sozzledjuja · 2 months
Mephisto & Praxina - A Relationship Analysis
Because part of me wishes that the twins' dynamic had been more explored in the show, while Mephisto was still "alive".
There are honestly so many scenes, especially in season 2, where you could feel the main underlying issues between them, but they were never actually adressed or explored.
Also, feel free to add your own thoughts, maybe stuff that I missed, or things you disagree with as well.
Let's start with this scene, from Cute As A Doll, which I'm surprised not more people are talking about:
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So, Praxina gets hurt by Auriana's blast, and Mephisto immediately stops his chase for Iris to teleport next to his sister, to make sure she's alright.
Aaaaanddd- she yells at him for caring/worrying, telling him to just go after Iris.
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LOOK AT HIS FACE BRO. Homeboy was truly worried, but then immediately gets back in the game.
It's easy to just look at the dismissive and "careless" way in which Praxina treats Mephisto most of the time, and rule her off as "heartless". However, this sentiment seems to also be present when HE tries to "connect" or worries about her.
We see this again in Forget You:
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She sees attachments and emotions as a sign of weakness and vulnerability, and clearly doesn't allow herself to feel it and lashes out whenever her brother does.
This refusal to accept love and affection is usually born out of an inherent lack of trust in people. It comes from a place of fear. She seems to prefer to remain impartial and formal as much as possible, regardless of how much her brother (or anyone else, for the matter) wishes to get close to her.
When it comes to other people, I believe she simply doesn't trust that the gestures of affection are real/genuine.
Good!Praxina, in Forget You I believe, was less of a "possibly redeemed" Praxina and more of a "blank page" Praxina, as in, what she would've been like had none of the Gramorr or the other bad stuff happened.
Still, let's not forget that Good!Praxina still clearly had some concerning instincts, so some of her less pleasant characteristics like her destructive behavior, lack of empathy, difficulty accepting affection and praise, and connecting with people, were probably already there since the beggining.
Iris said it herself:
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Remember, Good!Praxina still didn't like the idea of helping people when the girls first tried to teach her how to be a good person; Only AFTER being exposed to good influences did she actually begin to redirect her energy torwards "good" goals, and I think this proves that, in a different, more positive enviromnent, she would've definetly turned out differently.
But, alas- she didn't, so here I am, writing this big ass psychological assessment. Which is mostly her fault.
Also Mephisto clearly has some issues of his own when it comes to how his sister treats him (which, let's be honest, while I wouldn't call it abusive, she definetly isn't an easy person to care about).
Also the fact that she seems to think he's incapable of doing anything right definetly bothers him more than he lets on.
It's easy to laugh these moments off but there's definetly something much deeper going on.
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And again
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And again. and this one was fucked up
And in many other times.
Oh- and the fact that she always blames him for everything. Which is another one of Praxina's biggest flaws: an inability to admit fault or take any sort of accountibility. Aaand shifting the blame.
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Which he knows, and this is clearly something that he takes and takes, until he snaps.
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This moment in If You Can't Beat Them was also really telling on how he actually feels about how his sister never actually shows any appreciation for his contributions, and seems to think he's weaker and less capable of reason as she is.
I genuinely do not know what goes through Praxina's brain to make her do this. I don't know wether she actually genuinely believes he's stupid and fucks everything up or not.
And Gramorr, although he doesn't outright show much preference for Praxina in spite of Mephisto, seems to share the sentiment, given that he appears to be slightly less patient/harsher towards him than his sister.
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What I can say is that Praxina definetly believes that he is the weakest link between them (which might seem like it's true at first glance, but I wouldn't be so sure as to state it), which, given the previous statement, might also be a result of Gramorr himself thinking/saying it, since they've probably been training under his wing for quite a long time, which would make her (and Mephisto) easily influenced by his opinion, as an authority figure.
And he might pretend it doesn't effect him, but we all know that deep down it does, and that he's kinda insecure despite all his bravado.
I think Mephisto's always been more sensitive and more "emotionally-inclined" than his sister, even before Gramorr. I believe that both twins have the potential to be good, but Mephisto is definetly more "hardwired" for it than Praxina.
And we already know what she thinks about that: emotion=weakness.
And part of her wants to keep reminding him she's better too. The girl's got a big ego to stroke.
Mephisto also seems to have more morals than his sister.
