admirableringmaker · 1 year
“differwnt time, different place” { @lordof-thargelion }
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Send “different time, different place” for a starter or drabble in an au i have but haven’t utilized yet
In agony and shame, he had fled, across the valley of Nan Dungortheb, across the river Celon and the Gelion, leaving a trail of dark blood in his wake - blood that scorched the earth and killed the grass. In disarray, he threw himself at the feet of Thargelion's lord, bare of all raiment save his dark cloak.
"Please, I seek sanctuary."
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
So I know you have a roleplay blog for Vanifinwe at least that’s what’s linked on your main blogs profile. Do you know any other roleplay blogs? Or do you have anymore? I was thinking about role playing but was curious to see who all does.
Hey anon! I do actually know quite a few RP blogs and I have a couple myself!
If there are anymore blogs someone wants to add they’re welcome to reblog it and add the others! This is just my comprehensive list and I’m sure I’m leaving someone out that I don’t know.
My blogs are:
My friends blogs are
Some blogs I’ve interacted with outside my friends:
Other blogs I follow or have seen around:
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My brain out of nowhere: Caranthir is the middle child forgotten at the store while the rest of the family went home and didn't even know he was missing and thats why he's generally pissed off.
@lordof-thargelion idk I dont make the rules I just distribute the headcanons
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first-son-of-finwe · 2 years
👮 PLS @lordof-thargelion teenage Moryo probably broke someone’s nose
Send me 👮 for my muse’s reaction to finding out yours has been arrested
Fëanor walked into the room where Moryo sat, his face unreadable. He had been here before - both as a young person, and as an adult retrieving one of his sons. It didn't make it any easier.
He sat down in front of his son, looking over him for a moment to make sure he wasn't hurt.
"We can go home now," he said finally. "But first, do you want to tell me what happened?"
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descendantsoffinwe · 2 years
Caranthir is in Angrod’s rooms, lounging on a sofa. The Noldo was drinking his half-cousin’s wine straight from the bottle and his feet were propped up on the furniture, still wearing his muddy boots.
{ @lordof-thargelion }
Angrod dropped his bag with a thump as he closed the door behind. "Aw dear cousin, if I'd known you were coming I would have cleaned up. It's so good to see you." He kept a smile fixed on his face as he crossed the room. "Don't tell me, they kicked you out of Thargelion. Poor thing."
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wellformed · 1 year
A teenage Moryo has been embroidering nonstop for days. Most pieces are half-done. Based on the dark circles under his eyes, he probably hasn’t slept all week, either.
{ @lordof-thargelion }
Of course Nelyo was aware of his little brother's turmoil and growing frustration and knew the lack of sleep was not helping the other. But knowing their father and mother and bloodline it was something to approach carefully because all of them carried that gene of Too Much, at the sacrifice of themselves, "Carne," He said gently, using a nickname from when Moryo must much more a child. "Come, I have not rested well and I wanted to see if you might nap with me, then we can look over your newest works. I sense you are seeking something, maybe once my mind if clear I can help you narrow in on it?" He phrased it as the lack of sleep was his own issue, knowing that many of their family were more eager to heal one another than mind their own bad habits, "Please?" He held out a hand and offered a hopeful look, "I am so tired. We can talk on it till sleep comes."
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ravencounsellor · 2 years
I’ll answer all the lovely Christmas gift asks tomorrow hopefully, I’m rly willing it into existence that tomorrow is the day I wake up feeling magically better n like a new person
but for now ,,,,, I’d love some short little interactions. the active muses are Inunir & edrahil @eldanyanda , Rinalúlë @sapphiremoths , and maybe some erestor/Tilion @ibrisaduz /Moryo @lordof-thargelion
(in that order)
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admirableringmaker · 1 year
❛ Mayhaps the gods have scorned us for our insatiable pride. ❜ { @lordof-thargelion }
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"The gods have scorned us for all the bloodshed; pride or lack thereof has little do with it." Sauron drawled, "But think of it as an unjust punishment for hubris if you wish. Does it help you sleep at night?"
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"i dont have any elf maidens longing for me"
lies and slander
@pxnxply , @lordof-thargelion
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@lordof-thargelion Moryo's sass to Mairon is going to kill me 💀
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