#look there's all flavors of SW and that's great
eachlittlebird · 1 year
I really enjoyed that episode of The Mandalorian, which I’m sure means there’s something terribly wrong with me.
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brujitaadinbo · 2 months
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I come with every intention of writing and spoilers: this requires a lot of text but, sorry… it's an interesting read.
I've seen a lot of people complain about SW and their way of doing things; I've seen people complain about The Mandalorian and say; At what point did it become children's content?
Well, as I tell you, since season 1 this content has always turned out to be family content.
Now the people who say this; It is because it is alienated that SW does not vary; when practically the SW material is pure fantasy and there is material for everyone, of all colors and flavors. The Mandalorian cannot be pigeonholed solely into violence; friend, then you have not understood anything about this universe.
See Star Wars and everything Geroge, Filoni and Jon have been working on with a whole creative team, etc, etc. is to enter that world to which they took you "the never ending story", "the labyrinth", "Dragon Heart", "Merlin" and I can continue… magical worlds, where hope resides everywhere, where love It is an important point because despite not being able to see it, it becomes part of this environment and expresses itself in mysterious ways (yes, like strength). That is why pigeonholing SW solely in violence is taking away a vital part of its narrative, it is as if the conflicts in its different aspects were not shown; or wanting to remove something very substantial that although species from other worlds are shown; They have something that unites them with everything. "The feelings, the emotions, the humanity that exists in these aspects"
Friend, believe me, when you only get stuck in violence and don't want to look at something else; The problem is you and maybe SW is not the content you need. And hey; I'm not saying that you have to accept everything, but definitely criticizing just to criticize, hating just to hate is ridiculous and pathetic. Taking SW or the Mandalorian as entertainment after a difficult day is not bad at all. But now you want to take this as a personal vent, project yourself, harass and be an infernal hater, sorry but that's disgusting.
And believe me; That violence that you ask for so much is desensitizing you, it makes you someone who loses the notion of how you can harm others and there are people like me; who lives in violent countries, where your life is at stake every 5 minutes, that the only thing we want is to stop experiencing this violence and live fantasy and hope. So stop messing around, okay.
At the end of the day your requests are like: "You want a good development for Din Djarin, but you don't want him to associate with anyone, you want to pigeonhole him into a life in the countryside with a secondary character, You want him to continue in a dangerous profession that "no It leaves nothing good for him or his green boy, you complain about everything and it doesn't seem like anything to you.” Please; It's very obvious that you didn't watch the series and don't understand Din's development. stop fucking around.
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A few days ago I was watching episode 3 and I'm going to say this; Anakin is a great character, he is a villain through and through, but all this grew like a snowball. They lost Anakin and he was already lost, Palpatine knew how to play his pieces. In the entire world of SW it is difficult to pigeonhole the characters because; The decisions are the ones that weigh the most. All SW characters have an Anakin within them, they all carry a complex and a mourning of their being; a good being or a bad being. Doing what is right or wrong is a struggle of ethics and morals.
Anakin was an enslaved child and grew up with this complex, remaining a slave due to his attachments until his death. Their actions do not have to be justified, but they do need to be understood and exposed. At the end of the day in this universe Who has not stained their hands with mud or blood to fight for something? Who hasn't had to ignore innocent people to preserve an idea or a fight? Who hasn't had to give in to the bad orders of others to save their people?
When I see people judging Bo Katan, for example; for being a terrorist in her past or for her wrong actions and them using this as a reason for Din not to be around her; I say to you.. How low and dirty do they have to be to use a person's past, in this case a character, and judge them and not allow them to redeem themselves?
Si Din let Bo Katan redeem himself this season 3 Who do you think you are to not allow it?
It hurts me a lot to see Anakin get lost and to see that here they showed us what love is. but they also show us "it's the right person at the wrong time"
Padme could fight hard but her own worries and Anakin's attitudes were driving them apart.
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When Anakin is tempted to turn to the dark side to gain power and knowledge, he gives in to his attachment to Padme, his fear, and gives in to the temptation. And for example in the mandalorian from season 1 We can see how temptation tried to envelop Din Djarin so that he would leave the creed.
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Many people believe that this scene with Omera was "romantic" which it was not so; This series was representative of that TEMPTATION that Din could have fallen into. It's a symbolic scene of how Din was able to abandon the creed, stop being a Mandalorian, settle down and live in a remote place. EVEN when he mentions to Omera that his main goal was to honor Mandalorian culture, which saved him from the droids. SHE tries to take off his helmet if he allows it, invasively, as a temptation. THE CLEAR THING was that he NEVER fell into temptation.
Din clearly tells him "I don't belong here."
Because many say “I wanted a quiet life with her.” I say; Since he did not agree to stay and preferred the creed and remain Mandalorian, develop his character, surround himself with other people, adopt Grogu and recover his planet together with Bo Katan, I tell you HE preferred a Mandalorian life and his lifestyle and culture may be anything but "a quiet lifestyle."
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Now when they say "Bo katan is a liar, a villain" it's because they didn't understand any point I mentioned. All SW characters have had to make difficult decisions, Bo Katan has been more oriented towards being an Anti-hero. And I don't justify her but it is understood and her points of view are expressed, about why she acted that way.
Since season 2 he could have killed or betrayed Din and taken his saber, in season 3 he had all the time and opportunities to do so. AND IT NEVER HAPPENS…
And it is more than clear that she had a very peculiar interest in him, that she protected him in some way.
Always saving him, even in chapter Plazir 15, she saves him from the separatist droids just when he shows rejection towards politicians. A clear nod to the fact that she does not fall for opulence or power, she simply wants to right her wrongs and bring glory to Mandalore, so that her people have their home.
Saying that Bo Katan "didn't redeem himself because he didn't do anything" Sorry, but living with a tormented conscience, with memory and constant regret. This season 3 Brendan Wayne himself says it in a podcast where he is a guest: "Din wanted to get Bo Katan out of that depression of that cloudy cloud of thoughts and knock her out with his own feelings, it was like he was talking to my wife"
I uploaded that interview and you can find it on my wall, I don't lie like SCREENRANT, they love to lie.
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I don't want to go into more detail but I'm going to close this post with this.
Let's assume Din and Bo don't want anything romantic, okay. then at least allow them to be comrades in arms; It doesn't take anything away from them, on the contrary it gives them both a lot. Both Din with his own qualities can support Bo and vice versa. So why separate them if in the end, they are just friends?
And if it turns out that there are feelings and love between the two IT ALSO doesn't take anything away from them and yes, it contributes to them.
Star Wars is a galactic opera and I repeat; Taking away love just because you are a bitter person is taking away one of its main foundations.
The Mandalorians would be another very peculiar, interesting and unique perspective on love, if they let this union flow. Because it wouldn't be the typical cliché
We would see Din and Bo fighting together, sharing moments, weapons, tactics, in the middle of a battle, a show of affection, a hug, something very human, holding hands, fighting together, sharing plans, exchanging ideas and even A Keldabe kiss..
I and many see potential, at least in this shipment there is a lot of material to refute this couple; and I'm completely in the group that wants to keep them together.
This is the way.
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p-paradoxa · 3 months
hiii thank you for tagging me @0liver-hope that’s very sweet of you and I love these :)
Last Song: mmm I don’t remember but i’ve been streaming all of Bashar Murad’s stuff lately, having enjoyed him for a few years now and seeing him have a surge in popularity… he deserves it (and he deserved to win for Wild West :/)
Favorite Color: Blue :) specifically whatever that Klein guy was cooking with
Last Movie/TV Show: haven’t been in a big tv-watching mood but catching up on Dungeon Meshi lol
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Savory. especially umami flavors. the other ones are good too I guess
Relationship Status: single.. for now….….
Last thing I Googled: the last few things I googled would doxx me but before that I was looking up what “lugubrious” meant. don’t remember why
Current Obsession: tbh dunmeshi is on my mind a lot… it’s great to be experiencing it a second time now that the anime is airing, there are so many pivotal scenes I can’t wait to see again <3 also I began playing Hollow Knight and I’m not very far into it but i’m estremely obsessed with the style. and I am still obsessed with Andor and other SW stuff but fandom isn’t really something I’m into these days
people I’d like to know better (if you wanna):
@malevolencc, @crown-and-stallion, @grimm-lynn, @soggy-cunt, @airplane-pt3, @regret-breathing, @laz-laz-ace-pilot, @oatshow, @tboys, @guy-girlfriend :)
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ocd-kenobi · 2 years
hello!!! First of all THANK YOU for your incredible insights, your fics and answers and tags really gave me a much more critical and rounded vision on many sw characters and dynamics I had only considered veery superficially.
It felt kind of overwhelming at first for me to engage in such a huge fandom/franchise, so thank you again for your super interesting analysis and point of view.
Secondly, I don't know if you've been asked this already (I might have missed it and in that case I'm SORRY) but I wanted to ask you about Obi-Wan' specifically food-related ocd! (I've found this is one of the best, most immediate ways for me to understand a character, through their eating habits.) I do remember seeing his drinking habits tagged and discussed, but again, I might have missed the food bits.
Have a great day!!
Oh my gosh this is so flattering! I absolutely love your drawings and contributions to fandom <3 I'm glad my rambling is entertaining and has inspired you to formulate views on characters! That's so cool.
I have not been asked this! I haven't come across much in canon, but I'm happy to share some headcanons, under the cut. Content warning for food/disordered eating, but I'm going to actually try to keep this in "happy" territory for personal reasons haha.
I don't actually know what the food is like at the Jedi temple, but I imagine it's quite simple, frugal, and unchanging. I think Obi-Wan takes comfort in the dependable routine of his food being the same boring thing every meal, planned out and portioned for him. But I think the routine of it leads to him building up some anxieties around it. Like, if the space-potatoes on his plate spilled over and are touching his space-peas, he has to carefully carve them apart with his spoon before he can eat them.
Food on away missions is, one on hand, hard for him because he doesn't remember to eat if there's no set mealtime and/or doesn't feel entitled to asking Qui-Gon (when he's a child--this is a recurring issue in the Jedi Apprentice series) or strangers (when he's older) for food. BUT I think he actually really enjoys the actual meals away from home, because he has little expectation of what they'll look like, so if the space-carrots are mixed in with the space-beans, it doesn't register as something bad or something he has to control. He's not particularly naturally adventurous in terms of flavor/spice, but he likes fulfilling the duty of being polite and culturally sensitive by eating whatever is put in front of him.
Of course, there are exceptions to his resilience. In the ROTS novel, we learn that Anakin knows one of Obi-Wan's food allergies because it interrupted a diplomatic event one time; I imagine Anakin is constantly attentive to his food allergies and also to some of his weird Food Rules. Like, if they're eating at some palace for a mission and someone brings Obi-Wan a plate with a space-crustacean that has a shell-to-flesh texture thing going on that already has Obi-Wan's fingers dancing nervously on his silverware, Anakin recognizes that look from that one time they ate a similarly-textured space-crustacean three years ago and he'd observed Obi-Wan's hands doing all sorts of subtle rituals before and after each bite, so Anakin asks the server for a vegetarian option for himself, knowing that Obi-Wan would object to making a scene himself, and then he swaps his new plate with Obi-Wan's, pretending to have changed his mind again. Obi-Wan mildly scolds him for being fickle, but also smiles that half-knowing smile that makes Anakin feel appreciated and condescended to at the same time. Obi-Wan eats his meal easily and that's what matters.
