#look at us now!!!!! sooo true buddy
alloutshirt · 1 year
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LTWT 22 Paris 2k capacity, sold out | FITFWT 23 Paris 20k capacity, sold out
"Listen, last time we were in Paris I think I played to roughly about two thousand, two and a half thousand people a night.…. Look at us now, I owe it all to you so thank you, thank you, thank you."
the difference one year can make, we are so proud of you louis <3
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unnoticed-poison · 7 months
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔! 𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚅𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 °【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】°
Chapter 2 is ouuuut! 🎉
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【 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟑 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟒 】 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 1 【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟒 】 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
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Enjoy ❣️𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"-Your last chance at salvation starts here, at the Hazbin Hotel! You're welcome in at any time to waste your last precious days here! What are you waiting for?"
"Sooo what do you think?" Alastor asked with a large grin after the commercial ended.
What the fuck was 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵?
Was everyone's singular thought as the radio demon waited for their answer.
Charles gave him a strained smile. "Alastor buddy! I appreciate the effort you put in this, really thank you so much but-"
He said that, but on the inside, he was resisting the urge to unleash a valley of curses at the demon.
The commercial was an absolute shit!
This guy was blatantly mocking him and his project!
'Be calm be calm don't you dare lose it over something like this!'
He thought that, but the taunting grin plastered across the demon's face made it difficult for him to remain calm.
"I mean it's...nice?"
"It's shit, the word you're looking for is shit Charles," Dicckie grumbled, exasperated as well from Alastor's antics.
Thank god Dicckie was here to say those things in his place.
The radio demon shrugged. "Funny I was going for hilarious!"
Dicckie scowled. " It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to SAVE demons from extermination, which was the whole point of the commercials you freak! Does mocking us entertain you that much?"
Alastor's grin grew even bigger as he let out a small laugh. "Yes! it 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴."
This bastard-
"You little shit-"
Charles sighed as he silently watched the two argue, the other two people in the room, one being the bartender while the other was their singular resident, were ignoring the whole thing.
He was about to intervene and break them up when he heard his phone ring.
He paused when he saw the name of the caller.
"I'll be right back, I have to take this call." He said, standing up and exiting the room.
No one noticed his absence.
The argument between the two demons dragged on for several minutes, with no sight of it ending anytime soon.
"What's the point of having you here if you won't do your job, you're utterly useless!"
The grin on Alastor's face didn't lessen, but one look at his eyes would reveal he was growing increasingly infuriated with the moth. "Careful with your words now, we wouldn't want an accident to happen now do we."
"You don't scare me you piece of shi-"
The spider demon, who was trying to focus on his phone finally groaned. "When will these two stop bitching? My ears hurt."
The cat in the corner raised a brow at him. "Do I look like I care?"
Their argument was cut short when Charles burst into the room.
Dicckie turned to him and raised a brow. "What happened?"
Charles giggled as he hugged him and spun him around. " My dad just called and asked me to go to the meeting in his place because he won't be able to make it! I can present my idea to them this way!"
The moth's eye widened before smiling back. " That's..great! When will the meeting start?"
Charles looked at his watch. " In...a few minutes so I have to go right now." He said, sprinting towards the door. " Goodbye! wish me luck guys!"
"Yeah yeah."
Dicckie lightly waved. "Good luck."
He really hoped he succeed-
"You know just as well as I do that he's going to fail, don't you."
His small smile disappeared as soon as Alastor opened his mouth.
What a way to ruin the mood.
But...with knowing full well who was going to be at the meeting, he couldn't deny what the demon said was true.
Charles had zero chance of getting his idea accepted.
Ignoring the chaos happening around him as he made his way to the meeting place, Charles whistled a tune to himself, holding the papers he prepared beforehand firmly in his hands.
Today was gonna be a happy day! He could feel it.
The exterminators surrounding the area, being aware of his identity, turned a blind eye as they continued to chase the sinners around, leaving him undisturbed.
Unbeknownst to the prince, there was a small, barely visible camera drone nearby, trailing his every move.
"This is gonna be interesting..." The excitement in the voice of the person speaking couldn't be disguised. "Let's make it a live broadcast!"
He was certain that this naive, 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 prince was gonna fuck up somehow, and he would be a fool if he didn't capture the moment and share it with the world.
He couldn't wait.
Back on the airship, you spent most of the day keeping the man guarded just as promised.
The eggs were too adorable to resist so you played with them from time to time, all while chatting with the man about the machines he built.
You assumed that no one had expressed interest in his works before, with the way he spoke with passion while showing off his inventions, the excitement clear in his eyes while explaining what each one does in detail.
"And this one-"
As you listened to him speak, you couldn't help but feel kind of impressed, you found yourself drawn in by his confidence and ambition.
It was kind of...cute.
"That's interesting."
He nodded with enthusiasm. "That's right! And one day, I'll be able to beat that damned Alastor and finally earn the respect of the other overlords!"
Oh well, that doesn't matter.
"Good luck with that." You said, repeatedly tossing Frank in the air and catching him, making him cheer with excitement while the other eggs, including Scramble, were waiting in line for their turn.
"Thank you, you know, you aren't half as bad as I thought, unlike your 'sisters'." He suddenly said.
His words made you tense, almost not catching the egg in time as the man continued to insult the other exterminators.
Your eyes narrowed with anger with each word he spoke, making you put down the egg, reaching out for your weapon and making your way towards him.
"And- SHIT" He found himself on the ground before he could finish his sentence.
"Hey! What was that-" he tried to speak, but his words were cut short when you pressed your foot against his chest, with your hammer poised at him.
"Shut the fuck up."
You will not allow this fucker to demean your sisters this way.
"Just because I'm providing you protection for today doesn't mean you get to insult them like that, I only spared you because of the deal, but you won't get the same privilege next year, If I hear you utter another bad word about them I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget." Lifting his chin slightly with her hammer, your eyes narrowed as you glared down at him. "Got it?" You asked, your voice low and cold.
The man was stunned as he gazed at you, he knew he should be afraid, but the way you stared at him with such cold, intense eyes like he was trash and your foot pressed against his chest made him feel oddly...good?
Fuck fuck fuck fuck!
He thought as his heart raced faster, his face heating up in shame when he felt his lower body react to her actions.
He found this... 𝘩𝘰𝘵?!
"I said, GOT IT?" You asked again, pressing harder into him, making him hiss out slightly in pain from the pressure.
He nodded frantically. "G-got it!"
"Good." You said, lifting your foot off him and stepping back.
Just then, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, raising a brow, you dug out your phone and looked at the screen.
You groaned when you saw who was calling you.
Of course, it had to be him.
You sighed and answered the phone.
"Hello, Lute."
Your 𝘦𝘹.
"Where the fuck are you!? none of the exterminators saw you for hours!" You heard the voice on the other side of the phone growl, making you roll your eyes.
"That's none of your business Lute, now stop wasting my time and tell me what you want please."
He scoffed. "Whatever, Adam is asking you to come to the meeting place saying he 'missed you' or some shit like that."
You smiled inwardly upon hearing that.
"Alright then, I'll be there in a few minutes." You said before hanging up and turning back to the snake, what was his name again?
Oh, whatever.
"I need to go, take care."
"Hold on!" The man exclaimed as he stood in front of you, blocking your way. "There's still 15 minutes before the extermination ends!"
You shrugged." It's just 15 minutes, I'm sure you can handle it, or perhaps the whole 'I'm powerful' thing was all just talk?" You taunted with a coy grin.
"Of course not! I'm just making sure you respect the deal!"
"And that I did, I spent most of the day watching over you instead of doing my job, if you can't handle 15 minutes on your own without getting killed, then you truly don't deserve to live."
"Enough." You interrupted. "Now get out of my way, this instant."
The man hesitated for a moment, before stepping aside and letting you walk past him.
"Scramble." You spoke with a gentle tone as you walked to the egg. " It's time to go."
The other eggs whined while Scramble nodded, yawning as he lifted his hands for you to pick him up.
Your eyes softened, picking him up and gently placing him in a random basket you found on the floor, the egg made himself comfortable before falling asleep.
You glanced over your shoulder at the snake. "Take care, and good luck with achieving your goals, you better hope I don't catch you next year, because I won't be as merciful as I was today."
With that being said, you left the airship.
The man just stood there and watched you fly away in silence.
"Your face is all red boss!"
"Did you get a fever?"
"You shut up and go clean the place this instant!!" He screamed before heading to his room.
He needs to let off some steam, 𝘕𝘰𝘸.
Hope you enjoy the chap ❣️
Someone definitely developed a kink today ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
I wanted to add one more scene but I have a fever so I ended it here and left it for next time
Btw does Charlie say 'thank god' or something else?? Cause I was not sure when writing this
Hope you all have a nice day! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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malum-forev · 1 year
Reputation: Endgame
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Summary: Bucky is sooo Reputation coded so, here's Endgame by Taylor Swift (Bucky's Version)
Previous: ...Ready For It?
The quinjet was quiet, nothing more than the constant sound of the engine. Neither you nor Bucky hadn’t spoken a word since you left the country you were hiding in but, it didn’t feel awkward. 
You’d heard he was a man of a few words and you were used to being in silence. Since fleeing the Red Room, you’d been traveling alone. Solo travel takes a whole new meaning when you’re hiding from the world and from your past. 
“You’re a hard person to find.” Bucky broke the silence. 
“I know.” Your simple response made Bucky scoff. He was mid eyeroll when you turned to him. “Is there a problem?”
He shook his head. “Not a problem, just a- let’s call it a full circle moment.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your jaw slacked. 
“Most of the times when I get mission reports, the target is very vague. Hair color, ethnicity, age range, a picture if I’m lucky but with you, I got a full manuscript. Off the record obviously because there is no actual record of you anywhere.” A whisper of a smug smile hovered over Bucky’s lips. “I don’t usually pay attention to what is written of people because it’s usually bullshit but with you, they’ve got you down to a T.”
 Bucky has the audacity to shrug his shoulders! Like it was the most casual thing ever. The man you met barely an hour ago, who by the way has the worst reputation ever, thinks he can read you like a book.
“Is that right?” Your molars grinded together. “What did they warn you about?”
“Egocentric, narcissistic, selfish,”
Bucky was ready to keep spilling more kind words about you but you interrupted. “Glad to know Natasha thinks highly of me.”
“Just to name a few.” Bucky’s eyes were set forward, the right side of his lips curved upwards. “Big reputation.”
Now you scoffed. “You and me, buddy. We got big reputations.” 
His playful expression hardened, like you had poked a side of him that immediately lifted the iron gates. 
“Now’s not the time to get serious. You heard all of my worst qualities and you still decided to come on this rescue mission. You have to be a special kind of messed up to do that.” You laughed. “You heard about me so, you know I’ve got some big enemies but I know you’re on the same boat as myself.”
Your light tone was chipping away at the ice. He’d frozen, no pun intended, that part of himself a long time ago. When he was ‘normal’ (a term Dr. Raynor had told him time and time again he shouldn’t use) he loved to banter. It was his preferred method of flirtation and just conversation in general. But now, he truly felt like a fish out of water. The times had completely changed and he felt like sometimes he had to process information on a first-generation computer when the people around him were living in a world he’d only seen on TV. 
“If only the people who are out to get us knew we were in the same plane,” Bucky said. “We’d be a big conversation.”
The plane fell silent again, the comfortable void caressed your shoulders. Like a whisper of something you’d never felt before suddenly became familiar. 
“It’s not true, you know.” Bucky cleared his throat. “What they say about me. Most of what they say I did isn’t true. My reputation, it doesn’t precede me.” 
“Well, I heard you once took down a whole Hydra base with only one gun and a couple of knives.” You nudged on. “And that was after the Winter Soldier.” 
“I actually did that with only knives.” He turned to look at you with a smile. 
You don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone look more beautiful smiling. He tugged his lower lips in between his pearly whites and the sides of his eyes crinkled. He threw his head back and a bubbling laughter invaded his body. It was a little bit hoarse, like he was out of practice. 
How long had it been since he’d laughed? You wondered.
 “That’s not true.” He said once he came back, shaking his head. “The media loves to twist the narrative. They needed a bad boy on the team and I just happened to be the closest thing they could find.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing because never in your whole life did you think you would hear The Winter Soldier refer to himself as a ‘bad boy’.
“That’s what they like.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
Your eyes roamed his body. From his short brunet hair to his beautiful blue eyes that shone like the night sky you saw in the windshield. Down to his short scruffy beard that made you want to run your hands against it. Feel the rough texture, touch him. To his muscular arms, you could see the definition through his thin shirt, the sleeves had been bunched up near his elbow revealing his forearms. Veiny and thick making you want to-
You snapped your head forward, forcing yourself to concentrate on the sky in front of you. You cannot think about him like this. This is just a mission. Nothing more. That means no touching an no thinking because those two things only lead to missing him, hurting him, or worse, becoming another ex-love. 
You’re not trying to play, you’re trying to get to Natasha and work. 
Your cold shift made Bucky rethink your entire conversation. Had he said something to upset you? Did he go over the line? Were his thoughts true or are they his past issues coming back? He’s got chips on both his shoulders and it shows. There he goes again with the negative self-talk. 
Sometimes Bucky wished he could shut his brain off, find the master switch and go to bed. Some days it was easier to manage than others and he’d found a way to ignore it, it was easier this way. But the days where it was harder to ease, those were true battles. His flaws, paranoia and insecurities lurked in the back of his mind like monsters in the closet. 
