nothingbutamonster · 10 months
don’t look at me
please don’t look at me
i’m not here
i don’t exist
pleasep̵͉͎̞̑̒͜ļ̷̳͈̺̤̐ĕ̷̯̜̬a̶̹̙̫͙̅͐̓̅s̵͕͎̉ĕ̸̙̦̝̯̟̏͠͠p̶̡̘̝̫̼͚̣̮̲̩̱̣̗̫̤̻̖͙͈͙͖̃̋̄͐́̉̀̈́̽̑̚̚l̶̨̨̧̛̜͖̞̲̫͙͎̼͕͎̗͙̙̝͚̭̤͔̫̑͂̿̇͋̓̒͛̽͗̅̅̚̕̚̕͘e̷̱̥͍̜̺͒̑̍̐͐̓̆͊̋͑̈͌́͌̎̊̓̔̔͛̕͘ȁ̴̛̛̛͚́́̈́̾̀̽̀́̇͊̕͝s̶̡̨̛̛͎͓̲͖̱͚͚̙̘͔͚͖̫͌̽̔̉̐̈́̉́̌̒̀̍̚͠͝͝͝͝e̴̡̝̪̣̹̼͚̤͕̱̗̥͚̓̂̐ look away
don’t look at me!!!
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bbjhfgjngdbliy-blog · 8 years
Clash above the clouds a Saihen of the Sound story 4
The passenger area was one of the most lavish places Saihen had seen in his life. The crystal lights than hung from the ceiling cast a calming light over the ornate tables positioned between each of the plush cushioned benches. The din of chatter was admittedly slightly overwhelming so he approached a man in a uniform bearing the airship’s emblem. The man was a mountain towering over Saihen and was built like a Akimichi.
“Excuse me” The man’s eyes darted down to meet Saihens “Could you point me in the direction of the sleeping area?” “No idea” rumbled the mountain.
“Well that was super helpful” Saihen muttered before he walked off.
After a few minutes of searching he found a sign pointing up a flight of stairs with a bed on it. “Well it couldnt be any more obvious than that” His limp made the stairs more of a hassle than they truly needed to be but he still felt the disguise necessary for now at least.
Doors lined both sides of the hallway. Most of them were occupied according to the dials on the doors. Some of them judging from the muffled sounds he heard werent being used for sleeping. At last he found a open door. “Finally some peace and q-” As he stepped into the room he saw a male figure clad in a black jacket sitting on the floor in front of a Go board. The man’s jacket hung open revealing a mesh undershirt that did very little to hide the well toned body underneath. “Looking for some peace im assuming? This place is so damn crowded. You are more than welcome to stay if you want. I would enjoy some competition” The mans voice was deep and washed through the room like the waves of the ocean.
As Saihen entered the room he glanced into the corners to make sure they were actually alone. He grabbed one of the many tatami mats on the floor and slid it over in front of the board before sitting on it. He looked up at the man across from him. His wide face had gentle features to it, his eyes were a light violet. His cheeks were slightly chubby proving no matter how fit you were some people are stuck with a baby face. The only proof this man had ever seen combat was a scar on the bridge of his nose where a break had healed.
“I thank you for the invitation my name is Saihen.” He gave a slight head bow. He had no way of knowing who this man was and assumed it best to cover his bases.
The man chuckled and then his bellowing laugh filled the room it continued for a few moments before he stopped and had to suck in some air. “Sorry sorry. I mean no disrespect friend I merely find it humorous you would show me respect. My name is Mokuzai and I am what you would call a ronin. I deserve none of this song and dance of respect. Just treat me how you would a theif or beggar. For I am no higher than them.”
