#looks like noctis from ff15
flowersinmidgar · 11 months
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3 hours of fishing and he doesnt even know if he can eat the damn thing
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okarawrites · 7 months
Hey! I see that FF7 request are open! Could I get any person(s) of your choosing with a s/o that has the same powers as Noctis Lucis Caelum and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from FF15? S/o can summon weapons of old, teleport to a thrown weapon and can summon like Shiva, Ifrit etc without the need of using Materia. They are also a pureblood Cetra so they are being hunted but no one can catch them bc they're too powerful. Just the person(s) of your choosing (whoever would fit in this scenario) meeting them. Thank you! Have a great day or night!
Hey! Thanks for the request. I couldn't help but match this with Rude. Thought it qould be interesting to have that conflict with him being a Turk. Also have done this as a little blurb, and I'm a bit rusty but I hope you enjoy! (It's a bit angsty)
Goodbye my love.
Rude first heard about you when your file was brought into to Turks office. Of course Shinra were more than keen to get a hold of you to progress their mission to access the promised land.
Rude was assigned a mission to follow a lead on your whereabouts and whilst usually partnered up for missions, Tseng had thought a different more covert approach may be needed, so he was sent alone. Following information that a mysterious woman had been spotted in Wutai appearing to be able to summon Shiva without materia, Rude began his travels.
He had first met you in a small Inn about 20 miles south of Wutai. Not know what you looked like, Rude knew he had to take a more conversational approach to get more information.
He would say that the reason he approaches you was because you were say alone, but in truth, Rude is just a sucker for a pretty face.
You were taken aback by how easy it was for you to fall into easy conversation, that it felt entirely natural when he asked if you had heard anything about the mysterious woman.
You knew that you had messed up by showcasing your talents out in public, and deep down knew that all conversation around the subject should be avoided. However, you felt that as your vague response of hearing about it, but not knowing much was enough to end that conversation,, you couldn't help but indulge in his company for a bit longer.
He had told you he was traveling to Wutai on business, giving details on how the bank he worked for back in Midgar was having some issues with their partnership in Wutai.
He stayed in the area for about a week and you ended up spending every evening together. It was all a bit of a whirlwind romance.
The two of you stayed in touch and he eventually asked you to visit him in the city. It was here that it all came crumbling down.
You were on high alert being so close to Shinra HQ and that extra vigilance allowed you to see the cracks in Rudes story.
When the day finally came that you finally confronted him, it was hard for you both. Rude stood in silence as you showed him all of your collated information that proved who he really was and who he worked for.
Getting close to anyone was always a risk in his line of work, but what he wasn't expecting was for you to trust him to tell him who you really were. However, he knew that even if he wanted to try and bring you in, he was not match for your power.
After everything had been said you stood for a moment in silence. You could see a tear threatening to fall down his cheek. You both knew that although you had fallen for one another, this could never be.
You kissed him, tears now flowing before you took a step back. "Goodbye my love" was the last thing you said to him before leaving, never to be seen by him again.
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nirgilis · 5 months
Part 1 | Extra 1
1) KH and Unreality, aka now Final Fantasy within KH, might have certain concepts in common and theirs colors.
Using KH's theories like Necklace theory, Riku being the Light and him kinda being a personification of Kingdom Key L.
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Baldr looks like another personification of Kingdom Key L, but inverted due to bigger presence of white and black in clothes.
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There's another character from not that distant game, who shares yellow-blue colors. Also in his design from the first part, like Ventus he recembles X-Blade a lot.
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FF13 Hope, Riku and for this case Baldr, all look quite like they're Bhunivelze's boysband from different universes. Their likeness to him mght be also reflected in their names and for some in stories.
Hope - throughout FF13 he was called the hope (of humanity) numerous times, and while his project couldn't come to fruition due to what other characters were going through, his merits didn't go unnoticed.
Baldr - in Norse mythology Baldr is the god of light, radiance, sun, summer etc. The spring won't come until he will be revived or he will be revived when ragnarok will pass. That's pretty close to the theme of Bhunivelze as the God of Light in FNC being related to dawn or light returning to world, as he is the one who can rebuild it.
Riku - he doesn't outright represent light-releated aspect in name as Hope and Baldr do, but as Bhunivelze is the ruler of everything that has physical/material form, Riku's name meaning "land," so earth, might tie him to Bhunivelze through that.
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2) This scene of Noctis and Stella from VS13's trailers with opposite or complimenting colors is compared a lot to the scene of Sora and Riku combined keyblade from DDD and KH3.
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Due to FNC's termynology needed to be changed for FF15, Bahamut might've taken Bhunivelze's place. He has Bhunivelze's colors and has similar to him worldview, making allowance for the fact that concepts of life and death aren't the same in FNC and FF15.
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Like Hope having similar colors to Bhinivelze, Luna for FF15 might've been given "Bahamut's" yellow and blue, in the game through her eyes being changed to blue, in the movie through the colors which Oracles seem to wear.
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Stella may have yellow seal of deity opposing to Noctis' one, but like her eyes, glowing that appears when she enters and still present when the seal is active is purple, so exactly yellow and blue might not be initial colors reserved for this character, or not in this meaning.
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There's no 100% way to tell since in the end Ravus wasn't shown, but for FF15 Fleuret siblings might have swapped colors and roles to a degree along with them.
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3) In KH Kingdom Hearts represents the brightest light in the darkness, as itself it's a very powerful light with surrounding it equally powerful darkness. It's a conglomerate of all hearts, and located beyond the Door to Darkness.
What might be the closest analog to both KH and tDtD is Etro's Gate, which like in KH separates realms of light and darkness, in FNC's terms real world and unseen realm.
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Unlike its analogs in FNC which are only the source of such power, KH has another property to be able to create new universe, the next world. In FNC's terms, KH is as if it's own Bhunivelze or fal'Cie he created.
Bhunivelze exerts that much light to the point of being blinding, similar to Riku's light blinding Sora in KH1's OP.
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There's a theory based on Re:Coded's plot, that in a way it propheses future events of KH, and KH will make Riku its avatar. With the fact that that's kinda what happens to Hope in FF13-3, it might add to the possibility of that happening.
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Bhuniveze is the highest deity in FNC by time events in games' stories take place, but he's not omnipotient. He can build worlds, but the natural order of death and rebirth is systeined by chaos, which he can't see and control.
In ways Data-Riku is similar to him. He's the journal/data-world himself, kinda the ruler of digital world, being able to separate the data which is supposed to and not to be in the journal. But it's quite interesting that as a program he can't repair himself and the moment he tried to fight, Maleficent captured him. So there's something in data-world beyond his control and he needs Sora to solve this problem for him.
Both FNC games and KH have a story of a prophesized messiah, who will banish the darkness and restore the light. Savior/Agito/King of Light and Child of Destiny. With Verum Rex adding to the roster, by logic of Agito and KH, in that world the role might be called either "King of Truth" or "Verum Rex." But it's also possible that those titles will be how the highest deity analogous to KH or Bhunivelze will be referred to.
