#looking at this with full on heart eyes
mayasdeluca · 3 months
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MAYA AND CARINA STATION 19: 7x04: 'Trouble Man'
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gabe-lovebot · 3 months
councilor 3D model
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i learnt 3d modelling from the ground up to bring him to life. he's yours now. do whatever you want with him
please credit me if you make something using the model (or even ping/link me to it, i would love to see what you made!)
currently available as a .blend, .fbx and an SFM port.
#hello councilnation i'm finally releasing him to the wild#have fun playing toys with him#ultrakill#councilor#councilor ultrakill#3d stuff#obviously with the councilor having just 1 full body image of him means that some stuff i had to improvise on#so you get to enjoy my headcanons on how he looks#(like obviously the wings & halo)#(but also the chestplate design)#but did you know that the councilor's canon design has subtle engravings on his forearm armor pieces?#i only barely noticed them when painting textures and i was floored#i had to add them#to the sfm anon and whoever else wants to use this for sfm stuff-#i did my best with a port for sfm and i'm quite proud of the result#but please be aware i have never used it before so if you find that something doesn't work as it should please please let me know!!#gonna pour my heart out in tags as always so close your eyes if you don't wanna see me being sentimental but#i'm not kidding when i say i learnt 3d modelling from the ground up for this#i have meddled with blender before but never actually came close to finishing a project#and i don't know how i did it and how i kept going#(i do know) (it was my friend encouraging me every time i showed him progress)#this was like 1 entire month in the making#but i'm so fucking proud of this and how it turned out and people's tags in my act 2 render genuinely were such a huge confidence boost#so thank you guys for liking it <3#i'm still very much thinking of doing a version with just his bloodied head#but it might take a while because i want a break and i want to play warframe
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nostalgic-bee · 11 days
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The way Luz and Amity look at each other is literally the definition of the term ‘heart eyes’
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larkoneironaut · 1 year
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I had a dream that I was going on a ball and Solas was there, I tried to ignore him in like a shy or flirty way? And then that delicate, intimate touch when I was walking right past him … I’m never gonna forget that dream, I had to sketch it 😭
Pls ignore that Solas' scar is mirrored, I'm an idiot
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lemongrablothbrok · 3 months
So...last night I was watching this video of Led Zeppelin doing "Dazed and Confused" live, and I saw something that broke my heart and made me fall in love with Jonesy even more.
It happens between 5:48 and 6:20 (right at the beginning of the proto-"Achilles Last Stand" riff). Jonesy and Bonham have this moment where Bonzo looks sad and Jonesy looks concerned and then reassuring and they have this whole beautifully candid and emotional wordless exchange and I can't even-
(It's in the freaking thumbnail! A still from this moment is the thumbnail for the whole ass 10+ minute video asdfghjkl)
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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this here is a medium leo appreciation post leave a like or comment if you appreciate medium leo
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josie-marks · 7 months
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Ayo Edebiri as Josie Marks on the set of Bottoms (2023)
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storyofmychoices · 1 month
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Tiny Bryce and Olivia Picrews!!!!
Look at how little they are!!! They're so cute!!!!
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domsaysstuff · 1 year
I find it so funny that both steddie and ronance are Eddie and Robin looking at KiNg Steve Harrington and Nancy "suCh a PRisS" Wheeler and realizing that they're actually really badass and kind and sweet and having a lot of gay feelings about that as they should
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allthingsobrien · 1 year
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aaron looking lovingly at robert
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prfctmxxnlight · 2 years
i don’t think he’s ever given eleven a look as full of love as this one
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cometblaster2070 · 1 year
Lizzie: You know, Hunter gives Ashlynn flowers every day. I wish you’d do that.
Kitty: Well, alright then.
Kitty: *Hands Ashlynn a bouquet*
Ashlynn: Excuse me??
Kitty: Yeah, don't ask me, I’m just as confused.
