#losing yondu???? and then finding out KRAGLIN went and did some stupid shit???
ravagercherri · 1 month
21. dealers choice w/ that kiss meme!
26. a kiss while one or both parties are crying
she can't help it. she acted to tough on the outside ( in fact , she was a pain in the ass ) & yet , it was so easy to get her to cry. Emotions that were such a taboo to feel growing up only grew stronger inside of her as she aged. Kraglin usually got the worst of it. ( a glass thrown at his head , a punch to the side of his face , the yelling she would do at him , he shouldn't be staying near her anymore. ) She shouldn't be getting the support she was , with how she treated him.
The blow of Peter leaving , Rocket almost dying? And now she hears that he was involved in that too?
Her overly large isolation gown that she dawned all too often now doesn't even try to get in the way when she rushes over to greet him ( she'd been watching them come back from her view upstairs , a hurried attempt to run down there and respond was proved useless and from the state of the room one could tell.
There's some new scratches on him , she would hit him for him later , hell , she wanted to hit him for it RIGHT NOW. But in true Cherri fashion , she can't , because the tears came first , as they always did. When she was a child , and now well into adulthood. Instead, she pulls him down and embraces him into the tightest hug her thin frame could muster , a kiss being placed on the side of his head ( but she's careful of the implant ) , Cherri gently knocks their heads together , staying there , feeling her knees start to buckle & sobs only get worse. For a moment , she attempts to catch her breath.
Her chest erupts with a hoarse cough that makes her legs go weak, it was like diffusing a bomb when she got like this , nights of worry rearing it's ugly head.
" where did you go!? . " she says borderline yelling at him, her grip is tight, their posture would make her back hurt later. " y-you shouldn't have gotten involved! What if you died!? Then what . . . t-then what was I goin' to do? "
of course she doesn't know the whole story . . . .all she knows is that he was somewhat involved.
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sunflowersupremes · 6 years
Once in a Generation: Chapter 12
Peter Quill is Dead. 
Yondu saw him die. He mourned him.
So why in the hell did a Terran show up at a slave market? It better not be his Terran, because if it is, there’s going to be hell to pay.
Characters: Peter Quill, Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Gef (Marvel), Stakar Ogord, Tullk (Marvel), Horuz (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Read at Own Risk, Drug Use, background rape, Background torture, Slavery, Mistaken Identity, non consensual drug use, pre guardians movie, Flashbacks, Self-Harm
Read Chapter on AO3, Read Entire Work on AO3
There was an uncomfortable feeling building in Yondu’s stomach, although he wasn’t entirely certain what it was. It could have been something he ate. The last can of Beasties he’d eaten had technically been well past their expiration date. Yes. That had to be it.
It had absolutely nothing to do with seeing his old crew again.
Nope. It had to be the food.
He leaned back, trying to keep his posture as relaxed as possible, and glowered at Martinex. The other had the nerve to not appear cowed or intimidated in any way. Bastard.
After Stakar had left with Peter - as if that wasn’t going to turn everything on its head, he’d worked hard to keep Peter in the dark damn it - the two Ravager factions had fallen into sullen silence, content to pretend they didn’t know each other. A not so small part of Yondu wanted nothing more than to attempt to hold a conversation with Martinex, but he knew better than to think it would gain him anything. The rock was a stubborn asshole who wouldn’t let his opinions be swayed by anyone once he’d set them.
He and Yondu weren’t that unlike one another.
Yondu scowled at the thought, intentionally looking away, as though he had better places to be. He was sure the others had gotten a good view of the Elector, of the fact that his ship was hardly spaceworthy, and were judging him. Stakar had always prided himself in keeping an orderly ship. The Elector’s condition was born out of stubborn spite as much as it was out of a lack of funds to repair her.
Hopefully, Peter would be okay. Hopefully, he wouldn’t bring up too much that Stakar didn’t need to know about: Yondu didn’t pretend to be good with kids, all he knew was Stakar and slavery. He’d tried (more or less) and even if he had left a few scars he’d been a hell of a lot better than Ego would have been.