Has a regular order at Dex's and if it's not available he just gets a drink. Likes spending time at Dex's to expose himself to real environments where food is made and eaten and nothing is sterile but nobody gets sick. It's good for him.
Still, if he has to eat a space-fruit from the market without washing it first, his brain provides a full imagined history of all the chemical and biological contaminants the fruit's flesh has potentially come into contact on its long journey from the fields on another planet to this market, and he has to just commit to swallowing them all. If he rubs the fruit on his sleeve three times before eating, it's magically a little better.
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realtorjamier · 5 months
12 Restaurants to Try in the DMV Region!
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(Please note: We recommend calling ahead to see what each establishment’s COVID policy is. Some may require proof of vaccination.)
Immigrant Food at the Planet Word Museum in downtown D.C. features culinary selections from all over the world. Enjoy a menu where you can choose from “Taj Mahal Chicken Sliders,” “Havana Sandwiches,” “West African Gumbo,” “Viet Vibes Bowl,” “Latin Flan” and an assortment of other global delicacies. 
Not only does Immigrant Food offer a diverse menu, but they also promote “gastroadvocacy” by educating customers about how they can get involved with immigrant advocacy efforts in their communities. Their “Engagement Menu” shares ways you can make a difference in the lives of immigrants.
Immigrant Food’s Washington D.C. locations include The Planet Word Museum at 925 13th St. NW, as well as the Union Market District and The White House.
Visit online at https://immigrantfood.com/.
If you’d like to focus your special dining experience on a specific country, here are some other great options:
“A touch of Paris on the Potomac,” Bistro du Jour serves traditional fare like Coq Au Vin and Duck Confit and is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as weekend brunch. Their all-day Parisian bistro also features freshly-baked pastries from Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery and coffee from La Colombe.
Visit Bistro Du Jour at 99 District Square SW, Washington, D.C. and online at https://www.bistro-dujour.com/.
Schnitzel, Bratwurst, German Potato Salad, and several creative takes on the classic pretzel, 
The Bronson Bierhall is a traditional German bar located in Ballston, Va. (Don’t fret: if someone in your party is not a German food fan, they also serve mainstays like pizza, salad and sandwiches.) Bronson’s beer menu boasts ales, lagers, malts, and more. For those unfamiliar with the many beer varieties, their menu helps whittle down your choices by categorizing them according to taste preferences. 
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Maybe it’s destiny, or maybe it’s simply your appetite for Indian spice that leads you to Kismet in Old Town Alexandria. Chef Ajay Kumar brings his award-winning fare from Kismet’s sister restaurant, Karma, in downtown D.C. to this Virginia locale. Food paired with craft mixology elevates the concept of Indian dining to a modern level.
Visit Kismet Modern Indian at 111 North Pitt Street in Alexandria, Va. and online at https://kismetmodernindian.com/.
Visit Karma Modern Indian at 611 I Street NW in Washington, D.C. or online at http://karmamodernindian.com/.
With consistently good customer reviews, Gregorio’s features Italian favorites just like Mamma made – but even more! Bonus: an extensive gluten-free menu. Double bonus: locations in Reston, Potomac, and Bethesda!
Visit Gregorio’s at 1428 N. Point Village Center in Reston, 7745 Tuckerman Lane in Potomac, 4611-A Sangamore Road in Bethesda, and online at https://gregoriostrattoria.com/.
Enjoy an updated version of the traditional Japanese Hot Pot or a Kaiseki experience – a small plate menu with delicacies from the sea. Shabu Plus boasts quality organic produce and poultry, top-grade meats, and sustainable seafood. 
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Melina offers modernized Greek classics in a fine casual setting with quality ingredients from the sea and grilled meats. Kebabs, Souvlaki, Tzatziki, Kleftiko, and more!
Visit Melina at 905 Rose Avenue in North Bethesda, Md. and online at https://www.melinagreek.com/.
Looking for great Mexican food with vegetarian and gluten-free options? Los Companeros opened in 2021 with authentic Mexican cuisine in D.C.
Visit Los Companeros at 1819 Columbia Road N.W. and online at https://www.loscompaneros.net/menu.
Middle Eastern/Persian Gulf/Northern India
Leila’s dining and nightlife experience draws cultural and culinary inspiration from the Middle East, Persian Gulf, and North India – all under one roof. Extra: Hookah is available in a variety of flavors including Watermelon Mint, Mango, Bluemist, and more.
Visit Leila at 7943B Tysons Corner Center in Tysons, Va. and online at https://www.meetleila.com/.
Enjoy a life of luxury with Dolce Vita’s Mediterranean fusion food highlighting four countries: Italy, Morocco, Spain, and Greece. The wine list is expansive with 150 bottles and a signature cocktail list, too. The interior design features hand-painted murals, electric blue velvet chairs and an open kitchen where you can watch the chefs at work. Go all out at the chef’s table adjacent to the wine cellar.
Visit Dolce Vita at 1610 14th Street N.W. in Washington, D.C. and online at https://www.dolcevitadc.com/.
The Inn at Little Washington will require you to drive through the Virginia countryside, but the “Gastronaut” and “Good Earth” menus prepared by world-renowned Chef Patrick O’Connell are well worth the trip. Much of the produce and herbs used in the restaurant is raised on their small farm by Farmer-in-Residence Joneve Murphy. Throughout the last four decades, The Inn has established a network of local farmers and suppliers whose products represent the best in the region. In 2021, Michelin awarded The Inn a Green Star for sustainability. Bonus: The Inn’s 23 luxurious guest rooms and suites were designed by a London stage and set designer.  
Visit The Inn at Little Washington at Middle & Main Streets in Washington, Va. and online at https://www.theinnatlittlewashington.com.
Contact me to connect with a knowledgeable agent like myself, who can help you explore all that the area has to offer, including close proximity to your favorite cuisines!
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40sandfabulousaf · 11 months
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大家好! JA, JT, JL, SW and I headed to Din Tai Fung and ordered a mountain of food - xiao cai (Asian salad), hong you chao shou (wantons in vinegar and chilli oil), sliced cucumber wrapped in pork belly, crispy duck pancakes, xiao long bao (soup dumplings) and egg fried rice with crispy pork chops. Fragrant jasmine tea was our beverage of choice (pu er cha - Pu Erh tea - would've been even better!). Accompanying the meal were free flow jokes, laughter and a lot of teasing. We had such a great time 🥰
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Although the sliced cucumber wrapped in pork belly wasn't to my taste, the rest of the dishes were delicious. Sips of jasmine tea helped us to avoid feeling jelak (saturated, bloated, full) after the meal. Above all, it was the great company that made dining together so much fun. Work stress faded into the background as we caught up on JA's and JL's recent cruise vacations with their families. I also had enough red meat for the week.
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If you're curious about what a fruit stall at 1 of our hawker centres and coffee shops looks like, the photo below is an example. Besides selling cut fruit, freshly squeezed or blended juices are available. On a hot afternoon after a very heavy lunch, I only had enough room for a mango and strawberry iced blend without added sugar. It was refreshing, a good substitute for coffee on the days I don't need an extra caffeine hit, and healthier too! Fibre-wise, I get most of mine from veggies so it doesn't matter if I have whole fruit or juices; besides, too much fibre causes constipation and I've experienced that before, not fun.
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This week brought news about the passing of 1 of my favourite singers during teenage years. There wasn't time to follow entertainment news once I began my career, but there're memories of watching glamorous siren Coco Lee on our screens when friends and I gathered before I headed off to Australia to pursue my degree. Her honeyed vocals, slick dance moves, impish smile and signature flamboyance captured our attention and hearts. Gutsy, passionate and trailblazing, Coco stood out from a sea of cute, doll-like starlets and showed her fans that we don't need to conform to expectations in order to excel at what we do. This is how I remember her.
In memory of Coco, 1 of the sexiest Asian sirens at the height of her fame, I watched and shared the above videos. Those lyrics from Reflection - 'Why must we all conceal what we think, how we feel' - best exemplify the fearless woman who trailblazed a path for others to follow. As we, her fans, bid goodbye, it's important for us to remember her legacy. Thank you Coco, for the wonderful memories. 下次见!
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Best liquor store in Chappelle, Edmonton
There are many great wines in the world, but only a select few can be called bodacious. What makes a wine bodacious? There is no one answer, but the wines on this list all share a few characteristics: they are big, bold, and flavorful.
This wine is full-bodied and has strong tannins, making it the perfect choice for a steak dinner.
If you're looking for a store to buy  bodacious wine, you are at  the right place. Boss Liquor Chappelle is the best liquor store in chappelle, edmonton for a wine, just make your purchase and pour it into glasses. Make sure you keep your wine fridge stocked with bodacious wine, and you'll be able to serve your guests the perfect drink. You can order online and can also visit our store which is at 3158 141 St SW, Edmonton, AB T6W 4B5. For more information regarding the same you can contact us at -17807608544. 
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detroitpigout · 2 years
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The last remaining Bar n Taqueria in Downtown Delray bet you didn't know. Perfect views of construction of the Gordie Howe Bridge. Trying to talk owner into opening rooftop for taking photos. Would be a fantastic view from 30 foot up. No media has ever mentioned this Hidden Gem, just a dozen blocks from all the other Mexican restaurant in da barrio of Sw Detroit. Most of the workers from the bridge fill the place daily at lunch time and Mexican Families through out the day. I'm including review from last visit. Today 4 Tacos, Pollo n Cheese Quesadilla along with delicious Nachos topped with Pollo and Creama outstanding. Always fast friendly service and great prices you must visit. Who doesn't Love a great dive bar a hidden gem for over 25 years. Located corner of West Jefferson and Zug Island it's really easy to find. The Black Horse Cantina on West Jefferson is in an isolated and industrial part of the city. Totally unique 1950s interior with a long bar, couple pool tables and a kitchen putting out really great Mexican food. Yes Taco Tuesday and Beef Birria on the weekends. We had 3 each of the Al Pastor and Asada Tacos topped with Cilantro n Onion some Limes Salsa n more Onion's. Outstanding flavor each bite also Pollo stuffed Burrito I Loved they put it on the flattop for crispy outside. Finally a super Delicious Steak n Cheese Quesadilla. Looking forward to a visit really soon on the weekend Birria a favorite of mine. Find them on Facebook Yelp and Google. Super selection of Mexican n American Beer's, lots of Liquor too. Looking like make a beautiful patio rear of bar. #blackhorsecantina #divebar #hiddengem #tacotuesday #quesadilla #tacos #birriatacos #delraymi (at Black Horse Cantinas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiqpCRxMym4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hi eve! what do you think about a video where couples do the chapstick challenge? like jily vs coops and they compete to see what couple guesses more right! idk i think i would be fun
It's been too long since I wrote one of these--I missed them! Coops, Cubs, and SW Jily belong to @lumosinlove <3
“Welcome back, everyone!” Dorcas said with a smile to the camera. “It’s been over a month since our last big video like this due to scheduling, but we hope you’ve been enjoying our more active social media presence in the meantime. I’m here today with James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and our lovely Cubs. How were your summers, everyone?”
