#lost society fic
nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Nathaniel Benedict/Ledroptha Curtain (TMBS) and Count Olaf (ASOUE) are proof that mentally unstable former theater kids with sad backstories make the most entertaining villains, especially when their main adversaries are genius children they lose to every episode. And one of them is canonically a literal toddler/baby.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
No but seriously if Miles had got home to his parents before Miguel what was Miguel going to do? Snatch him away from his mother and father without a fight?
Would he have even had it in him to actually look at this kid he’s been calling an anomaly and mistake the entire time, shielded by his parents, parents protecting their child, a child, and still just write him off as an anomaly? To match the glare of Miles and justify why he can’t is to protect what is important to him as they hold him? To match the glares of Rio and Jefferson and say they must understand that they have to hand over the focal point of their universe because of predetermined bullshit they could quite literally never understand?
I feel like a stand-off between him and the three of them would be less violent but somehow more of a punch to the gut than actually see them fighting.
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Y'know sometime what happens in the internet is bullying and sometimes it's the consequences of your actions
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rpf-bat · 9 months
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Pairings: Samy Elbanna x Arttu Lesonen, Johnny Cruz x Middy Cruz
Word Count: 2,556
Summary: Arttu and Middy's birthdays are one day apart. So, they decide to have a shared birthday party with all of their friends.
Samy has been silently in love with Arttu for years. He makes a pact with Johnny: he will confess his feelings at the party, if Johnny confesses to his crush, too.
Tags: Birthday Party, Drinking, Love Confessions, Smoking, Holding Hands, Kissing
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stormcloudsandshadows · 2 months
No one:
Me at 230 am: hm…… Nedzu.
#WHY AM I ON THIS MHA KICK#like ok it’s because I keep feeding the fixation sure#BUT HOW DID I GET TO THIS FIXATION IN THE FIRST PLACE?#next thing you know I’m gonna bring back Sirin au#hm. it genuinely has some of my favorite writing I’ve ever done#unfortunately mha fics that aren’t established get like zero engagement because there’s a constant stream of them#it’s not like rain world where each new fic is awaited with bated breath#I think to this day it’s my longest fic. 15-16 whole chapters. I lost the plot for a while in there lol#I miss having semi popular fics that got attention#like. my rain world fic gets a good 5-7 comments plus any replies to my replies to them#if I actually. kept up with king and lionheart. it would probably get around that too#but ohhhh to be a popular mha writer…#I could probably glimpse that life if I dipped back into owl house stuff but you don’t get it.#that’s not my fixation right now. mha is.#WHICH IS WILD BECAUSE I LEGIT DONT LIKE MOST OF THE STUFF I KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING AFTER SEASON FOUR#It got too high stakes and lost the interesting analysis of its own society#and don’t get me started on what I’ve heard about the ending. it sounds like it was really fumbled#but. I’m doing a rewatch. I’ll give everything after season four a chance but I fully plan to drop it if I get bored again#what was I talking about?#right right. my fics and stuff#I might take some of my favorite bits of all but gone and rework it#I might write a Nezu adopting izuku fic#who knows. it’s 245 at night#good night
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sparkly-skies · 1 year
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This one is titled "I needed to urgently work on a presentation* so instead**, I somehow spent my whole day doing fuck all instead and the evening listening to Laura's Buam and consequently experiencing the whole spectrum of human emotions over the span of like, four to six songs" and goes out to @mondscheinprinzessin, naturally, for dragging me into this band.
