markantonys · 1 year
okay quick 2x04 thoughts before i go off to make some gifs!
moiraine in cairhien was so fun!! loved getting a peek at her childhood and family
i gasped when it was revealed that moiraine (and presumably siuan) deliberately planted logain in cairhien to lure rand, even though i should've seen it coming! i should've known moiraine's always playing 4D chess!
WE STAN ANVAERE, absolute queen shit. she out-moiraine'd moiraine! also, as a younger sister who spent my whole childhood craving my older sister's approval, Felt
i'll admit i'm not jazzed about lan's storyline this episode. it was a little interesting and i liked getting a look at what alanna is like "outside of work", and she and maksim and ihvon continue to be top-tier secondary characters, but it felt like too much time and i wish some of this screentime had gone to mat or egwene instead. though i'm guessing we'll be getting much less of lan and more of others (especially egwene, for obvious reasons) next week!
but i AM intrigued by the direction they're going with lan's bond. everyone had speculated alanna's absorbing myrelle, but given that lan's getting on pretty well with them all and alanna seems to be leaving the decision in his hands and even suggests he could soon bond with nynaeve, i really do wonder if they might just have lan's bond go straight to nynaeve post-moiraine's-"death" and keep alanna & rand as the only non-consensual bonding in the show. it's a bit of a repetitive plot beat and i don't think anything would break if lan's version of it was skipped.
egwene referencing rand to elayne but without mentioning his name or any distinguishing info about him!!!!! this definitely gives me hope for a cute little scene of rand and elayne encountering each other in falme without realizing they have mutual friends.
i was SO confident that blonde warder trainee in the trailer was gawyn, but it turns out he was just a random background guy! i have been catfished! but maaaaaaybe it really was him but he just wasn't credited because he's not being officially introduced until a later episode? please???
LEANE'S OUTFIT!!! and ooooh great setup for the falme trip AND the coup next season (i'm sure some people will be more convinced by liandrin/elaida merger after this scene, but i truly don't think that'll happen bc a) it wouldn't work storywise for a number of reasons, b) if they were merging them they would've named the character elaida instead of liandrin)
i LOVED perrin's scenes with elyas!!! and this is coming from someone who was always bored to tears by perrin povs in the books! elyas delivering exposition like it was the most obvious thing in the world and perrin's an idiot for not knowing was a GREAT vibe haha and we have confirmation that perrin's visions aren't a visual representation of his smelling abilities, but rather sendings from the wolves! and we got hopper!!!!!
liandrin's convo with nynaeve was SO GOOD. i was going "awww this is so sweet, i love this" "oh wait, betrayal incoming, shit" djkjfg they did a great job of making it believable that nynaeve (and the audience) would trust liandrin's word about going to falme. also, the show's focus on the tragedy of aes sedai longevitiy is excellent, 10/10
elayne my beloved!!!!! "yes i'm following you obviously" i love her your honor!!!! and the earlier moment where she admits being curious about what it's like not to have your whole life mapped out, but then says she wouldn't trade places with egwene. baby! can't wait to get to her queen arc eventually!
FASCINATED by the reveal that min is working with liandrin because liandrin had promised to take her powers away from her. what an amazing story choice!!! it lends min some much-needed narrative meat, it makes SO much sense that she would find uncontrollable foresight to be a burden and a curse, and it sets up a potential arc of her learning more about/coming to terms with her powers. in the books she never has many thoughts on what it's like to have these powers, so i LOVE that the show is going to explore that more.
overall i'm quite surprised by the relative lack of mat in the season so far! i'd assumed they'd want a lot of time with him early since he was out of the final 2 eps of s1. but i'm sure he'll get a more focal episode later! on that note, i'm a bit worried because imdb doesn't have min in episode 5, and they do have mat, but it could just be because donal is a regular so gets billed for every episode even if he doesn't appear. because i'm not sure it'd make sense for mat to appear but not min next episode? but it's possible, and it's also possible that min will appear and imdb isn't accurate. still, i'm bracing myself for no mat storyline next week.
at least we got confirmation on the where & why of their trip: cairhien because ishamael wants to get mat and rand back together!! highly relatable of him, i must say
i don't even know what to say about the rand & lanfear stuff, it was SO good i'm shaking!!!!! but poor rand has probably been put off bondage forever now which is absolutely tragic djkfjgh
update to add: i can't believe moiraine walked in on rand mid-sex (with a forsaken) i hope they have the world's awkwardest conversation about it once they've stopped fleeing for their lives. there is a spectrum and This & mean girls "do you need anything? snacks? a condom?" are on opposite ends of it
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aquillis-main · 1 year
As much as I like Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, I can't help but feel it's extremely a 'one and done' game. As in, you don't need to go back to it once you've played through the game.
