#look i haven't watched the first seasons in like a decade so my memory of it is Bad
gayangelcrimes · 9 months
hey. anyone ever think about 1x06 Skin. what if Dean died, but being in Dean's shape made something snap in the shifter's mind and it decided to take Dean's place for real. and it had absorbed enough of Dean's memories and personality that he was pretty much just Dean except Sam is more wary of him, at least for a while. (and John of course never notices that's not his real son.)
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hanafubukki · 1 year
The song "Seasons" from Rival and Cadmium came into my playlist some day ago. I like a lot the melody so I listen it for time to time. But it's just now I truly put some attention to the lyrics.
Now this is Lilia theme song for this OT3 ship in my brain. Totally the song that would be play during a timeskip where we see him wait for years, decades and centuries until Y/N return. Seeing seasons pass, Malleus grew up and Draconia family happy, Lilia waiting alone, a few silenced flashback with their time together and all the adventure they lived, Silver awakening, his grow, the NRC start...
And the song ending, the day Y/N return from the past, when Lilia found her, and when she offers him a big bight smile. Even he can't hide his teary eyes under his relieved smile. And then a big hug ! 🥹
- 🦋 Anon
(Fanfic References: Part 1, Part 2 )
[Ask References: Ask 1, Ask 2, Ask 3, Ask 4, Ask 5, Ask 6, Ask7, Ask 8, Ask 9]
Hello 🦋 Anonie,
🦋 Anonie, I am shaking you. I haven't heard this song before and I am so, so in love??? It fits so well that I am internally screaming and crying.
Here's a little drabble/scenario I thought up of 🦋 Anonie:
I can just imagine him waiting as time passes and seasons changes. Thinking back on all the fond memories he has of YN. Thinking of all the precious memories he has made with his family. The spars he would have with Dawny (I need to figure out a name for him lolol, or we could keep calling him that too). He remembers blessing Silver and the time his son came to rescue him from the evil Meleanor.
Then years later, Silver wakes up and time continues to pass. Malleus, Silver, and Sebek is growing and becoming fine young men. He thinks about how you would have loved to see them. How you would have adored seeing Malleus teach the boys magic and helped them with their penmanship.
He thinks about how Dawny would have loved to see Silver turn into such a fine young man. How Silver would have made him a bracelet too. Lilia hopes that he raised Silver into someone you both would be proud of because he especially is.
Soon after, the NRC letters arrive and he remembers what you told him. How you attended NRC and he goes with the boys with the hope in his heart that he would be reunited with you again.
Time continues to pass like all seasons do, and Lilia watches his boys make friends and enjoy life at NRC. He meets you but it's a version of you that doesn't recognize him, Malleus, or Silver.
He remembers what you had told him in the past and knows that this you will soon be his YN in time. That the inquisitive looks you give him will soon be those of the fond and loving ones he remembers.
(I am still thinking about this scenario still and how it would go so it might change later on, since we want to keep canon events in the story if we go the "YN came back in time when she was her original age when she was transported to the past")
He sees you and remembers when he first met you, so so long ago. The connections you made with him and the Knight of Dawn. He remembers the family dinners with the Draconia Family. He remembers when Silver was first born. How painful and yet how sweet these memories are, how loving.
He protects you secretly.
Then one day, you go missing and he can't help but hope. He waits and waits with a racing heart.
And then he sees you, at the cottage you and yours had called home. YN smiles, understanding now what all his looks meant, the love he has secretly tried to hide but always shone through despite his efforts.
Lilia felt tears form and fall, feels the smile he can't hold back anymore. YN rushes to him,
He catches her in a hug, twirls her around and kisses her. Oh love, how he has missed you so.
Both of your laughter echoes in the gentle wind.
Welcome Back, Precious One.
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mdhwrites · 8 months
So, are you the kind of person who thinks MLP Friendship is Magic should have ended in season 3 with Magical Mystery Cure since you think it went downhill in season 4 onward?
I'm going to answer all three MLP asks you sent together, this, the one asking what I think made S4 start the decline, and if I might go back to Equestria Girls at the same time because the S4 one is short and so is the EqG one: Season 4: I can't say exactly. It's been over half a decade since I watched literally anything MLP:FiM related. I remember thinking the plots were more boring, that characters acted like assholes a lot more and just that I enjoyed it less. Like I remember people praising Rarity in Manehatten while that episode in my opinion killed the interesting elements of Rarity's character. I can't say a lot of specifics though because I just haven't even had other people talking about the show to refresh my memory like with stuff like Avatar. EqG: I have been tempted in the past to go back to it but would honestly rather not do the coin flip for it. After all, Rainbow Rocks, maybe the one MLP thing I could talk more concretely about because I talked about it a lot, I consider to almost be the epitome of all that went wrong with the show. The girls are half the problem, no one actually seems to be nice or give a fuck about one another (Rarity broke down sobbing on stage for some reason, let's YELL AT HER despite being IMMUNE to the anger magic), and the jokes, voice acting and pacing are all just worse than they used to be. So yeah, Sunset is great, I like Sunset, but... I don't want to risk just ending up liking everything less by watching more of it.
ANYWAYS, this ask:
I like S3 a LOT more than I think a lot of people did but I did agree that Magical Mystery Cure had a finality to it. The thing was that it wasn't a series finality to it: It was a character finality. It was the exact opposite of what Twilight had been like when she first entered the show (see why her regressing to make Starlight look better might have pissed me off?) while also still having her intellect. She literally joins her mentor as a peer and is no longer the student. It is a great way to end her journey and potentially bring in a new character.
Even if they didn't, there was still stuff they could have done. Her tackling what being a princess means. Her tackling the power imbalance between her and her friends. How her worldview changes. S4 is even smart enough to start with some of that. Then... Yeah, people are right to call out that they do nothing with this and seem to mostly just ignore that she is a princess.
Honestly, that lack of depth and nuance and interest in exploring the characters is part of the problem I had in the long term with MLP. Everyone was an archtype, yes, but there was a little more. Not so much to make them ever purely escape their archtypes but enough to make them feel vibrant and alive while still being malleable which made them good for the fandom. I feel like S3 was the last time, and this is the ONLY thing I might give the Fausticorn assholes, when a lot of that spark to the characters was in full force. Even then, Faust has freely admitted that other members of her team were helming the show long before she left anyways because she didn't get to do the adventure series she wanted.
The show didn't have to end at S3. Not by any means. But... It sure does feel like they started struggling for ideas more after that half season. At least that's how I remember it.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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goddesspharo · 1 year
top five fic titles you haven't used yet; top five worst adaptations or reboots
ask me my top fives!
top five unused fic titles:
click the pieces into sharp arrangements
what would an angel say? (the devil wants to know)
memories are films about ghosts
searching through thrift store jungles
your stories ring of perjury
top five worst adaptations/reboots(/remakes):
Going with the first few things that pop into my head.
 I think most reboots/remakes of horror movies from the 80s are bad and unnecessary. Sometimes it’s because the original isn’t great - Prom Night (1980) is not my jam; Prom Night (2008) is somehow worse! Sometimes it’s because the original is good enough that it doesn’t need a remake, especially one so subpar - Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976) vs Carrie (2013); Black Christmas (1974) is great so what the hell happened with Black Christmas (2006, 2019)? And sometimes it’s because certain movies really work for that decade and either don’t translate to a modern day setting or there’s nothing that putting it in a modern day setting will add to the story - John Carpenter’s original Halloween (1978) works because it’s so atmospheric and he knew how to light a movie so you could actually SEE what was happening; Rob Zombie’s Halloween (2007) is so terrible in so many ways, but mostly because I don’t need or care about Michael Myers’ tragic backstory; David Gordon Green’s Halloween (2018) reboot/remake trilogy thing said nothing new but annoyed me plenty AND killed off Judy Greer AND I couldn’t see shit so what was the point? Horror remakes: just don’t do them. 
