#lorelei shepard
litlunacy · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Garrus Vakarian, Karin Chakwas Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Awkward Flirting, N7 Day, N7 Month 2022 (Mass Effect) Summary:
After Lorelei Shepard lets Dr. Chakwas fix up her scars, Garrus is the first person she goes to. His reaction is...not what she'd hoped for.
(Alternatively, Shepard has trauma and Garrus is Garrus)
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ashenlavellan · 7 months
Mass Effect Aesthetic Boards
I'm piecing this together to create aesthetic boards for my personal Mass Effect characters - so, I'll tag some people to try this out too!
@vorchagirl @acciokaidanalenko @bioware-bard
Bellatrix Deirdre Shepard
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"Remember who you're dealing with..."
Lorelei Amalie Ryder
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"Making promises you can't keep? Such a shame..."
There they are - the aesthetic boards for my beloved Bellatrix Shepard and Lorelei Ryder! ^.^
I hope you love how they both turned out - as much as I do!
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mt07131 · 4 months
Who do your Shepards romance?
Who are your Shepards?
Oh boy oh boy I get to yap!!!!!!! I get to yap about my space girlies!!!!!!!!!
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First up we have Maeve Shepard (because who am I if I don’t do a self insert first lbr) and she is a paragade infiltrator, which means she mostly does the righteous thing but there are some things she’ll bend on and even doing the right thing she’ll have an attitude about it. She is an earthborn sole survivor, so she grew up on earth mainly in a gang and joined the Alliance in order to get out of the gang. While in the Alliance, she was on the expedition to Akuze which resulted in her being the only survivor of the thresher maw attack. She romances Garrus starting in ME2 (infiltrator4infiltrator <3333)
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Next is Ophelia Shepard, my paragon adept. Obviously being a paragon, she’s trying to do the right thing at all times and she does her best not to compromise on her morals. This gets a little tricky in ME2, hence the lovingly dubbed mental breakdown haircut come ME3 because she needs a fresh start. She’s a spacer war hero, so she’s been an Alliance brat all her life and it was only natural she eventually joined up, and then she was on Elysium when the Skyllian Blitz happened and that’s where she became known as the Hero of Elysium. She romances Kaidan through the whole trilogy (THE biotic power couple, literally)
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Finally, we have Lorelei Shepard, my renegade vanguard. She’s not afraid to be blunt, ruthless, and mean as hell, and that usually means she’s a “shoot first ask questions later” kinda gal. She doesn’t have time for bullshit. She is a colonist with the ruthless history, so she experienced and survived the batarian raid on Mindoir as a teen which spurred her to join the Alliance, only to participate in the raid on Torfan post-Blitz where she became known as the Butcher of Torfan. She doesn’t romance anyone in the trilogy except in ME2 where she romances Thane (which… I won’t say how that goes due to spoilers).
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royaltysimblr · 1 year
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Princess Mary’s Family Life #1
Around five months after the wedding Honey House announced the pregnancy of the Princess of the Isle. On November 19th, Princess Mary gave birth to Princess Alexandra Caroline Cecelia at the Queen Marina Memorial Hospital. At birth, Alexandra was automatically created Duchess of Victoria, the title used for the heir to the Prince/Princess of the Isle. Mary and Oliver made Honey House in San Myshuno their family home while also using Coventry House in Courland as their summer residence. Alexandra was enrolled at Alcott Nursery School in San Myshuno as “Alexandra Statford” and would go on to attend Canterbury Academy in Uptown San Myshuno. Four years later, Princess Mary was pregnant again and gave birth to Princess Helena Charlotte Lorelei on March 5th at Queen Marina Memorial Hospital. Helena was named after her godmother and great-aunt, the reigning Queen Helena of Monaca. Helena would be enrolled in the same schools as her older sister, Princess Alexandra. Mary and Oliver have adopted two Australian Shepards, Regina & Rex a few months after Alexandra was born. Two years after Helena was born Mary suffered from a miscarriage when she was six months pregnant. The princess had universal support from the general public, with WIndenburgians leaving flowers at the gates of Honey House. A few years before her accession to the throne, Queen Cecelia suffered from a fall at her private estate, Nottingham Lodge. Queen Cecelia then moved in with Princess Mary and her family at Honey House. 
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pangolinheart · 2 years
And another while we're at it - I see you're a Bioware fan. Do you have a Hawkeye/Warden/Shepard/Inquisitor you've developed? Or do you just keep them pretty canon to their games?
