#lonnit entertainment
you wanna know what? I like yall.
*reveals my Devil in Me height headcanons*
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conra · 4 months
I don't know which of the two teams is more like the Scooby-Doo characters. My headcanon is that the Lonnit Entertainment gang could be the SD from Mystery Inc., where there is more mystery and a connected plot and the LH characters fit the classic SD version, with a typical sitcom.
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taylorshope · 1 year
Kate: Oh no, we're going to jail.
Jamie: Charlie's going to jail. I'm saying I was kidnapped.
Kate: That's a good plan. You and I were kidnapped.
Charlie: If I'm going to jail, we're all going to jail.
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seraphjewel · 2 years
Du’Met vs Lonnit Entertainment
Okay so I wrote out my theories on Du’Met’s plans concerning the Lonnit Entertainment crew. This is only based on my own observations of the story and characters, and is pure opinion. Please keep that in mind and be respectful.
Cut for length and for spoilers!
Erin: I think Du'Met sees himself in Erin. Later in the game she brings up something she sees they have in common: they're both selectively mute. I don't know whether she's right in her analysis, but the fact remains she sees a connection between the two of them. Du'Met sees it in her asthma. We learn that as a child, Munday had acute bronchitis. I had bronchitis once and had to use an inhaler for a while. It's likely Munday needed one as well, or just struggled to breathe in general because of his mother's smoking. So when he heard Erin’s discussion with Jamie about not wanting to depend on her inhaler, he identified with that and wanted to test her.
That's why her first trial is if she'll reach for her inhaler. If the player chooses the inhaler, Du'Met cuts off a strand of Erin's hair as a souvenir of the encounter. This suggests he was impressed with her and wanted to remember the moment. From here on, the player has the option to use the inhaler for certain situations. I never did and it didn't have any negative effect on Erin; I've also seen other players use it, also with no negative effects. I theorize that maybe the devs meant for something to come of whether or not you use the inhaler but ran out of time to implement it. If we continue with Du'Met testing Erin's resolve to not depend on the inhaler, maybe the idea was that the more you use it, the more likely Erin will die. But like I said, nothing ever comes of using it versus not.
Charlie: Players have observed how Du'Met seems to have a particular vendetta against Charlie. Du'Met plants that edited recording of Charlie early on to sew discord among the crew. Out of all the crew, Charlie's deaths are the ones that are the most brutal and he can die in so many different ways. I think this mostly revolves around Charlie being a smoker. We learn that Munday's mother was a smoker and she physically and verbally abused him. It was partly because of her smoking that Munday had poor health as a child. I think that left a mark on Munday where he was resentful or even hated smokers from then on. This also could have fueled his complicated relationship with Manny Sherman. This is why Charlie's trap has him being killed by his own lighter. Charlie doesn't have any tests to overcome-- Du'Met just goes straight for the kill.
Of course if the player does everything right, Charlie survives. Du'Met can go from that moment at the furnace to the end of the game without realizing that Charlie survived. I think that's why every death afterward (being ground up in the compactor, impaled by the meat-hook and hung, pushed off the ledge with “complicit” carved on his chest) are even more brutal. Du'Met is pissed that Charlie survived and messed up his kill count and so every possible death afterward is much more personal and brutal.
Jamie: All of Jamie's tests revolve around her relationships with other people. Her first trial involves guiding Erin into the closet to hide from Du'Met. You play this scenario out in Curator/Shared Story: you find a warning from Du'Met that you must tell Erin to hide or he'll kill her. Not long after that Jamie is tested again when she's faced with killing Erin versus Kate. I theorize that Du'Met left the leak in Kate's window on purpose (he needs her to be alive for his ultimatum) with the test here being how deep Jamie's feelings for Erin go. Whichever way the player ultimately chooses, Kate walks away alive so Du'Met's ultimatum can work.
I think Du'Met sees Jamie as his “rival” and the most challenging of the crew. She has knowledge of electrical wiring and can mess around with his system a little. I think the first power outage was intentional to test her capabilities. Later things start going awry (Charlie throwing the book that blocks the walls from closing was definitely not in the plan) so I don't know if Jamie messing with that other circuit breaker was what Du'Met wanted. I also don't think her final “trial” was planned: Du'Met didn't intend for the girls to find his director's suite, so luring them into the glass room was more of a gambit. Obviously here he's hoping that Jamie's relationship with Kate has improved enough that Jamie would sacrifice herself, because Kate dying would make him lose the leverage Du'Met needs to manipulate Mark. I highly doubt he factored in the screwdriver breaking the glass, so in Du'Met's perspective someone's going to die whichever way the scenario goes.