Almost every time they take an animated Disney movie and turn it into an uninspired live action and/or photorealistic live action movie, I’m not into it. It’s never as vibrant, it’s never as fun, sometimes they miscast SO badly (sorry Emma Watson) - use your Disney+ subscription to watch 2D animation like the universe intended. The Lion King animated movie is gorgeous; The Lion King photorealistic movie looks like mud.
I’m not saying that the original Gossip Girl on the CW was a work of art (I’m not saying the first season was not a work of art either though), but it wasn’t as boring as the HBOMax reboot. Truly, no one was likable on that show and they made Luke Kirby a creep! No one asked for this!
Long before we had Marvel/superhero fatigue, 20th Century Fox made the first X-men movie with the positively inspired casting choices of Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellan and I loved it! Even X2 was fun. (X3 went off the rails and was bad.) Ten years later and a solo Wolverine movie in between, they decided to soft reboot the franchise with those First Class movies and you know what? They shouldn’t have. Except for one or two moments here and there, those movies are all pretty awful. I’m not sure how you can mess up the Days of Future Past storyline that badly or cast Oscar Isaac only to make him a member of the blue man group, but they should all be ashamed. I still maintain that the most worthwhile X-Men adaptation in media is the animated series from the 90s.
I don’t know if this qualifies as a soft reboot but when Fox brought The X-Files back in 2016, it was a lesson in “be careful what you wish for because it’s going to suck.” Except I didn’t wish for this because I watched the second movie and it sucked so I was completely fine with never getting more new episodes again. What we got was Scully whispering a lot, some half-assed search for William that I was not invested in (they spent nine seasons denying Mulder and Scully had boned even after she had his damn kid!), and monsters of the week episodes that were so uninspired that I didn’t even watch the second season of the reboot (maybe didn’t finish the first season of the reboot?). And now there’s talk of a Jordan Peele remake of the show to which I say - find something else. The (OG) X-Files worked because it was the perfect place in the perfect time with the perfect people and you’re never going to trap that lightning in a bottle twice so why try?
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chemnections · 1 year
I'm new to MCR, I got into it over the last month, can I ask you something? Only after I watched many Swarm tour videos, where I thought he was amazing! I watched that video introduction about the art exibition Gerard made and I got freaked out, is he ok? And I started seeing recent photos of him in daylight with fans where his face looks gaut, I'm not interested in starting drama, I just honestly got scared he's not eating or something else is happening, I know he got in shape but that video and photos don't seem good? What do you think? I haven't seen anyone mention it so far, am I worried for nothing? This connects to the ask you answered today, about the "weak link", I wonder if he's unwell in some way, but also aside form that, maybe he has other projects, or they just haven't finished or worked enough on new music who knows?
wow, month in and you’re already getting deep into the lore 😅 i still consider myself to be a newer fan, but def at the older end of the new gen mcr listeners. i’ve been following them for at least a decade now - which is a bit jarring to type. you will have to refresh my memory on the art exhibition intro. but i am personally not concerned with his weight. he does fluctuate and his medication does play a role in it. i think some of the gauntness - because i do know what your talking about - is age. he did get in shape during the pandemic, but I believe in a healthy way because he does look strong and it was accompanied with a newfound confidence. this was a good change because the years before the pandemic he seemed to be very depressed and insecure and isolated. his strong stage performance for the first of the swarm tour was genuinely a shock because of it. you will also come across fans who claim he had an eating disorder during danger days, i personally find this to be exaggerated by fans considering he was spiralling during that time. he does have mental health issues and has talked in interviews about getting help and medication. but even then his issues are likely downplayed. when it comes to his health, my main worry is the suicidal ideation he has been putting in his lyrics. and i know i’m going to be a hypocrite here considering i use this blog just to vent my own worries and frustrations, but try not to worry about him. there is absolutely nothing we can do to help him as fans and he does have people in his life who care and are hopefully looking out for him. he has been working on the final umbrella academy season and there is an indication that he is going to release a single for a movie featuring ray- but that isn’t a good sign for the band’s continuation. he would do that over the break up, only work with mikey or ray- truly excluding frank. his solo music career basically ended with hesitant alien. he said he would make another one and never did.
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honestreviewsblog · 2 months
Attack on Titan (with spoilers)
Ep 1-12
Was obsessed with this when I was 12 but now at 24, I can't remember sht so I decided to watch it again. Now I'm losing sleep cos I'm reminded of why I loved it so muuuuuuuch 😭 Honestly it feels like I haven't watch it before by the way I get so shocked by everything that's happening. Which is great as an overall experience, I never knew my forgetfulness could serve me this way lololol. I remember the highlights tho (like Eren being a Titan and about the basement operation) but anything else is all blank. So excited tho to watch some more because I remember there are people in Eren's squad who are also Titans in disguise but dammit I can't remember who. My money is on Annie 👀
Ep 13-25
It really was Annie lololol. I remembered it correctly. I finished season 1 but I got more questions than when I first started it skskskskksks. Anyway, on to the next one!
Ep 26-31
I KNEW REINER LOOKED SO MUCH LIKE THE ARMORED TITAN!!!! But I didn't know Bertholdt was the Colossal one zaaayum. This 104th Training Corps people got so much Titans in them to last them a decade. Why is there so much?? I thought it was just the colossal one, the armored one, then the female titan, then Eren, apparently we also got Ymir. Who else is a Titan?? WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW HNGGG
Ep 32-49
DAAAAAAAMN now that's a big skip. I can't sleep, I can't do anything, I just wanna watch this, somebody save meeeeee. But we're getting closer and closer to the truth tho which makes everything worth it (i think??). Christa/Historia turned out to be a royalty which to be honest didn't surprise me as much as I thought it would. Probably bcs from the very beginning, everything has been so crazyyy that a secret identity of a royal just seems so common among other things lol. But their powers tho came as a surprise to me. Like whatdoyoumean they can erase memories??? And Eren's father came from outside the wall? He ate Christa's sister, killed her whole family where only Christa's father survived? Levi is an Ackerman? Is Mikasa and Levi related?? My brain's about to get fried—PLS SEND HELP.
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hexenmond · 4 months
slowly gearing up to writing again
I want to dump all my thoughts somewhere, and what else did I reactivate this tumblr for? I'm going to ramble about the beginnings of this long form Witch Door fanfiction that has some 90k words already. If you're curious about how a comparatively old, fandom-disinterested, fanfiction-baffled person (aka me) came to do that, there are Many Words below the cut.
I haven't really read much fiction books in years, mostly because it can take such an emotional toll on me, and I've never really been interested in watching anything. I don't have the patience for it. That's just how it was for me, for most of my life. With one notable exception: webcomics.
Webcomics work uniquely well for me because of their format – the updates are spaced out, and while I will readily admit that I've been in agony over some cliffhangers (I am side-eyeing several comics so hard right now), the simple fact that I have at least two days to just, like, integrate the latest page, no matter how hard-hitting, keeps me from getting overwhelmed. And my long-term memory is excellent so I have little trouble keeping tabs on the plots of twenty different comics.
So I've been reading webcomics for 15+ years, and I knew about the existence of fanfiction thanks to my oldest child. I didn't get it though. Never had any desire to read any. Never was so obsessed with fictional characters that I needed someone to share that with. And maybe that was just because I wasn't surrounded by that subculture? (I was on tumblr specifically to follow a small number of blogs religiously, and kinda lost that thread completely sometime in 2019.) It just never was a thing for me.