I do, actually! Specifically for Dragon Age! This is my warden, Ruari Cousland
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Ruari is/was a ranger and duelist rogue multi-specialty.
The wayward second daughter of the Cousland family, always more at home hunting in the forest than discussing politics or attending functions with nobility. Becoming a Warden has imbued her with a newfound resolve and commitment. She's determined to carry out her duty no matter the cost to herself.
(art courtesy of @needapotion)
I cheated a little bit with Vivian Hawke
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I fell so in love with the default fem!Hawke's look that I couldn't bring myself to change it. (This was also before DA:I came out so I had no way of knowing there would be another character named Vivienne 😩). I usually played her as an assassin but I've played DA2 so many times I've also played her as a force mage. She's your bog-standard purple Hawke - glib, witty, and quick to hide her desperation behind a joke or sarcastic comment. She thinks she's hilarious.
(I also never got art of her because she looks just like the default fem!Hawke so it seemed like a waste of money.)
And finally my Inquisitor, Lorelei Lavellan:
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A tender-hearted Dalish Tempest rogue who just wishes that everyone could just pull their heads out of the asses and get along for ONCE. She's gentle and sweet and just wants to enjoy sky-watching and messing around with her potions but now everyone's calling her the "herald of Andraste" (she barely even knows who that is...) and expecting her to make important, world-altering political decisions.
(Art also courtesy of @needapotion)
I have a Shepard and a Ryder as well but I couldn't find screenshots for either of them lol.
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teamdilf · 1 year
17, 21, 32 for the weird writing questions? :3c
Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Oh boy - I have so many WIPs! I'll talk about the Sabina Lives/Parents Live AU I'm working on, because I love Sabina dearly. She was already dead as I was developing her as a character (having killed her off in a throwaway sentence in an earlier work), but I love her so much that I had to resurrect her in an AU.
In this work more than others she's appeared in, we see that in a lot of ways Sabina is who Adrien didn't allow himself to be. Adrien doesn't have a temper and is gentle, preferring to avoid violence. Because Adrien protected her from their abusive parents, Sabina was able to show her frustration and lose her temper from time to time.
Sabina saw how Adrien protected her, and there's this survivor's guilt overlap between her and Aurelia, because in this AU, Adrien sacrifices himself after their parents send an assassin to kill Aurelia, and when Sabina was a child, Adrien took the physical punishments meant for Sabina. So, Sabina is in this very specific space where she can really understand what Aurelia is going through because she lived it too.
We also see Sabina taking action outside of the law, whereas in the parents AU I'm in the process of posting, Tullia plays a little bit more nicely with the law (not much more, TBH and she yells at a lot of people). Tullia agrees to do things the "right" way instead of going vigilante because it's what Adrien would want. Sabina? She's seen so much shit and saw her brother get beaten by their parents and she's fucking done, so as soon as her and Tullia figure out that Erasmus and Laela are responsible, Sabina leaves to kill them. She won't give them the chance to rot in prison or fight for their freedom. They tried to kill her niece and nearly killed her brother, and she is done being the protectee, so she steps into the role of protector in the most extreme way possible.
Just from a narrative perspective, I've frequently written Adrien's protectors as women, and most of his closest personal relationships are with women, and that's always been intentional. As I was developing him as a character, I just loved the idea of this badass general who speaks his mind, who has an equally outspoken wife in his corner, who knows that he needs protecting, even if nobody else sees it. That trait comes to extend to his other close friends/family, who see all the ways he needs protecting, and shield him from them.
Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
I didn't write for years after finishing school! I wrote one short story post-university (and I don't think it was particularly good) before the pandemic had me searching out a distraction from my constant doom-scrolling. I might slow down or shift focus to original works, but I don't think I can stop telling stories now that I've started to do so again.
What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
"We accept the love we think we deserve" - The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
I read that book at a time where that wisdom was needed and meaningful to me. I wish I could say I immediately saw myself as worthy of a more kind romantic love than what I had at the time, but in time I was able to see that I deserved more than I was accepting.
I come back to this line frequently when I write my characters. For a long time, Shepard doesn't accept love because she's afraid of loss, but also because she thinks she's cursed on account of her first name (Lorelei) and that those she allows to get close to her are doomed. It's not until her second mission with Garrus that she comes to see that she deserves more love than she's let herself accept.