We can see that throughout the show he's helped the princesses sometimes: Iris, with whom he teamed up with to save his sister in If You Can't Beat Them, in which he even told her he'd be honored to serve her as queen of Ephidea, had circunstances been different, which I truly believe he meant;
And Carissa, in Statue Game, who he ALSO teamed up with to save his sister, and who, let's not forget, he gave the other evil amulet back to, so that the princesses could reverse the spell that turned that human girl into stone.
And when Gramorr got the last gem, Mephisto seemed to actually be horrified by what was happenning.
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He clearly wasn't totally fine with enslaving the entire planet.
Praxina, on the other hand, seemed pretty okay with it.
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Ecstatic even.
She's relishing in what's happening, that's what she wants. To bend other to her will, to be feared rather than loved, to have power over others.
Maybe not what she needs, but what she WANTS.
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Mephisto realizing that is GOLD from a storytelling prespective.
I feel like he looked at her in hopes she'd be as concerned as he was, that they were on the same page about the situation, only to find her- well, laughing. I joked about this being his "oh shit, these people are actually evil" moment, but I think part of him was only surprised with Praxina. Maybe he hadn't realized just how far this "lifestyle" had actually shaped his sister.
We know for sure that Mephisto has higher levels of empathy than Praxina. And common sense. This is why I always disagree when people say that Praxina is smarter than Mephisto. She might be more "logical" and "rational", but neither of those things equate to cleverness. Mephisto seems to be more astute and more intuitive.
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Him starting to realize Gramorr was probably not gonna give them shit is a great example of this.
Which Praxina did NOT even think about. She was on a high, thinking about all the power they were gonna have now that Gramorr was free and back in action. Miss girl, you are delusional.
Honestly Praxina's fatal flaws deserve their own separate post.
Because let's be clear: I'm trying to debunk all of the twin's relationship issues, and everytime, it's clear who's actually responsible for everything going badly in the emotional realm.
I love her but she IS the problem. Not saying Mephisto is a poor innocent baby who never did anything wrong his whole life (I'm looking at you, lolirock fandom). He definetly has a lot of flaws and bad traits himself, but he's not the one to blame for anything regarding his and his sister's relationship.
To conclude,
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THIS is normal sibling behaviour.
All the rest I showed above this SHOULD. NOT. BE.
This is not me saying they have a bad relationship, but I am saying that they don't have a fantastic one either.
Also, I blame dark magic too. The Team has confirmed it makes them more irritable, so there's that too.
They really care about each other, and I don't doubt that BOTH of them would do anything to keep the other safe. But they got lots of unspoken stuff to talk about.
And are both in desperate need of therapy
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lolirockenjoyer · 3 months
Okay seeing him so scared makes me feel bad
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And the way he instinctively covered himself with his hands when Gramorr shouted and clenched his fist
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I've noticed Gramorr had much less patience and more outbursts of anger towards Mephisto than towards Praxina. Praxina always seemed to take her brother's place in speaking to Gramorr, correcting and explaining his every word. Maybe she wants more attention from Gramorr or she was trying to protect Mephisto from him. Or both.
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blackcrystalbride · 1 month
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The Black Crystal Bride [64-65]
First time drawing the king. 3rd panel was fun to draw for sure
Read The Black Crystal Bride on ComicFury! Also available on Webtoons!
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lovinglapislazuli · 1 month
This is how I imagine it went when Gramorr got trapped in the throneroom! I love this audio a lot for how funny it is, so a while ago I made this animatic :D
The original video seems to be lost so here's the animation that inspired me to make this:
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bluewings55 · 9 months
So I recently watched the entirety of Lolirock
And it was... Okayish
The story itself wasn't bad, but a lot of it feels very incomplete.
So let's break down a few points:
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The story itself wasn't too bad. I liked a lot of the ideas. But since this is directed to a younger audience, a lot of story plot was very predictable sadly enough.
And it didn't bother me that much that Iris was in the centerstage most of the time. Unlike later season Bloom, the creators didn't make things that aren't related to Iris about Iris. There were a few moments yes, but I never thought "wait, why is it about Iris, it's not about her!" Unlike (sadly) with Bloom in Winx where she gets the Spotlight for no reason
I do really like the transformation and animations for the princesses. Although I do feel odd about Lyna and Carrisa having different animations and songs. They look good, but since they don't have a similar transformation like Iris, Thalia and Auriana, I feel like it just says that they aren't part of the group. Which is kinda true since they are absent for 75% of the time in season 2. (Fr, where are these two the entire time?)
And I get Iris is the main character and all, but the creators make Talia and Auriana look so useless and weak for most of the time. And then Talia is able to beat their asses on her own, yet struggled to do so five minutes before.
