#long blonde hyunjin my beloved
alexenglish · 1 year
alex alex alex i GOTTA know. what's been your Favorite Look for each member of stray kids.
oh!! this is a tall order, gunna go off instincts and vibes with the caveat that i'm not thinking about this too hard. ALSO i'm gunna go kinda with like...hair looks mostly? because i think there's a wide array of things i could talk about within 'looks' including various styling and makeup over the years, but i think a hair look is so distinctly an era so we'll default that . (if you want more in-depth member thoughts, you can send me an individual member but for all 8 of them, i'm not gunna give myself more work) anyway, let's start from the top <3
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undeniably a chan three-tone enjoyer. i think this length is excellent on him -- the little blunt butch cut plus the tiered black, blonde, red. sophisticated scene hair. it makes me think of revenge era frank iero for no reason other than color scheme and emo vibe. the up styling, the down styling. when they'd do it kinda tousled and messy -- @ the stylists doing their current fuck shit with his hair: bring it BACK.
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as much as i am DEEPLY compelled by the current LENGTH of minho's hair and the embodiment of boy gender he is gendering, my truth is tangerine lino is everything to me. my BELOVED kool aid dye. the way it washed out into that soft bronze. honestly probably made especially exquisite by the make up of the god's menu era, and i love it immensely.
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uncontested queen of my changbin heart is this specific undercut look. with changbin, i want all the undercuts and there ARE others, but i love how close this one is and the shaved step design and the choppiness of his hair plus the styling 😖😖😖 when a man is perfect 😖😖😖
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i actually don't think hyunjin needs to be perpetually blonde OR that the blonde hair needs to perpetually be long, BUT when he has both of those things, i DO need it half up and decorated with the prettiest little braids. it does make me think of being queer in high school and my hair being super short and girls flirting with me by playing with my hair, and if they gave me the little braids, i'd keep them in for as long as possible because it made them happy. anyway. girlfriend hyune. (special shout out to fire engine red hj though, the way that BLED all over his face and neck and clothes when he performed [rabid barking])
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jisung is actually the hardest to me because i'm obsessed with him and also i think he looks SOOO good in different colors & i'm so partial to the blonde look because i wrote it into a fic and anytime he has blonde hair (and changbin has black hair at the same time) i'm like that's SOOO specifically my FIC jisung, but also i fucking love dark hair on him, especially if it's longer and the orange made me BONKERS and the grey is so good and they NEED to give me BLUE again, but actually my REAL answer is jisung in hats. love his boy gender of beanies and hoods, love when he is COZY. love when he wears a CAP, backwards OR forwards... i just think wow a boy... what a boy look. with his loose clothes and his nail polish and his headphones idk!!! idk!!!! baby!!!!!
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(domino blue felix is actually butting up under this but ultimately, this is my ideal) literally if i could challenge the stylists to a DUEL anytime they even THOUGHT of applying lightener to felix's hair for the rest of the year i WOULD. my ideal is LONG and BROWN/black -- DARK so his freckles POP. his little grunge gender! let me at it!!
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i was actually two seconds away from being a seungmin bias during his purple era because it is so deeply compelling to me on a base level. my thoughts and feelings about seungmin are limited pre-2022 skz LA crisis (where he sung JBIEB (EW??) AND RUINED MY Life /pos) but if i have any, they are focused solidly on purple seungmin and what he means to me (bites him in half)
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last but not least jeongin!! honestly the blonde is like. life changing. transformative. single-handedly trebuchets him out of the baby infant zone for the barest of moments before he's hurled directly back again (he will escape baby infant zone completely at some point and then i'll be in trouble, so i am actually savoring the fact that he is the opposite of a threat rn). he's top two blonde idols for me, and the other one is jimin. which is an immense scale. anyway. foxy blonde boy ily.
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hyunhomoons · 10 months
Haihai! I hope you have been doing well cho! It's finally the weekend, I hope you get as much relaxation as you need :)
I'm going to start working on your gift soon and I'm so excited about it!! I hope you like how it'll turn out :p
The question of today: is there an era of hyunjin that you like the most?
Personally I absolutely love him in oddinary, his red hair was iconic!
Big hugs to you, your secret Santa 🫶
listen my lovely secret santa, this weekend was great and i‘m very lazy today, but i also spent 100€ on more skz stuff yesterday within an hour, i belong to money jail 😔
everyone who doesn’t love red hair hyunjinnie is insane, for real. i had the same hair color before and i can totally understand why it didn’t last as long as other colors. however, may i present you my favorite hyunjin:
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like… blonde hyune has such a soft spot in my heart. gotta admit maxident was my fave era for all of them though, especially our beautiful prince, our beloved leader and our grumpy orange cat. i hope you had an amazing weekend too and i can’t wait to see what you’ll create! i already know I’ll love it. <3
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hyunverse · 2 years
ur so right that totally makes sense. i am such a hopeless romantic and i swear that’s one of the things that makes me so attracted to hyunjin. like he’s just so emotionally intelligent yk ?? he just gets it. and i love that he shows his love for things (love itself specifically) through his artwork. i’ve always done the same so it’s so nice to have an idol that i feel like is so similar to me yk? he’s 100% a man written by a woman
okay it’s also wednesday where i am and i’m in the est time zone so we’re or 13 hours apart i think ??? i know absolutely nothing about time zones but i know that’s in the uk LOL (which is so cool btw. i have a lot of family in the uk bc my dad is an immigrant from australia and his parents were immigrants from the uk and malta) ALSO so cool you’re also an older sibling, how many siblings do you have? i have two bio and three half ^_^ and def never hurts to ask imo 😏 skz is skz 😏
you made me blush 🤭🤭 i feel like i could talk to you about anything too. even tho we literally just met i’m already so comfy w you. what’s ur zodiac sign ?? that always makes more sense for me when i get along so well w ppl >:)
AND YES CAN WE PLS TALK ABOUT HYUNJIN W THE PIERCINGS 😩. listen, edited or not, the tongue piercing is gonna do it for me every time. and then. the surprise belly button one. dude. i screamed. AND STRAWBERRY BLONDE MINHO PLS BRING IT HERE. and yes seungmin at mama awards was so good like we need to see more forehead from him. it always makes him look older i feel like, which is such a good thing bc i can find him sexy instead of just absolutely adorable. in the recent racha vlog w the maknaes, i was actually baffled at how effortlessly perfect seungs hair is. like he just flicks it back and it looks like it took 45 mins to style it ??? how ??? and why not me ??? blue hyune and seungmin would kill me. but i will say, if we got blue han again…. i don’t think i’d survive. like genuinely i would pass out. and yes let’s pls go on a little expedition and raid all their shampoo so we can get what we want 😇😇😇
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ME TOO STOP I'M LIKE, THE BIGGEST HOPELESS ROMANTIC I KNOW LOL i'm the type to write love letters and i feel like hyunjin would get me. i long to receive love letters tbh ☹️ i've never received flowers. i've never received even a love note without having to beg for it and it SUCKS. so i decided to screw men and stan hwang hyunjin instead <3 call me a girlboss or wtv!!!
13 HOURS APART??? i'll cry RN. me and my beloved moots always have such huge timezone difference, not u too my love </3 the universe is unfair </3 ooo is it snowing rn where u are? my british oomfs' places r snowing and god, it seems so magical to me. malaysia doesn't experience the four seasons, so i've never experienced neither winter or autumn lol. alwaaays summer here. i've always dreamt of studying in the uk, oxford or cambridge specifically. hopefully i'll get to one day! reaaaally wanna experience snow hehe. i have two siblings!! a little brother and a little sister. they are a pain in my ass but i'd give my kidney to them tbh. u have quite a lot of siblings omg T_T how do u cope T_T
AAA I'M SOFTT U R SO CUTE <3__<3 i'm a leo! i'm not really one to believe in astrology but i will listen 2 any of ur rambles abt it hehe.
NO CS LIKE WHEN I SAW THE BELLY BUTTON PIERCING. I. HAD. TO. PAUSE. WAS FLABBERGASTED AND STARING AT THE SCREEN LIKE? HWANG HYUNJIN? WHAT IS THIS BEHAVIOUR? JHDNJHBD AND it's so funny that ure mentioning seungmin's forehead too cs like, jokingly (maybe not really jokingly) i put "i want to see more of seungmin's forehead" as my new years resolution ^__^ it's a valid resolution ok. i gotta do what i gotta do 🤓 the racha log was so heart-warming 🥹 just our boys being boys. playing games together. super duper wholesome, i melted at the sight, especially jeongin 🥹 baby bread just eating some fries while playing. so so endearing. ure right, seungmin's hair is effortlessly beautiful. wonder how it would be like to run my fingers through his hair. . . 💭 lets go im driving to da cuties dorm and we are gonna blast skz the whole time, baby!
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solojihyo · 2 years
hihi isai ♡ hehe if u don’t mind my ults r jisung and hyunjin from skz! which i think is quite obvious -w-
hiiii aya :D omg you have taste <333 jisung is one of my skz biases!! i love chipmunk jisung hes so cute </3
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hyunjins blond long hair is so beloved to me
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tell me your ult bias(es) and i’ll share a picture of them i like!