As FF13 is the only FNC game which managed to release with Bhunivelze's awakening from his slumber. What might await that prophesized messiah isn't becoming the light themselves, but becoming the chaos/darkness to help the highest deity to sustain the balance of the world.
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4.1) White coat Strelitzia was showed to wear in UX is similar to the coat Ravus wore in one of VS13 trailers. And both of them remind assassin's robes.
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Between Pulse and Lindzei, as they both represent Bhunivelze in some ways, Lindzei is the one who has heavenly portrayal. "Commanding from his throne on high. The Solemn Ruler."
VS13/FF15 is supposed to be closer to reality, so a country flying in the sky like Cocoon is probably impossible in that world, but Tenebrae having an illusion of its islands floating and its buildings as if reaching out to the sky might be close to it being Cocoon's analog. Fenestala Manor possibly derives from "Fenestella" - "small window," and "small window" is what's depicted on Lindzei's playing card. Image-wise Tenebrae might've been a nation founded by Lindzei.
Scala ad Caelum being "Stairway to Heaven" somehow seems to be close to Tenebrae.
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As Lindzei's methods of operating are more on manipulating humans side, both in encouraging mind work-way and sacrificial-way, he's viewed both as protector of mankind and untrustworthy trickster.
Assassins robes, like the one Noctis has from collab, especially its hood, might allow wearer to blend-in with scholars or people with religious calling. If like in FF15 in VS13 Tenebrae had an image of being a country with its rulers being religious leaders in the world. That might make Ravus Lindzei's representative at some points in the story in both ways Lindzei is viewed, as protector/religious leader and untrustworthy trickster/assassin.
4.2) In VS13/FF15 Noctis had a degree of subtety of him being red, as his eyes only glowed red and red soles of his boots weren't something which could be seen outright. As Yozora now, through his heterochromia, his outfit having red and red glow from weapons and powers, he's parading it quite freely.
Yozora and Riku may have very similar clothes, but color-wise theirs meaning might have to be opposite.
Like Ravus has similarities with Riku and Hope, Yozora might share similarities not only with Sora, but with Noel too.
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Pulse and Lindzei were given the task to search for Etro's Gate, with Pulse searching by corporeal means. Lindzei was also given another task, to wake Bhunivelze when the Gate would be found.
In FF13 it wasn't stated what actually woke Bhunivelze up. Hope rising new cocoon called "Bhunivelze" might in a way symbolize him fulfilling task given to Lindzei to wake Bhunivelze up.
"Gaze held aloft, his strides bring ruin," words on Pulse's playing card refer to Pulse destroying the world to search for the Gate.
Noel by killing Etro's heart, thus unleashing Chaos from Etro's Gate, might've fulfilled Pulse's task to find the Gate through corporeal means.
"If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain." Pulse and Lindzei couldn't find a way how to enter the Gate, so they brought what was in the Gate into the real world.
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On Pulse's playing card it might be depicted Cocoon, but it also looks like red moon.
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4.3) Since VS13 as its name suggests in many ways was supposed to be the opposite of FF13, and if it was really supposed to be a tragedy.
While Lightning in FF13 resisted Bhunivelze's offer to become Etro, VS13 might've ended pretty similar to FF15 in regards to Noctis' fate, but with lots of meanings being switched. Noctis might've supposed to accept Bhunivelze's offer and become new Etro.
Despite Lightining being Etro's Champion, she never got submerged into Chaos on different levels as much as Noel, Caius or Yeul did, or as Noctis might've been. So, Noctis might've not been the Light that will banish the darkness, but darkness that will take Chaos with him to the Unseen Realm back. That might be the result of his actions, i.e. him really being the antagonist of his own game, or in way similar to FF15 becoming the King of people's hearts in FNC's terms quite literally.
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As conclusion of a sort, author would like to say, that especially the last point is just a theory and author's personal guess based on everything described before.
Author's thoughts on Sora's mini-existential crisis "is Yozora him or Riku," is that Yozora is neither Sora or Riku, he's "Sora," but different kind of "Sora."
Since Stella or "Stella," which is for now mostly called Nameless Star, doesn't seem to be a character fulfilling yellow-blue-green-white palette quota, a "Riku"-character, Yozora's "Ravus" has to exist.
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aroacesigma · 1 month
U SHOULD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i adore ff15 i've played it like four times and have a save file that has nearly (Or maybe even over now?) 300 hours in it.
like the game does get HEAVY at points (esp if you play some of the dlc. episode prompto and episode ignis are. ouhghhghghg.) but its pretty lighthearted despite it. the boys have a lot of fun banter (unfortunately a lot of the world banter just. stops triggering once you enter the post-game state? its sucky. i miss prompto's silly comments...) and there's a lot of cute little details.... also you can customize the car :)
the endgame got a little rushed due to like. development constraints and stuff (the dlc (the cancelled episodes aranaea, noctis, and lunafreya) and the endgame kinda got expanded upon in a book that came out. i forget what it's called but i've been meaning to get my hands on it to read) but despite it it's still a really good game, the last few chapters of the story just get a lot more linear compared to the massive open-world. also a lot of the heavy-hitting bits happen in the last parts. its sooooo.
i don't want to spoil it but like the endgame chapters are some of my favorite parts despite how bashed it gets online (mostly bc of the rushed development showing the hardest in them) like.................... augh.
it is very sweet tho u get to see noct, prom, iggy, and gladio's relationship and how close they are (noct & prom are best friends from high school, iggy basically grew up w/ noct (and i think gladio kinda did too but came in later than iggy did) - they're all in like their 20s during the games events i think. like noct & prom are 20, gladio is 23, and iggy is 22) like. its so . im insane abt this game obviously skjdghskd
everyone has their own little unique thing too. prompto does photography (and whenever you rest at campsites/hotels you get to look thru the photos he took since you last rested!!!!!!!!!), noctis fishes, iggy cooks, gladio is an outdoorsy kinda survival guy . sucky that gladio's skill doesn't have an interactive component like the other three's but he gives some nice lil bonuses as you level his skill >.>
also i think noct is like. canonically disabled. bc he got injured as a kid and i think was in a wheelchair for a lot of his childhood and to this day like. has issues w/ his back and legs hurting him . also he's prone to nodding off a lot so like . chronic pain & fatigue represent ig skdghsdkg
wait this sounds so fun WTFF sadly it sounds like my computer would shit itself and die also
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captainadwen · 9 months
Watching the FF Versus XIII trailers and
- what would eventually become ff15 thing has been into development since 2006??? Jesus
- it used to be for the ps3 lmao
- so many familiar characters?? Aranea was there from the start ah
- the trailers show a fair amount completed! Aside from graphics overhaul, it's super easy to notice similar locations. I wonder how much of the game actually got produced. Because there is a LOT of mechanics that seem fully finished, various locations, and some plot
Speaking of the plot though, I get the feeling it wasn't very long either. I wonder if that's why they changed it to a main series game?