Perhaps Peter will spark Stakar’s interest, a soft voice in his head murmured. Perhaps he’ll be curious. He might even start listening.
Shaddup, he told the voice bitterly. Don’t need nobody. All I need from Stakar is for the bastard ta stop cutting us off from jobs. It was purely a business transaction, nothing emotional or personal. Nothing to do with sleepless nights when his past kept him awake and he had no one to turn to.
Martinex was watching him, Yondu had given the other man the courtesy of only looking out of the corner of his eye, but the Pluvarian was staring at him straight on. Perhaps he thought he could burn right through him. Perhaps that was what he wanted. “Like what ya see?” he drawled.
Martinex scowled. “A traitor?”
Yondu growled but didn’t make to whistle. A fight with Martinex (or any of Stakar’s crew) wasn’t going to get him what he wanted. Kraglin went for his gun, no doubt having some grand thought of dying to defend his captain’s honor. Ain’t got no more brains than Quill.
The men Martinex had brought with them grabbed for their weapons as well, leaving Yondu and Martinex the only ones not fully armed.
Yondu turned to look at Kraglin pointedly, drawing out his movements to make it all more obvious. Putting on a good show. “Ya ain’t dumb enough ta think that weapons gonna do nuttin’ ta ‘im, are ye?”
Kraglin lowered his gun. “Sorry Cap’n.”
“Lower your weapons,” Martinex said before Yondu could give the order to his own men. “They aren’t worth it.”
Even Yondu could only lie to himself so much. It wasn’t as though he’d never dreamed of seeing Stakar again, but typically those dreams were nightmares and ended in the worse way imaginable. He swallowed, leaning back against the wall of the hanger, resisting the urge to eye Stakar’s M-Ship.
“They writin’ a novel in dere cuz they sure is takin’ dere sweet time.” Martinex ignored the job, something he would never have done before Yondu’s exile. “I know you lot probably don’t got better ta do ‘cept harass old friends, but I got places ta be, things to steal.”
“We are not friends.”
Yondu faked an exaggerated wince, covering up the pain he truly felt. “Aw, Sparkles, don’t be like dat!” He sniggered, elbowing Kraglin so that the other would laugh along with him.
With a glance down at his wrist monitor to see how long Peter and Stakar had been gone he inwardly frowned. When Stakar had insisted on speaking with Peter, he’d felt a bit of panic rise in his chest. Stakar Ogord was The One Who Knows, but even he couldn’t possibly know everything. He didn’t know about Peter’s recent experiences, and Yondu knew better than anything that the last thing a traumatized person needed was to be backed into a corner.
If Stakar harmed one hair on Peter’s head, Yondu was going to personally eviscerate him (and then throw himself out an airlock before Aleta could get her hands on him).
“Yondu!” His chain of thought broken, he looked up to see Peter hurrying down the ramp of the M-Ship. Alone.
Shit. With no Stakar in sight, it could only mean one of two things. Either Peter had killed Stakar (highly unlikely) or Stakar had sent Peter to fetch Yondu (which wasn’t going to be fun). “What is it, boy?” he asked sharply.
He didn’t fail to notice Peter’s slight wince or the sag of his shoulders. “He wants you,” he said softly as he finally reached Yondu.
Nodding, Yondu dropped his voice so that only Peter could hear and murmured. “Ya doin’ all right?” Peter nodded slightly and Yondu clamped his hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer so he could mutter, “Go hide on dat ship o’ yers, I’ll find ya later.” Better to have Peter out of the way if shooting started. Stakar and his men wouldn’t shoot him on purpose, but accidents happened and shots missed their intended targets.
“What if it goes south?”
“Ain’t no one gonna hurt you,” he raised his voice, meeting Martinex’ eyes over Peter’s head. There was a clear threat in his voice. Then he dropped his voice and grumbled, “Long as ya don’t do nuttin’ stupid.”