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sllowshow · 2 months
ok list time
next gen
levi nilsen
ezra, zoe, or maisyn hanna
tatum booker
wade, lyle, or tyson mccormick
colson or mavrick farb
cleo nilsen
cody meyers
iris maldonado
olive walker
maren or conrad reid
estelle durbin
lionel kuhn
cecelia shepard
graciela ruiz
chloe loveday
samuel miller
waverly foster
ezekiel quiroz
raphael cabrera
tessa allard
davey nash
jasmin navarro
lorelei wolfe
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fenharel-archived · 2 years
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tagged by @risingsh0t to do some ocs in the picrew on the left, the middle & by @thefathersbride to do some in the picrew on the right, thanks so much! tagging (to do one of these, or all, whatever you prefer!) @rkyloren @shadowglens @noonfaerie @arlathen @queennymeria @baldurians @avallachs @evievfrye @solasan @arklay @catacomb-chaos & you!
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notladylikes · 2 years
headcanon roulette, featuring lorelei.
grew up an army brat, which meant she never stayed in one place for too long as a kid. always having to leave friendships and people she loved behind, she’s the type that longed for a stable connection. eventually found friends on the internet that she remained in contact with for a while, until her parents found out and forbid her from speaking to them. overprotective folks an’ all that.
took self-defense classes as a kid. after hearing about a mugging that happened two blocks over, she wanted to make sure she was capable of handling herself if it came down to it. carried a taser that she definitely accidentally used on herself in the past, but it was enough to give her parents a sense of safety. they regarded her wishes on learning to do basic hand-to-hand combat training so that she would be ‘sufficiently protected’.
loves to garden. she always had a planter box outside her window when it was possible for her to do so. when she started, she didn’t have a green thumb to save her life. killed every plant she tried to keep alive. but eventually she got the hang of it and now has a series of them in her bedroom, and in random spots around the house. they’re her babies. her in a nursery or at a home improvement store where there are plants? she’s in heaven. and she’s definitely going to take at least one or two of them home.
owned a pet bunny, that she found abandoned in a car park. she named him hawke. he was with the family for years, through moves and visits to other parts of the world. managed to keep him alive - despite her inability to focus on more than one thing at a time, but she did it. hawke died a peaceful death of old age just shortly before she turned twenty. she mourned that rabbit for a long time before ever considering getting another pet. 
she’s is a big advocate for rescuing and saving animals, rather than purchasing them. would open up an animal sanctuary in her backyard if she had the space.
can’t cook to save her life. she often orders take out, has a series of menu’s that take up an entire drawer in her kitchen. it’s an expensive habit, but she can’t even make the basics. her mother never taught her how, always spending more time at work than with her daughter, and she was forced to eat a hell of a lot of lunchables as a kid. 
she’s taken classes and nothing seems to stick in her brain, tried those ‘at home meal service’ things and can’t create half’a the shit they send. the people at the local take out spaces know her and her order by heart. she always gives an extra big tip for the kindness they afford her.
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Tw / angst, mentions of hospitals, childbirth (nothing graphic)
Sylvia considers the day she became a mother the best and worst day of her life. The pain of labour was nothing compared to nurses and doctors asking where the father was, or if she had any family on the way. She didn’t. Hell, she didn’t even head to any special appointments- unless the ones available at the clinic for the poor kids. She hadn’t spoken to her parents in months, Billy was gone when she woke up. So she writes Buck’s number on a napkin and gives it to a nurse, forcing her brain to remember Buck’s and not default to the Shepards’ line like she always did.
Sylvia gave birth to Lori alone, in room 216. For a moment, all she could see was a generational curse in the form of the baby swaddled in her arms. Was this what it was like for her auntie Lorelei, Buck’s momma before she took off? Was this what it was like for her own mother, all those years ago? Is what she was seeing now what Lori had in her future?
Sylvia doesn’t know. And that’s what scares her. She may have given birth alone, but Buck was in her room the second she gave the all-clear, armed with a chocolate milkshake and a million different name suggestions.
Loretta was the winner.
