#long wharf theatre
datshitrandom · 4 months
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Darren Criss lit up Long Wharf Theatre’s annual celebration with an unforgettable benefit concert! | Southern Connecticut State University's John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts | May 13, 2024 | 🎥 via LWT
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d-criss-news · 4 months
longwharftheatre: ✨ Did you miss the party of the year? Monday night, Darren Criss lit up Long Wharf Theatre’s annual celebration with an unforgettable benefit concert! 🎤🎉
Friends and supporters from near and far came together for an epic evening of entertainment, honoring the amazing Adriane Jefferson. Huge shoutout to our fabulous co-chairs, Anita Sharif-Hyder and Ken Boroson, for making it all happen.
Every dollar raised supports our mission of making theatre accessible to everyone. Your incredible support and generosity are driving us forward, and we can't wait to create more unforgettable moments with you. 🌟
#LongWharfTheatre #BenefitConcert #DarrenCriss #PartyOfTheYear #MissedOut #TheatreForEveryone #CommunityLove
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dorothy16 · 4 months
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a benefit concert for long wharf theatre via ✨
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sillyname30 · 4 months
Again, someone has nice things to say about Darren.
monica_gustin: Oh my wizard god! I met Darren Freakin’ Criss! I can’t even begin to talk about how much meeting @darrencriss meant to me. As an OG @therealteamstarkid fan in 9th grade to 15 years later getting the chance to not only photograph his meet and greet but to tell him how much A Very Potter Musical meant to myself and my friends. Core memory right there! He was so kind and patient despite being sick and was so genuine to everyone he met! I’m so lucky to have heard him sing so many classics! Scroll to slide 6 where he changed the set list and sang Granger Danger! (I would like to think I manifested this as I was the only one during the meet and greet to even mention Starkid!) I’m also convinced he looked right at me in the audience! Thanks to @aanderson37, @curtis_waidley, and @longwharftheatre for making this possible. Easily the highlight of 2024 so far. Thanks so much Darren for your time and kindness!
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scotianostra · 1 year
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John Mackenzie the filmmaker and director was born on May 22nd 1928 in Edinburgh.
McKenzie attended Holy Cross Academy then studied history at the University of Edinburgh. He went on to study drama and joined Edinburgh's Gateway Theatre Company.. He worked as a teacher and moved to London in 1960 where he worked for the BBC, his talents were spotted by the distinguished director Ken Loach, who made him his assistant, working on such socially significant teleplays as Up the Junction and the famously controversial Cathy Come Home. The experience of working with Loach proved invaluable and Mackenzie gained a wide experience of movie making and, not least, working within a tight budget.
Mackenzie did get some solo directing jobs on such programmes as ITV's Saturday Night Theatre but his first television drama was There is Also Tomorrow in 1969 and two feature length films including Made, which was shown at the Edinburgh Film Festival last year.
In the late 1960s Mackenzie started working with the Glasgow-born screenwriter Peter McDougall. Their first major success, Just Another Saturday, detailed the harsh working conditions of the Glasgow shipyards. The two collaborated on three other commanding films - all with Scottish backgrounds. The Elephant's Graveyard and Just a Boy's Game explored life and social conditions in Scotland.
But in 1979 the two made their most accomplished and dramatic film for STV - A Sense of Freedom, which starred David Hayman, Hector Nicol and Fulton Mackay. Based on the violent life of Jimmy Boyle, the film magnificently captured the very essence of evil that Boyle represented - from the opening sequences in Glasgow back streets filmed in semi-focus with a searing jazz rhythm being played in the background. Mackenzie then cut to a smoky bar and Boyle enters in smart suit and menacingly says to the landlord: "I hear you have had a bit of bother recently. I might be able to get rid of them for you."
The film made uneasy viewing. The Scottish Prison Service would not allow Mackenzie to film in its prisons, so he had to use Dublin's Kilmainham Prison. But the film won much praise and the rigour and unflinching direction from Mackenzie was widely admired.
One critic wrote: "Like it or loathe it, A Sense of Freedom should be watched by any budding film makers. Certainly it is one of Scotland's finest film exports ever."
There then followed The Long Good Friday, which was set against the development of Canary Wharf in London and follows the fraught efforts of the Hoskins character to mastermind a dubious property deal with the Americans.