#* for a subject I actively hate with a burning passion#**knowing it will lead to me crying for the x-th time this semester over being stressed and losing#my last bits of motivation for my studies that I once was very passionate about + general other life stuff i can't cope with anymore#the first one means i read the wikipedia page of passau and we all know once you google stuff related to the band but unrelated to#their music it's all over#i'm so glad i know fuck all about them otherwise or i'd be stopping myself from hopping on over to ao3#i'd love to know what makes me want to read/write fanfic about a band or book or show or whatever.#with blind channel it was there very quickly; with lost society i still don't care; with bojan/käärija i'm interested in the authors more#than the fics; and with lonely spring it's like hmmmm. no urge to look if there's fanfic about them found anywhere in my brain.#anyway laura tell your buam to stop making sad music! they have to stop with these far too relatable lyrics!#should i just print this out and take it to my therapy appointment on friday?#mine#lauras buam#lonely spring#ich hab gedacht passau wär ne großstadt aber nein da wohnen 50.000 leute und es ist halb so groß wie dornbirn und#nur viermal so groß wie mein dorf ☠#und ein viertel von den leuten sind studenten. die stadt muss im sommer so tot sein wie innsbruck#PASSAU IST KLEINER ALS INNSBRUCK. 35 KM^2 KLEINER. wtf. how. warum hab ich gedacht das wär ne großstadt#aber ich könnte vor meiner haustür in den inn hüpfen und mich bis passau treiben lassen. laura pspsps wie wärs mit passau auf der nächsten#tour statt augsburg? die stadt liegt genau an einem großen fluss bzw zusammenlauf von drei flüssen mit drei verschiedenen farben
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liminalweirdo · 8 months
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lacomandante · 2 years
Honestly one of my favorite things about Teresa and Sharpe is their inherit language and culture barriers and the endless amount of opportunities they have for silly moments with that.
A lot of British officers were really taken aback at the...let’s say, lax manner of strong words used by Spanish women. Sharpe, who uses those words all the time, would find it funny, if not endearing to hear Teresa say frequently, especially when flustering other officers. He learns the curse words first, and then the rest of the language naturally. (He’s quite fond of her frequent utterings of pollas en vinagre). And then the officers are like “Ah, it make sense those two are good company for each other...ruffians...”
So when she suddenly switches to saying “Caracoles!” around Antonia instead of another Bad Spanish Word Sharpe is like ?? and Teresa has to be like “It means snails” bc she does Not Want their daughter repeating the Actual Word she meant- and Sharpe realizes they have that in English too- like bullocks or so, or cows. But he can’t help but laugh and say “Aw, snails!”  and it’s just too funny for him!! He’s always learning something new about Spanish culture and Teresa has to teach him quite a bit. So just imagining him mad at something and he just goes “bloody snails” and then he cant help but chuckle. Bloody snails and frogs!! (Antonia, of course, upon hearing this thinks there are actual snails and goes looking for them).
But then the opposite is just as true. Sharpe teaching her about English Tea Culture and how Serious they are about it! Teresa is like “no it’s time to siesta!!” and he’s like “NO I am not missing my bloody tea time”. Teresa having to learn just how he likes it and him teaching her about Tea Culture and it takes some time to perfect it but she picks it up quickly. They go to England and Teresa is like “Ooh I can’t wait to see your culture!” and meanwhile Sharpe’s munching on a rat and pigeon kebab and then he and Teresa are betting on the cock fights after bc he’s from the gutters and That’s How They Do It On Vinegar Street, Baby!
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ultfreakme · 1 year
You must be in a tumblr bubble because how have you never seen posts with thousands notes claiming most classical literature is actually fanfiction of bible and the rest is of mythology. Like, this isn’t a hot take on tumblr, unfortunately.
Probably because I have a life outside of tumblr and curate my experience, but yes, I have seen posts about how Paradise Lost is just Bible fanfic and Dante's Inferno is self-insert fanfiction, but mostly from people who watch OSPD videos and say it as a joke. It's a major simplification of about a dozen concepts but okay, if you look at it from the point of definitions, yeah, Paradise Lost & the Divine Comedy are technically fanfiction; they are based on pre-existing work, with Dante there's irl people in scenarios they've never been in, etc etc.
Although I have never seen anyone saying any particular fanfic is a literary masterpiece that must simply be taught in academic settings, which is what that OP's post was actually implying.
And here's the thing; I think fanfic has the potential to be considered a classic. Because, what makes let's say, the Divine Comedy so important? It's not because it's old, but because it struck a nerve among the masses, it did things against the societal structure no one dared to do before, it transformed the Italian language as we know it, it's this carefully, excruciatingly crafted work in terms of sentence structure and is primarily a theological exploration. Now this stands out also because the og canon content, the Bible, is MASSIVE in influence. That thing STILL shapes social norms, conventions and expectations.