“Hear that, Cap?” Logan’s grin was smug as the cat that got the canary. “I’m lovely.”
“Our summers were great,” Sirius said, ignoring him. “Lots of vacation time.”
“At our house,” Lily teased.
“Yeah, while you were on vacation. It’s called being a good godfather.”
“I’m glad you all had fun,” Dorcas interjected smoothly as she pulled three bags from under her chair. “Because we’ve got a very special game today. Inside these bags are ten blank chapstick tubes, each with a different flavor. One person from each team will apply the chapstick to their lips, and their partner will first have to kiss them, then guess the flavor. Finn, Leo, and Logan, your team will have two guessers.”
“They get two guesses?” Remus protested. “That’s so unfair!”
Dorcas shrugged. “They have to guess at the same time, and they only get one point per correct answer.”
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Y’know, Loops, you’re starting to sound pretty homophobic over there…”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Remus sighed.
The camera cut; when it returned, Lily, Sirius, and Finn were seated in folding chairs with the bags of chapstick in their laps and a small sticky note in their hands. Across from them, their significant others were sitting with large headphones over their ears.
“Can you hear me?” Dorcas called.
Remus didn’t react at all as he messed with the trailing wire; Logan squinted at her. “Quoi?”
“I can’t hear anything,” James said loudly. “This is super weird. It’s just, like, humming. Honey, it sounds like Harry’s white noise machine!”
Lily smiled reassuringly and patted his hand. “A little quieter, lover.”
“A little—nevermind.”
Dorcas’ mouth twitched with a suppressed smile. “Non-guessers, you can find all the flavors written on stickers at the bottom of each tube. Please start with number one on your flavor lists when you’re ready.”
Sirius bit his lip as he riffled through the bag, and Remus leaned forward to give him a light peck at the corner of his mouth. “I haven’t put any on yet!” he laughed.
Remus paused. “What?”
“I haven’t put any chapstick on.”
“Slower, I’m not good at lipreading.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered with a shake of his head.
Next to him, Finn had already applied his first flavor and was sitting with a happy smile as Leo and Logan thought for a moment. “Is it lime?’ Leo guessed.
“I think it’s lime,” Logan said half a second later. Finn gave them a thumbs-up and the three of them high-fived. “Called it!”
“That’s…lemon? Really sour lemon?” James guessed. Lily shook her head and showed him the tube. “Lime. Shit.”
Remus licked his lips. “Lime?”
Sirius nodded. “Oui!”
“Really? Hell yeah!”
“We’re at a bit of an advantage,” Sirius said as he put the lime in his lap and checked his list. “I wear chapstick all the time.”
“Why?” Dorcas asked, sounding rather amused.
“My lips get dry from being at the rink all day.” Sirius shrugged and put the next one on. A mischievous smile flickered over his mouth and he tilted his chin toward Remus. “He won’t leave me alone, either.”
Remus’ eyebrows pitched and he leaned forward. “What?”
“You have to go slower, I really can’t—”
“Green apple!” Logan exclaimed, slapping Finn’s knee in excitement as Dorcas covered her mouth to hide her laughter. “I remembered what it’s called!”
“Correct!” Finn announced.
“I think it’s green apple,” Leo said.
James pulled away and rested his chin on his hand. “Kind of a caramel apple, but without the caramel.” Lily turned to face the camera with a look of disbelief. “So just a normal apple, I guess.”
“Yes!” Lily turned his face toward her with a smile. “You got it!”
“I got it? Woohoo!”
“That’s green apple.” Remus wrinkled his nose. “Tastes like those shitty candy apple lollipops, though. Did I get it?”
Sirius nodded and wiped his lips off. “Number three is pomegranate,” Dorcas announced.
Finn frowned as he dug through his bag. “I don’t—there it is. Wow, this smells really nice.”
Leo paused and smiled before kissing him. “That smells really nice!”
“Does it?” Finn laughed before moving to give Logan a kiss.
“Oh, I like that,” Remus said, kissing Sirius a second time. “No idea what the flavor is, but I like it. Hmm. I have to think about that.”
“Is that frosting?” James asked excitedly as he grabbed Lily’s hands. “Do you have frosting flavored chapstick?”
“No,” she laughed, shaking her head. “What the hell? It’s pomegranate.”
“It’s what?”
“Persimmon?” She rolled her eyes and showed him the sticker. “Wow, I never would have guessed that.”
“Is it cherry?” Remus guessed. Sirius shook his head and his face fell. “Aw.”
Leo and Logan shared a look as Finn kept his poker face. “I have no idea what that is,” Logan finally said. “It’s sweet, though.”
“Is candy-flavored chapstick a thing?” Leo wondered. Finn held the tube up. “Pomegranates are tart. That wasn’t tart.”
“What the hell is that?” Logan looked to someone off-screen and held one of his headphones away from his ear.
“Une grenade!” someone called.
“Oh! That didn’t taste like it at all.”
All four guessers kissed their partners within a few seconds for the fourth—almost immediately, they pulled away, faces twisting. “Oh my god,” Remus coughed, wiping his lips. “That’s grape. Oh my god.”
James’ nose scrunched. “It’s grape. I don’t like it.”
In a moment of direct action, Leo took the wet wipe Finn had been using and ran it over his mouth while Logan stuck his tongue out. “It’s grape, and it’s gross. No more cough syrup kisses, please.”
“You’re halfway there!” Dorcas called, chalking up their correct guesses on a whiteboard as Lily, Sirius, and Finn applied the fifth flavor.
Sirius held his hand up as Remus started moving in and sneezed. “Desolee. Okay, you can go now.”
Remus kissed him and recoiled in half a second. “More cough syrup? Are you kidding me? It’s not any better when it’s cherry.”
“Dorcas,” Leo whined when he pulled away. “The first ones were such nice flavors!”
“My head hurts just tasting that,” James said miserably. “It’s that awful fake cherry stuff.”
“That’s cherry.” Logan smacked his lips with a grimace. “Eugh.”
Dorcas held up five fingers for them to see as she spoke. “Just five more, and you’re all done. Those are the only bad ones.”
Lily lit up as she applied the sixth and James hurried to kiss her. “Oh, that one is nice! You always wear strawberry. It’s my favorite.”
Remus shrugged. “Kiss was great, flavor’s fine. It’s just fake strawberry, yeah?”
“Whew.” Leo’s eyebrows rose after the kiss. “Very st—”
“Oh, strawberry!” Logan interrupted. “Katie makes me wear something like that when we have tea parties.”
Dorcas added more tallies to her board. “Tremzy, you can’t hear me, but that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever said. We need pictures.”
“I’ll find some,” Finn promised.
Sirius rubbed his lips together and made a face; Remus laughed, running the pad of his thumb along his mouth. “Stop, I can’t kiss you like that! It can’t be that bad.”
“That would give me a headache,” James said, clearly disappointed. “It’s some sort of pineapple monstrosity. Pina colada? I liked the strawberry a lot better.”
“It’s pineapple. Does that count?” Lily asked. Dorcas nodded, and she gave James a high-five.
“That’s not bad,” Leo admitted with a shrug. “Tastes like the dried mango we get at the store, the kind with all the sugar on it.”
“I don’t have the first idea what that is,” Logan said. “Knutty, I’m letting you take the reins here.”
“You’re both wrong,” Finn said, enunciating every word so they could read his lips.
“Baby—” Remus faltered with a laugh and held the wet wipes out of reach as Sirius tried to take them back. “Baby, we don’t get a point if you wipe it off. Just one kiss, okay?”
“Fine,” Sirius grumbled. Remus pressed a sweet kiss to his upper lip and handed him a fresh wet wipe. “Happy now?”
“Oh, I like that,” Remus said. “It’s definitely pineapple. I can see why you hated it so much.”
“Cap, do you not like pineapple?” Dorcas asked. His intense wiping of his lips was the only answer necessary. “We’re in the final three. Sirius, your team is in the lead by one.”
“Come on, hubs,” Lily said as she put the next one on. “This is easy-peasy. We have to beat Cap or we’ll never hear the—”
“Mint!” Leo exclaimed, looking quite proud of himself. “Ooo, it’s like Christmas.”
“I can smell it all the way over here,” Remus laughed, though he didn’t pass up the kiss. “That’s peppermint.”
“It’s like a candy cane,” James said dreamily.
“He’s not going to like this one,” Sirius said as he capped the next chapstick. “I like it, though, and that’s all that matters. Pucker up, Loops.”
“Oh, hell no.” Remus leaned back as Sirius leaned in, keeping his lips out of range. “Nope, not a chance. That’s some plastic vanilla bullshit and I’ll be tasting it all day.”
Dorcas tapped him on the shoulder and he lifted one headphone. “If you don’t taste it, you don’t get a point this round.”
“We can take the hit.”
“What? No!” Sirius protested. “I had to taste the pineapple, remember?”
“I love you and I totally want to win this, but I really, really don’t want that taste in my mouth.”
“Fine,” Sirius sighed, wiping his lips off as Remus readjusted his headphones.
James’ face split into a beaming smile after his kiss. “Birthday cake!”
“Vanilla,” Leo and Logan said in unison.
Finn pumped both fists in the air. “Yes! We’re tied for first!”
Leo gave him a high-five. “I don’t know what you’re saying, but you seem excited about it!”
“Last one,” Dorcas warned. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“You should wear chapstick more often,” James said as Lily lined her lips. “It makes you so soft.”
“He has no idea how greasy my mouth feels right now,” she said fondly with a glance to the camera.
“Tell me about it,” Sirius agreed. “Alright, Loops, don’t pussy out this time.”
Remus narrowed his eyes. “You just told me not to pussy out, didn’t you?”
Sirius blinked at him. “I thought you couldn’t read lips.”
“C’mere.” Remus cupped his jaw in one hand and kissed him, then smiled. “Orange. Did we win?”
“Mmm, that’s what the oranges back home taste like,” Leo said, going in for a second kiss.
Logan licked his lips a couple of times. “Tastes like fancy orange juice. I like it.”
“In a cruel twist of irony, my lips are getting dry,” James said when they parted. Lily raised her eyebrows as he thought. “That’s orange. We won, right?”
“Take off your headphones,” Dorcas said, miming the motion until everyone could hear her before holding her scoreboard up. “Unfortunately, James and Lily are in last place with a score of seven out of ten. Cap and Harzy, your teams are tied for first place with eight out of ten.”
“We could have won if you didn’t have a personal grudge against vanilla,” Sirius said under his breath. Remus threw one of the chapsticks at him and Sirius dropped another down the neck of his shirt.
“Boys.” They both gave Dorcas a sheepish look and she shook her head. “Thankfully, we prepared for this situation with a tiebreaker. Nobody but me knows the flavor, and it is not written on a sticker. Remus, Leo, and Logan, you will not have to put your headphones on again, but you will have to correctly identify both flavors to get their point. You will write your answers on these whiteboards. You only get one kiss to determine your guess. On your marks, get set, go!”
Sirius swiped a decent amount over his lower lip and pulled Remus in with his hands on his cheeks; Finn practically used half the stick covering his mouth before collecting his kisses. “That’s interesting,” Leo murmured, tapping his dry-erase pen on his thigh. “That’s very interesting.”