He’s made mistakes and made some very bad choices, that’s hard to deny but sometimes he wishes he could just forget. But with a reputation as big as his, it’s hard to get a clean slate.
The quinjet started its descent into the Avengers compound, the white building in your sights. As you got closer the plane felt bumpier, the wind was not in your favor and the landing was getting complicated. You snaked your hand on the center console at the same time as Bucky, effectively placing your hands on top of his. You felt a sudden jolt of energy that eased your nerves as your skin touched his but it was taken away far too soon. 
Your throat felt dry and you tried to push any sign of nervousness deep into that rarely visited vault in your brain. You tried to forget the feeling but you couldn’t. 
You went through a dark cloud and the rest of the landing was smooth. Your body ached from the long flight and the only thing you wanted was to get off. It had nothing to do with you wanting to get as far away from Bucky as you could, nothing to do with the strange reaction your body had to him. 
Bucky lead you through the compound, the tall walls and windows made you feel more isolated than ever. Sure, you’d been alone for a long time but here it felt like the loneliness seeped into your bones. 
“You’re safe here.” Bucky said, just above a whisper, leading you down a long corridor into the kitchen. “You don’t need to feel scared.”
You opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out. 
Bucky opened the refrigerator and pulled something out, taking it to the microwave. Bucky rested both of his hands on the edge of the kitchen island. 
“I don’t feel scared.” You finally got out, straightening your back. 
Bucky’s blue eyes softened. “I’m just saying it’s okay if you do. I know I felt that way when I got here. When you’re on the run, you’ve got nothing to lose. You’re used to the feeling of independence but here, you feel watched. Scrutinized.”
Your eyes widened at his words. Did he have the ability to look into your soul? It was the only possible answer. He was calling your bluff on all your usual tricks like it was nothing. 
You bit your bottom lip, debating whether you should open yourself to him, you were sure it had turned deep red now. 
“I usually am always the first to know everything. I always know what happens next and I plan for everything. Even when missions are over and I’ve buried hatchets, I keep maps of where I put them just in case.” You said with a laugh to try and mask the truth you spoke. “But this, Nat sending you to find me, I never expected this. I just- don’t know what happens next.” 
“I guess your reputation precedes you.” Bucky said with a smile, taking the food out of the microwave. Your nostrils flooded with the delicious scent of your favorite meal. He pushed the container towards you, slapping on a post it note from Natasha. Welcome home. It said. “They told me you’re crazy.”
A true smile ripped through you.
“I swear I don’t love the drama.” You promised. “It loves me.”
The two of you ate directly from the container, too exhausted to take plates out. Conversation died down and the silence came back. Only a few hums here and there and some stolen glances. His eyes were like liquor, tempting you and his body like gold, wanting to bring you in. You focused back on your food, wanting to erase the handprint he left on your soul from the second you saw him first, only a few hours ago. 
Author's Note: Hi hiiii I hope you guys like this second part!! If you do, you know the drill, please comment reblog and like! As always my asks are always open &lt;3
tagged: @kpopgirlbtssvt @shara-ne @namelesssaviour
*Any gifs posted are not my own and I give the artist full credit.
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osleeplessflowero · 2 days
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Sooo I've gotten really into Epic: The Musical recently and the song "Suffering" gave me the idea for this! I've been missing Mer/Siren!Nightmare..so let's give him some content! ;)
Gender Neutral Reader
Reader is pretty much anyone you want them to be as long as they can stand/sit on a boat
No this is not connected to the Mer!Nightmare oneshot I wrote, it's a different plotline focused on them being more like Sirens.. buuut if you wanna check it out.. Click Me!
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Oh, does Nightmare hate you.
Ever since you befriended his brother, he's rambled on and on about you nonstop. He's sick of it! And the way you try to act all buddy buddy with him too..oh, he despises that. He definitely does not think fondly of you. Not in the slightest. And so he's decided to get rid of you. So he doesn't have to feel so confused.
Dream had left early in the morning, muttering something about meeting up with some old friends next to a waterfall. Nightmare waved him off, grinning with malice once he'd vanished. Swimming beneath the darker parts of the sea water, he began making his way to the destination he'd visited countless times: the location of your boat.
After mistakenly getting caught in one of your nets, Dream had ended up befriending you as a way for his life to be spared. And in turn the two of you grew quite close, the worry of hunting one another having long since faded. Nightmare had been dragged along with him on more than one occasion, begrudgingly making conversation with you as you stood on the deck of your boat with that charming smile.
And here you were again, standing on the edge and leaning your arms along the railing, mere inches away from falling into the water to a quick demise. You inhale the ocean air with a smile, relaxing without a care in the world. Nightmare peeks his skull out of the water momentarily, grinning madly when he spots you before quickly moving back down so he isn't spotted. Using his magic a little, he takes the form of his brother. You're more trusting when it comes to him..perfect for his plan.
He pops his skull out of the water, smiling brightly just as his brother always does when he sees you. You look over and wave, turning more to face him directly.
"Dream, hey! Good to see you!" You smile, blissfully unaware of his true identity as you slide to sit on the other side of the railing to kick your legs back and forth. Nightmare's eyesockets narrow briefly as he pushes himself up onto a rock, 'Dream's yellow scales glowing brightly once the sun makes contact with his body. Though not as bright as usual..
"Hi there!" He mimics his brother's voice perfectly, having practiced for the occasion. "How are you today, friend?" He rests his arms on top of the rock, Dream's tail swishing back and forth in the water in place of Nightmare's usual tentacles.
You raise a brow slightly, but your smile doesn't falter as you rest your arms in your lap.
"Good, I suppose. Had to run from some sharks earlier so that sucked, I like the skeleton sharks a bit more. Just get 'em to play cards with you and they'll let you pass." You shrug, taking a card deck out of a satchel and waving it around before you finish your sentence, putting it away again. "What about you, Dream? Anything exciting this morning?" You raise your hands, resting your chin between them.
He rests his cheek on one of his hands, pretending to think and letting out a hum. He taps his fingers against the rock for a moment in a rhythmic pattern.
"Hmm, well..I can't say anything too interesting happened..not until I ran into you, of course!" He smiles cheerfully, watching as you let out a chuckle or two.
"Really? That's strange..usually you have lots to talk about during the morning. Lazy day today?" You kick your legs, looking down at him curiously. Observing.
"Yeah..just a bit slow!" He lowers his arms. "But now that I've found you I'm sure it'll get so much more fun! ..Say..why don't you come down here and swim with me for a bit? Just the two of us?" His spell begins seeping into his impersonation of Dream's voice, his eyes faintly glowing with magic. He holds out his arms out towards you, open and inviting.
You pause for a moment, hearing a slight difference in his tone. Familiarity overtakes you, and you narrow your eyes at him. ..Why is he using his magic? You'd happily go, and he already knows that it doesn't..
You glance over his demeanor again. Well mannered body language, slightly narrowed eyesockets in contrast to his usually wide open ones. Slightly dimmer than usual..
Oh, so that's what this is.
You smile, deciding you'll mess around a little. "Oh, I dunno Dream..I'm awfully scared of the water! What if another shark comes by?" You shrug, smiling apologetically. Nightmare's browbone twitches, but he keeps up his act.
"Don't you worry, I'll keep you safe! I know the sea like the back of my hand, so I can keep you out of harm's way!" He wonders silently why his spell isn't working, sliding off the rock and swimming over, reaching up to grab your legs. But before he can, you swing them back up over the railing, now standing on it to look down at him. His hands twitch at the absence of your legs, but his smile doesn't falter as he moves back a bit.
"I'm sure you could.. but I just don't know!" You drape your arm over your forehead dramatically, earning a very brief deadpan from the siren beneath you. "I think it might be a little better if we stay right here..y'know?" You smile.
"Aww, don't you trust me?" He presses a hand to his ribcage. "We don't have to go far, just jump in the water with me right here! We can swim around your boat. C'mon, just join me!" He splashes a little water your way, making you jolt a bit. You nearly fall, but balance yourself quickly.
"Why don't you come up here, Dream? You can jump this high, you've done it lots of times. We can talk here on the railing. And maybe I could jump down with you from here!" You crouch, patting the rail below you. Nightmare pauses a moment, thinking before smiling again and pushing himself upwards to lean against it. You slide off the rail, standing in front of him and resting your hands at his sides. Quite close..
"..Okay, I'm here. So..jump with me." He finds himself staring into your eyes, beads of magic sweat forming on his skull as the exhaustion of holding this form accurately begins taking a toll on him. Why isn't his spell working? There's nothing blocking your ears, you should've obeyed the first time.
You trail your hand along his jawline, making him shiver. Lifting his chin, you give him a sly smile. He freezes, eyesockets widening a bit. His hands lay suspended midair, twitching a bit.
"Hi, Night. Y'know, if you wanted to see me so badly you could've just said so..I wouldn't mind, big guy." You grin, your face slightly darkening. A bright shade of green crosses what's supposed to be Dream's skull, as the illusion finally drops. Nightmare's true form finally manifests before you, an irritated (but also flushed) expression on his face.
"How? My trick was perfect, I don't understand." He furrows his browbones, narrowing his eyesockets. You let out a chuckle, replying softly.
"I'm immune to siren calls, Nightmare. Dream tried it on me to see what would happen a while ago..nothing. Nice try, though."
"..You know, I could just as easily pull you into the water right now and devour you." He glares at you as he speaks, and yet he doesn't shy away from your touch in the slightest..you narrow your eyes, reading him like a book.
"But you won't..you like me too much for that, don't you?" You smile as you tease him, watching as his face glows a little brighter. "Admit it to yourself..you don't hate me one bit. In fact, it's the opposite..isn't it?"
"You're a fool." He begins to back away, but you put your hand over one of his.
"But I could be your fool..if you want me to." You raise your brows, earning a scoff from him as he moves away. You shift your arms, resting your cheek against one of your hands.
"Don't be ridiculous. I loathe you. I want you gone." He crosses his arms, tentacles writhing about beneath him as he leans against the railing, the only thing keeping him in the air.
"Yeah..and I'm half mermaid." You let out a little laugh, earning a light shove from him. Falling over, you kick your legs a bit before pushing yourself back up. "Admit it! You liiiike meee.." There's a hint of a sing-song tone to your voice, making his browbones twitch.
"In your dreams." He averts his eyelight, ignoring his still-pounding heart.
"I heard my name?"
Dream's voice startles you both, his bright and cheery smile ever present as he sits on the rock Nightmare had just been lying on.
"Hi Dream!" You wave down at him, earning a very enthusiastic wave in return. "I was just talking to Nightmare."
He gasps, putting his hands on his cheeks. "Night, you came to visit them on your own! That's awesome! Such progress!"
He puts his hand against his forehead, groaning into it. "Stop bringing it up.."
You give his shoulder a nudge, smiling smugly as he lets out an annoyed sigh. As you turn your focus back to Dream to hold an energetic conversation, he smiles a bit in the corner of your vision.
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pamsimmerstories · 4 months
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when your cousin is your best friend ♥
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[cordelia]: it was nice of you to make thise for grandma
[freya]: i hope she likes it.
[cordelia]: sooo, you and jasper vanished at the funeral...
[freya]: yes...
[cordelia]: are you two fuck buddies again?
[freya]: cordelia!!
[cordelia]: what? is it true isn’t it?
[freya]: you’re right. maybe we could be more than just that? i don’t know... do you think is too early to start another relationship?
[cordelia]: no, freya. don’t do that. you are allowed to start a relationship whenever you want. you could have started a new one as soon as he left you if you wanted. he chose to leave you.
[freya]: yes, he did. i asked him... no, i begged him to stay and he left. i’m not gonna apologize for moving on.
[cordelia]: exactly! you deserve to be happy. i saw the way jasper looks at you... he’s in love.
[cordelia]: and i think you two look cute together.
[freya]: yeah? he’s been so sweet... what do you think collin is gonna say?
[cordelia]: i don’t know. he has no right to say anything... it’s your life.
[freya]: but he’s my friend and i was dating his brother....
[cordelia]: if he says something, i’ll handle him. don’t worry! you deal with your fuck buddy and be happy, freya!
[freya]: did you hear it?
[cordelia]: maybe is grandma sending you a sing to be happy and forget about avery
* laughter *
[freya]: can you imagine grandma listening to us saying i have a fuck buddy? oh god! that would be so embarrassing
[cordelia]: i know, right? she would’ve laugh and shake her head. but deep down she would be happy for you. i’m happy for you.
[freya]: thank you, delia! it means a lot to me that you are! and now i gotta meet him,
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lutawolf · 2 years
Big Dragon Episode 3 Review and Commentary
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Don't go looking for episodes 1 and 2 review because there isn't one. I watched them but I'm late to the party. So, I'm starting here.
The song "I work out" just came to my head while we watch the swim model play with his hair. OMG the secondhand embarrassment is gonna kill me. Okay, I really can't with this dumbass hiding behind a chair. Sweet baby jezebel. Okay but we have the bag with the phone. Of course, it's password protected you dip shit. Just stomp that thing or take out sims card. There, wait. Running it under water? I just. 🤦‍♀️
What, now ya gonna steal. What the fuck are you doing. These dumbasses better start to have growth. Oh, you are taking the undie. That's actually pretty funny. Iffffff you hadn't got caught. At this point I think you should be writing a book on how to be a dumb ass villain. I think you need to just give up the life of crime. Sub baby is so subby. Look at him just standing there. Like he puts up no fight when being searched.
