#omg moryo
first-son-of-finwe · 2 years
👮 PLS @lordof-thargelion teenage Moryo probably broke someone’s nose
Send me 👮 for my muse’s reaction to finding out yours has been arrested
Fëanor walked into the room where Moryo sat, his face unreadable. He had been here before - both as a young person, and as an adult retrieving one of his sons. It didn't make it any easier.
He sat down in front of his son, looking over him for a moment to make sure he wasn't hurt.
"We can go home now," he said finally. "But first, do you want to tell me what happened?"
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
XDDD Oh hey, another reason Feanor is probably throwing a FIT in Mandos, his GRANDDAUGHTER is practically BEREFT of the jewels an elleth of her station should have! *furious screeching* (Feanor probably had a whole STORE ROOM filled with horrifyingly sparkly things he'd planned to give as dowry for the eventual granddaughters he was certain he would have. Lovely gorgeous things! But SO MUCH omg, just SO MUCH. Smaugs horde was a hill of pennies comparatively.)
And those no good suitors of hers aren't even DOING anything about it! *more furious screeching*
Glorfindel and Erestor meanwhile, probably quickly noted practical gifts (like the boots Glorfindel gave her WAY too early on) were far better received than jewels. Hmmm, maybe Erestor, being the Feanorian of the two, gave her something excessively shiny at least once, but took note of the strained smile and slightly panicky eyes and amended his gifts accordingly and told Glorfindel to do the same?
gold ruby and citrine bracelet: *wide panicky thank you?* :/
boots: *wide eyes and pleased smile* :)
basket of warm hand pies and a selection of three penny novels from Mithlond: *a HUG and lovely laughter* :D
Glorfindel and Erestor are SMART and can read their target WAY better than some give them credit for.
Fëanor: *showing the hoard of jewelry off to his sons* and here is the hoard of jewelry I have made and stored for my eventual granddaughters dowry *direct eye contact with his sons as he says that*
*later in the halls*
Fëanor:…..why doesn’t my granddaughter have any jewelry. She is a PRINCESS she needs at least ten sets - laurefinde I never liked you WHY ARE YOU GIVING HER BOOTS THIS EARLY - at least Moryo’s vassal has an idea of what to give her -
*later still*
Nerdanel: pleasure to meet you granddaughter, now about your dowry-
Anordil: my what
Nerdanel: your dowry. Fëanor himself made jewelry to be used in a dowry on the hope that one day we would have a granddaughter-
Anordil: ….is it too late to go back
Nerdanel: *sympathetic pat on the back* I’m afraid so. Let me know when you’re ready to sort through it.
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maironsbigboobs · 11 months
Melian/Galadriel or Caranthir/Finrod for the ship bingo? c:
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Melian/Galadriel is everything to me I love them so much. SO MANY different possible flavours and situations it's incredible. I need to write them more I just don't know where to start LMAO
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I don't think I've ever thought about Caranthir/Finrod actually omg I don't know why but Moryo gives me divorced vibes.
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thethermocline · 2 years
Dare I ask about my oc pairings 🫢 M/C, Moryo /Tinda, and/or Signy/Gloin (yes, I’m just like if narcissus was a girl)
For you I'll talk about any pairing you want...though you know, Narcissus, your reflection may be prettier than I but she cannot give you kisses. 😘
Now let's see if our relationship can survive my brutally! Honest! Opinions!! After all this is spicy hour, I am here for one thing and one thing only, and that is CONTROVERSY
Mel/Curufin: 10/10, impeccable vibes, hand in unlovable hand baybee!! I'm so excited for your failmarriage fic, omg. I don't even like most heterosexual pairings, but between you and tolkien I'm so invested. She's not only the first oc I've seen for Celebrimbor's mother that I found memorable and compelling, but she's just a really good character even as a standalone. In her, I understand perfectly why someone would choose to follow Feanor, as well as rooting for her redemption arc. You already know she's gonna be in my fic, and I'm genuinely so excited to write for her and explore my vision of post canon Mel.
Moryo/Tinda: I am conflicted!! My image of him is not quite right to get married. I love Tinda, I'm very interested in her as a character, but I'm not quite sure about her and Caranthir together.
Signy/Gloin: there's something about them that's so grounded. I love them, love them together, want nice things for them. They both have lovely development and character; Gloin might be named and have lines in the books, but he's still a speculative figure more than anything. You've made him so much more alive to me, just by building his relationship and history with Signy. Signy is like Eowyn to me; very precious and always in my heart. She's also going to be in my fic. I've thought about it, and I'm not sure exactly what it'll be, but I'm gonna do a nice thing for her (besides the obvious seeing Gimli again). She deserves it.