Remus jotted down an answer and leaned back in his chair with a self-satisfied smile. “You know it?” Sirius asked with a grin.
“I do.”
“Is that your final guess?’ Dorcas checked. He nodded, and she took his pen. “Leo, Logan, do you have a guess as well?”
“I think I know one of the flavors,” Leo said cautiously, bending over to whisper it in Logan’s ear. He hummed in agreement, then whispered back.
“This is so intense,” James murmured, looking between the two teams as Lily perched herself on his lap. “I feel like I’m watching the Olympics.”
“If we get one of the flavors right and Loops gets both wrong, do we win?” Logan asked as Leo wrote their answer down.
Dorcas thought for a moment. “Yeah, sure. But only if Remus gets it completely wrong.”
“What’s the prize?”
“You already get to kiss your partners all afternoon instead of running drills. What more do you want?”
“Amen,” Remus agreed.
“Alright.” Leo handed over the whiteboard pen, though he looked nervous.
“Would you like to go first?” Dorcas offered.
“Coconut and lemon?”
“That is incorrect.”
“Ah, fuck me,” Logan muttered. “Loops, you’d better be wrong.”
Remus’ smile was even more pleased as Dorcas turned to him. “Remus, do you know what it is?”
“Well, Ms. Meadowes, I’m glad you asked. That’s Burt’s Bees honey and coconut.” He flipped the board with a flourish. “And it just so happens that my boyfriend bought that exact chapstick at the store last week and has worn it every single day since then.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Leo looked between them in shock as Logan’s jaw dropped. Finn buried his face in his hands. “Of every flavor on earth—”
“I promise it was not intentional,” Dorcas said, though she was laughing a little. “I literally rolled dice to pick it while I was looking at the website.”
Sirius looked to the ceiling as he pulled Remus’ chair closer. “Thank you, universe, for my terrible impulsive habits in the self-checkout line.”
Dorcas turned to the camera with a dimpled smile and spread her hands. “Thank you for joining us for the chapstick challenge, Lions! You can find all these flavors at the link in the description. Like and subscribe for more videos like this, have a great day!”
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callioope · 4 years
HEY GUYS! I watched the livestream of Rogue One with writers Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz. I took notes. Because that’s what I DO. I jotted down some of my takeaways. Please note I was watching RO, watching the stream, taking notes, and also doing a few other things so these MAY NOT BE PERFECT. Please feel free to correct me if you see something I misrepresented. That said I tried to be accurate. 
YES they DO TALK ABOUT the romantic chemistry between Jyn & Cassian but that is literally at the end, but feel free to peruse the rest of the points because there’s some pretty interesting insights (some good and some bad O_O like Cassian’s original storyline, yuck)
ANYWAYS let’s go
Inglourious Bastards inspired the Lah’mu scene (Gary Whitta wrote this scene, although he admitted it changed a lot but a lot of the structure and ideas stayed in)
In the original version of the script, Lyra was a Jedi in hiding, but this was one of the first things that got killed
Mads thinks he plays a bad guy, but Gary thinks he played a good guy
They talked about how Galen originally wanted to use kyber crystals for energy, but it got weaponized (which is talked about Catalyst)
stormtrooper doll is a gareth edwards touch
idea was that there’d be good people on the Imperial side and bad people on the rebel side
Cassian’s first scene on the Rings of Kafrene was written by Tony Gilroy (who wasn’t present in the stream) later. In the earlier versions, the DS is something that Jyn goes and finds. It was much more like Zero Dark Thirty where she was putting together the clues, and it was a battle for Jyn to get the rebels to take it seriously, but that was too much of a slow burn. So the Tivik scene was to replace that and introduce the idea that Cassian can be dark. Everyone admired Diego’s beautiful bit of acting as he's just lost a little bit of his soul in the fight for justice, the morality is the first victim. It’s very subtle but it’s one of Gary’s fave pieces of acting in the movie
Chris said for awhile they had Ord Mandell, then shifted to the notion of something more like in Casablanca, so a bit of a flavor of that, a part of the Empire that has been taken over that is under violent oversight
Gary said in the original, Jyn went to Ord Mantell (mentioned in Empire?) to find an arms dealer to help her find Saw, then went to another planet where Saw was living on a moon called Yarid
Budget realities played a part in the decision making to scale this back; they wanted to put so much more but just couldn’t fit it in
Originally we were supposed to see the rebels evacuate Dantooine and move to Yavin 4, but it didn’t really accomplish anything in the story accept to nod to SW fans. It didn’t move the story forward and would have cost too much
It was Tony Gilroy writing with Jyn getting freed on Wobani. Some original ideas had toyed with possibilities that she was a deserter or Rey-like scavenger, but obviously you can’t do that once you learn what the the Empire does (chris)
Only time they didn’t use a title card was Mustafar bc they wanted fans to go OH SHIT IT'S MUSTAFAR, also worked bc Mustafar would have been one of those off-the-map planets
Gary was responsible for getting Mothma in the movie
How much did the Yavin 4 briefing get worked on? A lot. sort of inspired by a scene from Apocalypse Now.
“I think this movie really beautifully bridges the gap between the original and prequel” and one of the ways it does that is JIMMY SMITS
Lots of gushing over Yavin. “Gareth just shot the shit out of this movie.” so much praise for Gareth’s vision. “Gareth can compose a shot unlike anyone I know.”
The Yavin 4 set was fully contiguous; you could walk from the inside all the way outside in one continuous shot.
K-2SO is a great example of how one character can have many fathers. John Knoll originally came up with him and he was originally a rebel logistics droid envisioned to be a “black C-3PO” (whatever that was supposed to mean - Gary wasn’t sure). Gary proposed that he could be an Imperial droid that was captured by the rebellion and reprogrammed. K-2 was really limited with what he could do working for the Empire, but once he was liberated, he was going to speak his mind. Chris and Tony and Alan all gave him more life, everyone has a little piece of K-2′s parentage.
Only ever one casting choice for Saw, which was Forest Whitaker. Gary also knew Ben Mendelsohn would be cast as krennic, but no one else was cast at that point -- he knew it was down to 3 choices for Jyn, but wouldn’t say who
Chris brought Bodhi into the story (Gary said so but Chris wasn’t sure)
For Tarkin, they took shots from the ANH and unused takes. There was also a mold of Peter Cushing that had been sitting in a prop shop for decades (I didn’t get what movie it was, something where he needed a large prosthetic eye or something), and they scanned that.
Binoculars that Jyn and Cassian look through on Jedha were inspired from the scene in ANH (like when luke looks through them on Tatooine)
Chris was responsible for Jedha, Temple of the Whills, and Chirrut’s connection to the Force. And Bor Gullet, I think. They said Bor Gullet delights in traumatic memories (more delicious to him). There was a cut idea/scene: Bor Gullet made Jyn trade her traumatic memories for information she wanted.
They talked about the two dudes Jyn runs into that are also in ANH and how they survived the destruction of jedha only to get killed by a Jedi the next day - they must have needed to get a drink at a cantina after narrowly leaving Jedha. Puts their presence at the cantina in a new light.
Screenwriters would tell you this [Jyn saving the girl on Jedha] is a classic “save the cat moment” so that we like that character that otherwise we might not -- like jyn [RUDE, but I think they were joking]  [also i took beginner screenwriting in college and YES the “save the cat moment” was like lesson 1 lol
They wanted this war to look like a proper war, and [Jedha] really looks like something you might see happen. Wanted people to feel like it wasn’t just about stormtroopers hassling the guy on the street corner but there were real lives at stake
Commentary on Jyn’s Awesome Fight Scene: this is the first moment Cassian really realizes that Jyn is no one to be messed with 
They guessed that Tony came up with the K-2 gag after Jyn’s fight sequence
Lots of good commentary here about how action scenes need to serve a purpose, they can’t just be fighting: they gotta reveal character and story -- don’t write the specifics of the fight, but write what the action is supposed to mean, let choreographers make it look good
Chris said Gareth kind of requested a character like Chirrut, and Chris had been messing around with a Force priest and they became the same guy. Baze was originally a murderer and criminal, and Chirrut was his confessor figure, and they had a weird codependent relationship in which Malbus would commit crimes and Chirrut would forgive him for it. But in this they are both Guardians of Whills. Baze saving Chirrut reminds Gary of Indiana Jones shooting the guy with the sword. Good example of action sequence having a purpose: showing Chirrut & Baze’s dynamic
Coming up with names in SW -- no real formula, you just know it when you hear it
Lots of freedom to come up with new stuff as long as it doesn’t grossly violate canon. Two Tubes was Tony Gilroy or maybe someone just before him
Allegedly Bib Fortuna’s cousin is in scene at catacombs
Someone wanted a Tusken Raider to leave Tatooine to be one of the rebels, but that was vetoed bc they don’t leave Tatooine
“you don’t want every star wars movie to feel like a remix of your greatest hits” - gary [me: LMAOOOO not everyone got that memo!!!]
Guardians of the Whills: Chris said when he came on board, he wanted to go into some deep George Lucas stuff so he looked at the OG screenplay of SW which is pretty “cuckoo bananas” but it’s unfilmable because it’s so gigantic. but there were so many cool things in it. Originally the Force was known as “The Force of Others" by Lucas so he had Chirrut often referring to it as such
There had to be physical tapes because that’s what was mentioned in ANH. Similarly, Tarkin said it was the first time they destroyed a planet in ANH, so they had to do a smaller test that didn’t conflict with canon but we still get to see the DS do it’s thing
Gary said he got sick of everyone on the internet saying “If the empire’s so smart how come--” so he wanted to make it happen for a reason
Chris said - John Knoll, who apparently has some kind of engineering background, said a project the size of the DS, there’d be hundreds of flaws that would bring down the station. Gary responded - it makes sense that there would be a flaw, but it’s more interesting if the flaw would be there deliberately
They went back to the idea that SW was a fairytale and “only one key that the lock fits in in a fairy tale”
They talked a bit about the “nerdy stuff” and technical details, like how fast does a Star Destroyer go, how fast is travel through hyperspace,” but they were pretty insistent that Star Destroyers go at the speed of narrative. Hyperspace moves at the speed of plot. They don’t think about the gritty details. Story always wins. You try to hide those bits. If tech stuff comes into conflict with story, the story has to win. If you can make it work great, but story should win otherwise. [MY TAKE: I think it’s lazy and you might as well try to make it work if you can, BUT I agree that it shouldn’t necessarily hang up the process, per se.]
They talked about Jyn & Co witnessing the test on Jedha and how it’s important that Jyn & Co witnessed the terrifying destructive power of this weapon, so they know better than anyone how important it is to stop this thing
They said Saw always died in the weapon test. Originally it was on a different moon, but always planned for him to die like that.
Gary mentioned in ANH, there’s more than one empty chair in the DS conference room, but Gary wished there had been only one chair so it could have been Krennic’s specifically and he wasn’t in it.
