#lon po po
fairytale-poll · 9 months
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Mod's own propaganda under the cut:
Sasha as Red Riding Hood:
During submissions, I became so absolutely excited when I saw this pop up. I don't know who decided to submit it, but they unlocked some childhood memories for me. Back when I was a child, my family visited Pakistan (my parent's country of origin) for the entire summer. One day I, bored, asked for some movies to watched and my parents and uncle brought back some clearly bootlegged DVDs dubbed in Hindi/Urdu, and Bratz Kids Fairy Tales was one of them. I watched it so many times, you have no idea- I think that I might have wrecked the whole DVD with how much I watched it. (A similar thing happened later on when I obtained a clearly bootlegged copy of Bratz Fashion Pixie too but that's another, non-Red Riding Hood related story.) I wasn't surprised that it was eliminated right off the bat, but my childhood nostalgia dictated I put it here, or else I would be betraying the 7-year-old in me.
Shang, Tao, and Paotze:
Another childhood favorite of mine. This picture book has such beautiful art and I remember being very surprised by the story as a child. I found a PDF of it online to reread when the contest started and honestly it still holds up. The three sisters that are the Red Riding Hood in the story I feel are genuinely very clever. And for nothing else, look this one up solely for it's beautiful art which is just breath-taking whether you're a child or an adult!
Not going to lie I never played this game. My good friend who I adore submitted this to the poll and it immediately got eliminated and I just felt bad lol. But it does look cool & I trust their taste so I do think that this game is great. I want to play it but I am really bad at getting myself to play games.
Samurai Jack is a CLASSIC and I dare you to not watch this clip and crack up. Mako was a gift of voice acting and I miss him so much. Also this episode is just pretty amusing.
Amy Lee:
My sister was actually the one to submit this and I will use her own propaganda here: "Evanescence was a voice of a generation." Honestly this song is kind of just okay, there are better Evanescence songs, but got to respect the effort they put into the music video. Who can resist to choose Amy Lee anyway?
The Path sisters:
Like many people who know this game, I know it through Izzzyzzz's two video essays on it. I didn't play the game afterwards, but I did watch some play-throughs since I don't play many games + it seemed mostly like a walking simulator anyway so I felt like I got the same effect. It is AMAZING and has so much story and analysis and I love shit like that... In particular, Scarlet, Ruby, and Rose are my favorites whose stories really resonated with me, even if I haven't exactly gone through their life experiences. Ginger too. And there's some really horrific imagery in Robin's...I would recommend everyone find a way to experience this game-- whether that's playing it, watching Izzzyzzz's videos, or finding a walk-through/analysis of it, it's worth it!
So this manga is sort of obscure but it is also sort of nostalgic to me. Well, nostalgic by proxy. My sister read it when I was younger and told me some details about it and for some reason it stuck with me. Like??? For no reason. It's not even that good lmao. The first chapter right off the bat is pretty edgy & handles sensitive topics very badly. But goddamn if I do not think about random elements of the story for no reason. I don't really remember shit about Lisette but hey this picture of her looks really cool.
If you notice a theme among these being "nostalgia" you would be right, as this was another nostalgic offering from my childhood that I would watch semi-annually. I was also fond of the sequel, though I thought it felt like a different series than the first one. (Which isn't unusual with animated sequels to popular movies, but the fact that the sequel was set-up by the ending of the first one implies it was planned? Weird). But anyway Red is iconic and funny and voiced by Anne Hathaway and also her sad emo song "Red is Blue" sometimes still gets stuck in my head, so take that as you will.
I know absolutely nothing about this series. But it looks very cute so I like it. I love cute magical girls they deserve the world. Also I looked it up and apparently the Studio who did the Akazukin Chacha anime would later do the Yu-Gi-Oh animes from the 2000s and 2010s, so there's the obligatory mention of nostalgia.
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Book 284
Lon Po Po: A Red Riding Hood Story from China
Ed Young
Scholastic Inc. 1990
Chinese-born American illustrator and writer Ed Young has had an amazing career. The first book he illustrated was published in 1962, and since then Young has written or illustrated nearly 100 books and has won practically every award for achievement in children’s literature. Beautifully illustrated in dark watercolor and pastel washes, Lon Po Po won the 1990 Caldecott Medal.
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shannonreneeperkins · 2 years
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I took a printmaking class over the spring and realized I never posted them! This is the first print I made, it took me a while to figure out the right amount in ink and pressure, not bad for a first go. A one color linocut, based on the Chinese version of little red riding hood, Lon Po Po.