Mackenzie kept a tight grip on the direction and in scenes such as when Hoskins is turned down by the Americans he allows Hoskins to let rip with a powerfully invective speech only for him to get into his car and be confronted by a gunman (played by Pierce Brosnan in his debut film role).
Post production was beset by problems - not least Hoskins threatening to sue the American distributors if they dubbed his Cockney accent. The original television producers wanted the IRA content softened but Mackenzie and his colleagues resold the rights to George Harrison's Handmade Films so that it could be seen in cinemas. In one interview Mackenzie said of the storyline: "A mysterious syndicate is trying to muscle in on his action, and Harold wants to know who they are. He finds out soon enough, and bloody mayhem ensues."
It was that keen sense of drama, balanced by irreverent humour and directorial zest that has made The Long Good Friday a cinema classic.
Mackenzie returned to Scotland in 1998 to film Looking After Jo Jo for BBC Scotland. The drama starred Robert Carlyle. Again the story is sordid and uncompromising. It centres on a petty Edinburgh thief and drug dealer (Carlyle) who menaces the Sighthill housing estates. Mackenzie's sense of pace and his ability to draw a subtly threatening performance from Carlyle brought the film warm praise.
Other films that McKenzie directed include The Fourth Protocol with Michael Caine, Blue Heat, with the late great Bian Denehey and Ruby, with Danny Aiello
Mackenzie died following a stroke on 8th June 2011, some three weeks after his 83rd birthday
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thehellsitenewsie · 6 months
As theaters scramble to reach new audiences, three get $1 million each (NPR)
"Largely white, affluent, older."
That's Jacob Padrón's description of the traditional audience for Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven, Conn., where he's artistic director. But that profile applies to other established regional theaters as well. "That was the demographic, that continues to be the demographic, but that's changing," he said.
Long Wharf is one of three theaters that's received a $1 million grant from the Mellon Foundation. The other two are Portland Center Stage in Portland, Ore., and Actors Theatre of Louisville in Louisville, Ky. All three are trying to reach new audiences in different ways — but that's not why they're getting these grants, said Stephanie Ybarra, program officer for arts and culture at the Mellon Foundation.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Some more casual notes about various 2022 & 2023 shows on my docket: I’m excited to see Driftwood later this month, and delighted to see it’s getting a US workshopping after this season closes. More Aus musicals getting international releases represent! On the same vein: I’m really glad I finally saw Fangirls last year, after skipping the 2019 and 2021 tours (as I wasn’t in the mood to see a show about fake-1D). It’s just such a FUN musical and the fact that every single theatre person I know was raving about it (and even occasional-theatre people) made sense. It really should be shopped overseas too. Looking for Alibrandi was a solid version of the classic and I’m so glad Melina Marchetta signed off on a stage adaption. The 2000 movie has a massive soft spot in my heart as a lovesong to Sydney, the Inner West, and its schools (it’s one giant game of spotto the school uniform). The play leaned far more heavily into issues of identity and community and belonging than the movie and less into independence, which worked for the script. Julia: look, what IS there to say about a monologue show about Australia’s first female prime minister that includes the full Misogyny speech as the climax? It was very much a show where I often knew more details than were in the script about an event, because aus pol is a massive whisper chamber and the script very firmly stuck to events and details that are publicly known and published in papers/biographies/interviews. It wasn’t QUITE a hagiography but when acknowledging some of Gillard’s faults it didn’t dig that deeply into them. Perfectly pitched for its audience, though.
RBG: Of Many, One was actually funniest to me as we were all leaving the theatre. As everyone was walking out down the long corridor at the Wharf, one expat American was happily chatting loudly to everyone else around her about how so much of the show was the reason she’s firmly an Australian permanent resident, and it really topped off the evening as Just So Characteristic. As a show though, it was right up to the minute - you could tell late script changes had been made because it opened in October 2022 and still covered Dobbs and the resultant fallout. The tiniest show I’ve seen so far this year is Forgotten, and it was also the most of-its-place show. Seeing a production about the Female Factory and the Parramatta Female Convict Uprising all of 1km from the exact place it occurred was breathtaking. There’s nothing quite like walking out of the theatre and straight into the streets that were just discussed (this also happened for me for Playing Beattie Bow, which was perfect and my favourite play this decade). It was a raw, slightly unpolished production but that gave it more power. You were hanging in there hoping for each of the women.