The idea was that Mothma and other Generals were desperately trying to avoid a war and trying to find a political solution to this crisis, but Palpatine is stringing them along long enough for the DS to be ready. So the Rebels have been strung along and played for fools by Palpatine, but once we realize the Empire has built a genocide weapon, the Rebels finally wake up to the idea that the only solution now is war. Empire has forced our hand. the movie is about the idea that tyrannical regimes always fall bc they go too far and they do something so terrible that people are forced to stand up and fight back. If the empire had never built the DS, Gary thinks they could have won the war and ground the Rebellion down. but bc they got greedy they forced the entire galaxy to take the war seriously, so the DS was really the Empire’s undoing
The Rebellion was like the equivalent of the Second Continental Congress, with squabbling factions and not able to get anything done, and the Empire was able to win in the beginning bc they are authoritarian, unified top down
Gary came up with Eadu, but it was originally in the first act. The whole movie got restructured. Originally they went to Eadu very early and discovered they were building the giant dish for the DS. That was the first scene that Jyn had the clue that the Empire was building something terrible. Later it became less a place where the dish was built and more just where they were harvesting and refining the kyber crystals.
It was originally Saw’s X-Wings that attacked Eadu
“rain = mood” idk who said it but that line popped
originally there were local people called Eadui who told story how facility had poisoned rivers and valleys and farmland. Gary wanted to put a face on the crimes the Empire had committed
Mads doesn’t believe that what Galen did absolves him
In Gary’s version, Krennic came to inspect final version of the dish
Cassian was always meant to be compromised in both Gary and Chris’s versions. He was a double agent: for a long time, he was working for the Empire. Chris added: he had lost people who had been killed by Saw Gerrera, and all he wanted from the Empire was the go ahead to kill Saw rather than Galen. That transmogrified along the lines post-Chris and post-Gary into a rebel intelligence officer who had done terrible things. In the original idea, he changes heart after seeing the Death Star bc it wasn’t what he signed up for, and he had to win back Jyn’s heart bc that DS reveal happens after his double agent ness is revealed.
In the original, Jyn actually gets Galen back to the rebel base, but he’s beyond saving, but his whole speech he gives Jyn in his last moments happened in a medbay
They talked about the score instead of the awesome fight scene after Eadu so BOOO on that. I mean yes the score is brilliant but still I wanted insight into this scene.
I blanked out a little because I was mad they didn’t talk about the Eadu fight scene argh
They were talking about Krennic standing his ground against Vader. and then someone said it was probably something among the Imperial officers that “you haven’t really made it until you’ve been choked by Vader.” O_o sorry we could be talking about Jyn and Cassian DAMNIT
the debate scene on Yavin 4 was recontextualized. always this idea that the rebellion is not one monolithic entity, it’s a collection of worlds all of whom have own leaders and own opinions. rebellion historically messier because it’s democratic and harder to get things done. 
briefly toyed with a Leia appearance (chris) at the big conference scene, but best for Jyn to give the most rousing speech here. 
Who wrote the hanger speech? Spirit of it might be Chris’, but Chris thinks it’s Tony Gilroy. Big difference from version Gary wrote: Jyn convinced the rebels. But he thought it was cool now that Jyn goes rogue and it’s only when Mothma finds out she’s committed to that that she makes the decision to back her up. But in the original she convinced Mothma, and everyone got around the table and said here’s the plan. Chris thinks it was in one of his drafts that they went off on their own. 
in Gary’s version Jyn was Rogue Leader. 
Chris had grunts complaining all the flyboys create dramatic names for their squadrons but that got nixed
Gary had idea that K-2 had scraped off his markings but had to have them painted back on to go to Scarif and K-2 hated it
Mothma talking to Bail is one scene that survived word for word form Gary’s original script
They talked a little bit about the decision to have the characters die, but I was drafting a question and missed it
They talked about how they came up with Scarif and decided to make it tropical -- what sort of place hasn’t been seen before? sort of coming from production and gareth. but also building these places to fulfill the needs of the story -- like building a walkway that only one person can get across
a lot of extras in Scarif were real ex-military, and Gary said a couple of the X-Wing pilots were real-life RAF tornado pilots
didn’t have Blue Squadron in the ANH bc it interfered with the blue screen
Gareth said “give me a mon calamari that looks like churchill’ and that’s Raddus
Chris and Tony killed pretty much everybody. Sounds like Gary just killed K-2? Unclear bc I missed the main part of that when they were talkinga bout it.
They commented on how RO is one of the darkest tonally movies but also so colorful, beautiful blue sky
They wanted to pay tribute to Battle of Endor
they couldn’t remember who was responsible for ‘stardust’ but it wasn’t gary or chris
who’s idea was it to cut off the “I’ve got a bad idea about this”? gary had a different version of it, Jyn said “I've got a good feeling about this” (which ultimately got used in Solo) 
Someone asked about the footage in trailer that wasn’t in the movie: Chris heard on good authority that the TIE fighter in front of Jyn was actually never intended to be used, was always a trailer-specific moment. he said he didn’t know how she would have gotten out of that one. k-2 died on the beach. chris wasn’t sure but as the scenes get cut together in production and post, the narrative necessities can change bc of logistical needs. but some shots were so cool they were perfect for trailers. Some talk on how trailers and movies are very different things in general.
Gary said originally there were two separate facilities on Scarif: vault and comm tower were separated by stretch of beach. so needed to liberate plans from vault and get across beach to tower. as they looked at what they had, there were too many moving parts and they wanted to simplify, so they put vault and tower in same complex.
did they ever consider letting Chirrut pull the lever using the force? NOPE. 
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me” was Chris. it goes on, it’s supposed to be like a psalm for Jedi, but eh wanted a sort of lord’s prayer type of thing. 
HELL YES someone asked about the romance between Cassian and Jyn! Was there any romantic potential in any script? YES!!! they said!! yes!!! And Chris said he wouldn’t be surprised if a kiss was shot either! 
BUT they went on to say they wanted to side-step the trope that every male and female hero have to be involved.
But clear GARY said yes early on, there was definitely romantic chemistry that got scaled back to a mutual respect, but they’ve obviously grown close. Gary doesn’t think there was anything romantic and they said people found that refreshing. ‘what they’ve been through is the meaningful part” and “‘the stuff that is happening around them is too important" and “it speaks to their character that they wouldn’t let that intrude”
someone said it was like they were walking into a sunset but it was a mushroom cloud and THEN someone QUIPPED that it was sorta like the sunset walking into them RUDE
There was more after that but that was pretty exhausting to keep up with!!!! so i’m wiped. anyone else get any fun takeaways that I missed?
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blackwoolncrown · 4 years
So the thing about Onlyfans is like...
I was around when it and its competitor were created and knew about the motive and all and at that point it was kidn of a big deal bc some of the money behind the push was all ‘sex workers creating stuff for sex workers’ (LOL nt way) but like...
idk this is going to be messir than most of my posts bc I just don’t care to translate this into civvie talk but no mainstream anything is ever going to help sex workers get agency bc IMO the entire approach is completely counter to how sex work works, what it is, and how a sex worker can best sell it.
Sex work isn’t fucking breakfast cereal. It is not best sold in bright sterile storefronts, row upon row of similar yet slightly varied faux-diversity that puts us all ‘one click away’ from the clientele.
I’ve always held this opinion that sites need to replicate the boudoir experience. If someone wants a sex worker or our content, whatever, they WILL go and find it as long as they know what channels there are. The more they push a homogenized sense of putting us all ‘out there’ lined up in the open the more it kills interest and drive and forces the performers to compete with each other for front page attention.
Any site that actually wants to give success and agency to SWs needs to replicate virtually the best IRL sex work experience. And that’s not gonna be a white and blue version of a red-light window district with us all put on display for ‘Free’ (I’m looking at every single fucking ‘free’ vidchat site here, ugh) nor is it going to be lining us up from ‘most mainstream appeal’ to least and paying us that way like we’re in some cheap brothel.
It’s going to be more like in/outcall.
While a platform has a huge audience that allows models who can crack its algorithms or meet its branding best to make bank, it doesn’t respond well to individual branding and disadvantages anyone who doesn’t meet the brand image. The issue with platforms, again, is that if you are on a platform, the more ‘platformy’ and streamlined the UI is, the more that UI takes over any possible branding the model can have.
If you’re on OF right now, you’re an OF model. That’s your brand. You can have a flavor under that but OF is your brand, OFs site layout and color scheme dominates and DICTATES how you are viewed. OF IS your brand and it owns your brand. You don’t exist outside of it unless you’re smart and eventually drag your core audience off of it and onto your own private site.
And with more and more sites leaning towards the silicon valley capitalist strealined format of hyperwhite sterile UIs, it homogenizes models down to an expectation. You are constantly competing for the users’ attention bc sites like this-- IWC is another good example, but pretty much every clip site is now using this model-- is NOT made to make YOU money it is made to make ITSELF the most money.
This is why they don’t want to give you a custom drop page, which would make a ‘space’ for you to define yourself, your brand feel, and prime your customers to YOU-- doing so would minimize the amount of browsing a user does on the site, so to fix that they not only keep you from being able to add a sense of personality to your page they advertise *other models* on the same page at the  bottom. That takes attention away from your content but do they care as long as the site makes the sale? Meanwhile it doesn’t matter what you’ve learned about site design, or branding bc you’re hardly allowed to describe or present yourself layout wise bc again, that would skew the branding to being about you and not the platform and the site would have to allow you the resources to do so. Older sites used to let you do this, either through HTML or just giving you paletttes/fonts to choose from. But none of that now bc we’re just meat lined up to make some fucker in CA rich.
This is also why, if you are a SW and haven’t already: YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR OWN SITE. First of all p much every site will do some sheisty shit at some point and you may not want to rely on them. The site may go down. The traffic may go bust. And lastly clients WILL google your  name and guess what comes up? If you don’t have a site, it will be stolen content of you. If you DO have a site it will be your site ...and stolen content of you. Your choice. Many clients will go to your site and pay you-- but they won’t do that if the site isn’t there.
All in all I was never really happy about OF and while I’m always looking for different places to peddle my stuff the direction of these sites with these hideous impersonal UIs irks me deeply bc it’s a great example of hypercapitalistic ‘efficiency’ robbing sex work of any shred of personality and intimacy it has-- which is a good portion of its value-- and grinding it down to low dollar high sale profit machines for some rando in silicon valley while models sell their content way under value just to get audience exposure that in turn just exposes them to more and more cheapasses who wanted more T&A on their TL and expect the best quality content for the lowest fucking price.
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unholyseattle · 3 years
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West Seattle is a laid-back residential area. The sandy strip of Alki Beach is popular with volleyball players, kayakers and sunbathers, while its coastal path has views of Puget Sound and the Seattle skyline. West Seattle Junction is the area’s commercial heart, with casual eateries, coffeehouses and funky shops. Lincoln Park has walking and biking trails on a bluff above the Sound, plus a heated saltwater pool.
