#look: isaac gets sappy and no one's surprised
1x20 · 7 years
Isaac’s One Year Anniversary
Holy fucking shit guys!!!! I have been in the Sterek fandom for officially one year now! It’s gone by sO QUICK and it’s been such a rollercoaster, but I don’t regret it for one second. I love you all so much honestly???? You’re all so lovely and I immediately felt so welcomed here and just wow. I really don’t have enough words honestly, because you have all shown me so much kindness and I really, really don’t know how to pay you all back <3
In one year I gained
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14k kudos on AO3
144k hits on AO3
In one year I wrote
114k of finished fic
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In one year I met all of these beautiful people
@a-mountain-ash - @alphalaurahale - @anamelesstraveler - @artemis69 - @atticuos - @baneofawolf - @benaya-trash - @bistiles - @blamethewolf - @booksandharlots - @clotpolesonly - @crossroadswrite - @drgrlfriend - @fannishknitter -@hale-of-stiles-heart - @halesheart - @hoechlbutt - @inell - @ladydrace - @loveactually-rps - @nothingbutsterek - @pale-silver-comb - @prettyinsoulpunk - @ritarmandi - @shealwaysreads - @sterek - @sterektbh - @stilesandderek - @stilesbansheequeen - @toppunks - @wolvesofthebeacon
I really want to pay you all back but I don’t know how? Bottom line: I love each and every single one of you and you’re all beautiful and I hope I’ll get to stay here for a long, long time <3
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Hey there! ^^ Can I please get a (suitors of your choice cuz I can't decide) with an MC who can turn anything into a song? Like the lyrics and beat automatically come into her mind? Thank you!!! :)
When did this get here? Like i don't even know. I am now convinced i live in like a timeloop. Anywho. It was a nive surprise don't get me wrong. I just feel bad now for not noticing. I also saw you sent in a match-up? Idk let me know if I'm wrong or right. Now on to the hcs.
Warnings: None; not proof read
Note: if you like this please, heart or reblog it, it really helps my work do better so thank you if you do any of those
Ikevamp suitors x reader who turns everything into a song
Oh boy
You have unleashed the curios Leo and now you can't leve his grasp
He heard when you where joking around with Dazai
He said spme stupid pun and you sang your answer back to him
Leo was like:????👀🤭😎
Watzed over the you like:
" Wow Cara mia. Care to tell me where you learned that?"
Bombards you with questions
Now he always stays within earshot of you just so he can hear you sing
Ok so when he hears you drumming and humming to yourself in the bathroom while you where putting away some towels
Piece of teasing shit Arthur: activate.
Walks up to you when you start putting away your hairbrush
" My my, luv, didn't know you could make such pretty noises" 😎😎😎
Bad idea
You whacked him with the brush
" Oh, bloody hell, what was that for!"
But he can't help but laugh
Your to cute
Since that moment when he hers you singing he will join in
Will twirl you around and dance with you a little
Honestly just very cute
This salty cracker
You little salty caramel ice-cream
I should stop comparing him to food, now I'm hungry
He hears when he was walking back to your shared bedroom one night
He heard someone singing softly
As to not disturb he quietly opened the door and slipped in
He found you sitting on the window sill singing softly about the beautiful night sky and the soft wind that blew your words away, words that will never reach the ears of your lover
When you finished your bittersweet tune, Mozart clapped
He has never heard anything more beautiful
He pulles you into his arms and whispers
"Y/n you managed to surprise me every time. Once again you have me falling. You have captured my heart with your gentle sides song. My muse, will you sing for me again?"
He places a soft kiss to the tip of your nose and honestly, who are you to deny him
From then on Mozart always listenes to you sing
And sometimes, he even accompanies you with the piano
He was just trying to clean the library And the Arthur, Dazai and Isaac happened
They matched in and made a mess of everything
And they are so loud
Sebastian could not take it
He vowed to serve le Comte and the residents but he was at the end of his line for that day
He left the library saying he was going to give them privacy and went to the kitchen
When he entered he saw you tapping some spoons and singing a melody
"I met a boy from different time-line
He promised to give me a life time
Of love, oh oh
Of love
He works all day, what a busy man
He takes care of the house so I understand
Be he promised to give me a life time
Of love
And he does, yes he does
Yes he moves mountains for me
And he does, yes he does
I want to stay right here with thee"
Surprised pikachu face
He just walks up to you and gives you a hug
You are a bit startled but relaxed quickly
"Thank you, love. You always give me strength to continue"
"Now now Seb, don't you get all sappy on me"
"You really know how to ruin the mood"
You both laughed and he kissed you qently
Since that day, you guys always dance around the kitchen together while you sing.
He heard you when you where singing to Puck
He had previously told you that he had to got to the theater for a while
And now you where singing a sad song about how much you missed him
It wasn't an actual song it was just vers after vers after vers
You poured all the longing into it
He stood there and smiled to himself
His little bunny
"Such an enchanting voice"
You whipped around not expecting him to be there
He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you
"If 't be true thee did miss me so much, thee couldst has't toldeth me. But w'rry not by quaint bunny, i shall giveth thee all the loveth thee singeth f'r."
(If you missed me so much, you could have told me. But don't worry by pretty bunny, I will give you all the love you sing for.) (hopefully it is correct)
Anyway he made sure to give you the attention you wated
Yes cuddles, you nasty get your head out of the gutter
From then on he will always ask you to sing for him
Look what I orchestrated are you proud? I'm kidding, I hope you enjoy!
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ttickles · 3 years
For that prompt thingy, can I request Derek/Stiles with either "Are you flirting with me?" or "Stop trying to cheer me up!" (you pick whichever you like better. If you have time of course, you don't have to if you can't.)
Summary: Derek likes Stiles, and the wolf inside him can’t help but want to court. Word Count: 1017 Warnings: A mention of sex; alcohol consumption; tickling. A/N: Stiles is over 18 and out of high school in this. Also, I haven't watched Teen Wolf, nor have I posted a fic, since 2016. Enjoy! [Read on AO3]
He can’t help his instincts, goddamn it. 
Honestly, Derek doesn’t even know where they came from. That burn he feels whenever Stiles is in the room, the urge to shut the kid up with a pair of lips. Sprung out of nowhere, really. But when they did, the wolf in Derek perked up.
Attraction does a thing or two to werewolves. It’s like an invisible tether has been established between him and Stiles, reigning Derek in if he dared stray too far. Something inside him needs the closeness. 
Beyond proximity, though, Derek has found that the wolf has the impulse to express affection in more... direct ways. To court, one can say. The feeling is foreign to him. Derek isn’t the most touchy-feely person in the first place, and the vivid imaginations of him and Stiles, chest-to-chest in an embrace and fucking as if their lives depended on it, are unfamiliar, to say the least.
Doesn’t mean he wants him any less.
So, Derek lets the smallest of gestures slip into his interactions with Stiles (he can’t help his instincts, but he can curb them). Careful not to cross any boundaries, he allows himself to fiddle with Stiles’s hair from time to time, to “accidentally” brush against him and his belongings in an attempt to leave his scent, to step in front of him as a defensive measure in dangerous situations.
Stiles doesn’t notice. As the only human in the pack, he’s used to people doting on him. What are a few more acts of care?
One night, the two find themselves on Stiles’s bed. The boy had thrown a little party for the pack because, according to him, “even you supernatural freaks need to unwind!” Scott brought the Svedka, Isaac brought the shot glasses, Lydia brought the aspirin. 
People started drunkenly knocking out at around 2am, but Derek, who has never been much of a drinker, and Stiles, who has made one too many regrettable decisions under the influence, were content being tipsy. To avoid disturbing the cuddle-pile on the couch, they’d retired to Stiles’s room.
Now, sitting at either end of the bed, they talk. First about the pack, then about pack drama, then, finally, about each other. 
“It’s surprising how well we work together.” Stiles muses.
A tad offended, Derek snaps, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Stiles chuckles, fidgeting with his hands. "What I mean is that there used to be so much friction between us. There still is, at times. But,” He looks up, makes eye contact. “after everything we’ve been through, we just work for each other.” 
Derek’s heart swells, and he again has to confront the fact that he wants Stiles. Borderline intoxicated, he lets the wolf take control, for once. 
From the foot of the bed, he leans towards Stiles for a hug. Words can’t capture his adoration. Slinking his arms around the boy’s shoulders, Derek nestles his face into the crook of his neck. Stiles accepts him wholeheartedly, returning the embrace with a smile. 
For a few beats, the two stay like that, but the wolf gets antsy quickly. Not enough. Derek starts to nuzzle, brushing his lips up and down Stiles’s neck. 
The action makes Stiles jump, and he lets out a choked laugh before gently pulling away. Derek, all at once embarrassed at having been caught and high on the reaction he elicited, does the same.
When Stiles looks Derek in the face, he still has a smile on his face. “You’re a lot touchier than you used to be.” He pauses, contemplative. “Sometimes, it's like you need to be around me.”
Derek huffs. “Isn’t everyone like that?”
“Yeah, but you’re not everyone.” His breathing has gotten a little unsteady. “Everyone is like that with every other person in the pack. But I’ve noticed that you’re only like that with me.” 
Hm. Maybe Stiles is more perceptive than Derek had assumed.
Derek clears his throat and attempts to save face. “It’s not intentional. You mean a lot to me – you know you do – and sometimes, instincts want me to keep you around. Everything just comes off as sappy.” He crosses his arms.
"So, basically..." The corner of Stiles’s lip quirks up into a smug half-grin. “You’re flirting with me.”
“That is not the case,” Derek snarls. “Get fucked.”
But Stiles, it seems, is on a roll. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you, pretty boy?”
Properly pissed off, Derek lunges. In an instant, he pins Stiles to the bed and leans in close. “Take that back.” 
“Wait, shit! Der– don’t!”
His face returns to the crook of Stiles’s neck, nuzzling with renewed energy. Stiles melts. 
“Ohoho my God! Hey!” he giggles. 
Derek is deliberate with his movements. As his lips mouth at Stiles’s neck, his stubble grazes his collarbone, and his nose strokes against his ear. After a while, he maneuvers himself to gives the other side the same attention, and Stiles whimpers.
“You’re so mehehean!
The wolf preens at the sound of his laughter. It wants more.
Continuing the onslaught against his neck, Derek lets his hands find their way under Stiles’s shirt, and his thumbs dig into his ribs. Stiles arches his back. 
“Stop it stop it stop it!” 
Derek takes his time kneading over the ridges of his torso, counting each bone he comes across. As he gets higher and higher, Stiles becomes increasingly desperate, and when he finally worms his fingers into Stiles’s armpits, his laughter goes silent – definitely a weak spot. 
Stiles's struggling gradually decreases due to fatigue, but he keeps on smacking Derek’s shoulder as if he’s tapping out of a fight. Satisfied with his work, Derek retracts his hands and head. Slumping against a pillow, Stiles glares.