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valentina-931 · 2 years
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(via cute like a penguin classic essential premium t shirt Classic T-Shirt by kithulgolla)
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
With my heacanon of wars going full stardew valley and living in a tree house in the woods, I imagine he'd be a MASSIVE animal nerd (since the place is basically a little Lon Lon ranch) as in he says hi to the birds every morning and talks to them like they're people, he named all 13 of his cucoos and remembered each one individually and just chilling with the cows and wolves in the forest
Imagine the SHOCK in the chains faces when one of them wakes up and just sees wars going full Disney princess on the birds at his window (they come visit every morning, and wars is always very happy to see them thank you very much)
he’s so disney princess, all the Links are
I got like, an old disney scene in my mind when i read this of some little bird handing Wars his scarf and him smiling and going “Thank you, friend” and the bird just chirping happily in response as it flies away. The others are definitely standing there watching with their jaws dropped
Warriors is such an animal guy to me, I think he’d have those hairless cats that are so ugly (/pos) and adorable and he’d treat them like his biological children and make them little sweaters
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echotunes · 10 months
ohp another ask sorry lol
(cw for mention of suicide jokes further down in this ask ^^)
grian also calls jevin "jev" i think?
jimmy says "bro" a lot, and "tha" ("that" without the last t)
for martyn! you said "kinda pronouncing the g in words like lon, strong, Renchanting" - i think i would word this more like, when he makes a "ng" sound, he ends it with a k. so like "ngk" (except "ng" is one sound. so ŋ, so "ŋk" is more accurate, i just dont know how well known ŋ is as a letter)
martyn also is good at just going with the flow of things. he's good at fake confidence and therefore intimidation. he's good at threats (this clip comes to mind)
martyn also knows some japanese, he has to take a second to think about it but he can say things in it
sometimes martyn does a "hehehe" laugh and there's a little "sh"ing to it? like his tongue is brushing up against his teeth like how it does with a sh sound but everything else is doing the laugh (like at the very end of this video)
martyn and jimmy have "the game's the game" as an inside joke, once the old sherrif is introduced in empires season 2. i know joel is unaware of it but thats about it, i assume its between just martyn and jimmy
martyn and grian call jimmy timmy, grian calls him tim, joel calls him jim
scott is very observant, as is martyn but scott especially
martyn swears when not around pg people, does so more when alone with chat than he does around others in general
scott swears a bit less than martyn and also can easily stay pg
and when i say "not around pg people" i mean literally that. like martyn will swear around some people on an smp but not others, scott's sworn around cleo on double life, etc
skizz swears sometimes—not enough that its a problem, he doesnt tone it down that much in pg spheres i think? but he does. for example in limited life "ive been a real dick to you" to scott, and in 3rd life he mentioned on the imp & skizz podcast, that after the first session they had a meeting and skizz said something about scar and grian telling skizz and [whoever he was with] to essentially go fuck themselves, and everyone in the call just exploded laughing because they did Not expect it lol. basically when skizz swears its funny and unexpected
something ive also noticed: jimmy tends to be more cautious of suicide jokes, like when he encounters one he usually goes "ohp" or "oh, jeez-" or something like that. cleo and martyn aren't so much, they're pretty comfortable with them i think (cleo in double life ghost pov: "suicide! thats what we want here" and martyn mentioning a thing he saw of stampy playing something and it suddenly cutting to him saying "and now im just gonna kill myself" and martyn found that hard cut funny)
jimmy is just generally more cautious of things that'd get him demonetized i think. he picked up really quickly on scott implying he wanted to call himself a "[f slur] guy" but couldnt because of TOS whereas it took martyn a good 10 or so seconds
martyn switches between zed and zee. he'll say xyz with zed but colin z with zee, for example
martyn ends verbal paragraphs with "so, there you go" quite a bit
martyn and all his characters are really gender inclusive, the old sherriff saying "good morning ma'am, good morning sir, good morning they, good morning them", for example (martyn's really good about this in general actually :D)
ren tries to be as well, "ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between" but he forgets sometimes
owen uses tone tags in speech, "slash gen" "slash s r s" "slash neg" "slash pos" "slash jay"
people like bek and tubbo do so as well sometimes but owen does it the most
oh, scar safe as a phrase :D scar uses it the most, grian uses it sometimes, idk about others
tubbo can get very loud. especially on rats. "RRRRRRRRATS??"
tubbo also constantly jokes about being homophobic while saying he's serious. tubbo himself is gay. this is such a thing that the emote tubFoe is a thing
it is 4am i should sleep
hi! I got all three of your asks but I won't post them all for spam reasons LOL but thank you so much for the notes and chat screenshots I'll be adding those tidbits when I get to it!