Oh, now we push. You are feeling all kinds of tough, dumbass. You never thought he would back that shit up. Oh damn, he said sorry. These two shitheads are made for each other realy. This is what nonconsenting looks like. When Yai drugged Mangkorn and now this shit that Mangkorn is pulling. We don't know if Yai is consenting because he wants to or because he is afraid of the videos being leaked.
Now here is the thing, this is art. None of us are saying this is okay. We know that these two ass hats are problematic. When you say that marginalized media can't be problematic art, then you are participating in the oppression. Forcing queer media to not be problematic art is saying, we don't have the right to occupy the same space as straight/white media.
Back to the show. This is what a forced D/s element looks like. Mangkorn got a roleplay kink, mkay. Oph, straight to the punishment. No talking until told to. For sure forced consent. More commands. And if we didn't know for sure, we now know he sucked it before. He's got a gage reflux.
Okay, so he was teasing him. Then he tells him to wait and Yai does. So subby. These rich bitches probably own walking shorts. Lawd. Okay so, we at a park, at night. This is how horror movies start. Douche canoe, he might have teased you, but you drugged him. You guys are almost even. Friendship. He wants friendship until the internship is over. The nagging back and forth. He doesn't know how to make friends, that doesn't ring true.
Now we are starting to see them. The real them. Getting a little cuteness. Aww, he got him a shirt... I think that is a shirt. Looks more like a sweater vest. Still, it's the thought that counts. Buddy boy he has seen it all already. Hahaha.. Wait, should I be concerned that dipshit and I think alike. Oh it is a shirt! Is that a tiger necklace? Aww, he brought him to his favorite spot.
Look at that slight smile on Yai's face when Mankorn brings up being friends again. Caught you staring moment. Cute. Ohhhh, he is serving him food. Interesting. He tells Yai to try it and Yai immediately does. Ohh, the gay couple is sooo cute. Okay, my opinion of you is going up Yai. Oh, we are bringing up the law and gay marriage topic. I like it.
Look at him breaking out the "food taste better shared." Okay this is cute. Back and forth about the food. Your ass still hurts? Wth. That's a power dick there. Oh, we are giving the, I wanna kiss you look. Saved by the tummy rumble. Oh, are you about to serve him again? Even with it being an inconvience due to the rain. Interesting. Look at that smile. Oh you finally gonna let people know you alive.
Looke at him checking on him. Then offering to walk him to his room. Ohhhh yeah, someone is coming in Dom. Aww, look at him apologizing for the phone and telling him he will buy another. I'm starting to like these two.
Yes, Yes, they are still problematic characters, fully aware but problematic characters are fun in fiction. Real life? No way. Who would be okay with any of the bl fictional characters? I mean really, Sean and Black have anger management problems. SCOY is about a stalker and stalky who fall in love. As much as I love Pai, in real life we'd beg Sky to call the cops. Let's not even talk about the Kinnporsche couples. Are we not allowed to live vicariously through art anymore?
Yai is being super cute. I'm liking it. I'm seeing a redemption arc here. Oh, look Mankorn being. Home dude is hooked. You like that old fashioned, shut up. Oh yeah, he's caught feelings. A Dominatrix! Mad respect but those wrist cuffs. Those boots though! I want! She is spitting the good advice too. She's a soft Dom for a Dominatrix. Oh, look she did a check in to make sure that their break apart won't spiral him.
What are these two cornballs doing. These fucking coconuts. I ain't afraid of no ghosts. The coconuts are though. Did he call by phone. Damn it's bad with the coconut can get a jab in. Aww, they have a couple's phone! Subby sub is grumpy now. Oh No! Couple's cases! They are rocking that RM and Jin colors. Look at you, dumbass. You hung up on your boyfriend's call.
So that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed. 💜💜💜 This review is dedicated to @victooooorious, @bengiyo, and @pharawee
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wrecking-sequels · 9 months
[Wreck-It Star]
"Nine feet tall, weighs 643 pounds, with freakishly huge hands and spiky hair, saved the whole arcade once.. That Ralph?" The president of Sugar Rush sat there, on one of the square trees, dangling her legs like the innocent angel she was supposed to be.
"Yes, that Ralph." Replied the blonde warrior as she rolled her eyes. "Nah, never heard of him." That definitely wasn't an innocent angel. Cammy just raised a brow, clearly not amused, and the candy girl apparently surrendered. "Uff.. Bigfoot's not here, I'm waiting for him myself. Say, whatcya need him for, anyway?" The muscular woman mimicked a few blows in the air, as if a player was controlling her. "I like to train after-hours and Ralph's a great sparring partner, no one can take a hit like he does!"
Vanellope couldn't deny it made sense. "Sooo basically you need a punching bag, I see. Listen, he's surely at Tapper's, I'd follow ya but they're baking pies." She pointed at the building behind them. "Bring him back in one piece, 'kay?" White gave a thumbs up, and in no time she was on the exit cart thanks to one of her epic jumps. It seemed she couldn't stand still for long. "Off to find my target! See you around."
About a minute since the train disappeared into the wire for Game Central Station, Ralph's head popped out the front door of Felix' apartment. "She gone?" Vanellope sneered and glicthed her way down to the grass, hands in her kangaroo pocket as usual. "Yeah yeah, coast is clear, Captain Scaredy Pants. But now you owe me one."
It wasn't until after taking a couple more looks towards the exit of the game, that Wreck-It came out of hiding and focused on his answer. "You wouldn't make fun of me if you had a round with her." True. "Really Ralph? A beast like you is scared of some Street Fighter chick?" Countered Von Schweetz, seriously amused by all this.
"Well DUH, you have no idea what her legs can do!" Man, just the memory had his neck hurt. "Your fault, you shouldn't have-" He didn't even let her finish. "Oh no! No no no! I agreed to block her moves ONCE, and she took the liberty to unleash combos on me ever since!" Poor guy. "Eh, maybe it's Cammy's way to say I like ya big boy." Winked the candy girl, only to see in response a gigantic hand waving dismissively.
"Almost forgot, on my way here I met the folks of Dance Dance Revolution kinda begging for us to join their saturday night party yet again." She then added with a lower enthusiasm. Her interest was lost weeks prior, upon beating all possible scores. "Oh and the hedgehog says he lost the ring you signed him, wants a new one.."
"It's hysterical, maybe I liked it better when everyone avoided me." Chuckled the goliath, even tho of course he didn't mean it, no one would miss days of loneliness and rejection. There, his tiny bff showed a genuine grin. "Quit whinin. You are on top of the world like a true hero, Ralphie. "
She wasn't wrong. A lot had changed for Ralph since that fateful day of near apocalypse, four years earlier. The guy was now quite a renowned personality. He could still remember the thrill down his spine when those same eyes that had passed over him for thirty decades finally gave him a curious glance. "Don't get me wrong, I like the attention, but there's this thing called 'me time', you know?" Celebrity life..
"Ay, enough chit-chat, my dear hobo. Let's go check out that new game they plugged in!" Van interrupted. "Sorry kid, I'm not moving." Oh he didn't just say such a thing in front of her. "What?? You wanna hide from blondie until the end of time?" His answer came quick. "I told you yesterday, some of the guys from bad-anon are coming over."
"Aww come on!! I wanna see what it's like!" Her best buddy simply shrugged before heading to the courtyard where he would set the table for the meeting. "Go for it." The little girl hesitated, but after a heavy snort, she followed good old Stinkbrain. "Is that Satan guy gonna come?" Of course that was her favorite of the bunch. "It's Satèn."
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cyberdragoninfinity · 9 months
I would love to hear your Indigo Disk thoughts
YES!!!!!!! 💎🐢💥 full disclosure I only just finished Indigo Disk's main storyline like....less than 24 hours ago so I am still RIDING HIGH FROM THE RUSH OF IT ALL. will probably be spoilers ahead, as a head's up:
first off I love that like. right off the bat youre getting hit with cyrano and cavell old man yaoi. busting out the cute little nicknames like HELLO!!! AND then you have geeta showing up and rika is there for no reason whatsoever and it's like. well ok i think they were having lesbian activities on the plane over you love to see it!
anyway setting wise, the Big Ol Blueberry is pretty fun! I love running around and the Synchro Machine is SUCH a ridiculously fun feature (FINALLY, TRUE GAMING: Dana can run around as a Ninetales and smack a big ball around.) I love all the Unova callbacks and I LOVE THE DIFFERENT CLUB ROOM LAYOUTS!! The monochrome one made me tear up and SEEING THE FUCKIGN. POKESTAR STUDIOS ENEMIES. IN THE FUTURISTIC ONE. MADE ME FEEL SOMETHING. pokestar studios my beloved i miss it sooo much 😭 My buddy Snap was talkin about how the Terarium really kind of lacks... yknow, landmarks and points of interest, though, and god I agree so hard. I love that Kitakami had its own little set of interesting features and places to go and use as landmarks and the Terariuam kind of. Doesn't really have those. It's a bit of a pain in the ass to navigate and easy to get lost but not in a fun way.... even though you have these little neat natural features like The Pride Rock and Chargestone Caves, I wish we coulda had a little bit more :( For such a widely used part of the school it doesn't feel very 'lived' in by the students there. It would've been fun to see more gathering places aside from the Very Sterile Outside Classrooms.....
The Area Zero Underdepths, though...hooouughhHHHhhh. I just. I really have to admire the fact that Indigo Disk said "ohhh you want answers?? you wanna know what's going on in this place? fuck you, youre gonna have MORE questions after this, and theyre gonna be even CRAZIER ones." YOU GO IN THAT HOLE AND LEARN NOTHING AND IM NOT EVEN MAD ABOUT IT. GO LOOK AT THE CRYSTAL TREE DOWN THIS RANDOM PATHWAY. i neeeed to make a terapagos post sometime and talk more about it i cannot stop thinking about this little freak. POKEMON THAT SCARE ME A LITTLE I MUST SAY. POKEMON I DO NOT FEEL IN CONTROL OF. i Know they didnt make its charged terastal form look like a dream catcher for no reason. I Know its Stellar Form Looking Like That isnt for no reason. I know its borderline dangerous power and THAT LITTLE STUNT IT PULLS. AT THE CRYSTAL POOL. THAT'S INDICATIVE OF SOMETHING I THINK. >when Terapagos's cry was the sound Terastalizing has been making all fucking game. SCREAMS.
also again oh my god if you beat the main indigo disk storyline go to the crystal pool right now GO. GO FEEL SOMETHING. GO!!!!
ok well that's. less about setting and more about story though huh. well!! story wise, absolutely loved it! I know there was a lot of apprehension when the DLCs got more properly announced and we found out they didnt really center on Our Dear Paldea Friends as scarvio proper did, and yeah I definitely can see why that's a frustration and a deterrent for some (and I'm soo so excited to hang out with Nemona and Arven and Penny in the epilogue next month....peach time (: ) but for me in the end I'm really just so enamored and delighted with all the new friends you get to make in the DLC and they more than carry that little narrative's arc on its own. The Elite 4 of the BB League are all GREAT, they got nonstop autistic girls out here in gen 9 (nemona, amarys, briar ?!??!) and it ROCKS. and i LOVE Carmine so much, everyone always wants mean rivals and mean women and folks cant even handle Carmine 🙄 you can tell she genuinely has such a big heart and cares about her friends and her brother!!! and Kieran wahhh wahh kieran my newest Little Guy ;____;.... he is SO fourteen and I did not expect to go into the DLC getting really invested in a new character's arc but it's just GOOD. He REALLY feels like a loose yugioh character in Indigo Disk, he's so angry and obsessed with victory and ultimately under it all still capable of so much kindness and regret and he's just GOOD. And his champion battle was terrifying and a BLAST!! THE MUSIC RULES. HE EVEN HAD INCINEROAR.
god and all the music in Indigo Disk was a banger. gen 9 music save me. gen 9 music. save me gen 9 music.
i'm SUPER hyped to do more BBQs with my bestie and do more postgame stuff with the "hanging out with Gym Leaders" thing and the Legendary hunting and such... lots more to roll around in and have a good time with. All in all had just a great time with it, I genuinely might put Violet as my favorite Pokemon game of all time at this point! I do grow very sad thinking about just how even more fantastic this game couldve been if it had 1-3 more years to cook properly though, like..god damn. I was getting some LAG on those cutscenes, and I know I made out pretty alright in the bugs department!!
but for now i'll just be thinking about the shit that happens at the crystal pool for the rest of my life. also Indigo Disk gave me the best possible trainer ID photo i never need to change it again
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tokkias · 1 year
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut: 🌟 🌟
fanfic directors cut . always open
for a lot of my requests it can take me a while to get around to it but this one plagued me so hard that i got it done in mere days after recieving it. i was working on heartstrings when i got it and so i spent the last part of that fic literally speeding through so i would be able to get to write this one
this was my first time writing wendy and carla - i had a bit of experience with happy, gray and erza from i don't want to be your friend (i want to kiss your lips) but i generally don't write non-nalu characters even though i really enjoy doing it, so this was a fun change of pace because it's a pov i've never written before
is it technically the best thing i've ever written? no, far from it. there's a lot of mistakes and the pacing is kind of weird, but i don't even care about that because this is such a fun fic to go back and reread for me
Wendy had been so excited at the prospect of being helpful to the rest of her team that she hadn’t even considered that it might be polite to knock, and immediately her hands shot up to cover her eyes in a poor attempt to pretend that she hadn’t seen anything. While the sound of the door opening may have gone under the radar, the terrified squeal of their young teammate caught the pair's attention quickly, and Lucy instinctively shoved Natsu off of her and covered her chest with her arms, despite being fully clothed.