“You call that flirting?” he pants. 
Derek smirks. “Maybe.” A pillow smacks him in the face, but he just chuckles and rests his weight beside Stiles. They lay like that for a bit, comfortable in the lull. 
“If it makes you feel any better,” Stiles murmurs, “I like it when you flirt.”
Derek, red in the face from something stronger than alcohol, just leans closer.
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annicaax · 3 years
You're The Only one
Ikevamp Fanfic. by Me.
Lecomte X Reader.
Word count: 1167
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: All
Written in MC/your POV. Just like in the game. Hope ya like.
 I bring the specially made cinnamon pancakes to the dining table. Sebastian carries the other dishes and as we serve breakfast I'm surprised by how we have all started out without le Comte. 
I know he's gone on a short trip out of Paris for a night. I know but still I imagine his smile, and grace and nearly forget that I'm pushing some dozen pancakes into Arthur's plate.
"Good gracious! Food, why, a great way to get a bloke to swoon, eh?"
I barely notice him smirk, stunned as he takes my hand lifting it up to his face.
Oh. I can pull my hand back. I'm sure that's what I'd have done but a larger hand envelops mine and pulls it away from Arthur's lips!!
This touch-- these fingers--- Comte!!
I turn my head and there's my beloved, the charismatic smile still in place, he's quite the imposing figure standing next to me.
“Arthur-- even if you must jest, you should learn not to wander anywhere near my lady. ma cherie is mine. Mine and mine alone…”
I blush. It's not everyday that he's this direct. My embarrassment comes in sync with a couple of wolf whistles. 
"Way to go, hondje! Never thought the day would be here when I'd hear such sappy love declarations from comte, let alone witness his possessive streak,” Theo says with a huge grin
“I think it's cute,” says Vincent in an angelic tone. 
Isaac stays embarrassed, biting into his apple. I'm glad these are the only ones near the table.
“Comte beat me to it,” Arthur now says with a dramatic sigh, letting Sebas destack his plate.He adds, with a pout, “I’m capable of eating more pancakes, though…”
“You're not getting any!” Theo narrows his eyes at Arthur, “also Sebas... Pass me the syrup. Though I’ve just witnessed a sickening sweet love act, I do need some syrup on my pancakes.”
Oh my! Theo never holds back, does he? And Sebas is something. His face is still stoic. But I do say there's a hint of a smile on his face. I know that. I can detect that after working alongside him for this long. 
And ah, my cheeks warmup, noticing that le Comte is next to me and his hand is still resting on mine. I try to pull away, feeling Theo's and everyone's eyes on me. But le Comte tightens his hold on me. 
With a swift tug, he pulls me to him. And my world shrinks and spins around me.
In the next instant we find ourselves in the garden.
Whoa! I can't believe he'd use his powers to get away from some healthy dose of teasing. Oh, well, I wanted to get away too...but how long can I run? How will I run? That’s our home… and those are our friends!
But I’m still happy! All of a sudden, I feel giddy, realizing that I'm with my beloved after so long. 
“I can't believe... Was that shadow warping? When did you come? Also, that was my first time experiencing that, so it's awesome!”
I grin at Saint Germain, but he only looks away with a sigh.
“Ma Cherie, there's a lot I can do… a lot that you don’t know…”
I want to ask him to show me… show me everything he is, but he goes on to talk.
“I can't show you everything, but you saw something just now. This is my first time... in four hundred years... I can't believe I've turned into this… someone who's desperately hopelessly in love…”
I’m speechless. My heart beats wildly out of joy, but he is hell bent on giving me more and more happiness.
“But I believe I'm only like this because it's you, ma cherie... You're my only one.... even if it were to take a thousand more years, I'm sure this is how things are destined to be… you and me… together like this.”
What more can I say? I love, love my Comte.
I smile at him overcome with love. I barely stop myself from hugging him. I want to say something, anything, but words fail me, and he takes this opening, speaking again.
“So you better take responsibility for what you did, ma Cherie…”
The confident gentleman, the hedonistic vampire is back again. Saint Germain takes my hand, dips elegantly and goes down on one knee. He pulls out something from his pocket. 
My heart thunders! Is this what I think it is… A… a proposal?
No. But instead what I see is a glittering watch made out of gold and pearls, with an attached charm bracelet. It's so beautiful.... I'm in awe.
This isn’t a ring. There’s time for that, but this gift is equally lovely. I do love when he pampers me. I smile and accept my gift, watching him put it on me.
“Thank you."
I whisper my thanks, looking him in the eye.
“Thanks again, but I'm very much capable of protecting myself…”
I remind him just in case, and he presses his lips to my knuckles. 
“I know,” he smiles ruefully, golden eyes narrowing, glittering bangs of gold cascading down in his forehead. He looks gorgeous in the sunlight. “...but I couldn't stop. I'm a man who loves you, ma Cherie.”
This man, he knows how to make me go weak in the knees. I'm flattered but I also want to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Mon Cher…” I lean down so I can whisper the words into his ear, “I'm a woman who loves you too…”
I kiss his forehead and emphasize my words. “Forever until eternity.”
Le Comte freezes. 
“What brought this on…”
He murmurs, but I kiss his cheek before he can recover.
“What brought this on? Well, maybe the answer is love... I love you ... I missed you…”
This time I press a kiss to his lips 
Still knelt before me, he makes a noise. He’s like a prince out of a fairytale! My only prince! Ah, and I know it's my time to get away. My cheeks heating up, I attempt to pull away. But my hand is still in his--
“I remember I have to water the flowers.”
I try to make my escape, but he tightens his hold on my hand.
Rising up to his feet, he pulls me so I fall against his chest.
“Think you can water the plants after you've tempted me, ma cherie?”
Comte... The mischievous glint in your eyes, oh my God, what have I gotten myself into... 
I wonder this, and his lips touch mine. I close my eyes and I feel myself fade away-
Together... We shadow warp... To…
(Now it's your turn to imagine where Comte took you)
There. I'm a lazy ass writer but I've been writing fanfiction since I’m a kid, and I’ve already graduated. Lol. Wrote something after so long. I know it's a fluffy tidbit. I don't know if ya guys like it but as someone who's waiting for his English route (spoiler free) this is what came to my mind. I hope y'all liked it. Comments are welcome. Reblog And Heart it if you like. Thank you! I do hope to write more in future. If ya guys want it/like it.
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alexjcrowley · 2 years
Second episode on CBS Ghosts live posting (probably the last one live posting, then I'll just separetely comment on stuff I liked better in BBC Ghosts than in the the CBS version or viceversa. I really want to give this show a chance).
-Okay, the cod joke is getting a bit annoying, I won't lie
-I feel like Trevor is going to be the one who goes after Sam even if she doesn't want him (like Thomas and Alison) and I'm actually a bit bummed out, because a character like Julian/Trevor is already flawed enough and kinda vicious, I don't think it's a bright idea to add the "won't take no for an answer" to the character
-Pete you're a mood. I think he is the character I relate too the most, as Pat (and Thomas) was in BBC Ghosts
-Alberta you're my girl
-If I'd end up crushing on Pete I wouldn't be surprised
-I still don't love the way Same and Jay act, but hey, preferences
-Okay cool joke about vampires
-"How do you know about Hamilton?" I'm sorry but it definitely sound like American Cap and Hamilton fucked I'm sorry
-Trevor, no.
-Oh, no, I get it, Hamilton is to American Cap what Byron was to Thomas. Loving it.
-Was waiting for "Daddy's gonna drill a hole in the wall", didn't happen, but it's understandable
-Thor and the hippie would make a dope couple
-"I was known for making men under me happy" easy joke but I have a broken humour so I laughed
-"Enemy's not supposed to ignore. It hurts feelings." I just want to hug Thor. Please, sir. Let me hug you.
-Married for 16 years Pete? How old are you, man? What age did you marry?
-I'm sorry American Lady Button is very American. I don't if this does make sense. It does in my head.
-American Thomas you little drama queen shit, you keep the house alive, please create more fake drama. Rip you would have loved the Kardashians (maybe you will love them in future episodes?)
-The boiler room ghosts, my beloved
-The doctor bit, always a delight to see
-It's like American Captain is the Captain character but with the dramatic attitude of Thomas
-Okay, but Isaac saying that musical theatre is a passion of his is very fitting with British Captain signing "I am the very model of the modern major general" from The Pirates of Penzance in BBC Ghosts, nice touch
-For the love of God stop with the sappy moments but loving Pete going "He's a keeper"
-I'm sorry Sam but you're not my cup of tea. Sorry but Alison gave me life when she confronted the ghosts and went face to face with each one asking what they wanted. You lack that energy, honey.
-Trevor's infatuation with Sam is kinda weird. I'll explain. When Thomas went "Divorce him, kill yourself, marry me" it made sense because he was this romantic who believed in true love, this passionate artist and yada yada yada. When Trevor does that joke, it's a bit unbelievable. It doesn't matter that at the end he goes "but let's keep it casual". Casaul comments on Sam's appearance? Sure, bit this looks forced.
-American Captain my Broadway man
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arsnovacadenza · 4 years
Day 5-Stilts
Characters: Napoleon, Jean, Isaac, and Yukari (MC)
Pairings    : Jean x Napoleon, Isaac x MC
Ao3 Link  : Here
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All was quiet, save for the soft pitter-patter of rain on the attic window. If it wasn't for his superior hearing, Jean might've missed the heavy sigh that escaped his companion's lips.
Napoleon was leaning on the sill with his cheek propped by the back of his hand. He looked neither sleepy nor deep in thought, gazing absent-mindedly towards the city down below.
They had been sitting this way for half an hour. Jean recalled how the emperor gently took his hand and urged him to come with him after sparring.
"I haven't spent enough time with you," Napoleon spoke sternly. "Can I borrow you for today?"
Jean was correct to let Napoleon lead him up the stairs, thinking that it was loneliness he saw in his eyes. This strange relationship between them, toeing the lines between amour and camaraderie, allowed Jean to see Napoleon's colors which he seldom revealed to anyone.
That 'anyone' apparently included Isaac, the subject of today's woes.
Jean was by no means unobservant. His newfound courage to come downstairs more often in daylight (which Sebastian applauded) meant he could observe the other mansions' residents more closely. Though he still had to dodge the troublemakers Arthur and Dazai whenever possible.
But that also meant he was able to discover new facts about his fellow residents, both directly or from other sources, namely Sebastian. Sometimes, when he entered the kitchen to ask for Rouge (at Napoleon's urging), he'd get roped into the butler's early morning gossip with the mysterious young woman whom he'd learned came from the future through that despicable count's door.
The girl, Yukari, was Isaac's paramour.
Jean supposed her arrival was instrumental in making Napoleon seek his company. What little time Isaac had when not teaching the children, he'd spend more of it with his lover, and less with Napoleon.
