#kangaroo tag
dizzybevvie · 1 year
❓ And 🕳️ for the oc ask game?
❓ : Basically her WHOLE plot line. I have no idea how I wanna do it bc ive not developed it beyond concepts at all but to dumb it down big time, She lives in the capital city of her world where she is a waitress literally just tryna save up to move away. People in this world have eye colours correspondent to an elemental power !! Although its very rare for people to be able use them stronger than like, heating up a stove (fire or water) yknow? But Aubrey was born with black eyes. For reasons yet to be determined, she travels to small civilisations on every edge of the world where she collects a gem for each element, hoping this will somehow aid her search for a sense of self. Every gem she collects does not do much at all though, until she collects the last one and gasp!!! Black is not the absence of colour but the presence of every colour!! So she was born to be a "Guardian of Life" which basically just means shes the grim reaper for a few hundred years lmao? but she meets the current one, and lets his soul rest by volunteering to look over the world early. But because she elects to help and isnt forced into it once she dies, she has to stay there basically forever. so yeah
🕳 : Aubrey is kind of forgettable in universe lmao. shes absolutely been locked in a classroom or cramped broom cupboard by accident
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i-like-eyes · 2 years
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oh no new fav
very minor spoilers under the read more
and wow tumblr destroyed the quality make sure to click that shit
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aeriona · 4 months
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Whole batch of new refs I'm on a roll-
This is my beloved boy Sunny, who is too good for this world. Also featuring my girlies Leitna and Nev who haven’t had new art in over a year (sorry guys lmao).
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cinimuffin · 6 days
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hollowsart · 9 months
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Olivia Hibbs & Andrée Fresson: Kangaroo & Cyclone!
Cyclone has 2 forms: human & monster. her monstrous form is MASSIVE. Like an actual storm cloud. in her human form she wears lightning bolt earrings which get converted to real lightning when in her monstrous form.
Kangaroo is still a minor/lesser "villain" (she's not really greedy for evil, life is unfortunate tho) and would actually do good in returning back to Australia to try and do heroic work with her new powers and fortified arm and leg armor. The ears on her head are real!
[Cyclone's monster form inspired by the "cyclone" from FFH]
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neon-draws-sometimes · 6 months
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Inspired by all the pool toy posting from my mutuals lol
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asleepinawell · 1 year
I had the absolutely most surreal ffxiv dream ever last night. I wandered into some random house (unclear why) and it is like the most kitschy cottagecore house in existence and it belongs to. zenos. there is cross-stitch on the wall. lacy curtains. a scythe on the wall but it's for gardening. and the dude himself in just sitting there in his little kitchen on a chair with a fluffy pillow and staring blankly right next to the jars of homemade fruit preserves on his counter
and, like, you have to understand that this is an aesthetic I deeply abhor and already the equivalent of a horror movie for me and this fucker is just sitting there dissociating in his kitchen with his slow lizard blinks while I'm examining his antique teddy bear collection and trying desperately to think of what to say because I can't just leave without saying anything and it was so intensely awkward that I woke up out of sheer desperation
anyway what the fuck
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reesieroo-spark · 4 months
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Literally kangaroo jack
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nejishadow · 20 days
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Based on his S.E.E.S uniform art + All Out Attack finisher.
Aki being a dog / shibe is tired and overdone, I've come here to give you the only correct animal: A kangaroo!
What other animal is super associated with boxing?? None! (I will not be corrected /lh)
Eventually you'll get Hyena and/or Snow Leopard Shinji and Jerboa Ken to go with Akiroo, because I am also bored of Shinji always being a wolf lol
I'll probably adjust and finalize things as I draw him, but pretty happy for this being 75% effort, all things considered! (I had a bad headache while drawing but didn't wanna get up to take medicine til I finished, whoops)
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nightfall-cat · 10 months
I drew that purple kangaroo woman from the game ever!!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
F1 Drivers with Kangaroos - A right of passage for the Australian GP
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+ bonus Koalas
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darlingpassion · 8 days
Something just occurred to me that I dont think we've ever talked about. A very terrible one, so- trigger warning for sexual assault (the whole Lottie conception thing).
So Rena fucks black-out-drunk Smartass on a really bad night after a terrible fight with King. She was under the influence of hard drugs, but, still- she was more Aware, then he was. He resembled her husband, and in her fucked-up, drug-addled mind, gravitated towards him. Used him. Left early and got pregnant.
It was a fucked up situation all around but Rena was definitely the instigater and in a bad place head-wise; emotionally erratic and a loose canon.
Well... in the universe where they all know eachother eventually- does Shiny k n o w??? Does Poppy know??? If King found out about Lottie, Rena would definitely tell him the whole story. But I don't think she'd go around telling just anyone (or if she'd even care. Or think about it at all. Getting drunk and fucked up and doing 'fucked up shit' (little baby firefly reference for you to lighten the mood XD ) is an all the time kinda thing for her after all). And I doubt that Smartass would, either. So...