jumping right in with things that made me commit tiny laugh. they're not doing anything dirty (yet), but wendy and lucy both freaking out as if she had walked in on them getting nasty was put in there just because i thought it was funny, which is a running trend in this fic. wendy is simply cursed to accidentally walk in on them having their moments, and lucy is so used to people seeing her naked that she intrinstically moves to cover herself even when she's not naked, probably because she anticipated being naked later on
"I think we should just tell her," Natsu said, flopping backwards onto the mattress, perhaps more casually than the situation called for. "Obviously I was going to tell her!" Lucy replied as she gave him a firm whack to his shoulder. "We have something we want to talk to you about," she said, as calmly as she could muster. "I-I know what sex is!" Wendy managed to stutter out, not wanting to put any of them through the perhaps traumatic experience of giving her The Talk.
this was the first thing i wrote for this fic because again. made me laugh. wendy's panicking so much about what she just walked in on that her first thought is oh my god they're going to give me the sex talk
"So? Are they coming or not?" Gray asked as he saw Wendy and Happy approach. "Um… no I don’t think so…" Wendy replied. "You don’t think so?" Erza inquired. Immediately realising her mistake, Wendy began to panic, scrambling to figure out the right words to ease Erza’s suspicions. "No-! I mean-" "They’re not hungry," Happy butted in, much to Wendy’s relief and the rest of the team's confusion. "Is everything okay, Wendy? You look a bit flustered," Erza commented, raising an eyebrow. She had truly thought that she was doing a good job of hiding it, but apparently it wasn’t good enough, and having Erza point it out only served to make her panic rise to the surface even more. "Um, yeah!" She tried to reassure in a poor attempt to divert the conversation. "I think she’s just disappointed that Natsu and Lucy aren’t coming with us, right Wendy?" Happy added casually.
happy is the true star of the show here. he's been on this for months now and while i think it's kind of popular thought that happy would need to be bribed into silence i sort of don't agree with that narrative? happy is natsu's best buddy and he loves him and lucy sooo much even if he's a pain in their ass sometimes. if they really did want him to hide it from everyone, he would, and it gives him a chance to fuck with everyone else which he deeply enjoys
"Unusual for Natsu to pass on food, wouldn’t you agree, Happy?" Erza asked, turning her attention to the exceed. "No, I wouldn’t," he blatantly lied in response, hoping to gaslight Erza into turning her attention somewhere else.
+1 to parts that make me fucking laugh. it's just dumb and stupid. happy is trying to see how much he can fuck with erza and she's just not having any of it. erza knows how to pick her battles and she knows that happy is just Like This sometimes so she's going to be confused but she's too hungry to put any effort into questioning why he's being like this
"You are acting awfully weird, child." She commented. "What on earth happened in there that’s got you all worked up?" "It must be Lucy’s weirdness rubbing off on her," Happy suggested. Wendy let out a nervous laugh as she realised just how hard it was going to be to hide this secret from her best friend and keep the promise she had made. "Oh, it’s really nothing," she reassured. "Why don’t we catch up with Erza and Gray? Some food sounds really good right about now." "If you say so…"  Carla replied, still not totally convinced but not suspicious enough to press any further.
i struggled a lot with carla because i didn't know what to do with her. i couldn't leave her out because it's a wendy focused fic, but i don't like carla all that much so i didn't want to spend too much time writing her in. this was my attempt at balancing the two of them and i think i did a pretty good job at doing that and keeping her in character
"Where are those two?" Gray questioned, glancing over to the clock to see that they were already a few minutes past their designated meeting time. "They’ve been late for every job we’ve taken for the past two months." "I’ll go fetch them then," Erza offered. "No!" Wendy cried out, earning her a surprised look from her teammates. "I- It’s just that…" "Lucy’s cranky because Natsu was being a pain in her ass this morning," Happy chimed in. "What did he do?" Erza inquired. "Oh, well, you know how he is," Happy replied vaguely. "Yes, I do," she said, nodding her head in agreement. "Well, I suppose Lucy has earned a late start for dealing with him all night. I’ll have to put Natsu in his place when they arrive."
vague allusion to the fact that they've been dating for way longer than necessary to hide it
poor wendy trying really hard to help them out without giving them away but she's not the best liar so she's just making herself suspicious in the process but happy comes in with the save, real mvp
again, just silly stupid parts that make me laugh. erza does not even take a moment to question it because it is so believable that natsu would be a pain in lucy's ass just because That's What He's Like, she doesn't need specifics
"Yes, I’m pleased that you both made it," Erza added. "But I’m not pleased to hear you’ve been making things difficult for Lucy." "What? What did I do?" He asked, whipping his head over to his partner, who looked just as confused as he was before realising that this was just the cover that Wendy and Happy had set up for him. "Yeah, what did you do, Natsu?" Lucy asked, deciding to play along. "I don’t know!" He cried, still a little slow to catch on. "I guess I used your hand lotion?" "You’ve been using my hand lotion?" Lucy asked, her face dropping, no longer happy to play along. "Natsu! That’s expensive!" She whined. "Yeah, well, it smells nice and it makes my hands soft," he ardently defended. What had begun as merely playing along had devolved into a full-on squabble, and Wendy couldn’t help but giggle slightly at how they were behaving exactly like an old married couple. "Well, if I had known it was such a contentious topic, I wouldn’t have brought it up," Erza commented, scratching her head slightly in confusion at the absurdity of it all.
erza is really thinking that she was helping out by telling natsu off but she's just caused a typical natsu and lucy squabble because there was no natsu being a pain in her ass (unless- *gets shot*)
i don't remember why i picked this for them to argue about? i think it was like, harmless enough that they're not going to actually fight about it, but it's enough that lucy's going to be annoyed and i mean. i headcanon that natsu's always using her soaps and shampoos so why stop at lotions? i imagine he likes the way it makes his hands feel and he'll totally just put his hands on lucy's face and be like. "look. soft."
Walking along the streets with Lucy, Wendy felt she could let out a sigh of relief. It had only been a day, but the pressure of keeping a secret so big was already beginning to weigh on her, so finally being around someone who was also in on it was a nice break. "Hey Lucy? Is it okay if I ask you something?" With her attention caught, Lucy’s gaze flicked over to Wendy before she replied. "Sure, anything." "Why haven’t you told anyone else that you and Natsu are dating?" She asked. Lucy was quiet for a moment as the gears turned in her head while she searched for the right words to explain their reasons. "Because… things are kind of new with us, and we just want to figure things out on our own first before we tell anyone."
i knew i probably had to give a reason for why they're hiding it at some point and i also wanted to give wendy a moment alone with lucy or natsu or happy or a combination of them, just to take a weight off of her shoulders lol. those were combined into this scene
i think that while natsu would be pretty gung ho about telling everyone that they're dating immediately, lucy is more reserved about it because she knows what could happen to both their relationship and the relationship they have with others if they happened to maybe date and break up (not that it would happen, but lucy is wary)
She understood why they had chosen to do that, but she also couldn’t help but feel a slight irony in it all. The group dynamic hadn’t changed in the slightest because their transition from friends to something more had been so subtle that she may not have noticed it if she hadn’t accidentally walked in on them swapping spit.
the whole basis for this fic was the idea that wendy now looks on their relationship through a new lens but nothing has changed. natsu and lucy are still the exact same because they've always loved each other so deeply. the change from platonic love to romantic love is a really subtle change when they're not straight up making out in public because they're still just best friends who are a little touchy feely
The walk across town went by uneventfully, but there was something about knowing—about being in on the secret—that had resulted in Wendy seeing Natsu and Lucy’s relationship with new eyes. Nothing had changed about the way they interacted with each other, but now that she knew the context of their relationship, she couldn’t help but see the romance in everything they did together. Suddenly she was hyperaware of how Natsu seemingly had to have his hands on Lucy at all times, and how all those touches that she had always thought were innocent, friendly gestures now held more meaning to them.
wendy is us frrrrrr. idk i don't feel like i have anything to elaborate on here. i was very literal and direct with my intentions. nalu is in love and it's not subtle to strangers, but to the people they know, they've just always been like this. im sure after a long time of lucy insisting that they're not dating they probably just assumed that if they weren't together by now it would probably never happen
Before she could even think of approaching Natsu to treat his wound, Lucy threw herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck and holding onto him like her life depended on it, and Natsu responded with equal enthusiasm. Her hand rested gently on his jaw, and for a second, Wendy thought she was going to lean in for a kiss. Instead, but just as tender, she nestled into his chest, arms holding him close as he tucked her under his chin and it looked like a perfect fit. Wendy tried to turn her attention elsewhere and give the pair some privacy, but she couldn’t help eavesdropping now that her ears were tuned in to their conversation. "I’m so glad you’re safe," Lucy murmured into his chest. "Me too," Natsu replied as he rubbed soothing circles into her back. The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, content to find comfort in each other’s presence, until Natsu spoke up again. "I love you," he mumbled, his voice muffled in her hair but clear as day to Wendy. "I love you too," Lucy responded, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
okay well are they even trying to hide it at this point?
with this i knew i wanted them to say i love you. we've established they have a physical relationship but this is showing that it's going beyond that and showing (or telling, i suppose) that they are in love with each other.
i wasn't sure who was going to initiate at first. lucy was the obvious choice, she's the words girl and natsu is the actions guy but in the end that's why i went with natsu. i think natsu saying it first sort of packs a punch that you don't get when lucy initiates because she's usually the romantic of the two
In response to her weird behaviour, Carla placed her hands on her hips and let out a sigh. "What is going on with you, Wendy?" She demanded to know. "Wh-what’s going on with me?" She replied, trying to act innocent and pretend she had no clue what she was referring to. "You’ve been acting all skittish as of late, and you won’t even tell me why," Carla reprimanded. "What are you talking about?" She nervously laughed, "I’m just nervous about the train ride is all." "It’s not kind to lie, child," Carla replied, "and it’s even worse to keep secrets."
if anyone was going to make wendy crack, it was going to be carla. poor wendy doesn't like to lie and especially doesn't like to lie to carla. originally i was going to have it be erza confront her because i just didn't want to write carla but it was just the choice that made the most sense. sigh.
"N-Natsu and Lucy are dating!" Wendy blurted out before slapping her hand over her mouth, immediately realising her mistake. "Excuse me?"  Erza said, clearly taken aback by the look on her face. "N-no! Oh gosh, I shouldn’t have said that…" she murmured, "I was supposed to keep it a secret, but now I’ve just gone and ruined everything." Just as she was about to beg them not to mention it, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy made their entrance, and immediately Erza stepped in to ruin her plan of getting them to keep quiet about it. "You and Natsu are dating?" Erza asked, her tone more accusatory than questioning. "What?" Lucy asked, taken aback by the sudden question.
i think if wendy had told erza not to tell anyone, she would have made her feel much better about her inability to keep secrets because if her acting skills are any indication, erza is even worse. unfortunately erza doesn't give her any time before practically accusing natsu and lucy of dating which again, i think is really funny
"You know you’ve cuffed yourself with a moron, right Lucy?" Gray asked, not giving up an opportunity to take a jab at Natsu. "Hey! How ‘bout you say that to my face!" Natsu yelled at him, suddenly forgetting any of what had just occurred, much more occupied with defending his pride. "I will! You’re a goddamned moron!" Gray retorted.
gray will never pass up the chance to roast natsu and neither will i
"Everything okay, Wendy?" Lucy asked, noticing the way her gaze seemed to be cast to the ground. "I um… I thought you guys would be more upset," Wendy revealed, "you know… with me." "Why would we be upset?" she replied. "Because you said you trusted me, and I broke my promise…" Wendy murmured. "Ya can’t always keep every promise you make," Natsu shrugged, "‘sides, it’s not the worst promise you could have broken." "So you’re not mad?" "Of course we’re not mad," Lucy assured.
there was no way that either of them could ever be mad at wendy for literally anything. they both know that she did her best even if she caved so, so easy. poor wendy is so convinced they're going to be upset with her but they both know there's no point in being upset about it because it's in the past now and natsu got to punch gray in the aftermath of it so he's fine with that outcome
"We fought a group of like fifty bandits," he exaggerated, which was met with an eyeroll from Lucy as she sipped on the drink Mira had passed over to her. "The guys tried to catch us off guard, but I caught ‘em before they could get the jump on us, one of them tried to stab me in the head, Lucy and I are dating, and we got the full reward." Wendy choked on her drink slightly, head whipping back around to where Natsu had been relaying the story of their job to see if she had heard him right, and based on the gobsmacked faces of everyone around them, she could only assume she had. "I’m sorry, what was that middle part?" Mira asked, caught off guard by the sudden announcement. "One of them tried to stab me in the head," he repeated, gesturing towards the superficial wound that Wendy had stitched up after the fight. "Natsu and I are dating," Lucy clarified for him.
added this purely for my own amusement. natsu would just be so casual about it because he doesn't see a big deal with it and everyone else is so caught off guard by it
i imagine that they probably talked about it beforehand and were like. yeah wendy's not keeping this for more than a day, better we tell everyone now than keep all that pressure on her
"That’s okay," Lucy hummed before letting them fall into a comfortable silence as they watched the celebration unfold into a classic Fairy Tail brawl right in front of their eyes. "I think your timing was just right," she said, turning her attention back to Wendy. "I was scared that things might change if everyone knew, but you showed me that maybe that doesn’t have to be a bad thing."
i like to focus on change (or lack thereof) a lot in my nalu fics because i love exploring the way their relationship changes when they get together, and a lot of the time that's not a lot
here lucy is more worried about the external change. they've been dating long enough that she's comfortable in the way her relationship is with natsu, they're still best friends but with a splash dash of kissing and romance, but she's worried about the way that change will be perceived by others and how that changes the way people feel about or act around them. i think that type of change is inevitable, but that's a bit more nuanced than what i wanted to get into with this fic. for the most part things stay the same. to everyone else they're still going to be natsu and lucy, they're just a little more mushy now
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mellowquint · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Liveblog!