No current fanfiction now will ever come to be seen as a true classic unless the canon thing the fic is based on reaches Bible levels of influence on society, which is going to take centuries. Same can be applied to Greek Myths in general(also in both these cases the canon thing is also tied to social structure and religion which large portions of the world follow). We don't want to equate the term 'fanfiction' to that stuff because it feels like it's beyond that but technically, yeah. It's fanfiction.
But the term fanfiction itself is extremely recent, it was said first in 1939 and therefore carries temporal contexts and definitions. It's why it feels juvenile and uncomfortable assigning such a new, and initially frowned-upon term to classics. Being angry about what is and what isn't fanfiction depends entirely upon how you view the term 'fanfiction'.
For me, it is value-neutral and doesn't immediately denote lowered quality these days because at the most fundamental level, fanfiction is literary work based on pre-existing media. But if you add the current cultural context in which fanfiction is primarily written, ie., posted online by anyone and everyone with a desire to write, mostly to fulfill shipping fantasies or certain character scenarios canon didn't provide, then I can see why people would consider giving the label of fanfiction to the classics an insult or "shooting too high".
Maybe 'fanfiction' isn't fitting because of all the social stigma around it, maybe it doesn't apply because it feels like trying to apply modern story beats and terms to ancient mythology. What specifically, is making someone uncomfortable about the term 'fanfiction' on the classics? What the hell even is "fanfiction" in the first place because you could argue that The Song of Achilles is canon-compliant POV change fanfiction but its advertised as a retelling. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies also counts for fic. I think there's a good discussion to be had on what makes "fanfiction" as we know it now what it is because even I think assigning the term to Divine Comedy or Paradise Lost feels wrong. Maybe it's about intent? The classics are written with the need for social change or to make people see things different; art for life's sake. But most fic these days are purely art for art's sake- it is peak self-indulgence and self-expression.
I'm looking it up and people keep narrowing the definition of "fanfiction" as like
Amateur writing
Based on copyrighted characters
Without permission from og creator
Now that whole "copyright" concept complicates things because Romeo & Juliet? Not originally by Shakespeare. Dude borrowed characters from a different play, pretty sure he changed Juliette's name, and he wrote it when the og was only recently made. The concept of "copyright" and "author permission" is also VERY recent. What even counts as actually "amateur" because Van Gogh is considered a pro now but when he was alive he only sold one painting apparently so back then he could've been classified as "amateur"?
I have fully derailed. I forgot what I wanted to say-- Okay yeah I'm aware people say the classics are fanfiction, and in a way, yeah, it is, depending on how the individual defines "fanfiction".
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Low-key disappointed that after a surface search there doesn’t seem to be any fic where instead of going after the Stag, Mal and Alina head south and run away into Shu Han where it would literally be so much harder to find them and would give them a way around the Fold. Like where are my “they’re both part Shu and Alina in particular sticks out and is memorable for this so let’s go somewhere that everyone looks Shu and it will be so much harder to find us” fics?
(Ik ik neither of them probably speak Shu and in Shu Han we’re told that Grisha are experimented upon but I want to see them exploring that part of their heritage in a way that they’ve never been able to damn it! I want to see a fic where Aleksander assumes that she’s gone after the Stag but they never find it and David never tells him that they’re getting close to Alina and it’s only when they’re a week or more behind that he first gets the reports of a Shu girl and a First Army soldier heading South and rumours about how she seduced him away from his duty that the Darkling realises that they’re just running and they’re going somewhere it’s nearly impossible for him to follow)
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Family Dinner
Pairing: Taz Fagerström x reader
Requested by @fedorable-killjoys
Summary: Never bring your best friend to family dinner - unless you want to spend the holidays being asked if you're dating.
Tags: fluff, Christmas
Words: 546
A/N: I love projecting onto fics to distract myself from that fact that I can't be with my boyfriend over the holidays
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @slashscowboyboots @losers-yurio @lost-in-the-80s @jennyggggrrr @tuffduff @jonesyownsmyheart @rhyetaylor62 @smells-like-perfect-senses
Tip me if you want!
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You and Taz had been best friends for years and naturally, your parents had met him on multiple occasions. This meant that it shouldn't be a problem to bring him with you to your family dinner on Christmas.