Grab a morning latte beachside at Ampersand Cafe on Alki (2536 Alki Ave SW) and a pastry from beloved Bakery Nouveau (4737 California Ave SW), where twice-baked croissants are just the tip of the iceberg. At shoebox-size butcher shop The Swinery (3207 California Ave SW), try the Cubano sandwich. Don’t miss two Hawaiian-fusion favorites in this neighborhood: Ma’ono (4437 California Ave SW), where the fried chicken is the stuff of legend, and waterfront mainstay Marination Ma Kai (*1660 Harbor Ave SW), whose Spam sliders go great with kimchi fried rice. And if Vashon Island is your next stop, grab a signature roast beef from Wildwood Market (9214 45th Ave SW) before catching the ferry. Make a reservation at sleek Raccolto (4147 California Ave SW) or beautiful new Il Nido (2717 61st Ave SW) if you’re in the mood for Italian, and for a late-night bite, tuck into Chinese-American dishes at decidedly kitschy New Luck Toy (5905 California Ave SW). Treat yourself to a slice from A La Mode Pies (4225 Alaska St), where flavors span classic apple to coconut cream to peanut butter mousse, or stop in at longstanding Husky Deli (4721 California Ave SW) for a scoop of one of dozens of house-made ice cream flavors, like French orange or rum truffle. For a Prohibition-inspired nightcap, knock three times at The Alley (4509 California Ave SW), the speakeasy secreted behind unassuming breakfast spot Be’s Restaurant (4509 California Ave SW).
The heart of the neighborhood’s retail district is the Junction, a lively three-block stretch that has something for everyone, whether you’re looking for vintage, vinyl, or locally made. Boutiques abound, from gift shop Capers (4525 California Ave SW) to Click! Design that Fits (4540 California Ave SW), housing an array of Pacific Northwest-centric offerings. Spruce Apothecary (4156 California Ave SW) is all about mindfully curated wellness and beauty products (think CBD lotion and botanical tinctures), and Fleurt Collective (4536 California Ave SW) follows suit with a collection of indoor plants and intentionally sourced goods. Easy Street Records (4559 California Ave SW) is a draw for record aficionados and casual browsers alike, and also has a popular cafe.
Rent bikes, inline skates, stand-up paddleboards, and kayaks from Alki Kayak Tours (*1660 Harbor Ave SW), or relax with a Sounder Stout at West Seattle Brewing Co. (4415 Fauntleroy Way SW) or a gluten-free flight at Locust Cider (2820 Alki Ave SW). For a waterside stroll, visit Lincoln Park and keep an eye out for seals while enjoying views of the Olympic Mountain Range. On Sundays, sample regional produce at the year-round West Seattle Farmers Market (SW Alaska St & California Ave SW).
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randomnameless · 4 years
Interesting FE16 world-building (?) tidbits, found through food and menus
or i was hungry : the post
Nabateans have no taste, Zanado fruit is described as “inedible” but apparently golden Zanado fruit is rad, so idk. Is it a Zanado fruit specially harvested for human tastes?
Saghert & Cream :  “ A baked confection with Noa fruit cream and a currant reduction, often enjoyed as a dessert at family gatherings.”
Noa fruit --> smthg smthg Noa, and Noa’s crest is apparently making Constance able to grow flowers (or to make plants bloom)? Are Noa fruits specific to Western Adrestia, or are they found everywhere? But since it’s a common dessert enjoyed at “family gatherings” I suppose Noa fruits are kind of common and/or not that expensive. Noa crested people make a lot of fruits and control the production of Noa fruits in the continent? But even if they have a monopoly on Noa fruits they think it’s more profitable to sell them at a rather low price than to treat it as a delicacy?
Sweet Bun Trio : “ Traditional pastries from Faerghus, known for their subtle sweetness. The dough is made with eggs and sugar.”
Important to note : this is made with Noa fruits (lel) and Albinean berries. So, traditionaly, Faerghus traded with Albinea to get fruits to fill their donuts/buns? Otoh, if the taste is rumoured to be subtle, Sylvain apparently doesn’t find it so awesome because he has that infamous “food from my own country sucks”. And yet he still like Faerghus’s sweet buns, so...
Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce : “ Well-roasted Fodlan pheasant drizzled with a berry reduction sauce”.
Again, made with Albinean berries. Are they sweet or sour? Pheasants are eaten by a majority of nobles, but some commoners like it too, Raph (duh), Mercedes, Cyril and Flayn.
Peach Sorbet : “ A sorbet made with thin slices of magically frozen peach, dusted with bean flour”.
Made with, uh, peaches, and chickpeas (?).
Here comes Fodlan’s magic, in that world, people waste i mean use magic to bake/make funny food. If peaches are “magically frozen” then they musn’t be “naturally frozen” (well...) so this dish wasn’t originally from Faerghus. Maybe it’s an Adrestian delicacy and imperial mages are used, during peaceful times, as hired freezers?
Beast Meat Teppanyaki : “ A dish that tastes like wilderness. Thick slices of meat covered with Noa fruit and grilled on a hotplate”
Here another menu graced by House Nuvelle’s graces
Otoh, “beast meat” like... are they using meat from the various monsters? Or, worse, demonic beasts? But then, given what they used to be... not so odd to note, no nabatean likes this meal
Pickled Rabbit Skewers : “ Hunks of rabbit meat are pickled in bacchus, skewered, and roasted over an open flame to create this flavorful dish”
Finally someone cooking something with wine i mean - The only other mention of bacchus we had in the game was in the description of the Feast in Rhea’s trashy novel, apparently “fine bacchus” comes from Boramas, a territory of the Empire not that far from Enbarr. Given how Faerghus’ climate seems a bit too cold for wine, it must grow in the alliance/empire. So this dish is a southern (well) one?
Daphnel Stew :  “Minced poultry and onions boiled with salt. The simple recipe lets high-quality ingredients speak for themselves.”
We have high-quality ingredients in Daphnel, like Raddest Chicken (tm) and Best Salt (tm)? Or onions, you can’t cook without onions.
Or was Daphnel a great cook back in the day? Idk. Still, the alliance seems to be proud of their local products? First Count Gloucester with his sheep, and now Daphnel and their salt - i mean poultry! No one’s famous for their salt, save for, maybe, the guys from Bergliez with the Kingdom and the Alliance said “thks bye” to Adrestia
Gronder Meat Skewers : “ Fatty hunks of Gronder fox cooked slowly on skewers. The meat is magically aged for a full flavor.”
??? Fodlan people eat foxes? Ingredient list requires “wild game” and onions, but still... We all know how Guinivere’s baby fox would have ended then, or an AU where Kaden pops up in Fodlan.
However, here’s the second instance where Magic is used to alter an ingredient’s flavour. How do they “magically” age meat? Can that spell be used on living things to make them decay? It is a Hel “lite”?
Apparently, Cichol was rumoured to have blessed the Gronder Fields with good harvests, but randoms were tired to eat bread every day so they wanted to eat foxes. Not so oddly enough (?) Nabateans aren’t fond of that dish.
Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant :  “ Pheasant meat is pounded flat and fried. Can be served as a sort of sandwich, with cheese between two strips of meat.”
Fried chicken comes from the Alliance people, and from Derdriu that is to say, from the Riegans. They created fast food, or KFC’s Double Down.
Edel made a wise choice in attacking them and removing the Riegans from the continent in CF
Interesting to note, Hanneman, Manuela and Seteth are fond of this. You cannot write a modern AU without them ordering something at KFC now, you cannot.
Vegetable Pasta Salad : “Pasta with a blend of fresh vegetables from various regions of Fódlan. This popular dish sells out almost instantly.”
Much more healthy! And also more popular? Everyone loves pasta! And does it mean everyone in Fodlan makes their own version of this dish with their local variants (cabbage in Faerghus?) or there are trading routes in the continent where Faerghus’ cabbage can be easily bought by Dude Von Random in the Empire if he wants to eat that salad?
Onion Gratin Soup :  “ Onions stewed with white trout and baked with a layer of cheese on top. Will warm you up from the inside out.”
The trout. Why the trout. Given how nearly everyone from Faerghus is fond of this dish (Linhardt and Marianne are the only non-kingdom students to like it) I’d say it comes from the North, and I remember Gautier being a famous place for “Gautier Cheese”. Also a dish that warms you from the inside would be conceived in a place where it’s cold? Or it’s some sort of comfort food.
Country-Style Red Turnip Plate :  “ A balanced meal including red turnip and verona stew, red turnip salad, and sautéed red turnip with garlic.”
Mostly appreciated by Imperial students, this meal looks healthy, again. Maybe they have a lot of turnips in the Empire, idk. Cichol mixed beetroots and turnips and thought they could give sugar to the empire with all those beetroots but welp they have a crapton of turnip fields now and you can’t make anything with turnips but those silly humans still found a way to accomodate them?
Vegetable Stir-Fry : “A dish of dried tomatoes, cabbage, chickpeas, and other vegetables, stir-fried with eggs. Nutritious and very filling. “
Not specifically tied to a country. tomatoes would suggest it doesn’t come from Faerghus though. But cabbage? Or it’s some sort of fusion food. Sounds tasty though (unlike the turnip salad)
Grilled Herring : “ Herring caught off the coast of Albinea, shredded and grilled in an earthenware pot with sliced turnips.”
what is wrong with the devs and their love for turnips
This dish uses herring from Albinea, so, unless Fodlanese fishers regularly hang out near a foreign nation’s shores to fish, they must trade. I don’t know if Albinean herring is expensive or if Garreg Mach uses a lot of its budget on Albinean herrings but I suppose there’s at least a main line of supply for this kind of fish.
First you trade fish, next we have exchange students from Albinea
Fish and Bean Soup :  “ A soup made by simmering white trout and chickpeas. A simple yet wholesome dish.”
Only Faerghus students love this meal (and Marianne). It seems plain but if Word of God says it’s wholesome, who am i to criticize?
Fruit and Herring Tart : “ A baked tart with stewed herring and Noa fruit mixed into the batter. Popular in Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.”
To contrast with the previous dish, this pie sounds complicated to make and is, of course, popular in Enbarr. You could make a caricature out of this. Oddly enough, no BE student is fond of this dish. Lorenz is though, previsibly.
Fisherman’s Bounty : “ Freshly-caught fish are cut into chunks and stewed together to make this hearty dish.”
Sponsorised by Indech since it requires a Teutates Loach. Flayn likes it. You only need fish and fish to make this dish which is, uh... well. Dedue’s the only guy to like this.
Fish Sandwich : “A simple dish. Airmid pike is pickled in vinegar and served with cabbage between two slices of bread.“
You average random sandwich, with pickled fish. Petra and Manu are the only non BL people to like this but now that i think about it, since it has cabbage, it must be a dish from Faerghus ? Or Faerghus exports cabbage to the rest of the world, and the rest of the world came up with this idea for a sandwich.
Two-Fish Saute : “Two types of fish are cut into strips and sauteed in butter. This lavish meal hails from Embarr, the Imperial Capital.”
It needs Caledonian Gar and Albinean Herring. Of course it’s lavish, it comes from Embarr. A lot of people are fond of this, Lorenz included, of course. Oddly enough, Leonie likes it too so it musn’t be that expensive?
Bourgeois Pike : “ A gourmet fish dish with Airmid pike, vegetables, and a sprinkle of expensive spices. Popular among nobles.”
It doesn’t come from Enbarr??
It needs a carrot and Airmid Pike. Dedue, Seteth and Manu are the only commoners fond of this dish, but I wonder what are those expensive spices needed. Saffron? Does it even exist in Fodlan? And why is it considered a gourmet dish? The ingredients aren’t that rare.
Calling it now, between Sitri’s resting place, the coffin where Seiros’s supposed to have been laid to rest and the storage room where Rhea does her monthly maintanance for golems, there is a specific room in the Monastery where randoms look after jerky, to make sure it ages properly and doesn’t develop mold or something like that.