Kate: The game touches a bit on Kate's PTSD and survivor's guilt, and Du'Met's original plan certainly revolves around that. In two cases, Kate is put in a situation where the options are her versus one of the crew. In the first case, Jamie could potentially kill Erin to save Kate; in the second, Jamie could sacrifice herself to keep Kate alive. If both of these things happen, Kate's survivor's guilt will be built up to an extreme by the time it's down to her and Mark. Du'Met's idea here is to torment her with that until her last breath. His ultimatum requires Mark to choose Kate over five strangers, compounding Kate's survivor's guilt even more. It is also more directly linked to her being the cause of these people's deaths.
Mark: Du'Met marks him as the “ferryman”, which implies he sees Mark as the most malleable/weak of the group. The game's narrative tells us that Mark waffles over decisions and doesn't take huge risks. His only trial involves holding down the lever connected to Charlie's furnace chamber (Curator's Cut/Shared Story). Du'Met is banking on Mark's sense of self-preservation here but even if Charlie makes it out, the crew doesn't know this and Mark is left with the (presumed) knowledge that he didn't save Charlie. This feeds into things later when it's down to Mark and Kate and he has a chance to save her-- as long as he agrees to the ultimatum.
Since Mark is intended as the “ferryman”, he doesn't have any chances to die until the end when Du'Met's original plan falls apart. He was meant to fall into that jail cell and wait while everyone else except Kate was picked off, but of course that went wrong when the strap of his camera caught. Even if the player is caught by Du'Met, Mark can easily escape. Overall, Mark experienced the least amount of Du'Met planning. There are a few possibilities why this is a case: Du'Met didn't think he was worth the trouble, Du'Met thought Mark's tendency to waffle and not take risks would mess things up, or there were some hiccups in previous groups that made Du'Met want to make sure the “ferryman” was isolated and out of the way.
If everything goes as planned, Du'Met only uses the axe as an intimidation tactic with Kate by purposefully missing and making her fear for her life. But if things are messing up, the axe is used as a weapon-- both Jamie and Erin can be killed by the axe, and of course Du'Met is still assuming that Charlie is dead. I personally don't think the final showdown on the boat was intended by Du'Met at all. It reduces him to an unsophisticated axe murderer in close quarters where the victims can easily get away from him.
Du'Met plays classical music when activating his traps, which suggests he sees himself as cultured and refined. All of this is “art”, after all. It's only if the crew keeps messing with his traps that he spirals into a more traditional murderer. We don't really see much of his previous kills. Some of the skeleton crew look like they could be accidents or suicides. All we know about the Morellos is the order they died in. With the group before them (the Lees and the Halls), we know how they died but nothing else. With how Du'Met treats the crew, it's safe to assume that he created traps/scenarios that messed with each of his victims based on their profile/his observations. We see him doing the same thing with the next group (June Collins and her family). I'm not sure where the students we see in the other end credits fit in since there's no information on them in the game-- all that's implied there is that the cycle is going to continue, leaving the player with a sense of foreboding.
The theories about Du'Met/Munday are all over the place but I think we can all agree on one thing: his original plan was carefully laid out to tailor to each of the crew in specific ways, and it's only because the crew started messing things up that the plan eventually unravels.
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108garys · 1 year
man if I ever did something fantasy orientated for tdim I'd be torn between actually thinking about different classes and the like to fit the characters to a t or make Lonnit crew a gang of funky little rogues
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captainthomasrobbie · 2 years
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marigoidz · 17 days
Having many thoughts about a TQ/TDIM au crossover thing
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Nyanit entertainment! I was multitasking so hard making this so it’s not great but I’m gonna make like a better version soon. Just wanted to draw them as cats. I used the same breeds I assigned them a while back.