Of course you had the keys to your own parents' house, so you just unlocked the door with Taz following closely behind you.
Your sister was rearranging the decorations in the hallway and immediately welcomed you with a hug as she hadn't seen you in an even longer time than your parents due to her being busy with work lately.
"(Y/n) brought their boyfriend!" she called.
"It's just Taz, my friend," you quickly corrected her, but then your mother already came down the stairs with a huge smile on her face.
"Oh Taz, I didn't know you were dating!" she said, hugging you first and then him.
"Um… that's because we're not," you explained.
"Aw the denial phase!" she grinned teasingly before beckoning the two of you over into the kitchen. "You can take a few cookies until the others arrive and then we'll have dinner."
After she disappeared into the living room, you looked at Taz with raised eyebrows and he just shrugged with a small smile.
When it was dinner time, the relationship questions didn't stop. "I heard you finally got a boyfriend?" your uncle asked at some point and for a moment, there was silence at the table.
Taz never replied to these questions, most likely because he didn't know what to say and he didn't want to seem rude towards your family, so you always took over.
You closed your eyes for a second when you secretly wanted to roll them. "I didn't. We're just friends, best friends, nothing more," you insisted, perhaps in a too snappish voice.
Your slightly irritated tone every time you were asked about your nonexistent relationship with Taz was probably a dead giveaway that you, in fact, had a crush on him. That's also why you invited him, because there was no other good reason to do so. His family wasn't on vacation or anything, he could have gone home for the holidays, but you wanted to microdose on spending Christmas with him this year - and for some reason he agreed.
When the two of you finally had a moment alone while getting wood for the fireplace, Taz asked, "Do you like me?"
You were caught off guard by this question and blinked before answering, "Of course I do."
"I mean romantically," he clarified.
"Oh… Why do you think that?"
He picked up a few logs, explaining, "Well, you do sound a bit too defensive whenever someone asks if we're together."
You bit your lip, debating with yourself if you should tell him the truth or not. If he had been indifferent and absolutely considered you just friends, he wouldn't have started this conversation, right?
"Maybe… maybe I do, yeah," you murmured, looking into his eyes for a split second before looking away again. Then you cleared your throat and took some logs off his hands. "But let's talk about this later before it gets suspicious how long we've been outside."
He nodded and on your way back inside, he said softly, "I can only say the same."
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bataranqs · 11 months
if it doesn't centre on the theme of loneliness and isolation from the perspective of one who is from a unique culture with no way to return, yet clearly moving towards the solution that we must accept our reality as is and there is always joy in the act of continual living, is it really an isekai?
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paleangels13 · 2 years
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Fic aesthetic 💜 Dirty Little Secret
While getting ready in their green room, Samy stole a glance or two at Arttu. It really was unfair that he could have everything from him except for the one thing he longed for the most at the moment. Slowly but surely the frustration about that turned into a – slightly stupid – plan. Maybe he could try something to convince Arttu to still give him what he wanted. Samy felt a hot tingle at the thought, hair falling into his face while he blushed a little. This could be fun.
Samy starts feeling lonely on their tour while Arrtu is just out of reach.
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spaghetti-man99 · 1 year
Introduction Post
Hello! I wanted to make a side blog specifically for my fic writing and art, so here we are :)) I hope you enjoy your stay, have fun! <3 
Fandoms I Write For: 
Critical Role (Campaign 2)
The Lost Boys 
The Three Musketeers 
Ted Lasso 
Evil Dead 
Stranger Things
Dead Poets Society
Danger Days
(this list may be updated :33)  
Types of things I write: 
X reader 
Character Studies 
I do also welcome asks and request, so if you have any, send ‘em my way! 
Okay, intro over, run wild kids, have fun <3
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rpf-bat · 9 months
Can you believe that I posted 45 RPF stories this year?! I’m honestly really proud of my productivity. In 2022, I only wrote ten….