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skzfaker · 3 years
i just finished your fic! :) it's nowhere near ready tho. i still have editing to do, and only then will it be perfect, but yay! prepare >:) also - i'd pass away if u made a book cover for it, omg. that would be so good blinking is optional and yeah, i still have a long time :) it'd be super cool to incorporate the stuff i learn into fics, but i also just finished my pre-reqs so im still really not in my major just yet. but im excited for my upcoming classes! i have done evil wizards, evil joseon dynasty era warriors, evil pirates, evil vampires... ahahahahaha. can u see a theme AND YEAH, JONGHO <33333 he's the greatest. he's so cool. i have put him through so much and he absolutely does not deserve it. i show my love in really strange ways. he's the main vocalist of ateez, right? i may have stolen his vocal cords in one of the fics as a punishment for his sins it's a very long story. I have a handful of fluff fics but it's really just majorly horror or fantasy and it's all darker fantasy lol. clearly... i enjoy the more sinister side of life. hahah i might skip but probably not. i hate skipping class ajdsjklfskl and i'd just be worried about it during the concert which wouldn't be good. idk, who knows, i'd stop a moving truck w my bare hands if i knew that by doing so i'd be able to see ateez oh, where do u live if u dont mind me asking? i figured we lived in different places because your time zone seems different than mine and thank u!!! i've just been chilling, but i also like being a busy bee, so i've been writing when i can, i'm also a lifeguard, and im trying to get a paid internship at a lab for my resume :') and yeah, i like to do a lot of things not on the computer! i play viola tho not as much anymore bc im burnt out but i still say it, write, knit, and read! ngl the first thought i have was felix's extensions in thunderous. clothes never really bother me too much, it's always hair it seems. i just like it a certain way and im not a big fan of longer hair, so i saw his extensions and sighed a bit. ofc it's just hair and i still love him but AAAAAA. what about u? - 🎅
wow you work really fast! THE HYPE FOR THIS STORY IS REAL (╯✧∇✧)╯and it'd be a honor to make the banner/cover for it! do you usually have covers for your stories or have someone make those btw? i remember back when i frequented fanfiction sites, everyone seemed to have their own banner-makers. sending you energy for the editing portion tho!
also i spent a majority of yesterday taking naps so i think my eyes are back to normal
okay that's a pretty impressive repertoire of horror-themed stories! very intrigued by the evil pirates one evil-anything needs to be more of a thing - this is why i love it when groups do dark/evil concepts (also i keep typing 'evil' as 'evel'). all the fluff and bubblegum is cute and all, but i live for the edgy and dark themes too.
HAHA OMG jongho is ariel - i love how you stole his voice HAHAHA. you really hit him where it hurts; i can already feel his crisis from over here. yeah we're definitely the same in that regard. i love my cheesy romance, but horror is still my #1 genre. i do hope you gave jongho a happy ending tho (≧▽≦)
aww man i was the same when i was a student too. i wasn't happy skipping classes and i was constantly anxious about being late. fast forward a few years and i'll take a random day off of work for the heck of it HAHAHA. hopefully having to stop a truck with your bare hands won't be the requirement for you to meet ateez tho! have you already met them before, btw? or is the concert next year potentially the first time you'll see them?
ah i'm currently staying in the philippines! what about you? i kinda just assumed you're in america - please let me know if i'm off-base there, and we can figure out just how much time difference we have tho tbh i'm a vampire so i'm up until 3 or 4 AM here
(also you just reminded me to ask which timezone to follow when it's time to give gifts/reveal ourselves on the 25th. i might give my gift too early...)
btw, have you made it home??
yay! glad you’re getting some rest! wow a lifeguard tho! i'm guessing you enjoy swimming then HAHAHA. and that you live close to the beach? ooh i love that knitting is also part of your hobby list. i used to crochet but got too lazy about it. what kind of things do you like to make?
...okay i swear i'm not copying you on purpose here, but felix's thunderous extensions is also on my list of ??? skz looks. the blonde ones that match his actual hair looked okay, but the weird greyish ones...yeah i'm not feeling it. i thought it was part of his hat at first. hmm, can't say i'm a huge fan of chan's cheeto hair much either, especially when it was so short (soz chan). what about your favorite looks?
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spookybias · 3 years
I don't have any ults since my biases change ALL THE TIME but these days I am slowly getting invested back into NCT and Itzy since they recently came back 😁 also hyujin's long hair is gone 😔 but he still looks just as good with short hair!
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we are gathered here today to cherish the moments in which hyunjin flaunted his long locks. first we had blonde emperor, then we had bubblegum justice, and finally, we had jet black king. as we mourn the loss of our beloved strands, let us reminisce on the good times we had with it. until hyunjin grows his hair out again, you will be missed long locks 😔
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thestayway90 · 4 years
Reign of Lies: Chapter 1 (SKZ Royal Fantasy AU)
Author: thestayway90
WC: 2873
Warnings: None
Characters: Stray Kids OT8 Royal Family, Alexis (OFC), Elora (OFC)
Relationships: Changbin x Alexis (OFC)
Summary: An angsty Royal AU where Alexis (OFC), as her fathers only daughter and therefore the kingdoms only Princess, is sent to marry a Prince of their rival Kingdom to ensure Peace. However, after arriving at her new home, Alexis quickly finds out not all is what it seems…
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! Did I start another series even though I’ve already got one still ongoing??? yes yes I did...
But in my defence I've had this idea sitting for a while and finally got round to doing something with it!!! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
Also a side note this will contain SKZxSKZ relationships... obviously these are written for fanfic and not based on reality so please don't take them seriously... this is all just for fun and entertainments sake :)
I’m a little nervous about posting this one but enjoy <3
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Alexis straightened her skirts nervously. Her outfit felt heavy and suffocating in the warm sunlight that streamed through a large side window. The climate was so much warmer here than the cooler weather she was used to back home.
Elora stepped in front of her, deft fingers fixing Alexis’ collar as she told the older girl briskly, “Walk in there with your head held high and show them what you’re made of.”
Alexis smiled down at her sister and best friend, grasping one of her hands tightly. “What would I do without you?” She asked rhetorically as Elora took a step back, staying on Alexis’ right where she would always be within sight.
“You would be a mess,” Elora replied unnecessarily in a deadpan voice, drawing a surprised laugh from her sister.
Suddenly the double doors in front of the two girls was flung wide open and a herald bellowed loudly into the large space behind. “Princess Alexis, Duchess of Vitova and Alzilicia, beloved Daughter of King Tobias of Mava.” He took a breath then continued as the girls took their first steps through the doorway. “And her companion, Lady Elora.”
Alexis concentrated on not tripping over her cumbersome skirts, keeping her eyes on the floor until she reached the foot of a set of stairs that led up onto a low platform.
Pausing at the end, she sunk into a low curtesy, seeing Elora copy the movement in her peripheral vision, and finally looked up.
She sucked in a breath, wobbling a little in the curtsey she was still holding, as her eyes swept over eight imposing figures ranged around the front of the room.
Standing proud in the centre was who, she imagined must be, the King she had heard so much about. King Chan didn’t look as imposing as his reputation would suggest, an easy smile gracing his lips, his black hair cut short and shockingly coloured a bright ruby red on top.
Standing slightly back from his right shoulder was a man with the sculptured looks of a statue, and to the kings left stood four boys, who Alexis assumed were the Kings younger brothers, the Princes of Roalun. Alexis let her eyes linger on the four figures, wondering which one was Prince Changbin, her soon to be husband.
Finally her gaze fell on two boys, standing to the side of the platform, her eyes widening as she took in the most beautiful people she had ever seen. One was tall and lean, long blonde locks falling over his forehead, partly covering intense liquid brown eyes. The other was shorter with a petite figure and silvery blonde hair that seemed to shine even in the shadows he stood in. But it was his eyes that drew the most attention. One was such a dark brown that it looked black, the other, in stark contrast was a shockingly bright light blue. The pair made such an achingly beautiful sight that Alexis had to advert her eyes but couldn’t stop herself continuing to steal glances in their direction.
Alexis straightened from her curtesy and, heeding her sisters advice, held her head high, fixing the King with an unwavering gaze.
To her surprise King Chan smiled even wider at her and launched himself down the stairs, wrapping her in a tight hug when he reached the bottom.
“Welcome, Princess Alexis. The Kingdom of Roalun is so pleased to have you here at last.”
The King pulled back and kissed her on both cheeks.
Alexis startled a little, feeling unbalanced as she replied slightly stiffly, “Thank you for the kind welcome, Your Majesty.”
“Oh none of that,” the King scoffed, waving a hand at her. “We are soon to be Brother and Sister. Chan will do just fine.” Chan motioned for the five boys still up on the platform to join him.
He grabbed the sculpted man first, pulling him to his side and wrapping an arm lovingly around his waist. “Let me introduce you to my Husband, Prince Minho.”
Minho inclined his head, his feelings hidden behind his cool expression. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Princess Alexis.”
“Just Alexis please,” Alexis insisted, getting the feeling that this court preferred a less formal approach to their Royalty.
“And these three are my baby brothers.” The boys grimaced at the title, none of them looking even close to being babies. “Prince Jisung, Prince Seungmin and the youngest, Prince Jeongin.”
Alexis’ eyes drifted over the three very different brothers but her gaze settled at the last boy, standing silently, head bowed.
“And this is Prince Changbin, Heir to Roalun and your future spouse,” Chan introduced so casually that Alexis fought not to wince at the informality.
Changbin finally looked up, bowing low to her. “It is a great pleasure to meet you, Princess. I hope your time here will be agreeable.”
Alexis felt her heart drop at his distant but polite distant tone. His greeting made it sound like she was only visiting for a holiday, not moving to a completely foreign kingdom to become his wife.
Before she could speak to him at all, Changbin gave her another quick bow and then turned to Chan. “I really must be going, brother. The Generals are waiting for me.”
Chan’s brow creased into a frown but he nodded his consent. Changbin retreated at a brisk pace, Alexis watching after him in confusion.
Chan cleared his throat. “Unfortunately my brothers position as the Head of Military keeps him very busy.”
Alexis smiled and nodded her understanding, hiding her consternation behind what she hoped was a polite bland expression.
Chan then beckoned to the two boys still standing to one side.  “And these two fine gentlemen are my brothers, Lord Hyunjin and Lord Felix.”
Hyunjin groaned in a dramatic voice, rolling his eyes as he approached. “You know how I hate being introduced as Lord, Channie,” the tall blonde complained. He reached over and grasped one of Alexis’ hands, placing a quick kiss onto the back of it, smiling crookedly up at her. “I’m so happy to meet you, Alexis. I’m very glad to finally be adding some femininity to our little family.”
Chan glared at the inappropriate words while Alexis struggled not to turn and look at Elora as she heard the other girl suppressing laughter.
Alexis concentrated her attention back on the King. “I thought you only had four brothers?” She questioned unthinkingly, her curiosity around the weird dynamic of this foreign court getting the better of her.
Chan gave a loud bark of laughter, pleased at her straight forwardness. “Hyunjin and Felix’s father was my father’s best friend and advisor. When their parents passed away my father took them in as his own. We’ve spent our whole lives together.”
Alexis turned her eyes on the two brothers, Felix having joined them, standing silently next Hyunjin. “I’m very sorry for your loss. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“It’s fine. Ask away,” Hyunjin said flippantly, waving his hands around airily. “This is to be your family as well. You have a right to ask about it.”