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qusok · 10 months
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Yes they're kittens
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one of my favorite theories/headcanons I have for TDIM is that Du'met was the interviewer at the beginning of the game
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queenofbaws · 2 years
i haven’t played every route so forgive me, my friends, if i’ve simply not pressed the right combo of buttons but i got a question about the devil in me
why does kate simply not take her bigass protection crystal and smash du’met’s face in with it??????? it’s a giANT POINTY ROCK. maybe it’s just because i was raised in a crystal household, but there is nothing i crave more than an opportunity to SMASH IT INTO HIS SOFT, SOFT EYE MEAT
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taylorshope · 1 year
Lonnit Entertainment is just so Scooby Gang
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tinynightmarewoman · 2 months
The Light Pictures Anthology
The Dark Pictures Anthology but only good things happen for once
Man of Medan: 5 friends go out on a boating trip to as a bonding activity and an opportunity for proposal. They wind up making friends with a group of fisherman after their boats accidentally collide and they politely help pay for the damages. When they come across an old WW2 vessel they stay off it and instead follow Fliss's advice and inform the coast guard, going about their trip like normal and having a great time.
Little Hope: A heartfelt story about a group of college students and their professor going on a trip but when the bus breaks down they decide to take a walk around the spooky ghost town while they wait for a replacement bus. They have a good time and discover they actually have history in this town and that in past lives they were apart of big happily families together that live LONG and HAPPY lives. They eventually leave town and go back on their journey feeling a little closer then when they started.
House Of Ashes: IDK dude there is nothing fun or good about war... I guess they fall in to the vampires lair but it turns out they're actually pretty chill and just trying to live their lives. They return to the surface, leave the army and go home because the Iraq war was an unnecessary nightmare. The End!!
The Devil in Me: Lonnit entertainment are having troubles with their show so decide to go all out for an episode about Americas first serial killer H. H. Holmes. They get a call inviting them to a replica of the Worlds Fair Hotel and when they get there Hector Munday meets them. Hector is a little quiet and strange but he just an eccentric and friendly man with a special interest in history after retiring from the FBI after a long but successful career. The crew film an amazing episode and the show does amazing once more and they continue to have amazing careers!
D2080: Space is cool!
That is it, nothing bad happens, they're just happy and having good times... except HOA because ¯\_(:|)_/¯
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sammyloomis · 9 months
2023 completions
welcome to the 2023 edition of my ramblings about video games i completed this year!! including even more unwanted opinions and even less coherency
total games: 37
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09/01 - Sam & Max Save the World - 8/10
sam and max, freelance police, begin a long string of investigations involving hypnotised celebrities, sentient computers, and conspiracies that go all the way to the TOP, baby
startin the year off good game wise then!! tbh i started this one in 2022 but it didnt make that list cause i just.. wasnt in a game playin mood towards the end i guess fghj but anyway!! really liked this one, ive seen a few mutuals who like this series so i was excited to play it and it was a lot of fun :] defo an old school point and click game and i rly liked the main characters themselves and the supporting cast!! glad theres another remaster i can jump into right after this one
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11/01 - Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me - 8/10
the crew of lonnit entertainment are invited to a recreation of the infamous murder house, the stomping grounds of americans first serial killer, h h holmes. they are hoping the location will help save their documentary, but will you be able to save... THEIR LIVES??
i feel like every dark pictures game becomes my fave dark pictures game as they come out, but this one really was Very Good. i can confidently say this is probably the most scared ive been while playing a supermassive game Ever. the characters, while dysfunctional, grew on me a lot over the course of the game which made keeping them alive even more nailbiting :’] speaking of, the deaths in this one were Particularly gruesome imo, just from a concept standpoint, so big kudos for that too!! my only gripe is that i think the new “features” such as puzzle solving and traversal mechanics just artificially prolonged the runtime without actually adding anything to the experience
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15/01 - Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space - 7/10
even more weird shit is afoot in the second sam and max game, this time our duo facing off against T-H-E-M, the bermuda triangle, and satan himself!! ... or was it santa??