“All people deserve respect Mokuzai. I wouldnt judge a theif just for stealing or a beggar for having hard times I cant possibly know the events that lead up to that and as such cant form a true judgement of them” Saihen said
Mokuzai with a smile still on his lips “Careful there Saihen, people might not much like being told that beggars and theives arent the trash of society. If they have to see them as people then they might have to actually do something about it. But enough of this heavy talk let us play”
Saihen picked up a stone and placed it on the board. “So what brings you here Mokuzai?” Mokuzai thinks for a moment before placing his stone down. “Oh you know just traveling the country looking for something exciting. You?” Saihen places his stone and a stacatto clack echoes through the room. “Looking for an old friend. Hoping to get the group back together.” Clack “What kind of group? Like a band?” Clack “No. More like a…activist group” Clack “Oh? What do you guys protest?” Clack “Now we protest the unfair treatment of the lower classes by those above them. People arent all equal however thats no reason to not respect and help when its needed.” Clack “You say now. What was the goal before you guys split? What made the split? Clack "The previous members ended up becoming puppets for the very thing they were against. Then whwn the war happened none of them made it.” Clack “Jeez Saihen.  Sounds alot alike what happenend to this group I heard of. They were actually the ones behind the war. But before then they helped the smaller villages. They trained them to fight. They even lent money when needed. I cant remember their name.” Clack Saihen had to struggle to keep from reacting to his words. To keep those emations locked away he didnt know if this man was friend or foe. “Sounds like a..interesting group of individuals” Clack “Yeah they were I really thought they had the right idea.” Clack “Enough about me though. Whats your current go-”
A earsplitting screech filled the air. The two looked at each other leaping to their feet and in unison. “Stay here” “What? Me?” “You”
Saihen was incedibly confused as to why this civilian would tell him to stay. Until he looked at the wall behind Mokuzai there resting on the floor where it was hidden by his body was a katana. The sheath was a pale blue with no adornments other than a simple circle with what appeared to be a triangle in it. “Samurai” Saihen reached down and hit the emergency release on the limp boot Pidge made and lifted his foot out of it. He flicked a kunai into his hand ready to fight. “Saihen look I mean you know harm. I swear unless you are the one behind that scream we are not enemies.” Mokuzai held up his hands in surrender. “However if you want to live I need you to hit the deck right this second”
Saihen decided this man was not a threat and dove to the floor. As he did the door erupted into dozens of kunai flying through the air where he just stood. Saihen looked up to warn Mokuzai only to stop mid way. The kunai lay at his feet and his sheath in his hand. He launched himself forword through the door. A few moments later a woman came flying through head first. Clad in black pants and a matching jacket .As she reached the ground she merely pushed off her hand and landed on her feet behind Saihen.  He felt a hand yank him up. Her arm circled his throat and he felt something metal press against his temple. “One more step and your boyfriend here gets a entire clip of kunai through the head”
Mokuzai lowered his sheath slightly “Im sorry Saihen. Idont know what to do here” “Its fine you did well” The womans arm dropped from his throat and Saihen stepped forword and turned to look at her. Her entire body stood rigid her upon her face played a dance of emotions between anger fear and despair. “WHY CANT I MOVE YOU SCUM?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME” Mokuzai stood there with a look of confusion on his face.
Saihen looked her in the eyes. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” “LET ME GO WHY WOULD I TALK TO YOU” Saihen moved the fingers on his left hand and the womans arm started to aim the kunai launcher at her own stomach. “This shot will kill you it wont be fast nor will it be painless you will lay here unable to move as your body fills with its own waste and acid until youlose enough blood. Now I ask again who are you and what are you doing.”
The womans eyes were darting everywhere looking for a way out finding none the rested on saihen. “I am a pirate from the land of the sky. This was supposed to be a easy haul only civilians.” Saihen smirked “Good. Now how many are on this vessal.” She struggled and finding she was still unable to move spat at him “More than you could ever hope to defeat release me and your death will be quick”
Saihen glanced behind him at the still confused samurai. “Mokuzai in about 20 seconds she will be able to move again can you take care of her”
“What? I mean yeah of course.”
“Thank you”
Saihen released his strings from the womans body who instantly fell to her knees her legs exhausted from the struggle. Mokuzai walked over towards her and stood in front of her.
“You came here and tried to attack what you thought was a unarmed civilian with no justification other than your greed. Scum lime you dont deserve life ” he brought up his sheath and swung it down at her head. A crunch resounded through the room.