- full (affectionate) offense to ffxv but them actually fighting their way out of insomnia after noctis gets a power trip is fascinating and much better than the, admittedly fun though awkward, "ardyn is feeling like projecting himself and his fiance onto noctis and luna and arranged their marriage but Regis got the wedding set in a different country thus getting noctis out of insomnia"
- like I understand why they did the change-- noctis /aquiring/ his op power is the main plot of the game and its already short -- but the original one sounds much more fascinating. Like where exactly was the plot supposed to go from there if noctis starts out with his full armiger??
- that said I do like the stabby stabby armiger acquisition from ffxv.
Though It's impossible to compare with "death goddess gave it to me" bc versus13 didn't get made at all so I don't know how it would vibe
- also I get the vibe that some of the strongest parts of 15 are remnants from versus13. BUT like I said, i also get the vibe that versus13 was already suffering from lack of really meaty plot. All the trailers only focus on noctis and Co escaping insomnia/fighting in accordo, with some little hints of weird death magic (?). Of course a game trailer showing just the first 1/3rd of a game is smart but it does make me wonder just... what this game was supposed to end up as?
Like it's clearly sold as a revenge tale with fantasy strangeness in the trailers. Would it have been them going after the empire????
- prompto looks SO different and it's weird.
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milesonthenet · 5 months
We need to talk about X-Men '97!
October 31st, 1992, saw the release of the iconic X-Men animated series. It quickly gained praise and viewership from its audience. For years, it has been regarded as one of the most high-quality animated adaptations.
This year, the X-Men Animated Series finally gains a sequel; X-Men '97. The next chapter in Marvel's Uncanny Mutants is only halfway through its season. Its journey is only just beginning, and it has already gained praise from critics.
Welcome to the House of Milesverse. Today, we will be talking about X-Men '97, and its growing impact. I hope you enjoy the read and remember to (SNIKT) leave a comment or suggestion, bub.
'97's story:
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Unsurprising to anyone, '97 picks up a year after the events of the last episode. With Charles Xavier gone, Cyclops has taken full reins over the team. The X-Men are facing off against new and dangerous challenges.
'97 has a timeless vibe to its story, almost as if you never left. These are still the same characters as they were before. The X-Men's lore and story within the animated continuity have not changed.
Much like its predecessor, '97 also provides some interesting adaptations. For an example, look no further than Madelyne Pryor, the clone of Jean Grey. In just one episode, the series condensed the events of her story.
Another good example is their destruction of Genosha. Watching it play out on the screen was such a shocker. Its destruction was carried out by Cassandra Nova in the comics. Interestingly enough, she's completely absent from the series, with this being a conspiracy done by Bolivar Trask.
The X-Men have been missed.
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Dear X-Men, we have missed you.
X-Men's animated series is in line with other serious, action-heavy stories from that time. Their story focuses on the message of hate, and the real-world issues it can relate to. The persecution that mutants feel has often been used to represent various minority groups across history.
In addition, the original series combined that with beautifully made animation. The action scenes have been well-remembered by fans for years. The animated series has become such a beloved part of the animated media circle within comic books. For anyone who's a fan of our merry mutants, they definitely have spent some time with this show.
97 has proven to be a perfect follow-up by many fans. In just two episodes, 97 was able to impress the audience. It's following in the footsteps of its predecessor. X-Men 97's acclaim and interest can only rise, especially thanks to it's renewal.
What's so different?
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These may be the same mutants you have met, but their voices are not. Some of the actors, such as Norm Spencer (the original voice for Cyclops) unfortunately passed away over the years. Others have been recast to play different characters.
Here are what I feel are the most notable additions:
Cyclops is now voiced by Ray Chase, well known for being the voice of numerous characters such as Noctis Lucis Caelum (FF15), Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer), Roy (Fire Emblem), and the Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts)
Jean Grey (and Madelyne Pryor) is now voiced by Jennifer Hale, well known for being the voice of Commander Shepherd (Mass Effect), Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls), and one of the Hex Girls, Thorn (Scooby-Doo). It's also worth noting that Jennifer Hale reprises the role, as she initially had it during Wolverine and the X-Men.
Gambit is an interesting case, as his prior voice actor, Chris Potter, is now playing Cable. He's instead voiced by A.J. LoCascio, who does voice work for both Prince Lotor (Voltron: Legendary Defender) and Marty McFly (Back To The Future: The Game).
Speaking of? Cable is voiced by Chris Potter now, whose done work as Peter Caine (Kung-Fu: The Legend Continues), and Evan Owen (The Young and The Restless).
Cable's old voice actor was Lawrence Bayne, but he was replaced by Chris Potter. Ironically enough, Lawrence Bayne plays a new character who debuts in the same episode as Cable's birth, The X-Cutioner. Lawrence Bayne is known as the voice of Gill (Street Fighter III: Third Strike) and Raven (Gargoyles).
Lastly? Jubilee's old voice actress, Alyson Court, wanted someone of Asian descent to portray her. That is where Holly Chou comes in, acting as the new voice of Jubilee. She did the voice work for Akame (Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name). It is also worth noting that Alyson Court acted as the voice of an older Jubilee in an episode, named Abscissa.
As you can see, a lot has changed with the voice cast of the X-Men series. Some characters who were voiced by older actors had been replaced. Others, like Cal Dodd (The voice of Wolverine) and Alison-Sealy Smith (The voice of Storm) still reprise their iconic roles.
While much has changed? At the end of the day, these new actors all still portray the spirit of the character. Ray Chase for example makes for a standout, with how closely he sounds to Norm Spencer's Cyclops.
What to look forward to & Conclusion
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X-Men '97 is heating up, and we are already almost at the end. If you haven't checked it out yet, then I recommend it. The series is short, but its episodes all have a distinct impact and role. They not only move the plot forward but also help the characters to grow.
My hope is that Superhero Animation swings back into full gear. I remember as a kid it felt like it was practically already there. From the 90s to the 2000s, you could not miss it. The DC Animated Universe, for example, stands out as one of the best superhero animation projects. An entire generation grew up on those stories, and those adventures.
X-Men shows that its importance and value to people matters. Much like the DCAU, it raised so many children and was their first introduction to the X-Men. It stands out as one of the most iconic superhero action cartoons ever, and frankly? It's earned its title.
I think the future of superhero animation is steadily climbing back up. We have had great animated series, such as Invincible, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur, My Adventures with Superman, and now? X-Men '97.
This has been a wonderful episode of House of MilesVerse. I hope you join us for a deep dive into our favorite robots in disguise. I'll be doing a full review of Transformers: Earthspark.
And? If you didn't know it, then now you know. We'll chronicle some adventures of Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur.