“Talking about family,” Alexis turned and beckoned Elora towards her, grabbing hold of the younger girls arm and holding her tight against her side, relieved at her solid presence. “This is my sister, Lady Elora.”
“Just Elora please,” Elora interrupted, shaking her head at the formal title.
“Lovely to meet you, Elora,” Chan said, smiling widely at Alexis’ sister, putting Alexis at ease.
Alexis immediately felt favourable towards anyone who treated Elora with kindness and respect. The younger girl had too often received scorn and distain from others, making Alexis very protective of her sister.
“I’m sure you are tired after your long journey,” the one called Jisung spoke up, clearly picking up the signs of exhaustion that both Alexis and Elora was exhibiting. “Should I show you to your rooms now so you can have a rest before dinner?” The kind boy posed it as a question, not wanting to impose on them.
“If His Majes…” Alexis stopped herself and continued pink staining her cheeks, unused to such informality. “If Chan does not mind us being excused. A rest sounds wonderful right now.”
Chan frowned a little, concern creasing his brow. “Oh dear. In my excitement I forgot what a long day you’ve both had. Of course you may go, please. Go rest and we can talk more over dinner.”
Chan gave both Alexis and Elora tight hugs before Jisung beckoned for them to follow him out. Alexis and Elora curtseyed to the royal family and then exited the throne room, feeling much more relaxed than when they had entered.
Jisung chatted amiably as he led them through a maze of corridors before stopping in front of a pair of large doors. Alexis looked at the masterpiece in front of her in awe as she heard Elora’s quiet exclamation of amazement.
Jisung had a smug look on his face. “Do you like them? They were specifically made for you. In fact the whole room was specifically decorated for you.”
Alexis felt her heart constrict at the startling act of thoughtfulness that she hadn’t expected when being forced into an arranged marriage in a country at war with her own.
The doors were painted a solid gold with beautifully ornate pearl and turquoise inlays making up intricate patterns of flowers and animals. Alexis raised a hand to brush against a perfect depiction of a peacock with full plumage proudly of display.
“He heard you liked animals.” Jisung’s voice pulled Alexis out of her reverie and back to the present.
“Who heard?” She asked unthinkingly, still in awe of the artwork that was simply the entrance to her rooms.
“Changbin of course,” Jisung said matter-of-factly, reaching over and pushing the doors open. “The inside is all Hyunjin though,” the boy continued as he stepped inside, Elora following close behind him.
Alexis took one more moment to admire the first sign of consideration that she’d received from her future spouse, before following the other two inside.
This time the opulence before her made Alexis’ jaw drop and eyes widen in shock, as she turned in a full 360 to try and take in every detail surrounding them.
The colour palette of the door was continued into the rooms, gold, pearl and turquoise hues mirrored throughout the furnishings and decorations.
They were standing in a large sitting area, the ceiling draped in gold and white cloth, a large brazier of gold hung from the ceiling dripping strings of pearls that sparkled in the late afternoon light. The chairs were large and comfy, their brilliant turquoise upholstery offset by gold trim. A low table stood before a fireplace, surrounded by multicoloured floor cushions and covered by an intricately embroidered table runner that depicted brightly coloured scenes of animals found in Roalun. Through a set of white shuttered doors to her right, Alexis could see an absolutely enormous fourposter bed draped with beautiful hangings of sheer gold and turquoise.
But what attracted Alexis attention the most were the doors directly in front of her that were flung wide open giving an unobstructed view of the outside. She walked over, feeling like she was in a haze, out onto a large balcony, pressing up against the railing as she took in the view.
As the Palace was built strategically at the top of a hill, the city of Epiris was laid out like a tapestry below her, extending down the slope until it hit the bank of Lake Lilies, continuing to spread along the lakes edge on either side. The lake was a breathtaking sight, glistening in the sunlight, large enough that you could barely glimpse the other side. She could see from her position the place where the Mairis River flowed into the lake and immediately took in the two garrison towers on either side, brows pinching when she remembered exactly why she was here.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Jisung said as he came to stand beside her. Elora was still inside, already starting to unpack their trunks, always happier when things were in their proper place.
“It’s stunning,” Alexis agreed, closing her eyes for a moment and basking in the sunlight. They stood in silence for a moment, Alexis feeling slightly bewildered with how comfortable she was already feeling in her new home.
“Can I ask you something?” Jisung sounded hesitant. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t feel like it.”
Alexis opened her eyes and looked over at him. He now had his back towards the view, leaning against the railing as he fixed her with a serious look.
“Did you have a choice? About coming here, I mean?”
Alexis considered the question for a moment, her silence making the other boy jittery.
“Not exactly,” Alexis finally answered. “I’m sure if I had put up more of a fuss, the King wouldn’t have sent me, but I’m also pretty sure if I’d done that he would’ve renounced my title, leaving me with no prospects and no way to keep Elora safe.”
Jisungs expression softened, pity shining in his eyes. “Not really a choice then,” he commented softly.
“Not really, no,” Alexis replied, giving him a small smile. He returned it with one of understanding, making Alexis wonder what non-choices had been given to him and the close-knit family around him.
“You know we didn’t even know Roalun had a Princess until Chan told us about you coming to marry one of us,” a voice chimed up from behind them, making both of them spin around in shock. Jeongin, the baby of the family, stood in the doorway, his face openly curious.
“Jeongin, you can’t just walk into other peoples rooms,” Jisung berated his younger brother, looking ready to throttle the boy.
“The door was open.” Jeongin shrugged slightly, not seemingly bothered by the scolding.
He fixed his gaze back on Alexis. “Are you really a Princess? Because I learnt in History that King Tobias only had sons.”
Jisung whacked the younger boy over the head. “You don’t ask questions like that you dimwit!”
“It’s okay. He should know if I’m to be his sister-in-law,” Alexis consoled the embarrassed elder boy.
She turned her gaze back to Jeongin. “My father is the King but my mother isn’t Queen Lillian. My mother is her sister, Lady Edelyn, the former Duchess of Vitova and Alzilicia. The Princes are my half-brothers. The reason you didn’t know that Roalun had a Princess is because up until a month ago there wasn’t one. Although the King had claimed me as his daughter, I was still only a Lady, one day to be Duchess of my mother lands. However, when the King saw an opportunity to seal the Peace Treaty with Roalun by connecting our two Kingdoms through marriage, he gave me the title of Princess and shipped me off here, and as my mother is dead there was no one to stop him doing it.”
Jeongin looked shocked, eyes wide as he tried to make sense of Alexis’ story. Jisung on the other hand didn’t look surprised, his expression empathetic, which made the newly made Princess feel a little bit better about exposing her complicated past.
“Does that make you a Princess as well?” Jeongin unthinkingly asked Elora as the other girl joined them.
Alexis stiffened, immediately shooting Jeongin a glare, even though she knew he didn’t mean any harm by it.
Elora grimaced and shook her head, quickly blurting out, “No, I will never be a Princess,” before quickly disappearing back inside.
Jisung slapped Jeongin over the head once again. “Idiot!”
“Wait, what did I say?” Jeongin was genuinely confused which made Alexis soften her irritation at the younger boy slightly.
“It’s a sensitive topic for Elora. Just leave it alone, alright,” she told him, a hand going to her forehead and her exhaustion finally caught up with her.
“If you don’t mind, I think I might go lay down for a bit,” she told the two boys, walking back inside.
“Of course. Someone will come and get get you when it’s time for dinner,” Jisung said, taking Jeongins arm and dragging him out of the room with him. Jeongin smiled widely and gave Alexis a cute wave goodbye before the door slammed shut in his face.
Alexis smiled and gave a chuckle at the cute boy, shaking her head as she went to check on Elora.
She found her sister already asleep on top of the covers of her bed in her own slightly smaller room. Her face was still scrunched in distress and Alexis reached out a hand to smooth the hair off of her forehead, Elora immediately relaxing at her touch. Sighing, Alexis grabbed a rug and covered her up, quietly tiptoeing out of the room and softly closing the door behind her.
Fighting to keep her eyes open, she stumbled into her own room and crawled into the massive bed, burrowing deep under the covers.
The last thing she saw before succumbing to sleep was the detailed picture of a Mountain Lion painted onto the ceiling of her room, the sparkling afternoon sunlight making it look alive.
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heliotropism (prologue 3.0)
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☼ Pairing: Stray Kids x fem!Reader (possible 9 routes)
☼ Genre: angel au!, romance, mystery
☼ Warning: some violence, possible trigger warnings (?)
☼ Word Count: 6.1k
☼ Summary:
You finally got into the angel academy to keep a promise you had to uphold no matter what - however with your dyed and uneven wings, tough demeanor, and broken soul, you find yourself in the lowest of color ranks and surrounded by angels that can’t seem to leave you alone. One day out of the blue, you find a letter with your name on it and discover that someone knows the reasons why the real color of your wings aren’t like everyone else’s. And in order to uncover the truths about yourself, you have to find the person writing the letters; even if it means discovering things that could risk your life.
☼ A/N: hi everyone! i am so sorry this part is so overdued! even though i said that this part was the last one, there is still another half of this part still not finished! we aren’t done just yet! as for the routes, i have an idea of who i’ll be starting our journey off with first! thank you everyone for your support and your wonderful comments and messages! as always all the pictures and gifs used in this story don’t belong to me and all of the credits go to their beloved owners! i hope you guys enjoy this part and please keep an eye out for the last final part of this prologue!
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“Stay here, okay? I’ll be right back.” Minho gently placed me down on the edge of the fountain and made sure to cover the bottom half of my face with the blanket. “Don't go anywhere, got it?”
 “It’s not like I can.” You wanted to roll your eyes at his sarcasm, but you just nodded with your eyes glued on the hungry flames eating away at everything it touched; Minho gave you a slight chuckle before running off to the burning building. An explosion suddenly went off somewhere on the top floor and it made you flinch before feeling your chest become heavy with anxiety. Minho disappeared into the Silver dorm and you lost sight of him before seeing him help an injured angel out of the building a couple seconds later.
 There were injured angels around you trying to catch their breath and get enough fresh air before the smoke started to fill up the streets; some of them had minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes or bruises while others had burned off feathers or badly scorched wings. The fresh, bloody wounds made you remembered what had just happened to your own and there was a growing, unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t just sit there and do nothing; even though your body was past the point of keeping you on your two feet, your painfully dyed wings were nothing compared to the burn wounds on those angels’ wings.
