things about either parties, I’ve said hurtful things about their S.Os and would be okay with others doing so. That was gross and not okay. I am ashamed. A person is a person and regardless of who they are, everyone needs to be treated with respect. Unless of course they offend you or anyone you love, then I think it’s okay to clap back. It’s 2020. Let’s spread love and not hate. Something I wish I would’ve followed when I was 15. So I’m sorry. To everyone. To the fans, to the actors. This may not be seen by anyone but it was something I wanted to write for so long. I’ve met amazing people, and I still love all of them. I can only hope we can stay friends and respect each other’s opinions and not push what “sexuality” then was down people’s throats. Ily
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yogrl335 · 5 years
Dear Abby,
I turn to you today for answers since you know so very much about sexuality. I see that Darren was wearing a sweater with pink in it and I know that for you pink and nail polish on a man are definite gay indicators. So I started looking over photos of Chris. No pink! No nail polish!! And he lives with a beard (Will) but spends an awful lot of time with a woman Ashley. He is most definitely not giving me those gay vibes. I know he has said that he was gay but how does one prove it? I think that he is secretly posing as homosexual and is really in a relationship w/ Ashley. If you look closely at their photos together you can see the heart eyes he gives her. He never looks at Will that way. Damn that Ryan Murphy!!!
I am also wondering what other colors/styles of clothing indicate your sexual preferences. I mean it is so obvious that Billy Porter is gay but what about Jessie Tyler Ferguson? His “husband “ certainly dresses in the gay fashion but he doesn’t. Or Matt Bomer? I’m so confused. Worst of all, I found myself this morning wearing colorful socks .... is it hetero to do this since I’m female?
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Would it still be OK if I was trans? And I gave my sons CHRISTMAS socks this year!!!! What have I done? Will they become gay? Or bi?? How do I break this to the women in their lives??
I honestly don’t know what I would do without your wisdom and incredible knowledge of these things. You must help me Abby wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!
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"there is too much hair on his wrist" now THIS? this is my new favorite theory. according to tinhats, Darren used a body double on at least one wedding photo because I guess having to touch Mia just got to be a bit too much. but you can't get anything past CCers cuz this dude had too much hair! best part is they were just going on about leaving the "sham" back in 2019. some of the first posts of the new year are back to obsessing over it, sadly for them.
They are obsessed with this wedding. 
“There is too much hair on his wrist ??????????” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO no I swear this is their best lie yet. Not like Darren is a hairy guy. 
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I just can’t, my God the length their brains are ready to go to not admit they’re full of shit.
Darren married Mia, Get over it CCers.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
I know some Darren fan has taken credit for given Darren that black and white Star Wars ring you posted. He wore it in the last year to one of the awards shows. Now, I can't confirm what this fan says is true, but it IS a Star Wars ring. It would be classic CC for them to claim that a ring that was gifted by a fan is actually a super-special ring symbolizing C's eternal love for D.
That’s right! I forgot that it was a Star Wars ring.  I didn't know it was a fan gift but I’m not surprised.  LOL to the ccers and their rings. 
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sht-ccshippers-say · 5 years
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You really do have to wonder when these people interpret the following as “squinted at like I’m a dog turd someone just stepped in to with their brand new shoes”...
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I am no expert on body language (unlike sooooo many of the tinhats), but I do not see glaring here. I do not see hate. I would be pretty stoked to have somebody look at me this way.
If this is what tinhats see as hate, then no wonder they are so confused by actual reality.
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whytfnottt · 5 years
The craziest thing about tinhatters isn’t that they think mia is a beard but that they think Chris and Darren are actually together
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fartoomanyfandoms97 · 6 years
How are CC shippers so fucking delusional?
You guys call yourself fans but you aren't...im not fucking sure what you guys are.
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basisforcomparison · 6 years
I can't stop looking. 
someone help me.
also the fact that any fans... ANY... CC fans, Miarren fans... if ANYONE thinks that Darren and Mia’s wedding has ANYTHING to do with fandom or if they give a flying fuck what any fan thinks ... just another sign you don’t know anything about either of them or anything about how the world works...
I REALLY want to see the “contract” that the CC fans think Darren has with Fox... or Ricky for that matter. “here sign away complete and total control of your life- oh and we’re going to force you to marry the woman you started dating well before you signed anything with us”... 
I also really want the tea on how or why people think Mia is trashy or abusive- aside from that she’s not Chris. /shrug. 
I need answers. 
(this is what happens when you’re home sick from work for 3 days... the internet rabbit holes are dark places my friends, dark places.
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OMG the melodrama happening in the insane corner of D’s “fandom” is out of control.
Seriously, you loons, NOTHING in your life is going to be different tomorrow than it is today. Because this has NOTHING to do with you.
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icedteaandoldlace · 5 years
It’s always An Experience stumbling across CCer blogs. You know, there are a few conspiracy theories that I actually buy into (looking at you, Ronan), but I don’t poke my nose into them and overanalyze every little detail, much less devote an entire blog to “proving” them. My world will not end if something I believe to be true is never confirmed, or if it’s proven to be false. Now, it’s glaringly obvious to me that Chris and Darren are not and have never been a couple, but even if it was plausible that they were in love, you could believe that without obsessing over it and insisting that it’s a fact. I just don’t get how people can get so invested in someone else’s personal life that they would devote that much energy to proving the existence of a relationship that anyone with a brain can see isn’t real.
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spacelyspace · 6 years
Looks like I gotta say it again
If anyone who follows me truly believes that Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira, or that Darren criss and Chris Colfer, are dating or secretly married/dating, or want to be together but are waiting on some other convoluted conspiracy type thing to be resolved before they can let their non existent love shine, or really that any actors are secretly dating and are being kept apart by their contracts, significant others, Or some other stupid frickin reason. Please unfollow and block me.
I’m not gonna engage with any of you type people cause I can’t fight crazy. And while sometimes the people who believe these theories aren’t crazy, they themselves are also engaging with the crazy and letting themselves get sucked in. I don’t want a part of it and I don’t want to see it. So unfollow and block. Do it now.
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