It's only fun once, then you can put it down and forget about it later. It really makes me feel it's not got a lot of replayability, which destroys the longevitiy of Visual Novel games in general. VN's strive on replayability value, due to the amount of branching paths made for them. MoSTH is... Linear. Not a lot of it is investing enough for myself to go back to, and the jokes work best for a first time playthrough than multiple run throughs.
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luv2brd · 10 days
Mushroom Garden Decor
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Step into a world of whimsy and wonder with our vibrant and captivating Talavera Toadstools. Skillfully painted and kiln-fired twice for longevitiy, each mushroom boasts a bold punch of festive, Mexican color, bringing joy and life to any yard or garden space. Embrace the magic of nature's beauty and invite a touch of enchantment into your home with these unique and delightful, handmade creations featuring colorful Mexican art.
Expertly Hand Carved & Hand Painted by Skilled Artists in Mexico
Colorful Talavea Garden Art of 3 Mushrooms are created from 6 pieces of ceramic original art
These colorful Toadstools are attention-getting pieces to have as home decor for your yard or porch or patio. Handmade Gift | Garden Gifts | Housewarming Gift | Mexican Art
Tallest = 17" tall x 10.5" wide x 5.5" deep at the base; weight approximately 6 lbs
Middle = 13.5" tall x 9" wide x 5" deep at the base; weight approximately 4 lbs 3 ounces
Smallest = 11" tall x 7" wide x 4" deep at the base; weight approximately 3 lbs 4 ounces
To learn more about the product, click here.
Please check out other Luv2Brd products, here.
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woodmines · 1 year
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A brilliant all year round outdoor living area created by the customer! 😀👏🔥 They purchased the WoodMines designed 3m x 4m Flat Top Imperial with the upgraded 200mm posts. Overall height capped at 2.5m. 👇 https://woodmines.info/.../under-2-5m-height-luxury... Premium structures built with longevitiy and quality. We use high grade materials and test fit all our roof structures, before delivering to the customer. If you want something that will last you years, get in touch with WoodMines at: [email protected] 01942 497779 www.woodmines.info Unit 2b Cricket St Business Park, Wigan, WN6 7TP
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naplesgolfguy · 5 years
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Want to Live to 100? Living in One of These 8 U.S. Cities Will Help! 
Naples ranked in the top 5!  Learn more...
Ready to buy your own slice of paradise? Contact NaplesGolfGuy, Matt Klinowski at 239-370-0892 or [email protected] or visit our website at NaplesGolfGuy.com...
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
June 8: Orphan Black 5x08
Going to try to rally to get a few thoughts down about OB before I take a shower and go to bed.
This was definitely a calm-before-the-storm sort of episode, putting the Machiavellian plans of Neolution etc. into simple but also grandiose terms, and then knocking them all down in an almost-too-efficient way, because there are only a couple episodes left, and loose ends needs to be tied. So it was effective in that.
I have been waiting for a ‘but what’s it all about’ explanation of Neolution for a while. Sell commercialized, individualized body mod/longevitiy evolution to the wealthy few and profit wildly seems as good as anything. It all comes down to money in the end no matter what the story. Sterilizing everyone else seems to be not entirely in keeping with that goal, though. Who will be the underclass? Who will be your workers and test subjects and exploitable masses if all of those tools stop procreating? The clones? Customizable slaves? Perhaps it’s in keeping with the confused development of evolution, though, how it’s always been more about different groups of people following different strands of ideology and pursuing different goals, occasionally working together, but mostly at odds, for various nefarious purposes rather than one nefarious purpose. Like, would it be satisfying to say there really WAS a master plan all along? After all this different stuff about factions, Dyad’s desire for money, Neolution’s desire to advance science at all costs, Coady’s development of a military weapon, Brightborn’s rush to cure illness and disease and also just modify people for fun (?). Could all of these things come together to form one thing? Yeah, but only a fucked up monstrous thing.
Taking them down through publishing a bunch of information primarily gathered off screen because corporate espionage is not the point of the show is... okay. I’ll live with that.