 Biting down a wince of pain, you pulled the blanket off your body and soaked it into the water of the fountain before approaching a female angel who was on the ground crying in pain. The tips of her wings were burned off and there were horrible burns all over her arms. You gently wrapped the wet towel around her body and comforted her as she cried into your arms.
 “It’s okay…”
 Smoke started to fill the streets as the flames got bigger and stronger. There were angels trying to put it out with fire extinguishers and hoses connected to the nearest hydrant however it seemed like it was doing nothing to the fire. You noticed Seungmin helping a limping angel from one of the back doors when some of the building structure above him started to crumble.
 “Seungmin!” You screamed his name as the adrenaline in your body rose when you scrambled to get to your feet. He heard his name being called and that was when he saw the structure above him giving out. You wanted to run and you wanted to push him out of the way so badly, but it was like your legs had turned into mush because they didn't want to work when you wanted them to. You fell back onto the ground when you tried to stand up and you just watched in horror as Seungmin barely manage to dodge the falling structure. A small part of his already shortened wing caught on fire and you had to let out a sigh of relief when he put it out immediately; thankfully only a couple of feathers were burned.
 Suddenly, cracks of purple lightning filled the dark sky and loud roars of thunder shook the ground as rain clouds started to form above the dorm complex. You were immediately drenched as it started to pour down hard. The flames started to slowly die and so did the panic. Chan and Woojin had arrived shortly before the rain started and their lieutenants were either setting up healing stations or pulling out any more angels that were still in the building; to your horror amongst the handful of surviving angels, there were also those that unfortunately didn't make it.
 Before you could see the bodies, someone dropped a blanket over your head and the next thing you knew, you were being lifted up and carried somewhere while the rain started to calm down a bit.
 “Hey! What the-!”
 “Stop kicking! I’m taking you inside!” You immediately recognized Hyunjin’s voice and relaxed for maybe three seconds before tensing up again.
 “Wait, I was helping that girl back there!”
 “Jisung got to her, she’ll be fine. Lieutenant Minho told me to bring you inside before you actually pass out. He said you have a fever.” Hyunjin muttered under his breath as he stepped out of the rain into the crowded lobby before going up the stairs to your floor.
 “So?? I can take care of myself! A fever is nothing compared to what everyone else is going through. Not put me down-”
 “You can’t even stand!” He scolded you and opened the door to your room before setting you on the bed and taking off the blanket. Hyunjin finally took notice of your silver wings and they didn't seem right to him; the other colors suited you better than this. You huffed in annoyance, knowing that he was right and folded in your wings, feeling uncomfortable with him staring at them.
 “I’m guessing the door isn’t fixed.”
 “Seungmin has to order you another door knob. There weren’t any spares left in the inventory.” Hyunjin sighed. “I’m gonna head downstairs and see if anyone else needs help so take a bath and get dressed in some clean clothes. Unless… you need me to help you get into the bath-”
 “I’m fine! I can get into the tub myself…” You muttered, obviously not wanting him to help you anymore since it wasn’t needed and motioned for him to go. “Go help. I’ll be fine.”
 “If you need me to check up on you later-”
 “Oh my god, no. It’s okay.” You shook your head and Hyunjin hesitated before nodding and leaving the room. Trying to gathering your thoughts and breath a little, you sat on your bed for a couple minutes before pushing yourself off to get to the restroom. You used the door frame and wall to balance your body up as you dragged yourself to the tub where you immediately stripped away the dirty clothes.
 With the shower curtain pulled over, you turned on the shower and just sat in the tub as the cold water ran down your body. You folded your wings in and let the sound of the water lull you to sleep as you rested your head to the side against the tub. The tensions and exhaustion gradually left your aching body, leaving you in a peaceful sleep.
 The door to your room opened and something heavy was dropped onto the ground. A light brownish-blonde haired boy stepped into the minimally furnished room and closed the door behind him. While the fire and condition of the Silver dorm being dealt with by the Captains and Lieutenants, the angels who used to live in that dorm were now being assigned to share a room in the Red dorm for the night until things were settled down; there weren’t many angels in the Silver dorm so there were plenty of rooms for them to occupy. However, the only issue was that some Red dorm residents had issues with Silver dorm residents and rooming was slightly limited because some angels didn't want to share their room.
 The RA of the Silver dorm was last to get assigned to a room and there was only one room left that had a spare bed available - Seungmin was hesitant at first, but your room was the only option left. He wanted to share his room but because he was an RA, he only had one bed and there wasn’t spare to add another one in just for the night.
 “It’s shabby,” the light-brown haired angel sighed as he checked out the room. “-but what can I expect from the Red dorms?” He approached the closed wardrobe next to your bed and opened it to pull down the foldable bed; the bedspread and everything was put away neatly into the drawers so he took those out and started making the bed for the night.
 The sound of the shower continued to drag on as the angel unpacked some things from a bag that Seungmin gave him; it was filled with necessities that he might need for the night and even a spare set of clothes to sleep in. Maybe after thirty minutes of doing nothing but looking around and staring up at the ceiling, the RA of the Silver dorm decided to knock on the restroom door because you were taking too long.
 “Hey, are you done in there?” He asked and waited for a response but heard nothing; then he remembered that Seungmin told him what had happened to you and the condition you were in. “Are you okay?”
 No response.
 The light-brown haired angel panicked and thought you had passed out for real so he hesitantly opened the door and a whole bunch of steam just came rushing at him. He tried to waved them away from his arms and grabbed a towel from the rack.
 When you didn't reply, he pulled the shower curtain back slightly to see you in a fetal-like position in the tub with your wings covering your naked body. He immediately turned off the shower and putting aside his uneasiness and discomfort he pulled you into his arms and wrapped the towel around your body with averted eyes.
 “Okay… Okay, Felix. You can do this.” The angel muttered to himself as he attempted to dry your body as best as he could without looking and lifted you out of the tub. Felix carried you to your bed and just pulled the covers over your body. He exhaled heavily as if he was holding his breath the entire time and glanced at your peaceful sleeping face; you looked okay from what he could tell. “Geez…”
 Felix grabbed another towel to dry your hair and put your discarded clothes into the laundry basket before taking a shower himself; most of the hot water was gone since the majority of the dorm was probably showering as well, but he didn't mind the cold water.
After he finished showering, Felix changed and decided to go check on the situation of the Silver dorm before heading to bed.
 When you woke up the next morning, you started to shiver because it was cold in your room for some reason. Your body felt relaxed but at the same time… it felt kind of airy in some places?
 Wait what?
 Your eyes widened and you looked under the covers to see your body completely exposed before sitting up with the blankets pressed against you. You remembered taking a really nice shower… and then falling asleep; but you had no recollections of waking up and going to bed nude. Before you could freak out verbally, you heard the sound of snoring coming from nearby; it sounded like it was coming from somewhere in your room.
 Turning your head, you froze to see a body occupied on the spare bed next to yours and confusion just hit you; who was this person and why were they sleeping in your room?? Were they also the person who carried you to bed… while you were still naked!?
 “Hey...Wake up…” You cleared your throat and leaned towards the other bed to tap the person while still keeping the covers still close to your chest. “Hey excuse me?”
 The person stirred and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when you heard a very deep groan-like is it even remotely possible for a voice to be this low and husky? You quickly scurried back to your bed when the person slowly sat up and their covers falling to their lap; this boy had disheveled lightish-brown hair that somewhat covered his eyes and even with the slight bloatedness on his fair features, you could see that his face has some charm to them. The color of his wings were white with long streaks of gold and they were almost as big as Hyunjin’s.
 “Who are you?” You asked a bit louder than before and he glanced at you with a confused expression before finally realizing what was going on. Felix’s eyes widened when he saw you clinging the covers to your body and quickly looked away before clearing his throat.
 “Felix… My name’s Felix.”
 Taken aback at his deep voice, you tried to make sense as to how his voice was his and how his face had that voice.
 “...W...Why are you in my room…?”
 “Uh… Well, last night since the Silver dorm was burned down, we were assigned to stay in the rooms in this dorm for the night.”
 “... But why mine?” You sort of understood what was going on, but there were plenty of rooms in this dorm; why did he have to stay in yours?
 “Some angels living here don't really like angels from the Silver dorm so you could say beds were limited.” Felix explained softly as he ruffled his bed hair slightly.
 “That’s kind of petty, but okay… Are you going to be leaving today? Or what’s the plan?” You decided to get up out of bed and grab some clothes or something to change into while still holding onto the blanket. “Close your eyes. I feel uncomfortable talking to you with no clothes on…”
 “S-Sorry about that,” Felix closed his eyes tightly as you hurried to your luggage to grab anything you could change into. “-I didn't think you’d be comfortable knowing that I dressed you so I didn't try. And about the room situation, the Captains said they’d let us know today. We’re going to find out about it at breakfast.”
 “You’re right about the dressing me part… You...didn't see anything...right?”
 “N-No, I didn't. I didn't look I swear.” Felix internally panicked and his ears burned hot at the thought of what happened the night before; but remembering it made him even more embarrassed.
 You quickly got changed into a sports bra, underwear and an oversized black t-shirt before putting the blanket back onto your bed. You tossed the towel into the laundry basket and grabbed a brush from the restroom sink.
 “You can look now…” You muttered softly as you sat on the bed with your back facing Felix. “I’m Y/N by the way… I don't think I mentioned my name.”
 “I know… I think everyone on campus kind of knows…” Felix replied with a nod and stood up to make the bed neat and tidy. “You don't mind if I use the restroom first, do you?”
 “Go right ahead.”
 You tried not to stare at Felix as he walked into the restroom and closed the door so that he could freshen up for the morning. With a sigh, you just brushed through your hair and tied it up into a messy bun before sliding on some slippers. You picked up your memo pad with some things you needed to do written on it and that was when you noticed your silver wings in the standing mirror.
 “They are frickin’ ugly as hell…” You grimaced at the plain color and didn't like how you looked with it; but it was a whole lot better than what the real color of your wings was. The color underneath all that dye would for sure cause you a lot of trouble if anyone where to know of it.
 The restroom door opened after a couple minutes and you went in after Felix finished drying his face after washing it. He froze when you brushed past him and once the restroom door closed he went to put on some slippers from the bag Seungmin gave him. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and Felix hesitated before going to open it.