2 sam and max games in one month, this may have detrimental effects on my brain :’] but really, i liked this one too!! not as much as the first, but i still liked the characters and overall story, i liked how it all connected to both the previous game and the events through this one. i found some of the puzzles a bit more difficult and obtuse, but they were still fun. another fun point and click game (tho somewhat dated in some cases fghjk)
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18/01 - Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - 5/10
the game preceeding sherlock holmes: the devils daughter, which i completed last year, follows the titular character once more, solving 6 of his cases along with his partner dr john watson
eh, not much to say about this one. i certainly prefered the devils daughter, but that one was also kinda meh fghjk. with this one being an older game, the graphics and gameplay were a bit more janky, and i guess theyd changed voice actors for sherlock since this game cause i didnt like his voice in this one tbh. that being said, mystery wise id say its abt on par with the devils daughter. yeah, again, not much to say really :’]
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24/01 - Psychonauts 2 - 10/10
a mole in headquarters, an evil from the past is rising again, and even MORE figments hidden in really obscure places... another day at the psychonauts office :V raz once again must delve into various brains to figure out what the Fuck is goin on
okay this game was literally so fkn good in every aspect. visually stunning, amazing story, brilliant characters both new and returning... GOD!!! what the first game did well, this one blew it CLEAN out of the water, i loved it a lot!! like idk what else to even say, it was just such a solid game i cant think of much to critisise :’]
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04/02 - AI: The Somnium Files - 3/10
kaname date works for the police force for a department unknown to the general public, using groundbreaking technology, he delves into the minds of suspects and uncovers clues using their own memories. when a body shows up resembling a victim of a serial killer from a cold case, he begins his investigation
... man... spike chunsoft rly just know how to make characters that grate on me fghjk for starters ill praise the original concept and interesting story (when it finally got around to being revealed), but i disliked/was uninterested in most of the characters and thought the tropes they kept using were annoying and just plain weird. im not fully sure Why this game was a branching path type game since it never really plays into the plot and the main story could have easily been told with a single storyline. overall, didnt rly enjoy this one, but what can ya do they cant all be winners :’]
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13/02 - Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus - 5/10
sly cooper, youngest descendent of the illustrious cooper thief clan, had his familys secrets stolen when he was just a lad. now he sets out to retrive what was taken from him and beat up some bad guys as he does
i gotta commend this game for the humour and the creativity with it, and im defo lookin forward to playing the rest of these games based off this one, but i think this first entry suffers from a lot of Jank that made it quite frustrating to play :’] also, there wasnt any way to mute anything except the music or adjust the volume so it would routinely blow the FUCK out of my eardrums. that bein said tho, still fun, very quick game, but im keepin it a low rating cause im expecting to like the later ones better :’]
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26/02 - Hidden Agenda - 2/10
the infamous “trapper” killer makes a final confession while counting down the days on death row, claims he never killed anyone and he can help lead the police to exactly who did. detective becky marney must investige this case one more time and decide if hes lying, or if the killer is still afoot
im so so SO sorry to my friends who like this game but besties.... why fghj for starters i was locked out of playing it for almost 2 years when the app you are REQUIRED to use in order to play this thing just stopped working, and when i finally did start playing the jank didnt stop with just the app. the whole game seems to be a broken mess with textures flickering in and out, characters walking thru solid objects, its MADNESS. the story and characters are so.... not interesting :[ it takes only 2 hours to do a full runthru of the story so i never rly grew to care abt them and theyre so flat anyway that i didnt Want to. if it wasnt so clearly rushed i think itd be good, and some of the acting is actually rly stellar, but overall...... its a no from me
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04/03 - Minecraft - minecraft/10
its minecraft
technically i already got the plat ages ago but this year i finally got the coveted 100% so.... yeah ;w; i mean we all know what minecraft is so like...... idk what to say abt it guys, u already know how good it is (tho the console version is Vasty inferior to pc)
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05/03 - Death Stranding - 8/10
after a world ending catastrophe dubbed the death stranding wiped out modern life as we know it, humanity is scattered across america. its up to sam porter bridges, post apocalyptic delivery man, to travel across the country and unite those that remain
depsite how confusing this game was, and how slow it was paced, and how fkn damn weird it was half the time, i still had a lot of fun playing it :’] i enjoyed the characters, tho wish certain ones had more limelight, i enjoyed the actual gameplay, tho by the end game i was finding it a bit Too repetetive, and i found the story rly interesting, when i could understand what was going on fghj so basically for every good thing i liked, it was countered by something, tho they are fairly small things. also the ending cutscene is an hour n a half long and i was fkn 3 am when i was finally allowed to exit the damn game so, u know, beware of that
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10/03 - Ratchet & Clank - 7/10