I joined (and started writing for) two new fandoms this year: Lost Society and Santa Cruz. I want to thank those communities for being so welcoming to me! 🥰 Ofc, I also continued writing often about my #1 fave, Blind Channel. 😅
I decided to compile a chronological list of everything I wrote this year:
❤️= Blind Channel RPF, 💙= Lost Society RPF, 💛= Santa Cruz RPF, 💚=Other
🖤= Angst,💖= Fluff, ❤️‍🩹= Hurt/Comfort, 🔥= NSFW
Wake Me Up Inside - Joel/Niko ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: January 1st
Word Count: 1,172
Summary: Niko dreams about the ex who recently dumped him, and ends up sleepwalking somewhere dangerous. Will Joel wake him up in time?
I See What’s Goin’ Down - Niko/Joonas ❤️🖤
Posted: January 3rd
Word Count: 584
Summary: Niko walks into the studio with bruises on his face. Joonas is pretty sure he knows where he got them.
Du Lügst - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: January 5th
Word Count: 969
Summary: Vienna, Austria. 1794 A.D.
Niko has been studying abroad for a few years now, learning the art of music from a master composer. One day, he hears about a new, handsome face in town. A fellow Finn - and a fellow musician.
Blood As Cold As Ice - Tommi/Olli ❤️🖤
Posted: January 6th
Word Count: 1,149
Summary: The van breaks down in the snow while the band is driving to a gig. Tommi thinks of one way he can help Olli keep warm. But, it may not be enough.
I Know I’m Not Your Favorite Record - Olli/Joonas (One-Sided) ❤️🖤
Posted: January 9th
Word Count: 1,057
Summary: Olli decides to confess his love for Joonas in the most cheesy, old-fashioned way possible: via a pop-punk mix CD.
But, Joonas quietly rejects him - and then does something unthinkable, that twists the knife even further into Olli's broken heart.
Met You In The Bathroom At 12:05 - Niko/Joonas ❤️🔥
Posted: January 11th
Word Count: 876
Summary: Niko lets a hot stranger drag him into a nightclub bathroom. He ends up getting more than he bargained for.
Die For The Fever - Joel/Tommi ❤️🖤
Posted: January 12th
Word Count: 953
Summary: As soon as Joel stepped offstage, his eyes rolled back towards Heaven, and his knees buckled as his body collapsed to the floor.
I knew it, Tommi thought, surging forward, to his side.
Hoida Mut - Niko/Joonas ❤️💖
Posted: January 17th
Word Count: 1,057
Summary: Niko thought everyone forgot his birthday....until Joonas asked him to come over.
Boys Like You - Käärijä/Robin 💚💖
Posted: February 23rd
Word Count: 862
Summary: Robin really shouldn't have said on camera, that he would like to kiss Käärijä. But, when he hears that his UMK competitor said the same thing about him, he decides to take a risk.
I’m A Shipwreck - Niko/Aleksi ❤️🖤
Posted: February 28th
Word Count: 1,378
Summary: After a lover breaks his heart, Niko decides he doesn't want to live anymore, and dives into the sea. But, a mysterious savior drags him out of the water, back to shore. Niko isn't sure what shocks him more. That someone saved his life - or that that someone isn't human.
Towels - Niko/Aleksi ❤️🔥
Posted: March 1st
Word Count: 584
Summary: Aleksi is hogging all the towels in their shared hotel room, and Niko is annoyed.
From The Very Start (You Had My Heart) - Niko/Reader ❤️💖
Posted: March 6th
Word Count: 3,225
Summary: It's only been a few days since your boyfriend Niko went on tour, but you already miss him so badly. He surprises you with tickets, to see his band open for I Prevail in Amsterdam.
But, when you arrive in the Netherlands, you discover an even bigger surprise waiting for you, during the show.
I Am Just The Planets (Spinning Around You) - Joel/Reader ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: March 6th
Word Count: 1,832
Summary: Joel was your best friend. You decided that no matter what, you wanted to see his face one last time, before you died.
‘Til I’m Breathless - Niko/Reader/Samy❤️💙🔥
Posted: March 22nd
Word Count: 2,626
Summary: After you spend all night talking to Samy at a party, your boyfriend Niko asks if you'd like to invite him over for a little fun.
He lays down some rules: you can't go past second base, and you both have to keep your pants on. But even though you and Samy stick to these rules, you're surprised how hot and filthy things manage to get.