 “... Where’s Y/N?” Hyunjin immediately frowned when the door opened to reveal a guy that wasn’t you; he remembered seeing Seungmin talking to him the night before but Hyunjin wasn’t interested in what they were conversing about.
 “She’s brushing her teeth. You need something?” Felix frowned as well, feeling some hostility coming from Hyunjin and noticed the size of his wings; he heard that there was a new freshmen with wings bigger than his and Felix had one of the largest wings on campus. So this was who it was.
 “Breakfast is starting and the Captains want to talk to us. Is she okay?”
 “She’s fine.”
 Before Hyunjin could ask about her overall condition, you came out of the restroom and saw the two boys just glaring at one another.
 “What’s going on here?” You asked in confusion with crossed arms.
 “Nothing. Let’s go get food.” Hyunjin reached forward and grabbed your hand in his, pulling you out of the room to him. Before you could remind him not to touch you, he started dragging you down the hallway, leaving Felix with a bitter feeling in his chest.
 “Slow down! And stop holding my hand!” You complained, pulling your hand away from Hyunjin when the two of you reached the top of the stairs. “What is wrong with you?”
 “Are you feeling okay?” He turned to you with concerned eyes and you were confused as to why he was so worried about your well-being. “Nothing happened after I left?”
 “I’m okay… and no. Not really.” You didn't really want to tell him about the whole Felix finding you sleeping in the tub and carrying your naked body to your bed so you kept it to yourself. “Let’s just go eat already. I’m starving.”
 Hyunjin just sighed when you clearly lied to his face and decided not to pester you about it before following you into the dining hall. He helped you get some food on your plates and the two of you joined Jisung at a table where Seungmin was at. You immediately dug in and the boys weren’t even surprised anymore.
 “You let her walk out wearing that again?” Seungmin noticed that your attire was the same as the last time you walked into the dining hall and Hyunjin just took off his cardigan and draped it over your legs.
 “Slipped my mind. I was preoccupied with something else at the moment.” Hyunjin gave Felix a hard stare when the light-brown haired angel entered the dining hall and conversing with some of his friends. Seungmin followed his gaze and just nodded.
  “So you met Felix.”
 “Are you okay, Y/N? With having to share a room with a dude…?” Jisung asked as you were spreading some cream cheese on your toasted bagel.
 “Does it matter what I think? There was a limited amount of beds available right? And I just happened to have a spare bed.” You muttered as you took a big bite of the bagel.
 “But are you okay with it?” Hyunjin frowned and you shrugged.
 “Not really, but it’s not like we’d have to spend another night together, right?”
 “Who knows. Chan and Woojin are going to be talking about it soon.” Seungmin picked up his coffee cup and took a sip from it before glancing at the Captains talking near the stage. “Ah right. I’m going to head into town after breakfast to pick up your new door knob and keys. Do you want to come with me, Y/N?”
 “Are you asking me out on a date?” You blinked and Hyunjin choked on his own coffee while Jisung’s eyes just widened like saucers.
 “Depends. Do you want it to be a date?” Seungmin grinned teasingly. “We’ll have some fun hitting up the hardware store and maybe I’ll take you to get some crepes.”
 “I love crepes!” Your eyes widened at the sound of dessert and he laughed out loud. “It’s a date then!”
 “Perfect.” He chuckled as Hyunjin just gave him a look of disbelief. “What? Do you guys want me to take you on a date too? Do you like crepes too?”
 “I like the chocolate hazelnut flavor!” Jisung’s eyes also sparkled at the invitation to eat crepes and you turned to him in surprise.
 “Me too! Whoa, we have something in common after all!”
 “D-Did we not?” He suddenly blinked in confusion and Hyunjin just shook his head.
 “How about it, Hyunjin? Are you up for a date with the three of us?” Seungmin chuckled.
 “Someone has to keep you guys out of trouble right?”
 “Everyone!” Chan called out for everyone’s attention and you turned your gaze to where the blonde angel was standing at; for a split second you swore you made eye contact with him, but you thought it was just your imagination so you went back to eating. “We have some announcements to make regarding the housing situation after what happened last night.”
 “While we’re going to rebuild the Silver dorm, the academy is going to reimburse everyone who was housing there so that you guys can buy necessities for the time being. As for the rooming situation, we’ve decided that where you guys are right now is where you’ll be staying temporarily. Those that lived in the Silver dorm will now stay in the Red dorm and we won’t tolerate those who refuse to share their living spaces. The academy won’t forget to reward you for your cooperation so we would like to thank you for openly allowing your fellow angels to stay with you.” Woojin explained and some angels just groaned while others were happy about the decision.
 “Tonight at the park we will send our farewells to our friends who did not make it out of the fire or passed on from their injuries. I expect everyone to attend the ceremony so please make time out of your night to join us.” Chan spoke afterwards and you stopped eating when you remembered that there were angels who lost their lives that night. You placed down your utensils and turned to see that Chan was looking at you as Changbin was reporting on what was going on at the med bay.
 “I’m sorry.” The blonde-haired Captain mouthed to you and you gave him a confused expression; what was he apologizing for?
 Once the announcements were over, you excused yourself to go back to your dorm to get changed into a more suitable outfit for an outdoor ‘date’ only to find something sticking out from under your door. You looked around and saw that the hallway was empty and you didn't see anyone on your way to your dorm either. Picking up the envelope, you opened it right there and saw a blank piece of paper; but you knew that there was a hidden message written on it. This was a method of communication that you were familiar with during your times in the streets on the other side of the wall.
 Quickly closing the door behind you, you rummaged through your backpack for the blacklight flashlight that you always carried around and pulled it out to reveal the message.
 ‘i know about your wings. i know who you really are... but i’m not the only one. find me and i’ll tell you everything before it’s too late. don't let them get you.’
 Turning off the blacklight, you quickly folded up the letter and put it back into the envelope before getting tape out of your backpack. You taped the envelope onto the top of the second drawer in your nightstand and felt panic setting in the pit of your stomach; someone in the academy knows about your wings… and it seems like those who you were trying to escape and hide from found out where you were. But how?
 You jumped when you heard someone knocking on the door and hesitated before opening it cautiously to see Seungmin standing there sheepishly.
 “You ready?” He beamed a smile, making you realize that you hadn’t changed yet.
 “N-Not yet… Give me two minutes.” You shook your head and he nodded before you closed the door to put on a pair of jean shorts and ankle boots.  Glancing at the hidden letter in your nightstand drawer one last time, you tried to set aside the uneasy feeling in your chest and stepped out of the room.
 “You okay?” Jisung asked you softly while the four of you were walking to the Plaza where all the shops, entertainment and food areas were. While Hyunjin and Seungmin were slightly ahead, the blonde angel fell back to your pace after noticing that you were kind of spaced out.
 “Why does everyone keep asking me that? I’m okay…”
 “It’s because you don't look like it.” He murmured with a concerned expression as you looked up at him in puzzlement. “Your face is pale, you seem distracted and you’re not as… snappy.”
 “Maybe I didn't get enough sleep or something… Or maybe I just need something sweet.” You shrugged and he suddenly hooked his arm around yours, pulling you in the direction of a boba tea shop nearby. “W-What the-! Blondie, let me go! Hey!”
 “I’m going to get Y/N fed with sugar! She seems a bit tired so you guys go on ahead! We’ll meet you guys up at the fountain after you’re done!” Jisung yelled to the other two who stopped when they heard you complaining about him.
 “Okay! Don't give her too much sugar!” Seungmin laughed and Hyunjin gave you two a worried stare before the RA wrapped an arm around the brown-haired angel’s shoulder. “Let’s go have a date of our own, Hyunjin!”
 “H-Hey, who said I’m going on a date with you!?”
 “What was that for?” You pulled away from Jisung who just smiled at you with that goofy, carefree smile of his.
 “Boba makes everything better and it’ll take away your stress, trust me. So you coming in or not?” The blonde opened the door for you and flipped his white baseball cap backwards on his head so that he could see the menu better. You nodded hesitantly and entered the boba shop to see many angels hanging out in the shop.
 The menu was filled with a decent amount of drinks with their sizes and topping options which made you kind of intimidated and slightly overwhelmed; you heard about these types of shops before and you always wanted to try it but since you weren’t in a good place on the other side of the wall you never got the chance to. You glanced at Jisung who was thinking hard about what he wanted and he had this funny thinking expression on his face that made you kind of crack a smile; he was an oddball.
 “I think I’ll just get the Classic Black milk tea with honey boba, how about you?” Jisung turned his head to look at you and felt his ears get warm when he saw you were staring at him with a small smile on your face; he was taken aback at this and blushed hard when you just looked away quickly after getting caught staring. You ignored the heat spreading all over your face as you tried to focus on the menu.
 “I-I don't know...T-There’s a lot…” You breathed out softly and Jisung stood closer to you before suggesting a drink that you might like.
 “How about the Earl Grey milk tea with honey boba? I like the fragrance of the tea and the different taste it has from the Black tea. I think you’ll really like it.”
 “O-Okay… Get me that one.” You nodded and let him order as you just nervously looked around the shop. There were a lot of couple angels on dates and several big groups of friends just hanging out; there was a small empty two-seater table near the window and you just tugged on Jisung’s sleeve once he finished paying. The two of you made your way over there and couldn’t really look at one another in the eye after sitting down.
 “H-How do you know about these drinks?” You decided to break the ice and Jisung finally looked at your face but kind of blushed when he did.
 “Before I joined the academy, I used to live in the Civilian city where I worked in a shop like this,” he chuckled softly when he remembered the fun times he had working with different milk tea drinks. “-I really loved it and to be honest if this place was hiring I would apply in a heartbeat.”
 “Wait, you… joined the Academy even though you were living in the Civilian town?”
 “Yeah… I didn't tell Hyunjin this yet, but I wasn’t exactly ‘born’ into the whole routine of ‘i died and became an angel and joined the academy” kind of thing. I think I liked my human life and felt that living in the Civilian city was better for me even if it meant it would take awhile for me to be reincarnated.”
 “So...why did you join…?” You asked and before he could answer the buzzer the cashier gave him started buzzing and he excused himself to get the drinks. Jisung returned with the milk teas and handed you yours along with a fat straw. Watching him in confusion, he just kind of stabbed the plastic paper-like lid of the cup and started drinking his milk tea. You did the same and hesitantly tried the drink before filling your whole taste buds melt at the sweet taste.