Sautéed Jerky : “Jerky aged in the monastery and sautéed for a delightfully salty flavor. A perfect snack to go with your favorite drink.”
Now, Dimitri’s fond of this dish, but since he can’t taste it can it really be said he likes it? OTOH, Hubert likes it too, so our local evil chancelor drinks coffee while munching on chicken jerky. I still don’t understand why chickpeas are needed though.
Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew : “ Spicy stew made with Teutates loach and turnips. The monastery’s unique recipe features spices from Dagda.”
Turnip again
This dish has different local variations, given how the monastery’s one uses spices from Dagda. Is it because Garreg Mach can import spices from Dagda and the other places in Fodlan cannot or aren’t allowed, or because whoever is in charge of the meals in the monastery thought the turnip would taste good with Dagdan spices? Idk. Petra likes it, but Shamir isn’t particulary fond of this dish.
Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté : “ Whitefish is coated in spices and sautéed with dried tomatoes to bring out an addictive salty-sweet flavor.”
Dried tomatoes aren’t “sundried tomatoes” so maybe it’s an oversight, or there is a process (magical or just using an over) to dry tomatoes in Fodlan. This dish is exclusively liked by members of the BL house. Teutates is in Faerghus, but given how the climate is harsh, I don’t think tomatoes grow there? Or maybe they had some sort of magical greenhouses?
Super-Spicy Fish Dango : “ A light snack, popular in the Empire. Small, spicy balls of fried dough packed with white trout and dried tomato.”
This is the opposite of a gourmet or a lavish dish, but it is enjoyed in the Empire and not exclusively in Enbarr. Oddly enough, Hanneman is the only Adrestian fond of this. Leonie and Ingrid are fond of it, is it cheap? Given how it’s a snack and popular, I’d say it is.
c’est un acras de truite à la tomate?
Sautéed Pheasant and Eggs : “Thin slices of bird meat and shredded cabbage, mixed with scrambled eggs and sautéed spices. Invention of a certain noble.”
“a certain noble” WHO??
Ferdie’s fond of it, but I can’t see Aegir peeps inventing meals, and given the ingredients used, I cannot pinpoint an origin. It sounds like a snack. Claude is fond of it.
Garreg Mach Meat Pie : “A crispy-brown pie packed with tomatoes, cheese, and tender chunks of meat.” 
... This is totally comfort food, isn’t it?
Fittingly enough, Manuela is fond of it. Maybe she eats those pies when she has a hangover or something. OTOH, if it wasn’t evident enough with the previous recipes, Garreg Mach develops its own gastronomy, different from what we could find in the Alliance, the Kingdom or the Empire. I actually wonder how they are supplied with food, is everything made in the monastery or are they importing stuff from other places in Fodlan? Since they have Dagdan spices, they also import from Dagda or they grow their own brand of Dagdan spices?
Cheesy Verona Stew : “A rich dish consisting of verona and sautéed Teutates loach. These ingredients are boiled and served with two kinds of melted cheese.”
Dimitri is fond of this dish with all the reservations i expressed above. Hanneman is the only Adrestian fond of this dish, but damn, two melted cheeses in a fish dish? Is it a fish fondue or something?
Pickled Seafood and Vegetables : “A Dagdan dish of raw fish and turnips pickled in a vinegar-based seasoning liquid. Rarely eaten in Fodlan.”
It may be rarely eaten in Fodlan but a lot of students and staff members like this dish! Shamir isn’t part of them, but Hubert is. Since it’s pointed out here, raw fish sounds to be something only people in Dagda eat, or at least, Fodlanese randoms do not eat raw fish. So the pickled fish used in the fish sandwich is actually cooked fish? They made pickles from cooked things? Odd.
Gautier Cheese Gratin : “A gratin of bird meat topped with heaps of Gautier cheese, which is famous for its low fat content. It has a unique flavor.”
Low fat content cheese what kind of insanity - this uses a Noa fruit, even if Nuvelle and Gautier are geographically opposed if you look at a Fodlan map. But whoever invented this dish thought it’d be nice to put a Noa fruit in it, so why not. Dimitri’s fond of it, actually can it be that he likes whatever is cooked with cheese?
dimitri is a cheese lover so automatically dimitri = best lord
Cabbage and Herring Stew : “ Cabbage and Albinean herring stewed whole. The fish guts lend this hearty dish a superbly bitter kick.”
Again thanks to Albinean exports, Hubert can eat his bitter stew. Lorenz is fond of it too, just like Flayn, Manu and Hanneman. i don’t have a lot of things to say about this dish
Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables : “ Fried eggs mixed with tomatoes, cabbage, and chickpeas along with other vegetables and legumes. A highly nutritious dish.”
Again with the joke about hangover food, but Manu likes this “highly nutritious” dish. Given how it is enjoyed by various students across Fodlan, I’d say this dish isn’t tied to one region, but is actually eaten everywhere in the continent.
that’s it no more dishes
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dfgdsgds BLESS.... WELL....... if you’re gonna twist my arm about it 😔
So actually one of the other reasons I liked the idea of Shiloh being a Sith is because one of the main threads of their character arc in FH has been “figuring out how to deal with emotions they were never allowed to have before." And the Sith, hey, they love emotions! So it was less a matter of creating a parallel for their canon story, and more about supplanting them into a different situation to see how that would effect them: to see how their need for validation and their tendency toward envy and anger would be not just treated as normal, but actively encouraged to the opposite extreme. Sith!Shiloh at their baseline is probably a lot more in line with their villain persona in FH--self-serving, prone to violence, and Totally Fine with death and destruction as a means to their ends. There’s a lot less moral ambiguity for them to grapple with, not because I think the SW universe lacks the room for exploring moral ambiguity, but just because I think it’s interesting to see what kind of person Shiloh is when they were never given that taste of Heroism™ that they would then be measuring all their future actions against. (Even their time as a runaway had them working as a smuggler instead of doing anything really meaningful for the Republic. I doubt they were terribly discerning about who they worked with because their main motivation was ✨money✨)
The thing that really has me taken with the Inquisitor story though, is how well it meshes with a couple other big themes in Shiloh’s story: namely, their fear of being manipulated or losing control, and their tendency toward self-destructive habits. I’m only just now starting chapter 3 of the vanilla story so I have no idea how it’s ultimately gonna resolve (or where the later content goes), but chapters 1 and 2 were very juicy and gave me much to think about.
Obviously chapter 1 was like... peak Worst Fear Realized for Shiloh. Their relationship with Zash as a master was really interesting, I think being constantly told that they’re talented and powerful, that they’re destined for greatness, that an authority is so personally invested in them and is just there to help them rise to their true potential, is precisely the kind of thing that would lull Shiloh into the kind of complacency and obedience Zash required, even though they thought they understood How Things Really Were and believed they were acting in their own interests. (It has exactly the same vibes I got from Hollow Ground’s whole “you’re unpredictable but effective, I think we can help each other if you’re willing to work alongside me” pitch, so... 👀) To find out that they were being tricked into arranging their own sacrifice, and that Zash’s ultimate goal wasn’t even just to kill them but to steal their body from them... like, what else can I say about that lmao that’s the nightmare scenario. Still being stuck with her hanging around acting like there isn’t even any bad blood between them is just salt in the wound and I think they’d really love nothing more than to find a way to get her out of poor Khem’s body just so they can curb stomp her.
And then... we get into the shit show with Thanaton and things just take a nosedive. This is probably the point where I started projecting a lot of really particular headcanons onto the events since it doesn’t really spend too much time on the PC’s motivations and internal thoughts (which is fine, I like having an empty cup I can just fill up with Emotional Turmoil), but the whole force-walking thread is fascinating especially when it starts to take on some Heartbreak flavor. Looking back at FH, one of the things I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about although I haven’t talked too much about it, is how I imagine Shiloh’s HB scar (hunger) relates to their susceptibility to addiction. It manifested most obviously in their smoking habit getting way worse, but in general there’s a building sense of like, doing things they shouldn’t or didn’t need to do, falling into habits and patterns that are objectively bad for them, simply because there’s some ambiguous Want or Need they’re trying to fill. So then the game dropped this ghost-binding mechanic on me--this pattern of seeking them out, getting that sudden huge hit of energy followed by a really obviously unpleasant crash, then turning around and doing it all over--and my mind kind of took it and ran wild with the implications, especially at the chapter 2 climax when it turns out the PC has pretty much literally overdosed on something they can’t understand or control and it’s killing them.
And... well like I said that’s where I am in the storyline right now lmao Belsavis is pretty. BUT ACTUALLY the real triumph is that Shiloh and Zaven existing in the same universe doesn’t require a bunch of acrobatic canon rewrites. They’re just both Sith. They met on Korriban. They’ve been a near-constant presence in each others’ lives ever since and it’s beautiful.
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thesummerstorms · 4 years
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: For repcomm?
Favorite character:
I mean.. Etain. Obviously.
Least Favorite character:
Kal, but man does Jusik put himself in the running sometimes.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Etain/Dar, Jilka/Ruu, Maze/Zey, Atin/Laseema (altho I’m very multiship in this fandom so I like some other Atin ships too), Mereel&Etain or Mereel/Etain but only like in a poly or alt timeline au but I saw it and... it works? Even though Dar/Etain is my otp
Character I find most attractive:
I mean, they’re all book characters, so aesthetic attraction doesn’t have much chance to kick in, but Temuera Morrison is nice generally, I guess. And Gena & Izzy fancast Dichen Lachman for Besany & Dichen Lachman is STUNNING. 
Character I would marry:
hah. hah. they’d eat me alive. Well. Darman’s a sweetheart, but I could never. Etain is my heart, but I think we’d squabble.
I read Niner as demi-romantic or aro & ace, and I’m some flavor of “wtf is happening” aro & ace, so I could relate there,  and relate to the anxiety/grumpiness/feeling responsible but like, idk about long term compatibility.
OR I remember a fmk game one time where I chose “Jaing with the understanding it was some long-distance tax scheme and then we divorce amicably and go away rich/richer”. That still works.
Character I would be best friends with:
I would want to be friends with Etain or Darman or Niner (it might be a lot of fun to gossip w/ Niner, honestly) or Besany but again, my experiences/skill set/ level of interesting-ness are all kinda too far removed from theirs for them to have a reason to give me the time of day, much less bond.
a random thought:
what. the fuck. is. this timeline.
An unpopular opinion:
Unpopular in some parts of the fandom, but not in mine, but like. Kal. If you follow this blog, you know what I mean.
Jusik is three great moments and a whole bunch of annoying as shit authorial morality pronouncements in a trench coat. He had so much potential, but like Kal, lived up to less than none of it. And in his “Gotab” identity I want to throat punch him.
My Canon OTP:
My Non-canon OTP:
Dar/Etain/Rhedian, or if not including OCs, Jilka/Ruusaan. It just has SO MUCH potential.
Most Badass Character:
I think a requirement to being on this main cast is being some flavor of bad ass. Etain the unexpectedly/deceptively tiny but fierce Jedi, Laseema who doesn’t have any military or special background but learns to defend herself and her place in the world  after a terrible past and keep up with all the people who do, Besany the treasury spy and Jilka her best friend who corners Hutts for a thrills,  any given clone who is automatically a super soldier by default... like... it’s a requirement. 