young mechanic ratchet, with his new buddy clank, join the galactic rangers in stopping the blargs from destroying countless planets in order to build their own
another game thats been on my backlog for ages, im glad to have this one done and dusted :’] i certainly had fun playing it, but i feel like it was a bit Too kiddy in some places for my personal taste (dialogue and humour wise that is, but since this was also made by insomniac of spiderman fame, it makes sense) and after a certain point the game becomes piss easy with all the upgrades u get, but i still enjoyed it
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03/04 - Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves - 5/10
sly and his pals return to their thieving ways after learning that the infamous klaw gang have begun reassembling parts for slys arch nemesis; clockwork. they travel across the globe to stop them
man my descriptions are getting worse fghj but anyway, as with the first game, i rly enjoyed the characters!! and the music, and... thats pretty much it. i really dont know what it is about these sly games that i just cant seem to enjoy the gameplay but i Really Really dont have fun while playing them :[ which is a shame cause, like i say, great characters that id like to spend more time with. if this was supposed to be the best in the series, i think im gonna give the 3rd and 4th games a miss for now, but maybe ill come back to them in the future
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29/04 - Last Day of June - 7/10
a short game depicting a young couple named carl and june, and the tragedy surrounding their relationship
this game doesnt actually have a plat, which is something im trying not to be too picky about going forward in terms of playing games, but even tho this game was super short i really liked it!! the story is rly simple but incredibly sad, and even though theres a lack of “voice acting” in the traditional sense, there was still a lot of great emotive acting in this. that being said, the fact some of the voices sounded so odd detracted from the seriousness of the plot sometimes, and the actual gameplay was kinda boring, but still a solid short game :]
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29/04 - Predator Hunting Grounds - 1/10
and i dont like it >:[
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03/05 - Linger in Shadows - 1/10
this... isnt even a game apparently
i had it on my list of things to check out while i had the ps plus premium thinking it Was a game, but its not. its a strange kind of “art” thing according to the guide i used. i didnt rly know what was going on fghj. certainly a unique experience i suppose but nothing id recommend u go out of ur way to do, even if it takes literally 10 minutes to get all the trophies (no plat either)
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08/05 - Kurushi - 2/10
ps1 puzzle game, another one from the ps plus catalogue
not much to say abt this one again fghj seems like these last few games have been kinda duds huh :’] ah well, theres certainly better games on the horizon i suppose. as said, this is just some puzzle game from the ps1, janky controls and all. the music is surprisingly good, sounds almost like disney instrumentals :’] not that fun without assisstance tbh
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09/05 - The Gardens Between - 6/10
a very short puzzle game following 2 friends exploring a strange series of islands that tell the story of their friendship
when i say short i Mean short. like even without a guide i got this completely done in 2 1/2 hours, and that included me leaving the game on while i went to get something to eat from the kitchen. that being said, its a very cute game!! i enjoyed the puzzles, the style is nice and Capital-I-Indie, the musics nice and relaxing. the story was also nice, if sad, (can i say nice a few more times??? nice nice nice nice) but i just think this game is Wayyyy too short dfghj i think a lot more could have been done with it :’] glad i didnt pay the full £15 for this as it would have been a bit of a rip off
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09/05 - Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent - 8/10
fbi agent tethers is sent out to the minnesotan town of scoggins to investigate the local eraser factory shutting down
damn we’re just flying thru em now huh! ive actually played and 100%’d this game before on steam, as well as its sequel so i suppose im a little biased :’] but i rly like this game!! another short one, and another puzzle one, but i rly love the art style and story, as well as the puzzles being fairly simple but still fun!! its a shame the second game never made it to ps or id complete that one too but yeah, fun and simple puzzle game, defo recommend :] like most games like this tho, i wish it were longer
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11/05 - ABZU - 6/10
you are a diver on a journey through the ocean, discovering the creatures that inhabit the waters
short n sweet indie game (anotha one) and this one was pleasant!! i rly liked the style and music, the story was simple but told fairly well, and just overall a nice game :] beyond that, not much to say tho fghj defo a very pretty game, and id recommend if you have an interest in marine life n such, but beyond that its pretty bog standard indie game
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11/05 - The Pedestrian - 5/10
a short puzzle game where you traverse various signs as the tiny person within them
pretty straight forward puzzle game with a Weird ending that i dont quite understand fghj but overall it was enjoyable :’] most of these quicker games ive been playing lately have been super quick puzzle games so i might be getting burnt out on them, but even then i can appreciate the creativity of this one. its also another game with no plat which, considering it came out not 3 years ago, is kind of annoying
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14/05 - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - 4/10
two brothers venture on a quest to find medicine for their sick father
another short puzzle game, with a pretty interesting feature!! you control each brother with an analogue stick each, which can make coordination in some parts quite tricky if ur me fghj overall a pretty decent game, the story was kinda meh for me but i thought the gameplay was interesting, not much else tho