Author’s Note:
Writing Yondu in this chapter has probably been the most exhausting thing I’ve done yet for this series. Dang man, you’ve got ISSUES.
I know I promised a Yondu and Stakar confrontation this chapter, but that'll be put off to the next chapter. And then Yondu and Peter are going have to have a Long Talk and Peter's going to lose control at some point because he's been holding it together for too long. Stakar means well, but he's definitely ripped open some wounds.
Beasties are possibly alive and super gross looking. If you’re curious, here’s a comic panel
Also, I was researching comic!Stakar and apparently Aleta is his "adopted sister/ex-wife" and boy oh boy does he have issues. I now have the desire to write a long ass backstory for him which I in no way have time to write.
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Drunken Road Trips and Family Bonding
Chapter 6
Someday We'll Walk In the Rays of a Beautiful Sun
Ooh, Child, The Five Stairsteps, 1970
Yondu feels ahead!
The M-Ship slipped out of another jump point, its occupants give a groan as the ship settled down into the planet's atmosphere. So far they'd made twelve jumps, ten to find the second jump point Yondu and Peter had used, and another two to try and figure out the one after that. Mantis collapsed back into her seat, breathing quickly. "Do you think we could stop for a moment?"
Gamora glanced down at her nav display. "For a few minutes, until we try and trace their signal."
Even Drax gave a groan at that. "I agree with Mantis. I am feeling ill."
"I am Groot." Root looked green, well, greener than usual.
Rocket glanced over. "Not you too."
"I am Groot."
Rocket's ears twitched. "He does have a point there."
"What did he even say?" Nebula hissed from her spot behind the cockpit.
"He said that not all of us are cybernetically enhanced and can't take as many jumps in a row." Rocket glanced down at a display, his makeshift tracking program scanning the space around them for any trace of the Eclector. Jump points didn't register ship details, part of why Ravagers loved them so much, but there was a brief disturbance that ships left as they went through. All Rocket had set this program to do was compare the disturbances to the probable time the Eclector came through. Unfortunately the sensors on this M-ship were particular pieces of shit so it took awhile to scan. Rocket tapped the display with a claw, narrowing the focus of the search. "Yeah, I guess we can wait for a bit."
There was a sigh of relief from the back part of the cockpit, along with Drax loudly announcing that he had to void his bowels and was claiming the head. Nebula watched him leave, her robotic hand cleaning around a brace as he walked by her. "Why do you allow that one to travel with you? He's disgusting."
Gamora unbuckled herself. "Drax takes awhile to get used to, but hygiene is not his best suit." The two sisters started to speak quietly, moving further down the hallway.
Mantis scooted closer to Rocket. She pointed at the planet below them, dark eyes taking in the warping pink and yellow gas below them. "Do people live there?"
Rocket looked up. "Nah, gas giant. Think Ragax had a refining facility out here years ago, sucking up the gas."
"It is very pretty."
"It's a big ball of gas."
Mantis smiled. "May I?" Drax had explained that most people did not like their emotions to be aired aloud, although he also thought people who got mad at Mantis for accidentally reading them deserved to be punted out of an airlock. So she reached out a palm, hoping that Rocket would let her touch his paw.
Rocket pinned his ears back, fangs bared. "No, go back to looking at your frickin' ball of gas."
Sleeping in was something a Ravager captain was not usually allowed. Sure, if your crew was blacked out you could catch a few minutes without worrying that someone was going to come and shove a knife between your ribs, but even then it paid to be on your guard. So Yondu was ready to have his arrow chase Quill off the ship when the boy shook him awake, but upon being told that the boy planned to leave, he merely gave him a few rules and fell back asleep.