Mokuzai turned and looked at Saihen “You seem to be full of surprises.”
Saihen nodded “Did you kill her?”
Mokuzai glanced down at the body “She deserves it but for all I know she was born into this and knows nothing else. Im not the judge and executioner. So no shes not dead just a bad concussion.”
Saihen nods “A good choice. Want to go see if we can save an airship?”
Mokuzai looks down at the Go board. “Ill let you off the hook this time but next time we play. Got it?”
The two step outside their room into the hallway. Their footsteps silent as they glide across the floor. Saihen reaches a corner and stops. As he slowly peeks around he can see down the stairs into the main room. Bodies are everywhere kunai planted into their backs. Most of them already stripped of every valuable they have.
He whispers to Mokuzai “Its bad multiple people on the ground already stripped of valuables. At least 10 or so pirates still down there. Armed with those kunai launcher They seem to be gaurding a couple dozen prisoners. Possibly to keep as hostages incase they need them”
Mokuzai seems unperturbed by the news of suck violence. “What do we do? I mean I can fight. And quite well I think but ten on two is a bit much”
“What about ten on three? It wouldnt be for  long at all but I can get us some aid ”
Mokuzai’s forehead and after a moment whispers “Yeah I think I can hamdle that. Besides they seem to rely solely on those guns it will just be getting up close fast enough”
Saihen puts his hand on the shoulder of the samurai. “I know we just met and you know nothing about me but if you trust me we can do this. You could just run and I wouldnt blame you one bit. But these people need to be saved.”
Mokuzai smirks “I thought you would say something like that. After all, saving the down trodden, thats what the Akatsuki does isnt it?”
Saihen felt his jaw drop and before he could act Mokuzai had jumped down the stairs and started running towards the nearest enemy Saihen watched in amazement as the samurai got close to the enemy and before they could even notice him swung the sheath of his sword and with a crack the assailant was falling. Before the body even hit the ground Mokuzai was moving to the next target.
However the sound of the impact had alerted the others who were already leveling the kunai launchers towards his new ally. Saihen spread out his fingers and sent out his chakra strings into the room. The distintive thump sounded as multiple launchers fired and kunai sped through the air at Mokuzai’s back. Wha t they didnt account for was the bodies of rhe civilians they killed flying to intercapt the kunai. Two of the bodies hovered behind Mokuzai absorbing the shots. The samurai was nearly as startled as the hostage takers. A few moments later the hostages themselves noticed them and started screaming.
Saihen smirked to himself. Oraochimaru had always taught him to use what he had at his disposal whether it be smoke bombs or dead bodies. “To achieve one’s goal. One must let go of such thoughts as sacred and fair. Let those notions hinder those who arent as motivated as you Saihen”
With a flick of his fingers the bodies started flying at two of the pirates who started screaming and firing at them. So caught up in their terror that they didnt notice the sheath of a sword swinging at their heads. Saihen moved them towards the next group and the next each time either terrifying them or using his new puppets to grab and strangle them or merely keeping attention until Mokuzai could take them down. In a matter of moments all those holding weapons were incapacitated.
Saihen heard Mokuzai proclaim “You are safe now. Theres no need to be afraid.”
Saihen released the bodies from his employ and calmly walked down the stairs to join them. The second the bodies hit the ground. A young child no more than nine years old ran towords one of the kunai ridden bodies and collapsed beside it. The child wore a kimono that appeared to match the one on the famale body.
Saihen didnt know what to do. He had saved these people lives yet he felt them started to piece together what he was and felt the animosity growing from the crowd as more caught on to what he had done. He caught Mokuzai’s eyes and saw only sadness. He had done everything right though. Saved the people. Prevented more deaths. These were goals worth acheiving and yet they ones he saved now hated him.
Mokuzai strode over to the sobbing child and placed his sword on the ground “Your mom would be very proud of you for that.” The child looked up tears streaming down his face “She would? Then why wont she wake up again? Why is she ignoring me?”