Then in January 2023 I stumbled across The Witch Door, at the end of chapter 9. Did my damnedest to pace myself but I gobbled it up within a week. And reread it, in parts and as a whole, more than once. One day I wanted to look it up on my phone (as opposed to my desktop where I usually read comics), and I'd forgotten the actual URL, so I did a web search – and the first thing I found was a 22 page bonus/side comic on itch.io. By the actual author.
So that was the most wonderful coincidence since Anni never really advertised the thing anywhere, and then I read and reread THAT comic, oh, dozens of times I'm sure. And one day my brain came up with a short scene (2.5k) of how that comic might have continued. A oneshot, if you will… 😄😄😄
And I also hadn't written any prose, or even poetry, in many years, but I do love it so I thought why not. Wrote it down (on pen and paper!), typed it up, edited it a bit, reread it a couple of times, I was pleased. Proceeded to put it on AO3 because I knew from my child that the platform existed, and was excited to discover there was actually another fic in the fandom (a drabble sequence, a term which confused me back then).
Well, and as all seasoned fic writers know, oneshots sure can be some tricky little beasts. My brain did not stop coming up with the rest of the story. It kept going till the very end! I woke up early one Saturday morning, crying, because I made myself sad with how the story ended.
So that was kind of a wild trip. But the actual writing made me so happy, I was basically flying, for months, returning to my story at every opportunity. (I'm self-employed. "Opportunity" is very relative.)
Then I stumbled across Anni's Dreamling comics on Pinterest, which was another wild coincidence. And those reminded me of the Sandman comics which I'd read, uh, decades ago? and with that came reading Dreamling fanfiction. Which I consumed at a most alarming speed, I stopped writing, I stopped working, basically I fell into a hole and my life got jumbled for a while, back in September last year.
But by now I've dragged myself out of that hole, I'm back to working, and I am ready to get back into writing. This story is still dear to me, and I still love to write, and I will see it finished. Not least because even though I love the Dreamling fanfiction and fandom folks, and I have even consciously and by myself decided to watch Dead Boy Detectives and LOVED it – I do not feel like writing about any of these characters. They just don't tickle my brain that way. Only The Witch Door characters do that for me, and right now this feels like a precious gift.
(Honestly I am amazed at how many people are able to take the same two blorbos and put them in situation after situation without getting boring or getting bored. You are so wonderful 💜💜💜)
Has anyone actually read all of that? Well if so, you're in for yet more words 😜 because all the reading on AO3 has given me plenty more perspective and understanding, and I've decided to put all my original thoughts about wanting to write this story here instead of also on AO3, where I've kept them along with my progress tracker. I'll put some detailed content warnings there instead, for people who would rather have spoilers than no clear idea of what they're about to read. So here are my thoughts from, uh, April last year?
My thought processes, in case anyone’s interested
So I found The Witch Door in January this year, at the end of chapter 9 I think, and then by pure coincidence Anni K.’s wonderful side comic about Jousia and Jesse. That ignited a creative spark, and now I find myself adding on to this every day. Originally I’d written one chapter, was pleased with it and posted it, done. And then my brain just said, “guess who knows what happens AFTER that?” and now I’m writing thousands of words.
The thing I am very conflicted about is: I would LOVE for this to be canon compatible. Ideally it would be a side story that happens on all those days where the canon plot isn’t doing anything (or possibly after the current adventure arc). And that worked for the first chapter I wrote, but it just doesn’t work for the rest… partly because there simply isn’t enough canon material yet for me to know some important world building details, but also largely because I quickly ended up writing stuff that has actual plot. And plot means character development, otherwise what’s the point. But Anni’s plot is going to take the characters on a different route, and that’s just how it is.
In short: I am not writing this because I want to change a single thing about The Witch Door. Quite the contrary! I am writing because I so dearly wish there was more of it! And it’s one of those hard facts of life that 2,000 words are written much more quickly than even one full page of comic is completed. :-\ So if you will take the characters as they are at somewhere around chapter 10 in canon, and you find them to be well represented here but just having different adventures, that's all I’m hoping to do.
I decided to fudge the canon timeline a bit, just so the side comic event would fit in nicely with the state of relationships in chapter 10. I'll give an in depth explanation of that in the actual series. And also… I am now entirely happy that this will NOT be canon compatible.
Now that I've dumped all that the next post shall contain an actual story snippet! 🙃
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skeleton-keychain · 1 year
Hey! @parasitic--saint tagged me in this tag game thingy, and I thought it'd be fun! So, here we are.
For the tagging, I encourage anyone who wants to do this to feel free and do it!
Last Song Listened To: Ronin by Ibaraki. I've been obsessed with this song since I've put it on my playlist like a year ago. It's especially good to listen to while I work on drawings, because it's like 9 minutes long, and really energetic.
Currently watching: I'm rewatching Good Omens season 1, to refresh my memory, because season 2 comes out in 3 DAYS!! I've been waiting for this for literal years! So yeah, that. The ineffable husbands are back.
Currently Reading: I'm a super slow reader, but I've been reading Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon since the begining of the year. I really like it! But I'm super inconsistent at reading. Like I can never put aside time to read (not because I'm super busy, but because that's just how my brain works). And this book is super long, it's like 800 pages long. But it's a great read so far. It's a high fantasy, with great characters. And dragons! I just haven't been able to pick it up for a while. Maybe later tonight I will continue reading it again.
Current Obsession: okay. I have a couple. First, what has been in my mind for like 2 straight months by now, is cowboys. To be honest, I haven't been doing some crazy historical investigation on them or anything, but I have been thinking about them a lot. Looking at paintings and drawings depicting them and such. Mainly because I've been getting back into writing and drawing my cowboy characters (who I had abandoned for like 2 years until I suddently got hit with a wave of inspiration regarding them). So now I can't stop thinking about them, and the setting for their story, clothes that they would have worn, etc. It's fun, honestly. I should probably start watching more actual westerns, to get even more inspo. But I never know where to start (my struggle to have time to read extends to watching stuff). But yeah, these cowboys have been running around in my mind for some good 2 months.
And another more recent obsession that I can already feel taking over my brain, is vampires! (I'm really collecting these classic archetypes). I've been designing some vampire and vampire hunter charcters. Developing their dark fantasy, post apocaliptic world and setting. Thinking about their very gothic, very dramatic, and quite dark story. I take aspects from classic vampire legends and novels, and twist them a bit, without taking away from the typical vampire aspects. Depictions of vampires over the decades or centuries is something I've always been very interested in. Seeing how the perception of the myth changes depending on what societal fear is attached to these creatures at a certain time. How it passes from representing lots of different minorities over history, and how those minorities now take back vampire stories and make them their own. I can only really speak on it on a queer lense, but it is an interesting topic. And adding this type of background to how I think about these vampires can be quite personal and fulfilling. I'm algo very interested in the drama and gothic storytelling that comes with these horror stories, and the one I'm developing in particular. I've had lots of vampire characters over the years, and I'm really excited to work on these iteration of the creature.
Oh, and also I've been getting into minimal wave recently. It's very good!
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
braveandsnipe's 2022 tokusatsu retrospective
in which i take a trip down memory lane and talk about all the toku i watched this year!
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Kamen Rider
This year I completed 5 Kamen Rider series: Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Zi-O, and Zero-One!