Part 1; the Dining Car
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So insert character is first time working for the train huh, okay cool cool
Oh god now i have to name them uhh (yes i will be referring to they/them, non-binary characters ftw)
… I went with Trainee (get it cuz uh train and yeah I'll see myself out)
Darling your scribbles are fine, better than mine actually
Trainee is a nervous train wreck *ba dum tss* yeah ok I'll stop making train jokes
Oh dang here comes the conductor. Apparently todays the conductor's last day after thirty two years.
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I like how the sonic crew didn't forget about spagonia Jejdkddlfkkdkfk thought that was a one time thing
The menu only has 3 things, Why? lmao
Wait they're ALL MICROWAVE MEALS?? Can't they afford a chef? This is someone's speaking who has not gone onto these fancy train cars yet so forgive me
Oh fun tidbit the trains actually used for event's only.
"So I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?" Sir yes sir
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oh so it's Amy's birthday party!! Murder mystery theme eh? Someone's an Agatha Christie fan~~
ROUGE AND KNUCKLES YES also Rouge girl you just got on the train don't go stealing gift shop pens just yet lmao
"What cast of characters am i stuck with" OH SHOOT HE KNOWS 🤣
"Why can't i be normal for one second" you and me both Trainee
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Also Sonic immediately bolting to get chilli dogs lmao, never change blue gumball dork
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EHH okay so now i collect the tickets, like a normal person, this wont be an embarrassing trip
"well the birthday discount certainly helped!" You and me both Amy
OH NEW LORE DROPPED, AMY'S A FAN OF TRUE CRIME PODCASTS!!! (I wonder if she would like the Magnus Archives…)
"Here's the key that unlocks any door in the train" hmm seems kinda sus, but oh well birthday girl gets the birthday key
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and Blaze is here to grace us with her presence and elegance, reminding why I love her. Love how she just casually tells us that she's visiting from a separate dimension like it's nothing lmao
Sooo Blaze has sweet tooth cannon? Yes.
LMAO TRAINEE NO "Why can't i win in this group"
Rouge darling please give the conductor his money back it's to early to steal anyones lunch money 
Y'know it's a bit awkward knowing that Trainee just realised he's talking t The Sonic The Hedgehog, like my dude did you not know what he looks like? Either way Sonic's pretty chill
"I brought my own sparkle gelatin. It's a jelly that can melt away even the most jaded hearts" Tails imma need you stop being so cute and wholesome for ONE SECOND OKAY I CAN'T TAKE IT ✨🥺
Awww Trainee and Tails are jelly buddies!!!
"Thank goodness someone on this train is normal" buddy wait till you see the kid fly an airplane and can fly with his two tails lmao
Espio why you holding that rose who is it for 👀
DID ESPIO SERIOUSLY READ TRAINEES MIND?? (Edit he did in fact, something about his Ninjutsu or something)
"Can you cling into walls" "i most certainly can" okay just tell the conductor that, I'll now know where to find you then. In the air vents.
"Do you sell gift bags here" ….. shadow you didn't forget to bring Amy a present her birthday party right?
"Robot arm reminding me that one AI from Wall–E, hopefully we're not going to that route 
"Actually, uh Train, the conductor wants me to have the whole plate" lmao you ain't slick Trainee
Okayyy last but not least we have Vector, who does not in fact have his ticket, aanddd now we're supposed to find it
"I wonder what cake topper Sonic picked out for me" "...shoot, i was supposed to give Amy a cake… what am i supposed to do?" Ya done goofed you blue gumball dork
"You don't need to bow everytime you see me" sure Blaze it's not like i was stress responding. definitely.(seriously tho i love her dialogues)
Okay imma take a gamble and ask shadow if he sees any tickets 
"Only three items on the menu..? You don't even have drinks listed" THAT'S WHAT I WAS SAYING!!! Also we only have like three drinks too, water, coffee, and chaos cola
"I'll have to take you up on the coffee soon. Just the beans and A spoon, though" …… shadow um what??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BEANS AND A SPOON ONLY YOU HOT TOPIC WANNABE??? NOT EVEN WATER OR MILK???
I spent 5 minute hitting every random object where's the ticket – OH WAIT LEFT ARROW
"Lost ticket added to you inventory" YES BUD LET'S GOO
Poor trainee has to double shift on being the microwave expert AND security guard smh, Trainee better has a good paycheck
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…. Oh. OH!!  SO THAT'S WHY THEY'RE ALL WEARING SPECIFIC CLOTHES. Amy's you nerd she even got them all lore cards i love this girl
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So Sonic's role is to be the ship captain. I do wonder why a ship captain of all roles since their in a train setting but ill take
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Oh shadows supposed to be a locksmith?.... I wasn't the only one who thought he was gonna be a barista stationed at the cafe right? My guy might have to dress a little bit more specific for a locksmith
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and of course we;ve got our birthday girl as the journalist!
Sweet got a map of the train baby!! Alsooo the lounge looks suspiciously close to the conductor's car…
Well with that out of the way let's get started!!!
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Oooohhhh ok cool cool cool got i
"This way there's always a neutral party" yes tails you go you smart cookie
Y'know it's very sweet of all of them to play along with the murder mystery roleplay. Everyone wish they have friends like that
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Tails you adorable smart nugget how come you keep getting cuter and adorable by the minute 🥺✨
"My lore is that I'm a nosey person turned journalist" aww c'mon birthday girl don't bring yourself down lol
Oh wait it's just the train moving
Why is it even shaking THAT much???
Anndd screen goes dark, welp i guess that's it for the dining car scene for now
Aanndd that's all for part 1 hope you guys enjoy and see you guys around part 2!!
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 6
~~~~ Three hours of running, screaming, ball throwing, and A LOT of crying later ~~~~
I have been at this for HOURS!
Screw it. I've done enough for the Professor to at least think I'm trying.
Hopefully Hugh will buy that I was just "tearfully saying goodbye to mom" or something like that.
Nearly out of pokeballs too. I am going to take the longest nap on that boart right to Castelia. I am not even kidding.
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Aww Roxie saw her dads shitty movie and thought it was 'good'. Sure thing Roxie. Sure.
Still its sweet she supports him. Keep working at it Pop Roxie. You'll get there someday!
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Oh Hugh have you, uh, been waiting here this whole time? Sorry my, uh, business took... three hours... My mom uh wouldnt stop crying about her baby girl leaving and it was all touching and...
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Aaaaand your not buying any of this?
Okay look man, I gotta level with you. The last three hours have been a hell of pokemon catching. It had to be done! I completely blanked on it before and this whole "fill the pokedex" thing is kinda my excuse to leave home. I really don't think my mom would accept "help my best friend exact his revenge on the remnants of a terrorist organization" as a proper reason for traveling. I jumped at the chance they gave me! It's not my fault it came with strings attached!
I know how to cheer you up.
You want a Pidove? I caught a pidove. No tradsies. Just free gift pokemon. Yeah you want a pidove.
Sooo we cool?
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Thats the spirit buddy!
Pop Roxie! Hoist the anchor, raise the sail, swab the poop deck! Cause we're leaving on a quest!
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I knew I liked the cut of your jib Pop Roxie!
Alrighty Hugh lets get going! NOthings gonna stop us now!
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Sorry about your shoes POP Roxie. I swear I didn't know I got seasick.
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Yeah might be kinda hard finding a handful of weirdos in funky hats in a city this big. Do you have a plan?
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.... Thats not a plan Hugh. Look for now lets just... split up yeah? I'm tired. I'll go find us a hotel or a bench in the pokemon center to sleep on or something. Give me your Xtranceiver number, I'll call you when I find something. Call me if something happens yeah?
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Yeah well chances are we're gonna be splitting up a lot more after this. I still gotta catch enough pokemon to make mom and the professor think this is just a nice PG adventure. Besides, after Cheren and Roxie I think I have a taste for this whole pokemon battling thing.
With that Hugh gives a passing comment about the weird looking ship on the dock next to us and take off. Welp I'm in the big city by myself for the very first time.
And I'm exhausted. Gotta see if I can find a place to rest. So I stride into the city.
And a random clown gives me a bicycle. And ask me to do a relay. At midnight.
I've been in this city a handful of minutes and already this palce is nuts. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to ride a bike again. Pretty sure that ten year ban for running over that lillipup is up.
Whatever. Questions for later.
Couldn't find a hotel anywhere. I'll send Hugh a message and sleep at the Pokemon Center tonight.
~~~ Hugh didn't come to the Pokemon Center tonight.
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That not... concerning. I'm not concerned.
Wandered around the city doing some sight seeing. Not looking for hugh. Just sightseeing. Got the last casteliacone, visited a gallery, had a stranger come out from behind a dumpster and give me the tm for flash.
Interesting city.
Still since I can't seem to find Hugh guess I better go to the gym. Think I saw in a brochure that Castelia Cities gym is a bug type gym. If thats true Molly will probably wind up torching the place heh.
Welp guess I might as well head over. Before I leave the pokemon Center though I sell a few of the items I found around Virbank that I dont need, mostly X attack and stuff, and buy more great balls. My attempts at filling out the dex as much as I could before used up a lot of the balls I had.
I'm gonna need to fight some trainers for money soon or something. That acting stint I did was fun but did NOT pay anything. I've still got supplies, but I don't think I'm going to be doing a lot of filling out the dex until I can get more money for more balls and stuff. I mean I still have like 5 great balls, that ultra ball that neighbor in Aspertia gave, plus the heal ball and net ball I bought but thats about it.
Plus I'm down to, like $4.26. Thats not enough for lunch much less, like, 20 pokeballs.
Definitely hitting the gym. Roxie forked over quite a lot from beating her, so this Burgh guy I heard about will probably do the same. Bare minimum I'll be able to get some more Lemonades.
Aight Molly lets go get that money!
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With my money?! I mean I havent beaten him yet, sure, but its basically an inevitability here! Where did he go?!
Then this purple haired girl walks up. Apparently she and Clyde know each other? Apparently she's looking for Burgh too. Evidently this Burgh guy is the flighty sort who wanders out of his gym, like, all the time.
Yeesh, Cheren might've been a newbie and Roxie mightve been rocking out too hard to hear me, but at least they were AT their gyms. I though gym leaders had to be at their gyms at all times. Yknow like a 9-5 type deal. Is it NOT a 9-5 type deal?
Wait.... do you guys not get paid?!
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Oh sure NOW you notice me.
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I... How did you.... how could you.... How did you KNOW about that?!
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Yeah well tell that to the weirdos back in Virbank.
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..... By giving me money?
Oh oh no you meant hunting down Team Plasma. Hnngh well... If the gym leaders not here anyway... and considering that might be where Hugh went (who I haven't seen since last night)... Sure why not.
Iris mutters something about thinking where they might've gone and then just takes off too fast for me to follow! Thankfully Burgh knows this town beter than me. He said she went around the corner towards the Pokemon Center. Guess thats as good a place to start as any.
Now might also be a good time to break out that bike that clown gave me last night. Not that I'm in a hurry or nothing.
Thankfully the saying about never forgetting how to ride a bike turns out to be true and I easily catch up to Iris. She tells me we're heading for Thumb Pier. She suspects theyre probably hanging around there.
Why she suspects that I dunno. In fact I'm not even certain who this girl is. Oh well, its the only lead I've found so peddling feet dont fail me now.
As it turns out Thumb Pier is 'suspicious' because its where you enter... the sewers. She wants us... to go into... the sewers.
I mean... I guess if a terrorist organization was gonna hide out in a big place like Castelia after a failed coup the sewers isn't the weirdest place to hide out but...
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GAH Hugh! Don't sneak up on me like that! More importantly where the hell have you been?! And gods no I haven't found any members of team plasma yet. Though I think Iris here might have a lead...
Is THAT where've you been all night?!
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Dodging questions is for strange old men who jump off cliffs and run shady movie lots. NOT from supposed BFFs hunting terrorists together!
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That's what I'm trying to do! Look man you can't just disappear all night and then suddenly- Hugh! Hugh you get your edgy anime hair ass back here!