“She is very tired. These men really hurt your mom so she had to go to sleep for good. But in her heart burned a love so strong for you that even death wouldnt keep her from protecting you.”
“Really? Sh- she  always said she would always be there for me”
“And she will be little one” Mokuzais touched the childs chest. “She will always be in here and that love will always be keeping you safe.”
A booming impact hit the sliding door that leadninto the room from the outside. Causing the samurai to look up at it.
“Now though now you have to go back over to those people over there. They are friends of your mom. Theyll keep you safe. Do you understand?”
The child nodded and ran across the room where an ederly woman held them close.
“You guys better open this door or no pay for any of you!” Roared a voice from the other side. Another impact hit the door with a boom.
Mokuzai came and stood behind Saihen.  “You figure this will be the boss?” Saihen nods “How is he outside?”
“Probably a second ship with a bridge to this one. They need somewhere to put the goods ”
“Well. After we beat him. He wont be needing that ship anymore” the samurai smirked.
“I agree” replied Saihen admittedly a little shocked
KA BOOM the door comes flying of its hinges and in comes the unhelpful mountain. Carrying a spiked club “WHERE ARE YOU FOOLS?” He spat into the room. “Cant you even open a do-” The mans eyes darted around the room taking in the scene. His men all on the ground. And two standing before him looking ready for a fight. “I dont know who you two are but your gonna pay for this”
Mokuzai whispers “Ill keep his attention. You find some crafty way to deal with him yeah?”
With that plan in place mokuzai leaped at the brute. Who swung his club faster than saihen could keep up with catching mukuzai in the ribs and sending him crashing into the ground at hiss feet. He spun the club around and started to send it crashing down
Saihen was already moving before the samurai hit the ground. Sprinting at the brute hoping to catch him off gaurd. He was already using threads to spin the knuckles on his right hand. It didnt have as many options yet since he hadnt had time to set it up but it still had the scrolls Pidge had put on it. He felt static fill the air as the lighting formed at his palm. He reached the brute and spun around behind him. He swung it at the brute’s neck hoping the shock would scramble his central nervous system. Instead what happenend was the brute spun around and punched Saihen in the head causing stars to fill his vision and his knees to crumple. The lightning in his palm fizzled out.
“No handsigns yet a fully functional lightning blade. How interesting.” He grabbed the sleeve of Saihens jacket and tore the sleeve off. Revealing his puppet arm. “Now it makes sense. Let me guess scrolls inbedded in the arm? You got alot of bite for a cripple. And it appears I have some openings in my crew. What do you say? Want to join ?”
Saihen weakly shook his head no.
“Well thats too bad looks like I have to kill you.”
Saihen was still to stunned to move. He dimly saw the club falling. Then Mokuzai was there his arms around him carrying him away before the club could hit. He placed Saihen on the ground and put something in his mouth. It tasted like warm tea. “Wha-” “Its a food pill. Itll give you something to focus on while your head stops rattling. Now quickly do you know how he is so fast? With that giant thing he really shouldnt be.”
“Shinobi..he sends all of his chakra to his legs to spin himself around. Probably cant run fast. Just fast moves” Saihen explained his head feeling better as he got to his feet.
The samurai looked at him. “Yes”
“Was your hair always white?”
The samurai smiled “No.”
Then he picked up his katana and unsheathed the blade. Leveling the dark blue sword at his foe “Its your lucky day my friend”
“Oh?” Rumbled the EXTREMELY unhelpful mountain
“You get to meet the greatest being to ever exsist”
“And who might that be?”
“He goes by many names to many different people.  The destroyer. The bringer of salvation. He who waits for all. But to those that have a personal relationship with him he as but one name ”
“And what is that?”
With that white tattoos spiraled down the samurais arms as he leaped at the brute once again. The club swung up at him only to be blocked by the sword as Mokuzai shot his fist into his opponents face. Actually knocking him back a bit. The man quickly recovered and swung a fist back at Mokuzai who caught it in his hand like he was grabbing a leaf. He leaped up and using the arm as a support kicked with both his legs launching him back to Saihen.