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20/05 - Bloodborne - 6/10
the town of yharnam is crawling with beasts and hunters alike. fight through the corrupted streets and discover the fetid depths of this city and all the inhabitants trying super duper hard to kill you
im editing this from when i first wrote it after immediately finishing the game because i was cranky and frustrated because i cant in good faith give this game a score lower than 5 (mainly because i know the fromsoft fans would dox and kill me). this game is visually very nice, in the sense that it looks Horrible, which fits the vibe. the gothic style along with the monsters are really unique and detailed to the point where some of them are hard to look at. that being said, i personally didnt like this game. at all. i know on a “technical” level its very good, but i struggled for a Long Time to “git gud” as it were and surprisingly, dying a million times because you cant dodge within a 1/2 second window before being stun locked to death GREATLY decreased my enjoyment of this game. and thats all im gonna say about it :V
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21/05 - Black Mirror - 4/10
following the suicide of his father, david gordon returns to scotland from india to inherit his familys estate. however, there are strange mysteries surrounding this house and the family who occupy it
pretty short horror/puzzle game that was pretty light on both the horror and puzzles fghj tho this game had a surprising amount of animation that looks fairly good which was a nice surprise. the characters were fine, and the story started out quite interesting but just felt a bit... weird. especially the ending, the final climax is basically just a bunch of qtes that ends really abruptly with little push back from the villain :’] for a free game i guess i cant complain too much
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23/05 - Vampyr - 8/10
dr johnathan reid, recently turned vampire, has just returned home to london after serving as a field medic during the war. the streets are crawling with rogue vampires, and an epidemic is spreading quickly through the city, all while johnathan is searching for his maker
FINALLY A GAME I ENJOYED. GOD. okay so this was surprising because ive heard a lot of people call this game p mid, and maybe id think the same if it wasnt preceded by a whole bunch of Crap ive recently played, but here we are!! i really loved the chracters, i thought they were all fun and interesting, even the ones we dont meet for too long, and i also found the story super compelling!! the game Does have a bit of jank to it, with weirdly long loading times (even on the ps5) and the occassional graphical error, but otherwise i rly enjoyed this one :]
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31/05 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 9/10
seperated after dr nefarious begins ripping holes into other dimensions, ratchet and clank must team up with another lombax named rivet and stop the universes from collapsing altogether
man this game was so fun!! i got the whole thing done and dusted over the course of 2 days :’] the writing was still a bit cheesy for me, and as implied the play time is Outrageously low for the steep price (which i thankfully avoided cause ps plus), but the gameplay itselt was Incredibly fun and engaging!! defo a huge step up from the first game in this reboot series. i also rly loved rivet so that certainly helped :’]
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02/06 - Lake - 5/10
meredith weiss, a successful programmer, moves back to her childhood town of providence oaks to fill in her her dad at his post office job. deliver mail to the residents of this lakeside town and decide how meredith wants to end her 2 week stint
pretty cute indie game i got through ps plus, i kinda wish the whole thing Was just a post delivery simulator :’] the characters are okay, the storys okay if a little eh.... i wanna say Loose?? like the plot beats (if u can call them that) feel kinda boring n half arsed. theres also a random romance option in this which feels?? out of place and doesnt actully impact anything that much. overall its an okay game, like i say the thing i found the most fun was driving around delivering post but maybe thats just my autism showing :V
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13/06 - PowerWash Simulator - 10/10
i mean... kinda does what it says on the tin guys
is a 10 a bit generous?? maybe. do i particularly care?? absolutely not. this game is a 10 if ever there was one. i truly dont know how else to sell this if the idea of cleaning stuff with a powerwasher isnt immeditely appealing to you like, maybe You’re the problem :V this game also has a weird amount of lore?? which is also v fun fghj so do with that info what you will
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19/06 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - 7/10
a lego retelling of all 4 pirate movies, with all the usual lego bells and whistles
pretty typical lego game, so the gameplay and stuff is p fun!! ive actually never seen these movies so i didnt rly know what was goin on half the time, especially because this is an Older lego game so theres zero voice acting in this. i also had quite a few crashes and bugs while playing where i had to restart either the level or the whole game, which got annoying during the cleanup grind. overall tho, cant go wrong with a lego game tbh
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17/08 - Chicory: A Colorful Tale - 9/10
after all the colour in the world disappears out of nowhere, you must go on a quest across the picnic province to restore it using a magic paintbrush
you may notice the significant time gap between the last game and this one and uhhhh ngl folks i was Not Gamin dfghj i was Tired n a lil Sad but eh what can ya do, but this was a great game to come back with!! absolutely loved this one, super adorable art style and gameplay that reminded me a LOT of toem, very similar vibes but this game is much longer imo. id give it a perfect 10 if the collectibles weren’t so horrid to find fghjk but other than that cant recommend this one enough!!
