#long ask game
propheciesanddreams · 2 years
31 ;))) (aka just compliment me on ur tumblr some more)
but also, 41 lol!
You’re so needy. 😜 I say while asking people to send me questions so I can talk about myself.
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
This is tough cause it isn’t my fav character in general. Barty is SO fun to write. I absolutely love to get into Barty. Evil Barty, good Barty, he’s so fun to write.
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birrdies · 2 months
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carry yourself through the frozen desert, empty your thoughts into the well of pressure (x)
finally tried my hand at some 3L desert duo designs (ft. matching back scars) !!
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zhukzucraft · 15 days
=> Pearl & Co: Ponder the portal
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Gem: I messaged Mumbo and Skizz but no answer yet. I think we should wait-
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Gem: Scar!!
Scar: What? No point in letting it go to waste, am I right?
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Pearl: Hey whoa whoa whoa
Pearl: Let's hold our horses
Pearl: Why- why do we even need to go to the Nether, anyway?
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Scar: Isn't the Enchanting Table there this time, Grian?
Grian: A-yup.
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Grian: It's just plopped in a Bastion in there. 'Cause why not.
Scar: Ancient City is a hard act to follow, huh?
Grian: Eh, it works as long as nobody gets access to enchantments too early.
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Gem: You don't say! Then maybe WE shouldn't be going there so soon, huh Grian?
Grian: Don't tell me that GeminiSlay is scared of some little piggies!
Grian: I fully expect you to carry, by the by.
Gem: UGH.
Pearl: Come on guys, let's at least wait for Skizz and Mumbo to come back!
Scar: Nooo, you never know who's trying to beat us to it. Those rapscallions could be closing in on the magic table as we speak!
Pearl: :(
=> Pearl & Co: Be Martyn
Start Over -- Go Back
The submission time is now over! See you back in this POV after a couple of posts!
(outdated part below preserved for posterity)
It's time for another
What Will You Do?
this time addressed to the whole group!
Should they jump right in? Should they wait? Should they do a dance-off? You can suggest actions and arguments for any of the 4 characters, or all of them at once!
Please submit your suggestions as replies to this post, or at this channel in our discord (LINK), or if all else fails - directly to my askbox. This event will last for 3 DAYS, until next Wednesday.
Also - next update we'll be checking in with the POV vote winner, Martyn!
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abaroo · 4 months
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Morbid curiosity.
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krazieka2 · 2 months
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I've played the Fire Emblem Husbando Dating Simulator Games
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syn0vial · 7 months
my gun-loving, car guy, "i'm the straightest man i know" brother who just finished baldur's gate 3 talking about astarion:
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Your stories have definitely scratched that Astarion itch that I've had since I started the game!
One thing that's diffently not sat right with me at the end of the game, is how tav and the gang don't run after astarion after he loses his immunity to the sun. I would imagine that if the player character was romantically involved with the guy they would atleast try to shield or comfort the poor guy. A short drabble on that would be awesome!
That's so sad, I heard that's what happens 😭😭 I'm in act 3 and haven't had to see it for myself yet so yes, let's do some preemptive therapy there! And just warning since I haven't beaten the game yet I'm sure this will be inaccurate as fuck, but also with spoilers somehow ~
It was an exhilarating feeling, to win against all odds. One that Astarion had never been confident he would experience. It felt good, final. The official beginning of his new free life, even if it was bittersweet.
This was the bitter part, the end of his illithid protection. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, and the burn was already starting. He was being an idiot, standing there with the rest of you like he belonged, waiting for the last possible second before he had to scuttle down in the darkness. But he wanted to see this out. Hadn't he earned that right?
According to the laws of reality, no. No he hadn't, because you had barely opened your mouth before the pain started to overwhelm him. The others would be able to hear it, the sickening sound of his skin crackling.
He was out of time. But before he could make a break for it, you happened. Astarion had been a little preoccupied with his impending doom to pay close attention to what you had been mumbling. But then sudden blackness was blanketing above your heads, opaque enough to make it as dark as night.