“So mister akatsuki ready to help?”
Up close the tattos apeared to be dragons wrapped around his arms.
“Yes lets finish him I have a plan”
“Of course you do”
“Can you keep fighting him like this?”
“Not for a extended period of time but for abit longer yes”
“Keep doing that then”
The samurai smirked and leaped back into battle keeping up with his for blow for blow. His sword landing cuts at each opening. His opponent roaring in pain and frustration as he keep trying to fight.
Saihen openend the palm of his right hand and focused his chakra threads through it weaving them together into a ball hanging from a single thread. He gave it a few test swings then waited until Mokuzai blocked the club “HOLD IT” He commanded. The samurai nodded and held the club in place as Saihen leapt into the fight swinging his arm towords the head of the brute. Who easily blocked it with his free hand.
“Really cripple I thought you would learn fast”
Saihen couldn’t keep the smirk off his face. This foe for all his strength and speed was just another idiot.
“Oh I do. And before you die ill give you the honor of knowing my name.”
“And what makes you think ill die”
“Well you blocked my arm. Which was smart dont get me wrong. You saw a fist and you blocked. What you didnt see was rhe ball of chakra threads that were hanging from it and once you blocked my attack the moment of the ball sent it wrapping around your throat and head before  I dispersed the threads all over the back of your body. Even now youll find you cant move. I cant hold you for long admittedly. But I dont need to”
Saihen felt the man trying to move to no avail.
“Who are you?”
Saihen moved the threads causing the man to fall to his hands and knees.
“I am Saihen  of the Akatsuki.”
He steps back knowing from his interactions with hidan what is about to come
“And I am Mokuzai of the Akatsuki” As the samurai swung his blade cleaving head from shoulders and spinning in same motion sheathing his blade.
Saihen looked at him “Of the Akatsuki? You know its a shinobi organization?”
The samurai smiled “It used to be. Besides we have a game of Go to finish and I cant be seen with the head of a criminal organization. I mean unless I too was a member”
“Fair enough”
From outside the heard a amplified voice. “We have received your distress signal this is Mai of the leaf anbu unit we are coming aboard to assist.”
“Shit not again ” Saihen muttered
“Friends of yours?”
“You could say that. Wanna steal a ship?”
“I thought youd never ask”
Saihen ran and picked up a kunai launcher before running across the rope bridge connecting the leaf airship to the sleeker pirate one. He glanced up to see a anbu airship hovering above the leaf ship with anbu sprinting down the side.
Mai was leading them of course. Saihen gestured once they were across the bridge and Mokuzai sliced it detaching the two. The leader of anbu stopped and looked at Saihen “YOU WONT GET AWAY AGAIN”
“Get this ship moving if you would Mokuzai” he commanded. “Of course” the samurai enetered the ship and a few moments later Saihen felt it start to move.
The Anbu leader shouted “OUR SHIP CAN CATCH YOU.YOU SCUM”
Saihen inserted on of his kunai into the launcher “Perhaps”
He fired it up towords the anbu.  It missed them all by dozens of feet.
“If it had a engine that is”
The tag on the kunai ingnited on impact sending lightning through the engines of the anbu ship.
Saihen turned and walked into his new ship and moved into the control room. Taking a seat beside his new partner. The samurai looked up “Where to?”
Saihen pulled out the map he got from Kaika. And pointed to the spot she had circled. “Here”
The samurai nodded and adjusted the controls. “You got it.”
Saihen relaxed as the ship moved towards the horizon.
“Its a good day Mokuzai”
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wearetracy · 7 years
A Series of Unfortunate Events returns! March 2018. Take a look. #unfortunate #seasontwo #netflix #aseriesofunfortunateevents #lookaway #lookawaylookaway #march2018 #ChooseDei #wearetracy
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I see all these text posts about ships like “which of these actions is more likely partner A or partner B” and I’m imagining Aramis/Anne like
-who is more likely to play it cool in public?