Kamen Rider Zi-O (Dec. 2021 -> Jan. 2022)
Started the year with an ending haha. Out of the 5 series I watched, this was the one that took me the longest to complete. At the time, I had only watched Wizard, Den-O and Build, so I didn't understand every reference in the show. I honestly wonder if that makes a difference. On one hand, I couldn't be mad at the show if they botched a "tribute" cause I didn't know any better, but on the other, maybe I would've enjoyed it more/been more motivated to watch if I knew more of the returning characters. Overall, I enjoyed the series. I thought it was very fun, even if it didn't necessarily stick to it's own mechanics (which in of itself is a huge flaw, but that's discussion for another day) and it's slow decent into a Decade AU™. I love Woz, and the main 4 group is one of my favorites. The 0.5 episodes we're also gold, I loved the self-reference humor. As for things I wish it did differently, definitely making Tsukuyomi a rider earlier. And I didn't particularly enjoy the final episodes (although that could've been because I stayed up until 4AM and had work at 8AM).
Kamen Rider Drive (Jan. 2022)
Inspired by the 2018 hit Kamen Rider Zi-O I decided to watch Drive not to long after. It wasn't really a season on my radar, but I was intrigued by Chase. Initially, I did enjoy it, even though the first 12-ish episodes did drag at times. But after Gou comes and especially the 001 arc, it got way better. Looking back on it now, while I still like it, I don't like it as much as I did when I first watched it. It's solid, but I wouldn't say any character stuck out to me or with me once I finished. Similar to Zi-O, I wish they made Kiriko a rider. I'd argue, she potentially could've made a more interesting main than Shinnosuke, given her relationship to the villains (creator). Maybe could've gotten an interesting family dynamic out of it.
Kamen Rider Ghost (Jan. 2022 -> Feb. 2022)
A more polarizing entry (on twitter anyways). I wasn't really going in with any expectations good or bad. The first 11 episodes were hard for me to get through, but after that, the show does get a flow going and became easier to watch. Similar to Drive, none of the characters particularly stood out (except Alain) for me, but I liked the supporting cast of Ghost better than Drive. I wish they did a bit more with Makoto because (at least concerning the show, no extras) he just feels like he's there. Sure, he has a connection to the other two riders, but he himself never does much besides look out for Kanon or the others. (Maybe he did more than I remember, but I haven't rewatched. I do think his V-Cinema delve more into his character, so maybe I'll get around to watching it). I liked Alain's arc the most, him and Ms. Fumi were iconic and episode 30/31 made me so sad (I cried at work). And Takeru was a fine protagonist. The only thing I didn't really like was how they killed him off 3 times (4 counting Heisei Gen.)
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (Feb. 2022)
I did not go into this series expecting the impact it would have on me. The main reason I watched it was to finish out the second half of Phase 2 (Drive -> Zi-O) before Zero-One. Honestly, while this is the series out of this list I rewatched the most episodes of, I don't particularly love it. Coming off of Ghost, the beginning of Ex-Aid was really refreshing, and I liked the conflict and connections between the 4 riders. It started falling off for me once Parad became a rider and the introduction of Masamune. I really don't know why I dislike Parad, every time he's was on screen I just got annoyed. And then I didn't like what happened during the finale. But with the bad was good, ie: my namesake. I really don't know why I loved Hiiro and Taiga as much as I did at the time. In a sense, I think I related to certain parts of their respective personalities (which is probably not good...), but otherwise it wasn't like their characters storyline took off until the mid-30's of a 45 episode show. In retrospect, while it it a bit rushed given the timeframe of the show, their story was still really compelling to me. I haven't talked much about V-Cinemas and extra content (mainly cause they're mostly harmless but not much to talk about), but allegedly Ex-Aid only got 45 episodes so they could get the V-Cin. trilogy, and boy do I hate that because the Brave and Snipe V-Cinema was bad. Surprisingly, it didn't hit until my spontaneous rewatch where I realized how dirty it did the characters. In short, Ex-Aid: High-Highs but Low-Lows
Kamen Rider Zero-One (Apr. 2022)
The final series I watched before never finishing a series until this month. Similar to Ex-Aid, I think Zero-One has some really good highs (some of my favorite characters and moments from the franchise), and really bad lows. The writing of Zero-One (in terms of implications) isn't the best, and even arcs were pretty hit or miss. Like a lot of people talk about how the job wars arc was drawn out, and initially I disagreed because I didn't find it that terrible, but thinking back to it, I remember making a post that was like "the most interesting thing about the past 10 episodes was that Fuwa had a chip in his head" so I guess there wasn't plot development. I liked how a lot of the early episode felt like a tour of the town Aruto lives in and we get to meet people (workers) in the community, almost like a carrer fair. Looking at the episodes in a vacuum, I think they're quite nice. I really liked Metsuboujinrai, probably my favorite villain group. At first I thought Horobi saying Jin was his child was going to be a throw away line or like resolved relatively quickly, but it wasn't. The reveal that Horobi was a father-type humagear, and in the final episodes where he slowly was coming to terms about caring for Jin are some of my favorite moments. In episode 42 (?) when Jin sacrificed himself, even though I knew what was coming (the whole "your the only father I ever had" line), I still cried so much during the scene. It was very well done. Ikazuchi and Naki were good support characters, I'm glad each of them have some funny/iconic/good scenes. I wish they had done more with Yua outside of Gai. I feel like Gai gets more to do than her despite her being the tertiary introduced in episode 3. The whole chip in Fuwa's head thing was also weird (I don't have the words to explain it right now). I liked that Fuwa liked Aruto's jokes because their similar to the ones his dad made. I think Aruto is an interesting character to be the main, it's kind of weird he was just thrown into the company, and a bunch of other things I'm going to leave for another day. I don't think Gai needed a redemption arc, but I teared up when he got Thouser back. (Wow I had a lot to say)
2. Super Sentai
I didn't watch that much Sentai this year, and only completed 2: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman and Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman (~May 2022)
I kind of forgot I watched this lol. Overall, it was better/more fun than I was expecting it to be.
Bakuyuu Sentai Abaranger (Nov. 2022 -> Dec. 2022)
I started this one day because no one (my teachers) decided not to show up to school. I ended up enjoying it a lot. I like the team dynamics, and it was solid at balancing silliness and seriousness. I think having the motws be made from forms of art (painting and music) was cool and made for some cool designs/abilities.
3. Ultraman
This year I finished the trifecta and watched 2 Ultraman Series: X and Orb.
Ultraman X (Aug. 2022)
I watched this for totally legit reasons…/ It was alright, but it kind of just felt like the same thing (formula) for 20 episodes. I did like the 24 hours at Xio episode and the Ginga S crossover. I also think this series had some good effects and the fact that their car turns into a jet is so funny to me.
Ultraman Orb (Sept. 2022)
I liked this series better than X. It was more interesting and I feel like there was more intrigue and a story line. The unfolding of the connection between Gai and Naomi was great and overall I liked the one episode plots
4. Power Rangers
Since I've watched most Power Rangers, I only finished the latest series this year. I sometimes forget power rangers is a tokusatsu lol.
Dino Fury (Feb 2021 -> Sept. 2022)
I said a lot about what I thought about the show on my other blog. Generally, I think it has good idea, but the execution of them is hit or miss.
(wow this kind of fell off at the end)
0 notes
liron-ao3 · 3 years
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A Doctor Who–Destiel–Malec Oneshot
"This is brilliant!" the Doctor exclaims. She pushes some buttons on the console of the TARDIS. "Brilliant!"
"How is this 'brilliant'?" Alec asks. "We're trapped in a TV show."
"No, we are trapped in a TV series, Shadowhunter," Yaz hisses.
Castiel huffs in frustration. "It's probably just one of Gabriel's stupid jokes."
"Gabriel?" the Doctor asks. "Oh, the Archangel. Amy loved him, but not as much as she loved you, Cass."
"Where do you know his name from?" Dean demands to know.