Astarion's eyes widened as the pain subsided, surprised beyond belief.
You were looking at him with concern in your eyes, gesturing to the think cloud of darkness above your head, "Will this be dark enough? Can it still get through?"
Astarion stared at you, momentarily confused on why you would do something like that. Before he remembered, oh. Yes. The extended care for his well-being was probably included in the whole love thing. Of course. Obviously.
That was definitely going to take some getting used to.
But the reasoning didn't stop an idiotic smile from blooming on his face.
You grinned back at him, somehow still managing to read his mind even without the tadpoles, "Did you really think I would forget about you?"
He had, but through no fault of your own. One of these days he was going to actually remember that he was worth the effort to keep alive.
"Thank you darling," Astarion said, ignoring the quested as he waltzed up to you. He grabbed your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips to kiss, "Just what would I do without you?"
"Speaking of," You turned to the Emperor, a question in your eyes as you vaguely waved upward, "Is there anything we can do about this particular problem?"
"The astral tadpole is still-"
"I'll pass on that, thank you very much," Astarion interrupted, cringing at the very thought of willingly letting another worm into his brain, "But I appreciate the thought."
There were worse things than living his life in darkness. And Astarion was counting becoming a mind flayer in the top three.
He watched, participated even in everyone's final goodbyes, always eyeing you at of the corner of his eye. It's not that he thought you would leave after you both declared your eternal love for each other, but... the two of you hadn't exactly talked about the specifics of the future either.
But that didn't stop you from leaving together. Astarion hadn't expected you to keep the dark cloud above his head as you walked the streets, startling nearly every passerby. But hells, the heroes of Baldur's gate had earned the right to a little strangeness.
You both had decided on going to the nearest, most windowless inn that you could find. Astarion wanted nothing more than to scrub the brain viscera from his skin and sleep for three days. Preferably with you in his arms.
But before all that... he had to know something.
The question was out of him as soon as you both were behind closed doors, "So what happens next to the great hero of Baldur's Gate? I'm sure you have something in mind."
He was just praying those future plans still involved him.
You blinked at him, head cocked like he was asking a silly question, "We go and find you a cure so you can walk in the sun again of course. What else would we do?"
That took Astarion aback, "I-Do you think that's really possible?"
"Well," You started, counting off on your fingers, "We know that illithid powers can do it. As well as devil contacts and ritualistic demon sacrifices. If that's all possible then that means there has to be something else on the other end of the spectrum, right?"
Astarion didn't exactly share your blind confidence. But you did have a point. The two of you had managed so many impossible feats in such a short amount of time. What was one more?
"I suppose there's a chance," Astarion said, hope fluttering in his chest with every word, "And if there is a chance no matter how small, I'm going to take it. But..."
He didn't want to ask, but he needed to know, "Are you sure this is what you want? I would... understand if you wanted to go your own way."
In all honesty, Astarion would not understand. He'd be absolutely furious. Especially after everything you'd been through. This was more of a confirmation for his waning self-confidence than anything else, versus a sincere to desire to let you go your own way. He had no intention of letting you go, not if he could help it.
But his near certainty in your feelings was the only thing that gave him the confidence to ask the question in the first place. And you did not disappoint.
"No, this is what I want," You insisted, reaching out to take his hand in yours, "You're what I want."
That was exactly what Astarion needed to hear. He used your joined hands to tug you closer, face to face.
"Good, because as selfless as I am, I really did not want to let you go," Astarion smiled, leaning in to lightly press a kiss to your lips, "I hope you realize that my love has made me a tad bit obsessed with you my dear."
"I'm sure it's no worse than me," You sighed, resting your forehead against his own, "You've really ruined me for anyone else haven't you?"
Astarion grinned, leaning in for another kiss. He had every intention of making it stay that way, for as long as you would have him.
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snowfoxriot · 3 months
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Cries in console player
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punch-love · 18 days
starting a new piccrew chain. make yourself in this picrew!