Also Talia is the best, defo my fave from all of them.
Like her transformation? Goregous
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dark princess's
Omg, I love their design, I need more of them
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Magic and Ephidia:
Similar to the story: it felt incomplete. Like things aren't being explained:
What's Ephidia? Is it a continent, is it the capital city? Who created it, what's so special about it?
What are the oracle gems exactly? Are they amplifiers or a key, WHAT ARE THEY? and why do they only show up in front of Iris? Is it cus she's the crown princess or why? Who knows: things aren't getting explained.
And how does the magic work? Is it just crystals? Can they use elemental powers as well? We see them use levitation and time spells as well soooooooooo?
And what about Dark magic? Do you have to be born from it, is it an emotion you redirect, how does if work?
And can we talk about Iris's different transformations? They look epic af but.... How? Can only she do it? What exactly is it? Like a different stage or is it a temporary a power up? Can other princesses do them as well or not?
And what exactly is Amaru? A dog, a pegasus? A shapeshifter animal? How does his magic work? Why can he summon a giant battlefield out of nowhere?
And what about the other magic kingdoms? We only saw a tiny bit of Xeris, but what about the others?
I wish they not only explained a little more about the magic, but also showed us more about the magical world. By doing that, it feels more alive, more
Alright imma say it:
Gramorr is the most useless fucker there is
He's being portraited as this all mighty powerful wizard but then he just sits in the throne room doing God knows what, maybe looking at tarot cards with Banes who knows....
He doesn't do anything, just screams when an oracle gem gets to the crown, and yells at Praxina and Mephisto bc they are so 'useless'
Like dude.
If they are so terrible at their job and you are "oh so powerful":
Also, stop blaming everything on the twins cus of your laziness!
Speaking of blaming
Praxina is the worst.
Her newest design is amazing tho.
She looks more threatening then Gramorr ever could
And the butterflies? Amazing, I'm really excited about how she's gonna act in season 3
But if there's a problem she immediately blames it on her brother, but as soon as there's something she can be proud of, she steals the credit, like, bitch stop being so toxic.
And stop blaming Mephisto for everything???
He's the one literally working with the enemy to save your ass TWICE and even almost died a few times (or just.. died after what happened) and what does he get? Not even a thank you. Girl, your bro almost died, wdym? You're siblings, he supports and helps you multiple times yet here you are scoffing, rolling your eyes and blaming him for every inconvenience happening in your life.
Don't give me the "that's how twins act" or "that's cus she's evil" bullcrap cus I got siblings myself, I know what it's like.
So yeah, I'm here in the Mephisto support group.
I also decided to adopt him.
He doesn't know that yet tho.
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I'm personally not a fan of the comedian character, but I just feel really bad for him with all the crap he's going through: A shit boss and a shit sister.
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Also he's so sweet? If u can look past all the evil things he did, you realize that he's really sweet and not that evil and he really cares for his sister (even tho she's a bitch).
And the time he and Iris worked together and said that he would be honored to serve her if he was on her side?
Listen, if he's not on Team Lolirock and just dead in season 3 imma be so pissed.
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pearljoy537 · 1 year
Is it just me, or is Gramorr attractive ♡♡♡.
I meen look at him, he's a cat dad has long hair and his outfit ☆.
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Bouns cute but deadly earth banes.
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kittykattaffy · 1 month
LoliRock Dream
I dreamed that I was in some inky black place that had no gravity and looked like it never ended anywhere. Gramorr was there. It was a video game-like tutorial. He explained to me how to summon some kind of weird looking meat thing called a bronto bite and how to attack with it. He stated that there was a ten percent chance of it becoming stone when I summoned it. I could only summon one piece at a time. They would disappear after one hit. He let me beat him a bit in the tutorial before I got into the real part. In the real part, I was beating him up in a forest with the meat. He didn't use any spells and just kept trying to run away and cover his skull so I couldn't kill him. He just kept begging me to stop. The dream ended with no real resolution.
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Today’s character of the day is: Gramorr aka the Grand Wizard of Chaos
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iamelflink · 23 days
i drew Gramorr's hair so luscious wtf
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sozzledjuja · 2 months
Give me corrupted Praxina in S3 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
I mean, we saw Gramorr's (sorry) state without his mask, like- DANG
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And I don't know about you guys but I LOVE the phyiscally corrupted character trope-
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Prax gotta join the club
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lolirockenjoyer · 4 months
Lolirock season 3 MUST HAVE (in my opinion)
1. More Lyna, Carissa, Izira, Jodan and Lev (if he's alive)
I would like to see them helping the princesses and I hope will know about Calix/Borealis and Lyna and Carissa family more
It's a thing which every lolirock fan want so I have to add it. Sorry but I can't imagine lolirock without Mephisto and I can't imagine season 3 without happy ending. If it turns out he's really dead I will be so fucking dissappointed
3. Auriana and Talia parents
We saw picture of Auriana's parents but WHAT'S WITH TALIA'S PARENTS??