Oh my goddddddddddd- this is perfect and sad and wonderful and lovely and heart-breaking all at the same time-
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litlunacy · 1 year
OC Directory
Dragonborn Pyrina Arrolani
Tiawyn "Swift-Fingers" Lakarys
Dragonborn La'Kiahni
Dragonborn Martivani
Dragonborn Vestra
Vestige Kentria
Zashazi Sticky-fingers
Vestige Esme Alimont
Vestige Imanni al-Dragonstar
Mass Effect Trilogy
Lorelei Shepard
Riley Shepard
ME Andromeda
Yuki Ryder
Dragon Age
Warden Auriel Surana
Xandara Hawke
Inquisitor Nythara Lavellan
Rook Nymaraya Aldwir
Warden Lanara Cousland
Delilah Hawke
Inquisitor Ashur Trevelyan
Rook Mercedez de Riva
Warden Darevas Mahariel
Anahi Hawke
Inquisitor Tariel Lavellan
Rook Imekatari
Baldur's Gate 3
Faar'ru (Durge)
Nilofynn (Durge)
The Arcana
Apprentice Ximena
Apprentice Lilith
Apprentice Zuri
Apprentice Lorica
Apprentice Rajani
Apprentice Bellamy
Anybody who doesn't have a link, I haven't rambled about yet, but feel free to send an ask! I love to talk about these gremlins living in my brain.
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ashenlavellan · 7 months
10 Facts About My Mass Effect Characters [SFW & NSFW]
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Bellatrix Deirdre Shepard
[art credit: beemot on tumblr]
1. She listens to rock and heavy metal music - her favorite bands are Bad Omens, Sleep Token, and Falling in Reverse.
2. Bellatrix has an above-average pain tolerance; she rarely complains about the pain when she was tattooed.
3. She has ten tattoos, two of which are gang related and she got them covered as soon as she had the funds. Two of them are underneath her collarbones and they’re constellations. (Orion - the third-brightest star, Bellatrix, is her namesake. Canis Major - one of the stars, closest to Orion, is called Sirius which is her brother’s namesake).
4. Light sleeper due to upbringing and never feeling safe - that changes once she’s in a relationship with Kaidan.
5. Her temperament is Chaotic Neutral - she’s a paragade, in her own way.
1. She’s mainly a switch, but she is a power-bottom. Even in the bedroom, she’ll be a challenge.
2. Body Worship - never accustomed to it since she always had fast, rough sex. Kaidan was the first taste of gentle, loving intercourse and he worships her body.
3. Her favorite kink is light-choking - more like a hand wrapped around her throat, but not really squeezing and cutting off her air supply. [PTSD after suffocating - ME:2]
4. On more than one occasion, she has asked Kaidan to use his biotics during their shared time together. Her favorite thing is when he restrains her hands with them.
5. She never experienced an orgasm with the first few partners she had - men and women. There are only two who have ever been successful: Evelyn Carlyle, a character that I created (who’s related to Dr. Harry Carlyle), and Kaidan.
Kaidan has been the only one successful with making her experience multiple orgasms.
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Lorelei Amalie Ryder
[art credit: laurencin-draws on tumblr]
1. She had a healthy relationship with both of her parents, but she was closer with her father - by the slightest. Magnus, her twin, had a slightly strained relationship with their father and she was often the mediator.
2. She joined dance classes when she was a teenager and would frequently work on the choreography - she stopped when she got into a relationship with her now ex-girlfriend, Maeve.
3. She’s the more logical and aloof twin, while her brother is much more outgoing. She used to be more inclined to going-out to social events when she was a teenager.
4. Lorelei only has two tattoos - the one around her throat and the one on her back. She partially designed the pattern on her throat and the rough sketch for her back tattoo of hydrangeas.
5. Once she has finished her work as the Pathfinder, she will pass off the title to Magnus - he is better suited to diplomatic matters and possible fall-out.
1. She had always been a giver in her past relationships - sometimes, her former partners wouldn’t bother with providing her with relief. It’s a surprise to her once the tables are turned once she’s with Reyes.
2. She discovers that she has a voice kink once she’s together with Reyes - she thought it had just been her initial response, but once they start sleeping together, she realizes it’s more than that.
3. Lorelei had never experienced oral sex and finds out that it’s one of her favorite things once Reyes not only goes down on her, but manages to make her orgasm from it.
4. It takes time, but she’s a bit more experimental and willing to try most things at least once. However, there are some kinks and role-play that she’s not interested in.
5. She doesn’t necessarily have a favorite position - however, she gets embarrassed whenever Reyes initiates one with direct-eye contact and winks at her.