It must be boring being a reincarnated emperor, seeing as Napoleon latched onto Jean and his weapons shop. He even made Jean a new tutor in his makeshift school where he, Isaac, and Yukari, taught.
(Jean himself thought it was sweet seeing Napoleon interact with children).
Recently, he'd been sensing something amiss between the two original teachers. Isaac was more awkward with him than usual (and that was saying something), while Yukari's expression changed to a troubled one at any mention of Napoleon. But the woman always skilfully dodged Jean's questions when he asked if his partner had done something towards her.
( Not a very good liar, Jean concluded.)
Everything fell in place when one of the younger children casually asked if "Napoleone" was fighting with Isaac since they were now rarely seen together. " I don't know about that" was his answer, the same one he used when Sebastian suddenly spilled all his speculations on the physicist and former emperor's state of affairs and egged Jean for details.
"They're almost brothers, the two of them." Sebastian sighed. "To think they'd drift apart like this was unthinkable."
It's because of the girl Jean was tempted to say. But he decided to keep his peace instead. Napoleon would come to him in due time. That led Jean to where he was now, spending the gloomy rainy afternoon with a similarly gloomy man.
The taciturn soldier came to attention when the man before him sucked in a deep breath.
"Relax, Jean. I wasn't going to whip you." Napoleon snickered. It sounded hollow.
"Forgive me," Jean apologized for nothing in particular. Time seemed to halt at that very moment, emerald eyes locking with his.
"Isaac is afraid of getting hurt," Napoleon began. "So much so that Yukari even refrains from being frank with him, even when she needs to be. When they need to be with one another."
The eyepatched soldier gazed at him intently, waiting for him to finish.
"Handling people like Isaac, well, it requires you to be cautious both ways," He combed his bangs back with his hand. "If he wants to be comfortable with you, you will have to assure him that you don't feel burdened with his presence, that having him come to you is gratifying enough."
Napoleon paused, seemingly in conflict over what he was about to deliver next.
"In hindsight, maybe this was an error on my part." he sighed, for what was the umpteenth time this afternoon. "I told him, once..."
Jean closed his eye and nodded.
"'At this point, there is nothing that you can say or do to hurt me'" Napoleon repeated his promise he gave Isaac long ago." And trust me that no circumstance will ever cause us to part."
Jean's eye flew open. Yet he remained silent. His eyed one of Napoleon's hands, clenching and unclenching the fabric of his cape. Then, with the same trembling hand, the emperor reached out to graze his cheek. He leaned into the touch, thinking that it might offer Napoleon some respite.
It was true. The softness of Jean's skin was soothing. Warm despite the frigid air outside.
After some time, Napoleon withdrew and looked at Jean expectantly, allowing him to speak.
"But you hurt him instead," Jean stated, matter-of-factly. "And he is now avoiding you."
"Sure did," Napoleon mumbled, gazing out into the drenched city below. "Too many times over the course of their relationship, of course."
"You're worried."
"Well, why shouldn't I?" he barked. "I can't say this out loud. Won't say this out loud. Not even to my real brothers. I dote on him the same way I did them. I was stern, which I'm not with Isaac. I took responsibility for them as their guardian. Still, I need to respect my distance and believe that they'll make the best decisions for themselves even without my input."
"I've heard of historians and even courtiers of my time accusing me of steering my family to further my goals. Well," Napoleon paused to catch his breath. "They can say whatever they wish to say, but bold of them to assume that I waste my nights thinking about what my brothers do or don't do to keep their marriage afloat."
Jean took Napoleon's tirade in a sedated manner, mollifying the emperor's burst of anger to some extent.
Shame soon took over Napoleon's conscience as the lone dark eye regarded him calmly.
"In the end, I have to admit," Napoleon exhaled. "I do care too much about him. And Yukari too."
"I noticed little things that didn't sit well with me about their relationship. In good faith, I tried relaying my thoughts to Isaac, but he didn't take it well." He admitted. "I was a fool. It was a matter of Isaac's pride as a man. Who wouldn't feel wounded if an outsider came up to him and pointed out the faults in his intimate relationship with a woman?"
"I failed to think of him as a man," his lament continued. "I saw him as a brother and failed to acknowledge his worth as his own, mature man with responsibilities." Napoleon finished, burying his face into the crook of his arm.
Outside, the rain was ceasing. Jean could discern the arc of a rainbow in the far-off distance.
Gingerly, he covered Napoleon's hand with his own. He has long removed his gloves, eliminating the barrier between flesh.
"That wasn't a brother you were describing," Jean whispered. "You spoke of him as a son."
Once, they too had walked on eggshells with this particular subject.
Sebastian spoke to Jean once —in meticulous detail —about the King of Rome and Napoleon's distraught at being torn apart from his son. Jean pretended not to know about it afterward, only for Napoleon to bring up the topic himself one day when they were out in the fields letting their horses graze.
He allowed —nay, invited Jean to indulge in his nostalgia of lost family and friends, even his previous loves.
(Jean felt a tinge of irritation whenever Napoleon mentioned Josephine, though he supposed there was no point envying a woman long dead and buried.)
Jean understood Isaac by a fraction. The man saw relationships as walking on stilts, carefully balancing yourself lest you tip and crash.
And bring the other person down with you.
Jean had numerous other parables to illustrate his connections, but he'd rather not dwell upon them now. Not when the man who helped complicated them were here to seek comfort
(In him).
Napoleon's snicker brought Jean out of his reverie.
"I suppose I do play the role sometimes," he contemplated Jean bemusedly. "That would make you his mother, then."
"But I'm not —" Jean flushed upon realizing what he meant. " Napoleon Bonaparte. " He mock-threatened.
Napoleon laughed, a sound Jean had been yearning to hear.
"But I do like to picture us with children," Napoleon leaned back. "I bet they'd be just as beautiful as you."
Jean's blush grew redder at the moment, provoking the other man to tease him further.
"Knowing you, I hope you don't scare them too much," Napoleon cooed. "You frown too much. It breaks my heart to see that delicate face contort into a scowl."
"Stop it already," Jean was burning scarlet right up to his ears. "You're embarrassing me."
"But I know you'd spoil those tykes to no end," the Nightmare of Europe continued. "I wonder what they'd grow up to be, under our nurture."
Jean furiously wiped his face. "That's impossible. You know that."
"True," Napoleon smiled wistfully. "But what an entertaining thought."
The exquisite soldier peeked warily at Napoleon behind his sleeve.
"What?" the smirking man chuckled. "Was that a bit too sappy?"
Jean pouted at him impishly. "For an allegedly terrifying conqueror such as you? Definitely."
"But now that I've known you, nothing about you is ever surprising anymore, Napoleon." Jean lied. He knew there were still many layers of Napoleon that he had yet to uncover.
In that familiar attic, the two men beamed at each other in comfortable stillness, the problem of Isaac and Yukari temporarily forgotten.
They could hear Jupiter's cry in the open, a sure sign that the rain had ended.
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Made for @kissmetwicekissmedeadly‘s Napoleon Birthday Prompt 2020. The prompt was “was that too sappy for you?”.
@kisara-16​, @thedollarstoresatan​ @delicateikemenmemes​, @ikesensrandomninjagirl​, @ashavazesa​, @hokkaido-fox​, @nuclearwinterexe​, @lulu-the-hedgehog​, @longingkisses​, @weird-profiterole​, @napoleonstan​, @scummy-writes​, @an-otome-cally-correct​, @nafeary​, @orangenji​
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myinfinitevariety · 4 years
1/2 if you're taking prompts, I've got this one that I can't stop thinking about that has been sent out into the universe before. Stiles and Derek are "that couple" of their friend group. You know, the one connected at the hip and basically married. Stiles says that dating is easy, everyone just groans and throws papers at him because OF COURSE it's easy FOR HIM.
2/2 He ends up taking a challenge of ‘being single’ (aka not being glued to Derek’s hip) for 2 weeks, landing him at an hour rental motel seeing Derek under a fake name. Hotel clerk thinks they’re cheating together until the pack confronts them in the lobby. 
find on ao3 here
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There were noises coming from the kitchen. Wet ones that made it clear that anyone who daring to enter would get an eyeful of Derek and Stiles with their tongues down each other’s throats and their hands wandering in places that Cora didn’t want to think about.
It was nearly seven in the morning on a Saturday, not late enough to being getting up, much less to be having a quickie on the kitchen counter with other people in the house. She covered her ears, buried her head in the couch cushion, and tried to go back to sleep.
Maybe Scott was being a drama queen, but watching Derek and Stiles cuddle like a couple of lovestruck teenagers during their pack meeting was enough to make him want to scream. He’d been single for months (sadly) and watching his best friend get some on the regular while he crashed on Isaac’s sofa every other night was downright depressing. 
Stiles was placing loving kisses along the line of Derek’s neck and Derek, the marshmallow that he turned out to be, turned his head and caught Stiles’ lips in a kiss that made Chris stop talking in the middle of his weekly report.
Scott dropped his head into his hands with a groan.
Stiles had never been the romantic type as a kid. He’d never dreamed of getting married or having kids, but finding a traumatized, grumpy werewolf with a perfect smile and great hugs turned out to be the thing that made him wish for all that sappy stuff. 
The last year with Derek had been great and now they were living together in the house Derek had build on the edge of the preserve. It was nearly perfect.
“I need to know how you got Derek.”
Stiles looked up from the bestiary to meet Isaac’s eyes. The pack was staying over, like they often did, and everyone was piled up around the living room in different states of bored. Some were sleeping while others were holding up their phones to scroll through some kind of social media. He was pretty sure Scott was playing angry birds. 
“What?” He asked, his brows furrowing in confusion. He’d heard him the first time, but the question itself was absurd.
“How. Did. You. Get. Derek,” Isaac said slowly, like he was speaking to a kindergartner. 
“I confessed my undying love to him and we made out on my dad’s couch,” Stiles said, and looked down to keep ready the section on kelpies.  “Easy.”
The book was snatched from his grip and Stiles yelped when it was used to hit him upside the head. 
“What was that for!” He exclaimed, rubbing the side of his head with a wince. Isaac may have been meek once upon a time, but now he knew his strength and how to use it.
“It’s easy for you,” Isaac huffed, tossing the bestiary back onto Stiles’ lap, “but the rest of us have to suffer through dates and awkward getting to know you questions.”
“That’s not my fault,” Stiles said, which was absolutely true. He wasn’t much of a masochist and definitely didn’t enjoy being punished for the pack’s dating woes. 
“You still suck,” said a muffled voice from Stiles’ left that sounded suspiciously like Scott.
He scoffed and ducked down deeper into the couch, his arms crossing over his chest like he was a petulant child. “This is ridiculous.”
“What’s ridiculous is that you can’t be separated from Derek’s side for even a moment,” Cora laughed, the girl sprawled across the carpet with her head on Erica’s stomach and her feet in Boyd’s lap. 