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
I'm sorry if this comes out of nowhere, but I was thinking about r//nance, lol. So, like in canon for me, it was ooc for Robin to want to befriend the girl who broke her bffs heart so badly, bc why would she you know. So I keep thinking maybe Steve, who already blames himself, just doesn't really say negative things about Nancy, like he deserved this kinda treatment. I mean still I wouldn't want to be friends with that person who makes my bff feel that way, especially because I heard rumors about cheating and Nancy did move on pretty quickly, like not even a week so that would raise red flags. Anyway, if we all ignore this and Robin thinks of Nancy as this great amazing person who she wants to spend time together, wouldn't she then ask Nancy about Steve and their relationship?? And if so, wouldn't Nancy then have to admit to Robin how she used Steve as a placeholder? And if Robin finds the whole truth, wouldn't she want to stay far away from Nancy? Like it just wouldn't make any sense, realistically why Robin would want to be close to her after everything. It wouldn't matter if Steve would only say positive things about Nancy or reassure her the hurt he felt was only because of his mistakes. Robin is smart she would piece one and one together, Nancy hurt her best friend, and she wouldn't let this slide. This is why I hate this whole plotline about Robin kissing Nancy's ass in s4, I know the show doesn't acknowledge Nancy's mistakes in Stancy, but omg. Not everyone has to be best buddies, especially if there is history.
It was sooo ooc for Robin to act this way, like she should have been wary and maybe a bit cold to her. If Steve was my best friend, I would not whorship the ground his ex walks on. Robin seems like to have the same principles. In Rebel Robin, she hates it that Barb ditched her for Nancy, like idk how canon those books are but if it's true it's another thing why Robin should have been at least a bit bitchy.
The fandom and the show, but mostly the fandom, just wants everyone to be bffs, disregarding the major conflicts and mistakes. Like no realistically, Jonathan and Steve won't be friends, Jonathan is Nancy's boyfriend who knowingly cheated with her on Steve. Steve and Nancy can't be friends because of the messy breakup. Like every teen is like negatively linked to someone, which creates this clusterfuck. The only reason why the kids can all be friends is because they never cross-dated and genuinely like each other. The teens are only together in the group bc of trauma, not because they want to.
it’s totally cool! i love talking about this :) yeah it was quite weird especially cuz she had reservations before about nancy and now she changed it like at the flip of a hat - it’s so weird. yeah i think steve totally believes he was at fault for the relationship so i don’t see steve telling robin an unbiased version anytime soon of how he was the one at fault. yes about the hearing rumors! okay i find it odd how fandom has no problem judging what tommy says in season 2 and doesn’t realize the implications that the entire school knows something is going on with nancy and jonathan. also people were at a party when steve and nancy had their fight so i do not see anyway really trusting their judgement that something even happened between the two of them cuz everyone was drunk and not fully paying attention. all people know is that steve and nancy had a bickering over and steve left without nancy like i don’t think people would only come to the conclusion that they broke up. like there would be so many different rumors about this situation - none of them where nancy and jonathan come out to look like good people in the public’s eye so robin who already had reservations about nancy wouldn’t want to make friends with her after knowing that she possibly cheated or that she just didn’t care about steve. yeah robin kissing nancy’s ass makes no sense like why ‘she’s full of surprises isn’t she?’ like ngl that comment didn’t make sense to me cuz robin herself was never really surprised at nancy on screen about her guns or etc.
omg yeah robin would totally ask about it but ngl i kind of don’t see nancy even admitting that she was also at fault. like she already has no problem not admitting her mistakes in canon and she heard steve say that he was a shitty bf (which i don’t agree with) but i can hardly see nancy having to admit that steve was a place holder to his best friend of all people. also like i think it would be in character for nancy to not admit anything cuz she doesn’t think she did anything wrong.
yeah robin could have acted cold to her like i genuinely think she would have the same energy that she at first had with steve in the first place with nancy! like regardless if robin did feel comfortable now in her own skin - she wouldn’t just automatically trust nancy! or even enthusiastically try to make friends when she had reservations about nancy in the first place! SHE CALLS NANCY A PRISS! and like you said about the rebel robin - she has a bunch of reasons to not like nancy (although i don’t think the books are really canon but honestly i love robin being friends with barb and then being upset that nancy came along and took her from her)
fucking everything you said in the last paragraph!!! the fandom just wants all of the teens to be besties and it’s like that’s not even remotely canon or how the characters feel!!! it’s also not how any of the dynamics are in canon ! like idk what fandom’s obsession is with making everyone want to be canon bestie cuz it’s so much more interesting when they aren’t! cuz they aren’t in canon!!!! and yes everything you said about the party too! literally everything you said in that last paragraph is so perfect
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horce-divorce · 1 year
finding myself in a relationship where we have managed, in just 2 weeks, to have more healthy and productive and reassuring conversations about our trauma, goals, hopes & fears, than me and any of my exes ever did!! Ever!!! Combined!!! And it is. insane actually lol. it's so new to me to say to my loved one exactly what I'm thinking, without mincing words, and to not only have him not take it personally and freak out / end the conversation, but he answers eagerly and candidly and in a way that actually puts me at ease and makes my anxiety stop??? He specifically talks with me to make ME feel better??? 🥺
I am finding myself with a guy who hears me state my needs and doesn't immediately make it about him, even if our needs don't exactly match or he can't help me with that right now! It's amazing! It feels sooo much better than when my exes and I would lie to each other about our needs totally being met and it being "fine" and then fight about it when one of us inevitably told the truth. he doesn't try to make me feel bad about it when we don't want the same thing! which is fine bc honestly most of the time we genuinely do! and when we don't it's simply not a big deal! like!!!
and not only that but he notices and cares when I'm in a bad mood and asks about it, and remembers the shit I said about my feelings months ago? I was having some Fears the other day, and he asked, and I told him, and he said, "I remember you saying once that you felt replaceable and that's NOT true!!!!" and then hugged me and told me he loved me and that I deserve all his love and care, until I actually felt better??? Like. that cut immediately right to the center of how I was feeling and I didn't get to saying that part out loud, I started to and he immediately knew exactly what I was getting at, because he cares how I feel and was already paying attention before?? Like, I didn't have to ask him to notice how I feel, because he was already paying attention.
For once my boyfriend is more emotionally intelligent than I am and is actually teaching me so much about communicating and stating my needs and asking for/finding the things I need. He is so resourceful and he's done so much therapy already and he knows so much about like trauma and DBT and coping skills. He's so smart!! He's so good at setting boundaries!!! He is always teaching me new things!! I'm literally so inspired by him every single day!!!!
part of me does feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, and we will face plenty of challenges I can already foresee.. but that's life. my friend told me something so wise the other day. she said "anxiety is loud, intuition is a whisper." anxiety screams constantly that I'm not good enough and that everyone is just biding their time until my true flaws rear their ugly heads. Anxiety shouts and yells and stamps it's feet and demands to be heard above all reason and all other emotions.
But lately there's a quieter voice, much deeper down, that's telling me, "I really believe it's gonna be alright." That he really cares. That these are genuine green flags and not 'red flags through rose colored glasses.' That we want the same things and that following him is not only the romantic, idealisric thing to do, but actually the right thing for me, too. So that I can have someone who loves and cares for me, too. So that I have someone helping me achieve my goals, too!! So that we can build queer community and a family and a life together, cause it's a lot easier with the buddy system, and with someone who wants good things for you.
Yesterday we were hunting rocks on the beach and talking about how people subconsciously look for their parents in a partner, and how he's looked for emotionally unavailable partners in the past bc his parents were so abusive (about his mental health, about his queerness, about the fact that they didn't even want a child; he was never anything more than a chesspiece to his Mormon mother).
And he told me, "you're nothing like my parents." I don't have a word for how it made me feel. Something akin to "hopeful," I think, and grateful, and so much love.
Because I've done that, too. we've talked about this before, how when you've been traumatized, you often seek out what's familiar instead of what's healthy. His mom is awful. she met me once (1) and I was so visibly transgender she went on a month-long rampage that ended with her kicking her own son out (bc it's my fault he's on T, despite him being out & transitioning for YEARS longer than me rofl). I know how hard he's trying to break the cycle and he is actually probably the first person in his whole family to ever do it. He's doing SO good and I am so proud of him bc it's so hard.
To be told I'm nothing like his parents is something to wear like a badge of honor. Thank fucking goodness I am nothing like his parents, for his sake. Thank fucking goodness he finally found someone who can try to love him right. And thank goodness it gets to be me!!! Hot damn!!!!
like not to brag or anything but this absolutely rules. I'm so glad I made it through everything I've been through just so I could meet him, it was worth everything. gay t4t love is healing me from the inside out 🥰
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gutscenes · 2 years
mdzs vol. 1 chapter 5: the sunny pair– first readthrough thoughts
Okay, so Wei Wuxian, our romantic comedy protagonist, wakes up in Lan Zhan’s bed after having slept on his chest all night. “He himself was laid out properly…arranged into a mannerly and respectable pose.” Weirdly tender and endearing of Lan Zhan to do this. Like, sleeping properly is clearly important to him. This is just another way he dotes on Wei Wuxian!!!
“Jeez, this guy! He rejected the rabbits back when I tried to give them to him, and now he’s secretly raised a whole horde.” Please understand Wei Wuxian. This is an act of utter devotion to you. Please don’t make fun of Hanguang-jun (or do, he fucking loves it)
Once Wei Wuxian finds out his Hanguang-jun is in the middle of a dangerous and botched creature soul summoning he instantly runs straight into the thick of it, flute in hand. 
Lan Qiren waking up from his coma or whatever to scream at Wei Wuxian for making such a racket with his flute, and then instantly slips back into his coma out of anger. Like that alone should give away WWX’s identity. 
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji figuring out supernatural mysteries together, piecing together the mystery of their “good buddy” corpse…I need a modern scooby-doo AU please.
“Good, good, good, now we can finally go down to the mountain and elope!” Wei Wuxian manifesting a little too flagrantly here.
God. During night hunts, Lan Wangji always preferred to come and go alone. And now he takes Wei Wuxian. His true life partner has returned to him.
Okay I’m losing my mind. After they leave the Cloud Recesses, following where the corpse arm pointed, Wei Wuxian tries to flirt with Lan Wangji to get a rise out of him but it’s not working. He keeps crawling into Lan Wangji’s bed expecting anger. But Lan Wangji just gives him “a gentle tap, petrifying him. Then he would tuck Wei Wuxian into another set of blankets and arrange him into a proper sleeping position until morning.” The way Wei Wuxian just?? Keeps coming back to his bed??? It is so (clenches fists)
“Now [as opposed to when he was younger] not only is he completely unaffected, but he’s even learned to retaliate!” okay I’m glad Wei Wuxian thinks of Lan Wangji going along with his flirtation as “retaliation” like yes he is lowkey returning it in his own very Lan Zhan way.
How many times is Wei Wuxian going to mention how much he likes how Lan Zhan smells? I hope he never stops, I love it. He’s just so attracted to this man.
WWX casually reaching into LWJ’s robes to find his money pouch. Also “This didn’t look like anything Lan Wangji would carry on his person at all.” So did LWJ start carrying money solely for Wei Wuxian to spend? I’m so…LWJ is so doting and devoted and soft, believe it or not!!
“If Wei Wuxian hadn’t thought he knew a little bit about Lan Wangji’s character…he would almost have suspected there was some sort of romantic entanglement between Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu.” Baby. My baby boy. My clueless dumb little slut. My clueless beautiful dumb supreme evil lord baby boy slut.
Wei Wuxian proceeds to argue with a vendor selling portraits depicting the Yiling Patriarch as a vile ugly ogre. He’s going to blow his cover but I GET IT.
Wei Wuxian’s fear of dogs is sooo cute but also sooooo sad, my baby. “LAN ZHAN, SAVE ME!” he screams...I am obsessed, obsessed with how Wei Wuxian switches between calling him Hanguang-jun and Lan Zhan. “Hanguang-jun” coming from WWX’s mouth comes across as so flirty and teasey but also like acknowledging how well earned the title is. Flirty, teasey, and proud. Whew. Also using “Lan Zhan” while pretending to not be Wei Wuxian…nice try buddy
Jin Ling is like, oh shit I am going to be punished by Hanguang-jun for letting my dog run loose! And then watches as instead, Lan Wangji completely freezes solid because Wei Wuxian is hugging him from behind (and screaming because dog). (And then once the dog and Jin Ling leave he emerges with his hands behind his back like nothing happened. I’m dying)
Obsessed with WWX hugging LWJ’s waist and hiding behind him whenever he hears Fairy. WWX: Hanguang-jun, move, go on! What’ll I do if you don’t?! LWJ:You…let go, first. “The two dragged and pulled, stumbled and floundered as they followed the sound of the howling.” Cute…
“Wei Wuxian’s soul was about to leave his body. He reached out to Lan Wangji with both hands. ‘Lan Zhan…Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan…Lan ZHAN, LAN ZHAN, LAN ZHAN!!!’ The black-haired dog dragged Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian dragged Lan Wangji, and thus did the dog drag the two men…” CUTE...
“Lan Wangji took his hand to steady him, and whether in reproach or exasperation, he shook his head.” This is the Lan Wangji who does not like to touch others btw. Goes out of his way not to, btw.
I would watch and read and devour (whatever) allll the content of WWX and LWJ just traveling the world solving weird ghost mysteries together while being all romantic and flirty. Give me ten seasons of this, put it in syndication. I'm sold.
"The Sunny Pair" sounds sarcastic but also...we just know that Lan Wangji is beyond happy to have Wei Wuxian by his side. They really are a sunny pair okay...