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hornpoint · 9 months
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i have just gotten to this chode in bg3 with micah and i think hes just fucking gross he looks like shawn chatfield and derrick acosta's lovechild Dawn cosplaying as noctis from ff15
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youmourn · 7 months
ff14 a darknight that resides in gridania, part of the scions of the seventh dawn (although never really seen unless summoned and is always anxious to do more work).
ff15 previously part the kingsglaive (after leaving gongaga, also an old friend of nyx) but after something that happened he became part of the crownsguard (with an admiration for noctis) with the desire to protect the prince. upon the attack from nifelheim he had been ushered to meet up and protect the king but with failing his duty he tries to help the citizens escape but was presumed dead. he wields the buster sword (something that was given to him from his mentor while in the kingsglaive) as his greatsword. u find him again when u meet up with iris in lestallum (the general idea is that he saw noctis and decided he wanted to be a crownsguard look at him now)
ff16 uh ill get there soon (:
dmc a self esteemed devil hunter with hinted devil power in his veins something like that.
bloodborne a hunter that used to be a part of the church but realizing what it actually contained he decided to leave it and find a way to exterminate the beasts to try and make up for what he contributed.
dark souls u know what i actually forgot
baldurs gate 3 barbarian / fighter multi class that was on the mindflayer ship when it fell. u can find him with anders. if u choose to turn karlach in he will be ur enemy and he will be unrecruitable. otherwise its very easy to convince him that karlach is not the enemy.
kingdom hearts previously trains with hercules and phil with the intention of becoming a hero but with visits from the wayfinder trio makes him rethink on certain stances. stumbles into the underworld after wandering too far and finds a door to darkness. curiosity brings him further in thus being trapped with aqua following him shortly after with the only thing left behind being a black feather. it's when its reopened that he manages to escape however with the past long gone and the power of darkness managed to keep itself (mostly) at bay compared to the hold it had on aqua. now he wanders through the worlds to help in any way he can. (better version to come later this is the general gist)
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Chapter 1 
Posted on AO3 if you prefer! (Will also contain extra content in the future)
Background Lore:
- Post 500-year war, Zarkon was defeated and taken over by his son, Kolivan who ended the war
- Each planet has it's own language but everyone knows common as well
- There is some mistrust among some species and the Galrans (because of the war) but they are all working through it
- Earth did join the fight right around the time Kolivan took over
- Keith is high-key based off Noctis from FF15
Side Note: The ages are based off a human life span since I've never thought too much on what an average Galran / Altean life span was. Zarkon lived as long as he did (only passed 500 years in this case) because of quintessence. If you, the reader, have your own age head canon just substitute them as you read :)
Kolivan and Krolia: Keith's parents
Kolivan is the son of the former empire Zarkon
Shiro: Keith's trainer and royal advisor
King Alfor and Alluras Mom: Rule Altea, parents to Allura
Romelle: Allura's knight (and future gf)
Adam: Altean knight, used to work with Lance
Coran: Sir (highest knight role) works alongside Alfor and trained/raised Lance
Hunk: Blacksmith, makes weapons exclusively for Altean Knights
Pidge and Matt: Build's technology for the new universe
Word Count: 2701
Keith’s POV 
“That’s all for this meeting, we will reconvene next week.” Empire Kolivan said, dismissing the group of generals, politicians, and his child. Keith moved to stand before his father spoke again, “Keith, stay a bit longer.”  
Keith nodded and sat back down. Remaining silently in his seat until the last person left the conference room. 
“We’re having another banquet tonight. I need you to be there, no sneaking off like the last couple of times.” His father kept his voice light, but stern. A tone that must come naturally to being a father. 
Keith fought back an eye roll, his parents knew how much he hated these parties. They knew how much he hated his responsibilities as the next in line to the throne. Despite his young age, he already had a reputation for disliking politics. He loathed coming up with contracts and budget spending, visiting places to “leave a good impression,” and attending all of these meetings. He despised almost everything that came with royalty. 
“I’ll be there.” 
His dad smiled at him, “thank you, son. I only request tonight since there is someone I want you to meet.” 
He wanted to smash his head into the table in front of him. Every week his parents had a new person “he just needed to meet.” They both were trying so hard for him to meet someone to settle down with. To someday rule the empire with. Just like his father did when he met his mother. 
Keith pushed himself away from the table, “I’ll be there. But don’t get mad if I'm late.” He left the room before his father could say anything else. 
He made his way back to his room, taking the long way through the gardens. He liked the quiet, he liked the moments when he didn’t have to be the crown prince. He stopped, admiring the flowers that were finally in bloom. Some were dark purple, others a light blue but his favorite was a bright green. The color smelled fruity in a sense, maybe a bit sour. He wasn’t too sure, but he liked looking at it. 
He nodded his head at the gardeners, continuing his way to his room. His mind cycled around what his father said. 
Keith felt broken in a sense. He was almost twenty-one and he had never found someone he liked. Sure, he found people attractive and he had anyone he wanted at his feet but he never felt any connection to them. He hadn’t even kissed someone before. He knew deep down he was disappointing his parents. He knew he wasn't the son they needed. He wasn’t the son the empire needed. 
His life was easy, planned out. Meet a nice girl, get married, have a couple of kids, and take over the empire when his father deemed him ready. It was laid out in front of him, like clothes for a kid. But the idea of following that made his stomach turn and his skin itch. 
He hated himself for it. 
He entered the ballroom about half an hour after the party started; his parents sent him a wide smile when they saw him. He nodded back at them, immediately grabbing a drink from a passing waiter. 
He moved off to the side of the room, being stopped every couple of feet by someone else. Some politicians, some generals, but mostly girls trying to get his attention. He felt weird responding to compliments, but no one ever told him how to reply to a thousand “you look nice" comments. 
Keith hated small talk. He considered himself a boring person. He didn't have much interest outside of sword fighting with his trainer Shiro or reading old textbooks of the days before him or his father or his father. He wasn't what you would call social. He didn't want to talk about war or the military or alliances, he just wanted to read and wander around nature in silence. 
Keith stared down at his drink, circling it slightly to watch the dark liquid move. How long did he have to stay here? These parties always went late into the night, and usually towards the end were just filled with drunk people. 
“How are you doing?” His father stood by him, smiling a bit at the guest passing them. 
Keith shrugged, “fine. How much longer?” 
Kolivan chuckled slightly, “Only a bit. The guest hasn’t arrived yet.” 
Keith continued to stare at his drink, he almost forgot about this ‘special’ guest. “Well...where are they?” 
His dad placed his hand on his shoulder, “they’ll be here soon.” With a gentle squeeze, he walked away. 
Keith spent the next hour making small talk. Trying to match the blush from his guest when he kissed their hands or gave them the validation they wanted from a prince. He never could. 
"Oh my god, look at them," a hushed whisper floated by Keith. A couple more gasps filled the air, and Keith found himself looking at the entrance.
Two men had entered the ballroom, their silver armor glimmering under the lights. The metal was decked out with chains, some medals, and certain silvery colors. They stood side by side, their swords sheathed at their sides.
Keith watched them move through the room, heading straight toward his parents; only offering friendly nods at the people around them. Keith found it a bit odd, he had never seen them before but they walked so...confidently. He usually knew everyone that attended these parties, and the people he didn’t know never walked in like they owned the place. 
They both bowed at his parents, the man with orange hair, and a matching orange mustache saying something to them with a smile. The younger man with tanner skin didn’t open his mouth, but he looked happy to be there. They talked to his parents as if they already knew him. The man with orange hair laughed with him like he was an old friend. 