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things-xin · 2 years
2 Mar 23: Site Writing (Performative Writing)
What is the relationship between site and performance in acts of theatre and performance events outside the auditorium?
What attributes of performance can move us to social action or stifle social action?
What are the qualities of performative writing?
Jill Dolan - What feelings of love, hope, communality have you felt when seeing/engaging in a performance? What visceral, emotional, social connections do you seek to make in your own work? Allyship. References political polarity in today's society where division, self identification is extremely important. Social segregation disguised as some form of allyship. Performance and politics as intertwined matters... Performance as the liminal space between reality and imagination. Allows for some sense of freedom and liberation, while also existing in political performativity... Utopian performance similar to the idea of a flow state, a temporary moment where you are transfixed by a certain time/space/idea, allowing you to imagine some form of highly optimistic future filled with hope. Offers spectators critical contemplation. + human connection and non-verbal body language that is framed in an unconventional social context (e.g gallery, theatre etc.) allows you to almost movie-size your life internally. performativity as somehting
Site Writing Exercise - Performative Writing @ Canary Wharf Jubilee Park
Physical elements: - Bronze fungus/mushroom like sculpture about 6m tall errected in the middle of a patch of real grass mixed with astroturf. - Patch of grass seems to hold a form akin to a hill, yet size wise resembles someone's yard. - Artifificial rock pond with a couple of little water fountains spewing from grey plastic tubes under the water. - The rock pond is shaped in an organic yet obviously man-made form, with each rock seemingly cut to fit the planes of the next rock. - Towering bushy trees planted along the paved walkway, making the even taller office buildings seem like they are hiding behind a sparse forested area. - Brown benches hidden in little bends of the green patch, almost like the urban designers didn't want for people sat on the bench to be seen - SO. MANY. TALL. RECTANGULAR. BUILDINGS made of the same shade of greenish blue glass and silver steel beams. - The rocks stacked on top of each other to create a "fence" are stacked in a perfect wave - Everything looks really new/well kept. I wouldnt really be able to guess how long this park has been around for if I didn't know the timeline history of Canary Wharf in general. - Forcefully naturalistic in an overly unnatural space - This park is actually so small you can feel that its almost more like a green walkway than a "park"
"as Flaneur" - Mike Pearson (Baudelaire) - being free to loiter, gaze, witness the city as an amalgamation of coincidences, juxtapositions, amazing things, bustle, fleeting moments, like someone in times square - almost behaving like an invisible eye, a fly, a newbie, a freshie - yet all with heighten senses and desire to investigate.
what you want to do here: - investigate and pick apart the artificiality of the space, and the potential for ridiculousness to exist in sites that embrace corporate lifestyles
what is expected: - for me not to be here in the first place - someone being excited and in awe of the economic centrality of the site. - to take everything at surface level
Flaneuring to allow myself to be a sort of detective while absorbing all the various artificial and natural elements of the space. The office worker sat having lunch on fake grass instead of on a bench. Naturalistic water sounds coming from fake water fountains and grey pipes sticking out of the ground. A huge organic bronze sculpture meant to offer some sense of artistic freedom somehow just looking like the cousin of the towering grey office buildings behind it.
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datshitrandom · 4 months
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Darren Criss: A Benefit Concert for Long Wharf Theatre | Southern Connecticut State University's John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts | May 13, 2024 | 📸 by Curtis Brown | via LWT
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d-criss-news · 4 months
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longwharftheatre: We are still in a haze after last night’s electric evening! Our gratitude is overflowing for our vibrant community and the commitment to making theatre accessible to all. We rocked out with @ darrencriss and had the pleasure of honoring @ adrianevjefferson’s remarkable work and spirit. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our mission of Theatre For Everyone. 🎭✨ #CelebratingExcellence Photos by @ curtisbrownphotography
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gettapflightinfo · 2 years
Plan the Best Travel Vacation to Hamburg
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Most tours to Germany include Hamburg, Munich, and perhaps the Black Forest or a trip along the Rhine. We’re sure that there are even more grounds to stop by, visit now and discover your own. when it comes to planning your German tourist destinations, however, this eclectic, industrial city needs to be added to everyone’s German bucket list
1. HafenCity
Encompassing the Speicherstadt, HafenCity is a brand new waterside area that turned into made professional in 2008.