 Jisung stiffled a laugh when he watched you kind of made a face of adoration and there was this sparkle in your eyes that made his chest feel kind of warm.
 “You like it?”
 “I love it! Oh my gosh! It’s as sweet and nice as I imagined it would be!” You exclaimed and hugged your drink which the blonde angel found was hilarious.
 “Y-You’ve never tried this before when you were on the other side of the wall?” He laughed and you shook your head.
 “I didn't exactly have time on my hands to be spending at a place that this…”
 “And why’s that?” He asked and you started to remember some bad memories, which clearly showed on your face. Jisung noticed your discomfort from his question and quickly changed the topic. “Nevermind! Whenever we have the time in between classes or exams, let’s come here and study sometimes. Or maybe to just hangout. I want you to experience the different types they have.”
 “I’m up for that.” You smiled again and then remembered your question from before. “You didn't answer my question earlier… about why you decided to join the academy.”
 “... Maybe I’ll tell you some times whenever you’re comfortable around me to tell me about your stories.” Jisung just smiled and you thought it was fair so you nodded.
 After finishing your drinks, you and Jisung left the shop to go check out the different stores at the Plaza. You wanted to buy some personal things for the dorm and for your own use but you didn't bring much cash on you at the time; so you decided to write it down on your memo to buy next time. Jisung insisted he bought some of the things you were writing down for you, but you didn't want him to since you didn't really like owing people back.
 “This looks comfy.” You eyed an oversized rose-colored sweater in a retail store while Jisung was checking out the backpacks on the racks. As if detecting something off, the blonde angel turned around and looked around the store to see someone suspicious eyeing you from a couple racks away. They were wearing all black and covering their face with a mask so Jisung couldn’t see their face. He immediately put back the backpack he wanted to buy and tried to casually approach you.
 “Did you find something you like?” He forced a smile while intertwining his hand with yours. You tensed up at the sudden skinship and looked up at him with confused eyes. Jisung had this sudden serious look on his face that made you nervous. You let Jisung drag you through the crowded racks and into the fitting room before pulling the curtain to hide you two in one of the rooms.
 “What’s wrong?” You asked softly and he shook his head.
 “I thought I saw someone strange that’s all… He was watching you and I wanted to see if I wasn’t just overthinking it.” Jisung whispered and the two of you tensed up when you heard hectic footsteps coming into the fitting room area.
 “Sir, this is the ladies’ changing room. The mens’ is on the other side of the store.” A female employee said and the person turned to leave after the employee had to shoo him out.
 “... You might be right.” You recalled what the letter said and started to think that whoever it was that Jisung saw watching you might’ve have been part of the group that was looking for you; it kind of reinforced an assumption you were thinking of but wasn’t sure.
 There were angels in the Academy working with that group; which meant you weren’t safe anywhere now.
 “I’ll go see if the coast is clear, okay?” Jisung pulled his hand away from you and for some reason you grabbed onto his hand. His eyes widened and you quickly pulled away before apologizing.
 “S-Sorry… Y-Yeah, I’ll...stay here…”
 “I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” He gave you a soft smile of reassurement and you had no other choice but to believe him. You nodded and Jisung stepped out of the fitting room, closing the curtain behind him.
 If they know I’m here… there must be others nearby… damn it…
 Jisung came back after a couple seconds and held out his hand to you.
 “It’s clear. Let’s head back to the dorm.”
 “But what about-”
 “I’ll send them an aerial bird. They’ll understand, it’s okay.”
 You took his hand and the two of you left the retail store, taking the alley way roads back to the Red dorm where you and Jisung waited in your dorm; Felix was out at the time it seemed and so it was unoccupied. You watched as Jisung summoned a small, transparent bird out of thin air and said his message to it before it flew through the door and disappeared.
 “Not a lot of people know how to summon an aerial bird. I knew one person who knew how… but they were much older than you.” You noticed a glowing symbol on Jisung’s forearm when he was summoning the bird and then it faded away when the bird was gone. “It’s a difficult art to perform. It takes up a lot of energy too…”
 “I’m surprised you know about it. I mean… it’s not that uncommon… It’s teachable and doable but yes it requires a lot of focus and energy.” Jisung nodded and took a seat on your study chair.
 “You’re an odd one, Blondie… I thought you were some goofball of a clown but you’re actually quite interesting and mysterious. You better be glad, I’m actually kind of curious about you now.”
 “That’s a compliment, isn’t it?” He grinned widely and you just smiled before throwing a pillow at his ridiculous face. “Just admit that you like me!”
 “Only if you admit that you like me.”
 “... And if I do?”
 “... Shut up.” You got annoyed at the playful grin on his face and threw another pillow at him.
 “Oh hey,” Jisung suddenly noticed the freshman packet on the table and started flipping through it. “-I didn't read through this yet.”
 “Do we have to?” You muttered lazily and laid down on your stomach to hug your long sleeping pillow. “Is there anything interesting to know in there?”
 “Hm, well it says here ‘angels who decide to be in intimate relationships with one another are not forbidden to share a bed together, however be smart and use protection because who the heck has a baby in the Academy?’” Jisung made a funny voice and you laughed.
 “It does not say that.”
 “It doesn’t, but it does imply that having sleepovers means making babies which doesn’t make sense. At least the Academy doesn’t forbid us to be in relationships.”
 “Does that really matter to you?” You asked and the blonde angel thought about it for a minute before giving you a good nod. “Really?? You’re looking for love in a place like this?”
 “Well not exactly. I’m not looking for it per se, but if I like someone I want to be able to express it freely and not be punished for doing so. Don't you?”
 “... I never really thought about those things.” You blinked and shook your head. “I guess you could say my life is unfit for those kinds of things.”
 “Are you scared…? Or does it not interest you?” Jisung was a bit surprised because most girls he knew or would have asked would have dreamed or wanted to be with a significant other romantically.
 “It’s not that…”
 “Ah, so it’s the trust issues.”
 “... I’m not liking the fact that you can read my mind.” You frowned when Jisung kind of pinpointed out the reason why you weren’t really looking for romance or wanting to find one.
 “You’re one mysterious girl, Y/N.” The blonde chuckled.
 “Maybe so…”
 Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the two of you looked at one another.
 “Are you expecting anyone?” Jisung slowly got out of his seat and you shook your head.
 “Maybe it’s Hyunjin and Seungmin.”
 “They would’ve already opened the door by now, wouldn’t they?” He frowned and the two of you tensed up as he cautiously approached the door. When he opened it, his eyes widened. “You…”
to be continued in prologue; part 3.5
|Angel Index;| just some extra information/fun facts~
There are six different types of magic angels can use:
So far you know that...
Jisung uses Air magic
Changbin uses Earth magic and ??? magic
Once all nine Stray Kids members have been introduced, I will post a little memo/character summary with each of their wing colors, hair colors, hobbies, etc for fun!
|Your to-do list;| for funsies~
check out your pager
look through the freshmen packet (pft, maybe if you get bored that is)
find something to decorate your dorm keys  get new keys from Seungmin
get a calendar to mark important dates (such as the end-cycle trial, flying lessons, assignments, etc)
explore? (depending on your mood)
find the next letter
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caprichans · 5 years
EP 1: Pilot [ghostin’]
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         It was dark when Chan entered his apartment. Total black seeped onto the walls and corners of his place, allowing no light to enter until he reached for the switch, and turned on some lights dim enough to bring just the sorrowful ambience of his home. His eyes hovered over to the interior of the place; pictures displayed against the staircase, each frame showcasing a wonderful story, small succulents lined up against the counter-top, patterned pillows dusted and laid neatly on his maroon couch. It all screamed you to him, he thought sullenly, and let his heart pang with another hit of anguish and despair at the thought of you, and how he had just come home from your wake. He tugged his black tie down to the loose end, splayed his blazer over the armrest, and sat in the middle of the couch. He brought his hands to massage his disdained face, as if all he ever did today was frown and cry.
It’s been three years, he thought to himself. It’s been three years, and I still haven’t had the guts to get over you.
As he allowed the dim room to swallow his episode of misery whole, you and your guides stood by the wet window of his living room. An obvious frown marred your lips, and your downcast eyes watched as Chan emitted another sob, pained to watch him break himself again and again, all because of you. Your gut wrenched with guilt just like the last time, and even though you knew he wouldn’t see you, you wished that you’d call out for his name and say that you’re sorry, sorry for being such an ass to him when all he’s ever done to you was treat you well.
Hyunjin’s voice snapped you out of your confliction, as you whirred your head to meet his gaze. “Before you go in, [First Name], Binnie and I would just like to introduce you to a few guidelines—rules, if you may.” You noticed how his wings were neatly folded behind his broad back, as if you were talking to a mere human, not an angel. “You’ll have to take these into immediate care, for if you break one of these rules, you won’t be able to get to paradise. So, let’s begin with Rule #1.” You slightly flinched at the sudden change of his tone, but you figured that you had to get used to it one way or the other. You hadn’t realized that Hyunjin snapped his finger yet again, and brought you three to a bench nearby.
“Rule #1: You are not allowed to back out of this.” Hyunjin waved a finger in warning at you, his eyes squinting. “If you come to us saying that you, uh, what do you humans call it— “
“Chickening out.” Changbin supplied bluntly, his expression bored.
“—yes, chickening out? The demon won’t even give you a chance to give God your last plead, and send you straight to the underground.” The mere thought of Hell sent shivers down your spine, and you took a hesitant look over to Changbin, who waved a lazy hand over at you, expression still bored despite the nod of his head, as if greeting you with a ‘Yep, that’s me!’.
You released a sigh, and nodded back at Hyunjin, as if telling him to proceed. “Rule #2: You are allowed to touch humans, by the way, depending if you want to touch them. You could always just pass through them like that one movie, Ghost? Great movie, by the way, oh dear goodness I’m about to cry all over again.” The angel’s tears began to brim to his eyelids as he flapped his hands across his eyes, treating them like fans to supposedly “dry” the tears. By your side, Changbin elicited a tired sigh as a napkin materialized out of thin air, and passed it over to a nearly crying Hyunjin.