The Doctor rolls her eyes. "I watched the show, Dean. Crappy ending, sorry."
"You... what!?" Dean asks.
"Nevermind. That's more brain-wracking than the usual time travel paradoxes. But I'm thrilled to meet you all. Umm—what are you doing, Magnus?" She raises an eyebrow at the warlock who lets his magic run over the console.
"This is worse than the technology in the Institute," he mutters.
Alec pulls him away cautiously. "Maybe you shouldn't mess with it then, love?" he suggests, smiling strained, holding tight on his husband's hand.
"Aww, you're the reboot version. I was so happy when Netflix saw sense. And your boys are the cutest," the Doctor chirps.
"Boys?" Magnus asks.
"Doctor, they might be from episode one of season four. Look at their clothes," Yaz whispers, but it's loud enough for Dean to hear it.
"There are only three seasons of Shadowhunters," he states. "It ends when they marry and Clary loses her memories, but gets them back in the last few seconds. It wasn't the best ending, but at least the gays were happy." Dean's grin reaches from ear to ear before it falters at Castiel's stern look.
"Dean, did you watch 3b without me?"
Dean shrugs. "If you wouldn't always run out on me or die then we coulda watched it. It was on my playlist for aeons. And I needed something to distract me from… You know." He waves his hand up and down the angel.
"Jesus! That's like that time when Sam and I were in this weird Hollywood dimension, with that Russian guy that looked like Cass!"
"Wait!" Magnus says. "I watched Doctor Who for six decades and Supernatural for fifteen years—I agree, Doctor, the 'finale' was crap. But if you all know us from a show called Shadowhunters, then we must be in some kind of dimension that morphs everything into a TV series that everyone else has watched."
The Doctor claps her hands together. "The French mistake—one of my favourites!"
"No, Russian." Dean shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He always loved the Doctor and was excited for a woman to take over the role, but he thinks he might have been able to live without her enthusiasm about their little get together. They have a world to save, after all.
"Chuck has a strange sense of humour, but that doesn't sound like one of his interventions," Alec states. "Why would he put us all in the TARDIS?"
"What do we all have in common?" Dean asks.
"We're kinda humans," Alec says.
"Time Lady."
"Warlock. And you're not fully human either, Alexander."
The shadowhunter chews his lips.
"But you three have some kind of mojo," Dean supplies.
The Doctor furrows her brow. "You're right. Cass has grace, Magnus magic, and timelord technology is so highly evolved, it could be seen as magical. If there is a—" she trails off and points her sonic screwdriver first at the warlock then at the angel. Then she listens to her ship. "You're right," she says and putters about the console.
"Care to fill us in?" Alec asks.
The Doctor pushes a button and a high-pitched sound makes them all cover their ears. "Gotcha!"
"What?" Castiel asks.
"I know what we have in common. We all have a fam. You've got the SPN family, and you," she turns to Alec and Magnus, "your fans call themselves shadowfam. And I?" She smiles brightly. "I have Yaz, Graham, and Ryan."
"You agreed on team TARDIS, Doctor," Magnus reminds her.
"Still, feels like fam to me." She shrugs. "So…" She quirks her lips in thought. "Some blood magic, maybe?"
"But family doesn't end in blood," Dean argues.
"Right, Bobby taught you that. Wish the showrunners remembered that in season 15," Alec murmurs. Dean gives him a strange side look.
"Is something wrong, Dean?"
"Nah, Cass," he says and pulls his gaze from the intertwined hands of the Lightwood-Banes. "So, maybe some rune thingy?"
Alec pulls a face. "Could turn Yaz and you into forsakens. Maybe even the Doctor. Better not."
"Can't you just put the coordinates in and throw us out in the bunker. Or in front of it? No idea if the warding would keep the TARDIS out or not." Dean frowns.
"Wouldn't work," Magnus says. "If this dimension, or whatever it is, thinks that we are all fictional, then the coordinates can't bring us into our worlds. We might end up in your dimension. I like our vampires better."
"Awesome!" Dean groans.
Magnus curls his fingers around his chin in deep thought. "I could summon a dimension demon, but they usually demand things one would rather die than do."
"Like what?" Castiel asks.
"The last time I had to pay one, he wanted me to drink seelie wine."
"Doesn't sound too bad," Dean says.
"You've never had seelie wine. That stuff is worse than the touch of a Djinn." Dean whistles in acknowledgement.
"Could still be worth it. I mean we need to get back to our friends, and yours are surely waiting, too," Yaz supplies.
"The TARDIS is stuck in this dimension, Doc?" Alec asks.
"Yes. Positive."
"Then we should begin," Magnus says, conjuring chalks. "We all will be home soon."
They stand in a circle around the pentagram drawn on the floor of the TARDIS.
"We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed,..." Magnus starts.
"...it cannot be broken until the demon retreats," Castiel ends his sentence and smiles softly at Alec, who blushes fiercely.
"Well, this time, I won't be the one who'll break it in a gay panic," he huffs. Yaz snickers.
Dean furrows his brow, ignoring Castiel eyeing him. He recites the summoning spell together with Magnus and the Doctor. Green flames rise in their midst. They aren't hot, but their sight hurts the eyes. A deep growl speaks to them, and Castiel turns pale.
"I haven't heard this demonic dialect in a while," he calls over the noises. "Did he say what I think he said?"
Magnus worries his lip between his teeth. "I think he did."
"I can't."
"What, Cass. What does he ask for? Give it to him. It can't be that bad," Dean shouts.
"It isn't. At least not for me." Castiel looks at the Doctor. "Any Supernatural sequels you've seen by any chance?"
"No, sorry. I got stuck at the Destiel YouTube vids. Didn't get around to checking future releases. But you two always reminded me of Rose and me, you know?" She looks sad at the memory of her lost love.
"No. A human doppelgänger won't do," Castiel says firmly. He says something in the demon's tongue and gets a rumble in reply.
Magnus nods at him. "My magic can hold the circle. But hurry."
The others stare at them. "Why doesn't the TARDIS translate his words?" Yaz asks.
"This demon is too old," the Doctor says. "Even older than evil itself. No one speaks this language anymore but angels and demon-blooded ones, as it seems."
"Lucky me, huh?" Castiel presses out. He lets go of Magnus' hand and turns to Dean. The warlock holds the gap with his magic. "I know how you see yourself, Dean…"
"We don't have time for the whole death speech. Fast forward," Magnus hisses, clearly struggling to hold the bond.
Castiel frowns at him but nods. He turns his face back to Dean. "I'm sorry. I know you never wanted that to happen. It's simply what the demon demands. It doesn't have to mean anything, okay?"
"What are you talking about, man?"
Castiel smiles at him. "I love you." And then he leans in and kisses him. It's chaste but after a moment of shock, Dean returns the kiss, and his hand cards through Castiel's hair. Thunder booms around them and dense fog separates the different duos. The demon disappears with a screeching noise and when the fog thins out, the places where the two couples were standing are empty.
"It worked!" the Doctor rejoices. Yaz grins at her. "Let's get to the boys."
"No, Mulder, this isn't a UFO. It's surely just a high-quality film set," a redhead in pantsuit and coat says as she strolls into the room.
"Scully!" the Doctor cheers. "Brilliant!"
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bagheerita · 3 years
The stars aligned such that I re-watched SGA's "Sunday" and TNG's "Lessons" within a week of each other and... do Stargate writers just not understand what women find attractive or what they want out of a relationship?
I've always disliked "Sunday" for the untraditional reason of Elizabeth's "subplot" with Dr Jackass Beardface.