Keith couldn't tear his eyes away from them; specifically, the other man standing next to him. He had short brown hair, he seemed to be a bit taller than him, and a slender build. Even through his armor, he could see the strength he held in his body. How square his shoulders were and the perfect posture he had. 
Keith was staring, usually, he never stared at people but right now, he didn't want to stop. He wanted to memorize everything about that boy. Every inch of skin, which was only his head, how soft his expression looked even from this distance. What did his voice sound like? How did he laugh? Was he super serious? What was his name? 
Keith suddenly wanted to know everything about this new guest. He stared until the mysterious boy turned his head. He had never seen the ocean but if the waters he had heard about didn't resemble these eyes; he didn't want to see them.
The man gave him a soft smile, looking at Keith like he had met him before; like he already knew him. Which, he knew, was impossible since he would remember those eyes. 
He was pulled out of his mind as the man started making his way toward him, his father leading the way. "Son! This is the guest I wanted you to meet. Well, I suppose two guests."
His heart fluttered in his chest, which had never happened before. Was he dying? Having a heart attack? Should he call for a doctor? It would be his nightmare if he died at one of these parties. 
"Son, I want you to meet Sir. Smythe and his newest approved sworn knight, Knight McClain."
Now that they were standing right in front of him, he could really look at them. They both had marks under their eyes; both a soft blue. They were Altean.
The man with the orange mustache, Sir. Smythe looked a bit older; older than Keith's dad but not too much older. He also had an eyepatch covering his right eye. He had a scar extended past the eyepatch below and above it. The skin taut around the white mark. 
Knight McClain was younger, he couldn't be much older or younger than Keith. His skin looked soft and he looked at Keith with a sense of protection and comfort. 
The knight reached for Keith's hand, holding it gently in his before he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to the back of his hand. "Pleasure to meet your highness."
Keith was speechless, his lungs burned from lack of oxygen and why did it feel like his hand was on fire? The knight dropped his hand, moving to straighten his back and stand, his shoulders squared.
"Son, Knight McClain was very recently sworn in under the Altean military. He quickly proved himself to be the top of the class and surpassed everyone with high marks. King Alfor has sent him over as an alliance present to be your new bodyguard.” His father spoke, proudness rolling off his voice. “That’s if you want him, of course.” 
Keith looked at his dad with wonder and curiosity. This was a huge step for the Alteans. They were the most affected by the Galran reign, nearly being completely wiped out. King Alfor gifting one of his best knights was a step in the right direction. But why did he choose Keith? He hardly knew the King. 
He looked back at the knight. Still trying to understand why his heart was beating so fast. Why he felt enchanted.
“Good morning prince,” one of the cooks smiled at him as they placed a plate of food in front of him. 
He grumbled out his own greeting, everyone knew he wasn’t a morning person. 
“Morning baby,” his mother pressed a quick kiss to his head before taking her own seat. “How did you sleep?” 
He shrugged, he tried to sleep; he really did. But every time he closed his eyes all he could think about were those blue eyes. No matter what he did, he couldn’t shake it. 
His mother frowned at him, “are you feeling okay?” 
“Yeah,” he twisted his fork around, moving the food around his plate lazily. “I’ve been thinking about what dad said. About the knight, King Alfor wants to give me.” 
His mother nodded, taking a drink from her cup. 
“Is he still here?” He never really gave an answer last night, he couldn't form any words. 
“Yes, he and Sir Smythe stayed the night.” 
Keith stared at his plate, his heart borderline pounding out of his chest. He didn’t know why so he did his best to ignore it. “I want to talk to him…before I accept him.” 
Krolia smiled, “of course.” 
“How old are you?” Keith leaned back in his chair, propping his head up in his hand as he leaned against the armrest. He was always scolded for how relaxed he sat but he couldn’t bring himself to sit seriously all the time. 
The knight sat in front of him, after a slight argument where he insisted he didn’t need to sit but Keith said it would be weird for only him to be sitting. The knight sat stiffly, his back straight and his hands on his lap, his sword still hanging on his hip. “Just turned twenty-one.” 
“What’s your first name?” 
“Lance McClain?” 
Lance nodded, “that is correct your majesty.” 
“Were you born on Altea?” 
“Yes, and raised there.” 
Keith took a couple of moments to look at Lance; he didn’t even wiggle under his gaze. Something most people did when alone with a Galran. Their scars on the universe ran deep; there wasn't a planet or species unaffected by the Galran former terror. But Lance seemed oddly comfortable in Keith’s presence. Maybe he didn't know anyone that was directly affected by his grandfather's horror. “How long have you been a knight?” 
“I was sworn in at age eighteen, but following Altea rules, I had to do grunt work for the first three years.” 
Keith gave a slow nod, “interesting…did you like it?” 
Lance gave a lopsided grin, “it was work. That’s all I can say.” 
“What did you do?” 
“Guarded an empty room most of the time, sat in meetings, and had a path to follow around the castle. Boring guard work. But I didn’t mind it.” 
“You’ve never guarded a person before?” Keith asked, a bit skeptical. 
“Solely? No, I haven’t. But I am confident that I can do the job better than anyone else.” 
“Uh huh,” Keith began to rub his fingers together, he hated sitting still for long amounts of time. He stared at the other boy, were all Altean knights this confident? Or just him? No, Sir Smythe was also confident. Keith sighed to himself, he wasn’t used to people not being a bit frazzled around him. 
Only his parents and Shiro could care less about his status. “What languages do you know?” 
“Common, Altean, Galran, and I can fumble my way through Balmeran.” 
Well rounded, what exactly was his training like? “So you can understand what I’m saying?” Keith spoke in his mother tongue, the rough words easily rolling out. Galran wasn't a difficult language to learn if you grew up with it, but others have said that it can be a challenge. 
Lance nodded, “yes your majesty.” He responded in fluent Galran. 
Keith felt a small smile form on his face. “Tell me about your training.” 
“What do you want to know?” 
“Anything. When did you start, how long did you train, your hardest mission, things like that.” 
Lance looked down at his hands, his fingers tapping against his upper thighs lightly. “Coran, Sir Smythe, took me in when I was around seven. I didn’t start training till age nine, four years before most children start. Coran was my main teacher, I also worked with others, but Coran showed me everything I know. I was sworn in at age eighteen as I already said. Usually, knight training starts at age thirteen and I couldn't enroll in the classes until I was older. So I have an additional couple years under my belt.” Lance paused, meeting Keith’s eyes. “My hardest training was being sent to an abandoned planet at age fifteen to find a holy relic.” 
“You did that without any help?” Keith raised his eyebrow at the question. 
“Yes. Altean knights have to attend a solo search and find missions as part of their training.” 
“I see…how long did it take?” 
“A month. But I still hold the quickest time.” 
Keith tried to push down the laugh that formed in his chest. “A month to find a relic?” 
Lance nodded, clearly holding no embarrassment over the statement. “You aren’t given any weapons or supplies. You’re given some sleep medicine and placed on the planet in your training clothes. No map, no food, nothing. You aren’t even told what you’re looking for until…well you find it.” 
