#lolirock Gramorr
sozzledjuja · 2 months
Mephisto & Praxina - A Relationship Analysis
Because part of me wishes that the twins' dynamic had been more explored in the show, while Mephisto was still "alive".
There are honestly so many scenes, especially in season 2, where you could feel the main underlying issues between them, but they were never actually adressed or explored.
Also, feel free to add your own thoughts, maybe stuff that I missed, or things you disagree with as well.
Let's start with this scene, from Cute As A Doll, which I'm surprised not more people are talking about:
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So, Praxina gets hurt by Auriana's blast, and Mephisto immediately stops his chase for Iris to teleport next to his sister, to make sure she's alright.
Aaaaanddd- she yells at him for caring/worrying, telling him to just go after Iris.
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LOOK AT HIS FACE BRO. Homeboy was truly worried, but then immediately gets back in the game.
It's easy to just look at the dismissive and "careless" way in which Praxina treats Mephisto most of the time, and rule her off as "heartless". However, this sentiment seems to also be present when HE tries to "connect" or worries about her.
We see this again in Forget You:
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She sees attachments and emotions as a sign of weakness and vulnerability, and clearly doesn't allow herself to feel it and lashes out whenever her brother does.
This refusal to accept love and affection is usually born out of an inherent lack of trust in people. It comes from a place of fear. She seems to prefer to remain impartial and formal as much as possible, regardless of how much her brother (or anyone else, for the matter) wishes to get close to her.
When it comes to other people, I believe she simply doesn't trust that the gestures of affection are real/genuine.
Good!Praxina, in Forget You I believe, was less of a "possibly redeemed" Praxina and more of a "blank page" Praxina, as in, what she would've been like had none of the Gramorr or the other bad stuff happened.
Still, let's not forget that Good!Praxina still clearly had some concerning instincts, so some of her less pleasant characteristics like her destructive behavior, lack of empathy, difficulty accepting affection and praise, and connecting with people, were probably already there since the beggining.
Iris said it herself:
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Remember, Good!Praxina still didn't like the idea of helping people when the girls first tried to teach her how to be a good person; Only AFTER being exposed to good influences did she actually begin to redirect her energy torwards "good" goals, and I think this proves that, in a different, more positive enviromnent, she would've definetly turned out differently.
But, alas- she didn't, so here I am, writing this big ass psychological assessment. Which is mostly her fault.
Also Mephisto clearly has some issues of his own when it comes to how his sister treats him (which, let's be honest, while I wouldn't call it abusive, she definetly isn't an easy person to care about).
Also the fact that she seems to think he's incapable of doing anything right definetly bothers him more than he lets on.
It's easy to laugh these moments off but there's definetly something much deeper going on.
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And again
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And again. and this one was fucked up
And in many other times.
Oh- and the fact that she always blames him for everything. Which is another one of Praxina's biggest flaws: an inability to admit fault or take any sort of accountibility. Aaand shifting the blame.
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Which he knows, and this is clearly something that he takes and takes, until he snaps.
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This moment in If You Can't Beat Them was also really telling on how he actually feels about how his sister never actually shows any appreciation for his contributions, and seems to think he's weaker and less capable of reason as she is.
I genuinely do not know what goes through Praxina's brain to make her do this. I don't know wether she actually genuinely believes he's stupid and fucks everything up or not.
And Gramorr, although he doesn't outright show much preference for Praxina in spite of Mephisto, seems to share the sentiment, given that he appears to be slightly less patient/harsher towards him than his sister.
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What I can say is that Praxina definetly believes that he is the weakest link between them (which might seem like it's true at first glance, but I wouldn't be so sure as to state it), which, given the previous statement, might also be a result of Gramorr himself thinking/saying it, since they've probably been training under his wing for quite a long time, which would make her (and Mephisto) easily influenced by his opinion, as an authority figure.
And he might pretend it doesn't effect him, but we all know that deep down it does, and that he's kinda insecure despite all his bravado.
I think Mephisto's always been more sensitive and more "emotionally-inclined" than his sister, even before Gramorr. I believe that both twins have the potential to be good, but Mephisto is definetly more "hardwired" for it than Praxina.
And we already know what she thinks about that: emotion=weakness.
And part of her wants to keep reminding him she's better too. The girl's got a big ego to stroke.
Mephisto also seems to have more morals than his sister.
We can see that throughout the show he's helped the princesses sometimes: Iris, with whom he teamed up with to save his sister in If You Can't Beat Them, in which he even told her he'd be honored to serve her as queen of Ephidea, had circunstances been different, which I truly believe he meant;
And Carissa, in Statue Game, who he ALSO teamed up with to save his sister, and who, let's not forget, he gave the other evil amulet back to, so that the princesses could reverse the spell that turned that human girl into stone.