Hours later, Yondu finally rolled out of bed, grabbing what had been leftover from dinner last night for breakfast. It took a bit of adjusting, but he was able to hook up the long range antenna to pick up a somewhat scratchy Shi'ar soap opera. Peter had given him shit the first time he saw him, Kraglin and Horuz gathered around the view screen, watching D'keh and R'Lek argue over who was the father of R'Lek's egg. They all knew it was D'Keh's brother Ironwing, but D'Keh seemed convinced that R'Lek had taken up with a servant. Peter had promptly declared that what they were watching was stupid, boring, and for pansies.
His shit talking had earned Peter a three week ban from watching anything at all. By the time the ban had been lifted, the boy was more than glad to join them. It tuns out space was kind of boring when you were puttering around between jobs, staying on the thin edge between the Nova Corps and the Imperium. There was only so much drinking, fighting and fucking a crew could do before even that held no appeal. So most of them had their guilty pleasures they indulged in when they hadn't grabbed a job yet. Yondu would never be able to forget finding out about the underground crochet circle he had found working out of the tailor's room, ten of the toughest Ravagers on the ship knitting together and gossiping.
There had been a silent understanding that if any of them spoke a word about it they'd find themselves gutted and spaced in short order.
So as far as off time hobbies went, Yondu felt his wasn't that bad. The soap opera ended, switching to some news story from the Imperium. He turned the display off, stretching his arms as he walked down the ramp. He didn't quite understand why Quill had such an intense attachment to this place, but then again the boy had cared for a piece of plastic like it was a child for twenty years. Yondu sat down on a nearby rock, closed his eyes, and reached out.
Years ago, on his way back from a job for Stakar, he'd ran across some ancient storyteller in a backwater bar. The storyteller had spoken about Centaurians, about how they could sense an animal halfway across the planet with their eyes closed, but lost that ability the more sentience a being had. Yondu hadn't believed it, until he tried reaching out when he was on a stakeout because, fuck it, he was curious. He gotten a couple brief impressions, but nothing more than that. Yondu briefly remembered the Kree saying something about how his implant linked him with his arrow, how it gave him more range and more power with it than a normal Centaurian would have.
They'd been talking about that before they sliced his crest off and drilled into his skull.
Maybe losing his crest meant he couldn't sense things he couldn't see, but occasionally he'd get a flash. Like yesterday, he could feel where the fish were and it seemed so simple to guide his arrow to them. Yondu tried to steady his breathing, reaching out. He could feel his prototype fin warm, red light leaking out. There was a slight flash in his mind, a fish getting spooked and swimming to deeper water. He could sense the trees better, but when would he ever need to attack a tree. Little 'ol Twig could barely harm a space rat, let alone turn on him.
Now his arrow, that he could sense with ease. No matter how far away it was, he always felt it. It was rather comforting to have it close by, something that he could feel without having to concentrate. That ancient storyteller had said Centaurians could alter the path of arrows they fired from their bows, but nothing about not needing a bow at all. Yondu felt that his arrow was more useful without a freaking bow, and why would he want to be like those other Centaurians anyway? He was a badass Ravager captain who nobody fucked with.
He opened his eyes, shook his head, and immediately regretted it. Trying to sense things gave him a splitting headache. He made his way to the lake shore, made sure that his arrow was stashed somewhere near the edge of the lake where he could easily whistle it to him, and dove in. The water was cool, relatively clear, and he dove deeper. He surfaced for air briefly, hearing a crunching from the forest. He sunk down, eyes poking out of the water, along with a good six inches of fin.
Quill was pushing an overloaded repulsorlift back, huffing as he directed it. Yondu couldn't help but grin, the boy had always had eyes bigger than his stomach. A curious fish was swimming up to his feet. Yondu jerked down, grabbed the fish, and then flung it at Quill. It smacked off his head, hit him with its tail, and then flopped all over his boots. Yondu cackled as Peter swore a blue streak.
"I can see you out there! Freakin' wannabe jaws. You're not that sneaky!" Peter yelled out, and Yondu whistled, sending Peter racing away from his arrow.
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