Me, watching you build create amazing, nuanced characters for me to fall in love with:
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mx-shields · 5 years
did you get ur poetry book in fallen london? if not hit me with your in game name !
@borlaaq omg okay thank u!!!
I've got 3: Irisse, Moryo, and Everett Roberts; I guess u can send it to whichever but maybe not Everett bcuz that's the Seeker
You WICKED don't have to do this but if u want to I'll draw a picture for u! Of Emil or whoever u like
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acommonanomaly · 7 years
 nixiegenesis replied to your photoset: Fëanorians, young and happy.
I love them all, but Maglor and the way he’s looking at Maedhros!!! I just love it. And I kind of want to get a crushing hug from Moryo…even though he’s probably so so grudgingly haha. Also, I like how Maedhros is dressed in a lighter color. It really adds to the composition! This is so great. Lots of love, Ro ❤️
Thanks! And yesssssss, it made me so happy every time I was working on Maglor, and I was determined to get his expression just right. And OMG, I bet that once you win him over, Moryo gives the BEST hugs. Look at those arms. Thank you so much for being so supportive of me lately! <333
maedhrosrussandol replied to your photoset: Fëanorians, young and happy.
Ah!! So many feelings!! I LOVE the height difference of Maglor and Maedhros–the way Maglor looks at his older brother is so endearing and heart-breaking at the same time. Maedhros is beautiful–you have done him justice for his beauty. I love Caranthir’s pose–strong, solid, independent. Truly that middle child spanning both ends of the spectrum but the twins bringing him into their circle. They are all happy together in this moment and I can see this over Nerdanel’s fireplace. Crying now.
Now I want to write a fic about her looking at this after they are all gone!! Your art is so inspiring!! I have so many WIP but I want to jump on this one now. Feel better! Take care of yourself. Sending hugs.
Thank you!! And aaaaaah, you brought Nerdanel into it and now I shall cry with you! I’m a huge sucker when it comes to Maedhros and Maglor being close, and it really is lovely and yet so heart-breaking imagining that closeness! I just want to fix everything and make it all better (hence the novel-length fix-it fic I’m writing). I’m so happy you think I did Maedhros justice, because in my head he’s incredibly beautiful, and I’m glad you liked how I portrayed Caranthir!
Now my other favorite Silm writer is feeling inspired, and that has made my night! <333
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nixiegenesis · 7 years
acommonanomaly replied to your post: Some of the tags on my Moryo post are so damn...
I got the same feeling while reading the tags on my Moryo drawings. I love him to bits! And omg, your Moryo was so beefy and HOT
Beefy Moryo is the best Moryo! I just love him. I headcanon that Moryo was one of the more attractive Fëanorians, and the attention made him completely uncomfortable lol.
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acommonanomaly · 7 years
nixiegenesis replied to your post: What's my artist Trademark?™
@acommonanomaly you always have the best color palettes going on. And somehow you’re able to do these textures in the clothing (I can’t figure it out for the life of me lol). Not to mention you draw the cutest Moryo ��. I just get happy looking at your drawings.
OMG I fuss so much over color palettes, so it’s good to hear they come out well! And aaaaaaaaaaaaah clothing drives me nuts and I really have to apply myself, but I always worry it doesn’t look right! Thank you! And you have definitely inspired my moryo!
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acommonanomaly · 7 years
entrenous88 replied to your photo: Because apparently I’m not done drawing little...
so cuuuuuute!
Thank you! Drawing cute young elves is a nice break from all the angst caused by loving tragic elves, haha
nixiegenesis replied to your photo: Because apparently I’m not done drawing little...
NOOOOO OMG. This is just too damn cute. I totally headcanon him and cats now. I’m going to go squeal now.
Thanks! I have embraced @elesianne‘s head canon about Caranthir being a cat person with MY ENTIRE BEING. It’s funny because now I’ve drawn Maglor with a cat, Caranthir twice with a cat, and today I was working on a drawing of Elesianne’s oc Tuilindien (Moryo’s future wife) with a cat.
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first-son-of-finwe · 7 years
@woodlandminstrel replied to your post “@driftwoodprince replied to your post “My bet would be Caranthir or...”
Ahahaha my moryo is so embarrassed but this is also the most accurate thing ever i bet whenever he eats a burrito around family there is always SOMEONE who makes a joke of it. And the family is prepping his birthday dinner?? Surprise !!! Burrito night !
XDD omg they so would. like ‘look moryo we made a shitton of burritos just for you BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW HOW YOU GET IF YOU DON’T HAVE A BURRITO LOLOLOL’
And he’d turn bright red and they’d pile onto him in a massive group hug and he’d just be like ‘YOU’RE ALL ASSHOLES AND I HATE YOU’
It would be beautiful
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