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mt07131 · 2 years
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If you thought I was going to make a template and not use my Shepards as an example, you would be very wrong
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risualto · 4 years
Hey Risu 😊 Could you write a microprompt number 31 - Breeze? (I think that there haven't been an ask about this one before, sorry if I am wrong😅) Maybe for your Shepard? 😊 /// (And as soon as you formally introduce Rebecca I WILL flood you with asks about her 😂) /// Take care 😉
Ah, man, it’s been a while since I’ve written about my Shepard.  I made her so long ago that it was before I even really started having multiple PCs for games like that aha.  I should probably write about her more... oops.
Thank you for the ask <3  And also, I don’t know if I’ll ever formally introduce Rebecca, so feel free to just...ask.  Lol.  Maybe your questions will help me turn her into a real character instead of just a blob for testing.
Lorelei “Lori” Shepard was a mostly paragon Sentinel who romanced Liara in the first game, no one in the second, and then ultimately got together with Kaidan.  I don’t remember all the details of her career, but I think she was a Spacer with the Sole Survivor background. This is set sometime shortly before the start of ME3, when Shepard is still on Earth in Alliance custody post-Arrival.
Lori liked to think she was resilient, after everything life, death, and her strange second chance had thrown at her.  And yet, every time she heard a whisper about how unfair it was that she had committed a massacre and yet was sitting pretty in a nice room at Alliance HQ with a damn view and almost free reign to walk around where she wanted, the breeze of her open window felt less like a gentle caress and more like a violent Warp.  She felt sick.  Her hands tightened on the sill until the metal pressed angry, crimson lines into her palms.
She wanted to explain herself, but even with the most just cause, even if she had bought the galaxy the time it would need, how could she justify it to every mother, father, parent, sibling, friend who had lost their whole galaxy because of what she did?
Her own mother hadn’t tried to contact her once.  Lori couldn’t blame her.
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OC Muses
The Dragons
Cerridwyn Maddox | Tag: #Flamesinger | Notes | Starters
Emlyn Shadewalker | Tag: #Shadewalker | Notes  | Starters
Lin Earthshaker | Tag: #Earthshaker | Notes | Starters
Rhys Maddox | Tag: #Lifeshaper | Notes | Starters
Taliesin Swiftblade | Tag: #Stormcaller | Notes | Starters
Vesper Crowflight | Tag #Crowflight | Notes | Starters
The Experiments
Alex Lazuli | Tag: #Lucky Boi | Notes | Starters
Kaidan Lazuli | Tag: #Voice of Reason | Notes | Starters
The Fae
Adam Neverfall | Tag: #Seelie Scion | Notes | Starters
Ariel Moonwing | Tag: #Unseelie Knave | Notes | Starters
Cecelia Tacharan | Tag: #Changeling Maid | Notes | Starters
The Gods
Aislyn Eira | Tag: #Faemother | Notes |  Starters
Asra Wavewalker | Tag: #Windwalker | Notes | Starters
Lorelei | Tag: #Balance Keeper | Notes | Starters
Quinlan Eira | Tag: #The Traveler | Notes | Starters
The Rebels
Fae Ryder | Tag: #Blackbird | Notes | Starters
Maggie Barnes | Tag: #Cybernetic Fox | Notes | Starters
William Ashley | Tag: #Eagle Eye | Notes | Starters
The Roommates
Angela Kunstler | Tag: #Color Witch | Notes | Starters
Beth Doubek | Tag: #Catch These Hands | Notes | Starters
Jasper Wolfe | Tag: #The Hermit | Notes | Starters
Rowena Ebony | Tag: #The Magician | Notes | Starters
The Technically-Canons
Thomas Carmine | Tag: #Stabby Cinnamon Roll | Notes | Verses | Starters
Bryn Shepard | Tag: #Commander Badass | Notes | Verses | Starters
The Younger Generation
Anwyn, Enfys, and Rhian | Tag: #Chaos Triplets | Notes | Starters
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fenharel-archived · 3 years
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tagged by @baldurians & @bllvkbird to make ocs in this picrew. thanks 💜 tagging @rkyloren @noonfaerie @avallachs @shadowglens @arlathen @catacomb-chaos @steelport @solasan @alistairs @queennymeria & you!
CARI AMELL (dao) // VIOLET SHEPARD (me) // OPHELIA (tyranny) ALVA LAVELLAN (dai) // NERIDA (skyrim) // CASSIA LORELEY (poe) ECHO VALDÈS (cp2077) // AUDREY ROSE (fnv) // MELODY (pk)
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