“I can, too,” Stiles said, a bit put-out that everyone was ganging up on him.
“They prove it,” she said with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.
Stiles swallowed hard. He knew he would regret it as soon as he agreed, but the Stilinskis had always been betting men and Stiles was no exception. 
They didn’t last a week, which wasn’t much of a surprise. After all, they had been all up on each other everyday for a year. It was too much to expect them to go cold turkey.
The pack found them at a motel a couple miles out of town, the Jeep and the Camaro parked side-by-side in the parking lot and incriminating them even further. Lydia and Cora were sent in, seeing as they were the least intimidating visually and statistically wouldn’t have the cops called on them compared to everyone else.
The clerk at the front desk was a short man with a bald spot and a hawaiian shirt on. He looked Lydia and Cora up and down, shook his head, and handed over a room key.
“They’ve been sneaking in for a few days lookin’ all suspicious-like,” he said, like the three of them were in on some big secret. “I knew they must have wives or somethin’ with fake names like Jeffery and Fred.”
“Um,” Cora said awkwardly, taking the room key. “Thanks?”
“No problem,” he said, giving the two of them a sly wink and looking very satisfied with himself. 
They didn’t even have the chance to find their room, the two culprits sneaking down into the lobby with overnight bags and grins on their faces until they came face to face with Lydia and Cora.
“Hi, guys.”
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @damnfancyscotch!
Happy holidays, dear!  I hope you enjoy this high school AU with enemies to friends to lovers!
Read on AO3
The Economics Project
“Coach, no!” Stiles moaned.  “Don’t do this to me!” “Sorry, Bilinski,” Coach Finstock said, not sounding sorry at all.  “Basketball players need to keep up their good grades.  And since you are one of the smartest students I‘ve got, you’re going to make sure that our star basketball player gets a good grade on his big semester project!  So you and Hale better do an amazing job, or we might lose the championship this year!” “But I don’t want to!  Can‘t I work with Scott again?” “Think of it as expanding your horizons!  You‘re not gonna be working with McCall every day of your life!” Coach said, looking more pumped with every word. Stiles walked out of Finstock‘s office before he could start quoting Independence Day like he usually did.
“I can’t believe I have to be partners with Derek Hale for that stupid project for Coach,” Stiles complained as he slammed down his tray at Scott and his usual lunch table. Scott looked appropriately sympathetic, but his expression quickly devolved into a sappy lovesick smile as his crush Allison Argent walked by. Stiles hit Scott on the shoulder.  “Scotty!  Pay attention!  This is serious, dude!”  Stiles knew he was whining, but he didn’t care.  This was a crisis of utmost importance. “Sorry, dude,” Scott turned his attention back to Stiles.  “You’ll be okay.  You can handle him.” “Of course I can handle him, Scotty,” Stiles rolled his eyes.  “I just don’t want to.”  He glared over at the lunch table where Derek sat. Derek Hale was a junior, just like Stiles and Scott. He sauntered around the school all cocky, like he owned the place, just because he was on the stupid basketball team.  And he was ridiculously popular, though he actually hung out most of the time with Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, and Erica Reyes.  The four of them were sitting at their lunch table like always.  Derek was laughing at something Erica said, throwing his head back in his enthusiasm. Stiles hated him with everything he had.. “I wish Coach let us work on the project together,” he moaned.  “You and me, we work so well together.” “Of course,” Scott chimed in immediately.  “We’re best friends!” “You bet we are!” Stiles grinned, but his smile quickly faded again.  “But who knows how this idiot works?  He’s a jock.  He’s probably not gonna do a thing, and I’ll be stuck doing all the work, and he’ll get a good grade by doing nothing, and it’s all because he plays basketball!” Scott looked sympathetic.  “It’ll be okay, Stiles.” “Who are you stuck with for your project, anyways?” Stiles asked.  “I quit listening after Coach paired me with the wrong person.” “I got Isaac Lahey.” Stiles groaned.  Of course poor Scott was stuck with one of Derek’s cronies.  “This is the worst.”  He pushed his lunch tray away in disgust.  He didn’t even feel like eating his pizza anymore. ********** And that’s why on a Saturday afternoon, Stiles was parking in the driveway at Derek Hale’s house instead of having Scott over for a video game marathon.   Derek’s house was huge and in the preserve.  It was closer to an actual mansion than a regular old house.  Stiles would normally be impressed by such a house, but then he remembered how much he couldn’t stand Derek and went back to being annoyed. Derek’s dad greeted him as he came into the house.  So did Derek’s little sister, Cora, who was a freshman at their school.  His mom was out doing errands. After a few minutes of talking, Derek finally showed himself at the top of the staircase.  He couldn’t even bother to come downstairs.  God, Stiles hated him.  “Come on up here,” he grumbled.  “Let’s get to work.” Stiles ran up the marble staircase and followed Derek into his room.  There were some basketball posters on the wall along with some bands that he apparently liked.  And of course all the trophies that he’d won so far.  Stiles inwardly rolled his eyes. “Jealous?” Derek smirked at him. “Me, jealous?  Never!” Stiles glared at him.  “Let’s just get to work on this stock market report so I can go home.” “Yes, you must have so many more important things to do than this report with me,” Derek glared at him, but pulled out his economics textbook and laptop. The two boys started to work.  Stiles was surprised and rather pleased to see Derek putting in just as much effort as he was into researching, searching the internet and their textbook for information. “Hey, do you think that we should add this stuff about bonds in our presentation?” Stiles mused, flipping through his textbook. “These are not the droids you’re looking for,” Derek said with a deadpan look. Stiles‘ jaw dropped as he stared at Derek in amazement.  “Did you just make a Star Wars reference?” he blurted out. “Yes?” Derek looked confused. “Oh my God, you know Star Wars?  I can’t even talk to Scotty about Star Wars because he’s never seen it.  Can you believe that?”  Stiles was absolutely delighted at this new information about Derek.  It was completely unexpected and kind of awesome.  He and Derek Hale actually had something in common that they could talk about, which he had never in a million years thought would happen.  “He’s not a fan of the Mets, either,” Stiles continued. “Wait, you’re a fan of the Mets?”  Derek looked just as shocked as Stiles imagined that he’d looked just a few moments before.  “You always seem like you hate sports.” “I like baseball, and especially the Mets!” Stiles said.  “My dad and I watch them whenever they’re playing!  And they’re gonna win the World Series this year, I just know it!” Derek actually laughed.  It was kind of a nice laugh.  “Spoken like a true Mets fan,” he grinned.  “Check out this shirt I found!” He got up and went to his closet and rifled through his shirts.  “Ah, here it is!”  He pulled out a blue and orange striped one. “Oh my God, that is so awesome!”  Stiles jumped up and ran over to inspect the shirt.  “Where did you get it?  I need one, too!” “I got it from an online store.  Come on, I’ll show it to you.  We can take a break on research for a little while.”  Derek started typing on his laptop. “Cool,” Stiles said, beaming. ********** From that day on, Stiles and Derek were friends.  First, they started waving to each other in the hallways if they passed by each other.  A week or so later, Derek and his friends started joining Stiles and Scott for lunch.  It was pretty convenient since Scott and Isaac were also partners for the economics project.  And it turned out that Scott and Isaac had become fast friends as well. Their lunch table grew in numbers again as Scott finally drew up the courage to ask Allison Argent out thanks to encouragement from both Stiles and Isaac. Three nights a week, Stiles and Derek would meet up to work on their project, sometimes at Derek’s house, sometimes at Stiles’.  Eventually, they started meeting up to watch the Mets’ games on TV.  Stiles’ dad liked Derek and enjoyed the additional support for the Mets. Stiles and Derek presented their project in class the last week before winter break.  Coach was very pleased with both their report and presentation and gave them both A+s.  “I knew you could do it, boys!” Coach wiped a tear from his eye.  “We’re gonna be number one thanks to you!” The two looked at each other and tried not to laugh out loud. ********** That night, Stiles was sad because he and Derek maybe wouldn’t see each other after school as much anymore.  He came to the sudden realization that he was starting to like Derek.  Really like him.  As in wanting to date him.  The night he realized it, he called Scott over, calling it another crisis. “This isn’t a crisis,” Scott said after Stiles told him how he felt. “Yes, it is!” Stiles wailed.  “Two months ago, I hated the guy.  And now we’re going to his Christmas party this Friday night.  How am I gonna handle it?” “Tell him?” Scott asked.  “I mean, that’s what you bugged me to do about Allison, and I did, and now I’m going out with the most beautiful girl in the school.  Have you seen those dimples of hers?” “Back on track, Scotty!” “Right, right!” Scott laughed.  “But seriously, dude, just tell the guy.  The rest of us have been suspecting you liked him.” “Really?” Stiles felt his cheeks burn.  If Scott noticed something when Allison was around, that meant it had to be overwhelmingly obvious.  “Oh, man, I don’t know if I can do it,” he moaned. “You can do anything, buddy,” Scott gave him an encouraging smile. Stiles grinned at him.  “That’s why you’re my best friend, Scotty!” ********** Soon enough, it was Friday night, and Stiles was at the Christmas party at the Hales’.  Derek greeted him at the door with a hug.  Stiles wanted the hug to go on forever, but Laura, Derek’s older sister who was home from college, pulled him away and started chattering to him about how great it was that Derek had a new friend.  It was fun to talk to her, and a nice excuse to not go confessing things to Derek just yet.  Soon, he was walking around the house, talking to everyone he encountered. “Enjoying yourself?” Stiles jumped and turned around.  Derek was right behind him, grinning that cocky smile of his.  But Stiles was no longer annoyed by it.  It was sort of endearing.  Oh, man, did he have a crush!  “Derek!  Hi!” he said, trying to hide his nervousness. “Come on,” Derek said, beckoning Stiles towards him.  “Laura dug up some games for us all to play together.  They’re in the living room.” Stiles followed Derek towards the living room, but just as they were going through the doorway to their destination, Allison called out, “Wait, stop!” There was giggling from the living room as Stiles and Derek both turned to look at her. “Look up,” she clarified with a wink. They both looked up.  There was a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the doorway.  Stiles definitely hadn’t noticed that before. He looked over at Derek, who was looking definitely uncomfortable.  As much as Stiles was starting to want to maybe try out something with Derek, he didn’t want to do anything to make the other boy unhappy.  “Hey,” he said quietly, “we don’t have to if…” “No!” Derek shouted, then his cheeks reddened as he realized how loud he was.  “I mean, I don’t mind doing it,” he amended softly. “You don’t?” Stiles asked.  “Because I really want to, too.”  He licked his lips, hoping they weren’t too chapped from the cold weather outside. Their lips met under the mistletoe.  Derek’s lips felt warm and moist, and Stiles wasn’t worried about his own lips anymore.  In fact, he wasn’t thinking about anything except Derek and how amazing it was to kiss him.  He vaguely heard some cheering going on, but he wasn’t entirely sure.   It was over way too soon in Stiles’ opinion, but he couldn’t help the broad grin on his face as the two parted.  “That was awesome,” he declared. “Awesome,” Derek echoed, sounded dazed.   Stiles couldn’t believe that he made Derek sound like that.  He was beaming with pride.  But he was also scared that maybe it just was because of the mistletoe, that he wouldn’t get to kiss Derek again. His thoughts were interrupted by Erica coming over and nudging Derek in the side.  “So, are you guys gonna do that again?” she asked coyly. “Erica,” came Boyd’s deep voice. Erica pouted, but walked away from the pair, but not before giving Derek another nudge in the side. Stiles glanced over at Scott, who gave a nod and a thumb’s up to him.  He took a deep breath and decided to just go for it.  Carpe diem and all that.  “Think we might do that again sometime?” he asked, trying for casual and hoping that he succeeded. Derek looked surprised.  “You mean you would want to?” he asked Stiles nodded rapidly.  “God, yes,” he grinned.  “I can’t believe I ever couldn’t stand you, but you are actually pretty amazing and I would totally date you!” The corner of Derek’s mouth quirked up.  “You were pretty annoying yourself,” he said.  “You’re still kind of annoying, actually.” “Hey!” “But it turns out I kinda like annoying,” Derek finished, smirking at him.   “Hmpf!” Stiles pretended to still be annoyed, but inwardly he was jumping up and down.  “I won’t take you to see the new Star Wars movie if you have that kind of attitude.”  But he was too excited and happy to keep pouting, and a big smile burst through. “You bought those tickets for us the day they became available,” Derek pointed out. “Yeah, but now it could be our first official date?” Stiles said hopefully. “Yeah,” Derek murmured, leaning forward to kiss Stiles again. Stiles flung his arms around the other boy and kissed him back with every ounce of happiness and excitement inside him.   “Pay up, boys!” Erica’s gleeful voice burst through the giddy haze in Stiles’ head “You bet on us?” Stiles asked breathlessly once he and Derek finally separated. “Yeah,” Boyd said. “But she cheated!” Isaac said, grumbling as he passed over some money.  “She was encouraging them!” “I would have encouraged them no matter who would win in the pool,” Erica protested.  “They’re perfect together!” Stiles looked over at Derek, who was looking back at him with adoring eyes.  “We are pretty perfect together,” he murmured with a soft smile. ********** While Stiles arrived at school after winter break wearing Derek’s letterman jacket, Coach Finstock liked to boast that it was because of him and his economics project that the two of them had gotten together.