“Oh.” Keith took a deep breath, “tell me about your family.” 
Lance froze at the statement, Keith could see the way his body became ridged up at the sentence. But he quickly relaxed his body, placing another smile on his face; a tense smile. “There’s nothing to say about them, prince. They’re not in the picture.” 
Keith looked at Lance a bit longer before he pushed himself up. Taking a couple of steps to stand in front of the knight. He stopped in front of him, leaving enough distance that Lance could stand up if he wanted. But he remained seated, his blue eyes meeting Keith’s purple ones. 
“Are you ready for the most important questions?” 
“Yes, prince.” 
“Are you loyal?” 
“Will you do as commanded?” 
“Anything you order, your majesty.” 
“Would you die for me?” 
“Without question.” 
Lance did so, they had a slight height difference, Lance being a couple of inches taller than him. 
“I look forward to having you work for me.” 
Lance grabbed his hand, the same hand from Lance night, and pressed another kiss to it. “I look forward to serving you,” he looked up, still staying bent at the waist. “Prince.” 
Keith felt his heart jump into his throat, why was he feeling like this?
I hope you liked it, this fic won't be as long as my last multi fic (Roommates) but I'm estimating 5 - 8 chapters depending
I hope you liked it!!
Thank you for reading <33333
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mythicalartistx · 1 year
Which heart did Yozora'd take to change his form?!?
When conversing with Nameless Star, they tell you the person who is looking for her form has been changed beyond recognizing it. And their heart had been replaced.
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This is all referring to Yozora, but What if by some weird way, Yozora had somehow got Riku's heart?
After all they look similar. Yozora looks like both Riku and Sora so it would make sense. However it could also be related to Noctis from ff15.
After life
And this is because he also looks like him, but there was a game called Versus XIII that never made the light of day.
What if because of that some FF stuff is related since kh4 and the unfinished game were both supposed to be about the afterlife.
Now kh4 is because Sora abused the power and disappeared/died. Strelitzia then tells Sora in the trailer that for them it's a place after death, unlike the normal people who live there.
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chosenbythecrystal · 1 year
// I need to work on my ff16 verse but.
Noctis, dominant of Carbuncle with a focus on healing and warping with crystal-like magic (the ability to summon spectral swords like the armiger in ff15).
His Eikon form would look a little like Trico from the Last Guardian.
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ffxv episode ignis, ardyn, dawn of the future
episode ignis: what awkward placement. this explains why ravus turned against niflhiem and the ring deal but it's got so many endgame spoilers and assumes players have played the ending. see this is an argument for why dlc is a bad thing it reminds (ha!) me of kh3 where games now days are designed to be incomplete and dlc is story mandatory so one game for the price of 2 but worse i actually prefer smt digital devil saga and persona 2's duology format which are each complete story arcs instead of this 93% 7% dlc deal. ff15 in general isn't the best (or the worst) at explaining what is going on so it's hard to follow why things are happening without this extra material. ffxv isn't even that bad the story is coherent without the dlc mostly, but it still bothers me. dod3 goes so much in the opposite direction it's funny it's not even a videogame anymore it's a multimedia project gotta rake in the cash.
anyways ignis is the devs favorite isn't he. alternate end is well done and i loved the lore but im not sure it should exist. first choices i dont think ignis would give up if it was for noct. if chosen ignis pays his life to surpass his limit and draw from the ring's power why isn't he dead. look i get that the crystal is a giant magic plot breaking plot device but there's got to be narrative limits. deus ex lunafreya. things went a little too well sure they got some ardyn-less free time but he's shown by the throne so he's out againwhy hasn't he killed ravus or something. which btw wow ravus is the one thing holding the universe together and the darkness from taking over should have tried harder to keep him alive huh (also this isn't how genomics and inheritance works like if every generation has 2 kids that's exponential number of oracle descendants). and why is noctis still alive did they just not destroy ardyn? if they didn't permanently end ardyn great job kicking the can down the road and passing over the super special chosen king, who knows if any one else in the future can do it. the main problem though as with any alternate route in any story is the risk of cheapening or downgrading the main story. mostly it just comes off as the writers being indecisive.
it feels like the writers are relying on lunafreya and the crystal to just be miracle workers and move the plot however they want. it also cheapens making the player choose between not using the ring and losing to ardyn, using some of the power at the cost of eyesight but that not being enough, and trading your life for the power to take down ardyn like it's suppose to be a hard choice but the writers take the consequences away
episode ardyn: i get that they're trying to do a whole oracle king romance parallel but well actually ffxv already has no respect for how ancestry and genomics actually work so why do i bother. oh aera is the og oracle. flueret and the oracles are her descendants but she was betrothed to ardyn and died so did she have kids before marriage or what is going on. really with the whole absorbing and (kinda) neutralizing the starscourge and healing people of it ardyn should have been the oracle and the ancestor of the flueret line and if they wanted to avoid the incest undertones just make it them not brothers so that caelum and flueret were political rival families both trying to get the throne. (except isn't tenebrae on another continent... eh it doesn't matter tenebrae being 200 mi closer to insomnia wouldn't have made a difference to the story). maybe it's the insomnia (ha!) but im liking this idea more and more like maybe the original prophecy wasn't a savior/warrior king so much as just a savior/fighter of darkness and so ardyn almost became the oracle king
yeah the writers have lost me i've stopped caring. the whole ardyn thing always felt messy like the want this embodiment of darkness and evil but they also want him to be tragic but they also want him to be noctis' foil but also luna's foil and the writers don't juggle all this narrative weight well, something has to give. Like somnus sucks but the narrative treats him as having divine providence and ultimately doing the right thing when no that was neutral at best. ffxv is so stuck in this binary of good and bad unwilling to truly transgress the boundary they have drawn between good light divine, and evil darkness taint. and then bahamut comes down and tells ardyn that his role is to bring darkness. and like what this is such a major reveal either it shouldn't be here at all or it should be in the main game. because this proves that the 6 aren't on humanity's side like much of the cast believes, bahamut isn't acting for the sake of humanity or the world they're acting to bring forth this prewritten script. i think this is my least favorite dlc, it's very messy writing wise.
skimming through the cancelled dlc and dawn of the future, the dlc since episode ignis seemed to have been veering off in a new direction probably best that it was cancelled because this new thematic direction would have been better tackled in a sequel or side game. in main ffxv the gods are distant and fate is a reassurance a comfort that one has purpose in life. where as the dlc episode ignis and ardyn are about the flipside of that how destiny and fate can also be a shackle, it's about defying the gods.