“Thanks, love.” Hyunjin brought the napkin to his eyes, and elegantly patted them dry, blowing his nose for no apparent reason after. Once he began speaking, he let go of the napkin, and you momentarily watched in awe as it gravitated for a split second, before disappearing in thin air, as if it were never there. “Now, what was I saying—oh yes! You could always pass through them, but you can make yourself known to them if you really want to. Be careful not to freak him out, though. I’ve been told that this little kangaroo can get jumpy around ghosts such as you.”
He chuckled at his comment, and you couldn’t help but chuckle back too, recalling a fond memory where Chan would use to hop around excitedly whenever he was about to get something he wanted, whether it’d be a lucky plushie you got from a crane machine, or grilled meats that was presented on his plate. It was one of the few things you loved about Chan, and definitely not one of the stupidest reasons on why you left him.
However, Hyunjin paid no heed to your daydreaming, and continued on. “Rule #3: Make sure that you’ve done your part by the next 40 days. No more, no less.” He shook his head upon saying that, and you dimly wondered what the consequence would be of having to succeed your mission within the short span of your forty-day limit. You doubt you’d be able to finish before the deadline, assuming that halfway though, Chan would start giving you the total treatment you deserved, but you were determined nonetheless. You met Hyunjin’s gaze and responded with a slow nod, to which Hyunjin did the same, a smile pressed on his lips. “That’s basically it! Three rules, and no one stopping you but me and Changbin. Of course with the concept of freewill, you can choose whether to follow those three rules or break them all. I didn’t say that I never warned you, then.”
“A-Alright.” You said for the first time since you entered Earth, and you cringed at the disuse of your voice. “I can do this, I think?”
“You think?” Hyunjin guffawed, slightly incredulous at your hesitation. “No, no, don’t please Binnie with that! It should be me you should be pleasing with your determination!” He clamped his hands over your shoulders, and shook you out of your wits. “Say it with me, [First Name], “I can do this!””
“I can do this!” You responded automatically, eyes comically wide and head spinning seconds after Hyunjin released his grip on you, ruffling your hair affectionately. “That’s my girl.” He mused, pleased with the sudden confidence he helped you gain. You weren’t going to lie, that did lift your heart a bit. Despite the lingering nervousness, the lingering what-ifs that stayed in the back of your mind, Hyunjin was able to knock those down to a notch, and bring up a few positive outlooks to help you fulfill this once and for all. As expected of an angel of God.
“Greedy for attention I see, my love?” Changbin smirked from behind, chortling a small chuckle when Hyunjin pouted at him, glare easing into his twinkling, beautiful eyes. “Just as I remembered.”
The angel harrumphed, as he crossed his arms, avoiding the demon’s amused gaze. “At least I’m greedy for the right things. You, on the other hand, are greedy for the bad things, like you only want to-to…do the deed with a succubus after [First Name] suffers with her ex.” You noticed the slight disgust on what the angel slipped past his tongue, but that only brought an bright grin on the other’s features, the name ringing like music to his ears. “Damn right, Jinnie!” You were perplexed by his sudden upbringing of joy, as he leapt from the metal bench. “Come on now, let’s not waste any more time. Let’s leave this human, let me take you to a bar.”
“A bar?” Hyunjin howled, displeased. “W-Where all the succubi and the rest of the miserable sinners are? No!” He flared his wings for a brief second, flapping them angrily. “I might as well drink coffee by the stool and stare at this beautiful man with heart eyes.” He batted his eyelashes, and you could’ve sworn that his pupils shined like tiny hearts. Changbin shuddered at the concept, and stormed to his side. “That’s fuckin’ gross, you know that?” He fumed.
The angel only hummed, however, and sent him a condescending smirk. “Why? You jealous?”
You smiled as you watched the two bicker for God-knows-how-long, and you took it as a cue to begin this forty-day quest when the two opposites of good and evil disappeared whilst bickering. You could almost hear the faint, “Good luck, [First Name]! I believe in you, honey!” from Hyunjin before they went off, and you smiled to yourself, the angel’s words of encouragement warming your heart.
So, as you took a step toward the window of your once-beloved, who has now sobered up and changed into a sleeveless black top and some grey sweatpants, you took this upon yourself to breathe in once, twice, before fixing your gaze upon the blonde once again, suddenly determined.
I promise, I won’t break you again.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: yep. every chapter needs to at least have changjin bickering for 100948 hours 
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reistellae · 6 years
Kpop Boy Mullets RANKED
THIS IS MY OPINIOOOOON!!! But also, mullets.
15. Baekhyun
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I mean. I hated it. HATED IT. TRASH. 
14. Mino
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A two toned mullet is a Brave choice, but this kinda broccoli looking mess isn’t...right.
13. Youngbin
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It looks dead, mint ain’t it and the contrast of mint to the black undercut, no.
12. JB
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I love my mans so much and I really tried to get behind this, but it really isn’t his style. Like at all. 
11. Hyunjin
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IS IT BAD? No. But it’s more of just shaggy overgrowth than specifically a mullet. It’s a pretty boy mullet for a pretty boy.
10. Kai
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It’s just the right length for his neck and the bangs swept back to free the forehead, while attractive, takes away from the True Mullet.
9. Hwiyoung
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It’s definitely top ten because THIS mullet skyrocketed my boy to the bias wrecker lists and that is what we call impact. But it is also a pretty boy mullet, otherwise it would’ve been higher.
8. Ravi
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Length? It’s there. Style? It’s there. The Gothic mullet seems to be the move.
7. Himchan
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With a bit more length, it’d be a true mullet and I personally think it didn’t get its proper dues during its time, so here’s that appreciation it DESERVES.
6. Jongup
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Two mullets in the same group during the same era? BAP did that. I know I trashed on Mino’s two toned mullet, but the shift from white to this light-medium blue is appealing to me?? Also almost a true mullet, if not for the bangs.
5. V
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Now, I personally preferred it black than blonde. It’s tasteful and suits his vintage appeal.
4. G-Dragon
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Apparently, grandpa G-Dragon has been rocking the mullet long before your kpop boys. AND he looks great with them. I love the brown one w glasses, he looks like a lesbian aunt. 
3. Taeyong
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Taeyong looks good with (almost) every hairstyle he’s had. His mullet was STRONG, his confidence was THROUGH THE ROOF. He’s hands down king of hairstyles (except those fucking cornrows omg baby what was you doing???).
2. The8
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I know this’ll be the MOST controversial ranking and I understand why The8′s is the beloved mullet and I agree, he has the perfect neck to hair ratio, and deciding to usually do a middle part is flattering without fully breaking the mullet style. Definitely was close between The8 and my number one.
1. Hongjoong
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Higher, further, faster? More like longer, bolder, better! It obeys the typical mullet conventions of straight cut bangs, has the truest mullet length, has nailed the undercut. He even had decorations in it during promotions for Say My Name. Ultimately, I loved Hongjoong’s mullet because of its loyalty to the mullet brand while also making it his own and working it 110% with confidence, he knows he looks good regardless. 
I can’t believe I have made a mullet ranking post, but it had to be said. Anyway, uh stream Focus on Me by JUS2, Senorita by G-IDLE, Piri by Dreamcatcher, and Bang Yongguk’s debut solo album. 
*Obviously I do not own ANY of these photos and credit goes to their owners. 
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krackheadkulture · 6 years
The Mysteries of Hogwarts | Stray Kids Hogwarts AU
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“What should we do now?” Hana spoke as she stared at the carefully crafted lime green ceiling of her beautiful Slytherin common room, resting on Chenle’s shoulders. She sighed and turned her eyes to her friend. “Who have we not pranked yet?”
“If you count the number of people that are still remaining in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, a lot more to go,” Chenle replied with a smile; his light green hair moving slight across his forehead as he spoke. “But we should be proud, Hana. It has only been a couple of days since we came back to school and look at what we have accomplished: Jeno holding a cauldron of slug slime to Potion class and using the cauldron to get the entire class slimy, Jeongin carrying a Muggle’s cooking book to Transfiguration class and accidentally cast a spell from my book after we modified it during Potions class.”
Hana laughed quietly as she remembered all those moments. “But what happened in the class? I wasn’t there to witness any of it because of…” She drifted off and frowned.
“Don’t worry, he only made everyone in the class vomit slugs after directing the spell everywhere else except his cauldron,” Chenle replied with a smile as he patted Hana’s head.
“But,” Hana sat up, restless and stared at Chenle. “We have yet to prank any seniors yet. This is the perfect time to finally start our pranking year again!”
“Did I hear someone mentioning pranking again?” This new voice managed to turn both Hana and Chenle’s head at the same time. The common room was almost empty so it was easy to identify whose voice it was.
“Yes, Minho,” Hana gave a sweet smile at the boy walking through the entrance into the common room with Changbin trailing behind him, obviously looking distracted.
“Then what plan do you have up on your sleeve and to who?” Minho asked, taking a seat next to Hana. Curiosity shined in his eyes. “If you have no one to think of, I can help you.”
Hana parted her lips. “I was thinking of-“
“If you are thinking of Chan or Woojin, I will never forgive you, Park Hana,” Changbin finally spoke up after a couple of minutes sitting quietly next to Minho. “I will be killed by Woojin, you know that.” He groaned. “He has made it extremely clear that I have to take care of the Slytherin kids… especially the two of you.”
Hana frowned. “Dude… you’re not fun anymore,” she pouted. “What happened to the Seo Changbin I knew, the one who used to love playing pranks?”
“He’s long gone after the prefect position took over him,” Minho sighed and ruffled Changbin’s hair, not getting a reaction. He poked Changbin’s cheek before turning back to Hana. “I’m in if you’re in. I can help you distract Woojin.”
“And I can help you distract Changbin,” another voice added in.
Hana whipped her head to the entrance again and her eyes widen. In front of her stood someone she has least expected to join her conversation, Hwang Hyunjin, the heartthrob and most popular boy in Hogwart’s history. He smiled slightly as he combed his dark hair to the back of his head, walking towards the group. He walked up to Changbin and slung his arm around the boy’s shoulders as he dropped next to the prefect.  
“Who wouldn’t want to distract this little prefect from his job after being so busy these past years?” Hyunjin commented and leaned on Changbin, not breaking their eye contact. “I’m in if you are.”
“Since when have you decided to join us?” Minho asked, tilting his head at the newcomer.