“This child is nOT MInE it’s just that I Love Him More than ANYONE ELSE and he needs prOTECTION and you’re all nOT UP TO THE JOB obVioUSly I’ll have to just BE THE FATHER FIGURE I GUESS” Aramis
“Oh god stay chill Anne oh god look at his eyes nO DON’T LOOK AT HIS EYES he’s looking away goOD AH SMOLDER IS BACK SMOLDER IS BACK look away girl lookawaylookaway” Queen Anne
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nnew-romanticss · 10 years
Seeing your ex looking so damn good is really inconvenient ✋
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bbjhfgjngdbliy-blog · 8 years
Saihen of the Sound part 3 The Unseeing Gaze
He had spent weeks inside the cave mending his wounds. "Im no Kabuto but I still think I did and okay job" He spoke to the empty cave. No answer was given. He felt slightly confused as to why that disappointed him. "Ive been in this cave too long." He muttered to himself. "This is what I get for thinking I could take the raikage and his B. I was so stupid I thought myself smarter than the enemy. I underestimated my foe. Orochimaru would be so disappointed!" His throat tightened as he spoke this. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the musky smelling wall behind him. In his mind he saw a face silhouetted with no features except the eye of "that" clan. The voice echoed through his mind "Pathetic. If thats all you have then you are truly worthless to me. No wonder I had to give my life. It's becuase you couldn't help me think of a better way." The eye got closer and Saihen could feel the disdain coming from it. "IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M DEAD" Saihen jerked awake ignoring the wetness he could feel on his cheeks. It's just a dream At least thats how he tried to convince himself to calm down. The emotionally distraught shinobi stood up and grabbed the summoning scroll laying by his bedroll. Without this it would've been for nothing. The scroll and the absence of his custom arm is all the proof he has of his encounter.  His wounds healed he sets off for the Village of the Leaf. Hoping to run into a old friend. The journey to the leaf was uneventful. The aide of a kind vender kept him from halving to walk the whole way. While riding on her cart the woman had offered him a lift saying the leaf was her destination. Saihen accepted of course it was a very long walk. As he climbed into cart he took a look at her. Her short red hair hair that fell past her ears. He took notes of the dark kimono she wore and her arm guards. She held out a hand to help him up. But what caught his attention most were the blue of her eyes. One was a dark blue like the sky before a storm but the other was a light blue like a still lake. Along the way they chatted about multiple things. The woman was actually delivering a shipment of medical supplies and rare tea leaves to a cafe ran by a woman named Kaika. "Really all types are allowed there she doesnt descriminate. She was a medical nin before the shop opened. Since then she rarely leaves." The woman smiles. "She offers asylum to any who need it no questions asked" Saihen smirks to himself What are the chances that he gets a ride to the exact place he was heading? Things might actually work this time. The woman stops talking with a confused look on her face "I am so sorry I dont believe I ever caught your name" Saihen started to lie but then decided the woman was no threat to his current goals. "You may call me Saihen" "You may call me Mai" She replied. After that they merely chatted about the weather and the state of the world. For two weeks they traveled together. The fact that no bandits or anything of the like attacked surprised Saihen. Multiple times along the trip he had thought they would be. He felt eyes watching and they passed through many perfect ambush spots. Yet Mai just kept on driving seemingly oblivious to the dangers. Maybe he was overreacting after all the war had changed things. Maybe bandits were no longer in these parts. "Maybe that new hokage brat actually has good security measures now" Saihen thought. "Well if bandits are no worries that merely leaves skirting the Anbu until I get what I need" As they approached the front gate of the village guards stopped them. One approached the cart. "Who are you and what is your business here" Mai reached into her kimono sleeve and withdrew a paper with the emblem of the leaf stamped on it "Im sure everything is in order." Saihen had never seen a guard look so surprised as he saw the paper "Yesyes of c-c-course go right in." Mai smiled "Why thank you" As the went through the gates Saihen was struck with the size of the village. It had grown so large since he was last here. The streets were packed with people