Like they wanted ardyn to be this kind self sacrificial healer but then dropped that character trait with no continuity like they could have made it that he had a savior complex and ego but that didn't come through or they could have made it about how he felt the people owed him and now feels betrayed by everyone but i didn't get that either. btw quarantine and prevention and vaccination are scientifically better than curing individuals when it comes to infectious diseases irl. so ardyn's characterization is someone who cares about the small scale and individual even when it's to the detriment of the greater whole, and that characterization got dropped. there's also how ardyn's turning evil only happened in the last like 30 years so his turn towards revenge narratively feels rushed it would have been nice seeing the daemonification and memory reading eating at him in stages. or i mean there was 2000 years could have had him conscious the whole time and stewing in misery turning over the same thoughts over and over reliving aera's death and having that drive him insane. oh yeah and bahamut pops up out of no where. bahamut is so plot breaking it begs the question why he didn't intervene in main game more.
dawn of the future great lunafreya is alive again. see this is the problem of having plot breaking super gods you cheapen their original deaths by making death meaningless. now that can be an interesting story in of itself but it contradicts xv main game's themes. this is also the luna ardyn show where as in maingame these two are barely secondary characters. noctis, gladio, ingis, and prompto are the main characters of ffxv butt they aren't plot important so don't show up here at all. all this definitely should have been a separate game. yeah all of this dc should have been a separate story imagine if we got lunafreya as the main character. like hey remember what i said earlier about ardyn absorbing miasma as a parallel to lunafreya? also wasn't the oracle bloodline holding back the darkness aka the apocaylse happened when ravus died well since the writers brought luna back shouldn't that change. i think the writers didn't think through killing luna. she's so lore important but she does nothing in main game. see they flip the script of noctis being the chosen king instead he just happened to be the dude around when ardyn woke up which is interesting but again very very different thematically from main game. wow the writers really went wild with this, kinda cool really good concepts but this and maingame are separate stories.
see fiction needs rules that's how you build tension when you throw the rules out the window things just become a mess with no stakes. which can be interesting and also very post modern absurd but that's not what's happening here. like so much emphasis was put on the cost the ring of lucii and king powers have. that regis is aging faster than he should that it took noctis 10 years to absorb the ring's half of the power and then to throw it out or how ardyn was showed to have daemonified pernamently with no way to cleanse the miasma and then haha jk there's no consequences because gentianta healed them! that's such an asspull you build up all these stakes only to say last minute that they don't matter. which again can be done for a thematic point like the writers could have really leaned into how humanity are just playthings and the gods have absolute power and decide the facts of the world (like yeah get meta and absurd with it kill luna 45 times and bring her back, nothing has meaning nothing matters!) but the writers didn't succeed in this and also this type of story is very difficult to tell.
thinking about this more and totally could have been a side game or compilation of episodes. Persona 2 did it where Eternal Punishment overwrote the ending of Innocent Sin and the two are rather tonally and thematically different.
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vierandancer · 6 months
Regarding The FFXVI/XIV Crossover Event
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For Meiko's canon, the events occur in present content -- i.e post 6.55, in the time spent between Endwalker and Dawntrail. Here are some notes on the event!
The Wandering Minstrel originally tried to contact both Meiko and A'kihiko, but A'kihiko was busy leading some newbie adventurers from their guild through training, so she went alone.
Opportunities to interact with Clive because we were robbed of more 1-on-1 interactions: Meiko is the one that escorts Clive through Thanalan to Ul'dah, Meiko asks if Clive is getting sick on the airship ("Y'need t'throw up lad?"), Meiko offering to buy Clive a drink after he regains his memories because shite that is rough. Does Torgal want a drink too? Can he have one???
Meiko getting real tense thinking that Clive's Garuda is somehow an Ysayle equivalent popping up elsewhere in Eorzea. She immediately has her little conspiracy brain going when he seems to know Primals/Eikons and he kinda looks like a buffer older, non-cat version of her younger brother.
Meiko commenting she wasn't there when her brother fought Ifrit, so it's kind of funny she gets to do it now! -- Wait. Wait, fuck, that's not what our Ifrit looks like uhhh --
"Oh, you're th'Ysayle!"
This canonically happens not too long after the FF15 event, in which Meiko interacted with Noctis. So she thinks that's just what this is, and is a little worried about the random visitors from other worlds. It isn't a totally foreign thing, but maybe she should chitchat with Y'shtola about it just in case...
If you have FF16 muses and want to interact, especially for Clives but also for others! I'd love to interact and plot something, even something short. Please note I haven't played FF16 but am always willing to look stuff up. :)
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nirgilis · 5 months
SRNHNR 1 - Yozora and Noctis
Part 2 | Extra 1
This post was sponsored by this track:
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Nachtflügel helped to trace some Yozora's elements back to Noctis, despite racking the author's brains first by Batman's Nightwing.
These are theories based on unreleased stuff or similar elements from not that distant from each other games, so they might be overthoughted.
Nachtflügel is number 137 on KH3 OST tracklist, "13" and "7," aka Nomura's favorite numbers.
1) Night-part of "Nightwing" is already pretty understandable with the whole Noctis-night-theme, but together with wings it might be leading to Lucis' feature which for FF15 on different levels was either completely cut off or heavily toned doned.
With FF15's theme of Noctis becoming the King of Light it probably didn't suit anymore for his country to be even more connected to death then it was, so the scull on Lucis' emblem for almost all imaginery had to go and only eight-pointed star in circle remained.
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Since countries in VS13/FF15 world tend to depict some deities/summons on their emblems, like Leviathan probably would've been and still kinda is the one for Accordo, the summon on Lucis' emblem might've supposed to be Diabolos.
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In one of VS13 trailers it was said, that Lucis' crystal was the last remaining one and Solheim, Accordo and Tenebrae already lost theirs. That makes 4 crystal, which can be Wind/Fire/Water/Earth, the most common combination.
FF Type-0 in the way it was released also has 4 countries with 4 crystals, but at some point in development there was considered an idea about making 5th nation with Void crystal. It's possible that VS13 also might've had Void crystal, which would've been Lucis' one.
Diabolos might be a match for Lucis' Void crystal bc:
His skills are Void/Gravity-based. Diabolos from FF0. Lucis' powers of warping and "flying swords" of all magic are most close to be void/gravity-based.
His skills are still technically present in FF15, but in the form of Ring of Lucii. Alterna Spell.
Diabolos drains HP of enemies and throws gravity-spheres at them. Yozora likes to drain (steal) HP, other things and using Gravity-spheres very much.
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These attacks with trapping/magneting enemies into spheres and then deconstructing them into data-cubes look like some sort of high-tech Diabolos.
Not even talking about Yozora making a dome with sphere, that temporarily changes gravity on the field.
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Yozora's attacks and sphere he summons both remind red moon from Episode Duscae demo.
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Since Diabolos is practically a humanoid bat with a tail, it's doubful that it's a coincidence that Komory Bats also have gravity-magic and drain-attack.
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2.1) In VS13 trailer where Stella and Noctis talk about the Light they can see after near-death experience, Noctis might be trying to dodge questions and avoid talking about himself not to let Stella know some information he might be knowing or/and to make her reconsider her curiosity in their world's mysteries.
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In Fabula Nova Crystalis Etro was tasked by Mwynn to keep the balance of Chaos between real world and unseen realm. Etro initially didn't understand what Mwynn meant, but when she started giving Chaos to humans, which became their hearts, the cycle and balance of Chaos between real world and unseen realm established.