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apollomaddox · 5 years
nails for breakfast
He stayed the night per Isaac’s request. How could he not? The bed was warm and being in Isaac’s arms was far more comforting than any arms he had been in before. For the first time, probably since Australia, Apollo slept peacefully through the night. He woke up first, still pressed against Isaac’s body. He had turned around throughout the night but the Slytherin’s arms remained around his body. One across his hip and the other wrapped around his chest. It was almost like Isaac thought he’d slip away in the middle of the night if he didn’t have him in a death grip. He probably would have if he had woken up. 
Apollo inhaled slowly and brought a hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes. Certain parts of his body ached from the deep sleep he had gotten. He didn’t know if it was because he was in Isaac’s room or if it was Cassio’s potion that had lured him into such a beautiful slumber. Probably both. But as he slipped from Isaac’s grasp, he could feel knots in his muscles. His bones popped as he moved and at first he felt so sluggish. Like he was still asleep. Hazy but it was passing. He turned towards Isaac’s nightstand, glancing at the clock. The red letters displayed that it was a little after five in the morning. Apollo yawned and rubbed his fingertips against his temples. Headache. It was already the same the morning after taking Cassio’s potion. A blaring headache was on the horizon and the only thing to solve it was a fresh, steaming cup of coffee.
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Slipping out of Isaac’s grasp successfully, Apollo searched the bedroom floor for his clothes. He tugged on his pants and tossed Isaac’s shirt on over his head because he couldn’t find his own. If he hurried he could be first in line at Blue Brick before most of the others pile in. He could be back in time with coffee and muffins for him and Isaac. He was hoping that maybe they could spend the day doing nothing but be together. He had some assignments he had to work on that were due in the next couple of days but after admitting his feelings for Isaac...all Apollo wanted to do was exist by him. To feel him sitting next to him. He hated that he was feeling so sappy...but at the same time it was refreshing to feel happy. He leaned over and placed a soft kiss against Isaac’s forehead before he slipped out of his dorm. 
It didn’t take long for Apollo to get to Blue Brick but to his surprise there was a line of students waiting to be let in. Behind the doors he saw Cassio’s roommate working his ass off to get things ready. Poor guy looked like he was overwhelmed by the students waiting. 
“Hi, Apollo.” Speaking of the blonde, Apollo turned, smile plastered on his face at the sound of Cassio’s voice. That smile quickly faded when another voice, a loud, obnoxious booming voice followed.
“APOLLO! You come here? I didn’t know that!” Oliver. Fucking Davenport. With his arms wrapped around Cassio’s waist. Just great. “You have to join us for breakfast! Please!?”
“Be careful, babe. He’s not a morning person. Not until he gets some coffee in him,” Cassio replied and turned to kiss Oliver’s temple. If Apollo had anything in his stomach he would have vomited at the sight. There was no way he could handle being jealous of Oliver Davenport. Not today. Thankfully, someone was watching over him. The doors to the Blue Brick opened and the line of hungry students made their way in. He tapped his foot against the floor, trying to tune out Oliver who kept talking to him excitedly and trying to ignore the way Cassio handled his boyfriend in public. Because it hurt that he couldn’t come here with Isaac all tangled up in each other. 
He ordered a couple coffees and two muffins. Blueberry and Valor’s special muffin of the day which somehow was a mixture of a muffin and french toast. Apollo wasn’t sure but Cassio’s roommate seemed pretty excited about it so he ordered it just to appease the other. Then he headed out, fully intending to go straight back to Isaac’s dorm before he and the other Slytherin’s woke up. 
“Two coffees?” Oliver popped up behind Apollo as he was stirring a packet of sugar into his coffee. “Who is the second one for? You don’t have a roommate. It’s not for Orion is it?”
“Orion?” Cassio joined them at the station and looked between the two of them with a raised brow.
“Oliver’s bro-” The Gryffindor RA clamped his hand over Apollo’s mouth to which Apollo looked horrified at. His hand with the coffee jerked as he tried to get away from Oliver and some spilled, burning his hand. “Fuck,” He hissed, grabbing a napkin and blotting at the back of his hand.
Oliver didn’t seem to give a shit. He was too busy looking nervously at Cassio. “He lives next door to Apollo and let me tell you he’s a PAIN. They both are.” Apollo was stunned. Oliver was keeping his older brother a dirty little secret from Cassio. Interesting. But why? Orion was a pain in the dick that was true but it had to be bad if he didn’t want Cass to know. The fact that he and Oliver were hiding secrets...was odd but intriguing. 
“So...is it for...” Oliver wiggled his eyebrows and his face broke out into a grin and Apollo glared at Cassio accusingly immediately. He couldn’t read the expression on his friend’s face. Had he told Oliver about Isaac? There was no way. Cassio was the only person Apollo trusted with everything. He wouldn’t do that to Apollo. Not in a million years and definitely not to Oliver who had the biggest fucking mouth ever.
“A study buddy, right?” Finally his blonde friend came to his rescue and Apollo bookmarked to bring this up later to Cassio when they were alone and he had more time. “For that big project you’re worried about.” Clever, clever man.
He looked between the two. Once smiling and giddy now they looked downright uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable too. Did Oliver know about him? Did he know about Isaac? Speaking of Isaac, Apollo really wanted to be back to his room by now ...He glanced down at his watch and sighed heavily and dramatically. “I’ve...gotta go.” And he took off leaving the pair and that conversation, far, far behind. He wanted to go back to having a good morning with Isaac. 
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khymer-vulture · 7 years
Short story, as promised. I’ll be working on the request fic in just a bit, finished mapping it out.
Set right before Captivate.
Zack and Rachel have been on the move for a long time, and they’ve grown comfortable around their presence. It may have only been a couple of years, but it felt much longer. Isaac grows much more emotionally curious of this young woman who’s been his companion.
Isaac and Rachel have noticed a long period of calm since the authorities had stopped searching for the young woman. Ray was declared dead after being in a wanted man’s company for a prolonged period of time, and she had no family to miss someone as obscured as her. Zack was all she had now until the oath was fulfilled. Since he was still a high risk of detection, Ray made absolutely sure to keep Isaac hidden away from unwanted eyes as well.
They worked too well together, it was no wonder the authorities called off their search. Zack had to admit, their partnership worked wonders, even during the times in the building.
However, it wasn’t their cunning that helped them the most, the two seemed to help each other emotionally when it was needed most. Ray and even Zack himself suffered awful nightmares of their past, there were periods where the two felt their dark and manic sides threatened to kick in, and they shared moments of kindness when situations were often peaceful. The pair grew closer in their bond, never expecting to become so comfortable around another person, and act so casually.
Rachel wasn’t complaining, she’d rather be in the company of Zack than anyone else, they’d never understand her like he would, and tell her motivating things in their own special kind of way. No matter how many days pass though, it still felt out of character for him to be attached to another person, smile with them, play around with them, and even soothe them when they felt low. It was weird to him, but also homey. Zack would probably never feel this way round anyone else ever again.
Their feelings aside, they managed to score good sums of cash during late night muggings, it kept them housed in certain areas, kept them fed, and kept them clothed. Not much to help them settle once they knew the heat died down, but enough to have them live as comfortably as they could. Plus, mugging was a fun outlet for Zack to take out his aggression and pent up homicidal tendencies. So that works out too.
The two eventually settled for the night in a hotel, because of Rachel’s growing maturity, it made getting a room easier without needing Zack to spend time to put on a disguise. Ray didn’t really think too much about time’s effect on her, but Isaac did notice. Ray had grown a little bit taller, and she sure as hell didn’t look like the same brat he first met. Even her voice changed slightly, sometimes Zack had a hard time recognizing it, especially when Ray would beckon him to wake up. That was just the basic details though.
Now that they’ve made themselves comfortable, the two relaxed on the couch for a while, and flipped through the channels on the hotel’s television. Zack was lazily sitting on the couch, with his feet propped up on a nearby coffee table, his arms were rested against the top of the couch, and he could feel Rachel lean against him. He did come to accept her casual moments of comfort in his presence, it was pretty much because she knew Zack’s murderous possibilities, but didn’t care. Zack would hold back until death was dealt on their own terms. A lamb willingly let themselves lie by the wolf.
