tomixslefttoe · 3 days
Tomix: Nothing in life is free.
Riadne: Life is free.
The Hero: Adventure is free.
Izaac: Knowledge is free.
Aegis: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
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tomixslefttoe · 3 days
Danyel: A note? You sneak out and leave us a note?
Tomix: I knew you would just argue with me.
Danyel: It wasn’t even a good note! “If you are reading this, I am probably dead.” What kind of note is that?!
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tomixslefttoe · 2 days
Ash: When’s the last time I ever asked you for anything?
Aria: Yesterday. You asked me to look in your ear to see if there was a ladybug in it.
Ash: Okay, when’s the last time I ever asked you for anything that wasn’t a medical emergency?
Aria: Yesterday. You asked me to look in your ear to see if there was a ladybug in it.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
The Hero: What? What plan?
Tomix: I’m not telling you.
The Hero: Why?
Tomix: Because you won’t like it.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Tomix: Did you have to stab him?
The Hero: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me.
Tomix: What did he say?
The Hero: “What are you going to do, stab me?”
Tomix: That’s fair.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
The Hero: I have kidnapped your pet snake, and you won’t get it back until you surrender!
Sepulchure: I don’t have a pet snake.
The Hero: Oh. 
The Hero: Hm. Well. In that case, I just broke into your fortress and removed a snake.
Sepulchure: Oh. Okay. Thanks.
The Hero: You’re welcome.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Remthalas: I’m a ventriloquist.
The Hero: You any good?
The Hero: The best.
The Hero: What the fuck—?
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Tomix: The Hero’s late. Again.
Aegis: I woke them up at 8 and pretended it was 11.
Riadne: I wrote a fake schedule saying we started at 9 instead of 12.
Eirn: I set their clock to PM instead of AM.
Izaac: You all may have overdone it.
The Hero, bursting through the door: WHAT YEAR IS IT?!
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Uaanta: You’ve been hallucinating on cactus juice all day, and now you just lick something you found stuck on a cave wall?!
The Hero: I have a natural curiosity.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Warlic: I just feel so depressed.
Cysero: Awww, Cy.
Warlic: Cysero, that’s your name.
Cysero: That’s short for Cysero? I thought that’s just what we called each other! 
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Artix: I’ve been preparing for this day since I was young enough to believe in sneevilchauns. 
Ash: Sneevilchauns are real.
The Hero: Yeah, I caught one.
Ash: They caught one.
Nythera: We’re not having the freaking sneevilchaun debate right now! We’ll be here for hours! 
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Tomix: There is only enough room in this family for one unstable sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time.
Tomix: So Danyel is going to have to get it together.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
The Hero: We are gonna use impulse control, which is the practice of controlling one’s impulses.
The Hero: For instance, I look down and I see that roach there and I tell myself, “I can’t eat that.”
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
[Book 1]
Tomix: Riadne, you’re very…
The Hero, whispering to Tomix from the bushes: Wonderful! Magnificent! Glorious! Punctual!
Tomix: Punctual!
Riadne, confused: Punctual?
The Hero, whispering: Sorry.
Tomix: Beautiful!
The Hero, whispering: Nice recovery.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Tomix, trying to climb over a wall: Get over here and give me a boost.
The Hero: Okay!
The Hero: You are a good person and people say nice things about you.
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tomixslefttoe · 2 years
Roirr: Marzanna says I need to be a more attentive parent.
Some Guy: Oh? How many kids do you have?
Some Guy: My Lord?
Roirr: Shut up, I’m thinking.
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