Not related to my actual point, but I've finally gotten to the end of season 7 in my SG1 rewatch and have realized "Grace," an episode I had fond memories of but didn't remember details about, is basically the writers trying to force Sam into heteronormativity. (Like, it's fine if she wants a boyfriend or whatever, but the fact that this hasn't been an issue for 7 seasons and now suddenly the mental constructs of her friends and family are telling her a man is what she's missing in her life... you know what FUCK OFF JACOB.) And then Pete gets introduced in an episode where his strange stalkery interest in Sam and refusal to accept her boundaries is portrayed alongside Osiris manipulating Daniel, which is... not a great introduction for the character. I haven't watched these later seasons in about a decade and was hoping the fandom was exaggerating their hatred of him, but nope.
But I'm at the end of season 6 in my Star Trek the Next Generation rewatch, and I'm so annoyed to realize that they'd already written the "burden of command vs personal life/love life" storyline with a love interest introduced in the same single episode story over a decade earlier, and it was way more satisfying. Picard falls in love with a Scientist Lady and they bond over a shared interest in music, and it's great. In her first scene she's a little rude and insults him for drinking Earl Grey tea, but it's very easy to see that she's just nervous and awkward with people and she immediately tries to make up for the insult instead of assuming that he's into negging. I actually understand through the medium of storytelling that these characters have a compatability and a deep attraction for each other, even if "love" still feels imho like a jump we only accept for narrative convenience. The episode looks into some ways that the fact that he's In Command could affect their relationship, and they end up breaking up when they realize that neither will sacrifice their career to be with the other. Perfectly contained one episode relationship.
Meanwhile over in Atlantis, Jackass Beardface interrupts Elizabeth's work, places himself in charge of her wellbeing, won't let her finish a sentence, consistently lies about his motives in asking her to eat lunch with him because he finds it humorous, and insults her taste in movies. The writers expect us to believe that she finds all that attractive enough to cancel her plans with Teyla and want to spend more time with this oh so tempting specimen of masculinity... only to leave him sitting on a bench and forget around him entirely when duty calls. He never shows up again. Honestly, the character of Jackass Beardface doesn't deserve anything better but since this collection of scenes that are excruciating to sit through only exist to further Elizabeth's character, it's really a shame that this goes entirely nowhere.
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jaefmin · 3 years
Treat you better | N.Jm
Treat you better - Na Jaemin
↳ Pairing: caretaker!Jaeminx fem!reader [sick!reader]
↳ Genre: fluff, angst, fever, humor (if you notice mine😭), friend!au, anxiety, childhood!friends, tattooed!Jaemin sadlkf they don't even kiss-
↳ Synopsis: It's your stupid, ugly and imperfect body that's giving up right before attending an important meeting with your boss. This could give you a promotion, but your body's in a state to just lay in bed all day. Will you be able to get to the meeting?
↳ WC: 2.7k
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Header made by: @vantaengelic Go follow my baby rn!!
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↳ Pairing: caretaker!Jaeminx fem!reader [sick!reader]
↳ Genre: fluff, angst, fever, humor (if you notice mine😭), friend!au, anxiety, childhood!friends, tattooed!Jaemin sadlkf they don't even kiss-
↳ Synopsis: It's your stupid, ugly and imperfect body that's giving up right before attending an important meeting with your boss. This could give you a promotion, but your body's in a state to just lay in bed all day. Will you be able to get to the meeting?
↳ WC: 2.7k
Ajdjksj- why dId I mAkE tHe syNoPsIs sO cLIcHé
@intokook 🙃🙃
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As soon as you're about to pass out from exhaustion, someone knocks at your room's door. Not now. Please. You're barely left with the energy to open your eyes. Your eyelids feel heavy, but soon lift up wide awake when the person enters your room. Those usual creaky sounds of the doors reach your ears only to make you quiver, and, you're blessed with a sight of a pale faced man, hair neatly arranged on his face with a worried expression. Your eyes fall on the man's outfit, a pair of cargos, with a black shirt covering his torso. His facial features seem pleasuring- beautiful orbs with round specs, muscular hands, and beautiful tattoos on them. You immediately recognize the man by his tattoos, and he seems to recognize you too. His appearance disgusts you now that you've realized him. But it's too late to analyze and hate the man in front of you more deeply. Before knowing anything more, you fall asleep.
You feel a hard splash on your face, and in seconds, and you're wide awake. A chill runs down your spine and you begged for the person to have thrown warm water on you. Your eyes witness a standing Jaemin, with a mug of water in his hands. His tattoos attract your eyes towards them, and you can't help but stare at them. "So this is how long it takes to wake you up? I've been shaking you for the past half hour and you are like some big old chimpanzee that doesn't feel anything when an ant's trying to move it." Jaemin baffles. "Hey!" You stammer "Anyways, why are you here?" You ask back. It was oddly strange of Jaemin to be here. "Some man called Jaehyun sent me here. I'm originally taking care of old sick people in an old-age home, but Jaehyun told me about your situation. Trust me, I didn't expect it to be you." Jaemin explained in a high tone. He paused a bit after a comeback again. "And If your condition's hell, then didn't you think of paying the doctor a visit?" His tone seemed like he was sick because of you, and he was criticizing you for even breathing. "That's not how you talk to a sick person." You stood up in your defense "Yeah yeah. 'Sweetie, would you like to visit the doctor? 'Cause I really think we should go there.'" Jaemin mocked you, and you could really see the same young, frustrated Jaemin in him. "You haven't changed at all, have you?"
Jaemin made sure you were seated properly in the car. He drove the seatbelt around you and continued to the driver's seat. He turned on the heater, and asked "So, what's wrong? When did you get your fever?" His tone seemed to have calmed a little bit. "Yesterday night. I had a headache, the night was full of surprises every hour." You replied to him in a voice low pitched. "Don't worry we'll get you all fine. And Jaehyun told me that you had a really important meeting... Or something like that? Would you like to tell me more about it?" Jaemin asked. "Oh yeah, there's a personal meet my boss wants to host with me. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have exaggerated it, only if it wasn't in Vegas." You ended with a sad tone, knowing that you'll never make it in there. And losing your job... for another season of hunger games until you get the next one. You sighed. "Don't worry sweetheart. I'll take you there." Jaemin boldly let out.
"No need to worry Y/N. You're absolutely fine. It's just a viral. All those bacteria are kinda fighting inside your tummy, and you've gotta let the good one win and then bam! Y/N's all back!" Jaemin exclaimed. "Which one's the good one?" You ask him only to have been receiving a weird reply from him. At first, he stammered a bit, and then let out. "Not like you're gonna go and dance with pom-poms inside your tummy to cheer them up. Do you even know how much Jaehyun exaggerated it?" He immediately changed the subject. He kept on talking, and indistinct sounds entered in your ears as you were in your own world, lost, thinking something. Although a smile did appear on your face upon hearing Jaehyun's name, and how he'd taken care of you. He was the best colleague ever, and you had your own little crush on him.
"I really need to clean up my bedroom. You've witnessed how soiled it is. Would you mind doing that for me?"
"While you will...?"
"...Watch the telly?"
"Alright, JUST because you're sick. Keep in mind I don't really be so kind to people like you. I hate those years when you're in your twenties. A big judgmental couch potato stuck to your screen."