Channel after channel and only a couple of programs seemed to catch their eye, hours ticked by as they watched a couple of shows, had Zack throw in some colorful commentary when a cheesy horror movie came on, then flipped to the news to make sure Zack was no longer mentioned in the headlines. Isaac was starting to get a little bored, normally they’d watch for about 10 or so minutes, but it was taking Rachel a little longer than usual to change the channel.
“Hey, Ray…hurry and flip off of this borefest,” Zack grumbled.
His heterochromatic eyes directed to Ray, and noticed she was having trouble staying awake. No wonder she took so long, it was late at night anyway.
“Hey, if yer’ tired, then go off to bed,” Zack grunted.
“Mhh…I don’t really want to yet, I’m feeling too comfortable to move,” Ray mumbled.
Isaac lightly rolled his eyes, “Whatever, when ya’ do fall asleep, that’s where I’m gonna leave you.”
He probably would, for a short while, then take her back to the bed for a proper place to sleep. They didn’t spend money on a room just for Rachel to couch surf. She wasn’t arguing though, she was too tired to come up with a retort, and picked herself up from Zack for a moment. Zack raised a brow, thinking that she was giving in and going to bed, but instead, she lowers herself to let her head lay on his lap.
“Ah? W-What the fuck?” Zack nearly shouts.
He didn’t mind her leaning on him, or perch herself in his arms, but this was a new level of her getting too comfortable. Isaac could feel heat crawl across his face underneath his bandages, along with a conflicted need to either keep her there or push her the hell off. It felt weird to just let Rachel sleep on him like that, she looked so vulnerable right now, but also so serene. Isaac’s never seen such an expression on her face as she slept, he’s has seen her old doll-like expression, another of well-rest, and another of assurance, but never serene.
Ray had truly fallen asleep, she was softly breathing as her body fell limp from slumber’s spell. Zack felt compelled to just observe her, and examine every detail of her, he didn’t know why, but it somehow fascinated him. Her golden locks were almost back to their original length, her skin was just as fair as ever, and of course he did notice the physical changes that occurred in Rachel. She appeared much more mature than she previously had, even though he still calls her a brat.
Another compulsion nagged him, he brought up a hand to unravel the wrappings on his right hand, then brought his unveiled fingers to lightly touch Ray’s porcelain-white skin. They were silky smooth, touching the skin along her arm with his natural fingers sent chills along his spine, and he enjoyed feeling her body’s warmth underneath his fingertips. Rachel continued to snooze away, unaware of Isaac’s curiosity. Soon, his fingers gently combed through Ray’s delicate locks, raking them up a little, just so he could enjoy the feel of Ray’s hair flow from his digits.
Next, came her cheeks, they may have shown signs of her maturity as a woman, but they were still slightly plump, thanks to youth, enough for him to playfully pinch at. Ray’s cheeks felt very warm under his touch, undoubtedly silky too, as he let his hands lightly cup and brush against her supple skin. Every bit of contact he gave Ray, was giving the man goosebumps underneath his wrappings, he’d never let himself examine her like this before.
Then he spotted her lips, he caught himself staring at them once before, when he soothed her insecurities after nearly having an episode around a stray cat. God, that fucking smile too, it was so different compared to her last ones, and did her lips shine to draw his attention. Zack’s mind screamed so loud to feel those lips, now seemed the best opportunity. Slowly, his fingers slid their way to them, just a simple feel, and maybe he could satisfy his curiosity to just stare and study her. Rachel’s lips were soft, incredibly soft, and possibly the warmest spot he’s touched. Isaac felt entranced as his thumb lightly traced Ray’s plush lips, then slowly pulled his hand back.
The fingers that touched her lips, he slowly brought up, along with a curious subconscious thought - how would her lips feel against his? That same question came to mind when he stared at them the last time, and even now, he wondered why a question would even cross his mind – though curiosity was stronger than reason. Then, he lightly pressed his lips against those digits. It was just merely the ghost of her warmth and touch that he could feel. Zack gazed down at the sleeping Ray and carefully maneuvered himself to let Ray continue her sleep, while he freed himself and knelt down beside the couch.
Zack was staring at her lips again, they were gorgeous and slightly full, and he wanted to try and have a feel for himself. Isaac lightly touched her cheek yet again, then felt the drive to lower himself even more.
‘Just a feel…just…a…’ Zack internally reminded himself, before his thoughts were fading away.
His mind slowly went blank, Isaac had tunnel focus as he locked onto Rachel’s lips, and leaned ever so closer. He could feel the woman’s soft breaths breeze against his own skin, and the distance slowly drawing near to being closed.
Rachel had that inner instinct telling her that a presence was close by, and it prodded her into waking up. Her blue eyes slowly opened to see Zack’s heterochromatic eyes closing in on hers. She was startled for a moment from how close Zack was, and never even noticed that he had moved off the couch to be this close proximity. Ray was both surprised and confused to his behavior.
“Zack? What are you doing?”
Reality returned to Zack’s eyes as soon as her voice beckoned him, he softly gasped as he quickly pulled away and nearly fell back to retreat from his action.
What was he doing just now? Did he really just try to kiss her? Now, he reflected on him pressing his fingers against his lips after they had felt at hers not too long ago. His face was burning. Isaac’s mind spun as he was trying to figure out what he was doing, what he did, and why the fuck was he compelled to do it. Zack nearly tried to kiss her, and it frustrated him – this isn’t the kind of shit he would do. Kissing was something unbelievably sappy, something normal people did for whatever the fuck reason they had. Zack had no clear reason, or did he? He couldn’t know anymore, as instinct drove him to do a lot of strange shit lately.
There was no answer to give, Zack quickly got up to his feet, and quickly walked away from the couch.
“…Go to bed…” he mumbled, before stepping out to get some fresh air.
Rachel was confused, from Zack’s behavior and what just happened, she wanted to follow and try to console him, but she sensed that it would probably agitate him further. Perhaps she could try in the morning when his head was cooled. Rachel got up from the couch and slowly made her way to the bed, only taking off her over shirt and socks before crawling into the blankets to let sleep claim her yet again.
Isaac was still agitated, but it wasn’t something to go out and wander the area over, he just needed some fresh air to clear his head and reflect on his action. He had just tried to kiss Rachel, without really knowing why he was so bent on fulfilling a strange curiosity and need. Not once has he ever felt that way towards anyone, or even had such a strong need to do such an action that would normally repulse him. Yet with Ray, she had a very odd bewitchment. The things she said, the stuff she does, and this strange bond he had with this young woman. Even before, he’s done actions that were out of character. Hugging, comforting, and even sheltering her. Hell, he’s kissed her before, though mostly on the head or the cheek, but they’ve never bugged him as much as where he tried to kiss now – lips were a whole new territory, and one he didn’t dare to cross.
“Why? Why? Why? Why in the fuck did I do all that shit?” Zack mumbled to himself.
He shouldn’t be pulling this stunt, especially since he didn’t know what he was getting himself in to. Was he trying to comfort her or reward her, like he’s often done with innocent forehead kisses. So many questions and possibilities filled his head, maybe his dumbass brain wanted to reward her, but for what reason? Rachel hasn’t say any kind words to him yet, all she did was sleep – albeit, on is lap. Was her physical expression of her comfort within his dangerous presence the compliment?
Zack growled angrily as he ruffled his hair, thinking of what ifs or maybes wasn’t going to solve shit, he was getting tired and annoyed. Perhaps some sleep would better help him come up with an answer as to why he desired to kiss her. Why he was so captivated.
“She’s still the same ol’ brat…I shouldn’t think of her too differently,” Zack said to himself, “Yeah, she’s gotten older, but that don’t mean too damn much. Ray can fucking think and act freely for herself, that’s the only shit I should care about, when it comes to her…”
Sleep, he really needs some sleep, Isaac often used a little more brainpower when he was fully rested. He can’t sleep in the same bed as Ray, he can’t run the risk of repeating the same action again, he knows he would – after all, he was a pushy individual.
Isaac peeked his head into the hotel room, he saw Ray had changed position from the couch to the bed, at least she did as she was told before he stepped out. Zack quietly entered the room and sat himself on the couch, before sliding the rest of his body onto the furniture to lay down.
Flashbacks circulated through his head as he tried to get himself to fall asleep, the time he cared for her when she was ill, being taught to read, their share of comforting one another during nightmares and doubt, her response when he showed her his scars, the ever-noticeable change in both her form and personality – not to mention, her eyes, and the slowly growing impulses they acted on between each other.
Zack may have given Ray her share of simple pecks for small reasons, but then again, so did she - it just made things worse, or better, he couldn’t fucking know anymore. He’s been feeling the tightness in his chest a lot more often now around her, it was when he or she acted on those impulses innocently that it went away for a short while. Compared to Zack’s strong urges to kill, this sensation seemed to trump it. It screamed at him to hold her warmth close to his body, feel her silky soft hair, and place his lips on her supple skin – be it her forehead, cheek, or even lips.
“Fuck this noise…” Zack growled to himself, “it’s stupid…it’s so fucking stupid…she’s just some chick that I’m completely chill to be with.”
Bottling stuff up never did any good, never has, and Rachel always had better explanations for things he couldn’t understand. That might be a good idea, ask Ray later, or if this sensation bugs the hell out of him again. Right now, he just wanted to sleep.
Tomorrow, the two were going to be heading into another town - a small city, if he recalled correctly, though the walk would be long. Zack kicked off his boots to let his feet rest, knowing they would be worn out from the non-stop travel they would be taking.
Maybe then, after they reached their destination, he could ask Ray what the hell was going on with him, and quit retreating from something so unknown and confusing. He could confront such an annoying impulse and cease trying to act on a desire that did not fit someone like him, after all, monsters don’t hug or kiss, it’s not like him at all.
Tomorrow, when they have time to settle, that’s when he’ll get to the bottom of things.
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
How they Hug You - Teen Wolf
Please feel free to request anything no matter what it is I will write it preference imagine or smut for teen wolf supernatural or the buttercream squad p>Scott McCall Scott is an adorable goofball who is always gonna wanna hug you. He loves hugs. He really likes to sneak up on you  and hug you from behind. At first you always used to get scared and jump. Now you’re so used to it most of the time you don’t even have to look to tell that it’s Scott. You know because of the warm body and the way he gives your waist a tight squeeze.
Stiles Stilinski Stiles is a sappy person when it comes to you believe it or not. He wants to prove that he loves you. Most of the time when you hug you put your arms around his waist and he rests his arms on your back while you stick your head in his neck and smell him, because you LOVE his cologne.
Jackson Whittemore Jackson is like the king of PDA, he wants everyone to see. He grabs your waist and pulls you smack against his body. You giggle and put your arms around his neck. Most of the time this ends in him kissing you. But when you’re alone he try’s to be nicer and sometimes you just cuddle and talk.