Felix has bee kinda given the short end this whole season, but I was glad he got to shine today regardless. I’m glad he got a whole episode about his art opening, to give his Big Thematic Speech, and to get the set up to his happy ending: success as an artist, and Colin as his boyfriend. Also, just in general--I’m definitely not against episodes that are a little lighter, seeing all the clones partying and having a good time, etc. Hell Wizard as a DJ. Donnie as a waiter. Kira and Charlotte getting to meet.
I really liked Rachel in this episode. The last ep made her just sympathetic enough, developed her to the point where this ep feels real without erasing or downplaying her previous sins. I fully believe that what Rachel wants is to take down the people who used her, played her, disrespected her, owned her, lied to her, and modified her very body--and then to disappear with her nest egg into the sunset. Her allyship has always come with conditions, and in a way it still does--but she and S are finally completely aligned.
What I did not like was Siobhan’s death. I knew she was going to die in this episode, and I expected it would be sad but that I’d accept it as appropriate to this point of the narrative. The last episodes of a planned final season are the time to take out main characters that have previously been, in a sense, too big to die: to let them have their big death scenes, their last sacrifices, their tear-jerker moments. And S in particular arguably has to go to leave room for Sarah as the new matriarch of the clan.
But honestly I just didn’t like how they did it.
First off, I don’t care for dirty little pig boy Ferdinand, and I never have. I’ve never found him either interesting or scary. I feel like he’s supposed to seem like one of the Biggest Bads on the show, a true smarmy embodiment of the patriarchy. And so Siobhan taking him out was, I’m equally sure, supposed to be simultaneously a Great Worthy Sacrifice for her dying moments, an accomplishment equal to the loss of her life (vengeance for MK! vengeance for Helsinki!), and thematically resonant, because Ferdinand isn’t just a man he’s male supremacy itself, selfish and cruel and perverted and violent. They’re not subtle about it at all: the deranged way he kills MK and tries to choke out Rachel, the butthurt poor me whining he does within his rage, the ‘Daddy’ stuff with Rachel, and even S’s last speech being a little Feminist Manifesto I guess.
Didn’t work for me though. I have never found Ferdinand scary, fascinating, or memorable in any way. He’s a dirty little mud grub who deserves to be stood on. He’s nothing. He needed to go and I’d love to see Siobhan kill him, but he’s not worth her dying over.
Second, she really didn’t sacrifice herself for anything. The episode was clearly Siobhan’s swan song from first shot to last, and I was fully expecting they’d go the traditional route of having her die FOR her children and her family: in pursuit of some information they need, for example. She doesn’t get to see them win but she knows they will because she threw herself on the bomb, so to speak. But at the time she dies, the information isn’t just in the clones’ hands, it’s been disseminated. I guess they were trying to have their cake and eat it too by allowing her to know her kids won, and to see them happy one last time. But it just felt like a waste to me. Ferdinand shows up to her house just to be a whiny little bitch again, and while they were talking, I kept thinking ‘just kill him, S, just get him to shut up.’ For her to be able to silence that little freak only while she herself is dying was really disappointing to me. Couldn’t she have just shot him from the start? She’s such a badass, and I hate that she died at the hands of this little weasel, as a coda to the final victory and not even in the midst of it.
Again, I think my dissatisfaction largely stems from my view of Ferdinand. I’m sure he’s supposed to be a truly worthy opponent for S but I just don’t see that, and without that, everything else about her death falls apart.
I don’t really think the older generation (literally just S lol) has to fade away to bring the story to its conclusion either, tbh. I think there’s room in the happy ending Sarah will obviously have for her mom as well as her daughter and brother and clone-sisters (and Cal). I don’t get why not. In fact, one way of seeing the show is as the slow repair of their severed relationship. So what would be more fitting than for her and her mom to reconcile and give Kira the extended family she so deserves?
If they needed a Sad Death in this episode, they should have played up Gracie’s. I know she’s not Siobhan but I really liked Gracie, and I think it’s pretty pathetic to bring her back after over a season’s absence just to have her appear in a handful of scenes and then get unceremoniously shot in the head. It felt like they were cleaning house, but she wasn’t really in the house anymore, so it felt weird and out of place to bring her back at all, just for that.
Anyway, I’m still interested in seeing how the last two episodes pan out!
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baeddel · 7 years
Someone on a the Melee reddit (houseofromtn) was talking about how the Smash Wii U scene was extremely small as a local/competitive scene primarily because so few people owned the Wii U. They didnt exactly say this but I think they were suggesting that part of melee’s longevitiy is that access to a Gamecube (and the backwards compatible Wii) is so ubiquitous that you can run a tournament anywhere and people will have the system and be familiar with the game and be able to come, yknow. The Wii U, no one had the game or anything to play it on. Even if you brought your own system to run a tournament on no one would have been able to practice at home and wanna contribute, yknow.