Most Epic Villain:
Uthan when allowed to be herself.
But for the record, I just had to sit and think and count “wait who’s the villain in each book” because with the exceptions of Hokan (who gets pov chapters and is shitty as hell), Uthan (who is ruthless as shit and a major player in the eventual cure), and Ko Sai (who is... Ko Sai)... most of the other folk on the other side of the battle field aren’t even villains, they’re just antagonists and they’re just... there. Which is a major departure for SW when you think about it.
So like, the choices here are only Ko Sai ( *thumbs down*), Hokan (little pretentious pos), and Uthan. Uthan a la Hard Contact wins easily.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Fi/Parja majorly squicks me out except for when Kaz writes it. but like. Canon Fi/Parja has so many boundary issues that make me uncomfortable.
Gilamar/Uthan. A softer nope, because I’ve seen fanon versions done well, but not at all a fan of canon Gilamar/Uthan from 501st.
Ny/Kal because Ny did NOTHING to deserve that.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Hah! HAH! How much time you got?
Kal- not who KT thought she was giving us at all
Jusik a handful of great moments attached to what ultimately fails as a fleshed out, meaningful character with a lot of lost potential
Ovolot Qail ‘suddenly a middle age career woman who can be manipulated by her regret at never having ~children~ as soon as Kal looks at her’ Uthan. 
Parja, who has all this potential, but KT uses as a mouthpiece for some sexist/ablelist/uncomfortable shit.
Jilka- she can still be sharp/judgy/social/a tad vain, but just let her and Besany be friends and also avoid actively shoving her in a gold-digger sterotype in book 4 (book 3? when Ordo gives Besany the sapphire) and then a random out of the blue romance with Corr, of all people, to “soften her up” in ImpComm.
Jinart is not a character, she’s a whole bunch of mean shit the author wanted to say in black fur, and that makes it hard to feel at all sympathetic to or conflicted about the gurlanin, even when KT wants us too
Favourite Friendship:
oh god, I could NEVER choose just one. 
Niner & Dar and Dar & Fi & Atin & Etain (or what we have in those tiny implied moments) and Ordo & Mereel and Mereel & Etain and Ordo & Etain and Mereel & Besany , the hypothetical SNARK /GRUMP friendship in my head that would be Niner & Jilka, Maze & Ordo...
like... it’s all so good. they’re all so good. and there’s somebody I’m forgetting on my list here, I know it, but I just can’t think of it right now.
Character I most identify with:
I mean. *coughs* Do I.. do I really have to say this one?
Character I wish I could be:
Listen, I admire many of these character’s skills, but like HELL would I ever want to experience ANY of their backgrounds or life experiences.
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
"Hahaha. A friend pointed this out. W online shops too!" What does this even mean?! I don't know anyone in 2020 who doesn't online shop besides my 80 year old grandparents because they refuse to learn how to use a computer 😂 I don't get how Will, a 30 something year old man, online shopping is worthy enough for Abby to comment on it. I'm sure Chris does it too. And Darren.
On Nov 5, Darren wrote this post and the cc fandom lost their shit.    
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They decided that organizing 10 costumes for multiple events in two different states for two different people was not worthy of acknowledgment- especially since they wore several purchased costumes. They spent the next 30-ish days mocking her “online shopping skills” like the petty idiots they are and now they bring it up two months later. 
Anonymous asked: this is funny, C posted a photo of beard, D posted photos with the beard. Almost like they were sitting next to each other and saying “ok ok I will say this”
ajw720 answered: The only difference, C controls his SM and the bearding, D does not, but they knew the Halloween post was coming when C posted his belated b-day wishes (not that he acknowledged they were late).  
It really is, if you can remove the very human, tragic element, like a script for a really bad D Movie.  C posts “Happy Birthday, Babe!” a day after the man’s actual b-day and “D” praises his fake bride for MAKING TEN costumes.  Sure praise her if she actually designed them and sat with her sewing machine.  No, she went online and ordered things (I doubt she even went to a store).   And 3 couple costumes were cheap frankly.  The only thought was how narcissistic she could be in their execution (as @flowersintheattic254pointed out even the Mario costume had  a reason, it was a reminder of Japan and the fake encagement by referring to the ad that paid for their trip there).
And seriously how are people not questioning that she spent the entirety of her month picking TEN costumes?  Who has time for this?  I know, i know, a person whose only role in life is to play fake plus one.
I am just so tired by D in particular being utterly dragged down by the useless dead weight by his side and his team’s sole ambition to promote her and make her sound like a decent person.  
If they wanted to praise her, maybe they should have forced her to participate in the zero waste initiative instead of sitting drinking by the pool or have her volunteer to help young girls who have been kicked out of their homes, or have been raped.  Or pick any cause and truly volunteer her time to promote it.  If she is not going to actually get a job and pursue a career, please force her to do something that is actually of value and contribute something good to the world. But to praise her for picking TEN costumes?  
Praise that comes from a man who this year alone won three awards, is starring in a show he created and wrote the music for, has his first big movie premiere this week, is exec producer and star of a huge show on N/etflix, just announced his starring role with 2 A++ lists actors next spring on Broadway, celebrated the 5th anniversary of the festival he created, volunteered his time for the zero waste initiative, performed at several charity events, and was just yesterday name limited series actor of the decade.  Where is the praise for him from his “bride”?  He at least deserves it.
How do they not see how ridiculous it is for someone with D’s accomplishments in 2019 alone praise a person for purchasing TEN costumes for Halloween?  And stans, how do you accept that this is right or normal.  You really know nothing about him and have such little respect for him as a person if you continue to accept the character his idiotic team has created on his behalf.  It is so far from the person he is and that he generally holds himself out to be when given the opportunity.  
This isn’t about being a “gay fetishist” or “hating woman” this is about wanting for D to be fairly and accurately represented and no longer forced to participate in this stupid, life sucking game to promote a person that contributes absolutely nothing to the world.  If you want to have a strong female role model, there are so many, i’ve talked about a few in the past few days (thus far Nancy, Lea, and Phoebe) and will continue to do so, but please stop worshiping a person whose sole reason you are speaking about her is her connection to D, even if you refuse to accept it is fake.  
klainecentric Finished reading the funniest ig story of the day, the qween being praised for sitting in front of either a sewing machine or computer...bravo your majesty qween....your my hero well done.👏👏. And all I can think of is how irrelevant the statement D made about being an emotional horder, being a very private person and finally D saying he's lazy when it comes to social media, I'm internally screaming in frustration because yeah we know D wouldn't have written a post praising that lazy good for nothing waste of space but he's coming across as a lier and it's extremely damaging to his character as a person. I absolutely hate lying and every time another "private" moment is posted to the world is another small piece that's chipped away from what D has originally stated about privacy. PBB, nobody cares about your cheap arse highly flammable costumes you buy online, did you forget about your piano baby adult strip club. I'm sure there are still plenty of people out there you can hire to rub and flaunt their flanges all over the beer taps, why don't you keep busy on that instead. If you want to make costumes, I'm sure you can sew some mighty fine titty tassels together. It'll be cheap nasty, sound familiar.
souly So, let me get this straight. We should all praise a person for going online, looking up different costumes in online stores, putting those in their shopping basket and hitting “buy”? Because I do that at least once a week with other stuff. Do I get praised for that now? Pretty please? I’m doing good work there and buy a lot of stuff, therefore I must be the best person ever!
notes-from-nowhere You’re my Queen. Please, love me.
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(I think I got it right. I’m getting the hang of what said person is doing. Wheee! ;))
notes-from-nowhere You nailed it 🤣
ajw720 Yesterday I got a delivery of car food. And instead of his usual seafood mix up greats, I got him shrimp flavor. I’m awesome!!!!!
souly Oh, hey! I think we should all take pictures of whatever we bought online during the week or month and make individual posts on all of our social media accounts about it. Because, you know…
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cassie1022 I picked up stuff I ordered online at Target and PetSmart. Does that count? Should I receive accolades because my cat will have fresh litter to do her business on?
souly Only if you post the pictures to prove it! ;)
ajw720 As soon as I get home. Pictures forthcoming. Shrimp cat treats and I also got a burgundy blanket for my new comforter!!! Life goals!!!!!!!!!!!
souly Okay, so, let’s see… What did I buy online during the past month that can be shared as pictures? Some things are gifts, so I obviously can’t post anything about those yet. But I think these here are safe.
Let’s start with one of my fav new shirts. (Excuse the grainy quality. I had to quickly edit it for privacy reasons. :p And yes, that’s a butterfly mirror.)
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The rest are behind the cut to save your dash from drowning in too many pictures. ;)
cheekyface72 You’re my queen from now on…
ajw720 I think emmy/sag/gg/CC winner DC should write a post @soulypraising your awesome, amazing, unparalleled online shopping skills!  You earned that praise.  That cat toy is particularly spectacular.
Just A Taste of M’s Amazing Online Shopping Skills that are worthy of such Praise
Super Mario with inflatable Dragon $54.66 (x)
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Princess Peach $78.99 (x)
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chrisdarebashfulsmiles. i can’t
flowersintheattic254. When you add the fact that the wedding was sponsored so heavily, and her history of outfits I think it shows Mi@rren is something that’s always been done very much ‘on the cheap’.
From work vacays (honeymoon included), RC ‘glue gun’ looks, thrift shoes and subsidized weddings.
leka-1998. It’s not worth more than this, that’s for sure.
notes-from-nowhere  We are so ungrateful. She worked hard to find the gloves.
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I bet she had to click on another link to find them. She deserves another accolade.
ajw720 @flowersintheattic254 Budget Bearding!  I LOVE It! (and something tells me D’s SW costume in particular was far cheaper than either of these).
souly That Snow White dress can be found for about $25 in a ton of online shops. I stumbled upon it even before Halloween way too many times. 😂
@notes-from-nowhere The plush question mark block can be found in a couple online stores like this one. She simply glued it onto some gloves - or asked L to do it with that glue gun of hers.
flowersintheattic254 Well funnily enough I think we may have confirmation that 🚽🚽 glued on the puppies so I guess YES to the question mark block too!!!
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cassie1022 They can’t even glue things properly. Why am I not surprised?
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So, so amazing. Bow to the kween and her not so helpful helper.
There are lots more...I figured enough of your brain cells died reading the ones I posted.  On Nov 30 she is STiLL bringing it up”
Anonymous asked:
Whenever I see miarren gifset they always use the same quote underneath (the rolling the windows down quote) and at first I rolled my eyes and thought uh not that quote again, and I can't believe it took me this long to realise it's because there is literally no other quote that can be construed as loving. You can hardly put down "she's a big girl" whenever you make a set of gifs with M beaming and D looking like someone murdered the dog he's allergic to.
ajw720: And I love the Emmy quote as it was an absolute reference to his character who was a psychopath. Pretty telling if you ask me. But that reference is over their heads.
And pretty much the only one. Guess saying he’s a ball and chain kind of guy isn’t romantic. They can’t even take pooping exes as he clearly steered the conversation away from her. Lovely lady of many moons? Nah she sounds like a stranger. Saying nothing changes after marriage? Sounds boring. It’s a struggle. But hey she’s an excellent online shopper that he done got hitched to!!!
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