And when Gramorr got the last gem, Mephisto seemed to actually be horrified by what was happenning.
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He clearly wasn't totally fine with enslaving the entire planet.
Praxina, on the other hand, seemed pretty okay with it.
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Ecstatic even.
She's relishing in what's happening, that's what she wants. To bend other to her will, to be feared rather than loved, to have power over others.
Maybe not what she needs, but what she WANTS.
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Mephisto realizing that is GOLD from a storytelling prespective.
I feel like he looked at her in hopes she'd be as concerned as he was, that they were on the same page about the situation, only to find her- well, laughing. I joked about this being his "oh shit, these people are actually evil" moment, but I think part of him was only surprised with Praxina. Maybe he hadn't realized just how far this "lifestyle" had actually shaped his sister.
We know for sure that Mephisto has higher levels of empathy than Praxina. And common sense. This is why I always disagree when people say that Praxina is smarter than Mephisto. She might be more "logical" and "rational", but neither of those things equate to cleverness. Mephisto seems to be more astute and more intuitive.
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Him starting to realize Gramorr was probably not gonna give them shit is a great example of this.
Which Praxina did NOT even think about. She was on a high, thinking about all the power they were gonna have now that Gramorr was free and back in action. Miss girl, you are delusional.
Honestly Praxina's fatal flaws deserve their own separate post.
Because let's be clear: I'm trying to debunk all of the twin's relationship issues, and everytime, it's clear who's actually responsible for everything going badly in the emotional realm.
I love her but she IS the problem. Not saying Mephisto is a poor innocent baby who never did anything wrong his whole life (I'm looking at you, lolirock fandom). He definetly has a lot of flaws and bad traits himself, but he's not the one to blame for anything regarding his and his sister's relationship.
To conclude,
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THIS is normal sibling behaviour.
All the rest I showed above this SHOULD. NOT. BE.
This is not me saying they have a bad relationship, but I am saying that they don't have a fantastic one either.
Also, I blame dark magic too. The Team has confirmed it makes them more irritable, so there's that too.
They really care about each other, and I don't doubt that BOTH of them would do anything to keep the other safe. But they got lots of unspoken stuff to talk about.
And are both in desperate need of therapy
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holymilky · 4 months
Soooo first things first
I have exams and till now I've had little time for art unfortunately...
And I've been playing Limbus Company , so this is an au I've had in my mind since damn february.
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Colouring is NOT my forte! For Iris the demon possessed me and for Talia i was in utter pain colouring
Now, to do some explaining because i must be the only person at the intersection of PMverse and Lolirock
Fixers are mercenaries for hire except for when they're not and either work in groups or alone
the biggest groups are called associations and there are like 12 of em each w/ their own speciality
Shi Association specializes in assasionation
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Zwei Assoc. specialises in protection , they're bodyguards w/ a twist in that the way they offer protection is discreet, they disguise themselves as civilians n either walk around or sit at a distance and intervene when necessary
That's why i chose the twins n Gramorr for Zwei lol
For this au Grams is not evil just a grumpy old man who's also a smoke war vet (n that's where he lost his arm n screwed his face so that's why he keeps the mask)
As for the drawing, colouring is pain and zwei uniform is annoying so i gave up halfway through 😔
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story here is that the twins r assigned to protect this guy n Iris's job is to assassinate said guy
really scuffed but i just wanted to get these ideas out of me so i can study without being pestered by the voices in my head
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Lev is ofc their annoying coworker
(in the last one he kinda looks like Light Yagami but I can't be bothered 😭)
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And last but not least here's Nathaniel
Seven specializes in espionage but a chunk of their employees also run a café part-time
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And some vanilla stuff cause i don't have where else to shove it
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lolirockenjoyer · 4 months
Lolirock season 3 MUST HAVE (in my opinion)
1. More Lyna, Carissa, Izira, Jodan and Lev (if he's alive)
I would like to see them helping the princesses and I hope will know about Calix/Borealis and Lyna and Carissa family more
It's a thing which every lolirock fan want so I have to add it. Sorry but I can't imagine lolirock without Mephisto and I can't imagine season 3 without happy ending. If it turns out he's really dead I will be so fucking dissappointed
3. Auriana and Talia parents
We saw picture of Auriana's parents but WHAT'S WITH TALIA'S PARENTS??