4. Natahaniel will find out about Iris, Talia, Auriana origin and about Ephedia
I honestly can't believe it won't happen. I mean it's actually impossible because if Iris wants to save Nathaniel, she has to tell him. Btw I really hope the princesses will escape with Nathaniel on Ephedia and the rest of the season will be there
5. The princesses will try to stop or help Praxina
I know, they don't have to do it but I can realize like Iris truly wants to help her or "fix her" (we literally see that in 'forget you'). I have a lot of potencial endings for s3 and the vision of princesses kill Praxina or smth like that is tragic for me. Please give her a redemption, give e24s2 meaning in the show😭
6. WHO TF IS BANES??? (And Zanavian)
He's not just a tiger and everybody knows that
7. New songs, maybe new characters
I'm pretty sure we will get some new songs but Idk if budget let team give us some new characters but I'm just telling it would be cool and it will show that is something new yk
RAAAAAAAH I WAIT FOR IT. I'm also sure it will be show because teamlolirock said that in one of their post on tumblr. I want to know who they are, where they live, who their parents were and why they worked with Gramorr. I also would adore the twins parents canon picture or anything like that
9. Praxina angst
I NEED A LOT OF ANGST. I need to see Praxina's suffering and deterioration of mental condition. I love her so much, she and her brother are my favorite character I just love angst so much
10. If Mephisto surivive I want some cute moment between twins, we just didn't get a lot of them :((
11. Gramorr's backstory
I need it more than my life. He's so interesting character tbh I want to know why and how he started with black crystal
12. I would like to see one (or even both) of the twins ends up with one of the princesses (no, I didn't mean Auristo and Praxalia, why?)
They had common past and you can't prove me wrong
14. Explaining Morgaine and Gramorr relationship
I will DIE without it
15. And The most important. I know it's kids cartoon but lolirockers grew up for years and I hope it will be more umm mature? If you know what I mean
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blackcrystalbride · 3 months
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The Black Crystal Bride [61-63]
Late night visit
Read The Black Crystal Bride on ComicFury! Also available on Webtoons!
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z-saint-box · 1 year
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This is a leaked screenshot from season three. I know this is real because my friend, SaraDarkees actually works at Marathon Media, and she has confirmed it. The creators realized that Iris is such a boring protagonist that there had to be something to make her more interesting; and Gramorr is such a stock villain that there must have been something to make him unique. So, if Iris has the power of love, she also has the kiss of life, which she uses to revive him and use it to charm him to the side of good. Afterwards, they combine their forces together to defeat Praxina at the end of season three. Then, they get engaged and produce sixty-six children in six years. As for Nathaniel, he moves away from Sunny Bay due to his parents needing to relocate for their jobs; but it wouldn't have mattered anyways since Iris decides that he is a small-time loser with no aspirations beyond smoothie clerk. And if for some reason you object to this, do not blame me. Blame Jean Louis-Vandestoc, Madelleine Paxson, and Marathon Media.
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@savvyzelda for Morgaine and Gramorr from Lolirock
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Gramorr stopped by the corner of the bookshelf and hesitated for a moment. Was that... crying? He scowled. He didn't have the time to deal with some "poor, heartbroken soul" right now, he had to find his book before anyone else recognizes it belongs to him... Then again, something about this crying made his gut tighten.
He sighed, and finally walked out of the aisle.
"Morgaine...?" He asked, barely believing his eyes.
But there she was - his best friend, absolutely broken down, sobbing on the library floor.
"Morgaine! What happened? Did someone hurt you?!" He fell to the floor and reached to push her hair from her face. He could feel his blood rush in his vains. When he gets his hands on whoever hurt her... "Morgaine, who did this to you? Just tell me and I'll take care of it..." His voice trailed off when his gaze fell on the book she was clutching in her arms.
He knew this book. It was his book. His book of dark spells.
"Please, tell me why." Morgaine finally looked up at him. Her eyes were red and her teeth clenched and when he met her gaze, it was as if a sharp claw clenched on his heart. But it wasn't pain that showed on his face.