This opens the possibility of a serious competitive community for the new Smash, since its install base is already huge, and maybe a potential fracturing of the Melee community - there are, currently, many threads on the reddit full of people worrying about the quickly disappating future of the unsupported technology their community relies on, easy access to a game on a modern system everyone owns that works with modern TVs is going to be tempting.
It’s funny that he didnt even think it was worth addressing the impact of Brawl, lmao.
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senzabarcode · 6 years
Longevitiy Food Action. Malnutrizione negli anziani
Longevitiy Food Action. Malnutrizione negli anziani
HappyAgeing: rischio malnutrizione e disturbi alimentari negli anziani. Attivo il programma “Longevitiy Food Action” di HappyAgeing dedicato alla nutrizione.
Le persone anziane sempre più spesso vivono con difficoltà il loro rapporto con l’alimentazione. Dalla scelta dei cibi poco salutari e di scarsa qualità al verificarsi di disturbi dell’alimentazione, sono molteplici i problemi che mettono a…
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joyjooswellness · 5 years
Dallas GA Tooth Whitening - Dallas Dental Smiles
Dallas GA Tooth Whitening - If you are looking for a orthodontist in Dallas, GA, call us at (678) 674-7176 or visit https://ift.tt/2IvzUSI How can I get white teeth? There are a number of options availalbe when it comes to teeth whitening (teeth bleaching), all with different advantages and disadvantges. Let’s explore some of these options: Over the counter whitening products Over the counter whitening prouducts are the entry-level approach to getting brighter teeth. The are inexpensive and readily available, but because their strength is limited as an OTC product, they are good “starter” choices for whiteing. Many of the toothpastes that offer whitening are actually polishing and not whitening. In-office whitening In-office whitening is a great approach to getting brighter teeth, and we’ve had with success with the Zoom in-office light. We have a specialized (and safe) whitening machine in the office that allows us to make the shade of your teeth lighter in only a few hours. The advantage of this approach is that it the results are instantaneous; the disadvantage however, is that the results don’t last as long as they would compared to a take-home tray approach, which we will discuss below. Take-home trays Take home-trays are the most effective approach to whitening your teeth; and we use Ultradent product to achieve bleaching success. The whitening gel is very effective and can significantly lighten the shade of your teeth. The disadvantage to this approach is that you need to wear trays for a set time every night for a period of time (i.e. 30 minutes per night for 2 weeks), and compliance is key if you are to get the best results. How long will the whiteing last? The problem with tooth whitening is that the longevitiy of the results are very much related to the type of bleaching you had and the types of food that you eat. Whitening wtih take-home trays will last signifigantly longer than whitening with OTC toothpaste, and will stay white longer if you eat clear foods vs. dark foods such as red wine and graps. Will whitening make my teeth sensitive? One of the drawbacks to any type of tooth whitening is the risk of tooth sensitivity. You can read our blog post on the subject for more information. DALLAS DENTAL 457 Nathan Dean Blvd Suite#109, Dallas, GA 30132 (678) 674-7176 https://ift.tt/2LTS9mG https://ift.tt/2IuMTnJ See Dallas Dental Five Star Reviews https://goo.gl/maps/hMuWyZKkpeVjsZur7 https://goo.gl/maps/chm7dARpEBcxiMZQ7 https://goo.gl/maps/pagM3UL4XCWYuUiZ7 Share this Dallas GA Tooth Whitening video https://youtu.be/QshupUAPI4s Watch this Dallas GA Veneers Video https://youtu.be/QshupUAPI4s #DallasDentalSmiles #ToothWhitening #DallasGA via YouTube https://youtu.be/QshupUAPI4s
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protisipun1987 · 6 years
Ottomanson Grey Runner Area Rug, 5'3" X7'0
New Post has been published on https://www.homeguide411.com/product/ottomanson-grey-runner-area-rug-53-x70/
Ottomanson Grey Runner Area Rug, 5'3" X7'0
As an aesthetic touch of style, Ottomanson Paterson collection offers excuisite area rugs that are not only gorgeously designed with an assortment of traditional and bold contemporary motifs and trendy colors but also constructed sturdily enough to serve for long years. This dark Red contemporary Moroccan trellis design area rug will bring the elegant royal Air and classic feel to your house. Machine-woven out of the finest polypropylene, this family-friendly rug is naturally stain resistant for an easy maintenance, which also makes it serviceable in a wide range of spaces including high traffic and spill-prone areas at your house such as your kids’ Room, hallways, dining rooms, family room, foyer, playrooms and homes With pets. The quality-constructed pile and jute backing makes this rug so durable that it is guaranteed to offer years of comfort withstanding everyday foot traffic while the fade and wear resistance Provides a carefree upkeep. Make your home Complete and impress your guests by decorating your floors with one alluring Ottomanson Paterson rug available without spending a small fortune. Ottomanson earned customers’ Spurs and has been a trusted brand for unparalleled quality and style in the area rug category. Care instructions: rotate periodically, spot clean with mild soap or detergent and vacuum regularly.