"Well, you are in your twenties?" You replied after calculating a bit. "Not for long." Jaemin replied. "A decade passes like this." He snapped his fingers to indicate how the years pass, and you seemed to be fascinated with his answers. You knew the old Jaemin, the one that used to bully you in high school, but this one seems interesting. Feels like he's gotten over the series of unfortunate events that you both went across. His aura was different. The kind that would make you jump into his personality's fathomless ocean, and plunge into it. Somehow, he made you feel like he had changed a bit, but at the same time likewise the old Jaemin. The days you spent together, the fights both of you had, all those memories kept haunting you. You never forgot what he meant to you. "Earth to Y/N?" Jaemin snapped you out of your thoughts and you looked back at the tattooed man. "I'm not going to clean up your room." "What?!?! Why?!?" You stood and stared at the air, thinking what happened to your voice. It got harder, huskier, a sense of cough in it. Before you knew it, you were coughing your lungs out like crazy, and that just made Jaemin panic. He started going around in circles, and you immediately asked him to bring water because you knew he wasn't going to do that on his own. "Alright, shh calm down. Relax. Here's your pill. Have it and take rest." Jaemin shortly laid you on the bed after that. His face was on top of yours, and he was about to get your medicines to you, when you felt it coming. You were about to cough. You were trying your best to control it, but Jaemin wouldn't stop lecturing you on relaxing.
"UGH!! GROSS Y/N!!!!!!" Jaemin's face was a masterpiece from down where you were looking from. After a couple- err well a lot of 'ewws', 'ughs', 'you're so damn gross' , 'who would want to even take care of you', he finally calmed down.
"What kind of person coughs on the face of their own caretakers?" Jaemin asked after wiping his face for the tenth time. "Face-cougher." You were all giggly and jolly before hearing that name. "Excuse me?" You said. "What's wrong, Face-cougher?" You did not like the new nickname. "You did not call me that." "Yes I just did, face-cougher." Jaemin replies and you are not staying quiet in this. "Y/N is a face-cougher!! Face-cougher!!" Jaemin started teasing and that's all you were taking.
Another bam.
And it isn't good this time too.
This time, you landed right on Jaemin. He put the couch cushions for his defense, but the anger inside you told you to throw the cushion and throttle him right away. And you decided to do that. Of course, not the whole 'throttling' part. He was quick enough to find another good defense. This one was a vessel, the one he decided to cook pasta for you in, but that never progressed further more than deciding. So, physically preparing yourself, you grabbed the spatula and dashed towards Jeno. A thought tingled inside you and you tried to push it away, but it forced you to look at it.
You're sick, Y/N.
You almost forgot about that. Your body was filled with a wave of energy to fight back. This thought didn't last too long, and not before you're outta the dreamy world and back at Jaemin. You were right above him right now. Jaemin immediately used his defense, the closed side facing towards you. You hit the vessel making a loud noise, and it sort of felt that you were getting your panic attack again. It hadn't been a long time since you knew that your spatula wouldn't last against his vessel and now you didn't even have the time to go and change again. He took the advantage of your a-bit-too-late-realization and pounced over you. "Damn it! Is this how girls are when they're sick?!?! Oh pity those male doctors!!" It was kinda weird to hear these things from a guy's mouth, but you knew what an anti-girl person Jaemin was. It reminded you of your colleague Jungkook, who had the same behavior towards girls. Jaemin's arm slipped over, and he landed right on you. There was a worried expression on his face, to get close to you again, a fear of whether you might 'bam' him or not again. He immediately held you for support, but your body was doing nothing other than feeling weak- no mood to stay strong, so you got pulled away with Jaemin. He landed on ground with his back facing it, and had you in a such a position that his body was pressed against yours. Jaemin's face was centimeters apart from yours, and it reminded you of this days when he used to hold you this close. You both stayed still in the moment, processing what just happened. He waited a while, before he stretched out his hand to cup your face. He stroked your skin with his soft hands, a feeling of shiver running down your spine. "Everything's still the same, Y/N." Jaemin muttered. "I'll be here."
"Alright, have this, you'll be fine within half an hour." Jaemin gave you a huge tablet. "Are you sure?" You asked, nervousness filling you up. "Yes, the doctor's prescribed it.'' After having the medicine, you had a nice sleep while He cleaned up your room, and you woke up around six. "Morning, sleeping beauty." Jaemin's voice was heard across the room. Its like he knew that you were going to wake up right at this moment. Freaky how he does that.
Does he have to get back the flirting mode on? You rub your eyes, and try to get up, but due to the weakness inside, you fall back. Jaemin immediately notices and rushes towards you. "Does the medicine make you feel any better?" He asks, a caring tone occupying his voice. He puts his hand under your waist and tries to get you up, the bridal style. "What are you doing!? Move!" You shove his hand away, a stiffness taking shield over your body. "What? I was helping you get up." You saw the innocence in his voice and calmed down a bit. "It's alright, I can handle that."
He gives you a perplexed look and turns to the soft toy in his hand. "Alright, but I must admit, you have a great soft toy collection." Jaemin faces you again, this time with puppy eyes.
"NO. You're not going anywhere with Dolphie. Keep it back."
He turns towards the shelf while mumbling something to himself.
Jaemin left the dolphin on the shelf and your eyes were forced to shift their gaze towards the whole room. It was way cleaner than you could ever keep it. Everything was finally clean, not dust-coated as it used to stay. Your study table attracted your attention- looking brand new, as if it were just made yesterday. Jaemin must have some experience of helping old age people with their stuff back at his old house. "Wow. It's... pretty." You complimented his efforts. He smiles to you and lays over your bed. "You have pretty great stuff."
"I liked your journal the best."
You felt like throwing yourself outside the window. Or, it might be great to take him in too so he doesn't go around telling everybody about your crushes. "Literally, Y/N," You weren't prepared for what's next. What's he going to reveal? The time you crushed on your math teacher? Or when you imagined a boy naked? But what came out was way worse than all of the book.
"You had a wet dream with me?"
Oh no. Out of all of it this one was what he asked? The tension on your face rose up, blood rushing up to your cheeks. He looked at you and smirked. "Oh, don't worry sweetheart. I've read all of it." You couldn't handle a second before you smashed a pillow right at him. He took it by surprise, and actually got hit by the pillows. "Do girls hit people when they're shy?"
A thought rose up in your mind. "Yes. They do. And if you get them too shy they might even stab you." Jaemin mocked a scared look on his face and then went, "Heh. You and your stupid girl jokes." You quickly needed something against him... a secret, maybe. You try to recall something embarrassing that he told you, and it strikes faster than you thought.
"I think you might die."
Jaemin's face was left expressionless, "Oh, all because I read your journal and now you're gonna stab me?"
"Close, but not exact."
Before you could tell him the exact reason why he might die, he pulls out a pink book, and turns out, it's nothing but your journal.
"Y/N-" Before any word could come out of that beautiful mouth of this crackhead, you reach out to grab the book from his hands. It seems like he doesn't even want to try, and you have the book in your hands within a flash.
You keep the book with you, hugging it as tight as possible, so that even if he tries to make a grab at it, he would fail. He lays down on your bed, the body-fit shirt hugging him tight. It seemed like his mood had completely changed. He chuckles, "You're still the same, you know? Nothing has changed." He held out your hand. Was he trying to change the topic?
You try to indulge into the conversation, asking "How? Everything has changed over the last decade."
Jaemin had changed completely, and that fact made you think that he would feel the same towards you. You saw a sense of maturity, more of responsibility in him. Ever since both of you separated, it had been hard to move on, every day and night spent in grief. But as usual, life strung the both of you along with it, and you both followed. You suddenly had flashbacks, that night in the club, the pool party... you immediately shook your head, wanting to forget all of the embarrassing moments of your life.