He immediately drew back and turned away. He felt himself scowl.
"I should've seen it coming," his voice sounded so sharp, it made Morgaine flinch. "Of course you'd side with them."
Morgaine stared at him.
"What side? What- Gramorr what are you even talking about?! Please just-" her voice broke. "Just tell me what's going on? What's wrong? You know I won't tell anyone, we can just get rid of this thing and no one..."
"No!" Gramorr practically roared and ripped the book out of her hands, with a strength he wouldn't even suspect himself of.
Morgaine fell back and for a moment they both stared at each other with wide eyes.
Gramorr hugged the book closer to himself and his brows fell over his eyes in a look of resentment. He found his book and didn't even think of coming with it to him. First she evades him for months and now she tries to play the good friend again and treat him as some kind of traitor? He was right, she wouldn't understand.
The pang in his chest once again disappeared under his anger.
"That's right, you won't tell anyone," his voice was quiet, but it was overflowing with hatred. "You will just forget that you ever saw this book. We'll just go our separate ways and you'll leave me alone."
"Gramorr..." Morgaine started, but he cut her off.
"I don't want to even see you again! Just disappear like you do best - I'm sure the king and queen need you more than I do." He took a deep breath and his face once again fell into an unfeeling mask.
"Goodbye, Morgaine." He turned around and walked away.
"Gramorr... Gramorr!" She was yelling after him.
He pushed the book closer to his chest, and slammed the door behind himself to cut off her voice.
Oh Gramorr is going Through It™ I hope I managed to convey that he's being corrupted by some evil influence that makes him misinterpret every slightly unpleasant thing that happens to him as a direct and intentional attack (the amount of headcanons I had to put here. What even is canon of this show anymore.)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
Prompt lists
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the-sleepy-silurian · 10 months
Remorse Chapter Three
A Lolirock fic update? In 2023? Found this in my drafts. It's shorter, but I figured I should post it. Who knows, maybe this'll get me going again to finish the whole thing. Also changed the title to be a tad less edgy.
Available on AO3 here: (X)
     Praxina slept fitfully at the best of times. So it was merely with frustration that she bolted upright, drenched in a cold sweat, in the dead of night. Only this time her dreams hadn’t forced her to return to the waking world, rather the opposite. Someone was...talking? 
     Her head whipped around at the sound of her name being spoken aloud. Near where her head had lain only seconds before, a large purple crystal had taken shape and inside, towering over the fatigued sorceress was the grand wizard of chaos himself. With an involuntary whimper Praxina scrambled to her feet and stood with her head bowed whilst Gramorr continued to look contemptuously down his nose at her.
     “I trust that now I have your attention!” Gramorr hissed sarcastically, eyes flashing dangerously bright in the depth of the mountain cave.
     “O-of course my lord, apologies for my-”
     “Silence!” Though his voice hadn’t raised much it still caused Praxina to tremble and clench her fists at her sides in a futile attempt to be rid of the shakes. All the while her eyes were flitting back and forth from her feet to the barely visible form of her twin a short distance away. The steady rise and fall of his chest helped her clear the last dregs of sleep from her mind.
     Breathe in.
     Breathe out.
     After what felt like hours Gramorr spoke once more.
     “You are to return to Ephedia immediately for a new mission of the utmost importance to my continued reign. Further instructions will be given upon your arrival.”
     “As you wish my lord, we’ll be right there.” As she moved to wake her brother, a hurried interjection could be heard from the translucent purple crystal.
     “Mephisto’s presence will not be necessary. Your particular....skill set is much better suited to this task. He would only.... get in the way.”
Odd. They always did things as a team, but if Gramorr wished it then.... 
“Your will is mine my lord, I will arrive shortly” giving a hurried curtsy as the crystal vanished. Praxina wished she knew what was happening. What could she possibly do that Mephisto couldn’t? On second thought actually more things jumped to her mind than she would’ve liked. They should be equals in both strength in skill, a perfect team to serve Gramorr. Maybe that was why they always failed to catch the Princesses. Lost in thought, Praxina didn’t notice her brother stir as she prepared the portal back to Ephedia. Neither did she notice him rise from the rocks as she stepped through the glowing circle and out of sight.
    Left alone in the dark cave, all Mephisto could do was wonder where she was going, and hope that she'd return unharmed...
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If nobody makes gramorr stuff in the roblox market place (for cosplays n stuff) I will SOB. I want to cosplay him so bad. He gives me gender envy
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