Kingslayer - Joel/Samy ❤️💙🖤
Posted: April 21st
Word Count: 1,526
Summary: The newly-crowned King Joel visits a prisoner in his dungeons: the man who murdered the previous monarch. He has an offer for the captured criminal that could spare him from execution. But, will Samy accept his proposition?
No Rest For The Sickest - Samy/Reader 💙💖
Posted: May 22nd
Word Count: 1,574
Summary: You hooked up with Samy last night.
Today, you woke up in his bed with a runny nose and a fever. To your genuine surprise, he wants to take care of you.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 963
Summary: It's Christmas, and Niko is in Oulu, visiting his family. Aleksi is in a different city, but he decides to give Niko a video call, and wish him a happy holiday.
Joona can see the obvious crush Aleksi has on his brother, and decides to meddle a little.
My Cute Hamster - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 546
Summary: Aleksi and Niko have been dating for about a year now. They already have Rilla, but they decide they're ready to adopt a second pet together.
It Was Hate At First Sight For Us, Darling - Niko/Aleksi ❤️
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 801
Summary: Everyone has the first words that their soulmate will ever speak to them, written on the inside of their wrist.
But, there's just one problem. The words on Aleksi's wrist are "fuck you."
Let’s See How Far We’ve Come - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 518
Summary: Two years after their performance at Eurovision, Niko and Aleksi return to Rotterdam for a romantic vacation. Aleksi is feeling a bit nostalgic.
English Summer Rain - Niko/Aleksi ❤️❤️‍🩹
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 538
Summary: Niko and Aleksi share a hotel room, the night before a festival gig. Aleksi discovers that Niko has a phobia of thunder.
They Found You On The Bathroom Floor - Samy/Reader 💙❤️‍🩹
Posted: August 18th
Word Count: 1,265
Summary: You visit Samy on tour, the night of the Halloween show with Amorphis. He decides to play a prank on you, but it goes horribly wrong.
Now, he just wants to make you stop crying.
The Next Soon-To-Be Tragedy -Johnny/Samy 💙💛🖤
Posted: September 17th
Word Count: 2,444
Summary: Johnny walks into his studio, and finds Samy sitting in his chair - bleeding to death from self-inflicted wounds.
Overcome with grief, and not wanting his friend's life to be over, he does the unthinkable - and turns him into a vampire.
Fifteen Love - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: September 24th
Word Count: 1,374
Summary: Aleksi travels to Oulu, to meet Niko's little sister, and cheer her on at her tennis match.
Whumptober Day 1: "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?" - Johnny/Archie 💛🖤
Posted: October 1st
Word Count: 509
Summary: It's almost showtime, and Archie is incoherent. Again. Johnny is starting to get sick of this.
Whumptober Day 2: "They Don't Care About You!" - Joel/Joonas ❤️🖤
Posted: October 2nd
Word Count: 610
Summary: They've been in Vegas for less than a day. Joonas is already sick of Joel's stupid TikToks.
Whumptober Day 3: "Make It Stop." - Johnny/Samy 💙💛🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 3rd
Word Count: 775
Summary: Johnny finds Samy alone in the studio. He seems to be on the verge of a breakdown.
Whumptober Day 4: "You In There?" - Samy/Arttu 💙🖤
Posted: October 4th
Word Count: 752
Summary: A terrifying midnight text leads Arttu to believe that Samy is planning to harm himself. If he has to break the door of his hotel room down to prevent that, so be it.
Whumptober Day 5: "It's Broken." - Joel/Samy ❤️💙❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 5th
Word Count: 453
Summary: Joel is feeling overwhelmed, and a broken piece of equipment is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Whumptober Day 6: "It Should Have Been Me" - Johnny/Archie 💛🖤
Posted: October 6th
Word Count: 736
Summary: Johnny and Archie share a cigarette at a mutual friend's funeral.
Whumptober Day 7: "Can You Hear Me?" - Olli/Mirko ❤️💙
Posted: October 7th
Word Count: 402
Summary: Olli receives an unexpected phone call.
Whumptober Day 8: "It's All For Nothing" - Johnny/Middy 💛🖤
Posted: October 8th
Word Count: 678
Summary: While sitting in the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Middy wonders aloud, if everything he sacrificed for the good of Santa Cruz, was pointless in the end.
