#lotta story spoilers in this one lads
🍯 ABOUT: the Hope's Peak groundskeeper
i've introduced you all a bit to 🕰️ Six Shinoda, our Clockmaking Wonder, as well as 📖 our protagonist and 🧚 the Undertaking Wonder.
that's a lotta girls. so today, let's talk about a lad: 🍯 the Hope's Peak groundskeeper! he is..
...the Monastery’s grounds- and beekeeper, a lover of tradition and scholar of “the Shining Era.” comes from a long line of groundskeepers, all of whom have tended the Monastery since it was the Academy. (he’s, therefore, annoyingly helpful.) the sort of guy who would have a Greek statue Twitter icon: he believes everything was better backinzeday, and almost everything out of his mouth is a quote from one of the Saints. the past to him was more real and happier. (I guess he’s right, technically.)
on a design level:
he's as-of-yet nameless, but i've been mostly looking at names that include the kanji "蜂" ("bee") or hachi, because i'm silly like that.
not yet drawn, but i intend for him to have a kind face you just want to immediately trust. you trust him, right? y̸o̸u̴ ̵t̷r̶u̷s̶t̷ ̵h̴i̴m̸ ̶w̴i̷t̵h̷ ̴y̴o̷u̶r̵ ̴l̷i̸f̵e̷?̷
the Groundskeeper is one of the first roles i conceptualized but one of the last characters i figured out. by this, i mean i knew i wanted a dude like him in the story, but i wasn't sure of the details until the very end of base character creation.
i wanted him to feel familiar but not too close to other existing characters both in AWD and in the Danganronpa universe in general. when you meet him, you'll have to let me know if i succeeded! i sure hope i did!
and some in-universe info:
his birthday is August 24th, making him a Virgo.
his blood type is AB.
his favored Saint? well, all of them, of course.
likes: cleanliness
dislikes: rude children
he's actually illiterate, but has an impossibly strong memory and hardcore Ibuki-level listening skills. he's learned everything he knows standing outside Monastery windows during lectures
though he's been at the Monastery for as long as the protagonist remembers, she doesn't know him well, mostly because he doesn't stop infodumping about the history of the statues at the Monastery, which creeps her out. she's gone out of her way to avoid him for 18 years, which is kind of incredible considering that she's never left the fucking place
especially right before the narrative begins, it seems from the protagonist's POV that he's gotten close to the Speed Wonder, her ex-best-friend. (perhaps romantically?) protagonist isn't jealous at all, no siree bob
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certainlysleepy · 2 years
Is it OK to ask what are you gonna do about graystripe? I feel.... strongly about his character. Don't like him much. I really want to see what you do with him!
And, are mottled and fire going to be alive at the same time in the story? Weird question but I want to play theorist too!
Literally anybody who wants to play theorist about OFND and ask me questions is my new best friend
Graystripe!! I’m not a fan of him in canon. Canon Gray just feels like,, they want to present him as the ultimate best bro who always has Fire’s back, but his actions directly contradict that?? To quote the almighty Moonkitti, “he’s the wishiwashiest traitor to ever betray his leader”, and he does it like. Six or seven times over the course of his life
Graystripe (renamed Bearpaw in OFND because color) is more leaning towards being very unsatisfied in the Underwood Guild. He loves his mom, he respects his older brother, he adores his mentor, but he’s never felt like he belonged in the guild he was raised up in. Fire comes along, and the two are actually on pretty bad terms with one another at first; Fire kicks his ass when they first meet, and when news that a half-starved fluffball of an outsider got the best of Bear, the combat-oriented Underwood Guild pretty quickly starts to whisper about Bear, which only adds to his feelings of not belonging. But the two bond, and have a pretty tight relationship, but for the most part it’s strained up until they both get their full names, and Bear gets an apprentice. And then he meets Silverstream.
Mottled and Fire have many interactions, yes! Mottled actually takes acute interest in him when he first comes into the guild and takes him under his wing, which leads to Sand’s reasoning for bullying him because he gets so much attention from her father. If Mottled didn’t already have an apprentice at that time (Raven), no doubt he would have taken over Fire’s training. Mottled dies shortly before Fire gets his full name, however, and his death kicks off the real start of the plot
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marvel-speculation · 7 years
Marvels Agents of Shield Episode 5.11 speculation part 1
Hello fellow agents of shield fans and casual observers
This post is meant to speculate over the latest Agents of Shield Episode, so if you haven’t watched episode 11 “Comforts of Home”, I wouldn’t read this as it has spoilers.