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wolftails-funkin-arts · 6 months
The minus gang and their bapies have woken up in their new home
Recently they found 4 Gods and the youngest Nocturnal brought them to their place so they could escape all the people their dad has wronged who tried killing or harming them
However they had to make Ames part kitty like the bapies so that she could join them since they don't collect regular humans
They were walking around their section of the room with the kitties in their cat forms
Copper:Wow this place is massive look at all of those other cities
Herb:Yeah and they got sooo many cute flowers
Gold:I admit the water is really nice and is just right
Seasalt with sparkling eyes:Agreed
Shelby:I agree this place is nice although I kinda miss our old home
Girlfriend:Yeah but atleast now we don't have to worry about people trying to kill us
Mean:Im with him on this one
Beta:Yeah and atleast my parents aren't hear
Pico pats them on the head
He giggles while blushing a bit
Casper:And it's nice thst Nocturnal was sealed to give me my body back
Nala rests her head on him:Yeah
Casper giggles
Pinkie:Yeah it's nice..honestly I'm glad we got alot of room with fellow animal hybrids...although I don't see why there's some aliens up here
Pico:Don't worry about it their all sweet right?
Midnight:Yeah their all really sweet
Pump:Yeah and the kids were willing to play with me and help me walk...still feels weird being free from Skids control
Skid:Don't word it like that
Lavender:I admit I was overwhelmed by the change but after a while It's nice...several nice aliens and others
Girlfriend giggles:Yep
Blue:Yeah ruff ruff
Beta:Arf arf
Girlfriend:Baby you don't need to make kitty noises
Ames sighs:I know but *rubs her arm* I'm silly getting use to being a kitty cat
Beta:I know kiddo but we had to make a choice okay? We had to turn you so you could stay with us....what if one of Dearests enemies find you?
Ames nods
Blue:You look cute though
Ames:Thanks.......doggo dadda
Blue smiles
Gold:You know she does look good
Shelby:Yeah I agree......
Copper:Me too
They all nod in agreement
They then noticed a smoke like smell almost like there was smoking
Gold coughs a bit:Is something on fire?
Copper:No babe
They fold their hands over their mouth and nose besides Pico,Copper and Gold
Pico points to something
They noticed nearby distant a guy with a white hoody with black pajamas with yellow ducks all over them and slippers who has a pickelhaube on with a cigar whose back was turned
Nearby a humanoid girl that has green skin with a white tank top with blue pajama with long dark green and a black hooded cloak on is nearby carrying a green baby
???:Yeah so I got the day off
??? Giggles:That's sooo nice but what was it again?
???:OH one of Nocturnals relatives birthday is today....I believe their uncle Eternity so their all gonna be out which leaves us alone.....
???:That's cool.....what about your buddies?
???:Babe trust me their on a lower level of this part so we're fine.....besides it's just your species and I believe those...furry...animal humans?...Okay I'm seriously still confused about how their part human exactly. Like I mean NO OFFENSE but like HOW?
???:True honey but Nocturnal loves them
???:Yes babe...like how I love you?
She blushes a little
Copper:Hm...what shall we do?
Pico:I don't know
Girlfriend:Well maybe get him to stop
Gold playfully rolls his eyes:Okay settle down guys I'll do it
Gold walks up to the guy and gently taps him on the shoulder
He jumps a bit and turned around but he oddly had light brown skin looking..........human?
Gold:OH my bad
???:It's fine
The vibin guys are all suprised seeing a human
Pico:Y-youre a....human?...Like a normal human
Luke:Yes besides uum *shows off his robot arm* this?....I had a human arm
Shelby:Wait I thought normal humans aren't collected?
Luke:Yes but Nocturnal allowed me to stay here. I often do some stuff for them like make sure the planet's they visited are in line or getting some resources here
Kira:My names Kira and this is Luke Jr
Luke Jr giggles
Luke:His name is Klova after her grandfather but it happens thst Klova translated in English is Luke.....so that's a nice coincidence
Kira:Yeah like how my husband looks like their younger brothers...seriously they say he looks exactly like her younger brother besides skin color.....
Luke smirks
Gold:Sooo you know how things work right? We're still a little new
Luke:Yep...I'll help you all out
Luke shrugs a little:Suuure besides you make Nocturnal happy soooo I'd be willing to help anyone
They smile
Luke:Aight so word of big advice:If Nocturnal is in ear range aka the one with black hair...DO NOT...mention anything about abusive parents like please....do not
Luke:Good and I guess that's it really.....
Mean raises a brow:Really? Like that's it?
Luke:I mean I should warn you about Comet but they wouldn't hurt you guys as long as you don't annoy or upset them......and because Nocturnal finds your species adorable
Kira:Yeah their whole family collects you guys species despite being human partially...so you're an exception..and I guess technically my husband even though Nocturnal is the only one who knows
Luke:Yeah but I highly doubt their gonna be mad at de bapie their too innocent
Luke:I admit you guys seem cool can I maybe hang with yall?
Gold seems a bit skeptical
Luke:Oh coooome on whatever trust issues you had before you joined here don't apply....trust me
Pico:I don't know alot of people tries taking us out for something we didn't do
Luke:I'm clearly not one of them....I'm not even from your Earth so trust me you'll be fiiiiine I promise...this section is highly protected with forcefully only those 4 can break besides were all relatively chilled with eachother and the other sections
Luke extends his left/human arm
Luke:Trust me.....I won't do anything bad
Gold looks at his family and back at Luke
He shakes his hand
Gold:Okay good....but if this is a trick Pico won't hesitate endings your life
Kira:Then me and my family will end his
Pico laughs:Okay okay I won't try anything Kira I promise
Luke smirks:Besides I'd most likely try taking you with me or at the very least injuring you permanently so I get the overall last laugh
Ames:You won't hurt dino dadda?
Luke:I won't hurt them I promise by the endless McDonald's and Pizza Hollywood cheesy breadsticks I can eat if I want to
Kira:He's serious
They noticed a group of people that looked like them besides Gold and Cheesecake not being there oddly
Toughie wearing his cloak:Sup babies
Soft Beta:Such a beautiful day here
Soft Pump:Yeah even though it'd basically impossible to tell if it is day or not
Soft Temp:It's nice though
Soft Pump:Obviously I agree
Soft Pinkie:Guys look
The Soft guys noticed the main guys
Soft Blue:Woah.......*points to Cheesecake* They...look.....like our friend
Cheesecake awkwardly waves
Grace:Sorry you just look like one of their dear friends
Cheesecake:It's fine
Soft Shelby:Well....hi other us
Nightfall:Yeah hello
They walk up to them
The two fist bump
Soft Mean:Hm your robot arm looks cool
Soft Ames waves
He waves back with his robot arm
They hear a door open
They see people that look exactly like the vibin guys walk put but oddly the kiddies were all in their human forms looking tired and depressed a bit with messy hair with Pinkie in her pinkamena form
They all had blankets with Mean carrying Midnight
They all sit down huddled together wrapped in blankets/covered in them looking at the other sections
Toughie:The heck happened to them?
Luke:I heard something about a creepy Mario..........but that's all I'm gonna say
Kira:Poor guys
Luke:Should we say-
They see Girlfriend,Blue,Mean and Beta but oddly looking reversed with Girlfriend looking like a rapper with a long red cloak with them wearing pajamas
Swapped Blue:Hm I love living here it feels soo relaxing
Swapped Beta:Agreed
The four noticed Toughie and Pico
The three boyfriends look traumatized a bit
Blue is shaking violently
Girlfriend turns him around and hugs them
Blue hugs back
Swapped Girlfriend:It's okay pubby
Pico walks up to them
Pico:Look whatever happened with your Pico....I'm not like him...
Soft Mean:Yeahour Toughies an angel....well *flirty tone* Except in bed
Toughie blushes hard covering his face with his tail wiggling
Grace:Not in front of the kids GEEZ
Soft Nala is confused alongside the Soft bapies
Soft Mean:Understood
Luke puts his cigar out and sits besides the MM guys
They turn their heads
MM Pico:Hello..............
MM Nala:Nice.....to meet you
Luke takes his robot arm off repealing nothing is there
Luke:Uuuum look uum
Nocturnal:Don't worry he's gone
Luke jumps
Nocturnal giggles:Sorry
MM Mean:T-thanks...f-for...helping us
MM Nala:Yeah thanks
Nocturnal giggles:No worries.....*turns into an ominous/threatening tone*oh don't worry....that creepy Mario is getting what he deserves............fat....wannabe plumber..........is getting what he deserves....hurting you guys *turns cheerful*I'll be back it'd my uncles birthday
They walk out the room hurriedly
Luke:Yeah what they said
The others sit besides them
Beta:Uuum we might not know what happened but we"ll help you
The MM guys smiled a bit
Luke:There's a smile
Luke Jr babbles a bit
Soft Snow:Cute kid
Luke smiles:Why thanks my good kitty....
MM Shelby hugging her Beta:Is he an only kid?
Kira:But who needs siblings when he's got several relatives and other kids to play with....like you guys
Soft Skid:We"d love that
MM Skid:I don't know I'd much rather stay with these guys
MM Mean nods
Luke:Eh fine by me
Soft Mean:I guess it's fine too
Beta noticed his bandages
Soft Mean sadly nods
Bets hugs him
He hugs back
Luke:Oh yeah yall definitely gonna be a big family
MM Ames:Yeah.............
Luke takes his helmet off and rests his head on MM Means shoulder:You're all safe now....also I'm gonna be real if Nocturnal ever has a tone like that or is willing to hurt someone their most definitely gonna be fricked up....either dead or in a state were they'd wish they were
MM Pinkie:Oh?...........
MM Beta:Cool.........
Luke:Hey do yall maybe wanna go out tonight?
The adults blush a bit
Luke blushes a bit:That is not at all what I meant you dirty minded mother fuuuuu......flippers.......you dirty minded mother flippers
MM Mean:O-o-okay........
Cheesecake:Don't worry we"ll break a family you'll need and not a partner
Luke side eyes them hard
Cheesecake sheepishly scoots back
The MM guys giggled a bit
A few hours later their all chilling at a basketball looking court
They had normal clothes on but the MM guys still had hoodies and pajama pants and shirts on underneath still wrapped in blankets huddled together still
Luke was on his back
There were a few of Kiras relatives like older brothers and cousins
Dailo:Awww you poor guys dude
Daiya:Don't worry honeys you'll in sage loving hands
MM Nala:Thanks
Luke has a pure aqua black cherry drink in his human hand
Luke:I admit yall basically the first humans I've hanged with in a while.....it's nice with the dark sky it's cute
Mean nods in agreement
Toughie:Yeah it's cool
The blues:Yes?
Ames:Do....cats have nine lives?
Luke:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM well that's more like a myth or little jooooooke
Soft Ames sighs a bit
MM Ames:Getting used to.....your......cat features?
The two nod a bit
Luke:You'll get the hang of it....I admit it took me a while to get used to my robot arm...like learning how to grab, move,hold things basically on how to use my right arm again
Soft Shelby:Ooof
Voxina:OH don't worry cousin you manage well
He smiles a little
Beta:Hey uuum Luuuuke..m.why exactly Arnett regular humans collected?
Luke deadpan:If I could be dead serious there are several reasons why they don't collect Humans like me.......like yall could think of entirely different answers from eachother and you'd all be right
Shelby giggles:Maybe
MM Girlfriend:Yeah maybe
Pico is sitting down
Swapped Blue is behind his Mean shaking
Swapped Beta rubs his head:Don't worry.....
The two talk via beeps and arfs
Swaoped Girlfriend to Pico:Please forgive them they had a rocky relationship with their Pico
Pico:I understand
Ames:Doggo dadda are you okay?
Swapped Blue nods
Blue:Don't worry our Pico is an angel
Luke looks deadpan
Blue raises a brow
Luke:Sorry *gives Soft Mean a nasty glare* I expected a certain SOMONE to make a COMMEEEEEENT
Soft Mean laughs:I'm sorry brother
Nala laughs
Soft Herb:Yeesh Uncle Luke calm down
Luke with sparkling eyes:Uncle Luke?
She nods
Temp:Yeah you see like an honorary member
Pinkie is jumping around
MM Pinkie looks at her a bit jealous she's happy
MM Blue hugs her a bit tighter
Luke pats them on the head
She giggles
Luke takes a sip of his drink
Soft Beta:Heh
Soft Mean sighs
Cheesecake:I'm sure your Cheesecake is okay
Soft Mean:You think?
They nod
Soft Mean:Okay I trust you
Girlfriend:Why does his glasses and beret look sooooo cute?
Picos tail is wagging flustered
Soft Mean is a flustered mess
Soft Midnight:Stop hitting on my dadda
Soft Ames nods
Pico jokingly:Or what Mi-Mi?
Soff and OG Mean:Excuse you but only I can call her mi-mi
Pico rolls their eyes
Toughie laughs
Soft Pump is trying to walk
Soft Pico manages to stay up
Soft Skid claps hor him
Skid:How come you can't?.
Pump unamused:Shut.........up.....bendy and the ink machine looking
Skid gasps
Mean laughs:Oh calm down it was funny
Girlfriend giggles:Okay maybe a little
Pump smugly:HA
Shelby:Okay thats enough you two.....
Skid rolls his eyes
Shelby in a joking stern tone:Don't you roll your eyes at me boy
Skid:Don't you lecture me qith your thirty dollar haircut
She shoots back
Beta is laughing hysterically alongside Mean
Blue is trying not to laugh:Oh my
Girlfriend snickering a bit:Dang
Soft Shelby:Oh calm down other me
Shelby rolls her eyes
Skid in a joking stern tone:Don't you roll your eyes at me.