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@ceeceetv @devilbearingtrouble @harrowitzer @wolfpup026 @in-my-loki-feels @falloutcoys @puzzled-on-main and anyone else who wants to
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spacedlexi · 6 months
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"sounds nice... having a partner"
#the walking dead game#twdg#violentine#clementine twdg#violet twdg#MAANN when clem says this in s3 JUST WAIT BBY#people who say clemvi has no basis like ep2 isnt just them working as a team for 2 and a half hours regardless of player choice#like be fr#clem telling louis that violet patching up the back wall is ok because she needed something to keep herself busy. married behavior#vi asking clem to help check in on everyone while she deals with the wall. their shared smile when she comes back outside :)#and then they sit in the leadership spot together overlooking the yard and everything theyve planned together coming to fruition :)#sorry i just think their romance set up in eps 1 and 2 is obvious as FUCK and im tired of (Some) people pretending it isnt#'i havent seen her warm up to someone in a long time' brody literally tells clem that vi seems to like her after its been 24 hours#after shes been a block of ice for a whole year. and clem just melted those walls down immediately while they fought walkers together#violet is so devoted to clem post ep1 its embarrassing for her#'i saw she had you pinned and i- shit i got So crazy...' sorry if you dont think shes in love with clem idk what to tell you#'i'll tear that boat apart before we leave without you' i know you would girlie!!!#the animators went CRAAZAYAYAYAY the way they look at each other... their little smiles at each other....even before the belltower#the way clem looks at her while they dance.... the way she puts her head down on her shoulder so contentedly....#and then she keeps her head on violets shoulder as she pulls away so clems chin gets dragged with it like she doesnt want to let go#'so you never forget that night' 'i never will' they are DISGUSTINGLY in love with each other it makes me physically ill#its 2024 and im still hearing 'i just didnt see it :/'. lazerbeams you#spaced art 2024
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propheciesanddreams · 2 years
hi! for the writing asks 29 and 66?
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
I honestly think what I’m most proud of writing were the ace chapters for atws. I’d had the Peter pov chapter written for a while too and then writing the demi character made me so incredibly happy. I was nervous for them but then so proud of how they turned out. And a more general part of my writing, I like how I write young kids. I never feel bad about one of those scenes.
66. Fun fact about atws (im guessing? Cause my one shots don’t have a ton of views and I haven’t posted anything else)
Idk!!! Uuhhh hmm… im guessing the question means in the text? Idk if this is fun but something that may or may not end up in the fic is that Lily and Hope get together once a week and have a gossip and knitting/crochet night together. Lily loves it especially if Mary is on call because she hates being at home alone when Mary is on call. I just love the idea of Lily and Hope getting on so well. Like she’s Remus’ bff from childhood but she always hung out with his mom much to Remus’ protests lol
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gendrsoup · 26 days
why dead boy detectives should have an episode/season set in venice:
1) george rexstrew speaks italian and id love too see edwin speak italian to a client and charles lose his mind over it (+flirting with charles in italian PLEASE I'D DIE)
2) it's a city surrounded by water and would be an interesting confrontation of a certain characters's possible feelings toward water and water related trauma👀
3) it's a very catholic country and would be an interesting exploration of a certain character's possible feelings toward religion and identity 👀
4) it's an absolutely gorgeous city and idc that it likely wouldn't be filmed on location because it's so pretty
5) they can bring back the running joke of charles loving spaghetti, which will seem harmless but ultimately spiral into an arc going into his relationship with lowercase "d" death and how he wanted to grow up, but does his longing for life outweigh all the wonderful things (and people) his afterlife has brought him
6) carnevale disguises carnevale disguises carnevale disguises carnevale disguises carnevale dis-
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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lavendorii · 11 months
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long-term nuclear waste warning messages/subnautica
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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make teleshopping great again ♪
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daily-sifloop · 10 days
Stargazing? ✨
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Day 10: looking for your star
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chiricat · 10 months
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let's dance, nanako! 🎶
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