Think smooth workplace blocks, rental complexes, and enjoyment amenities, all designed with actual panache and sensitivity for his or her waterfront location.
So a long way from the principal sight to peer is the Elbphilharmonie live performance hall, which merits its entry.
2. Port of Hamburg tour
Don't expect to see nature on these boat tours; instead, learn about what makes Germany's largest port tick.
The Port of Hamburg is a bustling sea superhighway with 9,000 ship calls per year
nearly 300 berths, and 27 miles of the wharf for seagoing vessels or Book Flight ticket on Tap air Portugal.
A barge tour, such as the Maritime Circle line, will bring you closer to the container ship action. Put another way, you could escape the confines of land with a floating techno party on the Love Boat. If speed is your thing, try RIB Piraten, the only speedboat operator permitted inside Hamburg book online flight on Book Tap Portugal.
On the final stretch of this tour, you'll reach top speeds on a rigid inflatable boat that skims the waves at 60 miles per hour.
3. St. Michael’s Church
St. Michael's Church is among the greatest things to do in Hamburg. The church was constructed in the Baroque style in the 1750s. It provides a stunning view over the city that is truly a feast for the eyes. In conclusion, you will undoubtedly have a nice day when visiting this church.
The best attractions in Hamburg
Just because you live in the city does not preclude you from visiting the beach. Strandperle is a fixture along Hamburg's sandy stretch of the Elbe river, which is popular with sunbathers and swimmers during the summer. Strandperle is a favorite hangout for locals and tourists alike, with a large deck of tables, chairs, and umbrellas, a bar, a kitchen, and the harbor in the background.
Open all day Friday through Sunday, you can stop in for a beer and a burger, catch up with cocktails and friends, or rent out the 'upper deck' for an intimate dinner party and fly with Tap air Portugal.
Jenischpark has an English country feel to it, with its rolling green acres, woodland paths, and stately Jenisch House. The oldest landscaped park in Hamburg, it's a popular spot for summer picnics, but it's also a lovely place to visit all year, especially at dusk or dawn, when the sturdy oak trees become silhouettes against the setting sun.
Jenisch House, formerly the country residence of a wealthy Hamburg merchant, is now a museum specializing in Northern German art and culture, particularly of the nineteenth century, with a ground floor of original Empire and Biedermeier furnishings.
For those who prefer the twentieth century, the low-rise Ernst Barlach Museum down the slope is a tranquil modernist enclave showcasing the work of sculptor Ernst Barlach.
Schanzenviertel, the traditional beating heart of Hamburg counter-culture and site of the much-publicized violent protests during the G20 summit, clings tenaciously to its alternative credentials. In reality, despite the smashed-up stores of summer 2017, the neighborhood is defined by third-wave coffee shops and vintage lamp stores rather than anarchic dissent hubs check tap airlines .
High-consuming hipsters and media professionals have long moved into the "Schanze," pricing out the anarchists and students who gave the district its interest and edge. Only the run-down Rote Flora, a former neighborhood theatre (now a long-contested squat and cultural space), remains a true center of activism and protest.
Nonetheless, Schanzenviertel remains a lively and charismatic district, with a thriving bar scene and several restaurants.
Depending on how late you slept the night before or whether you went to bed at all, a visit to the Sunday Fischmarkt is a legendary Hamburg experience. Since 1703, it's been doing brisk, fishy business, with raucous criers promising all the bargains and bawdy banter you could want.
Of course, there's plenty of fish—smoked, fresh, pickled—as well as flowers, fruit, vegetables, secondhand food, and even livestock. The adjacent Fischauktionshalle promises to keep the party going with beer and live rock bands for the tired Reeperbahn reveler and get your flight on Tap Portugal.
There are numerous cafés nearby for those seeking a more restorative breakfast. The Fischmarkt opens at 5 a.m. in the summer, 7 a.m. in the winter, and closes at 9:30 a.m. all year.
7 Hamburg Nightlife Experiences
1. Grosse Freiheit 36
The most well-known location for enjoying Hamburg's best nightlife is here. You will only hear about Grosse Freiheit 36 if you walk about asking people where they think is the best location to have a fantastic night in Hamburg. It is a live music venue that receives a number of visitors each night and is situated on the city's busiest boulevard, Reeperbahn. The Beatles also played here and check Flight to Hamburg!