Shelby gives him a death glare
Skid:You did the same to me
Shelby:Fair enough..........but still
Skid unamused:But still?
Shelby nods
Skid:Beta she needs to go back to school
Shelby:I don't need school I'm smart
Skid:Then spell it
Shelby:S C H O O L
Skid:I said spell "it"
Shelby:..................You little bendy son of-
Beta holds her back
Luke laughs hysterically:I'm sorry but he outsmarted you there
Soft Shelby:I agree
MM Pico:I.....kinda do too not gonna lie
Soft Beta:Yeah sorry other sister
Shelby sighs:Whatever
Soft Beta:Hey why don't we get some food
Toughie and his partners head to a McDonald's
MM Ames:I......guess we could try eating
Luke has troubles moving his robot arm
Kira takes it off
Luke deadpan:You know is this what you had to go through?
The MM guys giggled a bit
MM Girlfriend:Yeah but alot worse
Luke:Well atleast you can get fixed
Soft Pump:Why not have Nocturnal fix you up?
Luke:I got attached to it and I don't think they can fix an arm.....or something
MM Midnight:Okay......
At the McDonald's they get the food when the three boyfriends spotted someone
Thry spotted Cheesecake and Gold but..Cheesecake wore the clothes they vividly remember them wearing
Soft Mean:.........Cheesecake?
Soft Cheesecake and Soft Gold look up
Soft Cheesecake sits up in disbelief:M-mean?....Blue?Beta
The threes eyes are watering
Cheesecakes are too
Soft Gold:Wow..........so theses are your best friends?
Cheesecake runs into their arms
Their arms are wrapped around eachother smiling with their eyes closed
Toughie with the food smiling:Awwww
Soft Gold noticed him:Sup
Soft Gold:Let's give them alone time
Toughie:I was gonna say the exact same thing
The two head out
Toughie returns with the stuff with Soft Gold
MM Ames:Weres your doggo,birb and wolf dadda?
Toughie:Found their long lost buddy
Grace:You mean their Cheesecake?
The two nod
Luke:You know I did see two guys that looked like Gold and Cheesecake
They all chuckle a bit
A few minutes later the four arrive
They all eat and chat and laugh like a family
The end ^^
P.S Most likely canon
P.P.S:You can view this before the Zion book even starts or during it before his arrival
Happy ending yay :D
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blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 13
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The rain fell over the road as sparks shot out from under the barreling el camino, the echoes of it scraping against the road as its infante roll came to a stop.
Three weeks earlier April first 2016
Rob awoke to the smell of bacon.
"Well then. The birth month's off to a good start." Rob said getting out of bed and looking towards the kitchen to see Eva wearing red thigh highs with black stripes around the top and black heels and toes, short shorts, a red t-shirt and an apron that said 'here's the deal buddy as long as it's not a monday or there's a blue moon in the sky I cook about as good as I look but pancakes are my specialty'. As he could see the faint outline of a newspaper being read
"That's new." Rob said.
"Well unfortunately we have a visitor so I can't get rid of half of what I'm wearing." Eva said putting a few pancakes with bacon inside the. onto a plate next to two identical stacks of bacon pancakes.
"I've seen worse" Ameila said turning the page on the newspaper
"Yes but as much as I like showing off my moves, a few things are for his eyes only." Eva said, placing a plate in front of Ameila.
"Well at least your better than katie" Ameila said turning the newspaper again
"Fair, whatcha doing here anyway?" Rob asked, sitting at the table as Eva placed a plate of bacon pancakes in front of him.
"Happy early birthday dick head" Ameila said
"You're a whole month early but I appreciate it." Rob said as Eva sat in front of him with the last plate of pancakes already digging in.
"Eh you know i always bail on important days" Ameila said
"Alright why are you paying ten bucks a month for this boring ass paper… don't even have fuckin coupons in em" Ameila said tossing the paper. Revealing her new hairstyle which was tied up in a ponytail.
"We don't have a newspaper subscription, we have Netflix. I actually forgot why they keep getting delivered." Rob said putting syrup on his pancakes before cutting down the entire stack and eating a bite of each pancake.
"I see you stuck with the ponytail." Eva said.
"Ava said it made me look more mature" Ameila said taking her finger through her hair
"It does. Though you can achieve the same effect with a few other hair styles." Rob said.
"My hair is fine as is." Eva said with her signature short bob.
"Change is good every now and then.. " Ameila said
"True, that's why my usual outfit is not exactly the same anymore." Rob said.
"Wouldn't hurt to grow out your hair like Ava's is.. sure we won't be able to tell you apart from a distance but that's just us being bad pa" Ameila said
"And that's precisely why I'm keeping it as is." Eva said.
"Good idea wouldn't want us dipshits getting confused over who's who" Ameila said
"Exactly." Eva said as Rob was halfway done with his pancakes while Eva had eaten two whole pancakes
"Starting to think you two are either lying about being related or were separated at birth because you look almost identical" Ameila said comparing Eva to a photo of ava she carried with her
"It's possible, I never really knew my father so." Eva said.
"I mean i tried to abandon my family Sooo.. I can't exactly talk" Ameila said
"He died when I was young, mom remarried when I was like, seven." Eva said.
"I don't think you two are related. Because Ava looks like her mother who is also a white haired demon" Ameila
"Exactly, my white hair is definitely from my father, my moms a red head." Eva said.
"Yeah, we just have a weird resemblance and similar names." Eva said.
"Yeah it's almost like some outer force was inspired by Ava's design" Ameila said
"Oi, quit trying to break walls." Eva said.
"I ain't breaking no walls see" Ameila said gesturing to the perfectly intact walls
"But my parents have always been together I was conceived at an age younger than you'd expect.. and since then they've always been married actually I think me and lizzy's conception was the reason they got married so young" Ameila said
"Yeah that makes sense." Rob said.
"Married at seventeen imagine that" Ameila said
"Oh wow, that is young goddamn." Eva said, having emptied her plate.
"Yeah those where different times so it probably wasn't as weird back then as our pussy generation makes it today" Ameila said looking down from the window to make sure her chevelle was still there
"Ah.. i should probably go to the car wash after this" Ameila said looking at the car which appeared to have been driven down a dirt road a few times
"Probably." Rob said.
"Alright you too I'ma head off.. you two have fun now" Ameila said, grabbing the pancakes and heading out.
"Alright, see you later!" Rob and Eva said.
The tvs channel switched to black. As a cartoon version of Ameila popped up In Front of it waving to Rob as the words help wanted appeared under her. 'lucy's outlaw steakhouse needs a night time maintenance worker to work the nightshift twelve to seven. To apply call the number below'
"I don't even remember turning that in." Eva said.
"That place needs to burn at this point, hella creepy." Rob said.
"Well, I certainly can think of a way to move past the creepy." Eva said standing up and stretching before removing her apron.
"Oh do tell." Rob said as Eva dropped her shorts and took off her shirt revealing her body, with a medium amount of pubic hair.
"Oh I see. Well then, let's go put the new mattress to use." Rob said walking over to Eva, gripping her hips and lifting her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.
"Mmm, it was soft to sleep on… let's see how good it feels to be pinned against." Eva said kissing Rob all the way to the bedroom and to the bed kissing him until he falls back onto the bed.
"You're mine now. I am gonna make sure whoever we meet knows it." Eva said quickly kissing Rob's neck, biting it hard enough to leave a mark causing the man to moan.
"As long as I can return the favor later." Rob said as Eva shifted her spot to remove Rob's boxers revealing his hard cock which Eva quickly pressed her wet pussy against, grinding along all six inches until precum came out of his cock then taking it deep.
"Fuck… you're so tight… so soft…" Rob moaned as he squeezed Eva's thighs as she started riding him at a slow pace but almost taking his cock out of her.
"I know… mmm hearing you moan… mmmf." Eva moaned as she slammed her hips down at the highest point of her riding, causing Rob to moan loudly as Eva picked up speed each time she slams down, kissing Rob as she did, moaning into Rob's mouth.
Rob squeezed Eva's hips as he soon climaxed as she took him all the way inside her pussy, filling her womb.
"Fuck… you came hard huh?" Eva asked as Rob moved them into a doggy style position as Eva was on her knees up straight as Rob kissed her neck and bit her hard enough to leave a visible mark while Rob was thrusting into her pussy harder and harder each thrust, Rob started rubbing Eva's clit with his right ring and middle fingers, using his left hand to massage her small chest, pinching her erect nipples.
"Fuck… so close… fuuuck." Eva moaned as she was nearing her climax, her pussy tightened around Rob's cock causing him to slow down a bit until he came a second time filling her womb even more as she reached climax with her true love.
"Fuck… so good…" Rob said in between breaths as he laid down with Eva who was now facing him again with his cock still deep inside her.
"I know… cuddle time…" Eva said as she kissed Rob and wrapped her arms around him lovingly.
"Yeah, mmm I could stay like this forever." Rob said, putting his arms around Eva.
"Yeah but then we couldn't bicker over breakfast foods." Eva said with a giggle as Rob put the blanket over the couple.
******** Some time later **********
The bell jingled as the pink haired girl from before walked in.
"Hello again." Eva said.
"You never gave us names so we really didn't have any progress with your friend." Rob said.
"That's alright I found her" the girl said fixing her hat
"Whatcha need then?" Eva asked.
"No idea I kinda just wondered in" the girl said as her eyes physically glitched
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"katsumi liked the shanty worn down falling apart appearance so we came to check it out"
"I beg your pardon?" Rob asked.
"Hmmm?" She asked her eyes glitching like a computer again
"This office is well maintained." Eva said.
"Yeah.. it's about as maintained as my mom. she's dead by the way" the girl said
"Okay now that's insulting, we're doing the best we can with what we have." Rob said.
"Someone changes sides quickly ain't that right katsumi" she said staring off into space
"You alright? There's nothing there." Eva said. As the girl continued staring off into space
"Yeah what she said" the girl said coming out of it as her eyes glitched
"Uhhh alright." Eva said.
"My name's Veronica.. I think.. and this is my wife katsumi" Veronica said gesturing to thin air
"We're looking for my friend" Veronica added contradicting what she said previously
"Didn't you already find them or?* Rob asked.
"No that's why I am here" Veronica said
"Uhhh alright. What's their name?" Eva asked.
"Ummmhhhhhhmmm… Ameila Madison I think" Veronica said
"It ends with Madison. I know this much.." Veronica added very clearly on drugs of some kind
"Alright then. We can take you to her if you wish." Rob said.
"Take me where?" Veronica asked
"To Ameila." Rob said.
"Whos that?" Veronica asked
"Is there someone we can call to come get you or?" Eva asked.
"Who's you?" Veronica asked
"Do I know this person?" She added
"Alright, come with us, you're not under arrest but we are taking you to the police so they can handle you." Rob said.
"Oh alright sounds lovely" Veronica said
—At the Ravens Borough police department—-
"Nope she's definitely not on drugs" a pink haired cat lady said turning off her d upflashlight as
"Of course not she is definitely not all there though and we brought her to you because you're more equipped to actually find out who she is." Rob said. As she pulled out a paper
"Veronica Lee Madison. age twenty one. Sex female daughter of Chris James Madison and Amy Lee Madison she is an only child who suffers from charles bonnet syndrome and schizophrenia. Her mind is stuck iin something doctors call.. the vancanny files" the cat lady said
"Ah I see. Well then. Not sure what to do with her now." Rob said.
"Doctors say that she can be cured of her vancanny files but the means to do so are.. unknown" she said
"Fair enough. We'll have to look into that, thanks for your help Misuki, think you can take care of her from here?" Eva said.
"You're asking for a lot but I suppose I can put her somewhere" Misuki said
"Thanks I was more asking if you could get her home but fair enough." Eva and.
"Are all of Ameila's relatives mentally fucked up?" Rob asked.
"Don't be an dick valentine not everyone can be perfect like you" Misuki said
"Oh I am far from perfect. I'm just more concerned about the entire family being of unsound mind." Rob said.
"It's a reasonable concern, and yeah he's definitely not perfect. He begs me to cuddle." Eva said.
"Who" Miuski said
"What?" Eva asked.
"Asked" Miuski said cutting her off
"Sure it's reasonable to worry about someone but do you really think it's reasonable to ask if an entire family is fucked up in the head. It's like asking a Cancer patient if all his family members have cancer" Miuski said
"Fair point. Though it was mostly a joke because they all seem to be troubled one way or another." Rob said.
"Do you think mental illness is a joke valentine?" Misuki asked
"Nope. Neither is Autism. Or my ADHD." Rob said.
"Then I think we have an understanding" Miuski said.
"We do." Rob said.
"You constantly joke about the A standing for arson though." Eva said.
"And now you know why I always have a lighter on me even though I have night vision and don't smoke " Rob said as Veronica's eyes glitched.
"Anyway, we gotta go check some stuff." Eva said.
"And I have to make a phone call to the hospital," Miuski said.
"Alright then. We'll see you later." Rob said as he and Eva left.
Her eyes glitched as she looked at Miuski the pink haired cat girl in a police uniform she turned to the tabaxi with dark skin and ginger hair standing next to herself as it waved to her
"Hi honey.." Veronica said waving to katsumi
"How are you today" she asked as the tabaxi glitched sitting next to her
"Oh I'm doing fine" kat said taking her hand over veronicas chin
To be continued…
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