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29/08 - Observation - 7/10
dr emma fisher wakes up after the space station on which she resides undergos a catastrophic failure. take control ships ai, S.A.M., and attempt to reboot the systems and find the crew, who have all mysteriously disappeared...
rly quite liked this one!! the fact u control the ships ai is a pretty interesting feature and made the interface really cool and sci-fi lookin, defo alien inspired on that front. i liked the story, even if it Did get a bit confusing, and the voice acting was also pretty stellar!! gotta dock points for some classic indie game Jank, and the fact that there isnt a whole lot goin on gameplay wise (p much entirely minigames that arent that well explained to you that u only end up doing once) but the story and overall eerie atmosphere rly saved it for me
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31/08 - OMNO - 5/10
short indie game where u travel through a mystical world, solve puzzles, and meet extraordinary animals
theres indie games and then theres Indie Games, u know?? this is the latter. and thats not a bad thing!! it just means its kinda... predictable. usual fare of no voice acting, gorgeous music, simple but stylised graphics etc etc. it was pretty cute and the puzzles were fun, but some of the controls felt a bit clunky and like i say, a little boring story wise imo (but maybe ive just played too many of these types of games). perfectly middle of the road :’]
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03/09 - Tacoma - 7/10
you have been sent on a mission to retrieve the ai from a ship where all the crew have seemingly vanished (sounds a bit familiar huh?? all sci fi is the same (affectionately)). explore the ship and piece together what happened to everyone
anotha one, anotha sci fi indie game :’] rly liked the story of this one!! and it was an interesting mechanic to be able to view scenes of the crew via an AR system, and then also view their files and such. despite their limited appearances, all the crew members were interesting and unique, and no spoilers but it made the ending and its lead up a lot more exciting and intense. gotta dock points for how Glitchy this game was, it crashed at one point and started stuttering so bad i had to restart it manually, and also for how short it is. still, good story, good characters
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06/09 - Chicken Police: Paint it RED! - 8/10
a gritty noir point and click detective game where u play as the infamous sonny featherland, one half of the crime fighting duo, chicken police. after a nervous dame shows up on his doorstep about her mistress recieving vague threats, he realises hes gotta take just one last case
anthropamorphic detective chickens..... played TOTALLY straight, mind you. like i was actually totally blown away by this game fghjk its Completely voice acted for one, and its Pretty Fuckin Good voice acting too, the story and mystery is Really interesting, the world its set in is super gritty and deep despite how little its kinda touched on through the story, i was very surprised!! i think the ending and reveal were a bit uhh.... abelist, not to get too into spoilers, but for a noir story i guess its par for the course. still, enjoyed this one!!