2. Rote Flora
Various artistic inventories are housed in this theatre. So, if you're someone who wants to see some major and significant things happen late at night, this is the spot for you. Squatters have lived there for a very long time. Bring your crew of creatives here to enjoy the nightlife, meet new people, make art, and have a fun evening!
3. Herzblut
Make a good night's start! This is the ideal fusion of an opulent restaurant, bar, and club. Jordan Mozer's perfect interior design will astound you, but the outstanding dinner will quench your desire for foreign cuisine. You can head to the dance floor for some extra fun when you've finished the dishes and the specialty cocktail. The finest place to go for nightlife in Hamburg with a significant other or family is here.
4. Docks
Do you want to know why Metallica referred to this as the best freaking club in the entire world? Well, Docks used to be a very well-liked movie theatre. Later, it evolved into a club with seating for around 1500 music fans. The DJ here has seen live performances by David Bowie and more and plays all of your favorite music.
The fact that Docks is the center of the most well-known Reeperbahn festival is another major reason you must visit on TAP Flight Booking !
5 Alster Arcades
The Alster Arcades, Hamburg's premier shopping district, is situated along the city's numerous canals and bridges; the only distinction is that it has high-end and exquisite stores rather than streetwear. While strolling beneath the stars and taking in the smells of delicious food coming from across the street, you can peruse the chic jewelry or the cutting-edge fashion accessories available here. Small cafes on one side of the street and a few musicians nearby give the shopping experience here a hint of the Mediterranean.
6. Neuer Wall
Neuer Wall, a kilometer-long promenade, is the most opulent location to blow your savings.
This European luxury shopping boulevard has everything to captivate your eye and win your heart, from haute couture and the best jewels to personalized footwear and designer bags.
It's not unusual to see names like Armani, Jil Sander, Mulberry, Michael Kors, Prada, and Louis Vuitton here. If you're looking for mementos specifically, Neuer Wall's own Brahmfeld & Gutruf carries some of the most captivating jewelry designs. Oh, and don't forget to go across the street to Café Engelchen for your much-needed coffee fix in between and you can book flight on tap book flight.
7. Europa Passage
Do you prefer acquiring the finest jewelry from across the world or shoes? Regardless of which, the Europe Passage is one of Hamburg's best retail centers and a must-stop!
It provides guests with an all-inclusive entertainment center and has more than 100 stores under its roof.
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sillyname30 · 5 months
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food_of_ct and longwharftheatre: 🎉GIVEAWAY TIME🎉 I’m teaming up with the @longwharftheatre to give ONE lucky winner a pair of tickets for them and a guest to go see award-winning singer @darrencriss LIVE this coming Monday, 5/13! This one-night only benefit concert will be at the Lyman Center in New Haven to help raise money and support the Long Wharf Theatre’s mission of making theatre for everyone 🎭 Ticket prices start as low as $50 and can be purchased at: https://longwharf.org/shows-events/darren-criss-concert/ I saw Darren in 2015 on Broadway in Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and was so lucky to catch him after the show to get his autograph on my playbill 🥹 I’m sure many of you remember watching him on Glee like I did (or if you’ve been following him from his early days, A Very Potter Musical - my inner theater kid is showing, lol!) 📣 For a bonus entry, share this post on your story! Make sure to tag me so I can see it, or if your account is private, send me a screenshot of your story! This ⚡️flash⚡️ giveaway starts now (Friday, 5/10) and will end Saturday, 5/11 at 11:59pm. Want to win? Here’s how: 1️⃣ Follow @food_of_ct and @longwharftheatre (I’ll be checking😉) 2️⃣ Like this post 3️⃣ Tag someone you would bring with you! One tag per comment, and each comment equals 1 entry! Tagging yourself or celebrity accounts is not allowed! MULTIPLE TAGS = MULTIPLE ENTRIES. Winner will be contacted via DM and announced on my story! Good luck!🍀 This giveaway is not affiliated, sponsored, or administered by Instagram.
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rubydolly · 2 years
2022 had many memorable times for me, some great and some not so great but all together they are what made my year the year it was. How was 2022 for you? I recommend copying this format and making a post about 2022 for you.