runnings errands or just enjoying the weather. Skyscrapers dotted the skyline. The sky had airships coming and going. The mountain had more faces since he was last there. The stoic gaze of the new hokage gazed upon the village. Judging all those who traveled its streets. Turning to Mai he asked "How did you get through security so fast? They didnt even check us." Her eyebrows bunched together "Oh I must have forgot to mentio-" "My lord" Both Saihen and Mai heads turned to see a robed figure kneeling in front of them. Hood hiding its face "Any orders?" Mai looked down at him "At this time no. You did an excellent job go back to base with the others and rest up." The figure stood up and Saihen saw under the hood. His brain reeled from what he saw. " A ceramic mask! In the shape of a fox. Anbu.Lord?!!!!!!!!!?????? The bandits? Of course! That means.. Oh no" as the pieces fell into place. 'How did I not notice? Am I slipping this much?!" The thoughts raced in his head. He turned towords Mai and saw a slight smile on her lips. "Piece it together did we?" Saihen focused his chakra around himself ready to flare it out. "Release!" He fell to the ground agony racing up his arm. Yanking up his sleeve he saw a seal glowing on his forearm. "Of course why would anyone actually help me? Foolish" He looked up at her from the ground "So sorry about the ruse. But when the Raikage sent word that a one armed shinobi had attacked him and then I picked you up. It was just too much to resist. Didnt you find it strange i just happen to be going where you were planning on going? She laughed. "I assumed one as smart as you would figure it out but oh well. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mai, high lord of the Anbu, the strongest of the leaf and you, well you are my prisoner. " From the ground Saihen tried to focus his chakra again only to be met with the same searing pain on his arm. "That seal on your arm prevents chakra usage of any kind as well as disguising my face. A custom made seal specifically crafted to aid in prisoner transport." Saihen struggled to his feet. A crowd of people had formed around them. He was sure she had other Anbu watching. He could use no chakra while this seal was on his forearm. He couldnt fight without his puppet arm. He was truly and utterly out of options. "I give up. You win" Saihen stood shakily "I surrender" Mai strode up to him "As I thought. come with me the hokage wishes to see you personally." As she turned and started to walk four Anbu dropped down around Saihen completly surrounding him. The crowd parted to let them through. "My own personal funeral march with her leading the way." Desperately looking for any way out. As long as the seal was on he was helpless. The Anbu kunoichi lead the way through back streets. "Probably to keep me away from the civilians. No collateral damage. No witnesses" Passing by an alley he saw a small basin used by blacksmiths to cool hot metal. As they approached the smith came out holding a red hot hunk of metal inbetween a pair of tongs. "This is my chance." Saihen launched himself towords the smith and pressed his hand against the metal "What are you doing?!" The smith took a step back as the smell of Saihens burning flesh filled the air. "Come on come on" Gritting his teeth as the metal seared the skin on his hand. He pulled it back to see that the seal and been divided cleanly in half by the burning. Ignoring his pain he touched the inside of his sleeve sending a bit of chakra to release the summon he had there. Instantly dozens of smoke bombs fell out of his sleeve filling the air with enough smoke to almost be tangible. "GET HIM HE IS RIGHT HERE STILL!" Saihen jumped onto the roof only to find an Anbu waiting for him "Damn. perimeter guard" The Anbu started to reach up to touch his communicater. Saihen launched himself at the ninja, arm drawn back and glowing with chakra "HIRODURAA" The Anbu recognizing the attack vanished. Saihen landed where the anbu was and stopped the chakra flow "Heh,didnt think that would work. They really are jumpy" He heard the sound of multiple feet landing behind him. Not even turning around he took off. Focusing on his surroundings as he leaped roof to roof. Then he saw it,Kaikas cafe safe haven to all. Even the anbu need express Hokage permission to go in. He landed on the street, ignoring the people staring ran as hard he he could towords the doors. All he needed to do was get inside. The he would have a few hours while the went through the process of getting permission. "STOP HIM HE HIS RIGHT THERE! STOP UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE HOKAGE UZUMAKI NARUTO STOP" Mai's voice sounded out behind him. He was sure she had a small army behind him