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08/09 - The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - 5/10
a mutilated bishop, a deadly poison, and some other shady bullshit, its another sherlock holmes game
this is actually the oldest game in the series thats avilable on ps, ive kinda gone about playing these in the exact wrong order :’] that being said, i do think this is my Least favourite of the 3 ive played thus far. like crimes & punishment, this game also has plenty of jank, and the voice acting is a lil ehhh stiff for my taste. the puzzles were fine, the story was fine, overall just Fine. this game follows 1 case rather than multiple like its sequels do
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10/09 - Garfield Kart: Furious Racing - 4/10
basically a mario kart clone but with garfield :]
now i am not one who loves racing games. in fact i suck quite badly at them. so u may wonder why i have a racing game in this list and well?? im ngl i bought this game as a meme and it ended up being so hard i had to put it down for a while dfghj BUT i came back to it and after hours of sweatin and gamer rage i DID IT!!! but at what cost. the game is fun, it looks nice, tho the only real garfield references it Has are its racers, the courses are kinda bland and generic. also the trophies...... my GOD the trophies..... not even a plat btw hhhh anyway if u like racing games check it out but if u Dont then DONT
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17/09 - The Last of Us: Part 1 - 8/10
in the fungusy zombie apocalypse, smuggler joel is tasked with taking an immune girl, ellie, to a group of freedom fighters to create a cure. a remake of a remake :’]
obviously its good. i mean cmon. i remember watching a playthru of the OG og game wayyy back when so i kinda knew all the plot beats, but playing it myself in this beautiful 4k ps5 remake was Glorious (dont get me wrong, i think it was totally unnessesary to remake it AGAIN but it do look pretty). i can certaily see why this game has such a cult following and got the reception it did. maybe a Tad overhyped?? maybe a tad. but still good!! gameplay is solid, story is solid, characters are solid, whats not to like?? docking points for the frankly OBSCENE price point (luckily i got mine Mega cheap but go-LLY)
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03/10 - The Last of Us: Part 2 - 10/10
after a devastating loss, ellie begins a gruelling quest for revenge and runs the risk of not only losing the ones she loves, but herself as well
i mean. fuck me guys. fuck ME. if the first game is good then this one is straight up glorious. the story is Vastly improved, so much tension and grey morality and Bone Deep Agony, emotionally and physically. its just such a hugely better game, both story and gameplay wise with a Bunch of new features and they arent afraid to take you to Extremely dark places with characters we already love and brand new ones too. this games going to be sitting with me for a long time i feel
and thats it for 2023!!
kinda fell off the gaming wagon in the final few months of this year due to a variety of reasons, but lets hope i can keep gettin games off the ol’ backlog in the new year :]
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108garys · 1 year
Mr Du'mets ❤
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I think I was due for just the two of them for this au since my designing of murder castle masks started with Du'met creating a new persona for Charlie, it's a little scribbley and my pen smudged a little but nothing a dash of colour can't fix
I imagine if I get around to writing a follow up to bleeding hearts this is probably where that would end up in the long run
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @blubary @lonnitamongus @meitsuki24 @mythwood @tatjana-fantasy @mybrainrotforreal @eframschweigersskincells @eddie-brii @devilinlittlehope @ivycross @ultrabananapudding
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edenstwiilight · 10 months
I am back from my hiatus to request a Jerin Topeka one-shot…I desperately need it 😭
hello my friend welcome back!!
i wasn’t entirely sure what to do to with this, just because we’ve never seen what happened in Topeka, but i wanted to do my best!
i hope you enjoy, jerin makes me. so mf soft, okay.
(consider reading my other stuff on ao3! malibu1410)
jamie knew. she knew this was a bad idea, and did it anyways.
falling for erin, that is.
sitting in the back of their van, after picking up kate, while listening to her yell and tear charlie a new one for dropping her with no car and no phone in the middle of nowhere where, jamie looked at erin.
erin, with her beautiful smile and soft skin and endlessly warm energy.
she had her head down, her headphones on, seeming to be checking if they could save any of the audio from their recording session. from the purse of her lips, it didn’t seem anything was saveable.
but jamie didn’t want her to stop trying. she wanted to watch her a little longer.
it was weird, at that moment, that jamie was happy. this was the worst job they’d done, having lost kate at the recording spot, the audio they recorded was basically unusable, and charlie wouldn’t stop talking about how ‘it could’ve been great! if you guys would take it more seriously!’ kate yelling really accentuated her point.
but jamie was staring, as much as she didn’t want to, at the girl sat beside her. she leaned into erin’s bubble, their fingers brushing together as she asked how it was going.
and erin’s smile, well. jamie would hold it close as she replied, ‘not well.’
maybe topeka was the worst job they’d had with lonnit entertainment, and maybe it would be the best they’d had in a while.
but the light of the streetlights was shining on erin’s soft skin. in her shining hair, on her leggings, on every part of her.
maybe jamie could afford a little bit of staring.
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