??? What do you think? Maybe King tells them. How do they react? 🤔
(Oh god what of LOTTIE found out. She already doesn't want her mother, now she's about to kick this woman's ass)
This... I knew we had to confront it when we started to ship our OC's together, but I was afraid to 😅😭😅😭
Hooooooooo boy. Ok. Lemme break this down. I've been simmering on this ask for the past couple of days cause I wanna D I S C U S S this-
First off- whether or not Poppy and Shiny know what Rena did.
Hm... I feel like it's kind of yes, kind of no? And Shiny knows more than Pops does. Obviously, they don't know who the mother is, and if Smartass can't remember that night, then he's either blocked the memory out or he was that black out drunk. I don't think the darker side of this would really sink in for Poppy early on because, although she does know creeps exist, she imagines them being more confrontational; she did kind of grow up sheltered, and the only creeps she's encountered in Downtown are those who aren't subtle. So she doesn't think about the consequences of leaving your drink open in a crowded bar, or someone waiting until you're inebriated and not sound of mind to invite you over to their place (i really really really want to write Poppy getting drugged at a bar while hanging out with Greasy or Shiny, and they notice and take care if shit. Kind of like your Jim x Reader drabble). It took her a while to realize that how she and Henry met was also pretty predatory on his part, though.
Remember when I told you I imagine Poppy actually being there the night Lottie was dropped off on their doorstep? I also see her, after getting over the shock of a baby in this mobster house, trying to help Smarty retrace his steps so they can figure out where the baby even came from, "Ok, do you remember where you were nine months ago?" "Who the hell keeps track a'that!?" "Nobody, but in this case, we really need to figure that out-" Whether Smartsss remembers and tells her or not, after thinking it over, I think Poppy would suspect that Smartass was also taken advantage of and is scared and sorry for him. She'll ask him if he's OK and assure him it wasn't his fault, even if he tries to brush it off. As usual, Poppy would go into well-meaning-but-kinda-overbearing mode. She hopes that maybe the mother was also drunk- it's still bad for them both, but it's better than if she soberly saw Smartass in the state he was in and slept with him still. She wouldn't be sure if she should keep Lottie's hope up for her mother in this case since they only know Smartass' side, and will listen if he or Lottie says they aren't interested in the possibility that her mother may come back.
Shiny on the other hand, she's encountered nearly every type of fucker you could think of, especially now that she works in the adult entertainment industry. She's even fallen victim to some of them in the past. It's part of why she's so ready to square up and gouge someone's eye out if they give her the wrong vibe- hell, when she's out with her gals, especially Poppy, she's sniffing out for creeps while having fun. It's just second nature to her at this point. So when she was told about baby Lottie and heard that Smartass had no memory of that night, her alarm bells were already ringing in her head. Even if she annoys Smartass, she does see him as kind of like a little brother... A little brother who's a little asshole and got little man issues, but a little brother all the same (yes, that means she sees Stu as her little brother too. And he's a whole lot nicer than her other adopted brother XD), so she's also got that protective streak in her despite constantly teasing him.
She wants to find the bitch who took advantage of him, and tells him they should go find the mother- not for Lotties sake, but for his. Shiny is headstrong, so it'd take a lot for the guys to convince her to don't bother if Smarty doesn't want to go through all that trouble. Shiny wouldn't approve if Poppy tried to encourage Lottoe to be hopeful about her mother. Even if she wasn't such a monster like Shiny is imagining her to be, she still left her daughter. In Shiny's eyes, that's inexcusable. But maybe this is why Shiny hates Rena so much; she got the vibes from that woman without even finding out she was Lotties mother.
So even though Poppy and Shiny don't know the whole story, they both do end up suspecting and worried for him. Shiny would have no issues against telling Lottie that her mother is a bad person, and Poppy is trying to figure out what to tell Lottie when she asks (honestly they'd probably sit down together and go back and forth, especially if this is after Lottie asked Poppy if shes her mother and Poppy needs advice). If either of them met Rena after this?? And found out what she did???? Hoooooo boy.
Shiny is gonna start swinging, regardless if they've fucked or not. Enough said. Rena is a weapons expert, but Shiny inherited her dad's honey badger crack-head determination. It's anyone's fight at that rate.
Poppy? Ohhhhh ho ho ho, it depends on their relationship. If she just remained uncomfortable around Rena (which would happen in the Pocho, or any weasel ship, timeline. I don't care how alluring Rena turns it up, Poppy ain't cheating on her S/O), then this gives her more incentive to stay away from her. I can see her confronting Rena, even if it has been years at this rate. How could she have gone after a drunken man?! Even if she was having a bad day!? Don't even get me started on Poppy's thoughts about Rena only coming back into Lottie's life when she wants something. The mama bear in her would really rear to the surface if that happened.