In bold contrasting hues of black and white, The aesthetic nature-inspired Zebra Design with conspicuous stripes composes a fashionable cozy flair and makes an eye-catching piece. | durable print rug is hemmed on all edges for a clean, neat and tidy look and longevitiy without fraying or shedding
With Large scope of application, these lovely and budget-friendly mats also make great gifts for birthdays and Holidays. | rubber backing is designed to assure you, your kids and pets have a safe activity and footing on this rug by preventing slips and falls
Low profile surface pile provides comfortable footing without any added bulk and promotes easy cleaning and vacuuming as well as easy fit under doors. | machine-made in Turkey with high quality nylon which is serviceable and naturally stain-resistant to give this rug comfort and functionality under your feet for long hours even in spaces where your house gets lots of traffic
You can have peace of mind – Ottomanson earned customers’ Spurs and has been a trusted brand for unparalleled quality and style in the area rug Category. | Ottomanson is the manufacturer and is the only authorized seller of this product. We cannot guarantee any quality or Description accuracy of the purchase you make from any other sellers
Pile Height is 0.2 inches
Super Easy to clean, our rugs are made of premium nylon material which is naturally stain-resistant. For stains or spills, immediately and gently remove excess liquid with a clean, dry cloth. Follow by blotting with a damp washing cloth and a mild detergent. Always blot the stain, rubbing will work it into the fibers and make it harder to remove. Vacuum regularly to prolong the life of your rug! [We do not recommend machine washing our rubber back rugs because the pressure and heat may damage the rubber backing.]
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thisisnotaninsight · 7 years
"We really strive for the longevity," @welcome_anton, influencer and editor of @MakethTheMan, on brand partnerships #SMWLDN #SMWText100 pic.twitter.com/UZt70GlNJT
— Kristian Foged (@Kristian_Foged) September 13, 2017
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Plumbing Rules To Help You With Home Maintenance
The saying "you are what you eat" is a fairly commonly heard one. While there is some truth to this, we also can quickly become the waste that is not eliminated from our bodies. We all know what food becomes if it is left lying around for days. Imagine that on your insides if your body has not properly removed all wastes and toxins. After finishing up the latest painting project, such as the guest bedroom or the front door, don't give in to the temptation of pouring that remaining paint down the drain. It is highly flammable and adds fumes to your plumbing system, which can then be circulated throughout your home. Not only is there a chance the paint will ignite, it will coat the insides of your pipes, shrinking them and causing clogged drains as well as a number of other plumbing problems. Your sweet life is now officially pungent. Hair loss is no longer a figment of your imagination. The days spent in the shower staring blankly on the clogged drain and the mornings exhausted picking out strands of hair atop of your pillow---this is your reality. Damn parents! Cursed genetics! To hell with your the bloody lineage! Why is this happening? Gramps still has his hair and he is already 76. This stinks and you are angry! Turn the mains back on: once the tap is reassembled, open it half way and then turn the mains to on. When turning the tap off after the washer has been replaced, use very gentle finger pressure. Over-tightening can potentially cause a lot of damage to the tap seat. For longevitiy, a tap should only be tightened until the water flow stops, no further. (Note: If the tap is still leaking after you have replaced the washer, it means the seat is "pitted" or broken and you will need a plumber to regrind the seat for you. Apply a small amount of force on the screwdriver while prying up the drain cover. Silicone or another sealant may have been used to seal the drain fixture. If so, work the screwdriver around the outside of the drain cover itself to loosen the seal. Continue to pry around the edge of the drain cover until it pops out. People need plumbers because they are the trusted people who can fix your leak problems, gas line issues and everything about your pipes. If you have a shower head issue, call a plumber. If your faucet is leaking, ring the plumber. If you have gas installation concerns, again, the plumber. With needs like these, the plumber can assist you and repair the damage.