Picked Up Gardening As A Hobby  My backyard garden was looking pretty sad so I began to tidy it up, before long I was obsessed with gardening and have since revived and added many new plants to the garden.
White Hydrangeas
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Pink Hydrangeas
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Got Covid Nothing to say here other than UUUGGHHH!!!
Visited My Family On The Sunshine Coast hadn’t seen my Uncle, Aunty or Cousins up on the Sunshine Coast since 2018. I finally caught up with them all and met my eldest cousins new baby!!!! While up there I also visited the Sealife Aquarium and tried out some of the new great restaurants that have opened in the last years on the Mooloolaba wharf.
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Fior Di Latte At Mooloolaba Wharf
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Pub Mooloolaba
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Dinner At Il Vento
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Lionfish At Sealife Sunshine Coast
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Octopus At Sealife Sunshine Coast
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In The Famous Sealife Arch
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A Cute Little Town Called Maleny
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Had A Trip Into The City With Aaron My boyfriend and I did a three day trip into Sydney city. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency and spent the three days eating lots of delicious food and having fun. Over the three days we visited - The Australian Museum - Taronga Zoo - Madame Tussaud’s - Sealife Aquarium
Lego Jurassic Park Exhibition At The Australian Museum
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Gudetama Burger At Auvers Cafe
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Taronga Zoo
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Madame Tussaud’s
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Sealife Sydney
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Got A New Logo For “Makeup By Ruby Dolly” Made By My Friend Julia My friend Julia who is a Graphic Designer offered to create a new logo for my freelance makeup business “Makeup By Ruby Dolly”
My New Logo
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Harry Potter High Tea With My Friend Izzy My friend Izzy and I attended a Harry Potter High Tea at Sydney Uni.
Izzy And I At The Harry Potter High Tea
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Me In Dumbledore’s Chair
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Cousins Wedding My Cousin Mattew got married to his wife Natasha at the Lithgow Railway Museum.
Aaron And I At Matt And Tash’s Wedding
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Got My First Job In A Salon Since Covid has killed the film and theatre industry, it has been impossible for me to find work as a Makeup Artist. I applied for a job in a beauty salon which I have never worked in before and I got the job.
Shellac Manicure Done At My Job
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Opened Quirky And Kawaii In February, I began to experiment with making my own headbands and rings, one thing lead to another and eventually I opened my Etsy store “Quirky And Kawaii” I got my first sale around Christmas time and hope for many more in the new year.
Quirky And Kawaii Logo
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Little Angel Headband
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Unbearbly Cute Rings
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Eat Me Cupcake Rings
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I Scream Rings
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Trip To Berry Mum and I drove down from Sydney to Berry for a night away. We spent the day checking out the cute little shops and then went and checked out the Shoalhaven zoo.
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Shoalhaven Zoo
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Vivid Sydney Aaron and I went to Vivid Sydney.
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Aaron And I At Vivid
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Supanova Aaron, Izzy and I attended Supanova in Sydney. I went as Harley Quinn (of course), Izzy went as River Tam and Aaron went as himself. I spent a ridiculous amount of money.
My Cosplay
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Me As Harley Quinn, Izzy As River Tam
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Me With No Face
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River Tam, Harley Quinn And Aaron
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Fed A Cassowary At Sydney Wildlife Park I went to the Sydney Wildlife Park and while I was there I spent quite alot of time admiring the beautiful Cassowary. The Keeper came around at the same time I was there and offered me to go backstage with her and feed the Cassowary. The Cassowary, a Male named Princess, was a little shy at first but he eventually came over to me and ate grapes straight out of my hands (Grapes had to be red and firm as he is fussy.)
Feeding Princess The Cassowary
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Got My Nose Pierced I have been wanting my nose pierced since I was 14 and this year, at the age of 25 I finally did it.
My New Nose Piercing
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Made A Feline Friend Named Mary New neighbours moved in next door to me with Their three cats. One of the Cats, a female named Mary strolled into my backyard one day and we have been friends ever since, she often comes over and sits in my lap for a pat.
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Cousins Wedding My cousin Cameron got married to his wife Anna over in Ireland, however unfortunately alot of the family (myself included) were unable to make it so they held a second wedding here in Sydney for everyone who was unable to make it to Ireland.
Mum, Aaron And I With The Bride And Groom
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Grandfather’s 90th Birthday My Grandfather turned 90 this year!!! family and friends both locally and out of state came to celebrate.