In FF13 when Yeul was returned to life by Etro, she received Eyes of Etro, which allowed her to see the future. Noctis and Stella obtaining Eyes of Etro, in VS13 in this case Eyes that can see the light of expiring souls, throught near-death experience is close to how Yeul received them.
Turning to Nachtflügel again. It reminds Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries." It can be a coincidence, but it might've landed too accurately in mythology context, since Valkyries guide souls of the dead to Valhalla, or they might be guiding only those who they deem worthy. And Sora at the end of KH3 is sort of dead.
In VS13 Lucis line might've not only worshiped goddess of death, but served as her grim reapers in some way. Since the biggest problem of FNC's world is the balance of Chaos between real world and unseen realm, which if broken will doom the world, Lucis line' task might be to help maintain that balance.
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2.2) There's a similarity between Snow's words in opening cutscene of FF13-3 and Yozora's, with "save" being taken in ditto marks.
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Snow indirectly asks Lightning to kill him, despite that's being the opposite of her task, to free shacked souls by solving their troubles, so they'll be ready to be reborn in the new world.
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These scenes might have the same subject, but with opposite events taking place. Yozora might've been brought to be Sora's "examinator" in a way. To test him if he still has will and strength to continue walking the road he brought upon himsef.
3) Apart from possibilty of Yozora's heterochromia coming from his appearance being a mix of 2 people, it might also be what he originally was supposed to have in VS13, but with kinda an opposite meaning and nearly devoid of its pros it was given to Ravus for FF15.
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Ravus' eye turned purple from Starscourge infection from magitek arm, which he was given after the gods burned his hand in punishment for him trying to wear Ring of Lucii. Starscourge might've given him some increase in physical strength, but it was also turning him into a daemon.
In FF15 Omen trailer visual of Noctis going haywire is somewhat similar to Sora's Anti and Rage forms.
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Diabolos and Yozora's red gravity spheres also recemble red spheres Darkside and Sora in Rage form have.
If in Anti and Rage forms Sora is relying on darkness or his feelings of anger, then in VS13 it might've been Chaos.
From Yeul's words about Chaos in FF13, it can give a number of abilities:
"The power to see the future. The power to travel the timeline. The power to bend monsters to your will. The power to remember in your dreams, even when the timeline has changed. They are manifestations of hidden chaos, and in a chosen few, these powers are great indeed. Such are the blessings of the goddess."
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Yozora has a strange mechanic where he summons Gigases to fight for him, but as far as VR's trailer went, they weren't playing on the same team. Gigas might be VR's equivalent of magitek, so it might fit the words "The power to bend monsters to your will."
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
Taking a bit break from Days, let's discuss KH4.
So I hope Strelitzia is at least as useful as Marly in Days, at least by using magic instead of physical attacks. If she is less useful than Specter Nobody, why do we even have her here.
Stickman Sham's video made me finally understand the Yozora thing. So not-Noctis already had his Verum Rex adventure but didn't get to Episode Lunafreya, and Noctis, so KH4's quests with the not-Chocobros will likely involve them.
Stinger of KH3 vanilla I guess happens before Yozora, and Sora's dialogue in the anti-Final World.
If that's the case, then either Riku, or Sora is the Gladiolus of the group (makes sense because of early KH instant ramens, look them up), which doesn't sound good for either of them considering what happened to Gladiolus in the leaked Versus 13 script (also look it up).
Given the structure of the true ending though I guess the Verum Rex Yozora was in was the Verum Rex in the Toy Story world, though. I guess this is a meta joke about how VS13 was originally intended to be trilogy to contrast regular FF13, then condensed to a single game, then to incomplete FF15. Alternatively, it might have been referring to the earlier demos of FF15, like the one with Carbuncle, and the other with, drum roll, Gladiolus, which will be the basis of Verum Rex stuff that will have the regular VS13 storyline when Sora dies the third time due to saving Strelitzia from death, and breaking rules of the multiverse once more.
Anyway, Yozora's sparkly end is probably supposed to be based off Goddess Etro taking Lightning back to realm of death (since FF13/FFV13/Type-0 all alternate timelines are supposed to be dreams of different of iterations of Etro, she is a weird mixture of Gnostic Sophia (also the basis of Minerva in FF7, and goddess form of Kingdom Hearts in this franchise), and Lovecraft's Azathoth). Sora's crystallization is instead a reference to how the l'Cie (people chosen by fal'Cie, the demigods), branded by fal'Cie (false robotic demigods) become crystals until they are needed by fal'Cie for another job, then they either become fully crystal, and "live" eternally, or become Cie'th (crystal zombies) if they fail.
Of course, the skies are brighter in the good ending for Yozora, and Luxord's Somebody, even though in VS13 Insomnia is supposed to have eternal night-time, though early trailers flip-flopped on that.
Granted, there is no way except the most hardcore FF fans will know of this, and even then, this contradicts crystallization lore within KH (with Xion in Days, and Kairi in KH3), which is closer to classic FF games, than Fabula Nova Crystallis games, whose lore haven't been followed upon since years. This is even worse since this is just a concept trailer like the one for BBS V2 that will eventually be recontextualized, and Nomura is still disappointed about not making that.
Don't ask me where the Assassin's Creed stuff goes into the KH, though, beyond the hoods of course.
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icharchivist · 10 months
oh damn. that is pretty tragic like wow. downright hamlet-esque. i can fathom your suffering now
They sold off this game like "ahah look at the new entry in the Final Fantasy franchise, this one is full open world, look at all the fun you can have camping and fishing with your friends :) isn't Noctis such a sweet boy? don't you want to protect him forever????" and then you get into the game and the suffering never fucking ends.
It's very Shakespearian yeah, like, the tragedy is really the core of the story. It's unavoidable, it's the whim of the Gods.
and i do think it's a powerful story about finding and appreciating the happiness you can get while the world is falling apart around you. You may be doomed by the narrative and the gods themselves, but it doesn't mean there was no happiness to be found.
If you speedrun the game and don't do the sidequests or work enough on the exploration to trigger the cutscenes you get that explore more of your relationship with your besties, it might be a very bleak game - you just jump from one tragedy to the next.
but the game wants you to take your time, it wants you to dally, it wants you to enjoy yourself. The ending is sad and heartbreaking; It doesn't mean your life has to be. There is joy even in the greatest of tragedies. You need to take your time, and to appreciate this joy.
The night is long and pain is on the horizon but you can and should enjoy every day as they come as long as you have time left.
so even if the end is inevitable, even if the universe itself is setting you up for failure, even if grief and sorrow awaits, take the time to enjoy the life you're given, and you'll know you've lived a good life. A life worth dying for. And in the end isn't that what matters the most?
ff15 is really about how the Journey can make the whole thing worthwhile. But god does that makes this ending so hard and so difficult.
*shoves my entire fist in my mouth* never fucking recovering from this game i swear to god.
thank you for reading me as i spiral down once again. It's truly A Game Of All Time. To me.
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