Peter Hale Peter knows he was a bad person. He understands that, but he wants to get better, for you. He loves you and wants to show everyone he’s changed. But he’s also scared you’ll see him as the terrible person he used to be. So he holds you close with his arms tightly around your waist and you instinctively put your head on his chest. He does this because it makes him feel better and not like you’re going to leave him.
Isaac Lahey Since Isaac is fairly tall he has a habit of picking you up and tightly wrapping his arms around you waist to hold you.  You pull you head back and just look at him and admire him then usually peck his lips or cheeks, causing him to smile.
Aiden Aiden really likes to grab you by the waist pull you into him and kiss you. He wants everyone to know that you’re taken. He doesn’t like guys flirting with you so he does this to insure they don’t. He does this most often when you’re talking to a guy.
Jordan Parrish Jordan is a sweetheart he knows how to take care of you the right way. He loves to show you how much you mean to him. He’ll pull you tightly to his chest and you’ll wrap your arms around his neck.  He just holds you like this and you guys could just stare into each other’s eyes forever.
Derek Hale Derek loves you with all his heart. If you ever got lost or hurt it would be the death of him. He’s always scared something’s going to happen to you because you’re just a human. He knows if someone like him where to attack you you couldn’t fight back. This is why he doesn’t hug very often but when he does he pulls you into his lap and lets you curl up into him like this is the last time you guys will ever hug.
Liam Dunbar Liam is that cute boyfriend girls wish they could have. He’s the one that shows up at you’re house for surprise dates, the one who slow dances with you wether there’s people watching or you’re all alone. He loves you with all his heart. He will pull you to his chest and cup you cheek and kiss the top of your head, just because he can.
Theo Raeken You absolutely love Theo and even though he doesn’t say it much when there are people around you know he loves you to. Most of the time guys pull the girl closer with you two it’s the other way around. You pull him into you and put your hands on his neck while he instantly puts his face in your neck, and smirks to himself because he knows how much you love him and how lucky he is to have you.
Brett Talbot Brett loves kissing you. He is very attractive, arrogant, and a big guy and he knows it. He will pick you and wrap your legs around his wait and press his lips to yours while you put your hands in his hair when you pull away you grin at each other and he drops you and actually hugs you afterwards, while often leads to more kissing.
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dsmamedits · 4 years
Day 16 WFH Community Quarantine Boys and Girls!
How to survive? I don't know. Just don't stress and keep productive. I was depressed for tha past few days because I kept fighting with Cheng but he's persistent so here we are still together and I decided to let it go. I don't know, he got to me. Oh well. Anyways exercised again. Feels nice to sweat. I can see in pics how my body quickly expands. It's humiliating. Oh well my head looks like it's too small for my body. Anyways...Mr Kilay messaged me two days ago. I felt My heart jump out of my ribcage when he introduced himself. He texted the day before wishing me well but it was just a number so i asked who he was and he just replied yesterday and I was so surprised that it took a while until I replied. I miss him but like missing a brother yah know. It would be nice to see him again with maya for lunch or dinner when all of this is over.
I want to explain to Cheng that they're good people and i care about them coz they were part of my life when I was feeling crappy about myself. I was in the lowest of my low and they helped me get out of it but he just won't have it. Anyways out of my sappy world. I did work. Called UPS asking how to pay for the collection theng since lockdown and we work from home.
And the did the subsidiary folder. Then we had dinner. Chopped some onions and ginger. The ginataang chicken was delicious one of my fave dishes ate made. And she also made a salad bowl with sesameoil as a dressing. Then we went to the tindahan to buy chips and coke we also had yellow watermelon. So much fun. I talked to laleh and played with cheng on the partyhouse app. Played with isaac. Then Ate Char ate spicy sardines and we opened the chips and then i exercised after and watched the tryguys.
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hyperfixatinglove · 7 years
Odd self ship asks w issac, Murphy, and ratchet :3
Under cut cause hoo boy this got long ♥
1. How did you two meet?
I sought him out to join for his guild. Both canon and AU and then our relationship.. escalated
3. What do the people around you think of your relationship?
Those in the guild (and most likely Shiroe too) find it somewhat hilarious I can make Isaac do anything if I only beg a bit. He grumps a bit but eventually does (or tries) what I ask of him.
I think Marielle and others (meaning Minori, Nyanta, you etc) would find us oddly adorable.
5. Have you given your ship a name?
Not namesmash I’m bad with those but it’s “strong and sweet”
I tend to think Isaac is strong but sweet with me so that’s why.
You should know it Ash, you helped.
7. What does each of you think about PDA?
Isaac could leave or take it
I love it too much.
Guess which one initiates cuddles.
He cannot say no to his princess
11. Best gifts you two have exchanged?
I gave him cute unicorn plushie with some sappy tag like: “to my boyfriend I love you” or “look at this cutiepie and remember me”
The first gift he gave me was a super cool staff in-game and I was so baffled I couldn’t even thank him at first! ♥
The best gift he gave me was the heart necklace I described in one of my fics.. I keep it around my neck all day.
13. Have you ever broken up?
I wouldn’t forgive him if he ever did and then beg me to get back with him.
I can see him try to break up with me when he fears for my safety
And I cut him down that instant.
15. Happiest moment together?
Most likely the day we meet in real life, in-anime or AU, if it happens.
17. Ideal way to spend time with one another?
Isaac loves to lowkey tease me, so I get flustered but he doesn’t anger me.
I love when he holds me.
Just, being together I suppose.
19. What areas do the two of you like to be kissed on?
Isaac likes to be kissed underneath the jaw, near neck and knuckles.
I love to be forehead kissed and cheek.
21. In which ways are you two the most similar?
We both are easily irritated, I believe.
And we don’t do well with teasing.
23. Who is the most affectionate?
Me, by a mile I think.
Isaa insists otherwise rather fiercely. 
25. Who said “I love you” first?
It was both of us at the same time, the words just poured out of our mouths. Awkward and happy laughs ensured.
29. What do the two of you wear for couples Halloween costumes?
I insist us to dress up like Judy and Nick from Zoo///topia!
39. How would both of you react to find someone hitting on the other?
Isaac would glare at them and super quickly point out “That’s my girlfriend.” In super low voice (I secretly think it’s nice oops)
I would make them notice me and almost yell “Hey you aware that’s my boyfriend?”
1. How did you two meet?
I almost pumped into him while he was working. He hadn’t noted me but I still apologized and he only raised his eyebrow and I noted how cute he was.
Maybe he was the reason why I popped into the same cinema a lot later..
Post-Downpour!Murphy is happy with me, sue me.
3. What do the people around you think of your relationship?
To them we’re just people among the masses.
Anne likes me though, she comes to visit some times when she can. First time she saw me she just drank her liquid and said: “She chose a woman like you. Pendleton you do not surprise me.”
She meant it as compliment.
I’m not sure whenever they’re friends or acquaintances or just two people who understand what other has been through.
She’s cool tho
I hate the shipping of her and Murphy
5. Have you given your ship a name?
“downpour and sunshine”
To tie it with Murphy’s game and it’s theme with rain and it describes our personalities to some extend.
7. What does each of you think about PDA?
Murphy’s cautious of it and doesn’t like it as much as I do. I have gotten used to asking first before touching him.
He loves me cupping his face, though.
He likes giving me rubs to my back and holding my hand.
11. Best gifts you two have exchanged?
I gave him a new angel statue (I precisely avoided the weeping angels screaming in the background), he gave me cute hairpins.
13. Have you ever broken up?
We can’t take that shit
Can you see my stance on break ups are “if you break up it’s truly over”?
15. Happiest moment together?
Years later when Murphy realizes he’s happy and coping with his losses, he no longer needs therapy and tells me that and some sappy words.. ♥
17. Ideal way to spend time with one another?
Lightly joking about something while being close to one another/doing something at the same time.
Murphy tries to explain thing or thousand about cars but I only get a small portion of it. I still listen to him, awed.
19. What areas do the two of you like to be kissed on?
Murphy likes to be kissed to his jaw, upper cheek and lips.
I like when he kisses me on the lips,temple and wrist.
21. In which ways are you two the most similar?
We withdraw when things become overwhelming or when we’re hurt. We also need a lot of time alone to recharge.
We talk to ourselves and get frustrated when we have series of setbacks. We get spooked easily. We also don’t talk much (or in my case to strangers).
Wow we have quite stuff common.. ♥
23. Who is the most affectionate?
Me! :3
25. Who said “I love you” first?
Must’ve been Murphy when he got drunk one night and slipped it. I had been scared to say it, I feared I might scare him away..
29. What do the two of you wear for couples Halloween costumes?
I can see us dressing up as witches somehow.
39. How would both of you react to find someone hitting on the other?
Murphy would remain silent but it’s clear from his face he does not like it. He keeps it all to himself until we’re away.
I get openly mad and state “no hitting on my boyfriend”, possible middle fingers are possible.
1. How did you two meet? 
We met after my ship crashed and he was adventuring on the same planet. He took me along and warmed up to me :D
3. What do the people around you think of your relationship? 
Qwark finds it annoying.
Sasha thinks it’s cute.
Talwyn is a bit jealous at first but she’s happy for us.
Clank, even when he fully cannot grasp it since he’s a robot, is our biggest supporter.
Angela teases us relentlessly.
5. Have you given your ship a name? 
“I’ll give you shelter”
From song “Shelter” by Porter Robinson which was the first ship song when I was only shaping everything together. Also I like to think it’s a nod to Ratchet taking me with him and allowing me to live with him and Clank, giving me shelter in a way.
7. What does each of you think about PDA? 
We’re both huge lovers of pda. Our most loved form is twining our tails together.
11. Best gifts you two have exchanged? 
Ratchet loves giving me bolts,jewels and other pretty little trinkets he finds. I have a stash of them in a safe place, I cherish them all and like to look at them.
I found emerald once, exactly the shade of his eyes and made it into a wrist accessory. He keeps it on at all times, he only switched the chain to stronger material so he wouldn’t need to worry of breaking and losing my gift.
13. Have you ever broken up?
Ratchet says we will when he gets extremely mad but he never means it.
15. Happiest moment together?
Learning our species are still alive somewhere, on top of having Angela.
Also the days when we can just relax.
17. Ideal way to spend time with one another?
Napping and fixing stuff, haha.
19. What areas do the two of you like to be kissed on? 
Ratchet loves when I kiss his ears and nose!
I love when he gives eskimo kisses to my cheek.
21. In which ways are you two the most similar? 
I don’t think we’re similar, at all?
Unless our love for video games and having fun is a similarity.
Some of his ways of having fun are bit radical and scary to me…
23. Who is the most affectionate?
Both. We’re cuddle monsters.
25. Who said “I love you” first?
Ratchet, though not directly to me. He got pissed off by a villain and declared it. Loudly.
I was barely able to progress his words. He ended up saving me shortly after.