Post Birthday Celebration For My Grandad (Forgot To Take Pics Silly Me)
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Got My Tragus Pierced Getting my nose pierced made me develop the “piercing bug” and now I want quite a few. The other piercing I had wanted for a while besides Nostril was Tragus and this year I finally got that done as well as my Nose.
My Tragus Piercing
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Moulin Rouge My Mum and I went and saw the Moulin Rouge stage show at The Capitol Theatre.
Me With A Program
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The Stage
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Photoshoot I did all of the makeup for a photoshoot by James of I Went Wandering.
Pictures From The Photoshoot
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Halloween Party I had my annual Halloween party, the theme this year was “Freak Show” I went as the Tattooed Lady.
Izzy And I
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Julia And I
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Piñata Shenanigans 
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Mary Had Kittens Mary the neighbours cat had five adorable little kittens.
Mary Feeding Her Kittens
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The Kittens
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Trip To Orange, Dubbo And Mudgee For my birthday, Mum bought me tickets to attend the Zoofari Lodge at the Dubbo Western Plains Zoo which was amazing. We decided to make a trip of it, we stopped off at Orange the first night and then spent two nights in Dubbo, then spent two nights in Mudgee.
The Oriana Motel 
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Cocktail Hour
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Mum And I Feeding A Giraffe
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Elephant Having Its Morning Bath
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On The “Savannah” Plains” In A Safari Bus
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Mudgee Honey Haven
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Gulgong The Cutest Little Town
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My Birthday I turned 26 this year and Aaron took me out to one of my favourite places to eat Milky Lane and then we spent the day at the beach. When we arrived back at my place Mum had invited my family over and we all had dinner and cake.
Milky Lane
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Cronulla Beach
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Got My Conch Pierced My Tragus finally finished healing and when it did I went straight to have the Labret downsized and also got my Conch pierced while I was at the studio. When my Conch heals in 6 months I plan to get two Flat piercings.
My Conch Piercing
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Got Medusa Ever since I began gardening in January I have been on the hunt for a Pitcher plant. I finally found one at a Nursery and bought it of course. I have named it Medusa and she is already eating lots of flies.
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Medusa’s First Meal
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Bathurst Christmas Party Mum and I travelled to Bathurst to see family for our annual Bathurst Christmas party. I may have made a few stops to my favourite ice cream parlour Annie’s while we were there.
Lunch At A Cafe
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Shopping Before The Christmas Party
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Me And My Cousins Adorable Baby Lillian
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Christmas Eve Aaron and I went to his families annual Christmas Eve party. There was lots of good food and lots of new babies.
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Aaron And I
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Aaron’s 30th Birthday So we haven’t actually celebrated it yet as he has been working ever since but we most defiently will be in the new year. Photos to come.
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kevinspaceyarchives · 5 years
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National Anthems opens at the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven, CT, also starring Tom Berenger and Mary McDonnell. The New York Times said: "These demurrers are far outweighed by the playwright's baleful wit and by the remarkable performance of Mr. Spacey. As he plays the uninvited guest, he exudes insidious charm."  Years later Kevin would reprise the role at the Old Vic | December 8, 1988
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colllateral2004 · 2 years
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Elaine May as Martha in the Long Wharf Theatre production of the play "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?" (1980)
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caipilled · 2 years
tina goes to nyu and majors in english and she ends up being a YA author and journalist (maybe even an english teacher) who leads a thundergirls troop as a summer job. her and zeke get together on the day before she leaves for college so they have a long distance thing going on but they’re still going strong!!!!
gene moves to chicago with alex and courtney and he helps produce skits/songs for comedy shows and tries to build a name for himself, he plays music downtown sometimes which is how he gets extra money he and alex start dating a few months after they all move in together (alex does comp sci stuff and courtney performs in small theatres)
before she takes over the restaurant, louise works at the wharf and scams people. she takes classes at the community college/center about business and marketing to help improve the business. idk if i want her with rudy or jessica or someone else so i'm leaving that open. she's really street smart and, even though she loves to trick people, she'll always help the defenseless
every few months when everyone has some time to spare, gene and tina'll fly back to nj and the kids have a reunion where they just look at how much seymour's bay has changed and reminiscence on all of the childhood fun they had
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