4. Natahaniel will find out about Iris, Talia, Auriana origin and about Ephedia
I honestly can't believe it won't happen. I mean it's actually impossible because if Iris wants to save Nathaniel, she has to tell him. Btw I really hope the princesses will escape with Nathaniel on Ephedia and the rest of the season will be there
5. The princesses will try to stop or help Praxina
I know, they don't have to do it but I can realize like Iris truly wants to help her or "fix her" (we literally see that in 'forget you'). I have a lot of potencial endings for s3 and the vision of princesses kill Praxina or smth like that is tragic for me. Please give her a redemption, give e24s2 meaning in the show😭
6. WHO TF IS BANES??? (And Zanavian)
He's not just a tiger and everybody knows that
7. New songs, maybe new characters
I'm pretty sure we will get some new songs but Idk if budget let team give us some new characters but I'm just telling it would be cool and it will show that is something new yk
RAAAAAAAH I WAIT FOR IT. I'm also sure it will be show because teamlolirock said that in one of their post on tumblr. I want to know who they are, where they live, who their parents were and why they worked with Gramorr. I also would adore the twins parents canon picture or anything like that
9. Praxina angst
I NEED A LOT OF ANGST. I need to see Praxina's suffering and deterioration of mental condition. I love her so much, she and her brother are my favorite character I just love angst so much
10. If Mephisto surivive I want some cute moment between twins, we just didn't get a lot of them :((
11. Gramorr's backstory
I need it more than my life. He's so interesting character tbh I want to know why and how he started with black crystal
12. I would like to see one (or even both) of the twins ends up with one of the princesses (no, I didn't mean Auristo and Praxalia, why?)
They had common past and you can't prove me wrong
14. Explaining Morgaine and Gramorr relationship
I will DIE without it
15. And The most important. I know it's kids cartoon but lolirockers grew up for years and I hope it will be more umm mature? If you know what I mean
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xielianslver · 3 months
If Praxina at the end of season 3 doesn't get a redemption arc and become part of the group (+ a backstory for her and Mephisto) I'm going to fight someone.
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ghost-missy · 3 months
Dark! 'Father' Gramorr x Young Princess! Reader
Young Princess! Reader: *in her tower/bedroom* Dark! 'Father' Gramorr: My dear daughter, what are you doing? Young Princess! Reader: *Making a blanket fort* Making a blanket fort! Dark! 'Father' Gramorr: Allright? Young Princess! Reader: You wanna join? Papa? Dark! 'Father' Gramorr: *Joins in with making a blanket fort* One hour later Mephisto and Praxina walks in to see Young Princess! Reader and Dark! 'Father' Gramorr having a tea party in the blanket fort
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blackcrystalbride · 3 months
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The Black Crystal Bride [61-63]
Late night visit
Read The Black Crystal Bride on ComicFury! Also available on Webtoons!
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iamelflink · 2 months
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hey chat,,, i give yall the evil gang ovr here 😔‼️‼️
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lolirockconfessions · 5 months
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"Its so funny and great how willing the twins are to overthrow graymorw when they get a chance"
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anisandwalker · 1 month
Gramorr's theme but it's from an epic dark fantasy game
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Morgaine & Gramorr
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sozzledjuja · 4 months
some food for thought
something i haven't seen anyone talk about is that one scene with Gramorr and the twins in the beggining of Crowning Glory Pt 1
look at this
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this goes along with my theory that Banes, at this point, was already calculating an alternative "puppet" in case Gramorr ended up being defeated.
also not to be dramatic or read too much into stuff, again this is purely speculative but-
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ahem- surely Banes couldn't have had anything to do with what happened to Mephisto, could he?
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holymilky · 8 days
ok so
been not daijobu the entire summer and the fact that i animate once in a blue moon resulted in 1 m and 7 s being too much for me
its been one month and a half since i started this and i thought its about time i accept the L and just post these 30 seconds i have
the audio is from the famous shadow the hedgehog fandub by SnapCube on yt
i feel like i approached this wrong, maybe some other time i'll complete it...
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blackcrystalbride · 2 months
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Apologies that this isn't an update, but it is still related to a future update >:)
What color palette for this concept outfit for gramorr in Black Crystal Bride is your favorite? I think I already have one, but I would like to know your thoughts!
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pearljoy537 · 1 year
Is it just me, or is Gramorr attractive ♡♡♡.
I meen look at him, he's a cat dad has long hair and his outfit ☆.
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Bouns cute but deadly earth banes.
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kittykattaffy · 1 month
LoliRock Dream
I dreamed that I was in some inky black place that had no gravity and looked like it never ended anywhere. Gramorr was there. It was a video game-like tutorial. He explained to me how to summon some kind of weird looking meat thing called a bronto bite and how to attack with it. He stated that there was a ten percent chance of it becoming stone when I summoned it. I could only summon one piece at a time. They would disappear after one hit. He let me beat him a bit in the tutorial before I got into the real part. In the real part, I was beating him up in a forest with the meat. He didn't use any spells and just kept trying to run away and cover his skull so I couldn't kill him. He just kept begging me to stop. The dream ended with no real resolution.
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Today’s character of the day is: Gramorr aka the Grand Wizard of Chaos
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