"Y/N, You know that the meeting's tomorrow, right?" Jaemin's face grew serious. "Do you have any idea how you're going to manage?" There was a tone of worriedness in his words. "C'mon! I almost became your wrestle buddy! I can handle it!! I'll just gulp down some of my medicines, and I'll be okay." Your conditions were streets ahead after you got some sleep. Everything felt finer, specially when you woke up to the perfect sight of the room you never had. You played with Jaemin's fingers and then reached out for his arms. You assured him, "Everything's going to be fine, only if I can control myself for puking on you." Not being able to control yourself, you giggled at Jaemin's widened eyes.
"I'm going to wear plastic on me then." You burst out into fits of laughter, "Like JYP?" Jaemin smiled upon you, "Yes."
After all of this, you were sure the trip would be fun, and you probably won't upload the next season of hunger games.
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jpat82 · 6 years
Letters To You
Bucky x Reader
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Dearest Grandma,
I hope this card finds its way to you, I'm sorry I won't be able to come home this holiday, work has been keeping me busy. I did take the time to buy a tree like you insisted upon, even though I'll barely be home to see it. The city looks amazing, it's all decorated, I know you would love it.
This year is going to be the hardest I know, I miss you like crazy. Maybe that's why I keep myself busy so I can forget. I promise this spring I'll come out and see you, I love you and I always will.
Your little bird.
It was Dec 1st and the the third card Bucky had received and it was the first one he had opened. The address was his and he had moved in just shy of two months ago. He wasn't sure what had possessed him to open the red envelope this time. He usually sent them back with return to sender scrawled across the top but the woman sent them still to his address.
With heavy sigh he sat down at his desk and grabbed a blank sheet of paper.
Dear... to whom it may...
I just wanted to let you know that the person you keep mailing letters to no longer lives at this address. I've sent the others back and maybe they haven't reached you, maybe they got lost on their way. I wish you well.
He sealed the letter in the envelope and sent it off in the mail and thought nothing of it. He went about his day, Steve had been trying to get him out and enjoy the winter season.
He couldn't, the cold brought back memories of Siberia and everything that went with it. The holidays reminded him that his family wasn't alive in this era, and even though he had friends he couldn't just shake his past like Steve could. Sam has attempted to reach out to him, trying to get him to join the va group but he didn't. He couldn't bring himself to go. Days went by and as they did his mood continued to become dampened, he started to spend more time inside. He kept himself busy, cleaning weapons or working out, reading history books, anything to keep his mind busy.
That was till two days later he got an envelope that was baby blue in color. This time his name written with his address and from the same address as the red envelope. He tossed it to the side and went about the rest of the day, it wasn't till late that night as he was laying on the couch did he remember the letter.
Dear James,
I'm sorry to have bothered you, no I never got the returned letters. To be honest I was wondering when they would start to return. The house you are living was occupied by my grandmother, she passed this fall and I didn't know what else to do to keep her alive with me. So I continued to write with intent on stopping when with letters came back, then I would know that the house had been sold.
This is the first year of me being by myself, and a part of me hoped that the house wouldn't sell till after the holidays so I could at least pretend that she was still here with me. I don't know why I'm dumping all of this on you, and I'm sorry for that. I wish you a good holiday and a bright new year, I wish you enough.
Bucky reread the letter three times, his heart breaking for the stranger who took the time to write it. He reached over and grabbed the notebook he had kept for years, ripping a blank page from it before grabbing a pen from the coffee table. He paused for a moment, debating on whether he should respond or not. He took a deep breath and sat up a bit.
I'm sorry to hear of your grandmas passing, it's hard to loose family and the holiday time is the hardest... I know, I'm right there with you. Wish I could say it gets easier but you'll miss them every time. If you wish to continue to write to her through the season go ahead, I promise not to pry.
I hope you find peace, and have a good holiday season as well.
The next morning he sent the letter off and went for a run with Sam, who had been bugging him for the last couple of days. He knew he couldn't keep avoiding people, even if it was only for a couple a weeks.
And just like the last one it took only two days for her to respond. This time a green card came in addressed to the former occupant and a silver one addressed to him. Bucky found a small smile spreading across his face as he walked over and sat down on the couch, tossing the green one on the coffee table before opening the silver envelope.
Thank you! You have no idea how much it means it me. I know that next year I will miss her just as much but this year is particularly hard. My grandma was everything to me, she was my mom, my best friend, someone I could always count on. She came down ill shortly after I moved, and then work started to load down on me and I kept putting off to go see her.
I wasn't there when she passed, nor was I there for her burial. A stranger went through her house and arranged the estate sale and the sale of my childhood home. I wish I could take it all back, even if for only a day. I hope that she doesn't hate me, I didn't want to put my job before her, but... it doesn't matter. I can't believe I'm writing all of this to you, a perfect stranger. Again I'm sorry for unloading on you.
Bucky sighed heavily, seems she was just as lost and alone as he was. A stranger who just desperately needed someone there that she would continue to write her dead grandmother just to pretend to have someone. The guilt in the way she wrote, he could see that she had been crying when she wrote it, some of the letters smudged as the tears collided with the wet ink.
He grabbed his note book and ripped out another page.
Don't feel guilty, I'm sure she was proud of you. In fact I know she was, you are out there living your life. You are making it on your own and if there is something I know about parents is that is all they want.
Never feel bad for unloading me, I know what it feels like not to have someone that you are comfortable enough with to open up to. And you aren't the only one struggling this year. My family passed away along time ago and this time of year is always the hardest. It's been decades since I have seen them and it still hurts. What I would to just see my sister or hear my ma sing carols, if only for an hour. I was held captive, a POW, and I never got to be there for their lives or their passing.
To be honest, so far this holiday hasn't been easy for me either. I've all but holed myself up in this house since before thanksgiving. Sam keeps trying to get me to join the va group but.. I just can't. I don't think even they would understand.
Hope to hear from you soon.
He rushed to get it out the next morning, Bucky wasn't even sure why he felt the need to mail her again but he did. He went about the next two days, checking the mail with a little more enthusiasm then he did before. He knew it was foolish but still he hoped she would mail him again.
On the third day he received two envelopes one gold and one green. One addressed to her grandma and the other to him.
I don't know what it must of been like for you, and I'm not even going to pretend to. And even if they (the va group) don't understand what you went through, it might help to just get it off your chest. Just my opinion and I won't press you on it.
As for me, my company is having a "holiday" party and I'm trying to find excuses not to go. They all know I live alone and that I don't have have any friends out here so I can't use any of the usual excuses. Something about being a round a bunch of people that I really don't want to spend more time then I have to, in a setting filled with drinks and fake holiday decor just puts me ill at ease.
Anyway, my grandma wasn't hip with the times, and I'm hoping you are. (Your email address).
Bucky jumped from his spot and rushed over to the computer Tony had given him and fired it up. Excitement coursed through him as he logged onto the email address that Peter had helped him make.
He typed in her email address.
From oldmanbarnes:
I may not be hip but I do know how to use a computer.
He hit send and then panicked, he forgot that Sam had a hand in the email address. And before he had a chance to respond to it his computer dinged with a reply.
From you:
Old man Barnes?? Lol! Love the email address. This is kinda cool, hope your having a good day, I'm trying to figure out what I'm wearing to this holiday party.
From oldmanbarnes:
Re:re: hey
Haha yeah, a friend of mine picked it out, he thinks he's funny. And if you don't want to go don't. You could always stay home and a watch a movie, this may sound awkward but we could watch the same movie and then you can tell them you are seeing a movie with a friend.
From you:
Re:re:re: hey
Sounds like a date! Can I wear my pjs? And we have to make hot cocoa!
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@kitkatkl @octobermermaid @ajosieface @instantnoodlese @crystlblu @coffeebooksandfandom @the-wayward-robot @lokilvrr @shynara51 @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @loislp @ifyousayyouloveme @savedbyimagination @bubblycypres87
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