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febbyaea · 3 months
Post Card
Akhir tahun lalu berkutat dengan rasa penasaran tentang kartu pos hingga tercetus ide membuat post card versi sendiri. Kali ini berencana mencetaknya untuk diperjual-belikan, sekiranya laku tidak ya? :)
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Jujur ada sedikit rasa sedih untuk meninggalkan Aceh, hampir 6 tahun lamanya aku berada di sini dan entah kapan lagi masanya bisa kembali ke sini. Series post card ini juga turut hadir sebagai obat pelipur lara, menjadi kenang-kenangan tentang daerah-daerah di Aceh yang pernah aku kunjungi. Selama di Aceh telah kulalui lintas timur dan baratnya dan menyisakan lintas tengah dan pulau pulau yang belum terlalui. Ternyata, tak banyak foto-foto dari setiap daerah yang kulewati itu hadir di galeriku, sehingga series ini hanya menampakkan sebagian daerah di Aceh saja.
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Mari sebut saja series postcard ini dengan nama: Series Aceh Lon Sayang
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charming-cherry · 10 months
A e din sa keq mke lon
Po kujt me ja thon
Qe kjo zemer qan
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444namesplus · 9 months
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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jackhkeynes · 7 months
excerpt in translation from 1997 work Barruèc by Ambrosian author Roger Cusallas.
Y castel es gran. L'es tojorn tars dec Yam Mott parsou ig gent veln le targr, e candon Halinne lour beut bonjorn il faun cortiseç e sourey eð exeunt. The castle is big. It's always clean because Uncle Mott pays people to clean it, and when Halinne says hello to them they bow and smile and move on.
Parveg ða i se ren invisibr i vil lou sevir; i n'a alcun pretension vars spionnaç ben lorry secret jamay descondr, pu scey uncos consolant ny viscr de collocq entr hom crescuð. Sometimes when she's invisible she follows them; she doesn't mean to spy and would never tell their secrets, but there's something soothing about the murmur of adult conversation.
Ny castel luy scey un quil pille yon i poð ðalleyar dessur com un stelmarin lon meðes un ortegl porrujonnant doutr y tarm. In the castle she has a soft bed on which she can spread out like a starfish without a toe sticking over the edge.
Tras sy fenestr poð i y havan eð y stivadour ag ci quarf veir, dessou alcot aðief por i pos apen y visaç la reconnoscr. From her window she can see the harbour and the people on the docks, so far down she can hardly distinguish the faces.
Cant Halinne sta ivan i poðe gringlar tras sy fenestr e lor cair par pog pie vars arp. When Halinne was little she could tumble out the window and fall a couple of feet onto grass.
Yam Mott am moneð, lon digr, pu i nel jamay oc faïr a plaç de Halinne. Uncle Mott likes money, of course, but he'd never choose it over Halinne.
A sgart calscon i nil jamay deïr l'ig trianç commettr, dec Halinne nil ceu rien taussar. In any case he'll never have to make the choice, because Halinne will hardly cost anything.
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superdogbiter · 1 year
Feel free to say in the tag what that book was and why it scared you/gave you nightmares and how old you were
For example mine was Lon Po Po as a kid i usually loved wolves but those illustrations were so scary i had to sleep in bed with my mom for 3 days straight
i was 7
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fairytale-poll · 11 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
A subverted version of the little red riding character with sapphic undertones.
Shang, Tao, and Paotze:
Lon Po Po is a childhood classic of mine and I love it so much. The art is beautiful and the story is, in my opinion, way more captivating than the original tale yet doesn't run into the "girl boss" trope of most other RRH retellings (not that there is anything wrong with being a "girl boss", but it gets annoying after a while). These girls have a simple and clever plan and it shows a lot of bravery and intelligence. Go Shang in particular.
Little Red Running Shorts:
(None submitted)
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xhenetazhegrova · 11 months
Edi t’kom premtu qe nuk t’shqetsoj mo ty. Besa i pata premtu edhe vetes po…. Nuk e di. Sonte deshta ket premtim me thy… Sonte deshta met thirr per her t’fundit. Po ksaj here as me t’shajt, as me t’mallku sonte tkom thirr per met thon Faleminderit.. Per krejt senet qe mi ke msu. Faleminderit qe je kon, faleminderit qe m’ke lon. Faleminderit qe kom menu qe t’kom pas e faleminderit qe sem ke dasht…. Faleminderit per krejt momentet e bukura qe mi ke djeg… Faleminderit edhe per momentet qe t’kom besu sa her qe m’ke than t’du…. Fal teje un vetes i dhash vler andaj ta di shum per n’der dhe nese nje dit t’bje n’dermend mos me kerko me ne t’njejtin vend…. Vetem dije qe ta kam fal e krejt lot e mi t’qofshin hallall…..
Faleminderit. E t’uroj lumturi.❤️‍🩹
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cvsseulgi · 1 year
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came across this in one of the class libraries at work. it’s from lon po po by ed young and it’s been on my mind all day
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valentina-931 · 2 years
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(via new merry Christmas- cristmas Essential T-Shirt Premium T-Shirt by kithulgolla)
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bestfrndscloset · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lon Po Po Paperback Book.
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