but he dared not look back. As he approached the doors and saw the guards out front he started yelling his own message "ASYLUM ASYLUM" The guards in front of the cafe spread apart and openend the door to let him pass. The second he touched the inside of the cafe the doors were shut behind him. He looked around the cafe finding the owner standing behind a bar serving the most exquisite meals he had seen in weeks. The room was brightly lit and packed with people eating.Barely any of them paid him any attention apparently used to this kind of thing he sat down at the bar. "My name is Kaika you can tell me your name or not however you wish. You are safe here until the hokage himself tells me otherwise. You may stay as long as you wish. Now are you hungry or require any medical aide? " The owner was standing over him looking mildly shy but also eager to help. "I do have a slight burn I would like some treatment for" he pulled up his sleeve for the first time seeing the damge he did to his arm. The skin from his knuckles to halfway up his form was simply melted off. He could see the fiborous muscle under neath. Kaika gasped "That looks pretty bad however." She placed her palm over his burn and Saihen watched in amazement as new skin crisscrossed across the wound stitching it closed. He gazed up at the owner "I..I don't know what to say. Thank you" She smiles "Its not a problem. Is there anything else youd like?" "Actually is there someplace private we can talk? I need your help finding someone who may not want her name being broadcasted everywhere." Kaika nodded and motionend for him to follow Saihen got up and followed her to a back room.she shut the door behind them. The room was small and filled with boxes fhat smelled VERY strongly of tea "So who is it you need to find?" Saihen pulled the scroll from his robes and unrolled it on the table between them. He unlocked the seal and in a puff of smoke Sammehada appeared on the table and promptly wrapped its hilt around Saihen's wrist enjoying the chakra. "Her name is Abunai. We used to travel in the same circle so to speak. I merely wish to find her and return this." Kaika's eyes widenend. Her voice came out out slightly above a whisper. "Is that..HIS sword?" "Yes" "The one that Killer B took?" "Yes" "So that makes you the shinobi that attacked him and his brother and stole it?" "Yes" She sat down on a box. "You are a VERY wanted shinobi. The entire alliance has people looking for you. The Hokage, once he finds out that you are in here he will come himself. He and B were quite close In the war." Saihen was shocked. "How close?" She looked up at him a sad look in her eyes. "They were like brothers. The hokage takes family quite seriously." Saihen sighed. "I will be out of here as soon as I can I dont wish to cause trouble for you. Do you k ow where I can find her?" Kaika pulls out a map and marks a place on the map. "She told me if anyone is ever looking for her to send them there. I hear the beach its on is quite beautiful." Saihen fills with dread "That is months away without an airship. There are no non alliance airships. I can't possibly get there." Kaika is lot in thought for a moment "I think I can help that actually. One moment." She walks to the door and pokes her head out and starts talking. A few moments later a petite girl with curly bown hair and glasses comes in and smiles at Saihen. "Oh I can work with this." She drops a case on the floor "Im a but of a master at appearing to be someone im not. I bet you think im a girl" "Arent you?" She giggles "wouldnt you like to know? My name is pidge by the way and im going to change how you look" Kaika walks out saying "have fun you two" Hours later Saihen walks out of the room. He had to admit pidge did amazing. He has a new puppet arm that does things he hadnt even thought of. He walked with a limp thanks to uneven shoes. His eyes were a light green thanks to contacts and his hair was now down to his waist and a dark black thanks to some chakra enhanced growth. She even gave him a chakra suppression device to hide his chakra. Pidge had said any time he needed help he was welcome to get ahold of her she was fascinated by his ideas for applications of chakra and machinery. He thanked both her and kaika profusely and walked out the front door. Right past Anbu waiting outside. They didnt even look at him twice. The ticket clerk paid him no attention as he bought a ticket and took his seat on the airship He had a new identity courtesy of Pidge and a full belly courtesy of Kaika. He wished he could stay. As he watched the village grow smaller on the horizon he actually felt sad to leave them behind. "Another day perhaps"
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