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thequeencity · 1 year
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CHRIS & MIKA ( NYR @ CBJ. 04.08.23. )
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THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER 😍🥰❤️😍🥰❤️😍🥰❤️
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dragonheart2497 · 2 years
King Joel lost his wife to the Rapture. His match in heaven, his other half in beauty and magnificence. Yet he decided not to drown in his grief and rather carry on the Ocean Queen's legacy through the testament of time. He cheated death by slowly replacing his dying body with clay, sculpting himself to perfection and into the form of the god he has become several thousand years from then. He sculpted the most stunning depictions of the one he mourns, desperate to preserve her alongside himself. In her eyes he placed hearts of the sea, the exact shade of ocean-azure blue.
His memory has grown foggy like the clouds he wreathes himself in. He sits on a golden throne, knowing he's collected all this power to protect *her*, he formed himself eternal to remember *her*. But any sculpture he makes, something is off. Something is missing, and he stares at the blank, Aqua pearls of her eyes wistfully. He keeps his mind to her and himself, latching onto the dissipating images so they cannot slip. And yet, like water, they leak and evaporate.
He comes across this... creature. She hides her face, wears some strange features, but the mask she adorns is strikingly familiar. She gifts him crystals and scampers away, a promise to meet again chittering from her lips.
But he sees her, once, mask astrew. She doesn't look the same, a different creature, one of land, not sea. But her eyes dance of oceans and depths, and her slitted, dark pupil is ringed with shimmering gold.
He returns to his palace, to the countless sculptures he's poured himself into over the centuries, to the first sculpture of his creation since the End. And with the finest gold paint he can find, he finishes the puzzle; golden pupils he had once gazed into lovingly, that could lull him like the tide at dusk.
Her memory had been preserved, and maybe... maybe it was time to make new ones.
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suncaptor · 19 days
yeah this cannot go on i need to take something like my chest is exploding i can't calm down it's 7am i feel insane insane insaneeeee
#though I HAVE successfully testing that ldn gives me an insane amount of (anxious) energy when i'm on a 3-4mg dose but then i get foggy and#empty at 4-5mg i think#i'm not sure if i should go down to like 2 or try to find the window between#i wish i just had like. a year to get meds right and heallllll so badly#but i can't afford going all the way down and having more relapses#i feel like i'm having aheart attack rn it's so bad it's so acutely painful#and it's so weird bc it's so empty#too like last month i was so full of everything and especially uh attachment fear but now it's just like pain empty screaming pain#i think it's the not eating food enough thing#i mean I DID eat MANY crackers today. rolls eyes#not enough hhh#i know theres so much i have to get done but like ic annot do anything i can't even message anyone i can't i need to get sedated#i don't know if i should try having MORE ldn or ritalin (probably not bc it doesn't sedate me like adderall)#or just hydroxyzine or muscle relaxers#hydroxyzine is looking like the most likely option#bc i still associate muscle relaxers too much with trauma i can't take them they scare me#i feel like i'm dying#i don't think you guys get how fast i'm typing rn like i am going fucking insane if i die of a heart attack for real it would suck huh#no i KNOW this is panic i KNOWWWW i'm panicking but i also feel like i'm going to throw up and die forever it's so bad i feel so so bad lik#i don't think people get how bad everything is i need it to all calm down and stop i need it to get better i am not okay holy shit#you know what everything in my life might not feel fixable and i am letting all my professors down but I can probably take incompletes wors#comes to worst i need to take hydroxzyine sleep and then cave and buy some food tomorrow#like what's happening now i#there FEELS like there's a SHAARP HOOOK in my CHEST IMAPLING ME#if i sedate myself enough i might be able to communicate with people for real instead of burrowing my head into the ground forever and ever#yeah okay i'm taking hydroxzyine#i feel like the problem with antihistamines now after last year is [redcated]#trying to convinc emyself this is not a suicide attempt or self harm i just need to calm down hahahahafih;aeifahe;wifahewifae#that's what they're PRESCRIBED for#i think i want benadryl instead though bc it's shorter and it also makes me head clearer i wonder if i have any i think it's not here thoug
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