If she and Rena started a relationship though??? Oh... Oh hell no. This is so much worse than Rena dropping Poppy for Henry. Poppy also confronts Rena here, but she's so much more angry and disgusted than she was with the topic of Henry. If Rena doesn't show some kind of remose for what she did, Poppy will break up with her... She might break up with Rena anyway- which is pretty big in and of itself because, as I'm sure you've noticed, Poppy has never been the breaker in a relationship. How do you think Rena would respond to that?
Now granted, Rena was also under the influence. But as you said, she was more aware. I think maybe this might make Poppy hesitate? She doesn't indulge in drugs (except that one time Wheezy got her high on weed by accident *cough*) and she prefers to drink on specific times, so she's not so in-tune with how inebriated someone can get and how in control they can be. Shiny, however, she is a hard drinker and smokes (she sticks to Marijuana herself, but she has had a few friends who indulged in more serious drugs. Her slasher self, though, indulges in them greatly), so she does know that there are various levels of sobriety and intoxication. And she's pretty sure Rena wasn't black out drunk like Smartass, especially since she actually remembers that night.
Poppy, conflicted and unsure: Shouldn't we... Aren't we supposed to take her condition that night into consideration, too??
Shiny: that's actually a good point, Pops.
Shiny: *turns to Rena* do you remember what happened that night?
Rena: Yeah-
Shiny: Then kindly go fuck yourself with a sandpaper wrapped cactus that's tipped with E. Coli.
Now as for King... Poppy would have mixed feelings. It's obvious he's not like Rena and doesn't agree with what she does, but why are they still together?? Yes, he loves her, but... *looks at Rena and her cheating hoe-ass* yeah... Meanwhile, Shiny is suspicious of him if he's still with Rena afterall this. What kind of skeletons does he have in his closet?? Other than the obvious. She would try to keep Poppy away from King if this happened in the Kingpop timeline.
As for Lottie. Poppy wants to protect her, so she'll try to stop her from kicking Rena's ass. Yes, she's got training from the navy, but she won't let her little neice get hurt! Let her take care of this, sweetie. You and your father need to get away from this woman. Shiny would jump into the fight first... But she'd let Lottie get her kicks in too. And they can go get a drink at the bar afterwards and either sit in silence or talk about it, whatever Lottie would want.
So, tldr, Poppy and Shiny may not be told all the details, but they would start to suspect on their own. And Riny and Renpop would be nonexistent in this AU.
Fuuuuuuucccckkkk this hurt my heart so bad, especially the part of me that loves the Rena ships despite how dysfunctional they'd be. But we needed this too. What do you think?
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chooll1001 · 6 months
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Hiya! This is my first time on tumbrl! My friend has brought me here, meaning I've no idea what to do!
So this furry friend of mine loves Team Fortress 2 and especially the Sniper. So I've done a good thing and have drawn for us a furry Sniper!
P.S. - We don't like the teeth so I've removed them...
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dufrau · 6 months
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Closeup so you can see the scarring on the leather (kangaroos are wild animals they get fucked up out there boy)
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A boy and her (favorite) boots.
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Glamour Shots
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And then just a cheeky little lineup while we're at it. (I've been putting those Thursdays through their paces)
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They fit great. Lot of room in the toe to spread out but the heel locks me in like a Lego. I can't wait to wear them Out In The World.
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sysig · 3 days
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Finally made a Parapluesch OC, introducing Mama Oz ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#Parapluesch#Do I need to tag all of them? I don't want to so I won't lol#I can tag my original I guess :P#Mama Oz#She's based on this absolutely ridiculous and darling object I found at the same place I got my new-to-me video games haha#So apparently in the 60s this specific type of - magazine rack? in the shape of a kangaroo?? was made??#Ridiculous. So ostentatious. I fell in love immediately and had to make her into a Parapluesch#Like as soon as I laid eyes on her standing there I was like ''Oh you're from Die Anstalt'' - Instantly started filling in her backstory#Mama Oz's deal is your classic Stages of Grief - in her case from losing a child#Since she's a plush she never had an actual baby but she lost Her Child if you get me - she stopped being played with#And so she projects that grief onto others and adopts them in an attempt to get Her Child back#Except if this new relationship isn't within that framework then she rejects it and goes to the next one#She doesn't really realize that she's inconveniencing them by trying to adopt them and limiting herself from forming lasting connections#Not allowing change or growth - stagnating and trying to reclaim something lost#One of my favourite parts of Die Anstalt is that each of them is shown to have flaws#They still need and are deserving of help! But their uglier symptoms aren't shied away from#Dolly and Lilo use self-harm as a coping mechanism#Sly is shown to seek out the high at times and be short and destructive#Dub takes pride in his overwork#Kroko is surly and prickly#Don't even get me started on Dr. Wood lol#So it's fun to imagine what Mama Oz would be doing to - even by accident! - harm herself or others#The whole point of helping them is for them to become their best most comfortable selves :D#I also think what's especially funny is that I've been Meaning to make a Parapluesch OC for /years/ now#I always planned for it to be a Gender Dysphoria diagnosis since that's in the DSM and I had a design and route planned and everything#No. Kangaroo magazine rack. Okay#Lol
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