Whumptober Day 9: "You're A Liar!" - Joel/Niko ❤️❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 9th
Word Count: 902
Summary: It's only been a year since Niko joined the band. So he's shocked, when he overhears Joel on the phone with a record label.
But shock turns to anger, when the label suggests that the band would be better off, without Niko in it.
Whumptober Day 10: "You Said You'd Never Leave!" - Johnny/Archie 💛🖤
Posted: October 10th
Word Count: 593
Summary: Archie shows up drunk on Johnny's doorstep, looking for a fight.
Day 11: "No One Will Find You." - Archie’s POV 💛🖤
Posted: October 11th
Word Count: 808
Summary: Archie ends up alone in a jail cell, after a night out during the US tour goes wrong.
But Johnny is coming soon to bail him out...right?
Day 12: "I'm Up, I'm Up!" - Niko/Joonas ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 12th
Word Count: 1,336
Summary: Joel wakes Joonas up in the middle of the night, to inform him that Niko has gone missing.
A hunch leads Joonas to the roof of their hotel.
Whumptober Day 13: "I Don't Feel So Good." - Aleksi/Olli ❤️🖤
Posted: October 13th
Word Count: 483
Summary: Olli is getting ready to take the stage in Los Angeles.
Aleksi is stuck in quarantine, and a call from his favorite bassist, can only do so much to lift his spirits.
Whumptober Day 14: "Just Hold On!" - Taz’s POV 💛🖤
Posted: October 14th
Word Count: 613
Summary: The video shoot for "My Remedy" is over, and it's time for Taz to take the black dress off.
…So why doesn't he want to?
Whumptober Day 15: "I'm Fine." - Middy’s POV 💛💚🖤
Posted: October 15th
Word Count: 553
Summary: It's the night of the 2022 Emma Gaala. Middy should be happy, just to fucking be there...right?
Cemetery Drive - Samy/Reader 💙🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: December 10th
Word Count: 851
Summary: On a cold December day, Samy takes you to his hometown to meet someone special.
Don’t Come Home For Christmas - Samy/Reader 💙🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: December 11th
Word Count: 1,837
Summary: After you ‘met’ his father, Samy was eager to meet your parents, too. He asks if he can join you and your mom and dad for Christmas dinner.
You don’t have the heart to tell him, that you would rather spend the holidays, anywhere but near your family.
Playing Cops & Robbers - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: December 11th
Word Count: 1,056
Summary: On the final night of the Warrior Souls Tour, Nyamjantsan - better known as "Jaya" - from The Hu invites Niko and Aleksi to a Halloween party.
Niko really wants to wear a costume that matches Aleksi's - but the DJ isn't really sure why.
The Worst Wish -Joonas/Niko/Aleksi ❤️🖤
Posted: December 11th
Word Count: 1,489
Summary: Aleksi is in love with Niko. But, Niko is in a relationship with Joonas.
When he spots a shooting star in the sky, Aleksi wishes - for one, selfish second - that Joonas would disappear, so that Niko could be his. Immediately, he regrets it. But, when Joonas gets into a terrible accident the next day, Aleksi is consumed with guilt. He can't help but think this is all his fault.
Bless Me Father, I’ve Been Bad - Joonas/Tommi ❤️🔥
Posted: December 25th
Word Count: 3,372
Summary: While his boyfriend Joel carries out his sinful mission in Helsinki, the demon Joonas travels to Oulu. Satan has commanded him to seduce a handsome priest there, named Tommi. The same priest that the angel Olli once loved.
Joonas wasn't expecting the target of his seduction to have such a dangerous, dominant side.
Roses Are Dead, Violets Are Doomed - Niko/Aleksi ❤️🖤💖
Posted: December 27th
Word Count: 2,242
Summary: Aleksi is on the bus, headed to his part-time job at his aunt's flower shop, when he meets a young tattoo apprentice named Niko.
Aleksi is only sixteen, and it only takes a day for Niko to become his first crush. But, Niko appears to have his eye on someone else.
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darkerthanblack-666 · 2 years
braindeadsamy tiktok
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