Again, spoilers.
Alright lads sit down I’ve been jotting down speculation for the past two hours so let’s go.
Alright guys so here’s a quick recap of what we have seen thus far:
-Robin had a vision of the earth ending
-Enoch realized this and sent the shield agents into the future accordingly (separating fitz from the group on purpose)
-the shield agents go through a whole lotta plot (which including seeing a future/past Yo-yo without arms) and end up back together and make a plan to go back to the past using the monolith, flint, and Enoch
Right? Yes that was brief and I glossed over most of the plot but that is essentially the backbone of the story thus far.
Now lets look at the things in this episode that specifically shocked most of us:
-Ruby frikin slicing of yo-yos arms
Wow ya that’s a short list because I think we can agree as the AOS fandom nothing really catches off guard anymore besides the occasional impromptu amputee
Now I’ll come back to this slicing of the limbs in a minute, but let’s address the time travel thing really quick
Now, we all assumed (and by we I mean me) that the reason for the shield agents to go to the future, was to then work their way back. It was a means of gathering information right? On how to fix the past?
But then we learned that they’ve already gone back, multiple times. We realized they were stuck in a loop right? They couldn’t change the past/future, they’ve tried.
They have literally gone back every time and every time they’ve ended up in the exact same spot.
So now you ask, ok that’s great and terrible and all but what’s your point.
My answer: They didnt go into the future to gather information and then get back. They had to go into the future in order to bring something back.
Because think about it. Why would Robin send them into the future, just to have them come back without anything? Just to have them come back without having any changes?
Thats why the other loops didn’t work, there were no changes
So now you ask, “well how is this time any different, are they going through the loop again?”
To which I say WELL let’s think
Yes they all came back but they did bring something back from the future with them, albeit on accident:
Now you’re like “WOW already noticed that” but I of course I have an answer
But before I continue with Deke, I’m going to go back to Yo-yo and her sudden slicing of necessary limbs
Now this was the moment we as the AOS fandom audience was like, “what the absolute heck just happened”
I personally was like “but why did this happen??? They came back??? are they reliving the loop??? HOW DID THE SLICY CIRCLE NOT CHOP HER IN HALF??”
But guys (ignoring the last question) we have to remember that the Yo-yo from the future (with her arms already cut off) stated CLEARLY that Kasius cut off her arms, not Ruby. Which means that they DID make a change.
Yes yes, yo-yo still lost her arms, but to a different person, and at a different time. They made a change.
Now you ask: “how did they make this change??”
The answer: Deke
Deke appeared on earth
And as ya do he got hella drunk and Daisy was forced to go after him.
Ruby sliced off Yo-yos arms because Daisy wasn’t there
Daisy wasn’t there because Deke was drunk in prison
Deke was drunk in prison because he came back on accident from the future
Deke came back on accident from the future because he was the only person left to turn on the Monolith
Guys, by making this change, they broke the loop. They are still in danger of living the same fate, but as of now, they have made a change.
They have proved that you can change the past.
They did it with Yo-yo, her arms got cut off by someone else, at a different time, for a different reason.
This means they can change the future.
And the only reason they made this change is because Daisy wasn’t present.
Daisy, again, was not present because Deke was in prison.
They didn’t go into the future just to come back
They went to be future in order to bring back Deke so they could make a change
Granted, they did it on accident, and maybe they haven’t realized it yet, but Deke being in the past has changed the future.
Deke will be key later on.
Now with Yo-yo, we saw in the past time loop she had both her arms, because she lost them to Kasius, so we know this will have a different outcome.
Now, there’s one more thing I’d like to put out there,
How did Deke get mixed up in all this so perfectly huh? Why didn’t he ever go back before? How did he or his mother get a chunk of the monolith anyway? Why did we never see his parents?
Well guys, I’ll put it this way, they didn’t let us see dekes parents, specifically his dad, because we’ve already seen them.... (continue on next post)...
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