Hyunjin looked up from Changbin and smirked at Minho. “Boredom from girls… and some guys screaming and chasing after me but mostly just missing my little best friend,” Hyunjin replied and stared back at Changbin. “Who started this whole idea of pranking anyways?”
Minho looked and Hana and patted her head. “This little genius over here and her sidekick.”
“Hey! I’m not her sidekick! I’m Hana’s partner in crime!” Chenle rolled his eyes and nudged his best friend. “Right, Hana?”
Hana’s eyes had never left Hyunjin ever since he had come into the common room, distracted by the sixth year’s beauty and his features. Chenle’s nudge was a reminder that she was not alone now.
“Huh?” Hana broke free from her daydream. Her words came out slurry than what she expected, earning a couple of small laughter in between her group of friends. “Our plan?”
Chenle stared at Hana disappointedly and shook his head. “Nevermind, let’s just start our plan for our beloved Gryffindor Quidditch captain.” And smirked again.
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“What’s up with you today, Park Hana?” Haeun asked as she walked beside the Slytherin after their final class together: Defense against Dark Arts, Haeun’s most favorite subject and Hana’s most disliked subject. “You’re looking too cheerful today throughout the entire class. I thought you hated Defense against Dark Arts?”
“I did and I still do,” Hana replied. “I just can’t help thinking about something I did and I’m basically just excited!”
“If you mean pranking again on any of our classmates, I will never forgive you, you know that?” Haeun sighed. “You have no idea how long I took to comfort Jeongin over the slug-vomiting incident. He was blaming himself about how everyone is going to hate him and the punishments he was going to get, not to mention Andrea has also been affected. Yoonmi had to basically stick to her side 24/7.”
“And you’re not curious about how not Chenle or I did not get affected,” Hana frowned, suddenly looking down.
“Hana, Chenle and you are the masterminds of the plan and of course you wouldn’t harm yourself if you planned this,” Haeun rolled her eyes. “And I know that you were called from Potions class by Hagrid because you made Fang run away during your detention taking care of him. Why did you not tell Hagrid or anyone else after that?”
“Because I couldn’t care less for that cowardly dog?” Hana raised her eyebrow and started laughing. “And all I did was drop his food in front of him.”
Haeun sighed and rolled her eyes, tugging on her ponytail. “Not to mention you dragged me out of my Astronomy class. Yoonmi was so confused.”
Hana tilted her head as she stared at Haeun with a smile. “But anyways, let’s forget about the past, shall we? And just… move on-“
“PARK HANA!” a thunderous voice made its appearance on the corridor the duo was walking. Haeun stopped dead and whipped her head quickly to search for the voice. It took almost no time to find the owner of the voice since many people were already familiar with the voice, including Haeun.
Bang Chan stopped in the middle of the hallways, soaked wet from head to toe. His Gryffindor Quidditch outfit stuck to his body, outlining his sculptured body. His blonde hair fell flat over his face, partially covering his eyes. His eyes filled with anger as his body quivered with rage.
Haeun whipped her head back to her giggling Slytherin friend. “Park Hana, you did not!” She hissed, gasping in shock.
“This is not a good time to talk, Hwang Haeun, run!” Hana replied with a smile as she wrapped her fingers around Haeun’s wrist, pulling the Ravenclaw with her.
Haeun groaned as she started to run along with Hana, successfully dodging everybody in her way. She thought she could get away from the raging Gryffindor Quidditch captain smoothly with Hana until she saw two Ravenclaws walking side by side, completely engaged with whatever they were talking about. They did not appear to realize they were in the middle of a runaway and, leaving Haeun nowhere else to turn to.
“What do we do now, Miss Smarty,” Hana groaned when she saw her obstacle.
“Why must I always be the one to decide?” Haeun shot back, pushing back her circle glasses onto her nose and observed the two boys in her way. “Okay, fine. I’ll roll in between them and you will jump over them okay? You can jump high enough right? Well, there’s no more time to think anymore, you better not jump on me or I will break all your bones.”
Hana laughed once again and as they reached the two boys, she released Haeun’s wrist and jumped over the boys at a frightening height as Haeun immediately tumbled in between the small gap the boys have left and stood up, only to be pulled by Hana again.
“I hate you,” Haeun gasped as they continued to run. “Take the right hallway right after we pass this one and get into one of the rooms as quickly as you can.” Hana understood quickly and pulled Haeun into the hallway she had pointed out before jumping into the closest room she could find.
Hana jumped into the room and Haeun followed closely, closing the door immediately as soon as she entered, to only be pressing her face onto the door.
“Park Hana, this room out of all the other rooms?” Haeun groaned as she tried to turn her head to her friend but it was impossible to do in this small room that Haeun had chosen.
“You chose the room, sweetheart, now stop complaining. You’re not the only one suffering,” Hana replied as she took deep breaths while giggling.
“What did you even do to Chan anyways?” Haeun asked quietly as she pressed her left ear on the door, trying to hear if Bang Chan had passed them yet.
“Placed a bucket of water in the Prefect’s bathroom,” Hana replied.
“And? I know that’s not all,” Haeun said.
“Anti-dry spell as well?” Hana added. “With the help of Minho.”
“And how did you get the password to the Prefect’s bathroom?”
“Maybe if Chan or Woojin haven’t decided to say the password out loud in the middle of the empty corridor assuming that no one can hear them,” Hana shrugged.
Haeun sighed and shook her head. “You know, nevermind, but don’t you ever try to include me in any of your-“
She never finished her threat when the door twisted open immediately, letting light stream into the small space.  Haeun fell as soon as the door opened (and from Hana’s push), falling straight into someone who had opened the door.
Haeun screamed as she closed her eyes, falling straight down and heard a groan from underneath her. She slowly opened her eyes and gasped at the person she had fallen on. She was looking into the eyes of one of the Ravenclaws that she had rolled under. His almond eyes were also looking at her as his dark hair fell back, revealing his forehead. She quickly scrambled away but fell once again on him.
“We just wanted to tell you that the coast was clear… but we did not expect you to fall in the process,” a voice spoke from above. Haeun looked up to find the other pair of the Ravenclaw duos standing next to her. He chuckled as he offered his hand to Haeun, which Haeun gratefully accepted, pulling the girl up from his friend.
“Is the coast clear?” Hana asked, stepping out of the small closet and sighed in relief.
“Yes,” the boy who had helped Haeun up replied. He scratched his light brown hair and stared at the two girls again. “May I ask what the two of you were doing, just in return of us helping you by diverting Chan’s attention?”
“Thanks,” Hana replied and ran away immediately, not bothering to reply the confused Ravenclaw and leaving her friend behind with the other two Ravenclaws.
Haeun stared speechlessly at her friend and sighed immediately. “We-we, I mean, s-she was playing a prank on Chan. And I am so sorry but I have to go after her now!” Haeun started to walk sideways as she explained and took off in a hurry after she finished her short explanation.
The two Ravenclaws stared at the distraught girl as she disappeared past a corner.
The light brown haired boy smiled as he watched Haeun’s figure disappeared and helped his friend up. “She’s cute,” he smiled before making his way down the opposite side from where the girl went with his friend.
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It was the morning of the next day when Haeun decided to walk with Yoonmi to the dining hall for breakfast. She was still red from the experience she had to go through just yesterday and she could not help but think of how embarrassing she was.
“She did what?” Yoonmi’s eyes widen as Haeun explained what went down yesterday. Haeun wordlessly nodded her head as her eyes focused on the floor as she walked.
“How did you not hear about it, Yoonmi? Chan is basically in your house and everyone around us has been talking about it,” Haeun replied in a low voice.
“I was in the dorm, trying to master this transfiguration spell that you can probably understand in a minute but soon gave up because I was tired.” Yoonmi rolled her eyes and yawned. “Too tired to think, too tired to study, too tired to gossip, and I still can’t get the spell at all.”
“I’ll help… you if you… want,” Haeun nodded her head at every word that came out from her mouth. “Yeah… I can… help.”
Yoonmi grabbed the Ravenclaw by her wrist and forced her to look into her eyes. “Haeun, you did nothing wrong okay? It’s all Hana’s idea and you’re not going to be punished for that.”
“Yeah right, being the mastermind to help her escape the wrath of Chan,” Haeun smiled weakly. “Can’t wait to see myself in detention.”
“And probably you will see me there with you,” a voice cut in as the person slung his arms around Haeun’s shoulders. Haeun looked up and scowled in disgust, suddenly getting all her senses back.
“Please get away from me, Minho,” Haeun stopped and pushed Minho’s arm away from her shoulders. “We never include you into this conversation and never will.”
Minho pouted slightly before smirking again. “Aww, what’s wrong with me? I was just trying to cheer you up as you wouldn’t be alone during detention. Besides, everyone that gets into detentions are all losers, especially Loser Chang.”
“Including yourself!” Yoonmi snapped. “Also, Andrea’s not a loser and she will never be. You are the loser here.”
“Oh no!” Minho gasped sarcastically. “I am hurt by your word, Yoonmi! Do you want to see what I can do to Loser Chang?”
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Haeun growled as she stared at Minho dead in the eye. “If you ever say something bad about her, watch what I can do to you!”
“Minho, stop it already,” Changbin approached the trio along with Hyunjin trailing behind him. “Can you stop messing with other people just for fun? It’s annoying and can’t you see Haeun and Yoonmi’s faces? They are in a bad mood and you being here is not helping them at all.”
“Normally, I’ll side with you but I agree with Changbin. Mess with someone else for the time being, Minho. Have you forgotten that you’re talking to a Ravenclaw as well? You know very well that she can pull a spell right up at you and you will be knocked out for at least a couple of days,” Hyunjin added in.
“Excuse me, Hwang Hyunjin. This Ravenclaw apparently has a name too,” Haeun snapped and rolled her eyes. She glared at the three Slytherin before shaking her head and grabbed Yoonmi’s wrist, pulling her away from them.
“Nice work, Minho,” Hana appeared next to the three Slytherin shortly after the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had left and rolled her eyes. “You pissed Haeun off.”
“And you did not?” Minho shot back at the younger Slytherin.
“There’s something you forgot about, Minho. I’m her friend and you’re not,” Hana glared at Minho. “But how did you managed to piss her off that quickly? Even I can’t.” And with that, Hana sighed and walked away from them.
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