Of course, you need to be careful with the type of humor that you choose to use. Some types of humor may work better for certain businesses than they will with others. A cartoon depiction of someone lamenting their broken toilet will be funny to a large number of people, and in this case the very literal "toilet humor" might be great for promoting a plumbing business. However, you might want to come up with something a bit milder if you are trying to advertise to the Rotary Club! Sometimes the drain might not be completely clogged; it may only be partly clogged. Repairing a partly clogged drain is easier than treating a fully clogged drain. A sluggish drain can be cleared by letting the tap run for about five or ten minutes but a clogged drain needs more expertise. It works best when using hot water instead of cold water to treat the slugged drain. If the hot water does not clear the drain then your drain is clogged. You might need a drain opener which is made of chemicals. While buying a chemical drain opener remember to buy one that is environmentally safe. After pouring the cleaner allow hot water to run for about ten minutes. If this does not help solve the problem then solicit professional help or contact your local plumber. The drain is very important to be able to get the waste out of your toilet. Without a good drain the water you flush is useless. There are different types of toilets that can help with the process of eliminating the waste. Some would use pressure to help push the water out into the drain and out of your toilet. But connecting into the drain line is sometime hard to achieve. The service of a professional plumber is a very welcome help in this case. The plumber will be able to help you in figuring out a way on how to connect your toilet drain to the main line. Blue Chip Plumbing will ensure that the pipe connections would work properly and not clog up your toilet instead. These are suggestions to help your house cleaning become a bit greener. By using a bit of creativity you can clean anything in a better for you and a better for the environment state of mind. Hello. Ok, i'll introduce the writer. His name is Andre Fuchs. Since he was 18 he's been doing its job a transporting and receiving officer. To cook is one area that is actually totally enslaved by. West Virginia is where she loves most.
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ivormccray · 9 years
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I’ve been cooking at a high level for quite some time now and I feel that is it now necessary for me to share my recipes so I can improve the health and wellness of those around me.
This breakfast is my go to, it is quick and fairly easy to make, and not to mention unbelievably healthy. It provides every essential nutrient to fuel my body no matter what stress I put on it throughout the day. 
The plate is made up of sweet potatoes, golden beets, onion, mixed greens, and avocado. The smoothie is made up of homemade almond milk, banana, cinnamon, cacao nibs and maca. 
I want to take a minute to talk about maca, which is a very important player in this dish. Maca is grown under extreme conditions, high in the Andes. The conditions in which it grows under are intense sunlight, turbulent winds, and extreme fluctuations in temperature. These extreme conditions have characterized maca, which make it the perfect choice for individuals (such as myself) who live in high elevated cold climates and/or with extreme adventure lifestyles. Research concludes that the main benefits of maca are increased energy, endurance, libido, physical strength, blood flow, and neurotransmitter production. 
Now that you have a little information on what you’re eating and how it benefits you get out there and try it! Not only will this dish have you feeling great, it is also delicious! 
Cooking Instructions:
1. Start by chopping up your sweet potatoes, onions and beets into little squares, the smaller they are the faster they will cook. 
2. Heat up a 10 inch pan with about a tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil. (Medium Heat)
3. Add diced sweet potatoes, onions and beets, mix them around with the oil and then cover the pan with a lid. Let them sit for about 5 minutes, then start adding your spices, I use himalayan salt, pepper, cumin, garlic powder and cayenne pepper (if you like it spicy). I usually just eyeball the amount of each spice I put in the dish, its just personal preference. If you don’t have some of the spices that are listed then you can either add your own or just use salt and pepper. 
4. Mix it all together then let it cook for another 10 minutes. 
5. Open the lid and check to see if the sweet potatoes are soft, if you can easily put a fork through them then they are done.
6. Put your mixed greens on a plate, add the cooked ingredients and then top it with some fresh avocado! Enjoy!
For the smoothie........
2 frozen bananas, 1/3 cup almond milk, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp of cacao nibs, 1 tsp of maca. If it is too frozen to blend then just add a little more almond milk!
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kineticgarth · 9 years
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Almost two weeks in and 11 pounds down, I'm even motivated to step up my work out to increase my results. Time you stop thinking about it and start being about it, Time to start achieving your ideal body. I'm currently taking orders for next months delivery so what's app Me at 4601622 If your interested to start seeing results #WeightLossMeds #longevitiy #IdealBody #idealweight #yourhealthisyourwealth #HesitationIsSlowDeath
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