29. What do the two of you wear for couples Halloween costumes?
I can’t think of anything we’d wear but we won’t miss the party.
39. How would both of you react to find someone hitting on the other?
Ratchet would whack them and glare so bad. Throw a smart remark full of passive aggressiveness.
I would glare and step in if Ratchet’s protests go unheard.
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peony-pearl · 7 years
Basic Bequest character roster
equal parts strength and sad
Big love
Bad at sarcasm, still tries to be sarcastic
Socks and sandals or cowboy boots no inbetween
Knows how to sell his big blue eyes
If he feels like he’s wronged you he will avoid you and unintentionally shut you out
Sentimentality could get him killed
Has a stupid mustache but his wife loved it
frustrated but kind Always thinking Makes it look like he’s thinking seriously but 4 times out of 10 it’s probably the Ducktales theme song Will fistfight for your honor and lose but would do it again
When he was three he discovered he has electromagnetic powers while holding a lightbulb and it shattered and he still has tiny scars on his right cheek and lip
would make out with history if it was a tangible thing
Sundresses everyday
Tries to live every day as though she lives in a Miyazaki movie
Doesn’t get mad; gets disappointed
When she is mad no one knows which is worse, the anger or the disappointment
Second Capain of the Guard
A Dad ™
Hard exterior, warm sappy dad interior
Loves his wife
Loves his daughters  
Casually decimates trees with his bare hands for firewood and then smooches his wife
Both his and his wife’s parents have long lineage in the Guard, and they were unhappy that their marriage seems to only produce girls, even though Van and his wife, Sanna have one child that has inherited the Guardian gene; Van’s parents have even tried to convince him to find a new wife and he had NONE of that and hasn’t seen or heard from his parents in many years.
Only child of Vangelis to inherit his strength and it gives her a lot of self esteem issues because girls rarely inherit the Guardian gene and she doesn’t feel like she fits in with either her mother and sisters or her father and the Guard
Loves puzzles
Skips lessons at the Guardian Sanctuary to go hang out with the mechanic who works on the City Patrol’s vehicles. He doesn’t like her skipping, but he’d rather her stay out of trouble.
no one can believe she was once not a mom
Not happy with Hermia skipping lessons, but understands her daughter is under a lot of stress
Runs a produce shop in town
Works so hard customers wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d returned to work the same day she had her children
She would have but Van convinced her not to
Her girls hang out with her after lessons and Van retreats there after work and helps her close shop
Being a princess is a responsibility
Gets upset when her father tells her she should stay home and not worry about issues like villages not having enough food or recovering from an attack from the Kindynos
Royka: fuck that shit lol where’s my car I’ll drive my own damn self
Took in a Kindynos runaway after finding him half starved in the river
Fed him and taught him how to read and write
Her people are not a job, but are her life, and she sees to it that no one goes without proper care
the runaway that Royka found
Painfully quiet
But patient
Loyal once befriended
The second he sees a possible threat, old habits kick in and he’s on a rampage
Tad’s jackass dead grandpa
Was part of the Guard
Knows Tad inherited his strength but is a jackass and never told him because he didn’t want anyone who could abuse this knowledge to know what it was
A jackass
salty bitch
Leader of the Kindynos
Boss lady af
Literally the Kindynos army’s mom
No one calls her mom
Spirit mom
Actually not anyone’s mom
Misses her bf who disappeared a long time ago
People feel like she’s kinda shady but there’s no evidence of her being any kind of bad, she can just be unsettling sometimes
Will bite you if you don’t get off of his property
has no hands
Has wings instead
Closest thing to a magic user
Ancestor of Royka
Having no hands didn’t stop her from getting some sweet human lovin about 1700 years ago u know what I’m sayin
Picks on Ligette to pass the time
that spirit Shren picks on
Voiced by Billy West
Hunter guy
Excited 24/7
A Good Friend
Eye roll expert
Lives in a tree fort because he’s like 5
the smartest spirit
The most picked on as well
Which is why he lives in the desert
Makes weapons for the Guard
Also made their medical supplies because regular needles can’t penetrate Guardian skin so he made a metal that can just in case they need medical attention
Also worked with Guardian leaders to make the only system that executes those who have grossly abused their strength. He hated working on it.
Sensitive Desert boy
Spirit who disappeared shortly after humans arrived
Spirit who disappeared during the transfer of humans from Earth to the Sanctuary
Who’s this bitch? Stay tuned
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redbrickisaac · 7 years
There's a song called 'Don't Go' by Rae Morris and I've been wondering if you might want to write an Isaac one shot based on it some time? It's ok if you don't though! Your writing is brilliant btw! x
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Musical Inspiration:“Don’t Go” – Rae Morris
A/n: Thank you forintroducing me to this song. It’s so powerful. I love it.
Warnings: Extremesappiness.
Word Count: approx.700 words
Pairing: Isaac xReader
You hate this feeling, this void that seems to be buildinginside you whenever you’re with your boyfriend. You hate it because you knowwhat it means. You can see it coming, the death of your relationship withIsaac. There’s just been so much hurtand destruction between you that, right now, you don’t see how you can staytogether. You just keep hurting each other more.
The way Isaac looks at you lately, you can tell he senses ittoo.
Honestly, you love him so much. More than you’ve ever lovedanyone else. More than breathing. And that’s why it feels like there’s thiscrushing weight on your chest when you look at him and realize that he may notalways be there, right by your side. Where he belongs.
You walk to Scott’s house together, taking each step side byside but separated by a world of broken promises and unsaid apologies. Italready feels like you’ve lost him.
You walk in silence, eyes to the ground as you try not tolet your mind fall into that dark space where Isaac isn’t, where the love andlaughter you used to share is nothing but a distant memory. You’re failingpretty spectacularly when something unexpected happens. A miraculous surprise.
Isaac’s fingers slide over the backs of yours as he graspsyour hand, twining your fingers and effectively pulling you back from theprecipice of the abyss that’s been trying to suck you in.
You tilt you head to look at him and he smiles at you, ashy, uncertain little thing. You reciprocate, grinning back at him and the sunfeels a little bit warmer on your shoulders, the sky a little brighter overhead.
“When the meeting’s over, we should go out,” he suggests. “Justthe two of us. No pack, no friends. Just you and me.”
“I like the sound of that,” you tell him honestly. It feelslike forever since you’ve been alone together. Since you’ve wanted to be alone together. You gaze athim, suddenly feeling a hint of the longing that you used to feel back when you’dfirst gotten together, that pull to always be around him. “I miss you.”
His smile falls a little, after all, he’s been right here.Right next to you. But he hasn’t been present,losing himself far too often to expect you to constantly be the one to findhim. “Me too,” he replies quietly.
You’re both quiet during the meeting. Both wondering if it’spossible to salvage things, or if you even should. And you have to admit, youwant to. More than anything. You want to get to know Isaac all over again, tofall in love again. You’re not sure if his thoughts are going down the samepath.
But when the meeting’s over, he reaches for you hand again.
You let him take it. It belongs in his anyway.
“Want to take a walk?” He asks, leading you in the directionof the Preserve.
“Yeah,” you answer. It wasn’t what you had in mind whenIsaac said you should go out. You’d let yourself fantasize about a romanticdinner, a night spent dancing. Things that used to come so easily to the two ofyou but that you’ve lost somewhere along the way. This could be even betterthough, a more private arena in which to try to heal your relationship.
You’re right, it turns out as you wind through the woodstogether, talking over things, remaking promises that got broken before butthat you won’t let break again. And you know it’s easier said than done, butyou have something now that you didn’t have before: Hope. Because Isaac reached outhis hand to you, he didn’t just let you keep crumbling apart. Now you know thatyou both want this, it isn’t just a one-sided thing that’s tearing you in two anymore.
Hands swinging between you, you smile over at a little creekas you pass. It reminds you of something, a quote you’ve heard somewhere; lovehas a tendency to sink, they say, to drown and leave no survivors. But luckily,you know now that hope is love’ssavior.
Hope floats.
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Miitopia 8
i WILL POST THIS AT THE SAME TIME AS THE SCREENSHOTS THIS TIME I PROMISE OKAY. I’ll add the pictures after the fact, and see if that is a better way to organize this. 
* Justin found Felix scared, Isaac losing his shit and Bentley sad all faceless in a cave with frisk. Frisk has joined the party :D
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* Frisk basically told Justin that they has insanely powerful magic, but they will not use it fully so that he learns. Perhaps the power of resetii. 
* owls, trying to dip Justin into a nightmare
 Justin: Jokes on you, I’m already in a living hell! >:D
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Frisk: O_O
* Frisk: I have a surprise for you blows him the fuck up
* We’re battling magma slime Isaac
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* Frisk got bored of the fight and decided to brutally murder slime Isaac. 
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* Isaac has a score to settle and is feeling the blood lust.
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* He wants a sharp dagger
* Isaac is hanging out with Justin a lot now because he needs human contact. They went out to the cafe.
* Justin: I can’t stop smiling.
* Isaac and Justin went fishing, and both passed out cold. Makes sense.
* We are fighting pain cloud Bentley.
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* Justin loving his baby brother
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* Papyrus update
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* Brother reunion!
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* Heading to the museum with Bentley and Justin. Justin ranted passionately about art and Bentley happily listened.
* Isaac and Bentley went to the movies, and saw a horror movie. They were being so loud that a little note came up saying “Please silence your cellphones and yourself” lmao 
* Justin called out for his brother to dodge an attack. I’m in such a sappy mood with these kiddos
* Justin got Bentley a lovely soap. Isaac is jealous of these precious babs. Though Bentley would still be entirely unwilling to bathe. 
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* Bentley got stabbed by a reaper demon, the one hit type, and Justin avenged him by brutally murdering them. And then the other one tried to attack him, and Isaac jumped in the way. Justin was so viciously mad that he basically took it down completely on his own out of pure rage. 
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* Frisk saved Isaac after Justin and Bentley went down. He survived out of pure stubbornness up until that point.
* Justin is looking forward to seeing Felix’s monster.
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* He’s a very anxious looking golem.
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* Isabelle, Paxton, Keith, Paige, Diana, and Harland are still on the run.
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* Justin doesn’t care about your marital issues Vinnie
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* Justin drastically underplays how emotionally unstable he was while alone to support his friends emotionally.
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* Bentley and Felix were both unfazed by the imps possession attempts. 
* Felix and Isaac went to the park and now Bentley is jelly despite not liking either.
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* Felix and Bentley went to the museum where, I shit you not, Justin was I’m pretty sure not wearing clothes and was pretending to be a statue. That... is mortifying. 
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* Felix is the only one who likes bone biscuits. He’s turning into a furry. 
* Justin getting bullied by yet another letter 
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* The party got split up, Bentley and Felix in one and Justin, Frisk, Isaac and the horse in the other. Those two are going to drive each other insane.
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